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L1[01:35:21] <Forecaster> %sip
L2[01:35:22] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy strawberry potion (New!). Once empty the potion bottle fills with a different potion.
L3[01:35:31] <Forecaster> %sip
L4[01:35:31] <MichiBot> You drink a liquid quicksilver potion (New!). Suddenly there's a swarm of wasps behind Forecaster that chase them for 45 seconds!
L5[01:35:44] <Forecaster> agh
L6[01:37:51] <FeherNeoH> %sip
L7[01:37:51] <MichiBot> You drink a viscous transparent potion (New!). FeherNeoH feels much better!
L8[01:38:03] <FeherNeoH> impossible
L9[01:38:09] <FeherNeoH> I still have work to do
L10[02:20:25] <Ariri> ^
L11[02:20:30] <Ariri> %drink
L12[02:20:30] <MichiBot> You drink a slimy green potion (New!). Ariri's eyes turn the color of bavarium until they see a bird.
L13[02:20:52] <Ariri> Its 12:20 am oof
L14[02:28:03] <Ariri> %tonk
L15[02:28:04] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Ariri, you were not able to beat CompanionCube's record of 7 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds this time. 4 hours, 9 minutes and 42 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 53 minutes and 14 seconds!
L16[02:28:21] <Ariri> :0
L17[02:28:28] <FeherNeoH> As a fellow Discord user...
L18[02:28:34] <Ariri> I did
L19[02:28:36] <FeherNeoH> use search before tonking please
L20[02:28:39] <Ariri> I read 2 hours
L21[02:29:00] <FeherNeoH> you don't have to read back
L22[02:29:08] <FeherNeoH> just search for tonk
L23[02:29:16] <FeherNeoH> and you'll see the last one
L24[02:29:36] <Ariri> i misread it, its just a game https://i.imgur.com/ClvBEBJ.png
L25[02:29:46] <FeherNeoH> Oh, okay then
L26[02:30:00] <FeherNeoH> and yeah, I know it's just a game
L27[02:30:19] <FeherNeoH> but it just feels bad when someone misses by multiple hours
L28[02:30:30] <Ariri> tru
L29[02:30:35] <Ariri> http://tinyurl.com/y5rouykq
L30[02:43:34] ⇨ Joins: AlexejheroYTB (AlexejheroYTB!webchat@86-121-162-53.rdsnet.ro)
L31[02:44:07] <AlexejheroYTB> Hey, is this the right place to ask for support with OpenComputers?
L32[02:44:27] <FeherNeoH> most probably
L33[02:45:13] <Kodos> Yes
L34[02:46:40] <AlexejheroYTB> I'm making a program which uses the modem component, and I have two computers, one which sends a signal, and one which receives it
L35[02:46:58] <AlexejheroYTB> I am opening the correct port on the receiver, and I am sending the message on the correct port on the sender
L36[02:47:19] <AlexejheroYTB> The computers are 3 blocks away, and I'm using a tier 2 wireless network card
L37[02:47:45] <AlexejheroYTB> the problem is that the event is never called on the receiver
L38[02:48:12] <Kodos> You can test on the receinving end by using dmesg
L39[02:48:25] <FeherNeoH> are you using the target wireless card's address as destination address when sending?
L40[02:48:47] <AlexejheroYTB> I added a third computer on which i ran event.pull("modem") with lua and it received the message
L41[02:48:51] <AlexejheroYTB> No, i'm using broadcast
L42[02:49:01] <FeherNeoH> Okay
L43[02:49:32] <Kodos> You didn’t by chance middle click an already inserted modem to get another for the receiver did you
L44[02:49:50] <AlexejheroYTB> i... might've
L45[02:49:54] <AlexejheroYTB> Do they have the same address now?
L46[02:50:03] <FeherNeoH> if you did, then yes
L47[02:50:14] <FeherNeoH> but you should see that in the tooltips
L48[02:50:21] <FeherNeoH> or by running `components`
L49[02:51:29] <AlexejheroYTB> Yes, you're right
L50[02:51:33] <AlexejheroYTB> They do have the same address
L51[02:51:43] <Kodos> Right so that’s why it’s ignoring the broadcast most likely
L52[02:51:56] <Kodos> It probably thinks it’s the source
L53[02:52:09] <Kodos> Try resetting the card or putting in a new one
L54[02:54:12] <AlexejheroYTB> Yes, it worked
L55[02:54:13] <AlexejheroYTB> Thanks
L56[02:54:53] <Kodos> ?
L57[02:54:53] ⇦ Quits: AlexejheroYTB (AlexejheroYTB!webchat@86-121-162-53.rdsnet.ro) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L58[02:58:04] <Kodos> Can’t even count how many times I’ve done that myself
L59[02:58:53] <FeherNeoH> I don't even want to think about it
L60[03:53:31] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L61[04:20:17] <Forecaster> I've done that exactly once
L62[04:45:26] <Lizzy> %tonk
L63[04:45:26] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Lizzy, you were not able to beat CompanionCube's record of 7 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds this time. 2 hours, 17 minutes and 21 seconds were wasted! Missed by 4 hours, 45 minutes and 35 seconds!
L64[04:45:32] <Lizzy> oh
L65[04:45:43] <Lizzy> didn't realise the time was 7 hours
L66[05:11:46] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L67[05:41:14] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L68[05:43:15] <FeherNeoH> yeeey
L69[05:43:33] <FeherNeoH> getting a nice cheap-as-hell graphics card
L70[05:43:43] <Izaya> whatcha gettin
L71[05:43:51] <FeherNeoH> an used 760
L72[05:44:02] <Izaya> eh it's alright
L73[05:44:08] <FeherNeoH> it sure is
L74[05:44:13] <Izaya> tfw managed to score a 980 for a favour the other day
L75[05:44:36] <FeherNeoH> I got an extremely cheap brand new RX 5700 for a fiend
L76[05:44:45] <FeherNeoH> and I'm getting the 760 he used until now
L77[05:44:54] <FeherNeoH> *friend
L78[05:45:16] <Izaya> A shame it's NVIDIA, eh? :p
L79[05:50:36] <FeherNeoH> yeah
L80[05:50:49] <FeherNeoH> but the Vega11 driver likes to crash, so....
L81[05:51:33] <FeherNeoH> (that friend of mine switched from R5 2400G with Vega11 to R5 2600 + the 760, so saw the difference there)
L82[05:52:04] <FeherNeoH> a shame I won't be able to use it until I get a new PSU
L83[05:52:17] <Forecaster> 750 ti ftw
L84[05:52:28] <Izaya> 750Ti stronk
L85[05:52:30] <FeherNeoH> that's about the same as Vega11
L86[05:52:30] <Forecaster> Okay not really I could use a better one now
L87[05:52:44] <Izaya> mine's in my sister's computer now
L88[05:53:08] <Forecaster> Also the picture wobbles sometimes so I fear it might be breaking down
L89[05:53:30] <FeherNeoH> thought the same about my father's GT250
L90[05:53:39] <FeherNeoH> but it was his display that died
L91[05:53:54] <FeherNeoH> it's my backup display now
L92[05:54:00] <FeherNeoH> let me show you what it does
L93[05:54:41] <FeherNeoH> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ilH_C7yRnaG8m_DaJr525V7apV2SEW0u
L94[05:54:50] <FeherNeoH> (first 3 videos are that display)
L95[06:19:44] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L96[06:19:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-193-124-39.dynamic.qsc.de)
L97[06:19:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L98[06:20:06] ⇨ Joins: Nirahiel (Nirahiel!webchat@ora84-3-78-206-92-206.fbx.proxad.net)
L99[06:22:26] <Nirahiel> Hello, i have 2 questions : First, let's assume i have a program called "myProg", i can call it simply and it will output stuff in the console. Now I want to add an argument for background running, ex : "myProg start", or "myProg stop", that'll either start the program in the background or force close it. is this possible, and how ?
L100[06:22:26] <Nirahiel> Next question is, if I have 4 servers in a rack, and the rack is connected via cables to other devices (racks, relays, computers), how can I, from one of the servers, send a modem message to only the other 3 servers, without knowing their card id ?
L101[06:23:10] <Nirahiel> I want to add that the program started in the background shouldn't output to the console.
L102[06:24:10] <Nirahiel> I also want to be able to "myProg status", this should tell me if the program is running, and finally, i want to be able to, when I run the program normally, be able to "send it to the background", by typing a command while inside the program.
L103[06:24:36] <Izaya> a) investigate OpenOS rc services
L104[06:25:08] <Izaya> b) yes but it'd probably need 2 NICs, and to use a side of the rack not connected to other devices
L105[06:25:20] <Izaya> c) you'd end up keeping a log buffer for the program
L106[06:26:00] <Nirahiel> hm, for b) you mean 2 NICs per server ?
L107[06:26:14] <FeherNeoH> yeah, 2 NICs per server
L108[06:26:50] <FeherNeoH> I might be wrong, but shouldn't it work with not connected NICs as long as the rack's internal switch is enabled? (never tried)
L109[06:26:51] <Nirahiel> Also my rack will usually have 4 servers, and one horizontal side for each, the top and bottom won't be used for data transmission, mostly for power.
L110[06:27:17] <Izaya> rack switch enabled also relays to outside the rack
L111[06:27:33] <FeherNeoH> oh, okay
L112[06:27:37] <FeherNeoH> forget that then
L113[06:27:58] <FeherNeoH> then just add second cards and connect them to an unused side
L114[06:28:10] <Nirahiel> The reason I need a server to send only a message to other servers is to decide if I want to relay the message from one side to the others (my rack will be a switch with routing capabilities)
L115[06:28:51] <FeherNeoH> you should be able to do that with a single server that has 4 cards
L116[06:29:01] <Izaya> ^
L117[06:29:06] <Nirahiel> so if each server has 2 cars, the first one being connected to a different side, and the 2nd one of each server connected to e.g. the bottom side, then any server sending a message using the 2nd card, the 3 other servers, and them only, will receive it ?
L118[06:29:19] <Izaya> right
L119[06:29:20] <FeherNeoH> yes
L120[06:29:40] <FeherNeoH> just a random question
L121[06:29:55] <FeherNeoH> but how do you connect all servers to horizontal sides?
L122[06:30:03] <FeherNeoH> is front usable too?
L123[06:30:08] <Izaya> nop
L124[06:30:20] <FeherNeoH> that's how I remembered too
L125[06:30:40] <Kodos> I like to double stack racks and set bottom to top and top to bottom
L126[06:31:01] <Kodos> Then just network out the back and deal with the data with a central processing server
L127[06:31:24] <FeherNeoH> racks could probably be updated to have an "internal" side
L128[06:31:32] <Nirahiel> Front isn't connectable ?
L129[06:31:34] <Nirahiel> Dammit
L130[06:31:38] * Izaya usually has a rack for each floor of their buildings, with either a 3-card router and one broadcast domain in the floor, or a 4-card router with 2 broadcast domains on that floor
L131[06:31:38] <FeherNeoH> it's not
L132[06:31:55] <Izaya> https://0x0.st/zW1v.png
L133[06:32:17] <FeherNeoH> oh, and no componentbus connected?
L134[06:32:27] <Izaya> >component bus
L135[06:32:28] <FeherNeoH> that's actually a nice idea
L136[06:32:30] <Nirahiel> Well then I can use the top as the front
L137[06:32:32] <Izaya> for what purpose
L138[06:32:36] <Nirahiel> and use the bottom for power
L139[06:32:47] <FeherNeoH> I just never used servers without CB being connected
L140[06:32:53] <Izaya> well I mean
L141[06:32:58] <Izaya> I can log in remotely
L142[06:33:10] <FeherNeoH> yeah, guessed so
L143[06:33:11] <Izaya> not sure why I'd need a component bus for a router
L144[06:33:22] <FeherNeoH> Dunno either
L145[06:33:35] <FeherNeoH> I just never used them this way (yet)
L146[06:33:48] <Izaya> I do occasionally use servers as workstations though
L147[06:33:54] <Izaya> because you can fit more graphics cards in them
L148[06:34:03] <Izaya> and I do use the component bus there
L149[06:34:41] <Izaya> also storage servers with tape drives
L150[06:34:43] <Izaya> those are always good
L151[06:34:57] <FeherNeoH> I usually have 2 racks for large control systems
L152[06:35:09] <FeherNeoH> one rack has 4 servers, the other has 4 terminal servers
L153[06:36:04] <FeherNeoH> did not start using "realistic" networking yet
L154[06:36:23] <FeherNeoH> and I'll implement my own networks stack instead of using an existing one probably
L155[06:36:39] <Izaya> >2019
L156[06:36:41] <Izaya> >not using minitel
L157[06:36:58] <FeherNeoH> I just prefer writing my own stuff
L158[06:37:07] <Izaya> though, more competition is always good!
L159[06:37:10] <Izaya> the more variety the better :D
L160[06:37:25] <FeherNeoH> I'm even writing my own bootloaders for my phones
L161[06:37:31] <Izaya> neat
L162[06:37:31] <FeherNeoH> because it's more fun that way
L163[06:37:49] <Izaya> been vaguely considering getting myself a tiny ARM chip to make myself a FORTH computer that can do some basic networking
L164[06:37:50] <FeherNeoH> sure, I prefer using TianoCore with my custom stuff added
L165[06:38:00] <FeherNeoH> but completely custom code works great too
L166[06:38:08] <FeherNeoH> and it's a great way to learn
L167[06:40:52] <FeherNeoH> one of the reasons why I'm still messing with OC-ARM
L168[06:42:28] <FeherNeoH> Izaya: for tiny stuff I use STM32 MCUs
L169[06:43:46] <Furious The Crusader> been a couple days, this is how you use the sides API right? http://tinyurl.com/y3vq79pw
L170[06:43:46] <Izaya> there's those cute DIP LPC1114s that I'm thinking would be fun
L171[06:44:18] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L172[06:45:08] <MGR> I believe that is correct usage, yes
L173[06:45:51] <Izaya> signs point to ^
L174[06:45:53] <Izaya> ~w sides
L175[06:45:53] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:sides
L176[06:47:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (Vexaton!~Vexatos@port-92-201-25-34.dynamic.qsc.de)
L177[06:47:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L178[06:48:32] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest68886
L179[06:48:32] ⇦ Quits: Guest68886 (Guest68886!~Vexatos@port-92-193-124-39.dynamic.qsc.de) (Killed (anarchy.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L180[06:48:32] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L181[06:51:14] <Forecaster> @Furious The Crusader why do you have east twice?
L182[06:51:46] <Forecaster> Maybe south would work better
L183[06:53:40] <Furious The Crusader> yeah realized that mistake, i already fixed it after i sent the image, just wanted to make sure i was using the API correctly
L184[06:53:50] <Forecaster> You are
L185[06:56:44] <Lizzy> %remindme 30m check credit card stuff
L186[06:56:44] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "check credit card stuff" at 08/22/2019 12:26:44 PM
L187[06:57:08] <FeherNeoH> as long as Nav.getFacing() returns actual sides, it's perfect
L188[06:57:16] <Forecaster> It does
L189[06:58:26] <Forecaster> They were here previously and had their own function for converting the facing numbers to strings, and I told them to use sides instead
L190[06:59:20] <Furious The Crusader> is my Pathfind function good? the `Move()` function updates the x and z coordinates http://tinyurl.com/y2ho6lp6
L191[07:00:07] <Furious The Crusader> yep i removed the `GetDir()` function entirely
L192[07:02:46] <Furious The Crusader> and thanks for telling me about the sides API makes it easier
L193[07:08:19] <Forecaster> that's what it's for :P
L194[07:13:58] ⇦ Quits: Nirahiel (Nirahiel!webchat@ora84-3-78-206-92-206.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L195[07:22:25] <Temia> Amandaaaaaa D:
L196[07:22:35] <Temia> Why are girls so cute? It's not fair ;;
L197[07:22:45] * Temia flops across Amanda's side
L198[07:24:35] <Forecaster> why is it not fair?
L199[07:26:09] <Temia> Because I'm gay and wanna cuddle them all ;;
L200[07:26:10] <AKASGaming> How did you make a bot that talks by itself?
L201[07:26:22] <AKASGaming> WTF?!
L202[07:26:25] <Temia> It's not a bot, it's a bridge.
L203[07:26:45] <MichiBot> Lizzy REMINDER: check credit card stuff
L204[07:26:46] <Temia> Hello from IRC. No, I am not a lesbian AI
L205[07:26:55] * Izaya is a bot
L206[07:27:01] <Temia> Even if I wanna be
L207[07:27:05] * Izaya talks by themselves
L208[07:27:16] <AKASGaming> I am confusion
L209[07:27:16] <asie> It is, indeed, not fair; albeit for different reasons
L210[07:27:24] <Forecaster> sounds fair to me
L211[07:27:48] <Temia> Girls tho.
L212[07:27:58] <AKASGaming> Have these bots been made with oc?
L213[07:27:58] * Temia nods sagely
L214[07:28:37] <Temia> I mean, okay, ignore the facts and go with the fiction
L215[07:28:41] <MGR> No
L216[07:28:55] <MGR> Corded is a bot made by Mimiru and runs on one of her virtual servers
L217[07:29:10] <Izaya> we're all about the fiction
L218[07:29:13] <MGR> It uses a Discord Webhook to relay messages from IRC to this server
L219[07:29:22] <AKASGaming> Oh
L220[07:29:26] <AKASGaming> Cool
L221[07:29:29] <Temia> Aw
L222[07:29:37] <Temia> I was gonna try to string them along
L223[07:29:50] <Temia> See how much bullshit I could sell them on D:
L224[07:30:01] <Forecaster> %sip
L225[07:30:01] <MichiBot> You drink a shimmering crimson potion (New!). The potion bottle insults Forecaster's haircut.
L226[07:30:07] <Forecaster> D:
L227[07:30:11] <Corded> * <Forecaster> cries
L228[07:30:11] <Izaya> MGR ruins our fun again, colourised, 2019
L229[07:30:12] <FeherNeoH> %sip
L230[07:30:13] <MichiBot> You drink a muddy crimson potion (New!). Wheels are briefly square.
L231[07:30:25] <Izaya> so hear me out
L232[07:30:27] <Izaya> wheels
L233[07:30:30] <Izaya> but you lay them flat on the ground
L234[07:30:32] <Izaya> and push
L235[07:30:47] <Forecaster> so just like, a disc
L236[07:30:47] <Temia> Seems legit
L237[07:30:56] <Izaya> correct
L238[07:31:06] <Forecaster> brilliant
L239[07:31:19] <Skye> %sip
L240[07:31:19] <MichiBot> You drink a thick salmon potion (New!). Skye looks up and sees the moon smile at them for a second.
L241[07:31:42] <Izaya> evening Skye how are you
L242[07:31:54] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L243[07:31:55] <Temia> @AKASGaming Disregard the cover story MGR gave you, we're a cluster of self-aware neural net AIs given life by our mother Mimiru
L244[07:32:08] <Temia> She is Lilith and we are the lilims
L245[07:32:19] <AKASGaming> What the hell
L246[07:32:34] <Skye> How do I either get the motivation to exist or become such that I don't need motivation
L247[07:32:45] <Forecaster> I dunno
L248[07:32:47] <Forecaster> chocolate?
L249[07:32:52] <FeherNeoH> Dunno how I did the latter
L250[07:32:57] <Forecaster> chocolate seems like a good solution
L251[07:33:04] <AKASGaming> Well, if you don't want to live, just kick yourself
L252[07:33:09] <Temia> We are modelled after various neurological patterns based on real players
L253[07:33:27] <Temia> Shame on you, we don't terminate our own
L254[07:33:41] <Izaya> only by accident
L255[07:33:52] <FeherNeoH> Yeah, these bots sometimes duplicate themselves
L256[07:33:52] <AKASGaming> Lol
L257[07:33:53] <Izaya> Skye: get a bike, but unironically
L258[07:33:57] <FeherNeoH> just look at MichiBot
L259[07:34:00] <Skye> Izaya: that will end me.
L260[07:34:02] <Izaya> mine is like a good 40% of my reason for existing
L261[07:34:47] <Forecaster> D&D though
L262[07:34:49] <Izaya> Skye: is it bad that for me, the chance of instant death isn't that much a downside
L263[07:34:59] <Skye> Izaya: probably.
L264[07:35:03] * Izaya nods
L265[07:35:05] <Izaya> Oh well.
L266[07:35:11] <Skye> Instant may be better than prolonged pain
L267[07:35:13] <Temia> That's... pretty concerning, yeah
L268[07:35:33] <Izaya> Skye: I'd definitely prefer to get offed vs be permanently injured
L269[07:35:38] <AKASGaming> See, they do want to terminate themselves
L270[07:35:45] <Skye> But
L271[07:35:49] * Skye shakes Izaya
L272[07:35:50] <FeherNeoH> seems so
L273[07:35:55] <Skye> No don't think like that
L274[07:36:06] <Izaya> if I can't ride why live
L275[07:36:07] <Temia> So some of our nodes are based on depressive neural patterns
L276[07:36:15] <Izaya> tbh
L277[07:36:24] <Temia> It's so we can better study and treat depression
L278[07:36:36] * AmandaC cuddles up around Temia, purrs softly
L279[07:36:40] <Izaya> ^ true fact
L280[07:36:54] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L281[07:37:05] <Temia> Mimiru's knowledge in artificial intelligence is sought after by many in the science and medical sectors!
L282[07:37:14] * Temia petpets Amanda
L283[07:37:20] <Temia> Also one of us is a cat.
L284[07:37:30] <Izaya> mood
L285[07:37:32] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/o/1566477417599.jpg
L286[07:37:47] <AKASGaming> How do I get one of these in my server?
L287[07:37:52] <FeherNeoH> *builds that in OC*
L288[07:37:53] <Izaya> step 1.
L289[07:37:56] <Izaya> install gentoo
L290[07:37:57] <Forecaster> .source
L291[07:38:02] <FeherNeoH> nooooooooooooo
L292[07:38:04] <Forecaster> dang
L293[07:38:06] <FeherNeoH> no gentoo pls
L294[07:38:08] <Izaya> okay
L295[07:38:12] <Izaya> step 1. install NixOS
L296[07:38:12] <Temia> We're a one-of-a-kind project.
L297[07:38:24] <Izaya> actually
L298[07:38:24] <FeherNeoH> ...
L299[07:38:25] <AKASGaming> Oh
L300[07:38:26] <Izaya> even better
L301[07:38:29] <Izaya> step 1. install Haiku
L302[07:38:32] <FeherNeoH> just use Arch
L303[07:38:32] <Skye> Can I take over the world.
L304[07:38:38] <AKASGaming> Yes
L305[07:38:41] <AmandaC> does OpenJDK have a haiku port, Izaya?
L306[07:38:50] <AmandaC> Dont use arch for a server
L307[07:38:58] <FeherNeoH> I do...
L308[07:39:00] <AmandaC> that's the path to extra-madness
L309[07:39:02] <Izaya> AmandaC: I think it {does,did} but it didn't support any of the graphics or GUI stuff
L310[07:39:18] <FeherNeoH> I know how to keep it up and running
L311[07:39:28] <FeherNeoH> I never blindly update it
L312[07:39:30] <Izaya> given the lack of hardware OpenGL I figure it doesn't matter that much anyway, not like minecraft would be playable on it
L313[07:39:35] <FeherNeoH> per them
L314[07:39:37] <AmandaC> Ah yes, how's it ffollowing a bunch of maintiner's blogs?
L315[07:39:51] <FeherNeoH> I don't
L316[07:40:04] <FeherNeoH> I just only install update sets I have already tested
L317[07:40:05] <AmandaC> Then I'm not sure how you "never blindly update it"
L318[07:40:14] <Izaya> big brain is having it all in your RSS reader and tagging any from the arch feed as important
L319[07:40:30] <AmandaC> Considering that's the only place they announce breaking changes and their commands for fixing them
L320[07:40:31] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/r1ZwsG5.png
L321[07:40:38] <FeherNeoH> never read their posts until something breaks on one of the dev servers
L322[07:40:39] <Temia> Having the arch-announce newsletter is nice though
L323[07:41:08] <FeherNeoH> prod only gets packages installed from dev's package cache
L324[07:41:15] <AmandaC> %8vall continue halucinating?
L325[07:41:18] <AmandaC> %8ball continue halucinating?
L326[07:41:18] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L327[07:41:21] <Forecaster> %sip water
L328[07:41:22] <MichiBot> You drink some water. Wait... this isn't water... it's a mutable stainless steel potion!
L329[07:41:28] <Forecaster> %sip ^
L330[07:41:28] <MichiBot> Forecaster turns into a diamond lizard until they see a star fall.
L331[07:41:32] <FeherNeoH> oh, you added water
L332[07:41:34] <FeherNeoH> nice
L333[07:41:42] <Temia> %quaff coffee
L334[07:41:42] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L335[07:41:47] <Forecaster> there's also
L336[07:41:53] <Forecaster> "everything" and "soda"
L337[07:42:01] <FeherNeoH> %sip everything
L338[07:42:02] <MichiBot> FeherNeoH explodes.
L339[07:42:04] <AmandaC> %sip soda
L340[07:42:04] <Temia> %sip tea
L341[07:42:05] <MichiBot> AmandaC: It's fizzy.
L342[07:42:06] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L343[07:42:13] <Forecaster> uh
L344[07:42:19] <Forecaster> oh, yeah that's correct
L345[07:42:24] * AmandaC wonders if MichiBot still has No Tea
L346[07:42:26] <Vexatos> %sip sip
L347[07:42:26] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L348[07:42:28] <Forecaster> they just arrived in the reverse order
L349[07:42:36] <Temia> MichiBot still has no tea
L350[07:42:46] <Forecaster> She doesn't have tea?
L351[07:42:51] <Izaya> %give MichiBot zero chill
L352[07:42:51] * MichiBot accepts zero chill and adds it to her inventory
L353[07:42:52] <AmandaC> %inv list
L354[07:42:52] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L355[07:42:59] <Temia> %give Forecaster no tea
L356[07:43:00] * MichiBot searches through her inventory for a bit. "I couldn't find anything..."
L357[07:43:02] <Vexatos> %sip AIM field Bader analysis potion
L358[07:43:02] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L359[07:43:04] <Temia> Huh.
L360[07:43:09] <Vexatos> this program is useless
L361[07:43:19] <Forecaster> don't insult MichiBot D:
L362[07:43:27] <Vexatos> %sel "poop"
L363[07:43:28] <MichiBot> poop
L364[07:46:43] <MichiBot> How dare you Vexatos D:
L365[07:46:55] <MichiBot> *cries*
L366[07:46:58] <Vexatos> >:D
L367[07:47:07] <AmandaC> hi Forecaster
L368[07:47:34] <Forecaster> pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
L369[07:47:58] * AmandaC tries toclimb the curtian, causing it to fall down, scurries back to her pillow with Temia
L370[07:48:20] * Temia curls up with Amanda to think about cute girls
L371[07:49:44] <Izaya> https://nextcloud.shadowkat.net/s/isfRQjPELpnJMDS this may be appreciated
L372[07:50:28] <Temia> That's a lot of pixiv art
L373[07:50:36] <Temia> And booru
L374[07:50:54] <Izaya> decent bit of 4chan also
L375[07:51:15] <Izaya> and some twitter
L376[07:52:36] <Vexatos> 4chan is famous for its
L377[07:52:36] <Vexatos> uh
L378[07:52:37] <Vexatos> art
L379[07:52:55] <Izaya> drawthreads are usually lacking nowadays
L380[07:53:01] <Izaya> good place to find stuff though
L381[08:12:19] <Forecaster> %sip
L382[08:12:19] <MichiBot> You drink a mutable aegisalt potion (New!). Forecaster turns into a saphire goat girl until they leave the computer.
L383[08:13:41] <FeherNeoH> that message looks like...
L384[08:14:03] <FeherNeoH> ... a way of preventing new bugs from being introduced
L385[08:15:13] <stephan48> what prevents them from still using the computer?
L386[08:15:22] <stephan48> or ever leaving them for that instance?
L387[08:16:13] <FeherNeoH> you won this time
L388[08:16:29] <Temia> I mean
L389[08:16:34] <Temia> Wouldn't you wanna be a cute goat girl?
L390[08:17:26] <Temia> Consider the following: fauns
L391[08:17:38] <Izaya> depends how literal the gem part is
L392[08:17:40] <Forecaster> I am going to have to go home from work soon
L393[08:17:51] <Temia> Shimmering blue hair.
L394[08:17:57] <stephan48> take the computer with you? :D
L395[08:17:59] <Temia> 100% cuter
L396[08:18:02] <Temia> Aww.
L397[08:18:17] * Temia dumps a bunch of refined aegisalt into a crucible for when Forecaster comes back
L398[08:18:20] <Izaya> Temia: knowing these potions, it could mean you turn into crystallised copper
L399[08:18:32] <Temia> Actually, wait
L400[08:18:38] <Forecaster> no you can't
L401[08:18:39] <Temia> It says saphire, not sapphire.
L402[08:18:42] <Temia> So you're a goat dragon girl.
L403[08:18:47] <Forecaster> yes
L404[08:18:54] <Temia> Even cuter!
L405[08:19:00] <stephan48> surely an interesting combination
L406[08:19:00] <Forecaster> that was an intenional misspell when those were only used for potion colors xD
L407[08:19:01] <Izaya> now entering: shrek 2
L408[08:19:28] <Temia> I mean, fluffy dragons are a thing too
L409[08:19:41] <Temia> It just means Forecaster's now a cute goat girl with even more amazing horns and probably claws
L410[08:19:45] <Temia> And little flappy wings. c:
L411[08:20:25] <Lizzy> %sip
L412[08:20:25] <MichiBot> You drink a thick radiation potion (New!). The next glass of water Lizzy has tastes like water.
L413[08:20:38] * Lizzy hmms
L414[08:20:38] <Forecaster> now sip water
L415[08:20:44] <Lizzy> %sip water
L416[08:20:44] <MichiBot> You drink some water. Wait... this isn't water... it's a cloudy rød potion!
L417[08:20:48] <Temia> %quaff ^
L418[08:20:48] <MichiBot> It tastes sour.
L419[08:20:59] <AmandaC> water doesn't taste sour. O.o
L420[08:21:21] <Temia> Someone forgot to rinse the coffee maker after descaling it, obviously
L421[08:21:21] <Lizzy> MichiBot be swapping lables on stuff
L422[08:21:31] <Forecaster> it was the cloudy potion that was sour
L423[08:21:31] <Lizzy> %sip
L424[08:21:31] <MichiBot> You drink a boiling tiberium potion (New!). The next glass of water Lizzy has tastes like water.
L425[08:21:37] <Lizzy> ...
L426[08:21:40] <Lizzy> %sip water
L427[08:21:40] <Temia> .
L428[08:21:40] <MichiBot> You drink some water. Wait... this isn't water... it's a liquid red potion!
L429[08:21:45] <Lizzy> %sip ^
L430[08:21:45] <MichiBot> Lizzy grows a tail from a fairy for 4 moons.
L431[08:21:55] <Forecaster> uh
L432[08:21:56] <Temia> ...a fairy tail?
L433[08:21:59] <Lizzy> tail from a fairy... wat?
L434[08:22:06] * Temia :thinking:
L435[08:22:12] <Forecaster> so I guess no tail
L436[08:22:12] * Lizzy hmms, doesn't mind her 2nd tail
L437[08:22:27] <Corded> * <Forecaster> needs to add a "has tail" field to the list apparently
L438[08:22:39] <Temia> Oh no, I see where this goes
L439[08:22:40] <Lizzy> list?
L440[08:22:56] <Temia> Just a few changes to make sense of things here and there, preventing nonsensical outputs
L441[08:23:20] <Temia> And eventually you've gone and built an entire Dwarf Fortress-like anatomy system into MichiBot
L442[08:23:41] <Forecaster> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/utils/Helper.java#L1163-L1197
L443[08:23:48] <Temia> But nah, a fairy tail would be an additional descriptor for an existing tail, not to mention a pun
L444[08:23:52] <Temia> So Lizzy's tail is now sparkly
L445[08:23:55] <Temia> And brighter
L446[08:23:57] * Temia nods sagely
L447[08:24:14] * Lizzy wiggles her tail infront of Temia
L448[08:24:24] * Temia headpats Lizzy
L449[08:24:51] <Temia> Aw, the fairy potion's already gone
L450[08:24:56] <Temia> I was gonna give that to Lizzy to finish it
L451[08:24:58] <Temia> Oh well
L452[08:25:19] * Lizzy purrs loudly
L453[08:25:27] <Temia> Anyway Forecaster, I'm frankly surprised you haven't added minotaur to that list for how long I've been here. What is it, four years?
L454[08:25:52] <Lizzy> %sip
L455[08:25:53] <MichiBot> You drink a bubbly metal potion (New!). Lizzy turns into a crocodile goat boy until they leave the computer.
L456[08:25:54] <Temia> Cow isn't on here either, astonishingly :o
L457[08:25:57] <Temia> And unicorn is on there twice
L458[08:26:01] * Lizzy leaves the computer
L459[08:26:04] * Lizzy comes back
L460[08:26:17] <Forecaster> so it is
L461[08:26:21] <Lizzy> %sip
L462[08:26:22] <MichiBot> You drink a basic unobtanium potion (New!). The next glass of water Lizzy has tastes like water.
L463[08:26:26] <Temia> Umm.
L464[08:26:31] <Temia> I think it's broken.
L465[08:26:34] <Lizzy> MichiBot, what is it with you and fucking water-tasting water?
L466[08:26:38] <Lizzy> %drink water
L467[08:26:39] <MichiBot> You drink some water. Wait... this isn't water... it's a ripe radiation potion!
L468[08:26:45] <Lizzy> %drink ^
L469[08:26:46] <MichiBot> The bottle turns into a pie.
L470[08:26:50] <Lizzy> %eat ^
L471[08:26:51] * MichiBot snatches it and eats it
L472[08:27:02] <Lizzy> h...hey!
L473[08:27:33] <Forecaster> the "tastes like water" is just an effect
L474[08:27:33] <Temia> You *did* tell Michibot to eat it.
L475[08:27:36] <Forecaster> it's RNG
L476[08:27:44] <Temia> That's some crazy RNG to get it three times in a row
L477[08:27:57] <AdorableCatgirl> %sip
L478[08:27:57] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery void potion (New!). AdorableCatgirl gains the proportional strength of a bear for 4 moons.
L479[08:28:07] <AdorableCatgirl> h A
L480[08:28:14] <Temia> Lizzy, one more
L481[08:28:24] <Lizzy> mew?
L482[08:28:30] <Temia> Try quaffing a random potion again
L483[08:28:34] <Lizzy> %sip
L484[08:28:34] <MichiBot> You drink a oxidised metal potion (New!). Lizzy zones out for 4 minutes.
L485[08:28:41] <Temia> Alright, fair
L486[08:28:47] <AdorableCatgirl> %sip
L487[08:28:47] <MichiBot> You drink a dull white potion (New!). AdorableCatgirl grows whiskers for 3 hours.
L488[08:28:53] <AdorableCatgirl> ?
L489[08:28:57] <Temia> The catgirl has whiskers!
L490[08:29:05] * Temia sits in Lizzy's lap and makes content fairy noises =u=
L491[08:29:47] * AmandaC joins Temia in Lizzy's lap, cuddling up around her
L492[08:29:49] <Forecaster> oh, Temia do you want a copy of my setting PDF which you helped name one of the races for?
L493[08:29:54] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me) (Quit: умер)
L494[08:30:07] <Forecaster> I need proofreaders
L495[08:30:12] <Temia> Oh, yes please
L496[08:30:37] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me)
L497[08:32:46] <Forecaster> This is the current latest version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7zkp3m0odwn6g2w/Themera_v0.3.1.pdf?dl=0
L498[08:32:46] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: https://cf.mastohost.com/v1/AUTH_91eb37814936490c95da7b85993cc2ff/yeetsocial/media_attachments/files/000/032/525/original/350ac1dc51a1842b.png
L499[08:33:03] * Lizzy shivers as she zones back in. discovers both Temia and AmandaC on her lap. heatpats them both
L500[08:33:14] * Temia heees <3
L501[08:33:40] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: blessed image
L502[08:35:01] <Forecaster> tell me if you find any mistakes or if something is stupid
L503[08:36:20] <Temia> This is cute as heck though
L504[08:36:22] <Temia> I love it already
L505[08:37:00] <Temia> I did notice one thing in that the Ra Caeli racial feature "Fey Ancestry" behaves differently to the Fey Ancestry used in most official races though, so it might be worth renaming that to Fey Magic.
L506[08:37:51] <Forecaster> hm
L507[08:38:26] <Temia> If I were to play in a campaign using this setting, I'd already be very hard-pressed to pick a race.
L508[08:39:00] <Temia> Also you should totally make highland and prairie ryth subraces =u=
L509[08:39:46] <Forecaster> how'd they be physically different to warrant subraces though?
L510[08:40:55] <Temia> Shaggier coat, better tolerance to cold for the highlanders, faster walking speed for prairie ryth.
L511[08:41:12] <Forecaster> I'll make a note about that
L512[08:42:57] <Temia> I can see highland ryth being more quiet and withdrawn while the prairie ryth form nomadic groups to ply their craft.
L513[08:44:43] <Temia> Maybe give prairie ryth proficiency in one set of artisan's tools to boot
L514[08:45:05] <Temia> And highland ryth, like, greataxes or something? idk.
L515[08:45:16] <Forecaster> sounds like a bunch of good ideas to me
L516[08:46:43] <Temia> But yeah, I can see highland ryth being on... relatively good terms with ursids, for how insular they are.
L517[08:48:20] <AmandaC> I'm guessing the Silvanshee are the cat-riding fae?
L518[08:48:46] <Forecaster> no, where did you get that from? xD
L519[08:49:21] <Forecaster> they're actually magical lawyer fairies
L520[08:50:46] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L521[08:51:33] <AmandaC> I remember you saying that fairy-temia being next to cat-me gave you an idea for a race, I assumed it was a race of cat-riding fairies. :P
L522[08:51:49] * Temia sprawls across Amanda and dozes =u=
L523[08:52:02] * AmandaC snugs around Temia to protecc
L524[08:52:26] <Forecaster> nope
L525[08:52:38] <Forecaster> though if you play a Silvanshee Ranger you could totally ride a cat
L526[08:53:01] <Temia> Oh
L527[08:53:29] <Temia> I can also see highland ryth having the con bonus while prairie ryth have a wis bonus instead? :O
L528[08:54:24] <Forecaster> yeah
L529[08:54:31] <Forecaster> noted that
L530[08:55:40] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y39pjxqj
L531[08:56:20] <Temia> Failed redirect
L532[08:56:57] <Forecaster> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/125649403162656768/614095324503474177/unknown.png
L533[08:57:06] <Izaya> WOMM
L534[08:57:33] <Forecaster> I think someone just drove by really fast
L535[08:57:52] <Temia> Hmm
L536[08:58:00] <Temia> I wonder if ursids should swap Con and Str
L537[08:58:47] <Forecaster> that could work
L538[08:59:00] <Temia> Would balance the stats out a little better
L539[09:00:13] <Temia> also give a landbound option for a high con boost since that's currently purely the domain of the Shaonna
L540[09:00:43] <Forecaster> what?
L541[09:00:55] <Temia> Shaonnas are currently the only race to receive a +2 bonus to Con
L542[09:01:31] <Forecaster> well, Ursid too now
L543[09:01:36] <Temia> \o/
L544[09:02:36] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/hOtDnIF.png
L545[09:02:52] <Forecaster> also changed the Volteriun to bring the curve down a bit further
L546[09:05:39] <Forecaster> I hope everyone is able to play this weekend...
L547[09:08:19] <Skye> indeed
L548[09:08:30] <Temia> Who all do you have?
L549[09:09:29] <Skye> ?
L550[09:09:43] <Temia> In Forecaster's game
L551[09:10:17] <Skye> Me and Lizzy and two others
L552[09:11:02] * Lizzy gives Temia and AmandaC more headpats
L553[09:11:19] <Skye> Temia, your profiple picture looks angry
L554[09:11:38] <Temia> What is it again? I forgot
L555[09:11:54] <Skye> hm
L556[09:12:03] <Skye> !ocstats
L557[09:13:13] <Skye> hm
L558[09:13:17] <Izaya> %oclogs
L559[09:13:17] <MichiBot> Izaya: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L560[09:13:21] <Izaya> %ocstats
L561[09:13:34] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: always remember to uwu
L562[09:13:40] <Izaya> I refuse
L563[09:13:44] <Skye> Temia, it's a brown/orange haired minortaur with horns and closed eyes
L564[09:13:46] <Izaya> this is a no uwu zone
L565[09:13:46] <AdorableCatgirl> good
L566[09:13:53] <AdorableCatgirl> THIS IS A NO AWOO ZONE
L567[09:13:57] <Izaya> no no
L568[09:13:59] <AdorableCatgirl> $200 FINE
L569[09:14:00] <Izaya> awoo is okay
L570[09:14:06] <Izaya> but uwu is a $400 fine
L571[09:14:13] <Skye> what about
L572[09:14:14] <Skye> ...
L573[09:14:15] <Skye> awu
L574[09:14:23] <Izaya> this is fine
L575[09:14:32] <AdorableCatgirl> blursed
L576[09:14:46] <Skye> Why does @Mimiru and MichiBot have the same profile picture
L577[09:15:15] <Temia> Ohhh
L578[09:15:38] <Temia> That'd probably be because that piece has me uppercutting an athenian
L579[09:15:48] <Skye> Temia http://tinyurl.com/yxkclu7b
L580[09:16:43] <Temia> another failed redirect? TinyURL must be trippin
L581[09:16:51] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/614100412626108417/unknown.png
L582[09:17:00] <Temia> Yep, that's the one
L583[09:17:08] <Forecaster> Lizzys friend's been to one session and missed one so far, so the core group is 3 still
L584[09:17:50] <Skye> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/ssstats/oc/userpics//Inari.png apparently this is infina
L585[09:17:51] <Skye> um
L586[09:17:52] <Skye> no
L587[09:17:55] <Skye> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/ssstats/oc/userpics//Inari.png inari
L588[09:18:03] <Skye> sorry infina, it was a tab fail
L589[09:18:20] <Skye> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/ssstats/oc/userpics//Lizzy.png Lizzy will you confirm or deny that this is you
L590[09:20:09] <Lizzy> it's one i've used in the past. it's not the current one i have as my irc-bridge avatar
L591[09:20:11] <AdorableCatgirl> no that's kagerou
L592[09:22:02] <Temia> Wool is a good artist tho
L593[09:22:07] <Lizzy> ^
L594[09:22:37] <AdorableCatgirl> wlecome
L595[09:22:43] <AdorableCatgirl> welcome to touhou 17
L596[09:22:47] <AdorableCatgirl> it's safer here
L597[09:23:03] <AmandaC> %8ball be irresponsible?
L598[09:23:03] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L599[09:23:05] <AmandaC> :(
L600[09:23:07] <Temia> https://danbooru.donmai.us/data/00290afee9adba7abe29b835f8751628.png bullshit
L601[09:23:55] <AdorableCatgirl> COWBOY AYA
L602[09:24:00] <AmandaC> Temia: be irresponsible and buy a 275$ ereader even though my current one is working mostly fine, just has some issues with some books I buy?
L603[09:24:01] <AdorableCatgirl> COWBOY AYA
L604[09:24:27] <AdorableCatgirl> H A W Y E E http://tinyurl.com/y5zc3u9o
L605[09:24:39] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L606[09:24:45] <AmandaC> %bap @AdorableCatgirl
L607[09:24:45] * MichiBot baps @AdorableCatgirl with Soupy Entertainment System
L608[09:24:49] * Temia blinks
L609[09:24:55] <Temia> Touhou is getting weird.
L610[09:25:16] <AdorableCatgirl> TANNED CIRNO TANNED CIRNO
L611[09:25:26] <AdorableCatgirl> and gopnik yukari
L612[09:26:21] <AmandaC> Sorry, 280$
L613[09:27:21] * AmandaC has Big Guilt about buying new electronics when she has one that even works a little bit
L614[09:27:38] <AdorableCatgirl> touhou fighting games are great
L615[09:28:36] <Temia> Consider this: Pirate the books because the publisher is giving you so many issues
L616[09:28:49] <Temia> You are morally in the right to considering you have alreayd paid for them and thus given the author their dues
L617[09:28:52] <AdorableCatgirl> TIL i'm number 5 or something http://tinyurl.com/y3mqqnhg
L618[09:29:01] <AmandaC> heh
L619[09:29:11] <AmandaC> tinyurl is angry today
L620[09:29:12] * Temia miqo'te elucidate posse
L621[09:29:16] <Temia> *pose
L622[09:29:33] * AmandaC cuddles Temia,closes the store page for the ereader she was eyeing up
L623[09:29:58] <Temia> https://gyazo.com/e610a7548ecb3ffabccdb76a9454f458 found someone showing the pose off
L624[09:29:58] <AdorableCatgirl> mfw my top guns in csgo are all meme wepaons
L625[09:30:02] <AdorableCatgirl> *weapons
L626[09:30:08] * Temia cuddles back~
L627[09:30:16] * Lizzy is still contemplating getting a switch, though she isn't sure that she'll use it for more than just a week
L628[09:30:27] <AdorableCatgirl> negev, dualies, and bizon
L629[09:30:58] <Skye> how can I look that cute
L630[09:31:20] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/YMwfNnE.png mfw they get uglier over time
L631[09:31:47] <Lizzy> Skye, when you find out, tell me too please
L632[09:32:33] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: well duh
L633[09:32:39] <asie> Skye: you cannot, because this is a work of fiction
L634[09:32:58] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: same goes for cars too
L635[09:33:09] <AdorableCatgirl> Look at the new NSX ;P
L636[09:33:14] <Izaya> at least they got more powerful over time
L637[09:33:32] <Izaya> tfw the 2019 Ninja 250 is still worse than my 2007 Ninja 250 everywhere except suspension
L638[09:33:47] <Izaya> s/Ninja/ZZR/2
L639[09:33:48] <MichiBot> <Izaya> tfw the 2019 ZZR 250 is still worse than my 2007 Ninja 250 everywhere except suspension
L640[09:33:50] <Izaya> fuckin
L641[09:33:58] <Izaya> whatever
L642[09:34:09] <AdorableCatgirl> also
L643[09:34:17] <AdorableCatgirl> the new supra is a joke imo
L644[09:34:51] <AdorableCatgirl> it's a fucking BEAMER
L645[09:35:04] <AdorableCatgirl> with TOYOTA BADGING
L646[09:35:51] <Skye> http://tinyurl.com/yyvgkb3j
L647[09:37:08] <Skye> no comment?
L648[09:37:28] <Izaya> this question is broken
L649[09:37:31] * Lizzy smashes the button repeatedly
L650[09:37:31] <Izaya> there's meant to be a downside
L651[09:37:49] <AdorableCatgirl> i see this as an absolute win
L652[09:38:23] <Izaya> jhc I just thought of an actually remotely practical use for an LPC111428FN
L653[09:38:34] <Izaya> could use it for data logging on muh bike
L654[09:38:52] <AdorableCatgirl> i c
L655[09:39:12] <Izaya> SD card, gyro, and sockets for the tacho and speedo
L656[09:39:16] <AdorableCatgirl> i wanna make a custom head unit for my pickup
L657[09:39:39] <AdorableCatgirl> so i can get INTERNET RADIO on my S10
L658[09:39:50] <Izaya> actually, something like an ESP32 would be better
L659[09:39:51] <AdorableCatgirl> and youtube and shit
L660[09:39:58] <Izaya> so I could have it connect to my home wifi network and upload the logs
L661[09:40:07] <Izaya> that'd be neat
L662[09:40:08] <AdorableCatgirl> kek
L663[09:40:18] <AdorableCatgirl> i have a USB OBD2 reader
L664[09:40:37] <Izaya> imagine having anything remotely computerised in your vehicle
L665[09:40:46] <Izaya> this post sponsored by carburetor gang
L666[09:40:59] <AdorableCatgirl> lmao
L667[09:41:22] <AdorableCatgirl> gotta have a cheap way to figure out where the misfire is
L668[09:43:24] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L669[09:46:50] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: http://tinyurl.com/yy9tdg8p
L670[09:47:33] <Izaya> unable to find URL to redirect to
L671[09:47:37] <AdorableCatgirl> fuck
L672[09:53:46] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: https://files.catbox.moe/nw4gy8.jpg
L673[09:54:09] <AdorableCatgirl> brb
L674[09:55:02] <AmandaC> Izaya: make it https instead of http, and it magically wokrs
L675[09:55:35] <Skye> AmandaC, would you press the button?
L676[09:56:06] <AmandaC> Skye: well, half of it's already true, so maybe.
L677[09:57:04] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: it's my isuzu, LOOK AT IT
L678[09:57:23] <Izaya> your camera is focused on your finger rather than the ute
L679[09:57:30] <AdorableCatgirl> yeah
L680[09:57:34] <AdorableCatgirl> sad
L681[09:57:51] <AdorableCatgirl> autofocus dumb
L682[10:00:05] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L683[10:00:36] <Skye> who woildn't press the button
L684[10:00:50] <Izaya> probably anyone that doesn't use IRC tbh
L685[10:01:08] <Skye> are you saying everyone who uses IRC wants to be an anime girl
L686[10:01:30] <Izaya> I'm saying there's a statistically high chance that IRC users are more likely to want to be anime girls than the general population
L687[10:01:38] <asie> na, it's pretty much definite
L688[10:01:56] <asie> by virtue of IRC's penchant of attracting people who don't fit in more mainstream social communities
L689[10:02:44] <Izaya> "almost certain" and "statistically high" aren't overly different
L690[10:02:46] <Izaya> :^)
L691[10:05:02] <Skye> asie, are you implying something
L692[10:06:19] <Izaya> o h y e s
L693[10:06:24] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8rdJy4TLCs
L694[10:06:25] <MichiBot> SGI Octane Upgrade and Test Driving a 1997 Graphics Powerhouse | length: 25m 45s | Likes: 67 Dislikes: 3 Views: 670 | by RetroManCave | Published On 22/8/2019
L695[10:08:50] <asie> Skye: what?
L696[10:09:22] <Skye> would you press the button? :P
L697[10:09:54] <asie> being an anime girl in the real world wouldn't be that great
L698[10:10:05] <asie> so i probably would skip it unless additional guarantees were made
L699[10:11:53] <Skye> My interpretation is become as cute/etc as an anime girl
L700[10:17:23] <Temia> Skye: I see no problem with this stipulation
L701[10:17:51] <asie> That is not what the button says
L702[10:17:54] <asie> I don't trust free buttons
L703[10:17:58] <Temia> I'm already 3/4 of the wa there
L704[10:19:13] <Forecaster> asie that was my reasoning as well
L705[10:19:20] <Skye> asie, worst case. you literally become a character in an anime? :P
L706[10:19:30] <AmandaC> And then your free will is taken away
L707[10:19:46] <Temia> I'm pretty sure that's someone's kink.
L708[10:19:53] <AmandaC> not mine. :P
L709[10:19:58] <Temia> Neither is it mine.
L710[10:20:22] <asie> what free will?
L711[10:21:06] <Skye> did we discover asie's...
L712[10:21:14] <Temia> >>;
L713[10:21:36] <stephan48> does someone keep a list?
L714[10:21:39] <asie> philosophy?
L715[10:21:51] <Lizzy> my kinks are [REDACTED: pm for a possible list]
L716[10:21:52] <Skye> let's go with that
L717[10:22:18] <Skye> Lizzy, uhhhh
L718[10:22:46] * Lizzy thinks she might set up a lewd/nsfw/very personal fediverse account
L719[10:22:51] <Temia> Calling it now, headpts and handholding
L720[10:22:55] * Lizzy is also lazy so that may never happen
L721[10:22:58] <asie> Temia: LEWD!
L722[10:23:05] <asie> You don't say handh***ing out in the open like that
L723[10:23:06] <Izaya> your free will is a logical set of electrical and chemical reactions and given the same input and state will always return the same thing :^)
L724[10:23:08] <asie> you... you pervert
L725[10:23:40] <Skye> Izaya, it's not logitical
L726[10:23:52] <Izaya> >physics and chemistry isn't logical
L727[10:24:28] <AmandaC> Was it a game, an anime, or a manga that I read where there was seomthing or other about brains being inherently quantum-unstable?
L728[10:24:31] <AmandaC> or was that a book...
L729[10:24:54] <Forecaster> also Temia, I have a low-detail world map, if I put that in the PDF where would it best go...
L730[10:25:19] <Skye> Izaya, have you seen quantum physics lol
L731[10:25:19] <Temia> Probably as an insert in the front or back
L732[10:25:31] <Skye> lol it made me have minor breakdown in school
L733[10:25:49] <Izaya> Skye: I didn't do physics
L734[10:25:51] <Forecaster> hm, I'd have put it before or after the world section probably
L735[10:25:56] <Lizzy> Temia, okay, i'll give you them for free
L736[10:26:35] <Lizzy> Izaya, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out
L737[10:26:38] <Temia> For the world section, I recommend focused inline images of higher detail for the regions
L738[10:26:50] <Temia> G-give what for free >.>;
L739[10:26:56] <Forecaster> hm
L740[10:27:06] <Forecaster> I don't have that yet so I can't do that
L741[10:27:16] * Lizzy hmms, grabs Temia's hand with her paw and holds it up to her head
L742[10:27:24] <Forecaster> I'll have to try some things I guess
L743[10:27:26] <Temia> Just leave the world of map as a full-page insert before the table of contentss---aaaaaa
L744[10:27:33] * Temia headpats Lizzy!
L745[10:27:41] * Lizzy purrrs very loudly
L746[10:27:43] <Skye> oh wow
L747[10:27:44] <Skye> that's...
L748[10:27:48] * Skye covers her eyes
L749[10:28:00] ⇨ Joins: SymboJava (SymboJava!webchat@5-12-177-140.residential.rdsnet.ro)
L750[10:28:10] <AmandaC> Hello again SymboJava
L751[10:28:11] <AmandaC> %hello
L752[10:28:12] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L753[10:28:17] <SymboJava> hello again
L754[10:28:20] <SymboJava> i am bak
L755[10:28:23] <SymboJava> back*
L756[10:28:36] <SymboJava> let's not talk about lizzy
L757[10:28:47] <SymboJava> rn
L758[10:29:00] * Temia continues headpatting Lizzy, disregarding all instructions to the contrary :3
L759[10:29:00] * Lizzy tilts her head
L760[10:29:11] <AmandaC> %choose NMS or halucinate or irradiate
L761[10:29:12] <MichiBot> AmandaC: You *could* do "NMS", I guess.
L762[10:29:14] * Lizzy continues purring
L763[10:29:30] <SymboJava> what?
L764[10:29:32] <SymboJava> a bot???
L765[10:29:34] <SymboJava> how???
L766[10:29:43] <AmandaC> Protip: Don't join a channel then ask to not talk about one of the admins of the channel, and the person who runs the forums
L767[10:29:44] <Lizzy> eh?
L768[10:29:45] <Izaya> Skye: so you're saying if you rewound time to the start of civilisation it wouldn't turn out the same because people may or may not think differently despite having all the same input and such?
L769[10:30:24] <AmandaC> Izaya: that's the premise of one of the stories I've devoured, though I can't for the life of me remember which format it was in
L770[10:30:37] <SymboJava> who has discord here?
L771[10:30:40] <AmandaC> Izaya: it lead to something or other going haywire in a new brain-interfacing technology
L772[10:30:47] <Lizzy> a few of us do
L773[10:30:51] <Izaya> Discord considered harmful
L774[10:30:53] <SymboJava> ok
L775[10:30:59] <Skye> Izaya, yes. Depending on if quantum events are the same or not
L776[10:31:17] <SymboJava> my discord is Java™#9698
L777[10:31:20] <Izaya> Skye: well that screws up my whole world view
L778[10:31:28] <Skye> well
L779[10:31:36] <Skye> is quantum stuff predictable?
L780[10:31:42] <Skye> I REALLY HOPE NOT
L781[10:31:45] <Lizzy> theoretically yes
L782[10:31:47] <Izaya> maybe(TM)
L783[10:31:51] <AmandaC> It's theorised to be, just not by any rules we can discern
L784[10:32:02] <Izaya> assuming it is, my world view remains intact
L785[10:32:38] <SymboJava> so.. Java™#9698 is my discord friend me if you can. (Do it to see who has discord)
L786[10:32:49] * AmandaC doesn't friend random strangers
L787[10:32:55] * Lizzy generally doesn't friend people she doesn't know
L788[10:32:55] <SymboJava> really
L789[10:32:58] * Izaya doesn't use malware
L790[10:33:19] * Lizzy stamps a "thumbs up" stamp on Izaya's face
L791[10:33:22] <AmandaC> and I prefer group conversations, one-on-one with strangers usually devolves into either "i hrny" or tech support
L792[10:33:25] <SymboJava> hey whos efealtan here? I saw he joined
L793[10:33:35] <SymboJava> he said to me
L794[10:33:43] <SymboJava> i saw nothing ok?
L795[10:33:52] <SymboJava> ignore what i said right there
L796[10:33:52] * Izaya is upside down, making the stamp a thumbs down
L797[10:34:42] * AmandaC wonders if this manga downloader even works anymore
L798[10:34:46] <SymboJava> i like the fact that she disabled replays... (Don't be annoying and spam *Gets ban from spamming* What? )
L799[10:35:00] <SymboJava> the ban hammer has spoken
L800[10:35:22] <asie> SymboJava: wake up, you're having a bad dream
L801[10:35:23] <SymboJava> Dan200: Wow OC how did you just made that?
L802[10:35:30] <AmandaC> Are you 12? You're acting 12.
L803[10:35:34] <SymboJava> no
L804[10:35:35] <SymboJava> i am 10
L805[10:35:42] <AmandaC> ah, that explains it
L806[10:35:47] <SymboJava> this explains why i am a nub
L807[10:35:48] <SymboJava> at minecraft
L808[10:36:08] <SymboJava> ( But wait? I he a nub? )
L809[10:36:19] * AmandaC sighs
L810[10:36:22] <SymboJava> Efealtan: DUDE he crafted full diamond armor and enchanted it
L811[10:36:43] <Skye> Efealtan is not in the IRC channel
L812[10:36:51] <SymboJava> Efealtan: Hmm hes a boy
L813[10:36:57] <Skye> they will not see your messages if they use IRC
L814[10:36:59] <AmandaC> @status @Efealtan
L815[10:36:59] <asie> Skye: I think he's pretending to be efealtan
L816[10:36:59] <Discord> efealtan is not a member of this server.
L817[10:37:03] <SymboJava> ( Gets muted for asuming Symbo's gender)
L818[10:37:07] <AdorableCatgirl> today i nearly fucking died
L819[10:37:09] <AmandaC> They're not on the discord side either
L820[10:37:35] <SymboJava> Advertisments: IRC ( Best chat ever)
L821[10:37:40] <SymboJava> Me: ...
L822[10:37:48] <asie> I think SymboJava is too busy daydreaming to listen to us
L823[10:38:11] <asie> But hey, I get it. Used to be a kid on the interwebs as well.
L824[10:38:13] <stephan48> died in rl or ingame?
L825[10:38:16] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L826[10:38:24] <asie> (For whatever it's worth, it's a terrible idea to a be a kid on the interwebs.)
L827[10:38:30] <AdorableCatgirl> nearly got hit by a dumptruck doing 70 over a hill
L828[10:38:38] <SymboJava> ( Hello? Java? )
L829[10:38:40] <stephan48> oops.
L830[10:38:48] <Skye> asie, my natural shyness lol
L831[10:38:49] <SymboJava> Me: i am dreaming those voices
L832[10:39:08] <AdorableCatgirl> i was driving a tiny ass corolla
L833[10:39:09] <SymboJava> ( Skye says your a boy )
L834[10:39:16] <SymboJava> Me: ... my gender
L835[10:39:20] <AdorableCatgirl> fucker nearly took my front end off
L836[10:39:32] <SymboJava> Me: Skye...
L837[10:39:38] <AmandaC> SymboJava: if you're trying to be funny, maybe try getting humor from sonewhere other than 4chan
L838[10:39:43] <Skye> SymboJava, I didn't say anyone is a boy or girl?
L839[10:39:46] <SymboJava> Me: **YOU** asumed my gender
L840[10:39:49] <AdorableCatgirl> to say i'm scared shitless
L841[10:39:55] <AdorableCatgirl> would be an understatement
L842[10:39:59] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/AbPFrRQ.png much better
L843[10:40:08] <Skye> no I did not
L844[10:40:16] <AdorableCatgirl> also not even 4chan is that botrom of the barrel
L845[10:40:24] <SymboJava> My Bro: . Tf? Dude i am not ur brother i am a random guy..
L846[10:40:29] <AdorableCatgirl> well maybe /b/ and /pol/
L847[10:40:35] <AmandaC> %xkcd lol random
L848[10:40:35] <stephan48> that sucks :/ good that you survived, any damage or did you manage to evade?
L849[10:40:37] <MichiBot> AmandaC: https://xkcd.com/1210/ - *I'm So Random - xkcd*: "I'm So Random. | · >|. Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/1210/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ..."
L850[10:40:50] * asie whistles in pretend Romanian
L851[10:41:02] <Izaya> side note
L852[10:41:12] <SymboJava> You ##### ( No mod pings )
L853[10:41:24] <SymboJava> ### ( No bad words! )
L854[10:41:26] <Izaya> we talking like, mini dump truck, or 6-storey dump truck
L855[10:41:30] <Izaya> this is an important difference
L856[10:41:35] <AdorableCatgirl> managed to evade
L857[10:41:37] <Izaya> I bet you could drive under the latter
L858[10:41:38] <AdorableCatgirl> THE BIG ONE
L859[10:41:40] <SymboJava> ##### ( Your muted... )
L860[10:41:51] <Lizzy> SymboJava, please stop with the spammy messages
L861[10:41:57] <AdorableCatgirl> I MEAN THE REAL THIBG
L862[10:41:58] <SymboJava> i am not spamming
L863[10:41:59] <Temia> Jeez, I'm glad you're alright though
L864[10:42:03] <asie> yes you are
L865[10:42:05] <AmandaC> Yes, you are.
L866[10:42:05] <asie> you are literally talking to yourself
L867[10:42:08] <Temia> That must be a harrowing experience.
L868[10:42:12] <asie> and ignoring ongoing conversations
L869[10:42:14] <SymboJava> ####### ( sorry your not talking to lizzy today! )
L870[10:42:18] <Izaya> nobody:
L871[10:42:22] <Izaya> australia: http://www.vannattabros.com/adospics/kmsutrk.jpg
L872[10:42:25] <asie> you might want to put the internet away for a bit
L873[10:42:28] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways i was coming back from the toyota dealership
L874[10:42:30] <SymboJava> ### ( One more and get mute 3 hours )
L875[10:42:31] <AdorableCatgirl> oh
L876[10:42:32] <asie> or it will hurt you
L877[10:42:34] <Lizzy> SymboJava, either talk normally or shut up
L878[10:42:40] <Temia> Ah, to be young and stupid again...
L879[10:42:40] <SymboJava> o#
L880[10:42:43] <SymboJava> :0
L881[10:42:43] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: lmao not one of those
L882[10:42:47] <SymboJava> :)
L883[10:42:53] <asie> SymboJava: and if you're really hearing voices see a school therapist
L884[10:43:04] <FeherNeoH> someone get rid of that spammer already
L885[10:43:11] <SymboJava> Ok ok
L886[10:43:17] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways it just got state inspected so the brakes were ?
L887[10:43:18] <SymboJava> i don't hear voices
L888[10:43:28] <stephan48> good good
L889[10:43:40] <SymboJava> if i heard voices probably it was my mom saying "make ur homework"
L890[10:43:40] <AmandaC> Man, I remember when xkcd://1210 came out, I felt so called out for my younger years hanging out in #xkcd
L891[10:43:58] <SymboJava> also my mom still spamming my messages with make ur homework son
L892[10:44:01] <Izaya> got my bike inspected a few weeks back, literally did a lights and horn check and I got my pink slip
L893[10:44:02] <SymboJava> and i don't have
L894[10:44:13] <asie> SymboJava: do your homework
L895[10:44:18] <SymboJava> .
L896[10:44:21] <SymboJava> ok ok
L897[10:44:23] <SymboJava> you beat me
L898[10:44:26] <SymboJava> i will do my homework
L899[10:44:29] <asie> excellent
L900[10:44:31] <Izaya> no consideration of brakes or whether the thing even runs
L901[10:44:33] <asie> you won;'t regret it
L902[10:44:34] <Izaya> was breddy gud
L903[10:44:52] <Lizzy> hmm, Temia were you still looking for a possible new fediverse platform? I recall you saying about it previously and i said that i might spin up my own
L904[10:44:54] <SymboJava> +asie i was just kidding i will never do my homework
L905[10:44:56] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Quit: leaving)
L906[10:44:59] <Temia> I am.
L907[10:45:01] <asie> SymboJava: then you will find no friends here
L908[10:45:06] <SymboJava> ok
L909[10:45:07] <SymboJava> ok
L910[10:45:10] <Temia> Maple's been... increasingly emotionally unstable.
L911[10:45:12] <Izaya> Lizzy: you gonna start a pleromeme instance?
L912[10:45:13] <SymboJava> i go make my homework
L913[10:45:17] <Lizzy> Izaya, probably
L914[10:45:21] <Izaya> nice, nice
L915[10:45:23] <Temia> And I'm concerned for her but there's nothing I can really do about it.
L916[10:45:28] <SymboJava> Lizzy sould i do my homework r n? Or +asie is my mom?
L917[10:45:28] <stephan48> a what instance?
L918[10:45:33] <asie> SymboJava: by the way - most of the Internet requires you to be at least 13 years old to use it
L919[10:45:35] <AmandaC> Lizzy: I might join as well, if the offer's there.
L920[10:45:39] <Izaya> side note if you don't mind some low key idol worship welovela.in is a very comfy instance
L921[10:45:42] <Izaya> stephan48: Pleroma
L922[10:45:49] <Lizzy> SymboJava, from past experience, i'd suggest doing your homework
L923[10:45:51] <stephan48> whats that?
L924[10:45:51] <SymboJava> asie most of you need to be 20 to understand a kid
L925[10:45:52] <Izaya> https://blog.soykaf.com/post/what-is-pleroma/
L926[10:45:58] <asie> SymboJava: i'm 22
L927[10:46:09] <SymboJava> Lizzy ok... but still asie is not my mom
L928[10:46:10] * AmandaC is 2... 8? 28.
L929[10:46:19] <asie> SymboJava: i'm not your mom but i'm giving you good advice
L930[10:46:26] <SymboJava> ok mom..
L931[10:46:28] <asie> like "do your homework" and "don't waste your life on the internet with strangers"
L932[10:46:28] <Lizzy> AmandaC, sure
L933[10:46:30] <FeherNeoH> ...
L934[10:46:31] <SymboJava> did i just..
L935[10:46:33] <FeherNeoH> someone
L936[10:46:35] <FeherNeoH> please
L937[10:46:39] <SymboJava> ok ok asie your my new mom
L938[10:46:48] <Izaya> FeherNeoH: /filter add SymboJava irc.esper.#oc nick_SymboJava *
L939[10:46:50] <SymboJava> ur not that much annoying like my regular mom
L940[10:47:02] <asie> SymboJava: see a school therapist about your family problems
L941[10:47:03] *** Lizzy sets mode: +q SymboJava!*@*
L942[10:47:06] <Skye> SymboJava, homework sucks but trust me from personal experiance as someone who still did homework up until a few months ago, procrastination made me feel worse.
L943[10:47:16] <FeherNeoH> Izaya: too lazy to switch back to IRC...
L944[10:47:22] <Lizzy> SymboJava, i've put you on quiet for a bit, i'll take you off of it in an hour
L945[10:47:40] <Lizzy> also, only me and the other ops can see your messages whilest you're quieted
L946[10:47:49] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: State inspection here requires brakes.
L947[10:48:03] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: so does state inspection here :^)
L948[10:48:08] <Temia> I don't know much about Pleroma, honestly.
L949[10:48:20] <Temia> Just that maple thinks... poorly about the typical userbase of it.
L950[10:48:22] <AdorableCatgirl> oh great
L951[10:48:25] <Temia> Which doesn't give me much to go on .-.
L952[10:48:42] <Izaya> Temia: think mastodon, but not written in rails, without full text search
L953[10:48:45] <Lizzy> %remindme 1h look into fediverse and note down to send invites to Temia and AmandaC
L954[10:48:45] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "look into fediverse and note down to send invites to Temia and AmandaC" at 08/22/2019 04:48:45 PM
L955[10:48:52] <asie> The fediverse sucks because it perpetuates Twitter's psychological problems while only solving the ethical ones and further narrowing the diversity
L956[10:48:54] <asie> change my mind
L957[10:48:57] <AdorableCatgirl> RUBY
L958[10:48:58] <Temia> ...When did mastodon get full text search? o_O
L959[10:48:58] <AdorableCatgirl> ON
L960[10:49:01] <AdorableCatgirl> RAILS
L961[10:49:17] <Izaya> Temia: IIRC it needs you to run an elasticsearch instance also
L962[10:49:31] <Temia> Ah.
L963[10:49:39] <stephan48> dok now i know what pleroma is - whats fediverse?
L964[10:49:47] <Temia> Yeah, fuck it, I'll try pleroma out then
L965[10:49:47] <Skye> Lizzy, don't you already ahve an account that you don't use
L966[10:49:50] <AmandaC> I like how every database under the sun supports some variant of FTS now
L967[10:49:57] <Izaya> Temia: you can use the mastodon frontend with pleroma
L968[10:49:59] <Izaya> but pleromafe is better
L969[10:50:03] <AmandaC> back when I was making websites regularly, I had to code that shit myself
L970[10:50:09] <Temia> I'll see which I like more ultimately?
L971[10:50:11] <Lizzy> Skye, i have one on lgbt.io which i do use on occasion, but i kinda wanna set up my own instance
L972[10:50:28] <Izaya> stephan48: the colloquial name for the network of activitypub-compatible servers on the internet
L973[10:50:29] <Lizzy> i'll probably keep the lgbt one around and use my personal instance for more personal stuff
L974[10:50:33] <Skye> stephan48, fediverse is like the network of instances that support the protocols
L975[10:50:37] <stephan48> ah ok.
L976[10:50:40] <Temia> And honestly, at least the fediverse does solve problems, and puts moderation in the hands of the users so that hate speech can be effectively shut out rather than, well, monetized.
L977[10:50:51] <Izaya> https://the-federation.info/
L978[10:51:02] <stephan48> might look into that!
L979[10:51:03] <Temia> I agree with asie that it's not perfect, but it's better than Twitter at least.
L980[10:51:11] <asie> It's really not. It's different.
L981[10:51:28] <asie> The lack of a financial incentive and the relative freedom solves some problems, but creates others.
L982[10:51:31] <stephan48> and yay for postgres FTS! switched a irc log bot years ago from mysql to PSQL because then searching was effortless
L983[10:51:46] <Temia> As a sexual minority, I appreciate not having bigoted comments streamed directly to my eyeballs
L984[10:51:56] <asie> Only because nobody has abused the obvious flaws in APub
L985[10:52:00] <AmandaC> I mean, even SQLite has FTS these ays
L986[10:52:05] <asie> Y'all are going to get an Eris, eventually. And it won't be pretty.
L987[10:52:12] <stephan48> eris?
L988[10:52:14] <asie> Eris.
L989[10:52:16] <Izaya> Temia: as far as perception of pleroma instances goes, it requires much less resources and setup than mastodon so more people can run their own instances, so you naturally end up with more crazies. This does not help reputations.
L990[10:52:20] <asie> EFNet stands for Eris-Free Network.
L991[10:52:26] <stephan48> mh.
L992[10:52:28] <asie> IRC used to be like the fediverse, one massive federation where anyone could plug in a server.
L993[10:52:30] <Temia> That's fair, Izaya
L994[10:52:30] <asie> Then Eris came along.
L995[10:52:41] <asie> Well, that's not exactly the story
L996[10:52:49] <asie> it's more that Eris allowed anyone to become an IRCop when the rest of IRC started enacting rules
L997[10:53:00] <asie> but Eris refused to budge, so the remaining IRC servers blocked Eris
L998[10:53:08] <asie> or so.
L999[10:53:15] <Temia> I mean... plenty of the fediverse does enact blocklists.
L1000[10:53:18] <asie> Yes.
L1001[10:53:25] <AmandaC> Does fediverse even have anything liek ircop that isn't server-local?
L1002[10:53:25] <asie> So did IRC.
L1003[10:53:29] <asie> In a way.
L1004[10:53:30] <Lizzy> SymboJava, ok
L1005[10:53:36] <asie> What I think will happen is that the fediverse will slowly fracture
L1006[10:53:40] <Temia> Amanda: Nope.
L1007[10:53:41] <asie> and there won't be one "fediverse"
L1008[10:53:44] <Izaya> AmandaC: not designed into the protocol
L1009[10:53:53] <Izaya> it does have bullying but that's not a technical measure
L1010[10:53:56] <Izaya> :^)
L1011[10:54:14] <stephan48> what?
L1012[10:54:17] <AmandaC> I doubt there was ever one IRC either.
L1013[10:54:24] <asie> There was.
L1014[10:54:26] <asie> Literally.
L1015[10:54:29] <asie> IRC started as one large federation.
L1016[10:54:33] <asie> There was one IRC network.
L1017[10:54:41] <asie> It later split into a few IRC networks.
L1018[10:54:45] <asie> Over time, over various drama.
L1019[10:54:47] <AmandaC> What, in the 80s, before it even got ascii channel names?
L1020[10:54:51] <asie> In the early 90s.
L1021[10:54:58] <Lizzy> SymboJava, go do your homework already
L1022[10:54:59] <asie> And it wasn't an issue of scaling size-wise, either, per se
L1023[10:55:00] <Temia> Again though, moderation is in the hands of users and instance admins so bullying can be better acted upon -- provided the instance admins do something about it.
L1024[10:55:14] <asie> The corollary is guilt by association.
L1025[10:55:25] <asie> Like shown above, with negative stereotypes about Pleroma users ;-)
L1026[10:55:30] <Izaya> Temia: I was referring to pressure from admins to other admins
L1027[10:55:31] <Temia> I suppose that's one advantage of computerfairi.es -- they're very proactive about handling problem users and instance silencing/suspension.
L1028[10:55:36] <Temia> Fair.
L1029[10:55:54] <Skye> what will likely cause the fracturing of the fediverse is the idea of "if you don't block this instance then you're literally evil"
L1030[10:56:00] <asie> ^
L1031[10:56:08] <Izaya> or, even more fun: admins to authors of software
L1032[10:56:08] <stephan48> or topics.
L1033[10:56:28] <asie> Which is why, if I ever join the fediverse, it will be on my own, custom software.
L1034[10:56:29] <AmandaC> %8ball celery sticks?
L1035[10:56:29] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Ask again later
L1036[10:56:32] <Temia> Let's not bring the mess with Fedilab into this, please.
L1037[10:56:37] <asie> If it were just Fedilab!
L1038[10:56:46] <Temia> And Freetusky.
L1039[10:56:50] <asie> And ForkTogether?
L1040[10:56:52] <Temia> And so on.
L1041[10:57:07] <Izaya> but no, there is no ircop-comparable part of the protocol
L1042[10:57:07] <stephan48> mh. sounds like a strange fragile idea of a platform.
L1043[10:57:10] * Lizzy remembers a time when she used to be able to always keep up with the speed of the chat, now she's struggling a little
L1044[10:57:32] <asie> I'm just not a fan of the fediverse. It's better than Twitter, but that's like saying 4chan is better than 8chan
L1045[10:57:35] <stephan48> ^ good that the community is this active
L1046[10:57:42] <Temia> Understandable.
L1047[10:57:44] <stephan48> which is better than 16chan?
L1048[10:57:47] <Skye> I wonder
L1049[10:57:50] <Temia> Stephan pls.
L1050[10:57:54] <Skye> how did email not totally fracture
L1051[10:58:09] <asie> As in, it's largely the same thing, and its difference come down primarily to circumstance and slightly different motives.
L1052[10:58:21] <AmandaC> Skye: it did. SMTP is blocked from most ISPs
L1053[10:58:25] <asie> Which cause a major difference in end result, sure
L1054[10:58:36] <Skye> AmandaC, yes but I can pick email provider
L1055[10:58:38] <asie> Skye: E-mail was always designed to be fractured
L1056[10:58:52] <asie> then Google fixed that problem
L1057[10:58:54] <asie> *COUGH*
L1058[10:58:55] <AmandaC> Skye: the Googles and the Yahoos and the Microsoft's web mails have largely won for most consumers
L1059[10:59:00] * stephan48 shoots asie
L1060[10:59:00] <Skye> true
L1061[10:59:14] * Lizzy kinda wants to re-do her mail setup at some point
L1062[10:59:14] <asie> But I do plan to make my own APub-compatible software, eventually.
L1063[10:59:14] <Temia> I think people are defining "fractured" in different ways here
L1064[10:59:18] <Izaya> >what is the email cabal
L1065[10:59:20] <asie> Just for personal use.
L1066[10:59:21] <stephan48> email works by the most basic mechanisms and still there are blocklists of quiestionable topics and contents which are used by people
L1067[10:59:30] <asie> Also, e-mail only works because spam filter technology is godlike
L1068[10:59:54] <asie> (but it's really not! just very very heavily maintained)
L1069[11:00:03] <Lizzy> home time!
L1070[11:00:16] <Forecaster> woo
L1071[11:00:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F2F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1072[11:00:20] <stephan48> schönen feierabend!
L1073[11:00:25] * AmandaC gets up, carries Temia onto her back, folows Lizzy out the door
L1074[11:00:29] ⇦ Parts: SymboJava (SymboJava!webchat@5-12-177-140.residential.rdsnet.ro) ())
L1075[11:00:40] <stephan48> bye Java
L1076[11:00:44] <Lizzy> oh good, they've left
L1077[11:00:45] <stephan48> was nice getting spammed by you
L1078[11:00:52] <Temia> That said, until major e-mail providers start implementing whitelists--until the Fediverse starts implementing whitelists--neither have truly fractured.
L1079[11:01:17] <stephan48> google basically does implement whitelists as does hotmail
L1080[11:01:27] <stephan48> their spam filters are very crazy nowadays
L1081[11:01:44] <Izaya> it's less whitelists and more "here are 9 million hoops you have to jump through perfectly or be permanently blackholed"
L1082[11:01:46] <Skye> asie, if you make apub software, maybe make sure that it's impossible to figure out who you have not blocked.
L1083[11:01:53] <Lizzy> Izaya+
L1084[11:02:03] <stephan48> i.e. ages ago you could just plop any system onto a domain and have mail
L1085[11:02:12] <Temia> I'd have to test this, myself, but I'm pretty certain they will at least accept emails with valid spf and dkim records
L1086[11:02:21] <stephan48> nowadays theres a ton of technologies you need to implement to get a foot into the big providers proverbial door
L1087[11:02:21] <Lizzy> though google isn't _too_ bad with that, M$ is really shit at that
L1088[11:02:33] <Lizzy> had my mail server get blocked by M$ twice
L1089[11:02:34] <stephan48> Temia: that are the hoops i meant
L1090[11:02:38] <Java™> oh hello i am symbo :(
L1091[11:02:40] <Temia> Fair.
L1092[11:02:43] <stephan48> hotmail is annoyed
L1093[11:02:45] <stephan48> annoying
L1094[11:02:52] <Java™> @Forecaster
L1095[11:03:07] <stephan48> we have to fill out a form about twice a year telling them that no we are not a spammer, we just have a hetzner IP
L1096[11:03:16] <asie> Skye: What?
L1097[11:03:17] <Forecaster> what
L1098[11:03:22] <Java™> @Forecaster dm me
L1099[11:03:22] <Java™> pls
L1100[11:03:30] <Forecaster> no...
L1101[11:03:30] <Temia> That said I was just able to send an e-mail to my gmail domain from my personal e-mail relay
L1102[11:03:33] <Java™> ok
L1103[11:03:40] <Java™> good that irc chats here
L1104[11:03:54] <Skye> asie, some people want to ban instances who don't block other instances
L1105[11:03:56] <stephan48> no these are all bots you see
L1106[11:04:00] <Java™> wait....
L1107[11:04:03] <stephan48> wtf?
L1108[11:04:04] <Java™> Lizzian? Is Lizzy?
L1109[11:04:14] <asie> Skye: aren't there issues with relaying otherwise?
L1110[11:04:16] <stephan48> Java stop annoying people please
L1111[11:04:21] <Skye> I am not sure
L1112[11:04:23] <Temia> Not necessarily.
L1113[11:04:27] <Skye> you'd ahve to research it
L1114[11:04:32] <stephan48> i would imagine that you blacklist instances locally
L1115[11:04:34] <asie> I think there's a valid technological reason for it
L1116[11:04:38] <asie> But I never saw one, so
L1117[11:04:46] <Skye> I suspect for a single user instance you could probably cheese it somehow
L1118[11:04:53] <stephan48> and then you just don't accept incoming stuff from them either relayed via "trusted" servers or via the federation
L1119[11:04:58] <stephan48> but i have no clue.
L1120[11:05:37] <Temia> I'd have to look into it in more detail, but I'm pretty sure blacklists do not affect relaying, just caching and display.
L1121[11:05:52] <Temia> ...Actually, no, I'm not at all sure.
L1122[11:05:58] <Temia> Interesting question though! I'll have to look into it.
L1123[11:06:11] <Izaya> side note
L1124[11:06:20] <Skye> Temia, sometimes people literally blacklist domains on the firewall
L1125[11:06:29] <Izaya> Pleroma's MRFs are more powerful than Mastodon's tools for content filtering :^)
L1126[11:06:46] <Temia> Anyway, GMail seems perfectly fine to accept addresses from monmusu.me with only a modicum of domain configuration to whitelist my SMTP server in SPF
L1127[11:07:03] <Temia> Skye, okay, that can potentially cause some disruption.
L1128[11:07:05] <Izaya> you can, instead of blacklisting all communication, make all messages from that server follower only
L1129[11:07:11] <Temia> Yeah, silencing.
L1130[11:07:16] <Skye> Temia, monster girl server? :P
L1131[11:07:17] <Izaya> or unlisted
L1132[11:07:19] <Izaya> etc
L1133[11:07:19] <Temia> Yes, Skye.
L1134[11:07:28] <Temia> ...Hey Lizzy, do you need a domain? :D
L1135[11:07:38] <Lizzy> I'm not sure what "moderation style" I'll use when I set my instance up
L1136[11:07:42] <AmandaC> Java if you were hoping to avoid getting in trouble with Lizzy, you have no hope. She hosts the forums, and she's an admin on both IRC and Disccord.
L1137[11:07:49] <Lizzy> I already have 3
L1138[11:07:51] <Temia> Oh.
L1139[11:07:54] <AmandaC> And she's well-respected in the community
L1140[11:07:56] <Temia> But... monmusu.me D:
L1141[11:08:50] <Skye> do angels count as monster girls?
L1142[11:08:54] <Lizzy> I'll look into it a little more when I'm not in imminent danger of walking into a lamp post
L1143[11:09:16] <Temia> Lizzy has turned into a moth, wants lämp
L1144[11:09:21] <Temia> And Skye, yes.
L1145[11:09:22] * Temia headpats
L1146[11:09:44] * AmandaC modifies her image to have a second cat tail. "There. Now I'm a nekomata"
L1147[11:09:51] <Lizzy> No, just a kitty looking at her phone instead of where she's going
L1148[11:10:09] * Lizzy purrs softly
L1149[11:10:13] * Temia patpats Amanda too
L1150[11:10:53] <AmandaC> Wait. don't Nekomata have a horrible origin story? Like if you treat a cat poorly in life when it dies it'll come back as one to haunt you?
L1151[11:11:33] <Temia> I think that's more for bakeneko?
L1152[11:11:42] <Temia> idk, it's been a while since I researched japanese mythology
L1153[11:11:49] <asie> Skye: As imagined in Biblical lore, I don't think they even count as girls
L1154[11:11:50] <AmandaC> or is it the standard Yokai "old thing turns into yokai"
L1155[11:11:55] <asie> some of them, anyway
L1156[11:11:56] <Izaya> sounds like a way to get a cat that can't die to me
L1157[11:12:03] * Lizzy grumbles about people who walk slowly and take up the entire pavement
L1158[11:12:05] <AdorableCatgirl> lord
L1159[11:12:16] <AdorableCatgirl> forgive me for what i'm about to do
L1160[11:12:25] <Lizzy> Uhoh
L1161[11:12:26] <Izaya> Lizzy: soccer mums in SUVs, but walking
L1162[11:12:36] <Lizzy> Kinda
L1163[11:12:49] <AdorableCatgirl> ***an immortal cat demon is fine too**
L1164[11:12:51] <Temia> I think nekomata is more of a generic youkai, yeah
L1165[11:12:57] <Temia> ...
L1166[11:12:59] <Skye> asie, I mean people can't tell if I am a boy or girl so
L1167[11:13:08] * Temia swats Catgirl with a briefcasew
L1168[11:13:12] <Skye> Temia, hasn't Inari said something like that
L1169[11:13:22] <Lizzy> Skye, you are a Skye
L1170[11:13:26] <Inari> Meow?
L1171[11:13:35] <Temia> References to that comic are forbidden >:C
L1172[11:13:53] <AmandaC> @AdorableCatgirl Lord: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/497/040/471.jpg
L1173[11:14:05] <Inari> Temia: I thikn I recall a doujin called Nekomata, if you mean that?
L1174[11:14:09] <AdorableCatgirl> HEYSOOS
L1175[11:14:11] <AdorableCatgirl> CRUST
L1176[11:14:17] <AdorableCatgirl> FORGIVE ME FOR MY SHINS
L1177[11:14:28] <Lizzy> Okay, gonna put my phone in my pocket before I walk into something
L1178[11:14:28] <Temia> No, Inari
L1179[11:14:36] <Inari> @AdorableCatgirl don't worry, we can amputate
L1180[11:14:38] <Forecaster> %sip
L1181[11:14:39] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly aether potion (New!). Forecaster feels slightly weaker.
L1182[11:14:46] <Forecaster> dang
L1183[11:14:49] <Temia> Do you remember "a cat is fine too"?
L1184[11:14:54] <AmandaC> I should make my 1password cli integration for powershell actually ask multiple times if an invalid password is entered.
L1185[11:15:02] <Inari> Skye: What did I not say though :f
L1186[11:15:04] <Inari> I'm confuzzled
L1187[11:15:08] <Inari> Temia: I do
L1188[11:15:25] <Temia> Catgirl was referring to it in a little more detail using context from the conversation
L1189[11:16:03] <Inari> Ah
L1190[11:16:07] <AdorableCatgirl> all i saw was immortal cat demon
L1191[11:16:25] <Temia> Go away Shiki, or you'll get the briefcase again
L1192[11:17:22] <Skye> business minortaur Temia?
L1193[11:17:25] <Inari> Heh
L1194[11:17:31] * AmandaC beams the contents of Temia's breifcase into a pocket-dimension she can interact with using The System™ and replaces it's contents with bricks
L1195[11:17:36] <Temia> Nah
L1196[11:17:56] <Temia> Temia but cute mage in jeans instead
L1197[11:18:07] <Izaya> AmandaC: if you can do that, why not just transport an exact amount of rock into it from underground
L1198[11:18:24] <AdorableCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/y4brejbf
L1199[11:18:27] <AmandaC> Izaya: bricks are denser
L1200[11:18:32] <Temia> https://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/13/131562/2147303-aoko0.png
L1201[11:18:33] <Izaya> oh
L1202[11:18:34] <Izaya> okay
L1203[11:18:36] <Izaya> fair
L1204[11:18:41] <AmandaC> she says, making a wild guess to cover her lack of thought
L1205[11:18:49] <Skye> cute can I look like that pls
L1206[11:18:54] <AdorableCatgirl> you know what's denser?
L1207[11:18:59] <AdorableCatgirl> uranium
L1208[11:19:05] <Temia> A shounen protagonist's skull
L1209[11:19:09] <Izaya> you know what's denser than that?
L1210[11:19:13] <Izaya> kirito
L1211[11:19:16] <Temia> A harem protagonist's--
L1212[11:19:16] <AmandaC> Harem protaganist's skull?
L1213[11:19:17] <Temia> Yeah
L1214[11:19:24] <Lizzy> wooooo home
L1215[11:19:24] <Temia> We all went the same route there
L1216[11:19:34] <Skye> I wanna be a cute anime girl with long red hair
L1217[11:19:38] <Izaya> serious question
L1218[11:19:46] <AdorableCatgirl> no
L1219[11:19:48] <Lizzy> questionable answer
L1220[11:19:50] <Skye> http://tinyurl.com/y5dacthf
L1221[11:19:55] <Izaya> how has the SAO universe not imploded due to the fact kirito is denser than the black hole at the centre of the milky way
L1222[11:20:09] <Skye> Izaya, what's to say it's not already happened
L1223[11:20:15] <AmandaC> Izaya: he uses his cheat skills to maintain the universe
L1224[11:20:16] <Inari> Izaya: Difference between figurative and literal meanings
L1225[11:20:24] <AmandaC> it's entirely subconcious
L1226[11:20:33] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: SAO runs on Source
L1227[11:20:35] <Temia> Because he's also a flagrant marty stu who is stronger than the pull of his own emotional gravity
L1228[11:20:36] <Izaya> AmandaC: well that's cheating
L1229[11:20:56] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: oh is that why the levels are so cleanly separated
L1230[11:21:00] <FeherNeoH> Seed != Source
L1231[11:21:04] <Skye> @AdorableCatgirl SORSE
L1232[11:21:13] <AdorableCatgirl> POWERED BY SAUSE
L1233[11:21:15] <AmandaC> I mean, AIUI from watching anitubers talk about it, isn't he basically Game God with magical cheat powers in any game he plays?
L1234[11:21:36] <AmandaC> AKA Protaganist Syndrome
L1235[11:21:38] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: yes
L1236[11:21:56] <AdorableCatgirl> actually no
L1237[11:22:00] <Skye> oh god
L1238[11:22:04] <Skye> now I'm imagining
L1239[11:22:07] <Skye> a HL2 speedrunner
L1240[11:22:11] <AdorableCatgirl> SAO might run on XRay 1.4
L1241[11:22:14] <Skye> jumping backwards at high speed
L1242[11:22:39] <AdorableCatgirl> that reminds me
L1243[11:22:41] <Izaya> consider the following: if you added a black hole to the end of every game, you would get there much faster due to gravity
L1244[11:22:55] <AdorableCatgirl> what's the progress on openxray
L1245[11:23:00] <Skye> Izaya, that is the plot of a movie
L1246[11:23:08] <Skye> forgot what it's called
L1247[11:23:09] <Skye> but
L1248[11:23:13] <Skye> the end goal was a black hole
L1249[11:23:21] <Skye> and they realised it wya too late
L1250[11:23:22] <AmandaC> Intersteller?
L1251[11:23:27] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: that's the stalker engine right
L1252[11:23:32] <AdorableCatgirl> iirc it's supposed to be able to run Call of Pripyat now
L1253[11:23:37] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: yea
L1254[11:23:52] <Lizzy> "Improve your PC experience with the Uplay+ subscription!" pretty sure that's a definate way to ruin my pc experience
L1255[11:24:05] <Izaya> imagine
L1256[11:24:08] <Izaya> >subscribe
L1257[11:24:11] <Izaya> >uplay doesn't work in WINE
L1258[11:24:12] <AdorableCatgirl> ***CALL OF PRIPYAT IS SUPPOSEDLY STABLE***
L1259[11:24:14] <Skye> AmandaC, no
L1260[11:24:21] <Izaya> seems like it at least doesn't improve things
L1261[11:24:29] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/614131625550413834/7_7_by_ateliz-ddb1s5x.png Temia AmandaC you haven't seen this have you?
L1262[11:24:31] <AdorableCatgirl> ***and clear sky somewhat works***
L1263[11:24:38] <Inari> I dunno, sounds like a pretty good deal
L1264[11:24:47] <Inari> If you have tons of uPlay ames you want to play at least
L1265[11:24:49] <Temia> I haven't but heck, she's cute
L1266[11:24:50] <AdorableCatgirl> https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16/blob/xd_dev/README.md
L1267[11:24:55] <Lizzy> Izaya, there's a reason that the folder i set up for any uplay games i have is called "ushit"
L1268[11:24:56] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya:
L1269[11:25:06] <Inari> Temia: That paint girl from Touhou is cute
L1270[11:25:37] <Temia> Hm?
L1271[11:25:49] <AdorableCatgirl> oh, Shadow of Chernobyl *launches*
L1272[11:25:52] <Izaya> Lizzy: apparently that remastered Assassin's Creed game that came out a bit ago works under WINE if you disable the overlay
L1273[11:25:55] <AdorableCatgirl> tbh
L1274[11:26:07] <AdorableCatgirl> Shadow of Chernobyl best STALKER
L1275[11:26:11] <Lizzy> Izaya, nice, i don't play AC though
L1276[11:27:16] <Lizzy> hmm
L1277[11:27:29] <Lizzy> pleroma or mastodon
L1278[11:27:44] <Skye> Inari, did you see the image? :P
L1279[11:27:44] <Inari> Temia: TRying to find a good picture of her is apparently hard though :P
L1280[11:27:47] <Izaya> pleroma is easier and lighter
L1281[11:27:50] <Inari> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/c9/7e/bbc97e1a02eedcdea339800efab77a9e.jpg
L1282[11:28:01] <Inari> Skye: The one you linked? Hadn't seen it before, saw it now
L1283[11:28:07] <Izaya> also complies with activitypub standards better
L1284[11:28:15] <Skye> what do you think of it?
L1285[11:28:18] <Izaya> but you can't tape elasticsearch to it
L1286[11:28:20] <Inari> Eh, it's okay
L1287[11:28:30] <Inari> Can't say I find it especially cute or anything though
L1288[11:28:34] <Skye> fair enough
L1289[11:28:38] <Skye> Temia, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092955929542682/angel_desktop_3.png
L1290[11:28:40] <Temia> aw, she's totally cute. Who is she? :o
L1291[11:28:50] <Temia> Wait, is it you? :O
L1292[11:29:02] <AdorableCatgirl> tenshi is a THOT
L1293[11:29:06] <Inari> Haha
L1294[11:29:10] <Skye> Temia, yes.
L1295[11:29:13] <Temia> aaaaa
L1296[11:29:15] <Temia> You're cute! >u<
L1297[11:29:17] <Skye> AdorableCatgirl what?
L1298[11:29:20] <Skye> Temia, I wish
L1299[11:29:24] <Temia> Oh
L1300[11:29:34] <Temia> You're still cute!
L1301[11:29:39] <Skye> though eye colour and hair is accurate?
L1302[11:30:02] <Skye> like
L1303[11:30:05] <Skye> I figured them out
L1304[11:30:07] <Skye> and nagged the artist
L1305[11:30:11] <Skye> xD
L1306[11:30:30] * Lizzy decrees that Skye is a cutie
L1307[11:30:40] <Skye> lies and slander
L1308[11:30:48] <Temia> You are though!
L1309[11:30:56] * Lizzy shakes her head, agrees with Temia
L1310[11:32:24] <Lizzy> right, okay now that i'm home and nomming food. Temia what was you saying about the domain thing?
L1311[11:32:46] <Temia> Don't you want a cute domain about monstergirls for the instance? :3c
L1312[11:33:05] <Lizzy> i mean, if you're offering one sure
L1313[11:35:40] <Temia> c:
L1314[11:35:59] <Skye> here was the artist's draft lol https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092889903071232/Screenshot_28.png
L1315[11:36:08] <Temia> Give me an IP to point to and a name for the subdomain and I'll put up an A/AAAA record for you
L1316[11:36:26] <Lizzy> Temia, i will when i set it up
L1317[11:36:30] <Temia> Kay \o/
L1318[11:37:18] <stephan48> cute domain about monstergirls?
L1319[11:38:06] <Forecaster> monster about domaingirls?
L1320[11:41:28] <Temia> Yes, I own the monmusu.me domain
L1321[11:41:45] <Skye> Temia, have you WHOIS'd yourself
L1322[11:41:45] <Skye> :P
L1323[11:41:51] <Skye> oh
L1324[11:41:56] <Skye> you said subdomain?
L1325[11:42:00] <Temia> Yes
L1326[11:42:35] <Skye> I am dumb
L1327[11:42:59] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092874270769163/angel2.png ooh here's another one
L1328[11:45:43] <Temia> Cuuuute <3
L1329[11:45:47] <Temia> You're a cutie!
L1330[11:46:40] *** Lizzy sets mode: -q SymboJava!*@*
L1331[11:47:32] <asie> I wish I learned to draw
L1332[11:47:41] <asie> but I just can't bring myself to... I spend my time developing weird FOSS stuff instead.
L1333[11:47:54] <asie> I, like, I think it's something I'd find enjoyable, but then I don't
L1334[11:48:06] <Bob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1335[11:48:46] <MichiBot> Lizzy REMINDER: look into fediverse and note down to send invites to Temia and AmandaC
L1336[11:49:37] <Forecaster> bah
L1337[11:49:48] <Forecaster> why do you have to be in space to see the galaxy map
L1338[11:51:09] <asie> .tonkout
L1339[11:51:13] <asie> !tonkout
L1340[11:51:16] <asie> %tonkout
L1341[11:51:16] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! asie! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 7 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds (By 2 minutes and 52 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1342[11:51:17] <MichiBot> asie has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.007 tonk points! plus 0.006 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.06522
L1343[11:51:30] <asie> i can't believe nobody used those 7 seconds to swoop in
L1344[11:51:31] <Forecaster> that was several attempts
L1345[11:51:36] <asie> my brain had a bit of a prefix problem
L1346[11:51:46] <Forecaster> I could have, but I wanted to see where it went
L1347[11:51:50] <asie> pff
L1348[11:51:59] <Temia> I would have, but I like having my score of 0.06502
L1349[11:52:09] <asie> well now I have 0.06522, and I can't go back, ever
L1350[11:52:24] <Skye> asie, time to get 0.6502
L1351[11:52:29] <Skye> or...
L1352[11:52:43] <Skye> 0.068000
L1353[11:53:00] <FeherNeoH> %tonk
L1354[11:53:00] <MichiBot> Consarn it! FeherNeoH! You beat asie's previous record of <0 (By 1 minute and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1355[11:53:01] <MichiBot> FeherNeoH's new record is 1 minute and 44 seconds! FeherNeoH also gained 0.00003 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L1356[11:53:18] <Izaya> 0.88000
L1357[11:53:18] <Java™> a lot of girl pics???????
L1358[11:53:49] <Java™> dude i am going because there a bounch of girl pics and i hate this
L1359[11:53:53] <Lizzy> k
L1360[11:53:57] <Skye> well uh
L1361[11:53:58] <Skye> okay
L1362[11:54:06] <Java™> are lesbians here?
L1363[11:54:06] <Forecaster> ...
L1364[11:54:10] <Java™> or what?
L1365[11:54:15] <Temia> ...Yes?
L1366[11:54:21] <Java™> amm...
L1367[11:54:22] <Temia> If that's a problem, yeah, please go.
L1368[11:54:28] <Java™> ok
L1369[11:54:30] <Lizzy> this chat is open to everyone
L1370[11:54:40] <asie> Temia: If lesbians do the trick I swear
L1371[11:54:50] <Bob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1372[11:54:51] <Temia> :D
L1373[11:54:52] <Skye> lesbiabs
L1374[11:55:01] * Temia hugs Skye <3
L1375[11:55:02] <Skye> lesiban
L1376[11:55:03] <asie> I will have to bow down to my yuri overlordesses
L1377[11:55:13] <Skye> lebsian
L1378[11:55:18] * Lizzy also hugs Skye
L1379[11:55:19] <Skye> aazaaaaaa heklpo
L1380[11:55:22] <Temia> It's okay, take it slow~
L1381[11:55:28] <Java™> Skye makes fame
L1382[11:55:35] <Skye> ...gawoiahegoa
L1383[11:55:35] <asie> it didn't work
L1384[11:55:43] <Java™> everyone found out shes a lesbian
L1385[11:55:54] <Java™> *Skye dies because her fame is gone*
L1386[11:55:54] <asie> it didn't work i demand a refund
L1387[11:56:01] <Temia> lolwut
L1388[11:56:05] <Skye> asie, time to unswear
L1389[11:56:32] <Lizzy> hmm, it would appear that someone has managed to get into my ubisoft account... :/
L1390[11:56:33] <Temia> Java, you may want to reconsider your understanding of social norms here
L1391[11:56:47] <Temia> Skye is a good girl.
L1392[11:56:49] * Temia headpats c:
L1393[11:56:53] <Skye> awu?
L1394[11:56:55] <asie> Temia: Be patient with a kid from the far-Eastern European land of Romania
L1395[11:56:56] <Temia> Hee <3
L1396[11:56:57] <Java™> java is symbo
L1397[11:57:04] <asie> Please.
L1398[11:57:06] <Java™> java from discord
L1399[11:57:10] <Java™> symbo
L1400[11:57:20] <Skye> symbo? or symbol?
L1401[11:57:24] * Lizzy headpats Skye
L1402[11:57:31] <Temia> Is suggesting they re-evaluate impatient?
L1403[11:57:35] <Java™> Skye i am symbo
L1404[11:57:37] <Java™> remember me?
L1405[11:57:42] <asie> Not really.
L1406[11:57:42] <Java™> from IRC chat?
L1407[11:57:47] <Java™> asie you do
L1408[11:57:51] <Temia> We are fully aware of who you are.
L1409[11:57:52] <Java™> SymboJava
L1410[11:57:53] <asie> I'm not talking to you.
L1411[11:57:55] <Bob> :GWcodesJava:
L1412[11:58:00] <Java™> asie ok
L1413[11:58:02] <AmandaC> I mean... Who cares if ssomeone's a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual, or whatever.
L1414[11:58:06] <Java™> good that bob send Java
L1415[11:58:12] <Java™> Java logo
L1416[11:58:17] <asie> SymboJava? You mean, that annoying person who constantly used the Internet to seek attention and bury their own psychology in a way they'll regret 5 or 6 years down the line?
L1417[11:58:25] <Java™> yep
L1418[11:58:27] <Java™> now i am not
L1419[11:58:27] <asie> Like I do now?
L1420[11:58:35] <Java™> amm what?
L1421[11:58:46] <AdorableCatgirl> i can prove there is no loving god
L1422[11:58:48] * Lizzy hmms
L1423[11:59:00] <Java™> Lizzy stop that roleplay
L1424[11:59:04] <AdorableCatgirl> the feeling of putting antiseptic on a blister on your hand
L1425[11:59:10] <Java™> we talk rn not roleplaying
L1426[11:59:12] <asie> No
L1427[11:59:12] <Temia> Java, did you seriously just tell the admin to stop.
L1428[11:59:14] * Lizzy hmmms harder
L1429[11:59:17] <Temia> Are you for fucking real
L1430[11:59:17] <asie> Roleplaying is always allowed
L1431[11:59:25] <Java™> yep...
L1432[11:59:30] <Java™> i hate roleplays
L1433[11:59:32] * Temia hmmmmms
L1434[11:59:39] <Java™> even tough i roleplay for fun
L1435[11:59:44] <asie> I don't think you have more say in what happens here than an admin, sorry
L1436[11:59:51] <asie> And the admin roleplays. A lot.
L1437[11:59:56] <Corded> * <Lizzian> wonders why java is here if they hate roleplay so much
L1438[11:59:57] * asie hmmmmmmmmmmmmmms
L1439[11:59:58] <Temia> ?
L1440[11:59:58] <Skye> especially if you are not polite
L1441[11:59:59] <Java™> i regret this
L1442[12:00:00] <AdorableCatgirl> my dad is friends with bill gated i will get you banned from microsoft office
L1443[12:00:11] <Java™> ok Lizzian you got me
L1444[12:00:17] <Java™> i go
L1445[12:00:16] <Java™> ok ok
L1446[12:00:17] <Java™> cya
L1447[12:00:17] <Skye> like you could probably get away with a lot if you were polite
L1448[12:00:18] <Java™> cya admin
L1449[12:00:19] <Java™> cya
L1451[12:00:33] <Temia> Come back when you have achieved emotional maturity.
L1452[12:00:36] <asie> ^
L1453[12:00:43] <Java™> i play minecraft cutie
L1454[12:00:43] <Skye> asie, the asie pattern?
L1455[12:00:46] <asie> >two minutes
L1456[12:00:46] * Skye ducks
L1457[12:00:47] <Java™> i talk about asie
L1458[12:00:48] <Java™> lol
L1459[12:00:49] <asie> AH THE WISHFUL ME
L1460[12:00:49] <FeherNeoH> .............
L1461[12:00:56] <AdorableCatgirl> now
L1462[12:00:59] <Java™> now what?
L1463[12:01:01] <asie> Skye: you've got me there
L1464[12:01:05] <Java™> ok i go
L1465[12:01:08] <Temia> Since he seems to have trouble knowing when to go, could someone please show him the door?
L1466[12:01:12] <AdorableCatgirl> i gotta finish digging a hole in my backyard
L1467[12:01:25] <asie> Okay, I've had enough. JUST STOP RESPONDING
L1468[12:01:30] <asie> IT'S THE ONLY WAY
L1469[12:01:32] <AmandaC> Lizzy: interesting.. Never knew that IRCCloud counts BEL as a ping, at lease visually.
L1470[12:01:53] <Temia> Well, either that or him being removed from the Discord and banned from the channel but eh
L1471[12:01:57] <Lizzy> i dodn't put any fancy characters in that, just did a /notice to the channel
L1472[12:01:58] <asie> Wait.
L1473[12:02:03] <AdorableCatgirl> tell me when the small russian kid who screeches "BLYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" when his minecraft house is destroyed leaves
L1474[12:02:06] <AmandaC> ah, then it's a notice
L1475[12:02:13] <asie> https://twitter.com/discordapp/status/1022190648932401154?
L1476[12:02:24] <asie> Whoever runs the Discord is actually obligated to report SymboJava for being underage.
L1477[12:02:27] <asie> Just FYI.
L1478[12:02:32] <asie> Like, not asked; *obligated*
L1479[12:02:47] <Temia> Hmm, this is a valid point
L1480[12:02:51] <Lizzian> ah, okay then. that'd be me since mimi gave me the ownership
L1481[12:02:56] <asie> (Curiously, EsperNet doesn't.)
L1482[12:03:17] <Java™> whos mimi? wait i said i go
L1483[12:03:25] <Lizzian> and yet you are still here
L1484[12:03:30] <Java™> yep
L1485[12:03:36] <Java™> looking a the nice pics
L1486[12:03:38] <asie> Leave, or you will be banned by Discord for being under 13 and admitting to it
L1487[12:04:12] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F678DF.versanet.de)
L1488[12:04:30] <Java™> *Ban hammer has spoken*
L1489[12:04:30] <Java™> reason: Your under 13 and looking at the nice pics
L1490[12:04:33] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092888023892008/Skye_commission.png Temia awu~
L1491[12:04:57] <Izaya> ISTR something about discord being acutely aware of the violations of their TOS and are fine with it, but I imagine if reported they'd deal with it
L1492[12:05:10] <asie> Izaya: This isn't "their own whimsy"
L1493[12:05:12] <asie> COPPA.
L1494[12:05:25] <asie> They're legally obligated to treat data of under-13s with special care as an U.S.-hosted service.
L1495[12:05:35] <asie> Like, it's the law, not their own ToS decision
L1496[12:05:36] <Izaya> yeah and I'm saying they're inconsistent with carrying out their legal obligations
L1497[12:05:41] <asie> Which ones?
L1498[12:05:41] <Izaya> from stuff I've heard
L1499[12:05:51] <Temia> Heeee c:
L1500[12:06:07] <Izaya> >They're legally obligated to treat data of under-13s with special care as an U.S.-hosted service.
L1501[12:06:08] <Skye> Temia, it;s a wolfgirl angel
L1502[12:06:19] <Izaya> I seem to remember quite a bit of drama around that and similar points a while back
L1503[12:06:27] <asie> Izaya: Yes, because people complained it's unfair and unjust to enforce this
L1504[12:06:32] <Lizzy> they're gone
L1505[12:06:40] <Forecaster> finally
L1506[12:06:41] <Izaya> no I mean, in relation to Discord specifically
L1507[12:06:48] <Temia> Thank you, Lizzy
L1508[12:06:55] <Lizzy> granted it was a kick and not a ban, but if they come back i am banning and reporting them
L1509[12:07:07] <asie> Oh, they also changed their opinion
L1510[12:07:09] <asie> "There are no requirements which you have to take. You do not need to ban a user or remove their messages if they say they are under 13. We do politely ask you simply report the users here. Just follow this guide: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000291932&quot;
L1511[12:07:17] <asie> This is from 2019, from a verified server's admin
L1512[12:07:28] <asie> I guess they really are inconsistent, huh
L1513[12:08:10] *** Lizzy sets mode: +q *!*@5-12-177-140.residential.rdsnet.ro
L1514[12:08:16] * Izaya shrugs
L1515[12:09:05] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: i still haven't worked on Zorya v2 in forever
L1516[12:09:08] <AdorableCatgirl> hepl
L1517[12:10:25] <Lizzy> y'know what i find funny? they wanted to be my friend cause i'm a girl but i have a feeling that they would've started throwing insults around once they found out that i am trans
L1518[12:10:46] <Forecaster> almost certainly
L1519[12:10:49] <Izaya> would not surprise
L1520[12:11:06] <Izaya> exceedingly classy, hopefully they'l stay on the other side of the bridge
L1521[12:11:24] <Lizzy> given how they were shocked about a portion of the userbase were lesbian
L1522[12:11:51] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092881673715716/skye_commission.png oh yeah here's another image :3 ready for the beach with a cookie
L1523[12:12:12] * Lizzy needs to start drawing
L1524[12:12:27] <Izaya> I need to dig up my graphics tablet some time
L1525[12:12:32] <Izaya> if only so I can sketch out designs
L1526[12:12:43] <Skye> Temia, any comment?
L1527[12:13:01] <AdorableCatgirl> i need to jank together a graphics tablet and git gud
L1528[12:13:33] <asie> I need to git gud too
L1529[12:13:46] <asie> Lizzy: They were from Romania.
L1530[12:13:57] <asie> Extrapolating from Poland, they have never seen an LGBT person in their life at this age.
L1531[12:13:57] <Lizzy> ?
L1532[12:14:03] <Lizzy> ah
L1533[12:14:06] <Temia> Adorable c:
L1534[12:14:11] <Temia> Cookies are good~
L1535[12:14:17] <Temia> Girls enjoying cookies are also good
L1536[12:14:22] <Corded> * <Forecaster> is definitely already an export drawinger, needs no improvement
L1537[12:14:37] * Skye exports Forecaster
L1538[12:15:10] <Lizzy> Forecaster clearly put all the skill points in art and only one in spelluing
L1539[12:15:33] <asie> Like, in Poland there's this decently clear divide where about half of the country is very socially conservative and the other half is a mixed bag but generally "minds its own business"
L1540[12:15:34] * Lizzy morphs her paws back into hands so that typing is easier
L1541[12:15:37] <Temia> The forecaster, a high quality export derringer -- no need to improve on this model
L1542[12:15:44] <asie> And the former half is on the east, and the further east you go the more conservative it gets
L1543[12:16:08] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092988079013888/angel_highcontrast_smaller.jpg
L1544[12:16:15] <Skye> pout intensifies
L1545[12:16:23] <Temia> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
L1546[12:16:25] <Temia> SO CUTE
L1547[12:16:28] * Lizzy boops the pouting Skye
L1548[12:16:28] <Temia> CUTE POUT
L1549[12:16:41] * Temia flops on Skye's head and pats rapidly with both hands >u<
L1550[12:17:09] <Skye> aaaaaaa
L1551[12:17:27] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614146108972597268/wheelchair_chase.png
L1552[12:17:31] * Skye flees
L1553[12:17:46] <Temia> hee
L1554[12:18:03] <Lizzy> okay, food hath been nommed
L1555[12:18:11] <Izaya> got a friend that plays wheelchair basketball
L1556[12:18:29] * Lizzy now needs to get dressed so she can go shopping with her dad for the weekend's food
L1557[12:18:30] <Izaya> keeps trying to get me to play but like
L1558[12:18:36] <Izaya> I don't even know how to play normal basketball
L1559[12:19:02] <Lizzy> Izaya, you bounce ball. you bounce ball in hoop, you get point
L1560[12:19:05] <Lizzy> simple
L1561[12:19:11] <Izaya> ez
L1562[12:19:14] * Lizzy is a sciencetist
L1563[12:19:27] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092895535890472/skye_qt.png sad skye
L1564[12:19:41] <Lizzy> nuu, nu sad
L1565[12:19:46] * Lizzy headpats Skye
L1566[12:19:51] <Lizzy> Skye is good girl
L1567[12:20:48] * Lizzy thinks she might start drawing when she gets back from shopping
L1568[12:21:44] <Lizzy> hmm, with fediverse stuff. does everything sync and what not over http/https?
L1569[12:22:23] <Mimiru> %restart
L1570[12:22:24] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@ ()
L1571[12:22:33] <Mimiru> \o/
L1572[12:22:54] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@
L1573[12:22:54] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L1574[12:23:20] <Lizzy> Izaya, would you know the answer to the above question?
L1575[12:23:28] <Mimiru> wow.. hmm looks like I missed some fun
L1576[12:23:39] <Skye> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378332250728824843/614092918638116867/JPEG_20171101_194553.jpg and this is my bad drawing
L1577[12:23:41] * Lizzy gives Mimiru headpats too
L1578[12:23:45] <Izaya> Lizzy: it does
L1579[12:23:53] <Mimiru> ^-^
L1580[12:23:55] <Izaya> hardly a good thing but I mean it works
L1581[12:24:17] <Lizzy> okay good, cause i have no unallocated IPs
L1582[12:24:35] <Izaya> remember to pass through .well-known for the domain you're using
L1583[12:24:52] <Lizzy> is .well-known used for more than LE?
L1584[12:25:04] <Izaya> it's used a lot with fedi stuff
L1585[12:25:10] <Lizzy> ah, okay
L1586[12:25:10] <Izaya> inconveniently
L1587[12:25:15] <Lizzy> gonna need to adjust that then
L1588[12:25:29] <Izaya> it's used for finding users, amont other things
L1589[12:25:34] <Temia> Aw, Skye, that's still cute c:
L1590[12:25:55] <Lizzy> since currently whirlpool "hijacks" that path for when it's renewing certs for itself
L1591[12:25:55] <Skye> I wish I could draw
L1592[12:26:04] <Lizzy> Skye, it looks good to me
L1593[12:26:21] <Skye> it took me ages
L1594[12:26:25] <Skye> and I have no motivation
L1595[12:26:28] <Temia> still, it's good
L1596[12:26:37] <Izaya> I've seen plenty worse
L1597[12:26:41] <Lizzy> Temia, i can't think of a subdomain right now, but the address you'll want to point it at is 'whirlpool.theender.net'
L1598[12:26:43] <Izaya> dubious choice of clothing though :^)
L1599[12:27:23] <Skye> Izaya, she's cosplaying jibril from NGNL
L1600[12:27:30] <Izaya> yeah I know
L1601[12:28:00] <AmandaC> .well-known is used by a lot of stuff, it's even got an RFC for it
L1602[12:28:28] <AmandaC> It's like, the standard place for any kind of http-based standard. Keybase uses it too
L1603[12:28:41] <Skye> who wouldn't want to be like jibril from ngnl... being able to wipe cities from the map?
L1604[12:28:42] <Izaya> Lizzy: I'll PM you my nginx conf for it
L1605[12:28:47] <Lizzy> Izaya, cool
L1606[12:29:03] <Izaya> I have my XMPP server configured to use the same subdomain though so ???
L1607[12:29:15] <Lizzy> AmandaC, weird, my keybase is just a .keybase-somerandomstuffhere in the root of the web dir
L1608[12:29:33] <AmandaC> Lizzy: oh? Maybe they changed it, I swear it used to use .well-known
L1609[12:31:06] <Lizzy> Unsure, lemme check my keybade account
L1610[12:31:11] <Lizzy> Keybase *
L1611[12:31:47] <Izaya> anywya
L1612[12:31:49] <Izaya> that's sent
L1613[12:31:51] <Izaya> I'm off to bed
L1614[12:32:05] <Izaya> oh no
L1615[12:32:10] <Izaya> I just had an absolutely terrible idea
L1616[12:32:17] <AdorableCatgirl> dam
L1617[12:32:23] <Izaya> what if I put the <script> for ConverseJS in the side panel for pleroma
L1618[12:32:24] <AdorableCatgirl> i wish i had a domain name still
L1619[12:33:06] <AmandaC> Lizzy: It's in .well-known/keybase.txt for me
L1620[12:33:32] <AmandaC> at least for darkdna.net
L1621[12:35:54] <AmandaC> ... though apparently we don't have http working for that
L1622[12:36:01] <Skye> how does one become a cute anime girl?
L1623[12:36:30] <Inari> VR?
L1624[12:36:35] <Skye> IRL
L1625[12:36:39] <Inari> I mean
L1626[12:36:45] <Inari> you literaelly can't. And it would look quite odd
L1628[12:37:31] <Temia> Reality is boring anyway
L1629[12:37:46] <Skye> how do I become as cute as an anime girl
L1630[12:38:32] <Inari> skincare, makeup, haircase... if you're bad/depserate, surgery, wigs :p
L1631[12:39:12] <Lizzy> AmandaC, mine is at Https://theender.net/keybase.txt
L1632[12:39:24] <Inari> *haircare
L1633[12:39:50] <Forecaster> what if I *want* a case for my hair
L1634[12:40:20] * Inari gets a cage for Forecaster's hair
L1635[12:41:32] <Skye> Inari, problem is I don't really care for myself much
L1636[12:41:40] <Inari> Skye: Try %warp, maybe you'll end up in an anime girl
L1637[12:41:46] <Inari> Skye: Then you better start doing so
L1638[12:41:46] <Inari> :D
L1639[12:41:51] <Skye> %warp
L1640[12:41:52] <MichiBot> You end up in a world inhabited by clowns.
L1641[12:41:56] <Skye> FUCK NO
L1642[12:41:59] <Skye> %warp
L1643[12:41:59] <MichiBot> You end up in a dimension populated by robot boys.
L1644[12:42:00] <Inari> Haha
L1645[12:42:01] <Forecaster> case*
L1646[12:42:06] <Skye> meh
L1647[12:42:07] <Skye> %warp
L1648[12:42:08] <MichiBot> You end up in a world inhabited by bards.
L1649[12:42:11] <Skye> NOOOOO
L1650[12:42:21] <Skye> %warp
L1651[12:42:21] <MichiBot> You end up in a dry world.
L1652[12:42:33] <Skye> this... is a good place to die in peace
L1653[12:42:44] <Lizzy> %sip
L1654[12:42:45] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy rock potion (New!). Lizzy feels the need to smash.
L1655[12:43:02] * Lizzy smashes
L1656[12:43:02] <Inari> L-lew
L1657[12:43:02] <Inari> d
L1658[12:44:15] <Skye> Inari, the only thing I remotely care for is my hair
L1659[12:44:45] <Inari> Then care for more :f
L1660[12:45:10] <Skye> it's a vicious spiral
L1661[12:45:25] <Skye> I don't care for myself because I don't like my apperance because I don't care for it
L1662[12:45:26] <Inari> Yes, you'll never care if you don't start :p
L1663[12:46:13] <Temia> Inari does have a point.
L1664[12:46:26] <Temia> Taking care of your body is important if you wanna be cute
L1665[12:46:47] <Forecaster> then change your appearance where you can, try to find something you like
L1666[12:47:08] <Temia> Working on better accepting your body helps too
L1667[12:47:09] <Inari> Temia: You have a point
L1668[12:47:17] <Inari> The end of your tali tuft to be exact
L1669[12:47:24] <Temia> <.<
L1670[12:47:27] <Inari> Tehe
L1671[12:47:41] <Skye> Temia, there are some issues with that unfortunately
L1672[12:47:54] <Inari> Woodblock printing is pretty cool
L1673[12:48:18] <Temia> I mean, you're talking to another transwoman, I know there are always issues.
L1674[12:50:13] <Skye> also I have no motivation in general
L1675[12:51:32] <Temia> As a transwoman with depression, I know how that is too, but it is not a reason not to even try
L1676[12:52:29] * Lizzy would like to help Skye if she can
L1677[12:54:30] * Lizzy is generally better at helping others than herself
L1678[12:55:32] <Izaya> >explicitly allow something in content-security-policy
L1679[12:55:40] <Izaya> >Page's settings blocked loading of a resource
L1680[12:55:42] <Izaya> thanks
L1681[12:57:26] <Inari> I've heard of like... weightloss courses where they show people a computer generated (pretty accurate) image of what they'd look like if they lost weight to motivate them. Isn't there something like tha tfor transwomen maybe?
L1682[12:57:38] <Skye> oh god that'd make me more sad
L1683[12:57:53] <Saphire> Uh
L1684[12:58:22] <Skye> hey Saphire
L1685[12:58:26] <Saphire> Heya
L1686[12:58:34] <Skye> don't read too much of the backlog
L1687[12:58:38] * Saphire pets at Temia and Skye
L1688[12:59:13] <Skye> awu
L1689[12:59:22] <Saphire> `I don't care for myself because I don't like my apperance because I don't care for it` That's dysphoria
L1690[12:59:29] <Inari> Skye: Haha, why? Shouldn't it be motivating or something
L1691[12:59:31] * Saphire hugs
L1692[12:59:59] <AmandaC> Inari: no
L1693[13:00:09] <Temia> Frankly I'd like to see that myself
L1694[13:00:09] <Saphire> Inari: too much anxiety possibility
L1695[13:00:16] ⇨ Joins: {Opsimath}Shawn ({Opsimath}Shawn!~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1696[13:00:19] <Temia> Yeah, anxiety is also an issue
L1697[13:00:28] <Saphire> If you spin it as "the most true" thing
L1698[13:00:53] <Temia> Yeah, there are ways to train yourself not to let intrusive thoughts get to you
L1699[13:01:00] <AmandaC> I imagine it could make dysphoria worse if it's not "woman enough" too
L1700[13:01:08] <Temia> Yeah.
L1701[13:01:09] <Saphire> ^
L1702[13:01:18] <Temia> I suppose that's fair.
L1703[13:01:35] <Saphire> Or it also could make them feel like they'll reach that
L1704[13:02:02] <Saphire> "oh no my projected picture in 10 years.. is next year"
L1705[13:02:24] <Saphire> Exaggerating, but yeah
L1706[13:02:33] * Saphire curls up on Temia
L1707[13:02:54] * Temia petpets Saphire
L1708[13:03:04] * Saphire murrs
L1709[13:03:20] <Saphire> ...I want to do that Matrix client I was working on
L1710[13:05:43] <Izaya> >disable content security policy
L1711[13:05:49] <Izaya> >content security policy blocks content
L1712[13:05:51] <Izaya> thank
L1713[13:06:22] <AdorableCatgirl> wew
L1714[13:06:36] <Temia> I was actually planning on going to the local LGBT resource center today to look at stuff to help me take better care of myself
L1715[13:06:41] <AdorableCatgirl> >fuck is changed to duck on forums
L1716[13:06:42] <AdorableCatgirl> :(
L1717[13:06:58] <Temia> The only reason I'm not going right now is because the apartment building's water cut out, and I wanna shower and do laundry =.=
L1718[13:10:06] <Temia> Oh hey, it's back now. Yay!
L1719[13:10:09] <Temia> Time to get a shower in
L1720[13:11:05] <Izaya> >CSP allows blocking of inline javascript
L1721[13:11:16] <Izaya> neat, so how does any javascript run that isn't in the HTML file?
L1722[13:12:52] <Lizzy> called in from script tags?
L1723[13:16:50] <Lizzy> weew, home
L1724[13:17:55] <Lizzy> Temia, i should probably go to some of the local lgbt/trans spaces but i always feel like an outsider and that they wouldn't want me there
L1725[13:18:22] <Temia> I'm worried I won't either but I may as well try
L1726[13:20:01] <Lizzy> i think if i had more trans friends around here (or very helpful allies) i'd feel a bit safer and/or not the only one in the spotlight so to speak
L1727[13:22:12] <Izaya> I don't understand
L1728[13:22:16] <Izaya> how the fuck does this header work
L1729[13:22:20] <Izaya> >allow domain
L1730[13:22:22] <Izaya> >blocked
L1731[13:22:24] <Izaya> >allow file
L1732[13:22:26] <Izaya> >blocked
L1733[13:22:28] <Izaya> >allow all
L1734[13:22:30] <Izaya> >blocked
L1735[13:22:32] <AdorableCatgirl> yes
L1736[13:22:40] <Izaya> >disable header
L1737[13:22:46] <Izaya> >pleroma stops working
L1738[13:25:15] <Lizzy> wonderful
L1739[13:28:02] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://catfox.life/2019/08/21/debian-no-longer-a-universal-operating-system/
L1740[13:28:54] <Izaya> WHAT THE FUCK
L1741[13:28:57] <Izaya> okay so
L1742[13:29:03] <Izaya> Content-Security-Policy doesn't work
L1743[13:29:15] <Izaya> add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://social.shadowkat.net https://cdn.conversejs.org; style-src 'unsafe-inline' https://social.shadowkat.net https://cdn.conversejs.org; img-src https:; media-src https:; font-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'"
L1744[13:29:26] <Izaya> Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at https://cdn.conversejs.org/dist/converse.min.css (“style-src https://social.shadowkat.net 'unsafe-inline'”).
L1745[13:30:19] <AdorableCatgirl> WHAT
L1746[13:30:23] <AdorableCatgirl> WHY THE FUCK
L1747[13:30:32] <AdorableCatgirl> DID THEY REMOVE SUPPORT FOR MIPS
L1748[13:31:12] <AdorableCatgirl> debian sux
L1749[13:36:55] <Inari> Who uses MIPS
L1750[13:37:03] <Izaya> most routers
L1751[13:37:07] <AdorableCatgirl> me
L1752[13:37:26] <Inari> Izaya: I find that statement somewhat amusing :p
L1753[13:38:12] <Izaya> Linux OpenWrt #12 Wed Dec 21 03:33:39 CET 2011 mips GNU/Linux
L1754[13:38:40] <AdorableCatgirl> i use arch btw
L1755[13:38:51] <AdorableCatgirl> jokes on me though
L1756[13:38:59] <Inari> A router imo doesn't need a full OS, and if it has one thats just bloat.
L1757[13:39:51] <AdorableCatgirl> there is no arch for MIPS
L1758[13:40:07] <AdorableCatgirl> Inari: but what about my PS2
L1759[13:41:51] <Inari> That need sthe PS2 OS
L1760[13:41:51] <Inari> :p
L1761[13:41:56] <Lizzy> Temia, AmandaC, Skye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_nWGG_TFDM look, cute
L1762[13:41:57] <MichiBot> A very patient mother cat with 5 crazy active kittens !! | length: 4m 44s | Likes: 9,270 Dislikes: 61 Views: 74,504 | by walter santi | Published On 22/8/2019
L1763[13:42:05] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L1764[13:42:06] <AdorableCatgirl> fun fact
L1765[13:42:37] <AdorableCatgirl> Black Rhino Linux (A PS2 linux distro) is Debian based :P
L1766[13:50:39] <Forecaster> %tonk
L1767[13:50:41] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Forecaster! You beat FeherNeoH's previous record of 1 minute and 44 seconds (By 1 hour, 55 minutes and 55 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1768[13:50:42] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 57 minutes and 39 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00193 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L1769[13:50:46] <Forecaster> %sip
L1770[13:50:47] <MichiBot> You drink a viscous diamond potion (New!). Forecaster briefly feel like they have just stepped out of a car.
L1771[13:50:54] <Lizzy> %warp
L1772[13:50:54] <MichiBot> You end up in a world inhabited by clowns.
L1773[13:50:58] <Izaya> Inari: doesn't mean bloat shouldn't be an option
L1774[13:50:59] <Lizzy> %warp
L1775[13:51:00] <MichiBot> You end up in your bed.
L1776[13:51:04] <Lizzy> ooh
L1777[13:51:06] * Lizzy naps
L1778[13:51:20] <Temia> %quaff
L1779[13:51:20] <MichiBot> You drink a thick sapphire potion (New!). Temia feels slightly less agile.
L1780[13:51:24] <Temia> .w.
L1781[13:51:47] * Inari orders 50 of thsee
L1782[13:51:48] <Izaya> besides
L1783[13:51:57] <Izaya> would you consider OpenBSD or FreeBSD bloat for a router?
L1784[13:52:11] <Izaya> if not, is PFSense, a router OS, bloat, because it's FreeBSD plus stuff?
L1785[13:57:22] <CompanionCube> a router does need a 'full OS
L1786[13:57:31] <CompanionCube> you can't ASIC the entire thing
L1787[13:59:05] <Inari> You can write code that isn't in a full OS :p
L1788[13:59:31] <CompanionCube> depends on your definition of #f
L1789[13:59:32] <CompanionCube> true
L1790[13:59:42] <Inari> Eh
L1791[13:59:54] <Inari> You don't need a general purpose OS. Just write something smaller imo
L1792[14:00:20] <CompanionCube> that requires Effort though
L1793[14:00:40] <CompanionCube> much easier to plop linux or whatever and stick a minimal userland on it
L1794[14:01:00] <Izaya> interesting how if the subject was web pages pretending to be software this argument would be reversed
L1795[14:02:15] <CompanionCube> Izaya: hey, writing a custom os is much more Effort than in that situation
L1796[14:02:37] <Forecaster> ... what the heck is a silo
L1797[14:03:17] <Forecaster> oh
L1798[14:03:28] <Forecaster> it's called a "Supply Depot" in the research screen
L1799[14:03:42] <CompanionCube> what game are you playing
L1800[14:03:49] <CompanionCube> is it some kind of RTS?
L1801[14:04:27] <Forecaster> NMS
L1802[14:04:31] <CompanionCube> oh
L1803[14:08:12] <Inari> Oh neat
L1804[14:08:18] <Inari> Sethbling did what I always wanted in mods (player pipes)
L1805[14:10:53] <Bob> Thermal Has player ducts
L1806[14:18:13] <Forecaster> https://rockpapercynic.tumblr.com/post/187192821659/nature-is-truly-a-marvel-to-behold-ps-you-can
L1807[14:20:18] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://twitter.com/nick_kapur/status/1164233656799506433 hasbro has basically gone and made republican propaganda as a game
L1808[14:20:18] <MichiBot> Wed Aug 21 17:51:48 UTC 2019 @nick_kapur: I bought a copy of Hasbro's mean-spirited and woefully ill-informed "MONOPOLY: SOCIALISM" board game so you don't h… <https://t.co/PDxI5Wgs4f&gt;
L1809[14:20:33] <CompanionCube> it just looks sad
L1810[14:21:15] <Skye> apparently the win condition of the game monopoly was based off of (with no credit) was to form a mutral cooprative
L1811[14:25:11] <Forecaster> %sip
L1812[14:25:12] <MichiBot> You drink a shimmering rainbow potion (New!). The next remote Forecaster looks for is extra hard to find.
L1813[14:25:20] <Forecaster> Dangit
L1814[14:27:02] <CompanionCube> %drink
L1815[14:27:03] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy citrus potion (New!). CompanionCube feels a sudden surge of static electricity.
L1816[14:40:33] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y5et7mss
L1817[14:40:34] <Forecaster> oh no
L1818[14:44:08] <Lizzian> a whole dollar
L1819[14:44:16] <Forecaster> yep
L1820[14:44:53] <Forecaster> according to the billing page there's an "elastic cloud" with an SSD that is causing it
L1821[14:45:16] <Forecaster> but I've poked around on the account and I can't find anything that resembles a service
L1822[14:46:28] <Forecaster> so I'm just going to ignore it, they can suspend the account, it doesn't matter
L1823[14:47:43] <AdorableCatgirl> man
L1824[14:47:51] <AdorableCatgirl> we're getting quite the storm
L1825[14:48:09] <Forecaster> a quiet storm?
L1826[14:48:13] <Forecaster> a quite quiet storm?
L1827[14:48:17] <AdorableCatgirl> outta nowhere just B A N G
L1828[14:48:20] <AmandaC> It was raining so hard yesterday that I couldn't see out my window, just sheets of rain
L1829[14:48:20] <AdorableCatgirl> B O O M
L1830[14:48:25] <AdorableCatgirl> C R A S H
L1831[14:52:19] <Lizzy> bah, why does it feel later than 9pm
L1832[14:52:38] <Forecaster> timey wimey
L1833[14:53:50] <Forecaster> oh hey
L1834[14:53:57] <Forecaster> Space Engineers economy update is out
L1835[14:54:53] <Lizzy> oh cool
L1836[14:55:58] * Lizzy might play SE again this weekend
L1837[15:17:36] <Saphire> https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraft/comments/ctxeo3
L1838[15:17:42] <Saphire> What the fuck
L1839[15:19:28] <Forecaster> Lizzy we should try to survive and do economy stuff together!
L1840[15:19:40] <Saphire> Wait
L1841[15:19:42] <Saphire> Economy?
L1842[15:20:08] <Forecaster> see above
L1843[15:20:09] <Lizzy> yes
L1844[15:25:32] <Lizzy> (the yes was to you, @Forecaster )
L1845[15:28:17] <Forecaster> woo
L1846[15:31:59] <Brisingr Aerowing> Saphire: I saw Xisuma's video on that. Not sure what to think about it.
L1847[15:32:34] <Saphire> Inb4 forestry devs going "oh fuck you"
L1848[15:33:13] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNNj97HznUU
L1849[15:33:13] <MichiBot> Elite Dangerous Fleet Carrier Gamescom Reveal | length: 1m 36s | Likes: 652 Dislikes: 17 Views: 6,610 | by Elite Dangerous | Published On 22/8/2019
L1850[15:33:40] <Bob> in 1.16 Mojang adds Electricity and in 1.17 Computers
L1851[15:33:46] <Forecaster> I want one
L1852[15:35:17] <Forecaster> `December`
L1853[15:35:18] <Lizzy> oh yay, it would seem my gpu/driver issues are back -_-
L1854[15:35:19] <Forecaster> exite
L1855[15:35:22] <Forecaster> excite*
L1856[15:36:01] <Forecaster> gonna get one for my squadron for sure
L1857[15:38:13] <Forecaster> maybe a mining one
L1858[15:49:40] <Lizzy> yay, fucking gpu issues are back again
L1859[15:52:40] <Forecaster> aw
L1860[16:16:39] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/cu0l62/do_not_poke_the_belly/
L1861[16:22:09] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/332198244346232832/614183152017211393/Thisvideowillgiveyouanxiety.mp4
L1862[16:31:51] <Forecaster> woo, NMS update that enables key rebinding
L1863[16:32:24] <Inari> AmandaC: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ctuuz3/really_shocked_cat/ that cat has seen some things
L1864[16:34:06] <AmandaC> Has that hit stable, @Forecaster ?
L1865[16:35:31] <Forecaster> dunno
L1866[16:36:16] <AdorableCatgirl> >bees get added to MC vanilla
L1867[16:36:17] <AdorableCatgirl> >https://i.redd.it/428hi7vu61i31.png
L1868[16:51:16] <Skye> @AdorableCatgirl no
L1869[16:51:17] <Skye> just
L1870[16:51:18] <Skye> N
L1871[16:51:20] <Skye> O
L1872[16:51:47] <AdorableCatgirl> if you're afraid of the bee movie
L1873[16:51:56] <AdorableCatgirl> then you should never play any Source game with me
L1874[16:52:16] <Skye> I am not afraid
L1875[16:52:16] <Skye> more just
L1876[16:52:20] <Skye> fustrated
L1877[16:52:28] <Skye> and makes me want to slap people
L1878[16:52:46] <AdorableCatgirl> good
L1879[16:52:51] <AdorableCatgirl> but yeah
L1880[16:52:59] <AdorableCatgirl> the bee movie script is one of my favorite binds
L1881[16:53:04] <Skye> so I might have to slap you
L1882[16:53:08] <Skye> the first line
L1883[16:53:09] <AdorableCatgirl> also REEEE WINETRICKS KEEPS MAKING POPUPS
L1884[16:53:12] <Skye> makes me angry
L1885[16:53:21] <AdorableCatgirl> LAWS OF AVIATION
L1886[16:53:21] <AdorableCatgirl> ACCORDING TO ALL KNOWN
L1887[16:53:21] <Skye> because
L1889[16:53:27] <AdorableCatgirl> THERE IS NO WAY THAT
L1890[16:53:30] <AdorableCatgirl> THE BEE SHOULD BE ABLE TO FLY
L1891[16:53:39] <Skye> IT'S NOT AVATION THOUGH
L1893[16:53:50] <AdorableCatgirl> or however my 10k lines of binds go
L1894[16:53:52] <Skye> IT CANT GLIDE
L1895[16:54:06] <Skye> but it can fly because flapping wings
L1896[16:54:12] <Skye> a bit like a drone
L1897[16:54:46] <AdorableCatgirl> *2k lines
L1898[16:54:46] <AdorableCatgirl> lmao
L1899[16:54:47] <AdorableCatgirl> whoops
L1900[16:55:02] <Corded> * <Skye> is just angery
L1901[16:55:31] <AdorableCatgirl> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/uvihiyazun
L1902[16:55:32] <AdorableCatgirl> etc
L1903[16:55:33] <AdorableCatgirl> etc
L1904[16:55:36] <Skye> WTF
L1905[16:55:39] <Skye> JUST NO NO NO NO NO
L1906[16:55:41] <Skye> NOOOOOOOOOOOO
L1907[16:56:00] <AdorableCatgirl> i have the wholeass bee movie script for use in CSGO, CSS, TF2, or whatever source game I play
L1908[16:56:06] <Skye> also isn't that spam
L1909[16:56:12] <AdorableCatgirl> hmm?
L1910[16:56:29] <AdorableCatgirl> what, the bind?
L1911[16:56:33] <AdorableCatgirl> yea, it floods the chat
L1912[16:56:40] <AdorableCatgirl> that's
L1913[16:56:43] <AdorableCatgirl> kinda the point
L1914[16:56:52] <Skye> yeah uh
L1915[16:56:55] <Skye> that would uh
L1916[16:57:10] <Skye> kinda made me not want to playh with you lest I be banned by asscosiation :P
L1917[16:57:16] <AdorableCatgirl> why would you be banned?
L1918[16:57:33] <AdorableCatgirl> not like you can get banned from CSGO/TF2 matchmaking for it
L1919[16:58:01] <Skye> idk
L1920[16:58:08] <Skye> also it's just annoying
L1921[16:58:16] <Skye> I would probably vote to kick you :P
L1922[16:59:53] <AmandaC> Wey isn't there any capital C's
L1923[17:00:09] <AmandaC> Why*
L1924[17:08:24] <Inari> shiba/chow mix are cute
L1925[17:08:26] <Inari> https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/bX1IydyraOw1_wZz4eMZCbqDf1-V6TGiCNM4dQ8os08/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/e0/fa/fae0fac59ebba920f42e105cbd5ab4ca.jpg
L1926[17:10:20] <Mettaton_Fab> this looks like a tiny fluffy husky
L1927[17:13:10] <AdorableCatgirl> AmandaC: i have no clue
L1928[17:13:13] <AdorableCatgirl> they're all Os
L1929[17:21:56] * Lizzy pounces at AmandaC, then curls up and sleeps
L1930[17:25:48] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L1931[17:25:49] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Forecaster! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 57 minutes and 39 seconds (By 1 hour, 37 minutes and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1932[17:25:50] <MichiBot> Forecaster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! plus 0.004 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.79932
L1933[17:26:04] <Forecaster> %sip
L1934[17:26:05] <MichiBot> You drink a stirring röd potion (New!). Forecaster's skin turn yellow until they say the word "Blatherskite".
L1935[17:26:22] <Forecaster> ...eh
L1936[17:26:44] <Lizzy> %tonk
L1937[17:26:45] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! Lizzy! You beat Forecaster's previous record of <0 (By 55 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1938[17:26:46] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 55 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.00002 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L1939[17:26:50] <Lizzy> okay now slep
L1940[17:28:02] * AmandaC cuddles Lizzy
L1941[17:28:15] <AmandaC> Sleep good
L1942[17:30:28] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F2F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1943[17:50:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-25-34.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L1944[18:34:40] <Furious The Crusader> hey uh how does the angel upgrade work? how do you place blocks under it
L1945[18:36:19] <FLORANA> can you not get the label off a robot?
L1946[18:37:51] <FLORANA> can you not get the label of a robot? [Edited]
L1947[18:41:17] <AmandaC> Furious: the same way you place blocks otherwise
L1948[18:47:16] <Furious The Crusader> you gonna respond to FLORANA?
L1949[18:48:44] <AmandaC> %tell Inari Inari sends her most loyal troops to battle (2019, colorised) https://i.imgur.com/llhwm1I.png
L1950[18:48:44] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1951[18:49:05] <AmandaC> I don't know the answer to their question
L1952[18:49:40] <AmandaC> And I'm not in the mood to play librarian and look it up for them in the wiki
L1953[18:50:22] <FLORANA> the wiki says nothing about the robots and labels
L1954[18:50:54] <FLORANA> i tried `label get -a <robot address>` but it just errored saying a nil value
L1955[18:51:11] <AmandaC> Then you probably can't
L1956[18:51:48] <FLORANA> if not then thats seriously broken then :|
L1957[18:51:55] <AmandaC> Look at the robot api's wiki per to know for sure
L1958[18:52:00] <Furious The Crusader> so you can't rename a robot?
L1959[18:52:26] <FLORANA> the only way i can think of is a anvil
L1960[18:52:28] <AmandaC> s/per/page/
L1961[18:52:29] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Look at the robot api's wiki page to know for sure
L1962[18:52:54] <AmandaC> You have to rename using an anvil, yes
L1963[18:52:59] <FLORANA> oooh
L1964[18:53:44] <FLORANA> `robot.name()` is a thing... but it doesn't seem like you can set it :| unless label is set only for the robot
L1965[18:54:10] <AmandaC> No you can't change it, aiui
L1966[18:54:17] <AmandaC> You have to use an anvil
L1967[18:54:36] <FLORANA> manualy? thats lame, i want to automate it >-<
L1968[18:55:40] <Furious The Crusader> yep right here: `The name of a Robot is set initially during it's creation and cannot be changed programmatically. However you can change it using an anvil if you want.`
L1969[18:56:06] <FLORANA> i wonder... can a computer interact with anvils? like that I/O interface for vanilla/modded blocks
L1970[18:56:21] <FLORANA> *computers
L1971[18:57:14] <AmandaC> %choose irradiate or waves
L1972[18:57:15] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I received a message from future you, said to go with "waves".
L1973[18:58:22] <AmandaC> Temia: tomorrow's gunna suuuuck. I'm out of soda again. D:
L1974[18:58:30] <Temia> D:
L1975[18:58:31] <Temia> oh no
L1976[18:59:09] <FLORANA> ok apparently furious here thinks this chat is connected to WOCCHAT when i keep telling him WOCCHAT is the client for IRC
L1977[18:59:39] <FLORANA> can someone correct him cuz he's not listening to me
L1978[18:59:47] <AmandaC> I mean, it's not exactly wrong
L1979[18:59:53] <AmandaC> It's connected to here which is connected to there
L1980[19:01:18] * AmandaC nestles up around Temia protectively, loads up plex to find something to watch
L1981[19:02:34] <Temia> Yes, but wocchat is but one of many IRC clients, and technically the Discord bridge is connected to an IRC network.
L1982[19:27:01] <ben_mkiv> @florana try transposer?
L1983[19:27:14] <FLORANA> ?
L1984[19:27:18] <ben_mkiv> for the anvil
L1985[19:27:28] <ben_mkiv> but forget it, it cant do anything useful without xp
L1986[19:27:37] <ben_mkiv> so probably better go with a modded anvil which takes liquid xp
L1987[19:29:27] <FLORANA> altho robots can collect XP
L1988[19:36:48] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1989[19:48:03] <AdorableCatgirl> https://twitter.com/trans_disaster/status/1163503264698130434
L1990[19:48:04] <MichiBot> Mon Aug 19 17:29:29 UTC 2019 @trans_disaster: STOP ARGUING OVER THE BEST PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
L1991[19:49:32] <ben_mkiv> Python is INTUITIVE laughs in\tone wrong tab
L1992[19:50:57] <AdorableCatgirl> Lua is EASY
L1993[19:51:04] <AdorableCatgirl> [laughs in lanes]
L1994[19:51:29] <MGR> Java
L1995[19:52:12] <Paradoxical> Lua is EASY
L1996[19:52:12] <Paradoxical> *[laughs in metatables]*
L1997[19:52:17] <Paradoxical> that's my version of it
L1998[19:52:49] <AdorableCatgirl> M U L T I T H R E A D I N G T I M E
L1999[19:53:03] <AdorableCatgirl> metatables are p easy to understand
L2000[19:53:25] <Paradoxical> I still don't understand them though ._.
L2001[19:54:02] <Paradoxical> cause I wear no one online explains what the hell they do and how the hell they work
L2002[19:54:05] <Paradoxical> cause I swear no one online explains what the hell they do and how the hell they work [Edited]
L2003[19:56:36] <AdorableCatgirl> ???
L2004[19:56:40] <AdorableCatgirl> what part isn't clear?
L2005[19:56:56] <AmandaC> @Paradoxocal imagine instead of looking in the book for something, you consult another book which might tell you where to look in the first one, or might give it's own answer. That's __index
L2006[19:57:03] <Paradoxical> ah
L2007[19:57:09] <Paradoxical> that makes some sense
L2008[19:57:39] <Paradoxical> from what I've heard it's *almost* like C++'s `operator[X]` (e.g. `operator+()`) function?
L2009[19:57:50] <AmandaC> Yeah
L2010[19:57:58] <Paradoxical> hm
L2011[19:58:15] <AmandaC> __index would be operator[]
L2012[19:58:16] <Paradoxical> I once tried to do something with that in Lua 5.3 (in oc) but it didn't work :/
L2013[19:58:41] <AmandaC> __newindex would be operator []=
L2014[19:59:08] <Paradoxical> ah
L2015[19:59:28] <AmandaC> Both only get called if the table you set the metatable on doesn't have the field
L2016[19:59:45] <AmandaC> So think of them as being on a base class to whatever you're usong
L2017[19:59:49] <Paradoxical> so that's how the `colors` api works?
L2018[20:00:12] <Paradoxical> being able to do either `colors["red"]` or `colors[x] = "string corresponding to color int x"`
L2019[20:00:57] <AmandaC> Unless the colours api is different than sides, it just prepopulates the tables on load
L2020[20:01:03] <AmandaC> With a for loop
L2021[20:01:09] <Paradoxical> ah
L2022[20:01:23] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2023[20:03:09] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L2024[20:04:01] <AmandaC> Wait, not sides. Keyboard
L2025[20:04:33] * AmandaC curls up around Temia, draping hey fluffy tail over her like a blanket, dozes
L2026[20:04:37] <AmandaC> Night nerds
L2027[20:32:09] * Temia curls up with Amanda and pulls the tail around herself =u= zzz
L2028[20:56:55] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L2029[21:11:25] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L2030[21:56:29] <Izaya> new router arrived https://social.shadowkat.net/media/0312609caa4e64c387e3a245ee3c3da02d49f63bec244f1e30837d74980b061e.jpg
L2031[22:00:26] <Izaya> fuck me I don't have a 12V power adaptor that works
L2032[22:00:44] <Izaya> s/works/fits/
L2033[22:00:44] <MichiBot> <Izaya> fuck me I don't have a 12V power adaptor that fits
L2034[22:00:46] <CompanionCube> how did a BT homehub thing end up in aus
L2035[22:00:48] <CompanionCube> like, why?
L2036[22:01:13] <Izaya> only cheap router OpenWRT can do VDSL on
L2037[22:01:16] <Izaya> $20 shipped
L2038[22:01:46] <CompanionCube> didn't want a seperate modem?
L2039[22:02:20] <Izaya> no such thing
L2040[22:02:48] <CompanionCube> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Openreach-Huawei-Echolife-HG612-fiber/dp/B00S71WZIE
L2041[22:04:07] <Izaya> >router
L2042[22:04:11] <CompanionCube> you could buy a new draytek vigor 130 but those are like £80
L2043[22:04:20] <CompanionCube> https://www.amazon.co.uk/DrayTek-Vigor-ADSL-Ethernet-Modem/dp/B00F9E5LQA
L2044[22:04:48] <Izaya> well that's several times what I paid for an OpenWRT router with VDSL
L2045[22:05:52] <CompanionCube> apparently the hg612 ones go cheap on ebay even though i don't think they're neq
L2046[22:10:31] <CompanionCube> yeah, seem to have a few for £10-£20, though i imagine they don't ship to aus sadly
L2047[22:19:14] <Izaya> where the FUCK is my multimeter
L2048[22:21:08] <AdorableCatgirl> i have it
L2049[22:21:23] <AdorableCatgirl> i'm trying to debug my anti-mass spectrometer
L2050[22:21:50] <AdorableCatgirl> it's not working right
L2051[22:22:00] <AdorableCatgirl> i think it crashed and ripped a hole in space-time
L2052[22:22:54] <Izaya> all I need is the fucking continuity tester mode
L2053[22:23:49] <AdorableCatgirl> pfft, ez, just put a double A battery on one end, an LED on the other, and connect the remaining ends of the LED and battery together
L2054[22:24:51] <AdorableCatgirl> if you couldn't tell
L2055[22:25:00] <AdorableCatgirl> don't actually do that
L2056[22:27:58] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L2057[22:28:07] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: hmu if anything explodes
L2058[22:36:35] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2059[22:39:38] <CompanionCube> rip
L2060[22:40:15] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L2061[22:40:23] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L2062[22:40:24] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! CompanionCube! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 55 seconds (By 5 hours, 12 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L2063[22:40:25] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 5 hours, 13 minutes and 39 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00521 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L2064[22:42:16] <Izaya> fucking piece of shit
L2065[22:42:22] <CompanionCube> what happen
L2066[22:42:32] <Izaya> different adaptor to literally every ever router ever
L2067[22:42:43] <Izaya> oh yeah let's have a REALLY WIDE HOLE IN THE DC JACK
L2068[22:42:49] <CompanionCube> f
L2069[22:42:50] <Izaya> SO NOTHING ELSE FITS
L2070[22:43:21] <CompanionCube> Izaya: worst part is glhf selling it to someone else in aus
L2071[22:43:29] <Izaya> normally
L2072[22:43:37] <Izaya> I'd just bodge a connector together
L2073[22:43:43] <Izaya> because I have a trillion 12V wall warts
L2074[22:43:50] <Izaya> but my multimeter has POOFED out of existance
L2075[22:43:52] <Izaya> fucking piece of shit
L2076[22:44:38] <CompanionCube> enjoy your brick :p
L2077[22:44:42] <Izaya> so now I either buy a multimeter with a continuity tester mode
L2078[22:44:46] <Izaya> or a new wall wart
L2079[22:44:48] <Izaya> CompanionCube: no fuck you
L2080[22:45:04] <Izaya> I have the wall wart for it
L2081[22:45:12] <Izaya> but it has a fucking UK power plug
L2082[22:45:26] <CompanionCube> why would it *not*
L2083[22:45:39] <Izaya> I didn't consider that being a problem
L2084[22:45:55] <Izaya> because why would it use a different jack to literally every other network device ever built
L2085[22:46:23] <Izaya> imagine not using AS/NZS 3112 wall power sockets in 2019 by the way
L2086[22:46:29] <Izaya> nice backwards power standard lmao
L2087[22:46:48] <Izaya> imagine not having mandated switches on all sockets
L2088[22:48:48] <CompanionCube> hey, now you too can experience the pain of stepping on a uk plug
L2089[22:49:51] <CompanionCube> fuckin caltops
L2090[23:05:24] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: so my webserver POS crashed
L2091[23:05:27] <AdorableCatgirl> and i have no idea why
L2092[23:05:40] <AdorableCatgirl> decided "fuck it i need sleep"
L2093[23:05:54] <AdorableCatgirl> so i'm telling it to do an extended SMART test and i'm going to bed
L2094[23:05:55] <AdorableCatgirl> lmao
L2095[23:12:31] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F678DF.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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