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L1[00:03:46] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef1fa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L2[00:07:25] <Amanda> Michiyo: are RFID tags meant to be completely destroyed if you die with one chipped into you?
L3[00:08:00] <Amanda> It didn't transfer to my new body, and wasn't in my grave
L4[00:10:22] <Amanda> thankfully, I have poor security hygine, so the token for my security ticket was still in the RAM of one of my machines. :D
L5[00:12:01] <Amanda> I'mma unplug and do some reading. -> typos
L6[00:14:42] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L7[00:14:42] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 13 hours, 29 minutes and 1 second this time. 10 hours, 18 minutes and 50 seconds were wasted! Missed by 3 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds!
L8[00:14:49] <CompanionCube> darn
L9[00:16:22] <Michiyo> Amanda, yes... because I have no idea how to make them persist, or how to make them drop on death
L10[00:16:35] <Amanda> Ah
L11[00:17:15] <Michiyo> since once it's embeded on an entity, it's just some extra NBT...
L12[00:19:09] <Michiyo> https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.12.x/datastorage/extendedentityproperties/ Ahh.
L13[00:19:10] <Michiyo> I see.
L14[00:19:31] <Michiyo> also https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.12.x/datastorage/capabilities/
L15[00:19:47] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L16[00:21:33] <Michiyo> welp my head hurts
L17[00:22:54] * Ariri gives Michiyo aspirin
L18[00:39:09] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-102-234.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L19[00:46:52] <Ko​dos> Ayy finally replaced my busted ass phone
L20[00:50:44] <Ar​iri> It seems ring 0 anti-cheat isnt favored...
L21[00:50:45] <Ar​iri> https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/valorant/user-reviews
L22[00:52:39] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L23[00:56:49] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L24[01:03:59] <Kristo​pher38> what, they want ring -1 anticheat? ring -2 or -3?
L25[01:04:04] <Kristo​pher38> :^)
L26[01:04:51] <Ariri> Well players arent liking that you can't turn it off and it seems to use noticeable resources when the game isnt running
L27[01:15:50] <gee​ver> with transposer.transferItem() I can move an item to another slot or side. Is there a way to move an item to an inventory attached to another transposer on the network?
L28[01:16:53] <Kristo​pher38> make a chain of intermediate chests and transposers leading to your target transposer?
L29[01:17:07] <Kristo​pher38> that seems overcomplicated though
L30[01:17:26] <gee​ver> nope, its not an option
L31[01:28:11] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@
L32[02:26:29] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L33[02:30:20] <Thanos-​No Snap> can microcontroller call on os.time
L34[02:30:37] <Thanos-​No Snap> i couldnt find documentation on what microcontrollers can do and cannot do
L35[02:32:08] <Sagh​etti> they can do pretty much everything
L36[02:32:09] <ThePi​Guy24> no
L37[02:32:12] <Sagh​etti> except no external components
L38[02:32:16] <Sagh​etti> wait
L39[02:32:17] <ThePi​Guy24> os is openos feature
L40[02:32:25] <Thanos-​No Snap> ^ thats what I thought
L41[02:32:30] <ThePi​Guy24> use computer.uptime instead
L42[02:32:36] <Sagh​etti> ah alr
L43[02:32:43] <Thanos-​No Snap> I am trying to get the world time though
L44[02:32:59] <Thanos-​No Snap> trying to make lights turn on at night 😄
L45[02:34:04] <ThePi​Guy24> wait os.time does seem to be available
L46[02:35:02] <ThePi​Guy24> basically anything in the list on this page is available https://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L47[02:38:05] <Thanos-​No Snap> Ah I see
L48[02:38:09] <Thanos-​No Snap> Thank you
L49[02:41:51] <Thanos-​No Snap> How would I output a redstone signal to a certain side using a micro?
L50[02:44:48] <ThePi​Guy24> same way you would with a regular computer
L51[02:45:19] <Thanos-​No Snap> so sides are available hmm
L52[02:45:27] <ThePi​Guy24> yes
L53[02:46:20] <Thanos-​No Snap> but I will have to import sides right?
L54[02:46:40] <ThePi​Guy24> you can just use the numbers 0-5 directly
L55[02:48:46] <Thanos-​No Snap> Oh okay
L56[02:48:49] <Thanos-​No Snap> Thanks 🙂
L57[02:52:24] <Thanos-​No Snap> Do microcontroller run their program on reboot of mc?
L58[02:55:02] <Klea​dron> Computers are persistant
L59[02:55:27] <Klea​dron> so it will still be running after you exit and enter mc
L60[03:01:19] <Ar​iri> Amanda: You have no idea how long it took to design a HEN reactor that didnt melt down in less than a minute https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/KpCFeq5nzxHP5Z9/preview
L61[03:05:26] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Part of the OS library is provided by the mod, so it should work in microcontrollers.
L62[03:05:31] <Brisingr​Aerowing> @Thanos-No Snap
L63[03:16:57] <Thanos-​No Snap> Thank you
L64[03:27:29] <Ar​iri> @Forecaster Is there a way to make a mod disabled with an update, bc Primitive Mobs doesn't let you join if its enabled client-side
L65[03:27:39] <Ar​iri> It was causing major lag
L66[04:50:22] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@
L67[04:51:19] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Client Quit)
L68[04:51:34] <Ocawes​ome101> Izaya: are you online?
L69[05:08:24] ⇦ Quits: lord| (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L70[05:09:55] ⇨ Joins: lord| (~ba7888b72@
L71[05:16:23] <Ar​iri> Amanda: Disable pmobs btw, it causes a fatal error if you try to join with it for some godforsaken reason
L72[05:30:18] <Ocawes​ome101> https://asciinema.org/a/AbTtRkz1T4kGEPD16rCt6z6WN some Monolith man-pages
L73[05:41:20] <Izaya> neat
L74[05:41:22] <Izaya> just got home
L75[05:45:23] <Ocawes​ome101> oh hi
L76[05:45:25] <Ocawes​ome101> so
L77[05:45:27] <Izaya> > that creation story
L78[05:45:36] <Ocawes​ome101> yes
L79[05:45:42] <Izaya> > no mention of PsychOS or anything else I've done
L80[05:45:43] <Izaya> smh
L81[05:45:51] <Ocawes​ome101> oh I can add it :P
L82[05:45:56] <Ocawes​ome101> speaking of PsychOS
L83[05:46:00] <Ocawes​ome101> does PsychOS support dynamic addition / removal of terminals?
L84[05:46:04] <Izaya> no
L85[05:46:12] <Izaya> decided it was too complicated and shelved the idea
L86[05:46:24] <Izaya> physical terminals, that is
L87[05:46:27] <Ocawes​ome101> I did it for Monolith
L88[05:46:31] <Ocawes​ome101> wasn't that difficult
L89[05:46:35] <Izaya> you can quite happily spawn as many virtual terminals as you like
L90[05:46:53] <Klea​dron> you saying it was too complicated is making me enraged
L91[05:46:57] <Ocawes​ome101> see: https://github.com/ocawesome101/oc-monolith/blob/master/util/sbin/getty.lua
L92[05:47:01] <Izaya> I figured if I wanted to do so I'd write a daemon with hooks for component_added/component_removed
L93[05:47:07] <Ocawes​ome101> fair
L94[05:47:14] <Ocawes​ome101> that's basically what getty does :P
L95[05:47:16] <Izaya> have it generalized for any component
L96[05:47:25] <Izaya> use it for automounting instead of fsmanager
L97[05:47:27] <Izaya> etc etc
L98[05:47:52] <Ocawes​ome101> fair
L99[05:48:00] <Izaya> does this reset displays or?
L100[05:48:04] <Ocawes​ome101> event listeners could be nice for that too, if they worked
L101[05:48:17] <Izaya> sorry, insufficient coffee to parse any significant amount of lua
L102[05:48:23] <Izaya> I mean, I have event listeners, and they work
L103[05:48:28] <Ocawes​ome101> it resets them when connected, and when disconnected kills all processes running on them
L104[05:48:30] <Ocawes​ome101> see
L105[05:48:35] <Ocawes​ome101> when I tried to do event listeners
L106[05:48:39] <Ocawes​ome101> everything broke horribly
L107[05:48:40] <Izaya> I just don't want to write a bunch of code to deal with it
L108[05:48:44] <Ocawes​ome101> even using the OpenOS lib
L109[05:48:44] <Izaya> ah see
L110[05:48:48] <Izaya> I do it the dumbest way possible
L111[05:48:52] <Izaya> right
L112[05:48:54] <Ocawes​ome101> with threads?
L113[05:48:54] <Izaya> hear me out
L114[05:49:02] <Izaya> spawn a process that does nothing but wait for the event
L115[05:49:11] * Izaya taps forehead
L116[05:49:16] <Ocawes​ome101> I uh
L117[05:49:19] <Ocawes​ome101> I tried that too
L118[05:49:26] <Klea​dron> execution time 📈
L119[05:49:32] <Klea​dron> stonks
L120[05:49:34] <Ocawes​ome101> couldn't get it to work, though it probably was like 2 am
L121[05:49:53] <Izaya> big brain is knowing that component calls will always be the slowest part of your system and aiming for simplicity everywhere that doesn't talk to components
L122[05:50:08] <Ocawes​ome101> `computer.getDeviceInfo` is slow AF
L123[05:50:25] <Izaya> probably takes a while to query everything lmao
L124[05:50:34] <Ocawes​ome101> probably
L125[05:50:47] <Ocawes​ome101> still, does it take >1 second?
L126[05:50:54] <Izaya> could ig
L127[05:51:04] <Izaya> not sure how it's implemented
L128[05:51:09] <Ocawes​ome101> :P
L129[05:51:10] <Ocawes​ome101> I uh
L130[05:51:24] <Ocawes​ome101> my first iteration of getty called getDeviceInfo
L131[05:51:25] <Ocawes​ome101> every
L132[05:51:26] <Ocawes​ome101> single
L133[05:51:27] <Ocawes​ome101> loop
L134[05:51:33] <Ocawes​ome101> it was horrendously slow lmao
L135[05:51:42] <Izaya> my next plan for PsychOS involves a package filesystem, providing a union of the files contained in archives as a read-only filesystem object
L136[05:51:46] <Izaya> is that something you would find useful
L137[05:52:04] <Ocawes​ome101> I mean
L138[05:52:07] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah, probably
L139[05:53:23] <Izaya> it doesn't really fit a unix-like system
L140[05:53:30] <Izaya> but ig you could repurpose it to mount single archives
L141[05:53:43] <Ocawes​ome101> similar to mounting ISOs
L142[05:53:52] <Izaya> or tars yeah
L143[05:54:03] <Ocawes​ome101> you can mount tars?!
L144[05:54:13] <Izaya> they don't want you to know this, but you don't need an archive manager
L145[05:54:29] <Izaya> there's a gvfs addon that lets you mount archives
L146[05:54:30] <Ocawes​ome101> huh, til
L147[05:54:43] <Izaya> additionally, if you archive things with squashfs, those are designed to be mounted
L148[05:54:48] <Izaya> they're f a s t for an archive
L149[05:54:57] <Ocawes​ome101> hence why live USBs do it
L150[05:55:13] <Izaya> yeah
L151[05:55:22] <Izaya> live systems are neat
L152[05:55:29] <Izaya> tmpfs unionfs'd on top of squashfs
L153[05:55:34] <Ocawes​ome101> and something that Windows can't doo :^)
L154[05:55:50] <Izaya> I mean
L155[05:55:52] <Izaya> it can
L156[05:55:58] <Izaya> it's just a $400 third-party program
L157[05:56:03] <Ocawes​ome101> ....fair
L158[05:56:13] <Izaya> (I don't actually know how much DeepFreeze costs but my point still stands.)
L159[05:56:37] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> VP9 mangled my recording
L160[05:56:37] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> reee
L161[05:56:51] <Izaya> googl'd
L162[05:57:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> but
L163[05:57:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it squashed it down from 622MB to 7.82MB
L164[05:57:23] <Ocawes​ome101> are there docs anywhere on OCVM's APIs?
L165[05:58:21] <pay​onel> ocvm api?
L166[05:58:38] <Ocawes​ome101> the c++ apis
L167[05:58:57] <pay​onel> i didn't build it as an api for extension
L168[05:59:02] <Ocawes​ome101> hm
L169[05:59:03] <Ocawes​ome101> well
L170[05:59:08] <Ar​iri> Izaya: If you didnt already see, disable Primitive Mobs bc its buggy as hell
L171[05:59:11] <pay​onel> there are a few cases where you can inject custom types
L172[05:59:14] <pay​onel> like the screen buffer
L173[05:59:16] <Izaya> neat
L174[05:59:18] <Ocawes​ome101> I'm mostly trying to figure out what I need to use to write a `drive` component
L175[05:59:46] <Forec​aster> @Ariri setting it to server only doesn't work?
L176[06:00:03] <Ar​iri> Well its already on clients, so it wont be deleted by a patch would it
L177[06:00:31] <Ar​iri> Im thinking I could make it a blank file with the same name, so it overwrites, but idk if Minecraft will like it, gonna test it soon
L178[06:00:47] <Izaya> empty zip file
L179[06:00:51] * Izaya taps forehead
L180[06:01:25] <Forec​aster> @Ariri that's what the platform does when you delete a mod
L181[06:01:49] <Klea​dron> Izaya: i ported ComputerCraft 1.21 to Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
L182[06:01:58] <Izaya> cursed
L183[06:02:00] <Ar​iri> So if I remove it from the list, the updater will remove it from the existing clients?
L184[06:02:03] <Izaya> it started on b1.8.1 right?
L185[06:02:10] <Forec​aster> Yes
L186[06:02:17] <Klea​dron> no
L187[06:02:24] <Izaya> 1.0?
L188[06:02:28] <Klea​dron> yes
L189[06:02:46] <Ar​iri> Okay
L190[06:03:08] <Forec​aster> Of course it will, what kind of modpack manager would be unable to remove moos
L191[06:03:22] <Forec​aster> :P
L192[06:03:31] <Ar​iri> Fair point
L193[06:03:37] <Klea​dron> ill show a screenshot of it izaya
L194[06:03:39] <Izaya> Yeah, what sort of modpack manager couldn't do that?
L195[06:03:41] <Izaya> >.>
L196[06:03:43] <Izaya> <.<
L197[06:04:23] <Ar​iri> %bap Ariri
L198[06:04:23] <MichiBot> Ariri baps themselves with big-endian x86!
L199[06:04:23] <Klea​dron> http://tinyurl.com/ychjb26t
L200[06:04:44] <Klea​dron> http://tinyurl.com/y79ukuck
L201[06:04:54] <Ocawes​ome101> so uh
L202[06:05:05] <Klea​dron> the disk drive crashes the game currently when you put an item in it and computers don't properly interact with redstone
L203[06:05:11] <Ocawes​ome101> oh nvm
L204[06:05:13] <Izaya> nice
L205[06:05:23] <Klea​dron> but they power redpower red alloy wire which is bizzare
L206[06:05:28] <Klea​dron> can't read from it
L207[06:05:37] <Forec​aster> Izaya a bad one, that's what
L208[06:05:50] <Klea​dron> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/oyoyuwoniq
L209[06:05:51] <Izaya> man, b1.7_01 world gen was way more fun than the later stuff
L210[06:05:54] <Klea​dron> it even finds the library
L211[06:05:55] <Izaya> jank is always fun
L212[06:06:06] <Izaya> Forecaster: yeah, a bad one
L213[06:06:07] <Izaya> >.>
L214[06:06:09] <Izaya> <.<
L215[06:12:21] <ThePi​Guy24> man redpower was fun
L216[06:26:11] <pay​onel> @Ocawesome101 pull latest
L217[06:26:12] <pay​onel> go nuts
L218[06:27:36] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> D R I V E
L219[06:27:44] <Ocawes​ome101> A DRIVE COMPONENT
L220[06:28:02] <Ocawes​ome101> FINALLYYYYYYYY
L221[06:28:06] <Ocawes​ome101> thank you!
L222[06:28:10] <pay​onel> it's empty
L223[06:28:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> okay?
L224[06:28:16] <Ocawes​ome101> ....oh
L225[06:28:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> time for some
L226[06:28:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> cstdio
L227[06:28:24] <pay​onel> you can poke at some of the api if you're interested
L228[06:28:51] <Klea​dron> how to raise and then crush a man's dreams within a minute
L229[06:28:56] <pay​onel> haha
L230[06:28:57] <Ocawes​ome101> ikr
L231[06:29:14] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> nah
L232[06:29:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i got this
L233[06:29:19] <pay​onel> bah, @Ocawesome101 do you know the drive api?
L234[06:29:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i can into cstdio
L235[06:29:28] <Ocawes​ome101> @payonel largely, yes
L236[06:29:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> y e s
L237[06:29:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i do
L238[06:29:36] <pay​onel> @AdorableCatgirl are you refering to drive impl?
L239[06:29:39] <pay​onel> because, no
L240[06:29:42] <pay​onel> i dont want cstdio
L241[06:29:47] <pay​onel> this isn't c
L242[06:29:47] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oof
L243[06:29:58] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i don't remember how file i/o works in C++
L244[06:30:34] <Ocawes​ome101> there's a `drivers/fs_utils.h` you can include in OCVM that I think provides file i/o?
L245[06:30:38] <pay​onel> tell you what (either of you, both of you)
L246[06:30:46] <pay​onel> let me screen share, i'll we'll program it together
L247[06:30:51] <pay​onel> i'll drive, you tell me how the api works
L248[06:30:59] <Ocawes​ome101> uh
L249[06:31:00] <Ocawes​ome101> wait
L250[06:31:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> damnit
L251[06:31:05] <Ocawes​ome101> you don't know the api?
L252[06:31:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> sec
L253[06:31:11] <pay​onel> for drive? nope
L254[06:31:12] <pay​onel> never used it
L255[06:31:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i need to find my headset
L256[06:31:19] <Ocawes​ome101> it's on the wiki....?
L257[06:31:24] <pay​onel> yeah
L258[06:31:29] <pay​onel> and?
L259[06:31:35] <Ocawes​ome101> is that not enough?
L260[06:31:37] <Klea​dron> someone else probably wrote it
L261[06:31:50] <pay​onel> it could be, or you could make this faster and just tell me how it works
L262[06:31:51] <pay​onel> 🙂
L263[06:31:54] <Ocawes​ome101> fair
L264[06:32:01] <pay​onel> @Kleadron sangar did
L265[06:32:06] <Klea​dron> ah
L266[06:32:32] <Ocawes​ome101> I can't vc currently b/c laptop mic broken and can't access desktop as 1:30 and don't want to wake up parents, but I can certainly do text char
L267[06:32:35] <Corded> * <Forec​aster> shakes fist yelling into the sky "Sangaaaaaar!"
L268[06:32:35] <pay​onel> @Ocawesome101 i want to get back to playing some games tonight, so i'll pause to write this up
L269[06:32:37] <Ocawes​ome101> chat*
L270[06:32:52] <Ocawes​ome101> ok
L271[06:32:56] <pay​onel> well, that'd be as much reading as the wiki, at best 🙂
L272[06:33:06] <pay​onel> maybe @AdorableCatgirl can tell me what to do
L273[06:33:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i cannot describe things for the life of me
L274[06:33:17] <pay​onel> haha
L275[06:33:19] <pay​onel> sigh
L276[06:33:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so i'm just gonna reference the source code and go from there
L277[06:34:21] <Ocawes​ome101> souh
L278[06:34:24] <Ocawes​ome101> so uh*
L279[06:34:47] <Ocawes​ome101> I might be better than the wiki solely because I can answer any questions you may have :P
L280[06:35:40] <Ocawes​ome101> and I can still join the VC
L281[06:35:43] <Ocawes​ome101> just can't
L282[06:35:45] <Ocawes​ome101> y'know
L283[06:35:47] <Ocawes​ome101> speak
L284[06:35:56] <Klea​dron> luckily we have a #voice-chat channel now
L285[06:35:59] <Ocawes​ome101> ye
L286[06:36:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh yeah
L287[06:36:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> we do
L288[06:36:17] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i still have to find my headset
L289[06:36:31] <pay​onel> why isn't voice-chat an audio channel?
L290[06:36:38] <pay​onel> i dont understand discord apparently
L291[06:36:49] <Klea​dron> it's a text chat for people to talk to people who are in voice chat
L292[06:36:52] <Michiyo> #voice-chat is the text channel, for voice chat
L293[06:36:52] <Michiyo> :P
L294[06:36:53] <Ocawes​ome101> I think it's for text things related to voice chat? probably maybe?
L295[06:36:57] <Ocawes​ome101> or that
L296[06:36:58] <Klea​dron> if they don't have a microphone but want to listen
L297[06:37:06] <Ocawes​ome101> or if their mic is broken
L298[06:37:09] <pay​onel> that makes perfect sense ... 😛
L299[06:37:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> or for things that are related to what are being talked about
L300[06:37:19] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> like links
L301[06:37:22] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> or pictures
L302[06:37:22] <Mic​hiyo> ^
L303[06:37:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> HEY HERE'S MY HEADSET
L304[06:37:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> WEW
L305[06:37:29] <Klea​dron> cat pictures
L306[06:37:45] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> cute animals need no context
L307[06:38:16] <Forec​aster> E:D odyssey is going to be the next paid update
L308[06:47:40] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: Cervator)
L309[06:48:30] ⇦ Quits: daniel (~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L310[06:55:57] <Ocawes​ome101> %addquote payonel I do stupid stuff all the time, just try not to do the obviously stupid stuff
L311[06:56:04] <Ocawes​ome101> dangit
L312[06:56:07] <Ocawes​ome101> how do I add a quote
L313[06:56:10] <Sagh​etti> ..
L314[06:56:12] <Sagh​etti> or smth
L315[06:56:24] <Ocawes​ome101> .. payonel I do stupid stuff all the time, just try not to do the obviously stupid stuff
L316[06:56:34] <Forec​aster> %quote add
L317[06:57:24] <Ocawes​ome101> ah
L318[06:57:36] <Ocawes​ome101> %quote add payonel I do stupid stuff all the time, just try not to do the obviously stupid stuff
L319[06:57:37] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101: Quote added at id: 211
L320[06:57:48] <Sagh​etti> off topic, but http://tinyurl.com/y9t4p66h
L321[06:57:48] <Sagh​etti> pog
L322[06:57:56] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L323[06:58:33] <ThePi​Guy24> @payonel is this ocemu?
L324[06:58:37] <ThePi​Guy24> *ocvm
L325[06:58:38] <Sagh​etti> ocvm
L326[06:58:54] <ThePi​Guy24> brain does the stupid sometimes
L327[06:58:57] <Ocawes​ome101> he's adding a drive component!
L328[06:59:01] <ThePi​Guy24> nice
L329[06:59:26] <Forec​aster> #voice-chat
L330[06:59:44] <ThePi​Guy24> meanwhile im making a 24x16 screen of redstone lamps/project red lamps
L331[06:59:47] <ThePi​Guy24> ah
L332[07:00:23] <Klea​dron> jetpaq
L333[07:00:45] ⇨ Joins: daniel (~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de)
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L336[08:05:07] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fe7ed4d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L337[08:05:40] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L338[08:07:08] <Ar​iri> Amanda: https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/cNGnZRkPe36KxRA/preview
L339[08:18:33] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
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L343[08:21:40] <Forec​aster> %sip
L344[08:21:40] <MichiBot> You drink a sour weather potion (New!). It tastes salty.
L345[08:34:26] <pay​onel> well if anyone is interested still i figured it out
L346[08:34:39] <pay​onel> this was a really good learning experience for me, you can only write to the end of a file
L347[08:34:53] <pay​onel> i...do now remember learning that, .. .but now i'll never forget
L348[08:37:07] <Ar​iri> Yay or nay on the pink and black https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/7EBTd9B25ynDEXY/preview
L349[08:37:42] <ThePi​Guy24> looks decent
L350[08:39:31] <Forec​aster> @payonel sure you wont, until you accidentally drink a potion of forgetfullness
L351[08:40:06] <Izaya> tfw no 6A10
L352[08:40:14] <Michiyo> %splash @"payonel"
L353[08:40:14] <MichiBot> You fling a smooth transparent potion (New!) that splashes onto @"payonel". @"payonel" hears a train whistle in the distance.
L354[08:40:25] <Michiyo> You got lucky this time.
L355[08:40:46] <Klea​dron> ariri i don't like those diagonals
L356[08:40:58] <Klea​dron> those are not allowed in my minecraftian discord
L357[08:41:11] <Ar​iri> D:<
L358[08:41:15] <Forec​aster> fortunate that this isn't your discord :P
L359[08:41:29] <Michiyo> @Kleadron I'm forcing 3d models on all blocks now.
L360[08:41:30] <Klea​dron> you'd like to believe :)
L361[08:41:32] <Klea​dron> jk
L362[08:41:33] <Klea​dron> oh no
L363[08:41:35] <Michiyo> And, not cubes... :O
L364[08:41:39] <Ar​iri> Well I got news for you
L365[08:41:40] <Ar​iri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/rMg8ajEmEBKyqSA/preview
L366[08:42:06] <ThePi​Guy24> make every block just a slightly distorted cube
L367[08:42:14] <Ar​iri> put a donk in it
L368[08:42:21] <Michiyo> I'm re-adding the printer model to OpenPrinter!
L369[08:42:23] <Ar​iri> a derk
L370[08:42:27] <Ar​iri> uhh
L371[08:42:34] <Forec​aster> it was removed?
L372[08:42:37] <Ar​iri> a pong?
L373[08:42:38] <Michiyo> Wait, did I already do that?
L374[08:42:44] <Michiyo> Hmm..
L375[08:42:45] <Ar​iri> whats the word
L376[08:42:56] <Ar​iri> hammer -> block = ???
L377[08:42:58] <Forec​aster> last I checked there was a printer model
L378[08:43:27] <Michiyo> Well, if so then I was just preparing for this conversation!
L379[08:45:57] <Ar​iri> I cant decide if I want to put stairs in the blue or elevators on yellow... https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/Bb34gCQnHZmeQF9/preview
L380[08:46:35] <Forec​aster> ask MichiBot
L381[08:46:39] <Forec​aster> :P
L382[08:46:42] <Ar​iri> Oh yeah
L383[08:46:47] <Ar​iri> %choose stairs or elevators
L384[08:46:47] <MichiBot> Ar​iri: I tried reading my tea leaves this morning. There was sometihng about death and doom. Anyway, go with "stairs"
L385[08:47:25] <Ar​iri> %8ball but does the cleanliness of balcony look better
L386[08:47:26] <MichiBot> Ar​iri: I don't think that's a question...
L387[08:47:32] <Ar​iri> %8ball but does the cleanliness of balcony look better?
L388[08:47:32] <MichiBot> Ar​iri: Without a doubt
L389[08:48:04] <R​ph> Does amount of characters in the `text` parameter for `gpu.set` affect speed?
L390[08:48:22] <R​ph> or does set(1, 1, "a") and set(1, 1, string.rep("a", 150)) use the same callbudget
L391[08:48:56] <Klea​dron> the string size doesn't seem to effect speed so that's why the general idea is to use gpu.set to put as much on screen as possible
L392[08:49:08] <R​ph> okay, so what I do already is good
L393[08:49:19] <Klea​dron> i'm not sure if it effects power usage but i doubt it
L394[08:49:58] <R​ph> I don't care about power usage, I want to play video at a framerate greater than 5 FPS so I'm currently working on heavy optimisations to the image rendering work I already did
L395[09:21:20] <pay​onel> well that was super cool, for me at least
L396[09:21:31] <pay​onel> it was a good refresher for some things in c++ i haven't needed to do in a long time
L397[09:52:50] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-102-234.dynamic.as20676.net)
L398[09:52:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L399[09:53:21] <MichiBot> @Forecaster REMINDER: require more pylons, and also make splash potions blockable
L400[09:55:25] <Forec​aster> oh yeah
L401[09:59:49] <MichiBot> @Forecaster REMINDER: add platinum appearance
L402[09:59:59] <Forec​aster> mm yes
L403[10:00:10] <Forec​aster> perfectly timed those
L404[10:00:27] <Forec​aster> (by accident)
L405[10:40:04] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-98-226.dynamic.as20676.net)
L406[10:40:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L410[11:06:43] <Zen​1th> i wish OC graphics were faster, cc prove it's possible without overloading the server and hardware buffers aren't enough for me
L411[11:16:50] <Kristo​pher38> ❓
L412[11:17:15] <Forec​aster> Needs more lubricant
L413[11:18:57] <dequbed> Use an optically clear lubricant though, otherwise you'll get visual artifacts
L414[11:23:32] <Forec​aster> which reminds me, I need to refill the light fluid in my car
L415[11:24:51] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@
L416[11:40:35] <R​ph> @Zen1th I can literally play video using hardware buffers, what do you need?!?
L417[11:41:11] <R​ph> The primary difference is that with OC you need to think about optimising your GPU code
L418[11:41:17] <R​ph> reducing the amount of calls etc
L419[11:41:31] <R​ph> you cant just iterate over every character and setbg, setfg, set
L420[11:44:20] <Ata​kku> > I cant decide if I want to put stairs in the blue or elevators on yellow... https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/Bb34gCQnHZmeQF9/preview
L421[11:44:20] <Ata​kku> @Ariri wait r u the guy who has been getting quite a lot of upvotes on reddit?
L422[11:44:38] <Ata​kku> or are you copying his build style
L423[11:58:53] <Zen​1th> @Rph true but OC is cool and awesome and that's the whole problem
L424[11:59:31] <R​ph> Im just saying that
L425[11:59:36] <R​ph> you can do fast gpu stuff on OC
L426[11:59:51] <R​ph> you just need to think about your approach first
L427[12:05:57] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L428[12:06:45] * Amanda yawns, stretchies
L429[12:09:09] <Zen​1th> yea ik
L430[12:09:26] <Zen​1th> i criticized hardware buffers multiple-tick bitblt time
L431[12:09:39] <Zen​1th> it makes them nearly unusable for dynamic content
L432[12:09:57] <Zen​1th> but i agree that for static content it's perfect
L433[12:10:17] <Zen​1th> and it could also be used for caching graphics primitives to draw them efficiently later
L434[12:10:29] <Zen​1th> like a circle or a Bézier curve
L435[12:11:06] <Zen​1th> or one case where it's very very very efficient: backgrounds
L436[12:11:44] <Zen​1th> one call and it's done
L437[12:12:02] <Zen​1th> thinking of it it's only efficient for static images :/
L438[12:12:31] <Forec​aster> did you miss the part where @Rph is using it for video
L439[12:12:34] <Forec​aster> how is that static
L440[12:19:51] <R​ph> I managed to squeeze 8 FPS out of buffers
L441[12:20:19] <Forec​aster> yep, definitely static :P
L442[12:21:57] <Izaya> remember to hydrate
L443[12:37:51] * Amanda beams 1000mb of water above Izaya
L444[12:46:41] * Lizzy nyaa
L445[12:47:05] <Forec​aster> %pet Lizzy
L446[12:47:06] <MichiBot> Forecaster is brushing Lizzy with persister.jar. Lizzy regains 1d4 => 1 hit points! Persister.jar rides off into the sunset on a horse with no name.
L447[12:47:15] * Lizzy purrs
L448[12:47:43] <Lizzy> also for some reason hexchat only highligted MichiBot's line till the end of the first "persister.jar"
L449[12:48:07] <Forec​aster> it think it's a url?
L450[12:55:24] <Lizzy> hmm, yep it seems to have interpreted it as that
L451[12:55:33] <Lizzy> though i thought it'd continue the formatting on
L452[13:01:18] * Amanda snuggles up against Lizzy, yawns
L453[13:02:08] <Amanda> @Zen1th you're never going to get 60fps out of a mod that only ticks at most 20 times a second.
L454[13:03:08] <Zen​1th> i didn't spoke about 60 fps ?
L455[13:03:20] <Zen​1th> i think you wanted to ping someone else
L456[13:03:37] <Amanda> then I'm not sure what you're talking abut making it "unusable" for dynamic content
L457[13:03:54] <Zen​1th> no no no i was saying hardware buffers aren't suited for dynamic content
L458[13:03:59] <Amanda> one of the demos that @payonel tested it with was a dynamic ball bouncing down stairs
L459[13:04:01] <Zen​1th> because of bitblt time when the buffer is dirty
L460[13:04:16] <Zen​1th> yea you can move it but i mean if the buffer is dirty
L461[13:04:32] <Zen​1th> bouncing ball is moving position for which hardware buffer is very suited for
L462[13:05:22] <Amanda> oh, I see, you mean the dynamic content being *in* the buffer?
L463[13:06:30] <Amanda> in which case yeah, that makes sense. There's a reason OpenGL/Vulkan/etc works in X11 by punching a hole in the buffers managed by the WM to a surface directly controlled by the GPU
L464[13:07:54] <Zen​1th> yea
L465[13:08:02] <Zen​1th> also
L466[13:08:04] * Lizzy soft-pats Amanda
L467[13:08:13] <Zen​1th> it has (almost) nothing to do with how IRL buffers work
L468[13:08:16] * Amanda purrs softly. :3
L469[13:08:23] <Zen​1th> tf
L470[13:08:27] <Zen​1th> are you furries? (jk)
L471[13:08:45] <Amanda> IRL buffers are a more modern concept than OC is based around
L472[13:08:54] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L473[13:08:57] <Amanda> And yes, kinda?
L474[13:10:00] <Zen​1th> lol ok
L475[13:10:14] <Zen​1th> but anyways oc buffers is like the basic concept of irl buffers
L476[13:10:23] <Zen​1th> it's buffers in a GPU, the rest is different
L477[13:18:34] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L479[13:47:32] <Forec​aster> %sip
L480[13:47:32] <MichiBot> You drink a freezing red potion (New!). Forecaster's hair grows 3 times longer for 47 minutes.
L481[13:47:44] <Forec​aster> oh
L482[13:49:19] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L483[13:49:20] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Squi​dDev! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of 13 hours, 29 minutes and 1 second (By 5 minutes and 36 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L484[13:49:21] <MichiBot> Squi​dDev has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.013 tonk points! plus 0.012 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.9059. Position #1
L485[14:20:05] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@
L486[14:29:22] <pay​onel> @Zen1th the bitblt delay is completely arbitrarry and not a "feature", it's just three to keep the cost of OC on servers below a threshold
L487[14:31:12] <Forec​aster> the bitbit delay is just three
L488[14:31:26] <Forec​aster> "three what?"
L489[14:31:31] <Forec​aster> three speed
L490[14:31:39] <pay​onel> as for performance, it's pretty easy to have 20fps
L491[14:32:33] <Zen​1th> yea true i just said due to that it's not suited for buffers with dynamic content inside
L492[14:32:46] <pay​onel> and why is it not suited?
L493[14:32:51] <pay​onel> works just fine for dynamic content
L494[14:33:01] <Zen​1th> because when a buffer is dirty it takes a lot of time to refresh?
L495[14:33:01] <Zen​1th> doesn't it?
L496[14:33:10] <Zen​1th> because when a buffer is dirty bitblt takes a lot of time to refresh? [Edited]
L497[14:33:26] <pay​onel> once the buffer is dirty, the bitblt has cost, yes. a clean bitblt is nearly free
L498[14:33:34] <pay​onel> but it still works
L499[14:33:39] <Zen​1th> i know that, that's why i said it's not suitable for dynamic content inside buffer
L500[14:33:49] <Zen​1th> by that i meant putting things inside the buffer
L501[14:33:53] <pay​onel> i dont understand how that makes it not suited
L502[14:33:54] <Zen​1th> not moving the bitblt destination or something like that
L503[14:34:09] <Zen​1th> for example using a buffer as a double-buffer
L504[14:34:11] <pay​onel> sure, make the content dynamic, dirty it up
L505[14:34:21] <Zen​1th> this would mean having the bitblt take a lot of time
L506[14:34:25] <Zen​1th> since the buffer is dirty
L507[14:34:28] <Zen​1th> almost always
L508[14:34:57] <pay​onel> sure. it still works. and when color changes are involved it is more efficient than doing the same with set fg/bg and sets
L509[14:35:01] <pay​onel> and it removes tearing
L510[14:35:13] <Zen​1th> it depends on bitblt cost when buffer is dirty?
L511[14:35:15] <Zen​1th> what it is ?
L512[14:35:19] <pay​onel> how is this not suited? how is this not like real buffers?
L513[14:35:32] <Zen​1th> what's the cost for a bitblt when dirty?
L514[14:35:50] <pay​onel> the cost scales with the size of the buffer
L515[14:35:50] <Zen​1th> cuz i heard it was gonna be multi-tick cost
L516[14:36:04] <Zen​1th> oh ok, so for a 160x50 buffer? (so double-buffering)
L517[14:36:30] <pay​onel> i think somewhere around 100x100 it takes a full tick. i dont recall. it was balanced to keep the full cost in a worst case scenario below bringing game fps down
L518[14:36:52] <Zen​1th> ok so 160x50 is a bit less than a tick?
L519[14:36:56] <Zen​1th> well glad that the costs changed 🙂
L520[14:37:11] <Zen​1th> (last time i saw it it was higher)
L521[14:37:13] <pay​onel> it'd be a full tick for that
L522[14:37:17] <pay​onel> but even if it was 100x
L523[14:37:19] <pay​onel> it still works
L524[14:37:45] <pay​onel> you're confusing "slow" with "gpu buffers aren't suited for xyz"
L525[14:37:46] <Zen​1th> yea i was just not understanding the cost of bitblt
L526[14:37:54] <Zen​1th> yea
L527[14:37:56] <pay​onel> this is more like, "minecraft isn't suited for animaitons"
L528[14:38:03] <Zen​1th> yea you're true
L529[14:38:07] <pay​onel> at least, not in my opinion
L530[14:38:32] <pay​onel> but, all that said - bitblt has been optimized over the first version i pushed out
L531[14:38:38] <Zen​1th> ok cool
L532[14:38:56] <pay​onel> if you keep your buffers smallish, like 50x50, you can get ~100fps with a lot of dynamic content
L533[14:39:25] <pay​onel> and even with large buffers, taking full ficks, it's still always faster when compared to color setting directly
L534[14:40:01] <Zen​1th> wait what?
L535[14:40:06] <Zen​1th> performance really really improved then
L536[14:40:25] <Zen​1th> this mean i'll be able to use the new buffer feature for Fuchas's WM 🙂
L537[14:40:46] <pay​onel> what i'm saying is that if you are trying to animate dynamic content which is also changing color data, then bitblt is faster
L538[14:40:57] <pay​onel> it also is going to make the visual movement smooth
L539[14:41:10] <Zen​1th> yea
L540[14:41:15] <Zen​1th> i think i'll start using it when it's stable
L541[14:41:28] <pay​onel> it's stable, no more changes are planned.
L542[14:41:33] <Zen​1th> oh ok cool
L543[14:41:41] <Zen​1th> so already implemented in Fuchas's gpu driver
L544[14:41:46] <Zen​1th> and i just have to use it on the WM
L545[14:42:06] <pay​onel> i could optmize some more edge cases, like clean color data, but that would require significant refactoring of the internal text buffers and i'm not currently interested in doing that
L546[14:43:54] <pay​onel> it's possible for some cases to be slower with bitblt, definitely. just keep in mind that bitblt call cost was tuned based on the cost of bitblt. there isn't some algorithm that dictates it is always faster than set
L547[14:44:51] <Zen​1th> yea sure
L548[14:50:59] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L549[15:37:18] <Forec​aster> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/entropy-2
L550[15:38:01] <Forec​aster> the universe is really like those things that has you move the cursor to generate randomness for something
L551[15:51:24] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> tfw no 6a10
L552[16:07:05] <Ocawes​ome101> So @payonel we have a drive component now?
L553[16:07:23] <pay​onel> yeah, weren't you there?
L554[16:07:30] <pay​onel> perhaps you logged out before i was done
L555[16:07:56] <Ocawes​ome101> I logged out at about 3
L556[16:08:09] <Ocawes​ome101> So about 8 hours ago
L557[16:08:18] <Ocawes​ome101> What time is it for you?
L558[16:08:37] <pay​onel> pacific time, 8am
L559[16:08:45] <Ocawes​ome101> Ah
L560[16:09:14] <Ocawes​ome101> So in yuor time I logged out at about midnight - it’s 11am for me
L561[16:15:23] <Ocawes​ome101> And also time for me to pull the latest master of OCVM :P
L562[16:33:12] *** BrightYC is now known as `
L563[16:33:23] *** bpm140 is now known as |||
L564[16:33:27] *** ||| is now known as ||
L565[16:33:41] *** ` is now known as Guest28772
L566[16:34:03] *** Guest28772 is now known as _
L567[16:34:57] *** || is now known as bpm140
L568[16:35:03] *** _ is now known as BrightYC
L569[16:53:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i was in the wrong channel whoops
L570[16:54:10] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> lmao
L571[17:13:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> watch this
L572[17:14:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'm gonna make a way to emulate OSSM PROM cards in OCVM B)
L573[17:14:38] <Ocawes​ome101> Make computer.beep functional while you’re at it :P
L574[17:17:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> no
L575[17:18:34] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i forgot if prom cards have labels lmao
L576[17:33:38] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L579[19:03:27] <Dar​kBro> h
L580[19:03:44] <Dar​kBro> why wont my server show anything?
L581[19:03:50] <Dar​kBro> server screen
L582[19:04:10] <Dar​kBro> http://tinyurl.com/yb7t7ua2
L583[19:04:11] <Forec​aster> "server screen"?
L584[19:04:23] <Dar​kBro> http://tinyurl.com/y7rpqek9
L585[19:04:32] <Forec​aster> did you link the server to the right side in the rack gui?
L586[19:04:39] <M​GR> is the server connected to the right (as opposed to left, not correct) side in the rack?
L587[19:04:46] <Dar​kBro> ?
L588[19:04:51] <Dar​kBro> h
L589[19:04:57] <Dar​kBro> it needs be right side?
L590[19:05:02] <Forec​aster> yes
L591[19:05:06] <Dar​kBro> w h y
L592[19:05:12] <Forec​aster> it's from the perspective of the rack, not you
L593[19:05:13] <Michiyo> it's the cases right
L594[19:05:15] <Michiyo> not your right
L595[19:05:37] <Forec​aster> and since it's facing you, it's the opposite of yours
L596[19:06:31] <Dar​kBro> uh????????????
L597[19:06:43] <Forec​aster> ...it's not that hard
L598[19:06:57] <Forec​aster> the front of the rack is the side with the hole in it
L599[19:07:04] <Ar​iri> You are now the case, and you see the player. To the right is the players left
L600[19:07:14] <Ar​iri> Like a mirror(?)
L601[19:07:22] <Forec​aster> so if you point your face in that direction, your left and right will be the same as a the racks
L602[19:07:28] <Dar​kBro> http://tinyurl.com/y98doyoh
L603[19:07:52] <Forec​aster> you can only connect one slot to one side at a time
L604[19:08:12] <Forec​aster> you can't have it connected to both the disk drive and the screen at once unless both of them are connected to the same side
L605[19:08:24] <Forec​aster> or connected with a cable
L606[19:08:53] <Dar​kBro> hec
L607[19:09:47] <Forec​aster> why are you using a server with four gpus and four hard drives
L608[19:10:07] <Dar​kBro> idk
L609[19:10:18] <Dar​kBro> i want to
L610[19:10:32] <Forec​aster> okay...
L611[19:10:46] <Forec​aster> but four of those gpus are doing diddly squat
L612[19:10:54] <Forec​aster> but three of those gpus are doing diddly squat [Edited]
L613[19:11:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> SLI, duh
L614[19:11:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :^)
L615[19:11:17] <Forec​aster> unless you make a program that use them in some way
L616[19:13:24] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L617[19:13:25] <MichiBot> Dogast! Compan​ionCube! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of <0 (By 5 hours, 24 minutes and 4 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L618[19:13:26] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 5 hours, 24 minutes and 4 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.0054 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3 => #2. Need 0.03746 more points to pass Squi​dDev!
L619[19:16:10] <Dar​kBro> how to install the OS
L620[19:16:16] <Dar​kBro> so i can use programs
L621[19:16:37] <Forec​aster> type install in the shell after booting off of the OpenOS disk
L622[19:18:12] <Dar​kBro> it takes time http://tinyurl.com/yb6u7jym
L623[19:18:18] <Dar​kBro> guess ill use it to build my base
L624[19:18:21] <Forec​aster> myep
L625[19:19:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> thinks take time
L626[19:19:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> *things
L627[19:19:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> TIL
L628[19:23:04] <Dar​kBro> is there any games?
L629[19:23:31] <Dar​kBro> ms dos games
L630[19:23:41] <Forec​aster> this isn't ms dos
L631[19:23:57] <Forec​aster> I don't know if there are any games
L632[19:24:00] <Forec​aster> I haven't looked
L633[19:24:07] <Forec​aster> there might be something on oppm
L634[19:24:39] <Kristo​pher38> there are, I've seen one when I was browsing openprograms earlier today
L635[19:25:58] <Dar​kBro> how to find it
L636[19:28:10] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L637[19:28:18] <Dar​kBro> http://tinyurl.com/y8nbgcsu
L638[19:33:25] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L639[19:34:42] <Dar​kBro> how to config 3D printer
L640[19:34:58] <Forec​aster> read the manual
L641[19:35:58] <Dar​kBro> nobody:
L642[19:36:23] <Dar​kBro> nobody:
L643[19:36:23] <Dar​kBro> kids: you need eat battery when nano machines batter is empty [Edited]
L644[19:43:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> what
L645[19:45:05] <Ar​iri> Thank you DarkBro, very cool.
L646[19:49:14] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L647[19:49:39] <Amanda> Okay, now that I've got internet again:
L648[19:49:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hi
L649[19:49:53] <Amanda> I forget what I was going to say.
L650[19:49:57] <Amanda> %blame Inari somehow
L651[19:49:59] * MichiBot blames Inari somehow for the return of Vecna
L652[19:51:59] <Forec​aster> hm
L653[19:52:14] <Forec​aster> blame could be dodge-able as well :P
L654[19:52:30] <Amanda> nah
L655[19:52:38] <Amanda> it's not a physical attack or action
L656[19:52:47] <Amanda> unlike, say this:
L657[19:52:49] <Amanda> %claw Inari
L658[19:52:49] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is clawing In​ari for 1d6 => 4 damage!
L659[19:55:46] <Ar​iri> Welcome back Amanda
L660[19:56:31] <Ar​iri> I totally forgot you had a shared folder with OC, so I got really confused when I saw a bunch of outbound dns resolves to your nextcloud from the mc server
L661[19:57:05] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L662[20:01:58] <Amanda> haha
L663[20:02:26] <Amanda> I made a VFS for OpenOS that can open a NC Shared folder
L664[20:02:37] <Amanda> s/open/host/
L665[20:02:38] <MichiBot> <Amanda> I made a VFS for OpenOS that can host a NC Shared folder
L666[20:02:43] <Amanda> s/host/show?/
L667[20:02:44] <MichiBot> <Amanda> I made a VFS for OpenOS that can show? a NC Shared folder
L668[20:03:39] ⇦ Quits: CarlenWhite (~CarlenWhi@81.sub-174-231-132.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L669[20:03:59] <Amanda> ( Sorry if I just pinged you like a millon times there, payo )
L670[20:04:00] <Ar​iri> Ooh neat, I might try that if git clones dont work out]
L671[20:09:21] ⇨ Joins: CarlenWhite (~CarlenWhi@136.sub-174-241-8.myvzw.com)
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L673[20:10:37] <Forec​aster> ohno
L674[20:12:14] <Ar​iri> http://tinyurl.com/ycymuvma
L675[20:12:19] <Ar​iri> Rip Amandas internet
L676[20:35:18] <pay​onel> amanda: want to take a look: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3313
L677[20:35:19] <MichiBot> Title: `tablet_use` broken when analyzer is installed | Posted by: mrmakeit | Posted: Thu Jun 04 11:28:13 PDT 2020 | Status: open
L678[20:35:41] <pay​onel> you dont have to, was just thinking you were there recently
L679[20:38:18] <Ar​iri> payonel: Might want to %tell that, they lost connection
L680[20:41:14] <Forec​aster> She's gone forever!! D:
L681[20:44:37] <Ar​iri> Who will give the delightful catspeak? Who will oversee The Event?
L682[20:46:45] <Ar​iri> -I went from 0 bytes free during a phone backup to 110gb free in 30 seconds, maybe I shouldnt archive so many things on my desktop when I made a file server for that reason...
L683[20:49:45] <Forec​aster> :P
L684[20:49:58] <Forec​aster> %sip
L685[20:49:59] <MichiBot> You drink a freezing stainless steel potion (New!). Forecaster's radiation level goes up by 2 for 43 seconds.
L686[20:50:21] <Forec​aster> Aaaaah phew
L687[20:52:40] <Ar​iri> 2? Thats nothing, Ive had 700+ out of 1000 rads because of my reactors :P
L688[20:52:50] <Ar​iri> Speaking of which... I hope it hasnt melted down..
L689[20:58:42] <Forec​aster> Will do you know what scale MichBot uses > . >
L690[20:58:50] <Forec​aster> Well do you know what scale MichBot uses > . > [Edited]
L691[20:58:58] <Forec​aster> I don't D:
L692[21:12:56] <Ar​iri> MichiBot is rad, therefore she's gotta use Rads. :P
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L696[22:17:04] <Forec​aster> is there any good free hdd mirrorring software
L697[22:36:13] <Kristo​pher38> in lua, is there something like `select(index, ...)` but instead of returning all elements after index, it returns only the one specified as index?
L698[22:36:40] <pay​onel> @Kristopher38 no, but you can wrap it in another ()
L699[22:36:49] <pay​onel> `local a = (select(index, ...))`
L700[22:37:06] <pay​onel> `local a, b = (select(index, ...))`
L701[22:37:09] <pay​onel> ^ b is nil
L702[22:37:40] <Kristo​pher38> oh I see
L703[22:37:49] <pay​onel> and if you're passing it to a method, like `method( select(index, ...), foo, bar )` note that because foo comes after, only a single result is passed
L704[22:37:55] <Kristo​pher38> that's the use case I currently have
L705[22:38:01] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, ik
L706[22:38:03] <pay​onel> or `local a, b = select(index, ...), value`
L707[22:38:10] <pay​onel> again, only a is assigned to select's result, b = value
L708[22:38:41] <Michiyo> *sigh*
L709[22:38:53] <Kristo​pher38> the thing is, in my use case it's passed as last argument and I want to limit the amount of arguments to only the first one in ...
L710[22:39:02] <pay​onel> i see
L711[22:39:07] <pay​onel> yep, () is your only option in that case
L712[22:39:19] <Michiyo> I have to unzip 293 zips all with different passwords, *without* using the tool to generate said passwords. I guess I'm gonna have to throw a password cracker at them
L713[22:39:45] <Kristo​pher38> thanks, didn't know about that one
L714[22:40:15] <Michiyo> the dictonary
L715[22:40:17] <Michiyo> damn it
L716[22:40:25] <pay​onel> yep. also, it's efficient as far as the stack is concerned. the call is used when building the vararg return in the lua engine
L717[22:40:35] <Michiyo> the dictionary for this is now a bit over 1GB and no sign of stopping
L718[22:44:49] <Michiyo> and since the files *inside* the zip are also encrypted fcrackzip says there are no usable files <_<
L719[22:45:19] <pay​onel> michiyo stop hacking my bits
L720[22:45:38] <Michiyo> I hate the stupid software my company makes.
L721[22:45:57] <Michiyo> We recommend you do backups, because of course you need to do backups!
L722[22:46:24] <Michiyo> So you run attachment backups twice a month, on the first, and the 15-16th, this gets you a copy of all of your attachments for a month.
L723[22:46:41] <Michiyo> And you faithfully do this for YEARS, right? So now you have 2 zips per month for x months.
L724[22:47:03] <Michiyo> then OH NO! The worst happens! Your server has died! OH NO WHAT DO NOW?! BUT WAIT! I have BACKUPS you cry!
L725[22:47:21] <Michiyo> and you then have to load EACH OF THOSE FUCKING ZIPS ONE AT A TIME, BECAUSE EACH ONE HAS IT'S OWN PASSWORD.
L726[22:47:32] <Michiyo> and our STUPID FUCKING PROGRAM CAN. NOT. Handle this.
L727[22:48:20] <Michiyo> We OBVIOUSLY have the ability to GENERATE the passwords one by one, because when the zip is made the password is generated for that date. We can OBVIOUSLY generate that same password on restore, using the date in the filename..
L728[22:48:28] <Michiyo> but we are 100% NOT able to take them in bulk
L729[22:48:32] <Michiyo> </rant>
L730[22:48:48] <pay​onel> sounds like something one of your devs should be able to script
L731[22:48:49] <pay​onel> :/
L732[22:48:54] <pay​onel> too bad i dont work for you 🙂
L733[22:49:17] <Michiyo> I totally would.. but I don't have access to the generator function, it's deep within the main program
L734[22:49:48] <Michiyo> This dict is now 3GB and going.
L735[22:49:54] <pay​onel> yeah, i actually predicted something like that -- why i didn't say "just script it"
L736[22:50:06] <pay​onel> + that's what she said
L737[22:51:24] <Michiyo> 10 characters, a-zA-Z0-9 from what I can tell
L738[22:51:41] <Michiyo> fcrack says the file is corrupt, but if I generate the password it works.
L739[23:07:39] <Xand​aros> @Vexatos If it's not too much trouble, could you add https://github.com/Xandaros/yaocvim/ to OpenPrograms?
L740[23:07:53] <Vexatos> it is too much trouble
L741[23:07:58] <Vexatos> I need to remove most repos anyway
L742[23:08:02] <Vexatos> most of them are outdated
L743[23:08:09] <Michiyo> we're not at 7GB and i'm killing the process <_<
L744[23:08:22] <Vexatos> and oppm gets slower the more repos are registered
L745[23:08:28] <Vexatos> or do you mean openprograms the github org
L746[23:08:30] <Vexatos> not the package manager
L747[23:08:34] <Vexatos> I can do that if you like
L748[23:08:43] <Xand​aros> I do mean the package manager
L749[23:08:47] <pay​onel> michiyo 🙂
L750[23:08:52] <Xand​aros> But yeah, it is indeed quite slow
L751[23:08:59] <Vexatos> oppm register Xandaros/yaocvim
L752[23:09:00] <Vexatos> there you go
L753[23:09:06] <Vexatos> do that on every computer :P
L754[23:09:29] <Xand​aros> Well, that will do it for me, yes. Won't be discoverable by others, though
L755[23:09:31] <Michiyo> %flip
L756[23:09:31] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L757[23:10:00] <Vexatos> oppm does no caching so the more repos I add the slower it gets
L758[23:10:13] <Vexatos> I need to go through and remove old repos
L759[23:10:38] <Xand​aros> I would like it to eventually be discoverable in oppm. It doesn't have to be now by any means - the project is far from done, anyway
L760[23:10:39] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> found a smol bug in ocvm's drive
L761[23:10:44] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and was able to fix it
L762[23:10:46] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> will make a PR
L763[23:10:57] <pay​onel> cool
L764[23:11:00] <Vexatos> well that would require me to register it
L765[23:11:15] <Xand​aros> it would
L766[23:11:50] <Lizzy> hmm, how does OPPM store the extra repos that are registered?
L767[23:12:00] <Vexatos> in a local config file in /etc
L768[23:12:14] <pay​onel> @Fingercomp i didn't know you speak russian 🙂
L769[23:12:34] <Vexatos> @payonel he is one of the most active people on computercraft.ru which is ironically an OC forum more than a CC one
L770[23:13:08] <Vexatos> he maintains the oppm mirror for many russian OC programs, too
L771[23:13:58] <Ko​dos> I still want a bitnet tower for oc
L772[23:14:14] <Vexatos> same
L773[23:14:19] <Ko​dos> And I was scrolled up
L774[23:14:24] <Vexatos> :^)
L775[23:14:42] <pay​onel> @Vexatos i think it would have been nice to not give each oppm register "repo" level behavior
L776[23:14:47] <pay​onel> meaning...
L777[23:14:57] <Vexatos> @Xandaros you can always put it on the forum first if you want it released
L778[23:15:23] <Xand​aros> hmm, that is a good point
L779[23:15:25] <Ko​dos> %g BitNet Communication tower
L780[23:15:26] <MichiBot> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_network - *Cellular network - Wikipedia*: "A cellular network or mobile network is a communication network where the last link is wireless. ... Cell towers frequently use a directional signal to improve reception in higher-traffic areas. In the United ... Notable networks ·
L781[23:15:27] <MichiBot> ARPANET · BITNET · CYCLADES · FidoNet · Internet · Internet2 · JANET · NPL network · Usenet.
L782[23:15:32] <Lizzy> Vexatos, idk how much work it'd be, but you could always make it search through a /etc/oppm.d/ dir for files that contain extra repos or something and then instead of having all repos registered at install, just have a few actively maintained ones, then perhaps have some meta packages in one of the pre-added that 'add' the extra repos?
L783[23:15:35] <Ko​dos> Oh ffs
L784[23:15:38] <pay​onel> each new user who wants to joins oppm, gets their project or repo added to the repos list, but oppm doesn't then query their repo
L785[23:16:20] <Vexatos> @Kodos I have the whole design in a txt file somewhere
L786[23:16:25] <Vexatos> maybe eventually some day
L787[23:17:09] <Vexatos> Lizzy, currently it pulls default repos from a repos.cfg on github
L788[23:17:13] <pay​onel> i think oppm gets a lot of ideas tossed at it
L789[23:17:24] <Vexatos> ok for the record
L790[23:17:27] <Vexatos> oppm was written by me
L791[23:17:30] <Vexatos> in 2014
L792[23:17:33] <pay​onel> haha
L793[23:17:34] <Vexatos> because I wanted it for myself
L794[23:17:45] <Vexatos> and then it was suggested making a github org to collect programs
L795[23:17:55] <Vexatos> and half a year later it was suggested integrating it with oppm
L796[23:18:07] <Vexatos> and it wasn't until 2015 that it got a floppy disk and became "official"
L797[23:18:44] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yay
L798[23:19:07] <pay​onel> oh yep
L799[23:19:11] <pay​onel> had the -1 for read, forgot it for write
L800[23:19:12] <Vexatos> the way OPPM works is that it pulls the list of repos, adds it to the list of local repos, then goes through each repo and individually downloads and parses the programs.cfg in that repo
L801[23:19:31] <Vexatos> so its speed scales linearly with the number of repos registered
L802[23:19:37] <pay​onel> @AdorableCatgirl thanks. i blame lua, i take no blame in this one
L803[23:20:00] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> @payonel blame my magic cast I made in another project
L804[23:20:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :)
L805[23:20:59] <Vexatos> @payonel if OPPM never queries a registered repo it will not be discoverable
L806[23:21:13] <Vexatos> unless I make it query them anyway specifically for `oppm info`
L807[23:21:17] <Vexatos> except who uses that
L808[23:21:28] <Vexatos> or `oppm list` for that matter
L809[23:21:30] <Michiyo> Vexatos, have a script on your site that grabs all registered repos and keeps a single file up to date, then have oppm read it!
L810[23:21:31] <Michiyo> :p
L811[23:21:55] <Vexatos> imagine if github actions weren't a half-broken mess
L812[23:22:03] <Vexatos> the number of times it fails is too freaking high
L813[23:22:10] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> my commit names are on point
L814[23:22:17] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i dunno what to name my commits like
L815[23:22:18] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ever
L816[23:22:22] * Michiyo grumbles at fcrackzip
L817[23:22:47] <Michiyo> dev team has basically told me to piss off.
L818[23:23:11] <Lizzy> well that just sounds like fun
L819[23:23:20] <Vexatos> One thing I *could* do
L820[23:23:40] <Michiyo> So, I guess I go one at a time, for the rest of the 280 files.
L821[23:23:55] <Vexatos> is have the global repos.cfg, and then another repos.cfg that one can optionally and manually download into some dir like Lizzy suggested
L822[23:24:18] <Vexatos> OR there are repos in repos.cfg that are in by default but "hidden"
L823[23:24:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ooh, i have an idea
L824[23:24:32] <Vexatos> so they don't appear in install but they do appear in list?
L825[23:24:34] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> give me a sec to bang something out
L826[23:25:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> or, in layman's terms
L827[23:25:07] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hold my beer
L828[23:25:07] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@i5E86B75B.versanet.de)))
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L830[23:25:49] <pay​onel> @Vexatos my suggestion would be....reduce the default repos list to a select few
L831[23:25:57] <Vexatos> yes that is my current plan
L832[23:25:59] <pay​onel> then, add a feature to oppm like `oppm add repo...`
L833[23:26:04] <Vexatos> you mean
L834[23:26:07] <Vexatos> oppm register
L835[23:26:14] <Vexatos> which has existed for 4 years or so
L836[23:26:33] <pay​onel> sounds about right then
L837[23:26:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> reminder that everything i make is overengineered to hell and back
L838[23:26:38] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> just a warning
L839[23:26:44] <Vexatos> actually only three
L840[23:26:53] <pay​onel> is there only 1 oppm group in github for al the repos
L841[23:26:54] <pay​onel> ?
L842[23:26:57] <Vexatos> no
L843[23:27:01] <Vexatos> it can be any github repo
L844[23:27:03] <pay​onel> i mean managed by you
L845[23:27:21] <Vexatos> the openprograms github org has repos by many people and I let them have a repo there
L846[23:27:24] <Vexatos> for their programs
L847[23:27:34] <pay​onel> right right, i'm not using the same lingo
L848[23:27:47] <pay​onel> but i'm asking, is that the only aggregate you officiate
L849[23:27:53] <Vexatos> http://openprograms.github.io/
L850[23:28:01] <Vexatos> that is compiled from the repos.cfg
L851[23:28:10] <Vexatos> yes pretty much
L852[23:28:15] <pay​onel> 1. does oppm by default know of any other repo or group of repos, and 2. do you manage any others?
L853[23:28:20] <Vexatos> I maintain the repos.cfg and that's what oppm sees by default
L854[23:28:26] <pay​onel> gotcha
L855[23:28:29] <Vexatos> why would there be more that'd be dumb
L856[23:29:21] <pay​onel> for to put all the ones you want to remove from your preferred select few
L857[23:29:43] <pay​onel> not saying oppm would pull (by default) from both
L858[23:29:53] <pay​onel> a user would have to register it
L859[23:30:04] <Vexatos> then I would have to add support for multiple repos.cfg files
L860[23:30:23] <pay​onel> but for a user, a secondary group of repos, not the default group, but still semi-official, would make them more discoverable than being completely independent
L861[23:30:44] <pay​onel> register adds a repos list or a single repo?
L862[23:30:56] <Vexatos> a single repo
L863[23:31:10] <pay​onel> i see. yeah, you'd have to add support for that
L864[23:31:16] <pay​onel> anyways, i dont care that much
L865[23:31:41] <Vexatos> reading through the code there are a lot of features that I forgot I added >_>
L866[23:32:45] <Vexatos> I am surprised this still works
L867[23:33:05] <Vexatos> I am also surprised how not complete trash this code is
L868[23:34:35] <Vexatos> hm
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L870[23:36:06] <Lizzy> the raw.githubusercontent.com urls seem to respect etag/if-match headers and send back a 304 code when they match up, perhaps that could be used as some form of caching?
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L872[23:36:23] ⇦ Quits: Lucifer (sid32492@id-32492.charlton.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L873[23:36:24] <Vexatos> you literally cannot locally cache repos
L874[23:36:37] <Vexatos> like there is nothing to compare against
L875[23:36:55] <Vexatos> mpt had caching and basically was only usable on a tier 3 hard drive because of it
L876[23:36:55] ⇦ Quits: S3_ (sid159874@id-159874.highgate.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L877[23:37:00] <Lizzy> hmm
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L883[23:39:15] <Vexatos> anyways, it's raining which makes for a rare chance of good sleep
L884[23:39:20] <Vexatos> so I'll go to bed
L885[23:39:21] <Vexatos> good night
L886[23:39:27] ⇨ Joins: Lucifer (sid32492@
L887[23:39:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i wanna test something...
L888[23:39:35] ⇨ Joins: dmod (sid32492@charlton.irccloud.com)
L889[23:39:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-98-226.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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L892[23:51:12] <Kristo​pher38> @payonel you'd be surprised how much good content there is on computercraft.ru about OC
L893[23:51:34] <Kristo​pher38> fingercomp once linked it, lemme find it in the logs
L894[23:53:31] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L896[23:53:58] <Amanda> Meow.
L897[23:53:59] <Kristo​pher38> notable author's of articles are fingercomp and totoro:
L898[23:53:59] <Kristo​pher38> https://computercraft.ru/blogs/blog/3-fingercomps-playground/
L899[23:53:59] <Kristo​pher38> https://computercraft.ru/blogs/blog/11-totoro-cookies/
L900[23:54:19] <Amanda> Who knows how long the internet will stay connected this time
L901[23:54:33] <Kristo​pher38> and that's some high quality software https://computercraft.ru/topic/2017-synth-graficheskiy-interfeys-dlya-zvukovoy-karty/
L902[23:54:41] <Amanda> The support page still says "Outage detected"
L903[23:55:13] <pay​onel> amanda welcome to the internet
L904[23:55:24] <Amanda> Hey @payonel
L905[23:55:43] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hi amanda
L906[23:55:53] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'm trying something stupid
L907[23:55:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> wish me luck
L908[23:55:58] <Amanda> Wonder how long I'll be around this time
L909[23:56:01] <Kristo​pher38> unfortunately it remains available only to the russian-speaking people
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