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L1[00:02:12] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@static. (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2[02:17:05] ⇦ Quits: {Opsimath}Shawn ({Opsimath}Shawn!~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3[02:39:52] <Lizzy> damn you CompanionCube
L4[04:15:13] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me) (Quit: o/)
L5[05:02:31] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-200-95-199.dynamic.qsc.de)
L6[05:02:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L7[06:01:18] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@x59cc82f9.dyn.telefonica.de)
L8[06:38:36] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L9[06:59:13] <AmandaC> Elfi, Lizzy: for future reference, these are Maine coons (my breed) http://imgur.com/gallery/q01yLI1
L10[07:11:48] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@x59cc82f9.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L11[07:19:01] <Forecaster> is big cat
L12[07:19:04] <Forecaster> %sip
L13[07:19:05] <MichiBot> You drink a sedimented jumbonium potion (New!). After drinking the potion Forecaster notices a label that says "Side effects may include giggle fits and excessive monologuing."
L14[07:31:14] <AmandaC> %tell Inari for future reference, these are Maine coons (my breed) http://imgur.com/gallery/q01yLI1
L15[07:31:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L16[07:32:58] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L17[07:34:28] * Lizzy notes that down
L18[07:34:44] * AmandaC snugs Lizzy, yawns, bored
L19[07:34:47] <AmandaC> %8ball cube world?
L20[07:34:48] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Signs point to yes
L21[07:35:00] <AmandaC> %8ball kitnap sister?
L22[07:35:00] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Without a doubt
L23[07:37:52] * AmandaC used kitnap! [ ... It's not very effective ]
L24[07:42:13] <Forecaster> sigh
L25[07:42:23] <Forecaster> %avarat
L26[07:42:27] <Forecaster> %avatar
L27[07:42:27] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Use `!setmyavatar <url>`
L28[07:43:14] * Lizzy cuddles AmandaC
L29[07:44:32] <Forecaster> Elfi ^ :P
L30[07:44:45] <AmandaC> She already did it, @Forecaster
L31[07:44:57] <Forecaster> %setavatar
L32[07:44:57] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Use `!setmyavatar <url>`
L33[07:45:02] <Forecaster> I know, I can read
L34[07:45:42] <Elfi> Also turns out the other discord bridge I intended to ask about doesn't use webhooks. sad
L35[07:45:51] <Elfi> Hence why I wanted to dive into Yuri's source
L36[07:47:43] <Forecaster> there is a build server if you want binaries
L37[07:53:26] <Elfi> Nah, mostly wanted to compare
L38[07:53:39] <Elfi> I have no authority in the other channel anyway
L39[08:01:05] <MichiBot> AmandaC REMINDER: your bedsheets are due for a cleaning
L40[08:12:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-076.dsl.tropolys.de)
L41[08:31:39] <Forecaster> %sip
L42[08:31:40] <MichiBot> You drink a fluffy ocean potion (New!). Forecaster smells something burning.
L43[08:31:48] <Forecaster> ohno!
L44[08:31:56] <Forecaster> the catnip stash!
L45[08:42:13] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L46[08:49:25] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@x59cc82f9.dyn.telefonica.de)
L47[09:16:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8EB6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L48[09:33:42] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me)
L49[09:37:22] <Forecaster> Busted kitty https://i.imgur.com/WmGrbJX.gifv
L50[09:42:08] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@x59cc82f9.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L51[09:43:22] <140bpmdubstep> @Forecaster ERROR
L52[09:43:35] <140bpmdubstep> unhandled exception
L53[09:44:14] <Inari> Nep
L54[09:44:15] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy!~Hobbyboy@static-90-255-224-156.vodafonexdsl.co.uk)
L55[09:44:35] <Inari> AmandaC: seems more like a macrodump
L56[09:52:43] <Lizzy> %tonkout
L57[09:52:44] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! Lizzy! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 10 hours and 42 seconds (By 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L58[09:52:45] <MichiBot> Lizzy has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.01 tonk points! plus 0.009 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.57507
L59[09:52:54] <Lizzy> hahhhhh, nearly fucked that
L60[09:54:02] <Inari> Haha, nice
L61[09:55:05] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me) (Quit: достал)
L62[09:58:07] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me)
L63[09:59:21] ⇨ Joins: Matyee (Matyee!webchat@host-92-30-47-182.as13285.net)
L64[10:00:15] <Matyee> I can put a transpoer in the upgrade slot of a micro contoller, but not an adapter. Is there any way to make a microcontroller able to read data from blocks around it?
L65[10:06:43] <ba7888b72413a16a> Matyee: transposer is a block
L66[10:06:49] <ba7888b72413a16a> don't need an adapter for it
L67[10:07:55] <ba7888b72413a16a> oh, microcontroller
L68[10:08:25] <ba7888b72413a16a> confused by your question then lol
L69[10:14:00] <Matyee> I want to use the microcontroller to read various data and send it back to processing. Currently, I have microcontrollers reading inventories and sending signals accordingly. That's when I add a transposer to the microcontroller. But I can't add an adapter block.
L70[10:17:40] <Bob> Microcontrollers cant connect to external components
L71[10:20:12] <Matyee> That's not true, it can interact with inventories
L72[10:20:20] <Matyee> With the transposer as an upgrade
L73[10:20:33] <Bob> well yes upgrade
L74[10:20:38] <Bob> its not external but internal then
L75[10:22:15] <AmandaC> That is a bit of an oddity, yeah, thinking about it
L76[10:22:54] <AmandaC> Why can a microcontroller with an upgrade effect the external world (modify inventories)
L77[10:24:34] <Matyee> Adding adapter as an upgrade would be nice. Now I need to add a computer everywhere where I need to read data. The primary use of a microcontroller could be reading sensors
L78[10:24:52] * Elfi flutters around Amanda
L79[10:24:58] * Elfi lays down on her back. =u= zzz
L80[10:26:11] <Bob> i use t1 cases mostly
L81[10:26:17] * AmandaC purrs softly. :3
L82[10:26:17] <Bob> since microcontrollers dont do the job i need
L83[10:28:12] <Matyee> I am going to do that too.
L84[10:28:13] <Matyee> Thanks
L85[10:29:21] <Matyee> Can a computer restart automatically after a power failure?
L86[10:30:43] <Bob> i dont know
L87[10:30:53] <Bob> maybe Wake To LAN thingy on modems
L88[10:31:01] <Bob> but requires a booter master
L89[10:31:08] <Bob> i just slap solars near computers
L90[10:33:16] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipbcc03b48.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L91[10:35:03] <Matyee> That's also a good idea.
L92[10:35:13] <Bob> yea invest in a solar and power back cache
L93[10:37:21] <Matyee> And one more thing, if a computer is connected to two adapters and monitor two block of the same kind, then I can figure out the addresses by removing one then I know the the address of the other and so on. But once I move the setup for example then the addresses are changed, thus, I need to change the code. Is there any way to get around this? Per
L94[10:37:21] <Matyee> manent addresses or enything?
L95[10:38:35] <Bob> not really idk
L96[10:38:57] <Bob> you can guess by component name or what it contains but other way than manual idk
L97[10:39:31] <Lizzy> yay, opengpg doesn't recognise my yubikey anymore on my work pc....
L98[10:43:52] <Lizzy> which also means i can't commit this code
L99[10:46:07] <Inari> But why
L100[10:46:33] <Lizzy> because i have it required to be signed
L101[10:46:49] <Lizzy> i could try a restart of my pc but that'll take a while and i cba
L102[10:47:19] <Elfi> Matyee, the analyzer can display and copy component addresses
L103[10:47:28] <Elfi> It's a useful thing to have on had for situations like this
L104[10:48:20] <Elfi> You will still have to update configurations accordingly, but if you keep the configs in a separate file from the code and don't rely on magic values, then it should be relatively easy
L105[10:49:18] <Elfi> If the adapters have different arrangements, you may be able to identify them programmatically as well.
L106[10:50:19] <ben_mkiv|afk> Matyee, you can copy their address with an analyzer
L107[10:50:32] <ben_mkiv|afk> so you dont have to break blocks and such
L108[10:53:34] <Matyee> Thanks!
L109[10:53:53] <Matyee> Elfi: What do you mean by "If the adapters have different arrangements, you may be able to identify them programmatically as well."
L110[10:54:05] <Matyee> Can you identify sides or something like that?
L111[10:54:40] <Elfi> I honestly can't remember, it's been ages since I fussed with OC
L112[10:54:57] <Elfi> I mostly hang around here to be with my fellow catgirls.
L113[10:55:00] <Elfi> Let me check the docs tho.
L114[10:55:13] <Inari> Back in her good old minotaur days
L115[10:55:21] <Inari> Now she's a fairy, those don't mess with this kinda stuff
L116[10:55:28] <Forecaster> almost nobody here actually plays minecraft :P
L117[10:55:29] <Elfi> >.>
L118[10:55:40] <Inari> What
L119[10:55:45] <Inari> ARen't fairies all about magic and nature
L120[10:55:57] <Elfi> I mean yes but
L121[10:56:07] <Elfi> I was contemplating the cuteness of having a title of "pixel pixie"
L122[10:56:19] <Inari> Well
L123[10:56:22] <Inari> Threes gap moe too
L124[10:56:59] <Forecaster> adapters don't have sides though
L125[10:57:24] <Elfi> Can adapters even be directly addressed? I don't see a component API for them.
L126[10:57:26] <Forecaster> it just makes anything connected to it a component if able, it doesn't let you tell what side of the adapter it's on as far as I'm aware
L127[10:57:39] <Forecaster> the adapter is not a component no
L128[10:57:43] <Elfi> Ah!
L129[10:58:02] <Elfi> Fair enough then
L130[10:58:43] <Elfi> Getting addresses with analyzers and adding them to a config for your program is the best bet then
L131[10:58:50] <Matyee> Then it is the analyser and storing the addresses in config
L132[10:59:22] <Forecaster> yes
L133[11:03:29] <Z0idburg> Went to go get some vodka local and made in Maine
L134[11:03:44] <Z0idburg> I picked some up, but the first one being presented was 75% 150 proof XD
L135[11:04:12] <Z0idburg> I ended up getting the 80 proof because I'd rather a bartender mix something 150 proof for me
L136[11:10:41] <Forecaster> I have no idea what these words mean
L137[11:13:56] <Z0idburg> so 100 proof means the drink contains 50% pure alchohol
L138[11:14:10] <Z0idburg> 150 proof is effectively 75% alchohol
L139[11:14:35] <Z0idburg> a typical draft beer is 5% or 10 proof (but we don't use proofing in beers)
L140[11:15:26] <Z0idburg> there are beers, and I have had some that are well over 5% I have had 12.5 % beers and I have seen 25% alchohol beers but that is at that point, not really your ball game beer
L141[11:15:49] <Z0idburg> most any beer the average person will encounter is 5 - 14%
L142[11:16:46] <Z0idburg> vodka is often 40% alchohol or 80 proof an that is what I picked up, because I don't trust myself pouring 150 proof alchohol lol
L143[11:16:53] <Z0idburg> not in mixed drinks
L144[11:19:17] <Lizzy> %tonk
L145[11:19:18] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Lizzy! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 26 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L146[11:19:19] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 1 hour, 26 minutes and 34 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00144)
L147[11:23:09] <Forecaster> dangit you tonked out D:
L148[11:23:14] <Forecaster> I completely missed it
L149[11:23:19] <Lizzy> nyahahaha
L150[11:25:55] <Forecaster> being forced to sit through a four hour long youtube video in one go without pausing is kind of annoying
L151[11:28:10] <Lizzy> oh?
L152[11:28:54] <Forecaster> direct download didn't work, so I'm recording it with OBS
L153[11:29:01] <Lizzy> ah
L154[11:45:25] <Skye> Elfi, I thought you were a fairy, not a catgirl
L155[12:10:38] <Elfi> The slang terminology for catgirl
L156[12:11:01] <Skye> ?
L157[12:11:11] <Elfi> Transwoman :P
L158[12:11:25] <Skye> oh
L159[12:11:28] <Skye> I is dum
L160[12:11:52] * Elfi patpats
L161[12:12:05] * Elfi lays on Skye's head and naps =u=
L162[12:12:18] * Skye cautiously pats Elfi
L163[12:15:42] * Elfi flutters~
L164[12:21:17] <Forecaster> well that's just confusing
L165[12:37:30] <Inari> It is
L166[12:39:31] <Inari> In other news
L167[12:39:33] <Inari> https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I_Love_You_Colonel_Sanders_A_Finger_Lickin_Good_Dating_Simulator/
L168[12:40:11] <Forecaster> I saw that a while ago
L169[12:40:30] <Forecaster> it's uh...
L170[12:40:37] <Forecaster> I'm going to ignore it
L171[12:40:41] <Inari> Haha
L172[12:40:47] <Inari> At least it seems to have a fairly decent artstyle
L173[12:40:56] <Inari> Not like half of the other odd dating simulator games on Steam
L174[13:09:36] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (Kilobyte!~kilobyte@2a01:4f8:201:34c7::1) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
L175[13:11:25] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y4geec63
L176[13:18:58] <Elfi> it's literally an ad campaign
L177[13:24:05] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L178[13:24:05] <MichiBot> Voldemort! CompanionCube! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 1 hour, 26 minutes and 34 seconds (By 38 minutes and 12 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L179[13:24:06] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 1.33335
L180[13:24:09] <CompanionCube> dammit
L181[13:30:58] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L182[13:30:59] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a conkadonkasaurus. 6 health gained!
L183[13:32:10] <Lizzy> lol
L184[13:38:21] <FeherNeoH> %tonk
L185[13:38:21] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! FeherNeoH! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of <0 (By 14 minutes and 16 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L186[13:38:22] <MichiBot> FeherNeoH's new record is 14 minutes and 16 seconds! FeherNeoH also gained 0.00024 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L187[13:57:05] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> https://i.imgur.com/rMLslas.png <<< is there a way to get those black borders killed?
L188[13:58:10] <ben_mkiv|afk> chose another resolution
L189[13:58:11] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> I assume, that in the used library smth is not correct set
L190[13:58:18] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenPrograms/MiscPrograms/master/TankNut/interface.lua
L191[14:00:03] <ben_mkiv|afk> it doesnt change the resolution, so its up to you
L192[14:00:53] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> o0 ... shouldn't gpu.fill(1,1,w,h," ") fill from top left to bottom rigth instantly?
L193[14:01:13] <ben_mkiv|afk> it does, but only for the area the screen is set to use
L194[14:01:14] <ben_mkiv|afk> https://oc.cil.li/topic/1936-remove-stupid-screen-border/
L195[14:01:35] <AmandaC> The bars are becasue the aspect ratio of the screen doesn't match that of the gpu's configured resolution
L196[14:01:35] <ben_mkiv|afk> you could try this script, but it looks like to pick real low resolutions
L197[14:03:35] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> -.-# ... CTRL+C should terminate the current progam, shouldn't it?
L198[14:05:01] <ben_mkiv|afk> if it catches interrupts
L199[14:05:06] <ben_mkiv|afk> hold it longer to force terminate it
L200[14:05:21] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> don't think so ... ok
L201[14:05:24] <AmandaC> crtl-alt-c
L202[14:05:36] <Mimiru> ctrl-alt-c? ctrl-shift-c? one of them..
L203[14:05:38] <Mimiru> nvm there it is
L204[14:05:39] <Mimiru> :P
L205[14:05:42] <ben_mkiv|afk> probably what mimiru said
L206[14:05:47] * Inari puts AmandaC behind bars
L207[14:05:55] <AmandaC> D:
L208[14:06:00] <AmandaC> Is an innocent kitteh, I swear!
L209[14:06:08] <Inari> You stole the cookies!
L210[14:06:16] <Inari> The ones I baked the fairy dust I stole from Elfi into
L211[14:06:21] * AmandaC baps Inari
L212[14:06:35] <AmandaC> %bap Inari
L213[14:06:36] * MichiBot baps Inari with recursion
L214[14:06:46] <Inari> Not recursion D:
L215[14:07:12] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> looks better now: https://i.imgur.com/JidD3Qt.png
L216[14:14:31] <Elfi> Wh--hey D:
L217[14:14:45] <Inari> AmandaC: See
L218[14:14:50] <Inari> Even Elfi dislikes that you stole the cookies
L219[14:15:13] <AmandaC> %bap Inari
L220[14:15:13] * MichiBot baps Inari with the piggu
L221[14:15:14] <Elfi> MY FAIRY DUST D:<
L222[14:15:18] <Elfi> %bap Inari
L223[14:15:18] * MichiBot baps Inari with abduction sensors
L224[14:15:35] <Inari> You naturally shed it though
L225[14:15:38] <Inari> Like humans shed skin cell
L226[14:15:39] <Inari> s
L227[14:15:40] <Elfi> ...
L228[14:15:43] <Elfi> Well, true
L229[14:15:45] <Elfi> BUT NOT THE POINT
L230[14:15:52] <Elfi> It takes a while to process the leftover scales ;w;
L231[14:16:12] <Inari> Scales?
L232[14:16:59] * Lizzy manipulates the space-time continuum to bring AmandaC next to her then gives her headpats
L233[14:17:47] * AmandaC purrs softly, snugs up against Lizzy. :3
L234[14:18:07] <Inari> omg omg
L235[14:18:12] <Inari> Iron Helmcrabs are so cute
L236[14:19:45] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") clears the screen, but why am I getting an error, using gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, "=") ? - Error is, that it recived a string but wanted a number ?
L237[14:20:21] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> what I want todo, is to define the border for my GUI with a few special chars ^^
L238[14:21:25] <Bob> @Marcel|Chaoschaot234 w or h probably not numbers
L239[14:21:39] <Bob> check the argument position in error
L240[14:22:29] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> bad argument #4
L241[14:22:44] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> bad argument #4 - number expected, got string [Edited]
L242[14:23:07] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> but h is a number since I use local w, h = gpu.getResolution()
L243[14:27:08] <AmandaC> you'e not re-defining h are you?
L244[14:31:42] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> not sure what happened but now it is accapting my inputs .. redownloaded the original api file
L245[14:32:05] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> but I am unsure why it isn't drawing the "=" correctly
L246[14:32:40] ⇨ Joins: benny__ (benny__!~ben_mkiv@
L247[14:34:18] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-076.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L248[14:36:07] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> I assuming, that smth. in the file is preventing me from adding a nice looking border, which isn't re-drawn or I am doing smth false
L249[14:46:25] <Bob> defo wrong
L250[14:52:30] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> https://i.imgur.com/LYQiODA.png --- added the line at the cursor pos ... if it's not working I'll write all my required stuff in only one file
L251[14:53:06] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> don't have the time to split things up in a not working api/lib
L252[14:56:56] <Forecaster> wellp, F.lux ruined the recording...
L253[14:57:06] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> ?
L254[14:57:49] <Forecaster> or rather, me starting photoshop which suspended the dimmer causing the screens to suddenly become bright...
L255[14:58:08] <AmandaC> Why not use youtube-dl to get it?
L256[14:58:10] <Forecaster> but it's been fading over time as I've been recording, I just didn't notice
L257[14:58:34] <Forecaster> Amanda because some videos just fail with a "network error"
L258[15:01:04] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@
L259[15:05:16] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> Has OC the ability to use color names instead of HEX codes?
L260[15:05:28] <AmandaC> no
L261[15:05:35] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> o0 wtf why?
L262[15:05:55] <AmandaC> real gpus don't, you know.
L263[15:06:15] <SF-MC> It also wouldn't be that hard to set up a name table
L264[15:06:25] <AmandaC> ^
L265[15:06:38] <Forecaster> https://towerofawesome.org/oc_interface_designer/
L266[15:06:47] <Forecaster> ^ use this color picker
L267[15:06:48] <Forecaster> :>
L268[15:06:52] <AmandaC> at the top of your script have `local colours = { red = 0xFF0000 ... }`
L269[15:07:18] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> yeah, real gpus ... but it's a game and hey, even CSS allows the use of color names instead of HEX because all it's in the source ?
L270[15:07:40] <Forecaster> it's not in Lua's source though
L271[15:07:47] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> o0 w00t
L272[15:08:23] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> that is not funny ^^
L273[15:08:35] <Forecaster> it... wasn't a joke?
L274[15:10:03] <AmandaC> what do you even mean it's "in the source"?
L275[15:10:12] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> I know ... defining my colors table like AmandaC has shown it ... am I then in need of *require("colors") ?
L276[15:10:16] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> I know ... defining my colors table like AmandaC has shown it ... am I then in need of *require("colors")* ? [Edited]
L277[15:10:18] <AmandaC> no
L278[15:10:23] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> nice
L279[15:10:27] <AmandaC> just put it at the top of your program
L280[15:10:36] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> ok
L281[15:12:34] <Forecaster> youtube-dl failed as well, not unexpectedly :|
L282[15:15:12] <AmandaC> weird
L283[15:15:27] <Forecaster> I'ma make another recording attempt while I'm at work tomorrow
L284[15:15:39] <Forecaster> remember to suspend f.lux
L285[15:16:03] <Mimiru> @Forecaster should link the video, I'll toss it at yt-dl on eos and see if it can fetch it
L286[15:16:25] <Forecaster> it's 4 hours long
L287[15:16:33] <Mimiru> that's fine
L288[15:16:41] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/Z8Jbn8VoXaw
L289[15:16:42] <MichiBot> Between the Lines | Critical Role | Campaign 2, Episode 78 | length: 4h, 7m 56s | Likes: 6,940 Dislikes: 89 Views: 211,760 | by Critical Role | Published On 23/9/2019
L290[15:16:42] <FeherNeoH> %tonk
L291[15:16:43] <MichiBot> Consarn it! FeherNeoH! You beat your own previous record of 14 minutes and 16 seconds (By 1 hour, 24 minutes and 4 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L292[15:16:44] <MichiBot> FeherNeoH's new record is 1 hour, 38 minutes and 20 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.0014)
L293[15:19:56] <Mimiru> @Forecaster 30% and climbing
L294[15:20:09] <Forecaster> huh
L295[15:20:21] <Mimiru> what yt-dl version you running?
L296[15:20:38] <Forecaster> I just downloaded it from the site
L297[15:20:49] <Mimiru> ah, I had issues with the version from apt
L298[15:20:56] <Mimiru> but installing from GH worked
L299[15:21:08] <Mimiru> [download] 100% of 182.09MiB in 00:04
L300[15:21:08] <Mimiru> [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Between the Lines _ Critical Role _ Campaign 2, Episode 78-Z8Jbn8VoXaw.mkv"
L301[15:21:31] <Forecaster> `2019.09.12.1`
L302[15:21:37] <Mimiru> [download] Destination: Between the Lines _ Critical Role _ Campaign 2, Episode 78-Z8Jbn8VoXaw.f251.webm
L303[15:21:37] <Mimiru> [download] 100% of 3.56GiB in 01:27
L304[15:21:35] <Mimiru> err
L305[15:21:40] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> meeeee ... CTRL+ALT+C seems not to work for now ^^ but hey, my "=" are there now, even with spaces ?
L306[15:22:10] <AmandaC> I wonder if it's some kind of oddity with where @Forecaster lives. Doesn't the EU require ISPs basically MITM some types of data in the name of "copyright protection"?
L307[15:22:31] <Forecaster> I want a 720p mp4 preferably
L308[15:22:51] <Forecaster> the thing is it usually works fine
L309[15:23:10] <Forecaster> but certain videos don't
L310[15:23:21] <Elfi> :O
L311[15:23:33] <Elfi> I didn't know Michi watched Critical Role!
L312[15:23:45] <Elfi> Or wait
L313[15:23:48] <Elfi> Forecaster is
L314[15:23:50] <Mimiru> -f 136 it is then
L315[15:23:59] <Elfi> FORECASTER.
L316[15:24:02] <Elfi> JESTER IS CUTE, Y/Y
L317[15:24:08] <Forecaster> I agree
L318[15:24:10] <Elfi> :D
L319[15:24:22] <Mimiru> only 1.74GB for this one.. :P
L320[15:25:41] <Mimiru> k, done one sec while I move it to a site
L321[15:26:11] <Forecaster> Elfi: relevant: https://twitter.com/itsginnydi/status/1176202139367927810
L322[15:26:12] <MichiBot> Mon Sep 23 13:30:17 CDT 2019 @itsginnydi: You’re tearing me apart, Lisa! ?
L323[15:26:33] <Elfi> LMAO
L324[15:26:36] <Elfi> OMG
L325[15:26:40] <Elfi> PERFECT
L326[15:27:12] <Mimiru> @Forecaster https://caitlynmainer.com/forecaster/Between the Lines _ Critical Role _ Campaign 2, Episode 78-Z8Jbn8VoXaw.mp4
L327[15:27:29] <Forecaster> erm
L329[15:28:32] <Forecaster> Mimiru the video has no sound
L330[15:28:35] <Forecaster> :P
L331[15:29:30] <Elfi> Grab the podcast and listen to it at the same time '<'
L332[15:29:32] <Mimiru> I don't have sound either
L333[15:29:33] * Elfi giggleflee
L334[15:29:34] <Mimiru> I'm at work!
L335[15:29:49] <Mimiru> (I couldn't check)
L336[15:30:01] <Forecaster> it's probably configured to grab the video-only file
L337[15:32:09] <Mimiru> damn I needed format 22
L338[15:32:10] <Mimiru> not 136
L339[15:32:16] <Mimiru> ok fiiiiiine
L340[15:33:00] <Mimiru> 22... 404s lol
L341[15:34:24] <Forecaster> that's probably the same issue I'm having.
L342[15:34:44] <Mimiru> I can get the 360.. lmao
L343[15:34:44] <Forecaster> it's not that downloading is broken in general
L344[15:34:50] <Forecaster> it's just that one video
L345[15:35:36] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> how does lua "searches" for functions in the current script?
L346[15:35:45] <Forecaster> eh, I'll just record it again tomorrow while I'm at work (so I don't have to listen to it again)
L347[15:35:55] <Forecaster> I already have the setup for it
L348[15:35:56] <SF-MC> It keeps a current lexical environment
L349[15:36:09] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> I defeined a function a bit lower but used it on top of my script, direclty after all requires
L350[15:36:15] <SF-MC> and it has a search order for other lexical environments
L351[15:36:18] <Mimiru> caitlynmainer.com/forecaster/Between the Lines _ Critical Role _ Campaign 2, Episode 78-Z8Jbn8VoXaw.mp4 theres the 360p lol
L352[15:36:25] <SF-MC> then it just does a lexenv lookup
L353[15:36:38] <Forecaster> I could get the 360 one myself :P
L354[15:36:57] <Forecaster> I want 720 though, I'd hate my library suddenly having a lower quality one
L355[15:37:00] <Forecaster> it'll bug me
L356[15:39:43] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> https://i.imgur.com/MaeSpHT.png <<< I don't see that smth. is wrong here ... functions are correctly declared but the first call of setFG() results in a "nil" error o0
L357[15:40:56] <Forecaster> define functions before you call them
L358[15:41:02] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> k
L359[15:46:24] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy!~Hobbyboy@static-90-255-224-156.vodafonexdsl.co.uk) (Quit: Leaving)
L360[15:50:33] <Mimiru> https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/20539
L361[15:50:33] <MichiBot> Title: Unexpected 404 on format 22 of a youtube video | Posted by: simon816 | Posted: Tue Apr 02 19:41:35 CDT 2019 | Status: closed
L362[15:50:36] <Mimiru> helpful.. thanks
L363[15:54:14] <Mimiru> it looks like the 720 mkv works?
L364[15:54:25] <Mimiru> webm/audio bundle thing
L365[15:54:54] <Forecaster> I'll have to investigate yt-dl settings to get that specifically then
L366[15:55:10] <Mimiru> oh, sorry it's mp4/audio bundle
L367[16:03:19] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> *grml* ... I only want a nice 1x1 header with my programm name but it draws me only a black srceen and I don't know why ... tried all variations out with fill/setFG/setBG, swapping them and swaping the colors ... https://i.imgur.com/JQCG09T.png
L368[16:05:22] <SF-MC> It's not documented on the wiki, so my appologies
L369[16:05:32] <SF-MC> what's the difference between the T1 and T2 wireless cards?
L370[16:05:44] <Forecaster> more power
L371[16:06:09] <SF-MC> like, you can set the transmission distance higher on a T2?
L372[16:06:14] <Forecaster> yes
L373[16:06:17] <Forecaster> iirc
L374[16:06:59] <SF-MC> oh, it's the number of concurrent open ports
L375[16:07:13] <SF-MC> I had sense enough to look in the config file :P
L376[16:07:24] <Forecaster> that's definitely cheating D:
L377[16:07:29] <Forecaster> %tonk
L378[16:07:30] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat FeherNeoH's record of 1 hour, 38 minutes and 20 seconds this time. 50 minutes and 48 seconds were wasted! Missed by 47 minutes and 32 seconds!
L379[16:07:36] <SF-MC> lol
L380[16:07:46] <Forecaster> dangit
L381[16:08:04] <SF-MC> hey, I needed to know whether or not I really needed the T2 card :P
L382[16:08:14] <Mimiru> IIRC one of them doesn't have wired access too? IDK maybe that was dropped.
L383[16:08:36] <SF-MC> Tooltips indicate both can send wired messages
L384[16:08:54] <Mimiru> then ignore me
L385[16:12:00] <SF-MC> oh, it looks like it does also affect the range
L386[16:21:35] <Bob> @Marcel|Chaoschaot234 it will never work if your code is bonsense spagethi
L387[16:21:35] <Bob> and your set functions are useless slowdowns, youre using fill for text but for text its .set method not a fill method, your draw function is like frist writing then taking the pencil, you do fill then set color but thats silly
L388[16:22:05] <Bob> also
L389[16:22:05] <Bob> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/exubimeves
L390[16:22:19] <Bob> why bloat code with useless global functions
L391[16:22:34] <Bob> and use locals for functions
L392[16:25:04] * Mimiru sighs at ffmpeg
L393[16:25:11] <Mimiru> my version is from 2016... but why
L394[16:25:54] <Mimiru> Oh
L395[16:26:07] <Mimiru> because my os is older than I thought
L396[16:28:19] *** maxpowa is now known as max
L397[16:34:36] <Forecaster> it's time to replace those punch-cards!
L398[16:34:36] <Forecaster> :D
L399[16:42:14] <Mimiru> @Forecaster wanna test?
L400[16:43:03] <Forecaster> but I don't want to be punched D:
L401[16:43:14] <Mimiru> https://caitlynmainer.com/forecaster/Z8Jbn8VoXaw-waudio.mp4
L402[16:43:27] <Forecaster> oh
L403[16:43:49] <Mimiru> if it works, awesome, if not..... you're on your own :P
L404[16:44:01] <Forecaster> well, it doesn't actually play
L405[16:44:06] <Mimiru> awesome
L406[16:44:15] <Mimiru> Chrome tried to play it
L407[16:44:31] <Mimiru> but I have audio issues over RDP so it's not uncommon for me to not be able to play videos
L408[16:44:48] <Forecaster> I will download it and try locally
L409[16:54:41] <Mimiru> @Forecaster https://caitlynmainer.com/forecaster/Z8Jbn8VoXaw.mp4 this one plays no idea on audio, because... I don't get audio over RDP
L410[16:56:07] <Mimiru> Forecaster, can confirm
L411[16:56:08] <Mimiru> it works
L412[16:56:10] <AmandaC> audio's there
L413[16:56:11] <Mimiru> FYI
L414[16:56:11] <Forecaster> the other one sort of plays... but it freezes a couple of frames in, and there's no audio :P
L415[16:56:33] <Mimiru> youtube-dl https://youtu.be/Z8Jbn8VoXaw -f 136+140 if you have ffmpeg yt-dl will auto merge them
L416[16:56:33] <MichiBot> Between the Lines | Critical Role | Campaign 2, Episode 78 | length: 4h, 7m 56s | Likes: 7,129 Dislikes: 95 Views: 226,473 | by Critical Role | Published On 23/9/2019
L417[16:56:56] <Mimiru> I had to install ffmpeg from source as the one shipped with my repos is from 2016
L418[16:57:29] <Mimiru> 136+140 combines the 2 formats, 136 being 720p no audio, and 136 being m4a_dash
L419[16:57:53] <Mimiru> 22 failing seems to be a semi common issue, so this is a decent workaround
L420[16:58:22] <Mimiru> (Thanks for this I was having odd issues in my yt->mp3 converter that may have been related
L421[16:58:24] <Mimiru> )
L422[16:58:40] <Forecaster> yeah it happens occasionally for certain videos
L423[16:58:44] <Forecaster> no idea why
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L427[18:11:51] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> ? what would be better ... deffining each machine - e. g. 3 fermenters - seperatly by address or creating a table over table.insert() ?
L428[18:12:01] <Marcel|Chaoschaot234> ? what would be better ... defining each machine - e. g. 3 fermenters - seperatly by address or creating a table over table.insert() ? [Edited]
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L430[18:21:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L436[19:16:55] <SF-MC> is there a function to determine whether or not you're using the effective tool for a block
L437[19:16:58] <SF-MC> ?
L438[19:17:32] <SF-MC> ie if you're holding a pick, isEffective() is false for dirt and other shovelable items?
L439[19:18:19] <SF-MC> I want to use TiCon tools to do wider-area mining
L440[19:18:43] <SF-MC> but if you use the hammer on non-stone materials, it doesn't do the area thing
L441[19:18:52] <SF-MC> same with the excavator
L442[19:19:01] <SF-MC> in this case I don't particularly care *what* the block is
L443[19:19:27] <SF-MC> and if I can get away with it, I'd prefer to not have to program a database
L444[19:42:15] <AmandaC> I don't think there's a function like that
L445[19:49:53] <Elfi> I can't recall but you might be able to get a block type instead?
L446[19:50:09] <Elfi> With that you can determine the right tool for a job with a table lookup
L447[19:50:22] <SF-MC> that would be workable, yeah
L448[19:50:26] <Elfi> That's really the best option you've got, sorry to say
L449[19:53:43] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L450[20:17:34] <AmandaC> nodejs - where "environment variables" means "variables defined in a file named .env"
L451[20:18:23] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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L453[22:03:49] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L454[22:03:50] <MichiBot> Waesucks! CompanionCube! You beat FeherNeoH's previous record of 1 hour, 38 minutes and 20 seconds (By 4 hours, 17 minutes and 58 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L455[22:03:51] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 5 hours, 56 minutes and 19 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.0086 (0.0043 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L456[22:12:41] <AmandaC> %tell Inari this is why I prefer subs over dubs! https://i.imgur.com/U20FuVi.jpg
L457[22:12:41] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L458[23:49:43] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipbcc03b48.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L459[23:53:40] <Bob> @Marcel|Chaoschaot234 having them in a table allows iteration
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