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Stuff goes here
L1[01:03:18] * Amanda quietly puts a napkin over a tear in space-time she accidentally made while using her scratching planet
L2[01:03:37] <Amanda> Nobody tell nadja
L3[01:03:53] <Amanda> Now, zzzmews, night gitls
L4[01:21:12] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:8b89:9d75:8d9f:e10a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L5[03:24:19] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L6[03:24:19] <MichiBot> Zoinks! Forec​aster! You beat Spider ​EveryOS's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 23 minutes and 4 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L7[03:24:20] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 23 minutes and 4 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00438 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.03886092 more points to pass Va​ur!
L8[04:29:36] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:f1ad:b42e:538e:a8b1)
L9[06:51:03] ⇦ Quits: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L10[06:52:11] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org)
L11[07:09:16] ⇦ Parts: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org) ())
L12[07:09:43] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org)
L13[07:32:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef1fd9000fb4392994147df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L14[07:32:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L15[07:48:05] ⇨ Joins: headsh00ter (~headsh00t@
L16[07:50:21] ⇦ Quits: headsh00ter (~headsh00t@ (Quit: Leaving)
L17[07:52:24] <Va​ur> %tonk
L18[07:52:24] <MichiBot> Wah! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 4 hours, 23 minutes and 4 seconds (By 5 minutes)! I hope you're happy!
L19[07:52:25] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 4 hours, 28 minutes and 5 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.0004 (0.00008 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.03805816 more points to pass Spider ​EveryOS!
L20[08:21:41] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:f1ad:b42e:538e:a8b1) (Quit: Leaving.)
L21[11:23:24] ⇦ Quits: Elfi (~temia@monmusu.me) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L22[11:27:07] ⇨ Joins: Elfi (~temia@2001:19f0:8000:8b0c:a73d:2bca:c869:59e4)
L23[11:28:26] <Va​ur> %sip
L24[11:28:26] <MichiBot> You drink a diluted chocolate potion (New!). Vaur grows a tail from a robot until they steal the concept of stealing.
L25[11:44:35] <ff​_66> maybe i was wrong all that time
L26[11:45:46] <ff​_66> i could just use reactOS and it would have booted way faster 😫
L27[11:47:50] <ff​_66> it took me 5 minutes to put reactOS on an usb 2.0 stick
L28[11:50:02] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: _ding_ expedition's done
L29[12:03:09] <Amanda> %choose go out for breakfast?
L30[12:03:09] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
L31[12:03:16] <Amanda> guess not
L32[12:07:42] <ff​_66> I got it to boot but it did straight BSoD with the STOP code 0x0000007B (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE)
L33[12:08:46] <ff​_66> i think it has something to do with the BIOS or the drivers installed, maybe it wasn't designed for USB boot but rather for real live CDs
L34[12:12:32] <ff​_66> oh ok i have burnt incorrectly the USB drive, i need to use a RAM disk, i can't install directly the ISO
L35[12:19:21] ⇨ Joins: Cray (~Cray@
L36[12:19:39] ⇦ Quits: Cray (~Cray@ (Client Quit)
L37[12:22:55] <ff​_66> whelp my mouse is stuck in "punch" mode and i can't click or scroll anywhere
L38[12:23:59] <ff​_66> because i dragged something
L39[12:25:56] <ff​_66> ok i'm going to retry
L40[12:36:03] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L41[12:36:03] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 4 hours, 28 minutes and 5 seconds (By 15 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L42[12:36:04] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.0013 (0.00026 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.03796092 more points to pass Va​ur!
L43[12:53:51] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable rock potion
L44[12:53:51] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable rock potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a diamond cat boy until they have an apple potion.
L45[12:54:00] <Amanda> !
L46[12:54:01] <Amanda> catboi
L47[12:56:45] <Forec​aster> D:<
L48[12:56:53] <Forec​aster> %sip apple
L49[12:56:53] <MichiBot> You drink a proprietary apple potion (New!). Forecaster gains one research point. Forecaster now has 1 point. (Rem. uses: 0)
L50[12:56:59] <Forec​aster> Ooh
L51[13:08:47] <Amanda> Hrm
L52[13:10:05] <Amanda> I guess it's time to build that 7.2GW coal plant, since nadja didn't for me
L53[13:48:17] <ff​_66> ReactOS works so good it takes only 1 GB and boots faster than my main OS plus it has Windows compatibility
L54[13:48:53] <ff​_66> but it doesn't have a browser and doesn't come with network drivers
L55[14:17:49] <Amanda> ... fuck
L56[14:17:59] <Amanda> I just realised I'm going to need three times the water extractors I thought I'd need
L57[14:23:45] <Amanda> cause I need 1440 water/min for _each_ of these three nodes I'm mining
L58[14:29:12] <Forec​aster> Ohno
L59[14:31:16] <ff​_66> i'll try installing an incompatible LAN card driver so ReactOS will get network access
L60[14:31:19] <Forec​aster> can't believe the water would do such a rude thing
L61[14:33:44] <ff​_66> my system doesn't want me to resize FAT partitions https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1722782024470.png
L62[14:33:52] <ff​_66> help
L63[14:40:07] <ff​_66> i said /dev/sdb2 btw https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1722782407618.png
L64[14:58:47] <ff​_66> fatresize completely destroyed the partition table, i can't resize a new time because of a bug
L65[15:04:42] <ff​_66> oh wait gparted ignored the error and thus auto-repaired the partition table
L66[16:03:47] <Forec​aster> wellp, that's one ending of CP2077
L67[16:31:53] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:3285:a9ff:fe40:a36)
L68[16:44:53] <Forec​aster> I think the game overestimates the capabilities of my car a little https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1722789892916.png
L69[16:44:56] <Forec​aster> it's not exactly an AV
L70[17:49:52] <! Little​Timmy52 !> I have a program that spits out tons of errors snad I cant scroll up the screen to view them, how can I save output to a file?
L71[17:53:50] <Forec​aster> pipe the output to a file
L72[17:55:16] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> pipe the output to a file
L73[17:55:16] <! Little​Timmy52 !> how? is it the > filename
L74[17:55:27] <Forec​aster> yes
L75[17:55:36] <! Little​Timmy52 !> it didnt output anyhthing though
L76[17:56:39] <! Little​Timmy52 !> the file was empty
L77[17:57:40] <! Little​Timmy52 !> do you know anything about AR2000's libraries/programs at all? it makes heavy use of them I cant find the issue but maybe a more skilled eye might
L78[18:03:13] <Forec​aster> is it a program error or a general lua crash?
L79[18:03:27] <Forec​aster> if it doesn't use print it probably wont get piped
L80[18:29:24] <Jas​onS> Uhh I don’t remember the proper way to save errors in OC, but going off the knowledge that OpenOS tends to be very Linux-like, I’s say try using `2>` to pipe to a file. This pipes `stderr` instead of `stdout`.
L81[18:29:34] <Jas​onS> * I’d say try using `2>` to pipe to a file. This pipes `stderr` instead of `stdout`.
L82[18:29:49] <Jas​onS> Idk if that works in OC though, but it certainly works great on Linux!
L83[18:49:28] <! Little​Timmy52 !> I was missing a file in a directory it needed
L84[18:49:56] <! Little​Timmy52 !> but I now have a different isue I cant get the program to display a certin screen its just black
L85[18:50:44] <Forec​aster> do you mean *on* a certain screen
L86[18:50:55] <! Little​Timmy52 !> http://pastie.org/p/1WI17DvL1WaidqBEZ1VxRI
L87[18:50:56] <! Little​Timmy52 !>
L88[18:50:56] <! Little​Timmy52 !> here it is and the function i suspect not working proprtly is updateUUIDDisplay but I dont know the lib enough to see my fault
L89[18:51:21] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> do you mean *on* a certain screen
L90[18:51:21] <! Little​Timmy52 !> I click button something else should display but its black
L91[18:51:38] <! Little​Timmy52 !> +which is just the background of both the prior and new screen
L92[18:52:21] <! Little​Timmy52 !> * edit: http://pastie.org/p/2QT8jyWgV4HnukWDx3ERBl this is the current one
L93[18:52:22] <Corded> here it is and the function i suspect not working proprtly is updateUUIDDisplay but I dont know the lib enough to see my fault
L94[19:13:42] <ff​_66> oh gosh i nearly corrupted the entire usb drive
L95[19:14:23] <ff​_66> but at least i have syslinux working correctly now
L96[19:27:30] <Va​ur> %tonk
L97[19:27:30] <MichiBot> Woah! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 4 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds (By 2 hours, 7 minutes and 47 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L98[19:27:31] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 6 hours, 51 minutes and 26 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.01065 (0.00213 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.02740816 more points to pass Spider ​EveryOS!
L99[20:03:04] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:3285:a9ff:fe40:a36) (Quit: Leaving.)
L100[20:03:21] <Va​ur> %sip
L101[20:03:21] <MichiBot> You drink a gloopy currentcorn potion (New!). Vaur turns into an ocean water crocodile until someone turns off a lamp.
L102[20:28:23] <Amanda> %choose laptopnaptime?
L103[20:28:23] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Only if you stab Inari first.
L104[20:28:29] <Amanda> %stab @inari
L105[20:28:29] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is trying to stab @inari! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L106[20:28:53] <MichiBot> Amanda is stabbing @inari with a letter from a catboy ninja with every sentencing ending in "nya" for 1d12 => 6 damage! The letter from a catboy ninja with every sentencing ending in "nya" fell into a vat of radioactive goo.
L107[20:50:57] ⇨ Joins: JustTheAlan (~JustTheAl@
L108[20:51:09] ⇦ Quits: JustTheAlan (~JustTheAl@ (Client Quit)
L109[20:58:18] <Forec​aster> %sip
L110[20:58:18] <MichiBot> You drink an eroded aluminium potion (New!). It sounds like someone is dragging a large metal axe along the floor nearby... Wait, now the sound is gone...
L111[20:58:31] <Forec​aster> Not again...
L112[20:58:48] <Va​ur> %sip
L113[20:58:49] <MichiBot> You drink a forbidden ruby potion (New!). When Vaur brings the bottle down they see A Water colored plastic flamingo. It stares into their soul.
L114[21:06:31] <ninte​ndo DS> can an sound card play an mp3?
L115[21:06:38] <ninte​ndo DS> * opencomputers sound card play an mp3?
L116[21:21:39] ⇨ Joins: m4xifl3x (~m4xifl3x@
L117[21:22:29] <Forec​aster> No
L118[21:27:15] ⇦ Quits: m4xifl3x (~m4xifl3x@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L119[21:46:45] <Va​ur> %sip
L120[21:46:46] <MichiBot> You drink a shining tuna potion (New!). Vaur: Nothing seemed to happen...
L121[22:31:51] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable ruby potion
L122[22:31:51] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable ruby potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a platinum lava until hell has a nice fall.
L123[22:32:29] * Amanda searches for where she left her bucket
L124[22:39:03] <Forec​aster> D:
L125[22:39:08] <Forec​aster> My bed!
L126[22:44:45] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef1fd9000fb4392994147df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L127[22:46:58] ⇦ Quits: uis (~uis@ (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in)
L128[22:47:09] ⇨ Joins: uis (~uis@
L129[23:10:28] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@node-1w7jr9qtt7xxfnb9mqivdau0n.ipv6.telus.net)
L130[23:29:37] ⇦ Quits: Izzy (~izzy@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L131[23:29:38] ⇨ Joins: Izzy_ (~izzy@
L132[23:33:34] <Pea​chy> Can anyone remind me how to find out the methods and functions of components? I can't remember for the life of me how to do it.
L133[23:33:54] <Pea​chy> or if there is a list somewhere for example gpu, computer, redstone functions.
L134[23:36:56] <Hawk777> There are some APIs in https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:component
L135[23:36:59] <Hawk777> component.methods for example
L136[23:37:17] <Hawk777> For documentation they should all be here https://ocdoc.cil.li/
L137[23:38:14] <Pea​chy> Oh excilent, thanks 🙂
L138[23:41:54] <Corded> > <ff​_66> well, offroad capabilities are the only differences an SUV …
L139[23:41:54] <Ocawes​ome101> very late but [subaru begs to differ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TmBibFdMIRU). most SUVs have no sport _or_ utility advantages nowadays. wagons and minivans fit more people more efficiently, and both drive and ride better. even sedans can offroad very effectively--albeit not the lowered sporty ones.
L140[23:54:20] <Izzy_> subaru sedans and station wagons can 4WD better than most SUVs
L141[23:54:40] <Izzy_> on account of actually being designed for it, rather than being body kits for hatchbacks :^)
L142[23:55:16] <Izzy_> disappointing to see the foresters and outbacks growing so much though
L143[23:55:27] <Izzy_> current outback is the size of my sister's ~2004 forester
L144[23:58:34] *** Izzy_ is now known as Izzy
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