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Stuff goes here
L1[00:04:15] <AdorableCatgirl> get more ram lmao
L2[00:04:28] <AdorableCatgirl> also use linux lmao
L3[00:06:26] <Izaya> https://assets.amuniversal.com/6b08abb09fbb012f2fe600163e41dd5b
L4[00:10:13] <AdorableCatgirl> kek
L5[00:10:17] <AdorableCatgirl> nice ememe
L6[00:10:21] <The_Stargazer> its not my laptop
L7[00:10:30] <The_Stargazer> and theres not enough space to install linux
L8[00:10:39] <Izaya> >comics are memes now
L9[00:10:40] <Izaya> fuckin
L10[00:10:40] <The_Stargazer> id have to wipe the drive and i cant wipe a drive thats not mine
L11[00:10:44] <Izaya> ruining the everything
L12[00:10:54] <The_Stargazer> how is that a meme?
L13[00:11:03] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: so use a flash drive to install it onto?
L14[00:11:09] <The_Stargazer> dont have any
L15[00:11:15] <The_Stargazer> (spare that is)
L16[00:11:28] * Izaya gives The_Stargazer $5
L17[00:11:36] <Izaya> Here's a nickel kid, get yourself some storage.
L18[00:12:16] <The_Stargazer> haha
L19[00:12:16] <The_Stargazer> im gonna buy a cheap hdd on trademe and install it in my ET1331
L20[00:12:19] <AdorableCatgirl> i say "nice ememe" to most anything lmao
L21[00:12:37] <Izaya> only 6 off
L22[00:12:49] <The_Stargazer> from 1337?
L23[00:13:12] <Izaya> as opposed to 1325
L24[00:13:23] <The_Stargazer> haha
L25[00:17:07] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L26[00:17:07] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! CompanionCube! You beat Kodos's previous record of 1 hour, 35 minutes and 28 seconds (By 30 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L27[00:17:08] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 6 minutes and 17 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00102 (0.00051 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L28[00:17:10] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com)
L29[00:17:16] <AdorableCatgirl> so
L30[00:17:21] <AdorableCatgirl> turns out
L31[00:17:40] <AdorableCatgirl> stopping wpa_supplicant doesn't stop the processes
L32[00:17:55] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L33[00:17:59] <AdorableCatgirl> now i have wifi
L34[00:26:16] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L35[00:44:18] <CompanionCube> %drink random
L36[00:44:18] <MichiBot> You drink a basic ocean potion (New!). CompanionCube feels like a champion!
L37[00:45:13] <asie> %drink random
L38[00:45:14] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly spice potion (New!). After drinking the potion you realize the bottle has your face on it.
L39[00:46:24] <CompanionCube> %sip
L40[00:46:24] <MichiBot> You drink a sour coral potion (New!). It tastes bitter.
L41[00:50:00] <Izaya> >Installing the Firefox web browser proved a bit more difficult. As with most Linux-based operating systems, Raspbian doesn't just let you download an app from a store or website. You must compile the software package yourself using a command-line interface, and instructions can be sketchy and hard to find, depending on the program.
L42[00:50:16] <Izaya> PCMag pls I know you're about IBM PCs but please do your research
L43[00:50:43] <The_Stargazer> >most linux-based operating systems don't let you download apps from a store or a website
L44[00:50:46] <The_Stargazer> what is this?
L45[00:51:32] <The_Stargazer> have .deb (or .rpm) files poofed out of existence?
L46[00:51:39] <Izaya> evidently
L47[00:52:07] <Izaya> IT GETS BETTER
L48[00:52:27] <Izaya> >Fortunately, I found the command for installing Firefox after a single Google search. Once you type the command into the terminal (accessed via an icon in the task bar) and execute it, the OS does the rest, and I soon had a Firefox window open and ready to browse.
L49[00:52:35] <Izaya> I imagine that command was sudo apt-get firefox
L50[00:52:39] <The_Stargazer> yes
L51[00:52:46] <Izaya> TIL Debian is source-based
L52[00:52:53] <The_Stargazer> ?
L53[00:53:07] <Izaya> source-based distros don't provide pre-compiled packages
L54[00:53:14] <The_Stargazer> ah
L55[00:53:25] <Izaya> or at least, that's not the primary method of getting them
L56[00:53:30] <Izaya> see: gentoo, NixOS, etc
L57[00:53:54] <The_Stargazer> fun drinking game: build a working LFS system while drunk, and for every failure, take another shot
L58[00:55:17] <Izaya> this is how people die of alcohol poisoning
L59[00:55:59] <Izaya> (would recommend)
L60[01:05:21] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L61[01:30:54] <Forecaster> %sip
L62[01:30:54] <MichiBot> You drink a sweet caterium potion (New!). Forecaster suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L63[01:32:01] <The_Stargazer> `The server has not responded for -3 seconds! Creating thread dump`
L64[01:32:02] <The_Stargazer> paperspigot are you alright
L65[01:32:02] <CompanionCube> also
L66[01:32:16] <CompanionCube> downloading random packages from a website
L67[01:32:21] <CompanionCube> is a bad modle
L68[01:32:32] <CompanionCube> fuck anything using it
L69[01:32:37] <Izaya> yup
L70[01:32:53] <Izaya> let's download executable code from some random untrusted person because it's the only way to get it!
L71[01:32:56] <The_Stargazer> if the packages are signed with trusted keys do they still count as random?
L72[01:33:10] <The_Stargazer> (something like that)
L73[01:33:15] <Izaya> the only keys that should be trusted are your distro's maintainers
L74[01:33:20] <The_Stargazer> good point
L75[01:33:21] <CompanionCube> Izaya: eh
L76[01:33:27] <CompanionCube> here's the thing
L77[01:33:43] <CompanionCube> random websites don't have any trusted keys
L78[01:33:47] <The_Stargazer> why does my screen keep flashing black
L79[01:33:47] <The_Stargazer> is my potato iGPU being trashed
L80[01:33:50] <The_Stargazer> er
L81[01:33:51] <The_Stargazer> thrashed
L82[01:33:56] <CompanionCube> and you can't make such a system work
L83[01:35:01] <CompanionCube> (for what does work, see the few extra arch binary repos that provide their own keys the user has to trust)
L84[01:35:05] <The_Stargazer> paperclip why are you using a linux script file on windows
L85[01:35:17] <The_Stargazer> i love how paperclip automatically assumes linux
L86[01:35:30] <The_Stargazer> because every minecraft server runs linux, yep
L87[01:35:30] <Izaya> paperclip?
L88[01:35:36] <Izaya> every worthwhile one
L89[01:35:36] <The_Stargazer> paperspigot aio
L90[01:35:58] <The_Stargazer> surely there's a config option to use a batch file
L91[01:36:01] <The_Stargazer> and not a shell script
L92[01:36:21] <CompanionCube> that would involve them bothering to write support
L93[01:36:34] <CompanionCube> and since batch is a terrible language...
L94[01:36:54] <The_Stargazer> shouldn't it be as easy as "run this file"
L95[01:36:59] <The_Stargazer> that's what it does for the start.sh file
L96[01:37:04] <The_Stargazer> it just opens it via the normal methods
L97[01:37:11] <The_Stargazer> windows asks me "how to open this"
L98[01:38:12] <Z0idburg> almost lunch break
L99[01:38:15] <Z0idburg> aka almost nap time
L100[01:38:30] <Izaya> that sounds like a solid idea atm
L101[01:38:42] <Izaya> ended up going through the twisties with someone on an R6
L102[01:38:44] <Izaya> was a good time
L103[01:38:44] <Z0idburg> 45 minute nap or so
L104[01:39:00] <Z0idburg> you know
L105[01:39:08] <Z0idburg> I do that with my Jeep and it squeels
L106[01:39:17] <Z0idburg> because the turn radius is wide
L107[01:39:18] <Z0idburg> ?
L108[01:39:30] <Z0idburg> never take it on lombard street
L109[01:39:32] <Izaya> tfw sub-2m turning circle
L110[01:39:33] <Z0idburg> it would never make it
L111[01:40:09] <Izaya> nah man if you're not hitting the twisties at 20km/h over the speed limit what are you doing with your saturday
L112[01:40:19] <Z0idburg> lol
L113[01:40:27] <Z0idburg> 20km/h over ? lets see
L114[01:40:29] <Izaya> cliff on one side, cliff face on the other, 90* turn ahead
L115[01:40:41] <Z0idburg> wait what
L116[01:40:48] <Z0idburg> that's only 12 mph over dude
L117[01:40:52] <Z0idburg> that's not speeding at all
L118[01:41:00] <Izaya> >imagine using fake units
L119[01:41:06] <Z0idburg> lol
L120[01:41:12] <Izaya> also
L121[01:41:15] <Izaya> I kinda agree
L122[01:41:25] <Izaya> speed limits here are 10 under what anyone does
L123[01:41:37] <Izaya> 50 zone? everyone's doing 60km/h
L124[01:41:45] <Izaya> 80 zone? everyone's doing at least 90, usually 100
L125[01:41:54] <Izaya> but of course
L126[01:41:57] <Izaya> cars slow down in corners
L127[01:42:00] <Izaya> which makes me want to die
L128[01:42:06] <Z0idburg> here in Maine once you get north of old town which is not far from Bangor (center of the state) the speed liomit goes to 75 mph120 km/h
L129[01:42:34] <Z0idburg> so you can literally go 90 mph or 144 km/h without losing your license
L130[01:42:37] <Izaya> there's one place in aus with a speed limit over 110km/h
L131[01:42:52] <Izaya> it's a straight bit of highway in a large cutting through a mountain with no on or off ramps
L132[01:43:59] <Z0idburg> out here
L133[01:44:02] <Izaya> there's a mostly straight highway out west where the speed limit is 100 but everyone does 150, good times
L134[01:44:03] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5679033,-68.5444437,3a,75y,353.41h,74.57t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1summR5zERwdiZWHAIYiYQ9A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DummR5zERwdiZWHAIYiYQ9A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D313.83173%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
L135[01:44:19] <Izaya> how boring a road
L136[01:44:28] <Z0idburg> it is pretty boring
L137[01:44:30] <Z0idburg> lets see
L138[01:45:13] <Z0idburg> it's a highway with no exits for 64 miles (102 km)
L139[01:45:21] <Z0idburg> hour of driving with nothing but road no stops
L140[01:45:29] <Z0idburg> and trees
L141[01:45:49] <Z0idburg> at 120km/h of course
L142[01:47:33] <Izaya> https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.8140036,153.4764677,3a,75y,38.67h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sx0GRWccsMVyyO5DB6-7KWg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3Dx0GRWccsMVyyO5DB6-7KWg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D58.50989%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i3328!8i1664
L143[01:48:32] <The_Stargazer> Aha!
L144[01:48:33] <The_Stargazer> you CAN tell Spigot / Paper to use a batch file
L145[01:48:39] <Z0idburg> I drive on this road quite a bit
L146[01:48:44] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/yy75sv5c
L147[01:49:01] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/yxh8ma9n
L148[01:49:08] <Z0idburg> it's a shortcut
L149[01:49:27] <Izaya> from the first picture I was wondering if it were just a track through someone's property
L150[01:49:40] <Z0idburg> that's just a narrow part
L151[01:49:47] <Z0idburg> there's parts of it where it's very wide
L152[01:49:54] ⇦ Quits: cpw (cpw!~cpw@69-165-220-173.dsl.teksavvy.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L153[01:50:14] <Z0idburg> theres no google maps for it
L154[01:50:51] <Z0idburg> it's called Winkumpaugh
L155[01:51:50] <Z0idburg> it's paved for a little while then becomes dirt and crosses with happytown
L156[01:52:16] <The_Stargazer> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/omayazomom
L157[01:52:27] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y4kqb39g
L158[01:52:28] <Z0idburg> ^ Happytown road
L159[01:53:00] <Z0idburg> some of it is paved but much of all of these are dirt
L160[01:53:07] <Z0idburg> even parts of winkumpaugh are paved
L161[01:53:37] <Z0idburg> whatr you need to see Izaya is this:
L162[01:53:41] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y4vjltqn
L163[01:53:54] <Izaya> it's a meese
L164[01:53:59] <Z0idburg> yes it is
L165[01:54:14] <Z0idburg> and you don't want to mess with it
L166[01:54:17] <Z0idburg> LOL
L167[01:54:32] <Z0idburg> That's the studmill road north of where I grew up by a few miles
L168[01:54:49] <Z0idburg> it's like 90 miles of dirt
L169[01:54:51] <The_Stargazer> is there a string function that succeeds only if the exact word is present?
L170[01:54:51] <The_Stargazer> for example: string `HELLO`, don't match `HEL`
L171[01:55:18] <Z0idburg> stargazer, I think I may possibly have your answer lets see
L172[01:55:56] <Z0idburg> there's this chunk of code in Trotwood that looks like this:
L173[01:55:59] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ukofopeyur
L174[01:56:03] <Z0idburg> any of that seem useful?
L175[01:56:07] <The_Stargazer> hmm
L176[01:56:15] <The_Stargazer> no idea
L177[01:56:17] <Z0idburg> obviously not exactly the same ting
L178[01:56:25] <Z0idburg> its how Trotwood does OS detection
L179[01:56:26] <Izaya> https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.5943024,153.0717614,3a,75y,307.38h,83.18t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1soDBwEXsHxEKD-If48WHGJQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DoDBwEXsHxEKD-If48WHGJQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D340%26pitch%3D-10%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
L180[01:56:31] <Z0idburg> well platform detection
L181[01:56:32] <Izaya> ^ one of my favourite routes, kyogle to uki
L182[01:56:47] <Z0idburg> OMG
L183[01:56:50] <The_Stargazer> my current system doesn't error nicely if you type in a username that a) doesn't exist but b) is part of a username that DOES exist in the database
L184[01:56:50] <Z0idburg> this lookss dangerous af
L185[01:56:56] <Izaya> it is! :D
L186[01:57:05] <Z0idburg> I'm not thinking about it in that state
L187[01:57:17] <Z0idburg> I am thinking of it like a Maine road in winter when the road is a river of solid ice
L188[01:57:19] <The_Stargazer> also: is it possible to do a case-insensitive match?
L189[01:57:30] <Izaya> it's dangerous enough as is, without snow
L190[01:57:30] <The_Stargazer> like, string `HELLO`, match `hello`
L191[01:57:32] <Izaya> fuckin cagers
L192[01:57:40] <Izaya> this corner is fun https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.5948742,153.0741551,3a,75y,117.39h,77.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbhzZ59aYU32rw4M8mNijJg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
L193[01:57:41] <Z0idburg> that place get snow at all?
L194[01:57:43] ⇨ Joins: cpw (cpw!~cpw@135-23-116-52.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L195[01:57:59] <The_Stargazer> `/card PRISMATICYT`: no data
L196[01:57:59] <The_Stargazer> `/card PrismaticYT`: bunch of data
L197[01:58:37] <Z0idburg> heh
L198[01:58:37] <The_Stargazer> case-sensitivity isn't really needed to match a username because iirc usernames are case-insensitive
L199[01:58:43] <Z0idburg> this is interesting
L200[01:58:45] <Izaya> oh hey I have a photo from here :D https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.5183474,153.1587427,3a,75y,54.06h,94.62t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6zl4ha76ZGzG93xo4jMTgw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D6zl4ha76ZGzG93xo4jMTgw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D320%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
L201[01:58:50] <Z0idburg> so its wrapping around the hill and winds down
L202[01:58:56] <The_Stargazer> like you can't have both `SOMEUSERNAME` and `someusername` iirc
L203[01:58:58] <Z0idburg> unlike what we do here where we just cut through the hill itself
L204[01:59:26] <Izaya> https://nextcloud.shadowkat.net/s/6W2zTBsXfM9k7Sw
L205[01:59:49] <Izaya> better spot: https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.5184015,153.1588561,3a,75y,40.54h,79.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKxvVPhONnAVz8zgEcBYhlQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
L206[01:59:53] <Z0idburg> which is how we get stuff like this:
L207[01:59:55] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/@44.5599729,-68.8072271,3a,75y,332.64h,96.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scU1vV_6Y6hderJ5qvhzKQA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DcU1vV_6Y6hderJ5qvhzKQA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D134.04327%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
L208[01:59:59] <Z0idburg> that's not natural, it was cut
L209[02:00:07] <Z0idburg> or blasted
L210[02:00:08] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L211[02:00:17] <Izaya> I mean, it's neat, but why not just go round?
L212[02:00:30] <Z0idburg> because that would be horrible
L213[02:00:46] <Izaya> why doesn't google maps have a fuckin topo mode?
L214[02:00:48] <Z0idburg> the incline / declines are uneven enough
L215[02:00:53] <Z0idburg> you'd never have anythng level enough
L216[02:00:57] <Z0idburg> Yeah I dunno
L217[02:01:21] <The_Stargazer> ah, a quick google reveals that something like `"%f[%w_]" .. word .. "%f[^%w_]"` may be helpful
L218[02:01:25] <Izaya> >Waldo, Maine, USA
L219[02:01:26] <Izaya> neat
L220[02:01:31] <Izaya> found Waldo
L221[02:01:34] <The_Stargazer> as iirc there's no lua equivalent of `\b`
L222[02:02:01] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brewer,+ME/@44.5505562,-68.81138,14.27z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cae4cee9f8cb53b:0x97e2be8b82dcbedb!8m2!3d44.7967378!4d-68.7614246!5m1!1e4
L223[02:02:03] <Z0idburg> there you go
L224[02:02:09] <Z0idburg> oh you found mount waldo?
L225[02:02:26] <Izaya> hm yeah that spot is obnoxious
L226[02:02:29] <Z0idburg> I've been up it, ythere's a quarry on top with an artificial lake that is crystal clear
L227[02:02:38] <Izaya> if it were in aus it woulda just had a lower speed limit over the bridge and had a sharper corner
L228[02:02:46] <Z0idburg> heh
L229[02:03:13] <Izaya> like this: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/-28.97877/153.28871
L230[02:03:18] <The_Stargazer> nope, that won't work
L231[02:03:19] <The_Stargazer> `java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1`
L232[02:03:49] <Z0idburg> so if you ever wondered why people say it takes forever to get out of new england
L233[02:03:52] <Z0idburg> especially from maine
L234[02:03:53] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brewer,+ME/@44.551621,-70.8382222,8.92z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cae4cee9f8cb53b:0x97e2be8b82dcbedb!8m2!3d44.7967378!4d-68.7614246!5m1!1e4
L235[02:03:57] <Z0idburg> here's basically why
L236[02:04:29] <Z0idburg> the white mountains and the appalacian mountain ending is in the way
L237[02:04:29] <Izaya> Brewer?
L238[02:04:36] <Izaya> oh
L239[02:05:02] <Z0idburg> whatd I do give you the wrong map
L240[02:05:22] <Z0idburg> no just zoom in from the link
L241[02:05:38] <Z0idburg> straight
L242[02:05:48] <Z0idburg> so to get throgh NH its all mountains
L243[02:05:53] <Z0idburg> then in VT its mountains
L244[02:06:03] <Z0idburg> so you either go west or you go all the way aroynd along the coast
L245[02:06:17] <Z0idburg> and if you notice Maine only has one actual highway
L246[02:06:29] <Z0idburg> there's like two sub highways that are pretty much the same thing
L247[02:07:08] <Z0idburg> have you ever been on a mountain in the middle of a lake though
L248[02:07:39] <The_Stargazer> YES I GOT IT TO WORK
L249[02:07:43] <Izaya> been on a mountain on an island
L250[02:07:56] <The_Stargazer> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/notawafihu
L251[02:07:57] <The_Stargazer> ^ this did the trick
L252[02:08:17] <Z0idburg> cool
L253[02:08:19] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/5plikn.png
L254[02:09:32] <Z0idburg> mm
L255[02:09:41] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/@45.6951476,-69.7384916,3a,75y,144.72h,81.9t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMj59VC4TlWKJnMaz6nODzmpLDrQS-9Kr4Db_3m!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMj59VC4TlWKJnMaz6nODzmpLDrQS-9Kr4Db_3m%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya318.37045-ro-0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352
L256[02:09:51] <Z0idburg> this is a mountain just in some random island in the middle of a lake
L257[02:09:59] <Z0idburg> the biggest lake in Maine actually, I fished on it once
L258[02:10:11] <Izaya> very pretty view
L259[02:10:41] <Z0idburg> seems safe right?: https://www.google.com/maps/@45.6997417,-69.7336557,3a,75y,309.85h,66.54t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMovd74wXorfk5wm699tn3Rhf93MIpxjSxxZFFW!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMovd74wXorfk5wm699tn3Rhf93MIpxjSxxZFFW%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-3.8159435-ya332.99533-ro-0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352
L260[02:11:37] <Izaya> depends what is safe
L261[02:11:43] <Z0idburg> lol
L262[02:21:31] <Z0idburg> I need a new tub
L263[02:22:15] <Z0idburg> I can get one for like $1500
L264[02:22:36] <Z0idburg> so on the passenger side the steel rusted out on the bottom of the tub where the feet go
L265[02:22:47] <Z0idburg> and I looked there and the floor rug is all that's covering it
L266[02:22:49] <Izaya> > What many fail to appreciate is the Fast & Furious movies are actually superhero movies and the characters superpowers are CARS. Once you realise that, the movies make perfect sense :)
L267[02:23:01] <Z0idburg> if it werent for teh rug you'd be watching the ground below you
L268[02:23:16] <Izaya> nice
L269[02:23:19] <Izaya> my favourite
L270[02:23:50] <Z0idburg> yeah I wanted to weld a temporary plate this week but ran out of time
L271[02:23:58] <Z0idburg> I could probably throw another mat down
L272[02:24:07] <Z0idburg> just to sturdify the feet a bit
L273[02:25:31] <Z0idburg> http://www.shellvalley.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=368/prd368.htm
L274[02:25:34] <Z0idburg> problem is you pay for shipping
L275[02:25:54] <Z0idburg> tghat one is the entire body
L276[02:25:57] <Z0idburg> not just the tub
L277[02:26:08] <Z0idburg> but you'd want the heavy duty one lol
L278[02:26:35] <Z0idburg> so $3,600 for that
L279[02:31:42] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38644.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L280[02:53:22] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L281[02:57:48] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-200-51-244.dynamic.qsc.de)
L282[02:57:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L283[03:02:39] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L284[03:02:40] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Forecaster! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 2 hours, 6 minutes and 17 seconds (By 39 minutes and 15 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L285[03:02:41] <MichiBot> Forecaster has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.74784
L286[03:04:09] <The_Stargazer> %tonk
L287[03:04:09] <MichiBot> Consarn it! The_Stargazer! You beat Forecaster's previous record of <0 (By 1 minute and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L288[03:04:10] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 1 minute and 29 seconds! The_Stargazer also gained 0.00002 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L289[03:06:59] <asie> %tonk
L290[03:07:00] <MichiBot> Waesucks! asie! You beat The_Stargazer's previous record of 1 minute and 29 seconds (By 1 minute and 21 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L291[03:07:01] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 2 minutes and 50 seconds! asie also gained 0.00002 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L292[03:11:32] <The_Stargazer> %tonk
L293[03:11:33] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! The_Stargazer! You beat asie's previous record of 2 minutes and 50 seconds (By 1 minute and 42 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L294[03:11:34] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 4 minutes and 33 seconds! The_Stargazer also gained 0.00003 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L295[03:18:07] ⇨ Joins: Prof_David (Prof_David!~neuge@2a02:560:420c:900:e07c:3eaf:835d:42c)
L296[03:29:32] <Izaya> %tell AdorableCatgirl why doesn't the normal inventory work
L297[03:29:33] <MichiBot> Izaya: AdorableCatgirl will be notified of this message when next seen.
L298[03:30:34] <Izaya> %tell AdorableCatgirl can't make a crafting table because making a crafting table needs the crafting inventory but that's the one that doesn't work, nice
L299[03:30:34] <MichiBot> Izaya: AdorableCatgirl will be notified of this message when next seen.
L300[03:37:44] <asie> %tonk
L301[03:37:44] <MichiBot> Avada Kedavra! asie! You beat The_Stargazer's previous record of 4 minutes and 33 seconds (By 21 minutes and 38 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L302[03:37:45] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 26 minutes and 11 seconds! asie also gained 0.00036 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L303[03:57:28] <The_Stargazer> %tonk
L304[03:57:28] <MichiBot> I'm sorry The_Stargazer, you were not able to beat asie's record of 26 minutes and 11 seconds this time. 19 minutes and 43 seconds were wasted! Missed by 6 minutes and 27 seconds!
L305[04:29:54] ⇦ Parts: BrightYC (BrightYC!~BrightYC@broadband-188-32-129-66.ip.moscow.rt.ru) ())
L306[04:54:08] <Forecaster> %tonk
L307[04:54:09] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Forecaster! You beat asie's previous record of 26 minutes and 11 seconds (By 30 minutes and 28 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L308[04:54:10] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 56 minutes and 40 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00051 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L309[05:11:01] <kb1000> waits that
L310[05:11:08] <kb1000> whats that [Edited]
L311[05:11:30] <Forecaster> what's what
L312[05:13:42] <kb1000> what that bot is saying
L313[05:13:52] <Lizzy> it's saying things
L314[05:14:06] <Forecaster> tonk is a game about timing and opportunity
L315[05:14:21] <Forecaster> and getting points that are completely useless
L316[05:20:15] <Izaya> >can't spend tonk points
L317[05:20:18] <Izaya> a travesty
L318[05:21:47] <Forecaster> but that would put value on them
L319[05:21:56] <Izaya> exactly
L320[05:23:01] <Forecaster> can't have that
L321[05:23:16] <Izaya> this some sort of money laundering system or something
L322[05:23:29] <Izaya> can't have people wanting these useless points
L323[05:23:37] <Izaya> because then they could cash out that much faster
L324[05:56:16] <Kodos> %tonk
L325[05:56:17] <MichiBot> Voldemort! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 56 minutes and 40 seconds (By 5 minutes and 28 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L326[05:56:18] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 1 hour, 2 minutes and 8 seconds! Kodos also gained 0.00009 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L327[05:57:52] <Kodos> Neat, I have a spaceship and a mech now on OND
L328[06:02:06] <Forecaster> what is that
L329[06:02:50] <Kodos> Osiris New Dawn
L330[06:05:08] <Forecaster> ah
L331[06:08:49] <Kodos> Oh, I guess I can't build the mech
L332[06:08:59] <Kodos> I had the materials, clicked build, didn't realize it just says "Coming soon"
L333[06:09:16] <Forecaster> that's kind of misleading
L334[06:09:22] <Forecaster> it's in the screenshots shown on steam
L335[06:11:40] <Lizzy> the last time i played OND, it seemed more like a tech demo rather than an actual game
L336[06:11:54] <Lizzy> though that was a while ago so maybe they've added some more stuff since then
L337[06:13:29] ⇨ Joins: baschdel_ (baschdel_!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:da81:852a:cf0c:a2c4:ea4e)
L338[06:20:18] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/301371180584140820/607170405223890945/WSq2USq2Yh4.jpg?width=654&height=676
L339[06:20:48] <AmandaC> Inari this bad floor can have so many hairballs on it!
L340[06:21:20] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67801.versanet.de)
L341[06:22:05] <Inari> Meow?
L342[06:22:40] <Forecaster> reference to the car salesman meme
L343[06:24:29] <Inari> Oh
L344[06:25:49] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L345[06:25:49] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with imo culture. 3 health gained!
L346[06:31:34] <Lizzy> %loot
L347[06:31:34] <MichiBot> Lizzy: You get a loot box! It contains a stationary stick. (100%)
L348[06:33:00] * AmandaC glares at Inari
L349[06:33:14] <Inari> Meow?
L350[06:33:16] <AmandaC> stationary stick... a pencil?
L351[06:33:23] <AmandaC> "with imo culture"
L352[06:38:16] <AmandaC> Inari: halp,, I woke up with songs from an 80's(?) musical movie stuck in my head
L353[06:43:30] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (Vexaton!~Vexatos@port-92-193-89-18.dynamic.qsc.de)
L354[06:43:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L355[06:43:33] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-200-51-244.dynamic.qsc.de) (Killed (nova.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L356[06:43:33] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L357[06:45:53] ⇨ Joins: feherneoh (feherneoh!~feherneoh@4E5C1159.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L358[06:46:19] <Forecaster> I think I was thinking more "stationary as in not moving" when I wrote that
L359[06:56:27] <AmandaC> so, a stick in the mud?
L360[06:56:41] <Forecaster> sure
L361[06:57:00] <Inari> AmandaC: Did you have odd dreams of it or something
L362[06:57:21] <Forecaster> if it says (100%) it means it's a "junk item" by the way, it's not from the inventory
L363[06:57:25] <AmandaC> Inari: not really. It was more some weird constant-battle thing
L364[06:58:06] <AmandaC> I kept waking up and falling back asleep, which always leads to weird repetetive dreams, in this case it was a bunch of battles with various groups of people
L365[06:58:22] <Forecaster> it seems the loot system is only producing those lately, so that might be broken
L366[06:58:34] <AmandaC> %blame @Forecaster
L367[06:58:34] * MichiBot blames @Forecaster for adding A maid outfit to the inventory!
L368[06:58:40] <Forecaster> it might be failing to retrieve anything from the inventory at all
L369[06:58:45] <AmandaC> o-oh my
L370[06:58:55] * AmandaC moves away from corded some
L371[06:59:23] <Forecaster> pretty sure that's probably inari who deserves the blame for that one :P
L372[06:59:26] <Forecaster> seems likely
L373[07:13:44] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67801.versanet.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L374[07:21:35] <Inari> AmandaC: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUWJcZhXkAAshOn?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
L375[07:21:55] * AmandaC glares at Inari
L376[07:22:06] <AmandaC> unless you have a death wish, I recommend not trying to replicate that
L377[07:22:12] <Inari> :<
L378[07:34:34] <Lizzian> urghhh ffs computer/amd driver
L379[07:36:06] <SquidDev> %tonk
L380[07:36:06] <MichiBot> Voldemort! SquidDev! You beat Kodos's previous record of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 8 seconds (By 37 minutes and 40 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L381[07:36:07] <MichiBot> SquidDev's new record is 1 hour, 39 minutes and 49 seconds! SquidDev also gained 0.00126 (0.00063 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L382[07:42:14] * Lizzy sighs
L383[07:42:24] <Lizzy> idk if it's my gpu fucking up or the driver or both
L384[07:43:39] <Forecaster> why not woth
L385[07:43:45] <Forecaster> why not both [Edited]
L386[07:44:38] * Lizzy hopes she hasn't lost too much progress
L387[07:46:55] <Lizzy> okay, luckily not because i was still able to go into the pause menu so mc saved the chunks
L388[07:47:51] <Izaya> Well
L389[07:47:56] <Izaya> This is inconvenient.
L390[07:48:28] <Izaya> No Immersive Engineering, no Better with Mods, and I have myself set up underground, and can't figure out how to go about generating power.
L391[07:49:04] <Forecaster> Jump in place until something happens
L392[07:49:14] <Izaya> solid plan
L393[07:52:13] <Izaya> also there is a cassowary in my secret underground base
L394[07:52:20] <Izaya> investigations as to how this happened are ongoing
L395[08:00:56] <Skye> Izaya: what
L396[08:01:13] <Izaya> which what
L397[08:06:01] <Skye> Server?
L398[08:07:28] <Izaya> figured I'd get something going on AdorableCatgirl's server
L399[08:08:30] <Skye> Ah
L400[08:08:53] <Skye> I'm stuck without a computer that can play MC
L401[08:08:59] <The_Stargazer> rip
L402[08:09:16] <Izaya> next you'll say an X220 can't play Minecraft
L403[08:11:17] <asie> I've literally ran a modding convention on an X200
L404[08:11:23] <asie> l i t e r a l l y
L405[08:11:28] <Izaya> guess what I'm playing on rn
L406[08:11:30] <asie> an X220 can play Minecraft just fine if you fiddle a bit, I've done it
L407[08:11:39] <Izaya> Skye just refuses to install a worthwhile OS
L408[08:11:40] <asie> like, the X200's GPU is an order of magnitude worse
L409[08:11:44] <Skye> Unfortunately I'm stuck with windows.
L410[08:11:46] <asie> you just gotta use Linux for Intel GPUs
L411[08:11:53] <asie> new or old
L412[08:11:59] <asie> for OpenGL to work respectably
L413[08:12:06] <Skye> I would use Linux if the mouse driver worked.
L414[08:12:09] <Skye> But it didn't.
L415[08:12:11] <Skye> So.
L416[08:12:37] <Izaya> read: I couldn't configure mouse acceleration
L417[08:12:37] <Skye> (it didn't let me disable mouse acceleration on the track pad or trackpoint)
L418[08:12:49] <Skye> Izaya: I tried every command I could find.
L419[08:12:53] <Lizzy> this most recent LP update is confusing...
L420[08:13:03] <Skye> Half of the values... were. Not. There.
L421[08:13:10] <Skye> The setting WAS NOT THERE
L422[08:13:11] <asie> libinput stuff gets outdated fast
L423[08:13:12] <Izaya> I found two more accel params for the trackpoint the other day
L424[08:13:14] <Izaya> that was neat
L425[08:13:19] <asie> the lib moves pretty quickly
L426[08:13:22] <Skye> THE SETTING WAS T THERE
L427[08:13:28] <asie> the old evdev drivers should work juts fine AAAAH STO P CSREAMIGNGNNGNGAAHDAHAH
L428[08:13:30] <asie> AAAAAAAAA
L429[08:13:32] ⇦ Parts: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl) ())
L431[08:13:40] ⇨ Joins: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl)
L432[08:13:40] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L433[08:13:43] <Skye> um
L434[08:13:52] <Izaya> nonetheless
L435[08:13:59] <Skye> I was using debain
L436[08:14:04] <Izaya> your no minecraft problem is manufactured
L437[08:14:07] <Skye> Isn't that meant to be stable
L438[08:14:42] <asie> stable yes
L439[08:14:45] <asie> bending to your whimsy no
L440[08:14:59] <Izaya> based asie
L441[08:15:01] <Izaya> basie
L442[08:15:22] <asie> stable things don't tend to have the most recent features
L443[08:15:28] <asie> and recent things don't tend to have the most stable features
L444[08:15:30] <Skye> I'm lazy, if it's easier to watch YouTube videos then I will...
L445[08:15:39] <Izaya> also you're literally the only person I know who has these issues so ???
L446[08:15:40] <asie> read a book
L447[08:15:44] <asie> screw computers, go on an adventure
L448[08:15:47] <Izaya> ^
L449[08:15:49] <Skye> I forgot my books
L450[08:15:53] <Skye> Also I'm sunburnt
L451[08:15:56] <Izaya> I have a great many books to share
L452[08:16:00] <asie> >sunburnt
L453[08:16:03] <Izaya> like, 50+GB of them
L454[08:16:06] <asie> oh no, the sun is roasting people harder than I am
L455[08:16:08] <asie> I HAVE COMPETITION
L456[08:16:09] <Izaya> how does one get sunburned in the fucking UK
L457[08:16:45] <Inari> By UV, usually
L458[08:17:02] <asie> Izaya: here's how https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aQRL1Vw_460svvp9.webm
L459[08:17:16] <Skye> If I were to try to get Linux working again, which distribution should I use for this
L460[08:17:20] <Izaya> this makes sense carry on
L461[08:17:28] <Inari> Skye: alpine
L462[08:17:29] <asie> Skye: depends
L463[08:17:34] <asie> definitely not alpine
L464[08:17:41] <Inari> But alpine jus tworks
L465[08:17:44] <asie> no it doesn't
L466[08:17:48] <Izaya> maybe alpine, but only if you want a very minimal server
L467[08:17:51] <Skye> Inari: I'm not making a server
L468[08:17:56] <Forecaster> everything just works until it doesn't
L469[08:17:57] <asie> it not only never "just worked" for me, it's had some very worrying issues
L470[08:18:18] <asie> i'd recommend arch before i recommended alpine. if you despise systemd, use void
L471[08:18:29] <Izaya> arch is aight
L472[08:18:34] <Izaya> but I hate myself at least a bit
L473[08:18:39] <Izaya> so take that with a grain of salt
L474[08:18:42] <asie> alpine has some cool usages, like postmarketOS, or docker stuff
L475[08:18:47] <asie> but i don't think it's really a desktop-grade OS
L476[08:18:51] <Inari> Well
L477[08:18:57] <Inari> I missed the desktop specification I guess
L478[08:19:06] <asie> so uh Skye how much suffering do you want with your fries
L479[08:19:12] <asie> the scale is ubuntu-gentoo
L480[08:19:23] <Izaya> there are worse things than gentoo
L481[08:19:26] <Inari> Does ubuntu still have like 10 versions?
L482[08:19:31] <Skye> I need something with drivers, doesn't require too much configuration to be usable (I can deal with some text based stuff, but if I need to configure something in text for it to even boot then nope), and with a way to let the mouse driver to work.
L483[08:19:33] <asie> generally if someone wants a Linux that is about as good out of the box as Windows
L484[08:19:36] <asie> but also as easy to break as Windows
L485[08:19:38] <Inari> kubuntu,xubunutu, lubuntu, or whatnot
L486[08:19:39] <asie> I just tell them to install Ubuntu
L487[08:19:51] <asie> Xubuntu, if they're a bit more tech-savvy and want a lighter setup
L488[08:20:01] <asie> because GNOME is heaaaaavy
L489[08:20:03] <Izaya> xubuntu with the compositor turned off is always good
L490[08:20:26] <Izaya> just remember to install gtk3-nocsd because otherwise GTK3 CSD programs will have a 4000000px black circle around them
L491[08:20:29] <Skye> I'm likely to use XFCE unless that's the cause of my mouse woes
L492[08:20:40] <asie> nah
L493[08:21:26] <Skye> I need something that works with WiFi out of the box because where I'm staying hasn't got wired ehternet
L494[08:21:39] <Skye> (and no signal so I can't tether with my phone)
L495[08:21:52] <asie> you have an intel chip, come on
L496[08:22:04] <asie> those are like some of the most compatible wifi chips you can find
L497[08:22:16] <asie> (if it runs on OpenBSD out of the box, it's probably hella compatible)
L498[08:22:17] <Izaya> last time I recommended debian, which is the only distro short of GuixSD that doesn't include intel drivers
L499[08:22:22] <Skye> Oh yeah I need a small install image because I'm gonna be using my phone as an emulated install disk and it hasn't got much room
L500[08:22:27] <Izaya> well, intel firmware rather
L501[08:22:36] <Skye> And guess what I installed...................
L502[08:23:01] <Inari> So
L503[08:23:08] <Inari> Which colour of car scientifically goes fastest
L504[08:23:11] <Izaya> apologies for having you run into an issue I never considered, but is nevertheless easily remedied
L505[08:23:19] <Izaya> Inari: whichever has the lightest and thinnest paint
L506[08:23:35] <Inari> What if it has no paint
L507[08:23:41] <Izaya> then that one
L508[08:23:56] <Inari> But what about the colour of the metal
L509[08:24:06] <Skye> The colour of aluminium
L510[08:24:07] <Izaya> probably aluminium then
L511[08:24:44] <Skye> Izaya, asie: so any distro you know that can work for this?
L512[08:24:50] <asie> Skye: yes, xubuntu
L513[08:24:53] <Izaya> ^
L514[08:25:01] <Izaya> if anyone recommends manjaro I'll hit them
L515[08:25:01] <Forecaster> %sip
L516[08:25:01] <MichiBot> You drink a thick chocolate potion (New!). Oh no, Forecaster got a health potion, there's probably a boss fight coming!
L517[08:25:08] <Izaya> the last thing Skye needs is less stable arch
L518[08:25:09] <asie> Izaya: hit them with a .DOC file, so they can't read it?
L519[08:25:20] <Forecaster> I will recommend manjaro which I've never heard of before
L520[08:25:21] <asie> ... or reply, for that matter
L521[08:25:31] * Izaya hits Forecaster with a .DOC file
L522[08:25:36] <Forecaster> ow
L523[08:25:43] <Skye> And, just a theoretical, would you help if the mouse driver was still not working for me.
L524[08:25:45] <asie> Skye: xubuntu, if you can't fit a 1.5GB ISO on your phone this variant has 750MB and comes with just Xfce -> https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/
L525[08:25:49] <asie> you can install the extra software later
L526[08:25:49] <Izaya> (a physical file)
L527[08:26:07] <asie> i'd tell you to use the network installer but unless you have Ethernet handy that usually goes wrong
L528[08:26:25] <asie> %sip
L529[08:26:25] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly octiron potion (New!). The potion bottle insults asie's haircut.
L530[08:26:50] <Skye> asie: I have no ethernet or mobile data here
L531[08:26:54] <Skye> Only WiFi
L532[08:26:58] <asie> Skye: read what i said again
L533[08:27:08] <AmandaC> Use your phone as a wifi dongle
L534[08:27:21] <AmandaC> USB teathering + phone connected to Wifi
L535[08:27:28] <asie> not all USB tetherings play well with Linux
L536[08:27:34] <asie> Huawei hacked their one up so hard it doesn't work right lol
L537[08:28:03] <Skye> Also uh
L538[08:28:08] <asie> another excuse?
L539[08:28:38] <Skye> I tend not to use my laptop for about half a year each time... Upgrading is gonna be painful
L540[08:28:49] <asie> sure, Ubuntu releases a big upgrade only twice a eyar
L541[08:28:58] <asie> the rest is small updates which shouldn't wreck your system
L542[08:29:06] <asie> it's not rolling release, so unlike Arch
L543[08:29:30] <asie> if you're really scared you could use an LTS version, which is supported for years and comes out once every two years, but you'll then complain about missing features so i can't recommend
L544[08:29:48] <Izaya> it's gonna be more stable and less work to update than windows, that's for sure
L545[08:29:58] <Lizzy> i've heard Manjaro is kinda nice
L546[08:30:10] * asie hits Lizzy with a .ODT file
L547[08:30:17] <Izaya> you do break your system once a week by installing Windows updates, right?
L548[08:30:20] <asie> Izaya: once a month
L549[08:30:24] <asie> but correct otherwise
L550[08:30:25] * Lizzy isn't sure how to process this file
L551[08:30:35] <asie> whatever you do, don't use FreeOffice
L552[08:30:38] <Skye> Izaya: windows updates rarely break it... Upgrades on the other hand...
L553[08:30:41] <asie> unless you can afford the paid version
L554[08:30:51] <Izaya> >FreeOffice
L555[08:30:53] <Izaya> >Paid
L556[08:30:55] <Izaya> ???
L557[08:31:11] <The_Stargazer> Blurring the line between 'free' and 'paid' here
L558[08:31:21] * Lizzy thinks she has LibreOffice installed on her machine right now
L559[08:31:28] <Lizzy> yep, i have libre
L560[08:31:30] <asie> Izaya: FreeOffice, not LibreOffice
L561[08:31:42] <Lizzy> i don't use it all that much though
L562[08:31:42] <asie> the free version of SoftMaker Office
L563[08:31:47] <Izaya> can I build the paid version from source?
L564[08:31:50] <asie> what source?
L565[08:32:03] <AmandaC> free as in beer, not source
L566[08:32:08] <AmandaC> or whatever that analogy is
L567[08:32:12] <Skye> asie: that's the dilemma, though, LTS means less time between updates, but means I'm not having latest features.
L568[08:32:14] <asie> free as in beer, not as in freedom
L569[08:32:32] <asie> Skye: LTS means more time between updates
L570[08:32:42] <asie> and it's mostly meant for servers and environments where an upgrade is a massive hassle
L571[08:32:46] <asie> involving, say, taking a server down
L572[08:33:06] <Skye> Every time I've tried upgrading Ubuntu based distros, it's just left me with a mess where I have to reinstall
L573[08:33:21] <asie> sounds like my experience with Windows
L574[08:34:03] <Skye> I've never had to reinstall for windows upgrades so
L575[08:34:15] <asie> a good advice i got from ##ubuntu way back in 2011 (!!)
L576[08:34:21] <asie> is never upgrade in the first week a new version is out
L577[08:34:21] <Izaya> Skye: literally never had one go right
L578[08:34:27] <asie> honestly applies for modern windows too
L579[08:34:48] <The_Stargazer> Huh
L580[08:34:55] <The_Stargazer> If you google "How many games on windows"
L581[08:35:00] <The_Stargazer> the answer is "at least 35"
L582[08:35:12] <Izaya> asie: I'd go at least two weeks with windows
L583[08:35:16] <Izaya> given the complete lack of quality control
L584[08:36:42] <Skye> Downloading xubuntu....
L585[08:37:03] <Skye> Also asie, Izaya: will you be able to help with mouse driver issues or not if they occur
L586[08:37:13] <Izaya> to a limited degree
L587[08:37:28] <Izaya> I have a script that disables acceleration on my laptop that I have autorun on login
L588[08:37:38] <Skye> ...what
L589[08:37:41] <Skye> Why
L590[08:37:51] * Izaya squints
L591[08:37:54] <Izaya> weren't you
L592[08:37:56] <Izaya> literally just
L593[08:38:01] <Izaya> complaining about acceleration
L594[08:38:03] <Skye> Yes
L595[08:38:07] <Skye> I'm just wondering
L596[08:38:13] <Skye> Why does it ha w to run every boot
L597[08:38:14] <Izaya> cause I tried it and it was alright
L598[08:38:20] <Skye> Why every boot
L599[08:38:21] <Izaya> and I kinda forgot about it
L600[08:38:24] <asie> any config setting runs on every boot, Skye
L601[08:38:25] <Skye> Why is it not saved
L602[08:38:27] <asie> it just doesn't execute a command
L603[08:38:32] <Izaya> ^
L604[08:38:34] * Lizzy dislikes acceleration on mice
L605[08:38:36] <Skye> Why is it not saved
L606[08:38:40] <asie> what's the difference?
L607[08:38:46] <Izaya> why would it be if you can just add it to your xinitrc?
L608[08:38:57] <Skye> I don't want to manually run a script every time...
L609[08:38:59] <Skye> Ah well
L610[08:39:01] <Izaya> >manually
L611[08:39:04] <The_Stargazer> use .bashrc
L612[08:39:04] <asie> > autorun on login
L613[08:39:05] <Izaya> ???
L614[08:39:06] <asie> > manually
L615[08:39:08] <The_Stargazer> or something like that
L616[08:39:11] <Izaya> >doing anything manually
L617[08:39:17] <Skye> Oh
L618[08:39:21] <The_Stargazer> >manual
L619[08:39:21] <The_Stargazer> >autorun
L620[08:39:21] <Skye> I misread that
L621[08:39:23] <Lizzy> using .bashrc for Xorg stuff is not the best idea
L622[08:39:32] <Izaya> that's why xinitrc exists
L623[08:39:40] <Izaya> nonetheless, saving settings in that bloats xinput
L624[08:39:41] <The_Stargazer> a file I didn't even know existed
L625[08:39:44] <Lizzy> that or .xprofile, i think
L626[08:39:55] <Izaya> whereas it should be the job of the DE to handle that
L627[08:40:06] <asie> it should
L628[08:40:12] <Skye> (though I still find the idea of having to write a script to disable it instead of it being a setting mildly disturbing)
L629[08:40:13] <asie> but DEs don't really have enough devs unless they're GNOME
L630[08:40:21] <asie> Skye: it's a matter of being used to it
L631[08:40:23] <Izaya> or, in the case of no DE, the user sets it up themselves
L632[08:40:34] <Izaya> Skye: the alternative is the same code being used inside xinput
L633[08:40:41] <Izaya> I don't see the difference beyond a little IPC
L634[08:40:46] <Izaya> vs a little disk reading
L635[08:40:50] <Lizzy> oh, aparrently i don't have an .xprofile file anymore, oh well
L636[08:40:52] <Skye> Well is there a check box
L637[08:41:05] <asie> if people paid for Linux, there would be :thonk:
L638[08:41:05] <Skye> Iirc XFCE had one that had no effect lol
L639[08:41:17] <The_Stargazer> inter-process communication?
L640[08:41:26] <Skye> Ah well downloading xubuntu
L641[08:41:31] <Skye> Time to have a shower.
L642[08:41:36] <Izaya> asie: almost as if money encourages development
L643[08:41:36] <The_Stargazer> >xubuntu
L644[08:41:37] <The_Stargazer> >not mint
L645[08:41:44] <asie> Izaya: the point i'm making is more subtle
L646[08:41:56] <asie> the Linux ecosystem has no interest in pandering to user convienence, because it doesn't get paid more if it has more users
L647[08:41:59] <The_Stargazer> Skye: mint > xubuntu
L648[08:42:05] <The_Stargazer> have never actually used xubuntu though so
L649[08:42:17] <The_Stargazer> I think I used it once like, five years ago
L650[08:42:17] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: Mint XFCE = Xubuntu LTS
L651[08:42:28] <The_Stargazer> >xfce
L652[08:42:28] <The_Stargazer> >not cinnamon
L653[08:42:32] <Izaya> >cinnamon
L654[08:42:33] <asie> I am not a massive fan of Mint
L655[08:42:38] <Skye> If I come back in a few hours crying it's because I either can't figure out how to get it to work, or I've wiped my main partition by accident
L656[08:42:53] <asie> Skye: you're always so negative and self-doubting, and have been for years
L657[08:42:57] <The_Stargazer> I could say something but I won't (not to you Skye)
L658[08:43:12] <Lizzy> i used to use mint, then one day i said fuck it and tried arch (I blame vifino :P) and haven't moved back. even if arch is a pain at times
L659[08:43:23] <Izaya> arch is aight
L660[08:43:28] <The_Stargazer> eh
L661[08:43:31] <The_Stargazer> arch is meh
L662[08:43:33] <Izaya> wouldn't recommend it to a novice though
L663[08:43:33] <Skye> asie: then maybe Linux isn't for me...
L664[08:43:45] <Izaya> Skye: your alternative is a dumpsterfire or out of your price range
L665[08:43:49] <Izaya> or haiku
L666[08:43:51] <Izaya> install haiku
L667[08:43:57] <Lizzy> yeah, i wouldn't recomend arch to novices either
L668[08:44:02] <Izaya> Lizzy: I did once
L669[08:44:05] <The_Stargazer> isn't haiku like
L670[08:44:05] <The_Stargazer> that one BeOS fork?
L671[08:44:06] <Izaya> it worked better than expected
L672[08:44:14] <Lizzy> or anyone who is afraid of a terminal
L673[08:44:25] <Skye> Izaya: then maybe I just don't use my laptop to play Minecraft.
L674[08:44:33] <Forecaster> ubuntu server has worked well for me, that's the only one I've ever used
L675[08:44:41] <Izaya> >I won't solve my problem because I refuse to!
L676[08:44:52] <Izaya> Either do something about it or stop complaining.
L677[08:45:04] <Skye> Can I complain that its too much effort
L678[08:45:09] <Izaya> No.
L679[08:45:17] <Izaya> Too much effort is never a valid complaint.
L680[08:45:30] <Izaya> Unless it's intentional and you plan to do something to make it easier, anyway.
L681[08:45:40] <Skye> Look at this point
L682[08:45:48] <Lizzy> my only issue with ubuntu server is the extra crap that gets installed that i don't need, like snap, mdadm (despite what i installed it to not being any sort of RAID) and a few other stupid things
L683[08:45:50] <asie> You can't, unless you've paid for Linux as much as you've paid for Windows.
L684[08:45:54] <asie> The price of the OS on the laptop DOES count
L685[08:46:15] <asie> Whether it is in effort or in money is irrelevant - you gotta pay
L686[08:46:19] <Skye> It's easier to play a different game or to go for a walk
L687[08:46:21] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67801.versanet.de)
L688[08:46:22] <asie> Correct
L689[08:46:27] <asie> But you wanted to play that game, and complained about it
L690[08:47:08] <Skye> The thing is, I've paid for windows, and it doesn't work for everything. So clearly money spent doesn't equate into quality
L691[08:47:33] <asie> well, nothing works for everything
L692[08:47:35] <asie> strictly speaking
L693[08:47:39] <asie> it's all trade-offs
L694[08:47:42] <Skye> And when I did install Linux, I get told that I installed the wrong distro even though it was the one suggested
L695[08:47:52] <asie> every person has a different opinion on this
L696[08:47:55] <Inari> Nep works for everything
L697[08:47:58] <asie> just like how some stick to Windows 7 whereas others ues Windows 10
L698[08:47:58] <Skye> Why should this time be any different
L699[08:48:07] <Skye> I mean Izaya suggested Debain
L700[08:48:12] ⇦ Quits: baschdel_ (baschdel_!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:da81:852a:cf0c:a2c4:ea4e) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L701[08:48:25] <asie> we can't predict what your particular trade-off dislikes are like
L702[08:48:30] <Inari> Is Debain a thing different from Debian
L703[08:48:31] <asie> so we just tend to suggest what works for us, at first
L704[08:49:20] <Skye> Well I'm gonna test the mouse stuff on the live boot of XFCE before I install it
L705[08:49:22] <Skye> Just in case
L706[08:49:27] <asie> sure
L707[08:49:34] <asie> might also want to consider, hm
L708[08:49:35] <asie> dual-booting
L709[08:49:47] <Skye> I will dual boot
L710[08:49:52] <Lizzy> NEI/JEI why don't yoiu have any of the buttons in the gui....
L711[08:49:59] <Skye> But if it hasn't got working mouse drivers than I won't install it.
L712[08:50:16] <Skye> (and in working I include being able to configure them)
L713[08:50:19] <Izaya> (Just because you have Linux installed doesn't mean you can't subject yourself to the extreme discomfort of using Windows)
L714[08:50:41] <Skye> ..............
L715[08:50:45] <Skye> Jz
L716[08:51:04] <Izaya> that's jwz to you
L717[08:51:06] <Izaya> wait
L718[08:51:11] <Lizzy> OH
L719[08:51:23] <Lizzy> fucking stupid settings....
L720[08:51:28] <Skye> asie: Izaya: also is there a way to handle the touchscreen
L721[08:51:38] <Skye> It needs calibration
L722[08:51:40] <Izaya> loonix has surprisingly good wacom drivers
L723[08:51:46] <Forecaster> yay, new art portfolio setup is complete
L724[08:51:57] <Skye> How does one calibrate a touchscreen in winderps
L725[08:51:59] <Forecaster> now back to whatever I was doing before that...
L726[08:52:10] <Izaya> I haven't personally used them given I only have an off-brand graphics tablet, but nonetheless
L727[08:52:14] <Izaya> !aw wacom
L728[08:52:17] <Izaya> wait this isn't a browser
L729[08:52:32] <Skye> Okay I'm gonna shower now.
L730[08:52:37] <Izaya> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wacom_tablet
L731[08:53:21] <Forecaster> hm, I wonder if MichiBot could be made to use DDG bangs
L732[08:53:48] <The_Stargazer> maybe something like %ddg [bang] [search]?
L733[08:54:10] <Skye> "xrandr setup" oh thank fuck I'm not doing this on a computer with multiple displays
L734[08:54:53] <Izaya> pretty sure that's for a tablet with an external display anyway but ok
L735[08:55:10] <Skye> xrandr sets two monitors as one big screen, mapping the tablet to the whole virtual screen and deforming aspect ratio. For a solution see this thread: Arch Linux forum.
L736[08:55:14] <Skye> So uh
L737[08:55:25] <Skye> Izaya: this has no mention of touch screens at all
L738[08:55:38] <Izaya> you have an X220t, yes?
L739[08:56:01] <Skye> Yes
L740[08:56:03] <Izaya> the X220t has a wacom digitiser, as a touchscreen of sorts
L741[08:56:17] <Skye> Yes.
L742[08:56:19] <Skye> But
L743[08:56:26] <Skye> This does not mention calibration
L744[08:56:33] <Izaya> have you considered:
L745[08:56:36] <Skye> Or wacom tablets with built in screens
L746[08:56:36] <Izaya> it just werkz
L747[08:57:08] <Skye> No it doesn't. At least on debain it was wildy miscalibrated
L748[08:58:02] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:b574:ebb6:cbbc:c39)
L749[08:58:03] <Izaya> well
L750[08:58:08] <Izaya> I'd love to give you more detail
L751[08:58:32] <Izaya> but all I know is that there's tools that do support doing so
L752[08:58:44] * Skye flops
L753[08:58:51] <Izaya> given I don't have an X220t, you might have to do some research yourself
L754[08:59:38] <Skye> I gave up on Linux on my desktop because it seemed that my setup was so different that no one could actually help me.
L755[09:00:09] <Skye> And honestly, I'm not smart
L756[09:00:17] <Skye> I just try random things and hope they work
L757[09:00:29] <Izaya> congratulations
L758[09:00:31] <Skye> That only works when someone has had the same problem before and has figured it out
L759[09:00:37] <Izaya> you are qualified for any position involving computers
L760[09:01:08] <Skye> So when I have some crazy issue that no one else has encountered due to me having a messed up setup due to be not being able to afford a good consistent setup...
L761[09:01:28] <Skye> Then I'm fucked
L762[09:02:04] <Izaya> sounds like stalling to me
L763[09:02:37] <Skye> (for a recap of my desktop: I can't run all my monitors off of a single GPU, so I have to use my integrated one too)
L764[09:02:56] <Skye> (and... For some reason... No one wad able to help when I had issues with it.)
L765[09:03:05] <Izaya> which on Windows is accomplished by copying the output of one GPU to another
L766[09:03:07] <Izaya> it's a nasty hack
L767[09:03:12] <Izaya> but a functional one
L768[09:03:16] * Izaya never got such a setup working
L769[09:03:21] <Skye> (the only solution was to "buy a new GPU")
L770[09:03:27] <Skye> So uh
L771[09:03:30] <Skye> Yeah
L772[09:03:41] <Izaya> how many displays?
L773[09:03:48] <Skye> 3
L774[09:04:07] <Skye> 2 run from main GPU, 1 from integrated
L775[09:04:10] <Skye> I got them cheap
L776[09:04:44] <Skye> But not cheap enough to just not use it
L777[09:05:05] <Skye> Anyway... This is tangential
L778[09:05:28] <Lizzy> what gpu do you have that only has 2 outputs?
L779[09:05:47] <Izaya> what the fuck why does the RX580 I bought 6 months ago cost like $100 more than it did
L780[09:06:07] <feherneoh> because people realized that AMD > Nvidia?
L781[09:06:08] <Skye> My point is that I'm kinda cynical when I have to install Linux for non server stuff because anything to do with human interface is just so messed up
L782[09:06:36] <Izaya> friendly reminder that you only like windows because you already know how to work around everything wrong with it
L783[09:06:40] <feherneoh> both my laptops and even my tablet runs Linux
L784[09:06:44] <Izaya> (and there's a lot wrong with it)
L785[09:07:00] <Skye> Izaya: it worked with my GPU out of the box
L786[09:07:13] <Skye> Like heck it downloaded the drivers for me automatically
L788[09:07:53] <feherneoh> I could ask "what is a GPU?" playing games on integrated
L789[09:07:56] <Skye> Lizzy: it has 3 outputs but it just fails if you make it use more than 2 of them
L790[09:07:56] <Izaya> so how'd you deal with the shitty software delivery method, the updates that break everything every 2 minutes, the insane resource usage and the general lack of sanity for anything written post 2000
L791[09:08:23] <feherneoh> Skye: sounds like a card with multiple interfaces on the same "output"
L792[09:08:25] <Izaya> win2k would've been alright if it had a package manager
L793[09:08:26] <Lizzy> hmm
L794[09:08:50] <Izaya> feherneoh: my GT220 had 4 outputs but could only display on any combination of 2 at a time
L795[09:09:02] <Izaya> just an (I suspect artificial) limitation of the card
L796[09:09:07] <feherneoh> same goes for GT250
L797[09:09:13] <feherneoh> VGA+DVI+HDMI
L798[09:09:19] <feherneoh> but only 2 outputs
L799[09:09:24] <Skye> Izaya, I tend not to install software, updates don't break things on my config (while they do on Linux, go figure), resources are indeed a pain, and lol Linux user stuff isn't sane either have you SEEN gnome...
L800[09:09:29] <feherneoh> VGA and HDMI are port 1, DVI is port 2
L801[09:09:40] <Izaya> Skye: shun GNOME
L802[09:09:40] <AmandaC> Lizzy collecting the kittens: https://imgur.com/gallery/eHo6ZYz
L803[09:09:50] <Skye> So basically
L804[09:09:52] <ben_mkiv> actually gnome3 is kinda usable now
L805[09:10:00] <Lizzy> AmandaC, hehehe
L806[09:10:03] <Skye> Everything sucks
L807[09:10:04] <Izaya> just because they're busy fucking up everything doesn't mean you have to use their BS
L808[09:10:08] <feherneoh> Skye: updates always broke stuff for me on Ubuntu, they just work on Arch
L809[09:10:22] <Skye> I had issues with both arch and Ubuntu
L810[09:10:29] <Lizzy> AmandaC, normally i just need to open the cookie jar and they all come running
L811[09:10:34] <Izaya> I didn't update arch on one machine for a year
L812[09:10:37] <Izaya> it uh
L813[09:10:42] <Izaya> I rebooted and it didn't come back up
L814[09:10:44] <Skye> Izaya: I used XFCE and I probably can blame mouse issues on them
L815[09:10:53] <Skye> Since it uses gnome libraries
L816[09:10:55] <Skye> So idk
L817[09:10:56] <AmandaC> Izaya: it does that even if you update weekly
L818[09:11:04] <Skye> This is why I want to be a train driver
L819[09:11:05] <Izaya> AmandaC: [citation needed]
L820[09:11:10] <Skye> Rather than a programmer
L821[09:11:10] <feherneoh> Izaya: well yes, arch needs a package update every 5 minutes to stay alive
L822[09:11:12] <AmandaC> I've had it happen
L823[09:11:18] <Izaya> good enough for me
L824[09:11:26] <Skye> Goodbye for now, gonna punch a wall in anger
L825[09:11:36] <AmandaC> They just up and changed everything in an update and it killed the box
L826[09:11:46] <Izaya> Skye: tfw you don't want to be a programmer but your boss/gf's dad wants you to be because he knows it's better money than <anything>admin
L827[09:12:03] <AmandaC> when people went to their IRC to ask, the response was all "Didn't you read the blog post?"
L828[09:12:11] <Skye> Well I don't want to be ab admin either
L829[09:12:22] <Izaya> just so we're not confusing anything, (boss)/(gf's dad)
L830[09:12:30] <feherneoh> AmandaC: happens
L831[09:12:52] <AmandaC> I feel like if you're going to need manual update steps, there should be something being printed when you do the update, not that you should have to consult some website
L832[09:13:09] <feherneoh> Yeah, you are right about that
L833[09:13:17] <Izaya> I'd agree with that
L834[09:13:23] <Izaya> but pacman is honestly dumb as shit
L835[09:13:41] <Izaya> maybe they should have a "date of last breakage" thing pacman can query on their site
L836[09:13:49] <Skye> Izaya: all this convo has done is made me remember that I'm stupid and shouldn't even bother.
L837[09:14:00] <Izaya> and alert you to check the site
L838[09:14:06] <feherneoh> Izaya: a hardcoded "now"?
L839[09:14:08] <Skye> So maybe, instead of "I can't play Minecraft on my laptop" it should be
L840[09:14:27] <Skye> "I'm too stupid to figure out how to get Minecraft on my laptop"
L841[09:14:29] <Skye> Yep
L842[09:14:32] <Skye> I'll go with that
L843[09:14:37] <Izaya> "I'm too lazy to solve the problems making it practical to play Minecraft on my laptop"
L844[09:14:43] <feherneoh> for me it's `aur minecraft-launcher`
L845[09:14:48] <Izaya> making it impractical, I suppose
L846[09:14:55] <feherneoh> and it Just Works (TM)
L847[09:14:56] <Skye> I am too stupid to be able to get Minecraft working on my laptop
L848[09:14:59] <Izaya> feherneoh: you are conflicting
L849[09:15:09] <Izaya> I like you.
L850[09:15:13] <feherneoh> I always am
L851[09:15:19] <Lizzy> oops, one of my game controllers just got pushed off my desk
L852[09:15:19] <Skye> Izaya: the thing is I know that it's possible to solve, but I don't know how
L853[09:15:20] <Lizzy> oh well
L854[09:15:22] <Skye> So I'm stupid
L855[09:15:36] <feherneoh> Lizzy: did it survive?
L856[09:15:46] * Skye sighs
L857[09:15:47] <Lizzy> yeah, it's only a meter drop
L858[09:15:50] <Lizzy> and i have carpet
L859[09:15:56] <Izaya> Skye: >everyone is an expert at everything they do except me
L860[09:16:02] <Bob> yay
L861[09:16:04] <AmandaC> Lizzy: just admit it slighted you and needed to be punished, nothing to be ashamed about
L862[09:16:06] <Izaya> get a load of yourself
L863[09:16:07] <Bob> my internet is back to its shitty old state
L864[09:16:08] <feherneoh> my DualShock4 fell 3 floors on the stairs
L865[09:16:11] <Skye> I'm a stupid idiot who doesn't know anything... Maybe I should leave here
L866[09:16:11] <feherneoh> still survived
L867[09:16:12] <Bob> 150 ping and 1mbps
L868[09:16:15] * AmandaC pushes Inari's mouse off the desk
L869[09:16:18] <Bob> just to isp
L870[09:16:36] <Lizzy> Skye, no
L871[09:16:45] * Lizzy hugs Skye
L872[09:17:51] <AdorableCatgirl> tbh, i left an arch installer on a partition on my HDD
L873[09:17:52] <Skye> Izaya: I remeber being on the verge of tears because it was so hard to get it working
L874[09:18:07] <Skye> So maybe I should cancel this before it happens again
L875[09:18:26] <Izaya> better idea
L876[09:18:29] <Izaya> if it isn't working
L877[09:18:35] <Izaya> throw your hands up and look at it later
L878[09:18:54] <Inari> Flip a table
L879[09:19:06] <feherneoh> I would flip my table, but it's a server
L880[09:19:10] <Forecaster> flip an irani
L881[09:19:14] <Forecaster> inari*
L882[09:19:15] <Skye> Izaya: but then you'll call me lazy so there's no solution
L883[09:19:44] <Izaya> ???
L884[09:20:20] <Lizzy> you were calling her lazy earlier because she said that she didn't have the energy to figure stuff out
L885[09:21:55] <Izaya> was calling her lazy because she'd given up because it was too hard
L886[09:22:01] <Izaya> not because she'd decided to sleep on it
L887[09:22:13] <Izaya> for a metaphorical definition of sleep
L888[09:22:14] <Skye> I want to note something, I can't learn well if I am just told "do something, do the research yourself"
L889[09:22:39] <Skye> I do need soneone to guide me through things and answer my stupid questions
L890[09:22:47] <Kodos> https://puu.sh/E0LRd/4543250d2f.png Neat
L891[09:23:01] <Skye> Even for things I'm doing myself I need soneone to ask questions from, or a really good explanation somewhere
L892[09:23:16] <Skye> the arch wiki is helpful
L893[09:23:31] <Skye> But sometimes it had massive gaps which leave something unsolveable for me.
L894[09:23:51] <Inari> s/gaps/thigh gaps/
L895[09:23:51] <MichiBot> <Skye> But sometimes it had massive thigh gaps which leave something unsolveable for me.
L896[09:24:06] <Izaya> Inari: with fangs?
L897[09:24:09] <Inari> Yes
L898[09:24:15] <Izaya> excellent
L899[09:24:17] <Skye> So basically I'm stupid
L900[09:24:25] <Skye> Maybe a bit lazy too
L901[09:25:33] <Skye> Maybe I'd like puzzles if the functionality of my computer didn't depend on it.
L902[09:25:44] <Skye> But even then, I kinda suck at puzzles
L903[09:26:09] <Forecaster> Train Valley 2 is a great puzzle game
L904[09:26:10] <Skye> Honestly I'm surprised that I even managed to do some stuff
L905[09:27:05] <Skye> So basically I'm stupid and lazy and complain too much, so I guess I should leave before I annoy you all.
L906[09:27:35] * Lizzy cuddles Skye, keeps her here
L907[09:28:03] <Forecaster> well Izaya is a grump, so you should ignore him
L908[09:28:03] <Skye> (sorry, I'm in quite a sad mood today)
L909[09:28:20] <Izaya> I'm an asshole this is a well known fact
L910[09:28:23] <AdorableCatgirl> wait so
L911[09:28:37] <AdorableCatgirl> what exactly even is the problem :GWchinaSakuraThinking:
L912[09:28:53] <Izaya> what is a GWchinaSakuraThinking
L913[09:29:00] <AdorableCatgirl> thinking emoji
L914[09:29:03] <AdorableCatgirl> but
L915[09:29:05] <AdorableCatgirl> anime girl
L916[09:29:16] <Izaya> boring
L917[09:30:03] <Izaya> I bet you don't even have cool emojos like :madot: and :asukasmug: like WLL does
L918[09:30:12] <AdorableCatgirl> no
L919[09:30:20] <AmandaC> WLL?
L920[09:30:21] <AdorableCatgirl> because i'm not paying for nitro and shit like that
L921[09:30:29] <Izaya> >paying for emojos
L922[09:30:36] <Izaya> what sort of horrific system is this
L923[09:30:45] <Lizzian> :HyperNeko:
L924[09:30:52] <Izaya> AmandaC: WeLoveLain, the pleroma instance I am an honorary member of
L925[09:30:55] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com)
L926[09:30:59] <Temia> Why do you think I'm over here, Izaya
L927[09:31:03] <AmandaC> I see
L928[09:31:19] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: it's discord
L929[09:31:21] <Izaya> Temia: because you have at least some semblance of taste?
L930[09:31:27] <AdorableCatgirl> finally IRC reconnected
L931[09:31:32] <AdorableCatgirl> but yeah
L932[09:31:33] <Temia> c:
L933[09:31:44] <AdorableCatgirl> i now literally have a script called "unfuck-nm"
L934[09:31:48] <Forecaster> nobody has taste, it's all terrible
L935[09:32:11] <AdorableCatgirl> it kills wpa_supplicant and restarts NetworkManager
L936[09:32:29] <kb1000> hmm
L937[09:32:34] <AdorableCatgirl> and it somehow fixes NetworkManager
L938[09:32:43] <AdorableCatgirl> based networkmanager
L939[09:32:52] <AdorableCatgirl> i have to run it everytime i wake my PC up
L940[09:32:58] <AmandaC> You're just salty about the nasty pie you ate, @Forecaster
L941[09:33:01] <kb1000> I wonder why my fedora system always needs to reload the wl kernel module using modprobe after waking up from standby
L942[09:33:24] <AdorableCatgirl> lol
L943[09:33:26] <Forecaster> %sip
L944[09:33:26] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating red potion (New!). Forecaster reboots for an update for 3 minutes.
L945[09:33:40] <Forecaster> . . .
L946[09:33:45] <AdorableCatgirl> beep boop beep
L947[09:33:48] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: I got set up on your server
L948[09:33:50] <Izaya> in a mineshaft
L949[09:33:51] <Lizzy> %tonkout
L950[09:33:52] <MichiBot> Willikers! Lizzy! You beat SquidDev's previous record of 1 hour, 39 minutes and 49 seconds (By 17 minutes and 56 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L951[09:33:53] <MichiBot> Lizzy has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.44562
L952[09:34:00] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: based
L953[09:34:09] <Lizzy> wth does based mean?
L954[09:34:10] <Izaya> figure that should provide mild nuke resistance
L955[09:34:15] <AdorableCatgirl> finna start firing thermobarics at every mineshaft i know of
L956[09:34:43] <AdorableCatgirl> ?FORECASTER IS GONE ?
L957[09:34:59] <AdorableCatgirl> But yeah
L958[09:35:04] <AdorableCatgirl> I'm out of town rn
L959[09:35:07] <Izaya> %ud based
L960[09:35:16] <AdorableCatgirl> might hop on in a bit
L961[09:35:16] <Izaya> https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Based
L962[09:35:20] <AdorableCatgirl> gotta get F O O D
L963[09:35:25] <Forecaster> %search
L964[09:35:25] <Izaya> not sure how to generate power down here tbh
L965[09:35:25] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Unknown sub-command '' (Try: google, curseForge, wiki, urban, ann, youtube)
L966[09:35:35] <Izaya> no IE, no BWM
L967[09:35:42] <Lizzy> ah
L968[09:35:47] <Izaya> so I can't just set up a water wheel
L969[09:35:56] <Inari> BWM?
L970[09:36:01] <Izaya> Better with Mods
L971[09:36:05] <AdorableCatgirl> oh
L972[09:36:21] <AdorableCatgirl> i mean RC has a waterwheel but you need a blast furnace
L973[09:36:24] <AdorableCatgirl> *RoC
L974[09:36:30] <AdorableCatgirl> and you'd need lava
L975[09:36:51] <AdorableCatgirl> and a Rotational Dynamo
L976[09:37:21] <AdorableCatgirl> https://rotarycraft.fandom.com/wiki/Hydrokinetic_Engine
L977[09:37:23] <Izaya> AmandaC: https://emojos.in/welovela.in
L978[09:38:19] <AdorableCatgirl> https://rotarycraft.fandom.com/wiki/Rotational_Dynamo
L979[09:38:27] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: >rotarycraft
L980[09:38:29] <Izaya> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
L981[09:38:31] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L982[09:38:33] <Izaya> aaaa
L983[09:38:35] <Izaya> a
L984[09:38:37] <Izaya> aaa also
L985[09:38:39] <AdorableCatgirl> also Galacticraft has a coal generator
L986[09:38:45] <AdorableCatgirl> and solar panels
L987[09:38:49] <Izaya> I mean, EnderIO has a coal generator
L988[09:38:54] <AdorableCatgirl> oh shit
L989[09:38:55] <Izaya> but that's hardly renewable (read: low maintenance)
L990[09:38:59] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L991[09:39:00] <Izaya> it also has solar panels
L992[09:39:05] <AdorableCatgirl> solar is the main meme then
L993[09:39:13] <Izaya> but I don't really wanna run power lines from the surface
L994[09:39:17] <AdorableCatgirl> tbh i just use nuclear
L995[09:39:51] <AdorableCatgirl> steam doesn't wanna connect reeeee
L996[09:40:01] <AdorableCatgirl> w/e
L997[09:40:18] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: i'll be SSH'd into the server in a sec
L998[09:40:23] <AdorableCatgirl> i gotta ssh through an ssh
L999[09:40:26] <Izaya> nice
L1000[09:40:32] <Izaya> ssh -C will help with 1.7.10
L1001[09:40:38] <Izaya> 1.something later added compression
L1002[09:40:44] <Izaya> but 1.7.10 benefits from compression
L1003[09:41:15] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67801.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1004[09:41:25] <AdorableCatgirl> oh
L1005[09:41:35] <AdorableCatgirl> i just wanted to access the console for shitposts
L1006[09:41:45] <Izaya> not logged in presently
L1007[09:41:47] <Izaya> kinda hit a wall
L1008[09:41:50] <AdorableCatgirl> f
L1009[09:41:52] <AdorableCatgirl> what happened
L1010[09:41:53] <Izaya> couldn't decide how to do power
L1011[09:41:57] <AdorableCatgirl> oh
L1012[09:41:59] <AdorableCatgirl> yeah
L1013[09:42:03] <Izaya> so I figured I was too drunk to keep playing
L1014[09:42:22] <Izaya> and now I've been accidentally yelling at Skye for half an hour
L1015[09:42:24] <Izaya> go figure
L1016[09:43:00] <feherneoh> just Izaya things
L1017[09:43:13] <Izaya> you know it
L1018[09:43:15] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L1019[09:43:23] <AdorableCatgirl> always build nuclear reactors while drunk lmao
L1020[09:43:28] <AdorableCatgirl> it werks great
L1021[09:43:49] <Izaya> nuclear is not renewable
L1022[09:44:51] <Izaya> friendly reminder that solar and wind are both cheaper and more effective than nuclear energy, AND less likely to blow up in your face
L1023[09:44:58] <Izaya> whether I mean real life or not is debatable
L1024[09:45:25] <AdorableCatgirl> but hey
L1025[09:45:37] <AdorableCatgirl> i need a few hundred MRF/t
L1026[09:45:42] <feherneoh> I like OC-ifying huge reactors
L1027[09:45:49] <AdorableCatgirl> i would but
L1028[09:45:56] <feherneoh> but I don't have patience for it unless drunk
L1029[09:45:56] <AdorableCatgirl> if every block is a component
L1030[09:46:01] <AdorableCatgirl> it makes me want to liven't
L1031[09:46:10] <Izaya> I don't want computers anywhere near reactors tbh
L1032[09:47:19] <AdorableCatgirl> so warpdrive has a reactor sort of thing but it SUCKS
L1033[09:47:41] <Izaya> so my options for underground power gen are:
L1034[09:47:44] <Izaya> - don't
L1035[09:47:46] <Izaya> - nuclear
L1036[09:47:49] <Izaya> excellent
L1037[09:47:54] <AdorableCatgirl> bet
L1038[09:48:10] <AdorableCatgirl> iirc there might be another way?
L1039[09:48:19] <Izaya> do we have railcraft
L1040[09:48:23] <AdorableCatgirl> i don't remember if you can use lava --yea
L1041[09:48:33] <Izaya> I could make a coke oven and just use lots and lots and lots of coal coke
L1042[09:48:46] <AdorableCatgirl> i was gonna say there might be a way to generate steam via lava or some shit
L1043[09:49:00] <AdorableCatgirl> i genuinely have forgotten what cocktail of mods i have
L1044[09:49:06] <Izaya> RedPower 2 had a generator that made power from sitting next to ice and lava
L1045[09:49:14] <AdorableCatgirl> brb
L1046[09:49:37] <Bob> for no valid reason scteam crashed on a connection lost
L1047[09:49:47] <Bob> closing borderlands 2
L1048[09:49:48] <Bob> amazing
L1049[09:49:48] <Bob> what in the heavens is up even
L1050[09:49:58] <Forecaster> north
L1051[09:50:33] <Izaya> only realised my bike had a trip meter today
L1052[09:50:38] <Izaya> even better: it has two
L1053[09:50:39] <AdorableCatgirl> based
L1054[09:50:40] <Izaya> not sure why
L1055[09:50:55] <Forecaster> so you can go on two trips at once
L1056[09:50:57] <Forecaster> obviously
L1057[09:51:07] <Izaya> one does 999.9km precision, the other does 99999km tops
L1058[09:51:24] <AdorableCatgirl> dam
L1059[09:51:42] <AdorableCatgirl> i gotta go eat
L1060[09:52:03] ⇨ Joins: baschdel_ (baschdel_!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:da81:852a:cf0c:a2c4:ea4e)
L1061[09:52:33] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1062[09:56:04] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1063[09:56:18] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipbcc038c0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L1064[10:00:21] <kb1000> bauen1 why do you quit/join irc so often
L1065[10:00:36] <Lizzy> dodgy internet
L1066[10:00:50] <Lizzy> as denoted by the "Ping timeout" quit message
L1067[10:09:26] <Inari> Temia: https://imgur.com/gallery/E0VEo8O
L1068[10:10:07] <Temia> Awwww
L1069[10:10:12] <Temia> Smart birb
L1070[10:10:24] <Inari> Probably won't turn it back off though haha
L1071[10:16:45] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67801.versanet.de)
L1072[10:19:32] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1073[10:39:52] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1074[10:42:20] ⇨ Joins: CarlenWhite (CarlenWhite!~CarlenWhi@59.sub-174-231-130.myvzw.com)
L1075[10:45:38] <AmandaC> @AdorableCatgirl I think NM handles wifi fine, you s houldn't need wpa_supplicant
L1076[10:46:10] <AdorableCatgirl> iirc you need wpa_supplicant for wpa
L1077[10:46:11] <AmandaC> at least not directly
L1078[10:46:15] <AdorableCatgirl> and wpa2
L1079[10:46:22] <AmandaC> NM can talk to and control it itself fine
L1080[10:46:55] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com)
L1081[10:49:33] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L1082[10:49:36] <AdorableCatgirl> wifi is working now
L1083[10:49:42] <AdorableCatgirl> all i did was restart
L1084[10:50:01] <AdorableCatgirl> and it werked
L1085[10:50:44] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipbcc038c0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1086[10:56:26] <AdorableCatgirl> dam
L1087[10:56:36] <AdorableCatgirl> my fuckin screen hinge bit warped and came off
L1088[10:56:43] <AdorableCatgirl> finna fix this
L1089[10:57:11] <AdorableCatgirl> fixed enough
L1090[10:57:17] <AdorableCatgirl> is super glue heat resistant?
L1091[10:58:02] * Lizzy shrugs
L1092[10:58:35] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L1093[10:58:38] <Forecaster> if it doesn't say it on the bottle, probably not
L1094[11:01:26] <AdorableCatgirl> dam
L1095[11:01:41] <AdorableCatgirl> i gotta find a glue that'll resist the heat of HELL that my laptop puts out
L1096[11:02:35] <Lizzy> it'd only need to survive up to about 90C anyway
L1097[11:02:51] <Lizzy> the laptop will shut off after that probably
L1098[11:02:54] <Izaya> Hardly warm
L1099[11:03:03] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L1100[11:03:17] <AdorableCatgirl> the only problem is the vent blows on the hinge
L1101[11:03:53] <AdorableCatgirl> like
L1102[11:03:56] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L1103[11:04:02] <AdorableCatgirl> rear facing fan, ya know?
L1104[11:07:29] <Lizzy> still
L1105[11:07:37] <Lizzy> if it's over 90C, you'll have other problems
L1106[11:07:46] <AdorableCatgirl> huh
L1107[11:07:53] <AdorableCatgirl> it's only 57 degrees
L1108[11:08:01] <AdorableCatgirl> tbh my old laptop could get 90+
L1109[11:08:36] <AdorableCatgirl> good old Turion 64 X2
L1110[11:10:21] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways
L1111[11:10:23] <AdorableCatgirl> i feel good
L1112[11:10:42] <AdorableCatgirl> i have the H E V M A R K F O U R P R O T E C T I V E S Y S T E M
L1113[11:11:02] <AdorableCatgirl> F O R U S E I N H A Z A R D O U S E N V I R O M E N T C O N D I T I O N S
L1114[11:14:04] <AdorableCatgirl> also
L1115[11:14:09] <AdorableCatgirl> my base is super sneeki and hidden
L1116[11:14:17] <AdorableCatgirl> at least the actually important part
L1117[11:15:28] <Temia> but is your base super cheeki
L1118[11:16:02] <AdorableCatgirl> no
L1119[11:16:07] <AdorableCatgirl> it's discount black mesa
L1120[11:16:18] * Temia does a drone flyby, drops the hardbass on Cat
L1121[11:16:26] <Temia> Now it is.
L1122[11:17:13] <Temia> Come to think of it, if I ever make that patch to add a DFPWM channel to the sound card
L1123[11:17:16] <Temia> I could totally do that
L1124[11:18:06] * Inari pokes Temia's soundcard
L1125[11:18:13] * Temia eep
L1126[11:19:26] * Skye flops onto a pillow sadly
L1127[11:19:40] <Inari> I need to buy a sound card at some point
L1128[11:19:49] <Temia> Hm?
L1129[11:20:08] <Temia> Soundcards are pretty specialized at this point, what do you need one for?
L1130[11:20:24] <Inari> Better sound than my on-board one xD And like a global equalizer
L1131[11:21:41] <asie> %tonk
L1132[11:21:42] <MichiBot> Waesucks! asie! You beat Lizzy's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 47 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1133[11:21:43] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 1 hour, 47 minutes and 49 seconds! asie also gained 0.0018 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L1134[11:21:54] <Temia> That's fair.
L1135[11:22:01] <Temia> Realtek's chips are... not fantastic.
L1136[11:23:09] <Inari> Mostly
L1137[11:23:19] <Inari> I have a USB soundcard, but it's tied to the headset, which I've been looking to replace
L1138[11:23:29] <Inari> So I'm trying on board sound again, but it doesn't sound as good imo
L1139[11:25:08] *** Lizzy sets mode: -b *!*@autism.nbextension.download
L1140[11:25:08] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@090-057-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1141[11:25:20] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@090-057-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net)
L1142[11:29:45] ⇨ Joins: Soni (Soni!~quassel@autism.nbextension.download)
L1143[11:31:22] <Soni> these are good reads for ppl trying to be supportive of autistic/neurodivergent ppl https://todon.nl/@stackingstones/102270964031045297
L1144[11:35:47] <Temia> That is one hell of a vhost.
L1145[11:35:53] <Lizzy> oh god. i just found the source i had lying around for EnderBot2....
L1146[11:35:58] <Lizzy> this is horrible
L1147[11:36:07] <Temia> says the one whose vhost is literally just "monster girls"
L1148[11:36:14] <Inari> #BringBackEnderBot2
L1149[11:36:23] <Lizzy> gimmie a sec
L1150[11:37:17] <AdorableCatgirl> i have a SB Audigy 2 at home lmao
L1151[11:37:38] ⇦ Quits: cpw (cpw!~cpw@135-23-116-52.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1152[11:40:00] <Skye> Temia: your vhost is cute
L1153[11:41:19] <Temia> <3
L1154[11:41:21] <Temia> Thank you~
L1155[11:42:36] <Lizzy> hmm, i need a python 2 virtual env
L1156[11:43:58] ⇨ Joins: cpw (cpw!~cpw@69-165-220-173.dsl.teksavvy.com)
L1157[11:44:07] <Lizzy> here goes nothing
L1158[11:44:09] ⇦ Quits: baschdel_ (baschdel_!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:da81:852a:cf0c:a2c4:ea4e) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1159[11:44:17] <Lizzy> and already hit an error
L1160[11:44:20] <Lizzy> oh
L1161[11:44:23] <Lizzy> missing requirement
L1162[11:45:07] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2!~EnderBot2@cpc116004-tilb11-2-0-cust776.20-1.cable.virginm.net)
L1163[11:45:12] <Lizzy> there it is
L1164[11:45:43] * AmandaC thinks EB2 predates her joining the channel, what's special about it
L1165[11:45:43] <Lizzy> EnderBot2, dance
L1166[11:45:43] * EnderBot2 dances
L1167[11:45:48] <AmandaC> Sold.
L1168[11:45:53] * AmandaC dances around with EnderBot2
L1169[11:46:13] <Lizzy> i wonder if this will still work
L1170[11:46:18] <Lizzy> this is madness!
L1171[11:46:18] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L1172[11:46:18] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L1173[11:46:19] <Leonidas> THIS.
L1174[11:46:19] <Leonidas> IS.
L1175[11:46:20] <Leonidas> #oc!!
L1176[11:46:21] <EnderBot2> Seriously, what did you think this was?
L1177[11:46:21] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L1178[11:46:31] <Lizzy> yep
L1179[11:46:33] <Forecaster> https://www.geeksaresexy.net/2019/08/01/the-tattoo-artist-comic/
L1180[11:47:02] <Lizzy> .jenkins
L1181[11:47:11] <Lizzy> oh god
L1182[11:47:21] <Lizzy> i can't remember which place that went to
L1183[11:47:31] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: N/A (<urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>) | OpenLights1.7: N/A (<urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>) | OpenSecurity: N/A (HTTP Error 404: Not Found) | OpenComputersDev: #1084 | OpenPrinter: N/A (<urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>) | OpenComputers: #39 | OpenLights: N/A (<urlopen
L1184[11:47:32] <Lizzy> hmm
L1185[11:47:34] <Forecaster> the vooooid~
L1186[11:47:36] <Lizzy> oh, cool
L1187[11:48:00] <Lizzy> what is it actually using for those
L1188[11:48:42] <Lizzy> aah
L1189[11:49:12] <Lizzy> lanteacraft is where most of them go, and i think Mimiru dropped that domain
L1190[11:49:50] <Lizzy> what else could this bot do
L1191[11:49:57] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1192[11:50:13] <Forecaster> destroy humanity, probably
L1193[11:50:20] <asie> Temia: you mean autism.nbextension.download?
L1194[11:50:22] <asie> that is... not a vhost
L1195[11:50:29] <Temia> Eh.
L1196[11:50:30] <asie> try it with a browser
L1197[11:50:52] <Lizzy> @Forecaster probably not, at least not on purpose anyway
L1198[11:50:53] <Lizzy> .gs
L1199[11:50:54] <EnderBot2> Ermm, Lizzy I broked.. Plz fix
L1200[11:50:55] <EnderBot2> Error: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: No JSON object could be decoded
L1201[11:50:57] <Temia> I just assume all non-ISP RDNSes are vhosts until proven otherwise.
L1202[11:51:16] <Lizzy> my rdns is a non-isp one :P
L1203[11:51:19] * AmandaC cuddles up around Temia protectively
L1204[11:51:30] <AmandaC> %roll 1d2
L1205[11:51:30] <MichiBot> [2] = 2
L1206[11:51:34] <Lizzy> oh
L1207[11:51:58] <Temia> Let me guess though, Masto instance?
L1208[11:52:22] <Soni> Temia: huh?
L1209[11:52:22] <Temia> Ah, no, personal site.
L1210[11:52:29] <Lizzy> github changed their site around in the 4 years since i wrote that gs command
L1211[11:52:41] <Temia> Disregard me, I'm just meh
L1212[11:53:00] <Soni> sorry I was eating I missed stuff
L1213[11:53:17] <Soni> was trying to catch up
L1214[11:53:18] <Forecaster> how could they, curse you GitHub!
L1215[11:53:20] * Lizzy pokes Inari
L1216[11:53:29] <Inari> Meow
L1217[11:53:38] * Lizzy presents EnderBot2
L1218[11:53:41] <Inari> Oh nice
L1219[11:53:46] <Inari> I forgot what it does xD
L1220[11:53:58] <Lizzy> a bit of crap
L1221[11:54:15] <Lizzy> used to keep "bots" out of the channel but i turned that off ages ago when we stopped getting them
L1222[11:54:18] <Lizzy> hmm
L1223[11:54:21] <Lizzy> .trivia
L1224[11:54:21] <EnderBot2> Ermm, Lizzy I broked.. Plz fix
L1225[11:54:22] <EnderBot2> Error: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'>: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
L1226[11:54:25] <Lizzy> -_-
L1227[11:54:33] <Lizzy> .shutdown
L1228[11:54:33] <EnderBot2> Bye bye
L1229[11:54:33] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2!~EnderBot2@cpc116004-tilb11-2-0-cust776.20-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: ByeBye)
L1230[11:54:40] <Lizzy> that one works at least
L1231[11:54:46] <Forecaster> xD
L1232[11:55:01] <Lizzy> anyway, that's enough of EnderBot2
L1233[11:55:16] <Forecaster> time to sleep forever now
L1234[11:55:23] <Lizzy> yep
L1235[11:55:34] <Lizzy> just to remain as an archived project on my gitlab
L1236[11:55:48] <Soni> is that an extremely outdated bot
L1237[11:55:59] <Forecaster> you better belive it is
L1238[11:56:02] <Forecaster> because it is
L1239[11:56:06] <Lizzy> yes
L1240[11:56:20] <Soni> heh
L1241[11:56:20] <Lizzy> last commit to the repository was 4 years ago
L1242[11:56:31] <Soni> nice
L1243[11:56:51] <Soni> old software is cool
L1244[11:56:59] <Lizzy> eh, debatable
L1245[11:57:15] <Lizzy> i was working on a replacement at some point but that never really happened cause i kinda fell off irc around 3 years ago for a while
L1246[11:57:38] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@cpe-75-191-193-31.ec.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1247[11:58:16] <Lizzy> and in Enderbot's 3-4 year absense, MichiBot has come along a long way and can do pretty much most of the stuff i would have put in EnderBot's re-write
L1248[11:58:46] <Forecaster> and more, like the very important tonk feature
L1249[11:58:50] <Soni> I like keeping old versions of software around, especially if they're exploitable
L1250[12:01:11] <Soni> I should setup some bochs with those at some point for ppl to play with them and stuff
L1251[12:03:43] <idfk> http://tinyurl.com/yywx3g5w
L1252[12:03:44] <idfk> any ideas?
L1253[12:03:58] <idfk> worked fine last night, now its refusing to boot
L1254[12:05:21] <Inari> ~markov EnderBot2
L1255[12:05:21] <ocdoc> Current OC time: Fri Dec 12 08:58:34 2014
L1256[12:05:28] <Bob> i don't know what halted does
L1257[12:05:38] <Bob> i know yielding is due to too slow loading / overload
L1258[12:05:40] <Bob> but not halts
L1259[12:05:47] <Inari> halt is when your program ends
L1260[12:05:59] <idfk> well as soon as i turn it on i straight away get the beep sound from the computer and a red flashing light, then instant blue screen
L1261[12:06:01] <Inari> (as in, the EEPROM program)
L1262[12:06:03] <idfk> almost like its out of power
L1263[12:06:15] <Bob> then your eeprom ends
L1264[12:06:18] <Bob> it never executes
L1265[12:06:21] <idfk> weird.
L1266[12:06:24] <idfk> ill try replacing the eeprom
L1267[12:06:25] <Bob> make a brand new EEPROM
L1268[12:06:25] <AmandaC> What version of OC
L1269[12:06:46] * Inari parts AmandaC's fur in various places to find her version number
L1270[12:06:49] <Bob> ~~why 1.7.10 also~~
L1271[12:07:04] <AmandaC> pre-1.7.4 OC has a bug that can cause that, which will also nuke the disks inside it
L1272[12:07:14] <idfk> o-o
L1273[12:07:24] <Inari> Ah yeah
L1274[12:07:26] <idfk> im on 1.7.3
L1275[12:07:38] <AmandaC> Ah, then you'll have to update it to stop that from happening again
L1276[12:07:39] <Inari> pre-1.7.4 had a chance of cosmic rays burning out your eeprom/disks
L1277[12:07:49] <AmandaC> unless you have a backup the data is gone, too
L1278[12:07:56] <idfk> ;-;
L1279[12:07:57] <Soni> heh
L1280[12:08:01] <idfk> well replacing the eeprom didnt work.
L1281[12:08:01] <Inari> I actually liked that feature
L1282[12:08:05] <Inari> Encouraged proper backups
L1283[12:08:13] <Soni> does OC support lightning?
L1284[12:08:24] <AmandaC> Inari: "IT's not a race condition, it's a feature!"
L1285[12:08:49] <Lizzy> if by lightning you mean harnessing power from it, then no
L1286[12:09:09] <Inari> There are mods that do that iirc, and those can then feed the power to CO
L1287[12:09:10] <Inari> *OC
L1288[12:09:15] <Soni> I mean does an OC computer hit by a lightning strike get fully blown?
L1289[12:09:27] <Lizzy> i don't think so
L1290[12:09:46] <Temia> I mean, no worse than any other block struck by lightning.
L1291[12:09:59] <Soni> aw
L1292[12:10:10] <Soni> oh remember redpower computers that would catch fire?
L1293[12:10:26] <Lizzy> maybe
L1294[12:10:34] <Skye> Lizzy: that "this is madness" thing made me remeber ocmadness
L1295[12:10:44] <Temia> It's been ages since I touched anything with RedPower in it
L1296[12:10:44] <Lizzy> heh
L1297[12:10:56] <Temia> But honestly antifeatures like that are not worth the trouble of implementing
L1298[12:11:09] <Inari> red power 3 when
L1299[12:11:09] <Soni> I never tried throwing lightning at a redpower computer
L1300[12:11:30] <Lizzy> the actual inspiration behind the "this is madness" was from a gmod server that i moderate
L1301[12:11:44] <Skye> Ooh.
L1302[12:11:47] <Skye> What happened?
L1303[12:11:57] <Lizzy> ?
L1304[12:13:39] <Skye> Lizzy: I'm curious
L1305[12:13:51] <Lizzy> about what
L1306[12:14:08] <Soni> but anyway, how often is an OC computer gonna be up to 3 blocks away from a lightning strike? how bad would it be to make lightning destroy computers? why's it an "antifeature"?
L1307[12:17:12] <Vexatos> oh that was actually part of my plans-I-never-got-to-implement involving radio towers, satellites, and intercontinental data transmission
L1308[12:18:02] <Temia> It's an antifeature because it literally adds nothing for a potentially damaging catastrophe caused by freak chance.
L1309[12:18:18] <Temia> Also radio towers sound nice.
L1310[12:18:25] <Temia> Wasn't there an old-ass CC mod for that?
L1311[12:18:27] <Soni> okay
L1312[12:18:38] <Soni> what about office shredders that can take HDDs?
L1313[12:18:51] <Inari> Lava takes HDDs
L1314[12:19:02] <Forecaster> so does the disassembler
L1315[12:19:14] <Temia> So do trash cans.
L1316[12:19:18] <Soni> do those reclaim the storage?
L1317[12:19:21] <Lizzy> Temia, i think there was one for OC. OpenRadio possibly? i recall it also had some laser stuff
L1318[12:19:27] <Temia> The disassembler reclaims the parts.
L1319[12:19:28] <Vexatos> disassemblers give you the parts back
L1320[12:19:42] <Temia> There are various other ways to destroy the data while keeping the disk too.
L1321[12:19:49] <Vexatos> Lizzy, my idea was way different to that
L1322[12:19:53] <Temia> Swapping between managed and unmanaged mode, dropping it into a RAID>..
L1323[12:19:58] <Temia> Ahh
L1324[12:20:02] <Vexatos> and actually theoretically trivial to implement, as in, the hard part of it is already part of OC
L1325[12:20:14] <Lizzy> cool
L1326[12:20:18] <Vexatos> but I never had the time or motivation to add four or five new blocks q_q
L1327[12:20:34] <Soni> dropping it into a RAID?
L1328[12:20:37] <Temia> It would be nice to revisit something like lowband wireless transmission again.
L1329[12:20:47] <Temia> Yeah, disks put into a RAID block are erased.
L1330[12:20:53] <Temia> As is the RAID itself if disks are taken out.
L1331[12:20:56] <Vexatos> I was working on that
L1332[12:21:00] <Vexatos> interference was a thing too
L1333[12:21:06] <idfk> well figured it out, its not my eeprom thats the problem its the disk.
L1334[12:21:12] <Vexatos> it'd require you to actually get radio protocols going
L1335[12:21:18] <idfk> the disk has been nuked, and it crashes the eeprom
L1336[12:21:22] <Vexatos> as soon as you are not the only one running on the band
L1337[12:21:38] <Vexatos> especially considering the massive range it would have
L1338[12:21:39] <Lizzy> @idfk yeah, best to update ASAP
L1339[12:21:47] <Vexatos> it'd basically be an alternative to cheaty linked cards
L1340[12:21:49] <idfk> yeah i cant, this is a server
L1341[12:21:59] <Temia> I'm guessing it operates on a string buffer then?
L1342[12:22:05] <Temia> As opposed to managed packets.
L1343[12:22:11] <Vexatos> not at all
L1344[12:22:13] <Vexatos> it sends packages
L1345[12:22:14] <Lizzy> @idfk :/ you might want to alert the server owner
L1346[12:22:18] <Vexatos> but it sends them to anyone on the band :P
L1347[12:22:34] <Vexatos> so you receive a heck load of packages you really can't use
L1348[12:22:36] <idfk> its a modpack, the id have to notify the developers and im pretty sure they dont update anymore
L1349[12:22:40] <Temia> So it's just broadcast-only packets.
L1350[12:22:40] <idfk> ill give it a try though
L1351[12:22:45] <Temia> That's a nonissue.
L1352[12:22:45] <Vexatos> intermingled with the ones you actually want
L1353[12:22:50] <Vexatos> well
L1354[12:23:15] <Vexatos> and then actual interference between packets arriving at the same time
L1355[12:23:50] <Soni> Vexatos: oh cool
L1356[12:23:54] <Vexatos> I don't recall all the details I've written them down somewhere
L1357[12:23:56] <Vexatos> but it was cool
L1358[12:24:24] <Soni> so it would be per-tick? or would it be possible to send multiple packets in a tick?
L1359[12:25:03] <Vexatos> it would be slightly slower
L1360[12:25:07] <Temia> Mm.
L1361[12:25:09] <Soni> also would it support MIMO? :p
L1362[12:25:12] <Vexatos> especially on the large antennas
L1363[12:25:32] <Temia> Maybe I'm just out of touch with the community's trends.
L1364[12:25:38] <Vexatos> larger antenna would allow larger wave lengths and longer distances
L1365[12:25:48] <Temia> But honestly trying to implement interference in a high-level interface as opposed to a low-level one seems... counterintuitive.
L1366[12:25:52] <Vexatos> (for simplicity, strength would be directly linked to maximum wave length)
L1367[12:26:14] <Soni> if I were doing it I'd have propagation delays based on distance between antennas
L1368[12:26:15] ⇨ Joins: baschdel_ (baschdel_!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:da81:852a:cf0c:a2c4:ea4e)
L1369[12:26:17] <Vexatos> you'd basically tell the radio station to send a packet
L1370[12:26:22] <Vexatos> and it'd start throwing it into the air
L1371[12:26:23] <Soni> (no reflections tho because lazy)
L1372[12:26:31] <Temia> It creates problems that simply don't happen in reality because it's problems of one networking layer being applied to a different one
L1373[12:26:35] <Soni> and interference would just be xor
L1374[12:26:44] <Soni> it would allow MIMO I think but idk
L1375[12:27:10] <Vexatos> the thing would also consume a lot of power, and if you ever run out of power, part of the packet just wouldn't get sent
L1376[12:27:33] <Vexatos> and you could obviously continuously query the state of the transmission
L1377[12:28:24] <Vexatos> it'd be slow and expensive but very long range, I'd like it to replace linked cards for myself :P
L1378[12:28:47] <Soni> distance-based interference would allow MIMO I think
L1379[12:28:55] <Soni> which would make it much cooler
L1380[12:29:05] <Forecaster> what is MIMO
L1381[12:29:32] <Soni> when you use multiple antennas on the same band and use their interference patterns to get n times the channel bandwidth of the band
L1382[12:29:35] <Soni> or something
L1383[12:30:41] <Soni> so if you can send, say, 8 bytes per tick, with 8 antennas you can send *almost* 64 bytes per tick
L1384[12:31:07] <Soni> (you need to use some space for error detection, error correction, and other framing stuff, so it ends up being less. maybe 56 bytes per tick?)
L1385[12:31:43] <Soni> both sides need 8 antennas for it to work
L1386[12:32:37] <Vexatos> the tick limit won't make interferometry possible >_>
L1387[12:33:05] <Inari> Introduce sub-ticks
L1388[12:33:06] <Inari> ;D
L1389[12:33:16] <Vexatos> ...you mean tocks
L1390[12:33:24] <Inari> %tonk
L1391[12:33:24] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Inari, you were not able to beat asie's record of 1 hour, 47 minutes and 49 seconds this time. 1 hour, 11 minutes and 42 seconds were wasted! Missed by 36 minutes and 7 seconds!
L1392[12:33:34] <Temia> That is an absurdly low frequency if the antenna can only get one byte out per tick.
L1393[12:33:41] <Temia> That's like ULW submarine antennas.
L1394[12:33:53] <Vexatos> heh
L1395[12:34:35] <Temia> Keep in mind MC's tick system is 20Hz. Most lowband systems are between 100KHz-1MHz
L1396[12:34:54] <Temia> Was that right? *checks*
L1397[12:35:09] <Temia> It suddenly doesn't sound right and I am horribly depressed and uncaffeinated so I am unsure.
L1398[12:35:33] <Vexatos> yea it'll probably be on the range of kHz transmission
L1399[12:35:52] <Temia> Ah, lowband is considered 30-300KHz.
L1400[12:35:56] <Temia> So I was off.
L1401[12:36:02] <Temia> Er, not lowband, low frequency
L1402[12:36:15] <Temia> Fuck it, coffee and breakup frozen yogurt break
L1403[12:36:34] <Temia> Band is something else entirely and bluh bluh I am a dumb bitch
L1404[12:37:46] <Skye> Don't worry, I'm dumber
L1405[12:38:11] <Temia> I'm not here to get into a pissing contest over who's dumber.
L1406[12:38:14] <Temia> You are FANTASTIC, Skye
L1407[12:38:27] <Temia> Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
L1408[12:38:30] ⇨ Joins: pvabel (pvabel!~feherneoh@254C009F.nat.pool.telekom.hu)
L1409[12:38:34] <Skye> Not even myself?
L1410[12:38:41] <Lizzy> precisely!
L1411[12:38:46] <Temia> Especially not yourself.
L1412[12:38:58] <Temia> Because that's not really you, that's your depression talking.
L1413[12:38:59] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/y4ejsn7q
L1414[12:39:18] ⇦ Quits: feherneoh (feherneoh!~feherneoh@4E5C1159.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1415[12:39:24] <Temia> And I should really fucking practice what I preach but my emotions are a mess so I'm giving myself a pass for precisely as long as people will tolerate my whinging and no more
L1416[12:39:30] <Soni> Vexatos: interferometry?
L1417[12:39:56] <Vexatos> Soni, MIMO
L1418[12:40:01] * Lizzy brushes Temia's tail tuft
L1419[12:40:02] <Soni> Vexatos: oh, why not?
L1420[12:40:29] <AmandaC> Who's dissing Skye? Skye? I'll kill them for dissing Skye!
L1421[12:40:37] <AmandaC> ( Sorry )
L1422[12:40:52] <Vexatos> because I have better things to do in life than literally implementing the quantum mechanical behaviour of light in Minecraft on a planck-second level, thank you very much
L1423[12:41:02] <Inari> s/Skye!/Skye! Skye!/
L1424[12:41:02] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Who's dissing Skye? Skye? I'll kill them for dissing Skye! Skye!
L1425[12:41:03] <Soni> Vexatos: signals propagate at 1 block per tick, directly adjacent (taxicab distance)
L1426[12:41:54] <Soni> that means newly-placed receivers don't receive in-transit signals but eh w/e
L1427[12:41:57] * AmandaC cuddles up around Temia to protecc, dispatches a clone to cuddle Skye as well
L1428[12:42:35] <Lizzy> oh yeah, i was gonna set up a new personal fileshare site thingy yesterday
L1429[12:42:37] <Soni> and 8 bytes aka 1 long (wait does java call them longs) per tick isn't a bad rate IMO
L1430[12:46:58] <Forecaster> ...where's youtube hidden the playlist stuff...
L1431[12:47:05] <Lizzy> it's hidden
L1432[12:47:23] <Soni> you don't need quantum mechanics for interferometry in a game :p
L1433[12:47:26] <Forecaster> oh, it was in "Other Features"
L1434[12:48:19] <Lizzy> ffs
L1435[12:48:26] <Lizzy> can't remember my sudo pass for this server
L1436[12:48:42] <Forecaster> password manager?
L1437[12:48:51] <Lizzy> it's not in there this time
L1438[12:52:35] <Lizzy> hmmm
L1439[12:56:59] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1440[12:57:07] <Lizzy> WHAT
L1441[12:57:08] <Lizzy> THE
L1442[12:57:09] <Lizzy> FUCK
L1443[12:57:23] <Lizzy> just tried a password again and it worked this time!?
L1444[12:57:27] <Lizzy> bah, whatever
L1445[12:57:34] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1446[12:59:22] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1447[13:01:16] <Forecaster> hrm
L1448[13:01:27] <Forecaster> 239 GB of D&D session recordings...
L1449[13:01:48] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1450[13:01:59] <Forecaster> I'm gonna have to upload these to YouTube for storage just to free up space...
L1451[13:03:22] <Forecaster> about 65 hours of footage total
L1452[13:04:05] <Forecaster> I wonder if YouTube preserves the original mp4 file with the audio tracks and everything
L1453[13:04:16] <Forecaster> or if it only keeps the first track
L1454[13:04:51] <Lizzy> it probably butchers it
L1455[13:05:40] <Forecaster> I need to test that, record a short clip, upload it, then re-download the "original"
L1456[13:05:51] <Forecaster> and see if the audio tracks I create in OBS are still there
L1457[13:08:56] <Lizzy> hmm, which place is my personal domain being hostesd on
L1458[13:09:30] <Forecaster> The moon?
L1459[13:09:48] <Lizzy> ah, it's on namecheap's dns
L1460[13:10:59] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/q9qda1o.jpg I learned a lot from this
L1461[13:11:27] <Lizzy> https://files.theender.net/shx/zion/image0.jpg
L1462[13:11:54] <Lizzy> ... you okay there laptop? what you randomly turning on for
L1463[13:13:02] <Forecaster> It's coughing
L1464[13:13:13] <Lizzy> oma why you reject my requests to tunnel through?
L1465[13:13:18] * Lizzy baps her dedi
L1466[13:13:36] <Lizzy> oh, using the full hostname works
L1467[13:13:38] <Lizzy> whatever
L1468[13:15:07] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/oLWLd9m.jpg I'm starting to begin to have minor doubts about facts from Dave, but I'm staying positive
L1469[13:20:17] <Lizzy> oh, i never set up automation for my personal domain's cert reloading... oops
L1470[13:22:47] <AmandaC> %8ball halucinate more?
L1471[13:22:47] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [ The Bowling ball doesn't answer ]
L1472[13:23:01] * AmandaC halucinates that it answers yes, because she's running out of interrogation rooms
L1473[13:28:35] <Forecaster> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190730/14320442682/authors-take-copyright-so-seriously-they-hides-jokes-their-copyright-notices.shtml
L1474[13:33:34] <Forecaster> nope
L1475[13:33:48] <Forecaster> YouTube mangles the file and removes any additional tracks
L1476[13:34:09] <Forecaster> and reduced the size by more than half
L1477[13:34:30] <AmandaC> Time to buy a new HDD!
L1478[13:35:18] <Forecaster> and I uploaded a 1080 video but got a 720 one back...
L1479[13:35:42] <Forecaster> I'd at least expected to get the same resoltuion
L1480[13:35:54] <Forecaster> that explains the dramatic size difference
L1481[13:36:29] <Forecaster> also dramatically reduced both the video and audio bitrate
L1482[13:36:40] <AmandaC> I highly doubt YouTube keeps theoriginal around
L1483[13:37:02] <AmandaC> at least not once they've finished pre-processing it into a bunch of different formats
L1484[13:37:02] <Forecaster> they don't obviously, or they'd just give me that
L1485[13:37:33] <Forecaster> it's great that they don't give you the highest resolution back
L1486[13:38:21] <AmandaC> It's probably still being re-rendered into different formats with it's audio tracks merged
L1487[13:39:50] <Forecaster> 1080 version is available to watch
L1488[13:40:06] <Forecaster> but I only get the 720 one when I download it
L1489[13:40:53] <Forecaster> fortunately there are services that let you download the higher resolution ones
L1490[13:43:12] <Forecaster> oh, heh
L1491[13:43:28] <Forecaster> that might just take the 720 one and upscale it
L1492[13:44:41] <Forecaster> well, now at least I know not to upload and delete something I want to preserve
L1493[13:57:00] <Lizzy> https://files.lizzian.uk/z/19-08-03_195632.png new files site works!
L1494[13:57:25] <Forecaster> but lizzy, filesharing is illegal, don't you know
L1495[14:02:11] <Lizzy> I wanna see if i can put something together that registers files when they get put in the folder, and then if they're not accessed for 90 days or so (will be slightly longer than that maybe because of caching) it then returns a 410 code instead of the file
L1496[14:03:48] <Lizzy> i also need to re-do my "screenshotting" script to make it a bit smarter
L1497[14:04:29] ⇦ Quits: pvabel (pvabel!~feherneoh@254C009F.nat.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L1498[14:05:51] <Lizzy> the bonus of my lizzian.uk over my theender.net one (which is still staying for now) is that the files for it are on my home server, so it'll work with stuff like ShareX on my laptop because i don't use a bastion host for my home server
L1499[14:08:39] <Lizzy> oh yeah, i havent actually named my laptop yet
L1500[14:09:53] <Lizzian> _slow claps_ http://tinyurl.com/yy4u6qrr
L1501[14:09:59] <Forecaster> woo
L1502[14:11:07] <Soni> I need to make my "screenshotting script" actually exist, at some point
L1503[14:11:18] <Lizzian> gonna call my laptop `Perileos`
L1504[14:11:34] <Lizzian> cause it sounds cool and it's what a random name generator site put out
L1505[14:12:50] <Soni> at least I seem to have fixed rsync eating half my website every time I run it
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L1508[14:41:39] <Lizzy> https://files.lizzian.uk/Perileos/Everlasting-193916.png woop
L1509[14:41:51] <Lizzy> nvm
L1510[14:42:53] <Lizzy> https://files.lizzian.uk/Perileos/Peachpuff-793508.png take 2?
L1511[14:42:59] <Lizzy> that works, yay
L1512[14:43:15] <Lizzy> now to put my laptop back to sleep till i need it again
L1513[14:43:16] <Forecaster> the matrix!
L1514[14:43:40] <Lizzian> yep
L1515[14:44:10] <Lizzy> also ssh in powershell, whilst possible, is kinda shit
L1516[14:44:39] <Forecaster> I've never used that
L1517[14:44:54] <Forecaster> I use ssh in the built in linux distro
L1518[14:45:26] <Lizzy> yeah, that's what i do at work
L1519[14:45:33] <Lizzy> when it's not entirely broken
L1520[14:49:50] <asie> %tonk
L1521[14:49:50] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! asie! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 47 minutes and 49 seconds (By 28 minutes and 35 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1522[14:49:51] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 2 hours, 16 minutes and 25 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00048 x 2 = 0.00096)
L1523[14:50:17] <asie> wait no that's too late i might be in bed, whatever
L1524[14:51:14] <asie> %tonkout
L1525[14:51:14] <MichiBot> I'm sorry asie, you were not able to beat asie's record of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 25 seconds this time. 1 minute and 24 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 15 minutes and 1 second!
L1526[14:51:18] <asie> wait a scond
L1527[14:51:23] <asie> am i cursed now
L1528[14:51:43] <Forecaster> cursed?
L1529[14:51:49] <asie> ... waaaaait a minute, does this mean i can just keep tonking out and nobody gets the tonk?
L1530[14:51:50] <Forecaster> you can't tonk out now no
L1531[14:52:18] <asie> because i'm pretty sure that if
L1532[14:52:19] <Forecaster> no because we will tell MichiBot to ignore you if you abuse it
L1533[14:52:20] <asie> %tonk
L1534[14:52:20] <MichiBot> You still hold the record asie, for now... 2 hours, 16 minutes and 25 seconds
L1535[14:52:28] <asie> yeah, i cannot tonk, but i can tonkout
L1536[14:52:43] <asie> i think this should be fixed so that trying to tonkout while holding the tonk does not reset the timer
L1537[14:56:52] <Forecaster> that's intentional
L1538[14:59:10] <Bob> weird
L1539[15:01:23] <Forecaster> tonk really shouldn't do it either, I just left that in in the last overhaul I think
L1540[15:02:51] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@
L1541[15:17:20] * Inari hoists Temia's tail tuft
L1542[15:19:41] <Inari> asie: You need to be here more often
L1543[15:20:02] <asie> no
L1544[15:20:07] <Inari> :<
L1545[15:20:19] <Inari> I always have things to link you, but you're neve rhere. And by the time you're here I've forgotten about them!
L1546[15:20:34] <Forecaster> that's what tell is for :P
L1547[15:20:48] <Inari> Tell isn't secure
L1548[15:21:15] <Forecaster> you didn't specify secure
L1549[15:21:22] <Inari> I can /nick asie and clear all the tell'd messages
L1550[15:21:25] <Inari> So they won't arrive
L1551[15:21:33] <asie> e-mail me
L1552[15:22:00] <Forecaster> why would anyone bother to do that though
L1553[15:22:20] <Inari> Dunno, maybe they're just trying to be a fake-asie and accidentally do so
L1554[15:22:36] <Inari> I need a delivery gurantee you know
L1555[15:23:47] <Forecaster> use a bird to send messages
L1556[15:24:34] <Inari> I wish there was an actual IPoAC service
L1557[15:26:03] <Forecaster> IPoCP
L1558[15:26:09] <Forecaster> IP over Carrier Pidgeon
L1559[15:26:32] <Inari> Thats a subset of IPoAC then
L1560[15:28:34] <Forecaster> packet drops due to predatory birds
L1561[15:28:36] <Forecaster> or cats
L1562[15:28:48] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1563[15:28:53] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1564[15:28:56] <Inari> Or bird flu
L1565[15:30:48] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1566[15:31:06] <dequbed> Inari: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8248056.stm
L1567[15:32:00] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1568[15:42:03] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1569[16:02:26] <Soni> memoserv?
L1570[16:03:26] <AmandaC> @Forecaster it was added because some people kept "accidentally" tonking too soon
L1571[16:03:36] <AmandaC> ISTR anyway
L1572[16:12:01] <Inari> dequbed: I mean, depends on what you call fast
L1573[16:12:01] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@090-057-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1575[16:13:23] <AmandaC> Inari: you'll never beat the bandwidth of a shipping container full of HDDs going down the highway.
L1576[16:13:38] <Inari> AmandaC: Sure, but the ping
L1577[16:13:38] <Inari> :D
L1578[16:14:50] <Soni> (am I the only person who uses memoserv here?)
L1579[16:15:39] <AmandaC> bandwidth != latency. :P
L1580[16:16:30] <Soni> you'll never beat the bandwidth of a shipping container full of 480GB microSD cards going down the highway
L1581[16:17:19] <Soni> (you can fit like 80TB in the space of an 8TB external HDD)
L1582[16:20:45] <Soni> (I think 480GB is about the limit for the things, but I'm not sure)
L1583[16:23:21] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1584[16:28:28] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L1585[16:43:16] <Forecaster> There'll be quite a delay getting data off of three drives though
L1586[16:43:34] <Forecaster> There'll be quite a delay getting data off of the drives though [Edited]
L1587[16:44:55] <AmandaC> If the data's formatted correctly on the hdds already, just loadin ghtem into a rack-mounted storage thing would be sufficent
L1588[16:47:31] <AmandaC> And that just requires a bunch of interns
L1589[16:57:08] <Forecaster> It'll still take a long time to process a container full of hard drives for a variety of reasons
L1590[17:00:09] <AmandaC> To copy the data off, sure, to just use the data-inplace it'll be faster than copying it over any network
L1591[17:14:58] <Inari> AmandaC: Let us speak about our lord and savior vertical taskbar
L1592[17:16:19] <AmandaC> Inari: amen
L1593[17:17:58] <Inari> AmandaC: Oh, you use them too? :p
L1594[17:18:05] <AmandaC> on my windows rig, yes. :P
L1595[17:18:18] <Inari> Hhee
L1596[17:19:44] <AmandaC> on my laptop I use Material Shell these daya
L1597[17:22:24] * Inari brushes AmandaC
L1598[17:22:51] * AmandaC purrs softly. :3
L1599[17:23:04] * Inari sets aside the combed/brushed out fur
L1600[17:23:36] * AmandaC eyes Inari warialy
L1601[17:23:57] <Inari> Well as said, I'm curious how a rope made from cat hair would feel!
L1602[17:24:12] <AmandaC> You know it'll despawn in 48h right?
L1603[17:24:19] <Inari> D: how mean!
L1604[17:25:06] <AmandaC> I'm not wasting compute resources on simulating hair that I've discarded
L1605[17:25:23] <Skye> Aw
L1606[17:25:30] * Skye gives AmandaC more computer power
L1607[17:25:36] <Inari> %pet Skye
L1608[17:25:41] * MichiBot brushes Skye with ca-CHING. 1 health gained!
L1609[17:26:40] <Skye> ??
L1610[17:29:35] <Soni> do they make RAID enclosures that can take 1 million microSD cards yet?
L1611[17:31:00] <Skye> Probably not.
L1612[17:35:00] <Inari> Trucks are so 2015
L1613[17:35:10] <Inari> What we really need is steel-wire guided rockets
L1614[17:43:58] ⇦ Quits: cpw (cpw!~cpw@69-165-220-173.dsl.teksavvy.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1616[18:03:18] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38644.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1617[18:09:20] <Izaya> Temia++
L1618[18:09:21] <MichiBot> Izaya: Temia now has 72.0 points
L1619[18:09:36] <Temia> ok.
L1620[18:12:12] <Izaya> For something long previous :p
L1621[18:12:29] <The_Stargazer> ubuntu's vertical taskbar is big stupid
L1622[18:13:19] <Skye> %points
L1623[18:13:19] <MichiBot> Skye: skyem123 has 9223372036854779997 points
L1624[18:16:25] <The_Stargazer> I mean I *could* restart and use Cinnamon but I cba
L1625[18:23:17] <asie> Inari: %points
L1626[18:23:19] <asie> err
L1627[18:23:21] <asie> %points
L1628[18:23:21] <MichiBot> asie: asie has 12884903225.0 points
L1629[18:23:57] <The_Stargazer> that's a lotta points
L1630[18:25:05] <Vexatos> Did someone say cinnamon? :U
L1631[18:25:28] <Vexatos> Mint 19.2 cut down the RAM usage on desktop by another 30%, very nice
L1632[18:26:12] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-193-89-18.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L1633[18:29:37] <The_Stargazer> thank goodness I didn't delete my id_rsa file on my USB
L1634[18:29:37] <The_Stargazer> even though it was only used to convert it to PuTTY format, it proved useful earlier because iirc `ssh` cannot read .ppk files
L1635[18:29:56] <The_Stargazer> and I just gave it id_rsa
L1636[18:30:30] <Skye> asie++
L1637[18:30:30] <MichiBot> Skye: asie now has 12884903226.0 points
L1638[18:31:00] <Bob> %points
L1639[18:31:01] <MichiBot> Bob: null has 0 points
L1640[18:31:02] <The_Stargazer> (after `cp /media/ubuntu/blah/P2K/id_rsa id_rsa` then `chmod id_rsa 400`)
L1641[18:31:09] <The_Stargazer> %points
L1642[18:31:10] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer: %points has 0 points
L1643[18:31:18] <The_Stargazer> ?
L1644[18:48:59] <Temia> MichiBot is a solidly coded and bug-free bot
L1645[18:56:07] <Bob> Obviously
L1646[19:00:25] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1647[19:01:21] <The_Stargazer> ubuntu why are you thinking the time is 12:01 AM
L1648[19:01:22] <The_Stargazer> when it's 12:01 PM
L1649[19:01:28] <The_Stargazer> is the time in utc or something
L1650[19:02:03] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L1651[19:02:03] <MichiBot> Avada Kedavra! CompanionCube! You beat asie's previous record of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 25 seconds (By 1 hour, 54 minutes and 23 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1652[19:02:04] <Lizzy> UTS is currently 00:02
L1653[19:02:04] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 4 hours, 10 minutes and 48 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00573 (0.00191 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L1654[19:02:09] <Lizzy> *UTC
L1655[19:07:45] <Bob> ^
L1656[19:07:47] <Bob> GMT
L1657[19:16:26] <Kodos> Anyone subbed to humble monthly?
L1658[19:33:42] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@
L1659[19:34:45] <PrismaticYT> Izaya: from the screenshots on the site, MultiMC appears to display all profiles (and organizes them into what looks like folders) - is this an actual feature?
L1660[19:43:48] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1662[19:47:10] <Lizzy> multimc has "categories" which are kinda similar i guess
L1663[19:51:24] <PrismaticYT> so I can organize my profiles into them? neat
L1664[19:51:36] <Lizzy> yup
L1665[19:52:46] <PrismaticYT> great, now the question is which DE is the most lightweight
L1666[19:53:25] <PrismaticYT> and won't eat all of my 2GB RAM in like ten minutes
L1667[19:55:08] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1669[19:59:20] <Kodos> I'm pretty sure any of them will tbh
L1670[19:59:49] <PrismaticYT> i love how that an AMD Athlon 64 has twice the speed of "my" laptop's processor
L1671[20:00:11] <PrismaticYT> 2.8GHz compared to 1.10GHz
L1672[20:01:01] <CompanionCube> the most lightweight DE is not a DE
L1673[20:01:17] <CompanionCube> they don't mesh terribly well.
L1674[20:02:24] <PrismaticYT> ?
L1675[20:02:32] <PrismaticYT> unfortunately no DE is not an option
L1676[20:02:57] <PrismaticYT> although when I upgrade the RAM from 2GB to 4GB or possibly more it won't really matter
L1677[20:03:20] <PrismaticYT> afk
L1678[20:08:24] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1681[20:19:11] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1683[20:35:28] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1684[20:45:08] <AmandaC> %tell Inari this could be us, but you playing https://i.imgur.com/A98hJlF.gifv
L1685[20:45:09] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1686[20:45:36] * AmandaC curls up around Temia, dozes
L1687[20:45:40] <AmandaC> Night nerds
L1688[20:48:49] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@090-057-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1689[20:48:57] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@090-057-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net)
L1690[21:06:54] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: lightest DE is no DE
L1691[21:07:56] <Izaya> before I stuck 8GB in my laptop, to do Minecraft I'd log out of XFCE and switch to wmaker
L1692[21:20:12] <The_Stargazer> Izaya: cinnamon runs fine on this by the way
L1693[21:20:43] <Izaya> how much memory does it use idling, out of curiosity?
L1694[21:20:52] <The_Stargazer> currently 92MB
L1695[21:21:05] <Izaya> The system overall
L1696[21:21:12] <The_Stargazer> oh uh
L1697[21:21:25] <The_Stargazer> rn 1.2GiB
L1698[21:22:13] <The_Stargazer> (with no swap space)
L1699[21:22:23] <Izaya> Eh, about 800M more than XFCE and 1G more than no DE, but it's an improvement
L1700[21:22:55] <The_Stargazer> so wait, with XFCE what's the standard idle memory usage?
L1701[21:23:16] <Izaya> I boot to 400-600M
L1702[21:23:37] <The_Stargazer> rn firefox is using about 500MB
L1703[22:28:27] <Kodos> I need two weeks to pass overnight plskthx
L1704[22:43:50] <Temia> I should see about finding a way to use my huge pages when Windows isn't taking them up
L1705[22:43:57] <Temia> Just having 8GBs sitting there doing nothing isn't very fun .w.
L1706[22:44:38] <Temia> But there's also the issue of how to reallocate them to regular pages when I need to boot Windows...
L1707[22:56:38] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@
L1708[22:57:00] <PrismaticYT> so it turns out ubuntu doesn't like me running chmod +x on the files on my usb
L1709[22:57:18] <Izaya> filesystem probably doesn't support metadata
L1710[22:57:33] <PrismaticYT> it's FAT
L1711[22:57:38] <PrismaticYT> to be specific, FAT32
L1712[22:57:49] <PrismaticYT> because I forgot to format it to either exFAT or NTFS
L1713[22:58:17] <Izaya> so it supports no metadata
L1714[22:58:21] <Izaya> safe for filename
L1715[22:58:35] <PrismaticYT> my solution was to put the MultiMC binary and runscript on the "drive" and everything else on my USB.
L1716[22:59:07] <PrismaticYT> is there a less hacky method for storing the game's assets and everything else on a different drive
L1717[22:59:39] <Izaya> but why
L1718[23:00:34] <PrismaticYT> also I decided to put a 500MiB swapfile on my USB
L1719[23:00:35] <PrismaticYT> which is highly likely
L1720[23:00:35] <PrismaticYT> just in case I run out of memory
L1721[23:00:51] <Izaya> the worst place to put a swap file but okay
L1722[23:01:06] <PrismaticYT> why what?
L1723[23:01:18] <PrismaticYT> why put a swapfile on the usb?
L1724[23:01:29] <Izaya> no
L1725[23:01:30] <PrismaticYT> nowhere else to put it
L1726[23:01:38] <Izaya> why store MultiMC's data on a different drive
L1727[23:01:54] <PrismaticYT> so I can fit the game's assets and data
L1728[23:02:09] * Izaya squints
L1729[23:02:22] <Izaya> but if you're setting +x you're not dealing with that shitbox laptop
L1730[23:02:26] <PrismaticYT> because the tiny "cow" (assuming copy-on-write) filesystem on the CD isn't enough to store a 1.12.2 install
L1731[23:02:27] <Izaya> so in theory you have nonzero storage
L1732[23:03:13] <PrismaticYT> no HDD
L1733[23:03:26] <PrismaticYT> and also I'll eventually have to switch back to the laptop
L1734[23:03:44] <Izaya> ah, and you have an in-RAM filesystem to work with
L1735[23:03:56] <PrismaticYT> a ramdisk?
L1736[23:04:03] <Izaya> kinda yeah
L1737[23:04:21] <Izaya> less a RAM disk and more a filesystem cache that never gets flushed
L1738[23:05:38] <PrismaticYT> also this computer has no speaker which is annoying
L1739[23:05:53] <PrismaticYT> right
L1740[23:06:00] <PrismaticYT> but it's still stored in RAM?
L1741[23:06:04] <Izaya> yup
L1742[23:06:18] <Izaya> difference is that there's no block device it's backed onto
L1743[23:06:25] <Izaya> so it can use more or less RAM as necessary
L1744[23:06:30] <Izaya> rather than being statically allocated
L1745[23:06:40] <Izaya> (and emulating a block device in memory)
L1746[23:06:51] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1747[23:11:07] <CompanionCube> obligatory 'why fat32, ever'
L1748[23:11:17] <CompanionCube> oh, they're gone, oh well
L1749[23:12:51] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@
L1750[23:23:10] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~ubuntu@ (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L1751[23:24:16] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1752[23:28:10] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L1753[23:28:11] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! CompanionCube! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours, 10 minutes and 48 seconds (By 15 minutes and 17 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1754[23:28:12] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.006 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.8538
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