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L56[06:07:53] <Forecaster> Ep13: http://youtu.be/ArJeTq2_UD4 - Smelting With Pipes
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L72[07:47:20] <MatyCZE> Hello guys, I got a question.
L73[07:49:27] <Forecaster> you may ask your question
L74[07:51:12] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L75[07:51:45] <MatyCZE> I downloaded one modpack that has railcraft in it, I never looked on it more than like mod that changes track recipe,but now I want to kinda change recipe of tracks, forums won't load for me,for some unknown reason,so how can I change that recipe?
L76[07:52:03] <Forecaster> change to what?
L77[07:52:43] <MatyCZE> Actually the vanilla but with bigger output.
L78[07:52:58] <MatyCZE> new IC2 takes a lot of iron.
L79[07:53:05] <Forecaster> there's a config setting to use vanilla recipes
L80[07:53:12] <Forecaster> but the railcraft ones are cheaper
L81[07:53:28] <MatyCZE> And thats why I want to make bigger output.
L82[07:54:22] <MatyCZE> Already did that with IC2 crafting,just one but I did that.
L83[07:54:34] <Forecaster> I have no idea what the vanilla recipes output
L84[07:54:44] <MatyCZE> 16
L85[07:54:44] <Forecaster> pretty sure it's the same as vanilla though
L86[07:54:59] <Forecaster> if you want to change that you're going to have to use minetweaker
L87[07:55:29] <MatyCZE> Oh, I trought it has something like IC2 for recipes.
L88[07:56:35] <MatyCZE> Nvm,I will set with those from railcraft. I love taht I can sit inside cart,put autoplacer infront,behind lokomotive and just refill tracks.
L89[07:56:46] <MatyCZE> As I said,Im new to this and this is lame,I know:D
L90[08:02:13] <MatyCZE> But anyway,thanks for help.
L91[08:02:30] <Forecaster> no problem
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L101[08:46:15] <Thurak> how can i make a cart loop round and use the same 1 wide rail
L102[08:46:25] <Forecaster> what
L103[08:46:29] <Thurak> i got one end working but the other end for some reason doing the same thng doesnt work
L104[08:46:35] <Thurak> hang on ill get pictures
L105[08:48:26] <Thurak>
L106[08:48:30] <Thurak>
L107[08:49:00] <Forecaster> switch track
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L132[10:36:22] <Forecaster> Thurak: did you get it sorted?
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L134[10:38:44] <Thurak> Forecaster: sort of, i came up with a better idea that lets me expand more
L135[10:38:50] <Thurak> just make it a big loop
L136[10:40:29] <Forecaster> allright
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