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Stuff goes here
L1[01:01:50] <Amanda> %choose space or dream
L2[01:01:50] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I sense some "dream" in your future!
L3[01:02:04] <Amanda> Of course, but how far in the future?
L4[01:03:30] * Amanda suddenly yawns
L5[01:03:34] <Amanda> Guess soon
L6[01:03:57] * Amanda lays her head on her flank, smooshing Elfi into the floof, does a heccen zzzearflick
L7[01:04:29] <Amanda> Night girls
L8[02:04:03] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonk time probably?
L9[02:04:04] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Spider ​EveryOS! You beat walks​anator's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 38 minutes and 26 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L10[02:04:05] <MichiBot> Spider EveryOS's new record is 4 hours, 38 minutes and 26 seconds! Spider EveryOS also gained 0.00464 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.280436 more points to pass Va​ur!
L11[02:12:09] <MicroCo​in#1397> ThePiGuy24: Hi.
L12[03:21:43] <coolb​ot100s> TIS-3D question.
L13[03:21:43] <coolb​ot100s> Is there a way to carry or store a lot of values quickly?
L14[03:21:43] <coolb​ot100s> if I for instance wanted to store 576 specific values into ram, is there any shortcut or way of getting thoes values from my notepad onto a ram/rom module?
L15[03:24:50] <Izzy> I don't know about supported, but for unsupported, if there's keyboard input, xdotool? :D
L16[03:51:10] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> I don't know about supported, but for unsupported, if there…
L17[03:51:10] <coolb​ot100s> yeah that's one option, for keyboard input there's the terminal, but that outputs [page 437](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437) values and can only accept 40 character strings at a time.
L18[03:51:51] <Izzy> might be able to rig up a punched card reader equivalent with xdotool
L19[03:52:10] <coolb​ot100s> it also doesn't seem to let you use windows `alt+numpad` inputs
L20[03:54:33] <ThePiGuy24> @microcoin_1397 hi?
L21[03:54:55] <MicroCo​in#1397> : )
L22[03:55:56] <ThePiGuy24> man; tmux is doing some real fucky shit currently
L23[04:15:51] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:a7ad:63c6:d3aa:6246)
L24[04:22:50] <ThePiGuy24> it was not tmux; it was lxterminal reading my locale incorrectly
L25[04:25:22] <ThePiGuy24> now what the fuck was i trying to do before i got distracted by fucked up unicode rendering?
L26[04:26:35] <ThePiGuy24> ah yes, continuing to piss about with the pi pico that i have embedded into my pinephones keyboard
L27[05:05:12] <Forec​aster> %sip
L28[05:05:12] <MichiBot> You drink a diluted ferozium potion (New!). Forecaster turns into a lizard girl until someone turns on a lamp and then off again.
L29[05:05:22] <Forec​aster> Dangit
L30[05:05:42] <Forec​aster> Well it's better than a fish
L31[05:09:05] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1714021745025.jpg
L32[05:23:15] <Spider ​EveryOS> https://paste.pc-logix.com/cumaladaqu
L33[05:24:13] <Spider ​EveryOS> Any answer you choose will contradict itself
L34[05:26:22] <Mim​iru> Congrats, you correctly identified a Self-Referential Paradox.
L35[05:27:49] <Corded> > <Mic​hiyo> Congrats, you correctly identified a Self-Referential Parad…
L36[05:27:50] <Spider ​EveryOS> I guess I learned about something new today 😅
L37[05:37:50] ⇦ Quits: reborn (reborn@reborn.my.id) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L38[05:40:58] <Forec​aster> Yes it's a paradox
L39[05:44:41] ⇨ Joins: reborn (reborn@reborn.my.id)
L40[05:50:57] <Corded> > <Spider ​EveryOS> Any answer you choose will contradict itself
L41[05:50:57] <Na​dja> It's an overly complex variant of the liar paradox ("this statement is false"). You can give a philosophical answer but there is no mathematically correct answer
L42[06:11:15] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef128000a93dc6178382fd5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L43[06:11:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L44[06:44:35] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:a7ad:63c6:d3aa:6246) (Quit: Leaving.)
L45[07:17:29] ⇦ Parts: CrazyEddy (~CrazyEddy@60-241-167-197.tpgi.com.au) ())
L46[07:17:29] ⇨ Joins: CrazyEddy (~CrazyEddy@60-241-167-197.tpgi.com.au)
L47[10:58:52] <Va​ur> %tonk
L48[10:58:52] <MichiBot> Zoinks! Va​ur! You beat Spider ​EveryOS's previous record of 4 hours, 38 minutes and 26 seconds (By 4 hours, 16 minutes and 21 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L49[10:58:53] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 8 hours, 54 minutes and 48 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.02135 (0.00427 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.290692 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L50[11:19:16] <Izzy> mmmmm https://files.bitbang.social/media_attachments/files/112/330/103/197/489/335/original/c3eb67d971ecfbdd.png
L51[11:47:21] * Amanda meows and looks around
L52[11:47:44] * Amanda spots a sleep paralysis demon above @Forecaster
L53[14:03:25] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable silver potion
L54[14:03:25] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable silver potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into an octiron fish girl until they tonk.
L55[14:03:50] <Amanda> Man, the mermaid enclosure sure is getting a lot of use lately _beams Fore_
L56[14:32:50] <Forec​aster> Dangit!
L57[14:32:58] <Forec​aster> >:
L58[14:37:44] <Forec​aster> Michibot why do you keep turning me into a fish D:<
L59[14:37:58] <Amanda> She must be hungry
L60[14:41:33] <Forec​aster> D:
L61[14:42:35] <Forec​aster> I'm just scales and bones!
L62[17:23:54] <Elfi> %splash Forecaster with diluted ferozium potion
L63[17:23:54] <MichiBot> You fling a diluted ferozium potion that splashes onto Forecaster. Forecaster turns into a lava girl until someone stops looking at them.
L64[17:24:04] <Elfi> Huh, it changed
L65[17:24:18] <Elfi> Guess the reset was sometime in the early hours
L66[17:31:35] <Amanda> nah, michibot keeps using unstable ingrediants and the potions are changing much too soon
L67[17:31:50] <Amanda> ( Read as: %blame @Forecaster )
L68[17:31:50] * MichiBot blames @Forecaster ) for the next person getting bap'd
L69[17:57:40] <Spider ​EveryOS> %bap @Forecaster
L70[17:57:40] <MichiBot> Spider EveryOS baps @Forecaster with the box of Crunchy Crunchy Cereal!
L71[18:09:09] <Forec​aster> D:
L72[19:19:50] <Na​dja> %pet @Forecaster poor fore
L73[19:19:50] <MichiBot> Nadja is petting @Forecaster with poor fore. @Forecaster regains 1d4 => 2 hit points!
L74[19:46:29] <Forec​aster> You probably don't want to pet lava
L75[19:55:15] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L76[19:55:16] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable salmon potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into an octopus boy until someone turns on a lamp and then off again.
L77[20:02:24] <Forec​aster> Should be %tonk time maybe I think
L78[20:02:24] <MichiBot> Yeah! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 8 hours, 54 minutes and 48 seconds (By 8 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L79[20:02:25] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 9 hours, 3 minutes and 32 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00135 (0.00015 x 9) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L80[21:30:08] <Amanda> @Forecaster since you were in the mermaid enclosure, I just assumed the enclosure got a new obsidian mermaid statue
L81[22:31:12] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef128000a93dc6178382fd5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L82[22:43:01] <Amanda> nadja: be like https://www.tumblr.com/yourplayersaidwhat/748588999973683200/context-my-kitsune-ranger-who-was-raised-by?source=share
L83[22:50:59] <Spider ​EveryOS> It'd be so awesome to be in a party with that character
L84[23:21:55] <S​3> Welp
L85[23:21:59] <S​3> Time to move to Canada
L86[23:22:07] <S​3> Oh waiit, Maine is already practically canada
L87[23:22:18] <S​3> We need to get as far away from the rest of the US as possible
L88[23:22:35] <S​3> Without going to alaska, we're probably as far as we can get
L89[23:22:50] <S​3> Otherwise we would have to go to the southern tip of florida and nobody wants to go there
L90[23:22:55] <S​3> There are alligators there.
L91[23:22:59] <S​3> And skunk apes
L92[23:24:10] <Elfi> What's all this aobut?
L93[23:24:51] <S​3> Thiss is aobut people being people.People are scary.
L94[23:25:35] <Elfi> Alright, I guess I'll hear about it eventually
L95[23:26:13] <Elfi> Whatever it is that pushed you over the threshold to start talking about it rapidly
L96[23:26:13] <S​3> Just more religious based law enforcement and such
L97[23:26:19] <Elfi> Ah, joy
L98[23:28:25] <S​3> I think it's funny how, while we were never perfect nor were our intentions ever perfect either, the united states has lately really found a way to give the middle finger to john lockeian principles that helped form the way we intended to implement law.
L99[23:29:36] <skit​tally> quick question, what irc server is linked to this channel?
L100[23:29:41] <S​3> People are pushing to introduce laws that try to control people, rather than providing freedoms, which is against how we originally intended.
L101[23:29:43] <S​3> esper net
L102[23:29:46] <skit​tally> danke
L103[23:30:26] ⇨ Joins: le_milk (~le_milk@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L104[23:30:39] ⇦ Quits: le_milk (~le_milk@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net) (Client Quit)
L105[23:31:20] <S​3> The shittiest part is that, now that I have been through college and gone to university, and studied political theory as my minor, it's like seeing history repeat itself once again. I've come to the conclusion that history is bound to repeat itself, whether you like it or not. Whether you learn it or not. It's going to repeat itself, it's
L106[23:31:20] <Corded> just a matter of when and how.
L107[23:33:49] ⇨ Joins: le_toad (~le_toad@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L108[23:35:23] <le_toad> do any public servers exist running oc?
L109[23:35:28] <S​3> And, this isn't meant to be an attack on christianity or anything, but the fascinating part is that, if we take our history of the world and set everything on the table, we could repeat the process where, we are just at the tip of how eveyrthing gets absolutely absurd, and everything becomes corrupted, and decades, centuries, perhaps
L110[23:35:28] <Corded> millenia later, christianity will end up falling along with civilization's corruption, and some new religion ends up taking its place that restores civilization- It's something that's happened several times, especially in the eastern world, and I always found that interesting.
L111[23:35:35] <S​3> Anywyas, I'm not here to talk about politics so
L112[23:35:58] <S​3> Do we still have our own server?
L113[23:36:05] <S​3> We used to have a PC-Logix server
L114[23:36:44] <le_toad> ah, i had not known
L115[23:36:53] <S​3> This was years ago
L116[23:37:22] <le_toad> quite sad
L117[23:37:49] <le_toad> you think hosting one might do well?
L118[23:38:18] <S​3> If you're interested, I would do it. I wouldn't break your bank to do it.
L119[23:39:24] <le_toad> id only be interested if we got a fair bit of people wanting to play on it
L120[23:39:35] <le_toad> whats the point of a server if it quickly dies?
L121[23:49:42] <S​3> I mean
L122[23:50:07] ⇦ Quits: le_toad (~le_toad@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L123[23:50:43] ⇨ Joins: le_toad (~le_toad@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L124[23:50:54] <S​3> I would play Minecraft but it's hard to do it consecutively being at my age with a family and a full time job
L125[23:51:13] <le_toad> fully understandable
L126[23:51:42] <S​3> In sure many of us that have been here as long as I have are in a similar boat.
L127[23:51:49] <S​3> I'm sure*
L128[23:52:27] <S​3> I tried tunning a sever recently and it lasted a couple of months
L129[23:54:22] <le_toad> hm
L130[23:54:44] <le_toad> longest server i have been able to host was 2 weeks
L131[23:55:55] <le_toad> ah it seems i must go, have a good time :3
L132[23:56:00] ⇦ Quits: le_toad (~le_toad@107-129-236-31.lightspeed.knvltn.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: le_toad)
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