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L1[00:00:00] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (~FEIRCBot@ip208.ip-66-70-229.net) ()
L2[00:00:15] <Michiyo> Bye server
L3[00:00:38] <Lizzy> the turbine in my base currently uses (though it might not be needed anymore) a 4k ME fluid cell buffer to store steam, which has an enderio conduit in both modes, but with the input on it being a lower priority than the turbine itself
L4[00:01:19] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (~FEIRCBot@ip208.ip-66-70-229.net)
L5[00:02:12] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft joined the game
L6[00:02:27] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (~FEIRCBot@ip208.ip-66-70-229.net) (Client Quit)
L7[00:02:30] <Michiyo> ...
L8[00:02:32] <Michiyo> god damn it
L9[00:03:12] <Lizzy> what broke now?
L10[00:03:39] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (~FEIRCBot@ip208.ip-66-70-229.net)
L11[00:04:10] <Michiyo> java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
L12[00:04:10] <Michiyo> at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.remove(HashMap.java:1459)
L13[00:04:10] <Michiyo> at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73156_b(ChunkProviderServer.java:262)
L14[00:04:10] <Michiyo> at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:207)
L15[00:05:03] <Lizzy> ow, i forgot how white the OVH dashboard is
L16[00:05:05] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft joined the game
L17[00:05:52] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren joined the game
L18[00:07:54] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Yeah looks to be working great still.
L19[00:09:01] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> is 8k buckets / tick the max this reactor can do?
L20[00:09:10] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> nope, just all that I'm pulling
L21[00:09:14] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> 2k per turbine
L22[00:09:20] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ah
L23[00:09:25] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> reactor could likely do 2 to 3x that
L24[00:10:49] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> hmm, was just thinking about the needing 8buckets per pipe block thing affecting the pipe, but if the reactor can output more than the turbines need then that keeps the pipe filled
L25[00:12:23] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> just seems that the pipe servo things cant max out the pipes to have their unlimited speed benefit or something
L26[00:12:39] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Yeah, I think they have to be connected to something that can force output
L27[00:12:58] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> so, full tilt the reactor can do 18,992 Mb/t
L28[00:13:19] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> so just over double what it's doing now
L29[00:14:25] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i think the test to see if this works fine is to see what happens then the cap bank fills up and the turbines spin down a little
L30[00:14:43] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> yeah
L31[00:15:48] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> hmm, no complete backups yet
L32[00:17:41] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i think there's gonna be a point where it'll sort of "sputter" at low power levels but might not be an issue when at max gen
L33[00:17:57] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> yeah
L34[00:18:18] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> at least the worst this can do at low power is just crawl and sputter, and not develop a hotspot and explode
L35[00:18:24] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> lol
L36[00:19:02] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i wish the openblocks tanks wouldn't have wave-like effects
L37[00:19:18] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> yeaaaah...
L38[00:19:25] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> I mean it's neat, but also annoying AF
L39[00:19:31] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ye
L40[00:19:53] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> hmm
L41[00:20:06] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i think that's pretty stable
L42[00:20:35] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Seems so
L43[00:20:36] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> just wanna test one thing, and that's if the cap bank gets charged from another source, what the turbines do then
L44[00:21:19] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> gonna restart power mon real quick one sec
L45[00:21:24] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ok
L46[00:21:45] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> there now the cap bank is actually monitored
L47[00:22:03] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> still seems to be switching the turbines on every so often
L48[00:22:40] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> I think it manages to empty the buffer a bit even with the creative cap running
L49[00:22:46] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ye
L50[00:22:59] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> right, lets pull a chunk of power and see how it spins back up
L51[00:23:50] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> there
L52[00:24:57] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Seemed to kick up with 0 issues
L53[00:25:01] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> yeah
L54[00:25:29] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> so i'm guessing if we had something to shove water into the pipe going into the reactor, it'd work with those pipes
L55[00:25:53] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> but for now i think the enderio conduits taking from the tank and shoving into the reactor is handling that fine
L56[00:26:07] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> everything else can then stay pressurised
L57[00:28:26] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> hmm, it might even work if the exhaust from the turbines went directly back into the reactor, but then you gotta make sure the system is full and doesn't allow for the minor level fluctuations
L58[00:28:56] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> yeah, I don't usually have the tank, but with the issues I've had...
L59[00:29:07] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> and it's kinda neat to see what the water is doing
L60[00:29:08] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> it needs even a small buffer to handle the minute pressure differences
L61[00:29:33] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i mean, now we've got it working, the tank size can probably be shrunk a bit
L62[00:29:44] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Eh
L63[00:30:32] <Lizzy> ok then, yo ucan paste slabs in the painting machine with high pressure steam...
L64[00:30:40] <Lizzy> why
L65[00:30:45] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> lmao....
L66[00:35:22] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> oh fuck me this tutorial i've found is 1.5 hours long
L67[00:36:14] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> o_O
L68[00:36:22] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> for the nuclearcraft turbine stuff
L69[00:36:35] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> trying to work out what i can do with the waste steam rather than just voiding it
L70[00:36:50] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Ah
L71[00:37:41] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i mean, not that i need to do anything with it cause i am next to a bit of ocean, but for realism having it recycle water would be a good idea
L72[00:38:10] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> wtf
L73[00:38:18] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> why is this AE system out of power AGAIN
L74[00:38:32] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Yeah. Though really it's fairly common to have open loops into the heat exchanger
L75[00:43:03] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> seems 43% of us power stations use once-through cooling
L76[00:43:08] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Neat.
L77[00:44:12] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> that doesn't sound super bad for the environment or anthing
L78[00:44:24] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> I mean, yes.. but also no..
L79[00:45:05] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> outlet water can be really hot, but it's "safe" other than that really
L80[00:45:13] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i guess
L81[00:45:37] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> would still be better imo to cycle it in at least a little
L82[00:45:44] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> That water never touches the reactor, it's just used to condense the reactor coolent
L83[00:45:52] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ah
L84[00:46:39] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> And yeah, most plants made after the 60's use closed loop cooling
L85[00:46:56] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> some of our nuclear plants are fairly old though lol
L86[00:47:23] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ok, this boiler being on a chunk boarder is not gonna be useable
L87[00:47:32] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> or rather, being between two chunks
L88[00:47:41] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> even though my whole base is chunkloaded..
L89[00:48:57] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> also yay, the level emitter is also broke
L90[00:48:59] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> wonderful
L91[00:49:10] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> totally didn't have to adjust it's value to fix that
L92[00:49:55] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> ok, something is fucky with my inventory, and i think it's the hotbars at fault
L93[00:50:04] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Liizzii> i now have 3 ae network tools in my inventory
L94[01:12:47] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren left the game
L95[01:49:19] <superminor2> why is half of playing modded mc just figured out bugs
L96[02:30:44] <PCL-Minecraft> [OP]<Michi> Cause it's fun!
L97[02:54:07] <Lizzy> lol ok then, got a response from MS about the email blocks, 3 tweets, first was from outlook but the other 2 in the chain were from MS education lol
L98[02:54:43] <Lizzy> https://twitter.com/LizzyTheSiren/status/1363617140406968321 fyi, in case you have issues before
L99[02:54:48] <Lizzy> *issues in future
L100[02:54:51] <Lizzy> brain go brr
L101[02:54:54] <Lizzy> neko go sleep
L102[02:54:56] * Lizzy zzz
L103[02:55:02] <Michiyo> Night
L104[02:55:55] <Michiyo> lol.. ms education, did someone accidentally switch to the wrong tab
L105[02:58:42] <Lizzy> also, that's the australian education account lol
L106[02:59:01] <Lizzy> i guess they are awake at this time
L107[02:59:09] <Michiyo> lmfao, so it is
L108[09:22:51] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft left the game
L109[11:17:13] <Lizzy> and of course, the fucking form doesn't work
L110[15:28:18] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L111[15:28:43] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net)
L112[15:28:43] Spock sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L113[15:45:41] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L114[15:46:02] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net)
L115[15:46:02] Spock sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L116[16:13:19] <Lizzy> https://files.lizzian.uk/ivylily/210222_4726fe5c9bb.png anyone able to decipher what the fuck this email is supposed to mean?
L117[16:28:44] <Michiyo> o_O
L118[16:28:58] <Michiyo> Sorry I think my brain just segfaulted
L119[16:42:15] <Lizzy> ok, based on the next two emails i got (i'm guessing the form submitted twice with the same data
L120[16:42:36] <Lizzy> ok, based on the next two emails i got (i'm guessing the form submitted twice with the same data), that first email was a "we've recieved your report" email
L121[16:42:45] <Lizzy> now i can reply to this email
L122[16:42:52] <Lizzy> but we'll see if it actually goes through
L123[17:31:05] <Lizzy> oh wonderful, seems my dedi, which is on a totally different range, is also blocked
L124[17:41:54] <Michiyo> o_O
L125[17:42:08] <Michiyo> lots of ESPs get ban happy on OVH, it's really the ONLY issue I have.. well
L126[17:42:18] <Michiyo> that and routing being dumb
L127[17:43:00] <Lizzy> yeah, really fucking annoying
L128[17:43:06] <Lizzy> i wonder if my old range is also blocked
L129[17:43:55] <Lizzy> ah, to find that out i would need to update all the forward and reverse names for them, wonderful
L130[17:44:52] <Lizzy> well
L131[17:45:01] <Lizzy> so far good news i haven't had an immediate bound back
L132[22:59:39] <Lizzy> ok, think i've got everything sorted now
L133[23:00:02] <Lizzy> just waiting on MS to do a final review and hopefully lift the restrictions
L134[23:50:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 10 minutes.
L135[23:55:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 5 minutes.
L136[23:56:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 4 minutes.
L137[23:57:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 3 minutes.
L138[23:58:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 2 minutes.
L139[23:59:00] <PCL-Minecraft> [Server] Server will restart in 1 minute.
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