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L1[12:08:23] ⇦ Quits: Spock (Spock!Logic@enterprise.services.esper.net) (*.net *.split)
L2[12:15:06] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren joined the game.
L3[12:15:26] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren left the game.
L4[12:15:42] <Lizzy> OH FOR FUCKS SAKE
L5[12:15:47] * Lizzy sighs
L6[12:15:51] <Lizzy> it's happening again
L7[12:16:15] <Kodos> And this is why I like 1.7.10
L8[12:19:36] <Lizzy> because mods don't get updated which then destabalises minecrafT?
L9[12:20:59] <Mimiru> But... nothing has changed
L10[12:21:00] <Mimiru> wtf
L11[12:23:15] <Mimiru> @Lizzy, around?
L12[12:25:50] <LizzyTheKitty> yeah
L13[12:26:12] <LizzyTheKitty> only thing i changed was setting up the 'management' network
L14[12:26:28] <LizzyTheKitty> absolutly nothing including the spatial stuff
L15[12:26:39] <Mimiru> yeah your chunk corrupted it seems.
L16[12:26:52] <Mimiru> or the block IDs shifted for some dumb reason.
L17[12:26:53] <LizzyTheKitty> ffs
L18[12:27:09] <Mimiru> But I've not changed mods so that *shouldn't* happen
L19[12:28:00] <Mimiru> I'm going to try replacing just the level.dat
L20[12:28:08] <LizzyTheKitty> ok
L21[12:28:22] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net) (Quit: [PCL-1_10] Good bye!)
L22[12:29:03] <Mimiru> k, it's starting
L23[12:30:31] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net)
L24[12:34:35] <Mimiru> @LizzyTheKitty k, it's back I see no errors
L25[12:34:39] <Mimiru> I've gotta go back to work though
L26[12:34:48] <LizzyTheKitty> will try in a sec
L27[13:00:16] ⇨ Joins: Spock (Spock!Logic@enterprise.services.esper.net)
L28[13:28:07] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren joined the game.
L29[13:28:20] <PCL-Minecraft> LizzyTheSiren left the game.
L30[13:28:30] <LizzyTheKitty> k, i saw the floor for a bit before it crashed
L31[13:30:12] <Michiyo> that's gotta be something corrupting your chunk then ._.
L32[13:30:32] <LizzyTheKitty> when was the last backup ran?
L33[13:31:01] <Michiyo> fuckin FE deletes yesterdays backups.. so I have today, sunday the 18th and before..
L34[13:31:08] <Michiyo> today, and*
L35[13:31:36] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, okay. i'ma try pulling today's down locally and see if it crashes my client there
L36[13:32:01] <Michiyo> theres a few from today
L37[13:35:58] <LizzyTheKitty> downloading one from 18:02 (about 13 minutes before i joined)
L38[13:37:01] <LizzyTheKitty> -_-
L39[13:37:06] <LizzyTheKitty> stupid unzip command
L40[13:38:35] <LizzyTheKitty> just dumps all the stuff in the current directory
L41[13:38:47] <LizzyTheKitty> rather than a sub-dir with the name of the archive like tar does
L42[13:40:15] <LizzyTheKitty> k, the crash also happens in single player
L43[13:41:05] <Corded> * <LizzyTheKitty> sighs
L44[13:41:13] <Corded> * <LizzyTheKitty> gives up, goes back to playing C:S
L45[13:59:36] <Michiyo> ._. this sucks... I'd LOVE to know WHY it's corrupting.
L46[13:59:36] <PCL-Minecraft> I'm sorry 'Michiyo' I can't do that. Type '.help' for a list of commands I might respond to.
L47[13:59:49] <Michiyo> though it *CAN'T* be the entire ID map, cause.... it'd hit my place too
L48[13:59:53] <Michiyo> it's GOTTA be your chunk.
L49[14:02:48] <LizzyTheKitty> yeah, though i have no idea what causes it
L50[14:02:56] <LizzyTheKitty> because it doesn't fuck up instantly
L51[15:00:27] <Kodos> Can I poke the crashlog for shiggles?
L52[15:01:43] <LizzyTheKitty> lemme go find it
L53[15:04:46] <LizzyTheKitty> https://pastebin.com/w6wfkvAW
L54[15:06:46] <Kodos> Do you have your Stargate inside of a spatial IO zone
L55[15:08:12] <Michiyo> SGCraft shows up there because of stupid hacky shit greg does.
L56[15:08:32] <LizzyTheKitty> that's the thing, i don't have any spatial crap
L57[15:08:37] <Michiyo> ^
L58[15:08:54] <Michiyo> the chunk corrupts, and IDs seem to shift around...
L59[15:09:01] <Michiyo> but ONLY for that area.
L60[15:09:43] <LizzyTheKitty> also mcedit is windows/mac only and i don't feel like rebooting to check out the world
L61[15:17:26] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L62[15:25:00] <Kodos> Liz, Mind if I poke AE's channel with that log?
L63[15:25:08] <LizzyTheKitty> sure
L64[15:32:56] <Kodos> From yueh: "<yueh> the basic answer: 1.10 forge constantly corrupts your world"
L65[15:34:50] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L66[15:34:51] Spock sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L67[15:37:16] <Kodos> <yueh> forge had the great idea of merging bukkits multithreaded chunkloading around sep 2014 or so. we had a few corruption reports in dec or so. but never really tracked it down
L68[15:38:01] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L69[15:38:07] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L70[15:38:08] Spock sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L71[15:39:00] <Michiyo> ffs hexchat ._.
L72[15:40:16] <Lizzy> hmm
L73[15:40:28] * Lizzy goes to test something
L74[15:43:52] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, okay so forge multithreaded chunk loading is not forced on in my client....
L75[15:44:03] <LizzyTheKitty> but there's no actual option to disable it completely
L76[15:44:08] <LizzyTheKitty> at least in the gui
L77[15:45:59] <Michiyo> It's funny, I've ran a 1.10 server for quiet a while...
L78[15:46:03] <Michiyo> only had issues when I added AE.
L79[15:46:31] <Michiyo> cause this pack is basically the pack I run on my home server with AE and a few other odds and ends.
L80[15:46:35] <LizzyTheKitty> fuck it, lets force it on and see what happens
L81[15:47:45] <LizzyTheKitty> well, it's completely locked up
L82[15:47:55] <LizzyTheKitty> and i have a partially rendered world
L83[15:48:15] <LizzyTheKitty> it's got my mouse though, so i can't move that
L84[15:50:09] <LizzyTheKitty> k, had to go sigkill it
L85[15:52:45] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, there doesn't seem to be any way to disable the multithreaded stuff out-right
L86[16:03:55] <Michiyo> Computers power off when they share a chunk with my AE system..
L87[16:04:07] <Michiyo> Lizzy's base corrupts after setting up AE stuff..
L88[16:04:25] <Michiyo> IDK.. just sounds odd.
L89[16:05:05] <Michiyo> tempting to nuke AE... but we both have a decent bit in there..
L90[16:06:08] <Michiyo> I'd try AL.. but https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2725
L91[16:06:13] <Michiyo> %github enable
L92[16:06:14] <MichiBot> Enabled github
L93[16:47:11] <Kodos> Let me look at your modlist, hang on
L94[16:47:45] <Kodos> Could use TE Caches for mass storage of things
L95[16:47:55] <Kodos> And strongboxes for small amounts of lots of items
L96[16:48:01] <Kodos> Just throw holding IV on them
L97[18:00:00] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net) (Quit: [PCL-1_10] Good bye!)
L98[18:01:29] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net)
L99[19:38:06] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net) (Quit: [PCL-1_10] Good bye!)
L100[19:40:47] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (PCL-Minecraft!~PCL-1_10@games.theender.net)
L101[19:43:23] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft joined the game.
L102[19:45:57] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> so, I pulled AE.. and this entire chunk is fuuuucked
L103[19:46:07] <LizzyTheKitty> oh?
L104[19:46:39] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-02-23_19-46-27.png
L105[19:47:06] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-02-23_19-46-55.png
L106[19:47:07] <LizzyTheKitty> wonderful....
L107[19:48:03] <LizzyTheKitty> if the mffs generator is still in the little hut, then shove a forcium cell in it to get the field back up (if that's not also fucked
L108[19:48:48] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-02-23_19-48-40.png
L109[19:48:52] <Mimiru> that's a no
L110[19:49:04] <LizzyTheKitty> wonderful
L111[19:49:10] <LizzyTheKitty> hey, at least the computer is there
L112[19:50:56] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> :/
L113[19:51:08] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, so something is completely fucking up those chunks....
L114[19:51:21] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> I REALLY think it's AE...
L115[19:51:31] <LizzyTheKitty> it's either EIO, MFFS, AE, OC, or SG Craft
L116[19:51:42] <LizzyTheKitty> as they're the mods that are present in those areas
L117[19:51:49] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> AE or MFFS then
L118[19:52:01] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> I have SGCraft and EIO in my base.
L119[19:52:22] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> I also have AE, and the computers in the chunk with my AE break... a lot
L120[19:52:54] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> I have MFFS on mars
L121[19:53:19] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, also is it just my chunks that are fucked up or are there others that have been fucked up at the same time as mine?>
L122[19:53:45] <Mimiru> I only know of yours
L123[19:54:54] <LizzyTheKitty> hmm, trying to think how we can nuke those chunks and restore the world. then i'll just set up 2 test bases far away with mffs + AE seperated
L124[19:54:59] <LizzyTheKitty> see which one fucks up
L125[20:01:01] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> is WorldEdit's regen still broken I wonder..
L126[20:01:45] <LizzyTheKitty> oh, add TE and ExU to the list of mods that were in use in my base
L127[20:01:55] <LizzyTheKitty> and P:R
L128[20:02:07] <PCL-Minecraft> <MichiRavencroft> I have TE, no ExU and P:R though
L129[20:02:45] <LizzyTheKitty> probably not TE, ExU or P:R but i'm just notingg that they were in the vicinity
L130[20:06:39] <Mimiru> I've gotta shutdown and rip the RAM out of my system
L131[20:06:47] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft left the game.
L132[20:06:51] <LizzyTheKitty> ?
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