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Stuff goes here
L1[00:32:58] ⇦ Quits: Nia (~nia@ayame.servers.aura.moe) (Quit: zzzz <3)
L2[00:41:35] ⇨ Joins: Nia (~nia@ayame.servers.aura.moe)
L3[01:06:30] <Spider ​EveryOS> I'm tired today, mostly just slacking off
L4[01:06:59] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonk
L5[01:06:59] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Spider ​EveryOS! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours, 6 minutes and 47 seconds (By 2 hours, 35 minutes and 56 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L6[01:07:00] <MichiBot> Spider EveryOS's new record is 6 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.0026 x 5 = 0.013)
L7[01:07:07] <Spider ​EveryOS> oh
L8[01:07:11] <Spider ​EveryOS> shoulda tonkout
L9[01:47:17] <Amanda> Eh, it's gone much higher before
L10[01:47:42] * Amanda pads around in a circle on @Nadja's lap, lays down for zzzmews
L11[01:47:45] <Amanda> Night girls
L12[02:04:03] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:f8e1:fa32:ffae:ca6d)
L13[03:08:44] <Forec​aster> Dangit Amanda
L14[05:01:34] <Forec​aster> %sip
L15[05:01:36] <MichiBot> You drink a redacted violium potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! It sent a message to all of Forecaster's friends telling them that they love them!
L16[05:05:24] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> Dangit Amanda
L17[05:05:25] <Mim​iru> Look up in the sky! Is it a bird? is it a plane? Nah.. it's a flying pig, so not a bird.
L18[06:18:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300EaEF050200Fa1b1c1C574D54ab.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L19[06:18:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L20[07:45:10] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:f8e1:fa32:ffae:ca6d) (Quit: Leaving.)
L21[09:05:54] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@2001:99a:2068:8c00:49c3:96a1:142a:4b61)
L22[11:00:52] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L23[11:00:54] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Forec​aster! You beat Spider ​EveryOS's previous record of 6 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds (By 3 hours, 11 minutes and 10 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L24[11:00:55] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 9 hours, 53 minutes and 53 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.02233 (0.00319 x 7) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2 => #1. (Overtook Vaur)
L25[11:43:53] <Amanda> Whose trebucheting pigs again!?
L26[11:44:49] * Amanda tucks in around Elfi, meows about the femby villain, and their transbian hero genius rival, who made a vr headset attached to a server rack
L27[11:45:05] <Amanda> Like the server rack is part of the headset
L28[11:52:31] * Amanda beams a mug of coffee next to herself, kept warm with an RTG for when Elfi awakes
L29[12:07:20] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@2001:99a:2068:8c00:49c3:96a1:142a:4b61) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L30[12:09:29] <Forec​aster> mm radioactive brew
L31[12:14:53] <Amanda> Hey, it was safe enough for the martian
L32[12:15:12] <Amanda> Ofc he used it as a jacoozi
L33[12:15:55] <Amanda> but Elfi likes to soak in the coffee cups I beam sometimes, so I figure same principal applies
L34[12:35:26] <Forec​aster> drinking radiactive water is vastly more dangerous than bathing in it
L35[12:38:50] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: update miranda
L36[12:39:54] <Amanda> Already working on it, danke though
L37[12:42:42] <Forec​aster> or are you?!
L38[13:05:33] <Amanda> and ofc updating miranda broke my loki instance.
L39[13:07:35] <Forec​aster> something has to break when updating
L40[13:20:48] <Amanda> %choose make it all work first or switch to tree while I'm stabbing
L41[13:20:48] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Somebody once told me to roll with "make it all work first"
L42[13:22:59] <Forec​aster> why would you do that
L43[13:23:06] <Forec​aster> trees are untrustworthy
L44[13:23:12] <Forec​aster> just standing around, not doing anything
L45[13:23:15] <Forec​aster> suspicous
L46[14:38:05] * Elfi is too eepy, just clings to Amanda's side and wingblankets
L47[14:45:42] * Amanda curls up around Elfi to protecc
L48[15:14:17] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@2001:99a:2068:8c00:506c:6172:834:fb30)
L49[15:19:02] ⇦ Quits: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L50[15:21:22] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
L51[17:21:00] <walks​anator> huh someone is porting the 1.16 port to pure java
L52[17:21:06] <walks​anator> and then they are going to bring it up to 1.19
L53[17:42:22] <Va​ur> %sip
L54[17:42:23] <MichiBot> You drink an aligned orange potion (New!). Vaur grows a tail from a golem until they see a star fall.
L55[17:45:09] <Corded> > <walks​anator> huh someone is porting the 1.16 port to pure java
L56[17:45:09] <Spider ​EveryOS> Who's doing that?
L57[17:45:09] <Spider ​EveryOS> Also, I was too tired yesterday to put much work in bringing cases over to 1.20 (all I got done yesterday was implementing the `quickMoveStack` method) and today I'm going to be busy so I dunno if I'll have much time to work on it
L58[17:48:22] <Corded> > <Spider ​EveryOS> Who's doing that?
L59[17:48:22] <Corded> Also, I was too tired yesterday to put mu…
L60[17:48:22] <walks​anator> https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenComputers/comments/1bwutww/comment/l05olz6/?context=3
L61[17:48:22] <walks​anator> https://github.com/Irchh/OpenComputers/tree/dev-MC1.16-noscala
L62[17:48:26] <walks​anator> %sip
L63[17:48:27] <MichiBot> You drink a tacky pink potion (New!). The bottle splits into two revealing a smaller Bald Apple potion.
L64[17:48:39] <walks​anator> %sip Bald Apple
L65[17:49:34] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable apple potion
L66[17:49:34] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable apple potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into an unobtanium water girl until they say the word "Wenk".
L67[17:51:26] <Corded> > <walks​anator> https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenComputers/comments/1bwutww/com���
L68[17:51:27] <Spider ​EveryOS> So what's the counter on current attempts to modernize OC, or at least parts of OC? Is that up to like 4?
L69[17:51:46] <walks​anator> no clue iirc Michi was counting
L70[17:51:53] <Spider ​EveryOS> %sip
L71[17:51:53] <MichiBot> You drink an invisible unobtanium potion (New!). Spider EveryOS turns into a mithril fox frog boy until someone turns off a lamp and then on again.
L72[17:52:18] <Spider ​EveryOS> fox frog? interesting...
L73[17:53:19] <walks​anator> %sip Bald Apple
L74[17:54:09] <Spider ​EveryOS> What is Bald Apple? I only know about Bad Apple but it's super mario soundfont
L75[17:54:29] <Spider ​EveryOS> Eh, I'm making bad jokes....
L76[17:56:20] <Spider ​EveryOS> My quickmove implementation ended up being rather long. I get the feeling I'm going to end up bringing it out to it's own file... https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1713462979708.png
L77[17:58:33] <Spider ​EveryOS> I still have no idea how to sync the power button state between server and client
L78[18:01:24] <Forec​aster> Dangit Amanda, now I'm all wet
L79[18:01:40] <Forec​aster> Like 100% liquid
L80[18:01:49] <Forec​aster> >:
L81[18:03:11] <Spider ​EveryOS> That's what mutable apple potion will do to you... at least the stop condition is pretty simple, assuming you can still say words in this form
L82[18:09:07] <Spider ​EveryOS> Don't original OC cases also highlight which slot items will be quickmoved to?
L83[18:09:07] <Spider ​EveryOS> It feels like the amount of work I have to do to implement increases faster than the pace I'm getting things done at
L84[18:09:56] <Redston​eParkour> it highlights slots where the item can be put into
L85[18:10:30] <Redston​eParkour> and shift-clicking a component will put it in the slot that exactly matches its tier, if possible
L86[18:11:24] <Corded> > <Redston​eParkour> and shift-clicking a component will put it in the slot that…
L87[18:11:24] <Spider ​EveryOS> Thanks. I didn't realize the exact match thing, looks like I'll have to do even more work on my quickmove reimplementation xD
L88[18:11:55] <Redston​eParkour> its so that shift-clicking a t2 card into a t3 pc won't use a t3 slot but a t2 slot if possible
L89[18:12:27] <walks​anator> does it re-organize cards
L90[18:12:38] <walks​anator> or does it take up the minimum acceptable level slot
L91[18:12:57] <Ocawes​ome101> does not move cards that are already in place
L92[18:15:35] <Spider ​EveryOS> Luckily, that should be pretty easy to implement, because I can just make an `isBetterMatch` method that I put into my loop.
L93[18:17:11] <Amanda> %choose waves; pressure or talky
L94[18:17:11] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: pressure waves
L95[18:17:18] <Amanda> Hrm
L96[18:17:32] <Amanda> That's not what I meant to ask, but ohw ell it works
L97[18:17:47] * Amanda puts on the dancy waves for herself, offers Elfi some fairy-sized headphones to listen as well
L98[18:18:42] <Spider ​EveryOS> Amanda: Is Elfi a fairy?
L99[18:18:49] <Amanda> Yes
L100[18:18:57] <Spider ​EveryOS> Ah, I didn't know xD
L101[19:00:25] <Amanda> %choose halucinate while ansible runs?
L102[19:00:25] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Oh yes, definitely!
L103[19:12:45] ⇦ Quits: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L104[19:29:27] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
L105[19:33:44] ⇦ Parts: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1) ())
L106[19:38:47] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org)
L107[20:03:06] <Forec​aster> I feel like few other creatures would be able to use fairy-sized things properly
L108[20:26:57] <Forec​aster> I adopted two cats today
L109[20:27:04] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1713472024592.jpg
L110[20:27:08] <Forec​aster> This is one of them
L111[20:28:47] <Amanda> Kitty!
L112[20:38:52] <Ocawes​ome101> kitty :D
L113[20:46:27] <walks​anator> kbitty
L114[20:46:45] <walks​anator> %sip Bald Apple
L115[20:46:45] <MichiBot> You drink a bald apple potion (New!). The bottle turns into a violium sling.
L116[21:10:45] ⇨ Joins: Evil_Buddy74 (~romeo@2a01:cb14:81b2:c400:41a0:8d48:24d0:e60)
L117[21:11:04] <Evil_Buddy74> Hi
L118[21:11:26] ⇦ Quits: Evil_Buddy74 (~romeo@2a01:cb14:81b2:c400:41a0:8d48:24d0:e60) (Client Quit)
L119[21:11:41] <Amanda> bye
L120[21:13:46] <Forec​aster> hibye
L121[21:19:45] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L122[21:19:45] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable quicksilver potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a weather goat until hell freezes over.
L123[21:24:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300EaEF050200Fa1b1c1C574D54ab.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L124[21:51:06] <IllegalArgum​entException> https://paste.pc-logix.com/evavasuhex
L125[22:11:20] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> What launcher are you using?
L126[22:11:32] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> You might be using an outdated version of Java.
L127[22:12:09] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> The Curseforge launcher uses a decade-old version, and doesn't have the option to use a newer version.
L128[22:12:21] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> I'd recommend a launcher like Prism.
L129[22:13:27] <Mim​iru> ^This, I'd have to see the whole error to confirm, butfrom the snippit there I'd bet on it being an SSL error from a very old JRE
L130[22:33:43] <Amanda> %choose iced creams ?
L131[22:33:43] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Maybe. In a few minutes.
L132[22:39:56] <Amanda> %give MichiBot three (4) lights
L133[22:39:56] * MichiBot accepts three (4) lights and adds it to their inventory
L134[22:40:47] <Amanda> Or should that be four (5) lights
L135[22:41:39] * Amanda kitteh-shrugs, curls back up around Elfi, debating considering getting her metrics down to only 4 alerts Good Enough™️
L136[22:42:05] <Amanda> It'll either be 4 or 3 alerts, I'm very low on spoons
L137[22:43:21] <Amanda> FINALLY
L138[22:49:14] <Amanda> kubernetes log scraping's busted, but I'm out of spoons, so that's a problem for tomorrow-amanda
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