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L1[00:27:26] <Z0idburg> why @bad at vijya
L2[00:27:32] <bad at vijya> why not
L3[00:27:46] <Z0idburg> is that GTK?
L4[00:27:57] <bad at vijya> ...it says FLTK in the titlebar
L5[00:28:06] <Z0idburg> Never heard of it
L6[00:28:17] <bad at vijya> https://www.fltk.org
L7[00:28:37] <Z0idburg> it better be asyncronous
L8[00:28:50] <Z0idburg> I'm sick and tired of syncronous GUI toolkits
L9[00:31:04] <Z0idburg> ugh
L10[00:31:23] <Z0idburg> and again yet another toolkit that also has a builtin running loop
L11[00:31:28] <Z0idburg> as well
L12[00:32:08] <Z0idburg> that stuff has got to stop
L13[00:32:49] <bad at vijya> :GWchinaSakuraThinking: well i'm using it w/ lua so
L14[00:34:03] <bad at vijya> well that werks http://tinyurl.com/y6bj5tns
L15[00:34:37] <bad at vijya> y e s http://tinyurl.com/yxdzfcq5
L16[00:37:06] <Z0idburg> O M G
L17[00:37:20] <Z0idburg> what ******* bozo made these god damn names
L18[00:37:26] <Z0idburg> ForbiddenOperationException
L19[00:40:18] <Z0idburg> poor choice of name. poor choice of naming convention. Also, exceptions are retarded
L20[00:40:23] <Z0idburg> let it break
L21[00:42:04] <Z0idburg> also.. an invalid username or password should never raise an exception. getting credentials wrong is not an exception, it's completely valid state
L22[00:42:50] <Z0idburg> if it causes invalid state, then whoever wrote it needs to fix their crap
L23[00:43:24] <bad at vijya> what
L24[00:43:31] <bad at vijya> blame mojang
L25[00:43:32] <bad at vijya> lmao
L26[00:43:45] <bad at vijya> i'm just printing the response the auth server gives me
L27[00:44:18] <Z0idburg> blame bad programmers, bad language designers, bad everything
L28[00:44:33] <Z0idburg> I have been writing software for 24 years you know, and I remember when Java was invented
L29[00:45:04] <bad at vijya> :GWchinaSakuraThinking:
L30[00:45:11] <bad at vijya> i'm just writing lua, man
L31[00:45:21] <Z0idburg> forget Lua
L32[00:45:22] <Z0idburg> ?
L33[00:45:30] <bad at vijya> i ain't here to reinvent the wheel, i wanna see how the launcher works
L34[00:45:30] <Z0idburg> I'm not blaming Lua here
L35[00:47:31] <Z0idburg> Lua's biggest flaws are a) the fact that passing tables around is by default a by reference value, and b) the shitty people who messed up lua's package searches which isn't even Lua's fault
L36[00:47:44] <Z0idburg> neither of those are at stake here
L37[00:48:15] <Z0idburg> but you know why I remember when Java was invented ?
L38[00:48:16] <Z0idburg> ?
L39[00:48:23] <Z0idburg> because it came out the year I started programming
L40[00:48:29] <bad at vijya> huh
L41[00:48:33] <Z0idburg> in 1995
L42[00:48:49] <Z0idburg> I barely touched it then, something seemed off about it
L43[00:48:54] <Z0idburg> I was very skeptical
L44[00:49:08] <Z0idburg> But I didn't know any better either
L45[00:50:20] <bad at vijya> so
L46[00:50:41] <bad at vijya> i'm not sure what the hell to do here, i need to get `https://libraries.minecraft.net/`, which is supposedly a JSON file
L47[00:50:51] <bad at vijya> uh, i get a blank file
L48[00:50:53] <bad at vijya> wtf
L49[00:54:06] <bad at vijya> ah wait
L50[00:54:09] <bad at vijya> i read the page wrong
L51[00:54:10] <bad at vijya> haha
L52[00:54:18] <bad at vijya> i get what to do now!
L53[00:56:52] <The_Stargazer> what's the remind command?
L54[00:57:03] <The_Stargazer> is it %remind?
L55[00:57:13] <bad at vijya> rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
L56[00:57:18] <Mimiru> %remindme
L57[00:57:19] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Specify time (eg 1h20m10s)
L58[00:57:26] <The_Stargazer> ty
L59[00:57:31] <Mimiru> also
L60[00:57:33] <Mimiru> %remindthem
L61[00:57:34] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Specify user to remind
L62[00:57:34] <Mimiru> :P
L63[00:57:44] <The_Stargazer> %remindme 48h Galaxtone vs Zen1th modjam
L64[00:57:45] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "Galaxtone vs Zen1th modjam" at 07/25/2019 12:57:44 AM
L65[00:58:15] <bad at vijya> wait real shit? lmao
L66[00:58:18] <The_Stargazer> UTC time?
L67[00:58:31] <Mimiru> Central time, though.. really it doesn't matter :P
L68[00:58:35] <Mimiru> it's 48 hours lol
L69[00:58:35] <The_Stargazer> Ah
L70[01:00:50] <The_Stargazer> can you delete a reminder?
L71[01:01:12] <Mimiru> Nope.
L72[01:01:29] <The_Stargazer> you should be able to
L73[01:03:01] <bad at vijya> i just had a galaxybrain idea
L74[01:04:08] <bad at vijya> use luaj to make mods for minecraft
L75[01:04:18] <bad at vijya> /e nae nae i gotta get on that
L76[01:06:49] <bad at vijya> anyways
L77[01:06:51] <bad at vijya> jokes aside
L78[01:07:07] <bad at vijya> FLTK is nice because it's fucking dead simple
L79[01:17:48] <Mimiru> Reminders are forever, or until their timer expires. Which ever comes first
L80[01:18:13] <The_Stargazer> Usually the latter :P
L81[01:18:22] <The_Stargazer> can you set infinite reminders ?
L82[01:18:50] <Mimiru> 2147483647 seconds, IIRC
L83[01:19:12] <Mimiru> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ewetemupiw
L84[01:19:52] <Mimiru> ```
L85[01:19:52] <Mimiru> 2.147×10^9 seconds from now | 2:33:08 am PDT | Sunday, August 10, 2087
L86[01:19:53] <Mimiru> ```
L87[01:19:54] <The_Stargazer> if you go above that?
L88[01:20:24] <Mimiru> IDK how I stored it tbh, how about we don't g o finding out, and I don't have to make the bot ignore you?
L89[01:20:43] <The_Stargazer> *You* can do it
L90[01:21:05] <Mimiru> %ignore @The_Stargazer
L91[01:21:06] <MichiBot> User added to ignore list
L92[01:21:09] <Mimiru> Correct, I can
L93[01:21:17] <bad at vijya> http://tinyurl.com/y22vpfdy
L94[01:21:18] <Mimiru> :P
L95[01:21:29] <The_Stargazer> ?
L96[01:21:29] <The_Stargazer> *proceeds to block Mimiru
L97[01:21:30] <bad at vijya> ayy, choice box works
L98[01:21:31] <Mimiru> %unignore @The_Stargazer
L99[01:21:31] <The_Stargazer> ?
L100[01:21:31] <The_Stargazer> *proceeds to block Mimiru* [Edited]
L101[01:21:32] <MichiBot> User removed from ignore list
L102[01:21:38] <bad at vijya> oh no
L103[01:21:42] <bad at vijya> it doesn't have a scroll
L104[01:21:48] <bad at vijya> oh lawdy
L105[01:21:57] <The_Stargazer> uh
L106[01:22:02] <The_Stargazer> why is version on login?
L107[01:24:17] <bad at vijya> nevermind anyways
L108[01:24:23] <bad at vijya> @The_Stargazer currently i'm just testing
L109[01:24:29] <The_Stargazer> ok
L110[01:24:44] <bad at vijya> making sure i can download files and launch minecraft instances
L111[01:27:24] <bad at vijya> also tbh, this currently only works on linux
L112[01:46:12] <The_Stargazer> how do you get what a thread errored on?
L113[01:46:25] <The_Stargazer> my thread keeps dying
L114[01:46:32] <The_Stargazer> and no error is outputted
L115[01:49:28] <bad at vijya> wot
L116[01:50:05] <The_Stargazer> just this http://tinyurl.com/y5qyt9qp
L117[01:50:52] <The_Stargazer> **f a t a l e r r o r**
L118[01:52:11] ⇨ Joins: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@2001:67c:2f08:7::5:c6e2)
L119[01:53:58] <The_Stargazer> it receives the event and reads the socket
L120[01:55:22] <The_Stargazer> can you `return` output from a function directly (e.g. `return data.encrypt("Hi", "1234567890123456", "1234567890123456")`?
L121[01:58:30] <The_Stargazer> OH OH OH
L122[01:58:35] <The_Stargazer> IT'S TRYING TO COMPARE TO A NIL VALUE
L123[01:58:36] <The_Stargazer> im dum
L124[01:58:53] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L125[01:59:18] <The_Stargazer> but it still crashes
L126[02:01:10] <The_Stargazer> ok it's failing to decrypt
L127[02:02:25] <Izaya> S3: it'd be better if tables were passed in some copy-on-write manner
L128[02:04:03] <The_Stargazer> https://pastebin.com/wsFfgs5M -- controller
L129[02:04:03] <The_Stargazer> https://pastebin.com/UGZxWQNM -- server
L130[02:04:03] <The_Stargazer> ^ if anyone wants to help me figure out why its not working
L131[02:05:07] <Ariri> Someone @me if someone joins the irc in the next 10 min thxxx
L132[02:05:25] <Izaya> Ariri: anyone in particular?
L133[02:05:48] <Ariri> Probably under Misty or Mune
L134[02:06:57] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: with that limited information, everyone's gonna have a hard time helping you
L135[02:07:15] <The_Stargazer> what limited information?
L136[02:07:20] <The_Stargazer> thats all I can give
L137[02:07:24] <The_Stargazer> there isn't an error
L138[02:07:26] <The_Stargazer> just says
L139[02:07:30] <The_Stargazer> http://tinyurl.com/y3vj887d
L140[02:08:35] <bad at vijya> Izaya: i've decided to try to make a simple minecraft launcher with FLTK
L141[02:08:39] <Izaya> thread.create(function() print(pcall(function() ... end)) end)
L142[02:08:43] <bad at vijya> wish me luck
L143[02:08:51] <Izaya> do that for printData and see what you get
L144[02:09:03] <bad at vijya> so far, it's actually working and able to log me in
L145[02:09:05] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: have fun with that
L146[02:09:12] <Izaya> FLTK is comf
L147[02:09:22] <bad at vijya> ^^^
L148[02:09:30] <bad at vijya> using fltk4lua ofc
L149[02:09:40] <bad at vijya> but it's still fltk
L150[02:09:50] <The_Stargazer> Izaya: so, add `print(pcall(function() ... end)) end)` to the start of `printData`?
L151[02:10:02] <Izaya> ... no.
L152[02:10:26] <Izaya> you're wrapping the actual function contents of printData with function() print(pcall( ... )) end
L153[02:10:27] <The_Stargazer> prefix `thread.create(function() print(pcall(function() ... end)) end)`, or replace the whole thing with `thread.create(function() print(pcall(function() ... end)) end)`?
L154[02:10:36] <Izaya> neither
L155[02:10:39] <Izaya> wrap it
L156[02:10:44] <The_Stargazer> what?
L157[02:10:48] <Izaya> replace ... with the actual function definition
L158[02:10:57] <The_Stargazer> er...
L159[02:11:05] <Izaya> ~w pcall
L160[02:11:09] <Izaya> ocdoc you fuck
L161[02:11:09] <The_Stargazer> i'm lost
L162[02:11:13] <Izaya> you are
L163[02:11:15] <Izaya> wrapping
L164[02:11:16] <The_Stargazer> ocdoc's been ded for a while
L165[02:11:17] <Izaya> the function
L166[02:11:25] <Izaya> with another function
L167[02:11:39] <Izaya> that prints the results of said wrapped function being pcall'd
L168[02:11:47] <Bob> ?
L169[02:11:51] <The_Stargazer> so what do I put where
L170[02:12:23] <Izaya> see the ... in my message?
L171[02:12:29] <The_Stargazer> ye
L172[02:12:39] <The_Stargazer> `thread.create(function() print(pcall(function() **...** end)) end)`
L173[02:12:39] <The_Stargazer> that bit
L174[02:12:45] <Izaya> right
L175[02:12:46] <Izaya> put the stuff before that in front of your function definition
L176[02:12:48] <The_Stargazer> (ik bold dont work with \`\`)
L177[02:12:54] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L178[02:13:01] <Izaya> don't worry your bold doesn't work here anyway
L179[02:13:03] <Izaya> Ariri:
L180[02:13:20] <Izaya> and the stuff after the ... after your function's end
L181[02:13:35] <bad at vijya> how do you fuck up pcall
L182[02:13:43] <Ariri> Imouto?
L183[02:14:01] <bad at vijya> like, it's the most integral part of lua debugging
L184[02:14:06] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: by not reading the documentation, ever
L185[02:14:11] <The_Stargazer> So
L186[02:14:11] <The_Stargazer> `thread.create(function() print(pcall(function() **all the printData stuff** end)) end)`
L187[02:14:14] <The_Stargazer> Is that correct?
L188[02:14:16] <bad at vijya> err, really, xpcall is but w/e
L189[02:14:18] <Izaya> right
L190[02:14:25] <The_Stargazer> I shall proceed to add that
L191[02:14:41] <Bob> Yes
L192[02:15:10] <FeelsbadLemon> I may have found a bug with Open Computers. May. Could you guys check me here to see if this is my fault or not. /bin/edit.lua:671: attempt to call a nil value (field 'insert'):stack traceback: --I get this error when trying to edit one of my programs. After a reboot I can edit again but only once. Then the bug returns.
L193[02:15:19] <FeelsbadLemon> error returns*
L194[02:15:28] <Ariri> Imouto it’s okay lol
L195[02:15:33] <bad at vijya> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/emokukopar
L196[02:15:49] <Izaya> FeelsbadLemon: what's the stack traceback?
L197[02:15:55] <Bob> Uhm
L198[02:16:06] <Bob> i dont think it can be a bug
L199[02:16:07] <The_Stargazer> `true`
L200[02:16:18] <The_Stargazer> that is what it is giving me
L201[02:16:24] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: so it didn't error
L202[02:16:31] <Ariri> Oops ignored what I said up there hahah^
L203[02:16:33] <Izaya> it just completed successfully
L204[02:16:48] <bad at vijya> but i gotta get library and asset downloads working
L205[02:16:59] <bad at vijya> and then i can finally launch the client
L206[02:17:01] <FeelsbadLemon> "/bin/edit.lua:671: in main chunk (...tail calls...)
L207[02:17:01] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: yeah that seems like an interesting time
L208[02:17:05] <FeelsbadLemon> do you want the rest?
L209[02:17:06] <The_Stargazer> But then why is it fatally errorring?
L210[02:17:07] <Izaya> yes
L211[02:17:23] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: does Minecraft use multiple versions of LWJGL depending on version?
L212[02:17:53] <bad at vijya> Izaya: no clue tbh, i'm just already doing instancing for my client
L213[02:18:00] <The_Stargazer> Also adding that breaks the Ctrl-C exit
L214[02:18:01] <bad at vijya> to make sure nothing goes wrong
L215[02:18:09] <Bob> I would go for reinstalling OpenOS FeelsbadLemon, or updating OC since edit program works fine
L216[02:18:10] <The_Stargazer> so when I hit ctrl-c
L217[02:18:14] <The_Stargazer> IT DISCONNECTS FROM ITSELF?!
L218[02:18:14] <Bob> unless you edited edit
L219[02:18:20] <The_Stargazer> edit the edit
L220[02:18:30] <Izaya> control-C causes an error, I believe
L221[02:18:43] <Bob> It pushes an interupt event
L222[02:18:57] <FeelsbadLemon> [C]: in function 'xpcall' machine:791: in global 'xpcall' /lib/process.lua:63:in function </lib/process.lua:59>
L223[02:19:01] <FeelsbadLemon> okay that's everything
L224[02:19:18] <Izaya> bizarre
L225[02:19:28] <Izaya> is it a big file, do you have a relatively limited amount of memory?
L226[02:19:44] <FeelsbadLemon> I have one tier 2 ram
L227[02:19:51] <FeelsbadLemon> it's a small file
L228[02:19:54] <Izaya> normally you get a buffer allocation failed error if that's the case but I wouldn't count on - nah that should be fine then
L229[02:19:58] <The_Stargazer> after hitting ^C http://tinyurl.com/y2w63c3v
L230[02:19:58] <The_Stargazer> the server *is* 0.1
L231[02:19:58] <The_Stargazer> it's literally disconnecting from itself
L232[02:19:59] <The_Stargazer> uh..
L233[02:19:59] <The_Stargazer> from /oc_sc
L234[02:19:59] <The_Stargazer> so
L235[02:19:59] <The_Stargazer> 2MB i think
L236[02:20:18] <Bob> openos dead
L237[02:20:28] <bad at vijya> @The_Stargazer GERT is buggy last time i checked
L238[02:20:37] <The_Stargazer> better than `modem.broadcast()`
L239[02:20:51] <The_Stargazer> and it worked FINE a few days ago
L240[02:21:00] <FeelsbadLemon> https://imgur.com/a/zABItKW
L241[02:21:03] <FeelsbadLemon> that's my code
L242[02:21:15] <FeelsbadLemon> I run that once and then try to edit and it errors out
L243[02:21:40] <Izaya> make the table local
L244[02:21:40] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8EE7B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L245[02:21:44] <Izaya> or even better, rename it
L246[02:22:01] <bad at vijya> `local tbl = ...`
L247[02:22:04] <FeelsbadLemon> lol you think that's a table in edit?
L248[02:22:14] <FeelsbadLemon> I'll do that
L249[02:22:17] <The_Stargazer> yes it probably is
L250[02:22:27] <The_Stargazer> `table` is the default name for the table lib
L251[02:22:34] <The_Stargazer> so if edit uses ANY table lib functions
L252[02:22:38] <FeelsbadLemon> ah gotcha
L253[02:22:58] ⇨ Joins: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@
L254[02:23:04] <bad at vijya> wait can programs mess with the global state?
L255[02:23:06] <Rinrinchan> Hello?
L256[02:23:10] <Ariri> Haiiii
L257[02:23:14] <bad at vijya> i thought they were sandboxed?
L258[02:23:25] <Rinrinchan> Wow this is overwhelming
L259[02:23:43] <bad at vijya> wot
L260[02:23:53] <Ariri> Welcome to that wierd stuff I do
L261[02:23:53] <FeelsbadLemon> https://imgur.com/a/HNHlbrn
L262[02:23:54] <FeelsbadLemon> uhh
L263[02:23:55] ⇦ Quits: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L264[02:24:02] <FeelsbadLemon> I changed it to "local msg"
L265[02:24:09] <FeelsbadLemon> ran it once and got that after running
L266[02:24:40] ⇨ Joins: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@
L267[02:24:45] <Rinrinchan> Huh
L268[02:24:50] <Ariri> Imouto what happened
L269[02:25:05] <Ariri> I messaged you look at your tabs
L270[02:25:09] <Rinrinchan> Sorry wait is this a huge GC?
L271[02:25:13] <Ariri> Where it says oc
L272[02:25:18] <Izaya> FeelsbadLemon: probably doesn't like sending tables
L273[02:25:18] <Ariri> Sorta
L274[02:25:23] <bad at vijya> hahahaha
L275[02:25:31] <Ariri> IRC - Internet Rwlay Chat
L276[02:25:32] <bad at vijya> give me a sec
L277[02:25:32] <Rinrinchan> Lol how we supposed to talk
L278[02:25:33] <FeelsbadLemon> Should I serialize a table or something?
L279[02:25:42] <Izaya> yeah that'd be the way to do it
L280[02:25:42] <Ariri> s/rwlay/relay
L281[02:25:50] <FeelsbadLemon> kk thanks for the help
L282[02:25:55] <Izaya> Internet Read Write Way Chat
L283[02:26:02] <Izaya> basically the same thing
L284[02:26:04] <Izaya> multiplayer notepad
L285[02:26:05] <Ariri> Oh yeah
L286[02:26:09] <bad at vijya> it should send tables iirc
L287[02:26:20] <bad at vijya> but something very much broke
L288[02:26:22] <Ariri> I dmd u Rin
L289[02:26:24] <bad at vijya> so
L290[02:26:39] <FeelsbadLemon> Oh it was my fault. I still had (table) in the sending bit
L291[02:26:46] <bad at vijya> FeelsbadLemon: have to tried turning it on and off again
L292[02:26:47] <FeelsbadLemon> made it (msg) and it's good
L293[02:26:47] <Rinrinchan> Where???
L294[02:26:53] <bad at vijya> oh
L295[02:26:57] <Ariri> Tap on the three lines I think?
L296[02:27:07] ⇦ Quits: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L297[02:27:23] ⇨ Joins: Rinrinchan_ (Rinrinchan_!webchat@
L298[02:27:57] <Ariri> Why’s your WiFi baddd
L299[02:28:18] <Rinrinchan_> It’s not I’m going to ig and back
L300[02:28:38] <Ariri> Oh
L301[02:28:48] ⇦ Quits: Rinrinchan_ (Rinrinchan_!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L302[02:29:13] <Kodos> %tonkout
L303[02:29:13] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 2 hours, 38 minutes and 23 seconds (By 3 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L304[02:29:14] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.79484
L305[02:29:25] ⇨ Joins: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@
L306[02:29:33] <The_Stargazer> %tonk
L307[02:29:33] <MichiBot> Dogast! The_Stargazer! You beat Kodos's previous record of <0 (By 19 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L308[02:29:34] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 19 seconds! The_Stargazer also gained 0.00001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L309[02:29:35] <Rinrinchan> I can’t find the dm
L310[02:29:38] <Ariri> It makes you leave every time u do that
L311[02:29:40] <Rinrinchan> do I need to make an acc
L312[02:29:53] <Izaya> s/dm/pm/
L313[02:29:53] <MichiBot> <Rinrinchan> I can’t find the pm
L314[02:29:54] <Ariri> Don’t u see it when u tap the three lines
L315[02:30:10] <Ariri> And when u leave msgs don’t get recieved
L316[02:30:15] <Rinrinchan> No
L317[02:30:20] <Ariri> It’s a live feed
L318[02:30:33] <Izaya> Direct messages and Private messages are both a lie, ergo Personal messages is the best one can do
L319[02:30:34] <Rinrinchan> I’m so confused rn
L320[02:30:44] <bad at vijya> hello this is microsoft tech support
L321[02:30:55] <Ariri> I don’t wanna spam oc tho
L322[02:31:07] <bad at vijya> we have detected 16 virus on your computer
L323[02:31:14] <Rinrinchan> Well crap
L324[02:31:19] <Ariri> Uh
L325[02:31:30] <Rinrinchan> Can we figure it out tomorrow lol
L326[02:31:32] <Rinrinchan> im gonna sleep
L327[02:31:33] <Ariri> Can u not download the app
L328[02:31:36] <Rinrinchan> i can
L329[02:31:40] <Ariri> I’m driving back tomm tho
L330[02:31:41] <Rinrinchan> in the morning gn
L331[02:31:45] <Rinrinchan> ahhhh
L332[02:31:52] <Rinrinchan> im legit about to sleep
L333[02:31:55] <Ariri> I have to wake up at 7
L334[02:31:56] <Rinrinchan> i promise I will
L335[02:32:03] <Ariri> You better dear
L336[02:32:15] <Ariri> I can’t wait another 2 months
L337[02:32:26] ⇦ Quits: Rinrinchan (Rinrinchan!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L338[02:33:15] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-110-157-28.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L339[02:33:18] <FeelsbadLemon> I can't seem to get the receiving program to get a message tho. It doesn't even print that it's received anything. Could somebody explain what the "send" callback structure looks like?
L340[02:33:36] <FeelsbadLemon> the wiki says it's "send(Address: "string" Port: number) : boolean
L341[02:33:46] <FeelsbadLemon> but where does message fall in there?
L342[02:34:04] <The_Stargazer> `send(address: string, port: number, message)`
L343[02:34:09] <The_Stargazer> er
L344[02:34:11] <FeelsbadLemon> I've just been sending "send("stringmessage") and it was working
L345[02:34:19] <FeelsbadLemon> but only for strings
L346[02:34:26] <FeelsbadLemon> this is on a linked card btw
L347[02:34:39] <Izaya> so the one on the other end is listening for events?
L348[02:34:45] <FeelsbadLemon> yes
L349[02:34:45] <Izaya> what does that look like?
L350[02:35:12] <FeelsbadLemon> https://imgur.com/a/V5MMrAt
L351[02:35:19] <FeelsbadLemon> it ends in message)
L352[02:35:35] <FeelsbadLemon> I took the tostring off for my msg table and it still did not call the event
L353[02:36:02] <Izaya> well, you're only expecting one param, so it doesn't print anything besides the first one
L354[02:36:24] <FeelsbadLemon> but it's not printing anything
L355[02:36:26] <FeelsbadLemon> it's still listening
L356[02:36:48] <Izaya> well, send will return either true or false
L357[02:37:07] <FeelsbadLemon> okay I getcha
L358[02:37:09] <FeelsbadLemon> lemme check
L359[02:38:32] <FeelsbadLemon> Ah so it's not sending
L360[02:39:00] <FeelsbadLemon> So this leads back to my first question
L361[02:39:21] <Bob> B
L362[02:39:42] <FeelsbadLemon> is it going to look like "send(Adress:"string", Port:number, Message:type)boolean" ?
L363[02:39:53] <FeelsbadLemon> the wiki is not specific
L364[02:40:11] <Bob> The wiki is ultra explainatory
L365[02:40:14] <Izaya> send(<address which is a string>, <port which is a number>, <up to 8 individual message segments>)
L366[02:40:26] <LeshaInc> have you opened the port?
L367[02:40:34] <Izaya> no ports on a tunnel card
L368[02:40:39] <FeelsbadLemon> ah ty
L369[02:40:54] <FeelsbadLemon> did you find that from the wiki Izaya or you just know that off the top of your head?
L370[02:41:10] <Izaya> the format is param: type, basically
L371[02:41:24] <Izaya> FeelsbadLemon: most of my OC-related stuff is networking
L372[02:41:30] <FeelsbadLemon> gotcha
L373[02:44:25] ⇨ Joins: nickkk (nickkk!webchat@136.sub-174-208-13.myvzw.com)
L374[02:44:56] ⇦ Quits: nickkk (nickkk!webchat@136.sub-174-208-13.myvzw.com) (Client Quit)
L375[02:45:54] * Izaya hmms
L376[02:46:02] <Izaya> hmmmmmmmm
L377[02:46:25] <Izaya> do I want to extend FRequest to support uploading files or do I want to specify an actual file transfer protocol
L378[02:47:39] <Izaya> .tell Vexatos where is the list of oppm repos stored
L379[02:47:43] <Izaya> %tell Vexatos where is the list of oppm repos stored
L380[02:47:44] <MichiBot> Izaya: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L381[02:53:16] <Ariri> How do you make a server for IRC with esper? Can’t seem to work it out
L382[02:53:38] <Izaya> like, run your own server that connects to esper?
L383[02:54:08] <Ariri> Oh ok
L384[02:54:14] <Ariri> I just link it then
L385[02:54:18] <Ariri> Got it
L386[02:54:41] * Izaya is confused but okay
L387[02:55:14] <Ariri> Turns out the web portal doesn’t support pms and I didn’t know that
L388[02:55:20] <FeelsbadLemon> I'm confused here. Do I need a literal send(address:"address_string"... or send("address_string"...
L389[02:55:53] <Izaya> the latter
L390[02:55:59] <Ariri> I wish IRCCloud had a passcode lock like mutter does
L391[02:56:11] <FeelsbadLemon> When I try the latter it continues to send it as a message and not as an address
L392[02:56:50] <Izaya> because you're using a tunnel card
L393[02:56:55] <Izaya> tunnel cards are point-to-point
L394[02:57:33] <FeelsbadLemon> I wasn't doing it before. I'm only doing it now cause I cannot figure out how to get a table across to the other side
L395[02:57:43] <FeelsbadLemon> it only wants a string otherwise I get 'false' for it sending
L396[02:57:55] <Izaya> serialise the table
L397[02:58:08] <Izaya> https://ocd.cil.li/api:serialization
L398[02:58:20] <Izaya> it was a good attempt
L399[02:58:36] <Izaya> https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:serialization
L400[02:58:44] <Izaya> ah, ocd.cil.li only works for the main page, how inconvenient
L401[02:58:54] <FeelsbadLemon> I have to require the api beforehand right?
L402[02:59:01] <Izaya> yup
L403[02:59:23] <Izaya> the modem page has more info, basically, you can only send the basic data types - strings, numbers, booleans
L404[02:59:29] <FeelsbadLemon> Success!
L405[02:59:34] <Izaya> tables are complicated and modems won't send them
L406[02:59:38] <FeelsbadLemon> ah gotcha
L407[02:59:45] <FeelsbadLemon> ty for the help. I'm gonna go to bed lol
L408[02:59:45] <Izaya> or tunnel cards, for that matter
L409[02:59:52] <Izaya> so either you unpack the table or serialise it
L410[02:59:54] <Izaya> o7
L411[03:02:32] ⇨ Joins: Ariri2 (Ariri2!~Ariri@
L412[03:05:24] <Bob> :GWchadMEGATHINK:
L413[03:06:18] ⇦ Quits: Ariri2 (Ariri2!~Ariri@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L414[03:07:12] ⇨ Joins: Ariri2 (Ariri2!~Ariri@
L415[03:08:47] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L416[03:10:11] ⇦ Quits: Ariri2 (Ariri2!~Ariri@ (Client Quit)
L417[03:27:06] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-109-152-139.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L418[03:41:37] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: https://chaos.social/system/media_attachments/files/003/876/785/original/cd25a58ce4ce2a5b.jpg
L419[03:47:46] ⇦ Quits: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L420[04:04:28] <Kodos> %tonk
L421[04:04:29] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Kodos! You beat The_Stargazer's previous record of 19 seconds (By 1 hour, 34 minutes and 35 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L422[04:04:30] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 1 hour, 34 minutes and 55 seconds! Kodos also gained 0.00158 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L423[04:56:28] <Inari> AmandaC: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309526717398122496/603148533302034473/FB_IMG_1563869953757.jpg?width=507&height=676
L424[05:12:00] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@2001:67c:2f08:7::5:c6e2) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L425[05:29:00] ⇦ Quits: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L426[06:02:36] <Lizzy> %tonkout
L427[06:02:36] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Lizzy! You beat Kodos's previous record of 1 hour, 34 minutes and 55 seconds (By 23 minutes and 11 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L428[06:02:37] <MichiBot> Lizzy has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.43543
L429[06:29:04] ⇨ Joins: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de)
L430[06:47:39] <AmandaC> Inari: what? It's a fun little box to sit in!
L431[06:48:00] <Inari> :p
L432[06:53:53] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L433[07:23:40] <CompanionCube> Skye: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-boris-johnson-eu-deal-tory-leadership-result-brussels-a9016911.html rip
L434[07:48:41] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L435[08:04:22] <Lizzy> %tonk
L436[08:04:22] <MichiBot> Willikers! Lizzy! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 1 minute and 45 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L437[08:04:23] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 2 hours, 1 minute and 45 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00203 x 1 = 0.00203)
L438[08:14:44] ⇨ Joins: montoyo (montoyo!webchat@mno68-4-88-178-244-201.fbx.proxad.net)
L439[08:26:23] ⇦ Quits: Yarillo (Yarillo!~Yarillo@rumia.aius.u-strasbg.fr) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L440[08:32:31] ⇦ Quits: montoyo (montoyo!webchat@mno68-4-88-178-244-201.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L441[08:32:35] ⇨ Joins: Yarillo (Yarillo!~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:200b:5054:ff:fec8:c1cd)
L442[08:41:55] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L443[08:42:38] ⇦ Quits: Yarillo (Yarillo!~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:200b:5054:ff:fec8:c1cd) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L445[08:43:15] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L446[08:47:51] <Zef> http://tinyurl.com/y6n23f35&lt;Zef> http://tinyurl.com/y5849n9v
L447[08:47:51] <Zef> So it turns out 2 of these are mac pros
L448[08:58:22] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (SquidDev!~SquidDev@squiddev.cc) (Quit: Bye!)
L449[09:00:54] <Forecaster> It's a Mac centipede!
L450[09:04:44] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (SquidDev!~SquidDev@squiddev.cc)
L451[09:46:04] <Jewson> So I have something like this:
L452[09:46:05] <Jewson> '''datacard.sha256( string.gsub( string.gsub( term.read(), "\n", "" ), " ", "" ) )'''
L453[09:46:26] <Jewson> So I have something like this:
L454[09:46:26] <Jewson> ```datacard.sha256( string.gsub( string.gsub( term.read(), "\n", "" ), " ", "" ) )``` [Edited]
L455[09:47:07] <Jewson> And I get this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211848327761887232/602979626507304970/unknown.png
L456[10:01:09] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09e:7401:6dc0:46ef:101d:e11a)
L457[10:05:46] <Forecaster> %sip random
L458[10:05:47] <MichiBot> You drink a runny lime potion (New!). After drinking the potion Forecaster notices a label that says "Side effects may include giggle fits and excessive monologuing."
L459[10:06:35] <Corded> * <Forecaster> dies of the giggles
L460[10:09:34] <Kodos> %tonkout
L461[10:09:35] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! Kodos! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 2 hours, 1 minute and 45 seconds (By 3 minutes and 26 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L462[10:09:36] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.79992
L463[10:09:48] <Zef> Whenever your hard drive is louder than the fans
L464[10:12:10] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L465[10:12:51] <AmandaC> Temia: Am I dumb, or is the thing in the info boxes eg, "Copper Pickaxe <pixel> x 50" not how much it should sell for?
L466[10:13:02] <Mimiru> @Jewson so for some reason you're returning a number from your gsubs, try to just print their output and see if you get a string, or a number.
L467[10:13:05] <fingercomp> @Jewson `string.gsub` returns multiple values; use parentheses to discard them: `datacard.sha256((string.gsub((string.gsub( term.read(), "\n", "" )), " ", "" )))`
L468[10:13:11] <Mimiru> There it is.
L469[10:13:19] <Mimiru> :P thanks fingercomp
L470[10:14:47] <bad at vijya> holy FUCK
L471[10:14:58] <fingercomp> @Jewson by the way, you can remove both characters in one `gsub` call: `datacard.sha256((string.gsub(term.read(), "[\n ]", "")))`
L472[10:15:01] <bad at vijya> this particular version of lua lanes is a heap of SHIT
L473[10:15:02] <Bob> :GWcorbinHolyFuck:
L474[10:17:02] <bad at vijya> yea so
L475[10:17:05] <bad at vijya> i switched to an older version
L476[10:17:08] <bad at vijya> and uh
L477[10:17:12] <bad at vijya> ***it works just fine***
L478[10:20:18] <AmandaC> Temia: oh wait, is that the cost for if it to be printed using the pixel printer?
L479[10:23:29] ⇨ Joins: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@2001:67c:2f08:7::5:c6e2)
L480[10:26:46] <Lizzy> %tonk
L481[10:26:47] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! Lizzy! You beat Kodos's previous record of <0 (By 17 minutes and 12 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L482[10:26:48] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 17 minutes and 12 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.00029 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L483[10:43:33] <Temia> That's how much it'd cost to buy.
L484[10:43:43] <Temia> The sale value is 20% of that
L485[10:45:41] <Bob> :GWjiangoOmegaLUL:
L486[10:52:48] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L487[10:53:08] <TrashboxBobylev> what a difference between wireless cards tiers?
L488[10:57:55] <TrashboxBobylev> checked code
L489[10:58:20] <TrashboxBobylev> tier 2 doesn't consume more energy that tier 1 but have more functions
L490[10:58:22] <TrashboxBobylev> okay
L491[10:58:31] <TrashboxBobylev> I can delete tier 1
L492[10:58:56] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L494[11:04:24] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L495[11:07:37] <Lizzy> hmm, i've just realised that i don't actually need to use the linux-vfio kernel anymore
L496[11:07:43] <AmandaC> Temia: buy from where? Ursa Miner is selling the copper pickaxe for 500, not the 50 in it's info window
L497[11:08:13] <Lizzy> i think anyway... hmm
L498[11:08:34] <Lizzy> gonna try using the stock kernel in a sec to see if i can go back to using that
L499[11:09:40] * Temia shrugs
L500[11:09:45] <Temia> Various stores have different markups or discounts
L501[11:11:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-193-6-216.dynamic.qsc.de)
L502[11:11:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L503[11:12:00] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09e:7401:6dc0:46ef:101d:e11a) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L504[11:13:48] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L505[11:14:33] <Bob> Tier 2 wireless card has a bigger range
L506[11:14:39] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L507[11:14:39] <Bob> and has more functions
L508[11:14:53] <stephan48> huh vfio sounds usefull
L509[11:24:13] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09e:7401:6dc0:46ef:101d:e11a)
L510[11:26:58] <Lizzy> ok nvm, i still need the vfio kernel cause of the IOMMU groupings my motherboard has -_-
L511[11:27:15] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L512[11:27:41] <BemJ> can someone help me about computercraft
L513[11:27:51] <Forecaster> ...no
L514[11:28:05] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L515[11:28:06] <Bob> Hell na
L516[11:28:16] <Bob> Heretics
L517[11:28:21] <Lizzy> we can help with OpenComputers, but not computercraft
L518[11:28:24] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09e:7401:6dc0:46ef:101d:e11a) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L519[11:28:51] <Bob> Shit we dont do : that shit right there
L520[11:29:23] <BemJ> okey X)
L521[11:29:43] <Forecaster> and Lua
L522[11:29:49] <BemJ> but it's the same thing ^^
L523[11:29:51] <BemJ> X)
L524[11:29:56] <Lizzy> no
L525[11:29:58] <Forecaster> it's not
L526[11:30:03] <Lizzy> different mods
L527[11:30:17] <Forecaster> if you have a Lua question you can ask it
L528[11:30:32] <BemJ> it's almost the same
L529[11:30:33] <Forecaster> but if it's a thing that's specific to CC we might not be able to help
L530[11:30:48] <BemJ> ho i think it's a lua question
L531[11:31:06] <BemJ> how can i write a file from another program ?
L532[11:31:23] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L533[11:31:25] <Forecaster> that's specific to cc
L534[11:32:14] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L535[11:32:28] <Bob> OC And CC use Lua yea
L536[11:32:44] <Bob> ~~But OC is marginally better and focused on gameplay aspects~~
L537[11:33:00] <Bob> io.write @BemJ
L538[11:35:34] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L539[11:36:25] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L540[11:45:44] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L541[11:46:35] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L542[11:51:47] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L543[11:52:32] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L544[11:53:33] <Kodos> %tonk
L545[11:53:33] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Kodos! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 17 minutes and 12 seconds (By 1 hour, 9 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L546[11:53:34] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 1 hour, 26 minutes and 46 seconds! Kodos also gained 0.00116 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L547[11:54:59] <Kleadron> %drink random
L548[11:55:00] <MichiBot> You drink a fluffy grass potion (New!). A bard starts playing a lute behind Kleadron until they see a unicorn.
L549[11:55:20] <Kleadron> %loot the bard
L550[11:55:20] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny bag of catnip.! (100%)
L551[11:55:57] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L552[11:56:19] * Lizzy steals the catnip, runs over to Temia and AmandaC
L553[11:56:47] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L554[11:58:36] <Temia> :O
L555[11:58:39] <Temia> Catnip~
L556[11:59:26] * Lizzy rips the bag open, covering herself and part of the floor in catnip
L557[12:00:09] ⇨ Joins: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@
L558[12:00:40] * Lizzy licks herself madly
L559[12:00:58] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L565[12:11:58] ⇦ Quits: TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev!~TrashboxB@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L566[12:33:09] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@2001:67c:2f08:7::5:c6e2) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L567[12:43:02] <payonel> AmandaC: 51, and hello world doesn't crash (don't "work" either, but makes it through)
L568[12:43:48] <Inari> Area 51?!
L569[12:44:39] <payonel> indeed :)
L570[13:04:15] ⇦ Quits: Prof_David (Prof_David!~neuge@2a02:560:428b:500:eb10:52c3:7d4e:4e8f) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L572[13:27:59] <Forecaster> woo
L573[13:28:03] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y55p6n5k
L574[13:28:06] <Forecaster> Federal Corvette!
L575[13:31:00] <Forecaster> Better lighting inside a station for some reason http://tinyurl.com/y3ft7khu
L576[13:49:18] <stephan48>
L577[13:51:49] <Temia> Much more ambient lighting from all angles as opposed to a stark single light source with 0 diffusion
L578[13:52:45] <Forecaster> magic~
L579[14:04:01] ⇨ Joins: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@p548DE8A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L580[14:08:31] * Inari diffuses Temia's tail
L581[14:42:48] ⇦ Quits: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@p548DE8A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L582[14:50:04] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L583[14:50:05] <MichiBot> Sard! CompanionCube! You beat Kodos's previous record of 1 hour, 26 minutes and 46 seconds (By 1 hour, 29 minutes and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L584[14:50:06] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 56 minutes and 31 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.003 (0.0015 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L585[14:55:55] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09e:7401:da4a:21b2:703f:ebf3)
L586[14:57:26] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L587[15:07:06] ⇨ Joins: Carolinite (Carolinite!~carolinit@
L588[15:07:32] ⇦ Quits: Carolinite (Carolinite!~carolinit@ (Client Quit)
L589[15:11:12] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L590[15:15:36] <AmandaC> payonel: noice
L591[15:15:50] <Forecaster> Lizzy restart please!
L592[15:15:57] <Lizzy> %restart
L593[15:15:59] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L594[15:16:21] <AmandaC> %8ball sit alone in the livingroom?
L595[15:16:27] <AmandaC> oh.
L596[15:16:27] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L597[15:16:27] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L598[15:16:33] <Forecaster> bad timing xD
L599[15:16:52] <AmandaC> %8ball sit alone in the livingroom?
L600[15:17:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Without a doubt
L601[15:25:36] <Forecaster> %loot a firetruck
L602[15:25:37] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You stab a firetruck! It dropped a picture of a crudely drawn appendage. (100%)!
L603[15:26:04] <Forecaster> woo, made the loot command actually respond to arguments :P
L604[15:27:57] <Bob> %drink random
L605[15:27:58] <MichiBot> You drink a sweet copper potion (New!). Bob turns into a tuna golem girl until they find true love.
L606[15:28:09] <Bob> well shit
L607[15:28:17] <bad at vijya> aaaaaa
L608[15:28:30] <bad at vijya> FLTK isn't showing the progess bar window
L609[15:28:41] <bad at vijya> finna jank something together
L610[15:28:44] <Forecaster> hm
L611[15:29:02] <Forecaster> might have to adjust that, split off things that aren't actual colors so they're not used for that
L612[15:29:20] <Forecaster> the "tuna" in that is from the potion "color" list
L613[15:30:18] <AmandaC> I think I've read that manga.
L614[15:30:34] <Temia> %loot Rhaki
L615[15:30:34] <MichiBot> Temia: You stab the Rhaki! It dropped a shiny metal posterior. (100%)!
L616[15:30:39] <Temia> ...lmao
L617[15:30:47] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L618[15:31:00] <Temia> Considering Rhaki is a miko deathbot that's hilarious
L619[15:33:20] <bad at vijya> well it's just
L620[15:33:24] <bad at vijya> not doing jack
L621[15:33:31] <bad at vijya> it's not even resizing the fucking window
L622[15:33:32] <Forecaster> stab it
L623[15:33:40] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Kill parent with fork
L624[15:35:39] <Inari> Temia: deathbot?
L625[15:35:43] <Temia> Deathbot.
L626[15:36:00] <Inari> %search urban deathbot
L627[15:36:01] <MichiBot> Inari: https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=deathbot - *Author deathbot - Urban Dictionary*: "May 8, 2015 ... 1 definition by deathbot. Top Definition. ghetto chariot. A cheap car with expensive looks. While ghetto chariots appear nicely styled on the ..."
L628[15:36:01] <Temia> As in she has killed cute girls and will kill again
L629[15:36:09] <Forecaster> attempting to stab a deathbot might be a bad idea
L630[15:36:14] <Temia> Deathbot: portmanteau of death robot
L631[15:36:16] <Inari> I see
L632[15:36:22] <Temia> Oh pfft
L633[15:36:31] <Temia> the protagonists have to stop her eventually, I--
L634[15:36:32] * Temia nenesha'd
L635[15:36:35] <Temia> --*
L636[15:36:37] * Temia thud.
L637[15:36:41] * Temia respawns
L638[15:36:43] <Inari> Weres that from?
L639[15:36:46] <Temia> Ar Tonelico 2
L640[15:36:51] <Inari> Ah
L641[15:36:56] <Inari> %pet Temia
L642[15:36:56] * MichiBot pets Temia with a bucket of blood. 3 health gained!
L643[15:37:00] <Temia> .
L644[15:37:02] <Temia> Well
L645[15:37:03] <Inari> Heh
L646[15:37:11] <Temia> I guess thank you for scooping it back up?
L647[15:37:18] <Inari> Of course
L648[15:37:38] <CompanionCube> %juggle
L649[15:37:38] * MichiBot juggles with bad touch, a Magic mysterious fix for the %give command! (25%), & preheated oil
L650[15:37:39] * MichiBot doesn't drop anything
L651[15:37:40] <MichiBot> Yes!
L652[15:37:57] <Inari> %jiggle CompanionCube
L653[15:37:58] * MichiBot jiggles CompanionCube
L654[15:38:05] <CompanionCube> oh my
L655[15:38:14] <CompanionCube> %pet Inari
L656[15:38:24] <Inari> %shell CompanionCube
L657[15:38:24] * MichiBot loads rememberry jam into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near CompanionCube, ba7888b72413a16a and SpiritedDusty. They each take 5, 5 and 4 splash damage respectively.
L658[15:42:39] <AmandaC> %choose A or B
L659[15:42:40] <MichiBot> AmandaC: You *could* do "A", I guess.
L660[15:52:51] <The_Stargazer> Mimiru: I just realized something. Isn't MichiBot hosted on a Linux machine or something?
L661[15:52:51] <The_Stargazer> If so, I realized that, IIRC, Unix would *not* like a year that large. 2038 is the max I think. Or is that just for 32-bit Unix systems?
L662[15:52:51] <The_Stargazer> (and I don't plan on crashing MichiBot, I'd like to not get in your bad books, so I'm not gonna test)
L663[15:54:04] <Mimiru> It's on a computer, connected to the internet.
L664[15:54:06] <Forecaster> %loot the year 2038
L665[15:54:06] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You stab the year 2038! It dropped ten birds in a bush. (100%)!
L666[15:57:24] <Forecaster> Temia have a jumpy toucan https://i.imgur.com/FG3b1li.gifv
L667[15:57:26] <Forecaster> Temia have a jumpy toucan https://i.imgur.com/FG3b1li.gifv
L668[15:58:15] <The_Stargazer> Mimiru: right then. Assuming it *is* Linux, wouldn't the year 2087 make unix go NOPE?
L669[15:58:29] <The_Stargazer> (saying Unix because, iirc linux runs on it)
L670[16:00:21] <Temia> I'm pretty sure Linux has long since moved to a 64-bit time counter?
L671[16:00:48] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> 64-bit distros should ?
L672[16:00:54] <Temia> Even 32-bit distros
L673[16:00:57] <The_Stargazer> bob
L674[16:00:58] <The_Stargazer> that name
L675[16:00:59] <The_Stargazer> haha
L676[16:01:01] <Temia> 32-bit is just the instruction size.
L677[16:01:10] <The_Stargazer> Temia: I *was* right about it being a 32-bit-only problem
L678[16:01:11] <Temia> 32-bit OSes can still handle data sizes well above.
L679[16:01:19] <The_Stargazer> 16-bit as well
L680[16:01:22] <The_Stargazer> case in point: the SNES
L681[16:01:29] <Temia> Yep
L682[16:01:35] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Has it a timestamp ?
L683[16:01:42] <The_Stargazer> the SNES?
L684[16:01:55] <Temia> No, but it can handle large ints
L685[16:01:55] <The_Stargazer> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L686[16:02:03] <The_Stargazer> it can handle longs
L687[16:02:07] <The_Stargazer> crap gtg
L688[16:02:57] <Temia> The whole bit size thing is so poorly understood -- instruction length does not correspond with address length or data size.
L689[16:04:05] * AmandaC omnomnoms a silica gel packet
L690[16:04:57] * AmandaC checks her quarentine program stopping Inari from influencing her too much.
L691[16:05:06] <AmandaC> I misparsed Temia's line as s/ints/nuts/
L692[16:05:20] * Temia spittakes
L693[16:08:11] * AmandaC drags a towel over to Temia, cuddles up against her
L694[16:08:28] * Temia scoops up Amanda and snugs back
L695[16:11:34] ⇨ Joins: Webchat430 (Webchat430!webchat@c-73-211-44-16.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L696[16:11:45] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me) (Quit: вместо телпа зелень стекла. вместо огня дым. из сетки календаря выхвачен день. красное солнце сгорает дотла, день догорает с ним. на пылающи)
L697[16:12:47] <Mimiru> %translate вместо телпа зелень стекла. вместо огня дым. из сетки календаря выхвачен день. красное солнце сгорает дотла, день догорает с ним. на пылающ
L698[16:12:48] <MichiBot> instead of the hemp the greens of the glass. instead of smoke fire. A day is picked up from the calendar grid. the red sun burns to the ground, the day burns with it. on the blazing
L699[16:13:03] <Mimiru> Deep.
L700[16:13:27] <BobThePotato> im russian and I dont really get it lol
L701[16:13:28] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> What the fuck is this bad translation
L702[16:13:32] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> its not right
L703[16:13:38] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> translation is quite literally crap
L704[16:13:54] ⇦ Quits: Webchat430 (Webchat430!webchat@c-73-211-44-16.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L705[16:14:19] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Mimiru delete the translation please
L706[16:14:28] <Mimiru> Write something better.
L707[16:14:48] <Mimiru> Read: Put up, or shutup. :P
L708[16:15:12] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> frist sentence is just meaning less aswell
L709[16:16:01] <Mimiru> Yes well, Machine translation is hard. but if you think you can do better, then please, by all means. But please remember us little people when you make it big.
L710[16:16:30] <Inari> %translate Mimiru
L711[16:16:30] <MichiBot> Mimiru
L712[16:17:08] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Google Translate amazingly now seems godly
L713[16:17:46] <Mimiru> "instead of telpa green glass. instead of fire, smoke. from the calendar grid grabbed the day. the red sun burns to the ground, the day burns out with him. on flaming"
L714[16:18:09] <Inari> godly
L715[16:18:20] <Mimiru> ^
L716[16:18:43] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8EE7B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L717[16:18:46] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Either telpa is a typo or something im unaware
L718[16:18:54] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> it should be Teplo / heat or whatever
L719[16:19:08] <Mimiru> translate used to use the google API, but then they took that away. So now it uses the MS Text API
L720[16:19:15] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Even with that the frist sentence still makes no sence to me
L721[16:22:44] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L722[16:22:56] <Lizzian> _yay_ http://tinyurl.com/yyxk2e9b
L723[16:26:02] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Everything is finep
L724[16:26:41] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> http://tinyurl.com/yxbaspql
L725[16:29:02] <Lizzy> so it's not the vfio kernel that just has that issue because that pic was taken when i was back on the stock kernel
L726[16:30:50] <Brisingr Aerowing> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/519350873927843850/603271278152908805/unknown_1.png
L727[16:32:24] <Brisingr Aerowing> @Lizzian I think your graphics card is going.
L728[16:32:35] <Brisingr Aerowing> Or your driver.
L729[16:32:49] <Lizzy> this is a relatively new card and the kernel was the most recent one arch provide
L730[16:33:05] <Lizzy> also only seems to happen with factorio
L731[16:33:07] <Lizzy> nothing else
L732[16:34:18] <Brisingr Aerowing> Weird.
L733[16:34:35] <Lizzy> idk if this issue woould hapen in windows, haven't booted to that in ages and in fact the drive for it isn't in my system anymore
L734[16:34:43] <Brisingr Aerowing> Most likely a driver issue.
L735[16:35:19] <Lizzy> hmm, well the amd one is baked into the kernel so idk
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L740[16:59:23] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L741[17:05:18] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L742[17:05:26] <FeelsbadLemon> Is it possible for a hard drive to wipe itself?
L743[17:07:30] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Switch to unmanaged and back
L744[17:07:42] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> By itself it cant reset
L745[17:07:47] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> either program or player
L746[17:11:03] <FeelsbadLemon> I don't understand. Where do I do that?
L747[17:13:50] <FeelsbadLemon> Oh hard drive
L748[17:14:15] <FeelsbadLemon> How can I make it unmanaged?
L749[17:16:05] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> Shift click with hhd in hand
L750[17:16:57] <FeelsbadLemon> oh wait no I don't want to wipe it on purpose
L751[17:17:10] <FeelsbadLemon> I'm asking because weird stuff is happening in my world
L752[17:17:28] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> :GWaobloChildPepeShrug:
L753[17:17:44] <FeelsbadLemon> Screens wont display anything no matter how many times I restart, and this hard drive wiped itself
L754[17:17:50] <FeelsbadLemon> it had open os but my programs are gone
L755[17:17:56] <Mimiru> What version of OC are you on? There was an issue with that happening on older builds.
L756[17:18:46] <FeelsbadLemon> I'm on mc version 1.12.2 and lemme get the OC version
L757[17:19:07] <FeelsbadLemon> 1.7.4
L758[17:22:21] <FeelsbadLemon> is that the buggy one?
L759[17:22:21] <Mimiru> I don't remember which build fixed it, and searching my logs is proving useless.
L760[17:22:26] <Mimiru> but at ONE point that was an issue
L761[17:22:40] <FeelsbadLemon> what mc version is open computers updated to?
L762[17:23:22] <Mimiru> Ok, for 1.12 MC1.12.2- is the fixed build
L763[17:23:28] <Mimiru> 1.12 is the latest MC OC supports
L764[17:23:35] <FeelsbadLemon> Huh
L765[17:24:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-193-6-216.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L766[17:24:56] <FeelsbadLemon> so any idea what's going on then? It started when I built a linked computer and a linked tablet and then have the linked computer listen for a message. when it gets the message it controls a Redstone I/O block directly behind the screen and does some other stuff
L767[17:25:16] <FeelsbadLemon> I've noticed that screens act weird around redstone so I was wondering if that caused something
L768[17:26:02] <FeelsbadLemon> but the redstone side facing the screen is not being powered and the other sides being powered are not direct
L769[17:26:07] <FeelsbadLemon> or indirect
L770[17:31:52] <Tuna Golem not Girl Bob> FeelsbadLemom Redstone toggles on and off screens
L771[17:32:48] <FeelsbadLemon> I figured as much but it's been producing weird effects when there is no redstone after moving the computer and same screen
L772[17:35:48] ⇦ Quits: Prof_David (Prof_David!~neuge@2a02:560:428b:500:eb10:52c3:7d4e:4e8f) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L775[17:50:25] ⇦ Quits: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L776[18:01:48] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L777[18:02:53] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L778[18:02:54] <MichiBot> Willikers! CompanionCube! You beat your own previous record of 2 hours, 56 minutes and 31 seconds (By 16 minutes and 18 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L779[18:02:55] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! plus 0.004 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.80555
L780[18:11:00] <CompanionCube> %inv add priceless ming vase
L781[18:11:00] * MichiBot summons 'priceless ming vase' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L782[18:11:09] <CompanionCube> %inv add vahz
L783[18:11:19] <CompanionCube> oh, ratelimit
L784[19:19:12] <AmandaC> %tell inari I'll not stand for these hateful, insensitive, and totally accurate memes https://i.imgur.com/M6xYAM3.jpg
L785[19:19:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L786[19:35:26] ⇨ Joins: {Opsimath}Shawn ({Opsimath}Shawn!~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L787[19:58:57] <Temia> mood, Amanda, mood ;w;
L788[20:00:50] * AmandaC cuddles up in Temia's lap
L789[20:11:54] ⇨ Joins: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@id-378594.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L790[20:12:58] <Ariri> Catulus is kawaii desuuu
L791[20:26:45] <Kodos> %tonk
L792[20:26:46] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Kodos! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 23 minutes and 52 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L793[20:26:47] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 2 hours, 23 minutes and 52 seconds! Kodos also gained 0.0024 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L794[20:37:45] <Brisingr Aerowing> Dad-Sizzle?
L795[20:51:27] <Ariri> Indeed
L796[20:51:32] <Ariri> Dad sizzle
L797[20:51:46] <Ariri> %drink random
L798[20:51:46] <MichiBot> You drink a basic saphire potion (New!). Ariri turns into a radiation golem golem boy until they eat a pie.
L799[20:52:00] <Ariri> golem golem boy
L800[21:15:57] <AmandaC> Temia: ... can you send me back in time ~30-45m? I need to smack myself upside the head with https://nc.ddna.co/s/MN9qB5c2Tbs4EH4
L801[21:16:16] <Temia> How far out is that?
L802[21:16:19] <AmandaC> Temia: I spent about that long trying to find that fucking system in the nieghborhood of my starting system
L803[21:16:30] <Temia> Oh
L804[21:16:33] * Temia patpats
L805[21:17:22] <AmandaC> then I decided "Let's see what these buttons even are."
L806[21:17:34] <AmandaC> ONe click of the button I'm hovering over in that, and BOOM, system found.
L807[21:17:39] <AmandaC> =;-;=
L808[21:24:59] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/qbDVKh7.png
L809[21:38:30] <bad at vijya> god fuckin tamnit
L810[21:38:33] <bad at vijya> *damnit
L811[21:38:40] <bad at vijya> i need to add one more layer to my reactor
L812[21:54:17] <bad at vijya> 24MRF/t
L813[21:54:18] <bad at vijya> bless
L814[22:21:36] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (Ariri!uid378594@id-378594.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L815[22:22:01] <The_Stargazer> %tonk
L816[22:22:01] <MichiBot> I'm sorry The_Stargazer, you were not able to beat Kodos's record of 2 hours, 23 minutes and 52 seconds this time. 1 hour, 55 minutes and 15 seconds were wasted! Missed by 28 minutes and 36 seconds!
L817[22:22:13] <The_Stargazer> damn
L818[22:25:58] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L819[22:36:57] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L820[22:52:58] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L821[23:18:48] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
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L823[23:48:28] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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