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L1[00:03:30] <Blue_595> %xkcd 801
L2[00:03:31] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Golden Hammer URL: https://xkcd.com/801
L3[00:03:42] <Blue_595> "When all you have is a pair of bolt cutters and a bottle of vodka"
L4[00:04:53] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L5[00:10:24] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L6[00:31:07] <Blue_595> %xkcd 1732
L7[00:31:08] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Earth Temperature Timeline URL: https://xkcd.com/1732
L8[00:31:11] <Blue_595> perfect source of depression
L9[00:32:24] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F0E7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L10[00:34:01] <Z​ef> https://oc.cil.li/ @Saghetti
L11[00:34:12] <Sagh​etti> yeah ik
L12[00:40:55] <Blue_595> %xkcd 1904
L13[00:40:56] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Research Risks URL: https://xkcd.com/1904
L14[00:41:09] <Blue_595> make a supervillain that uses molasses storage for world domination
L15[00:45:39] <Sagh​etti> 👍
L16[00:48:59] <Blue_595> im serious
L17[00:49:03] <Blue_595> someone make a supervillain like that
L18[00:49:40] ⇨ Joins: niconiconi (~niconicon@
L19[01:04:46] <Blue_595> wait
L20[01:04:58] <Blue_595> the bot could help me decide on a shop name
L21[01:05:01] <Blue_595> i need a second idea
L22[01:07:23] <Blue_595> anyway bye
L23[01:07:27] ⇦ Quits: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L24[01:10:59] <Z​ef> holy fuck, how many was that?
L25[01:11:12] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> what
L26[01:11:26] <Z​ef> 9 times as far as I can tell
L27[01:11:40] <Z​ef> They used the bot to get an xkcd comic
L28[01:12:03] <Ar​iri> Did I read two lesbains going at it?
L29[01:12:07] <Ar​iri> Did I read two lesbians going at it? [Edited]
L30[01:12:29] <Z​ef> what?
L31[01:12:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> at some point, yeah
L32[01:13:35] <Ar​iri> There should be a command for that
L33[01:13:35] <Ar​iri> %yuri to find a cute yuri comic
L34[01:14:38] <The_St​argazer> oh yeah, ariri
L35[01:14:38] <The_St​argazer> how many files has that program downloaded?
L36[01:14:38] <The_St​argazer> im curious to know how efficient it is when ran on a reg. drive
L37[01:14:56] <The_St​argazer> because i run it on my usb and its slow af sometimes
L38[01:15:02] <The_St​argazer> but thats probably because i/o speed
L39[01:16:05] <Ar​iri> oh i havent set that to automate yet as i need to backup my phone and stuff, but i made a similar program on my phone that allows me to pick out of a batch and ive downloaded 200
L40[01:16:10] <DaCompu​terNerd> I didnt know the bot did xkcd
L41[01:16:14] <DaCompu​terNerd> %xkcd
L42[01:16:14] <MichiBot> Random XKCD Comic: https://xkcd.com/2017/
L43[01:16:36] <DaCompu​terNerd> Oh. Doesn't through corded?
L44[01:16:37] <The_St​argazer> oh neat
L45[01:16:48] <The_St​argazer> wait, on your phone?
L46[01:16:55] <DaCompu​terNerd> Yea
L47[01:16:58] <Ocawes​ome101> %xkcd
L48[01:16:59] <MichiBot> Random XKCD Comic: https://xkcd.com/479/
L49[01:17:07] <Ocawes​ome101> it worked for me earlier
L50[01:17:22] <DaCompu​terNerd> %splash Ocawesome101
L51[01:17:22] <MichiBot> You fling an oxidised sky potion (New!) that splashes onto Ocawesome101. An apple appears in front of Ocawesome101.
L52[01:17:25] <Ar​iri> Mmhm
L53[01:17:29] <The_St​argazer> bot ded?
L54[01:17:30] <DaCompu​terNerd> Michibot down?
L55[01:17:34] <The_St​argazer> %hello
L56[01:17:35] <Izaya> hmhm
L57[01:17:35] <MichiBot> The_St​​argazer: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L58[01:17:35] <Ar​iri> %xkcd 1169
L59[01:17:37] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Expedition URL: https://xkcd.com/1169
L60[01:17:39] <DaCompu​terNerd> Actually
L61[01:17:40] <The_St​argazer> bot ded.
L62[01:17:51] <Izaya> time to price getting a lancer
L63[01:17:54] <DaCompu​terNerd> I dont see any irc users in chat, bit odd. Is corded down?
L64[01:17:57] * Izaya is going to be peak P plater
L65[01:17:59] <Ar​iri> hmms in sign language
L66[01:18:04] <CompanionCube> nope
L67[01:18:09] <Izaya> god I wish
L68[01:18:17] <Ar​iri> there was 15 min ago
L69[01:18:31] <DaCompu​terNerd> And not one since then
L70[01:18:35] ⇨ Joins: Ariri (~Ariri@2605:e000:1220:8039:a875:bcb7:b4e0:8805)
L71[01:18:36] <The_St​argazer> corded dead?
L72[01:18:36] <DaCompu​terNerd> That's quite unusual
L73[01:18:38] <Te​ris> It's only one way
L74[01:18:40] <Izaya> maybe it is lmao
L75[01:18:51] <Ar​iri> it is
L76[01:18:56] <Ar​iri> Izaya just said
L77[01:18:57] <DaCompu​terNerd> Huh
L78[01:19:27] <Ar​iri> "maybe it is lmao"
L79[01:19:49] <Ocawes​ome101> lol
L80[01:19:57] <Ariri> Test message
L81[01:20:07] <Izaya> alright let's see how painful CTP is for it
L82[01:20:15] <Izaya> shouldn't be too bad, small engine, 4 doors
L83[01:20:16] <Ar​iri> https://i.imgur.com/ezxiPRd.png
L84[01:20:22] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (~sam@pool-71-176-252-72.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L85[01:20:32] <AdorableCatgirl> /e nae
L86[01:20:35] <Ariri> CTP for what?
L87[01:20:44] <Izaya> a mitsubishi lancer
L88[01:20:48] <Ariri> Ah
L89[01:20:51] <The_St​argazer> ok so discord > irc is working it seems
L90[01:20:51] <The_St​argazer> but irc > discord nope
L91[01:20:56] <The_St​argazer> join messages work
L92[01:21:14] <AdorableCatgirl> lol i'm making an implementation of FoxFS
L93[01:21:38] <Izaya> AAMI's CTP quote thingo is down
L94[01:21:39] <Izaya> neat
L95[01:21:44] <M​GR> Correct
L96[01:23:37] <CompanionCube> why a lancer
L97[01:24:14] <Izaya> one of the few cars still sold here as a manual in significant numbers
L98[01:24:42] <Izaya> found a 2007 model in blue for $2k
L99[01:24:49] <Izaya> oh
L100[01:24:56] <Izaya> and they had a DCT version
L101[01:25:10] <Izaya> which I would like at some point, but I can't find any
L102[01:25:21] <Izaya> so I'd probably have to get the DCT transmission separately and fit it into it somehow
L103[01:27:47] <DaCompu​terNerd> Lovely
L104[01:28:04] <AdorableCatgirl> sorta like how i gotta shove a T5 into my S10
L105[01:28:31] <AdorableCatgirl> hey guys
L106[01:28:37] <AdorableCatgirl> discord users can't see us
L107[01:28:39] <AdorableCatgirl> time to party
L108[01:28:44] <AdorableCatgirl> we need to f l e x
L109[01:28:48] <AdorableCatgirl> because we can see all
L110[01:29:48] * Izaya saurons harder
L111[01:32:26] <Izaya> $550/year
L112[01:32:28] <Izaya> ow
L113[01:33:31] ⇦ Quits: niconiconi (~niconicon@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L114[01:35:34] <Z​ef> oh no
L115[01:35:39] <Z​ef> it's becoming self aware
L116[01:36:00] <CompanionCube> i am become guildmaster
L117[01:36:10] <Amanda> destroyer of worlds?
L118[01:36:16] * Ariri dances in Elvin
L119[01:36:32] <CompanionCube> Amanda: of channels, more like
L120[01:36:40] <CompanionCube> specifically discord channels.
L121[01:36:43] <Ar​iri> XKCD-T-2000 series terminator
L122[01:42:04] <The_St​argazer> ok why is google in slavic now
L123[01:42:26] <CompanionCube> slavic isn't a language lol
L124[01:43:46] <The_St​argazer> oh god
L125[01:43:58] <The_St​argazer> everything caught up all at once
L126[01:44:13] <Te​ris> Bridge is working again
L127[01:44:14] <The_St​argazer> dear god
L128[01:45:29] <The_St​argazer> the tables have turned
L129[01:45:38] <Ocawes​ome101> psst, pretend we can't see them
L130[01:46:21] <Sagh​etti> the tables have turned
L131[01:46:32] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/usefihobih
L132[01:46:36] <Ocawes​ome101> the tables have turned again
L133[01:48:22] <Sagh​etti> cause discord servers are called guilds internally
L134[01:48:40] <The_St​argazer> it's like we're observing them through oneway glass
L135[01:48:52] <Ocawes​ome101> interesting
L136[01:49:07] <Ariri> so say the test subjects
L137[01:50:03] <Ocawes​ome101> can y'all IRC people see us
L138[01:50:06] <CompanionCube> observing, present tense?
L139[01:51:36] <Ariri> We can see you just fine down there
L140[01:52:33] <Izaya> https://lets.bemoe.online/media/c1ca600b16efacc6d0f8e08bab8b1962cc8051c273fc4c8a3ce245d4fe8ee254.png
L141[01:52:53] <Ariri> %tonk
L142[01:52:54] <MichiBot> Waesucks! Ariri! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 2 hours, 49 minutes and 31 seconds (By 19 minutes and 37 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L143[01:52:55] <MichiBot> Ariri's new record is 3 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds! Ariri also gained 0.00099 (0.00033 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #11
L144[01:53:05] <Ocawes​ome101> good
L145[01:53:10] <Ar​iri> tonks
L146[01:54:17] <The_St​argazer> so on this bottle of powerade the ingredients list "sodium chloride"
L147[01:54:17] <The_St​argazer> isn't that just fucking salt
L148[01:54:37] <Izaya> you salty about that or something
L149[01:54:43] <The_St​argazer> nah
L150[01:54:44] <The_St​argazer> its like
L151[01:54:47] <The_St​argazer> why not just say "salt"
L152[01:54:53] <Ariri> Its not
L153[01:55:02] <Ariri> Not exactly
L154[01:55:06] <The_St​argazer> i thought sodium chloride was salt?
L155[01:55:14] <Ariri> ClNaO2 or something like that, hence the ide
L156[01:55:31] <Ariri> iirc salt is just NaCl
L157[01:55:34] <M​GR> Sodium Chloride is a salt
L158[01:55:36] <Amanda> Table salt has an additional element blasted into it to help with oral hygine, IIRC
L159[01:55:40] <The_St​argazer> yeah salt is NaCl
L160[01:55:44] <M​GR> Salts are a whole class of chemicals
L161[01:56:02] <Ariri> It is a salt, but not the common one, is my point
L162[01:56:04] <M​GR> Potassium Chloride is also a salt
L163[01:56:04] <The_St​argazer> CINaO2 is sodium chlorite
L164[01:56:29] <Ariri> Oh right, I swapped them around
L165[01:56:43] <Amanda> %8ball more coke?
L166[01:56:43] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Without a doubt
L167[01:56:50] <ThePi​Guy24> wouldnt CINaO2 be sodium chlorate?
L168[01:56:50] <Ariri> Eh, most people dont read that anyways
L169[01:56:55] <ThePi​Guy24> not chlorite?
L170[01:56:58] <Ariri> Amanda: Coke?
L171[01:57:02] <Amanda> Ariri: coke.
L172[01:57:12] <The_St​argazer> as in, the drug?
L173[01:57:14] <Ariri> *hmms in soda*
L174[01:57:15] <ThePi​Guy24> hmmmm
L175[01:57:21] <Corded> * <Sagh​etti> hmmmmmm
L176[01:57:26] <The_St​argazer> hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
L177[01:57:32] <Sagh​etti> cocaine cola
L178[01:57:32] <Ocawes​ome101> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
L179[01:57:41] <The_St​argazer> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok lets stop
L180[01:57:46] <Sagh​etti> :thonk:
L181[01:57:47] <Ocawes​ome101> yes
L182[02:07:11] <Amanda> mmmmm acid water....
L183[02:07:24] * Amanda snugsafairy, goes to veg out to youtube
L184[02:34:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> there's other salts too
L185[02:35:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> like uranium tetrafluoride
L186[02:46:34] ⇨ Joins: niconiconi (~niconicon@
L187[02:55:26] <DaCompu​terNerd> %tonk\
L188[02:55:29] <DaCompu​terNerd> %tonk
L189[02:55:29] <MichiBot> I'm sorry DaComputerNerd, you were not able to beat Ariri's record of 3 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds this time. 1 hour, 2 minutes and 35 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds!
L190[02:55:41] <Michiyo> gg
L191[02:56:07] <DaCompu​terNerd> tbf searching wouldn't be reliable today anyways, what with the irc -> discord link breaking and all
L192[02:56:25] <Michiyo> ...
L193[02:56:27] <Michiyo> logs.
L194[02:56:31] <Michiyo> %oclogs
L195[02:56:31] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/list?chan=oc
L196[03:01:15] <DaCompu​terNerd> oh neat
L197[03:10:19] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh yeah
L198[03:10:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> OSDI tool
L199[03:15:43] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L200[03:16:17] <Sagh​etti> original oc rules:
L201[03:16:18] <Sagh​etti> Rules: Nothing in particular. Just don't be stupid.'
L202[03:30:20] <Izaya> we could kick out some people if being stupid was not allowed now
L203[03:30:41] ⇦ Quits: niconiconi (~niconicon@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L204[03:31:12] <AdorableCatgirl> yep
L205[03:31:29] <AdorableCatgirl> currently, i think the disk component i have for ocemu is broke
L206[03:31:55] <Izaya> drive component for ocvm when
L207[03:31:56] <Izaya> ~w drive
L208[03:31:56] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drive
L209[03:33:11] <Ocawes​ome101> i know
L210[03:33:24] <Ocawes​ome101> that's like the one major missing component
L211[03:33:46] <Ocawes​ome101> %tell payonel drive component for ocvm when?
L212[03:33:46] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L213[03:34:48] <Izaya> I'd do it myself
L214[03:34:57] <Izaya> except me and C++ is a combination that may potentially destroy the universe
L215[03:37:04] <The_St​argazer> as in, are you good at it or bad at it
L216[03:37:14] <Izaya> well
L217[03:37:18] <Izaya> that's the question
L218[03:38:21] <Amanda> %remindme 12h scrape https://mangadex.org/title/39581/snake-woman-and-offering-chan
L219[03:38:21] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "scrape https://mangadex.org/title/39581/snake-woman-and-offering-chan&quot; at 02/21/2020 09:38:21 AM
L220[03:38:50] <Amanda> Ariri: Yuri ^
L221[03:39:23] <Izaya> am I just a weirdo for not liking manga because of the low information density
L222[03:56:06] <Michiyo> yes
L223[04:06:05] <Ocawes​ome101> is there anything in particular I have to do if I want to get a loot disk added to OpenComputers other than add it to the proper folder?
L224[04:08:55] <Izaya> like, as a resource pack?
L225[04:10:29] <Ocawes​ome101> like, to PR it into the mod (or a resource pack if a PR isn't likely to be accepted)
L226[04:10:46] <The_St​argazer> whatcha adding
L227[04:13:16] <Ocawes​ome101> an EEPROM and maybe some unmanaged-filesystem utilities
L228[04:14:50] <The_St​argazer> whats the eeprom got
L229[04:14:56] <Ocawes​ome101> possibly also an OS to go with those
L230[04:14:58] <Sagh​etti> the capability to boot off of unmanaged discs
L231[04:15:01] <Sagh​etti> disks*
L232[04:15:08] <Ocawes​ome101> and managed ones
L233[04:15:34] <Izaya> Will it boot OpenOS off an unmanaged disk?
L234[04:15:36] <Sagh​etti> booting 2 drives with 1 stone
L235[04:15:45] <Sagh​etti> yeah it can
L236[04:15:58] <Sagh​etti> if you use our OpenFS driver
L237[04:16:01] <Sagh​etti> Coming soon™️
L238[04:16:08] <Izaya> ... So that's a no.
L239[04:16:23] <Sagh​etti> soon*
L240[04:16:26] <Ocawes​ome101> I wouldn't PR it until the driver was ready
L241[04:16:38] <Sagh​etti> wait oca
L242[04:16:43] <Sagh​etti> maybe it could be in the bootloader
L243[04:16:56] <Sagh​etti> "Transparent OpenFS Drivers"
L244[04:17:27] <Ocawes​ome101> oh yeah, like making a virtual filesystem component for OpenFS partitions?
L245[04:17:33] <Ocawes​ome101> that'd be cool
L246[04:18:00] <Sagh​etti> make the bootloader overwrite some component calls, and simulate transparent openfs filesystems
L247[04:18:12] <Sagh​etti> so it just looks like a regular old filesystem component
L248[04:18:27] <Ocawes​ome101> that's probably the way to go if one wants really anything to boot using it
L249[04:18:39] <Ocawes​ome101> at least anything not specifically made to boot from it
L250[04:19:57] <Sagh​etti> the main selling point could be partitons
L251[04:20:19] <Ocawes​ome101> yes
L252[04:20:31] <Ocawes​ome101> true multi-boot
L253[04:24:31] <Sagh​etti> but how would we generate uuids?
L254[04:25:10] <Ocawes​ome101> you mean component addresses?
L255[04:25:24] <ThePi​Guy24> open os has the uuid library
L256[04:25:41] <Ocawes​ome101> same way we generate GUIDs, and use the GUID as the first 8 chars of the component address
L257[04:26:50] <Sagh​etti> but UUIDs need to follow a certain format
L258[04:26:56] <Sagh​etti> not just random chars
L259[04:27:11] <Sagh​etti> @ThePiGuy24 this needs to be implemented without OpenOS
L260[04:30:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> math.random
L261[04:30:21] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ez
L262[04:31:03] * Izaya just recombines type, start, end and the first 4 characters of the partition label
L263[04:31:11] <Ocawes​ome101> https://github.com/Ocawesome101/ocemu-cc/blob/master/lib/component.lua#L30
L264[04:31:52] <Ocawes​ome101> would need to be cleaned up a bit but it works
L265[04:31:57] <Ocawes​ome101> and modified slightly
L266[04:35:50] <Ocawes​ome101> @Saghetti that's how we'd do it
L267[04:36:00] <Sagh​etti> ok
L268[04:36:31] <Sagh​etti> uuids are a lot more complicated than that toh
L269[04:36:33] <Sagh​etti> tho*
L270[04:36:33] <Sagh​etti> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122
L271[04:37:52] <Ocawes​ome101> ok and remind me why we need this?
L272[04:38:09] <Sagh​etti> because uuids aren't just randomly generated strings
L273[04:38:18] <Ocawes​ome101> no why do we need uuids
L274[04:38:35] <Sagh​etti> component addresses
L275[04:38:42] <Sagh​etti> lol
L276[04:38:50] <Ocawes​ome101> ok, yeah
L277[04:38:58] <Ocawes​ome101> that's what the function I linked does
L278[04:39:01] <Ocawes​ome101> makes component addresses
L279[04:39:13] <Sagh​etti> it doesn't make proper uuids tho
L280[04:39:17] <Ocawes​ome101> legitimate, OC-valid component addresses
L281[04:39:20] <Sagh​etti> and component addresses are uuids
L282[04:39:26] <Ocawes​ome101> ok...?
L283[04:39:33] <Sagh​etti> reeeee
L284[04:39:42] <Sagh​etti> from the rfc on making UUIDs
L285[04:39:55] <Izaya> nothing in OC verifies that they are technically UUIDs
L286[04:39:56] <Sagh​etti> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/jodixemovi
L287[04:40:22] <Ocawes​ome101> the fact that my function doesn't generate actual UUIDs is irrelevant to OC
L288[04:41:49] <Sagh​etti> it's not actually that hard to make it rfc4122 compliant
L289[04:42:02] <Sagh​etti> but whatever
L290[04:42:07] <Sagh​etti> go and use your broken uuids
L291[04:42:10] <CompanionCube> inb4 just make up random numbees and call it a uuid/guid
L292[04:42:55] <Sagh​etti> because it's not
L293[04:42:58] <Sagh​etti> and it makes me annoyed
L294[04:43:05] <Ocawes​ome101> but i'm laaaaaazy
L295[04:43:13] <Sagh​etti> here's some working js code
L296[04:43:21] <Sagh​etti> that makes rfc4122 compliant uuids
L297[04:43:25] <Sagh​etti> from random numbers
L298[04:43:25] <Sagh​etti> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/iqinesuzov
L299[04:43:28] <CompanionCube> (Fun fact: there is a filesystem that does the above.)
L300[04:43:40] <Sagh​etti> what above?
L301[04:43:57] <CompanionCube> random number as 'guid'
L302[04:44:25] <Sagh​etti> guid? more like fnrcuid?
L303[04:44:36] <Sagh​etti> fake non rfc compliant unique id
L304[04:44:42] <Ocawes​ome101> from the OCEmu code:
L305[04:44:43] <Ocawes​ome101> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ozizegobok
L306[04:44:58] <CompanionCube> also true
L307[04:44:58] <Ocawes​ome101> not very elegant, hah
L308[04:45:27] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah your uuidv4 func is definitely simpler
L309[04:45:28] <Sagh​etti> and not very rfc compliant, hah
L310[04:45:33] <Ocawes​ome101> I suppose we can use that
L311[04:46:01] <Ocawes​ome101> also I don't think v.tostring is valid
L312[04:46:08] <Ocawes​ome101> it'd have to be tostring(v)
L313[04:46:16] <Sagh​etti> yeah that was js
L314[04:46:29] <Sagh​etti> > here's some working js code
L315[04:46:29] <Sagh​etti> > that makes rfc4122 compliant uuids
L316[04:46:36] <Ocawes​ome101> oh ok
L317[04:46:52] <Ocawes​ome101> still largely valid lua code
L318[04:47:17] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/iyamokiquj [Edited]
L319[04:47:28] <Sagh​etti> not really tho but ok
L320[04:47:33] <Ocawes​ome101> I didn't notice that it wasn't lua at first
L321[04:48:53] <Sagh​etti> surprised the curly brackets didnt give it away
L322[04:49:03] <Ocawes​ome101> I didn't see them X.X
L323[04:49:44] <Sagh​etti> also here's a cool resource
L324[04:49:45] <Sagh​etti> https://www.freecodeformat.com/validate-uuid-guid.php
L325[04:50:23] <Ocawes​ome101> neat
L326[04:53:57] <Ocawes​ome101> next we should try implementing ZFS >:D
L327[04:55:53] <CompanionCube> fun fact: ZFS is the filesystem i was referring to.
L328[04:56:27] <Ocawes​ome101> neat
L329[05:15:39] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L330[05:32:41] <Ocawes​ome101> what is #oc-dev-server?
L331[05:36:40] <Sagh​etti> dev server for oc
L332[05:36:52] <Izaya> what modpack?
L333[05:37:26] <Sagh​etti> idk
L334[05:37:32] <Sagh​etti> i just made a joke response
L335[05:37:50] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah ok
L336[05:37:54] <Ocawes​ome101> why is it locked?
L337[05:58:33] <Ar​iri> Izaya: Discord channel
L338[05:59:48] <The_St​argazer> i just realized something
L339[06:00:54] <The_St​argazer> using a tap code with tap, group, and letter set to `�` (null) you could hide data in a null-formatted hdd
L340[06:04:21] <The_St​argazer> hmm actually if you set them all to null it won't work
L341[06:04:26] <The_St​argazer> but if you set one to ` ` it works
L342[06:04:43] <The_St​argazer> next step: get data from null-formatted hdds
L343[06:04:50] <The_St​argazer> grab a bunch of nulls
L344[06:04:51] <Ocawes​ome101> hmm
L345[06:04:53] <The_St​argazer> put them in
L346[06:04:55] <The_St​argazer> get data!
L347[06:05:08] <Ocawes​ome101> so like binary, almost?
L348[06:05:13] <The_St​argazer> for example with tap and letter set to null, `��� ��� ����� ����� � ����� � �� ���� ����� � �` = `MyData`
L349[06:05:15] <The_St​argazer> ooohh i know
L350[06:05:18] <The_St​argazer> you could set them to 1 and 0
L351[06:05:24] <The_St​argazer> make people think its binaruy
L352[06:05:27] <The_St​argazer> make people think its binary [Edited]
L353[06:07:12] <Ocawes​ome101> also, will `for w in ("This is a test"):gmatch("^[ ]+") do print(w) end` print `This` `is` `a` `test` or do I need to escape the space somehow?
L354[06:07:21] <FLO​RANA> question is it possible to combine raids into 1 system?
L355[06:07:36] <FLO​RANA> i forget if someone awnsered before
L356[06:07:42] <Izaya> https://github.com/Sukasa/DistFS
L357[06:07:57] <Ocawes​ome101> ~~You'd need a custom filesystem for that~~ ^^^
L358[06:08:18] <FLO​RANA> i already plan on making my own FS
L359[06:08:44] <Izaya> FSes are all the rage nowadays it seems
L360[06:08:46] <Ocawes​ome101> for unmanaged filesystems?
L361[06:09:01] <Ocawes​ome101> jeez, a trend has been started
L362[06:09:49] <The_St​argazer> πfs but everything is null
L363[06:09:51] <The_St​argazer> so nullfs
L364[06:09:59] <Ocawes​ome101> Izaya: does PsychOS support filesystem mounting
L365[06:10:06] <Ocawes​ome101> ??
L366[06:10:11] <The_St​argazer> tap code
L367[06:10:18] <The_St​argazer> set two to null and one to something else
L368[06:10:35] <The_St​argazer> by replacing random nulls in a null-formatted hdd you can get theoretically any data
L369[06:10:38] <Izaya> no it just magically accesses filesystems
L370[06:10:45] <Ocawes​ome101> ok
L371[06:10:53] <Izaya> what kind of question even is that
L372[06:10:54] <Ocawes​ome101> so like DOS but without letters
L373[06:11:00] <Izaya> ?.?
L374[06:11:12] <Izaya> you mean mounting dynamically?
L375[06:11:21] <Ocawes​ome101> I was asking if it mounts external filesystems in some directory such as /mnt
L376[06:11:22] <Ocawes​ome101> basically yes
L377[06:11:30] <Izaya> yeah, even automatically
L378[06:11:38] <Izaya> also has a unionfs implementation if that's a thing
L379[06:11:41] <Izaya> you could've like
L380[06:11:46] <Izaya> looked it up, though
L381[06:11:49] <Ocawes​ome101> what is unionfs
L382[06:12:16] <Izaya> > Unionfs is a filesystem service for Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD which implements a union mount for other file systems. It allows files and directories of separate file systems, known as branches, to be transparently overlaid, forming a single coherent file system. Contents of directories which have the same path within the merged branches will be seen together in a single merged directory,
L383[06:12:18] <Izaya> within the new, virtual filesystem.
L384[06:12:23] <Izaya> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnionFS
L385[06:12:26] <Izaya> you could've like
L386[06:12:28] <Izaya> looked it up, though
L387[06:12:32] <Ocawes​ome101> oh, neat
L388[06:12:43] <The_St​argazer> πfs but data is null and binary when
L389[06:12:56] <Ocawes​ome101> Open Kernel has a half-arsed implementation of that
L390[06:13:02] <Ocawes​ome101> (unionfs)
L391[06:13:46] <Ocawes​ome101> It mounts / unmounts things under `/mnt` automatically
L392[06:15:02] <Izaya> https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/exec/importfs.lua
L393[06:15:05] <Izaya> good shit
L394[06:15:24] <Izaya> even better shit: https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/exec/exportfs.lua
L395[06:24:42] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L396[06:24:42] <MichiBot> Waesucks! Forecaster! You beat Ariri's previous record of 3 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds (By 20 minutes and 3 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L397[06:24:43] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 29 minutes and 12 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00132 (0.00033 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4
L398[06:32:46] <The_St​argazer> is there an append/read mode for the filesystem?
L399[06:33:08] <The_St​argazer> like how luvit handles it with `fs.openSync(path, "a+")`
L400[06:34:06] <B​ob> yeah there is a
L401[06:34:12] <B​ob> oc doesnt accept + btw
L402[06:38:01] <Ocawes​ome101> Does OCVM display unicode properly?
L403[06:38:39] <Ocawes​ome101> or does that depend on one's terminal font?
L404[06:40:25] <Izaya> Depends on the terminal and font
L405[06:40:36] * Izaya has had ocvm display unicode better than real OC at times
L406[06:40:44] <Ocawes​ome101> ok
L407[06:40:59] <The_St​argazer> like both append and read at the same time
L408[06:41:29] <Izaya> not normally
L409[06:46:45] <Ocawes​ome101> is there a way to make Konsole use OC's font
L410[06:48:19] <Ocawes​ome101> ??
L411[06:49:02] <The_St​argazer> depends how it works with fonts
L412[06:49:06] <The_St​argazer> if it uses a font file then no
L413[06:49:11] <The_St​argazer> oc's font is stored in binary format iirc
L414[06:49:15] <The_St​argazer> `font.hex`
L415[06:51:32] <Izaya> https://img.pawoo.net/media_attachments/files/024/761/416/original/f67edd2ea1afbeb2.jpe
L416[06:51:46] <The_St​argazer> where's that from
L417[06:52:08] <Izaya> unsure what any of it is from
L418[07:31:13] ⇨ Joins: niconiconi (~niconicon@
L419[07:36:27] <Ocawes​ome101> How do I reference Unicode characters? I've tried `u`
L420[07:37:36] <Ocawes​ome101> *`u\{203F}`, `u\203F`, `u{10255}`, and `u\10255`, none of which have yielded anything
L421[07:40:16] <FLO​RANA> i forget... why the hell does `too long without yielding` even exist?
L422[07:41:57] <Forec​aster> to keep programs from keeping focus indefinitely
L423[07:42:25] <Forec​aster> it would keep listeners and threads from running in the background
L424[07:42:34] <FLO​RANA> cause i'm trying to make a fancy oldschool slow looking program and it's freaking yieiding me
L425[07:42:43] <FLO​RANA> *yielding
L426[07:42:52] <Forec​aster> just yield now and then
L427[07:43:13] <FLO​RANA> how do i avoid it from yielding cause i need it to do this?
L428[07:43:15] <Sagh​etti> os.sleep
L429[07:43:20] <Forec​aster> ^
L430[07:43:27] <Sagh​etti> and try and avoid loops with too much processing
L431[07:43:37] <Sagh​etti> like while loops that don't call os functions
L432[07:43:37] <FLO​RANA> oh
L433[07:43:47] <Sagh​etti> ex: while true do end
L434[07:44:03] <Sagh​etti> that's a surefire way to get terminated for not yielding
L435[07:44:14] <Sagh​etti> but if you do while true do print("test") end
L436[07:44:19] <Sagh​etti> it won't terminate
L437[07:44:23] <FLO​RANA> probblem
L438[07:44:36] <FLO​RANA> os.sleep is not a native function
L439[07:44:41] <Sagh​etti> but if you do Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/qisifuniti [Edited]
L440[07:44:49] <Sagh​etti> wdym by that?
L441[07:45:01] <FLO​RANA> not on list: https://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L442[07:45:05] <Forec​aster> no, OpenOs adds that
L443[07:45:07] <Sagh​etti> oh
L444[07:45:14] <Sagh​etti> for that, it's a bit more complicated
L445[07:45:28] <Sagh​etti> do computer.pullSignal() to not be terminated
L446[07:45:37] <Sagh​etti> and check computer.uptime() do to timers
L447[07:45:55] <Forec​aster> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/9b12c1e3506e6e06de454e440c5b4e7e375f6ad8/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/boot/02_os.lua#L25-L31
L448[07:46:09] <Forec​aster> that's the implementation of os.sleep
L449[07:46:36] <Sagh​etti> waiting for 5 seconds:
L450[07:46:36] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/uvomawomom
L451[07:46:46] <Sagh​etti> waiting for 5 seconds:
L452[07:46:46] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/sutezaquki [Edited]
L453[07:47:37] <Sagh​etti> or yeah
L454[07:47:46] <Sagh​etti> the one you linked is a better implementation
L455[07:49:01] <FLO​RANA> so what is Signal 0?
L456[07:49:17] <Sagh​etti> are you making an os?
L457[07:49:22] <Sagh​etti> or embedded program
L458[07:49:36] <FLO​RANA> embeded program
L459[07:49:40] <Sagh​etti> ok
L460[07:49:43] <Sagh​etti> you seem pretty new to it lol
L461[07:49:56] <FLO​RANA> i'm not too new
L462[07:50:03] <FLO​RANA> basicly making a bootable tape drive
L463[07:50:17] <Sagh​etti> computer.pullSignal(0) basically means "pull a signal, but don't halt the computer if no event is found"
L464[07:50:19] <FLO​RANA> i need a bootable driver
L465[07:50:28] <FLO​RANA> i need a bootable driver to enter the tape [Edited]
L466[07:50:29] <FLO​RANA> i need a bootable driver to enter the tapes [Edited]
L467[07:50:35] <Sagh​etti> oooooh!
L468[07:50:40] <Sagh​etti> this might interest y
L469[07:50:41] <Sagh​etti> this might interest you [Edited]
L470[07:50:47] <The_St​argazer> see izaya's tapefs
L471[07:50:50] <Sagh​etti> Ocawesome and i were working on this
L472[07:51:22] <Sagh​etti> https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/OpenStandards
L473[07:51:36] <The_St​argazer> izaya made a tapefs for psychos iirc
L474[07:51:39] <Sagh​etti> more specifically, you want OpenUPT
L475[07:51:40] <Sagh​etti> https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/OpenStandards/blob/master/Filesystems/OpenUPT.md
L476[07:51:49] <The_St​argazer> oh hey ogff
L477[07:51:51] <The_St​argazer> that was my idea :D
L478[07:52:04] <Sagh​etti> this implements an entire partitioning standard, but you probably don't need that
L479[07:52:06] <FLO​RANA> cool
L480[07:52:10] <Sagh​etti> but it has a boot sector
L481[07:52:32] <FLO​RANA> tbh i'm just using my own FS format for now but i could make it support others if i can understand it
L482[07:53:38] <FLO​RANA> tbh it's funny how a 128 min tape == 3.8Kb
L483[07:53:49] <Sagh​etti> speaking of sizes
L484[07:53:59] <Sagh​etti> OpenUPT supports up to 2TiB drives
L485[07:54:03] <Sagh​etti> o_O
L486[07:54:18] <FLO​RANA> how meny RAIDs man?
L487[07:54:27] <FLO​RANA> HOW MENY RAIDS!!!!!! XD
L488[07:55:20] <Sagh​etti> this is kind of izaya's fault lol
L489[07:55:49] <Sagh​etti> he wanted 128GB of storage
L490[07:55:58] <Sagh​etti> in opencomputers...
L491[07:56:12] <Sagh​etti> and our standard only supported up to 32MB
L492[07:56:33] <Sagh​etti> but increasing it to 32 bits allowed us to have 2TiB drives
L493[07:56:40] <Sagh​etti> there was no other option
L494[07:57:33] <The_St​argazer> oh yeah
L495[07:57:39] <The_St​argazer> what size is OpenOS's max?
L496[07:57:44] <The_St​argazer> it can support >1GB drives
L497[07:57:51] <The_St​argazer> i know because ive tested it lol
L498[07:58:41] <FLO​RANA> yes got the sleep(function :3) and OOBs cord error :ANGERYBARK:
L499[07:59:07] <FLO​RANA> yes got the sleep()function :3 and OOBs cord error :ANGERYBARK: [Edited]
L500[07:59:09] <FLO​RANA> yes got the sleep() function :3 and OOBs cord error :ANGERYBARK: [Edited]
L501[07:59:12] <The_St​argazer> OOBs?
L502[07:59:18] <FLO​RANA> OutOfBounds
L503[07:59:23] <The_St​argazer> oh
L504[07:59:29] <The_St​argazer> so whats an outofbounds cord error
L505[07:59:53] <Sagh​etti> coordinate?
L506[08:00:00] <FLO​RANA> y axis went too far down and off screen
L507[08:00:01] <Sagh​etti> or did you mean table index out of bouds
L508[08:00:04] <Sagh​etti> or did you mean table index out of bounds [Edited]
L509[08:00:08] <Sagh​etti> oh
L510[08:00:21] <Sagh​etti> you need to implement screen scrolling
L511[08:01:16] <Sagh​etti> do you have a working print statement?
L512[08:01:35] <FLO​RANA> what do you mean by statement?
L513[08:01:45] <Sagh​etti> print function*
L514[08:02:01] <FLO​RANA> yes i have one
L515[08:02:31] <FLO​RANA> untested but yes http://tinyurl.com/yx8yfxps
L516[08:03:14] <FLO​RANA> the function i'm currently running i called `dline` and and it just draws directly to the screen
L517[08:03:52] <Sagh​etti> oh ok
L518[08:04:02] <Sagh​etti> so i see it does word wrap
L519[08:05:12] <Sagh​etti> so you need to copy the text up 1 line
L520[08:05:24] <Sagh​etti> so that it scrolls up
L521[08:05:32] <Sagh​etti> i have an implementation that i use
L522[08:05:33] <Sagh​etti> i can send it
L523[08:05:45] <FLO​RANA> i don't want `dline` to wrap tho or else it would look weard
L524[08:06:19] <Sagh​etti> wdym by dline?
L525[08:06:35] <Sagh​etti> here is the code i use for logging in my os
L526[08:06:37] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/alicusebor
L527[08:06:53] <Sagh​etti> logScroll() scrolls the screen up 1 line
L528[08:07:01] <Sagh​etti> specifically this code
L529[08:07:04] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/quqabobuha
L530[08:07:18] <Sagh​etti> use logPrint("hello") to print something to the xcreen
L531[08:07:22] <Sagh​etti> screen*
L532[08:07:52] <Sagh​etti> and splitByChunk() is so that i can do text wrapping
L533[08:08:02] <FLO​RANA> well i'm not really logging
L534[08:08:13] <FLO​RANA> i'm just making a display to interact with
L535[08:08:52] <Sagh​etti> ok
L536[08:09:02] <Sagh​etti> what text would be printing off-screen then?
L537[08:09:31] <FLO​RANA> no text, i'm trying to prevent the loop from going off screen
L538[08:10:12] <Sagh​etti> then just break if y > screenHeight
L539[08:10:16] <FLO​RANA> width works without change but height doesn't :| you need to -1
L540[08:10:29] <Sagh​etti> huh?
L541[08:11:25] <FLO​RANA> from 1,1 to width works fine but from 1,1 to height goes out of bounds :|
L542[08:11:54] <! Sag​hetti> i still don't really get what you're trying to say
L543[08:12:05] <! Sag​hetti> are you trying to use gpu.fill()?
L544[08:12:48] <FLO​RANA> when it tries to do `GPU.SET` on the last y axis it errors :|
L545[08:13:17] <! Sag​hetti> why are you trying to gpu.set off of the screen?
L546[08:13:32] <! Sag​hetti> and it errors because it's off screen
L547[08:13:42] <FLO​RANA> to sence if oldschool style
L548[08:13:49] <! Sag​hetti> you might have your resolution not set right
L549[08:13:59] <FLO​RANA> the resolution is correct
L550[08:14:07] <! Sag​hetti> oh are you trying to detect screen size?
L551[08:14:18] <FLO​RANA> yep
L552[08:14:28] <FLO​RANA> 160x50
L553[08:14:30] <! Sag​hetti> 🤦‍♂️
L554[08:14:40] <FLO​RANA> well
L555[08:14:49] <! Sag​hetti> here's a great link for you to check out
L556[08:14:49] <! Sag​hetti> http://xyproblem.info/
L557[08:14:50] <FLO​RANA> it's getting the resolution
L558[08:15:10] <FLO​RANA> what is that for?
L559[08:15:18] <! Sag​hetti> here's what it says
L560[08:15:21] <! Sag​hetti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/vuzugezama
L561[08:16:28] <! Sag​hetti> where X = get screen size
L562[08:16:33] <! Sag​hetti> and Y = write off-screen
L563[08:16:40] <! Sag​hetti> here's how to get the screen resolution
L564[08:16:42] <! Sag​hetti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/vekuruxonu
L565[08:16:46] <! Sag​hetti> that simple lol
L566[08:16:48] <FLO​RANA> stop stop
L567[08:16:53] <FLO​RANA> i already have that
L568[08:17:08] <! Sag​hetti> what do you want then?
L569[08:17:41] <FLO​RANA> my probblem is writing to the screen and it's going to the last y pixel and erroring out of bounds when cleatly it's not
L570[08:17:59] <! Sag​hetti> hmm
L571[08:18:25] <Sagh​etti> it's erroring out of bounds because it is out of bounds
L572[08:18:30] <Sagh​etti> how do you know it's clearly not?
L573[08:18:39] <FLO​RANA> OMFG F YOU MC!!!!! it deleted the floppydisk via middle click ;w;
L574[08:18:49] <FLO​RANA> now i got to transfer the file
L575[08:19:08] <Sagh​etti> here's an improved print function that handles those edge cases:
L576[08:19:30] <Sagh​etti> 1 sec im typing it
L577[08:19:39] <FLO​RANA> um the print function that i have isn't what i'm using to print to the screen
L578[08:19:47] <FLO​RANA> well i mean write to the screen
L579[08:20:50] <Sagh​etti> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/dahobapifi
L580[08:20:58] <Sagh​etti> the thing is
L581[08:21:04] <FLO​RANA> can i spawn a floppy disk with a custom UUID?
L582[08:21:06] <Sagh​etti> x=0 is out of bounds
L583[08:21:22] <Sagh​etti> x=1 is where the screen truly starts
L584[08:21:28] <Sagh​etti> you were setting x to 0
L585[08:21:41] <Sagh​etti> and that's what wasn't working
L586[08:21:49] <Sagh​etti> the function above should work just fine
L587[08:22:26] <FLO​RANA> ok i see what your talking about where the print needs to be x=1 but like i said before i never tested it :b
L588[08:22:36] <Sagh​etti> and yeah you can spawn a floppy with a custom uuid
L589[08:22:50] <Sagh​etti> pretty sure it requires nbt editing tho
L590[08:23:10] <FLO​RANA> can't i just do /give with NBT data? :|
L591[08:23:26] <Sagh​etti> yeah but i dont know the nbt tags
L592[08:23:27] <Sagh​etti> let me check
L593[08:23:29] <Sagh​etti> and sorry it took so long to get to this answer
L594[08:23:39] <Sagh​etti> it just wasn't really clear what you were trying to do
L595[08:26:01] <Sagh​etti> just give me a min
L596[08:26:06] <FLO​RANA> k
L597[08:26:35] <FLO​RANA> i crashed MC pressing tab on all items that start with `Open` .-. (woops)
L598[08:26:48] <Sagh​etti> oof
L599[08:27:12] <Sagh​etti> also for some reason i keep thinking your profile pic is squidward
L600[08:27:32] <FLO​RANA> i'm a floran, a plant not a squid :b
L601[08:29:33] <The_St​argazer> yeah idk why mc deletes stuff in middleclick
L602[08:32:11] <Sagh​etti> ok
L603[08:32:22] <Sagh​etti> http://tinyurl.com/tpttogm
L604[08:32:26] <Sagh​etti> this is the nbt for a floppy drive
L605[08:33:22] <Sagh​etti> i would suggest getting a floppy drive and initializing it by putting it in a drive
L606[08:33:36] <Sagh​etti> and then taking it out, and editing the address part in the nbt
L607[08:45:31] <FLO​RANA> i find it dumb how you can't just spawn one in via /give :|
L608[08:50:26] <Sagh​etti> you probably can
L609[08:50:33] <Sagh​etti> but im just too scared to mess with nb
L610[08:50:35] <Sagh​etti> but im just too scared to mess with nbt [Edited]
L611[08:50:43] <Sagh​etti> and there's a lot of other tags
L612[08:50:46] <FLO​RANA> it won't even let me change the NBT data via editing
L613[08:50:52] <Sagh​etti> why not?
L614[08:50:57] <FLO​RANA> it just reverts back
L615[08:51:27] <Sagh​etti> odd
L616[08:51:47] <Sagh​etti> probably the only way to get it back is to copy files then
L617[08:52:37] <FLO​RANA> thats what i did
L618[08:53:13] <Sagh​etti> so problem solved>
L619[08:53:43] <FLO​RANA> yah i gess,,, (i liked that address id tho .w.)
L620[08:53:59] <FLO​RANA> yah i gess,,, (i liked that address ID tho .w. oh well) [Edited]
L621[08:54:31] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L622[09:01:07] <FLO​RANA> yah why can't i write on y 49?
L623[09:01:23] <FLO​RANA> y 50 is out of bounds, yet it says 49 is
L624[09:07:32] ⇦ Quits: niconiconi (~niconicon@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L625[09:10:56] ⇨ Joins: niconiconi (~niconicon@
L626[09:23:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F321.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L627[09:33:53] ⇦ Quits: niconiconi (~niconicon@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L628[09:40:59] <Inari> %pet Cruor
L629[09:40:59] <MichiBot> Inari is petting Cruor with burned out eyes. Cruor regains 1d4 => 3 hit points!
L630[09:41:08] <Inari> 🤔
L631[09:44:23] ⇦ Quits: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L632[10:10:29] <Izaya> %tonkout
L633[10:10:29] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Izaya! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 3 hours, 29 minutes and 12 seconds (By 16 minutes and 33 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L634[10:10:30] <MichiBot> Izaya has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.00971. Position #13 => #12
L635[10:12:49] <Sagh​etti> reeee
L636[10:13:09] <Sagh​etti> i couldve tonked :(
L637[10:13:15] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L638[10:13:15] <MichiBot> By my throth! The_Stargazer! You beat Izaya's previous record of <0 (By 2 minutes and 46 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L639[10:13:16] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 2 minutes and 46 seconds! The_Stargazer also gained 0.00005 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #10
L640[10:13:21] <The_St​argazer> you couldve, yes
L641[10:13:36] <The_St​argazer> but i stoppe
L642[10:13:57] <Izaya> stoppe this
L643[10:14:16] <Inari> %pet Izaya
L644[10:14:16] <MichiBot> Inari is brushing Izaya with hamtaro. Izaya regains 1d4 => 3 hit points!
L645[10:18:41] <Sagh​etti> what is the difference between tonk and tonkout?
L646[10:19:57] <Izaya> tonkout cashes out your points
L647[10:21:56] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L648[10:22:02] <The_St​argazer> uh
L649[10:22:12] <The_St​argazer> is michibot broke
L650[10:22:31] <The_St​argazer> %hello
L651[10:22:31] <MichiBot> The_St​​argazer: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L652[10:22:35] <The_St​argazer> no
L653[10:22:37] <The_St​argazer> lemme try again
L654[10:22:38] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L655[10:22:41] <The_St​argazer> ..ok what
L656[10:26:06] <Bombe​rPlayz> i started to write an os from scratch, it can display status, load libaries, but there's no shell currently. (it just spams IT WORKS)
L657[10:26:47] <The_St​argazer> also
L658[10:26:59] <The_St​argazer> Inari: http://tinyurl.com/wc24teh
L659[10:27:05] <The_St​argazer> like nekoget, but for fox girls
L660[10:27:48] <The_St​argazer> now if only there was a lewd fox girls endpoint...
L661[10:28:58] <The_St​argazer> ok, third and final tonk attempt
L662[10:28:59] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L663[10:28:59] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! The_Stargazer! You beat your own previous record of 2 minutes and 46 seconds (By 12 minutes and 56 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L664[10:29:00] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 15 minutes and 43 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00022)
L665[10:29:04] <The_St​argazer> there we go.
L666[10:29:16] <The_St​argazer> i guess theres a cooldown?
L667[10:38:33] <Sagh​etti> %tonkout
L668[10:38:34] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Saghetti, you were not able to beat The_Stargazer's record of 15 minutes and 43 seconds this time. 9 minutes and 34 seconds were wasted! Missed by 6 minutes and 8 seconds!
L669[10:38:56] <Sagh​etti> hmm
L670[10:40:03] <The_St​argazer> you need to beat the record to thonkout
L671[10:44:44] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21baa2d.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L672[10:45:09] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21baa2d.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L673[10:58:39] <The_St​argazer> oh god
L674[10:58:40] <The_St​argazer> this guy left phpbb debug on
L675[10:59:58] <Sagh​etti> wno
L676[11:00:00] <Sagh​etti> who [Edited]
L677[11:00:01] <Sagh​etti> me?
L678[11:00:04] <The_St​argazer> no
L679[11:00:18] <The_St​argazer> `[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1068: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/teknoaxe/publichtml/wordpressheader.php:23)`
L680[11:00:18] <The_St​argazer> -- from `teknoaxe.com`
L681[11:00:50] <The_St​argazer> also
L682[11:00:50] <The_St​argazer> >php
L683[11:01:04] <Sagh​etti> php?
L684[11:01:06] <Sagh​etti> blech
L685[11:09:50] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L686[11:09:50] <MichiBot> By my throth! The_Stargazer! You beat your own previous record of 15 minutes and 43 seconds (By 15 minutes and 32 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L687[11:09:51] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 31 minutes and 16 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00026)
L688[11:11:40] <Sagh​etti> reee
L689[11:14:11] <The_St​argazer> i will defeat all tonkers by dominating the tonk
L690[11:14:25] <The_St​argazer> the tonk games™️
L691[11:27:31] <Forec​aster> It's a valid strategy
L692[11:33:02] <Sagh​etti> tonk? more like :thonking:
L693[11:33:05] <Sagh​etti> th0nk
L694[11:53:17] ⇨ Joins: Ezzud (~Ezzud@
L695[11:53:23] <Ezzud> %hello
L696[11:53:23] <MichiBot> Ez​zud: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L697[11:53:43] <The_St​argazer> oh no
L698[11:53:44] <The_St​argazer> the users are becoming more and more intelligent
L699[11:53:44] <The_St​argazer> they know how to use the hello command now
L700[11:54:05] <Forec​aster> but... bats fly... http://tinyurl.com/sezhk76
L701[11:54:06] <Forec​aster> what
L702[11:54:26] <The_St​argazer> maybe the dart hit its wing?
L703[11:55:09] <The_St​argazer> also what game is that
L704[11:55:36] <Inari> @Forecaster but what is that game
L705[11:55:46] <Forec​aster> Dungeon Crawl
L706[11:55:52] <Forec​aster> I've already answered that
L707[11:55:57] <Inari> Must've missed that
L708[11:55:58] <Inari> Ty
L709[11:56:12] <Forec​aster> crud http://tinyurl.com/v8ndhhy
L710[11:56:15] <Forec​aster> 4 hp...
L711[11:56:48] <Forec​aster> and I haven't ID'd any healing potions...
L712[11:57:15] <Forec​aster> which one could it be... http://tinyurl.com/sazgv7w
L713[11:58:00] <Forec​aster> not the fuming brown ones... http://tinyurl.com/wg7fd5m
L714[11:58:22] <Forec​aster> it was the emerald one
L715[12:02:32] <The_St​argazer> are potions random?
L716[12:02:39] <Forec​aster> %sip
L717[12:02:39] <MichiBot> You drink a cloudy strawberry potion (New!). The bottle turns into a rubium axe.
L718[12:02:41] <Forec​aster> yes
L719[12:02:43] <The_St​argazer> no i mean
L720[12:02:44] <The_St​argazer> in the game
L721[12:02:48] <Forec​aster> I know what you meant
L722[12:02:51] <The_St​argazer> oh
L723[12:03:02] <The_St​argazer> you were having a laugh
L724[12:03:20] <Forec​aster> what do you think the potion system is based on :P
L725[12:03:22] <The_St​argazer> also, Inari: i wrote a program to download fox girls
L726[12:03:24] <The_St​argazer> Ohhh
L727[12:04:52] <The_St​argazer> a slight issue is that it wont stop even when it has no more to download
L728[12:05:12] <The_St​argazer> so the `foxget_downloads` file will increase in size infinitely
L729[12:08:54] <Forec​aster> fun
L730[12:12:01] <The_St​argazer> of course nekos are still superior
L731[12:12:59] <Inari> %fling @The_Stargazer
L732[12:13:00] <MichiBot> In​ari flings @The_Stargazer in a random direction. It hits Odds​tr13 on a body part they didn't even know they had. They take 1d4 => 3 damage!
L733[12:13:11] <Inari> I mean
L734[12:13:16] <Inari> I meant to fling a random boject at you
L735[12:13:17] <Inari> But that works
L736[12:13:33] <The_St​argazer> try maybe %fling at @The_Stargazer
L737[12:13:36] <The_St​argazer> wait
L738[12:13:39] <The_St​argazer> can i fling myself
L739[12:13:44] <The_St​argazer> %fling @The_Stargazer
L740[12:13:44] <MichiBot> The_St​argazer flings @The_Stargazer in a random direction. It hits the ground near Forec​aster
L741[12:13:49] <The_St​argazer> yes I can
L742[12:16:53] <The_St​argazer> @Forecaster you should probably change that
L743[12:17:30] <Lizzian> %tonk
L744[12:17:31] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! Lizzian! You beat The_Stargazer's previous record of 31 minutes and 16 seconds (By 36 minutes and 23 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L745[12:17:32] <MichiBot> Lizzian's new record is 1 hour, 7 minutes and 40 seconds! Lizzian also gained 0.00061 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1
L746[12:17:55] <The_St​argazer> damnit
L747[12:18:34] <Lizzian> nyahahahaa
L748[12:21:21] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (*.net *.split)
L749[12:25:28] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@
L750[12:37:40] <DaCompu​terNerd> Oh net splits fun
L751[12:44:23] <Forec​aster> @The_Stargazer check the syntax
L752[12:44:31] <The_St​argazer> %help fling
L753[12:44:55] <The_St​argazer> %fling @TheStargazer at @TheStargazer
L754[12:44:56] <MichiBot> The_St​argazer flings @TheStargazer in a random direction. It hits the ground near @TheStargazer
L755[12:45:09] <The_St​argazer> so you can also fling yourself at yourself
L756[12:45:17] <Forec​aster> Sure
L757[12:47:54] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: check if that's actually fixed it, or if it's just fuke
L758[12:49:34] <Forec​aster> You can fling anything at anything
L759[12:53:22] <Izaya> if I were to fling Forecaster at Forecaster would I create a perpetual motion machine
L760[12:53:46] <Amanda> %fling 1,000,000 scented bath bombs at the sun
L761[12:53:46] <MichiBot> Ama​nda flings 1,000,000 scented bath bombs in a random direction. It hits the sun in the small of the back. They take 1d4 => 1 damage!
L762[12:54:09] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L763[13:33:44] <Inari> %pet Amanda
L764[13:33:44] <MichiBot> Inari is brushing Amanda with DNSSEC errors. Amanda regains 1d4 => 3 hit points!
L765[13:36:32] <Forec​aster> %aliases pet
L766[13:36:33] <MichiBot> Forec​​aster: 'pet' aliases: [stroke]
L767[13:36:57] <Forec​aster> Hmm, I should add brush to that
L768[13:41:58] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-27-207.dynamic.as20676.net)
L769[13:41:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L770[13:49:49] <DaCompu​terNerd> %splash Forecaster
L771[13:49:49] <MichiBot> You fling a smelly red potion (New!) that splashes onto Forecaster. Forecaster zones out for 8 minutes.
L772[13:52:52] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L773[13:52:56] <Blue_595> %xkcd 697
L774[13:52:57] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Tensile vs. Shear Strength URL: https://xkcd.com/697
L775[13:53:19] <Blue_595> "After countless engineers spend trillions over fifty years a modern Babel disappears because some fuck brought pruning shears"
L776[13:54:59] <Blue_595> %xkcd 155
L777[13:55:00] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Search History URL: https://xkcd.com/155
L778[13:58:21] <Forec​aster> you'd think a space elevator would need to be able to withstand more than common household tools
L779[13:59:00] <M​GR> You think Black Hat would use a common household pruning shear?
L780[13:59:04] <M​GR> Seems unlikely to me
L781[13:59:21] <Forec​aster> well it doesn't specify does it
L782[14:01:39] <M​GR> It does not, but I can guess based off of Black Hat's behavior
L783[14:01:46] <The_St​argazer> it's xkcd
L784[14:01:46] <The_St​argazer> does xkcd ever specify
L785[14:03:40] <Amanda> %choose space factory or space fishies or space weed
L786[14:03:45] <Amanda> %choose space factory or space fishies or space weed
L787[14:03:45] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I've heard "space fishies" is in these days
L788[14:09:10] <Blue_595> today i learned about something called a Karnaugh map
L789[14:09:17] <Blue_595> wouldve been great to know about :(
L790[14:09:57] <Izaya> a what
L791[14:10:18] <Blue_595> %xkcd 192
L792[14:10:19] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Working for Google URL: https://xkcd.com/192
L793[14:10:34] <Blue_595> argue about that one please
L794[14:11:05] <Izaya> ever played watch underscore doges 2?
L795[14:12:39] <Blue_595> gonna practice K-maps with a BCD to 7-segment decoder
L796[14:12:47] <Blue_595> hex* not BCD
L797[14:13:35] <Kristo​pher38> Karnaugh maps are a tool to simplify boolean expressions
L798[14:14:10] <Blue_595> yeah
L799[14:14:30] <Blue_595> for some reason i was trying to do it in 2 dimensions
L800[14:14:32] <Blue_595> why?!
L801[14:14:36] <Blue_595> sorry, 1 dimension
L802[14:14:38] <Blue_595> brainfart
L803[14:14:40] <Blue_595> the map works in 2d
L804[14:15:06] <Izaya> oh, I just thought of those as a sort of truth table
L805[14:15:08] <Izaya> I guess it is
L806[14:15:30] <Blue_595> yes
L807[14:15:40] <Kristo​pher38> Iirc you're supposed to make a table and fill in ones and zeros according to some rules and then you "group" 1s in places where they form continuous rectangles which makes it possible to simplify the expression somehow
L808[14:15:41] <Blue_595> 2d truth table, arranged in such a way that it can simplify writing new expressions
L809[14:15:54] <Kristo​pher38> I forgot the details
L810[14:15:57] <Blue_595> @Kristopher38 thats exactly what wikipedia said
L811[14:17:01] <Kristo​pher38> I remember the general idea, not the details
L812[14:17:33] <Blue_595> if i were to use 5 bits as an input to a 7-segment display, what would i display?
L813[14:17:53] <Blue_595> obviously decimal digits, a negative sign, the letters E O and R, but what else
L814[14:18:13] <Blue_595> actually not even the letter O, thats unnecessary
L815[14:18:13] <Lizzian> %tonkout
L816[14:18:14] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! Lizzian! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 7 minutes and 40 seconds (By 53 minutes and 2 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L817[14:18:15] <MichiBot> Lizzian has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.42354, Position #1
L818[14:19:50] <Blue_595> %choose undefined or undefined
L819[14:19:51] <MichiBot> Blue​_595: If I had a gold nugget for every time someone asked me about "undefined"
L820[14:21:19] <DaCompu​terNerd> %xkcd
L821[14:21:19] <MichiBot> Random XKCD Comic: https://xkcd.com/233/
L822[14:23:21] <Blue_595> %xkcd
L823[14:23:22] <MichiBot> Random XKCD Comic: https://xkcd.com/1392/
L824[14:28:20] <FLO​RANA> is there a reason why i can't draw on the last pixel/block? http://tinyurl.com/vtjc8oj
L825[14:28:57] <Blue_595> i finished a ROM version of the decoder
L826[14:29:01] <Blue_595> time to map it out
L827[14:29:23] <FLO​RANA> what are you making blue?
L828[14:31:46] <Blue_595> practicing something with karnaugh maps, with a 7-segment decoder
L829[14:31:54] <Blue_595> mapping segment A
L830[14:32:29] <Blue_595> 0011 0111 1110 1000
L831[14:33:11] <ThePi​Guy24> that reminds me of something i made a while ago
L832[14:33:15] <Blue_595> i picked the worst possible character set, didnt i
L833[14:33:18] <Blue_595> im switching to hex
L834[14:36:44] <Blue_595> 1011 0111 1110 1011
L835[14:37:02] <Blue_595> ...basically exactly the same :D
L836[14:37:06] <Blue_595> except 3 bits ofc
L837[14:41:20] <Blue_595> ~AD + B~D (what i have so far)
L838[14:42:01] <Blue_595> lets go down to BCD, dont-care states make everything easier
L839[14:43:23] <Blue_595> 1011 0111 11xx xxxx
L840[14:43:25] <Blue_595> much easier
L841[14:44:51] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (~Ariri@2605:e000:1220:8039:a875:bcb7:b4e0:8805) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L842[14:48:13] <Blue_595> heres what i got (level 1, no further optimisation)
L843[14:48:40] <Blue_595> B~D + ~B~CD + ~A~B~C~D + A~BC~D
L844[14:49:45] <Blue_595> after optimisation #1: B + D + ~A~B~C~D + A~BC~D
L845[14:51:28] <Blue_595> after optimisation #2: B + D + ~A~C + AC
L846[14:52:27] <Blue_595> no further optimisation
L847[14:53:03] <Blue_595> regardless, crazy small
L848[14:53:43] <Blue_595> Segment 'b': 1111 1001 11xx xxxx
L849[14:55:02] <Blue_595> -> ~C + ~A~B + AB
L850[14:55:43] <Blue_595> Segment 'c': 1101 1111 11xx xxxx
L851[14:57:00] <Blue_595> -> ~B + AB + C~D
L852[14:57:21] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (~sam@pool-71-176-252-72.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L853[14:57:23] <Blue_595> rip
L854[14:57:50] <Blue_595> Segment 'd': 1011 0110 11xx xxxx
L855[15:01:19] <Blue_595> Cycle 1: D + ~AB + ~A~B~C + B~C~D + A~BC
L856[15:02:58] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L857[15:14:23] <Blue_595> %xkcd 320
L858[15:14:24] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: 28-Hour Day URL: https://xkcd.com/320
L859[15:16:55] <Blue_595> %xkcd 485
L860[15:16:56] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Depth URL: https://xkcd.com/485
L861[15:17:09] ⇦ Parts: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (WeeChat 1.9.1))
L862[15:17:18] ⇨ Joins: BlueBot (~c8h10n4o2@
L863[15:20:28] <FLO​RANA> wiw
L864[15:20:30] <FLO​RANA> *wow
L865[15:21:17] <Lizzian> %tonk
L866[15:21:17] <BlueBot> %xkcd 1208
L867[15:21:18] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Lizzian! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 3 minutes and 3 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L868[15:21:19] <MichiBot> Lizzian's new record is 1 hour, 3 minutes and 3 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00105)
L869[15:21:20] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Footnote Labyrinths URL: https://xkcd.com/1208
L870[15:22:31] <Forec​aster> okay, less constant spam of xkcd please
L871[15:23:49] <BlueBot> %xkcd 220
L872[15:23:51] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Philosophy URL: https://xkcd.com/220
L873[15:24:06] <Forec​aster> no, less, not more
L874[15:24:09] <ThePi​Guy24> %xkcd 827
L875[15:24:09] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: My Business Idea URL: https://xkcd.com/827
L876[15:24:27] <ThePi​Guy24> rip i remembered the number wrong
L877[15:24:56] <Forecaster> %ignore ThePi​Guy24
L878[15:24:57] <MichiBot> User added to ignore list
L879[15:25:24] <Forecaster> %ignore BlueBot
L880[15:25:24] <MichiBot> User added to ignore list
L881[15:25:35] *** BlueBot is now known as RedBot
L882[15:25:38] <RedBot> %xkcd 478
L883[15:25:39] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: The Staple Madness URL: https://xkcd.com/478
L884[15:25:46] <RedBot> %xkcd 718
L885[15:25:47] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: The Flake Equation URL: https://xkcd.com/718
L886[15:25:48] <Amanda> Do you want to get banned from the channel?
L887[15:25:49] <Forec​aster> ...
L888[15:25:52] <RedBot> %xkcd 207
L889[15:25:53] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: What xkcd Means URL: https://xkcd.com/207
L890[15:25:54] <Forec​aster> I am going to kick you
L891[15:25:55] <Amanda> Thats how you get banned form the channel.
L892[15:25:55] ⇦ Parts: RedBot (~c8h10n4o2@ (WeeChat 1.9.1))
L893[15:26:52] <Forec​aster> right...
L894[15:27:10] <Teris> In the event it was unclear, Blue/RedBot is the same IP as Blue_595
L895[15:27:18] <Forecaster> %unignore BlueBot
L896[15:27:19] <MichiBot> User removed from ignore list
L897[15:27:40] <Forecaster> the name was kind of a giveway without even looking
L898[15:28:22] <Teris> Yes
L899[15:28:46] ⇨ Joins: Penguinator (~c8h10n4o2@
L900[15:29:03] <Penguinator> %xkcd 84
L901[15:29:04] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: National Language URL: https://xkcd.com/84
L902[15:29:06] ⇦ Parts: Penguinator (~c8h10n4o2@ (WeeChat 1.9.1))
L903[15:29:06] <Teris> Same IP
L904[15:31:12] <Amanda> %choose code or space factory
L905[15:31:12] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I've heard "code" is in these days
L906[15:31:19] <Forec​aster> well I can't do a lot since they keep changing names and I don't know if MichiBot's tban accepts ips
L907[15:31:35] <M​GR> ChanServ does I believe
L908[15:31:41] <M​GR> or some functionality of espernet
L909[15:31:43] <Forec​aster> I'm not a channel operator
L910[15:31:51] <M​GR> Fair point
L911[15:31:52] <Forec​aster> I can only ban through Michibot
L912[15:32:11] <M​GR> Is it time to ping the mods?
L913[15:32:44] <Forec​aster> Michiyo can have a look
L914[15:33:00] <Forec​aster> and tell me whether tban only accepts names or not
L915[15:33:18] <Forec​aster> the "help" only says "User"
L916[15:34:26] <The_St​argazer> you could always try it
L917[15:35:51] <Forecaster> %tban ~c8h10n4o2@ 24h Spam & evasion
L918[15:35:51] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!~c8h10n4o2@
L919[15:36:04] <Forec​aster> oh that did work, okay
L920[15:36:54] <Amanda> Just came back from the code to say: If it dosn't find a user match, it just uses what it's given
L921[15:38:17] <The_St​argazer> jesus
L922[15:38:21] <The_St​argazer> forge has versions for mc 1.1
L923[15:38:22] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: scrape https://mangadex.org/title/39581/snake-woman-and-offering-chan
L924[15:39:23] <Forec​aster> %remindme 24h unignore pieguy
L925[15:39:24] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "unignore pieguy" at 02/22/2020 09:39:23 AM
L926[15:39:47] <Izaya> forge was originally for uh
L927[15:39:51] <Izaya> b1.4? b1.3?
L928[15:39:54] <Izaya> maybe earlier?
L929[15:40:05] <Izaya> gained Forge Mod Loader some time r1.1-1.3
L930[15:41:35] <FLO​RANA> if i upload a image will people on IRC see it?
L931[15:41:41] <M​GR> Yes
L932[15:41:44] <FLO​RANA> cool
L933[15:42:42] <Forec​aster> well, they get a link to it, which they may or may not open :P
L934[15:42:55] <FLO​RANA> how does this look so far? :3 (pretty basic and the `dline` function debug overlapped some text but whatever) http://tinyurl.com/vnlc9dy
L935[15:43:30] <M​GR> Looks good to me
L936[15:44:05] <The_St​argazer> so is that like an inbuilt editor for the tapefs?
L937[15:44:17] <The_St​argazer> call it tfs, because izaya made a tapefs
L938[15:44:26] <The_St​argazer> and you dont wanna confuse people
L939[15:44:27] <FLO​RANA> no
L940[15:44:36] <FLO​RANA> this is entirely custom
L941[15:44:39] <The_St​argazer> oh
L942[15:44:43] <The_St​argazer> not releasing?
L943[15:44:50] <FLO​RANA> and i'm doing it for the sake of doing it :b
L944[15:44:55] <Izaya> I didn't know I wrote anything named tapefs
L945[15:44:56] <FLO​RANA> i want to do something
L946[15:44:57] <The_St​argazer> you should release it tho
L947[15:44:58] <Izaya> but carry on
L948[15:45:30] <Amanda> I don't relese my stuff, per say. Other than it being on a public gitlab repo so that I can load it from a server
L949[15:45:31] <The_St​argazer> `izaya made a tapefs for psychos` according to @ThePiGuy24
L950[15:45:40] <The_St​argazer> why not tho
L951[15:46:08] <Amanda> ccause I don't want to deal with random people asking for support on it later
L952[15:46:26] <Amanda> I code for fun, and jump topics rapidly
L953[15:46:32] <The_St​argazer> put up a message in big bold text "NO SUPPORT IS PROVIDED"
L954[15:46:47] <The_St​argazer> also uhh
L955[15:46:50] <The_St​argazer> when ogff is finished
L956[15:46:50] <Amanda> That doesn't stop professionals, why would it stop random 12-year olds?
L957[15:46:59] <Izaya> fuckin puttin words in my mouth
L958[15:47:00] <The_St​argazer> im so gonna make a png > ogff converter
L959[15:47:01] <Izaya> >.>
L960[15:47:10] <The_St​argazer> and download lewd catgirls
L961[15:47:10] <The_St​argazer> then view them inside OC
L962[15:47:19] <The_St​argazer> because why not
L963[15:47:45] <Amanda> I get emails / messages / github pokes occasionally abour a random Go experiment I made like, 6 years ago, still.
L964[15:48:15] <Amanda> In it's README it says "Do not use this, this is an experiment in library support for go."
L965[15:49:27] <FLO​RANA> plus my version runs like a live disk, the main idea for this was to make a bootable tape cassett and/or read/write to
L966[15:49:38] <Forec​aster> do the messages say "I used this anyway and it's broken."?
L967[15:49:55] <Amanda> @Forecaster thankfully no
L968[15:50:08] <Amanda> And my bad, 5 years not 6
L969[15:50:20] <Forec​aster> the lies!
L970[15:50:23] <Forec​aster> %sip
L971[15:50:23] <MichiBot> You drink a muddy void potion (New!). True enlightenment can be achieved by drinking another potion.
L972[15:50:31] <Forec​aster> nah, I'm good
L973[15:50:42] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster
L974[15:50:43] <MichiBot> You fling a stirring tomato potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. Dramatic music briefly plays in the distance.
L975[15:50:50] <Forec​aster> ohno
L976[15:50:56] <Forec​aster> I'm doomed D:
L977[15:52:15] <FLO​RANA> well better being playing DOOM then
L978[15:54:25] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: `L111[03:11:03] <Izaya> successfully wrote a filesystem to a tape :D`
L979[15:54:29] <The_St​argazer> from https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2019-07-18.log
L980[15:54:33] <Forec​aster> actually I'm playing Planetary Annihilation which is even worse
L981[15:54:40] <Forec​aster> I might get run over by a planet
L982[15:54:45] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@i5E86B06F.versanet.de)
L983[15:54:54] <Izaya> I see your reading comprehension hasn't improved
L984[15:55:39] <The_St​argazer> what?
L985[15:55:48] <The_St​argazer> you wrote a filesystem to a tape, thus, a tape filesystem
L986[15:55:56] <The_St​argazer> filesystem on tape; tape filesystem
L987[16:00:12] <The_St​argazer> going through old oclogs is fun
L988[16:01:11] <The_St​argazer> I remember now when I made that 'cloud computing' joker
L989[16:01:13] <The_St​argazer> I remember now when I made that 'cloud computing' joke [Edited]
L990[16:01:32] <The_St​argazer> that term has only been said four times as of now
L991[16:03:41] <FLO​RANA> wait i think i found a easter egg or something on the OCDOCs website
L992[16:03:46] <The_St​argazer> oh?
L993[16:04:05] <FLO​RANA> if you hover over the search box a text popup will appear
L994[16:04:13] <FLO​RANA> and it says `[F]`
L995[16:04:23] <Amanda> ...........
L996[16:04:37] <Amanda> T... That's the keyboard shortcut to open it.
L997[16:04:57] <The_St​argazer> nope.
L998[16:05:01] <FLO​RANA> i'm pressing [F] and it does nothing
L999[16:05:02] <The_St​argazer> i hit `F` and nothing.
L1000[16:05:24] <FLO​RANA> [CTRL] + [F] only uses the native browser find
L1001[16:05:43] <Amanda> Might be broken, but I doubt it's some easter egg
L1002[16:05:54] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: remember this?
L1003[16:05:54] <The_St​argazer> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/pipamediru
L1004[16:06:34] <Amanda> %8ball run away and join the recluse club?
L1005[16:06:35] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Without a doubt
L1006[16:06:44] <Izaya> man
L1007[16:06:49] <Izaya> I remember when Natura ... existed
L1008[16:07:12] <The_St​argazer> the earliest appearence I can find of me is `PrismaticYT joined #oc on IRC` on 17/02/18
L1009[16:07:45] <M​GR> I'm from way back in 2015
L1010[16:07:50] <The_St​argazer> Oh damn
L1011[16:08:16] <M​GR> I joined right around the time Discord got started, which was cool. I didn't get Discord until months afterwards though
L1012[16:09:06] <FLO​RANA> i'm from 2016 when i joined discord
L1013[16:09:29] <FLO​RANA> idk what my IRC date would be...
L1014[16:10:33] <The_St​argazer> early adopter?
L1015[16:11:56] <Forec​aster> I joined eons ago when this irc channel didn't exist and everyone hung out on #opencomputers
L1016[16:12:42] <The_St​argazer> also
L1017[16:12:44] <The_St​argazer> afaik
L1018[16:12:47] <The_St​argazer> ive never changed my pfp
L1019[16:12:56] <Izaya> avatars considered harmful
L1020[16:12:57] <The_St​argazer> i wonder if im gonna set a record for 'longest time with default pfp'
L1021[16:13:23] <The_St​argazer> Also http://tinyurl.com/smqay6h
L1022[16:13:39] <The_St​argazer> Notification flex
L1023[16:13:41] <FLO​RANA> btw i learned something, my modpack doesn't like singleplayer + OC tablet floppy drive with CC disks :| (crash)
L1024[16:14:06] <FLO​RANA> funny cause it works fine on my server
L1025[16:15:38] <The_St​argazer> also
L1026[16:15:50] <The_St​argazer> this computer sometimes crashes with `MEMORY_MANAGEMENT`
L1027[16:15:52] <The_St​argazer> bad RAM issue?
L1028[16:16:14] <The_St​argazer> the guy says that "it happens when people download large files (like games)" but i think thats bullshit personally
L1029[16:16:33] <FLO​RANA> i dout that
L1030[16:16:45] <FLO​RANA> it could be due to your RAM degrading or something
L1031[16:17:18] <FLO​RANA> run a RAM check if you can (windows doesn't have it preinstalled enymore >-> or atleast not easily accessable)
L1032[16:17:30] <The_St​argazer> ok yknow what fuck it
L1033[16:17:31] <The_St​argazer> i have like $2 steam balance
L1034[16:17:31] <The_St​argazer> Imma buy me the first sonic game
L1035[16:17:31] <The_St​argazer> i cant
L1036[16:17:34] <The_St​argazer> they netboot
L1037[16:17:40] <The_St​argazer> so windows will forget about the ram check
L1038[16:18:34] <FLO​RANA> if you have a flash a USB drive with linux you can run it from there, most linux livedisks with GRUB have RamCheck
L1039[16:18:53] <The_St​argazer> yeah but im at an internet cafe
L1040[16:18:58] <FLO​RANA> altho that depends if your system allows boot from USB
L1041[16:19:48] <Amanda> It could happen from large files, if they're using just the RAM for a filesystem
L1042[16:20:15] <FLO​RANA> ... i search `puppylinux` and find a `windows 95` image :|
L1043[16:20:27] <FLO​RANA> like wtf google XD
L1044[16:36:20] <Lizzian> okay, so i now have haproxy in front of the db nodes so that the forums alternates between them, however 1 has issues responding sometimes so every 3rd request seems to fail....
L1045[16:38:08] <Lizzian> okay, fixed that issue for now
L1046[16:38:36] <Lizzian> anyway, it's home time
L1047[16:53:41] <Forec​aster> blowing up planets is fun
L1048[17:07:20] <Lizzian> %tonkout
L1049[17:07:21] <MichiBot> Sard! Lizzian! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 3 minutes and 3 seconds (By 43 minutes)! I hope you're happy!
L1050[17:07:22] <MichiBot> Lizzian has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.42454, Position #1
L1051[17:07:34] <Lizzian> booo
L1052[17:30:38] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L1053[17:30:39] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Ocawesome101! You beat Lizzian's previous record of <0 (By 23 minutes and 17 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1054[17:30:40] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101's new record is 23 minutes and 17 seconds! Ocawesome101 also gained 0.00039 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9
L1055[17:32:17] <Forec​aster> the best way to take out your enemy is to blow up the planet you're both on right
L1056[17:33:53] <M​GR> Yes
L1057[17:34:11] <Forec​aster> well, I moved my commander to the moon to avoid being blown up :P
L1058[17:34:20] <Forec​aster> but otherwise that is what I'm doing
L1059[17:34:32] <Forec​aster> there's a building you can build that blows up the planet it's on
L1060[17:34:33] <Forec​aster> :D
L1061[17:34:52] <Ocawes​ome101> %fling @Forecaster
L1062[17:34:52] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101 flings @Fore​caster in a random direction. It hits grea​ser|q in the small of the back. They take 1d4 => 3 damage!
L1063[17:35:06] <Forec​aster> wrong syntax
L1064[17:35:34] <Ocawes​ome101> Hmm?
L1065[17:35:34] <Lizzian> %fling wron syntax at @Forecaster
L1066[17:35:35] <MichiBot> Liz​zian flings wron syntax in a random direction. It hits @Fore​caster right where the last item hit. They take 1d4 => 4 damage!
L1067[17:35:47] <Forec​aster> D:
L1068[17:35:56] <Ocawes​ome101> >:D
L1069[17:35:58] <Lizzian> %pet @Forecaster
L1070[17:35:59] <MichiBot> Lizzian is petting @Forecaster with UwU loli army. @Forecaster regains 1d4 => 2 hit points!
L1071[17:36:06] <Lizzian> uhoh
L1072[17:36:17] <Forec​aster> oh no my allergy!
L1073[17:36:19] <Corded> * <Forec​aster> melts
L1074[17:37:19] <Forec​aster> yay success
L1075[17:37:44] <Forec​aster> turns out the ragnarock structure when built starts drilling into the planet, then after 1 minute drops a bomb into the core
L1076[17:37:55] <Forec​aster> then the whole thing blew up
L1077[18:28:46] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L1078[18:28:46] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Forecaster! You beat Ocawesome101's previous record of 23 minutes and 17 seconds (By 34 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1079[18:28:47] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 58 minutes and 7 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00058 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4
L1080[18:38:53] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1081[18:45:28] <Forec​aster> ...that's new http://tinyurl.com/rg8b826
L1082[18:45:38] <Forec​aster> never seen a mimic before
L1083[18:45:47] <Forec​aster> let alone one that mimics an altar
L1084[18:46:58] <Forec​aster> they're all mimics D:< http://tinyurl.com/u3epe2m
L1085[18:47:16] <Forec​aster> at least all but one spawned an ooze
L1086[18:52:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-27-207.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1087[19:03:13] ⇦ Quits: BrightYC (~BrightYC@broadband-188-32-129-66.ip.moscow.rt.ru) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1088[19:03:53] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC (~BrightYC@broadband-188-32-129-66.ip.moscow.rt.ru)
L1089[19:07:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-7-98.dynamic.as20676.net)
L1090[19:07:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1091[19:10:20] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1092[19:12:27] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@i5E86B06F.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1093[19:23:31] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@
L1094[19:40:16] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@i5E86B06F.versanet.de)
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L1096[19:46:08] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1097[19:47:14] <Lizzian> %tonk
L1098[19:47:15] <MichiBot> Sard! Lizzian! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 58 minutes and 7 seconds (By 20 minutes and 21 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1099[19:47:16] <MichiBot> Lizzian's new record is 1 hour, 18 minutes and 28 seconds! Lizzian also gained 0.00034 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1
L1100[19:47:24] <Forec​aster> noo
L1101[19:47:29] <Lizzian> nyahahahaha
L1102[19:48:12] <CompanionCube> goddammit Lizzian
L1103[19:48:25] * Lizzian nyahahahahas louder
L1104[19:53:50] <Ar​iri> mews in terror
L1105[19:57:22] ⇦ Quits: Ezzud (~Ezzud@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1106[20:05:37] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~quassel@c-73-165-85-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L1107[20:07:53] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~MichiBot@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1108[20:08:00] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1109[20:08:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L1110[20:48:23] ⇨ Joins: Backslash_ (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L1111[20:48:26] ⇦ Quits: Backslash_ (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1113[20:53:00] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1114[21:33:45] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1115[21:36:39] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1116[21:39:14] * Michiyo sighs
L1117[21:39:41] <Michiyo> So many people think they can skip the line by emailing me directly, except I can't do anything without approval, which you get by going through the PROPER FRIGGEN CHANNELS
L1118[21:39:44] <Michiyo> q_q
L1119[21:41:42] <Forec​aster> have an auto-reply telling them they smell of elderberries
L1120[21:42:04] <Forec​aster> that's professional right?
L1121[21:42:44] <Michiyo> Yep.
L1122[21:42:48] <M​GR> Yes
L1123[21:50:03] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L1124[21:50:03] <MichiBot> Jeepers! CompanionCube! You beat Lizzian's previous record of 1 hour, 18 minutes and 28 seconds (By 44 minutes and 19 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1125[21:50:04] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 2 minutes and 48 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00148 (0.00074 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2
L1126[21:50:37] <Lizzian> Michiyo, it's fun when that happens
L1127[21:50:40] <Lizzian> or better yet
L1128[21:51:00] <Lizzian> they send an email to the helpline, then immediately come to my office and ask for what they just sent through
L1129[21:51:32] <Michiyo> yeaah.
L1130[21:51:49] <Forec​aster> "Did you see my email?"
L1131[21:51:58] <Lizzian> ^
L1132[21:52:38] <Lizzian> thankfully we've.... trained... them that we're not gonna drop everything and sort out their issue just because they think it's important
L1133[21:53:04] <Lizzian> the only thing we drop everything to sort is exam issues
L1134[21:53:27] <Forec​aster> but my dog also thinks it's important! right fido?!
L1135[21:53:32] <Forec​aster> woof!
L1136[21:53:35] <Forec​aster> you traitor!
L1137[21:54:27] <Michiyo> It just drives me nuts, like I've not interacted with this customer in MONTHS, and they email me out of the blue wanting me to do something that requires paperwork
L1138[21:54:45] <Michiyo> but if I tell them talk to billing to get the process started they get bitchy
L1139[21:54:56] * Lizzian gives Michiyo a rusty spoon
L1140[21:55:22] <Lizzian> to beat them with
L1141[22:01:21] <Michiyo> lol
L1142[22:01:34] <Michiyo> I'm not even supposed to be customer facing anymore! lol
L1143[22:02:53] * Lizzian turns Michiyo around
L1144[22:02:59] <Lizzian> there you go! :P
L1145[22:03:09] <Ocawes​ome101> Michiyo: check out r/talesfromtechsupport
L1146[22:03:22] <Michiyo> I subscribe.. :P
L1147[22:03:45] <Lizzian> tbh i found that subreddit funny until i actually started working in tech support
L1148[22:03:52] <Michiyo> Right?
L1149[22:03:53] <Michiyo> lol
L1150[22:09:19] <Lizzian> dammit haproxy you're supposed to be using the status thing to decide if you want to use a node
L1151[22:13:30] * Lizzian sighs
L1152[22:15:06] <Lizzian> ah, i'm missing a config option that's why]
L1153[22:20:14] <Lizzian> there we go
L1154[22:21:18] ⇨ Joins: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net)
L1155[22:21:49] <Lizzian> so now, if any of the nodes are unavailable for mysql operations (restarting, desynced for backups or outright crashed) haproxy will now skip them, yay
L1156[22:22:38] <Lizzian> which is especially useful when the forums decide to crash the nodes
L1157[22:23:09] ⇦ Quits: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1158[22:23:26] ⇨ Joins: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net)
L1159[22:23:45] <chef> /selrvoeard
L1160[22:23:47] <chef> /load
L1161[22:23:48] <chef> ha/s
L1162[22:24:00] <chef> /se
L1163[22:24:19] <chef> jaskjlakjdakjsdkjas
L1164[22:24:50] <Lizzian> if you're gonna spam useless stuff you're gonna be kicked
L1165[22:25:26] ⇦ Quits: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net) (Client Quit)
L1166[22:31:11] <Ocawes​ome101> Is there somewhere I can find OC's supported character set?
L1167[22:33:22] <gamax92> @Ocawesome101 https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/font.hex
L1168[22:33:35] <Ocawes​ome101> I can't read that though
L1169[22:34:01] <Ocawes​ome101> if I could I wouldn't have asked
L1170[22:34:49] <gamax92> the things before the colon is which character it is, so ... look at the list of characters on the left, those are what OC supports
L1171[22:35:04] <Ocawes​ome101> ok
L1172[22:35:22] ⇨ Joins: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net)
L1173[22:35:23] <Ocawes​ome101> is there a way I can show what those characters are?
L1174[22:36:42] <Ocawes​ome101> aside from manually printing all of them?
L1175[22:39:12] <Ocawes​ome101> actually, never mind
L1176[22:39:23] <Ocawes​ome101> I figured it out :)
L1177[23:31:27] <chef> yea
L1178[23:32:22] ⇨ Joins: Ariri (~Ariri@2605:e000:1220:8039:84ae:9e92:706e:9914)
L1179[23:33:36] <Forec​aster> %sip
L1180[23:33:37] <MichiBot> You drink a molten pussplum potion (New!). Forec​aster realizes this was actually a Sedimented Naqahdah potion.
L1181[23:33:45] ⇦ Quits: chef (~chef@ns571546.ip-51-161-118.net) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L1182[23:34:26] <Forec​aster> Nah
L1183[23:56:23] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L1184[23:56:25] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Ocawesome101! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 2 hours, 2 minutes and 48 seconds (By 3 minutes and 31 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1185[23:56:26] <MichiBot> Ocawesome101's new record is 2 hours, 6 minutes and 20 seconds! Ocawesome101 also gained 0.00018 (0.00006 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9
L1186[23:56:36] <Ocawes​ome101> dang, that was close
L1187[23:56:42] <Lizzian> FUCK
L1188[23:56:56] <Amanda> %splash Inari with mutable redstone potion
L1189[23:56:57] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable red potion (New!) that splashes onto Inari. Inari turns into a crocodile until they see a unicorn.
L1190[23:57:01] <CompanionCube> were you going to steal the tonkout or something
L1191[23:57:17] * Amanda flees crocodile-inari
L1192[23:57:31] <Amanda> %8ball rain box time?
L1193[23:57:32] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Outlook not so good
L1194[23:58:18] <Amanda> so you're saying there's a chance
L1195[23:58:56] <Amanda> Oh hey, the USB Armory Mk 2 I impulse-bought last week has shipped.
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