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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:09] <Ocawes​ome101> %s/cats/Inari/
L2[00:00:09] <MichiBot> <Inari> Silly Inari
L3[00:00:38] <Inari> Rude
L4[00:09:07] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F6DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L5[00:51:38] <B​ob> 🦀 Inari 🦀 Is 🦀 Gone 🦀
L6[00:53:25] <ThePi​Guy24> :tux:
L7[00:55:09] <Ocawes​ome101> :tux:
L8[00:55:12] <Ocawes​ome101> AHHHHH
L9[00:55:57] <Izaya> trash emojos
L10[00:56:27] <B​ob> you're just jealous 👀
L11[00:57:14] <Izaya> > 2020
L12[00:57:19] <Izaya> > not having federated emojos
L13[00:57:24] <Izaya> it's like you hate freedom
L14[00:57:44] <Amanda> Izaya: they're federated! Just pay 19.99$?
L15[00:57:57] <ThePi​Guy24> :rivaR::rivaF:
L16[00:58:08] <ThePi​Guy24> custom emojis are fun
L17[00:58:17] <B​ob> :GWjiangoPepeFedora:
L18[01:11:27] <Elfi> Pay 19.99 and your dignity to the corporate monoculture
L19[01:22:44] <ThePi​Guy24> :communismork:
L20[01:48:28] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~manjaro-u@
L21[01:53:02] <𝐿𝒾𝓏?​?𝒾𝒶𝓃> please never use that emoji again
L22[01:53:10] <𝐿𝒾𝓏?​?𝒾𝒶𝓃> 🤢
L23[01:59:54] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L24[01:59:54] <MichiBot> Fudge! Ocawes​ome101! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of 3 hours, 58 minutes and 22 seconds (By 2 minutes and 7 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L25[01:59:55] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101's new record is 4 hours and 29 seconds! Ocawesome101 also gained 0.00016 (0.00004 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #6. Need 0.00363 more points to pass ThePi​Guy24!
L26[02:00:09] <Ocawes​ome101> ayy
L27[02:12:30] ⇦ Quits: Ernos (~freacknat@203.sub-174-222-135.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L28[02:25:42] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~manjaro-u@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L29[02:26:17] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sip
L30[02:26:17] <MichiBot> You drink a shimmering citrus potion (New!). A sudden craving for soup occupies Brisingr​Aerowing's thoughts for 23 seconds.
L31[02:42:52] <Brisingr​Aerowing> I saw an awesome insult earlier: “You’re just as bright as vantablack paint”.
L32[02:50:51] <Amanda> %8ball risk hallucinating to much?
L33[02:50:51] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Reply hazy, try again
L34[02:51:00] <Amanda> %8ball risk hallucinating to much?
L35[02:51:00] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: [ The Bowling ball doesn't answer ]
L36[02:51:19] <Amanda> Elfi: risk hallucinating too much?
L37[02:52:04] * Amanda labels two lamps, waits to see which one attracts her
L38[02:59:36] <Ar​iri> 8ball => Elfi
L39[03:11:09] <Amanda> A moff lämp selection is just as randon
L40[03:40:47] * Elfi looks between the lämps
L41[03:40:51] * Elfi hmms.
L42[03:41:05] <Elfi> %8ball Should I pick the first lämp?
L43[03:41:05] <MichiBot> El​fi: Without a doubt
L44[03:41:38] * Elfi flutters around the first lämp! It's a no!
L45[03:47:08] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L46[03:48:45] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L47[04:27:09] * Amanda snugs Elfi, zzzmews
L48[04:31:24] * Elfi snugs!
L49[04:35:34] ⇨ Joins: hii (~hii@
L50[04:36:13] ⇦ Quits: hii (~hii@ (Client Quit)
L51[04:37:43] ⇨ Joins: joshua (~joshua@
L52[04:38:03] ⇨ Joins: hii (~hii@
L53[04:39:44] ⇦ Quits: hii (~hii@ (Client Quit)
L54[04:42:13] ⇦ Quits: joshua (~joshua@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L55[04:50:01] <Izaya> ~w unicode
L56[04:50:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:unicode
L57[05:01:48] ⇦ Quits: Digifox03 (~Digifox03@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L58[05:31:57] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> well i got the gpu version working http://tinyurl.com/vhw44v7
L59[05:32:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ...in OpenOS
L60[05:32:51] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L61[05:34:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and cursor movement works well enough http://tinyurl.com/yxxj8lev
L62[05:39:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and it turns out it doesn't
L63[05:39:25] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L64[05:39:26] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Compan​ionCube, you were not able to beat Ocawes​ome101's record of 4 hours and 29 seconds this time. 3 hours, 39 minutes and 31 seconds were wasted! Missed by 20 minutes and 57 seconds!
L65[05:39:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i really need to reduce gpu component usage lmao
L66[06:26:37] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/v26ssq5
L67[06:26:52] <Izaya> lookin fancy
L68[06:27:04] * Izaya has been rewriting the PsychOS VT100 emulator
L69[06:27:08] <Izaya> we have blit batching now
L70[06:27:11] <Izaya> for f a s t speed
L71[06:27:29] <Izaya> and better parsing, to never get stuck in command mode again
L72[06:36:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/yx8eubcz
L73[06:36:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> YES
L74[06:36:44] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> wtf
L75[06:36:47] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it's not writing new files
L76[06:39:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://gist.github.com/Adorable-Catgirl/47f240318b4cf161cc9de31fd0f8d792 w/e this is what i have so far
L77[07:00:19] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@2607:5300:201:3100::325) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L78[07:01:23] ⇨ Joins: glasspelican (~quassel@2607:5300:201:3100::325)
L79[07:06:45] <Sagh​etti> vim?
L80[07:21:17] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and i got it to work
L81[07:21:19] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also no
L82[07:45:26] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L83[07:46:44] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L84[07:47:06] <Blue_595> 1). Has anyone tried to make a robot without a GPU/screen/keyboard?
L85[07:47:22] <Blue_595> ocdoc says it would make a "headless" robot and i want to know what that would look like
L86[07:47:47] <Blue_595> 2). Assemblers appear as components with functions like assemble() and ready(), what are they actually called though?
L87[07:48:33] <Blue_595> 3). Since assemblers are components and have inventories, and transposers are insanely powerful blocks, you could automate EVERYTHING you need to build robots/drones/tablets
L88[07:48:37] <Forec​aster> headless means it doesn't have it's own screen/keyboard
L89[07:48:41] <Forec​aster> like a server
L90[07:48:50] <Blue_595> oh i thought it would be missing a chunk from its model
L91[07:49:03] <Forec​aster> it just means you either need to load a pre-written program onto it, or control it via network
L92[07:49:30] <Blue_595> 4). Adapters hold various upgrades and interact with blocks around themselves, so they could be used to craft CPUs RAM GPUs and stuff for the assembler idea
L93[07:50:05] <Forec​aster> what do you mean "what are they actually called"?
L94[07:50:17] <Blue_595> what are the functions available for the component 'assembler'?
L95[07:50:37] <Blue_595> i just know they trigger an assembly and tell you whether or not you can assemble
L96[07:51:35] <Forec​aster> they're exactly what the component says they are
L97[07:52:11] <Blue_595> the computer that can run the modpack is currently occupied
L98[07:52:11] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/sqttmvp
L99[07:52:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :)
L100[07:52:40] <Blue_595> wait how did you get OCEmu to work?
L101[07:52:54] <Blue_595> i tried 2 separate emulators and neither of them worked
L102[07:53:04] <Blue_595> do i just suck at linux? should i be banished to windows?
L103[07:53:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> now
L104[07:53:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i need to port this to the latest version of PsychOS
L105[07:53:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :)
L106[07:55:02] <Blue_595> cant find the horrendous failed attempts to install the emulator
L107[07:55:03] <Blue_595> so thats nice
L108[07:56:01] <Blue_595> trying to install
L109[07:56:40] <Blue_595> what the
L110[07:57:02] <Blue_595> a bunch of problems with ibus and glib
L111[07:57:11] <Blue_595> what the frick?
L112[07:58:21] <Blue_595> its just not found errors, for only those
L113[07:58:48] <Blue_595> > sudo apt update
L114[07:59:03] <Blue_595> just that one item i typed in wrong that one time and dont know how to remove
L115[07:59:22] <Blue_595> is the command echo ok?
L116[07:59:26] <Blue_595> > sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libsdl2-dev subversion
L117[08:00:13] <Blue_595> seems to be doing something
L118[08:00:22] <Blue_595> problems are gone
L119[08:00:33] <Blue_595> (redirect to linux channel or something?)
L120[08:01:19] <Blue_595> *exapunks music playing while thing downloads*
L121[08:03:29] <Blue_595> W: Operation was interrupted before it could finish
L122[08:03:45] <Blue_595> immediately after a prompt that "update-initramfs will attempt to resume at..."
L123[08:04:11] <Blue_595> is that normal or did it break?
L124[08:05:37] <Blue_595> > ./configure --lua-version=5.2 --lua-suffix=5.2 --versioned-rocks-dir
L125[08:06:17] <Blue_595> running 'sudo make install
L126[08:06:22] <Blue_595> ' after that is really fun
L127[08:06:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> nice, my editor is working
L128[08:16:27] <Blue_595> i installed it but i cant launch it
L129[08:16:36] <Blue_595> lua: boot.lua:8: module 'ffi' not found:
L130[08:16:54] <Blue_595> should i use the windows package with wine?
L131[08:17:08] <Blue_595> very... stupid way of doing that
L132[08:23:18] <Blue_595> so after i install dependencies, download with git, and run the makefile
L133[08:23:20] <Blue_595> now what
L134[08:23:29] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-118-8.dynamic.as20676.net)
L135[08:23:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L136[08:23:35] <Blue_595> o/
L137[08:23:43] <Blue_595> how do you run OCEmu
L138[08:23:48] <Blue_595> you didnt make it but still
L139[08:27:23] <Blue_595> lua: src/boot.lua:9: module 'sdl2.init' not found:
L140[08:27:26] <Blue_595> new problem
L141[08:28:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yeah i can't make planck work in PsychOS with VT100 shit
L142[08:28:43] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> sorry Izaya
L143[08:29:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh well
L144[08:30:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> at least i can make planck work with small modifications in Zorya :)
L145[08:30:55] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@x59cc8b61.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L146[08:31:06] <Blue_595> oh frick it works
L147[08:31:22] <Blue_595> OpenOS 1.7.5 (2048k RAM)
L148[08:31:27] <Blue_595> what do i do now
L149[08:32:34] <Blue_595> emulator doesnt think assembler is component :(
L150[08:32:47] <Blue_595> doesnt know any really
L151[08:33:33] <Blue_595> gpu at 4ec... seems to be tier 2
L152[08:34:05] <Blue_595> yep maxResolution() = 80, 25
L153[08:34:16] <Blue_595> either the gpu or the screen
L154[08:34:55] <Blue_595> this changes EVERYTHING, but im confused
L155[08:35:38] <Blue_595> how do i install oppm to the emulated computer?
L156[08:36:44] <Blue_595> oh component.ocemu.lootinsert()
L157[08:37:12] <Blue_595> really it doesnt come with OpenOS installed?
L158[08:38:09] <Blue_595> unable to connect to the internet
L159[08:38:16] <Blue_595> do i run as sudo or something?
L160[08:38:35] <Blue_595> nope
L161[08:39:58] <Blue_595> luasocket?
L162[08:42:30] <Blue_595> filesystem b46 in slot 5?
L163[08:42:38] <Blue_595> the frick is slot 5
L164[08:44:30] <Blue_595> type "opencomputers software raid" or "opencomputers slots" into yahoo and i appear on the first page
L165[08:44:36] <Blue_595> makes me feel good :)
L166[08:44:49] <Blue_595> but with the former im actually the first result
L167[08:47:03] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@x59cc8abe.dyn.telefonica.de)
L168[08:47:35] <Blue_595> o/
L169[08:52:15] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8EEF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L170[08:54:38] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L171[08:55:30] <Blue_595> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/697700364828409936/unknown.png what file is that
L172[08:55:34] <Blue_595> which you are editing
L173[08:56:16] <Blue_595> oh *facepalm*
L174[08:56:23] <Blue_595> init.lua file of OpenOS
L175[09:05:42] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-23-80.dynamic.as20676.net)
L176[09:05:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L177[09:08:49] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-118-8.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L178[09:17:37] <Inari> Amanda: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/249763352425922560/697706437069111376/9f0b4dd.jpg cute :3
L179[09:24:44] ⇦ Quits: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L180[09:55:10] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L181[09:56:09] ⇦ Quits: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Client Quit)
L182[11:35:56] <Forec​aster> %sip
L183[11:35:56] <MichiBot> You drink a runny emerald potion (New!). Forec​aster's radiation level goes up by 2 for 4 minutes.
L184[12:23:28] <B​ob> outside OC of i can chunk hard drives over their limit right
L185[12:23:35] <B​ob> writes won't work but reads will sure ?
L186[12:24:03] <B​ob> i meant chuk/fill
L187[12:36:33] <B​ob> also computers emit a quiet static noise
L188[12:36:37] <B​ob> can i rnuke that
L189[13:08:38] ⇨ Joins: Digifox03 (~Digifox03@
L190[13:10:56] <Kristo​pher38> My finals got postponed at least 1.5 months 🦀
L191[13:14:52] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: all good it's not ready for it yet
L192[13:15:09] <DaCompu​terNerd> %tonk
L193[13:15:09] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! DaCompu​terNerd! You beat Ocawes​ome101's previous record of 4 hours and 29 seconds (By 3 hours, 35 minutes and 13 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L194[13:15:10] <MichiBot> DaComputerNerd's new record is 7 hours, 35 minutes and 43 seconds! DaComputerNerd also gained 0.01795 (0.00359 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #7. Need 0.03392 more points to pass Ocawes​ome101!
L195[13:38:27] ⇨ Joins: Vexaphtha (~Vexatos@port-92-192-5-23.dynamic.as20676.net)
L196[13:38:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaphtha
L197[13:41:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-23-80.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L198[13:44:01] *** Vexaphtha is now known as Vexatos
L199[13:49:33] ⇨ Joins: Victorsueca (~Victor_su@
L200[13:50:58] ⇦ Quits: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L201[14:08:35] <Forec​aster> heh
L202[14:08:46] <Forec​aster> limpet expired while carrying a chunk to me
L203[14:09:09] <Forec​aster> watched the husk slowly tumble towards me and bump off of the shield in front of the canopy
L204[14:09:12] <Forec​aster> that was interesting
L205[14:16:48] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-5-23.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L206[14:17:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-81-207.dynamic.as20676.net)
L207[14:17:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L208[15:17:06] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L209[15:19:25] <Kristo​pher38> Sad limpet
L210[15:55:08] <Forec​aster> nice http://tinyurl.com/runa8xs
L211[16:03:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> with a few tweaks, i can run Planck in Zorya and i really love that
L212[16:11:04] <Forec​aster> %sip
L213[16:11:04] <MichiBot> You drink a shiny weather potion (New!). Forec​aster turns into a bear shark boy for 3 hours.
L214[16:11:46] <Forec​aster> dangit MichiBot, neither bear paws nor fins are good for using a computer D:<
L215[16:53:02] * Inari pokes Amanda's ears
L216[17:15:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i am making a buffered tty
L217[17:15:51] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> 🦀
L218[17:36:50] <Inari> Amanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0aK-_d8ZL0
L219[17:36:50] <MichiBot> THE FOXES LOVE ME! | length: 1m 17s | Likes: 51,097 Dislikes: 281 Views: 1,003,021 | by SaveAFox | Published On 14/3/2020
L220[17:51:48] <Ocawes​ome101> AdorableCatgirl: what APIs does planck use?
L221[17:52:55] <Ocawes​ome101> Because I will steal it and use it in my OSes
L222[18:03:04] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@x59cc8abe.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L223[18:05:11] <Inari> Amanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0A6WDMza44 mean kitty trying to scratch the fox
L224[18:05:11] <MichiBot> Finnegan Fox and Schizo the cat | length: 1m 33s | Likes: 3,785 Dislikes: 40 Views: 129,933 | by SaveAFox | Published On 16/2/2020
L225[18:06:19] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@x59cc8abe.dyn.telefonica.de)
L226[18:06:40] <Inari> %sip
L227[18:06:41] <MichiBot> You drink a fragrant jumbonium potion (New!). Inari suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L228[18:06:45] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L229[18:19:25] <ThePi​Guy24> %tonk
L230[18:19:25] <MichiBot> I'm sorry ThePiGuy24, you were not able to beat DaComputerNerd's record of 7 hours, 35 minutes and 43 seconds this time. 5 hours, 4 minutes and 15 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 31 minutes and 27 seconds!
L231[18:19:57] <ThePi​Guy24> note to self: read the new time when tonking, not the previous one
L232[18:23:44] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> AAAAAAAA
L233[18:24:00] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE IN WIND
L234[18:24:34] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> I ALMOST GOT HIT MULTIPLE TIMES
L235[18:25:00] <Izaya> >drive car
L236[18:25:03] <Izaya> >at least 1000kg
L237[18:25:06] <Izaya> >still get blown around
L238[18:25:08] <Izaya> ???
L239[18:36:54] *** maxpowa is now known as max
L240[18:39:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> Izaya: 2014 corolla still gets blown around
L241[18:41:24] ⇦ Quits: Digifox03 (~Digifox03@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L242[18:43:51] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L243[18:46:21] <Izaya> I mean, I can understand a 150kg sail like my bike
L244[18:46:24] <Izaya> but a car? >..
L245[18:46:26] <Izaya> >.>
L246[19:00:51] * Amanda looks up from halucinating, notices her ear fur is disturbed
L247[19:00:52] <Amanda> %bite Inari
L248[19:00:52] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is biting In​ari for 1d6 => 1 damage!
L249[19:11:16] ⇨ Joins: Digifox03 (~Digifox03@
L250[19:22:54] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it's high gusts
L251[19:26:42] <Inari> Amanda: rude
L252[19:34:06] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> Izaya: BUFFERED TTY
L253[19:34:11] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> 🦀
L254[19:34:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> sadly it uses a lot of ram
L255[19:34:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> 32K
L256[19:34:35] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> for unicode
L257[19:35:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> only 16K for ascii
L258[19:35:59] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: does it work like a GPU?
L259[19:36:04] <Izaya> also, have you considered: 16 colour mode
L260[19:36:21] <Izaya> where you encode 16 available colours as the first and second half of a character
L261[19:37:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ye
L262[19:37:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> that's how it works
L263[19:38:04] <Izaya> excellent
L264[19:38:06] <Izaya> I love it
L265[19:38:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :P
L266[19:38:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also it doesn't work quite like a GPU
L267[19:38:34] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it's a wrapper around the GPU
L268[19:38:39] <Izaya> that's fine
L269[19:38:46] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> automatically wraps text
L270[19:39:29] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'll hastebin what i have so far lmao
L271[19:40:26] <Izaya> if I can write to a generic buffer that'll make writing a windowing system much easier
L272[19:40:39] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also h m m
L273[19:40:51] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> as soon as the coronavirus happens, suddenly i can have more data and a hotspot
L274[19:40:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> funny how that works
L275[19:42:38] <ThePi​Guy24> aww why does the font not have \⚠️ :p
L276[19:56:23] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L277[20:31:38] <immibis> I wish you could charge your held tablet by standing next to a charger
L278[20:32:41] <Bohemi​anHacks> depends on what mods
L279[20:33:04] <Bohemi​anHacks> if you have some other stuff you can charge them with flux capicitors or other inventory charging items
L280[20:33:12] <Bohemi​anHacks> enderio and thermal are the best for that I think
L281[20:40:59] <immibis> what charging item does Ender IO have?
L282[20:41:13] <Izaya> EnderIO has the wireless charger
L283[20:41:19] <Izaya> which does what it sounds like
L284[20:41:23] <immibis> oh right, it's in the name :P
L285[20:43:06] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L286[20:43:52] <Izaya> 355 magicka, 205% magicka regeneration speed
L287[20:43:55] <Izaya> >:D
L288[20:46:36] <Xav​101> how do you combine colors in OC
L289[20:47:12] <Izaya> Combine?
L290[20:47:23] <Xav​101> every other mod I've seen has the bundled cable IDs as powers of two so that you can add them to get combinations
L291[20:47:35] <Izaya> ~w redstone
L292[20:47:35] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L293[20:47:54] <Izaya> the API has a function that you can pass a table of colours, or you can set it as a combined number, I think
L294[20:48:04] <Xav​101> it isn't in the colors api
L295[20:48:19] <Izaya> right, because it's in the redstone component
L296[20:49:23] <Xav​101> I have to wonder why they just didn't do it like every other mod does it
L297[20:49:38] <Xav​101> I have to wonder why they just didn't do the IDs like every other mod does it [Edited]
L298[20:52:18] <Xav​101> because now instead of just taking my number in decimal and just setting that number as the output I have to convert it to binary and then turn on colors based on the values of the bits
L299[20:52:53] <Izaya> well here's the thing
L300[20:53:03] <Izaya> you can set strengths if you pass it a table of values
L301[20:56:15] <Xav​101> yes but first I have to generate that table
L302[20:56:32] <Izaya> yup
L303[20:56:49] <Xav​101> which if OC did it like every other mod since 2012 wouldn't be neccesary
L304[20:56:52] <Izaya> but if you do it this way, you can set a different strength for 16 different wires in a single component call
L305[20:56:56] <Xav​101> which if OC did it like every other mod since 2011 wouldn't be neccesary [Edited]
L306[20:57:04] <Xav​101> but these are redpower cables
L307[20:57:07] <Xav​101> they don't have strengths
L308[20:57:07] <Izaya> and you can happily do the conversion in software
L309[20:57:13] <Xav​101> they're just "on" or "off"
L310[20:58:12] <Xav​101> for all intensive purposes the only values that mean anything for them are "on" (which is like 235 or something) and "off" [Edited]
L311[20:58:49] <Xav​101> so why would it matter that you can set the signal strength
L312[21:00:10] <Izaya> I was under the impression that they did have signal strengths - 256 of them or something - and you could use that for signalling
L313[21:00:27] <Izaya> I've been wrong before, but \o/
L314[21:00:48] <Xav​101> guess I'll test
L315[21:00:50] <Izaya> Alternatively, maybe that's the signal for once it exits the cable?
L316[21:04:11] <Digi​fox03> redpower's signal stenght works exactly vanila redsone's, except it is in the 255-0 range instead of the 15-0 range.
L317[21:09:29] <Xav​101> strange
L318[21:09:51] <Xav​101> why the flying fuck did projectred change that, cause I'm fairly certain that wasn't the case in redpower
L319[21:09:58] <Xav​101> even still that doesn't help me
L320[21:10:22] <Digi​fox03> ops, i mean projectred
L321[21:10:36] <Digi​fox03> not redpower
L322[21:11:12] <Xav​101> because the stuff it's interacting with can only work with the 16 colors
L323[21:11:22] <Xav​101> it doesn't care about signal strength
L324[21:11:55] <dequbed> Izaya: Ergh, information encoding in power levels. Just make a clockless 16-bit parallel port over bundled that is *surely* much less pain :P
L325[21:12:32] <Xav​101> that's what I was gonna do except now I still have to parse the values I get
L326[21:12:38] <Xav​101> that's what I was gonna do except now I still have to parse the values I want to transmit [Edited]
L327[21:17:02] <CompanionCube> Izaya: javashit package of the day: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ansi-red
L328[21:17:35] <Izaya> is that
L329[21:17:55] <Izaya> io.write("\27[31m")
L330[21:17:57] <Izaya> as a package?
L331[21:18:24] <Izaya> >1.2 million weekly downloads
L332[21:18:53] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/ansi-red/blob/master/index.js
L333[21:19:04] <Izaya> >there's a bgred too
L334[21:19:05] <Izaya> christ
L335[21:19:05] <CompanionCube> because of course it has a dependency
L336[21:19:07] <Izaya> I want to die
L337[21:19:21] <Izaya> javascript should be banned
L338[21:19:25] <Izaya> javascript developers should be shot
L339[21:20:44] <CompanionCube> 'ansi-bggreen ansi-underline ansi-strikethrough ansi-black ansi-white ansi-hidden ansi-dim ansi-bgblack ansi-reset ansi-bgred ansi-cyan ansi-green ansi-red ansi-bold ansi-gray ansi-yellow ansi-magenta ansi-bgblue ansi-grey ansi-inverse ansi-italic ansi-bgyellow ansi-blue ansi-bgmagenta ansi-bgcyan ansi-bgwhite' there's modularity. Then there's....whatever this is.
L340[21:21:19] <Izaya> is he taking the piss?
L341[21:21:22] <Izaya> it's a joke, right?
L342[21:21:24] <Izaya> it has to be a joke
L343[21:22:09] <CompanionCube> i don't think so
L344[21:22:16] <ThePi​Guy24> i thought you liked ansi codes :p
L345[21:24:06] <CompanionCube> nothing wrong the codes
L346[21:24:16] <CompanionCube> everything wrong with this packaging abomination
L347[21:25:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hm
L348[21:25:12] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> my tty thing is mildly borked
L349[21:28:00] <Digi​fox03> that's nothing, look at this: https://www.zdnet.com/article/popular-javascript-library-starts-showing-ads-in-its-terminal/
L350[21:29:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> huh so
L351[21:29:47] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> did a lil change and i get tons of question marks
L352[21:29:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> something tells me the buffer is being shifted by a byte or so
L353[21:31:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> >color 12
L354[21:31:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> >everything goes nuts
L355[21:34:59] <B​ob> JS
L356[21:39:34] <Brisingr​Aerowing> @Digifox03 Good lord.
L357[21:42:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> OKAY
L358[21:42:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> SO
L359[21:42:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> I FIXED IT
L360[21:42:39] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i accidentally coppied the buffer into the buffer
L361[21:42:45] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> *main buffer into main buffer
L362[21:42:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> next step: fix newlines
L363[21:48:35] <Forec​aster> %sip
L364[21:48:36] <MichiBot> You drink an oxidised orange potion (New!). Forec​aster forgets the location of a great treasure.
L365[21:48:42] <Forec​aster> Aww
L366[21:48:53] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L367[21:48:57] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> rendering works
L368[21:49:04] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> but the cursor is borked to hell and back
L369[21:55:02] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> these are all supposed to be closer together http://tinyurl.com/tp7tgkx
L370[21:55:44] <Izaya> so
L371[21:55:47] <Izaya> the essential questions
L372[21:55:50] <Izaya> can I set and fill
L373[21:58:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> you can set
L374[21:58:34] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> sorta
L375[21:58:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> by doing
L376[21:58:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> `tty.setcursor(x, y)` and `tty.write(str)`
L377[21:59:10] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> as for filling, not yet
L378[21:59:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i might make it so you can copy to the buffer
L379[21:59:53] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> but you'll have to either sync changes or make it slow as fuck and use tty.update()
L380[22:00:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> *sync changes on your own
L381[22:00:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> currently
L382[22:00:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> write is advancing the cursor too much
L383[22:00:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and i'm not exactly sure why
L384[22:03:45] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> OH HEY http://tinyurl.com/vyvd576
L385[22:04:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> all i need to do now is fix the smol bug of everything being shifted by one on the x-axis and we'll be gucci
L386[22:05:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hmm
L387[22:05:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> okay that's weird
L388[22:05:18] <Amanda> %bite Inari
L389[22:05:18] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is biting In​ari for 1d6 => 4 damage!
L390[22:06:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yeah so
L391[22:06:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> somehow
L392[22:06:36] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i fucked up and the x-axis is zero aligned
L393[22:06:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and only the x axis
L394[22:06:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> like
L395[22:06:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> what
L396[22:08:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yeah i'm confuse--OH
L397[22:08:45] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> fixed
L398[22:08:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> everything is cool
L399[22:08:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> Izaya: we tty now
L400[22:09:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> lemme test it in o c e m u
L401[22:10:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ay, that's pretty good http://tinyurl.com/qowy6fm
L402[22:23:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i should port planck to use tty.lua
L403[22:23:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> biggest brain
L404[22:23:39] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> free colors, too
L405[22:30:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i should make planck work on some multi-user OSes that support a few env vars such as `USERGPU` and `USERKBD`
L406[22:30:08] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :)
L407[22:32:09] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> lmao
L408[22:32:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> utf mode doesn't work
L409[22:32:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> o well
L410[22:32:38] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i can fix that later
L411[22:36:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> likely just because it reads the codepoint wrong
L412[22:39:31] <Izaya> cursed idea
L413[22:39:38] <Izaya> allow arbitrary length characters
L414[22:40:04] <Izaya> alternate between using string.sub and unicode.sub to get the next character
L415[22:42:17] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> what
L416[22:42:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> izaya what the fuck are you smoking
L417[22:42:43] <Izaya> alright so hear me out
L418[22:42:49] <Izaya> when you process a line
L419[22:42:59] <Izaya> you have an already read buffer, and a next to be read buffer
L420[22:43:34] <Izaya> you read the colour byte first
L421[22:43:47] <Izaya> add that to the end of the already read buffer
L422[22:44:08] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L423[22:44:12] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> how i did unicode
L424[22:44:13] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> was
L425[22:44:18] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i took the codepoint
L426[22:44:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> and stored it as a 24-bit value
L427[22:44:30] <Izaya> then you nextBuffer = string.sub(originalBuffer,alreadyReadBuffer:len()+1)
L428[22:45:05] <Izaya> and then you unicode.sub(nextBuffer,1,1), blit it, and move that to the already read buffer
L429[22:45:12] <Izaya> nextBuffer = string.sub(originalBuffer,alreadyReadBuffer:len()+1)
L430[22:45:29] <Izaya> this reduces memory usage when your screen contains only ASCII but supports UTF-8 too
L431[22:45:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> wut
L432[22:45:40] <Izaya> including the 3-byte ones
L433[22:46:14] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i
L434[22:46:17] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i don't follow
L435[22:46:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> maybe i'm confused
L436[22:46:32] <Izaya> so when you grab colour bytes
L437[22:46:34] <Izaya> you use string.sub
L438[22:46:40] <Izaya> and when you grab characters to display
L439[22:46:43] <Izaya> you use unicode.sub
L440[22:46:47] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> god
L441[22:46:48] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> that's
L442[22:46:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> cursed
L443[22:46:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also access times
L444[22:46:56] <Izaya> because unicode.sub won't break up unicode characters
L445[22:47:04] <Izaya> it's übercursed tbh
L446[22:47:24] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> 'caused my TTY driver doesn't update the whole screen all the time
L447[22:47:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it likes to only update parts
L448[22:47:37] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> *at a time
L449[22:47:51] <Izaya> right but
L450[22:47:53] <Izaya> that part is done in Lua
L451[22:47:56] <Izaya> it's not hitting components
L452[22:47:58] <Izaya> it's nearly free
L453[22:48:51] <Izaya> you could write functions to access the set as a table
L454[22:49:04] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> you see, i already fucked up
L455[22:52:45] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ayy
L456[22:52:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i got unicode working
L457[22:52:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i just
L458[22:52:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> missed one line
L459[22:53:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> buffer = newbuf
L460[22:54:36] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> huh
L461[22:55:00] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> is it just ocvm not letting me put unicode characters into OC?
L462[22:55:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yes
L463[22:56:26] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> huh
L464[22:56:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it just breaks in OCEmu
L465[22:59:14] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/vt95n6n
L466[22:59:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yay
L467[23:06:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8EEF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L468[23:07:52] <DaCompu​terNerd> Zorya's coming along, I see
L469[23:09:00] <immibis> there's no equivalent of getStackInSlot to get details of a block, right?
L470[23:11:48] <immibis> other than compare
L471[23:13:06] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> nice http://tinyurl.com/tahr2pg
L472[23:13:18] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i can't get this piece of shit to load from a .z2m but whatever
L473[23:13:26] <Kristo​pher38> immibis: there is, but you need to use the geolyzer
L474[23:13:29] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'll probably just not minify it
L475[23:13:47] <immibis> well hardness is pretty useless. or can the geolyzer also return something like block IDs?
L476[23:14:01] <immibis> oh it can!
L477[23:14:07] <immibis> i thought it was just hardness, which makes it pretty useless
L478[23:15:11] <Kristo​pher38> well even if it was hardness you can infer a lot just from it
L479[23:15:29] <Kristo​pher38> but yeah it returns everything you would wish for (except for the nbt tags)
L480[23:17:23] <immibis> hardness probably won't distinguish one gregtech machine from another
L481[23:17:56] <immibis> I was hoping the inventory controller would have a getInventoryName but it doesn't. maybe I'll just hardcode coordinates
L482[23:18:52] <immibis> since I made my robot without a geolyzer
L483[23:19:25] <immibis> ... or I could just sacrifice a tank in an upgrade container and put it there
L484[23:20:10] <Kristo​pher38> getInventoryName as in, to get the name of a machine or something along those lines?
L485[23:21:36] <immibis> IIRC Minecraft's IInventory has a function that returns a name of the inventory.
L486[23:21:48] <immibis> right next to getInventorySize
L487[23:40:34] <Brisingr​Aerowing> The Transposer has that. Not sure why the Inventory Controller doesn’t.
L488[23:41:19] <Vexatos> immibis, you want to distinguish GT machines?
L489[23:41:34] <Vexatos> computronics has a function for that
L490[23:44:01] <Brisingr​Aerowing> From the code such a method should be available.
L491[23:47:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> o h y e a h b a b y
L492[23:47:37] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> we got a lua console
L493[23:49:15] <Amanda> %8ball rain box?
L494[23:49:16] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Reply hazy, try again
L495[23:49:42] <Amanda> No. I'm going to use the rain box and none of your can stop me!
L496[23:54:54] <immibis> Vexatos: I assume that's when you access the machine as a component, which robots cannot do.
L497[23:55:03] <Vexatos> o
L498[23:55:05] <Vexatos> true
L499[23:55:09] <Vexatos> uh
L500[23:55:26] <Vexatos> can the OC analyzer distinguish them?
L501[23:55:43] <immibis> haven't tried. i'll just hardcode the coordinates for each machine
L502[23:55:47] <Vexatos> Amanda, does the barcode reader fit in robots?
L503[23:56:00] <immibis> never heard of a barcode reader, it's probably newer than this modpack
L504[23:56:01] <Amanda> Vexatos: nope, tablets only
L505[23:57:06] <Amanda> Vexatos: iirc the robots can just hold the analyzer and use it though
L506[23:58:00] <Amanda> They get an event when a tool trys to send messages to the fake player
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