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L18[02:54:45] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L19[02:56:23] <smbarbour> Yes, the CovertJaguar sound is used in Mekanism. It is played when the dynamic tank forms into a completed multiblock.
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L22[02:59:04] <smbarbour> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/6b765d27e73c30f78e2402b5bbab07d6c8647e33/src/main/java/mekanism/client/SparkleAnimation.java#L35-L38
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L25[03:37:24] <neptunepink> http://i.imgur.com/pqFO7I4.png -- Sewer/rail line. That sewage certainly isn't creosote oil.
L26[03:38:23] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L27[03:39:08] ⇦ Quits: Sketchy (~Sketchy@ (Quit: This is not a Quit Message.)
L28[03:39:15] <Deveyus> Looks legit neptunepink
L29[03:44:39] <neptunepink> It is super-legit!
L30[03:45:49] <iceman11a> Has any one ever seens something like this before
L31[03:45:51] <iceman11a> https://www.flickr.com/photos/126613374@N08/18480658120/in/dateposted-public/
L32[03:45:51] <iceman11a> https://www.flickr.com/photos/126613374@N08/18045683784/in/dateposted-public/
L33[03:45:51] <iceman11a> https://www.flickr.com/photos/126613374@N08/18670641381/in/dateposted-public/
L34[03:46:33] <iceman11a> and the other parts of the train just vanish.
L35[04:06:40] <neptunepink> That'd be an explosion.
L36[04:11:25] <iceman11a> makes no sense. any idea from what. If you look at the last photo. The area where the tracks were missing the signal blocks lost the link
L37[04:12:10] <iceman11a> It only happens when I log in
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L55[06:20:25] <Kodos> FC, let me know when you're awake/back
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L57[06:33:10] <Forecaster> Kodos: I'm here
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L61[06:37:52] <Forecaster> Ep11: https://youtu.be/z9EcR_5ZJuA - Paper Boxes and You
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L63[06:46:58] <Forecaster> sigh, *this* time the script failed because the computer doesn't have internet access for some reason
L64[06:49:08] <Forecaster> Kodos: I'll only be around for about 1h30m more though
L65[07:04:37] <Kodos> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/e92f2654de753e4e83ea7ca1648fbbab1796b7d3/src/main/resources/assets/mekanism/sounds.json#L10
L66[07:04:51] <Kodos> Plays a sound of varying pitch and speed that is just aidan whispering covertjaguar
L67[07:05:23] <Kodos> Actually, appears to be 8 sounds at https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/tree/e92f2654de753e4e83ea7ca1648fbbab1796b7d3/src/main/resources/assets/mekanism/sounds/cj
L68[07:06:32] *** Player|off is now known as Player
L69[07:11:05] <Forecaster> ah
L70[07:11:21] <Kodos> Discovered that while messing around with CustomNPCs
L71[07:11:42] <Kodos> Maybe I'll make a 'Cult of the Covert Jaguar' faction and make worshippers randomly play those sounds
L72[07:12:39] <Forecaster> nggg
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L74[07:12:46] <Forecaster> I wish my computer would stop rattling
L75[07:12:47] <Forecaster> >:
L76[07:14:01] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|AFK
L77[07:15:16] <Forecaster> Kodos|AFK: that is weird
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L86[07:58:26] <flappyy> Kodos|AFK: it's not just aidan iirc
L87[08:09:44] <asie> Kodos|AFK: CoCJ
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L133[12:24:16] <BevoLJ> Forecaster, SandGrainOne, anyone... isn't there a detector that can detect by name? Or did I dream that one up? heh
L134[12:26:04] <Vexatos> Digital Detector can
L135[12:26:12] <Vexatos> oh wait, no computer mod
L136[12:26:13] <Vexatos> nevermind
L137[12:27:05] <Vexatos> BevoLJ, if you don't have Computronics, I am pretty sure there is only the Routing Detector
L138[12:27:08] <Vexatos> with a routing table
L139[12:27:11] <BevoLJ> I'm pretty sure it can be done with trains, but I thought there was something for carts too
L140[12:27:11] <Vexatos> checking for the player name
L141[12:27:27] <Vexatos> check the routing table help page
L142[12:27:34] <Vexatos> for which key does the player name
L143[12:27:35] <Vexatos> there is one
L144[12:27:37] <Vexatos> 100% sure
L145[12:27:56] <BevoLJ> Oh, I ment name of the cart
L146[12:27:59] <BevoLJ> not player
L147[12:28:07] <BevoLJ> like by using an anvil
L148[12:28:09] <Vexatos> that is the routing detector too
L149[12:28:16] <BevoLJ> ah!
L150[12:29:06] <BevoLJ> ok, so I am not bonkers! I remember doing this a year or two ago, but totally forgot how I had done it. :P
L151[12:29:09] <Vexatos> BevoLJ, either read the pretty help page on the routing table
L152[12:29:10] <Vexatos> or https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft-Localization/blob/master/assets/railcraft/lang/en_US.lang#L471
L153[12:29:23] <Vexatos> Name=<entityname>\n True if it matches the\n Minecart's name.
L154[12:31:32] <BevoLJ> that is only for locomotives right?
L155[12:31:37] <Vexatos> no
L156[12:31:43] <Vexatos> pretty sure it's any minecart
L157[12:31:57] *** AEnterprise|Busy is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L158[12:32:13] <Vexatos> Dest or Owner only work on Locomotives for obvious reasons
L159[12:32:52] <BevoLJ> Sweet! This is just what I needed. Never tried this for carts before. Just locomotives. Rock on. Thanks Vexatos!
L160[12:33:08] <Vexatos> :3
L161[12:33:22] <Vexatos> BevoLJ, you really get to know a mod very well when you're translating it :P
L162[12:33:29] <BevoLJ> lol
L163[12:34:41] *** TheJulian|Out is now known as TheJulianJES
L164[12:38:02] <BevoLJ> Woot! It works perfict in my testworld Vexatos! \o/
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L167[12:47:17] <Forecaster> A cart is a train
L168[12:52:29] <Vexatos> Technically, yes
L169[12:52:34] <Forecaster> yes
L170[12:52:35] <Vexatos> But I am pretty sure BevoLJ meant Locomotives
L171[12:52:43] <Vexatos> I wonder
L172[12:53:02] <Vexatos> if the plural of Locomotive is Locomotives... Are there Locomotifs?
L173[12:53:43] * Forecaster shrugs
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L175[12:56:48] <Forecaster> locomotives are trains as well :P
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L183[13:27:24] <cloakable> Speaking of trains, does anyone know what happens if you tweak locomotive horsepower over the default?
L184[13:32:03] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d51a4f637.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L185[13:33:03] <Forecaster> cloakable: nothing
L186[13:33:11] <Forecaster> a locomotive can draw more carts
L187[13:33:17] <Forecaster> which can be really buggy
L188[13:33:22] <Forecaster> I wouldn't recommend it
L189[13:34:21] <cloakable> Forecaster: "which can be really buggy" - this is the kind of thing that isn't "nothing" :P
L190[13:34:38] <Forecaster> but it's not the result of increasing the horsepower
L191[13:34:46] <cloakable> What sort of things happen?
L192[13:34:49] <Forecaster> it's the result of having trains with lots of carts
L193[13:35:07] <Forecaster> which you can do without changing anything
L194[13:35:31] <Forecaster> making locomotives more powerful just makes it easier to make long trains go fast
L195[13:36:00] <Forecaster> cloakable: mainly carts can go missing or get stuck on chunk boundaries if you use anchor carts
L196[13:36:10] <cloakable> Aha
L197[13:36:16] <Forecaster> if your train is too long to fit when the loaded area moves
L198[13:36:26] <Forecaster> there's also general minecraft entity weirdness
L199[13:36:49] <Forecaster> although I think CJ bumped up the radius of the anchor carts by one to keep that from happening
L200[13:36:57] <cloakable> I'll keep the trains a bit shorter then. Glad I added Iron Chests Minecarts. :D
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L226[15:46:58] <iceman11a> Is there a way to count the number of trains running with out having to chase them all.
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L241[17:48:47] <tykuhn2> Known bugs for crashing due to Entity rendering?
L242[17:49:31] <tykuhn2> Playing with a friend and so far just about every bug in the world has occured. This one I cannot figure out.
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L244[17:50:27] <tykuhn2> Keep in mind I am to the point I prefer to bug people on IRC at the beginning of the search rather than the end.
L245[17:54:12] <tykuhn2> Nullpointer exception unexpected error yadaa yadda item renderer and entity renderer. MCHeli AM2
L246[17:55:00] <Nirek> not gonna get very far without a crashlog
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L265[18:12:23] <tykuhn2> Alraight now that I am back I can attempt to extract a crashlog
L266[18:16:23] <tykuhn2> http://pastebin.com/4TkWpygU
L267[18:16:37] <tykuhn2> Gathered from a remote computer, so it isn't fun getting it.
L268[18:18:49] <tykuhn2> LAN world. I experience no issues and the worst issue I have encountered installing the mods is version mismatching and ID conflicts
L269[18:19:12] <tykuhn2> My friend who cannot do crap without direct instructions experiences the issues
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L272[18:22:54] <tykuhn2> I honestly do want to play with Railcraft but if this cannot be fixed I don't see any reason not to drop the mod from the list.
L273[18:28:38] <SpwnX0> anyone know a good way to find BuildCraft water springs?
L274[18:40:54] <tykuhn2> No fixes for ItemRenderer and EntityRenderer.
L275[18:40:57] <tykuhn2> ?
L276[18:41:55] <Nirek> that doesn't point to anything in particular, the only obvious thing would be not to use something like optifine, which I can't tell from that is in use since it's incomplete.
L277[18:43:18] <tykuhn2> Optifine is not in use. Didn't realise the log was incomplete. Will bother my friend about that
L278[18:44:32] <tykuhn2> Log is not incomplete?
L279[18:44:41] <Nirek> you will want either the file from the crash-report folder, or the entire fml log
L280[18:45:05] <tykuhn2> That should be the entire FML log
L281[18:45:53] <Nirek> fml log often will not even fit on pastebin, and no, that is not
L282[18:45:57] <Mimiru> Well, it's not. If it was it'd have the entire start up process and everything in it.
L283[18:46:28] <Nirek> crash report file is 'usually' enough, though
L284[18:46:43] <tykuhn2> I just took complete control voer his computer give me second while I extract it
L285[18:47:01] <Nirek> fml log is useful more for chasing bugs that aren't crashes
L286[18:49:20] <tykuhn2> Exceeds pastebin limit
L287[18:49:40] <tykuhn2> Let me open a P2P tunnel so I don't have to bother with his interfearance.
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L289[18:51:43] <Nirek> the crash report should be small enough probably
L290[18:54:08] <tykuhn2> I, unlike him, have a pastebin acccount so I can keep track of theese logs and change em.
L291[18:54:57] <tykuhn2> http://pastebin.com/1UCp9UEr
L292[18:56:07] <Nirek> and this is just a login crash, server crash, doing something specific?
L293[18:56:20] <tykuhn2> Appears to be on server load
L294[18:56:32] <tykuhn2> But I have no issues so I swear he screwed something up
L295[18:56:43] <Nirek> that would be client, not server
L296[18:56:50] <tykuhn2> I trusted MC Forums so it may not even by Railcraft. You know how they can be :)
L297[18:57:29] <Nirek> and it's only this player logging in that can't connect?
L298[18:57:37] <Nirek> but otherwise the server runs and others can play?
L299[18:57:45] <tykuhn2> Correct, I am the only other play but I am hosting it as a LAN server.
L300[18:57:58] <Nirek> move out their player file and have them retry
L301[18:58:06] <tykuhn2> Alright.
L302[18:58:19] <tykuhn2> Is it even railcraft?
L303[18:58:22] <Nirek> It's crying in ItemRender, which means they likely have an invalid/corrupted item
L304[18:59:08] <tykuhn2> PLayerfile would be stored in PLayerdata correct? If so I need to figure out which one is which :)
L305[18:59:14] <Nirek> which removing their playerfile/clearing their inventory will likely fix
L306[18:59:33] <Nirek> I
L307[18:59:51] <Nirek> I'm not sure, if they actually appear on the server you could also just slash kill them
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L309[19:00:08] <tykuhn2> He joins for a brief moment
L310[19:00:14] <tykuhn2> Technically
L311[19:00:22] <Nirek> yeah, kill them, that throws them back to spawn with no items
L312[19:00:29] <Nirek> on a reconnect they should probably be fine
L313[19:00:30] <tykuhn2> I suppose the fact his computer freezes up for a few seconds on load helps
L314[19:00:56] <Nirek> assuming you aren't running keepinventory
L315[19:01:01] <tykuhn2> Nah
L316[19:01:11] <tykuhn2> Survival as he requested, though I prefer creative.
L317[19:02:01] <tykuhn2> Gunna get NBT edit see if I cannot figure this out without doing a /Kill. It would reset data I prefer to keep (assuming we figure out which item is causing the error)
L318[19:02:34] <tykuhn2> EntityRender crying is just random?
L319[19:03:14] <tykuhn2> Oh he just reminded me something
L320[19:03:30] <tykuhn2> And this is how I started pointed fingers at Railcraft
L321[19:03:39] <tykuhn2> He has no issues when on Peaceful
L322[19:03:49] <tykuhn2> And some forum somewhere said railcraft
L323[19:04:13] <Nirek> so changing to peaceful he can login?
L324[19:04:18] <tykuhn2> Yes
L325[19:04:24] <Nirek> it's probably not an item on him then
L326[19:04:35] <tykuhn2> As far as I can tell.
L327[19:04:44] <Nirek> does he immediately get kicked off if you change it to normal?
L328[19:04:45] <tykuhn2> At this point I started listening to him again
L329[19:04:49] <tykuhn2> Yes
L330[19:04:55] <Nirek> that's..strange
L331[19:05:10] <tykuhn2> I hit enter and things opened and closed :(
L332[19:05:45] <Nirek> well, to be sure it's not items, have them put everything including armor in a chest and then try it
L333[19:06:07] <Nirek> (errors that aren't in mod code are fun to debug :p)
L334[19:07:16] <tykuhn2> Still trying to figure out which UUID is his :)
L335[19:08:16] <tykuhn2> Wouold the UUID created 22 minutes before the other be mine? I think I figured out which is which.
L336[19:08:27] <Nirek> it looks like your uuid is 12827, if that's even a uuid number, haven't paid much attention to mojang's rewrite of those
L337[19:08:50] <tykuhn2> Mine or his?
L338[19:09:15] <Nirek> yours, or atleast, same as your name here
L339[19:09:28] <tykuhn2> Give me a minute while I get things rolling.
L340[19:10:10] <Nirek> other number looks like 337824
L341[19:12:36] <tykuhn2> It might not even be a UUID but the file names are like 8d5654dd-3f8a-4831-ab5b-f9f420e70675
L342[19:13:21] <Nirek> yeah figured, not sure what those numbers are actually for, but creation date would work depending on who logged in first
L343[19:13:42] <tykuhn2> I logged in 22 minutes first apparently
L344[19:13:55] <tykuhn2> He did crash repeatedly becuase of Out of Memory and such
L345[19:14:38] <tykuhn2> Couldn't debug. He crashed due to out of memory on login
L346[19:14:47] <tykuhn2> Trying again standby
L347[19:14:58] <Nirek> fun.
L348[19:15:07] <tykuhn2> Did I tell you his computer is "stronger" than mine but I have a indefinately easier time? :)
L349[19:15:27] <tykuhn2> Computer maitenance
L350[19:15:33] <tykuhn2> It helps
L351[19:17:05] <tykuhn2> Trying again :)
L352[19:17:28] <tykuhn2> To me it feels like if I close the server and restart it he has memory issues but that is unlikely.
L353[19:21:00] <tykuhn2> I honestly wanted to play on Peaceful but he doesn't believe in the power of the Peaceful Table
L354[19:21:56] <tykuhn2> What does the Tracking Aura on the goggles due? Does it track all mobs?
L355[19:22:18] <Nirek> it shows where players have been
L356[19:22:28] <Nirek> in the last half hour, or so
L357[19:22:41] <tykuhn2> Becuase I see a LOT of lines
L358[19:23:03] <tykuhn2> Useful for finding secret bases I guess
L359[19:24:02] <Nirek> that includes yourself, which is useful when lost.
L360[19:24:03] <tykuhn2> Am I right that if Minecraft has a Out of Memory screen it needs more allocated and if it crashes entirely with Out of Memory the computer cannot allocate enough?
L361[19:24:41] <Nirek> if it dies to OoM you need to increase the memory allocation
L362[19:24:50] <Nirek> if you can't any further, you need more ram, less mods
L363[19:25:28] <tykuhn2> But there is a screen with gray text for Out of Memory that means it needs more allocation but if you get a crashlog it cannot get enough ie it is used up?
L364[19:25:48] <tykuhn2> Also tracking aura has lines going through walls. I doubt I walked there :)
L365[19:26:48] <tykuhn2> He keeps crashing as in going to the launcher with Out of Memory
L366[19:28:34] <Nirek> you need to either give it more ram via java args, or reduce mods.
L367[19:28:52] <Nirek> note that permgem space is differen than generic OoM
L368[19:28:58] <tykuhn2> I figured that but I cannot tell if he has enough allocated and just using too much of his comptuer overall or what
L369[19:30:31] <tykuhn2> I allocated 1g and am fine but he has 1g and having issues
L370[19:34:00] <tykuhn2> Is -Xmx1.5G not recognized?
L371[19:34:40] <tykuhn2> I'd imagine they would do math to realise that 1G = 1024 and 2= 2048 but I don't make programming languages.
L372[19:35:10] <Nirek> assumptions are usually bad, yes, heh.
L373[19:35:25] <tykuhn2> I'd do that for simplicity
L374[19:36:25] <tykuhn2> Assuming -Xmx1g = Arg then I would do if arg = G then arg = arg*1024 arg = M (Not an actual language obviously not sure how to show it)
L375[19:38:36] <tykuhn2> Well... he didn't crash
L376[19:39:30] <tykuhn2> He took his items back out and still didn't crash
L377[19:39:42] <tykuhn2> I am wiating for night to see what happens when monsters spawn
L378[19:39:43] <Nirek> and it's not on peaceful?
L379[19:39:58] <tykuhn2> Nope. Easy
L380[19:40:18] <tykuhn2> I did fix a virtual machine issue to get him to even load though
L381[19:40:39] <tykuhn2> Reinstalled Java and modified JVM ram
L382[19:41:37] <tykuhn2> Well it appears to be fixed
L383[19:42:25] <tykuhn2> My question is what produced the log?
L384[19:42:36] <Nirek> Odds are fairly low it is/was a Railcraft issue, at a guess a mob spawned with an item it shouldnt, if you have a mod that adds items to mob equipment that could be
L385[19:43:13] <tykuhn2> All I can say is WAILA says this ooden door is from DragonAPI. Obviously glitches exist :)
L386[19:43:33] <tykuhn2> Yes I know the hazards of DragonAPI
L387[19:43:37] <Nirek> heh
L388[19:43:55] <tykuhn2> I remember when I had to delete files from it just to get it to work.
L389[19:44:29] <tykuhn2> If a mob spawned with an item it shouldn't have... why didn't I crash?
L390[19:44:49] <Nirek> you weren't close enough to render it, probably
L391[19:45:26] <tykuhn2> I havn't crashed since I fixed ID conflicts... and some major mod issues with one mod I removed
L392[19:46:21] <tykuhn2> I think it was sync...
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L394[19:50:02] <tykuhn2> He was underground... somewhat
L395[19:50:41] <tykuhn2> That and my computer is indefinately stronger and better maintained :)
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L418[21:30:13] <fahlman> Crash log from Railcraft and on the latest recommended version of Forge ( http://pastebin.com/Y9hy5rYU. Any help would be appreciated.
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