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L1[00:18:20] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi left the game.
L2[00:57:02] <Kodos> How hard is it to tie the functions of a lib into a block as a component
L3[00:58:19] <Mimiru> ?
L4[00:58:24] <Kodos> Erm
L5[00:58:26] <Kodos> let me try that again
L6[00:58:37] <Kodos> i have my library that I've been adding to over time
L7[00:58:59] <Kodos> How hard would it be to, instead of a lib, make them functions made available via a component
L8[00:59:01] <Kodos> a la the data block
L9[00:59:04] <Kodos> /card
L10[00:59:20] <Mimiru> Imposibru!
L11[00:59:52] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vmpJ9
L12[01:00:17] <Mimiru> Well
L13[01:00:41] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vmpUU
L14[01:00:43] <Mimiru> That one :P
L15[01:01:32] <Kodos> Okay, now explain it again, but in English
L16[01:02:19] <Mimiru> You need a TE, an Environment, a node, a FS...
L17[01:02:33] <Mimiru> I could write it easy enough.
L18[01:02:39] <Kodos> But why would I need a filesystem if the component is providing the function
L19[01:02:52] <Mimiru> Or, you could just rip off the CardWriter, pull the Inventory shit out
L20[01:02:53] <Mimiru> and go.
L21[01:02:58] <Kodos> Well
L22[01:03:12] <Mimiru> I thought you wanted the lib included with the block
L23[01:03:15] <Kodos> I was thinking of either having you add it to the aesthetic thinger, or learning whatever and doing it myself
L24[01:03:23] <Mimiru> If you want the block to do the functions then a simple component
L25[01:03:25] <Mimiru> and @Callbacks
L26[01:04:05] <Kodos> Can you show me some simpler callbacks, so I can get an idea of how this needs to be implemented? As of right now, it's lua code
L27[01:04:25] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vmpU1
L28[01:04:33] <Mimiru> THose are fairly simple..
L29[01:05:36] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/wepWDJTj This is my lib so far
L30[02:16:08] <Shuudoushi> ... I still can't figure out why this code is refusing to work the way I want it to...
L31[02:48:08] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L32[03:12:08] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: are you a mod on the forums by any chance?
L33[05:00:13] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef) (Quit: [PCL-1_7] Good bye!)
L34[05:02:59] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef)
L35[06:31:36] <Lizzy> Shuudoushi, approved your post
L36[06:37:35] <Shuudoushi> Lizzy: tyvm
L37[06:38:49] <Lizzy> the next 2 posts you make will also need to be approved but if you poke me/sangar/dusty we can approve them for you (after you have 3 posts you no-longer have the restriction)
L38[06:39:10] <Shuudoushi> lol, that's cool ;P
L39[06:39:41] <Lizzy> it was done that way to defeat some of the spammers we get
L40[06:40:03] <Shuudoushi> I figured as much lol
L41[06:40:35] <Shuudoushi> it seems like standard forum stuff these days lol
L42[06:42:00] <Lizzy> Luckily the forum isn't that popular (in terms of influx of people joining) so it's not that bad, though if it does become more popular I'll start talking to sangar,dusty and ir7_o about extra moderators
L43[06:42:24] <Shuudoushi> toss my name in the hat o/
L44[06:42:25] <Shuudoushi> j/k
L45[06:42:48] <Shuudoushi> don't do that, i'm a terrible mod XD
L46[07:17:31] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L47[10:41:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I wonder if I have two posts
L48[10:41:49] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Or three
L49[10:41:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I think I have at least one
L50[11:22:17] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L51[11:24:50] <Lizzy> SuPeRMiNoR2, you have 9
L52[11:25:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Whoa, really?
L53[11:25:08] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Cool.
L54[11:57:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Holy shit
L55[11:57:48] <Lizzy> ?
L56[11:58:10] <Lizzy> http://orig00.deviantart.net/224f/f/2010/278/0/a/holy_shit_by_mypthe13th-d304imn.jpg
L57[11:59:02] <Mimiru> Indeed
L58[11:59:27] <Lizzy> even better https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1828117006/image.jpg
L59[11:59:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> https://goo.gl/photos/Wo4C2DWkzTne2ZD29
L60[11:59:45] <MichiBot> SuPeRMiNoR2: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMyE51yWc7cyF-Nu1zYy2-pjaFWWNVyWVaQdHjUm4nYs0H8mc8fPGVSsSwwlNRtDg?key=M1RnS3ljZVB2NkJNMXJMd0FpQ3NmbXAxODBTN2p3 Page title: null
L61[11:59:52] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Wtf
L62[12:00:21] <Mimiru> why is URLInfo still using the blacklist
L63[12:00:23] <Lizzy> yay, i've eaten too much now my stomach hurts
L64[12:00:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Silly michibot
L65[12:00:35] <vifino> Lizzy: :/
L66[12:02:10] <Lizzy> brb
L67[12:09:59] <Lizzy> back
L68[12:17:51] <vifino> \o/
L69[12:31:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hey Lizzy, guess what
L70[12:31:53] <Lizzy> Cold potatoes are not hot?
L71[12:31:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> IM THE MODERATOR
L72[12:31:58] <Lizzy> ?
L73[12:32:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Nubbie
L74[12:32:12] <Lizzy> ah
L75[14:59:38] ⇦ Parts: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c1eb:e10b:f346:5f79) ())
L76[15:02:50] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c1eb:e10b:f346:5f79)
L77[15:28:29] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L78[15:30:17] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: ZNC didn't load the buffer, did you disable that or did I just run into a minor bug?
L79[15:30:44] <Mimiru> I've not disabled anything.
L80[15:30:56] <Shuudoushi> minor bug it is then
L81[15:31:05] <Shuudoushi> not a big loss or anything
L82[15:56:00] <Shuudoushi> Lizzy: how does one go about updating tags on the forums?
L83[15:56:27] <Lizzy> err, i think you edit the OP and use the full editor
L84[15:56:56] <Shuudoushi> kk
L85[15:56:57] <Shuudoushi> ty
L86[15:57:18] <Shuudoushi> yep, there it is
L87[16:18:24] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: which bot do you have setup to let you know when someone has filed an issue or something?
L88[16:18:35] <Mimiru> Notifico
L89[16:18:44] <Mimiru> http://n.tkte.ch/
L90[16:18:53] <Shuudoushi> that's on pc-logix right?
L91[16:18:55] <Mimiru> You have to setup a hook in github with the URL they'll give you
L92[16:19:03] <Mimiru> Nope
L93[16:19:14] <Mimiru> One of the few external services I use :P
L94[16:19:19] <Mimiru> It does get net banned at times
L95[16:19:20] <Shuudoushi> XD
L96[16:19:31] <Shuudoushi> that's why I thought it was on pc-logix
L97[16:19:31] <Mimiru> I've thought running my own on PC-Logix..
L98[16:19:39] <Shuudoushi> last i heard it was ban from here XD
L99[16:19:49] <Mimiru> They un banned it :P
L100[16:20:22] <Shuudoushi> sweet :3
L101[16:22:30] <Shuudoushi> not a fucking clue what I'm doing XD http://puu.sh/j7Mh0/fdf7e8c7e9.png
L102[16:23:43] <vifino> Shushy is breaking things.
L103[16:23:54] <Shuudoushi> more than likely >..
L104[16:23:59] <Mimiru> Import them
L105[16:24:03] <Mimiru> then you set the hooks up
L106[16:24:07] <Mimiru> then you put the hook url into github
L107[16:26:02] <Shuudoushi> well then, it took care of adding the hook for me o.O
L108[16:26:08] <Shuudoushi> sweet
L109[16:27:02] <Shuudoushi> I should prob make a new chan to keep from spamming the pissout of people huh
L110[16:27:16] <Mimiru> I'll stab you.
L111[16:27:19] <Mimiru> If you don't
L112[16:27:59] <Shuudoushi> lol
L113[16:28:11] <Shuudoushi> I remade #Shuu on pc-logix
L114[16:28:55] <Shuudoushi> irc.pc-logix.com works right?
L115[16:28:59] <Mimiru> Yeah
L116[16:29:03] <Shuudoushi> cool
L117[16:29:06] <Mimiru> that hits a random PC-L server
L118[16:29:19] <Shuudoushi> i.e. almost always up
L119[16:29:58] <Mimiru> Well, unless Eos dies, there is a cron that runs every minute and moves down servers to ircdown.pc-logix.com
L120[16:30:02] <Shuudoushi> how the fuck do I turn off registered only?
L121[16:30:10] <Mimiru> and moves servers back from ircdown if they're up
L122[16:30:11] <Mimiru> ?
L123[16:30:26] <Shuudoushi> http://puu.sh/j7MQE/d581e0dca3.png
L124[16:30:41] <Shuudoushi> middle highlighted button there
L125[16:31:11] <Mimiru> Umm
L126[16:31:15] <Shuudoushi> it's been awhile since I had to really IRC >.>
L127[16:31:16] <Mimiru> That's not registered only
L128[16:31:27] <Mimiru> That means the channel is registered.
L129[16:31:31] <Shuudoushi> my tool tip says it is o.O
L130[16:31:42] <Mimiru> Well, your tooltip is fucking wrong.
L131[16:32:06] <Mimiru> r m_services_account Marks a channel as registered. While some services still use this (namely Anope), this mode is mostly depreciated.
L132[16:32:11] <Mimiru> R m_services_account Users must be registered with services to join the channel.
L133[16:32:15] <Mimiru> +R is registered only
L134[16:32:32] <Shuudoushi> huh
L135[16:32:43] <Shuudoushi> maybe hexchat is just having one of it's days
L136[16:32:47] <Lizzy> hexchat doesn't do case sensitivity
L137[16:33:00] *** Mimiru sets mode: +r
L138[16:33:01] *** Mimiru sets mode: -r
L139[16:33:09] <Mimiru> here it might mean registered only
L140[16:33:14] <Mimiru> but on InspIRCd it's not
L141[16:33:24] <Mimiru> Like on Inspi +q is owner
L142[16:33:27] <Mimiru> here it's quiet
L143[16:33:28] <Shuudoushi> I think Lizzy is right
L144[16:34:01] <Mimiru> +r NickServ Registered users only. Only users identified to services may join
L145[16:34:03] <Shuudoushi> it's just hexchat not handling case sensitivity
L146[16:34:07] <Mimiru> That's from Esper's site
L147[16:34:21] <Mimiru> so in some cases +r is registered only
L148[16:34:48] <Mimiru> Which is probably why HexChat named it as such
L149[16:34:58] <Mimiru> But your channel isn't +R, it's +r
L150[16:35:00] * Shuudoushi nods.
L151[16:35:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> bitch you'd better nod
L152[16:35:38] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-07-21_16-35-27.png
L153[16:36:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> This laptops HDD is fucking uselessly slow
L154[16:36:12] <Mimiru> Also, I have to setup another IRCd on Eos ¬_¬
L155[16:36:43] * Shuudoushi slaps SuPeRMiNoR2 with a potato.
L156[16:36:46] <Mimiru> And write my own "services" for it
L157[16:37:17] <SuPeRMiNoR2> this 3ds fully works now
L158[16:37:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> after trigger button replacements, charger port resoldering, and battery replacinating
L159[16:37:36] <Shuudoushi> yay
L160[16:38:27] <Shuudoushi> I still can't figure out why sudo is broken...
L161[16:38:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> (Author: Shuudoushi)
L162[16:39:01] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Found the issue!
L163[16:39:08] <Lizzy> Mimiru, why?
L164[16:39:25] <Shuudoushi> fuck you too then ya fatherfucker
L165[16:42:53] <Lizzy> I'm really pissed off at something but I don't know what it is
L166[16:43:34] <Mimiru> Lizzy, the chat for the game I'm working on will be IRC based
L167[16:43:53] <Mimiru> and instead of having it share userbase of PC-L where nick collides might happen
L168[16:43:59] <Mimiru> I'm gonna have it on it's own server
L169[16:44:15] <Lizzy> ah
L170[16:44:20] <Mimiru> And I'll custom write the services so I can make it auth against my game's auth DB
L171[16:51:59] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what lang is that gonna be, java?
L172[16:52:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the services
L173[16:54:21] <Kodos> Lizzy, it's likely you're still pissed at the mom from that one story
L174[16:54:44] <Lizzy> Kodos, possibly
L175[16:54:59] <Kodos> In other news, my wife is lazy and refuses to help me do housework today, so now we have ants
L176[16:55:05] <Kodos> \o/
L177[16:56:13] <Mimiru> SuPeRMiNoR2, php. :p
L178[16:56:15] <Mimiru> no..
L179[16:56:20] <Mimiru> dunno though
L180[16:58:34] <Shuudoushi> shouldn't there have been a bot that joined the chan I set?
L181[16:58:46] <Mimiru> IT joins on the first message
L182[16:59:01] <Shuudoushi> hmmm
L183[16:59:09] <Shuudoushi> I think I set it up wrong...
L184[16:59:31] <Mimiru> add a plaintext hook, then go to http://n.tkte.ch/h/that/urlhere?payload=Hai
L185[17:00:27] <Mimiru> Cause I have a Notifico bot on PC-L atm
L186[17:01:34] <Mimiru> Also did you set SSL?
L187[17:01:50] <Mimiru> I think they have issues connecting to PC-L cause the certs are self signed
L188[17:01:57] <Mimiru> port 6667, no ssl
L189[17:02:19] <Shuudoushi> I used the default port b/c of the self signed certs lol
L190[17:02:23] <Mimiru> "[17:02:10] <Not-28cc> Test"
L191[17:02:31] <Mimiru> Just came through on #Caitlyn on PC-L
L192[17:04:11] <Shuudoushi> hmmm...
L193[17:04:22] <Shuudoushi> maybe I'm just too stupid...
L194[17:04:40] <Mimiru> Change your damn notifico password, and let me look at wtf you've done
L195[17:04:42] <Mimiru> :P
L196[17:07:34] <Lizzy> where the fuck is # on US keyboaards?
L197[17:08:10] <Mimiru> Shift 3
L198[17:08:14] <Lizzy> cheers
L199[17:08:17] <Mimiru> Np
L200[17:08:39] <Lizzy> i need to set my x2go keyboard layout to uk
L201[17:09:01] <gamax92> Lizzy: where is # on uk keyboards?
L202[17:09:26] <Kodos> Ctrl+Alt+7, but only if you're holding tea in the other hand
L203[17:09:28] <Lizzy> to the right of '/@ and below ]
L204[17:10:06] <Kodos> http://www.goodtyping.com/teclatUKok.png
L205[17:10:51] <Lizzy> yup
L206[17:12:03] <Mimiru> @ is shift 2 :P
L207[17:12:22] <Mimiru> http://clojure.roboloco.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/qwerty1.png
L208[17:12:33] <Mimiru> Err no
L209[17:12:46] <Mimiru> https://www.microsoft.com/enable/images/products/kbqwerty.gif
L210[17:13:26] <Lizzy> wow
L211[17:13:41] <Lizzy> i have logs for OC that go as far back as Janurary last year
L212[17:13:53] <gamax92> Lizzy: donate them to the cause
L213[17:14:08] <Mimiru> Lizzy, mine would be older, but when I moved to Eos I lost logs
L214[17:16:09] <Shuudoushi> SuPeRMiNoR2 is full of shit lol http://puu.sh/j7Q6W/a95c4f3dff.png
L215[17:18:03] <Lizzy> gamax92, i might once i have them all consolidated
L216[17:21:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hmm
L217[17:21:14] <SuPeRMiNoR2> my computers windows experience index is 1.0
L218[17:21:26] <Lizzy> lel
L219[17:21:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> cpu: 7.7, ram: 7.9, graphics for aero: 1.0, gaming graphics: 6.0, hdd: 5.9
L220[17:22:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> thats full of shit
L221[17:22:19] <SuPeRMiNoR2> also wtf kinda cpu do you need to get 7.9 on it
L222[17:22:51] <Mimiru> no index in 10 :P
L223[17:22:54] <Lizzy> i never did understand the scale of that
L224[17:23:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Shuudoushi: you told me to eat a cat a while ago
L225[17:23:13] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I am doing just that
L226[17:23:24] <Shuudoushi> ... no, I told you to fuck your hat
L227[17:23:32] <Shuudoushi> you deaf bastard
L228[17:23:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> my hat?
L229[17:23:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> My my good sir
L230[17:24:55] <Shuudoushi> fucking puppy is trying to lick my toes...
L231[17:27:22] <Shuudoushi> T.T http://puu.sh/j7QUm/455fa7f0f7.png
L232[17:28:18] <Lizzy> my dad's pc's 'primary' hdd is 5.9
L233[17:29:31] <Shuudoushi> I have like 5 HDDs hooked up to this thing lol
L234[17:29:42] <Shuudoushi> well, 4 HDDs and 1 SSD
L235[17:30:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I have 3
L236[17:30:08] <SuPeRMiNoR2> but two are for linux only
L237[17:30:34] <Shuudoushi> <3 ext4 until on windohs where it doesn't know wtf ext4 is
L238[17:31:10] <Mimiru> Still, no Windows experience in 10 :P
L239[17:31:17] <Shuudoushi> lol
L240[17:31:28] <Mimiru> I have to do it via powershell
L241[17:31:31] <Mimiru> if that will even work
L242[17:31:36] <Shuudoushi> XD
L243[17:32:00] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi joined the game.
L244[17:32:24] * Mimiru coughs
L245[17:32:25] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Windows_PowerShell_2015-07-21_17-32-17.png
L246[17:32:59] <gamax92> Mimiru: 9.9 what
L247[17:33:09] <Mimiru> Boom. Bitches. :P
L248[17:33:47] <Shuudoushi> lol
L249[17:34:23] <gamax92> is there a computer, that can get like all below 3, and actually run windows
L250[17:34:36] <Mimiru> Sure
L251[17:34:47] <Shuudoushi> windows only need 2.5 iirc
L252[17:34:52] <Mimiru> I'm pretty sure my old laptop scored 2/3s
L253[17:35:07] <gamax92> Mimiru: when I say run windows I don't mean takes until next christmas to boot it up :P
L254[17:35:11] <Shuudoushi> or was it 1.0
L255[17:35:20] <Shuudoushi> LMFAO
L256[17:35:22] <Mimiru> HEY... It only took 10 minutes to get to login.
L257[17:35:28] * Mimiru shifty eyes
L258[17:35:28] <gamax92> HEY
L259[17:35:29] <gamax92> LISTEN
L260[17:35:29] <Shuudoushi> XD
L261[17:35:40] *** gamax92 is now known as Navi
L262[17:35:42] * Mimiru stabs gamax/Navi
L263[17:35:46] <Mimiru> No.
L264[17:35:57] <Navi> HEY
L265[17:36:00] <Mimiru> !quiet Navi
L266[17:36:01] *** Spock sets mode: +q *!*@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu
L267[17:36:03] <Mimiru> No.
L268[17:36:17] <Mimiru> !unquiet Navi
L269[17:36:17] *** Spock sets mode: -q *!*@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu
L270[17:36:26] <Lizzy> anyone got a recent version of PISG?
L271[17:36:38] *** Navi is now known as gamax92
L272[17:37:07] <Mimiru> Negative
L273[17:37:53] <Lizzy> i /would/ get it from the SF site but it's down at the moment
L274[17:38:29] <Mimiru> o_O
L275[17:38:31] <Mimiru> wtf SF
L276[17:38:36] <Mimiru> Lots of issues out of them recently
L277[17:38:46] <Lizzy> their storage thingy broke
L278[17:40:44] <Lizzy> AHA ITS IN THE APT REPOs
L279[17:40:45] <Lizzy> woo
L280[17:40:46] <Mimiru> Lizzy, apt-get install pisg
L281[17:40:48] <Mimiru> lol
L282[17:40:52] <Mimiru> Yeah
L283[17:41:02] <Mimiru> pisg_0.73-1_all.deb
L284[17:41:03] <Mimiru> heh
L285[17:41:05] <Lizzy> yeah, just thought of that after looking at the runscript i have for it
L286[17:41:06] <Mimiru> No idea what latest is
L287[17:41:10] <Mimiru> but it's there at least
L288[17:41:13] * Lizzy shrugs
L289[17:50:25] <Shuudoushi> have to go pick up someone, be back in about a hour I guess
L290[17:50:52] <Mimiru> No
L291[17:50:55] <Mimiru> Sorry
L292[17:51:06] <Mimiru> Shuudoushi, might wanna close MC, pack update possibly soon :P
L293[17:51:18] <Shuudoushi> lol, kk
L294[17:51:22] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi left the game.
L295[17:54:42] <Lizzy> hmm, i think there was a way to make pisg just output the 'body' of the page it generates but with the SF page being down i can't see jack shit
L296[17:56:05] <Lizzy> and i cant use the website archive site because of SF's robots.txt crap
L297[17:56:55] <Lizzy> hmm, can php do strip and replace....
L298[17:57:06] <Mimiru> Yes?
L299[17:57:33] <Lizzy> might have just thought of a way to have the stats pages built into my site
L300[17:58:52] <Lizzy> :@ i wish filezilla wouldn't auto-download it's fucking updates
L301[19:26:26] ⇦ Quits: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef) (Quit: [PCL-1_7] Good bye!)
L302[19:39:47] <Mimiru> MOTHER FUCKIN MONEY
L303[19:40:00] <Mimiru> Also, fuck solder.
L304[19:44:26] ⇨ Joins: PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef)
L305[20:04:18] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft joined the game.
L306[20:08:11] <Shuudoushi> SuPeRMiNoR2: is there anyway you can work this into the auth lib in a cleaner manner? http://puu.sh/j80JV/42000c7b70.txt
L307[20:10:15] <Shuudoushi> Mimiru: i take it you didn't update the server?
L308[20:10:34] <Mimiru> * PCL-Minecraft has quit (Quit: [PCL-1_7] Good bye!)
L309[20:10:35] <Mimiru> * PCL-Minecraft (~PCL-1_7@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:beef) has joined #PCL-Minecraft
L310[20:10:41] <Mimiru> You really need to load buff extras
L311[20:10:48] <Shuudoushi> I didn't get an update prompt...
L312[20:11:07] <Shuudoushi> I never detached mofo http://puu.sh/j80XL/4df24d933a.png
L313[20:11:10] <Mimiru> 1.1.2 is current.
L314[20:11:50] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-07-21_20-11-39.png
L315[20:11:52] <Mimiru> 1.1.2
L316[20:11:58] <Mimiru> 1.1.1 doesn't even exist anymore
L317[20:12:02] <Shuudoushi> it just refused to update for some reason -_-
L318[20:12:45] <Shuudoushi> just now gave me the 'update arrow' thingy... http://puu.sh/j812U/9018621092.png
L319[20:13:08] <Shuudoushi> technic... why you such POS?
L320[20:13:11] <Mimiru> IT doesn't constantly poll, you have to either close the launcher, or switch packs for a second
L321[20:13:25] <Shuudoushi> I always close the launcher
L322[20:13:40] <Mimiru> Whatever, it's prompted you to update.
L323[20:13:44] <Shuudoushi> in fact, it auto-closes when I launch
L324[20:14:20] <Shuudoushi> I may have just clicked the play button to fast x.x
L325[20:15:30] <Mimiru> Show me an easier to use multiplatform mod syncing launcher. And I swear if you say FTB I'll stab you via the internet.
L326[20:15:44] <Shuudoushi> XD
L327[20:15:50] <Shuudoushi> killjoy :P
L328[20:16:58] <Mimiru> I mean I COULD do mmc instances, but unless I've missed something I have to sync the *entire* pack for an update
L329[20:17:06] <Mimiru> which, for a quick update like this one is insane.
L330[20:17:37] <Shuudoushi> lol, a bit yes
L331[20:21:39] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi joined the game.
L332[20:23:29] <Mimiru> god damn it
L333[20:23:40] <Shuudoushi> ?
L334[20:24:04] <Mimiru> I forgot to update OS
L335[20:24:11] <Shuudoushi> lulz
L336[20:24:19] <Shuudoushi> so the server is going down again huh XD
L337[20:25:10] <Mimiru> Nah
L338[20:57:19] <ds84182> blarglwat
L339[20:57:28] <ds84182> spppppfsfsfldsa
L340[20:57:38] <Mimiru> Pretty much
L341[21:00:46] <PCL-Minecraft> MichiRavencroft left the game.
L342[21:15:15] <PCL-Minecraft> Shuudoushi left the game.
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