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L1[00:09:12] ⇨ Joins: vifino (vifino@tty.sh)
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L6[06:06:14] <Lizzy> gah
L7[06:06:34] * Lizzy wants lets encrypt public beta to come quicker
L8[14:28:23] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no kidding
L9[15:46:01] <Mimiru> right?
L10[15:54:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> left.
L11[15:54:42] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I want to add about 6 sub domains, and at this point I doubt they are accepting new whitelists
L12[15:55:52] <Lizzy> i wanna get [www,git].theender.net and oc.cil.li done though it
L13[15:59:01] <Lizzy> also znc
L14[16:13:55] <Mimiru> Lizzy, word of warning. IPB does NOT like the entire domain being SSL Or at least in my experience.
L15[16:15:23] <Mimiru> I SSL'd pc-logix once... and it broke *all* css and images, and lots of embeded media stopped working when I fixed the assets
L16[16:15:31] <Mimiru> err not PC-Logix, cohrevival.com
L17[16:21:12] <Lizzy> Mimiru: oc.cil.li is a subdomain
L18[16:21:24] <Mimiru> Yes... I'm aware.
L19[16:21:30] <Mimiru> It's a subdomain that runs the forums.
L20[16:21:49] <Lizzy> yes, i also happen to be hosting said forums
L21[16:22:04] <Mimiru> I know that as well, none of these change what I said though.
L22[16:22:36] <Mimiru> cohrevival.com is a IPB forum. and I SSLed it once upon a time.
L23[16:22:39] <Mimiru> and it broke shit to hell
L24[16:23:11] <Lizzy> did the webserver not send the content or did the web browser just not request it because it was http?
L25[16:24:08] <Mimiru> Accept the invalid cert, cause I have the wrong one running on it ATM
L26[16:24:08] <Mimiru> https://cohrevival.com/topic/157-the-music-thread/
L27[16:24:19] <Mimiru> but if you'll notice NONE of the youtube embeds are there... atleast for me
L28[16:24:23] <Mimiru> in chrome, ff, and edge
L29[16:24:49] <Mimiru> Also, LOTS of paths are hardset to http://
L30[16:24:54] <Mimiru> for the CSS and images
L31[16:24:58] <Lizzy> hmm
L32[16:25:06] <Mimiru> and if you have your browser set to not load nonsecure content...
L33[16:25:22] <Mimiru> so you get to modify the stylesheets
L34[16:26:23] <Lizzy> k, i'm off on friday so i can look into it then
L35[16:26:30] <Mimiru> I fixed the stylesheets and images and shit, but could never figure out why youtube embeds didn't work
L36[16:26:34] <Mimiru> other stuff was broken too
L37[16:26:40] <Mimiru> don't remember exactly what as I gave up
L38[16:27:26] <Mimiru> What I finally decided to do, when LE goes open beta, was to just SSL the signin method
L39[16:27:31] <Mimiru> which is supported in the ACP
L40[16:28:48] <Lizzy> huh, the forums is runnign IPB 3.4.6, latest is
L41[16:30:02] <Mimiru> Yeah... Meh on 4.*
L42[16:30:07] <Mimiru> I run WAY to many custom mods heh
L43[16:30:16] <Mimiru> I don't feel like rewriting shit heh
L44[16:30:38] <Lizzy> i mean, i don't have the license key so i'm gonna have to buy one if i wanna upgrade it
L45[16:30:48] <Mimiru> Or.. null it :P
L46[16:31:20] <Mimiru> I have ONE valid IPB 3.* license
L47[16:31:27] <Mimiru> and I run a few more than 1 lol
L48[16:33:26] <Lizzy> i wonder if i could tell nginx to replace http://oc.cil.li with https://oc.cil.li on the fly
L49[16:34:20] <Mimiru> Easily
L50[16:34:39] <Mimiru> Oh
L51[16:34:46] <Mimiru> Wait I see what you mean :P
L52[16:34:59] <Mimiru> I guess you could 301 everything
L53[16:35:06] <Mimiru> if ($scheme = http) {
L54[16:35:06] <Mimiru> return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
L55[16:35:06] <Mimiru> }
L56[16:35:35] <Lizzy> hmm, suppose so
L57[16:35:42] <Lizzy> anyway, i'll look into it later
L58[16:36:52] <Lizzy> heh https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/24/79/2b2479e2f0da572ff945b90f1b6f645b.jpg
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