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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:03] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b) (Quit: Cervator)
L2[00:38:25] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-169.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L3[01:01:17] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L4[01:12:48] <Forecaster> %potion
L5[01:12:48] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a bubbly röd potion
L6[01:12:51] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L7[01:12:51] <MichiBot> Forecaster gains the proportional strength of a chihuahua.
L8[02:10:24] * Lizzy meows good morning
L9[02:17:05] <Wattana Gaming> I opened american.gxt from gta sa in notepad and found a lot of unused dialogues
L10[02:18:15] <Wattana Gaming> `~z~After five years on the East Coast, it was time to go home. ~z~'Sup? ~z~Carl, it's Sweet. ~z~Whassup, Sweet, what you want? ~z~It's Moms... She's dead, bro. ~z~How? How'd she die? ~z~Not now. You coming home? ~z~Yeah, yeah, I am.`
L11[02:25:28] * Lizzy feels like playing through Fallout 4 again
L12[02:29:22] <Forecaster> I started recording a letsplay of that, but I didn't edit the episodes
L13[02:29:43] <Forecaster> so I ended up with over 80 unedited episodes because I got so into playing
L14[02:29:57] <Forecaster> and I didn't want to do that so I just deleted them all
L15[02:30:15] <Forecaster> I need to start over sometime, and actually keep up with the editing this time :P
L16[02:36:34] <Lizzy> I'd sorta completed the main storyline (joining the railroad, destroying the institute) but then wanted to do some of the DLC stuff but they kept breaking my mods cause i had the season pass and they would always take precedence over the mods which then meant that the IDs were all off
L17[02:38:02] <Forecaster> I haven't completed
L18[02:38:07] <Forecaster> I haven't completed it [Edited]
L19[02:38:17] <Forecaster> not even close
L20[02:39:27] <Lizzy> i also wasn't fully paying attention to the story the first time, so i do want to do it again and take it slower this time
L21[02:44:33] <Forecaster> :P
L22[03:32:23] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L23[04:01:14] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F44A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L24[04:06:08] <Forecaster> %potion
L25[04:06:08] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a dull tuna potion
L26[04:06:11] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L27[04:06:11] <MichiBot> Forecaster's hair turns to the color of quicksilver.
L28[04:06:16] <Forecaster> oh
L29[04:06:21] <Forecaster> %countpotions
L30[04:06:21] <MichiBot> There are 35 colors, 35 consistencies, and 80 effects! That's 1225 potion combinations! And finally; 33 effects have been found today!
L31[04:20:09] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1072F5F88E323CE6B37BFB165.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L32[04:20:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L33[04:35:05] <Inari> %potion
L34[04:35:06] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a gloopy dirt potion
L35[04:35:07] <Inari> %drink ^
L36[04:35:07] <MichiBot> Inari suddenly craves pie.
L37[04:35:10] <Inari> :o
L38[04:35:13] <Inari> Dangerous potion
L39[04:35:21] <Inari> ~markov Vexatos
L40[04:35:23] <ocdoc> it's like any other elevator control still work?
L41[05:03:18] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-206-97.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L42[05:03:24] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L43[05:03:39] <Izaya> so I was netsplit for fucking hours
L44[05:03:42] <Izaya> %oclogs
L45[05:03:42] <MichiBot> Izaya: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L46[05:17:03] <Zef> Somebody is like actually getting annoyed that I'm making a forth interpreter
L47[05:17:20] <Zef> They're saying forth is dumb and useless and not even a programming language
L48[05:17:40] <Zef> I mentioned redpower used it and they say that nostalgia is the most useless emotion
L49[05:23:06] <Skye> @Zef meanwhile forth is one of the few programming languages that's also an assembly language that's also an OS that's also a shell.
L50[05:25:36] <Zef> " @Zef it's dumb ah you should be writing a scheme or something "
L51[05:25:52] <Zef> I looked it up, I guess scheme is a language too?
L52[05:26:08] <Zef> But it seems boring compared to forth
L53[05:30:48] <Skye> It's a LISP
L54[05:31:48] <AmandaC> Language Interesting Serious Programmers
L55[05:33:44] <Izaya> Zef: Forth is used extensively in embedded devices due to its small footprint and interactivity
L56[05:33:48] <Izaya> and you know
L57[05:33:52] <Izaya> being a pleasure to write
L58[05:36:29] <Zef> Like I got interested in it because it's just cool
L59[05:36:32] <Zef> It's unique
L60[05:37:13] <Izaya> not as unique as you think
L61[05:37:27] <Izaya> but it is from a ... rather different family
L62[05:37:37] <Izaya> did you know the JVM is a stack machine
L63[05:37:39] <Zef> In my eyes I've never seen a language like it
L64[05:37:46] <Zef> What
L65[05:38:02] <Izaya> the JVM - the virtual machine implemented by java - is internally a stack machine
L66[05:38:28] <Izaya> PostScript, as in printers, uses reverse-polish notation
L67[05:38:39] <Zef> Wow lol
L68[05:38:52] <Izaya> (and is stack based)
L69[05:38:58] <Izaya> HP has a line of RPN calculators
L70[05:40:02] <Izaya> the language used on them - RPL - means Reverse Polish Lisp
L71[05:40:04] <Izaya> :D
L72[05:40:53] <Zef> I have never heard of stack based languages before forth, wasn't even aware they existed
L73[05:41:14] <Izaya> I enjoy them.
L74[05:41:29] <Izaya> They're relatively easy to implement in a language with some form of arrays, too
L75[05:42:35] <Zef> I feel like I'm implementing it poorly though
L76[05:43:00] <Zef> Because every default word is just a lua function
L77[05:43:29] <Izaya> I'd suggest defining as few words in Lua as possible
L78[05:44:12] <Izaya> you'll always have to define a few things in the base language but once you do that you can bootstrap the rest of the language in itself
L79[05:44:55] <Zef> Have you looked at my code yet?
L80[05:45:05] <Zef> I made a github for it
L81[05:47:23] <Izaya> nah
L82[05:48:05] <Zef> I actually am doing what Wikipedia said the language does, at least for part of it
L83[05:48:18] <Zef> Then there's a few work arounds in there I feel
L84[05:50:55] <Zef> Like for skipping interpreting words there's a couple variables that do that
L85[05:51:43] <Izaya> >modern AM4 processors implement both the northbridge and southbridge, with PCI-e and USB 3 on the chip
L86[05:52:21] <Izaya> neat, you could build a board with literally just PCI-e and USB 3 and require no ICs beyond the processor
L87[05:52:51] <Izaya> ... are regulators ICs?
L88[05:53:20] <Zef> Voltage regulators? Yes
L89[05:53:33] <Izaya> okay so you could build a board for it with no ICs...
L90[05:53:49] <Izaya> if you're brave enough to do your own transistor-resistor regulators
L91[05:57:18] <Lizzy> speaking of electronic stuff, I drew out a small circuit diagram / plan for a small box to control some mains outputs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-uWrlCLU9z4bVPhxLZHR_DKCeZmAGTpV/view?usp=sharing
L92[05:59:01] <Lizzy> my intended use case (at least at the moment) is to have a single button that can turn all my monitors off at the same time and also from "before" the power adapter so they use 0 energy when they're off
L93[06:01:54] <Skye> Lizzy: there's a hack so you don't need mains voltage. Get plugs that sense light and then glue an LED to the light sensor
L94[06:02:09] <Skye> No need to touch the mains, and opitically isolated.
L95[06:03:32] <Lizzy> except that'll probably require a bulky plug for each of them and my PDU is oriented upside-down (if that makes sense)
L96[06:09:24] <Zef> So I think I'll probably add a few commands for directly accessing components
L97[06:09:37] <Zef> %s/commands/words
L98[06:09:37] <MichiBot> <Zef> So I think I'll probably add a few words for directly accessing components
L99[06:09:55] <Zef> Like one for setting the cursor position so it's possible to draw
L100[06:11:10] <Izaya> not necessary
L101[06:11:12] <AmandaC> Skye: that'd cause vampire energy drain though, vs Lizzy's idea which will kill the vampire drain alltogether
L102[06:11:55] <Izaya> just put \27[x;yH on stdout, assuming you have a VT100 compatible terminal
L103[06:12:02] <Izaya> if not, chances are, there is no cursor
L104[06:12:50] <Zef> So if I did io.write() with that would it write the text there?
L105[06:12:57] <Izaya> yup
L106[06:13:04] <Izaya> http://www.termsys.demon.co.uk/vtansi.htm
L107[06:13:09] <Zef> Alright making a note of that
L108[06:13:49] <Izaya> (\27 gets converted to the character of escape, ASCII 27)
L109[06:14:03] <Izaya> X and Y are numbers as strings, in decimal
L110[06:15:34] <Zef> I don't know what else I'd need then
L111[06:15:47] <Zef> I mean I still need to get if statements and loops working
L112[06:16:01] <Zef> Not looking forward to it because that's gonna be a workaround and a half
L113[06:16:24] <Izaya> have a flag to ignore the next word
L114[06:16:56] <Izaya> if <TOS> ~= 0 then IGNORE_NEXT_WORD = true end
L115[06:17:19] <Izaya> then you just need to implement comparison and testing that push 0 or 1
L116[06:17:53] <Izaya> ie = pops 2 values off the stack, compares them, and pushes 1 if they're the same, or 0 if they're different
L117[06:19:26] <Zef> I actually have a flag to ignore the next word, and a counter to skip multiple words
L118[06:19:44] <Zef> Implemented because of displaying strings of all things
L119[06:46:31] <McMaartenz> %tonk
L120[06:46:32] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! McMaartenz! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 5 hours, 41 minutes and 6 seconds (By 2 hours, 16 minutes and 51 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L121[06:46:33] <MichiBot> McMaartenz's new record is 7 hours, 57 minutes and 57 seconds! McMaartenz also gained 0.01368 (0.00228 x 6) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L122[06:46:39] <McMaartenz> Damn
L123[06:46:49] <McMaartenz> %tonkpoints
L124[06:46:49] <MichiBot> McMaartenz: You currently have 0.03579 points!
L125[06:46:56] <McMaartenz> :neko:
L126[07:00:14] <baschdel> %potion
L127[07:00:14] <MichiBot> baschdel: You get a shining purple potion
L128[07:00:26] <baschdel> %drink ^
L129[07:00:26] <MichiBot> baschdel's hair grows three times longer.
L130[07:17:29] <Forecaster> %potion
L131[07:17:30] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a prickly lime potion
L132[07:17:33] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L133[07:17:33] <MichiBot> A sudden craving for soup occupies your thoughts.
L134[07:17:51] <Forecaster> ohno I forgot the important thing I was going to do!
L135[07:18:04] <Forecaster> ah well
L136[07:27:36] <AmandaC> You were going to wire me 1 million USD
L137[07:28:04] <Z0idburg> Lizzy whatchya makin there. what kind of mains outputs are we talking?
L138[07:28:23] <AmandaC> @Z0idburg I assume UK mains
L139[07:28:42] <Z0idburg> Hmm I should see what UK mains are like
L140[07:28:53] <AmandaC> Similar, but higher voltage, ISTR
L141[07:28:58] <AmandaC> 220V instead of our 110
L142[07:29:10] <simon816> 240/230V 50hz
L143[07:29:21] <Z0idburg> most houses have 220 its just unused for most things
L144[07:29:27] <Z0idburg> 220 is more efficient though
L145[07:29:53] <Skye> UK is 240V
L146[07:29:54] <Skye> as in
L147[07:30:12] <Skye> the standard is 230V but the UK standard is 240 and it's within tolerance
L148[07:30:41] <Z0idburg> well you will find it will fluctuate
L149[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-206-97.hlrn.qwest.net)
L150[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: progwml6 (progwml6!~progwml6@
L151[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: Guest12533 (Guest12533!~rakiru@has.anyone.really.been.far.even.as.decided.to.use.a.witch.horse)
L152[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (dangranos!~dangranos@eos.pc-logix.com)
L153[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de)
L154[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@
L155[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: Shuudoushi (Shuudoushi!~Shuudoush@2607:5300:60:9e85::c0f:fee)
L156[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: s0cks (s0cks!socks@ds003.info)
L157[07:30:43] ⇨ Joins: stevel (stevel!~stevelmat@2001:470:1af1:107::21c)
L158[07:30:57] <Z0idburg> here you can have an outlet be anywhere from 110 to 130 volts usually
L159[07:31:18] <Skye> @Z0idburg if it goes below 235 in the UK the grid is seriously messed up
L160[07:31:38] <Z0idburg> we have whats known as two phase power
L161[07:31:42] <Z0idburg> some places have 3
L162[07:31:46] <Skye> the UK is single phase
L163[07:32:25] <Z0idburg> in our circuit breaker we take a transformer and connect two phase power, you get two 120V sources 90 degrees out of phase
L164[07:32:37] <Z0idburg> and if you tap both ends of the transformer there's your 240
L165[07:32:49] <Z0idburg> because transformers D
L166[07:32:51] <Z0idburg> ?
L167[07:33:42] <Skye> the UK is single phase 240V
L168[07:34:09] <Skye> with like a 30A current limit
L169[07:34:16] <Z0idburg> the problem with two phase power is, most people rig some outlets on one phase and some on the other. this poses a problem. You know how they make wifi access points now that send their signal through the outlet in the wall?
L170[07:34:20] <simon816> americans don't have earth connection
L171[07:34:22] <Z0idburg> to the other router
L172[07:34:40] <AmandaC> simon816: uh... I do?
L173[07:34:42] <Z0idburg> well those don't work well if at all when you use them on outlets that are on the other phase
L174[07:34:57] <Z0idburg> simon816 yes we do...
L175[07:34:59] <AmandaC> There's a pole in my driveway which connects the house's ground pins to it at east.
L176[07:35:13] <Z0idburg> if you don't then you're asking for trouble
L177[07:35:14] <simon816> well I haven't seen many US sockets with ground pin
L178[07:35:36] <Z0idburg> I had a customer that couldn't get their wifi to work at certain times of the day, and its because their ground severed and the furnace basically EMP'd their wifi
L179[07:35:52] <Z0idburg> thats because you're in very old houses
L180[07:35:53] <Lizzy> Skye, residential is single phase
L181[07:35:54] <Forecaster> a lot of older buildings here lack ground pins
L182[07:36:10] <Lizzy> industry places have 2-3 phases
L183[07:36:19] <Z0idburg> I don't think you realize just how old our houses usually are
L184[07:36:24] <Z0idburg> a lot of them are still grounded too
L185[07:36:41] <Forecaster> we have two-phase, but 3-phase is available for heaver appliances
L186[07:36:46] <Z0idburg> My house is early 1800s.
L187[07:36:49] <Forecaster> we have two-phase, but 3-phase is available for heavier appliances [Edited]
L188[07:37:05] <Z0idburg> Fortunately, it wasn't hard to update it
L189[07:37:16] <Z0idburg> a lot of houses here are from the 1800s and have knob and tube wiring
L190[07:37:22] <simon816> probably was just old houses when I went on holiday. There were no switches on the sockets either
L191[07:37:26] <Z0idburg> I can't speak for the rest of the US
L192[07:37:42] <Z0idburg> you mean GFCI?
L193[07:37:48] ⇨ Joins: Anastasiu (Anastasiu!~Anastasiu@
L194[07:37:49] ⇦ Quits: Anastasiu (Anastasiu!~Anastasiu@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L195[07:37:49] <Lizzy> I think the US does have earthing pins on their round sockets, but AFAIK it's not "required"
L196[07:37:57] <Z0idburg> GFCI is only necessary for places where water and other elements can get to it
L197[07:38:14] <Lizzy> whereas the UK has to have it for it to even go into the socket (if the socket is compliant that is)
L198[07:38:26] <Izaya> aus sockets are superior
L199[07:38:43] <Izaya> per-socket switches are required
L200[07:39:15] <Z0idburg> I don't see the point
L201[07:39:25] <AmandaC> GFCI is required on new houses, and whenever you remodel a relevent part of the house (bathroom/kitchens )
L202[07:39:39] <Z0idburg> yeah but gfci isn't required in every room
L203[07:39:55] <Forecaster> we don't have that here
L204[07:40:03] <Z0idburg> noyt unless the NEC changed it practically yesterday
L205[07:40:10] <Forecaster> or at least it's very uncommon
L206[07:40:33] <Forecaster> we just have a reset switch in the main junction
L207[07:40:39] <Izaya> S3: it'd solve Lizzy's problem with monitors with no extra hardware needed: power board with 3 monitors, one switch at the wall
L208[07:40:43] <Skye> @Z0idburg GFCI is required on every UK elecrical installation.
L209[07:40:51] <Skye> Izaya, the UK has switches for each socket.
L210[07:40:52] <Forecaster> if it triggers somewhere usually the entire building is powerless :P
L211[07:41:07] <Z0idburg> heheh
L212[07:41:08] <Izaya> Skye: the UK plugs have fuses, too, right?
L213[07:41:12] <Lizzy> yup
L214[07:41:15] <Z0idburg> some people here still use fuses
L215[07:41:22] <Z0idburg> but most everybody is at circuit breakers now
L216[07:41:26] ⇨ Joins: kogtyv (kogtyv!~kogtyv@
L217[07:41:29] <Izaya> that's like
L218[07:41:35] <Izaya> the one thing anyone has on aus plugs
L219[07:41:40] <Izaya> the UK plugs have fuses
L220[07:41:48] <Lizzy> we have circuit breakers for each of the ring-mains, and then fuses for each device
L221[07:41:50] <Z0idburg> `are they fuses or breakers?
L222[07:42:03] <Izaya> (the aus plugs look like that painting, The Scream, though)
L223[07:42:06] <Z0idburg> because fuses are annoying
L224[07:42:12] <Z0idburg> since they sever and have to be replaced
L225[07:42:18] <Lizzy> fuses in the plug, breakers in the electrical panel
L226[07:42:27] <Z0idburg> weird.
L227[07:42:35] <Z0idburg> most electronics are fused in the US
L228[07:42:38] ⇨ Joins: comp (comp!~comp@
L229[07:42:51] <Lizzy> fuses are better than having the equipment on the other end fried
L230[07:43:12] ⇦ Quits: comp (comp!~comp@ (Client Quit)
L231[07:43:20] <Z0idburg> circuit breakers serve the same purpose
L232[07:43:33] <Lizzy> yes but they're also bigger and bulkier
L233[07:43:39] <Z0idburg> some of them are even solid state now which is kind of scary
L234[07:43:41] <Izaya> ^ + more fuses > less fuses
L235[07:43:42] <Lizzy> not exactly something you can fit in a plug
L236[07:44:01] ⇨ Joins: comp (comp!~comp@
L237[07:44:44] <kogtyv> ммм
L238[07:44:58] <comp> о слышно когта
L239[07:45:08] <Lizzy> keep to english please
L240[07:45:12] <comp> так пробуем подключить и наш соседний кобинет
L241[07:45:25] <kogtyv> ок
L242[07:45:34] <Forecaster> %translate так пробуем подключить и наш соседний кобинет
L243[07:45:36] <MichiBot> so try to connect and our neighboring kobinet
L244[07:46:01] <Skye> http://tinyurl.com/y4mkkpxm
L245[07:46:06] <comp> нет не кабинет биологии, там у нас комп крашнули мы в кабинете истории включим
L246[07:46:11] <Z0idburg> the other thing is that its really easy now to design power supplies that cut off all current and voltage whenever too much current is drawn thanks to thyristors
L247[07:46:13] <Z0idburg> and such
L248[07:46:18] *** Corded was kicked by Lizzy (I said keep it english))
L249[07:46:22] <Lizzy> oh fuck
L250[07:46:29] <AmandaC> LOL
L251[07:46:29] <simon816> lol
L252[07:46:31] *** comp was kicked by Lizzy (I said keep it english))
L253[07:46:58] <Izaya> nothing lost
L254[07:46:58] <Lizzy> Mimiru, can you get corded back in here?
L255[07:47:07] <AmandaC> Lizzy made an oopsie. :3
L256[07:47:10] ⇨ Joins: ASgeyvna (ASgeyvna!~ASgeyvna@
L257[07:47:20] <ASgeyvna> так слышно?
L258[07:47:28] <Izaya> cease
L259[07:47:44] <Lizzy> ASgeyvna, ENGLISH or i will ban you
L260[07:47:56] <ASgeyvna> ей шо не слышно? я что на другой лини
L261[07:48:35] <Skye> please speak english.
L262[07:48:42] *** ASgeyvna was kicked by Lizzy (come back in 24h, and speak english))
L263[07:48:56] *** Lizzy sets mode: +b *!*@
L264[07:49:09] <Lizzy> the lounge doesn't have kickban functionality
L265[07:49:12] <Skye> do we know any russians who are awake?
L266[07:49:21] * Lizzy pokes Saphire
L267[07:50:55] <Lizzy> anyway... i can't do anything about that till Mimiru appears
L268[07:50:59] <Izaya> oh yeah
L269[07:51:02] <Izaya> I did a thing earlier
L270[07:51:08] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/09aa8ed87ebe2f6c8001d0a30e695e39ad17c52294ca98db87150480685435ef.png
L271[07:51:34] <Lizzy> cool
L272[07:51:54] * Lizzy wishes that Vega64 GPU Waterblocks weren't so expensive
L273[07:52:01] <Lizzy> granted i haven't looked all that hard
L274[07:52:01] <Izaya> Will an RX 580 be significantly faster than a GTX 980? Debatable. Will the extra VRAM make things run better? Definitely.
L275[07:52:35] <Izaya> Also, AMD drivers stronk
L276[07:52:53] <Lizzy> %translate так слышно
L277[07:52:54] <MichiBot> so you can hear
L278[07:53:07] <Lizzy> %translate ей шо не слышно? я что на другой лини
L279[07:53:08] <MichiBot> It sho you cannot hear? I was on the other line
L280[07:53:20] * Lizzy shrugs
L281[07:53:23] <Izaya> I wonder if it would be good or bad for relations if we directed them to the cc ru channel
L282[07:53:37] <AmandaC> I think they thought that it was a server-local chat
L283[07:53:56] <AmandaC> Or that it connected to the server's discord or something
L284[07:53:59] *** kogtyv was kicked by Lizzy (you are on the same ip range, so you also need to go))
L285[07:54:41] <Skye> I think it's people on the same OC server
L286[07:55:07] <Lizzy> it seems like it
L287[07:55:10] <Lizzy> same ip anyway
L288[07:56:27] <Lizzy> the "240-5v" labelled box in my little diagram would be something like https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B073GPSY4T/?coliid=I1UFB9LURP32E5&colid=2ZJ6C9QV97D7H&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1
L289[07:57:55] <Lizzy> I could power the relays off of the Pi itself, but that would maybe end up with power draining from the cpu and maybe stalling it or something
L290[08:14:42] <Saphire> Lizzy: awoo?
L291[08:14:45] <Saphire> What's up?
L292[08:15:52] <Saphire> Oh, they are just making random noise
L293[08:16:33] <Lizzy> ok
L294[08:18:10] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/bacb51aa985ae363ec9b1e374203b8817993255fb46a2cb66f2c1da17bdedb2f.webm
L295[08:44:03] <Skye> Saphire: awu
L296[08:54:14] <Saphire> awooo
L297[09:04:40] ⇨ Joins: Corded (Corded!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L298[09:04:41] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L299[09:18:28] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L300[09:34:36] <Forecaster> @Lizzian there
L301[09:35:19] <Forecaster> %Tonk
L302[09:35:21] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat McMaartenz's record of 7 hours, 57 minutes and 57 seconds this time. 2 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds were wasted! Missed by 5 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds!
L303[09:38:28] <Lizzian> @Forecaster thaaanks
L304[09:40:18] <Lizzian> ok, so it just shows up as `vip/1`, good to know
L305[09:44:35] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L306[09:47:33] <Lizzy> also yay, corded back
L307[09:47:54] <Lizzy> %remindme 22h unban russian people
L308[09:47:55] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "unban russian people" at 04/06/2019 07:47:55 AM
L309[09:53:11] <Lizzy> lol the fuck? one of the random single IPs i have had a DDoS attack on it so OVH directed traffic to it though it's mitigation network
L310[09:53:18] <Lizzy> i don't even use that ip for anything :P
L311[09:54:14] <Lizzy> only seemed to last for 8 minutes though
L312[09:54:36] <Lizzy> they probably gave up after realising that it didn't go anywhere
L313[09:55:07] <Forecaster> :P
L314[09:55:18] <simon816> my aws machine gets hit with all sorts of random crap daily
L315[09:56:04] <Lizzy> the rest of my servers keep blocking ips via fail2ban but this is the first time OVH has warned me about potential ddos traffic
L316[09:56:14] <simon816> though not ddos or anything that has taken it offline
L317[10:13:36] <Skye> Lizzy, do you know how to tell if it's a toner caridge or a drum unit of a laser printer that's broken?
L318[10:24:23] <Lizzy> from the little information you've given me, no
L319[10:30:25] <Skye> basically my laser printer is leaking yellow toner
L320[10:30:28] <Skye> over everything
L321[10:30:30] <Skye> over paper
L322[10:30:35] <Skye> over the resto f the printer
L323[10:30:44] <Skye> and over me when I pick up the cartridge
L324[10:30:58] <Skye> and... I don't know if it's the toner, or the drum
L325[10:31:01] <Skye> both look unhappy
L326[10:34:05] <simon816> burn it
L327[10:34:07] <simon816> get a new one
L328[10:34:16] <simon816> printers _are_ the devil
L329[10:34:47] <Lizzy> unsure, i've only ever worked on large printers (the sort you see in offices). my guess is that the toner may be leaking but if it's already all over the drum it's gonna keep splodging up the prints
L330[10:35:06] <AmandaC> if printers are denizens of hell, wouldn't burning them make them stronger?
L331[10:35:25] <AmandaC> At the very least it'd cause no damage
L332[10:37:04] <Skye> Lizzy, the drum has this clear flexiable plastic bit which appears to do nothing but it is warped, idk what it is
L333[10:39:05] <Lizzy> might be some sort of spill guard? Unsure
L334[10:39:18] <Lizzy> might be best asking on forums dedicated to the printer or something
L335[10:39:50] <Skye> I would rather cease to exist than go onto forums
L336[10:40:40] <Inari> Skye: Uh, why
L337[10:41:08] <Skye> human interactions suck
L338[10:41:17] <Inari> We're humans in here you know
L339[10:41:45] <Mimiru> Eh, speak for yourself.
L340[10:41:58] <Inari> Mimiru: Not more or less so than on any random forum :P
L341[10:42:43] <Skye> I kinda know your people
L342[10:45:34] <AmandaC> %roll 1d2
L343[10:45:35] <MichiBot> [1] = 1
L344[10:46:58] <Skye> s/your people/you people/
L345[10:46:58] <MichiBot> <Skye> I kinda know you people
L346[10:46:59] <Skye> x_x
L347[11:01:10] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L348[11:02:03] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L349[11:10:57] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-169.dsl.tropolys.de)
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L351[11:19:36] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L352[11:29:21] <Zef> Ben were you here when I was talking about my forth interpreter?
L353[11:37:41] <Inari> Temia: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/344256550640287755/563762198480945152/56510897_2526645630683805_5355533173948153856_n.png?width=676&height=676
L354[11:48:45] <ben_mkiv> yes, but i cant relate to forth
L355[11:48:54] <ben_mkiv> neither to interpreters running in a sandbox game running in a sandbox
L356[11:49:31] <Inari> It's all sandboxes one way or another unless you run without anything but your own software
L357[12:10:28] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L358[12:10:31] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L359[12:10:32] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with "exposure". 2 health gained!
L360[12:12:38] <Kleadron> i wonder what this could be http://tinyurl.com/yxurjkwh
L361[12:24:42] <Forecaster> what if we're running in a sandbox...
L362[12:31:29] <Kleadron> dig all of the sand out
L363[12:33:51] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-169.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L364[12:36:47] <Lizzian> Okay then windows.... http://tinyurl.com/yylzee85
L365[12:47:14] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BCF41.versanet.de)
L366[12:51:24] <AmandaC> Lizzy: Not suspicous at all! Def. not a phantom USB device that'll be taking over your computer!
L367[12:52:14] <Z0idburg> Zef: You wrote a Forth compiler?
L368[12:52:51] <AmandaC> On a more serious note, I assume it's some kind of drive to install drivers from. IN the long-long ago I had a USB cell modem that did that
L369[12:53:06] <Lizzy> AmandaC, it was my portable usb sata drive with an ssd in it
L370[12:53:10] <Lizzy> and it was working fine
L371[12:53:15] <Lizzy> just windows being drunk
L372[12:53:25] <AmandaC> hehe
L373[12:53:33] <Lizzy> cause notice that it shows optical mouse, but also has a keyboard icon
L374[12:53:49] <AmandaC> the keyboard icon is just generically used for any HID device, I think
L375[12:55:31] * Lizzy shrugs
L376[12:57:11] <Lizzy> it's also bitlocker encrypted (cause i usually have it on my work pc) so i had to connect it via windows to reset it's password cause i forgot it
L377[12:57:18] <Lizzy> got it mounted on linux now though
L378[12:57:45] <AmandaC> huh, didn't know you could decrypt bitlocker stuff from linux
L379[12:57:55] <Lizzy> not natively
L380[12:58:02] <Lizzy> there's a utility called dislocker
L381[12:58:05] <AmandaC> ah
L382[12:58:29] <AmandaC> %8ball code tiem?
L383[12:58:30] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Reply hazy, try again
L384[12:59:27] <Zef> @Z0idburg *am writing, I also have a github set up
L385[13:21:21] <Kleadron> imagine a mouse with a built-in usb flash drive
L386[13:30:03] <Inari> Kleadron: But why
L387[13:30:09] <Kleadron> because you can
L388[13:30:35] <Kleadron> lets put flash drives into keyboards
L389[13:31:27] * Inari puts a flash drive into Kleadron
L390[13:32:00] <Kleadron> %loot old hard drive
L391[13:32:01] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .psd.
L392[13:32:23] <Kleadron> wow the loot actually went with what i was looting
L393[13:32:47] <Bob> yes
L394[13:32:56] <Bob> welcome Lizzian to windows
L395[13:39:20] ⇨ Joins: ayangd (ayangd!webchat@
L396[13:39:46] <ayangd> Hello?
L397[13:40:00] <Bob> Hello
L398[13:40:55] <ayangd> Has anybody managed to create a robot that can automate everything?
L399[13:41:27] <Kodos> %tonk
L400[13:41:28] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Kodos, you were not able to beat McMaartenz's record of 7 hours, 57 minutes and 57 seconds this time. 4 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds were wasted! Missed by 3 hours, 51 minutes and 50 seconds!
L401[13:42:44] <ayangd> Maybe no.
L402[13:43:12] <Forecaster> what is "everything"
L403[13:43:29] <Forecaster> robots can do a lot of things
L404[13:43:35] <Forecaster> they can't do everything a player can
L405[13:43:47] <ayangd> Resource gathering, peocessing, robot replication
L406[13:44:22] <Forecaster> they can probably do that
L407[13:44:38] <Forecaster> if anyone's done it I don't know
L408[13:44:50] <ayangd> Yea, I might do that
L409[13:44:58] <ayangd> I like to
L410[13:45:36] <ayangd> I'm just thinking how to initiate the system
L411[13:46:13] <Bob> ayandg you can do that if youre brave enought, ressource gathering has been done / mining, quarrying, trees, plants then proccesing they can use inventories and communicate between robots using network
L412[13:46:15] <Bob> so
L413[13:46:30] <Wattana Gaming> http://tinyurl.com/yyhg7o5b
L414[13:47:32] <ayangd> I'm planning to make a robot, that can build a large network of automation by itself, together with robot interactions within the system.
L415[13:47:52] <Bob> basically robot AE2
L416[13:48:04] <Bob> well you can
L417[13:48:13] <Bob> if you have enought brain power and lua knowledge
L418[13:48:29] <ayangd> Robot AE2?
L419[13:48:31] <Bob> i made an Tinkers smeltery auto aloy request system
L420[13:48:38] <Bob> Applied Energestics 2
L421[13:48:44] <Bob> A network but done with robots
L422[13:48:46] <ayangd> Oh
L423[13:49:08] <ayangd> But, I am doing it without any other additional mods
L424[13:49:29] <ayangd> Basically, only opencomputers are there
L425[13:50:26] <Bob> maybe try integrating thermal to it
L426[13:50:35] <Bob> since its pretty balanced and has many procccesing machines
L427[13:50:41] <Bob> that can add compatibility / challenges
L428[13:50:57] <Bob> OC power generation methods...
L429[13:50:58] <ayangd> Nah, I keep it minimum
L430[13:51:19] <Bob> k
L431[13:51:28] <ayangd> Is it possible to create power from opencomputers itself?
L432[13:52:35] <MGR> Sheep carpet thing
L433[13:53:19] <ayangd> What is that?
L434[13:55:41] <ben_mkiv> carpeted capacitor
L435[13:55:56] <ben_mkiv> then put sheeps or ocelots above, and they will generate power for oc
L436[13:56:23] <ayangd> Any alternatives?
L437[13:59:06] <ayangd> Ok then, thanks for the knowledge.
L438[13:59:17] <ayangd> I am going off..
L439[13:59:28] ⇦ Parts: ayangd (ayangd!webchat@ (webchat.esper.net))
L440[14:16:33] ⇨ Joins: Guest4083 (Guest4083!~vifino@b2b-78-94-116-114.unitymedia.biz)
L441[14:16:59] *** Guest4083 is now known as vifino
L442[14:18:33] <Zef> %hello
L443[14:18:34] <MichiBot> Zef: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L444[14:19:11] <Forecaster> why did you do that xD
L445[14:19:36] <Zef> Because somebody named "Guest" joined and changed their name so I assumed they hadn't been in here before
L446[14:20:06] <Forecaster> vifino has been here much longer than you :P
L447[14:20:13] <Bob> ^
L448[14:20:26] <Forecaster> he doesn't talk a lot though
L449[14:20:33] <Zef> ohhhhh
L450[14:20:38] <Zef> Well didn't know
L451[14:23:54] <TwistedGate> Talking is overrated anyway
L452[14:24:07] <Forecaster> but you just did :P
L453[14:24:29] <TwistedGate> shhh
L454[14:24:51] <Bob> HA
L455[14:24:55] <Inari> HI
L456[14:25:13] <simon816> HE
L457[14:25:19] <Inari> HU
L458[14:25:43] <TwistedGate> *kthen*
L459[14:25:58] <Bob> HO
L460[14:26:08] <TwistedGate> HM
L461[14:26:10] <Forecaster> %potion
L462[14:26:10] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a resonating copper potion
L463[14:26:13] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L464[14:26:13] <MichiBot> A bird flies past that vaguely resembles someone you know.
L465[14:26:30] <Bob> a bird in a form of an human
L466[14:26:34] <Bob> horrifying :GWchadMEGATHINK:
L467[14:26:53] <TwistedGate> birman
L468[14:31:24] <Zef> foxman
L469[14:33:30] <ben_mkiv> *insert in bird culture meme here*
L470[14:40:16] <Deoxys_0> lol I'm using a solar panel from Galacticraft to power an OpenComputers computer lol
L471[14:40:28] <Deoxys_0> lol I'm using a solar panel from Galacticraft to power an Open Computers computer [Edited]
L472[14:48:05] <Bob> ea
L473[14:48:07] <Bob> ewww
L474[14:48:25] <Bob> i use a computer to controll an NC reactor to power the computer :GWpaboaWeSmart:
L475[14:51:32] <ben_mkiv> why wont you use a robot with leash to move sheeps to power the charger for the robot
L476[15:07:11] <Bob> ~~too op fix please~~
L477[15:41:45] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-206-97.hlrn.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L489[17:21:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L490[17:27:23] <Zef> Can I get a post of mine deleted on the forum?
L491[17:27:28] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L493[17:30:52] <Mimiru> @Zef sure, $49.99 per character.
L494[17:31:50] <Zef> Let me just edit the post down to nothing then
L495[17:31:54] <Zef> lol
L496[17:32:23] <Mimiru> Sorry, I can see edit histories, and it's also $499.99 per edit on top of the per character charge
L497[17:32:40] <Mimiru> So, if you'll give me a link I'll get an invoice sent over.
L498[17:32:58] <Zef> Do you take payment in the form of 19 year old servers?
L499[17:33:33] <Mimiru> It's $1499.99 per item discard fee for any hardware.
L500[17:35:56] <Zef> Is there tax on that too?
L501[17:36:14] <Mimiru> No, I live in Oregon, so you don't have to worry about Tax.
L502[17:38:39] <Mimiru> But seriously, link and I'll take care of it
L503[17:38:45] <Zef> http://tinyurl.com/yybjqgdr
L504[17:38:49] <Zef> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1855-undergoing-maintenance-zefs-vanilla-plus-a-lightly-modded-pack-similar-to-vanilla/&tab=comments#comment-8676
L505[17:39:05] <Zef> I'm completely changing my server name and everything so this post is no longer accurate
L506[17:39:27] <Mimiru> Done
L507[17:40:01] <Zef> Thank you
L508[17:44:00] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F44A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L509[18:05:10] <simon816> https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something lol
L510[18:14:44] ⇨ Joins: ai (ai!~ai@
L511[18:14:58] <ai> hi
L512[18:15:39] ⇦ Quits: ai (ai!~ai@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L514[18:17:41] <ai> oh russos
L515[18:17:46] <ai> vou-vos caçar
L516[18:18:10] <ai> seu
L517[18:18:24] ⇦ Quits: ai (ai!~ai@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L518[18:22:01] <Zef> http://tinyurl.com/y3f34fzn
L519[18:22:02] <Zef> hmmm
L520[18:25:50] <Mimiru> Hey smart people...
L521[18:26:18] <Mimiru> If I have an encrypted file, and the key used to encrypt it, but I *DON'T* know *HOW* it was encrypted... is there a sane way of figuring that out?
L522[18:26:46] <ben_mkiv> its always XOR
L523[18:26:47] <ben_mkiv> xD
L524[18:26:57] <CompanionCube> Mimiru: no metadata?
L525[18:27:06] <Mimiru> Not that I've identified as of yet.
L526[18:27:12] <CompanionCube> what format is the key in?
L527[18:27:22] <Mimiru> E677D40DB8238617A24E2580C979E10D40015B9355FD365D
L528[18:27:46] <CompanionCube> is that an identifier of some kind?
L529[18:27:56] <Mimiru> "CRYPTO_KEY" from the database.
L530[18:28:03] <ben_mkiv> are you sure that it is the key and not some hash?
L531[18:28:24] <Mimiru> Well, I mean it's possible it was mislabeled for funsies.. but these guys are also idiots.
L532[18:28:39] <CompanionCube> so, do you have any program that uses the encrypted data?
L533[18:28:41] <simon816> just try a bunch of algos and see if any work :p
L534[18:29:08] <Mimiru> Basically this is a dump of a clients data from another system, PDFs and other docs.
L535[18:29:09] <simon816> chances are it's AES or DES
L536[18:29:32] <Mimiru> and they're wanting $1,400 to decrypt it
L537[18:29:34] <CompanionCube> simon816: but the given text seems a bit short for that
L538[18:30:14] <Mimiru> So, I don't have access to the competitor system, and they aren't of any help as they want their $1,400
L539[18:32:28] <CompanionCube> you could try guessing with common algos
L540[18:32:47] <CompanionCube> do you have even the name of the software used to encrypt it in the first place?
L541[18:32:52] <ben_mkiv> AES usually has header, doesnt it?
L542[18:33:01] <ben_mkiv> actually most open algos do
L543[18:33:46] <CompanionCube> 48 characters, which is a nice round number
L544[18:34:47] <CompanionCube> if you had the name of the software you could raid the docs for hints :p
L545[18:34:50] <simon816> It's windows software but TrID is good at identifying headers in binary files http://mark0.net/soft-tridnet-e.html
L546[18:34:58] <Mimiru> Content Management Solutions EasyFile
L547[18:37:39] <Mimiru> yeah, tridnet finds nothing on this sample pdf
L548[18:37:45] <CompanionCube> https://docplayer.net/13148734-Easyfile-system-user-s-guide-pool-financial-statements-as-of-march-30-2015.html something like this?
L549[18:38:20] <CompanionCube> nvm
L550[18:38:33] <CompanionCube> (was searching for encryption but was in sidebar)
L551[18:39:24] <ben_mkiv> shouldnt your customer have a license for that piece of crap?
L552[18:40:05] <Mimiru> Yes, and they do. But they're leaving them to come to us.
L553[18:40:15] <Mimiru> And... they're getting charged to decrypt the data.
L554[18:40:21] <Mimiru> Not uncommon in this field.
L555[18:40:34] <ben_mkiv> so they cant batch export it from the CMS?
L556[18:41:10] <Mimiru> Not from the looks of it.
L557[18:41:50] <ben_mkiv> did you check all the DLLs whatever the software ships, if theres any hint?
L558[18:41:59] <CompanionCube> I don't think they have the software
L559[18:42:17] <ben_mkiv> sounds like they do, but want to get rid of it
L560[18:42:25] <CompanionCube> ben_mkiv: 'they' being Mimiru :p
L561[18:43:46] <Mimiru> Yeah, I don't have the software.
L562[18:43:53] <Mimiru> I have the database, and the actual files.
L563[18:46:00] * CompanionCube doesn't think there's sufficient information to do more than try common methods such as AES128/256 and similar
L564[18:46:19] <Mimiru> Yeah, that was what I was afraid of, thanks guys
L565[18:49:25] <ben_mkiv> 48 char hex should be 192bit?!
L566[18:49:58] <ben_mkiv> if its the key
L567[18:50:26] <ben_mkiv> and not something to confuse competitors like you xD
L568[18:51:22] <simon816> AES-192 is a thing apparently
L569[18:51:46] <simon816> though IIRC you need the IV+key
L570[18:57:20] ⇨ Joins: Brass_Cogs (Brass_Cogs!webchat@c-66-176-224-247.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L571[19:00:56] <Z0idburg> @zef Ooh, I'd like to see that
L572[19:01:06] <Z0idburg> STC, ITC, TTC, or DTC?
L573[19:03:06] <Z0idburg> I had an old Forth implementation I had on Lua
L574[19:03:20] <Z0idburg> but STC is pretty much the only effective way to do Forth in Lua
L575[19:03:26] <Z0idburg> so I got bored
L576[19:05:19] ⇨ Joins: coldsteel (coldsteel!~coldsteel@
L577[19:07:07] ⇦ Quits: coldsteel (coldsteel!~coldsteel@ (Client Quit)
L578[19:10:25] <Z0idburg> LOL LOL LOL
L579[19:10:28] <Z0idburg> "Calling today to see if you need urgent prayer. If you would like to have someone from our Center pray for you, please press one. If you would like to no longer hear from us, please press three. Hello, this is the Hope and prayer Center Ministry calling today to see if you need urgent prayer. If you would like to have someone from our Center pray for you, please press one. If you would like to no longer hear from us, please press three."
L580[19:10:32] <Z0idburg> This is a voicemail I got
L581[19:11:04] <Z0idburg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA6id4--BDg
L582[19:11:05] <MichiBot> Urgent - Foreigner | length: 4m 20s | Likes: 54,584 Dislikes: 2,354 Views: 11,701,361 | by Alex Krasnov | Published On 21/7/2008
L583[19:15:22] <AmandaC> @Z0idburg sounds like a test to see if it's a live line
L584[19:15:39] <Z0idburg> probably
L585[19:15:57] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BCF41.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L586[19:16:54] <Z0idburg> I should go home
L587[19:16:58] <Z0idburg> I am at work
L588[19:17:02] <Z0idburg> I got out of work at 7:00
L589[19:17:04] <AmandaC> I had to warn my aunt that clicking the "unsubscribe" link in emails she's never dealt with the company for before was just a signal that it's an active inbox
L590[19:17:05] <Z0idburg> it's 8:17 now
L591[19:17:24] <Z0idburg> LOL
L592[19:17:27] <Z0idburg> yeah that's bad
L593[19:17:59] <AmandaC> She was confused why it kept getting worse, she was clicking unsubscribe!
L594[19:19:21] <Z0idburg> heh
L595[19:19:28] <Z0idburg> Just uninstall the Internet
L596[19:19:44] <Z0idburg> some people just shouldn't be on the Internet
L597[19:19:46] <Z0idburg> ?
L598[19:19:59] <Z0idburg> Probably all of us
L599[19:57:19] ⇦ Quits: Brass_Cogs (Brass_Cogs!webchat@c-66-176-224-247.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L600[20:13:13] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1072F5F53FE78DE13BFD93E76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L601[20:51:40] <Zef> I worked on my interpreter a little bit today
L602[20:51:46] <Zef> I got if statements partially working
L603[21:15:54] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (Wiiplay123!~Wiiplay12@70-137-59-140.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L604[21:24:31] <AmandaC> @Zef I think @Z0idburg wants a link to the github
L605[21:24:51] <Zef> I should probably push my changes to it then
L606[21:24:58] <Zef> But at the same time it's not ready
L607[21:25:28] <AmandaC> He doesn't care, he's just a forth nerd
L608[21:25:47] <AmandaC> :p
L609[21:26:08] <Zef> Well like I have = IF THEN ready but I don't have ELSE working
L610[21:27:53] <Zef> https://github.com/ZefTheFox/OC-Forth-Interpreter/blob/dev/forth.lua
L611[21:27:57] <Zef> @Z0idburg
L612[21:32:59] <Z0idburg> hjmmmmm
L613[21:33:15] <Zef> How shit is it?
L614[21:34:24] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L615[21:35:21] <Z0idburg> I'm not here to burst bubbles
L616[21:36:03] <Z0idburg> you can make it however you want. I will however mention that there are a couple of things that questionably may make it harder for the programmer that uses it
L617[21:36:19] <Z0idburg> but that's already included with an STC too
L618[21:36:49] <Z0idburg> unfortunateky STC is the only practical way to do Forth in Lua
L619[21:36:59] <Zef> What is an STC?
L620[21:38:24] <Z0idburg> Subroutine Threaded Code
L621[21:38:40] <Z0idburg> it's when you use subroutines / functions to store the word
L622[21:39:01] <Z0idburg> i.e. dispatch['EXIT'] = function()
L623[21:39:13] <Zef> Ohhh
L624[21:39:29] <Z0idburg> ITC is Indirect Threaded, DT is Direct Threaded, TT is Token Threaded.
L625[21:39:48] <Zef> Well you can also write them in forth too, just they need to use already existing words that are defined as a lua function
L626[21:39:57] <Z0idburg> you can't do IT or DT, and probably not TT either without a good representation of memory
L627[21:40:23] <Z0idburg> I didn't see but where does it store compiled words in forth?
L628[21:40:26] <Z0idburg> when you use ;
L629[21:41:17] <Zef> It actually adds it to that WORDS table
L630[21:41:46] <Z0idburg> STCs with a dispatch table like that usually have a "wrapper" function that handles them
L631[21:41:52] <Z0idburg> I didn't look at that here though
L632[21:42:08] <Z0idburg> like a lua function that handles user defined words
L633[21:42:32] <Zef> The main interpret function has a few variables to check if its currently defining a word and if it is, everything gets put into a string until you type a semicolon
L634[21:42:33] <Z0idburg> Now the one thing I will tell you though is that there are words that exist that will BLOW YOUR MIND.
L635[21:42:54] <Zef> When you type a semicolon it puts the string into the table as the name of the word that you're defining
L636[21:42:55] <Z0idburg> for example, : and ; can be defined
L637[21:43:00] <Z0idburg> as forth words
L638[21:43:11] <Z0idburg> EXIT too
L639[21:43:31] <Zef> I don't know how I'd implement that
L640[21:43:38] <Zef> I'm just trying to make a working interpreter
L641[21:45:12] <Z0idburg> yeah
L642[21:45:43] <Zef> I think once I get it working and with all of the words that redpower's had I'd work on optimising it
L643[21:46:02] <Zef> I also want to make a bootable version, and try to get a version onto an eeprom
L644[21:51:10] <Zef> If you wanted to add forth words in the lua code you'd simply add it to the table like WORDS = {NEWWORD = {"5 3 + ."}}
L645[21:51:11] <Z0idburg> I have an entire text file I put somewhere
L646[21:51:18] <Z0idburg> with nothing but just about every word in forth in forth
L647[21:51:35] <Zef> https://technicpack.fandom.com/wiki/Forth_language
L648[21:51:40] <Zef> This page was sent I think in here
L649[21:51:49] <Zef> This is what I've been basing most things off of
L650[22:06:46] <Z0idburg> man where did that document go..
L651[22:07:18] <Z0idburg> By the way
L652[22:07:32] <Z0idburg> @Zef : VARIABLE CREATE 0 , ;
L653[22:07:54] <Z0idburg> : CONSTANT CREATE , DOES> @ ;
L654[22:08:13] <Zef> That would not work yet
L655[22:08:46] <Z0idburg> ok
L656[22:08:57] <Z0idburg> : DO POSTPONE 2>R HERE ; IMMEDIATE
L657[22:09:19] <Z0idburg> AHA I FOUND IT
L658[22:09:25] <Z0idburg> are you ready for mind blown?
L660[22:10:02] <Z0idburg> that is literally the definition of ;
L661[22:11:44] <Zef> oh
L662[22:11:46] <Zef> lol
L663[22:11:48] <Z0idburg> I have immediate somewhere
L664[22:11:51] <Z0idburg> : immediate that is
L665[22:12:28] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-48-188.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L666[22:13:25] <Z0idburg> Oh.. something I wanted to mention that's more usefuk than randomly showing implementations of forth words that are almost primitives
L667[22:15:23] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-48-188.hlrn.qwest.net)
L668[22:15:58] <Z0idburg> What does text.tokenize do
L669[22:16:17] <Z0idburg> I have a 99% certainty on what its doing
L670[22:16:23] <Z0idburg> but I don't see its implementation
L671[22:16:35] <Z0idburg> I know what tokenizing is
L672[22:17:16] <Z0idburg> it looks like you're splitting the forth input by spaceprobably and finding words?
L673[22:17:23] <Zef> It splits a string into a table
L674[22:17:31] <Zef> Using space as the delimiter (?)
L675[22:17:36] <Z0idburg> ok. I figured
L676[22:17:42] <Z0idburg> I will warn you right now well ahead of time
L677[22:18:08] <Z0idburg> that's the easiest way to do it but it will probably cause problems for you later on.
L678[22:18:31] <Zef> Wait until you realize how I'm doing the custom word defining
L679[22:18:39] <Z0idburg> lol
L680[22:18:40] <Zef> It's all just a workaround
L681[22:18:47] <Zef> That's how I feel anyways
L682[22:19:42] <Z0idburg> consider the implementation of comments in Forth
L683[22:19:49] <Z0idburg> you know comments in forth right? ( )
L684[22:20:19] <Kleadron> Didn't RedPower 2 computers use Forth?
L685[22:20:30] <Z0idburg> yes
L686[22:20:37] <Zef> Yes, that's what I'm basing my forth off of Kleadron
L687[22:20:46] <Zef> And no I did not know comments in forth
L688[22:20:56] <Kleadron> can you run MineOS on OpenComputers computers now
L689[22:21:15] <Kleadron> (the OS for redpower computers)
L690[22:21:15] <Zef> It's not close to being done
L691[22:21:43] <Kleadron> i wonder how you even get that to work
L692[22:35:13] <Zef> Wouldn't that literally just be forth
L693[22:35:17] <Zef> Because forth is an os
L694[22:35:33] <Kleadron> *huh*
L695[22:37:43] <Z0idburg> man I cant remember how ( is defined
L696[22:37:59] <Z0idburg> I thought it was : ( 47 ACCEPT ; but its not it's very similar
L697[22:38:14] <Z0idburg> ACCEPT doesnt work that way
L698[22:38:15] <Z0idburg> but
L699[22:38:38] <Z0idburg> the thing is Zef, some words depend on the TIB
L700[22:39:03] <Z0idburg> you will have words that need to scrap TIB data or even look ahead of time
L701[22:39:43] <Z0idburg> so instead forth implementations generally have a word for finding the next word!
L702[22:39:43] <Z0idburg> ?
L703[22:41:11] <Z0idburg> this is usuall done by the word ` iirc
L704[22:41:15] <Z0idburg> called tick
L705[22:41:22] <Z0idburg> er '
L706[22:49:50] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BCF41.versanet.de)
L707[22:52:08] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L708[22:52:08] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! CompanionCube! You beat McMaartenz's previous record of 7 hours, 57 minutes and 57 seconds (By 1 hour, 12 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L709[22:52:09] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 9 hours, 10 minutes and 41 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00968 (0.00121 x 8) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L710[22:56:02] <Temia> %potion
L711[22:56:02] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a shining salmon potion
L712[22:56:04] <Temia> %drink ^
L713[22:56:05] <MichiBot> Temia's hair turns to the color of pink.
L714[22:56:10] <Temia> :O
L715[22:56:15] * Temia goes to change her outfit to match
L716[23:08:58] <Mimiru> %drink ^
L717[23:08:58] <MichiBot> Mimiru's hair turns to the color of pink.
L718[23:09:02] <Mimiru> w00t
L719[23:20:18] ⇨ Joins: Saxie (Saxie!webchat@c-1b73e253.031-26-74686e1.bbcust.telenor.se)
L720[23:20:35] <Saxie> o7.
L721[23:20:44] <Mimiru> %hello
L722[23:20:45] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L723[23:21:31] <Saxie> Roger. Question here: I'm trying to find documentation on OC integration with AgriCraft, but can't find anything.
L724[23:22:10] <Saxie> As the AgriCraft has the "Computer Controlled Seed Analyzer" block that I'd like to use.
L725[23:22:57] <Mimiru> ahh sorry... I won't be much help I've not used AgriCraft
L726[23:23:29] <Saxie> Well, I was hoping maybe devs or experienced people might know anything from the OC side of things.
L727[23:24:18] <Saxie> Maybe I shouldn't bring up CC here but the agricraft block was created for it initially, but that integration doesn't seem to work anymore/or has been disabled. But supposedly there is some sort of compability between OC and AgriCraft.
L728[23:27:46] <Mimiru> only thing I've found is this long closed issue
L729[23:27:47] <Mimiru> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2322
L730[23:27:47] <MichiBot> Title: AgriCraft compatibility broken | Posted by: Misza13 | Posted: Tue Mar 21 14:46:41 CDT 2017 | Status: closed
L731[23:31:21] <Kleadron> %potion
L732[23:31:21] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a ripe dirt potion
L733[23:31:46] <Kleadron> %toss
L734[23:33:18] <Saxie> Thanks! Mimiru
L735[23:33:57] <ben_mkiv> did you check if it shows up when running "components"?
L736[23:34:16] <ben_mkiv> then you can fetch the available methods in the lua console
L737[23:34:19] <Saxie> Yes. both with or without the adapter nothing show ups.
L738[23:34:28] <Saxie> up*
L739[23:34:31] <ben_mkiv> well, then its most likely broken
L740[23:35:00] <Saxie> I thought I could jank something together with CC and OC but CC doesn't recognize it as a peripherial either.
L741[23:35:54] <ben_mkiv> just looked at the issue... looks like they changed their api
L742[23:36:45] <Saxie> Yeah.
L743[23:39:06] <Temia> %drink ^
L744[23:39:06] <MichiBot> It tastes sour.
L745[23:39:13] <Temia> ...I don't know what I expected.
L746[23:39:48] <Temia> %potion
L747[23:39:48] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a boiling purple potion
L748[23:39:50] <Temia> %drink ^
L749[23:39:50] <MichiBot> For about 5 seconds you know the location of a great treasure.
L750[23:47:17] <Kleadron> %loot Izaya's computer system
L751[23:47:18] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a deed for a bridge.
L752[23:56:28] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123_ (Wiiplay123_!~Wiiplay12@70-137-59-140.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L753[23:56:31] ⇨ Joins: Vaht (Vaht!~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
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L755[23:58:51] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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