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guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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timeout: 202 seconds)
L68[09:28:24] <iceman11a> Does any one have
an idea on how to get power into a MFE Cart, The IC2 Loader
doesn't seem to work.
L69[09:29:33] ⇦
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378 seconds)
L70[09:29:34] <Forecaster> put a
transformer upgrade in the loader
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(~Chicken@172-2-57-94.lightspeed.clmasc.sbcglobal.net) (Client
L73[09:31:58] <iceman11a> does it all so
have to be in the unloader
L74[09:32:19] <Forecaster> probably
L75[09:33:09] <iceman11a> The loader and
unloaders for ic2 have no filter options for the type of cart. It
seems to catch every thing. Any ideas on that
L76[09:37:02] <Forecaster> they only care
about things they can load/unload energy to/from
L77[09:37:37] <iceman11a> then using the
electric trains may not be a good idea then
L78[09:52:09] ⇦
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L86[11:11:21] <iceman11a> Forecaster, It
seems not to matter how I set it up. The loader stop every thing.
Even a steam train. I don't have an option to filter the carts
so I could use some ideas.
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Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L88[11:16:18] <iceman11a> This won't
work. It forces a stop from every cart. So I can't use the
power loaders or unloaders.
L89[11:16:41] <Forecaster> you're
going to have to show me your setup
L90[11:17:14] <iceman11a> well what did you
want to see or did you just want to log in.
L91[11:17:38] <Forecaster> I want a
screenshot of the loader and one of the gui
L92[11:17:54] ⇦
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378 seconds)
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Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
L96[11:21:03] <iceman11a> There you
L97[11:23:04] <Forecaster> oh
L98[11:23:18] <Forecaster> it's facing
the wrong way
L99[11:23:26] <Forecaster> see the side
with the "face" on it?
L100[11:23:46] <iceman11a> ? I don't
under stand
L101[11:23:49] <Forecaster> that needs to
be towards the cart
L102[11:23:54] <iceman11a> what
L103[11:24:19] <Forecaster> the black
marks on the loader
L104[11:24:30] <Forecaster> that looks
like a :I face
L105[11:24:31] <iceman11a> oh, you mean
the 3 dashes or marks.
L106[11:24:35] <iceman11a> Oh ok
L107[11:25:09] <Forecaster> and the loader
doesn't have to be above the track
L108[11:25:58] <iceman11a> as long as the
3 dashes are pointed at the cart, it should work
L109[11:26:21] ⇦
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Connection reset by peer)
L110[11:26:24] <Forecaster> yes
L111[11:28:15] <iceman11a> It looks like
the unloader is the same way. Ok, Thanks
L112[11:28:54] <iceman11a> I thought it
wouldn't work with the electric trains.
L113[11:31:20] ***
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guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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closed the connection)
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