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L1[00:09:24] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@62-46-122-57.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L2[00:39:08] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %down
L3[00:39:12] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating dilithium potion (New!). A swinging blade comes flying towards PwnagePineapple (He/Him) from nowhere! They fail to evade it with a 7 vs DC 16 and takes 1d​8 => 1 damage.
L4[00:52:04] * Amanda offers elfi some water, and an entire chocolate rabbitkin
L5[01:13:45] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %tonk
L6[01:13:45] <MichiBot> Boom! PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 20 minutes and 48 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L7[01:13:46] <MichiBot> PwnagePineapple (He/Him)'s new record is 1 hour, 20 minutes and 48 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00135)
L8[01:14:22] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> Was hoping I'd still get the points if my last one was a tonkout
L9[01:14:26] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> Guess not lol
L10[01:22:03] * Amanda lays her head on elfi, pushing her into her floof, meows sleepily about how it's not a good idea to sippie a lot before bed, lest you get awaked by your body at oh-goddess o-cloxk
L11[01:22:29] <TechT​astic> %down
L12[01:22:30] <MichiBot> You drink a shining dilithium potion (New!). A swinging blade comes flying towards TechTastic from nowhere! They fail to evade it with a 12 vs DC 16 and takes 1d​8 => 6 damage.
L13[01:22:36] <Amanda> Night girls
L14[01:24:43] <TechT​astic> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/dovezumube
L15[02:11:22] <TechT​astic> nvm, re-reading the ingame guide book for Witchery, seems the Kettle doesnt do the custom brews
L16[02:53:47] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8295:ee00:8137:f239:9f63:84f0)
L17[03:58:44] <SoBi​nary> %tonk
L18[03:58:45] <MichiBot> Golly! SoBi​nary! You beat PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)'s previous record of 1 hour, 20 minutes and 48 seconds (By 1 hour, 24 minutes and 11 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L19[03:58:46] <MichiBot> SoBinary's new record is 2 hours, 44 minutes and 59 seconds! SoBinary also gained 0.0028 (0.0014 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9 => #8. (Overtook PwnagePineapple (He/Him)) Need 0.01043 more points to pass Va​ur!
L20[03:59:51] <TechT​astic> %down
L21[03:59:51] <MichiBot> You drink a shiny chocolate potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! It just changed TechTastic's background...
L22[04:05:49] <SoBi​nary> %drink
L23[04:05:49] <MichiBot> You drink a runny blue potion (New!). SoBinary gains a negligible amount of luck.
L24[05:34:03] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8295:ee00:8137:f239:9f63:84f0) (Quit: Leaving.)
L25[05:45:34] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8295:ee00:49d9:5150:4b32:a4c4)
L26[07:11:59] <SoBi​nary> %tonkout
L27[07:11:59] <MichiBot> Golly! SoBi​nary! You beat your own previous record of 2 hours, 44 minutes and 59 seconds (By 28 minutes and 14 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L28[07:12:00] <MichiBot> SoBi​nary has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! plus 0.004 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.14616, Position #8 Need 0.00343 more points to pass Va​ur!
L29[07:23:18] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8295:ee00:49d9:5150:4b32:a4c4) (Quit: Leaving.)
L30[07:27:50] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L31[07:29:34] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L32[11:01:09] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L33[11:01:10] <MichiBot> Bingo! Forec​aster! You beat SoBi​nary's previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L34[11:01:11] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00382 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3 => #2. (Overtook TechTastic) Need 0.06560037 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L35[11:01:42] ⇨ Joins: MrnateGeek (webchat@
L36[11:02:24] ⇦ Quits: MrnateGeek (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L37[11:06:00] <Amanda> nadja: did you know that amethyst provides temperature info over Bluetooth? Combined with a picochip it also makes a great mouse!
L38[11:21:40] <Amanda> nadja: and if you crush it up it makes great gunpowder substitute!
L39[11:21:54] <nadja> *concern*
L40[11:22:34] <Amanda> Anyway, I'm stuck in some weird time loop thing now, due to the actions of the family I was buying amethyst from
L41[11:22:46] <Amanda> So I'll see you yesterday and last week
L42[11:30:42] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %sip
L43[11:30:42] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy salmon potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! PwnagePineapple (He/Him) hears a maniacal laugh as their cursor flips upside down!
L44[11:32:47] <S​ky> %sip
L45[11:32:48] <MichiBot> You drink a wonderful pussplum potion (New!). Sky feels the need to use "%shell".
L46[11:32:55] <S​ky> %shell
L47[11:32:55] <MichiBot> Sky loads a Magic furai furai furai! (25%) into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near hnOsmi​um0001, kilo​byte, and Vaur`. They take 1d6 => 5 (Magic +2) => 7, 1d6 => 5 (Magic +2) => 7, and 1d6 => 4 (Magic +2) => 6 splash damage respectively.
L48[11:54:08] * Amanda flops down in nadja's lap, suddenly depressed because of IRL bullshit
L49[11:54:21] * nadja pets the floof
L50[12:03:17] <Amanda> ... and now my homelab can't update, fuck today
L51[12:03:27] <Amanda> "Netbox version 3.3.10 is EOL; please upgrade by following the current release notes instructions"
L52[12:03:37] <Amanda> Except that's the only version in nixpkds
L53[12:06:47] <Amanda> oh, no, I was on the wrong branch
L54[12:13:37] <goo​ger> so, guys, i am getting lua fallback on my dedictated server how can i fix this?
L55[12:17:12] <Amanda> Is your dedicated server aarch64? If so you'll either have to use an unoffical build someone made, or use the 1.8.0 snapshot
L56[12:24:17] <SoBi​nary> https://tinyurl.com/26mlucqt
L57[12:28:57] <goo​ger> >Amanda: Is your dedicated server aarch64? If so you'll either have to use an unof…
L58[12:28:57] <goo​ger> ah, thanks
L59[12:29:52] <Amanda> Anyway, changing tacks, would you like to be my oil minion, nadja? I'm all tapped out on science I can do, so I can't procastinate oil any longer, but my ADHD brain just doesn't want to give me the spoons to deal with setting up oil _again_
L60[12:32:14] <nadja> Amanda: I have guests over but maybe next week?
L61[12:32:20] <Amanda> aww, okay
L62[12:33:03] <Amanda> I guess I'll try the starter blueprints in KoS' big book of factory, see if that can work for meow
L63[12:53:18] <goo​ger> >googer: ah, thanks
L64[12:53:18] <goo​ger> it worked
L65[12:56:02] <Va​ur> %sip
L66[12:56:02] <MichiBot> You drink a frosty dirt potion (New!). A bard starts playing a lute behind Vaur until they find a broken .7z.
L67[12:58:26] <S​ky> %sip
L68[12:58:26] <MichiBot> You drink a sour röd potion (New!). Sky's bones turn the color of tomato until they see a bird.
L69[12:58:30] <S​ky> Oh
L70[13:05:20] <TechT​astic> %down
L71[13:05:20] <MichiBot> You drink a safe cerulium potion (New!). Oh no, TechTastic got a health potion, there's probably a boss fight coming!
L72[13:07:58] <Va​ur> %sip
L73[13:07:58] <MichiBot> You drink a dashed dalekanium potion (New!). Vaur zones out for 2 minutes.
L74[13:39:30] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %sip
L75[13:39:31] <MichiBot> You drink a dull rubium potion (New!). It tastes salty.
L76[13:50:35] <Va​ur> %sip
L77[13:50:35] <MichiBot> You drink a crunchy diamond potion (New!). Suddenly there's a swarm of wasps behind Vaur that chase them for 39 seconds!
L78[15:12:12] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> %sip
L79[15:12:13] <MichiBot> You drink a liquid aether potion (New!). walksanator. B⃢ot.'s hair turn yellow until they steal the moon.
L80[15:28:18] ⇨ Joins: smok1e (~smok1e@
L81[15:31:45] ⇦ Quits: smok1e (~smok1e@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L82[15:38:08] <TechT​astic> %down
L83[15:38:09] <MichiBot> You drink a serif jumbonium potion (New!). TechTastic's nails turn the color of toxictop for 38 minutes.
L84[15:38:23] <TechT​astic> %tonkout
L85[15:38:24] <MichiBot> Wah! TechT​astic! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 3 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds (By 48 minutes and 3 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L86[15:38:25] <MichiBot> TechT​astic has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.003 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.50815463. Position #3 => #2 (Overtook Forecaster) Need 0.06092037 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L87[15:38:45] <TechT​astic> %ammocount
L88[15:38:45] <MichiBot> TechT​astic: You have 1 Blue Shell, 1 Red Shell, 0 Green Shells, and 2 Bricks
L89[15:39:01] <TechT​astic> %redshell CompanionCube
L90[15:39:03] <MichiBot> TechT​astic: Unfortunately you missed with a 12 vs 14.
L91[16:07:06] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300EaEf1A5768174594E0bfdc5f2e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L92[16:07:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L93[16:18:40] <Amanda> There, stupid-simple chem science going now
L94[16:18:45] <Va​ur> %sip
L95[16:18:46] <MichiBot> You drink a light röd potion (New!). The bottle turns into a sword.
L96[16:19:27] <Amanda> %choose bots first; logistics or construction
L97[16:19:28] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: construction bots first
L98[16:20:24] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> %SIP
L99[16:20:25] <MichiBot> You drink a shiny tuna potion (New!). walksanator. B⃢ot.'s pockets suddenly contain 1d​10 => 4 Red marbles.
L100[16:21:52] <Va​ur> why not both ?
L101[16:22:20] <Amanda> Well, one has to be researched first either way
L102[16:22:32] <Amanda> They're on equal branches of the tech tree
L103[16:23:19] <Va​ur> ah I see
L104[16:23:21] <Amanda> The fancy resarch queue mod I have claims I'll then both finished in ~15m
L105[16:23:38] <Va​ur> pretty sure I always research first before even having the infrastructure to build them
L106[16:23:48] <Amanda> Whoops, that just spiked up to 2h...
L107[16:24:52] <Amanda> Need more multi-cylinder enigne production
L108[16:25:06] <TechT​astic> %down
L109[16:25:06] <MichiBot> You drink a slimy caterium potion (New!). TechTastic turns into a pink frog turtle until they have a nap.
L110[16:25:26] <TechT​astic> Btw, suprised noone has tonked yet
L111[16:25:41] <Va​ur> %tonk
L112[16:25:41] <MichiBot> Shoot! Va​ur! You beat TechT​astic's previous record of <0 (By 47 minutes and 17 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L113[16:25:42] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 47 minutes and 17 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00079 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #7. Need 0.04920457 more points to pass Redston​eParkour!
L114[16:25:44] <TechT​astic> Tonk got reset almost an hour ago
L115[16:25:47] <TechT​astic> Lol
L116[16:26:18] <Va​ur> more wait time means more points
L117[16:26:23] <TechT​astic> Ik
L118[16:26:42] <TechT​astic> Tbut obv I couldn't claim them as I was the tonkout
L119[16:26:47] <TechT​astic> Now I can tho
L120[16:50:51] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> dumb idea: a TIS module that works on 3 stacks
L121[16:50:51] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> Stack A/B are program/data stacks, stack C is basically the "bak" of stacks
L122[16:50:51] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> code is executed from Stack A until it is empty, then it starts executing from Stack B, repeats untill both stacks are empty
L123[16:52:50] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> Treating program memory like a stack seems like a bad idea
L124[17:23:52] <CompanionCube> i expected that red shell, fortunately it didn't hit and that was your last for a while
L125[17:24:24] <CompanionCube> also the three stacks thing gives big forth vibes
L126[17:31:04] ⇦ Quits: Fridtjof (~fridel@thonk.9net.org) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L127[17:31:48] ⇦ Quits: Stary_ (~Stary@thonk.9net.org) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L128[17:31:56] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@thonk.9net.org) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L129[17:40:48] ⇨ Joins: Stary (znc@thonk.9net.org)
L130[17:41:47] ⇨ Joins: Fridtjof (znc@thonk.9net.org)
L131[17:42:32] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (znc@thonk.9net.org)
L132[17:52:28] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L133[17:52:28] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! Ocawes​ome101! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 47 minutes and 17 seconds (By 39 minutes and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L134[17:52:29] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101's new record is 1 hour, 26 minutes and 47 seconds! Ocawesome101 also gained 0.00066 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #14. Need 0.00426 more points to pass AR2​000!
L135[17:53:29] <TechT​astic> >CompanionCube: i expected that red shell, fortunately it didn't hit and that was your last f…
L136[17:53:29] <TechT​astic> ~~I still have a shell~~
L137[17:53:53] <TechT​astic> %down
L138[17:53:54] <MichiBot> You drink an ommitted copper potion (New!). A genie tries to turn TechTastic into a platypus, TechTastic tries to evade but is caught in the beam and transformed until the next time they hug someone. (3 vs DC 12)
L139[17:54:24] <TechT​astic> https://tenor.com/view/chad-yuu-chad-perry-yuu-perry-agent-p-agent-gif-21617644
L140[17:54:54] <CompanionCube> my log shows you had one, and it missed, so...
L141[17:57:17] <TechT​astic> %ammocount
L142[17:57:17] <MichiBot> TechT​astic: You have 1 Blue Shell, 0 Red Shells, 0 Green Shells, and 2 Bricks
L143[17:58:06] <SoBi​nary> %down
L144[17:58:06] <MichiBot> You drink a dangerous avesmingo potion (New!). The bottle turns into an aqua trident.
L145[18:20:43] <Va​ur> %sip
L146[18:20:43] <MichiBot> You drink a shaky dilithium potion (New!). Vaur's eyes glow the color of the ocean until they stop thinking about it.
L147[18:21:31] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~m-yt727s@2600:4040:70f3:6601:689d:e655:4794:9642) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L148[18:25:35] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~m-yt727s@2600:4040:70f3:6601:7ac9:fd1:fa65:a41b)
L149[18:56:50] ⇨ Joins: Rembo_ygolek (~Rembo_ygo@mm-85-1-84-93.mgts.dynamic.pppoe.byfly.by)
L150[19:09:00] <TechT​astic> %down
L151[19:09:02] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy copper potion (New!). TechTastic gains some curse. TechTastic has 1 curse. (Rem. uses: 1)
L152[19:09:18] <TechT​astic> Huh, new point thing
L153[19:20:19] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %sip
L154[19:20:19] <MichiBot> You drink a dangerous tomato potion (New!). PwnagePineapple (He/Him) is suddenly wearing a tiny glove on each finger.
L155[19:27:41] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> %tonk
L156[19:27:41] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)! You beat Ocawes​ome101's previous record of 1 hour, 26 minutes and 47 seconds (By 8 minutes and 25 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L157[19:27:42] <MichiBot> PwnagePineapple (He/Him)'s new record is 1 hour, 35 minutes and 12 seconds! PwnagePineapple (He/Him) also gained 0.00028 (0.00014 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9. Need 0.00678 more points to pass SoBi​nary!
L158[19:30:53] <Forec​aster> That one doesn't do anything either
L159[19:33:34] <CompanionCube> %drink warpy copper potion
L160[19:33:34] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy copper potion. CompanionCube gains some curse. CompanionCube has 1 curse. (Rem. uses: 0)
L161[19:40:29] <Pokem​an2003> How the *hell* did OpenOS manage to get multithreading working?
L162[19:40:51] <S​ky> i dont think openos has multithreading?
L163[19:40:53] <Ocawes​ome101> coroutines
L164[19:41:10] <S​ky> its definitely got coroutines
L165[19:41:33] <Ocawes​ome101> it has a scheduler too
L166[19:42:03] <Pokem​an2003> It has asychnronous multlithreading.
L167[19:42:03] <Pokem​an2003> https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:thread
L168[19:42:03] <Pokem​an2003> The thing is that coroutines... *aren't* asychnronous.
L169[19:42:23] <Ocawes​ome101> that's not asynchronous
L170[19:42:24] <Amanda> the thread api is just a thin wrapper around coroutines
L171[19:42:51] <Pokem​an2003> `The Thread API provides a variation of coroutines for openos. A thread is superior to basic coroutines in many ways and, for many workflows, is easier to work with. An openos thread is an autonomous non-blocking detachable process.`
L172[19:42:51] <Pokem​an2003> `Threads asynchronously begin execution immediately after creation without needing to call resume.`
L173[19:43:23] <Pokem​an2003> I've been reading into coroutines and if I'm not mistaken, coroutines stop the main execution until they return.
L174[19:43:48] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah openos registers them in the scheduler alongside the current process
L175[19:44:23] <Pokem​an2003> Well, time to look into the sechduler and see MORE code I don't understand.
L176[19:44:33] <Ocawes​ome101> it's cooperative, so each thread has to yield, but you conveniently have to yield for event handling too
L177[19:44:52] <Ocawes​ome101> good luck, openos's scheduler is bizarre and complex
L178[19:45:00] <Amanda> regardless, it's still not running multiple things at once, it's just using coroutines under the hood, with some helpers ontop to make it less obvious
L179[19:46:05] <Pokem​an2003> Huh.
L180[19:46:18] <Pokem​an2003> Maybe this will be way easier than I thought
L181[19:46:57] <Ocawes​ome101> ulos 2 does rudimentary preemption but it still only runs one thing at once
L182[19:47:55] <Pokem​an2003> I wish Ocelot allowed me to do things like change RAM size and all that.
L183[19:48:11] <Pokem​an2003> I want to see just how limited my OS can run on without booting up Minecraft.
L184[19:51:19] <Forec​aster> Make your own emulator, with blackjack
L185[19:51:28] <Pokem​an2003> I'd make one if I was actually good at anything.
L186[19:51:51] <Pokem​an2003> Actually, scratch that, I'm pretty damn good.
L187[19:51:51] <Pokem​an2003> I'd make one if I could get myself to make anything at all for an extended period of time.
L188[19:55:02] <Va​ur> %sip
L189[19:55:02] <MichiBot> You drink a proprietary pussplum potion (New!). Vaur turns into a coral water until hell has a mild winter.
L190[19:55:15] <Forec​aster> Procastrinators unite! Later. When all of us can get together at the same time. Next Tuesday? No I'm baking a cake then, or going to a concert.
L191[19:55:48] <Pokem​an2003> I've got a test due on Saturday, can't do it then...
L192[20:00:52] <Ocawes​ome101> >Pokeman2003: I wish Ocelot allowed me to do things like change RAM size and all that.
L193[20:00:52] <Ocawes​ome101> pretty sure you can, within the limits of the different tiers
L194[20:02:27] ⇨ Joins: Misha_vegan12 (~Misha_veg@
L195[20:02:45] ⇦ Quits: Rembo_ygolek (~Rembo_ygo@mm-85-1-84-93.mgts.dynamic.pppoe.byfly.by) (Remote host closed the connection)
L196[20:02:56] <Pokem​an2003> I meant it in the sense of being able to tweak the RAM tier amounts, which the mod lets me do in its settings.
L197[20:03:17] <Pokem​an2003> Like, tier one is... what, 196k of RAM? I prefer 64k for tier 1 even though OpenOS can no longer run on 64k of RAM.
L198[20:03:51] <Pokem​an2003> ~~Technically OpenOS can't even run on tier 1 RAM anymore which just goes to show that that OS is becoming very bloated~~
L199[20:04:21] <Pokem​an2003> I can also adjust hard drive and floppy disk sizes in the settings too.
L200[20:04:45] ⇦ Quits: Misha_vegan12 (~Misha_veg@ (Client Quit)
L201[20:06:39] <Va​ur> %sip
L202[20:06:40] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly automato potion (New!). Vaur's feet tingle briefly.
L203[20:08:06] ⇨ Joins: Misha_vegan12 (~Misha_veg@
L204[20:08:09] ⇦ Quits: Misha_vegan12 (~Misha_veg@ (Client Quit)
L205[20:10:40] <Kristo​pher38> ocelot has the same setting as the mod though i don't remember where they're stored
L206[20:10:51] <Kristo​pher38> @AR2000 might know (?)
L207[20:14:51] <AR2​000> they are stored in the current working directory, in a file named `brain.conf`
L208[20:15:00] <AR2​000> @Kristopher38
L209[20:15:19] <AR2​000> @Pokeman2003
L210[20:15:35] <AR2​000> It's a copy of opencomputers's config in .minceraft
L211[20:18:01] <Va​ur> %sip
L212[20:18:01] <MichiBot> You drink a permitted black potion (New!). A tiny genie appears, gives Vaur a thumbs up, and poofs away.
L213[20:18:38] <Pokem​an2003> Oh, huh. I didn't know that. Thank you.
L214[20:26:14] <Pokem​an2003> Since we're all here, how do you make a wired network without getting the various computers to connect as components?
L215[20:28:16] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> %tonk
L216[20:28:16] <MichiBot> I'm sorry walksanator. B⃢ot., you were not able to beat PwnagePineapple (He/Him)'s record of 1 hour, 35 minutes and 12 seconds this time. 1 hour and 35 seconds were wasted! Missed by 34 minutes and 37 seconds!
L217[20:35:29] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> too bad you are the only one that can hear it
L218[20:35:56] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> this is a fun song in a game called Item Asylum on roblox, it plays when you use the Merge ability of the SMILE hammer after it consumes 10 bodies https://tinyurl.com/28txjc2c
L219[20:38:05] <Forec​aster> >Pokeman2003: Since we're all here, how do you make a wired network without getting the var…
L220[20:38:05] <Forec​aster> Relay
L221[20:38:42] <TechT​astic> >Forecaster: Procastrinators unite! Later. When all of us can get together at the same tim…
L222[20:38:42] <TechT​astic> sadly i cant make that unspecified date, im already procrastinating on Toil and Trouble
L223[20:45:59] <Kok​ice5> there is too much docs to read, how do output coloured text to the OpenOS console?
L224[20:54:29] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> >Kokice5: there is too much docs to read, how do output coloured text to the OpenOS console?
L225[20:54:30] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> https://lmgtfy.app/#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=output%20colored%20text%20to%20OpenOS%20console
L226[20:54:43] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> or if you need the shorter link
L227[20:54:44] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> https://bfy.tw/U13s
L228[20:55:31] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> https://oc.cil.li/topic/1154-help-to-make-colored-text/
L229[20:56:39] <AR2​000> >Pokeman2003: Since we're all here, how do you make a wired network without getting the…
L230[20:56:39] <AR2​000> Be sure to use the latest version of ocelot if you use relays
L231[21:00:39] <Pokem​an2003> I am right now.
L232[21:01:33] <Pokem​an2003> I didn't realize relays ever existed, thank you for informing me of this.
L233[21:08:23] <S​ky> >walksanator. B⃢ot.: https://lmgtfy.app/#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=output%20colored%20text%20to%20Ope…
L234[21:08:24] <S​ky> lmgtfy sucks lol
L235[21:08:45] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> >Sky: lmgtfy sucks lol
L236[21:08:45] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> i am used to mindustry discord where /lmgtfy is a command
L237[21:08:49] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> i have been indoctrinated
L238[21:08:55] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> Lmao imagine not using DuckDuckGo
L239[21:09:18] <S​ky> >walksanator. B⃢ot.: i am used to mindustry discord where /lmgtfy is a command
L240[21:09:18] <S​ky> its just a shill platform for their own search engine now
L241[21:09:29] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> imaine not writing a horrible mess of Shellscript+Python to make your own Terminal based music player
L242[21:09:42] <PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)> I bet their search engine gets results from Bing
L243[21:10:42] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> here is the trash python script+trash "start" script https://tinyurl.com/25kylvgk
L244[21:11:13] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> https://tinyurl.com/2ynz3ee9
L245[21:11:40] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> all of that for this
L246[21:11:41] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> https://imgur.com/ZbsyPbD.png
L247[21:12:22] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> also i have uhh *A little* bit of music
L248[21:12:22] <walksanato​r. B⃢ot.> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/opiyiyetel
L249[21:43:31] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300EaEf1A5768174594E0bfdc5f2e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L250[22:31:20] <Va​ur> %tonk
L251[22:31:22] <MichiBot> Fudge! Va​ur! You beat PwnagePineap​ple (He/Him)'s previous record of 1 hour, 35 minutes and 12 seconds (By 27 minutes and 52 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L252[22:31:23] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 2 hours, 3 minutes and 5 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00092 (0.00046 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #7. Need 0.04828457 more points to pass Redston​eParkour!
L253[22:43:55] ⇨ Joins: efke (~efke@s6.mcskill.net)
L254[22:45:35] ⇦ Quits: efke (~efke@s6.mcskill.net) (Client Quit)
L255[23:59:47] <AR2​000> 1.16 being closer than ever from being a thing
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