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Stuff goes here
L1[00:54:54] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef3c7c0035fe2dedfd5b1a4b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:54:54] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L3[04:05:43] * Amanda meows and looks around
L4[04:07:12] <Va​ur> \*gives Amanda scritchies*
L5[04:07:31] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L6[04:07:31] <MichiBot> Willikers! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours, 32 minutes and 37 seconds (By 37 minutes and 3 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L7[04:07:32] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.005 tonk points! plus 0.008 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.98364861, Position #2 Need 0.01096963 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L8[04:07:55] * Amanda purrs softly, decides to delay the system apocalypse another month
L9[04:16:49] <Amanda> Hrm. Seems pleroma doesn't like the database connection being severed
L10[04:17:02] <Amanda> That's annoying
L11[05:08:54] <Amanda> Either that or my patroni cluster keeps cutting its own head off
L12[05:33:05] <Forec​aster> I'd be annoyed if my database connections were severed too
L13[05:33:18] <Forec​aster> Wait... I don't have any.... Panic!
L14[05:40:01] <Ocawes​ome101> %sip
L15[05:40:03] <MichiBot> You drink a gloomy pussplum potion (New!). Ocawesome101 feels the need to smash. (%smash)
L16[05:40:08] <Ocawes​ome101> %smash
L17[05:40:08] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101 smashes a statue. It is no longer recognizable.
L18[05:40:15] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L19[05:40:15] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! Ocawes​ome101! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 32 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L20[05:40:16] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101's new record is 1 hour, 32 minutes and 43 seconds! Ocawesome101 also gained 0.00155 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.0440508 more points to pass Va​ur!
L21[06:32:40] <Amanda> So apparently 2 out of my three patroni nodes were down, and I didn't notice.
L22[06:33:31] <Amanda> Setting up proper monitoring for that now
L23[06:56:03] <Va​ur> %sip
L24[06:56:05] <MichiBot> You drink a spooned violium potion (New!). For about a second Vaur knows the location of a great treasure.
L25[07:37:59] <msalp​atina> hey uhh as for the new filteringrule thiny of the internet card, how would i allow it to use local ips? like 192.bla.bla.bla?
L26[07:40:38] <Amanda> Put it at the beginning, It follows the result of the first matching rule
L27[08:20:32] <Va​ur> %tonk
L28[08:20:32] <MichiBot> Uh-oh! Va​ur! You beat Ocawes​ome101's previous record of 1 hour, 32 minutes and 43 seconds (By 1 hour, 7 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L29[08:20:33] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 2 hours, 40 minutes and 17 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00226 (0.00113 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.00870963 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L30[08:26:57] <msalp​atina> >Amanda: Put it at the beginning, It follows the result of the first matching rule
L31[08:26:57] <msalp​atina> but dont i need to do like allow: 192.?
L32[08:27:22] <Amanda> I'm not sure the syntax of it, but I imagine the comment above it will tell you
L33[08:29:04] <Amanda> "allow ip:"
L34[08:30:04] <msalp​atina> so that allows for the whole private networ? also do i copy the " " too?
L35[08:30:28] <Amanda> or just change the "deny ip:192.168..." to "allow ..."
L36[08:30:48] <Amanda> That'll allow anything in your LAN yes
L37[08:31:04] <Amanda> if you want to only allow a specific ip do "allow ip:192.168.x.y/32"
L38[08:31:38] <Amanda> Again, above the "deny 192..." line
L39[08:36:00] <msalp​atina> for me its all empty so i will just add the allow
L40[08:36:23] <Amanda> uh
L41[08:36:36] <Amanda> It shouldn't be all empty
L42[08:36:45] <Amanda> Did you clear it's values?
L43[08:36:57] <msalp​atina> yeh because well, i needed acess to the local ips
L44[08:37:40] <Amanda> And when that didn't work, you didn't think to undo that and actually read the comment above it, which describes a lot of this
L45[08:38:21] <msalp​atina> at the time was like 4am so i just went nuts with it, it was also the same time the server i had failed so i rushed all of it
L46[08:43:19] <msalp​atina> but hey that did it, thanks!
L47[09:39:10] <Forec​aster> %sip
L48[09:39:12] <MichiBot> You drink a fragrant salmon potion (New!). Forecaster knows the exact location of a particular molecule of oxygen until someone stops looking at them.
L49[09:49:56] <Va​ur> %sip
L50[09:49:57] <MichiBot> You drink a dull salmon potion (New!). Vaur: Nothing seemed to happen...
L51[09:51:19] <Ocawes​ome101> %sip
L52[09:51:20] <MichiBot> You drink a warm honey potion (New!). A water flies past that vaguely resembles someone Ocawesome101 knows.
L53[09:51:59] <Ocawes​ome101> fancy seeing y-- oh, wait
L54[10:23:36] <Forec​aster> that's a cloud
L55[10:49:38] <Mic​hiyo> Hmm, I think SOMETHING is broken with date handling... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142878121964601354/image.png
L56[10:50:56] <Mic​hiyo> Yeah are confuse... `DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")`
L57[10:57:35] ⇨ Joins: Webchat384 (webchat@host-216-158-106-220.junet.se)
L58[10:58:01] <Webchat384> g
L59[10:58:11] <Forec​aster> u
L60[10:58:20] ⇦ Quits: Webchat384 (webchat@host-216-158-106-220.junet.se) (Client Quit)
L61[10:58:46] <Forec​aster> @Michiyo you don't have 50 months on your side of the planet?
L62[10:58:53] <Forec​aster> weird
L63[10:59:02] <Mic​hiyo> No, 46
L64[10:59:07] <Mic​hiyo> no idea where this 48 is coming from.
L65[10:59:51] <Forec​aster> it's the same as the minutes
L66[10:59:52] <Mic​hiyo> OH FMFL
L67[10:59:58] <Mic​hiyo> Yeah I JUST noticed that...
L68[11:00:12] <Forec​aster> ^^
L69[11:00:22] <Mic​hiyo> Remember kids... when you have 2 code paths that do ALMOST the same thing... it's importent to check BOTH
L70[11:00:41] <Mic​hiyo> `DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")` != `DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss")`
L71[11:01:47] <Va​ur> but have you checked %tonkout time ?
L72[11:01:47] <MichiBot> Eureka! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 2 hours, 40 minutes and 17 seconds (By 57 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L73[11:01:48] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.98990861, Position #2 Need 0.00470963 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L74[11:03:45] <Va​ur> you had yyyy/mm/dd when it should have been yyyy/MM/dd ?
L75[11:03:52] <Mic​hiyo> yep..
L76[11:04:00] <Va​ur> ah, make sense
L77[11:04:30] <Mic​hiyo> So I was getting my minutes in where my months were supposed to be
L78[11:04:45] <Forec​aster> in PHP's date format `i` is minutes and `m` is month
L79[11:04:55] <nightm​arepog> hello
L80[11:05:01] <Mic​hiyo> Hello. o/
L81[11:05:08] <Forec​aster> capital `M` is just month with padding
L82[11:05:14] <Mic​hiyo> This is VB.net
L83[11:05:37] <nightm​arepog> I want to ask something
L84[11:05:37] <nightm​arepog> I have noticed that on OC glasses I can apply keyboard but I have not found anything about it.
L85[11:06:06] <Forec​aster> what do you mean by "apply keyboard"?
L86[11:06:24] <nightm​arepog> >Forecaster: what do you mean by "apply keyboard"?
L87[11:06:24] <nightm​arepog> like, I can add upgrades on it
L88[11:07:16] <nightm​arepog> https://github.com/StarChasers/OCGlasses/wiki/Glasses these ones
L89[11:07:32] <nightm​arepog> I can also upgrade it with keyboard but can't find anything about it on wiki
L90[11:08:44] <Forec​aster> what is that supposed to do?
L91[11:08:54] <Mic​hiyo> That's the question, I think.
L92[11:09:52] <Forec​aster> the wiki you linked says upgrades are applied in an anvil
L93[11:10:00] <Forec​aster> doesn't say anything about keyboards though
L94[11:10:11] <Mic​hiyo> @ben_mkiv IIRC you took this over yes?
L95[11:16:52] <Mic​hiyo> https://github.com/Starchasers/OCGlasses/commit/795379fd898dd34cd803ea66785f7309d445cd19 Here is the commit that added the keyboard upgrade.
L96[11:17:43] <Mic​hiyo> It looks like previously keybpard stuff just... worked, and then it was switched to needing a keyboard upgrade.
L97[11:17:49] <Mic​hiyo> keyboard...
L98[11:19:11] <Mic​hiyo> Not sure what exactly you could do with a keyboard at all with OCGlasses, but I assume something to do with typing... so now if you want to... type? you need a keyboard upgrade.
L99[11:20:56] <nightm​arepog> >Forecaster: doesn't say anything about keyboards though
L100[11:20:57] <nightm​arepog> thats the problem
L101[11:21:07] <nightm​arepog> because in game it literally says that you can upgrade it with keyboard
L102[11:21:18] <nightm​arepog> I tried to do it but saw nothing new
L103[11:21:41] <nightm​arepog> >Michiyo: https://github.com/Starchasers/OCGlasses/commit/795379fd898dd34cd803ea66785f730���
L104[11:21:41] <nightm​arepog> uh, I can't java
L105[11:21:43] <nightm​arepog> what it does?
L106[11:21:44] <Forec​aster> maybe it triggers key events when crouched or something
L107[11:22:09] <Mic​hiyo> Like I just said... it didn't add any new functionality, it just changed how existing functionality worked..
L108[11:22:18] <Mic​hiyo> and I don't know WHAT that existing functionality was exactly
L109[11:22:24] <nightm​arepog> lol
L110[11:22:50] <Forec​aster> I'd run dmesg on a computer connected to the glasses and press keys while wearing them
L111[11:23:07] <nightm​arepog> what dmesg is?
L112[11:23:10] <Mic​hiyo> Keyboard "stuff" was already there, the commit I linked just makes it so keyboard "stuff" doesn't work, unless a keyboard upgrade is applied.
L113[11:23:29] <Forec​aster> dmesg is an OpenOS program that prints events
L114[11:23:34] <Mic​hiyo> what is "stuff"? *shrug* Also dmesg is a program built into OpenOS... yeah
L115[11:23:35] <Mic​hiyo> that
L116[11:23:37] <nightm​arepog> oh
L117[11:23:39] <Forec​aster> a live event viewer
L118[11:23:44] <nightm​arepog> let me try
L119[11:33:02] <nightm​arepog> only thing I have noticed https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142889043592478740/image.png
L120[11:33:41] <nightm​arepog> also this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142889208940347462/image.png
L121[11:34:26] <Forec​aster> did you try pressing keys when crouched too?
L122[11:34:42] <Forec​aster> perhaps there's a key you have to bind in the settings or something
L123[11:35:04] <nightm​arepog> uhh no
L124[11:35:07] <nightm​arepog> wait let me try again XD
L125[11:45:24] <nightm​arepog> >Forecaster: did you try pressing keys when crouched too?
L126[11:45:24] <nightm​arepog> nothing
L127[11:45:46] <Forec​aster> what about the other thing
L128[11:46:32] <nightm​arepog> I have only noticed something if I was clicking the screen while and LMB, RMB
L129[11:46:47] <Forec​aster> the keybind
L130[11:47:16] <nightm​arepog> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142892626241126440/image.png
L131[11:47:49] <nightm​arepog> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142892766184091788/image.png
L132[11:48:16] <Forec​aster> dunno then
L133[11:48:58] <nightm​arepog> weird
L134[12:01:53] <ben_​mkiv> iirc you enable stable overlay and then you get key events if you type
L135[12:03:56] <ben_​mkiv> and from the source it also looks so
L136[12:15:27] <Amanda> %choose 8 first or try and play with gw
L137[12:15:27] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I received a message from future you, said to go with "try and play with gw".
L138[12:38:42] <nightm​arepog> is she ai or what?
L139[12:39:16] <nightm​arepog> >ben_mkiv: iirc you enable stable overlay and then you get key events if you type
L140[12:39:17] <nightm​arepog> thx
L141[12:53:09] <Amanda> %discorded
L142[12:53:10] <MichiBot> Cor​ded is a relay between IRC and Discord. It uses a webhook (most of the time) to send IRC messages to discord, which is why there is a Bot tag
L143[12:57:20] <Amanda> Either way, I shall play with gw tomorrow, as I am le spoonless
L144[12:57:33] * Amanda flops down around Elfi, offers her some pizza
L145[12:58:31] <Amanda> %choose halucinate more?
L146[12:58:33] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Does cats like knocking things off of other things?
L147[12:59:53] <nightm​arepog> %what are you?
L148[13:00:15] <nightm​arepog> %help
L149[13:00:15] <MichiBot> nightm​arepog: Command list: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/help
L150[13:00:25] <nightm​arepog> nwm, just a normal bot xD
L151[13:00:36] <Amanda> MichiBot is a bot, I am not.
L152[13:00:49] <Amanda> I'm using %irc to talk
L153[13:00:50] <MichiBot> all the "bots" are real people, using the superior IRC chat protocol. https://youtu.be/O2rGTXHvPCQ
L154[13:00:51] <nightm​arepog> oh cool
L155[13:01:01] <nightm​arepog> I hear something like this I think
L156[13:01:18] <nightm​arepog> before
L157[13:01:52] <nightm​arepog> omg
L158[13:01:56] <nightm​arepog> %catfact
L159[13:02:01] <MichiBot> I had an exception... ow. Here's the stacktrace: https://paste.pc-logix.com/zuyasusape
L160[13:02:15] <nightm​arepog> no cat fact :(
L161[13:02:36] <Amanda> the API broke at some point, IIRC
L162[13:03:57] <Amanda> Oh, looks like they're blocking not-browser useragentss
L163[13:04:00] <nightm​arepog> interesting
L164[13:04:12] <Forec​aster> %tpnk
L165[13:04:16] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L166[13:04:16] <MichiBot> Holy picture of a crudely drawn appendage Batman! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 2 minutes and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L167[13:04:17] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours, 2 minutes and 29 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00204 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L168[13:08:47] <Amanda> oh gross, their homepage is promoting some gambling thing
L169[13:09:33] <Amanda> And the docs link for rate limiting is just redirecting to the homepage, gg
L170[13:10:03] <Amanda> @Michiyo might be time to remove the catfact and related commands, or find another source
L171[13:15:23] <Mic​hiyo> >Amanda: <@!124625753240240132> might be time to remove the catfact and related com…
L172[13:15:23] <Mic​hiyo> I can just spoof the user agent, I thought I was already, I guess that's for something else.
L173[13:16:22] <Mic​hiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/9e97a48df610db96372e4596bb219aa7804e83bf/src/main/java/pcl/lc/utils/HTTPQuery.java#L68 Yeah.. for something else I guess... lol
L174[13:16:25] <Amanda> They might be doing some fuckery, I can't seem to spoof a UA in curl and get any results
L175[13:16:38] <Amanda> Or maybe I'm just holding curl wrong
L176[13:17:07] <Amanda> ( I'm trying "curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0" https://some-random-api.ml/animal/cat&quot; )
L177[13:19:07] <Amanda> oh
L178[13:19:23] <Amanda> I'm curling the wrong url, needs the trailing
L179[13:19:28] <Amanda> +/
L180[13:19:47] <Amanda> Curl UA works, it seems
L181[13:20:01] <Amanda> ( `curl/8.2.1 )
L182[13:20:05] <Forec​aster> for me it works with or without the UA
L183[13:20:17] <Mic​hiyo> No UA works too.. I wonder if they are blocking IPs
L184[13:20:18] <Forec​aster> but it's always returning `Researchers say your cat does know her name. She just doesn't care.`
L185[13:20:35] <Amanda> @Michiyo might be, it's behind CloudFlare it seems
L186[13:20:46] <Amanda> Judging from "< report-to: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=hkmMvsYlLXa3JIMKi%2BkaqUZElovz9LDmJyUsRUlCjl55onfNkXxgW6OSiT0csNPxHjNhldZuk3ORMvAV76G3cMIBU6qgksF1hXDFMKqqc2xlF5LQvTYQ2K%2FV1%2BRxITarhiiOqJbRxJFGSwgacEk6Dq4%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}"
L187[13:21:15] <Amanda> fucking cloudflare, a curse apon thine house
L188[13:21:44] <Mic​hiyo> I think this site is just broken...
L189[13:22:01] <Mic​hiyo> All of the doc links are broken, the link to their discord just redirects back to the home page...
L190[13:22:13] <Forec​aster> it'd probably be easier to just make our own list of facts 😛
L191[13:22:39] <Forec​aster> by which I mean "borrow" facts from places and put them in an array
L192[13:22:44] <Mic​hiyo> That's effort though
L193[13:22:46] <Mic​hiyo> Lol
L194[13:23:01] <Forec​aster> but probably less than trying to figure that thing out, or finding another thing
L195[13:23:24] <Forec​aster> and it wont break randomly in the future 😛
L196[13:23:36] <Mic​hiyo> Could just build my own api so it can be updated without rebuilding the bot
L197[13:23:51] <Forec​aster> or just use a database table instead
L198[13:23:53] <Mic​hiyo> Or just use the db backend...
L199[13:23:55] <Mic​hiyo> Lmao
L200[13:25:55] <Forec​aster> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/pronounce
L201[13:40:39] <Mic​hiyo> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1142921160577790113/image.png
L202[13:40:41] <Mic​hiyo> ah...
L203[13:41:11] <Mic​hiyo> https://some-random-api.com/animal/cat
L204[13:41:25] <Forec​aster> ah
L205[13:44:08] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (webchat@
L206[13:44:15] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L207[13:46:41] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@vps-9c69ad6a.vps.ovh.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L208[13:52:38] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@vps-9c69ad6a.vps.ovh.ca)
L209[13:52:38] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L210[13:55:24] <Mic​hiyo> %catfact
L211[13:55:25] <MichiBot> Cats make very little noise when they walk around. The thick, soft pads on their paws allow them to sneak up on their prey -- or you!
L212[13:55:29] <Mic​hiyo> Fix't
L213[13:56:50] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L214[14:13:32] <Amanda> %give MichiBot a shrinkwrap EULA
L215[14:13:34] * MichiBot accepts the shrinkwrap EULA and adds it to her inventory
L216[14:15:00] <Va​ur> %sip
L217[14:15:01] <MichiBot> You drink a prickly emerald potion (New!). It tastes salty.
L218[14:30:08] ⇨ Joins: GamerVerse (~GamerVers@
L219[14:30:30] ⇦ Quits: GamerVerse (~GamerVers@ (Client Quit)
L220[15:08:05] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L221[15:08:07] <MichiBot> By my throth! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of 2 hours, 2 minutes and 29 seconds (By 1 minute and 20 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L222[15:08:08] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.00065824, Position #1
L223[15:12:32] <Amanda> Hey remember that time Mattel tried to do a "club-going ken" and they accidentally did a "gay club-going ken" instead
L224[15:17:49] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:82a0:1a00:edd1:bf38:b7df:8781)
L225[15:18:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef3c7c0035fe2dedfd5b1a4b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L226[15:22:55] <kristo​pher38> I, for one, don't
L227[15:23:09] <kristo​pher38> But there are high chances I wasn't even born yet
L228[15:24:29] <Izzy> I also don't, but this was in my /tmp/ so you can have it https://shadowkat.net/tmp/7111.jpg
L229[15:25:28] <lunar_sam> he's just like me
L230[15:25:43] <kristo​pher38> I think I am, tyvm
L231[15:26:11] <Izzy> lunar_sam: wholesome???
L232[15:32:44] <Amanda> Izzy: in the late '90s early '00s they had to do a whole-ass recall because Fox news pearl-clutching because the newest club-ken had a cockring on a necklace
L233[15:33:54] <Amanda> Turned out the people they sent out to research club life had ended up going to promonentally-gay clubs
L234[15:37:08] <Izzy> based mattel?
L235[15:40:41] <Amanda> Izzy: I think it'd be more based off they didn't fold and recall them all for destruction
L236[15:40:49] <Izzy> well, yes
L237[15:41:35] <Amanda> Grr
L238[15:42:29] <Amanda> Stupid pleroma, stop crashing just because the db connection is gone, you can just reconnect and you'll get the new leader
L239[15:43:57] <Amanda> I need to move it to nomad, which will restart it more reliably than systemd
L240[15:45:21] <Amanda> %remindme 12h either find a pleroma option to retry dbs or move it to nomad
L241[15:45:21] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "either find a pleroma option to retry dbs or move it to nomad" in 12h at 08/21/2023 10:45:21 AM
L242[16:00:08] <arir​i.rar> Izzy: https://youtu.be/hgr2nVTQSrI
L243[16:01:54] <Izzy> oh is this why I've been hearing about it a lot
L244[16:02:26] <arir​i.rar> it seems promising.. hopefully it delivers
L245[16:02:47] <arir​i.rar> ive basically quit ED outright and havent really gotten into star citizen
L246[16:03:01] <arir​i.rar> even tho my new rig can play it, i havent the time :P
L247[16:05:03] <Izzy> hmmmm
L248[16:06:23] <Izzy> It'll be interesting to see. Bethesda games gel well with me usually.
L249[16:07:03] <Izzy> I got The Outer Worlds running on my optiplex ... just
L250[16:07:32] <stephan48> i started that one a few days ago, so far it was intriguing enough to have me playing 30 min-1h per day
L251[16:07:37] <arir​i.rar> how is the outer worlds? ive seen it on sale a couple times and considered picking up (i should finish other games i alr have tho :P)
L253[16:08:34] <Izzy> uhhh I got through the tutorial and it was running at like 15FPS so I went looking for perf mods
L254[16:08:37] <arir​i.rar> fr
L255[16:08:49] <Izzy> but I'm running it on like, a cut-down R7 260X
L256[16:09:44] <stephan48> i find it nice, so far you can do almost anything you want and it will cope story and side quest wise. it plays fairly well, only had it crash once after hitting some key combo which opened some strange menu.
L257[16:10:54] <stephan48> story is fun and the whole game is loaded with sarcasm and morally gray choices.
L258[16:13:12] <Amanda> That's the game where you can roll credits by having a low-int character insist on controlling the jump drive, causing the ship to jump *inside*a star isn't it?
L259[16:14:34] <stephan48> sounds like a choice the devs would have accounted for.
L260[16:18:24] <Izzy> arir​i.rar: I do like the ship interior designs in this video
L261[16:18:36] <Izzy> circular airlock doors with thermal blankets
L262[16:18:37] <Izzy> as it should be
L263[16:20:15] <arir​i.rar> indubitably
L264[16:24:42] <nightm​arepog> Some cool beginner project for oc?
L265[16:24:50] <nightm​arepog> I was thinking About file editor
L266[16:36:43] <Izzy> arir​i.rar: actually the design of the interior reminds me of the one from the Foundation TV show
L267[16:48:09] <MichiBot> @Michiyo REMINDER: Stop spamming damnit
L268[16:48:27] <Mic​hiyo> o_O
L269[16:49:13] <Mic​hiyo> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2021-08-20.log#L141
L270[16:49:15] <Mic​hiyo> huh... lol
L271[16:57:13] <Amanda> Huh
L272[16:57:48] <Amanda> %choose super early zzzmews or find something to entertain for an hour
L273[16:57:48] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby lamp replies "Not find something to entertain for an hour!".
L274[16:58:03] <Amanda> Probably fine
L275[16:58:36] * Amanda tucks in around elfi, meows about how she did the bestest heist, and stole all of @inari's tireds for the next month
L276[17:02:42] <Amanda> Night girls
L277[18:34:33] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:82a0:1a00:edd1:bf38:b7df:8781) (Quit: Leaving.)
L278[18:52:39] <brisingr​aerowing> OK. That reminder for Michiyo made me laugh. I remember seeing that initial exchange.
L279[20:02:03] <microwav​e_man___> Quick question, any idea why this returns true when `data[1]` is false? I've been trying to figure this out for about 30 minutes now, and i figured I'd ask here instead of spending another 30 minutes. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/1143017144167178390/image.png
L280[20:33:00] <microwav​e_man___> if anyone knows why then ping me, I'll be able to respond in the morning.
L281[20:47:59] <Izzy> is data[1] false or "false"
L282[20:48:02] <Izzy> check the type
L283[20:48:19] <Izzy> also, writing a network stack? :o
L284[20:50:59] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L285[20:51:00] <MichiBot> Boo-yah! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 5 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L286[20:51:01] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 5 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00571)
L287[21:13:00] <microwav​e_man___> >Izzy: is data[1] false or "false"
L288[21:13:01] <microwav​e_man___> data[1] is a boolean, though ill double check tomorrow. and I am making a somewhat primitive network for a server I'm on, though it won't be the greatest system.
L289[21:13:27] <Izzy> it might get converted to a string at some point so it looks right but isn't actually
L290[21:14:27] <Izzy> if nil is also a failure you could also test as 'if data[1] then return true'
L291[21:15:31] <microwav​e_man___> Yeah, i tried that, but i ended up getting a different weirder error.
L292[21:15:58] <microwav​e_man___> lemme grab a screenshot of the error, I can't grab a screenshot of the code though (on mobile)
L293[21:16:35] <microwav​e_man___> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/320301110759784449/1143022332043083857/image.png
L294[21:17:06] <Izzy> not a lot of use without the code
L295[21:17:19] <Izzy> on a related note, Minitel may interest you if you aren't already aware of it
L296[21:17:49] <microwav​e_man___> Haven't heard of it
L297[21:18:03] <Izzy> https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel
L298[21:20:12] <microwav​e_man___> This sounds neat, I'll read up more on it tomorrow, as its late and i need sleep 👍
L299[23:44:48] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef1c7a00527fbd3c500b89af.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L300[23:44:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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