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L58[07:27:20] <Thurak> what are some big new things in RC in the past year or so?
L59[07:27:28] <Thurak> i think it was version 7.x.x.x i last used..
L60[07:27:42] <Thurak> it was MC 1.5.2 i remember that
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L64[08:19:53] <Forecaster> Thurak: I'd recommend reading the changelog :P
L65[08:38:00] <Thurak> i cant keep playing 1 game for more than an hour it seems today..
L66[08:38:13] <Thurak> jumping from MC, from the depths, war thunder, factorio, and what ever else i have..
L67[08:38:34] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterprise|Busy
L68[08:38:49] <Forecaster> I've been playing Elite most of the day :P
L69[08:39:04] <Thurak> have they said anything about a linux version for elite?
L70[08:39:29] <Thurak> i thought it was confirmed that they would, but then i looked more recently and seemed like its just maybe
L71[08:39:44] <Forecaster> no idea
L72[08:39:47] <Thurak> ok
L73[08:39:56] <Forecaster> they released a mac version before this last update
L74[08:40:01] <Thurak> i know star citizen has confirmed linux, again no idea when.
L75[08:40:06] <Thurak> and not sure if i want to play star citizen
L76[08:40:23] <Forecaster> I have no idea what that game will be about :P
L77[08:40:28] <Thurak> it sounds a bit like a pay to win EVE Online where you pilot your ship instead of command it
L78[08:40:38] <Thurak> but everyone says its not pay to win
L79[08:41:20] <Thurak> from what i can tell, if you preorder the game 2 years in advanced you get ships which when they die you get back again
L80[08:41:59] <Thurak> but tbh it depends how the game works for if that would be pay to win or not
L81[08:43:31] <Forecaster> I'll stick with Elite :P
L82[08:44:57] <Thurak> heh
L83[08:45:03] <Thurak> probably a good idea, elite is finished
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L85[08:46:30] <Forecaster> no it isn't :P
L86[08:46:40] <Forecaster> it's just not in early access anymore :P
L87[08:47:27] <Thurak> then at least its a game
L88[08:48:23] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d51A4F637.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L89[08:48:29] <Thurak> i do wish that From the depths has units.. all i know is my velocity is 9 and my mass is 19399
L90[08:48:32] <Thurak> 10300*
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L92[09:14:14] <Forecaster> heh
L93[09:14:17] <Forecaster> smuggling
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