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L1[03:58:18] *** Shuudoushi|Away|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L2[03:59:03] <Shuudoushi> this just pisses me off -_- http://puu.sh/jjUFb/c293618357.png
L3[04:00:09] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: what ver of daz do you have? I have 1.6.9
L4[04:01:24] <Shuudoushi> oh wait, this is the latest fail -_- http://puu.sh/jjUMa/936cd64805.png
L5[04:34:35] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L6[04:42:06] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L7[05:00:13] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef) (Quit: [PCL-1_7] Good bye!)
L8[05:02:50] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef)
L9[09:40:22] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L10[14:27:03] ⇦ Quits: superminor2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L11[14:27:08] ⇨ Joins: superminor2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net)
L12[14:27:15] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L13[14:28:25] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L14[20:03:20] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L15[20:23:47] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi joined the game.
L16[20:34:11] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi left the game.
L17[20:34:20] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L18[20:34:43] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L19[20:56:23] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L20[22:03:11] <superminor2> Test
L21[22:03:18] <superminor2> Me.lower()
L22[22:38:39] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L23[22:40:52] <Shuudoushi> superminor2: SuperBot2 got an update I take it?
L24[22:41:18] <superminor2> no
L25[22:41:26] <superminor2> I am not going to touch that code
L26[22:41:30] <Shuudoushi> XD
L27[22:41:42] <Shuudoushi> just start from scratch and give it a new name huh lol
L28[22:41:44] <superminor2> the fact that it is named superbot2 is znc being silly
L29[22:41:56] <Shuudoushi> XD
L30[22:42:02] <Shuudoushi> SuperBot3 then?
L31[22:42:04] <Shuudoushi> lol
L32[22:42:10] <superminor2> Probably 2
L33[22:42:13] <superminor2> this one actually is 1
L34[22:42:19] <Shuudoushi> lol
L35[22:43:13] <Shuudoushi> oh, and thanks for taking care of the white space in the sha lib, it was starting to drive me nuts, just had other shit to work on lol
L36[22:47:37] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi joined the game.
L37[23:17:09] <superminor2> Yw
L38[23:17:17] <superminor2> Remember I did not make that thing
L39[23:17:26] <Shuudoushi> I know lol
L40[23:17:30] <Shuudoushi> you just ported it
L41[23:28:27] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, show me the way of checking for Ctrl-q being pressed to end a program
L42[23:28:32] <Kodos> I fail at it apparently
L43[23:29:16] <Shuudoushi> if event.pull() == keyboard.keys.q == true and keyboard.isControlDown() then
L44[23:29:44] <Shuudoushi> event.pull("key_down") (or something like that) can also be used
L45[23:30:03] <Shuudoushi> and ignor that '== true' bit...
L46[23:30:10] <Shuudoushi> ignore*
L47[23:30:48] <Kodos> I'm assuming I have to put that in the loop if I'm running code in one
L48[23:30:50] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: sample code from lenny face http://puu.sh/jkZ6c/340024af01.txt
L49[23:31:08] <Kodos> Ah
L50[23:31:13] <Kodos> So you use an event handler
L51[23:31:18] <Kodos> Or rather listener
L52[23:31:23] <Shuudoushi> puush does not like lenny lol
L53[23:31:35] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: for that one, yes
L54[23:31:44] <Shuudoushi> but you don't have too
L55[23:31:56] <Kodos> At the moment I'm just tinkering
L56[23:32:01] <Shuudoushi> same
L57[23:32:09] <Kodos> But I want to eventually add in a Ctrl-Q to quit option for my power program
L58[23:32:22] <Shuudoushi> trying to get real time by making a nw os function called 'os.dateRL()' lol
L59[23:32:30] <Kodos> You want my timeapi lib?
L60[23:32:53] <Shuudoushi> sure, I can always test it out lol
L61[23:33:02] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/p6WyTdN2
L62[23:33:02] <Kodos> Lib
L63[23:33:13] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/Fkc5xZh7
L64[23:33:14] <Kodos> Example use
L65[23:33:17] <Shuudoushi> light reading for you https://github.com/Shuudoushi/Misc-Programs/blob/master/BR_Reactor.lua
L66[23:33:37] <Kodos> I use https://pastebin.com/sU6mGBxX
L67[23:34:27] <Shuudoushi> btw, you can just use "%F %X" to get the same thing as what you put on line 8 in that example
L68[23:34:31] <Shuudoushi> 18*
L69[23:35:01] <Kodos> Probably
L70[23:35:07] <Kodos> Most of my programs are horridly inefficient
L71[23:35:20] <Shuudoushi> lol
L72[23:35:28] <Shuudoushi> it outputs this http://puu.sh/jkZla/cc41e423c1.png
L73[23:35:39] <Shuudoushi> %x can be used to not give seconds iirc
L74[23:36:42] <Kodos> My code outputs 1976?
L75[23:37:11] <Shuudoushi> yeah... that's what I'm trying to fix with this http://puu.sh/jkZpv/a6775e01fb.txt
L76[23:37:28] <Kodos> Erm
L77[23:37:32] <Shuudoushi> gave me this error though... http://puu.sh/jkZrl/13fcbd7da3.png
L78[23:37:32] <Kodos> My code uses timeapi
L79[23:37:40] <Shuudoushi> I noticed lol
L80[23:37:49] <Kodos> Which is an internet site
L81[23:37:53] <Kodos> That gives you the real time and date
L82[23:38:04] <Kodos> So something's fucky in your code still if you're getting 1976
L83[23:38:19] <Shuudoushi> I'm trying to avoid using the internet for it though, that way if you loose conection, it doesn't just explode in your face XD
L84[23:38:29] <Kodos> Hm
L85[23:38:37] <Kodos> You could have it store the value locally somehow
L86[23:38:39] <Kodos> And have it update that
L87[23:38:42] <Shuudoushi> that's with just straight os.date("%F %X")
L88[23:38:43] <Kodos> So it'd only need to connect once
L89[23:38:50] <Kodos> Ah
L90[23:38:50] <Kodos> Hm
L91[23:39:19] <Kodos> What about a central server that you could leave on and set the proper date to
L92[23:39:20] <Shuudoushi> fs.lastModified() returns the real life time of the last time a file was modified
L93[23:39:21] <Kodos> And have it read from that
L94[23:39:35] <Shuudoushi> this is for a standalone OS
L95[23:39:44] <Kodos> Ah
L96[23:39:45] <Kodos> No idea then
L97[23:40:03] <Shuudoushi> lastModified seems like my best bet, just have to work out the bugs lol
L98[23:40:28] <Shuudoushi> http://puu.sh/jkZAt/578a548028.png
L99[23:40:48] <Shuudoushi> and no, the time and date stamp for ls -l isn't in SOS yet lol
L100[23:41:14] <Shuudoushi> still working out the issues in that one as well... looks like it's going to need a full rewrite of ls.lua...
L101[23:42:00] <Shuudoushi> still need to figure out how to call 'time' in my new function...
L102[23:43:27] <Kodos> Erm
L103[23:43:33] <Kodos> Is there a list somewhere of the formatting codes for os.date
L104[23:43:46] <Shuudoushi> one min or 30
L105[23:44:41] <Shuudoushi> Kodos: I've tested almost all of these, and they seem to all work http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/
L106[23:45:54] <Shuudoushi> %R, not %X or %x for HH:MM
L107[23:46:37] <Shuudoushi> lol... wow... http://puu.sh/jkZSK/51faf51a85.png
L108[23:46:43] <Shuudoushi> now THAT is a bug XD
L109[23:50:22] <Kodos> Now you've got me wanting to make a timeserver that other computers can ping to 'sync' their time to
L110[23:50:33] <Shuudoushi> lol
L111[23:50:53] <Kodos> Actually that wouldn't work
L112[23:51:01] <Kodos> I'd have to resync any time something to do with times or dates would happen
L113[23:51:20] <Shuudoushi> network spam FTW! XD
L114[23:51:29] <Kodos> I reallly want to do something with servers and networking but I have no idea what I could do that's within the scope of my current skills and/or learning capability
L115[23:52:06] <Kodos> I'd be perfectly happy with servers if I could just have the 4 HDDs as one filesystem
L116[23:52:17] <Kodos> Maybe have it as a checkbox option in the server's gui while putting components in
L117[23:52:31] <Kodos> Checking and unchecking would wipe the drives, as well as removing one while it's checked
L118[23:52:43] <Shuudoushi> that would make a raid rack pointless though
L119[23:53:00] <Shuudoushi> how about just software raid?
L120[23:53:10] <Kodos> I'm not skilled enough to implement that
L121[23:53:21] <Kodos> And wth is a raid rack
L122[23:53:44] <Shuudoushi> ...
L123[23:53:46] <Shuudoushi> one sec...
L124[23:53:54] <Kodos> Did I miss an update D=
L125[23:54:10] <Shuudoushi> is OC 1.6 out yet?
L126[23:54:19] <Shuudoushi> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1323
L127[23:54:36] <Kodos> Not that I know of
L128[23:54:38] <Kodos> Let me check the jenkins
L129[23:55:04] <Kodos> No, looks like last dev build was the race condition fix
L130[23:57:22] <Shuudoushi> still a little jacked... http://puu.sh/jl0oi/096d70c54a.png
L131[23:57:43] <Shuudoushi> the year is right at least lol
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