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L1[00:51:34] <Amanda> Right, time for zzzmews
L2[00:51:37] <Amanda> Night girls
L3[01:26:39] <Corded> > <Kristo​pher38> Why do you want to read a whole 1MB file anyway?
L4[01:26:39] <micr​owave> so im working on a program for zipping directories
L5[01:26:47] <micr​owave> so far the compression works flawlessly
L6[01:26:57] <micr​owave> and i can easily zip and compress directories
L7[01:27:15] <micr​owave> i just cant seem to figure out how to unzip them without filling up the RAM instantly
L8[01:28:32] <micr​owave> i would like to be able to read like in chunks of 65535 bytes
L9[01:29:25] <micr​owave> but the problem is that my program uses special strings to determine where file metadata is stored, where the file content is, and where the entire chunk is
L10[01:30:03] <micr​owave> so if it gets split in the middle of the file data (or god forbid in the middle of the metadata header) it wouldn't be able to unzip it
L11[01:30:15] <micr​owave> one idea i had was to try and find a way to seek around in a file
L12[01:30:26] <micr​owave> i just cant find any documentation on something like that somehow
L13[01:30:29] <micr​owave> not in OC at least
L14[01:32:31] <micr​owave> ok nevermind i looked the tiniest bit harder and saw this so https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715304751048.png
L15[01:40:37] <Izzy> would be curious to see your file format
L16[01:40:50] <micr​owave> its an abomination
L17[01:41:08] <micr​owave> i do GUIs normally, not compression algorithms
L18[01:41:24] <micr​owave> i guess its a nice break from manually changing pixel values for hours
L19[01:43:18] <micr​owave> i could probably improve it if i just ditched the way im compressing entirely
L20[01:43:29] <micr​owave> and used a zipping algorithm that already exists
L21[01:43:34] <micr​owave> and then compressed the result from that
L22[01:43:40] <Corded> > <micr​owave> and used a zipping algorithm that already exists
L23[01:43:40] <micr​owave> something like tar
L24[01:44:04] <micr​owave> friend of mine tested it and he achieved average compression ratios of around ~3.3 iirc
L25[01:44:32] <Izzy> not bad
L26[01:44:49] <Izzy> I halve file sizes compressing mtar files with LZ16
L27[01:45:04] <Corded> > <micr​owave> friend of mine tested it and he achieved average compressio…
L28[01:45:05] <micr​owave> in contrast, my current zipping algorithm doesnt get anywhere near this
L29[01:45:09] <micr​owave> its so inefficient
L30[01:45:16] <micr​owave> doesnt help that the data card has a max data input
L31[01:45:36] <Izzy> I think lunar_sam found this one but
L32[01:45:37] <Izzy> https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/lib/lzss.lua
L33[01:45:41] <Izzy> LZSS compressor
L34[01:46:28] <Izzy> oh, with docs https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-misc/src/branch/master/lz16
L35[01:46:32] <micr​owave> what kind of ratios does it get
L36[01:46:38] <Izzy> scratch that that's my wrapper
L37[01:46:56] <Izzy> like I said, I'm using small blocks and halving the size for Lua code input
L38[01:47:12] <Izzy> if one were to use bigger blocks it would increase the memory requirements but likely significantly improve it
L39[01:47:52] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> like I said, I'm using small blocks and halving the size fo…
L40[01:47:52] <micr​owave> i have adapted my program to be able to efficiently compress lua code
L41[01:48:02] <micr​owave> its actually pretty nice to have
L42[01:48:24] <micr​owave> my lib has a built-in function for automatically decompressing the program into RAM and then running the code
L43[01:48:37] <Izzy> mtar uses 2KiB blocks by default
L44[01:49:00] <Izzy> as to not choke computers with 256K memory
L45[01:49:26] <micr​owave> i saw this tar library but
L46[01:49:26] <micr​owave> https://github.com/mpmxyz/ocprograms/blob/master/home/bin/tar.lua
L47[01:49:28] <micr​owave> problem is
L48[01:49:50] <micr​owave> i would have to sort out the stuff i need (creating and extracting tar files) from the stuff thats basically baked into the code
L49[01:49:53] <micr​owave> like user input
L50[01:50:02] <micr​owave> since its a lib and a shell program all in one file
L51[01:50:27] <Izzy> think I posted this the other day but https://shadowkat.net/tmp/bb94.png
L52[01:50:55] <lunar_sam> i either use cpio or whatever stupid thing i've rolled myself this week in OC because of metadata overhead :v
L53[01:51:00] <Izzy> .lss files are compressed with LZ16 using a 2K block size
L54[01:51:30] <micr​owave> i really just need a library that can reliably pack a directory into a file
L55[01:51:47] <micr​owave> i can chunk down my data and compress it with my lib (its already implemented)
L56[01:52:02] <Izzy> heh
L57[01:52:29] <Izzy> if I'd ever bothered to write the PsychOS mtar frontend library I'd have something to throw at you
L58[01:52:38] <Corded> > <micr​owave> i can chunk down my data and compress it with my lib (its a…
L59[01:52:39] <micr​owave> i told myself at the beginning that i would try and use as little outside code as possible
L60[01:53:19] <micr​owave> 3 of these 5 are libs made by other people (properly licensed/credited of course) https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715305999492.png
L61[01:53:43] <micr​owave> data card pissed me off so bad that i decided to just use external libraries for md5 and crc
L62[01:53:55] <micr​owave> and at this point im primarily relying on lzw compression
L63[01:54:06] <Izzy> it's also a hardware requirement that can be avoided
L64[01:54:13] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> it's also a hardware requirement that can be avoided
L65[01:54:13] <micr​owave> yeah
L66[01:54:21] <micr​owave> data cards are annoying imo
L67[01:54:21] <Izzy> need that card slot for another GPU
L68[01:54:26] <micr​owave> they take up a precious card slot
L69[01:54:42] <micr​owave> something that i could use for a internet card or a wireless network card for example
L70[01:54:44] <micr​owave> or a T3 GPU
L71[01:55:08] * Izzy nods
L72[01:55:18] <Izzy> I normally use T2 machines for workstations
L73[01:55:32] <Izzy> T2 APU, T2 GPU, wired network card
L74[01:55:58] <Izzy> no space for a data card in such a setup
L75[01:56:24] <micr​owave> normally i run my code in creative so if i accidentally rm -rf `/lib` i dont lose my mind having to redo it (i did that yesterday when trying to delete the dir `/home/lib`
L76[01:56:26] <micr​owave> * `/home/lib`)
L77[01:57:16] <micr​owave> i have actually considered using a file in `/tmp` for compression just to save on RAM and instead use disk
L78[01:57:21] <micr​owave> but its too slow for my algorithm
L79[01:58:36] <micr​owave> anyway ima go back to losing my damn mind over writing code that probably wont work anyway (just to find a library that does exactly what i want after hours)
L80[02:19:24] <micr​owave> question
L81[02:19:30] <micr​owave> if i open a file in append mode
L82[02:19:39] <micr​owave> then set the position to the start of the file
L83[02:19:50] <micr​owave> if i try to write to the file will it write at the very beginning
L84[02:29:35] <micr​owave> yeah doesnt look like it https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715308175216.png
L85[02:29:51] <micr​owave> unless i give it a newline at the beginning to consume
L86[02:30:56] <micr​owave> ok i cant give it a newline https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715308256687.png
L87[02:31:38] <micr​owave> only other way is to read the entire file into a table of lines and then add an entry at the beginning
L88[02:31:45] <micr​owave> which is exactly what im trying to avoid
L89[02:34:38] <Corded> > <micr​owave> which is exactly what im trying to avoid
L90[02:34:38] <Watc​hful> try reading the whole file, then add your text to the beginning of the string and add a \n after it
L91[02:34:52] <micr​owave> reading the entire file is the issue
L92[02:34:57] <micr​owave> this file is a few bytes
L93[02:35:09] <micr​owave> in reality this needs to work for multiple MB files
L94[02:35:28] <micr​owave> and with OC's RAM limitations i need to be as careful as possible about reading the full files
L95[02:35:47] <Watc​hful> well append cant do that
L96[02:35:54] <Watc​hful> append by definition is add to end so
L97[02:36:05] <micr​owave> yeah
L98[02:36:36] <micr​owave> is there any other way without having to read the whole file
L99[02:36:40] <lunar_sam> i made an xxhash implementation
L100[02:36:52] <Corded> > <micr​owave> is there any other way without having to read the whole file
L101[02:36:53] <micr​owave> actually
L102[02:36:54] <micr​owave> i have an idea
L103[02:36:57] <micr​owave> chunk the file
L104[02:37:04] <micr​owave> read it in like 2 KB chunks
L105[02:37:17] <micr​owave> concatenate the header to the first chunk
L106[02:37:21] <micr​owave> then write that back to the file
L107[02:37:24] <micr​owave> and continue
L108[02:37:38] <micr​owave> doesnt read the whole file, but still concatenates the header at the beginning
L109[02:37:42] <micr​owave> might be slow though
L110[02:38:01] <Corded> > <micr​owave> read it in like 2 KB chunks
L111[02:38:01] <micr​owave> probably gonna be 65535 byte chunks
L112[02:38:04] <micr​owave> because i can
L113[02:39:42] <Izzy> filesystem components have a max size you can read
L114[02:39:44] <Izzy> and IIRC it's 2KiB
L115[02:39:53] <micr​owave> what.
L116[02:40:22] <Izzy> the io (or fs?) library abstracts that away
L117[02:40:29] <Izzy> so to read 8K it would do 4 reads
L118[02:40:51] <micr​owave> fs components i understand
L119[02:41:04] <micr​owave> the fs library idk
L120[02:41:27] <Izzy> point is, there's no penalty for doing <max block size> reads vs larger ones
L121[02:49:55] <micr​owave> ok this is really unoptimized code https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715309395441.png
L122[02:49:57] <micr​owave> untested too
L123[02:50:22] <micr​owave> but im trying to read the files in chunks and then if its the first one then put the header data there
L124[02:50:30] <micr​owave> else just put the data where it belongs
L125[02:51:08] <micr​owave> and then instead of store it all in RAM and use up MBs of RAM, write it to a temp file and then bring it back into `filePath` in chunks
L126[02:51:33] <micr​owave> this is a terrible idea when it comes to files that are larger than the harddrive itself
L127[02:51:57] <micr​owave> but why in that case you wouldnt have enough space to store the compressed file anyway
L128[02:51:59] <micr​owave> so i dont care
L129[03:01:49] <Ocawes​ome101> i was just idly thinking about this, related a (very different) project i'm working on. i came up with a solution that doesn't involve two files
L130[03:02:57] <Ocawes​ome101> ... it does require being able to open the file in `r+` mode though, which i don't think OC can do. but you might(?) be able to have two handles for the same file?
L131[03:06:29] <Ocawes​ome101> tl;dr to insert a string `data` at the beginning of a file: set `n` to length of `data` rounded up to 512. open file, seek to end. progressively move chunks of the file forward by: `seek` backward `n` bytes, read `n` bytes as `chunk`, `seek` backward `n - #data` bytes, write `chunk` to file, seek backward `n + #data` bytes, etc
L132[03:12:17] <Ocawes​ome101> @microwave here's a potential way to do it, you might need two file handles to read/write to the same file though. i don't believe OC supports the `r+` file mode. https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715310737030.lua
L133[03:12:21] <Ocawes​ome101> proof it works https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1715310741653.png
L134[03:43:34] ⇨ Joins: Vigilante (webchat@
L135[03:44:01] <Vigilante> hi can i ask a question
L136[03:49:08] * Izzy waits
L137[04:40:31] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonk
L138[04:40:31] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Spider EveryOS, you were not able to beat Vaur's record of 8 hours, 13 minutes and 58 seconds this time. 8 hours, 9 minutes and 30 seconds were wasted! Missed by 4 minutes and 28 seconds!
L139[04:41:09] <Spider ​EveryOS> Shucks, my clock said 0:40 and I misread it as 1:30
L140[04:41:16] <Spider ​EveryOS> * 1:40
L141[04:42:31] <Va​ur> %sip
L142[04:42:31] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted rød potion (New!). Vaur barely manages to catch a green shell that appears in front of them! (Rem. uses: 3)
L143[04:52:17] <Spider ​EveryOS> %sip
L144[04:52:17] <MichiBot> You drink a safe jumbonium potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! It sent a message to all of Spider EveryOS's friends telling them that they love them!
L145[05:02:06] <Forec​aster> %sip redacted rød
L146[05:02:06] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted red potion (New!). Forecaster sees the sky briefly flash solid dark blue then go back to normal.
L147[05:02:20] <Forec​aster> What
L148[05:05:23] ⇦ Quits: Vigilante (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L149[05:26:34] <Forec​aster> %sip redacted rød
L150[05:26:34] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted red potion. Forecaster sees the sky briefly flash solid dark blue then go back to normal.
L151[05:26:44] <Forec​aster> 😐
L152[05:41:18] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:b6b3:8c5:da68:394b)
L153[05:52:43] <Re​nno> Izaya: how does you transaction thing work with Merlins card?
L154[05:52:58] <Re​nno> is there any confirmation of payment?
L155[05:53:09] <Re​nno> it seems to return ``nil, some-uuid`` everytime
L156[06:12:12] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:b6b3:8c5:da68:394b) (Quit: Leaving.)
L157[06:40:22] <Izzy> if it goes through it triggers an event with that UUID
L158[06:41:45] <Va​ur> %sip redacted rød potion
L159[06:41:45] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted red potion. Vaur sees the sky briefly flash solid dark blue then go back to normal.
L160[06:42:53] <Va​ur> well, I guess rip those shells
L161[07:10:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef0115008404ebbb91fb1620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L162[07:10:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L163[07:11:27] <Va​ur> %sip
L164[07:11:27] <MichiBot> You drink a solid salmon potion (New!). A sudden craving for soup occupies Vaur's thoughts until they have some bacon.
L165[08:36:31] ⇨ Joins: nyancat (~nyancat@79-139-242-71.dynamic.spd-mgts.ru)
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L167[09:18:53] <Va​ur> %sip
L168[09:18:53] <MichiBot> You drink a warm rubium potion (New!). Vaur suddenly craves cake.
L169[11:06:17] * Amanda meows and looks around
L170[11:43:23] <Forec​aster> %sip
L171[11:43:23] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery pussplum potion (New!). A warp zone opens up next to Forecaster. (Use %warp to jump in)
L172[11:43:30] <Forec​aster> %warp
L173[11:43:30] <MichiBot> You end up in a dimension that is just an endless field of flowers.
L174[11:43:46] <Forec​aster> Oh no, I'm allergic to fields!
L175[11:43:53] <Va​ur> %sip
L176[11:43:53] <MichiBot> You drink a diluted red potion (New!). Vaur gains the ability to see previously unseen bricks until they tonk.
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L241[12:10:34] swepipe.esper.net sets mode: +v on Forecaster
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L331[12:37:01] <Þe​ros> what on earth
L332[12:46:47] <as​ie> Netsplit!
L333[12:46:54] <as​ie> A classic IRC issue
L334[12:58:18] <Vaur> %tonkout
L335[12:58:19] <MichiBot> Shoot! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 8 hours, 13 minutes and 58 seconds (By 3 minutes and 48 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L336[12:58:20] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.008 tonk points! plus 0.014 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.3538082, Position #2 Need 0.3364218 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L337[12:58:41] <Va​ur> %sip
L338[12:58:41] <MichiBot> You drink a chewy pear potion (New!). Oh no, Vaur got a health potion, there's probably a boss fight coming!
L339[13:14:49] <Vaur> %sip
L340[13:14:50] <MichiBot> You drink a thick yellow potion (New!). Vaur suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L341[13:33:13] <Forec​aster> A big split this time
L342[13:50:38] <Þe​ros> is there a way to pull an entire directory with wget
L343[13:56:38] <Corded> > <Mich​iBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.00…
L344[13:56:39] <Spider ​EveryOS> Don't spend all your points in one place
L345[14:11:20] <Corded> > <Spider ​EveryOS> Don't spend all your points in one place
L346[14:11:20] <Va​ur> can't spend them sadly, they only get stolen by thiefs
L347[14:11:52] <Va​ur> https://tenor.com/view/gollum-lotr-filthy-little-thieves-gif-23309544
L348[14:40:27] <Forec​aster> They're about as valuable as crypto! 😄
L349[14:47:56] <Forec​aster> %sip
L350[14:47:57] <MichiBot> You drink a tacky blue potion (New!). Forecaster gains knowledge about a random useless subject.
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L352[15:09:48] <Corded> > <Þe​ros> is there a way to pull an entire directory with wget
L353[15:09:48] <Þe​ros> is this a no
L354[15:18:23] <Va​ur> %sip
L355[15:18:23] <MichiBot> You drink a dashed amethyst potion (New!). Vaur turns into a rubium bear until they stop thinking about it.
L356[15:20:39] <Corded> > <Þe​ros> is this a no
L357[15:20:39] <Forec​aster> Not with one call
L358[15:21:18] <Þe​ros> ok
L359[15:21:31] <Þe​ros> thank you for the answer
L360[17:32:52] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L361[17:32:52] <MichiBot> Yay! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 34 minutes and 33 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L362[17:32:53] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 34 minutes and 33 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00458 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L363[17:34:54] ⇦ Parts: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org) ())
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L365[17:38:49] <Amanda> %choose ☢️ or 🍄
L366[17:38:49] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A wizard is never late, and sometimes engages in some "🍄".
L367[17:44:03] <kill​zoms> @Forecaster can I advertise a multiplayer hacking simulator game?
L368[18:07:55] <Forec​aster> Uh
L369[18:08:27] <Forec​aster> Is it relevant to OpenComputers?
L370[18:09:07] <Forec​aster> Also MichiBot no promoting wizard drugs please
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L375[19:33:50] <Amanda> It's raining, so I must %splash @Forecaster with mutable aqua potion
L376[19:33:52] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable aqua potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a bavarium octopus girl until hell freezes over.
L377[19:37:49] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> Is it relevant to OpenComputers?
L378[19:37:49] <kill​zoms> it has scripting via Miniscript, but No not really relevant
L379[19:42:46] <Spider ​EveryOS> %sip
L380[19:42:46] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted blue potion (New!). It tastes salty.
L381[19:43:58] <Elfi> Hey Forecaster, is coffee fixed yet
L382[19:48:54] <Amanda> Nope
L383[19:49:04] * Amanda beams a mug of coffee next to her for Elfi though
L384[19:49:46] <Amanda> MichiBot's CI alerts in #MichiBot when it's ran, and there hasn't been a run since Michiyo added the quote ignoring
L385[20:11:33] <Forec​aster> Dangit
L386[20:13:25] <Corded> > <kill​zoms> it has scripting via Miniscript, but No not really relevant
L387[20:13:25] <Forec​aster> You'll have to ask one of the admins then
L388[20:14:21] <Forec​aster> Amanda quit turning me into sea creatures D:<
L389[20:14:50] <Amanda> I'm just choosing the potion, I don't know what they do until they hit you! :D
L390[20:15:09] <Amanda> not my fault michibot keeps using unstable ingredients so they're different
L391[20:16:42] <Forec​aster> It's still your fault even if you don't choose the outcome >:
L392[20:17:01] <Amanda> sounds like someone wants another splash!
L393[20:17:57] <Forec​aster> Well, it's difficult to move around with octopus legs, so yes
L394[20:18:26] <Amanda> Okie~ %splash @Forecaster with mutable octiron potion
L395[20:18:26] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable octiron potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a shark girl until they say the word "Technically".
L396[20:18:39] <Amanda> Elfi! Shork!
L397[20:18:51] <Forec​aster> This isn't better! Technically!
L398[20:18:59] <Amanda> Elfi! Never mind!
L399[20:19:36] <Forec​aster> < - <
L400[20:21:11] <Amanda> %choose factory or wasteland or something else
L401[20:21:11] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby lamp suddenly screams "factory!" such that it's barely audible.
L402[20:22:49] <Amanda> %choose factory; 2d or 3d
L403[20:22:50] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: 2d factory
L404[20:23:06] <Forec​aster> Also seriously michibot, two sea creatures in a row? 😐
L405[20:23:17] <Amanda> She's craving seafood, I guess
L406[20:25:01] <Forec​aster> That's the worst reason!
L407[20:25:29] <Amanda> %choose laptopnaptime?
L408[20:25:29] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Boo! No!
L409[20:25:33] <Amanda> Boo! Yes!
L410[20:34:24] <Forec​aster> I agree! *Goes to bed*
L411[21:08:54] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L412[21:08:54] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable unobtanium potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a lizard boy until hell has a nice fall.
L413[21:09:08] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> ... At least it's not a sea creature.
L414[21:20:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef0115008404ebbb91fb1620.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L415[21:33:50] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/K1TQzDiv80K4I9tEb8ydIlGIyw3PDugpIncSMowq/0b03e8f2-4344-4ab8-9dd2-ddbc28723b59.png
L416[21:34:00] <lunar_sam> messing with unmanaged disks again
L417[22:03:35] <Izzy> https://shadowkat.net/tmp/4258.png
L418[22:18:08] <Amanda> Izzy is engaging in the dark arts
L419[22:18:11] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> It appears that bots are now marked with 'APP' instead.
L420[22:18:17] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> Just noticed that.
L421[22:19:22] <Amanda> How dare they!
L422[22:19:39] <Izzy> Lies and slander.
L423[22:20:52] <Izzy> Amanda: did you know you can store sudoers rules in LDAP?
L424[22:21:50] <Amanda> You can't, that's dark magicks
L425[22:22:35] <Izzy> https://shadowkat.net/tmp/4dcb.png
L426[22:25:57] <nadja> Izzy: You can and it's *such* a bad idea :D
L427[22:26:05] <Hawk777> You can also store SSH authorized keys in not-a-file. AuthorizedKeysCommand!
L428[22:26:21] <nadja> We do that, that's fine and fun
L429[22:26:29] <Izzy> yup! see that I didn't log in with a password, and there's no authorized keys file
L430[22:26:37] <Hawk777> Figured you might have done that.
L431[22:26:59] <Izzy> nadja: I figured it was a bad idea, but what's your take on it?
L432[22:27:03] * Izzy is just fucking around with it
L433[22:29:56] <Amanda> A fun thing with authentik is it has support for hosting a ldap view into it's IAM data
L434[22:30:42] <Amanda> Alex has his homelab setup to use that with Sssd
L435[22:35:00] <CompanionCube> Izzy: i mean, ldap is inherently some level of bad, so
L436[22:35:58] <Izzy> absolutely
L437[22:36:02] <Izzy> LDAP is an infohazard
L438[22:40:54] <nadja> Izzy: LDAP is much more prone to break than flatfiles and being locked out of your server because you can't fix its networking without a running network is special kinds of bad
L439[22:42:11] <Amanda> Friendly reminder that Facebook had to take a grinder to a server rack locker when their DNS failed and their central ldap died
L440[22:42:24] <Izzy> wild
L441[22:44:21] <Izzy> nadja: v true
L442[22:44:43] <Izzy> but to provide accounts for my neice and nephew I think it will be good
L443[22:44:59] <nadja> Yeah, I guess
L444[22:45:31] <Izzy> though my original reason for trying was uhhhhh accounts across multiple services (prosody, pleroma, etc)
L445[22:45:49] <nadja> It's nice for shared access nodes where you have users that can log in to any node and expect stuff to just work, but those users so rarely need sudo
L446[23:11:42] * Amanda boops nadja, meows
L447[23:18:38] <snail​cat69> https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1185549277506834432.gif?size=160
L448[23:18:55] <Izzy> delicious
L449[23:19:19] <snail​cat69> it is
L450[23:19:39] <snail​cat69> https://tenor.com/view/wizard-cat-magus-cat-witch-cat-wicca-wiccan-gif-26941843
L451[23:24:35] <Izzy> unsettling
L452[23:27:36] <Amanda> Is that a factorio biter?
L453[23:27:46] <Amanda> (the first one)
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