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L1[00:22:49] <Kodos> %tonkout
L2[00:22:50] <MichiBot> Kodos: You gotta tonk before you can tonk out. For this transgression the timer has been reset.
L3[00:22:58] <Kodos> ?
L4[00:23:16] <Kodos> I see more new rulestuffs were added
L5[00:25:57] <Mimiru> @Kodos IIRC this one is the you can't tonkout if there hasn't been a tonk before you
L6[00:26:07] <Mimiru> Yep
L7[00:32:00] <Kodos> Ah, I wasn't aware of that one. I seem to remember being able to do that before
L8[02:06:15] <Forecaster> %tonk
L9[02:06:16] <MichiBot> Voldemort! Forecaster! You beat Mimiru's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L10[02:06:17] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 43 minutes and 26 seconds! 1 hour, 43 minutes and 26 seconds gained! Forecaster also gained 0.00172 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L11[02:30:08] <Rph> %loot
L12[02:30:08] <MichiBot> Rph: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny packet of rubber bands.
L13[02:40:23] ⇦ Quits: DinnerBeef (DinnerBeef!DinnerBeef@IPv6.Capricorn.PanicBNC.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L14[02:40:38] ⇨ Joins: DinnerBeef (DinnerBeef!DinnerBeef@IPv6.Capricorn.PanicBNC.net)
L15[02:41:46] ⇨ Joins: DFrosted- (DFrosted-!~DFrostedW@2604:180:2:122b::4376)
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L17[02:42:58] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (*.net *.split)
L18[02:42:58] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (*.net *.split)
L19[02:42:58] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (CompanionCube!znc@thonk.9net.org) (*.net *.split)
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L24[02:42:58] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (*.net *.split)
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L30[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L31[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (CompanionCube!znc@thonk.9net.org)
L32[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@hzn-b.serverkomplex.de)
L33[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: brayden (brayden!~brayden@
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L35[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: Deamon (Deamon!~Deamon@irc.thevoxelbox.com)
L36[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: simon816 (simon816!~simon816@ec2-52-43-110-46.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L37[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (brandon3055!~Brandon@ip49.ip-139-99-184.net)
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L42[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl)
L43[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: Kasen (Kasen!~rakiru@has.anyone.really.been.far.even.as.decided.to.use.a.witch.horse)
L44[02:44:16] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L45[02:54:25] <McMaartenz> Irc spam
L46[03:03:23] <Izaya> Better than the 8 million line messages that people edit so they get re-posted on this side :D
L47[03:14:09] <Rph> Hmmm
L48[03:14:15] <Rph> Hmmm yes [Edited]
L49[03:14:24] * Izaya applies a lighter to Rph
L50[03:14:42] <Rph> *applies fire extinguisher to self*
L51[03:24:39] <cat2002> Excuse me but the limit is like 2000 lines
L52[03:25:06] <cat2002> I would show you but that would be spam
L53[03:25:31] <cat2002> And a lot of white space
L54[03:42:52] <Lizzian> it'd get pastebined when sent to irc anywa
L55[03:46:34] <Izaya> http://fudco.com/chip/XanaduSDF1984OCR.pdf
L56[03:46:59] <Izaya> https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/012/800/012/original/67c705e857768287.png
L57[03:53:55] <Kodos> %tonk
L58[03:53:56] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 1 hour, 43 minutes and 26 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L59[03:53:57] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 1 hour, 47 minutes and 39 seconds! 4 minutes and 13 seconds gained! Kodos also gained 0.00014 (0.00007 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L60[04:57:06] <Lizzy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/298396651930779648/559506247100137515/w9bzjrnqs6a21.png
L61[05:01:35] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-220-194.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L62[05:01:45] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-220-194.hlrn.qwest.net)
L63[05:06:53] <Kodos> %tonkout
L64[05:06:54] <MichiBot> Kodos: Time is fickle, but not fickle enough to let you tonk out without passing the current record.
L65[05:06:58] <Kodos> uwot
L66[05:07:06] <Kodos> Oh, wait
L67[05:46:06] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107453E3094DEB8843F8C1CA8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L68[05:46:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L69[05:54:24] <Forecaster> %tonk
L70[05:54:24] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Forecaster! You beat Kodos's previous record of 1 hour, 47 minutes and 39 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L71[05:54:25] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours and 28 seconds! 12 minutes and 49 seconds gained! Forecaster also gained 0.00042 (0.00021 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L72[05:54:49] <Forecaster> failing at tonkout doesn't reset the timer by the way
L73[06:55:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC4EB.versanet.de)
L74[07:35:12] ⇨ Joins: man_cubus (man_cubus!~konst@
L75[07:35:25] <man_cubus> Hi
L76[07:35:45] <Bob> hey
L77[07:36:54] <man_cubus> I have a question on nanomachines. Can I somehow disable it to prevent someone to just activate all inputs in order to kill me?
L78[07:37:25] <man_cubus> Or at least set specific listening port
L79[07:38:00] <man_cubus> Or maybe even to bind it to specific sender device address?
L80[07:38:33] <Bob> ```setResponsePort(port:number) - Set the port nanomachines should send response messages to, for commands that have a response.```
L81[07:38:36] <Bob> https://ocdoc.cil.li/item:nanomachines
L82[07:38:41] <Bob> look over here
L83[07:38:55] <man_cubus> That is a port to respond on, not listening one
L84[07:39:45] <man_cubus> It seems nanomachines listen on all ports on any broadcast fram literally anyone
L85[07:39:50] <Bob> well i don't think they really can be controlled
L86[07:40:18] <man_cubus> That is sad
L87[07:40:26] <Bob> lacks security i agree but still
L88[07:40:43] <Bob> i don't think there are much nanomachine jammers out there ?
L89[07:42:39] * Izaya writes a nanomachine jammer
L90[07:43:21] <Bob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L91[07:44:27] <Lizzy> i think their range is limited to just around the player
L92[07:44:37] <man_cubus> It can be an issue on a server I currently play on. Some custom npc mobs there are hard enough to use absorb effect nanites provide in order to beat the quest. I know at least two more nanite users except me
L93[07:44:54] <man_cubus> Oh I see
L94[07:45:51] <man_cubus> Even if someone uses tier2 wireless modem with some noticable range?
L95[07:47:53] <man_cubus> Will nanites kill me when they have no charge left and all inputs are active?
L96[07:48:35] <Bob> Just use a tablet to ruin someone's life
L97[07:49:32] <man_cubus> As well as own life being on nanites? Thanks. Great way to die and take all around to grave with me
L98[07:51:37] <Bob> edit range
L99[07:53:58] <man_cubus> Leave microcontroller with tier-2 wireless modem buried and run away?
L100[07:54:50] <man_cubus> Some high tech (or maybe autistic) landmine design
L101[07:56:06] <man_cubus> Anyway I will try this one and make some players suffer terribly
L102[07:58:54] <stephan48> please report back.
L103[08:01:43] <man_cubus> Okay.
L104[08:12:51] <Zef> That sounds beautiful
L105[08:13:11] <stephan48> i like suffering players
L106[08:13:17] <stephan48> and users.
L107[08:15:09] <man_cubus> It will not be permanent though. I had crawled through the source code and as far as I understand they will not hurt when discharged
L108[08:15:21] <stephan48> to bad.
L109[08:15:59] <man_cubus> Too bad they so insecure. Everything else is fine.
L110[08:20:47] <Kodos> %tonkout
L111[08:20:48] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 2 hours and 28 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L112[08:20:49] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.0015 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced by 25% because stealing) Current score: 0.06328
L113[08:33:55] <asie> %tonk
L114[08:33:56] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! asie! You beat Kodos's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L115[08:33:57] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 13 minutes and 7 seconds! 13 minutes and 7 seconds gained! asie also gained 0.00022 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L116[08:34:01] <Zef> The nanobots have a cooldown between commands don't they?
L117[08:50:56] <Kodos> If they do, it's not very long
L118[09:07:20] <Vexatos> %tonk
L119[09:07:20] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Vexatos! You beat asie's previous record of 13 minutes and 7 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L120[09:07:21] <MichiBot> Vexatos's new record is 33 minutes and 24 seconds! 20 minutes and 16 seconds gained! Vexatos also gained 0.00034 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L121[09:35:25] ⇨ Joins: QWE (QWE!~QWE@
L122[09:35:49] ⇦ Quits: QWE (QWE!~QWE@ (Client Quit)
L123[10:19:04] <AmandaC> man_cubus: It'll do with a t1 wireless, because they've got to walk directly over it anyway. I'm fairly sure the nanites disregard any messages more than 1-2 blocks away
L124[10:23:27] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L125[10:25:17] <TheFox> %tonk
L126[10:25:17] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! TheFox! You beat Vexatos's previous record of 33 minutes and 24 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L127[10:25:18] <MichiBot> TheFox's new record is 1 hour, 17 minutes and 57 seconds! 44 minutes and 32 seconds gained! TheFox also gained 0.00074 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L128[10:25:33] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/yx955p7u
L129[10:25:37] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y4dqheof
L130[10:25:43] <Bob> brain.exe has stopped working
L131[10:25:54] <Bob> t is empty but i just gave t values
L132[10:26:05] <AmandaC> %roll 1d6 1d5 1d4 1d3 1d2
L133[10:26:06] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Invalid dice format (Eg 1d6)
L134[10:26:08] <AmandaC> damn
L135[10:26:14] <AmandaC> %roll 1d6
L136[10:26:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [2]
L137[10:26:43] <Kodos> Can't you do 1d6+1d5+1d4+1d3+1d2
L138[10:26:54] <AmandaC> %roll 1d6+1d5+1d4+1d3+1d2
L139[10:26:55] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Invalid dice format (Eg 1d6)
L140[10:26:59] <AmandaC> appears not
L141[10:27:01] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L142[10:27:13] <AmandaC> I was using it to decide the order of my books with new chapters to read
L143[10:27:23] <AmandaC> so it;d be useless without the individual dice's result, anyway
L144[10:29:08] <Forecaster> rolling separate dice groups is interesting
L145[10:29:14] <Forecaster> I can add support for that when I get home
L146[10:29:53] <Forecaster> I'll just have it output each groups result plus the sum
L147[10:30:05] <Forecaster> like %roll 2d6 2d8
L148[10:30:25] <Forecaster> [1,6] [1,8] = 16
L149[10:30:46] <Forecaster> something like that
L150[10:32:34] <Forecaster> maybe [] + [] + [] =
L151[10:33:05] <man_cubus> AmandaC: In case of 5-lines nanite jammer program there is no need to listen to nanites at all. Just send enough setInput commands for, let say say, 10 ports and player is killed by overload
L152[10:33:51] <man_cubus> And you need to be in range to *listen to nanite responce* not sending broadcasts
L153[10:34:55] <man_cubus> So "jammer mine" radius is maximum tier 2 wireless modem can provide
L154[10:36:10] <man_cubus> And I will hide these in trees to power it with solar panels from enderio
L155[10:36:34] <AmandaC> huh, I could have sworn the nanites had code to ignore messages from too far away, maybe I'm thinking of something else
L156[10:36:47] <Kodos> 1.5 block range, iirc
L157[10:37:18] <man_cubus> Are you absolutely sure?
L158[10:40:39] <AmandaC> Yes: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/nanomachines/ControllerImpl.scala#L66-L69
L159[10:40:56] <Kodos> Aha, half a block
L160[10:41:15] <man_cubus> That is both good and bad :)
L161[10:41:53] <AmandaC> @Kodos it can be configured though, it squares the configured value so the distance calculation is easier
L162[10:44:13] <Kodos> Indeed, but I don't generally mess with configs a ton
L163[10:44:45] <AmandaC> %8ball should I do all my halucinations before the dentist appt?
L164[10:44:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Ask again later
L165[10:45:05] <AmandaC> %8ball should I do all my halucinations before the dentist appt?
L166[10:45:06] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L167[10:45:09] <AmandaC> damn
L168[10:45:20] <AmandaC> guess I'll have to find something else to do in the mean time
L169[10:45:23] <stephan48> so its a good thing configs are almost weightless - so you can mess with more of them?
L170[10:49:48] <man_cubus> stephan48: I do not really want to mess with this. I have some other configs to mess with at the moment
L171[10:52:05] <AmandaC> %choose half-and-half or wait for all of them
L172[10:52:05] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I spy with my robotic eye something beginning with half-and-half!
L173[10:52:12] <AmandaC> %roll 1d3
L174[10:52:12] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [2]
L175[10:52:14] <AmandaC> er
L176[10:52:15] <AmandaC> wait
L177[10:52:18] <AmandaC> %roll 1d5
L178[10:52:19] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [1]
L179[10:52:21] <AmandaC> %roll 1d4
L180[10:52:21] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [3]
L181[11:07:26] ⇦ Quits: man_cubus (man_cubus!~konst@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L182[11:13:51] <Lizzy> %tonkout
L183[11:13:52] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Time is fickle, but not fickle enough to let you tonk out without passing the current record.
L184[11:13:55] <Lizzy> hmm
L185[11:27:06] <AmandaC> %roll 1d3
L186[11:27:06] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [1]
L187[11:27:09] <AmandaC> %roll 1d2
L188[11:27:09] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [2]
L189[11:34:50] <Rph> %tonkout
L190[11:34:50] <MichiBot> Rph: Time is fickle, but not fickle enough to let you tonk out without passing the current record.
L191[11:34:54] <Rph> hmmm
L192[11:35:58] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L193[11:36:14] <Temia> Oh, did you revert that change?
L194[11:36:23] <Temia> Or is it just for fresh tonkouts?
L195[11:38:52] <Forecaster> revert what change?
L196[11:40:32] <Forecaster> if you mean tonkout not resetting it's always been that way
L197[11:42:24] <Zef> I'm guessing the tonk resetting if you tonkout with no tonk before
L198[11:43:15] <Forecaster> yeah that only happens if the current record is 0
L199[11:43:16] <Temia> Right, right
L200[11:43:20] <Rph> %tonkout
L201[11:43:21] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Rph! You beat TheFox's previous record of 1 hour, 17 minutes and 57 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L202[11:43:21] <Temia> Seems exploitable but either way
L203[11:43:22] <MichiBot> Rph has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.13526
L204[11:43:24] <Rph> precisely timed
L205[11:46:27] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y3xnndro
L206[11:46:36] <Bob> i guess i'll go play some DST
L207[11:46:52] <Bob> there are to much ends
L208[11:46:58] <Bob> good thing i got notepad++
L209[11:47:24] <Bob> can ZeroBrane Studio Simulate OC ? :GWchadMEGATHINK:
L210[11:47:35] <Bob> ~~Connect to the minecraft procces~~
L211[11:49:23] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L213[12:12:38] ⇦ Quits: Moonstatic (Moonstatic!~Moonstati@ (Client Quit)
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L216[13:07:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F799.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L217[13:08:56] <Inari> .
L218[13:11:27] <simon816> ,
L219[13:26:22] <Bob> .
L220[13:38:37] <Forecaster> %restart
L221[13:38:38] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L222[13:39:06] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L223[13:39:06] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L224[13:39:28] <Forecaster> Amanda it is done
L225[13:39:53] <Forecaster> %tonk
L226[13:39:54] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Forecaster! You beat Rph's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L227[13:39:55] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 56 minutes and 32 seconds! 1 hour, 56 minutes and 32 seconds gained! Forecaster also gained 0.00194 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L228[14:21:30] <Skye> @Forecaster what did you do
L229[14:21:47] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L230[14:21:47] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Forecaster's record of 1 hour, 56 minutes and 32 seconds this time.
L231[14:21:48] <MichiBot> 41 minutes and 54 seconds were wasted! Missed by 1 hour, 14 minutes and 38 seconds!
L232[14:22:10] <Forecaster> nooooothiiiing~
L233[14:30:38] * Skye throws suspicious potted plants at @Forecaster
L234[14:38:05] <AmandaC> Skye: This, I assume:
L235[14:38:11] <AmandaC> %roll 1d5 1d4 1d3 1d2
L236[14:38:12] <MichiBot> [1] + [4] + [2] + [2] = 9
L237[14:38:58] <Forecaster> yep :3
L238[14:39:00] <Forecaster> also
L239[14:39:09] <Forecaster> %roll 2d2 2d2
L240[14:39:10] <MichiBot> [1, 1] + [2, 2] = 6
L241[14:39:16] <Forecaster> oh wow
L242[14:43:16] <AmandaC> Also wow: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/10756/new-the-dark-inheritor
L243[14:43:18] <AmandaC> er.
L244[14:43:41] <AmandaC> What the fuck, Telegram, copy the fucking link
L245[14:44:43] <Forecaster> doing that took a lot longer than I expected...
L246[14:45:36] <AmandaC> ... did Telegram seriously break **copying links**
L247[14:45:50] <Zef> %seen ben_mkiv
L248[14:45:51] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv was last seen 1d 3h 39m 51s ago. Quitting
L249[14:46:03] <Zef> %tell ben_mkiv I sent you a crash log on discord
L250[14:46:04] <MichiBot> Zef: ben_mkiv will be notified of this message when next seen.
L251[14:50:08] <AmandaC> Also wow: https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/25/18281063/doom-eternal-fallout-76-youngblood-pc-steam-version-release-date
L252[14:50:10] <AmandaC> FINALLY
L253[14:50:14] <AmandaC> Only had to fucking reboot!
L254[14:50:38] <AmandaC> %stab GNOME Shell for crashing earlier
L255[14:50:41] * MichiBot stabs GNOME Shell for crashing earlier with WE NAILED IT doing 7 damage
L256[14:50:53] <AmandaC> .... oddly appropiate
L257[14:56:47] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (Wiiplay123!~Wiiplay12@70-137-59-140.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net)
L258[15:00:21] <AmandaC> %stab GNOME Shell team
L259[15:00:21] * MichiBot stabs GNOME Shell team with p90 doing 3 damage
L260[15:00:49] <AmandaC> Apparently, when updating an extension, their updater doesn't bother to checkc if the version it's updating to has dropped support for the version of gnome shell it has. :D
L261[15:19:21] <CompanionCube> lol GNOME
L262[15:24:14] <Inari> %inv add Big Data Security Management
L263[15:24:15] * MichiBot summons 'Big Data Security Management' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L264[15:26:17] <Bob> d
L265[15:27:48] <Inari> %pet @Bob
L266[15:27:49] * MichiBot brushes @Bob with AmandaC's usb port. 2 health gained!
L267[15:27:53] <Inari> L-lewd
L268[15:28:41] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y4p9gjpf
L269[15:30:34] <Bob> no thanks
L270[15:36:28] <Forecaster> %potion
L271[15:36:29] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a salty yellow potion
L272[15:36:35] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L273[15:36:35] <MichiBot> Forecaster gains the proportional strength of a chihuahua.
L274[15:38:14] <Bob> %potion
L275[15:38:14] <MichiBot> Bob: You get a stirring green potion
L276[15:38:21] <Bob> %drink ^
L277[15:38:21] <MichiBot> Bob gains one point of agility.
L278[15:38:25] <Bob> ote
L279[15:39:12] <Inari> %potion
L280[15:39:12] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a smelly grass potion
L281[15:39:17] <Inari> %drink ^
L282[15:39:17] <MichiBot> Inari suddenly craves pie.
L283[15:42:30] * Inari chews on Temia's tail tuft to save on calories
L284[15:44:30] <Skye> %potion
L285[15:44:31] <MichiBot> Skye: You get a freezing citrus potion
L286[15:44:35] <Skye> %drink ^
L287[15:44:37] <MichiBot> Skye gets an urge to have another potion.
L288[15:44:39] <Skye> %drink ^
L289[15:44:40] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize...
L290[15:44:43] <Skye> %potion
L291[15:44:43] <MichiBot> Skye: You get a viscous purple potion
L292[15:44:47] <Skye> %drink ^
L293[15:44:47] <MichiBot> Skye's clothes turn the color of strawberry.
L294[15:44:50] <Skye> huh
L295[15:44:54] <Inari> Fancy
L296[15:53:00] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mus_vwhTCq0 huh, I didn't know half of these
L297[15:53:00] <MichiBot> JavaScript Pro Tips - Code This, NOT That | length: 12m 37s | Likes: 24,349 Dislikes: 410 Views: 445,539 | by Fireship | Published On 27/9/2018
L298[16:01:32] <Bob> j s
L299[16:07:02] * Inari unwinds AmandaC's stack
L300[16:07:57] <Bob> *Petition to add #rp channel* ?
L301[16:08:13] <Inari> There ar eno channels on IRC
L302[16:08:30] <CompanionCube> Inari: well, a few years ago #ocmadness was a thing and the intention was that iir
L303[16:08:32] <CompanionCube> *iirc
L304[16:10:49] <Mimiru> Welcome to the OpenComputers RP, and General conversation channel
L305[16:10:50] <Mimiru> DOne.
L306[16:13:12] <Vexatos> what role are you playing in life?
L307[16:19:12] <Bob> o no
L308[16:22:18] <Kodos> %tonkout
L309[16:22:19] <MichiBot> Willikers! Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 1 hour, 56 minutes and 32 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L310[16:22:20] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.0015 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced by 25% because stealing) Current score: 0.06678
L311[16:28:03] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L312[16:28:46] <Lizzy> heh, wow i'm still the founder of #ocmadness
L313[16:29:45] <Bob> :neko:
L314[16:29:50] <Temia> >There are no channels on IRC
L315[16:29:58] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L316[16:30:09] <CompanionCube> Temia: not in the discord sense there aren't
L317[16:30:11] <Temia> ಠ_ಠ
L318[16:30:12] <Inari> Temia: :p
L319[16:30:17] <Temia> Pfft
L320[16:30:20] * Inari chews more on Temia's tail tuft
L321[16:30:24] <Temia> That's Discord's fault for misimplementing their channel system
L322[16:30:26] <Temia> Not IRC's
L323[16:30:46] <Temia> Opt-in >>> opt-out
L324[16:31:22] <Inari> Ehhh
L325[16:31:28] <Vexatos> aye r c
L326[16:31:31] <Inari> Opt-in just means it's a pain to see all the channels and such
L327[16:31:41] <Inari> I find it a pain on Slack at least
L328[16:31:44] <Vexatos> But you can get a list of non-secret channels
L329[16:32:00] <Inari> Sure, and I have to keep checking it and whatnot
L330[16:32:30] <Vexatos> just like on discord .-.
L331[16:32:44] <Inari> No, it 'll show all the channels I haven't hidden
L332[16:32:57] <Vexatos> and what if there's 100
L333[16:33:05] <Inari> Then theres 100
L334[16:33:10] <Vexatos> and someone joins it
L335[16:33:13] <Vexatos> and has to mute 100 channels
L336[16:33:59] <Inari> And all those 100 channels will have much higher engagement than if they were all hidden
L337[16:46:42] <Vexatos> which isn't the point of them
L338[16:47:17] <Temia> Engagement isn't always a good thing
L339[16:48:46] <Temia> Opt-out means you've got people with no real interest in a subject but no incentive to distance themselves from it offering half-baked opinions and generally making a mess of things
L340[16:49:26] <Forecaster> Kind of like #oc :P
L341[16:51:54] <Temia> Har har :P
L342[16:52:07] <Temia> At least #oc has a tangible subject, even if the conversation can be tangential to it at times
L343[16:57:58] <Forecaster> Yes... At times...
L344[17:01:17] <Temia> You sound salty.
L345[17:05:43] <Kleadron> More salt please
L346[17:05:45] * Inari adds butter to @Forecaster
L347[17:10:54] <Forecaster> I do? Okay then
L348[17:15:33] <Vexatos> oc stands for ordinary conversations
L349[17:16:26] <Vexatos> >try to replace your shitty ISP-provided router with something less shitty
L350[17:16:33] <Vexatos> >realize you'd need at least five different devices
L351[17:16:49] <Vexatos> Now I get why these things are so expensive I guess
L352[17:17:13] <Mimiru> Are you including the network cables and power supplies in that? o_O
L353[17:17:33] <Vexatos> no
L354[17:18:02] <Vexatos> But our all-in-one router is a DSL modem, a... router, an IP->analog phone converter, a wifi AP, and a DECT station in one
L355[17:20:15] <Bob> https://youtu.be/UmCusvkfHXU
L356[17:20:15] <MichiBot> The SpongeBob SquarePants Anime - OP 3 (Original Animation) | length: 3m 8s | Likes: 55,528 Dislikes: 194 Views: 291,441 | by Narmak | Published On 24/3/2019
L357[17:20:29] <Vexatos> Oh right
L358[17:20:37] <Vexatos> I'd also need another unmanaged switch
L359[17:20:42] <Vexatos> that's another €15
L360[17:21:07] <Vexatos> and if I actually want to do the upgrade I intended to do before realizing our router is trash, I'd need two APs
L361[17:21:28] <Vexatos> turns out having a large house isn't always a good thing
L362[17:22:08] <Vexatos> not to mention that it's virtually impossible to get DSL modems in Germany
L363[17:22:44] <Vexatos> short of getting an all-in-one router and turning on passthrough (which our shitty ISP router doesn't support)
L364[17:24:47] <Inari> Vexatos: Build your own!
L365[17:27:26] <simon816> like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/ajckej/building_my_own_wireless_router_from_scratch/
L366[17:35:12] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F799.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L367[17:36:57] <Vexatos> If anyone can find me a DSL modem that works in Germany, I'd be quite happy >_>
L368[17:39:03] <stephan48> VDSL2?
L369[17:39:08] <Vexatos> AHAHAHHA
L370[17:39:19] <Vexatos> what kind of country do you live in
L371[17:39:37] <Vexatos> I'll have you know that I live in a first-world country, we only have the superior ADSL at 16 Mbit down
L372[17:40:04] <Vexatos> (actually receiving 12 on a wednesday morning at 4 a.m.)
L373[17:40:55] <stephan48> https://www.amazon.de/AllNet-ALL0333CJ-Rev-C-ADSL2-Modem/dp/B008NGCHK4/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=vdsl+modem&qid=1553553508&s=gateway&sr=8-11
L374[17:41:06] <stephan48> my current connection is not any better
L375[17:41:15] <stephan48> my home connection is 200Mbit throu :D
L376[17:41:23] <Vexatos> I:
L377[17:41:38] <stephan48> (i am in my second home closer to work)
L378[17:41:52] <Vexatos> sounds uh
L379[17:41:53] <Vexatos> homely
L380[17:42:08] <stephan48> :D
L381[17:42:18] <stephan48> that modem is probably not the best but it should work
L382[17:42:46] <Vexatos> see that's €37
L383[17:43:07] <Vexatos> There is no way I'd ever get below the price I'd have to pay for another all-in-one
L384[17:43:16] <Vexatos> And I cannot afford much more only to have a good router
L385[17:43:46] <stephan48> https://www.amazon.de/AVM-FRITZ-Router-DECT-Basis-Server/dp/B000X24W6S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=7270&qid=1553553800&s=gateway&sr=8-1
L386[17:44:03] <Vexatos> yea basically one like those
L387[17:44:18] <stephan48> tbh. if you only got a 16 Mbit connection take an old used 7270 flash it to the most current firmware and put the firewall into passthrou
L388[17:44:34] <stephan48> that thing only hast 100Mbit ethernet ports but hell you can't max them anyway
L389[17:44:55] <Vexatos> do these things even have any sort of passthrough
L390[17:44:58] <stephan48> i use them for DECT base stations and ISDN wrappers
L391[17:45:19] <stephan48> no real passthrou tbh but the firewall can be set so that one host receives all incoming traffic
L392[17:45:20] <Vexatos> see now we're talking
L393[17:45:31] <Vexatos> oh so I'd still die to double NAT then?
L394[17:45:43] <Vexatos> because I also need to route VoIP
L395[17:46:03] <Vexatos> since we have twelve phone numbers (only three are in use)
L396[17:46:18] <stephan48> yea sadly.
L397[17:46:35] <Vexatos> that's my biggest problem tbh
L398[17:46:42] <Vexatos> this network grew kind of organically
L399[17:47:04] <stephan48> i got a bunch of odly coloured boxes i take around with me to conventions to provide internet.
L400[17:47:10] <Vexatos> so on my side, we have a DECT phone, and on my grandma's side, we have an analogue phone
L401[17:47:41] <Vexatos> both with different numbers
L402[17:47:44] <stephan48> yea basically my usecase is to hook into the ISDN line between building in an old youth hostel we stay at for a week each year
L403[17:48:09] <Vexatos> [JHB flashbacks]
L404[17:48:12] <stephan48> so 2 vdsl2 master modems + two fritzbox 7270 to intercept ISDN
L405[17:48:17] <stephan48> heh yea
L406[17:48:41] <Vexatos> "intercept"?
L407[17:49:03] <stephan48> catch incoming calls and route it to the DECT/desk phone/SIP clients on the premises
L408[17:49:17] <stephan48> as the phone is originally located in a room which is not that easily overheard
L409[17:49:36] <Vexatos> I see
L410[17:50:20] <stephan48> what i would suggest: hook up something like the 7270 to the DSL and register all the voip numbers on it
L411[17:50:56] <Vexatos> well that'd solve the VoIP issue but not the double NAT on the ethernet
L412[17:52:03] <stephan48> "exposed host"
L413[17:52:25] <stephan48> the fritzbox will still nat but forward all traffic to the device setup as exposed host
L414[17:52:33] <Vexatos> hm
L415[17:52:39] <stephan48> i.e. like a general port forward. this makes it quite transparent
L416[17:52:54] <stephan48> i ran this setup for a couple of years
L417[17:52:57] <Vexatos> you mean stuff that normally breaks on double NAT would still work?
L418[17:53:21] <Vexatos> because the outside IP is just transparently translated I guess .-.
L419[17:53:24] <Vexatos> hm
L420[17:53:40] <stephan48> your internal device will only see the fritzbox network but it worked well enough for games and stuff
L421[17:53:57] <stephan48> i never really had any serious voip problems.
L422[17:54:05] <stephan48> you can manage port forwards on the internel router
L423[17:54:22] <Vexatos> mainly I'd like to use a proper router for our ethernet so I get a bit more control over the network
L424[17:54:31] <Vexatos> on such a bad connection, having QoS is quite uh nice
L425[17:54:56] <stephan48> yea
L426[17:55:14] <Vexatos> I know Fritzbox has basic QoS but they are so damn expensive
L427[17:55:23] <Vexatos> which is why I wanted to check whether there were better options
L428[17:55:33] <stephan48> i ran that setup together with a openwrt based router for quite some time
L429[17:55:49] <stephan48> fritzbox 6360 cable for the internet connection and telephony
L430[17:55:50] <Vexatos> currently having a Speedport W 724V and that one has literally no features whatsoever
L431[17:56:01] <stephan48> *vomits* :D
L432[17:56:05] <stephan48> i know the device.
L433[17:56:07] <Vexatos> and also bad wifi
L434[17:56:23] <stephan48> i flashes one to play fritzbox some years ago
L435[17:56:26] <Vexatos> what prompted this in the first place is now my uncle wants wifi on his part of the house
L436[17:56:35] <Vexatos> where the router's wifi signal doesn't reach well
L437[17:56:56] <stephan48> https://www.amazon.de/TP-Link-TL-WR841N-300Mbit-Anschluss-Glasfasermodem/dp/B001FWYGJS/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=TP-LINK&qid=1553554595&s=gateway&sr=8-8
L438[17:57:00] <Vexatos> and it has no meshnet capabilities, or anything like that
L439[17:57:16] <stephan48> these are basically the "goto" devices for cheap freifunk networks
L440[17:57:18] <stephan48> or meshes
L441[17:57:27] <stephan48> they don't have a modem in it sadly
L442[17:57:30] <Vexatos> I assume you drop openwrt on it?
L443[17:57:34] <stephan48> yup
L444[17:58:05] <Vexatos> >300Mbps wifi
L445[17:58:08] <stephan48> two of these and a cable between should solve the wlan issue - even if not they can be linked via Wlan
L446[17:58:08] <Vexatos> >100Mbps LAN
L447[17:58:10] <Vexatos> I trust these numbers
L448[17:58:21] <stephan48> they can deliver the lan :D
L449[17:59:06] <stephan48> https://www.amazon.de/TP-Link-TL-WR841N-300Mbit-Anschluss-Glasfasermodem/dp/B07GVR9TG7/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=TP-LINK&qid=1553554595&s=gateway&sr=8-8&th=1 something like this can deliver even better :D with gigabit
L450[17:59:50] <stephan48> what you can do with two openwrt devices is to bridge them via WLAN
L451[18:00:20] <Vexatos> well freifunk is not something I am interested in, this is a very rural area >_>
L452[18:00:24] <stephan48> i.e. have both span up the same wlan and then on the second one create a WLAN Client which hooks itself into the first one
L453[18:00:33] <stephan48> yea i only run them with openwrt
L454[18:01:45] <stephan48> i need to go to bed soonish :( but if you want we can talk a bit more soonish
L455[18:01:59] <Vexatos> anyways, what kinds of conventions do you host that you need strange boxes you talked about? D:
L456[18:02:30] <Vexatos> Oh I'd like to talk more I really need to get our networking sorted >_>
L457[18:02:32] <stephan48> (re current situation: buy a WR841N and put it just inside the raange of the speedports WLAN, configure it as bridge - should work wonders on a budget)
L458[18:03:28] <stephan48> each year we host a small private convention for about 30 people - they want internet :D so i bring a blue turris omnia, a black one, a white dect base station, some grey switches and a couple of wall power plugs :D
L459[18:03:47] <stephan48> link that up with some 120m of cable and everyone is happy
L460[18:04:10] <Vexatos> I see
L461[18:04:22] <Vexatos> looks like we live around the same area so I was curious >_>
L462[18:04:42] <stephan48> next year i wanna add two light blue VDSL2 master modems to the mix, cause its much easier to use some existing ISDN cable instead of rolling out our cable each year
L463[18:04:54] <Vexatos> I wish we had VDSL2
L464[18:05:06] <stephan48> I am located in Stade/Lübeck
L465[18:05:38] <Vexatos> Stade isn't too far, I'm from (very roughly) around Bremen
L466[18:05:42] <stephan48> lets say it this way the person who managed the youth hostel was like: yea in autumn we will have a internet connection :D
L467[18:06:03] <stephan48> probably the local stadtwerke placing down fiber.
L468[18:06:14] <stephan48> i am very interested in the project but she expects way to much :D
L469[18:06:21] <stephan48> i mean we bring LTE equipment each year
L470[18:06:24] <Vexatos> fibre in Germany=
L471[18:06:26] <Vexatos> nice try
L472[18:06:32] <Vexatos> I almost believed you for a sec
L473[18:07:00] <stephan48> should i get my dad to move the cupboard and make a picture of the fiber modem? ;)
L474[18:07:02] <Vexatos> well in three years you can bring 5G equipment :^)
L475[18:07:16] <stephan48> maybe
L476[18:07:26] <stephan48> in Stade we got fiber
L477[18:07:29] <stephan48> from the telekom
L478[18:07:49] <stephan48> yea Bremen is quite near - barely 3 Train Hours
L479[18:08:10] <stephan48> i am probably gonna visit bremen/verden sooner than later
L480[18:08:17] <Vexatos> that's even closer D:
L481[18:08:30] <Vexatos> ...I think
L482[18:08:50] <stephan48> 2,x h via car or 3ish via train as you need to go via Hamburg
L483[18:08:59] <Vexatos> from Lübeck? yea
L484[18:09:03] <Vexatos> I was in Lübeck in September
L485[18:09:05] <stephan48> Stade
L486[18:09:07] <Vexatos> o
L487[18:09:07] <stephan48> ah
L488[18:09:26] <stephan48> what did you do here?
L489[18:09:38] <Vexatos> someone's birthday
L490[18:10:01] <Vexatos> The first time in ten years that someone invited me to a birthday party D:
L491[18:10:08] <stephan48> oh :(
L492[18:10:25] <Vexatos> Well I also visited like five hundred of the churches
L493[18:10:28] <Vexatos> so about half of them
L494[18:10:38] <Vexatos> I:
L495[18:10:40] <stephan48> 2:03 from Stade to Bremen
L496[18:10:41] <stephan48> :D
L497[18:10:45] <stephan48> yea there are quite a few
L498[18:11:33] <stephan48> so yea thats basically next door.
L499[18:12:12] <stephan48> about 3-3.5ish ours is where i talk about long train rides
L500[18:12:46] <stephan48> i used to meetup with friends in Hannover frequently - they came from Frankfurt :D
L501[18:13:05] <Rph> %tonk
L502[18:13:06] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Rph! You beat Kodos's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L503[18:13:07] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 50 minutes and 47 seconds! 1 hour, 50 minutes and 47 seconds gained! Rph also gained 0.00185 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L504[18:13:20] <stephan48> Vexatos: i will be off now! was nice talk to you
L505[18:13:51] <stephan48> feel free to ping me if you got time and i can recommend some more stuff in regards to networking and easy wifi extensions
L506[18:14:09] <stephan48> i need to look throu i might even have a WR841N laying around
L507[18:14:21] <stephan48> also if you are in eithe region :D
L508[18:17:13] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L509[18:26:28] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107453E3094DEB8843F8C1CA8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L510[18:27:07] <Kleadron> ran haiku in qemu today
L511[18:27:20] <Kleadron> it was super slow but im not blaming the operating system
L512[19:32:46] <CompanionCube> did you remember to enable KVM
L513[20:06:21] <Z0idburg> Vexatos I need to design a new manifold
L514[20:06:26] <Z0idburg> you're the chemical engineer
L515[20:06:43] <Z0idburg> I need to convert my car to Carburetor
L516[20:06:50] <Z0idburg> from EFI
L517[20:46:42] <Zef> Lol I'm starting a bank in Minecraft
L518[20:48:13] <Zef> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538003356531032074/559907139657793537/unknown.png
L519[20:48:14] <Zef> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538003356531032074/559907277423771668/unknown.png
L520[20:48:14] <Zef> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538003356531032074/559907277423771668/unknown.png
L521[20:48:43] <Zef> Of course it was the 3rd one twice
L522[21:10:11] <Z0idburg> ?
L523[21:10:15] <Z0idburg> bank?
L524[21:10:47] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC4EB.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L525[21:15:54] <Izaya> S3: muh bike's carby is clogged and I can't get at it any suggestions?
L526[21:16:30] <Z0idburg> p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;y67\\
L527[21:17:33] <Z0idburg> Izaya It looks like Zinny got to you before I did but
L528[21:17:48] <Izaya> hi kitty
L529[21:18:01] <Z0idburg> You need to take the carb out. Most bikes have Carbs on a pipe not mounted on a manifold
L530[21:18:15] <Z0idburg> so a lot of times you can just take some rings off and pull it off
L531[21:18:23] <Izaya> ye it's between the fuel tank and the proper engine
L532[21:18:29] <Izaya> issue is I can't get the fucking farings off
L533[21:18:31] <Izaya> bolts are rusted on
L534[21:18:55] <Z0idburg> hmmm..
L535[21:18:59] <Izaya> anything I can do without taking it out?
L536[21:19:03] <Z0idburg> how close are the bolts to the gas tank
L537[21:19:08] <Z0idburg> and what is the gas tank made of
L538[21:19:25] <Z0idburg> can you take the gas tank off?
L539[21:19:34] <Izaya> if I could get the farings off, sure :D
L540[21:19:51] <Z0idburg> if you are brave, you can blowtorch the nuts
L541[21:19:53] <Z0idburg> or bolts
L542[21:19:56] <Izaya> the rear cover has two allen key bolts holding on the back and the rear cover hides the screws for the front farings
L543[21:20:01] <Izaya> is oil gonna be effective at all
L544[21:20:11] <Izaya> on the rust
L545[21:20:26] <Izaya> also I have very few tools
L546[21:20:37] <Z0idburg> eh, from my experience torching the nuts is the most effective
L547[21:20:55] <Z0idburg> but if you have gas leaking all over it that may not be a good idea
L548[21:21:21] <Izaya> no leaks so far, and it's at the other end of the bike
L549[21:21:30] <Z0idburg> ok
L550[21:21:35] <Izaya> I'd just need to get a blowtorch :D
L551[21:21:50] <Izaya> alternatively, I can obtain a trailer and get it down to a mechanic and they can deal with it this time
L552[21:21:53] <Z0idburg> there are two common types of gas available here in the US
L553[21:21:55] <Z0idburg> propane and MAPP
L554[21:22:05] <Z0idburg> propane is cheap and cool burning
L555[21:22:09] <Z0idburg> but MAPP burns twice as hot
L556[21:22:18] <Z0idburg> I usually have both lying around
L557[21:22:36] <Z0idburg> No idea what kind of stuff exists there
L558[21:22:56] <Izaya> %tell Inari https://i.redd.it/dz9k6sppc9o21.jpg
L559[21:22:57] <MichiBot> Izaya: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L560[21:22:58] <Z0idburg> of course there's also hydrogen torches
L561[21:23:00] <Z0idburg> but don't use those
L562[21:23:01] <Z0idburg> XD
L563[21:23:05] <Z0idburg> those things are scary AF
L564[21:23:06] <Izaya> that sounds dangerous
L565[21:23:30] <Z0idburg> well considering they are often homemade
L566[21:23:31] <Z0idburg> yes
L567[21:24:38] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L568[21:26:18] <Z0idburg> Of course Izaya there's always this guy
L569[21:26:23] <Z0idburg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH5Pmoe7U2o
L570[21:26:23] <MichiBot> Homemade Flamethrower | Redneck GTA | length: 47s | Likes: 2,224 Dislikes: 40 Views: 97,393 | by JukinVideo | Published On 9/10/2014
L571[21:27:00] <Izaya> does this blow up on his b- oh shit
L572[21:27:41] <Z0idburg> "What the fuck is that for"
L573[21:27:44] <Z0idburg> is the best line in the video
L574[21:28:29] <Z0idburg> I'm surprised she didn't ask, "Who is that for?"
L575[21:29:16] <Izaya> reeeeeeeee
L576[21:29:29] <Izaya> >$650 VT 250 Spada
L577[21:29:31] <Izaya> >Cafe racer
L578[21:29:56] <Z0idburg> OH yeah
L579[21:30:02] <Izaya> "You maniacs! You blew it up!"
L580[21:30:03] <Izaya> fucking
L581[21:30:06] <Izaya> ree
L582[21:30:09] <Izaya> god I hate this cafe racer bullshit
L583[21:30:23] <Z0idburg> I forgot to mention vibrations are great for rust
L584[21:30:31] <Izaya> it doesn't look too fucked up at least
L585[21:30:32] <Z0idburg> but they aren't great for your bike
L586[21:31:19] <Z0idburg> you could cut the bolts with an electric hacksaw
L587[21:31:24] <Z0idburg> if you could get it in there
L588[21:32:10] <Izaya> eeeh
L589[21:32:15] <Izaya> these all seem ... kind of nuclear
L590[21:32:27] <Izaya> probably cheaper to get it to a mechanic presently tbh
L591[21:32:37] <Z0idburg> well the thing is if you can cut them you can replace them with a different bolt and nut
L592[21:32:44] <Z0idburg> maybe even with something stainless
L593[21:32:56] <Izaya> If only they made screwdrivers that big :p
L594[21:33:04] <Z0idburg> wat?
L595[21:33:12] <Izaya> fucking huge bolts
L596[21:33:17] <Z0idburg> they make some pretty big damn screwdrivers dude
L597[21:33:28] <Z0idburg> my father has a wrench that weighs like 250 pounds
L598[21:33:33] <Izaya> it'd be nice to replace em with something I could just use a normal screwdriver to undo
L599[21:33:46] <Z0idburg> aka 113 KG
L600[21:33:54] * Izaya squints
L601[21:34:02] <Izaya> your dad has a wrench that weighs nearly as much as my bike?
L602[21:34:07] <Z0idburg> it is an adjustable wrench that is meant for nuts that are the size of your head
L603[21:34:08] <Izaya> fuck I wouldn't want to carry that home
L604[21:34:10] <Z0idburg> or bigger
L605[21:34:14] <Z0idburg> its made of solid iron
L606[21:34:51] <Z0idburg> mind you he doesnt use it
L607[21:34:55] <Z0idburg> its just a decoration lol
L608[21:35:12] <Izaya> coffee table, eh?
L609[21:35:13] <Z0idburg> but at one time it was in use
L610[21:35:21] <Z0idburg> here's a story about tools..
L611[21:35:28] <Z0idburg> see my grandfather used to work on cranes
L612[21:35:36] <Z0idburg> tools are often bigger on cranes ?
L613[21:35:59] <Z0idburg> this one time, my grandfather dropped a sledgehammer inside of a transmission for a crane
L614[21:36:04] <Z0idburg> the transmission was the size of an SUV
L615[21:36:14] <Izaya> quite the spanner in the works :p
L616[21:36:26] <Z0idburg> he found it a couple years later when he had the transmission apart
L617[21:36:31] <Z0idburg> in the bottom where all the oil was
L618[21:36:42] <Izaya> eeeeegh
L619[21:37:31] <Z0idburg> its kind of scary to think there are transmissions you can climb inside of
L620[21:38:08] <Z0idburg> the gears in them are massive
L621[21:38:22] <Z0idburg> and they have large nuts and bolts and everything as well
L622[21:38:45] <Z0idburg> I imagine he's had to use a sledgehammer more than once to move wrenches
L623[21:38:46] <Z0idburg> ?
L624[21:39:02] <Z0idburg> or better yet
L625[21:39:08] <Z0idburg> used wrenches as sledgehammers
L626[21:40:02] <Z0idburg> I will say carburetor cleaner btw is pretty nasty stuff
L627[21:40:52] <Z0idburg> if you're going to clean the carb out, you will want to dip each and every part into cleaner, then water etc
L628[21:41:14] <Izaya> noted
L629[21:41:16] <Z0idburg> and be very careful, many carbs have little tiny pieces
L630[21:41:31] <Z0idburg> and be sure to find an assembly guide
L631[21:41:34] <Z0idburg> they can be confusing
L632[21:41:58] <Z0idburg> if its like the simple ones for a 3 wheeler or so it wont be so bad
L633[21:42:08] <Z0idburg> but I hear those 4 barrel racing carbs on cars have hundreds of parts
L634[21:42:51] <Z0idburg> apeaking of carburetors, how did you even get on that subject
L635[21:43:05] <Z0idburg> because today I was looking into EFI to carburetor conversion kits for my car
L636[21:43:17] <Z0idburg> that's scary
L637[21:49:15] <Izaya> tell me about carbys vs EFI
L638[21:56:42] <Z0idburg> well, EFI is generally more efficient- it uses a computer to control the ammount of fuel flow depending on the current state of the engine.
L639[21:57:32] <Z0idburg> with EFI fuel can be directly injected into the manifold, instead of a carburetor on top of the manifold you usually have injectors but sutting right on top is often a throttle body
L640[21:57:50] <Z0idburg> if you look at a carburetor the throttle body is generally built into the carburetor itself
L641[21:58:21] <Z0idburg> the carburetor has a valve and generally a needle that has a fine hole
L642[21:58:53] <Z0idburg> gasoline sprays out of the hole kind of like a spray bottle that way
L643[21:59:10] <Z0idburg> some of them move to allow more or less gas in
L644[21:59:27] <Z0idburg> this usually works by having a solid needle that gets pushed inside of the other
L645[21:59:54] <Z0idburg> if you push it far enough in it will completely block flow of fuel..
L646[22:00:41] <Z0idburg> in both types of fuel systems the throttle body is just a valve that lets air in. when you step on the gas pedal it's not so much the ammount of fuel you let in, it's about the ammount of air you let in. you're changing the mixture
L647[22:00:48] <Z0idburg> the more air, the more powerful the spark
L648[22:01:34] <Z0idburg> the huge difference between EFI and carb that is worth mentioning though is that a carburetor doesn't require a computer to operate, it is fully mechanical.
L649[22:03:26] <Z0idburg> with this said I am now being reminded of a really cool alternative to distributors and electronic ignition I forgot all about
L650[22:03:39] <Z0idburg> electromagnetic ignition
L651[22:03:48] <Z0idburg> its the coolest thing ever
L652[22:09:19] <Z0idburg> it's also known as a magneto btw
L653[22:10:38] <Z0idburg> If there was a way to convert to carburetor and magneto for my car I would
L654[22:10:43] <Z0idburg> just to make it last a lot longer
L655[22:11:22] <Z0idburg> carbs not so difficult a magneto would be very hard because I have a serpentine belt.
L656[22:11:58] <Z0idburg> there's no room behind the engine for one, so I'd have to put it in front of the engine or something rotating
L657[22:26:06] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b) (Quit: Cervator)
L658[22:42:01] <Kodos> %tonkout
L659[22:42:02] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Kodos! You beat Rph's previous record of 1 hour, 50 minutes and 47 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L660[22:42:03] <MichiBot> Kodos has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.0045 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced by 25% because stealing) Current score: 0.07528
L661[22:51:58] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L662[22:56:02] <CompanionCube> dammit
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