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L1[00:01:53] ⇨ Joins: baschdel1 (baschdel1!~baschdel@001-063-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net)
L2[00:01:54] *** baschdel1 is now known as baschdel2
L3[00:04:24] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@151-056-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L4[00:56:13] <Forecaster> %tonk
L5[00:56:14] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Forecaster! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 2 hours, 19 minutes and 2 seconds (By 14 minutes and 35 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L6[00:56:15] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00072 (0.00024 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L7[01:10:53] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-110-157-28.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L8[01:16:31] <Bob> ayy
L9[01:48:55] ⇨ Joins: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@
L10[01:49:23] <Bernie> hello aging
L11[01:57:50] ⇦ Quits: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L12[02:25:12] <Kleadron> %drink random
L13[02:25:12] <MichiBot> You drink a fragrant grass potion (New!). The bottle turns into an axe.
L14[02:25:30] <Kleadron> %punch tree
L15[02:25:49] <Kleadron> angerey
L16[02:30:36] <Forecaster> why would you punch a tree when you have an axe
L17[02:35:54] <Kodos> So what's the coolest thing you guys have done with OC that you have screenshots/video of
L18[02:36:50] <Forecaster> my bridge building robot I guess
L19[02:36:55] <Forecaster> which isn't that cool
L20[02:36:58] <Izaya> having 8 logins to one machine running the OS I wrote using the network stack I (mostly) wrote
L21[02:37:23] <Izaya> thought that was neat
L22[02:38:41] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/cdbad8d2540947df1e8e9e5adf65ab620a19cd84f96187970af26d2d7573fa3d.png
L23[02:38:52] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/2201fda98266db5a11ab672c24c6f66b25393aa32af886a6d9e73e4cdd246b06.png
L24[02:42:51] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/yy45sxmt
L25[02:42:52] <Bob> Here
L26[03:18:32] <Kodos> Neat
L27[03:50:04] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-65-80.dynamic.qsc.de)
L28[03:50:05] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L29[04:05:54] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L30[04:06:08] <FeelsbadLemon> Hello!
L31[04:06:16] <FeelsbadLemon> Anybody on?
L32[04:09:17] <Izaya> Nope.
L33[04:09:20] <Izaya> Nobody at all.
L34[04:10:18] <FeelsbadLemon> Dang that's too bad cause I have a lot of questions.
L35[04:11:46] <Forecaster> %hello
L36[04:11:46] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L37[04:13:34] <FeelsbadLemon> Oh I just had questions about getting started. Not program related ones.
L38[04:14:08] <Forecaster> the first part still applies.
L39[04:15:06] <FeelsbadLemon> What does that mean exactly? I should not ask questions in here? or just be straightforward about them.
L40[04:15:41] <Forecaster> it means don't "is anyone here?" or "can I ask a question?"
L41[04:15:45] <Forecaster> just ask the question
L42[04:16:36] <Forecaster> %dontasktoask
L43[04:16:36] <MichiBot> Forecaster: http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
L44[04:16:46] <Bob> Dont ask to ask
L45[04:16:51] <Bob> damn it internet
L46[04:18:53] <FeelsbadLemon> Oh, my bad. This is my first time on an IRC I guess. I wasn't tryna be lazy. Anyways I just want to be more familiar with OpenOS. I'm trying to edit a new program but obviously there are some restrictions about where that can be and whatnot. Just some pointers would be nice.
L47[04:20:28] <FeelsbadLemon> I believe I'm supposed to navigate to /mnt before I can edit but I'm having issues.
L48[04:21:20] <Forecaster> mnt is just where harddrives and floppies are mounted
L49[04:25:34] <FeelsbadLemon> So I've managed to edit a file in /mnt/439 but is there a way to alias it so I don't have to type all that bull every time?
L50[04:26:44] <Izaya> if you install OpenOS you don't have to go to anywhere
L51[04:28:39] <FeelsbadLemon> Well it's installed but when I type edit "test.lua" or edit "/test.lua" it politely let's me know that the file system is RO
L52[04:29:29] <Forecaster> remove the leading slash
L53[04:30:32] <FeelsbadLemon> It makes no difference. I tried that already like I said above.
L54[04:30:48] <Forecaster> did you remove the openos disk and restart?
L55[04:31:29] <FeelsbadLemon> I just did. No difference
L56[04:31:35] <Kodos> Then you didn't install the OS
L57[04:31:52] <FeelsbadLemon> At the top it says OpenOS 1.7.4
L58[04:31:55] <Kodos> Insert the OpenOS Floppy
L59[04:31:58] <Kodos> type install
L60[04:32:03] <Kodos> Hit y when it tells you
L61[04:32:10] <FeelsbadLemon> Ohh understood
L62[04:32:48] <Forecaster> so you removed the disk and put it back in...
L63[04:33:14] <FeelsbadLemon> I just didn't know you had to type "install"
L64[04:33:51] <FeelsbadLemon> The first prompt you see after bootup is 'type "man" and magic happens' basically
L65[04:33:59] <FeelsbadLemon> so I was just screwing with that for awhile
L66[04:34:55] <FeelsbadLemon> Awesome thanks for your help
L67[04:38:29] <Forecaster> right, what I mean is, and this is a tip for the future
L68[04:39:00] <Forecaster> when I ask if you've done something, and you've done that *and then something else I didn't say*, like putting the disk back in
L69[04:39:09] <Forecaster> then you need to tell me that you've done something else
L70[04:39:51] <Forecaster> or helping you figure out what is wrong is going to be difficult because when you say "yes I've done that" I expect you to have done exactly what I said
L71[04:42:23] <FeelsbadLemon> I just misunderstood you when said "did you remove the openos disk and restart?". I read that as "remove the disk, reinsert it, report back what happens".
L72[04:42:41] <Forecaster> That's what I'm talking about.
L73[04:42:53] <FeelsbadLemon> I know that's what you're talking about
L74[04:42:58] <Kodos> I'm not even sure how you got that from that
L75[04:43:21] <FeelsbadLemon> because this is all new to me and I'm not really sure how it all works
L76[04:43:43] <Bob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L77[04:43:44] <Kodos> Is English not your native tongue then?
L78[04:44:55] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38C5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L79[04:45:47] <FeelsbadLemon> It is. I just mean that this mod is all new to me. I assumed the OS was just running off the card and that re-inserting it was some sort of turning it off and on again sorta deal
L80[04:46:16] <FeelsbadLemon> My bad
L81[04:46:18] <Bob> Well there is an entire Wiki
L82[04:46:21] <Bob> dedicated for OC
L83[04:46:30] <Bob> So your best bet would be to lurk there for some time
L84[04:46:50] <FeelsbadLemon> Understood
L85[04:47:14] <Forecaster> and when someone gives instructions, follow them, don't assume stuff
L86[04:47:28] <FeelsbadLemon> Are you always this cranky?
L87[04:47:40] <Forecaster> I'm not cranky
L88[04:47:43] <Forecaster> I'm just telling you
L89[04:47:59] <Forecaster> you're not the first that have had problems because they didn't follow the instructions given
L90[04:48:13] <FeelsbadLemon> I don't typically assume stuff. I can't imagine being the first either.
L91[04:48:43] <FeelsbadLemon> But it's real late here and I'm about to nod off. It was just a misunderstanding and I don't need a lecture. Though I understand your frustration
L92[04:48:51] <FeelsbadLemon> Layer 8 issue over here sorry
L93[04:49:51] <Forecaster> well that's what you've gotten :P
L94[04:51:46] ⇦ Quits: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L95[04:58:39] <Kodos> Okay, I don't usually vent openly after an experience like that, but can I just say `hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr`
L96[05:05:06] <BemJ> who help me i've a problem ^^
L97[05:05:14] <BemJ> http://tinyurl.com/yyhwbznj
L98[05:05:15] <BemJ> with this program
L99[05:05:22] <BemJ> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/qasixoloxi
L100[05:05:59] <Forecaster> I assume item is nil because there's nothing in slot 1
L101[05:06:44] <BemJ> okey
L102[05:06:59] <BemJ> thank
L103[05:07:30] <BemJ> and os.sleep(1) it's how many seconde ?
L104[05:07:40] <Forecaster> 1
L105[05:07:43] <BemJ> ok
L106[05:11:30] <Bob> i dont think your script will work
L107[05:11:35] <Bob> you never update the value
L108[05:11:40] <Bob> so it will remain forever 1
L109[05:11:41] <Bob> @BemJ
L110[05:11:47] <Forecaster> yep
L111[05:12:06] <Bob> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/atateyaset
L112[05:12:10] <Bob> Quick and dirty fix
L113[05:12:22] <Kodos> I think you meant item[1]
L114[05:15:11] <Forecaster> does the stack update without calling getStackInInternalSlot again?
L115[05:16:11] <Bob> item is a funtion
L116[05:16:23] <Bob> and im calling it to get the returned table and see whats in index size
L117[05:18:14] <Forecaster> getStackInInternalSlot returns a table
L118[05:21:50] <Bob> when called
L119[05:22:14] <Forecaster> oh, I didn't see you removed the call
L120[05:22:18] <Bob> :GWlulurdMmmYea:
L121[05:22:21] <Bob> I fixed that
L122[05:22:26] <Bob> because as he called once
L123[05:22:32] <Bob> the while loop would be locked forever
L124[05:22:57] <Forecaster> yes
L125[05:23:21] <Kodos> item(1) won't call the right index, you have to use brackets []
L126[05:24:07] <Forecaster> item is getStackInInternalSlot
L127[05:24:13] <Bob> You guys dont see Lua how i do
L128[05:24:14] <Forecaster> it takes a slot
L129[05:24:25] <Bob> I dodnt bothered rename item into getslot
L130[05:24:52] <Bob> Its basicallt
L131[05:24:53] <Bob> ```while getStack(1).size > 64 do~~~
L132[05:24:59] <Bob> getStack being a function
L133[05:25:02] <Bob> i need to call it
L134[05:25:08] <Bob> Its basically
L135[05:25:08] <Bob> ```while getStack(1).size > 64 do``` [Edited]
L136[05:25:17] <Bob> then i can index size from the returned table
L137[05:25:25] <Bob> item is not a table but a function
L138[05:25:49] <Forecaster> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/fukisoseju
L139[05:26:04] <Forecaster> the item variable is redundant really
L140[05:26:13] <Forecaster> not redundant, unecessary
L141[05:26:31] <Bob> not really, as i cache the function
L142[05:26:33] <Bob> so its faster
L143[05:26:51] <Bob> as i care of every useless bi
L144[05:26:52] <Bob> t
L145[05:27:08] <Bob> but thats basically it
L146[05:27:15] <Forecaster> you mean cpu cycles
L147[05:27:20] <Bob> yes
L148[05:27:27] <Forecaster> bits are data
L149[05:27:30] <Bob> i am speed
L150[05:42:28] <Kodos> %tonkout
L151[05:42:29] <MichiBot> Voldemort! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 2 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds (By 2 hours, 12 minutes and 36 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L152[05:42:30] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.003 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.79134
L153[05:43:01] <Forecaster> >:
L154[06:01:18] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L155[06:39:17] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (Vexaton!~Vexatos@port-92-201-123-202.dynamic.qsc.de)
L156[06:39:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L157[06:40:19] <Forecaster> %tonk
L158[06:40:22] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Forecaster! You beat Kodos's previous record of <0 (By 57 minutes and 50 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L159[06:40:23] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 57 minutes and 50 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00096 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L160[06:40:42] <Forecaster> %sip random
L161[06:40:42] <MichiBot> You drink a fragrant dilithium potion (New!). Forecaster's pockets suddenly contain a number of titanium colored marbles.
L162[06:42:09] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-65-80.dynamic.qsc.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L163[06:42:17] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L164[06:48:20] ⇨ Joins: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@
L165[06:51:04] <Bernie> hello
L166[06:51:14] <Forecaster> hi
L167[06:51:29] <Bernie> How a u
L168[06:52:11] <Forecaster> I'm fine
L169[06:52:57] <Bernie> I'm from China
L170[06:53:12] <Forecaster> that's great
L171[06:56:46] <CompanionCube> %inv add Taiwan
L172[06:56:47] * MichiBot summons 'Taiwan' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L173[06:58:19] <BobThePotato> why isnt there anything about rotation with holograms? its in-game but not listed on at component: hologram on the website
L174[07:04:16] <Bernie> Taiwan is in China!
L175[07:04:28] <Bernie> China No.1
L176[07:10:30] <Forecaster> k
L177[07:12:16] * CompanionCube resists urge to shitpost about the RoC
L178[07:17:23] <Temia> Sure is tempting, isn't it
L179[07:18:44] <CompanionCube> Temia: well, it's not exactly a difficult contest when it's a authoritarian capitalist dictatorship vs functioning liberal democracy
L180[07:19:33] <CompanionCube> https://twitter.com/scriptjunkie1/status/1152280517972299777
L181[07:19:34] <MichiBot> Fri Jul 19 13:14:18 CDT 2019 @scriptjunkie1: ? Edge apparently sends the full URL of pages you visit (minus a few popular sites) to Microsoft. And, in contrast… <https://t.co/t4AJlZ47vn&gt;
L182[07:19:40] ⇦ Quits: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L183[07:19:52] <CompanionCube> Izaya: ^
L184[07:20:10] <Izaya> [lack of surprise intensifies]
L185[07:20:21] <Temia> Let's not even get into Tian--oh, they're gone
L186[07:21:27] <CompanionCube> is it bad i wonder if they actually quit
L187[07:22:38] <Temia> Nah
L188[07:27:32] ⇨ Joins: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@
L189[07:27:48] <Bernie> Hello again
L190[07:28:15] <Forecaster> yes hello
L191[07:28:50] ⇦ Quits: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L192[07:28:53] <Izaya> CompanionCube: does it in addition send it to google for malware verification
L193[07:29:28] <Forecaster> maybe they also send your passwords to make sure they're not full of malware
L194[07:29:49] <Izaya> shh
L195[07:29:54] ⇨ Joins: Fronun (Fronun!~Fronun@hsrv0.guild-bt.ru)
L196[07:29:55] <Izaya> they'll hear you and not hear your sarcasm
L197[07:30:16] <Fronun> Hello!
L198[07:30:47] <Forecaster> hi
L199[07:31:20] <Temia> %hello
L200[07:31:20] <MichiBot> Temia: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L201[07:32:37] ⇨ Joins: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@
L202[07:33:03] <CompanionCube> what's with the crappy connection?
L203[07:33:45] <Izaya> https://freespeechextremist.com/media/aefc8488cb1ac038e502020c7d559ea99aa59980540afea85300daa5289fac80.png
L204[07:33:50] <Bernie> I dont know
L205[07:34:09] <Izaya> I imagine the great firewall isn't very used to low-bandwidth sustained connections
L206[07:34:40] ⇨ Joins: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@2001:7f0:3003:235f:7432:dd86:b273:f0ec)
L207[07:34:43] <Izaya> I wonder if they're using machine learning or just human learning to do all that filtering
L208[07:35:10] <CompanionCube> Izaya: they're not using SSL/TLS so
L209[07:35:23] <Izaya> yeah but I mean
L210[07:35:27] <Izaya> if there is ML involved
L211[07:35:32] <Izaya> you can expect it to be dumb on edge cases
L212[07:35:52] <CompanionCube> since it's plaintext, do you imagine they do keyword sniffing?
L213[07:36:01] <Izaya> probably
L214[07:36:53] <CompanionCube> you can likely guess which
L215[07:42:40] <CompanionCube> %juggle
L216[07:42:41] * MichiBot juggles with a Wind-up Sadu, a barrel, & AmandaC's tabs
L217[07:42:42] * MichiBot doesn't drop anything
L218[07:42:43] <MichiBot> Exactly as planned.
L219[07:43:19] <Forecaster> %sip random
L220[07:43:19] <MichiBot> You drink a liquid adamantium potion (New!). Forecaster turns into a cat fairy girl until they see a star fall.
L221[07:43:28] <Forecaster> huh
L222[07:43:50] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L223[07:43:50] <MichiBot> Jeepers! Forecaster! You beat your own previous record of 57 minutes and 50 seconds (By 5 minutes and 40 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L224[07:43:51] <MichiBot> Forecaster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.69998
L225[07:45:32] <Temia> :O
L226[07:45:38] <Temia> %quaff liquid adamantium potion
L227[07:45:38] <MichiBot> Temia turns into a cat fairy girl until they see a star fall.
L228[07:45:49] <Temia> +_+
L229[07:46:03] <Temia> Amanda, the holy grail is full of adamantium
L230[07:48:21] ⇦ Quits: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L231[07:53:32] <Temia> https://i.imgur.com/e8jdJmP.jpg living the high life
L232[07:54:43] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl2 (AdorableCatgirl2!~yaaic@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L233[07:54:58] <AdorableCatgirl2> wot
L234[07:55:08] <Temia> wot wot
L235[07:55:13] <AdorableCatgirl2> my nick is in use?
L236[07:55:41] ⇨ Joins: Prof_David (Prof_David!~neuge@2a02:560:4226:8a00:51b1:7b95:3a1e:f0ac)
L237[07:55:50] <Temia> And still active, AND still resolving to your address
L238[07:56:01] <Temia> Did you leave your desktop client open?
L239[07:56:24] <AdorableCatgirl2> i left my laptop client open lmao
L240[07:56:32] <Temia> Also https://i.imgur.com/e8jdJmP.jpg me rn. living the cat fairy girl life
L241[07:56:43] <AdorableCatgirl2> and my laptop doesn't sleep if it's on the charger
L242[07:57:33] <Lizzy> Temia, that's cute as heck
L243[07:57:42] <Temia> Isn't it?
L244[07:57:44] <Temia> I love it <3
L245[07:58:53] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L246[07:59:00] <Temia> rip laptop
L247[08:01:01] * Lizzy hmms, might try some drawing with her new tablet in a bit
L248[08:02:06] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-120.mobile.att.net)
L249[08:02:14] <AdorableCatgirl> test
L250[08:02:18] <AdorableCatgirl> cool
L251[08:03:39] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl2 (AdorableCatgirl2!~yaaic@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L252[08:03:41] <AdorableCatgirl> %sip random
L253[08:03:41] <MichiBot> You drink a boiling strawberry potion (New!). AdorableCatgirl gains the ability to talk to lava until the next time they hug someone.
L254[08:04:06] <AdorableCatgirl> dam i guess i can forever talk to lava
L255[08:05:58] * Lizzy hugs AdorableCatgirl
L256[08:07:59] <Temia> I mean you could've used /nick but okay
L257[08:08:57] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl2 (AdorableCatgirl2!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-120.mobile.att.net)
L258[08:08:57] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-120.mobile.att.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L259[08:09:00] <AdorableCatgirl2> Temia: I was switching to data anyways.
L260[08:09:05] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y4gtj5oo
L261[08:09:11] <AdorableCatgirl2> and my data fucking sucks
L262[08:09:16] <Temia> Fair
L263[08:09:28] <AdorableCatgirl2> wait w o t
L264[08:09:48] <AdorableCatgirl2> .
L265[08:10:07] <AdorableCatgirl2> wtf
L266[08:10:11] <Temia> What?
L267[08:10:11] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl2 (AdorableCatgirl2!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-120.mobile.att.net) (Client Quit)
L268[08:10:18] <Temia> Oh.
L269[08:10:20] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-135.mobile.att.net)
L270[08:10:26] <AdorableCatgirl> .
L271[08:10:28] <Temia> ...You really could've used /nick that time
L272[08:11:02] <AdorableCatgirl> no, it wasn't werking
L273[08:11:29] <Temia> Oh.
L274[08:11:33] <Temia> Weird.
L275[08:11:48] <Temia> Mobile clients tend to lack some crucial features, or reinvent the wheel by making it purely a UI button
L276[08:11:55] <AdorableCatgirl> oh
L277[08:12:07] <AdorableCatgirl> i'm using yaaic
L278[08:12:08] <Temia> Never used yaaic myself, but
L279[08:12:12] <AdorableCatgirl> so
L280[08:12:22] <Temia> Oh, yeah, your hostname advertises it
L281[08:12:27] <AdorableCatgirl> ./nick didn't raise an error
L282[08:12:54] <Temia> Nothing in the status window?
L283[08:13:13] <AdorableCatgirl> nothin
L284[08:13:47] <AdorableCatgirl> with no arg it give me an invalid number of arguments error
L285[08:15:32] <AdorableCatgirl> w/e
L286[08:15:46] <Temia> Huh.
L287[08:20:48] <Lizzian> amazing, windows has found a new way to entirely infuriate me
L288[08:20:55] <Izaya> Oh?
L289[08:21:10] <Lizzian> dad's pc is in a constant automatic startup repair loop
L290[08:21:37] <Izaya> That's been a thing for a while :D
L291[08:21:43] <AdorableCatgirl> windows 7 on "unsupported hardware" (Bristol Ridge) really likes to deactivate
L292[08:21:48] <Izaya> ... That said, it was much less common when windows was stable
L293[08:23:00] <Lizzian> oh, some boot file is corrupt..... wonderful
L294[08:23:03] <Lizzian> thanks windows
L295[08:23:04] <Lizzian> -_-
L296[08:23:51] <Lizzian> also i like how most guides are like "just reset/refresh your pc"
L297[08:24:13] <AdorableCatgirl> ofc mine was because the windows installer iso .efi boot file didn't work
L298[08:24:21] <Lizzian> it's like saying "oh, my car has a small chip on it, time to throw it out and get a new one!
L299[08:24:23] <Lizzian> it's like saying "oh, my car has a small chip on it, time to throw it out and get a new one" [Edited]
L300[08:24:55] <Forecaster> if it's a pc with no special programs on it or anything a reset is easiest for sure
L301[08:25:01] <Forecaster> the one that doesn't wipe files
L302[08:25:05] <AdorableCatgirl> so i janked the windows boot .efi to work on thr installer
L303[08:25:16] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: 32-bit EFI?
L304[08:26:26] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: 64-bit UEFI
L305[08:26:51] <Lizzian> hmm, could i somehow copy this dll from my laptop (that's still windows for now)
L306[08:27:28] <Lizzian> not easilly cause for some reason my laptop has a seperate esp...
L307[08:28:22] <AdorableCatgirl> the windows 7 installer might have not like liked being on an hdd partition
L308[08:28:42] <Lizzian> also laptop why is your nvidia gpu on?
L309[08:29:04] <Lizzian> no wonder my battery depletes quickly
L310[08:29:49] <AdorableCatgirl> my laptop battery lasts forever if i set the max cpu freq to 1.4GHz
L311[08:30:40] <Fronun> windows 7 no like.
L312[08:30:41] <Lizzian> hmm, lets go find a usb to put a windows installer on
L313[08:31:02] <Fronun> I better install windosw 10
L314[08:32:49] <Fronun> chat dead..
L315[08:32:55] <Lizzian> oh good, i already have a usb with the w10 installer on it
L316[08:33:17] <AdorableCatgirl> bbl
L317[08:34:30] <Lizzian> oh, this is a server usb... will it still work#
L318[08:34:46] <Lizzian> nope
L319[09:09:23] <Izaya> %tell t20kdc https://i.4cdn.org/o/1563716443197.jpg
L320[09:09:23] <MichiBot> Izaya: t20kdc will be notified of this message when next seen.
L321[09:10:34] <AmandaC> Temia: hehehe :3
L322[09:11:31] * AmandaC cancels all shooting stars in temia's area for the rest of time
L323[09:11:44] <Izaya> [cancelled]
L324[09:12:29] <Temia> <3
L325[09:12:49] <Inari> But shooting stars are good
L326[09:14:03] <Temia> The only way shooting stars can be good now is if they grant my wish to be a cat fairy princess forever
L327[09:14:04] <AmandaC> But they'll undo temia's transformation
L328[09:23:48] <Forecaster> (and mine)
L329[09:23:59] <Forecaster> fuel scooping without a canopy seems like it should be hazardous
L330[09:35:19] <AmandaC> @Forecaster falling stars aren't a global phenominina. Temia's in a different hemisphere than you, IIRC, so it could happen for you but not her
L331[09:35:33] <Temia> Where is Forecaster located?
L332[09:35:41] <AmandaC> Forecaster is in the EU somewhere
L333[09:35:46] <AmandaC> IIRC you're US/Canada
L334[09:36:03] <Forecaster> I meant shooting stars also undo mine
L335[09:36:08] <Forecaster> not that I'm where Temia is
L336[09:36:27] <Temia> Canada, yeah.
L337[09:44:05] <Fronun> a..
L338[09:46:09] <bad at vijya> canadia
L339[09:58:16] ⇦ Quits: Fronun (Fronun!~Fronun@hsrv0.guild-bt.ru) (Remote host closed the connection)
L340[10:03:39] <Temia> Note to self, Fronun is afraid of canadians.
L341[10:04:27] <bad at vijya> so
L342[10:15:37] ⇨ Joins: Fronun (Fronun!~Fronun@hsrv0.guild-bt.ru)
L343[10:26:46] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38C5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L344[10:27:14] ⇦ Quits: Fronun (Fronun!~Fronun@hsrv0.guild-bt.ru) (Quit: Fronun)
L345[10:37:35] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~yaaic@mobile-107-77-160-135.mobile.att.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L346[11:55:07] <AmandaC> Temia: I forgot that this was the pet for the felins: https://nc.ddna.co/s/X53Y9tp8o4KCTfW
L347[11:55:42] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/o/1563727829097.jpg
L348[11:58:36] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L349[12:03:46] <AmandaC> Temia: also, the ship AI for felins is super sassy "I estimate a 32% chance that the fuel will be useful, and a 98% chance you have nothing better to do."
L350[12:04:11] <AmandaC> also when you get wood she's like "I suggest you kill more trees"
L351[12:04:27] <Corded> * <Lizzian> wonders if AmandaC is talking about Starbound
L352[12:04:37] <AmandaC> yup
L353[12:10:26] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L354[12:12:55] <AdorableCatgirl> e a spork
L355[12:13:05] <AdorableCatgirl> it's not a knife
L356[12:14:46] <Forecaster> you're a spork
L357[12:15:30] <AdorableCatgirl> no u
L358[12:16:59] <AmandaC> @Lizzian yes, why do you wonder? :3
L359[12:17:39] <Lizzy> cause i remember reading that somewhere and the only game i could think of it being from was starbound
L360[12:18:26] <AmandaC> ah.
L361[12:18:27] <Paradoxical> %drink random
L362[12:18:28] <MichiBot> You drink a boiling silver potion (New!). A bard starts playing a lute behind Paradoxical. They don't stop.
L363[12:18:44] <Lizzy> i kinda need to play it more but i don't have the tiem or motivation recently
L364[12:18:49] <Paradoxical> Damn it, must be my dad. He always plays the lute
L365[12:20:34] <AdorableCatgirl> %drink random
L366[12:20:35] <MichiBot> You drink a bubbly adamantium potion (New!). AdorableCatgirl suddenly craves pie.
L367[12:20:40] <AdorableCatgirl> dam
L368[12:20:43] <AdorableCatgirl> i want some pie
L369[12:20:44] <Lizzy> %tonk
L370[12:20:45] <MichiBot> Dogast! Lizzy! You beat Forecaster's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L371[12:20:46] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.00461 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L372[12:20:48] <AdorableCatgirl> d a m
L373[12:20:50] <Lizzy> oh cool
L374[12:21:25] <AdorableCatgirl> %inv add LuaJIT 3.0
L375[12:21:25] * MichiBot summons 'LuaJIT 3.0' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L376[12:21:48] <AdorableCatgirl> by the way, how come everything 3 is doomed to never exist
L377[12:22:04] <AdorableCatgirl> and if it does, it's terrible
L378[12:22:11] <AdorableCatgirl> lookin at you, doom 3
L379[12:22:14] <Forecaster> maybe that's why
L380[12:22:47] <Forecaster> I liked Doom 3 though
L381[12:22:51] <Forecaster> the multiplayer was fun
L382[12:23:05] <AmandaC> It's just valve that can't count to three.
L383[12:23:35] <AmandaC> and I blame the build-up of expectations for 3rd generations being terrible
L384[12:25:45] <AdorableCatgirl> but hey, what about LuaJIT 3 :^)
L385[12:26:10] <AdorableCatgirl> with it's new garbage collector
L386[12:30:37] <AmandaC> Hrm. I need some way to turn the forward/back buttons on my mouse to keyboard events
L387[13:15:20] <Temia> Amanda, that is precious
L388[13:16:36] <AmandaC> Temia: the pet? Or the sassy ai?
L389[13:16:55] <Temia> yes
L390[13:21:15] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38C5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L391[13:24:57] * AmandaC giggles
L392[13:25:03] * AmandaC cuddles Temia
L393[13:25:10] <AmandaC> Inari: https://i.imgur.com/fQuQs9u.png
L394[13:25:32] <Inari> Yeah, saw that earlier haha
L395[13:31:01] <Temia> pfft
L396[13:33:14] <Lizzy> brain why did you read "giggles" as "guggles"?
L397[13:33:19] * Lizzy baps self
L398[13:33:41] <AmandaC> Lizzy: dyslexia members untie!
L399[13:34:14] <Inari> AmandaC: L-lewd
L400[13:34:21] <AmandaC> %bap Inari
L401[13:34:22] * MichiBot baps Inari with heaps of sleep
L402[13:34:57] <Lizzy> in other news, i just realised that Angel's hydro-refining stuff isn't really worth it compared with the more basic approach
L403[13:35:08] <Forecaster> wut
L404[13:35:16] <Lizzy> i'm playing factorio
L405[13:35:23] <Forecaster> ah
L406[13:35:48] <Lizzy> and doing some of the extra steps with some of Angels mods doesn't really justify the other stuff you need to put in
L407[13:36:20] <Lizzy> for 200 less ore input, you need to feed it purified water and sulfuric acid, which is a pain with the fluid system in factorio
L408[13:36:40] <Lizzy> (based on a sample size of getting 1000 copper ore at the end)
L409[13:37:27] <Lizzy> if it doubled it then it'd be worth the investment but for only using 200 less input ore it's kinda useless
L410[13:37:41] <Lizzy> especially since i have angel's infinite ores
L411[13:38:00] <Forecaster> infinite ores sounds boring
L412[13:38:40] <Lizzy> i mean, they require either sulfuric or hydroflouric acid to mine
L413[13:38:46] <Lizzy> or in the case of coal, water
L414[13:39:27] <Forecaster> hm
L415[13:40:09] <Lizzy> i think there's one more "teir" above the stuff i was doing that may have been better, but i cba to work that out
L416[13:48:26] <AmandaC> I love in games like MC/Starbound where you have to remind some floating blocks that they're supposed to be effected by gravity
L417[13:49:38] <Forecaster> blocks are forgetful
L418[14:03:36] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L419[14:05:12] <Bob> ^
L420[14:11:39] <AdorableCatgirl> so
L421[14:11:42] ⇦ Quits: Prof_David (Prof_David!~neuge@2a02:560:4226:8a00:51b1:7b95:3a1e:f0ac) (Remote host closed the connection)
L422[14:11:44] <AdorableCatgirl> i'd love to make a toy OS
L423[14:11:48] <AdorableCatgirl> but uh
L424[14:12:05] <AdorableCatgirl> my computer (read: BIOS) doesn't let me turn on virtualization
L425[14:12:44] <AdorableCatgirl> else i'd use my cool laptop to do cool stuff
L426[14:12:57] <AdorableCatgirl> but no, i gotta use an old Toshiba Satellite L745
L427[14:13:02] <AdorableCatgirl> w/ an i3
L428[14:14:39] <Inari> TempleOS 2.0
L429[14:15:59] <simon816> qemu doesn't _require_ virtualization from the CPU
L430[14:16:15] <Inari> Just use a second PC to dev
L431[14:17:46] * Inari flops around, having to wait for AWS to be acitvated
L432[14:18:05] <simon816> some useful links from my bookmarks: https://github.com/klange/toaruos https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/55tazm/tetros_tetris_that_fits_into_the_boot_sector/ https://github.com/cfenollosa/os-tutorial
L433[14:18:35] <Inari> simon816: Have you seen Tetris (and a computer) in Conway's game of life?
L434[14:19:03] <simon816> oh I don't think I have
L435[14:19:12] <Inari> https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/11880/build-a-working-game-of-tetris-in-conways-game-of-life
L436[14:19:55] <simon816> ok that's amazing
L437[14:20:01] <Inari> Yeah, haha
L438[14:20:32] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@
L439[14:31:33] ⇦ Quits: baschdel2 (baschdel2!~baschdel@001-063-210-188.ip-addr.inexio.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L440[14:34:48] <Inari> MEMS is crazy
L441[14:35:11] <Forecaster> ?
L442[14:38:09] <AmandaC> oh hey, they removed the restriction on beaming up from deep underground.
L443[14:38:25] <Inari> Huh
L444[14:38:31] <Inari> Last time I played the ystill had that
L445[14:40:37] <Forecaster> same
L446[14:40:38] <AmandaC> same.
L447[14:40:43] <Lizzy> same
L448[14:40:49] <AmandaC> had I known, I would have just gone for a suicide run for the core fragments
L449[14:41:04] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: hardware-accelerated virtualization, while advantageous isn't a strict requirement.
L450[14:41:22] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: I'm an adorable cat, and a girl, but I'm not AdorableCatgirl
L451[14:41:33] <CompanionCube> ...dammmit
L452[14:42:53] <AmandaC> %choose summit or tunnel
L453[14:42:54] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I sense some "tunnel" in your future!
L454[14:43:39] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L455[14:44:08] <CompanionCube> AdorableCatgirl: indeed, pick a non-x86 architecture and it becomes moot
L456[14:45:30] <Zef> ppc
L457[14:47:46] <Forecaster> Amanda are you playing unstable?
L458[14:48:58] <Inari> @Forecaster really really small machines
L459[14:48:59] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPGpoUN29zk
L460[14:49:00] <MichiBot> The World Of Microscopic Machines | length: 16m 37s | Likes: 4,787 Dislikes: 79 Views: 96,344 | by New Mind | Published On 20/7/2019
L461[14:49:40] <CompanionCube> if you want to try real hardware at some point the best choice would be ARM though
L462[14:49:48] <AmandaC> @Forecaster nope
L463[14:52:03] <Forecaster> I can't teleport from underground if I go down enough
L464[14:52:14] <AmandaC> O.o
L465[15:06:50] <AdorableCatgirl> also, i know i don't need that hardware acceleration
L466[15:06:55] <AdorableCatgirl> but i'd be very very nice to have
L467[15:07:03] <AdorableCatgirl> also if i wanted to do ARM, i could use a raspi :P
L468[15:07:17] <AdorableCatgirl> since i have both a raspi zero and a raspi 3b
L469[15:08:14] <bad at vijya> also, on an unrelated note
L470[15:08:24] ⇨ Joins: dwarfy (dwarfy!~dwarfy@ool-18bf70ab.dyn.optonline.net)
L471[15:08:25] <bad at vijya> http://tinyurl.com/y5uvs9hy
L472[15:08:27] <bad at vijya> http://tinyurl.com/y5gcsbvz
L473[15:08:47] ⇦ Quits: dwarfy (dwarfy!~dwarfy@ool-18bf70ab.dyn.optonline.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L474[15:11:16] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L475[15:11:42] <FeelsbadLemon> Is there a way for a robot to pickup xp orbs?
L476[15:11:50] <AdorableCatgirl> i wonder if i could modify the IRC program and get it to run straight from Zorya :thinking:
L477[15:14:49] <Lizzy> FeelsbadLemon, an XP Upgrade might do that
L478[15:15:00] <Lizzy> *Experience upgrade
L479[15:15:22] <Forecaster> yes, but they go to the xp upgrade and you can't get them out again
L480[15:15:46] <FeelsbadLemon> Ah gotcha. Also how can I check what components are installed onto a robot?
L481[15:17:38] <CompanionCube> AdorableCatgirl: from my lurking in #osdev, has told me the raspi isn't the greatest ARM platform lol :p
L482[15:18:20] <AdorableCatgirl> pfft, it's just what i have
L483[15:21:23] <CompanionCube> true
L484[15:24:25] <bad at vijya> in other news http://tinyurl.com/y2bv42pe
L485[15:25:26] <Bob> :GWcorbinHolyFuck:
L486[15:26:39] <bad at vijya> http://tinyurl.com/y3zzdxdo
L487[15:27:01] <bad at vijya> i can just sit here and watch the sign all day
L488[15:32:50] <m1cr0man> Hey folks how do I get a list of available functions in a drone's eeprom? Trying to print keys in _G but I'm just running into tonnes of little issues
L489[15:33:22] <AmandaC> Temia: sent you a steam friend invite. :P_
L490[15:33:30] <AmandaC> s/:P_/:)/
L491[15:33:30] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Temia: sent you a steam friend invite. :)
L492[15:41:14] <bad at vijya> so
L493[15:41:18] <bad at vijya> i was messing around on a server
L494[15:41:35] <bad at vijya> it had Plethora for CC
L495[15:41:42] <Inari> Hm
L496[15:41:46] <Inari> Temia: gimme your steam!
L497[15:41:53] <bad at vijya> and i was messing with CC stuff in OC through an adapter
L498[15:41:57] <Temia> https://steamcommunity.com/id/temia/
L499[15:42:07] <bad at vijya> and i called `getMetadata()` on the actual turtle
L500[15:42:15] <bad at vijya> and the server crashed
L501[15:42:23] <Inari> Thanks :D
L502[15:42:57] <bad at vijya> *plethora plus one
L503[15:44:45] <bad at vijya> whatever
L504[15:44:58] <bad at vijya> it's called plethoraplusone in the component name lmao
L505[15:47:00] <bad at vijya> turns out i was wrong again
L506[15:47:04] <bad at vijya> it was `PeripheralsPlusOne`
L507[15:47:09] <bad at vijya> but it was in--whatever
L508[15:47:16] <bad at vijya> tl;dr i'm an idiot
L509[15:55:46] <AmandaC> Temia: if you're not busy, you're welcome to try and help me get ready for / do the first mission. I tried and got killed almost immediately by the first flesh-zombie. :|
L510[15:56:07] <Temia> Ah, I'm kind of heavily modded so I'd have to spin up a vanilla instance
L511[15:57:02] <Forecaster> flesh-zombies are fun
L512[15:57:25] <AmandaC> Oh? I assumed it'd match the mods to whatever the "Server" was using?
L513[15:58:01] <Temia> Not really, it's more "exact match or best effort to function despite it", depending on whether you have "allow asset mismatch" checked
L514[15:58:02] <AmandaC> but that's fine, I'll just continue trying to get set up with some armour / better weapons first
L515[15:58:45] <Temia> And that's out the window when you come in with non-vanilla weaons, armour, etc.
L516[16:03:53] * AmandaC nods
L517[16:03:59] <AmandaC> fair enough. :3
L518[16:04:06] * AmandaC cuddles Temia while she plays instead
L519[16:04:19] * Temia snugs on
L520[16:04:49] <Temia> I'll see about spinning up a vanilla instance later if I can, if you want me to play with you ;u;
L521[16:05:05] <AmandaC> ... evil little effect-pod
L522[16:05:18] <Forecaster> haha
L523[16:05:27] <AmandaC> first two times I used it, it gave me a healing buff. Just used it after fighting off a couple monsters? Poision
L524[16:05:56] <AmandaC> Temia: I'm not completely vanilla myself, but I'm not sure which ones would be required
L525[16:06:04] <Temia> Ohh
L526[16:06:08] <Temia> Do you have a collection?
L527[16:07:39] <Forecaster> I'm not completely vanilla either!
L528[16:08:01] <AmandaC> uh, I might, but it'd need updating. I think I used to use one to keep me +sister in sync on that front
L529[16:08:11] <Temia> Ahh
L530[16:08:22] <Temia> Still, I wanna see and compare :o
L531[16:08:22] <Forecaster> I might have the mod that changes the logo at startup for example :P
L532[16:08:33] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y2eavggw
L533[16:09:14] <Temia> haha
L534[16:09:30] <Temia> Is the rest of your universe a cuter place tho
L535[16:10:13] <Forecaster> nah, it's about the usual level of horrible
L536[16:10:18] <Inari> Temia installed a mode that replaces all races by Avians
L537[16:10:25] <bad at vijya> goooood fuuuuuuuucking daaaaaaamn iiiiiiit
L538[16:10:30] <Temia> I mean
L539[16:10:33] <bad at vijya> wpa_cli doesn't wanna work
L540[16:10:45] <Temia> Due to a miscommunication we have both harpies and avians, which also look like harpies
L541[16:10:48] <Forecaster> Inari do you mean "with"
L542[16:10:50] <bad at vijya> and i don't want to plug into ethernet
L543[16:11:04] <Temia> But there are also other cute monsterfolk like arachne and lamias
L544[16:11:13] <Temia> and moths
L545[16:11:24] <Forecaster> I use the latter
L546[16:11:26] <Forecaster> :P
L547[16:12:07] <Temia> Also cute robots, cute plants, cute fish, and cute monkeys
L548[16:12:10] <Temia> Because cute.
L549[16:12:12] <AmandaC> Temia: /msg'd
L550[16:12:13] <Inari> @Forecaster shhh
L551[16:12:19] <Temia> Oh yeah, kitsune are in our collection too.
L552[16:12:24] <bad at vijya> oh
L553[16:12:27] <Inari> Kitsune \o/
L554[16:12:31] <bad at vijya> i just needed every parameter possible
L555[16:14:28] <Skye> Temia, but are there wolf girls :P
L556[16:14:58] <Temia> No wolf girls presently
L557[16:15:19] <Inari> Foxgirls are better anyway
L558[16:16:02] <Temia> Wolf girls are nice too
L559[16:16:06] * Skye awus angrily at Inari
L560[16:16:21] <Inari> :p
L561[16:16:27] * Temia headpats both
L562[16:17:14] <CompanionCube> wpa_cli?
L563[16:20:50] ⇦ Quits: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L564[16:22:45] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L565[16:23:10] <FeelsbadLemon> Has anyone made any Sublime syntax highlighting packages for OC?
L566[16:23:25] <CompanionCube> but it's just lua
L567[16:23:41] <CompanionCube> special syntax highlighting would do...what, exactly?
L568[16:23:47] <FeelsbadLemon> there are api's that aren't Lua specific right?
L569[16:23:55] <Inari> Thats (mostly) openOS
L570[16:23:56] <Bob> ?
L571[16:23:56] <Inari> :D
L572[16:24:02] <FeelsbadLemon> Ah gotcha
L573[16:24:13] <Inari> computer and component are basic though
L574[16:25:38] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L575[16:28:42] <bad at vijya> and here we go
L576[16:28:59] <bad at vijya> installing arch
L577[16:30:38] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L578[16:30:39] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds this time. 4 hours, 9 minutes and 54 seconds were wasted! Missed by 26 minutes and 59 seconds!
L579[16:30:55] <Forecaster> Dangit!
L580[16:31:18] <Forecaster> %sip random angrily
L581[16:31:18] <MichiBot> You drink a stirring rød potion (New!). Forecaster sees the sky briefly flash solid dark blue then go back to normal.
L582[16:44:32] <CompanionCube> Forecaster: :( my tonk+tonkout is now ruin.
L583[16:44:59] <Corded> * <Kodos> grumbles as he resets his timer, and then leaves for the store
L584[16:45:36] <CompanionCube> using a scheduled timer? smh
L585[16:45:43] <bad at vijya> cheater
L586[16:46:20] <CompanionCube> the furthest i go is asking wolframalpha for the time if i don't want to try a mental estimate :p
L587[16:49:20] <Inari> %pet CompanionCube
L588[16:49:21] * MichiBot pets CompanionCube with a pengin. 4 health gained!
L589[16:52:02] <Kodos> Telling me using a timer is cheating is like telling a camper in CoD they're cheating
L590[16:52:24] <Izaya> campers aren't cheating
L591[16:52:30] <Izaya> they're just scum and should be eliminated
L592[16:56:07] <alexandria> %tonk
L593[16:56:08] <MichiBot> I'm sorry alexandria, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds this time. 25 minutes and 29 seconds were wasted! Missed by 4 hours, 11 minutes and 24 seconds!
L594[16:56:19] * Lizzy sighs
L595[16:57:13] <Inari> Since we're apparently at it
L596[16:57:15] <Inari> %tonk
L597[16:57:15] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Inari, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds this time. 1 minute and 7 seconds were wasted! Missed by 4 hours, 35 minutes and 46 seconds!
L598[16:58:42] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L602[17:16:21] ⇦ Quits: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@2001:7f0:3003:235f:7432:dd86:b273:f0ec) (Remote host closed the connection)
L603[17:17:29] <AmandaC> alexandria: are you doing that on purpose? I don't think I've seen you successfully tonk yet.
L604[17:21:35] <Inari> I'm doing it on purpose
L605[17:21:36] * Inari hides
L606[17:25:54] <AmandaC> Temia: have you been having any issues with expanded storage crashing with vanilla storage items?
L607[17:26:38] <Temia> Only for people who try to log in without it installed
L608[17:28:07] <AmandaC> hrm
L609[17:28:19] <AmandaC> It keeps crashing for me with an exception
L610[17:33:46] <Temia> That's weird.
L611[17:33:49] <Temia> What's the exception?
L612[17:33:55] <Temia> It might be conflicting with Improved Storage
L613[17:34:26] <Temia> s/Storage/Containers
L614[17:34:26] <MichiBot> <Temia> It might be conflicting with Improved Containers
L615[17:35:03] <AmandaC> `Failed to find textbox callback named: 'searchField'`
L616[17:35:16] <Temia> Yeah, that's an Improved Containers conflict, I think
L617[17:35:32] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38C5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L618[17:36:49] <AmandaC> ahhhh
L619[17:36:53] <AmandaC> that was it, danke. <3
L620[17:51:22] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-123-202.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L621[17:51:58] <AmandaC> ugh. I suck at combat.
L622[18:06:14] * AmandaC quietly types `/spawnitem violiumshortsword`
L623[18:25:28] <AmandaC> ... apparently in admin mode you're invincible
L624[18:25:33] <AmandaC> oh well I'm not complaining
L625[18:41:38] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L626[18:42:45] <Kodos> I should finish writing up the batch commands for instantly finishing the story
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L629[18:49:36] ⇨ Joins: viker (viker!~viker@
L630[18:49:41] <viker> hello guys
L631[18:50:21] ⇦ Quits: vikerss (vikerss!webchat@78-71-215-33-no500.tbcn.telia.com) (Client Quit)
L632[18:50:35] ⇨ Joins: viking (viking!webchat@78-71-215-33-no500.tbcn.telia.com)
L633[18:50:37] <viking> hello bois
L634[18:52:02] <Zef> I swear
L635[18:52:09] <Zef> If you start talking to yourself
L636[18:52:27] <Kodos> Lol
L637[18:53:36] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L639[18:54:33] ⇦ Quits: viker (viker!~viker@ (Quit: viker)
L640[19:01:53] <AmandaC> Somehow I forgot all about the authoritatian ape species
L641[19:06:10] ⇨ Joins: viker (viker!~viker@
L642[19:06:33] <alexandria> AmandaC: It's a running joke that I don't know what the tonk is
L643[19:06:40] <alexandria> I've only successfully tonked twice
L644[19:06:51] <alexandria> I do it basically at random whenever I check my bouncer
L645[19:08:10] ⇦ Quits: viker (viker!~viker@ (Client Quit)
L646[19:11:14] <AmandaC> That's not really much of a joke, since it makes it harder for the people who actually want to play
L647[19:12:58] ⇦ Quits: viking (viking!webchat@78-71-215-33-no500.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L648[19:16:12] <alexandria> It's performance art
L649[19:16:29] <alexandria> wait how does it make it harder
L650[19:16:35] <alexandria> oH
L651[19:32:22] ⇨ Joins: AndroUser (AndroUser!~androirc@
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L653[19:37:08] <Lazar Kovacevic> Can server in a server rack be connected to a normal screen
L654[19:38:50] <bad at vijya> https://i.imgur.com/jXQLANx.jpg
L655[20:20:12] <Temia> Raiden clones
L656[20:20:19] <Temia> So many Raiden clones
L657[20:41:10] <Temia> Amanda: Big Ape is watching you
L658[20:41:40] <Temia> (I have a vodka-swigging, shotgun-wielding, shock-and-awe ex-miniknog apex named Natalya. She's fun.)
L659[20:41:54] <AmandaC> hehe
L660[20:43:36] <Temia> After a mutiny alongside some USCM soldiers, she turned to hunting bounties, and her SOP is to kick down doors, shoot an armour-breaking round from her underslung grenade launcher, then finish with a couple rounds of buckshot
L661[20:43:46] <Temia> Rinse, repeat until there's no more doors
L662[20:44:05] <Temia> She was VERY brutal in the miniknog.
L663[20:44:45] <AmandaC> I don't know why the game just let me update every crafting terminal without the nessary items, but you can bet your tits I took advantage of that bug
L664[20:44:59] <AmandaC> oh wait
L665[20:45:01] <AmandaC> admin mode
L666[20:45:02] <AmandaC> oops
L667[20:45:09] <AmandaC> oh well, I guess I'm def a cheater now
L668[20:47:40] <Temia> rip
L669[20:55:58] ⇨ Joins: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L670[20:56:28] <FeelsbadLemon> Anybody know if the solar generator works with the Tablet? Also do I need to put a screen in the tablet case? It's not recommended so I'm thinking not.'
L671[21:01:41] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L672[21:01:41] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds this time. 4 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds were wasted! Missed by 32 minutes and 27 seconds!
L673[21:01:45] <CompanionCube> dammit.
L674[21:02:40] <FeelsbadLemon> Ah well you can't put the screen in there so that's that. So I hope that means the solar generator works too
L675[21:11:12] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L676[21:18:54] ⇦ Quits: FeelsbadLemon (FeelsbadLemon!webchat@cpe-66-91-118-77.hawaii.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L683[22:23:18] <Izaya> ayy
L684[22:23:27] <Izaya> well, PsychOS can now extract the archive files it can make
L685[22:25:27] ⇦ Quits: Bernie (Bernie!~bernie@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L686[23:02:03] <Kodos> %tonkout
L687[23:02:03] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Kodos, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds this time. 2 hours and 21 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 36 minutes and 32 seconds!
L688[23:02:08] <Kodos> wat
L689[23:02:14] <Kodos> Oh
L690[23:04:30] * AmandaC cuddles up against Temia, dozes
L691[23:04:59] * AmandaC nuked all her ill-gotten crafting benches, they're more trouble than they're worth this early-game
L692[23:05:19] <AmandaC> I'm keeping my super-sword and bandages though, because fuck combat.
L693[23:09:19] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L694[23:38:53] <bad at vijya> i should make a way to print text files, like logs and all
L695[23:39:07] <bad at vijya> either using the CC printer or OpenPrinters
L696[23:45:00] <AmandaC> Oops I accidentally imgur
L697[23:45:06] <AmandaC> Izaya: https://i.imgur.com/U7wQ5WE.jpg
L698[23:45:17] * AmandaC slinks off for sleep now for real
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