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L12[01:28:01] <Forecaster> There will be a new railcraft release soon(ish)
L13[01:28:07] <Forecaster> CJ is away right now though
L14[01:28:17] <Forecaster> and will continue working on it when he gets back
L15[01:38:54] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L16[01:45:38] <iceman11a> Cool, I hope it includes the new train and fuel and the new token option that he's added or will add.
L17[02:10:50] <Forecaster> I don't know what the progress is on those things
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L19[02:13:09] <iceman11a> ok
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L217[13:30:22] <Zynn> Hello
L218[13:31:38] <Zynn> Could someone please tell me how to rotate a wye track? No matter which way I face while laying it, it keeps getting positioned the same way.
L219[13:34:47] <Forecaster> try a crowbar
L220[13:35:56] <Forecaster> Zynn: ^
L221[13:36:30] <Zynn> I keep right-clicking and shift right-clicking with the crowbar, but it doesn't do anything.
L222[13:36:40] <Zynn> It is a railcraft reinforced crowbar
L223[13:37:10] <Forecaster> is this on a server?
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L226[13:37:35] <Zynn> Yeah. A private server for 5 of us.
L227[13:37:47] <Forecaster> does the server run anything other than forge?
L228[13:37:55] <Forecaster> (pure forge)
L229[13:38:07] <Zynn> It is a Resonant Rise 3 modpack
L230[13:38:16] <Forecaster> means nothing to me
L231[13:38:28] <Forecaster> I meant does it run on cauldron or something like that?
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L233[13:38:46] <Zynn> no, it does not
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L235[13:38:51] <Forecaster> hm
L236[13:38:57] <Forecaster> does this happen in singleplayer?
L237[13:39:08] <Zynn> Let me try...
L238[13:40:09] <Forecaster> also what version of railcraft is this?
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L240[13:41:45] <Zynn> Does not work in single player. Railcraft 1.7.10-
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L242[13:43:08] <Forecaster> One moment
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L245[13:46:39] <Forecaster> Zynn: it works fine for me
L246[13:46:49] <Forecaster> would you mind showing me how you are trying to place it?
L247[13:48:28] <Zynn> I have a straight line of track that goes into a large zig-zag (for tree farm) and then the train returns back down the same straight track. Problem is, instead of the train returning to th straight track, it continues in the zig-zag loop.
L248[13:48:45] <Forecaster> screenshot please
L249[13:48:52] <Zynn> The straight length of track goes to the "train hose" where I have a cargo manager.
L250[13:52:06] <Zynn> http://imgur.com/xBNP1tA
L251[13:52:55] <Zynn> Ignor track layout to the right. They are supposed to be separate loops once I figure out the issue with the first loop.
L252[13:53:05] <Forecaster> okay, so based on this screenshot, what's the goal?
L253[13:54:17] <Zynn> Go forward from the straight length of track that comes from the bottom of the screen, progress through the loop, then return down the straight length of track to deposit cargo.
L254[13:54:53] <Zynn> Instead, the train stays in the loop and will never return home
L255[13:56:00] <Forecaster> you probably want the switch track
L256[13:56:09] <Forecaster> the wye track doesn't allow you to go straight
L257[13:56:34] <Forecaster> that texture is wrong
L258[13:56:34] <Zynn> The train currently goes to the wye track, makes a left, then goes into the loop. Instead of going straight upon returning, it makes a right at the wye track and stays int he loop.
L259[13:57:09] <Forecaster> turn of that texture pack and look at the default texture
L260[13:57:17] <Forecaster> that will indicate how the track actually works
L261[13:58:35] <Zynn> hmmm I see.. Is there another track that will do what I need? I could have sworn that I had a similar setup before that worked as I intended.
L262[13:58:51] <Forecaster> 20:55 @Forecaster : you probably want the switch track
L263[13:59:02] <Zynn> I'm fairyly new to this mod. I am in love with it now.. hehe
L264[13:59:24] <Zynn> wow.. I can't type on caffiene.
L265[13:59:31] <Forecaster> I'd recommend my series of video tutorials about it
L266[13:59:42] <Forecaster> they cover a decent chunk of stuff
L267[13:59:44] <Zynn> oh? please link
L268[14:00:13] <Zynn> So, a crowbar does not affect the wye track then?
L269[14:01:06] <Forecaster> no
L270[14:01:12] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrr37cVgC0Fj7Qd3XSgsr986t6chnbYJ
L271[14:01:36] <Forecaster> some of the videos are long, but I'm pretty thourough
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L273[14:02:13] <Zynn> Thank you very much for taking the time to assist me. :)
L274[14:02:28] <Forecaster> particularly the one where I go over every track in the mod and more :P
L275[14:02:52] <Forecaster> most of the videos have links to sections in the description though
L276[14:02:54] <Forecaster> and you're welcome
L277[14:02:59] <Forecaster> that's what I'm here for
L278[14:05:19] <Zynn> Ahh I think, while searching youtube, I passed up your video because of the dates. Since mods typically have many changes, I always look for the most current videos, as to avoid wasting a lot of time viewing outdated videos that may not apply to the current state of a mod.
L279[14:05:41] <Zynn> Also, I didn't know that you are the dev for the mod.. sorry
L280[14:06:15] <cloakable> Yea, there's nothing really covering electric track besides CovertJaguar
L281[14:06:24] <cloakable> (Who is the dev of the mod Zynn)
L282[14:06:51] <Zynn> My apologies.
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L289[14:20:58] <Forecaster> hm, lost the connection there
L290[14:21:03] <Forecaster> what was the last message from me?
L291[14:21:19] <Zynn> Forecaster that's what I'm here for
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L293[14:21:45] <Forecaster> ah, well here's what I wrote after that:
L294[14:21:50] <Forecaster> he's right, CJ is the sole dev
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L297[14:21:53] <Forecaster> I'm just a community manager and informant so to speak
L298[14:21:58] <Forecaster> I have a few new tutorials I should probably get around to making
L299[14:22:03] <Forecaster> and established features in Railcraft change very rarely
L300[14:22:05] <Forecaster> there may be a few inaccuracies in my videos, but most should be
L301[14:22:10] <Forecaster> end transmission
L302[14:22:48] <Forecaster> if you said anything between your last one and "My apologies" I didn't see it
L303[14:22:57] <Zynn> Negative
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L305[14:23:10] <Forecaster> allrighty
L306[14:24:44] <Zynn> Thanks again. :)
L307[14:24:55] <Forecaster> and again, that's what I do :P
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