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L1[00:00:13] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:02:44] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F9EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L3[00:08:57] ⇦ Quits: Mr_Creeper543 (~mr_creepe@host-92-9-113-123.as43234.net) (Quit: Mr_Creeper543)
L4[00:14:08] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> blaze it xd http://tinyurl.com/y7gfscxz
L5[00:15:14] <Kristo​pher38> i use arch btw
L6[00:15:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i installed arch on a server
L7[00:24:42] <Ar​iri> mm ssd sandwich
L8[00:25:01] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L9[00:35:50] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-73-156.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L10[00:36:40] <Michiyo> *sigh* Anyone wanna help me figure out a git question? I have a branch that has 2 changes. I would like to merge master into my branch without losing my changes, is there a way to do that without re applying my changes as a patch?
L11[00:37:34] <Lizzy> git stash maybe? if the changes you want to comit are merged and the ones you don't are not, then you should be able to stash the changes, merge into master then unstash
L12[00:37:57] <Lizzy> or, depending on your client, you might be able to specify a specific commit to merge into master
L13[00:39:00] <Michiyo> Hmm
L14[00:46:36] * Amanda pushes a potion onto the sleeping Inari
L15[00:46:39] <Amanda> %splash inari
L16[00:46:39] <MichiBot> You fling a sour yellow potion (New!) that splashes onto inari. inari turns into a golem girl until they eat a pie.
L17[01:14:57] <Amanda> %tell Inari what's it like being a golem girl? Must be shocking to wake up covered in a sour yellow potion
L18[01:14:58] <MichiBot> Amanda: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L19[01:17:28] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/y9h3a54g
L20[01:17:37] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/y99clrpp
L21[01:17:39] <B​ob> what the fyck
L22[01:18:40] <B​ob> am i high
L23[01:18:47] <B​ob> what the actual is going on
L24[01:23:38] <B​ob> ah im dumb
L25[01:24:22] <B​ob> no im not
L26[01:39:13] <Ocawes​ome101> TIL that OC plays a noteblock tone if you try to paste very long strings (i.e. over the limit) into a computer
L27[01:42:52] <B​ob> its an arg string
L28[01:45:31] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/ya6rlfuj
L29[01:45:41] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/yddaflk4
L30[01:45:51] <B​ob> why is oc dropping crap at me
L31[01:46:26] <B​ob> print is nil wat
L32[01:46:41] <B​ob> https://github.com/big-lip-bob/OCMessesAndBadCode/blob/master/Scripts/OpenComputers/Security/ServerMaster.lua
L33[01:46:42] <B​ob> lost
L34[01:47:24] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/yagpf9j2
L35[01:47:35] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/yc5e6p5t
L36[01:47:40] <B​ob> the f ?????
L37[01:48:39] <B​ob> im sooo lost
L38[01:49:26] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/ycgz4n8f
L39[01:49:34] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/ya6m43ul
L40[01:49:37] <B​ob> wait wait wait wait
L41[01:49:38] <B​ob> global
L42[01:49:42] <B​ob> its a local
L43[01:49:51] <B​ob> poopy oc
L44[01:50:01] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/y76vpo3x
L45[01:50:43] <B​ob> why does it error like that
L46[01:50:46] <B​ob> unknown error
L47[01:56:09] <B​ob> https://github.com/big-lip-bob/OCMessesAndBadCode/blob/master/Scripts/OpenComputers/Security/ServerMaster.lua
L48[01:56:11] <B​ob> can i get help
L49[01:56:41] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/ycxapajk
L50[01:56:46] <B​ob> latest OC build 201
L51[01:57:14] <B​ob> ping me cause im off
L52[01:57:17] <B​ob> weird shit ngl
L53[02:04:07] <B​ob> @payonel did OpenOS have changes, cause im experiencing some issues and im clueless what does unknown error does here as i dont generate it here
L54[02:06:48] <B​ob> There are some insanely weird issues im experiencing RN, it complains that on the next line , i have a missing variable as a global but i have it localized a line earlier
L55[02:12:57] <B​ob> Maybe im just not noticing a small typo at 3AM and being stubborn because my Lua code always works smh, any help apreciated
L56[02:15:54] <B​ob> Ive got those unknow error redtext spit elsewhere too with an older? OpenOS
L57[02:16:10] <B​ob> Is it some kind of shady bug or ?
L58[02:46:45] <pay​onel> @Bob what is the repro?
L59[02:49:04] <Amanda> ugh, goddesses damned iGPU
L60[02:52:24] <B​ob> The problem is that i dont really know the issue myself
L61[02:52:40] <pay​onel> i'm happy to repro and take a look
L62[02:52:42] <B​ob> but that just the script linked above cuases that error
L63[02:52:57] <pay​onel> do i need any particular machine setup?
L64[02:53:03] <pay​onel> or can i just run that 1 script?
L65[02:53:04] <B​ob> global args indexed where its localized right above
L66[02:53:16] <B​ob> Yeah 1 script that requires modem as a condition
L67[02:53:23] <B​ob> btw OC 1.12.2 201
L68[02:53:44] <B​ob> it yells at me saying args is global, nil and being indexed
L69[02:53:48] <B​ob> but im clueless why
L70[02:54:16] <B​ob> also there is unexpected error that comes out, just being appended after the error, im clueless about that too
L71[02:56:15] <B​ob> i was just casually fixing random syntax errors
L72[02:56:23] <B​ob> when inexplicable, my whole thing stopped working
L73[02:56:33] <B​ob> reboots or OpenOS reinstalls didnt help
L74[02:56:58] <B​ob> i did wipe my condition as so the Mastsr would be recreated but else
L75[02:57:07] <pay​onel> unknown error is because of the changes i made for shell.execute to return the command result
L76[02:57:15] <B​ob> the bottom part makes me clueless
L77[02:58:01] <B​ob> So unknown error is sorted out but what about the rest tough ?
L78[02:58:17] <B​ob> args being not a local like a line above but global nil
L79[02:58:24] <pay​onel> i'll be afk for a bit
L80[02:58:30] <pay​onel> i'll repro it and let you know
L81[02:58:57] <B​ob> Most of the script can be thrown out tbh unless a syntax error inside Pmaster's declaration breaks it
L82[02:59:14] <B​ob> NP++ shows me that its correct so
L83[03:00:36] ⇦ Quits: regakakobigman (~regakakob@c-73-174-187-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L84[03:00:40] <B​ob> So before i start havibg nightmares, can i blame OpenOS on this one ?
L85[03:00:56] <B​ob> ill be back in 10 hours so
L86[03:25:28] <DaCompu​terNerd> I just saw probably the weirdest bug I've ever seen. Person had lua 5.3 selected and was attempting to use table.move(). They found it errored saying table.move was nil on tier 1 cpus but ran fine on tier 2 cpus without any code changes. Botb cpus had lua 5.3 selected.
L87[03:25:36] <DaCompu​terNerd> Both*
L88[03:30:46] <pay​onel> tier doesn't matter
L89[03:31:12] <pay​onel> table.move is defined in 5.3
L90[03:31:14] <B​ob> table move is an odd function
L91[03:31:15] <pay​onel> and not in 5.2
L92[03:31:20] <pay​onel> so i would need proof/repro
L93[03:31:26] <pay​onel> @Bob ok, testing now
L94[03:31:38] <B​ob> 🙏
L95[03:34:13] <pay​onel> repros both in oc and in ocvm
L96[03:34:22] <pay​onel> oh derp
L97[03:34:29] <pay​onel> i pulled the link directly
L98[03:34:34] <pay​onel> not the raw link
L99[03:34:44] <pay​onel> surprise. html is not lua
L100[03:35:00] <B​ob> Well the error is anyways args being a global
L101[03:35:07] <B​ob> where its defined a line earlier
L102[03:35:10] <B​ob> im clueless tbh
L103[03:35:12] <pay​onel> ok better, repro on ocvm
L104[03:35:17] <pay​onel> globals args, unknown error
L105[03:35:20] <B​ob> OC machine broke
L106[03:35:32] <B​ob> Oh you got it repro on OC ??
L107[03:36:33] <pay​onel> in ocvm you mean
L108[03:36:34] <pay​onel> yes
L109[03:36:40] <pay​onel> first of all, line 114 ture
L110[03:38:04] <pay​onel> ok interesting
L111[03:38:11] <B​ob> Derp, will fix but what about the other error
L112[03:38:12] <pay​onel> you are using strange lua syntax
L113[03:38:22] <pay​onel> when you have ()
L114[03:38:57] <pay​onel> one sec -- pay attention 🙂
L115[03:39:08] <B​ob> i am 👀
L116[03:39:11] <pay​onel> when you have valid lua syntax, ending in )
L117[03:39:24] <pay​onel> and...note that whitespace is ignored 🙂
L118[03:39:31] <pay​onel> so, you end with )
L119[03:39:36] <pay​onel> followed by 0 or more whitespace
L120[03:39:47] <pay​onel> well, ok tell me what this means in lua:
L121[03:39:59] <pay​onel> obj.foo()()
L122[03:40:04] <pay​onel> let's pretend that was working
L123[03:40:09] <B​ob> call return of foo ?
L124[03:40:11] <pay​onel> what would that do?
L125[03:40:13] <pay​onel> yes
L126[03:40:18] <B​ob> Yeah ?
L127[03:40:26] <pay​onel> lua must treat foo() as a callable object
L128[03:40:32] <pay​onel> either a function, or a call table
L129[03:40:34] <pay​onel> ok ok
L130[03:40:37] <pay​onel> stay with me 🙂
L131[03:40:41] <pay​onel> because i know you're animated 🙂
L132[03:40:52] <B​ob> I am lost yeah you got it
L133[03:40:58] <pay​onel> let's say i have a 1 line lua script, doing this:
L134[03:41:10] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/iyapelicux
L135[03:41:19] <pay​onel> what is passed to `global_method` ?
L136[03:41:33] <B​ob> Whatever result was, not the local one
L137[03:41:49] <pay​onel> right, so for sake of simple example, let's say that is obviously nil
L138[03:41:55] <pay​onel> fair?
L139[03:42:05] <pay​onel> as you said, it surely is not the local one i just declared
L140[03:42:13] <B​ob> looks about right
L141[03:42:16] <pay​onel> cool cool
L142[03:42:26] <pay​onel> now, recall `obj.foo()()`
L143[03:42:51] <pay​onel> let's say instead of globalmethod, you have a `getmethod()` which retuns the method
L144[03:43:02] <pay​onel> so `local result = get_method()(result)`
L145[03:43:13] <pay​onel> 1. get_method() returns a method you're calling
L146[03:43:13] <pay​onel> 2. result is nil
L147[03:43:28] <B​ob> Yes, makes sense in Lua's world
L148[03:43:53] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L149[03:44:23] <pay​onel> we'll make it 1 step weirder
L150[03:44:24] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ozixawowew
L151[03:44:28] <pay​onel> with me so far?
L152[03:44:34] <pay​onel> 3 methods called there
L153[03:44:43] <pay​onel> some_method(), its return, and that return
L154[03:44:45] <B​ob> Looks like about my casual one liners
L155[03:44:51] <pay​onel> and `nil`, sadly, is passed to the third one
L156[03:45:02] <pay​onel> ok for giggles, let throw in a newline in the middle
L157[03:45:05] <B​ob> Yep, result not declared previously
L158[03:45:10] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/lehemoseju
L159[03:45:26] <pay​onel> or, as you wrote it
L160[03:45:26] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/alikazejid
L161[03:45:37] <pay​onel> or, as you wrote it
L162[03:45:38] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/qamuboqeto [Edited]
L163[03:45:43] <pay​onel> i added the semi colon on accident
L164[03:45:43] <B​ob> so i need a ; here i see
L165[03:45:51] <pay​onel> i was going to compare that to with a semi colon
L166[03:45:52] <pay​onel> yeah
L167[03:46:01] <B​ob> I know ; forcefully separates the statement
L168[03:46:04] <pay​onel> otherwise, lua assumed you're calling a method again
L169[03:46:11] <B​ob> didnt knew \n was this weak
L170[03:46:12] <pay​onel> whitespace DOES not
L171[03:46:17] <pay​onel> it's just whitespace
L172[03:46:23] <B​ob> Yeah i see
L173[03:46:26] <pay​onel> as a proper language SHOULD
L174[03:46:29] <pay​onel> whitespace is whitespace
L175[03:46:32] <pay​onel> it is NOT syntax
L176[03:46:38] <B​ob> i do use ; but it got over my head
L177[03:46:54] <pay​onel> well, maybe don't use (a or b)(foo)
L178[03:47:07] <pay​onel> brevity is not making the code more efficient
L179[03:47:23] <B​ob> This code isnt efficient anyways
L180[03:47:57] <B​ob> and i wasnt feeling like porting my complete shell parser yeah.. i did an oopsie there probably
L181[03:48:05] <B​ob> also do comments count as whitespace
L182[03:48:14] <pay​onel> no
L183[03:48:24] <B​ob> so they are separators like ;
L184[03:48:28] <pay​onel> oh
L185[03:48:29] <pay​onel> i was wrong
L186[03:48:35] <pay​onel> nevermind, yes
L187[03:48:41] <pay​onel> comment is treated as whitespace, sorry
L188[03:48:48] <B​ob> 🤔
L189[03:48:51] <B​ob> i see i see
L190[03:49:06] <B​ob> got it, minified Lua bites back
L191[03:49:19] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> luamin mangles some things
L192[03:49:44] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> in Zorya, i had to put the tsar lib in a `load([[ ... ]])()` block
L193[03:49:51] <B​ob> `script:gsub("\n",";"\n")`
L194[03:50:08] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> w
L195[03:50:17] <B​ob> e too much quotes
L196[03:50:24] <pay​onel> well, people might be using newlines for style
L197[03:50:35] <B​ob> `script:gsub("\n",";\n")` [Edited]
L198[03:50:43] <B​ob> Newlines are boring
L199[03:50:50] <B​ob> oneliners are what count
L200[03:51:41] <B​ob> Rust having Functional Properties makes my oneliners drastically longer
L201[03:52:33] <pay​onel> @Bob ok so
L202[03:52:51] <pay​onel> for what it is worth ... my changes for shell.execute would still print the stack trace and error at the top of your script failure
L203[03:53:01] <pay​onel> but, my change does cause "unknown error" to be appended
L204[03:53:28] ⇦ Quits: lord| (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L205[03:53:29] <pay​onel> it is worth my review to consider what value, if any, i am adding by appending that to the message
L206[03:53:45] <B​ob> im just getting 2 errors then
L207[03:53:46] <pay​onel> it probably made sense in some old workflows that were not as well reported as they are now
L208[03:54:00] <B​ob> the actual traceback + this one
L209[03:56:26] ⇨ Joins: lord| (~ba7888b72@
L210[04:05:49] <Amanda> oh, that;s why the iGPU hung, apparently I've been on battery for long enough that my laptop was about to shut itself down
L211[04:06:15] <Amanda> oh well, sleeps time -- night folks
L212[04:07:24] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> xsh should now install nicely
L213[04:07:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yay
L214[04:12:32] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@
L215[04:12:42] <Ocawesome101> howdy
L216[04:13:39] <Ocawesome101> time to implement a devfs for Monnolith
L217[04:13:44] <Ocawesome101> %s/nn/n
L218[04:13:44] <MichiBot> <Ocawesome101> time to implement a devfs for Monolith
L219[04:13:48] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://pastebin.com/ppKiz55j
L220[04:14:23] <Ocawesome101> wazzat, xsh?
L221[04:14:30] <Ocawesome101> nvm clicked it
L222[04:14:35] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> shove it in your rc folder.
L223[04:15:00] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> makes it ez to add executable formats to OpenOS
L224[04:15:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> might add more to xsh soon™️
L225[04:15:24] <Ocawesome101> and only 213 lines
L226[04:15:25] <Ocawesome101> nice
L227[04:15:34] <Ocawesome101> hmmm IRC is faster than Discord
L228[04:16:27] <Ocawesome101> I've been wanting to design my own shell for a while
L229[04:16:45] <Ocawesome101> something with syntax similar to Lua but also not
L230[04:17:15] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and i'll post the zlua and velx loaders in a sec
L231[04:18:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://pastebin.com/FFtW5GL8 velx
L232[04:18:33] <CompanionCube> of course it's faster, there's les bloat than you get from discord
L233[04:18:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://pastebin.com/xdCh7sJD zlua
L234[04:19:19] <Ocawesome101> CC: true
L235[04:34:27] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: can confirm
L236[04:35:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hmm?
L237[04:35:43] <Izaya> skulling is a term for downing a drink in one go
L238[04:35:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh
L239[04:35:51] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> lmao
L240[04:35:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> thought you actually tried xsh
L241[05:21:12] ⇦ Quits: tehbeard (~tehesper@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L242[05:22:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@i577BCFDB.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L243[05:38:56] ⇨ Joins: tehbeard (~tehesper@
L244[05:54:32] ⇨ Joins: Bla (~Bla@c-76-99-215-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L245[05:58:18] ⇨ Joins: Bingo (~Bingo@c-76-99-215-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L246[06:04:07] ⇦ Quits: Bingo (~Bingo@c-76-99-215-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L247[06:04:45] ⇦ Quits: Bla (~Bla@c-76-99-215-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L248[06:12:19] <Forec​aster> %sip
L249[06:12:20] <MichiBot> You drink a porous lime potion (New!). A sudden craving for soup occupies Forec​aster's thoughts until they have an apple.
L250[06:12:35] <Forec​aster> Apple soup!
L251[06:41:12] <Ocawesome101> %aliases sip
L252[06:41:12] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101: 'drink' aliases: [chug, toast, sip, ingest, consume, use, absorb, engross, quaff, skull, down, slurp]
L253[06:41:21] <Ocawesome101> %toast
L254[06:41:21] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating tuna potion (New!). The bottle turns into a toxictop spear.
L255[06:48:00] <Ocawesome101> hmm, konversation is being *slow*
L256[06:48:23] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Quit: A Konversation user has left the chat.)
L257[06:50:20] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@
L258[06:50:39] <Ocawesome101> oh weird, something was eating 100% of my RAM
L259[06:59:50] <pay​onel> @DaComputerNerd lua 5.3 default cpu issue is fixed
L260[06:59:55] <pay​onel> i'll merge up to 1.12 later
L261[07:02:28] <Ocawesome101> %lua text.wonkweird("check out this lame function I wrote lelz")
L262[07:03:14] <Michiyo> +1
L263[07:03:29] * Ocawesome101 sighs
L264[07:04:36] <Ocawesome101> quite lame
L265[07:05:04] <Forec​aster> %sip
L266[07:05:05] <MichiBot> You drink a prickly chocolate potion (New!). Forec​aster's clothes turn the color of tiberium for 10 moons.
L267[07:05:14] <Forec​aster> oh dear
L268[07:11:13] <Ocawesome101> anyway what that was supposed to produce was "cHiCk uAt tHoS LeMi fAnCtOuN I WrUtI LiLz"
L269[07:11:42] <Ocawesome101> Forecaster++
L270[07:11:42] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101: Forecaster|AFK now has 2147484661.0 points
L271[07:11:52] <Ocawesome101> Saghetti++
L272[07:11:56] <Ocawesome101> :/
L273[07:12:07] <Ocawesome101> oh well
L274[07:12:11] <Ocawesome101> ima go to bed now
L275[07:12:13] <Ocawesome101> gn all
L276[07:12:26] <Ocawesome101> MichiBot++
L277[07:12:27] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101: Michibot now has 28.0000000000001 points
L278[07:12:33] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Quit: A Konversation user has left the chat.)
L279[07:15:21] <Sagh​etti> cool
L280[07:15:33] <The_St​argazer> MichiBot--
L281[07:15:36] <The_St​argazer> aw :(
L282[07:15:44] <Sagh​etti> Saghetti++
L283[07:15:56] <The_St​argazer> don't think you can do it to yourself
L284[07:16:00] <Sagh​etti> what is it
L285[07:16:04] <Sagh​etti> reputation system?
L286[07:16:07] <The_St​argazer> points or something
L287[07:16:08] <The_St​argazer> yea
L288[07:18:58] <Michiyo> Yes, Rep, and it *requires* the user be in the channel on IRC
L289[07:22:09] <Sagh​etti> oh ok
L290[07:28:20] <Izaya> Michiyo++
L291[07:28:20] <MichiBot> Izaya: Michiyo now has 10 points
L292[07:29:03] <Izaya> stellaris is like crack
L293[07:29:04] <Izaya> fuck
L294[07:29:27] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L295[07:29:27] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Squi​dDev, you were not able to beat Ocawes​ome101's record of 13 hours, 20 minutes and 13 seconds this time. 47 minutes and 37 seconds were wasted! Missed by 12 hours, 32 minutes and 36 seconds!
L296[07:29:39] <Forec​aster> don't do games, kids
L297[07:30:10] <SquidDev> Is Corded dropping messages? Because I cannot see that tonk anywhere!
L298[07:30:51] <SquidDev> Alas...
L299[07:31:01] <Forec​aster> Ocawesome did it in #bots/#MichiBot
L300[07:31:31] <SquidDev> Ahhh. Sneaky.
L301[07:33:21] <Forec​aster> ooo http://tinyurl.com/yatmh9nz
L302[07:34:01] <CompanionCube> that tonk is getting very high
L303[07:43:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F9C1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L304[07:46:45] <Inari> .
L305[07:46:56] <Inari> Amanda: Reminds me of a certain game
L306[07:46:59] <Inari> %splash Amanda
L307[07:46:59] <MichiBot> You fling a salty ruby potion (New!) that splashes onto Amanda. Amanda feels much better!
L308[07:47:02] <Inari> rude
L309[07:47:26] <Inari> Amanda: though a golem turned into a girl in that one, not the other way around :P
L310[07:59:22] <Inari> Hmm guess she was still a golem thouhg, so a golem girl
L311[08:01:11] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L312[08:43:09] <Ar​iri> Either I got a buggy af Pi 3B or the desktop is more demanding that I thought, it hangs so often
L313[08:43:35] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@i577BCFDB.versanet.de)
L314[09:10:50] <The_St​argazer> decided to make this as part of my DISK-1 project; complete with early 90s references! http://tinyurl.com/yazk9adg
L315[09:10:51] <The_St​argazer> it
L316[09:10:56] <The_St​argazer> 's designed to look very 90s-y
L317[09:21:57] <Izaya> not 90s enough
L318[09:22:01] <Izaya> clone the debian installer
L319[09:37:06] <The_St​argazer> is the debian installers 90s-y
L320[09:37:11] <The_St​argazer> is the debian / 90s-y [Edited]
L321[09:37:15] <The_St​argazer> er, shit
L322[09:37:29] <The_St​argazer> i meant to do %s
L323[09:38:10] <Forec​aster> but %s is worse because it adds an extra line
L324[09:38:23] <The_St​argazer> hmm, good point
L325[09:38:31] <The_St​argazer> it adds two lines instead of one
L326[09:38:37] <Forec​aster> what you shouldn't do is edit long messages
L327[09:38:41] <The_St​argazer> yeah
L328[09:38:42] <Forec​aster> or use %s on them
L329[09:38:50] <The_St​argazer> it re-prints the whole thing right?
L330[09:38:52] <Forec​aster> then you just correction*
L331[09:38:53] <Forec​aster> yes
L332[09:55:49] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-73-156.dynamic.as20676.net)
L333[09:55:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L335[10:06:32] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L338[10:30:46] <pay​onel> 5 years later
L339[10:30:48] <pay​onel> #1207
L340[10:31:04] <pay​onel> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1207
L341[10:31:04] <MichiBot> Title: bugs: unicode.sub modifying strings -> buffer:read having trouble with non ascii characters | Posted by: mpmxyz | Posted: Sun Jun 07 12:09:30 CDT 2015 | Status: closed
L342[10:36:27] <Vexaton> nice
L343[10:51:35] <The_St​argazer> only 5 years? didn't mojang take longer to add neck textures to chickens or something
L344[10:52:24] <Forec​aster> chickens have necks?
L345[10:52:40] <The_St​argazer> yeah
L346[10:52:41] <The_St​argazer> 1.11 added them
L347[10:52:53] <The_St​argazer> six years (almost exactly) after they were added.
L348[10:56:05] <The_St​argazer> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Java_Edition_Alpha_v1.0.14 chickens added
L349[10:56:05] <The_St​argazer> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Java_Edition_16w32a necks added
L350[11:00:31] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L354[12:10:45] <Zen​1th> also
L355[12:10:46] <Zen​1th> now
L356[12:11:33] <Zen​1th> lukyt runs
L357[12:11:34] <Corded> ```java
L358[12:11:34] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (~ocdoc@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L359[12:11:34] <Corded> import lukyt.oc.Component;
L360[12:11:34] <Corded> public class ComponentTest {
L361[12:11:34] <Corded> public static void main(String[] args) {
L362[12:11:35] <Corded> String gpu = Component.getPrimary("gpu");
L363[12:11:35] <Corded> Component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", new Object[] {0x2D2D2D});
L364[12:11:35] <Corded> Component.invoke(gpu, "fill", new Object[] {1, 1, 160, 50, " "});
L365[12:11:35] <Corded> System.out.println("Filled screen with RGB 0x2D2D2D");
L366[12:11:36] <Corded> }
L367[12:11:36] <Corded> }
L368[12:11:36] <Corded> ``` (this uses lukyt API but part of java standard library is implemented)
L369[12:11:37] <Corded> and outputs this
L370[12:11:37] <Corded> using lukyt http://tinyurl.com/y8vs87yd
L371[12:21:17] <The_St​argazer> why 0x2D2D2D?
L372[12:21:31] <Zen​1th> because it's a color
L373[12:21:48] <The_St​argazer> ok but why that colour :P
L374[12:21:51] <Zen​1th> my ultimate goal with Lukyt is to port Swing apps to OC using some sort of native WM
L375[12:21:55] <Zen​1th> oh and about the colour
L376[12:22:05] <Zen​1th> it's cuz i saw it once on an example for using MineOS's GUI library
L377[12:22:06] <The_St​argazer> why not 0xFFFFFF or 0x123456
L378[12:22:10] <The_St​argazer> oh lol
L379[12:22:19] <The_St​argazer> it is a nice grey tho
L380[12:22:19] <Zen​1th> and from now on it's the color i (usually) use for examples
L381[12:22:21] <Zen​1th> yea
L382[12:22:34] <The_St​argazer> it's the colour version of example.com ig
L383[12:22:49] <The_St​argazer> (actual site!)
L384[12:22:59] <Zen​1th> lol yea i know example.com exists
L385[12:23:03] <Zen​1th> but where is 2d2d2d used?
L386[12:23:05] <The_St​argazer> someone actually bought that
L387[12:23:06] <The_St​argazer> i'm just like
L388[12:23:10] <Zen​1th> yea
L389[12:23:10] <The_St​argazer> why
L390[12:23:11] <The_St​argazer> unless
L391[12:23:12] <Zen​1th> atleast
L392[12:23:15] <The_St​argazer> it's an
L393[12:23:17] <Zen​1th> they didn't put a virus on example.com
L394[12:23:27] <The_St​argazer> unless it's an IANA thing
L395[12:23:35] <Zen​1th> it is
L396[12:23:42] <Zen​1th> More Information.. redirects to https://www.iana.org/domains/reserved
L397[12:23:46] <The_St​argazer> what's that stand for again
L398[12:23:54] <Zen​1th> Internet
L399[12:23:55] <Zen​1th> Assigned
L400[12:23:56] <Zen​1th> Numbers
L401[12:24:00] <Zen​1th> Authority
L402[12:24:03] <The_St​argazer> ohh
L403[12:24:35] <The_St​argazer> so, along with the IETF, "the people who build the internet"
L404[12:24:39] <Zen​1th> yea
L405[12:24:44] <Zen​1th> more like
L406[12:24:53] <Zen​1th> the people who give meaning to numbers and domains
L407[12:25:03] <The_St​argazer> right
L408[12:25:07] <Zen​1th> also look
L409[12:25:13] <Zen​1th> for lukyt (the JVM that runs on OpenComputers)
L410[12:25:15] <The_St​argazer> turning into an IP and not just four numbers
L411[12:25:20] <The_St​argazer> hmm?
L412[12:25:29] <Zen​1th> i used that code for currentTimeMillis:
L413[12:25:30] <Zen​1th> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/faraqetoci
L414[12:25:38] <Zen​1th> because OS.time is low precision on standalone Lua
L415[12:25:47] <Zen​1th> i used that code for currentTimeMillis:
L416[12:25:47] <Zen​1th> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/sucurekiza [Edited]
L417[12:25:53] <Zen​1th> i used that code for currentTimeMillis:
L418[12:25:53] <Zen​1th> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/asexonalod [Edited]
L419[12:25:59] <The_St​argazer> is it in seconds?
L420[12:26:02] <Zen​1th> yes
L421[12:26:07] <The_St​argazer> oh, unix time?
L422[12:26:18] <Zen​1th> yup
L423[12:26:28] <Zen​1th> for nanoTime() the Java specification is cool
L424[12:26:32] <The_St​argazer> ..what does it return on Windows then, though?
L425[12:26:35] <Zen​1th> cuz it says it doesn't have to be the actual wall clock time
L426[12:26:40] <Zen​1th> also i didn't tested on windows
L427[12:26:47] <Zen​1th> but yea with that agile java specification
L428[12:26:50] <The_St​argazer> i have a copy of lua somewhere
L429[12:26:54] <Zen​1th> i just used `os.clock()` for `nanoTime()` function
L430[12:27:08] <Zen​1th> ok try lukyt with that: https://github.com/zenith391/lukyt
L431[12:27:09] <Zen​1th> atleast
L432[12:27:16] <Zen​1th> you have java? and you know how to program java?
L433[12:27:29] <The_St​argazer> a little
L434[12:27:30] <Zen​1th> cuz you'll have to write a program to print the System.currentTimeMillisd()
L435[12:27:31] <Zen​1th> cuz you'll have to write a program to print the System.currentTimeMillis() [Edited]
L436[12:27:37] <The_St​argazer> i know a little java from minecraft
L437[12:27:37] <Zen​1th> you know what
L438[12:27:44] <Zen​1th> i'll just make that program
L439[12:27:53] <The_St​argazer> but mostly I just copy-paste :P
L440[12:28:05] <The_St​argazer> or google
L441[12:28:08] <Zen​1th> lol
L442[12:28:09] <The_St​argazer> there's.. a lot of googling
L443[12:28:12] <Zen​1th> #thatslife
L444[12:28:15] <The_St​argazer> then again, that's normal
L445[12:28:20] <Zen​1th> true
L446[12:28:25] <The_St​argazer> basically every programmer googles or has googled
L447[12:28:30] <Zen​1th> of course
L448[12:28:54] <The_St​argazer> anyway, i gtg
L449[12:28:59] <The_St​argazer> o/
L450[12:29:12] <Zen​1th> aw 😦
L451[12:29:20] <The_St​argazer> ill be back later tho maybe
L452[12:29:23] <Zen​1th> well when you're back don't forget to test the little experiment
L453[12:29:29] <The_St​argazer> will do
L454[12:29:32] <The_St​argazer> o/
L455[12:31:17] <Zen​1th> anyways here's what i get on my Linux PC http://tinyurl.com/yde4q3aq
L456[12:38:37] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@x5271631f.dyn.telefonica.de)
L457[12:52:31] <Zen​1th> blabla bla
L458[12:52:39] <Zen​1th> that is why lukyt allows to use Java on OC
L459[13:24:28] ⇨ Joins: regakakobigman (~regakakob@c-73-174-187-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L460[13:46:52] <Kristo​pher38> @AdorableCatgirl Do you have, by any chance, that minified decompressor that fits in 256 bytes? The original link is dead
L461[13:53:28] <Amanda> %newtopic
L462[13:53:29] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: #11 I shall now sing to you the song of my people, the song of wanting ';--!
L463[14:06:00] <Forec​aster> %sip
L464[14:06:00] <MichiBot> You drink a sedimented quicksilver potion (New!). It tastes sour.
L465[14:06:09] <Forec​aster> agh
L466[14:40:37] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L467[15:28:06] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzncNl6N18s nice lock
L468[15:28:07] <MichiBot> [1096] A Zip Tie Bike Lock? Bell’s “Reusable Key Lock" | length: 2m 19s | Likes: 4,842 Dislikes: 31 Views: 33,957 | by LockPickingLawyer | Published On 15/5/2020
L469[15:28:19] <B​ob> how does one add autocompletition to its OC program ?
L470[15:28:43] <Inari> By checking if tab is pressed and acting upon it/
L471[15:30:29] <B​ob> yeah but trough the shell, i haven't launched my program yet
L472[15:42:46] <B​ob> Vexators, is it possible to make the speakers go further rather than make it louder ? i don't feel like laying an audio cable trough the entire base
L473[15:42:59] <B​ob> Vexatos, is it possible to make the speakers go further rather than make it louder ? i don't feel like laying an audio cable trough the entire base [Edited]
L474[15:43:36] <Vexaton> nope
L475[15:44:14] <Forec​aster> minceraft audio is fun
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L478[15:48:07] <B​ob> yes
L479[16:12:28] <Ocawes​ome101> @Saghetti @Kristopher38 wants the tiny LZSS thing
L480[16:12:53] <Kristo​pher38> I just want it out of the need to preserve it
L481[16:13:25] <Kristo​pher38> don't want that to be lost
L482[16:13:53] <Ocawes​ome101> Well pretty sure Saghetti has it
L483[16:15:42] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-10-156.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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L485[16:20:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L486[16:31:13] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L487[16:31:17] <Sagh​etti> it keeps getting list
L488[16:31:19] <Sagh​etti> lost*
L489[16:31:30] <Sagh​etti> local a={}local string,table=string,table;local b=12;local c=16-b;local d=1<<b;local e=1<<c;local f=3;function a.decompress(g)local h,i=1,{}local j=''while h<=#g do local k=string.byte(g,h)h=h+1;for l=1,8 do local m=nil;if k&1~=0 then if h<=#g then m=string.sub(g,h,h)h=h+1 end else if h+1<=#g then local n=string.unpack('>I2',g,h)h=h+2;local o=n>>c+1;local p=n&e-1+f;m=string.sub(j,o,o+p-1)end end;k=k>>1;if m then
L490[16:31:31] <Sagh​etti> i[#i+1]=m;j=string.sub(j..m,-d)end end end;return table.concat(i)end;return a
L491[16:32:23] <Sagh​etti> pretty sure this is it
L492[16:32:45] <Sagh​etti> nah thats not it
L493[16:32:46] <Sagh​etti> hold on
L494[16:33:34] <Sagh​etti> ```
L495[16:33:34] <Sagh​etti> return function(a)local b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i=1,'',''while b<=#a do e=c.byte(a,b)b=b+1;for j=0,7 do h=c.sub;i=h(a,b,b)if e>>j&1<1 and b<#a then g=c.unpack('>I2',a,b)f=1+g>>4;i=h(d,f,f+g&15+2)b=b+1 end;b=b+1;c=c..i;d=h(d..i,-4^6)end end;return c end
L496[16:33:35] <Sagh​etti> ```
L497[16:33:40] <Sagh​etti> @Kristopher38 that's it ^
L498[16:33:52] <Sagh​etti> 242 bytes
L499[16:34:11] <Inari> "Schließlich, klicken Activate at step 3 of enrollment." 🤔
L500[16:37:04] <Kristo​pher38> @Saghetti cool, do you remember the original author?
L501[16:37:58] <Sagh​etti> pretty sure it's AdorableCatgirl
L502[16:38:12] <Sagh​etti> he's the one who originally posted it iirc
L503[16:38:16] <Kristo​pher38> nah, i just found in the logs
L504[16:38:22] <Kristo​pher38> it's expert975
L505[16:38:30] <Sagh​etti> ah ok
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L516[16:40:12] <Kristo​pher38> that `a` parameter is the data (string) to decompress I assume?
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L527[16:41:52] anarchy.esper.net sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L528[16:41:59] <Ocawes​ome101> Probably
L529[16:42:42] <Kristo​pher38> oh, but expert975's version was 246 bytes long
L530[16:42:50] <Kristo​pher38> did AC improve it by 4 bytes?
L531[16:43:44] <Ocawes​ome101> Changed newlines from carriage return to semicolon or smth
L532[16:43:53] <Ocawes​ome101> Might’ve been Saghetti who did that
L533[16:44:26] <Kristo​pher38> @Saghetti ^ did you do that?
L534[16:44:48] <Kristo​pher38> I want to create a gist so it doesn't get lost, so I want to give proper credits to the creators
L535[16:45:51] <Sagh​etti> nah
L536[16:46:06] <Sagh​etti> it's just a minified version of some other one
L537[16:46:26] <Sagh​etti> this one pretty sure
L538[16:46:26] <Sagh​etti> https://github.com/kieselsteini/lzss/blob/master/lzss.lua
L539[16:46:39] <Sagh​etti> just the decompressor though
L540[16:47:23] <Kristo​pher38> oh so AC minified it?
L541[16:47:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> who?
L542[16:47:43] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> me?
L543[16:47:46] <Kristo​pher38> yeah
L544[16:47:50] <Sagh​etti> nah
L545[16:47:53] <Sagh​etti> i nubufued ut'
L546[16:48:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> lzss is in zorya's repo
L547[16:48:08] <Sagh​etti> minified it*
L548[16:48:11] <Sagh​etti> dang it i cant type
L549[16:48:15] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also spaghettis didn't work
L550[16:48:26] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (webchat@
L551[16:49:03] <Blue_595> https://imgur.com/gallery/diBWLbE thicc kitty
L552[16:49:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ok
L553[16:50:12] <Blue_595> wait shit i just remembered what my mom etched onto the back of that collar
L554[16:50:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://github.com/Adorable-Catgirl/Zorya-NEO/blob/master/src/lzss.lua
L555[16:50:14] <Blue_595> tag*
L556[16:50:38] <Blue_595> its ok the text is too blurry
L557[16:50:59] <Blue_595> it just said "if found please call:" and then my phone number good thing its blurry
L558[16:51:13] <Amanda> ENHANCE!
L559[16:51:54] <Kristo​pher38> @AdorableCatgirl oh I see, it's the script saghetti posted but with minor mods, probaly those that make it work
L560[16:52:13] <Blue_595> [Loading GIMP...]
L561[16:54:33] <Blue_595> well none of the enhance filters there had any effect
L562[16:54:58] <Sagh​etti> big surprise
L563[16:55:49] <Blue_595> its only about 16 pixels wide anyway
L564[16:55:55] <Blue_595> 16 20 whatever
L565[16:56:09] <Blue_595> 32x24 characters is a good resolution if you dont have a lot of text
L566[16:56:26] <Blue_595> this message was sponsored by Sinclair Research
L567[16:57:32] <Blue_595> no fuck it 20x4 is enough for a wardialer
L568[16:58:40] <Blue_595> although... theres no reason to use that anymore
L569[16:59:17] <Blue_595> unless i assemble a set of retro-computers at a few stations for friends, and make custom modems to connect them
L570[16:59:51] <Amanda> ... may I introduce you to: VOiP
L571[16:59:55] <Amanda> VoIP*
L572[17:01:32] <Blue_595> great idea!
L573[17:01:36] <Blue_595> DoVoIP
L574[17:01:46] <Blue_595> Data over Voice over Internet Protocol
L575[17:10:57] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> @Kristopher38 well mine is the original iirc
L576[17:12:22] <Blue_595> i found a page with info on how PSTN (or at least phone lines inside your house) work: https://www.electroboom.com/?p=1034
L577[17:12:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> dear lord the summer heat has kicked in
L578[17:12:28] <Blue_595> in case you want it
L579[17:12:37] <Blue_595> wait who was it who wanted to learn about PSTN?
L580[17:19:56] <Sagh​etti> ne
L581[17:19:58] <Sagh​etti> me*
L582[17:20:08] <Blue_595> well there you go :)
L583[17:20:12] <Sagh​etti> ty
L584[17:20:32] <Blue_595> np
L585[17:26:59] <Blue_595> also for the modem if you dont need to transmit, you can use the NJM2211
L586[17:29:33] <Blue_595> about that picture i posted when i connected, yes i swapped the bodies of those 2 mechanical pencils
L587[17:30:17] <Blue_595> and the power supply is to charge my laptop, the original one broke a few months ago
L588[17:30:36] <Blue_595> i mean, a replacement battery would be nice
L589[17:30:56] <Blue_595> Device: battery_BAT0
L590[17:30:59] <Blue_595> Type: Battery
L591[17:31:02] <Blue_595> PowerSupply: True
L592[17:31:10] <Blue_595> Model: PA3534U-1BRS
L593[17:31:15] <Blue_595> Technology: Lithium iopn
L594[17:31:25] <Blue_595> Current charge: 100%
L595[17:31:31] <Blue_595> Fully chatged (design): 43.2 Wh
L596[17:31:38] <Blue_595> Fully charged: 23.0 Wh (53%)
L597[17:31:43] <Blue_595> Voltage: 10.8 V
L598[17:31:46] <Blue_595> Serial: 20BF
L599[17:32:08] <Blue_595> . . . yeah pretty shit situation
L600[17:32:10] <B​ob> is there a wray to compress a FFMPEG video till a certain size
L601[17:32:14] <B​ob> without trial and error
L602[17:32:29] <Blue_595> can really only go about 20-30 minutes without a charger, if its on
L603[17:32:46] <Blue_595> can sleep for about 5 hour5-7 hours
L604[17:42:19] <Blue_595> theres a book propping up that cat tree
L605[17:44:38] <Blue_595> that cat was so fat he made the top of that tree start drooping :D
L606[17:46:10] ⇨ Joins: Bla (~Bla@c-76-99-215-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L607[17:46:16] <Blue_595> wb
L608[17:46:23] <Bla> wb
L609[17:46:31] <Bla> hi
L610[17:47:02] <Bla> w
L611[17:47:07] <Bla> what?
L612[17:47:10] <Blue_595> wb
L613[17:47:11] <Blue_595> hi
L614[17:47:12] <Blue_595> w
L615[17:47:14] <Blue_595> what?
L616[17:47:20] <Bla> what?
L617[17:47:23] <Blue_595> what?
L618[17:47:26] <Bla> hi
L619[17:47:28] <Blue_595> hi
L620[17:47:29] <Bla> w
L621[17:47:31] <Blue_595> w
L622[17:47:34] <Bla> w
L623[17:47:35] <Blue_595> w
L624[17:47:38] <Lizzy> could you not do that?
L625[17:47:38] <Bla> w
L626[17:47:40] <Blue_595> w
L627[17:47:53] <Bla> could you not do that?
L628[17:47:57] <Bla> w
L629[17:47:58] <Blue_595> could you not do that?
L630[17:47:58] <Blue_595> w
L631[17:48:02] <Bla> w
L632[17:48:04] <Blue_595> w
L633[17:48:08] <Bla> w
L634[17:48:10] *** Bla was kicked by Lizzy (Bla))
L635[17:48:10] <Blue_595> w
L636[17:48:18] *** Blue_595 was kicked by Lizzy (Blue_595))
L637[17:48:43] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (webchat@
L638[17:48:44] <Blue_595> bruh
L639[17:48:52] <Lizzy> i asked you to stop
L640[17:49:06] <Blue_595> i asked you to stop
L641[17:49:15] <Lizzy> %tban Blue_595 24h
L642[17:49:16] <MichiBot> format %tban Username Time Reason: %tban MGR 24h Being MGR
L643[17:49:24] <Blue_595> wdym being MGR
L644[17:49:25] <Lizzy> %tban Blue_595 24h repettitive messages
L645[17:49:25] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L646[17:49:27] *** Blue_595 was kicked by zsh ((MichiBot) Reason: repettitive messages | For: 24h | Expires: 05/16/2020 11:49:25 AM))
L647[17:49:41] <MajGenRelativity> I'm glad I'm still useful for something
L648[17:50:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> what the fuck
L649[17:51:57] <M​GR> What are the odds he tries to come back under an alt and/or uses a VPN?
L650[17:52:26] * Lizzy shrugs
L651[17:55:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> anyways, a, the weather is warm again
L652[17:55:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i want it to be comfy cold weather
L653[17:59:31] ⇦ Quits: jackie (~jackie@irc.chaosfield.at) (Quit: bye o/)
L654[18:00:47] ⇨ Joins: jackie (~jackie@irc.chaosfield.at)
L655[18:00:47] zsh sets mode: +v on jackie
L656[18:18:22] <Sagh​etti> is that like the first ban in months?
L657[18:19:14] <M​GR> I don't think so
L658[18:19:52] <M​GR> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/search?case=1&search=%25tban&chan=oc
L659[18:19:55] <Sagh​etti> haven't seen a ban in my time being here
L660[18:20:10] <M​GR> There was one 5 days ago
L661[18:20:33] <Sagh​etti> didn't see it :P
L662[18:23:42] <Teris> There have been many foolish people in this channel
L663[18:31:06] <Ar​iri> Yes, they thought animal girls wouldn't eventually take over the world. They will be proven wrong.
L664[18:49:20] <Skye> awu~
L665[19:27:28] <Amanda> The worst part of taking a 2km eleveator ride down the mines is forgetting torches.
L666[19:28:30] <Kristo​pher38> improved the code, fixed the bugs, it's working great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTj23kAu2d0
L667[19:28:31] <MichiBot> OpenComputers yet another mining robot | length: 2m 14s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 2 | by Kris38 | Published On 15/5/2020
L668[19:30:55] <B​ob> geolyzers op
L669[19:31:54] <ThePi​Guy24> %s/op/fun
L670[19:31:55] <MichiBot> <Bob> geolyzers fun
L671[19:34:05] <Sagh​etti> %s/fun/the best
L672[19:34:06] <MichiBot> <Bob> geolyzers the best
L673[19:34:55] <Kristo​pher38> under the hood it's more advanced than it might look on the video
L674[19:37:35] <Kristo​pher38> it took way too much time to do this this way rather than half-assedly
L675[19:37:40] ⇨ Joins: AshleighTheCutie (~ashleigh@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com)
L676[19:38:16] <AshleighTheCutie> is anyone here able to use ComputerCraft printers through a adapter? It shows up, but trying to start a new page results in a "unsupported operation" error
L677[19:38:25] <AshleighTheCutie> OpenOS btw
L678[19:39:05] <AshleighTheCutie> and all other things that would print require a new page to be started
L679[19:39:19] <AshleighTheCutie> so i cant print
L680[19:43:40] <fingercomp> on the russian forums we had 4 different mining programs that used geolyzers, I think
L681[19:43:57] <fingercomp> I used one of them (which I patched to make it send status info over the internet) when I was still playing MC
L682[19:44:44] <Kristo​pher38> I've seen the one done by user named Log
L683[19:44:47] <fingercomp> if someone has a spare georobot and needs diamonds right now, there's https://oc.cil.li/topic/1836-robot-miner-with-geolyzer/
L684[19:44:59] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, this is the one
L685[19:45:05] <B​ob> Von Neuman machine within OC 🤔
L686[19:45:09] <Kristo​pher38> although his code is total spaghetti
L687[19:45:28] <fingercomp> it was originally written for EEPROM
L688[19:45:35] <Kristo​pher38> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/hamepujije
L689[19:45:43] <Kristo​pher38> that's like what
L690[19:45:47] <Kristo​pher38> 8 levels of nesting
L691[19:46:11] <fingercomp> but I guess he decided he had better things to do than codegolfing
L692[19:46:21] <AshleighTheCutie> anyone able to help me at all?
L693[19:46:38] <Kristo​pher38> there's no point in codegolfing when you want to just write something that works
L694[19:47:09] <fingercomp> there is if you're writing a program for an eeprom
L695[19:49:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-43-37.dynamic.as20676.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L696[19:49:55] <fingercomp> 4 kB limit is hardly enough for anything more complex than printing hello world; I was impressed somebody could make a full-featured geominer that fits on an eeprom
L697[19:50:23] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-43-37.dynamic.as20676.net)
L698[19:50:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L699[19:52:00] <fingercomp> here's the previous version of that program that I'm talking about (in Russian) https://computercraft.ru/topic/1510-oc-16-spiralnyy-geokop/
L700[19:56:08] <Kristo​pher38> Am I missing out a lot if I'm not in the russian OC communities?
L701[19:57:49] <B​ob> http://tinyurl.com/y7l4uy3u
L702[19:58:04] <B​ob> Hippity hopping quickly into chunks and checking OC screens makes em red for no reason
L703[19:58:19] <B​ob> rather they stay like that on newly loaded chunks
L704[19:59:54] <fingercomp> the forums aren't quite as boisterous now as they used to be
L705[20:03:25] <B​ob> a new OC ticket yeet
L706[20:03:27] <B​ob> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3302
L707[20:03:28] <MichiBot> Title: Computer Screens outlines become redish | Posted by: big-lip-bob | Posted: Fri May 15 14:03:17 CDT 2020 | Status: open
L708[20:06:10] <Kristo​pher38> ah crap, I wonder if mobs still spawn in chunks chunkloaded by the robot, but without a player in the range of spawning
L709[20:06:23] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheCutie (~ashleigh@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L710[20:07:12] <t20kdc> Kristopher38: depends on if the "fake player" the robot has actually counts as a player for mob spawning
L711[20:07:36] <t20kdc> Kristopher38: if not, mobs shouldn't spawn because IIRC they have a max range-from-player they're allowed to spawn in
L712[20:07:42] <fingercomp> it seems many of the most intesting programs made by Russians are also posted on oc.cil.li
L713[20:07:58] <fingercomp> but there are quite a few really nice articles about OpenComputers and its addons
L714[20:09:12] ⇨ Joins: AshleighTheCutie (~ashleigh@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com)
L715[20:10:58] <fingercomp> I don't think I've seen any cool articles like that on the English forums, but being able to ask the mod maintainers a question directly on the IRC compensates for that, I guess
L716[20:13:07] <Kristo​pher38> huh, can you give examples of what those articles are specifically about?
L717[20:13:36] <Kristo​pher38> t20kdc: that boils down to, if forge's fake player counts as a player for mob spawning, OC uses those from what I can see
L718[20:15:16] <fingercomp> I've written some, for example :) https://computercraft.ru/blogs/blog/3-fingercomps-playground/
L719[20:15:21] <t20kdc> Kristopher38: I'd take a random guess and say "probably not".
L720[20:15:27] <t20kdc> Kristopher38: It'd be weird, if nothing else.
L721[20:16:16] <fingercomp> Log (aka Doob on the russian forums) also wrote about his making of the geominer program, as well as other things https://computercraft.ru/blogs/blog/58-some-blog-name/
L722[20:16:40] <fingercomp> and I really enjoyed Totoro's posts here https://computercraft.ru/blogs/blog/11-totoro-cookies/
L723[20:18:22] <Kristo​pher38> oh wow, there's a lot of resources there which are inaccessible to most of us because they're in russian
L724[20:18:37] <fingercomp> I did translate some of my articles into English
L725[20:18:45] <fingercomp> well, 3 of them, about the sound card
L726[20:18:48] <Kristo​pher38> and they look well-written
L727[20:19:29] <Kristo​pher38> with screenshots and all that go with the explanations
L728[20:20:27] <fingercomp> found it, finally https://gist.github.com/Fingercomp/0773bb0714296c0cb00d70a696d39bb3
L729[20:21:49] <fingercomp> translating them was a really hard work (and I can't say I'm satisfied with the result), so I can understand why no one else bothered to do that
L730[20:22:33] <fingercomp> oh, right, there's also https://fingercomp.gitbooks.io/oc-cookbook/content/
L731[20:22:53] <fingercomp> my favorite is, of course, https://fingercomp.gitbooks.io/oc-cookbook/content/oc/pigdrone.html
L732[20:23:46] <Kristo​pher38> wow, didn't know computronics sound card was so advanced
L733[20:24:52] <fingercomp> flying on a pig leashed to a drone and suspended mid-air is the most fun means of transportation there is in MC
L734[20:26:02] <Kristo​pher38> :D
L735[20:26:34] <fingercomp> especially if you accidentally press the shift key during flight
L736[20:26:44] <fingercomp> an unforgettable experience
L737[20:27:06] <fingercomp> catching the drone after that is even more fun
L738[20:27:13] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@x5271631f.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L739[20:28:51] <Vexatos> fingercomp is evidently one of two people in the world who used the sound card
L740[20:29:02] <Vexatos> the other person wrote a midi player
L741[20:30:37] <fingercomp> I did want to make a music tracker for it, but GUI libraries for OC are really messy
L742[20:31:00] <fingercomp> either too primitive, or full of features no one really needs
L743[20:31:48] <Kristo​pher38> afaik the guys that did MineOS had pretty good GUI library
L744[20:32:02] <Kristo​pher38> but obviously you most likely already know that
L745[20:32:02] <fingercomp> my attempt to create the best (objectively) GUI library failed because opencomputers are really slow
L746[20:32:11] <fingercomp> yeah, I used to for synth
L747[20:32:18] <fingercomp> that's another program for the sound card I've made
L748[20:33:01] <fingercomp> here https://computercraft.ru/topic/2017-synth-graficheskiy-interfeys-dlya-zvukovoy-karty/
L749[20:33:53] <Kristo​pher38> @payonel question about the fake player that the robot uses: is it treated like a normal player in the context of spawning mobs in an area around it (even if the player isn't around and it has chunkloader upgrade)?
L750[20:34:35] <Vexatos> no
L751[20:35:42] <Kristo​pher38> fingercomp: god I wish I could write something like that, honestly one of the coolest things I've seen in OC
L752[20:35:59] <Kristo​pher38> Vexatos: what about a drone then?
L753[20:36:05] <Vexatos> no
L754[20:36:07] <Vexatos> why would they
L755[20:36:49] <Vexatos> but what is cooler, me writing the sound card or fingercomp writing the synthesizer :^)
L756[20:37:35] <Kristo​pher38> uhh, because I need them to
L757[20:37:48] <Vexatos> yea that's a valid reason to make robots spawn monsters?
L758[20:38:34] <Kristo​pher38> let me think how to phrase a reason
L759[20:40:42] <fingercomp> Vexatos: the coolest thing of all would be your finally writing proper docs for it
L760[20:40:44] <Kristo​pher38> well, can't think of any other than being able to gather resources from monsters even if the player is far away
L761[20:40:52] <Vexatos> fingercomp, I have
L762[20:41:00] <Vexatos> https://gist.github.com/Fingercomp/0773bb0714296c0cb00d70a696d39bb3
L763[20:41:06] <Vexatos> :^)
L764[20:41:52] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@x5271637c.dyn.telefonica.de)
L765[20:42:44] <fingercomp> oh, right
L766[20:42:49] <fingercomp> technically, right
L767[20:43:09] <fingercomp> well, anyway, all right
L768[20:46:00] <fingercomp> not really related, but I'd really like to profile the code I'm writing for OpenComputers
L769[20:46:17] <Vexatos> payonel might know something
L770[20:46:34] <fingercomp> I have already made a profiler in C and patched the native libraries so that I could use it, and I did use it
L771[20:46:46] <fingercomp> but there's so much overhead, and I really have writing in C
L772[20:48:19] <fingercomp> during my attempts to use that profiler, I patched OC to open the package library that can (theoretically) require C modules
L773[20:49:58] <fingercomp> but it failed with linking errors
L774[20:50:23] <fingercomp> said it could not resolve some symbols from the Lua API
L775[20:59:40] <Kristo​pher38> @payonel there's another person that would like your profiling thing you made to get released
L776[20:59:59] <fingercomp> here's the error https://i.imgur.com/4lDikRM.png
L777[21:00:43] <pay​onel> @Fingercomp is that in ocvm?
L778[21:00:56] <fingercomp> no, OpenComputers
L779[21:01:04] <fingercomp> patched, of course
L780[21:01:13] <pay​onel> yeah
L781[21:01:19] <fingercomp> opens the package library and passes the machine.lua's env
L782[21:01:44] <fingercomp> I think the error is caused by Java's not setting the needed options in the dlopen call somewhere
L783[21:01:44] <pay​onel> mmc to run oc?
L784[21:02:02] <pay​onel> windows or linux?
L785[21:02:07] <pay​onel> or mac
L786[21:02:11] <fingercomp> linux, no mmc
L787[21:02:48] <pay​onel> what launcher? or java command line?
L788[21:03:28] <fingercomp> actually, it's a server running on localhost
L789[21:04:07] <fingercomp> (MC 1.12.2)
L790[21:04:25] <pay​onel> the reason i ask all of this is because of the lib path
L791[21:05:37] <fingercomp> it's safe to assume I can find a way to modify the lib path if it's required :)
L792[21:05:50] <pay​onel> maybe try `LDLIBRARYPATH=path/to/lua/lib/path` with the java call you're using
L793[21:07:25] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L794[21:07:25] <MichiBot> By my throth! Squi​dDev! You beat Ocawes​ome101's previous record of 13 hours, 20 minutes and 13 seconds (By 17 minutes and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L795[21:07:26] <MichiBot> Squi​dDev has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.013 tonk points! plus 0.012 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.42599. Position #5 Need 0.02118 more points to pass simo​n816!
L796[21:08:11] <Ala​ura> Dat bot steal doe
L797[21:08:35] <pay​onel> maybe something lke `export LDLIBRARYPATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ java ...`
L798[21:09:55] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L799[21:13:40] <pay​onel> @Bob are you using any shaders or optifine?
L800[21:14:55] <B​ob> optifine, a classic for me
L801[21:15:11] <pay​onel> i need you to repro sans optifine
L802[21:15:18] <pay​onel> also, what screen tier?
L803[21:15:21] <B​ob> any
L804[21:15:25] <B​ob> tried 2, 3
L805[21:16:05] <pay​onel> does it repro with oc only, flat world, single player, tp 1000m away and return?
L806[21:18:49] <B​ob> must try
L807[21:18:56] <B​ob> never playing a mod by itself lol
L808[21:19:39] <pay​onel> mainly i need you to test without optifine
L809[21:19:43] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L810[21:19:56] <pay​onel> you had mentioned that you can't do that with your machine, so only oc would make that easier
L811[21:20:11] <pay​onel> anyways, using your full mod pack is fine, just repro in single player flatworld
L812[21:56:57] <ben_​mkiv> @Bob that issue happens if any mod messes with the OpenGL flags, which OpenGlasses for example does a lot (and isn't perfect yet) are you by chance using that?
L813[21:57:35] <pay​onel> @ben_mkiv thanks
L814[21:58:17] <ben_​mkiv> np, pretty sure that its not OCs fault, but another mod
L815[21:58:55] <Lizzy> %tonk
L816[21:58:55] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Li​zzy! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of <0 (By 51 minutes and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L817[21:58:56] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 51 minutes and 29 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.00086 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.10406 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L818[21:59:09] <ben_​mkiv> specially if optifine is in, too this does happen more frequently as optifine "assumes" predefined states which vanilla doesn't really sometimes
L819[21:59:20] <ben_​mkiv> specially if optifine is in, this does happen more frequently as optifine "assumes" predefined states which vanilla doesn't really sometimes [Edited]
L820[22:28:50] <Inari> %pet Amanda
L821[22:28:51] <MichiBot> Inari is petting Amanda with honeyworks. Amanda regains 1d4 => 1 hit points! Honeyworks angered a fairy and was turned into a pie.
L822[22:29:10] <Amanda> %inv add Inari's latest ASMR fix
L823[22:29:10] * MichiBot summons 'Inari's latest ASMR fix' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L824[22:29:17] <Inari> xD
L825[22:29:53] <Kristo​pher38> I feel an urge to write something for the Thistle architecture
L826[22:30:23] <Amanda> I wonder if I left my C++ Thistle experiements public...
L827[22:30:50] <Inari> What was thistle agian
L828[22:31:06] <B​ob> @ben_mkiv i do
L829[22:31:09] <Kristo​pher38> Amanda: if you did I'd like to read them
L830[22:31:20] <Kristo​pher38> Thistle was that 6502 architecture for OC
L831[22:31:27] <Amanda> I did!
L832[22:31:27] <Inari> ah
L833[22:31:32] <Amanda> @Kristopher38 https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/thistle-toy
L834[22:31:35] <Amanda> Most of it doesn't work.
L835[22:31:45] <Amanda> In fact I don't thin i ever got anything other than "HEllo WOrld" working
L836[22:31:55] <Amanda> turns out, C++ isn't the best choice for 6502
L837[22:32:03] <Inari> HAha
L838[22:32:07] <Inari> Would expect C to work better
L839[22:33:18] <Amanda> Inari: esp. whe nyou don't understand a lto of how C++'s internals work for the stdlib
L840[22:33:24] <pay​onel> ...
L841[22:33:49] <Inari> ohi payo
L842[22:35:13] * payonel offers Inari some unsalted peanuts and dried apple slices
L843[22:35:40] <Inari> Not sure where that cam efrom
L844[22:36:14] <payonel> google told me foxes like unsalted peanuts and dried fruit as a treat
L845[22:36:22] <Inari> I see
L846[22:36:36] <Inari> I'm fasting today though :P
L847[22:36:44] <payonel> haha, just my luck
L848[22:36:51] <Amanda> Just put on aweird ASMR videofor her, payonel, she'll watch the heck out of it, the junkie
L849[22:37:00] <Inari> Haha
L850[22:38:14] <Kristo​pher38> C++ compilers can heavily optimize produced code now under some circumstances
L851[22:38:18] <payonel> Inari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9kFax89MA
L852[22:38:19] <MichiBot> Rescued Fox Squeaks With Excitement While Being Petted | length: 58s | Likes: 890 Dislikes: 8 Views: 44,820 | by Storyful Rights Management | Published On 31/5/2018
L853[22:38:39] <Inari> cute
L854[22:38:51] <Amanda> @Kristopher38 I had to use a hacked gcc compiler fork to even get 6502 output
L855[22:39:05] <Kristo​pher38> Which one?
L856[22:39:06] <pay​onel> @Amanda why?
L857[22:39:08] <Amanda> Like, I had to stab at the fork. IDK if I evern still have the code around on my laptop
L858[22:39:25] <Amanda> payonel: modern gcc, strangely enough, doesn't support C++, and the fork I was using disabled C++ support.
L859[22:39:33] <Amanda> er, doesn't support 6502
L860[22:39:56] <Amanda> Turns out, 16 bit processors are not supported by modern GCC
L861[22:40:20] <Kristo​pher38> 6502 is 8-bit though
L862[22:40:28] <Inari> go via llvm
L863[22:40:28] <Inari> :D
L864[22:40:28] <pay​onel> AH
L865[22:40:29] <Amanda> even worse
L866[22:40:44] <pay​onel> @amanda i understand now, i thought you were building an emulator for 6502
L867[22:40:46] <pay​onel> in c++
L868[22:40:49] <pay​onel> gotcha
L869[22:40:49] <Kristo​pher38> Well, can address up to 64K but all calculations are 8 bit internally
L870[22:40:49] <Amanda> ah, no
L871[22:41:02] <Amanda> No, I was running C++ on a 6502 emulated for OC. :D
L872[22:41:23] <Kristo​pher38> Imagine ocvm in OC
L873[22:41:26] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@i577BCF83.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L874[22:41:27] <Vexatos> payonel, foxes are cute
L875[22:41:29] <Vexatos> until they do that
L876[22:41:31] <Vexatos> at 2 a.m.
L877[22:41:35] <Vexatos> in your garden
L878[22:41:36] * Amanda wonders if that makes it better or worse for @payonel
L879[22:41:44] <Inari> Vexatos: well, take them into your bed
L880[22:41:55] <Kristo​pher38> Or another cursed idea: imagine Lua compiled for 6502 and running on Thistle
L881[22:41:58] <Vexatos> I, too, like getting rabies
L882[22:41:58] <Amanda> Vexatos: cats are cuter, and our song of the people is much better.
L883[22:42:07] <Inari> Rabies are extinct in Germany
L884[22:42:36] <Vexatos> I thought they only counted humans and dogs for that
L885[22:42:45] <Vexatos> not wildlife
L886[22:43:06] <Vexatos> anyways, foxes are cool because they eat pests
L887[22:43:07] <Kristo​pher38> Amanda: I think I'm gonna have a try at cc65 compiler, at least it's well-supported
L888[22:43:10] <Vexatos> but holy shit are they loud
L889[22:43:12] <Vexatos> in the spring
L890[22:43:17] <Inari> I thought it was about wildlife
L891[22:43:25] <Inari> After all, why would it not be extinct in humans and dogs
L892[22:43:32] <Vexatos> (not so) fun fact: Rabies are still incurable
L893[22:43:39] <Amanda> Inari: because of idiots bringing wild foxes to their bedroom.
L894[22:43:58] <Vexatos> so if you or a loved one gets rabies, you can watch the other have their brain turn into slime in realtime!
L895[22:44:14] <Kristo​pher38> I should probably watch this as well, I intended to long time ago https://youtu.be/zBkNBP00wJE
L896[22:44:15] <MichiBot> CppCon 2016: Jason Turner “Rich Code for Tiny Computers: A Simple Commodore 64 Game in C++17” | length: 1h, 19m 52s | Likes: 2,561 Dislikes: 36 Views: 129,980 | by CppCon | Published On 24/9/2016
L897[22:44:28] <Vexatos> speaking of loud stuff
L898[22:44:31] <Vexatos> we're getting geese
L899[22:44:32] <Inari> "Dies ist über die systematische Bekämpfung bzw. orale Immunisierung der Füchse, die als Hauptüberträger gelten, sowie durch konsequente Impfungen von Haustieren gelungen"
L900[22:44:35] <Inari> seems it counts wildlife
L901[22:44:46] <Amanda> isn't there antibodies or something that can be administored with a big-ass needle if it's fast enough, Vexatos?
L902[22:44:47] <Vexatos> an endangered breed of them too
L903[22:44:58] <Vexatos> Amanda, only if it's literally within hours
L904[22:45:04] <Vexatos> after a bite
L905[22:45:11] <Vexatos> then you might never get them, yes
L906[22:45:18] <Inari> Modern medicine sucks anyway
L907[22:45:20] <Inari> Tons of uncurable stuff
L908[22:45:27] <Amanda> Yeah, which is why you're meant to go to the emergency room if you've been bit by a wild or unknown animal.
L909[22:45:36] <Vexatos> like if you get bitten by a fox or wolf call the ambulance immediately and they won't joke around
L910[22:45:53] <Vexatos> you get into ER ASAP and get that shot because if it's rabies that is your only chance of survival
L911[22:49:04] <Vexatos> anyways
L912[22:49:04] <Vexatos> geese
L913[22:49:13] <Vexatos> Inari, do you care about cute geese too
L914[22:49:40] <Inari> Eh, not that much
L915[22:49:48] <Inari> Foxes are the superior species
L916[22:49:49] <Vexatos> because we're getting geese
L917[22:49:51] <Vexatos> and they are cute
L918[22:50:07] <Vexatos> and they make very tasty eggs
L919[22:50:20] <Vexatos> we're mostly getting them as lawnmowers though
L920[22:50:30] <Inari> haha
L921[22:50:44] <Vexatos> and we're getting an endangered local breed because why not
L922[22:51:09] <Vexatos> but yea they will be very nice for a specific very large patch of grass that just sucks to do with our lawnmower
L923[22:51:18] <Inari> "because why not"
L924[22:51:18] <Vexatos> and unlike a lawnmower they pick out the weeds
L925[22:51:23] <Vexatos> yea because why not
L926[22:51:26] <Inari> Well I'd generally imagine endangered breeds being hard ot get
L927[22:51:31] <Vexatos> if you're getting geese, why not get an endangered breed
L928[22:51:41] <Vexatos> yes
L929[22:51:47] <Vexatos> there are only a few breeders left that have them
L930[22:52:01] <Vexatos> but one of them lives 40 minutes away
L931[22:52:09] <Vexatos> so we can get goslings from there
L932[22:52:10] <Inari> handy :p
L933[22:52:19] <Amanda> Ryan?
L934[22:52:33] <Inari> Ryan?
L935[22:52:49] <Vexatos> my uncle is a biologist so he has particular interest in that part
L936[22:52:57] <Vexatos> we're still deciding between two breeds
L937[22:53:15] <Vexatos> one is normal sized and chill and doesn't fly
L938[22:53:27] <Vexatos> one is as large as a swan and chill and doesn't fly
L939[22:53:27] <fingercomp> payonel: I've had to research quite a lot of things about dynamic linking, so I hope my conclusions are wrong. Anyway, as far as I understand, C modules are not supposed to link to Lua directly: Lua is usually compiled so that its symbols are exported and used for resolving the module's symbol references by lua_requiref (which is a thick wrapper around dlopen). I've made sure to compile the Lua
L940[22:53:27] <fingercomp> native library according; its symbols are global. But the Lua library is itself loaded by Java using dlopen without RTLD_GLOBAL (`dlopen(path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY)`), so its symbols are ignored during symbol resolution. So when lua_requiref is run, the module's references to the Lua symbols are left undefined, and that's the cause of the error I get.
L941[22:53:27] <Amanda> the other shits golden eggs?
L942[22:53:36] <Vexatos> both are snow-white with orange beaks
L943[22:53:50] <Vexatos> Not sure yet whether we want swan-sized geese or not
L944[22:53:56] <Inari> Woh's Ryan
L945[22:53:59] <Vexatos> because they are actually ginormous
L946[22:54:05] <Vexatos> 10 kilograms fully grown
L947[22:54:18] <Amanda> Inari: Mr Gosling!
L948[22:54:29] <Inari> Oh
L949[22:54:34] <fingercomp> payonel: does that mean I have to link my C module against libnatives.so? Will that have no adverse effects?
L950[22:57:23] <pay​onel> i didn't know what you were trying to do. i only was looking at the failed load which happens because the relocs in the c lib youre trying to load. they know the expected lib, but the dynamic load cannot find that lib. ergo, tell it where to look
L951[22:57:45] <pay​onel> in your c code, that created that shared lib, are you not dynamically linking with lua?
L952[22:58:01] <fingercomp> I'm not
L953[22:58:07] <fingercomp> which works in regular Lua
L954[23:02:24] <pay​onel> so you're not calling lua_settop in your code?
L955[23:03:08] <fingercomp> I am, or it wouldn't error like that
L956[23:03:30] <pay​onel> so your are linking with lua in your code? what, statically?
L957[23:04:08] <fingercomp> I pass the Lua headers, but do no add -llua or anything like that
L958[23:04:52] <pay​onel> ah, well then they're still undefined/relocs in your shared object
L959[23:05:00] <pay​onel> so, if you try to load it, they have to resolve
L960[23:05:00] <fingercomp> yes
L961[23:05:26] <pay​onel> now, for that to work in real lua, but not from the java env with oc -- clearly from the shell it is finding the lua libs
L962[23:05:41] <pay​onel> probably because the env in the shell includes the lua libs
L963[23:05:53] <pay​onel> and so, you can tell java to include that in its env
L964[23:06:40] <pay​onel> which...might be done with the LDLIBRARYPATH i shared above. that definitely works for launching a native application that needs lib paths when resolving symbols, etc -- but i dont know what circumventive way java might be calling dlopen
L965[23:06:50] <pay​onel> i've not ever done this with java
L966[23:07:03] <Vexatos> fingercomp, what are you trying to do
L967[23:07:19] <pay​onel> but it comes down to, when the lua runtime tries to open a shared library, it uses an env list of ld paths
L968[23:07:27] <fingercomp> Vexatos: I have a profiler written in C
L969[23:07:55] <Vexatos> ah
L970[23:08:00] <pay​onel> @Vexatos he's trying to `require` a c lib
L971[23:08:03] <fingercomp> and I'm trying to require it, yes
L972[23:08:04] <pay​onel> in oc
L973[23:08:12] <fingercomp> using the native Lua require
L974[23:08:26] <pay​onel> which should be just fine, but i dont know what java is doing
L975[23:08:49] <pay​onel> java is loading the jnlua lib, which has native hooks to the native lua arch
L976[23:09:03] <pay​onel> and so, you're calling into that native lua arch (5.2 or 5.3 in this case)
L977[23:09:08] <pay​onel> which is going to make a native c dlopen call
L978[23:09:11] <pay​onel> all of that is totally fine
L979[23:09:19] <pay​onel> but it then comes back to the ld path list
L980[23:09:28] <pay​onel> and that is inherited from the host process
L981[23:09:29] <pay​onel> which is java
L982[23:09:36] <pay​onel> and thus, i dont know what java does
L983[23:09:43] <pay​onel> does that make sense?
L984[23:10:33] <fingercomp> actually, I'm not sure dlopen has to look for the Lua libraries
L985[23:10:36] <pay​onel> but it also sounds like, i'm guessing, that you'd like our oc's native lua shared library to be the one it uses
L986[23:10:42] <pay​onel> which means you need `.` in the ld path
L987[23:10:55] <fingercomp> at the time dlopen is run, it already knows about the global symbols exported by Lua
L988[23:11:21] <fingercomp> or such is my understanding
L989[23:12:01] <fingercomp> > Symbol references in the shared object are resolved using (in order): symbols in the link map of objects loaded for the main program and its dependencies; symbols in shared objects (and their dependencies) that were previously opened with dlopen() using the RTLD_GLOBAL flag; and definitions in the shared object itself (and any dependencies that were loaded for that object).
L990[23:12:19] <fingercomp> (that's a quote from the dlopen(3) manpage)
L991[23:15:58] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F9C1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L992[23:18:21] <fingercomp> here's the output of `ldd profile_hook.so` https://clbin.com/uO7Pd (profile_hook is my C module)
L993[23:18:36] <fingercomp> it doesn't say that the module depends on Lua
L994[23:18:53] <fingercomp> so I'm not sure that setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH would help
L995[23:21:18] <fingercomp> if I do add -llua when linking, so that the module is dynamically linked against the Lua library, I could use that env variable to make it use the OC's natives, but then independent 2 copies of Lua would be loaded simultaneously, and I don't think it's good
L996[23:22:57] <pay​onel> ok, so -- i had overlooked the point that loaded symbols are used first, that is a good point and i'm looking at some data relating to that
L997[23:23:32] <pay​onel> 2. if you didn't -llua then i definitely would expect your `ldd` to look like, no issue with that
L998[23:24:13] <pay​onel> 3. settings the ld path would ... "help" because dlopen would find it. but like you say, it would be a different lua runtime and possibly could corrupt the internal state values
L999[23:24:27] <pay​onel> could, if you use a different lua lib
L1000[23:25:59] <pay​onel> and you're literally doing `require("profile_hook")` ?
L1001[23:26:38] <fingercomp> `env.require("profile_hook")`, where `env.require` is the native require function, but yes
L1002[23:26:52] <pay​onel> and you have luaopenprofilehook in your lib?
L1003[23:26:58] <fingercomp> yes
L1004[23:27:28] <fingercomp> as I said, the module loads in "vanilla" Lua 5.3 and works perfectly
L1005[23:27:40] <pay​onel> this will cause lua to call `dlopen(path, RTLDNOW | RTLDLOCAL)`
L1006[23:27:48] <fingercomp> yes
L1007[23:28:15] <fingercomp> eris doesn't modify library loading in any way, so it shouldn't matter
L1008[23:29:04] <fingercomp> `void *lib = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | (seeglb ? RTLD_GLOBAL : RTLD_LOCAL));`
L1009[23:31:12] <fingercomp> I believe the problem would be solved by making Java dlopen the Lua library with RTLD_GLOBAL, but I have no idea how to do that
L1010[23:32:01] <pay​onel> i think you're right, actually. but i'm testing something separately first
L1011[23:39:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-43-37.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L1012[23:43:21] <pay​onel> @Fingercomp for what it is worth...i've never tried to resolve symbols of dlopen targets with already-loaded symbols
L1013[23:43:34] <pay​onel> my build process always includes the libs needed by all components
L1014[23:43:56] <pay​onel> if a uses b, and c uses b, then we just put b in the path for each load
L1015[23:47:38] <pay​onel> @Fingercomp doing some testing, i can't seem to take advantage of that feature of dlopen, i think we are misunderstanding that first search case
L1016[23:48:32] <pay​onel> anyways, i'm going to take a break from things for a bit
L1017[23:48:36] <pay​onel> let me know if you figure it out
L1018[23:48:47] <pay​onel> this is knowledge i should have
L1019[23:48:59] <fingercomp> will do :)
L1020[23:52:30] <Forec​aster> or maybe it was forbidden knowledge and was meant to stay buried!
L1021[23:52:36] <Forec​aster> doooom
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