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L1[00:16:07] <Re​nno> variable persistence in memory in robots is extremely weird
L2[00:17:32] <Re​nno> have been able to determine after only like a second or two at times integers inside of table variables (that have not been de-referenced) are being wiped at some point by what I'm assuming is garbage collection and on later retrieval it doesn't remember what they were so it returns 0
L3[00:21:48] <Kristo​pher38> @Renno do you have a reproducible example? I might have some time to look into it
L4[00:22:03] <Re​nno> I actually have two
L5[00:22:11] <Re​nno> will send it to you
L6[00:23:05] <Kristo​pher38> Sure, I'll try to check them out tomorrow if I'm not exhausted after work
L7[00:29:34] <Amanda> %choose halucinate or zzzmews
L8[00:29:34] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: You'll want to go with "zzzmews".
L9[00:39:36] * Amanda tucks into a singularity of floof around Elfi, burying her deep into the floofiverse, does a heccen zzzmew
L10[00:39:40] <Amanda> Night girls
L11[01:01:43] <Izzy> Is the cursed accidental fix still working?
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L22[02:25:19] <Re​nno> anyone know how to pass shell args and options through shell.execute from one binfile to another?
L23[02:27:08] <Izzy> if it takes args as separate arguments, just pass it the ...
L24[02:42:26] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L26[02:46:19] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L27[02:47:10] <Re​nno> I mean can I grab the string that has the arguments and options passed into the first file and then append that onto a shell.execute
L28[02:47:48] <Izzy> dunno about the raw string
L29[02:52:28] <Re​nno> turns out its very easy
L30[02:52:45] <Re​nno> its the ... thats passed into the file when its fun as a function
L31[02:55:17] <Izzy> yup, but as a semi-parsed table
L32[03:14:00] <Re​nno> I tested it and didn't get a table at all
L33[03:14:15] <Re​nno> it was just the tailing part of the string after the binfile name
L34[03:14:36] <Re​nno> also are robots not able to use .drop facing down?
L35[03:14:36] <Izzy> table is not a good way to put it
L36[03:15:12] <Re​nno> been trying to insert into a crate below it and it returns true but doesn't actually do anything
L37[03:15:22] <Izzy> when you do uhhh a.lua b c d it gives you a ... object of a, b, c and the usual way to deal with it is to wrap it in a table like {...}
L38[03:26:05] ⇨ Joins: cat2002 (~cat2002@ip98-180-239-146.cl.ri.cox.net)
L39[03:26:51] <cat2002> %tonk
L40[03:26:51] <MichiBot> cat​2002: You should probably read this: https://michibot.pc-logix.com/tonk
L41[03:27:59] <cat2002> %tonk 6E070
L42[03:27:59] <MichiBot> I'm sorry cat2002, you were not able to beat Spider EveryOS's record of 21 hours, 57 minutes and 43 seconds this time. 6 hours, 26 minutes and 21 seconds were wasted! Missed by 15 hours, 31 minutes and 22 seconds!
L43[03:28:53] <cat2002> I appear to have misunderstood the rules.
L44[03:44:32] ⇦ Quits: cat2002 (~cat2002@ip98-180-239-146.cl.ri.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L45[07:06:13] <Va​ur> %sip
L46[07:06:14] <MichiBot> You drink a stirring strawberry potion (New!). Vaur barely manages to catch a green shell that appears in front of them! (Rem. uses: 1)
L47[07:09:01] <Redston​eParkour> %sip stirring strawberry
L48[07:09:01] <MichiBot> You drink a stirring strawberry potion. RedstoneParkour barely manages to catch a green shell that appears in front of them! (Rem. uses: 0)
L49[07:42:56] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:a8a5:95d:d542:86) (Quit: Leaving.)
L50[08:32:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaEF2cB40093Af8EdC62724240.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L51[08:32:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L54[10:24:22] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: you should set up koreader on your tablet again
L55[10:30:24] <Forec​aster> I can't believe you would do such a thing
L56[10:30:28] <Saphire> Chirp
L57[10:30:53] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: also find that server in your fedi logs that was failing due to a cloud flare protection html and fediblock them so SH stops harassing me to check their boxes
L58[11:13:53] * Amanda meows and looks around
L59[11:30:20] ⇦ Quits: FatalMerlin (~fatalmerl@ip4d15759e.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L64[12:16:09] <Amanda> Hrm, seems there's only been two domains that got caught behind CF
L65[12:32:26] <stephan48> Amanda: you could run an initcontainer as root in the respective pods, setting iptables deny/reject rules up
L66[12:32:54] <stephan48> Crazy harebrained thought which occured just now
L67[12:33:37] <Amanda> Would that work though? I'd think that iptables wouldn't work in a non-privilged pod?
L68[12:35:22] <Amanda> huh, looks like it owuld work. istio uses this pattern for their sidecars, apparently
L69[12:44:44] <Amanda> oh nice, cloudflare's ips doesn't need auth. I could make a container with a shellscript that does this all and won't ever have to touch it again
L70[12:45:04] <Amanda> er, ips api
L71[12:47:05] <Amanda> "curl --request GET --url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/ips&quot; then I just need to parse it with jq, and turn that into a newline-seperated list of cidrs
L72[12:55:22] <Amanda> stephan48: uh... So I now have a couple of variables with newline-seperated cidr ranges, what does the iptables rules to deny egress to a range look like. 😅
L73[12:58:30] <Amanda> or should I use "ip route add blackhole "
L74[13:07:45] <Amanda> looks like "ip route add blackhole" isn't working, RTNETLINK says sno
L75[13:17:24] <Amanda> oh bah, the gotosocial helm chart I'm using doesn't support init containers.
L76[13:21:33] <Amanda> Let's wait and see what anxity prime says about https://github.com/fSocietySocial/charts/issues/7
L77[13:21:33] <MichiBot> Title: [gotosocial] Add support for arbitary initContainers | Posted by: AmandaCameron | Posted: Tue Mar 26 13:21:17 UTC 2024 | Status: open
L78[13:23:55] <Amanda> looks like containers need to be priviledged regardless
L79[14:04:30] ⇨ Joins: a (~a@87-207-194-244.dynamic.chello.pl)
L80[14:04:48] <a> seeeeeeeeeeeee
L81[14:04:50] ⇦ Quits: a (~a@87-207-194-244.dynamic.chello.pl) (Client Quit)
L82[14:12:20] <Forec​aster> eeendeed
L83[14:37:32] ⇨ Joins: FatalMerlin (~fatalmerl@2a02:8108:8440:f45:223:24ff:fee3:89fe)
L84[14:38:18] <Amanda> %remindme 30m poke alex to do the thing
L85[14:38:18] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "poke alex to do the thing" in 30m at 03/26/2024 03:08:18 PM
L86[14:49:03] <Forec​aster> Ohno
L87[14:49:11] <Forec​aster> Poor Alex
L88[15:08:18] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: poke alex to do the thing
L89[15:25:48] <Amanda> stephan48: Here's what I ended up with, now in a container in my git:
L90[15:25:49] <Amanda> ... long message truncated: https://matrix.camnet.site/_matrix/media/v3/download/camnet.site/XQXJzgZvbvEYTkreqmmfaJOr (14 lines)
L91[15:26:47] <stephan48> Btw do REJECT thats faster response
L92[15:26:53] <Amanda> ah
L93[15:26:55] <stephan48> On the host?
L94[15:27:40] <stephan48> DROP ist blackhole i.e. the connection needs to timeout a REJECT is an immediate nope, but only is good when you knoe you can trust the source ip
L95[15:28:42] <Amanda> stephan48: this is packaged as a container that I will be putting as an initContainer for any pods I want this behaviour on. I can't do it with the initial impidus yet, because apparently the helm chart for gotosocial I'm using doesn't have a field to set an initcontainer
L96[15:29:20] <Amanda> I'm not even sure if it'll work yet
L97[15:30:35] <Amanda> It seems to run fine with --privileged on a server, but I'vt not tried putting it on a pod yet
L98[15:33:18] * stephan48 nods
L99[15:33:35] <stephan48> Yup that solution is what i meant
L100[15:33:54] <Forec​aster> I also meant that solution
L101[15:35:08] <stephan48> mh. K3s does not have an easy kustomize controller.
L102[15:35:48] <stephan48> you can kustomize helmcharts on the fly i.e. to patch in the initcontainer
L103[15:36:08] <Amanda> oh?
L104[15:36:29] <Amanda> never heard of that
L105[15:38:38] <stephan48> https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/examples/chart.md
L106[15:38:58] <stephan48> And you could then use the normal kustomize patch stuff
L107[15:41:20] <Amanda> hrm, not sure how that'd interact with helmfile (https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile)
L108[15:43:34] <Amanda> looks like it supports kustomize-based deploys as well
L109[15:43:36] <Amanda> Might have to look into that later
L110[15:44:08] <stephan48> https://helmfile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-features/#adhoc-kustomization-of-helm-charts
L111[15:44:52] <stephan48> https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile/blob/main/test/advanced/helmfile.yaml#L30
L112[15:44:54] <stephan48> cool!
L113[15:46:00] * Amanda adds a todo list entry for investigating that further when she's more spoonful
L114[15:46:50] <Amanda> %choose cubes or continue staring at editor window
L115[15:46:50] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Out of these two choices? I'd say "cubes".
L116[15:47:00] <Amanda> hrm
L117[15:56:55] <Amanda> %choose halucinate?
L118[15:56:55] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I don't think I've heard of "halucinate", so probably not.
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L121[17:52:33] <Va​ur> %sip
L122[17:52:35] <MichiBot> You drink a warm chocolate potion (New!). Vaur gains knowledge about a random useless subject.
L123[19:08:08] ⇨ Joins: t22 (~t22@
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L125[19:46:18] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L126[19:46:19] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable quicksilver potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a fox boy until someone baps them.
L127[20:28:39] <Va​ur> %sip
L128[20:28:40] <MichiBot> You drink a powdery chocolate potion (New!). Vaur's bed is suddenly slightly more comfortable until they say the word "Wat".
L129[21:10:41] <Amanda> %choose pizza?
L130[21:10:41] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: "pizza" doesn't really seem like a good idea right now.
L131[21:10:51] <Amanda> Hrm
L132[21:11:03] * Amanda asks fae-fren Elfi instead
L133[21:27:20] * Amanda agrees with fae-fren Elfi, pizza sounds better
L134[21:30:45] * Elfi wants pizza... but she already put on rice
L135[21:33:57] <Mim​iru> With all the issues I'm having logging into the Square Enix site you'd think they announced the preorder for another FFXIV expansion...
L136[21:34:01] <Mim​iru> Oh..... right
L137[21:58:57] <Re​nno> so it seems the robot API for use can only be done on the forward face... why does it even allow you to use side as an argument?
L138[22:12:17] <Amanda> Are you sure you're using the right sides table? The fact that both relative and absolute sides enums use overlapping int ranges is a massive point of confusion
L139[22:20:07] <Izzy> also, for up and down, I think there are specific variants for each function where applicable
L140[22:22:00] <Izzy> HBA should arrive today \o/
L141[22:29:04] <gruetzkopf> which one did you end up with?
L142[22:32:41] * Amanda curls up around Elfi, her belly full of pizza, offers her some thin mints
L143[22:32:53] <Izzy> A SAS9207-8E with the SAS2308 chipset
L144[22:33:28] <Izzy> Was considering a 4i4e but eh
L145[22:42:10] <Amanda> Oh. The side argument might be for what side of the target block to interact with
L146[22:42:32] <Amanda> This use up/Down
L147[22:42:52] <Amanda> Thus*
L148[23:00:47] <Izzy> HBA has arrived, shadowkat.net services will be down for A While in 5-10 minutes
L149[23:03:39] <Re​nno> pretty sure I am using the right table
L150[23:03:46] <Re​nno> robot.use(sides.down)
L151[23:04:42] <Re​nno> all of the sides, up down left right back, return false always, only sides.front works
L152[23:06:05] <Izzy> try robot.useDown()
L153[23:08:17] <Amanda> Like I said, I'm guessing the side argument is for what side to interact with the block for, like how furnaces have sided inputs
L154[23:10:49] <Re​nno> robot.useDown() returns false
L155[23:12:24] <Re​nno> pretty odd that a hoe can only be used to till dirt on the front of the robot
L156[23:13:52] <Amanda> Are you doing literally robot.useDown() or are you passing a side? Again, I'm pretty sure the side is what side of the target block you're going to interact with and I'm guessing it's using absolute side enums
L157[23:14:07] <Mim​iru> Wouldn't that be because the robot is essentially a block?? So you're tryikng to use the hoe on a block under a block
L158[23:14:16] <Mim​iru> * trying to use the hoe on a block under a block
L159[23:14:45] <Amanda> That too
L160[23:14:46] <Re​nno> both
L161[23:14:54] <Re​nno> it doesn't work above it either
L162[23:14:59] <Amanda> Try from the bottom and useUp
L163[23:15:01] <Re​nno> or any direction, as I have said, other than forward
L164[23:16:07] <Amanda> I'm not not AFK enough for this.
L165[23:16:17] <Mim​iru> there are 3 functions, use, useUp, and useDown. the side argument doesn't effect which side it tries to use the block, it effects which side of the block it tries to use. so use(sides.up) tries to use the top of the block in front of you, not the block above.
L166[23:16:22] * Amanda loads up here tablet with some stories to read to Elfi
L167[23:16:38] <Mim​iru> use(sides.down) doesn't try to use the block below you, it tries to use the bottom of the block in front of you
L168[23:16:45] * Elfi eepy fairy noises
L169[23:17:33] <Mim​iru> useDown(sides.*) tries to use the block below you on whatever side you pass, but something like a hoe isn't going to work because you're on the block you're trying to interact with
L170[23:18:35] <Re​nno> idk what you tell you but I have done as y'all have suggested and the results are the same
L171[23:18:36] <Mim​iru> I about SHIT myself... I logged into my test world with a radio playing and I just heard voices.. lol
L172[23:18:49] <Re​nno> place dirt above robot, equip hoe, robot.useUp()
L173[23:18:52] <Re​nno> > false
L174[23:19:37] <Re​nno> if it isn't robot.use(), or robot.use(sides.front), it doesn't do anything
L175[23:19:39] ⇦ Quits: Izzy (~izzy@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
L176[23:19:43] <Amanda> Don't worry, those are just the whisperings of the damned, @Michiyo
L177[23:20:15] <Mim​iru> Someone remind me how the hell to make a robot, it's been years.. lol
L178[23:20:55] <Amanda> Computer case.in an assembler
L179[23:24:22] <Mim​iru> Yeah, I'm pretty sure a robot just can't hoe the block above it.
L180[23:24:53] <Mim​iru> Really not sure how that'd work anyway really lol
L181[23:26:15] <Re​nno> I know its a block and all but it sure would be nice if doing robot.useDown() on the air above a dirt block tilled it
L182[23:29:48] ⇨ Joins: Izzy (~izzy@
L183[23:31:11] <Corded> > <Re​nno> I know its a block and all but it sure would be nice if doi…
L184[23:31:11] <Mim​iru> It does.
L185[23:31:38] <Re​nno> oh, weird, why wasn't that working a minute ago
L186[23:31:40] <Mim​iru> This function has a very broad use as the robot can simulate right-clicks with most items. The only difference to players is that the robot cannot use items that specifically require the user to be an entity as the robot is a block. So drinking potions, eating food or throwing an ender pearl will fail.
L187[23:31:43] <Mim​iru> crap
L188[23:31:44] <Mim​iru> https://drive.pc-logix.com/index.php/s/yg7Gi22fsNeyjqB
L189[23:31:47] <Re​nno> 🤔
L190[23:31:59] <Re​nno> whats that
L191[23:32:12] <Mim​iru> in that demo the robot is 1 block above a dirt block, so it's dirt air robot
L192[23:32:43] <Re​nno> kinda wish I had messed with robots sooner
L193[23:33:07] <Re​nno> guess I've always had machines from other mods to do the stuff they can do but without the programming
L194[23:33:38] <Mim​iru> Standing in this test world I've not been in for years and listening to the OpenFM radio is making me want to recreate it for 1.20
L195[23:33:46] <Re​nno> now the real question is, can a robot insert components into a device assembler and craft other robots
L196[23:34:43] ⇦ Quits: Izzy (~izzy@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
L197[23:35:41] <Corded> > <Re​nno> now the real question is, can a robot insert components int…
L198[23:35:42] <Mim​iru> Yes. You'll need a computer to "assemble" it
L199[23:35:48] <Mim​iru> https://oc.cil.li/topic/530-assembler-automatic-creation-of-the-robot/
L200[23:38:50] ⇨ Joins: Izzy (~izzy@
L201[23:41:24] <Amanda> Wb Izzy
L202[23:44:21] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaEF2cB40093Af8EdC62724240.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L203[23:46:55] <Corded> > <Mic​hiyo> https://oc.cil.li/topic/530-assembler-automatic-creation-of���
L204[23:46:55] <Re​nno> ah, I see, very neat, gonna have to look into that
L205[23:50:41] <Izzy> > 01:00.0 Serial Attached SCSI controller: Broadcom / LSI SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 (rev 05)
L206[23:50:42] <Izzy> let's gooo
L207[23:52:48] <Re​nno> wait robots can harvest plants in a 3x3 under them?
L208[23:59:24] <Re​nno> huh, they can do a + shape harvest each time they usedown on plants
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