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Stuff goes here
L1[00:07:56] <Amanda> Elfi's roommate was the cure for parasocial relationships?
L2[00:08:29] <Elfi> No, that was another fairy
L3[00:08:33] <Elfi> Lots of them around
L4[00:08:38] <Amanda> Ah
L5[00:09:12] * Amanda lays her head on elfi to muffle more sound, purrs softly to provide white noise
L6[02:32:36] * Amanda meows sleepily to elfi about her plans for banishing all non-robotic vacuums and how this will definitely not lead to a robot uprising
L7[02:33:03] * Amanda zzz
L8[03:31:56] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:828e:200:a961:a304:2cd0:cdc2)
L9[04:29:42] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:828e:200:a961:a304:2cd0:cdc2) (Quit: Leaving.)
L10[05:32:06] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:828e:200:3571:2610:e298:f84f)
L11[05:46:49] <Forec​aster> %sip
L12[05:46:50] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy röd potion (New!). Forecaster's left sock is now cursed.
L13[05:48:15] <Forec​aster> Dang
L14[05:52:23] <Ri​ley> %sip
L15[05:52:24] <MichiBot> You drink a stirring strawberry potion (New!). Everything Riley says is now in Wingdings until someone stabs them.
L16[06:19:36] <The P​atmann> %stab Riley
L17[06:19:37] <MichiBot> The Patmann is trying to stab Riley! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L18[06:19:52] <MichiBot> The Patmann is stabbing Riley with recycled potion bottle for 1d4 => 2 damage! Recycled potion bottle received a call it had won a million money, it wasn't seen again.
L19[06:52:24] <Izaya> huh, are skins broken in 1.12 or
L20[07:00:31] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@2607:5300:201:3100::325) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L21[07:01:03] ⇨ Joins: glasspelican (~quassel@2607:5300:201:3100::325)
L22[08:24:32] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:828e:200:3571:2610:e298:f84f) (Quit: Leaving.)
L23[08:57:15] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e38:a700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L24[09:17:52] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@pd9e21222.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L25[09:17:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L26[09:27:35] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e38:a700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Remote host closed the connection)
L27[11:40:09] <Forec​aster> %remindme 5h cancel car insurance
L28[11:40:10] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "cancel car insurance" in 5h at 11/17/2022 04:40:10 PM
L29[11:43:49] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e38:a700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L30[11:57:05] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net)
L31[11:57:27] ⇦ Quits: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L32[12:14:19] ⇦ Quits: zsh (zsh@services.esper.net) (*.net *.split)
L33[12:21:06] <AR2​000> >Forecaster: %remindme 5h cancel car insurance
L34[12:21:07] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "cancel car insurance" in 5h at 11/17/2022 05:21:06 PM
L35[12:21:07] <AR2​000> We are trying to reach you about your car extended warranty
L36[12:22:06] <AR2​000> Of course michibot think I used the cmd. Too bad for it, I don't have a car insurance to cancel
L37[12:28:15] <Izaya> that's a shame
L38[12:30:27] * Amanda meows and looks around
L39[12:35:36] ⇨ Joins: zsh (zsh@services.esper.net)
L40[12:35:36] anarchy.esper.net sets mode: +o on zsh
L41[12:40:27] * Amanda offers Elfi some meowning beverages
L42[12:52:21] <Forec​aster> >AR2000: Of course michibot think I used the cmd. Too bad for it, I don't have a car i…
L43[12:52:21] <Forec​aster> Cancel it anyway
L44[12:53:57] <Forec​aster> Aldi I'm afraid my car doesn't have any warranty to extend because it wasn't new when I bought it
L45[12:55:06] <AR2​000> Extended warranty from the reseller. Sometimes they do that
L46[12:56:16] <Forec​aster> It's not really a thing here
L47[12:58:28] <Amanda> Good thing y'all were only recording the intensity, or humanity would now that the Wow! signal was just a extended ship warrenty spam call
L48[13:00:03] <Amanda> s/now/know/
L49[13:00:03] <MichiBot> <Amanda> Good thing y'all were only recording the intensity, or humanity would know that the Wow! signal was just a extended ship warrenty spam call
L50[13:00:08] <Amanda> Damn Foxen stole my k
L51[13:06:34] <Forec​aster> The what signal
L52[13:10:39] <Amanda> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal
L53[13:16:42] <AR2​000> https://tinyurl.com/2jvzhok5
L54[13:17:07] <AR2​000> What did you do Amanda ???
L55[13:18:10] <Amanda> Nothing. It's on discord's end
L56[13:18:28] <Amanda> Espically because ther eshould be messages from Forecaster in there
L57[13:19:03] <Amanda> If you want to see what happen %oclogs
L58[13:19:03] <MichiBot> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L59[13:19:06] <AR2​000> I know, it loaded. It's not discord having issues, but my 5G
L60[13:22:20] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> >Amanda: Nothing. It's on discord's end
L61[13:22:21] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> sure, blame the foxen or Discord, even if it's the cats fault
L62[13:23:23] <Amanda> But it's always the foxen's fault
L63[13:24:21] <ben_mkiv> %sip
L64[13:24:21] <MichiBot> You drink a smooth ocean potion (New!). ben_mkiv has a single tear roll down their cheek for some reason.
L65[13:31:45] <S​ky> %tonk
L66[13:31:45] <MichiBot> Eureka! S​ky! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 13 hours, 38 minutes and 50 seconds (By 8 hours, 6 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L67[13:31:46] <MichiBot> Sky's new record is 21 hours, 45 minutes and 24 seconds! Sky also gained 0.11354 (0.00811 x 14) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #17 => #6. (Overtook Kodos) Need 0.78602169 more points to pass Ocawes​ome101!
L68[13:31:53] <S​ky> Holy shit
L69[14:13:57] <Amanda> %choose halucinate?
L70[14:13:57] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I talked to the Swedish Chef, he said "Bork bork!" I think that means yes?
L71[14:27:03] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L72[14:41:57] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net)
L73[14:42:49] ⇨ Joins: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@190.pool90-165-120.dynamic.orange.es)
L74[14:59:01] ⇨ Joins: vberezin (~vberezin@
L75[15:01:43] ⇦ Quits: vberezin (~vberezin@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L76[15:09:17] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e38:a700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Quit: Leaving)
L77[15:09:33] <Forec​aster> Advancing 11 positions is not bad
L78[15:12:48] <Forec​aster> %sip
L79[15:12:49] <MichiBot> You drink an invisible cerulium potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! It changed Forecaster's theme to one they don't like!
L80[15:12:56] <Forec​aster> Aw
L81[15:52:36] <S​ky> %sip
L82[15:52:37] <MichiBot> You drink a shining mithril potion (New!). Sky feels slightly slower.
L83[16:18:03] * Elfi climbs into coffee cup zzz
L84[16:23:30] <S​ky> %sip
L85[16:23:30] <MichiBot> You drink a simulated stainless steel potion (New!). Sky suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L86[16:23:58] <S​ky> Hey did you guys know that dolphins... wait I forget, nevermind.
L87[16:24:43] <Amanda> Dolphins identify their freidsn by tasting their pee, yes
L88[16:24:56] <S​ky> Yes that was it, thanks!
L89[16:40:10] <MichiBot> @Forecaster REMINDER: cancel car insurance
L90[16:40:43] <Ri​ley> %sip
L91[16:40:43] <MichiBot> You drink a diluted sapphire potion (New!). Riley's hair grows 4 times longer until someone turns off a lamp.
L92[16:43:40] <Comput​erCoco> For TIS-3D is there a modulo opperation?
L93[16:50:52] <Ri​ley> Doesn't look like it, but it should be possible to simulate it using other instructions.
L94[16:53:37] <Comput​erCoco> mmm
L95[16:53:37] <Comput​erCoco> perhapos
L96[17:09:44] <Kristo​pher38> a%b=a-(a//b)*b
L97[17:15:34] <AR2​000> Isn't modulo just the reminder of a division ?
L98[17:19:53] <Ri​ley> Yeah, usually the remainder is stored in a different register when doing a normal division operation, but TIS-3D doesn't do that.
L99[17:20:36] <Ri​ley> Actually technically no. Modulo is different for negative numbers, but that's mostly ignored.
L100[17:21:07] <MichiBot> @AR2000 REMINDER: cancel car insurance
L101[18:03:01] <Forec​aster> I already cancelled it on the way here
L102[18:03:30] <Ri​ley> Cancel it again.
L103[18:05:51] <Forec​aster> I refuse
L104[18:06:02] <Forec​aster> One phone call was enough
L105[18:06:19] <Amanda> Cancel the cancelation
L106[18:35:31] <Mic​hiyo> Uncancel the cancelation of the canceling of canceling the cancelation.
L107[18:35:44] <Mic​hiyo> that... made my head hurt
L108[18:49:33] <CompanionCube> so many layees
L109[19:05:30] <The P​atmann> Cancel the Michi Cancel Reminder
L110[19:51:59] <Va​ur> %sip
L111[19:52:00] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly toxictop potion (New!). The bottle turns into a tiberium bow.
L112[20:43:36] <Forec​aster> That sounds like even more calls would be required
L113[20:43:42] <Forec​aster> %sip
L114[20:43:42] <MichiBot> You drink a simulated diamond potion (New!). The bottle turns into a piece of bacon. Forecaster has found 2 pieces of bacon so far. (Rem. uses: 0)
L115[20:44:14] <Va​ur> %sip
L116[20:44:14] <MichiBot> You drink a viscous transparent potion (New!). Vaur: Nothing seemed to happen...
L117[20:44:36] <Ri​ley> %sip
L118[20:44:36] <MichiBot> You drink a sweet pussplum potion (New!). The next pie Riley eats tastes slightly less good.
L119[20:45:49] ⇦ Quits: jackie (~jackie@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) ()
L120[20:45:49] ⇦ Quits: nadja (~dequbed@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Quit: bye!)
L121[20:45:51] ⇦ Quits: kilobyte (~kilobyte2@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Quit: Bye)
L122[21:28:39] <Amanda> %choose pizza or chikken
L123[21:28:39] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A wizard is never late, and sometimes engages in some "pizza".
L124[21:29:35] <Forec​aster> too true
L125[21:41:02] <S​ky> %sip
L126[21:41:03] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating currentcorn potion (New!). A bunch of people in white coats approach Sky. Sky is caught and is given a nice jacket with long arms and put in a nice padded room until they stop thinking about it. (8 vs DC 12)
L127[21:41:07] <Forec​aster> I'm not a wizard, but I do share their love for pizza
L128[21:41:13] <S​ky> Fuck!
L129[21:41:29] <S​ky> *thinks about it intensely*
L130[21:42:07] <Forec​aster> That seems counter productive
L131[21:43:13] <Ri​ley> %sip
L132[21:43:13] <MichiBot> You drink a concentrated ruby potion (New!). Riley's skin turn the color of coral but with a cyan glow until they eat a pie.
L133[21:43:20] <Ri​ley> %eat pie
L134[21:43:22] * MichiBot snatches it and eats it
L135[21:43:36] <Amanda> I'm sure they can give you some nice drugs to not think about it
L136[21:57:40] * Amanda hisses at a birb that's looking at Elfi funny "Fairy are fren, not nom."
L137[22:03:36] * Amanda offers Elfi her share of a pizza
L138[22:19:31] <Amanda> Hrm. Experimental release of SH 16
L139[22:19:56] <Amanda> And Satisfactory did a release of 7 into experimental a couple days ago too
L140[22:20:09] <Amanda> %choose 2d space management or 3d space factory
L141[22:20:09] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby lamp whispers "3d space factory" such that it's barely audible.
L142[22:20:34] * Amanda thanks Elfi, curls up around the lämp, loads up her factory
L143[22:27:02] <Amanda> %choose laptopnaptime?
L144[22:27:03] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Only if you stab Inari first.
L145[22:27:13] <Amanda> I see I see
L146[22:27:17] <Amanda> %stab @Inari
L147[22:27:17] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is trying to stab @Inari! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L148[22:27:22] <MichiBot> Amanda is stabbing @Inari with a Magic bowling 8ball! (25%) for 1d4 => 2 (Magic +2) => 4 damage!
L149[22:27:28] * Amanda lets her laptop nap
L150[22:27:45] <Amanda> Let's see it river crashes when I close the laptop lid again tonight!
L151[22:28:00] <Amanda> If so, I should probably grab the trace and report it
L152[22:43:58] <Mic​hiyo> https://tinyurl.com/2en2qqrg
L153[22:44:00] <Mic​hiyo> Thanks Chrome!
L154[22:45:14] <Mic​hiyo> I actually gave 180GB of RAM to a VM on Hyper-V lol
L155[22:45:58] <Mic​hiyo> Wait... does MichiBot ACTUALLY advocate for Stabbing Inari now??
L156[22:47:36] <Ri​ley> It seems so.
L157[22:48:10] <Mic​hiyo> `templates.add(new Template(1, "Only if you stab Inari first.", 1));` ...
L158[22:48:28] <Mic​hiyo> I thought maybe it picks a random person from the userlist?
L159[22:48:29] <Mic​hiyo> nope...
L160[22:48:36] <Mic​hiyo> Straight up Inari.. lol
L161[22:52:06] <stephan48> haha
L162[22:52:29] <Scotty​cool64> has there been any updates to opencomputers 2?
L163[22:52:38] <Scotty​cool64> or is it gonna be left alone until full release?
L164[22:53:36] <Mic​hiyo> Looks like the git repo was last updated ~4 months ago
L165[22:53:38] <Mic​hiyo> so.. no?
L166[22:55:25] <Ri​ley> Are there plans to add screens to oc2? Projectors work, but sometimes a flat surface fits better.
L167[23:03:26] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L168[23:03:48] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-78-144-117-239.as13285.net)
L169[23:04:06] <Scotty​cool64> >Riley: Are there plans to add screens to oc2? Projectors work, but sometimes a flat su…
L170[23:04:07] <Scotty​cool64> usually projectors are used on flat surfaces
L171[23:04:47] <Ri​ley> I mean with a projector it needs to be some amount of blocks back without any obstructions in between to get a certain size.
L172[23:04:58] <Ri​ley> So when building a display you really have to consider three dimensions.
L173[23:04:58] <Scotty​cool64> yes
L174[23:05:04] <Scotty​cool64> that is how a projector works
L175[23:05:35] <Ri​ley> >Riley: So when building a display you really have to consider three dimensions.
L176[23:05:36] <Ri​ley> With a screen you don't need to reserve space coming out of the display surface, which works better for some builds.
L177[23:05:57] <Ri​ley> >Scottycool64: that is how a projector works
L178[23:05:57] <Ri​ley> Yeah, I'm explaining the shortcoming of the projector.
L179[23:06:16] <Scotty​cool64> usually it is helpful being able to see a significant amount of the screen at once
L180[23:47:42] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@pd9e21222.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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