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L1[00:20:42] ⇨ Joins: The_Bit (The_Bit!~Anonim@
L2[00:36:57] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC45D.versanet.de)
L3[01:42:16] <Izaya> %flip hahahahahahaha
L4[01:42:16] <MichiBot> Izaya: (╯°□°)╯ɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥ
L5[01:42:37] ⇦ Quits: The_Bit (The_Bit!~Anonim@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L6[01:42:54] ⇨ Joins: The_Bit (The_Bit!~Anonim@
L7[01:45:44] ⇦ Parts: The_Bit (The_Bit!~Anonim@ ())
L8[01:49:17] <Rph> %tonk
L9[01:49:18] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Rph! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour and 43 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L10[01:49:19] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 51 minutes and 11 seconds! 50 minutes and 28 seconds gained! Rph also gained 0.001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L11[01:57:25] <Mimiru> Client: HexChat 2.14.2 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (x64) CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8-Core Processor (3.80GHz) Memory: 23.9 GiB Total (20.3 GiB Free) Storage: 842.7 GiB / 1.6 TiB (831.9 GiB Free) VGA: VNC Mirror Driver, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Uptime: 3m 5s
L12[01:58:21] <Izaya> >1660 Ti
L13[01:58:34] <Mimiru> Yep
L14[01:58:50] <Izaya> you know that generation must have the least media attention of any in the last 5 years
L15[01:59:15] <Kleadron> should i be upset that you actually went and bought a GTX 1660 Ti
L16[01:59:48] <Mimiru> I honestly don't care if you are.
L17[01:59:49] <ben_mkiv> was that card just released a week ago?
L18[01:59:55] <Mimiru> Yeah
L19[02:00:41] <Kodos> https://puu.sh/CTqwS/03c70322b8.png I literally can't even deal with this guy right now
L20[02:01:15] <Izaya> so don't friendo leave them to have no fun
L21[02:01:51] <Kodos> Am I just that drunk or are you drunk
L22[02:02:26] <Izaya> I only just got my drink so it must be you
L23[02:03:48] <Kleadron> now its my turn to post my specs
L24[02:05:11] <Izaya> is it that time of day
L25[02:08:14] <Izaya> here's mine https://0x0.st/z-nQ.txt
L26[02:08:24] <Kleadron> Client: Discord • OS: Windows XP Professional SP3 • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 HT (2.80GHz) • Memory: 1GB Total (101MB Free) • Storage: 52.2 GiB / 120 GiB (58.4 GiB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Geforce 5700 FX Ultra • Uptime: 16 days 05:10:47
L27[02:09:14] <Kleadron> someone is going to flip their beens
L28[02:09:18] <Kleadron> someone is going to flip their beans [Edited]
L29[02:09:29] <Izaya> must be painful
L30[02:09:46] <Mimiru> Hey, I'm just stoked about my new build is all :P
L31[02:09:55] <ben_mkiv> actually the memory must be a pain
L32[02:10:14] <Izaya> I mean XP is happy with 32MB but Chrome... not so much.
L33[02:10:20] <ben_mkiv> ^^
L34[02:10:27] <Kleadron> This is just my XP computer btw, my main is more powerful
L35[02:10:44] <Izaya> Mimiru: is the other stuff new?
L36[02:10:53] <Mimiru> *everything* is new
L37[02:10:57] <Izaya> ooooooooooooo
L38[02:11:01] <Mimiru> Mobo, CPU, RAM, PSU
L39[02:11:01] <Izaya> why 24GB memory then?
L40[02:11:05] <Izaya> 3-channel RAM?
L41[02:11:08] <Mimiru> because it's not picking up one of my sticks
L42[02:11:12] <ben_mkiv> last week i wanted an 1060ti now i want an 1660ti...
L43[02:11:12] <Izaya> oh.
L44[02:11:26] <Izaya> last week I wanted an RX 580 now I want a Vega 64
L45[02:11:26] <ben_mkiv> probably also supports cuda7
L46[02:11:33] <Lizzy> Mimiru, ooh, you got new hardware?
L47[02:11:39] <Kleadron> well its "new" in that i got the parts new but its not very new at all
L48[02:11:39] <Mimiru> gotta figure out why, I'll likely check tomorrow as it's midnight and I need to get to bed
L49[02:11:42] <Mimiru> Lizzy, yep
L50[02:11:47] <Lizzy> awesome
L51[02:11:57] <Izaya> in practice I have to spend money on rego and shit for my bike instead
L52[02:11:58] <Izaya> speaking of
L53[02:12:05] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/da127ca8-6e87-4a1c-a341-e624c39903d3/Tusky_1551422907216_X1VNK66GGN.jpg
L54[02:12:07] <Izaya> ain't she a qt
L55[02:12:15] <Izaya> S3:^
L56[02:14:00] <ben_mkiv> but im kinda afraid that modern nvidia drivers need systemd or some other crap which i dont want -.-
L57[02:15:00] <Lizzy> Mimiru, :O you got a threadripper. i'm jelly
L58[02:16:25] <Mimiru> heh yeah
L59[02:16:28] <Mimiru> it's a first gen but still
L60[02:16:50] <Forecaster> I need to get around to putting a new computer together...
L61[02:17:04] <Forecaster> I tried playing SE last night and it ran at like 10 fps
L62[02:17:15] <Forecaster> in the tutorial scenario
L63[02:17:21] <Mimiru> well.. I mean it's SE. :P
L64[02:17:57] <Forecaster> I have a GF 750
L65[02:18:07] <Forecaster> it's older than SE is
L66[02:18:23] <Lizzy> I wanna get an all-amd system at some point, but currently my 6700k can just take whatever i throw at it (with the exception of running 2 instances of heavily modded minecraft)
L67[02:19:02] <Forecaster> I might try a no-case solution
L68[02:36:23] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L69[02:38:02] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L70[02:48:53] <Rph> %tonkout
L71[02:48:53] <MichiBot> Rph has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.036
L72[02:49:22] <Kleadron> wow im fucking blind
L73[02:50:44] <Lizzy> %tonk
L74[02:50:44] <MichiBot> Fudge! Lizzy! You beat Rph's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L75[02:50:45] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 1 minute and 51 seconds! 1 minute and 51 seconds gained!
L76[03:19:54] <Kodos> I can't wait to get this guy's response on what he thinks OC can do. AE can do a lot, but OC can do so much more
L77[03:25:59] <ben_mkiv> perspective
L78[03:39:37] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L79[04:12:47] <Saphire> ...hm
L80[04:12:54] <Saphire> I used to chat here a lot c.c
L81[04:13:53] <Izaya> only 32,322 lines
L82[04:15:18] <Izaya> nice https://my.mixtape.moe/gagzru.png
L83[04:16:45] <Saphire> I'm probably not even in top 10 anymore
L84[04:17:25] <Izaya> 14
L85[04:18:07] <Izaya> jhc
L86[04:18:24] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/fgirft.png
L87[04:20:40] <McMaartenz> %tonk
L88[04:20:40] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! McMaartenz! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 1 minute and 51 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L89[04:20:41] <McMaartenz> Plz
L90[04:20:41] <MichiBot> McMaartenz's new record is 1 hour, 29 minutes and 56 seconds! 1 hour, 28 minutes and 5 seconds gained! McMaartenz also gained 0.001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L91[04:20:50] <McMaartenz> Lol
L92[04:20:54] <McMaartenz> %tonkout
L93[04:20:55] <MichiBot> McMaartenz has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.01
L94[04:21:00] <McMaartenz> Thank u very mich
L95[04:21:27] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E69BDB385E368A0F828.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L96[04:21:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L97[05:39:51] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC45D.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L98[05:45:26] <Rph> %tonk
L99[05:45:27] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Rph! You beat McMaartenz's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L100[05:45:28] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 24 minutes and 31 seconds! 1 hour, 24 minutes and 31 seconds gained! Rph also gained 0.001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L101[05:52:01] <Lizzy> %oclogs
L102[05:52:02] <MichiBot> Lizzy: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L103[05:52:05] <Lizzy> err
L104[05:52:07] <Lizzy> %ocstats
L105[05:52:10] <Lizzy> %stats
L106[05:52:11] <MichiBot> Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L107[05:52:53] <Lizzy> hmm, i'm 8th now... i used to be 5th. guess i don't talk here as much as i used to
L108[05:59:06] * Lizzy needs to talk more shit
L109[06:02:25] <Lizzy> in other news, i decided to see how the vega sounds when it's fan is actually full blast last night.... it's one loud card at it's full 4900rpm
L110[06:04:30] <Forecaster> jet turbine? :P
L111[06:05:31] <Izaya> blower cards were a mistake
L112[06:21:25] <Skye> Reality was a mistake
L113[06:23:35] <Forecaster> but all my stuff is in it
L114[06:30:15] <Rph> %tonkout
L115[06:30:17] <MichiBot> Rph has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.038
L116[06:42:10] <Skye> %tonk
L117[06:42:11] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Skye! You beat Rph's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L118[06:42:12] <MichiBot> Skye's new record is 11 minutes and 54 seconds! 11 minutes and 54 seconds gained!
L119[06:51:57] <Lizzy> @Forecaster sounds a bit like that, though more of a lot of air rushing through
L120[06:52:35] <Lizzy> it also only seems to speed up to about 1300RPM when i was playing C:S yesterday
L121[06:56:42] <dequbed> Izaya: Happy with your new bike? ^^
L122[06:59:26] <Rph> %tonk
L123[06:59:27] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Rph! You beat Skye's previous record of 11 minutes and 54 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L124[06:59:28] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 17 minutes and 16 seconds! 5 minutes and 22 seconds gained!
L125[07:15:23] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: Re: Energy greataxe, I just remebered while I waited for my client to re-load -- Wasn't the Portal Gun like, the only successful project of Aperature Science since they got military funding and pivoted from bath curtians?
L126[07:16:17] <AmandaC> My brain's archivist is telling me that's part of the AS lore.
L127[07:26:14] <Lizzy> %tonk
L128[07:26:14] <MichiBot> Sard! Lizzy! You beat Rph's previous record of 17 minutes and 16 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L129[07:26:15] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 26 minutes and 47 seconds! 9 minutes and 30 seconds gained!
L130[07:26:32] <Rph> sard
L131[07:26:33] <Rph> more like
L132[07:26:33] <Rph> sad
L133[07:26:38] <Rph> because I didn't get the tonk :(
L134[07:30:51] <AmandaC> %8ball be responsible and tell her she can't win?
L135[07:30:52] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Outlook not so good
L136[07:32:09] <Forecaster> win? what?
L137[07:32:44] <AmandaC> Don't worry your pretty little head about it. :3
L138[07:34:03] <Forecaster> okay.
L139[07:42:39] <Saphire> %tonk
L140[07:42:40] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Saphire, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 26 minutes and 47 seconds this time.
L141[07:42:41] <MichiBot> 16 minutes and 25 seconds were wasted! Missed by 10 minutes and 21 seconds!
L142[07:42:50] <Lizzy> nyahahahaha
L143[07:43:33] * Saphire headpats Lizzy
L144[07:43:40] * Lizzy purrs loudly
L145[07:43:55] <Saphire> Who needs silly tonks when you can pat a cat c.c
L146[07:44:01] <Lizzy> :3
L147[07:48:41] <Z0idburg> W T F
L148[07:48:51] <Z0idburg> My cats ate and tore apart my tax return form
L149[07:49:03] * Lizzy paws at Saphire, wonders if she could get more headpats
L150[07:49:10] <Lizzy> tax forms are tasty
L151[07:50:11] * Saphire patpats Lizzy more :D
L152[07:50:31] * Lizzy purrs louder again
L153[07:52:10] <Z0idburg> Good thing it has 4 copies right?
L154[07:52:22] <Z0idburg> one copy is nibbled and one is unreadable mostly
L155[08:08:44] * Temia headpats Saphire
L156[08:09:27] * Skye headpats Temia and Lizzy and Saphire
L157[08:09:34] * Temia tailswishes. muu =u=
L158[08:09:40] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L159[08:10:21] <Skye> Lesson time
L160[08:10:37] <Skye> Back in an hour
L161[08:11:29] <Skye> %tonk
L162[08:11:30] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! Skye! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 26 minutes and 47 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L163[08:11:31] <MichiBot> Skye's new record is 28 minutes and 49 seconds! 2 minutes and 2 seconds gained!
L164[08:11:44] <Skye> Perfect tknknft
L165[08:19:16] ⇦ Quits: BlueAgent (BlueAgent!~BlueAgent@ (Quit: Blooping Blueberries)
L166[08:20:14] <Forecaster> %potion
L167[08:20:15] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a porous lime potion
L168[08:20:20] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L169[08:20:21] <MichiBot> It tastes salty.
L170[08:23:02] * Saphire murrs against Temia
L171[08:23:07] <Saphire> OH
L172[08:23:12] <Saphire> ...tonk does not reset time D:
L173[08:28:41] <Forecaster> fortunately Time is independent of MichiBot, or we'd be in a lot of trouble
L174[08:39:47] * Lizzy purrs loudly
L175[08:41:21] <Lizzy> %tonk
L176[08:41:22] <MichiBot> Fudge! Lizzy! You beat Skye's previous record of 28 minutes and 49 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L177[08:41:23] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 29 minutes and 52 seconds! 1 minute and 2 seconds gained!
L178[08:45:05] * Lizzy pets MichiBot
L179[08:45:05] * MichiBot purrs
L180[08:45:26] <Rph> is everyone here cats?
L181[08:48:24] <stephan48> no
L182[08:48:45] <Rph> if you look at my profile picture on discord, you can see that I'm actually a turtle and i'm not sure if cats eat turtles
L183[08:49:18] <Lizzy> not everyone. Saphire is a dragon, Temia is a Minotaur (i hope i spelt that right) and Skye is a hybrid of a wolf and an angel
L184[08:49:27] <Temia> You did :o
L185[08:49:31] <Lizzy> :D
L186[08:49:46] <Rph> so, as a turtle, should I be afraid?
L187[08:49:56] <Temia> Nah
L188[08:50:05] <stephan48> only if you annoy people by tonking each minute :D
L189[08:50:35] <Lizzy> ^
L190[08:51:43] * AmandaC hides her recipe book
L191[08:52:01] <Lizzy> Amanda is also a cat (from observation)
L192[08:52:03] <dequbed> Rph: in which case you'll find out that your shell is very much not a protection against Lizzy smash :p
L193[08:52:20] <Lizzy> that too
L194[08:52:46] <AmandaC> Dum de dum, waiting for winetricks to finish, to see if I can make SE happy under linux
L195[08:53:08] * Lizzy hmms, wonders if there's any 12v car batteries about that she could drink the fluid out of...
L196[08:53:48] <Saphire> %tonk
L197[08:53:49] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Saphire, you were not able to beat Lizzy's record of 29 minutes and 52 seconds this time.
L198[08:53:50] <MichiBot> 12 minutes and 26 seconds were wasted! Missed by 17 minutes and 25 seconds!
L199[08:54:05] * Lizzy can't find any from a quick glance around so decides to look more later
L200[08:59:23] <stephan48> car batterys and drinking? you have a strange taste.
L201[09:02:59] <Lizzy> it was a thing i used to do a while back
L202[09:03:18] <stephan48> okey *steps back slowly*
L203[09:03:19] <dequbed> No she has an annoying taste! Have you ever tried to start you car in the morning only to find the battery dead and drained of its acid because lady <expletive> here decided to have a midnight snack?! >:(
L204[09:03:40] * Lizzy nyahahahas softly
L205[09:03:57] * Lizzy hugs dequbed
L206[09:03:58] <stephan48> so she would not like my home. theres no car
L207[09:04:39] <Lizzy> hmm, we can fix that...
L208[09:04:57] * Lizzy adjusts Elon Musk's car to land in stephan48's house
L209[09:04:57] * dequbed hugs Lizzy back
L210[09:05:08] * Lizzy purrs softly
L211[09:05:17] * dequbed patpats
L212[09:05:23] * Lizzy purrs loudly
L213[09:18:41] * Skye yawns
L214[09:22:45] <stephan48> does it have battery acid?
L215[09:23:14] <Skye> Even better, it has lithium
L216[09:24:54] <stephan48> oh!
L217[09:25:14] <stephan48> can i take the center display and mount it on the wall as a home control display?
L218[09:25:38] <stephan48> not much use of the car otherwhise
L219[09:28:02] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L220[09:32:46] <Lizzy> i mean, if your house is still intact after it "lands"
L221[09:32:48] <Lizzy> then sure
L222[09:32:49] <Lizzy> :P
L223[09:37:54] <Rph> %tonk
L224[09:37:54] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! Rph! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 29 minutes and 52 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L225[09:37:55] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 44 minutes and 5 seconds! 14 minutes and 13 seconds gained!
L226[09:38:10] <Lizzy> :<
L227[09:40:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E69BDB385E368A0F828.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L228[09:44:48] <Zef> %quote add Lizzy *hmms, wonders if there's any 12v car batteries about that she could drink the fluid out of...*
L229[09:44:49] <MichiBot> Zef: Quote added at id: 1344190
L230[09:44:54] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F236.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L231[09:45:14] <Zef> Uh is it supposed to be that high
L232[09:45:32] <Bob> Is there a way using Lua regex Pattern things to like
L233[09:45:35] <Temia> Welp
L234[09:45:39] <Temia> I'm going off the deep end
L235[09:45:40] <Bob> I qant to select numbers but excluse some
L236[09:45:43] <Lizzy> %quote #1344190
L237[09:45:44] <MichiBot> Lizzy: No quote found for id #1344190
L238[09:45:49] <Temia> I'm gonna jam MoinMoin into a GTK+ app and call it a personal wiki.
L239[09:45:55] <Lizzy> %quotes
L240[09:45:55] <MichiBot> Lizzy: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/quotes
L241[09:46:07] <Temia> Because fuck all the other personal wikis out there, they aren't wiki enough
L242[09:46:22] <Bob> Can i like use %p+ pattern selector but exclude the () somehow ?
L243[09:46:23] <Lizzy> @Zef #192 that got added as
L244[09:46:40] <Zef> Then what the hell is the other number
L245[09:47:25] <Temia> The first milestone planned is just getting a basic thing going -- tree, source editor, and preview, and saving to a particular wiki structure. Then I can add more as time goes on.
L246[09:48:00] <Lizzy> no idea Zef
L247[09:48:28] <Zef> MichiBot just wanted to show how high it can count I guess
L248[09:48:38] <Lizzy> @Bob err, you might be able to? i haven't messed with Lua patterns all that much. might be worth googling
L249[09:48:41] <Lizzy> %points
L250[09:48:42] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Lizzy has 9223372036854770002 points
L251[09:49:04] <Zef> %points
L252[09:49:05] <MichiBot> Zef: %points has 0 points
L253[09:49:17] <Zef> What lol
L254[09:49:23] <Lizzy> erm, lol
L255[09:49:47] <Lizzy> i guess that command doesn't have support to understand discord users through Corded
L256[09:50:33] <Zef> %blame MichiBot
L257[09:50:33] * MichiBot blames herself for running being exhausting
L258[09:53:18] <Rph> %blame Rph
L259[09:53:19] * MichiBot blames Rph for adding a thousand cycle signal to the inventory!
L260[09:54:22] <Lizzy> %drama
L261[09:54:22] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Shadowclaimer complains that FlowerChild replaced Schematica by Better than Wolves in Resonant Rise
L262[09:55:24] <Lizzy> %quote #179
L263[09:55:24] <MichiBot> Quote #179: <Michiyo> fuck that
L264[09:55:29] <Lizzy> heheh
L265[09:56:31] <Bob> Lizzy well is there a way then to add regex to lua ?
L266[09:56:38] <Bob> im using string gmatch
L267[09:57:03] <Lizzy> i have no idea, try googling
L268[09:57:37] <Bob> Did windows 10 fucks up itself again
L269[09:58:02] <Bob> for no valid reason it randomly stats to not react to anything
L270[09:58:14] <Bob> i cant use mouse keyboard or even the power button
L271[09:58:30] <Bob> ofc i can longpress to force shutdown but..
L272[09:58:31] <Lizzy> probably a new "feature" they added
L273[09:58:34] <Bob> I lost my data
L274[09:58:37] <Bob> Yea rip
L275[09:58:52] <Bob> Drivers for my oldie GTX 650 wont work at all
L276[09:58:59] <Bob> screen and GPU fan going nutz
L277[09:59:16] <Bob> And my CPU isnt the best for rendering
L278[09:59:20] <AmandaC> Somehow Windows 10 on my mom's laptop was configured to sync her entire C:\Users\<her> folder to OneDrive, then it started bitching that it was "too full"
L279[10:00:02] <Bob> Windows 7 is the only good Microsoft OS aside XP
L280[10:00:08] <Bob> tough now dropped suppott
L281[10:00:34] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L282[10:00:44] <Bob> I would use linux if i could benefit from all the components i have in my PC
L283[10:00:55] <Bob> Everytime something goes wrong
L284[10:00:59] <Bob> GPU mostly
L285[10:14:29] <Saphire> Help
L286[10:14:36] <Saphire> I am doing the thing EVERYONE does
L287[10:14:45] <Saphire> ...making my own dotfiles script and stuff
L288[10:14:52] <Inari> .
L289[10:14:59] <Forecaster> I don't do that
L290[10:15:24] <Bob> Its_defenitely.abadidea
L291[10:15:38] <Bob> ~~i will do my own tape filesystem soon~~
L292[10:15:47] <Bob> If someone hasn't done it yet
L293[10:18:27] <Saphire> ...aren't you a lucky lad
L294[10:18:41] <Saphire> I still have to finish mine :P
L295[10:19:41] <Bob> lmao
L296[10:19:49] <Bob> idk tought how ill do it
L297[10:19:53] <Bob> using Lua
L298[10:19:59] <Bob> tables in tables in tables ...
L299[10:21:00] <Zef> Doesn't putting tables in tables increase memory usage exponentially?
L300[10:22:22] <Bob> do i care ? i'm now thinking really
L301[10:22:36] <Bob> but still
L302[10:22:52] <Zef> If you want it to be practical yes
L303[10:22:55] <Zef> You should care
L304[10:23:09] <Bob> Early concept didnt started coding yet
L305[10:23:17] <Lizzy> didn't already do a tapefs?
L306[10:23:31] <Lizzy> err
L307[10:23:32] <Bob> if someone has i wil see if i cna use
L308[10:23:47] <Lizzy> that should have read "didn't someone already do a tapefs"
L309[10:24:22] <Zef> Smh you *haven't* done a tapefs?
L310[10:24:34] <Zef> ||im kidding don't hurt me||
L311[10:24:47] <asie> i saw at least one tapefs
L312[10:24:57] <Lizzy> I haven't actually played with computronics much recently
L313[10:25:01] <Rph> the tapefs just mounts the tape as a big binary blob
L314[10:25:12] <asie> goodfs enoughfs forfs mefs
L315[10:25:34] <Rph> if I wanted a tapefs, I'd just make a tape filesystem structure like tape backup devices use
L316[10:26:16] <Bob> there are tape fses but not in OC yet or im unaware of
L317[10:26:35] <Bob> People use tapes as mass storage soo i might see how it works and replicate ?
L318[10:26:59] <Saphire> https://gist.github.com/SaphireLattice/fc77ced35c1b76b9a9f4681fc140081c my ah... draft of the dotfiles definition thingy.
L319[10:27:08] <Saphire> ...I am overthinking and overengineering it but eh
L320[10:27:16] <Rph> %tonk
L321[10:27:17] <MichiBot> Jeepers! Rph! You beat your own previous record of 44 minutes and 5 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L322[10:27:18] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 49 minutes and 22 seconds! 5 minutes and 17 seconds gained!
L323[10:27:23] <Rph> all I can tell you, is that I am over*tonking*
L324[10:28:08] <Mimiru> Hmm.. how did I make ignoring Discord users work again.. is it just their nicks..
L325[10:28:25] <Rph> wow rude :(
L326[10:28:38] <Mimiru> Ahh, no..
L327[10:28:49] <Mimiru> %ignore @Rph
L328[10:28:55] <Saphire> ...heh
L329[10:28:57] <Mimiru> I did that so I could track nick changes
L330[10:29:19] <Mimiru> %ignorelist
L331[10:29:19] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Ignored Users: [102038103463567360]
L332[10:29:36] <Rph> :(
L333[10:29:47] <Rph> so now I can't tonk?
L334[10:29:54] <Mimiru> I *MIGHT* unignore you in over an hour. :D
L335[10:29:57] <Saphire> Hmm
L336[10:30:04] <Lizzy> hehe
L337[10:30:13] <Saphire> You know, you could make some kind of command to make the bot report nick changes
L338[10:30:16] <Saphire> over a notice
L339[10:30:23] <Saphire> (or ctcp)
L340[10:30:26] <Rph> That's unfair!
L341[10:30:30] <Mimiru> You know, assuming I don't forget
L342[10:30:36] <Saphire> Aaaaand thus make a script that will handle this stuff
L343[10:30:46] <Saphire> And allow people to actually ignore Discord users from IRC
L344[10:31:05] <Saphire> YES I KNOW THIS IS BAD TONE TO CHUNK MESSAGES LIKE THIS. I am sorry >.<
L345[10:31:12] <Rph> ~~I need to get myself a discord alt~~
L346[10:31:40] <Zef> Lol
L347[10:31:53] <Zef> You managed to do it enough to get muted
L348[10:32:03] <Bob> lul
L349[10:32:13] <asie> %tonk
L350[10:32:13] <MichiBot> I'm sorry asie, you were not able to beat Rph's record of 49 minutes and 22 seconds this time.
L351[10:32:14] <MichiBot> 4 minutes and 56 seconds were wasted! Missed by 44 minutes and 25 seconds!
L352[10:32:43] <Zef> *it was literally 5 minutes*
L353[10:36:32] <asie> except it wasn't
L354[10:49:32] <Zef> Fine
L355[10:49:40] <Zef> 4 minutes 56 seconds
L356[10:49:42] <Zef> Happy?
L357[10:53:12] <Kodos> LOL He banned me from his Discord
L358[10:53:23] <Inari> ?
L359[10:53:28] <Kodos> Hang on
L360[10:53:30] <Kodos> I'll get context
L361[10:53:41] <Kodos> https://puu.sh/CTqwS/03c70322b8.png
L362[10:53:53] <Trainfan91> what's this irc's ip address?
L363[10:54:30] <AmandaC> irc://irc.esper.net/#oc
L364[10:55:09] <Inari> Hm
L365[10:55:14] <Inari> I thought the irc schema is without #
L366[10:55:31] <AmandaC> One day I'll remember to put `noti` command before a long-running command, today is not that day
L367[10:55:31] <Saphire> Well, that's channel to join
L368[10:55:39] <Saphire> noti?
L369[10:55:45] <AmandaC> Pops up a notification on completion
L370[10:56:12] <AmandaC> https://github.com/variadico/noti
L371[10:56:44] <Trainfan91> it's not working in opencomputers for some reason
L372[10:57:15] <Kodos> The IRC for OC should connect to here by default
L373[10:57:27] <Trainfan91> ok, ty
L374[10:58:46] ⇨ Joins: trainfan91 (trainfan91!~trainfan9@c-73-150-56-216.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
L375[10:59:17] <trainfan91> hello from minecraft
L376[11:00:15] <trainfan91> stupid question, but can i multitask like this?
L377[11:01:47] <trainfan91> any1?
L378[11:02:12] <Forecaster> Multitask like what?
L379[11:02:45] <trainfan91> like if i still want to open other programs in irc
L380[11:03:03] <trainfan91> such as a lua script
L381[11:03:15] <Bob> threads in OpenOS detached from main
L382[11:03:17] <Bob> kill main
L383[11:03:19] <Bob> or coroutines
L384[11:03:37] <trainfan91> kill main
L385[11:03:39] <trainfan91> ?
L386[11:04:16] <trainfan91> what are these "threads and how do i use them?
L387[11:05:15] <AmandaC> It has to be buit into the app, which is not the case for the default irc program
L388[11:05:33] <Bob> well yea
L389[11:05:46] <Bob> you'd need some kind of windows and tasks / different screens
L390[11:05:47] <trainfan91> permission denied
L391[11:05:56] <Bob> wait wat
L392[11:05:59] <Bob> use MineOS ?
L393[11:06:05] <Bob> it has maybe everything you need
L394[11:06:09] <Bob> tough heavy
L395[11:06:29] <trainfan91> gimme a sec to switch back to discord
L396[11:07:29] <Trainfan91> nope, because most of the oc programs don't work on it.
L397[11:07:45] <Trainfan91> same trainfan91 btw
L398[11:08:22] <Trainfan91> @Bob
L399[11:08:32] <Bob> ?
L400[11:08:42] <Bob> you can make programs for MineOS
L401[11:08:49] <Bob> and run some in MineOS IDE
L402[11:08:52] <Bob> there is an IRC app
L403[11:09:16] <Trainfan91> what's an ide?
L404[11:10:23] <Trainfan91> also, the program isn't mine, so i don't want to butcher the code
L405[11:10:40] <Mimiru> Integrated Development Environment
L406[11:10:46] <Bob> Inteligent Devlopement envirobnement
L407[11:10:51] <Kodos> The short version is no, you can't irc and run other stuff at the same time on an OC Computer in minecraft
L408[11:10:52] <Mimiru> Basically an editor, that helps you program :P
L409[11:10:59] <Inari> Unfortunately lua does only have cooperative multitasking/threading
L410[11:11:05] <Bob> can't you ?
L411[11:11:14] <Kodos> You can, but you'd have to program it yourself
L412[11:11:15] <Bob> Yea cooperative tought we can make internet events ?
L413[11:11:17] <Kodos> And it sounds like he doesn't want to
L414[11:11:38] <Inari> @Bob ?
L415[11:12:00] <Bob> or wait sec
L416[11:12:16] <Bob> i mean
L417[11:12:24] <Bob> like when you receive some packet
L418[11:12:36] <Inari> I'm not sure what you mean
L419[11:12:41] <Trainfan91> if u could do it, heres the link: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/oc-fileserver/tree/master/third_party/gamax92/midi-original
L420[11:12:57] <AmandaC> What inari means is that there's nothing to stop a greedy process from hogging the entire CPU
L421[11:13:38] <Inari> Well, not only that, but without such a way, all software has to be built to work with multitasking
L422[11:14:08] <Bob> you'd need to make your own IRC thing
L423[11:14:14] <Bob> I have an idea
L424[11:14:17] <Bob> an overlay alike thing
L425[11:14:19] <Bob> like
L426[11:14:37] <AmandaC> What the actual fuck, MS? https://nc.ddna.co/s/tB8GCHpz2cCpegJ
L427[11:14:53] <Bob> update ?
L428[11:14:57] <AmandaC> My internet is not that fucking bad!
L429[11:15:09] <Inari> You don't want the NDP anyway
L430[11:15:10] <Trainfan91> let me rephrase, i want to still have a full useable computer while on this irc in oc. is this possible?
L431[11:15:23] <Bob> @Trainfan91 you'd need to code a script yourself
L432[11:15:30] <Bob> but yes its possible to integrate it to a PC
L433[11:15:36] <Bob> depends if you want OpenOs
L434[11:15:41] <Bob> you can run a separate thread from main
L435[11:15:46] <Bob> so you dont block the main thread
L436[11:16:08] <Trainfan91> ok , how do i create a new thread?
L437[11:16:14] <Bob> or a coroutine
L438[11:16:22] <AmandaC> Inari: I'm downloading it to install into wine to be able to play SE
L439[11:16:22] <Bob> https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:thread
L440[11:16:24] <Trainfan91> i still want open os
L441[11:16:30] <Bob> Threads are purely OpenOS thing
L442[11:16:35] <Bob> and if you have OpenOS you can use threads
L443[11:16:49] <Bob> read how they work then scrap the IRc script
L444[11:17:12] <Trainfan91> ok, nvm, too compilcated
L445[11:17:44] <Bob> wait wat
L446[11:18:20] <Trainfan91> @bob it MIGHT be easier to get oppm programs working in mineos
L447[11:18:29] <Trainfan91> afk brb
L448[11:18:45] <Bob> i mean Coding is the essential part of OC
L449[11:23:31] ⇦ Quits: trainfan91 (trainfan91!~trainfan9@c-73-150-56-216.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) (Quit: trainfan91)
L450[11:28:19] <Trainfan91> im back
L451[11:28:40] <Temia> https://computerfairi.es/@pettancow/101676461787183402
L452[11:29:13] <Mimiru> %unignore @Rph
L453[11:29:18] <Mimiru> %ignorelist
L454[11:29:18] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Ignored Users: []
L455[11:30:10] <Skye> Temia: what's your profile picture? It looks cute but is so smol
L456[11:30:33] <Temia> It's a picture of Temia generated with charat.me's icon creators
L457[11:31:46] <Trainfan91> anyway, how to recode a oc program for mineos?
L458[11:33:07] <AmandaC> %8ball save the new chapters for the flight?
L459[11:33:08] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Signs point to yes
L460[11:42:15] * Saphire factually scritches Temia
L461[11:42:26] <Saphire> %tonk
L462[11:42:28] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! Saphire! You beat Rph's previous record of 49 minutes and 22 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L463[11:42:29] <MichiBot> Saphire's new record is 1 hour, 10 minutes and 14 seconds! 20 minutes and 51 seconds gained! Saphire also gained 0.001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L464[11:42:38] <Saphire> Woo
L465[11:43:02] <Saphire> %tonkout
L466[11:43:03] <MichiBot> Saphire has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.002
L467[11:44:20] ⇨ Joins: Trainfan91 (Trainfan91!~Trainfan9@c-73-150-56-216.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
L468[11:45:14] ⇦ Quits: Trainfan91 (Trainfan91!~Trainfan9@c-73-150-56-216.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L469[11:48:13] <Skye> %tonk
L470[11:48:14] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Skye! You beat Saphire's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L471[11:48:15] <MichiBot> Skye's new record is 5 minutes and 11 seconds! 5 minutes and 11 seconds gained!
L472[11:48:36] <Izaya> the 1660Ti was mentioned earlier last night so https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia-gtx1660ti-linux&num=1
L473[11:48:43] * Saphire sighs
L474[11:48:46] <Izaya> cute card
L475[11:49:03] <Rph> retarded naming scheme tbh
L476[11:49:12] <Rph> and a great way to confuse everyoen
L477[11:50:07] * Izaya nods
L478[11:50:10] <Izaya> they had a good system
L479[11:50:21] <Izaya> and now I can't even guess what the next generation will be called
L480[11:50:32] <asie> 2660, duh
L481[11:50:40] <Lizzy> 2666
L482[11:50:59] <Rph> nvidia did the same thing to their naming scheme what phone manufacturers did to their screens
L483[11:51:03] <Rph> they had a great system for years
L484[11:51:06] <Rph> and just decided to ruin it
L485[11:51:09] <Rph> with some crappy changes
L486[11:51:56] <Bob> skipped generations
L487[11:52:38] <Izaya> oh man I forgot how good the Mad Max vulkan port is
L488[11:59:14] <Mimiru> I assume it's a 1660, because it's a 2060 without the ray tracing, and something else, so it's not a "true" 2060, so they dropped back to a 1xxx, but it's not a 1xxx series, cause it's the same core as the 2xxx..
L489[11:59:27] <Mimiru> so, they slapped a bigger number in the middle.
L490[12:00:04] <Bob> basically a GTX 1160 ?
L491[12:01:14] <Mimiru> 1160 sounds too close to the 1060 :P
L492[12:02:02] * Saphire flops
L493[12:02:07] <Bob> 1260 ?
L494[12:02:16] <Bob> to make it closer to *2060* ?
L495[12:02:20] <Bob> idk
L496[12:02:31] <Saphire> It's basically between gen 1k and 2k
L497[12:02:34] <Izaya> 1660, 1760, 1860, 1960, ????
L498[12:02:48] <Inari> Temia: thats pretty cool
L499[12:03:06] <Izaya> oh, right
L500[12:03:09] <Izaya> dequbed: hell yeah
L501[12:03:17] <Saphire> Basically they took 2060, but because it isn't rtx, they decided it is good for gen1.5k
L502[12:03:20] <Inari 『 おにいでれ 』> Just threw it quickly together xD Will have to take more time later to adjust colours and look at more of the options http://tinyurl.com/y2pp2pg2
L503[12:09:47] <Rph> %tonk
L504[12:09:48] <MichiBot> Gadsbudlikins! Rph! You beat Skye's previous record of 5 minutes and 11 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L505[12:09:49] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 21 minutes and 34 seconds! 16 minutes and 22 seconds gained!
L506[12:22:55] <Inari> From elsenet "Program tester walks into a bar, orders a drink. orders 9999 drinks. orders abcd drinks. orders -1 drinks. user walks into the bar. asks for the bathroom. bar explodes."
L507[12:31:29] <Johnlukey> I need help
L508[12:31:57] <Johnlukey> I need open computers to work open security
L509[12:32:05] <Johnlukey> @Mimiru
L510[12:37:10] <Skye> %tonk
L511[12:37:10] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! Skye! You beat Rph's previous record of 21 minutes and 34 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L512[12:37:11] <MichiBot> Skye's new record is 27 minutes and 22 seconds! 5 minutes and 48 seconds gained!
L513[12:39:03] <Mimiru> @Johnlukey I'm at work, not going to be a whole lot of help.
L514[12:39:08] <Mimiru> But state your issue and someone may try
L515[12:42:15] <dequbed> Izaya: Have you taken your gf on a romantic ride yet? ;)
L516[12:42:46] <Izaya> due to my license restrictions I'm going to not comment on the grounds I may incriminate myself
L517[12:44:13] <dequbed> :D
L518[12:46:44] <Izaya> it is worth noting that the ZZR250 is really not designed with passengers in mind
L519[13:00:47] ⇨ Joins: unknownshadow10 (unknownshadow10!webchat@ip72-218-135-37.hr.hr.cox.net)
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L523[13:05:20] <Mimiru> @"status @"Johnlukey"
L524[13:05:25] <Mimiru> damn it
L525[13:05:27] <Mimiru> @status @"Johnlukey"
L526[13:05:28] <Discord> Johnlukey is currently DO_NOT_DISTURB
L527[13:36:37] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a murder present
L528[13:36:38] * MichiBot accepts the murder present and adds it to her inventory
L529[13:36:49] <Rph> %tonk
L530[13:36:51] <MichiBot> Waesucks! Rph! You beat Skye's previous record of 27 minutes and 22 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L531[13:36:52] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 59 minutes and 40 seconds! 32 minutes and 18 seconds gained!
L532[13:36:57] <Rph> darn
L533[13:37:00] <Rph> missed by 20 seconds
L534[13:38:12] * Temia awws and pets Amanda
L535[13:38:36] * AmandaC nestles up against Temia, purrs softly. :3
L536[14:01:32] <Inari> Hm
L537[14:01:34] <Inari> Is that
L538[14:01:38] <Inari> Noises mod still around?
L539[14:01:44] <Inari> That played different sounds or ambient noises
L540[14:05:24] <Lizzy> Matmos? i think.
L541[14:05:35] <Inari> Oh, yeah, that
L542[14:05:47] <Lizzy> idk if that one is still around, but Dynamic Surroundings seems to be a 1.12.2 version of it at least
L543[14:06:02] <Inari> That'll work
L544[14:22:17] <dequbed> Izaya: Do you intend on solving that design problem or will you just get a different bike when the need arises? :p
L545[15:07:06] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L546[15:07:07] <MichiBot> Consarn it! CompanionCube! You beat Rph's previous record of 59 minutes and 40 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L547[15:07:08] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 1 hour, 30 minutes and 15 seconds! 30 minutes and 35 seconds gained! CompanionCube also gained 0.001 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L548[15:07:20] <Rph> :(
L549[15:20:35] <Z0idburg> ok
L550[15:20:59] <Z0idburg> I left off last night working on lib/error.lua
L551[15:21:14] <Z0idburg> which is a special library for returning new libraries with built in error constants and features
L552[15:24:33] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/nosuwofena
L553[15:25:58] ⇨ Joins: TheBit (TheBit!~TheBit@openlaboratory.tk)
L554[15:27:49] <Z0idburg> when you use the lib, you can do things like:
L555[15:27:49] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/luqihoyigu
L556[15:27:54] <Z0idburg> Rph ^
L557[15:29:27] ⇦ Quits: TheBit (TheBit!~TheBit@openlaboratory.tk) (Quit: TheBit)
L558[15:29:40] <Rph> hmm
L559[15:29:41] <Inari> %inv add pope blood
L560[15:29:41] * MichiBot summons 'pope blood' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L561[15:30:18] <Z0idburg> I'm going to gfet rid of errstr()
L562[15:30:23] <Z0idburg> I dont like injecting functions
L563[15:30:27] <Z0idburg> and replace it with err[]
L564[15:30:30] <Z0idburg> errstr[]*
L565[15:30:38] <Z0idburg> foo.errstr[err]
L566[15:31:41] <Rph> my library loader will do a lot of those things natively
L567[15:31:52] <Rph> based on the .def file
L568[15:36:30] <Z0idburg> One of Trotwoods quirks is performance
L569[15:36:51] <Z0idburg> so I don't want a lot of checks in the way
L570[15:37:24] <Rph> ill ship a gui by default so with GPU imposing artificial performance limits
L571[15:40:30] <Bob> In OC all the GPU calculations are done on the CPU :GWsabianPepoStop:
L572[15:40:38] <Z0idburg> Ar eyou going to support compositing?
L573[15:41:47] <Rph> what exactly do you mean by that
L574[15:42:00] <Rph> apps will submit bitmaps
L575[15:42:03] <Rph> to the display server
L576[15:42:30] <Z0idburg> compositing will allow your apps to retrieve information about the current framebuffer and use it to submit its bitmap
L577[15:42:42] <Z0idburg> this allows for transparency and other graphical effects to happen.
L578[15:43:17] <Rph> well
L579[15:43:26] <Rph> apps will be able to request a segment of the screen
L580[15:44:05] <Rph> the display server will also use multiple tricks to draw only changes etc
L581[15:47:33] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC458.versanet.de)
L582[15:47:51] <Rph> so yes, the display server will store all buffers for all windows
L583[15:48:08] <Rph> and other apps may request the content before or after their window is rendered
L584[15:48:11] <Rph> *but* there is a twist
L585[15:48:18] <Rph> an app may label its window as "safe"
L586[15:48:26] <Rph> and that will make the display server do extra work
L587[15:48:34] <Rph> so that when something else requests the full screen or the content of that window
L588[15:48:40] <Rph> all it gets is a black square in place of the content
L589[15:50:54] <Z0idburg> wow this makes it easy
L590[15:50:59] <Z0idburg> I no longer need an errstr()
L591[15:51:02] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ipezuwevut
L592[15:51:33] <Z0idburg> I should change the name from error to something else
L593[15:52:33] <Z0idburg> er is good enough
L594[15:54:18] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L595[15:54:33] <Rph> so what do you think about my display server structure
L596[15:54:59] <Rph> and well about transparency, there will be a second app called the compositor (attached next to the display server) which will handle that
L597[15:55:07] <Rph> as well as other eye candy
L598[15:55:29] <Rph> the app when creating its window will simply have to make the backgroundTransparency be a color they want to be replaced with transparent
L599[15:56:05] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L600[16:03:53] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L601[16:04:29] <Bob> I have string.gmatch(a,b) that outputs 2 matches, can i like do c,b = s.gmatch(a,b) or do i have to use a for iterator ?
L602[16:04:55] <Bob> F u n ction time
L603[16:05:46] <Bob> and can i change the require function place where it loads libs ?
L604[16:09:00] <Inari> FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2
L605[16:45:18] ⇦ Quits: cpup (cpup!~cpup@24-151-32-148.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L606[16:51:47] <Kodos> Man, I'm still laughing over my 'friend' banning me from his Discord and unfriending me, over his own stupidity
L607[16:52:42] <Forecaster> you mean the argument over OC vs AE
L608[16:53:04] <AmandaC> You've got a weird concept of funny and friend, there
L609[16:54:26] <Kodos> It wasn't even an argument
L610[16:54:37] <Kodos> This dude is convinced you can do everything you can do with OC, with AE
L611[16:54:53] <Kodos> And I told him I was pasting a screencap of that over in the OC discord and having a laugh about it
L612[16:55:01] <Kodos> And I guess he got butthurt and banned me
L613[16:55:29] <Kodos> Like what does he think OC can do exactly, because I know for a fact AE can't do it all
L614[16:55:47] <Mimiru> But you totally can! You can make logic with AE stuff, and program with that!
L615[16:56:08] <Kodos> Sure, I guess you could use Redstone tunnels to do redstone computing
L616[16:58:01] <ben_mkiv> tell me any AE2 device that can use tools
L617[16:58:07] <ben_mkiv> like robots
L618[16:59:33] <Kodos> Exactly
L619[16:59:34] <Kodos> He's wrong
L620[16:59:38] <Kodos> And he should feel bad
L621[16:59:46] <Kodos> Robots, drones, servers, microcontrollers
L622[17:00:05] <Kodos> OpenComputers, objectively, is one of the best mods in Minecraft today.
L623[17:00:05] <Inari> nanites
L624[17:00:11] <Kodos> Nanomachines, yes
L625[17:00:14] <Kodos> I forget about those all the damn time
L626[17:00:15] <Kodos> But yes
L627[17:00:54] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F236.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L628[17:03:39] <Forecaster> macromachines!
L629[17:03:44] <Forecaster> wait that's robots
L630[17:05:18] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:e871:d9dc:57e0:95ad:c2ff)
L631[17:10:18] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L632[17:11:07] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L633[17:11:16] <Bob> AE Can't really do anything OC can
L634[17:11:24] <Bob> OC can surely do anything AE can
L635[17:11:54] <ben_mkiv> not true
L636[17:11:55] <Bob> AE just provides already ready tools but lacks everything OC provides but they're technically different mods and concepts
L637[17:12:12] <Bob> I mean AE can do alot but still
L638[17:12:15] <Bob> Robots and stuff
L639[17:12:20] <Bob> then all the integrations
L640[17:12:23] <ben_mkiv> how would you tunnel energy/fluids and such with OC?
L641[17:12:52] <Bob> :GWchadMEGATHINK: dematerialize items into hashes and send them thought data cards ofc
L642[17:13:00] <Bob> Linked cards
L643[17:13:12] <Bob> Bots can transport stuff
L644[17:13:25] <Bob> Idk about energy but about fluids and items sure
L645[17:14:48] <ben_mkiv> actually dreamed of something like that
L646[17:14:57] <ben_mkiv> a mod that converts items to their matter
L647[17:15:09] <ben_mkiv> and then can craft stuff from the matter
L648[17:18:12] <Bob> I don't do Java either MC modding so
L649[17:18:16] <Bob> can't really help
L650[17:18:25] <Bob> until Lua mods become a think for Minecraft
L651[17:19:24] * Lizzy sighs, turns off her pfsense test vm and gives up on trying to get that to work how she wants it to
L652[17:19:38] <Kodos> Isn't that just UUM/the stuff from Matter Overdrive?
L653[17:20:45] <ben_mkiv> well that gets only one kind of matter
L654[17:21:00] <ben_mkiv> my idea is somewhere between uu-matter and rockhounding chemistry
L655[17:21:10] <Kodos> Yeah I was just gonna suggest looking at Rockhounding
L656[17:21:15] <Kodos> Sounds like you want MineChem
L657[17:21:34] <Kodos> I believe work is being done to port it, but it's still unfinished as of yet
L658[17:21:40] <Kodos> There's a "playable" version but I use playable lightly
L659[17:22:00] <ben_mkiv> so that can break actually blocks to their compounds?
L660[17:22:06] <ben_mkiv> instead of requiring minerals like rockhounding
L661[17:22:19] <Kodos> It breaks items down into elements
L662[17:22:23] <Kodos> And then you can make stuff with said elements
L663[17:22:39] <Kodos> There's even a multitool that changes effects based on what chemicals you add to it
L664[17:22:45] <Kodos> And you can coat weapons in them as well
L665[17:23:36] <ben_mkiv> ah nice, now i know why all the people dislike rockhounding but love minechem xD
L666[17:23:53] <ben_mkiv> because it gives gameadvantages instead of teaching you shit... xD
L667[17:25:09] <Kodos> I dislike rockhounding because its machinery looks like ass
L668[17:25:17] <Kodos> And there's no intuitive way to know how to build them
L669[17:25:36] <Kodos> I love the idea of its mechanics
L670[17:25:46] <Kodos> And I really like the decorative block mod they have as well
L671[17:26:39] <ben_mkiv> theres a guide
L672[17:26:48] <ben_mkiv> on how to build them
L673[17:26:51] <ben_mkiv> ingame
L674[17:27:07] <Kodos> Oh yeah? They finally added one?
L675[17:27:22] <Kodos> Does it ghost the blocks inworld, or do I have to constantly look into the book
L676[17:27:30] <Kodos> And if the latter, does it at least save the page I was looking at when I close it
L677[17:27:45] <ben_mkiv> it saves the page for sure
L678[17:27:48] <ben_mkiv> not sure about ghostblocks
L679[17:27:54] <Kodos> Also I just had a reminder in my head go off that I needed to yell at you
L680[17:28:08] <Kodos> The rolldoor only goes down 2 blocks, and not 3 which would be more sensible
L681[17:28:46] <ben_mkiv> it goes down 16 blocks if theres enough space for it to do so
L682[17:29:04] <Kodos> Does it? Hm, does it 'set' the amount on initial closing then?
L683[17:29:10] <Kodos> Because when I first toggled it, it only had 2 blocks of space
L684[17:29:16] <Kodos> Then I cleared out room and it would still only go 2
L685[17:29:25] <ben_mkiv> oh then thats a bug
L686[17:29:29] <Kodos> And using set position did nothing
L687[17:29:34] <ben_mkiv> it should check on closing how much space is available
L688[17:29:36] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L689[17:29:54] <Kodos> Also are they airtight with GC/AR?
L690[17:30:15] <ben_mkiv> thats a good question xD
L691[17:30:25] <ben_mkiv> they actually should
L692[17:30:38] <Kodos> Lol ok
L693[17:30:40] <ben_mkiv> at least for one of the mods... as they have a closed bounding box
L694[17:30:52] <Kodos> I'm *debating* on using AR, I have to finish the tutorial video series I found but I keep falling asleep to the videos
L695[17:31:44] <ben_mkiv> oh yea the rolldoor only checks on init() how much height is available
L696[17:31:49] <ben_mkiv> going to fix that for next build
L697[17:31:59] <Kodos> Side note, anyone know how much of TechReborn is supposed to work with OC
L698[17:32:09] <Kodos> I'm trying to nail down which tech mod with a reactor I want to use
L699[17:32:41] <ben_mkiv> mekanism :P
L700[17:33:02] <Kodos> Honestly, I would *love* to use Mekanism but every time I've tried the 1.12 version I have issues
L701[17:37:16] <AmandaC> You should try going digital instead, then the issues don't become a fire hazard
L702[17:38:12] <AmandaC> %8ball does being at the airport count as a suitable area to read?
L703[17:38:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Signs point to yes
L704[17:38:23] <ben_mkiv> never had trouble with mekanism
L705[17:41:06] <Kodos> I'll try it again next go around then. Right now I need to run to DG to get some ice and flirt with the cashier
L706[17:41:19] <Kodos> I'll try it again next go around then. Right now I need to run to DG to get some ice [Edited]
L707[17:44:20] <Mimiru> IRC sees all.
L708[18:09:40] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L709[18:10:52] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L710[18:10:57] <Kodos> Maybe but I'm not on IRC
L711[18:11:06] <Kodos> Handle released ages ago, along with the channels I controlled
L712[18:11:22] <Kodos> Along with the other handles I was holding
L713[18:15:27] * Lizzy hmms, may have made a discovery with ovh and ipv6 stuff
L714[18:16:36] <Lizzy> or maybe not :(
L715[18:16:57] * AmandaC adds a new node to her graph
L716[18:17:26] <AmandaC> %8ball wait til boarded to read?
L717[18:17:27] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L718[18:22:46] <Lizzy> meh, thought i'd stumbled onto something that'd let my server technically have a /56 IPv6 block instead of a /64 but it didn't work
L719[18:23:16] <AmandaC> %roll 1d7
L720[18:23:16] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [3]
L721[18:24:24] <Lizzy> or... hmmm
L722[18:25:21] <Lizzy> nope, nvm
L723[18:29:13] <Lizzy> meh, this rabbit hole is gonna go nowhere so i give up with it
L724[18:47:02] <Skye> %tonk
L725[18:47:03] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Skye! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 1 hour, 30 minutes and 15 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L726[18:47:04] <MichiBot> Skye's new record is 3 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds! 2 hours, 9 minutes and 40 seconds gained! Skye also gained 0.003 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L727[18:47:13] <Skye> :D
L728[18:50:07] <AmandaC> %roll 1d5
L729[18:50:07] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [2]
L730[18:50:23] <AmandaC> Kaay, hopefully I remember that when I'm on the actual plane
L731[18:51:04] <Kodos> Oh you get points for stealing now
L732[19:08:13] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!webchat@210-86-28-204.adsl.xtra.co.nz)
L733[19:08:19] <PrismaticYT> OC refuses to work
L734[19:08:29] <PrismaticYT> Nothing comes up in the tab
L735[19:08:39] <ben_mkiv> which tab?
L736[19:08:44] <PrismaticYT> the OC tab
L737[19:08:44] <ben_mkiv> what minecraft/oc version?
L738[19:08:46] <PrismaticYT> 1.12.2
L739[19:08:48] <PrismaticYT> and
L740[19:08:58] <PrismaticYT>
L741[19:09:12] <PrismaticYT> works fine on other computers
L742[19:09:21] <ben_mkiv> that sounds weird, indeed
L743[19:09:34] <PrismaticYT> and when my friend tries to start MC
L744[19:09:37] <ben_mkiv> any errors on startup?
L745[19:09:39] <PrismaticYT> he gets a ClassNotFound error
L746[19:09:40] <PrismaticYT> but
L747[19:09:41] <PrismaticYT> I don't
L748[19:09:55] <PrismaticYT> should I check server or client log?
L749[19:10:15] <PrismaticYT> [13:57:31] [main/ERROR] [FML]: Unable to read the jar file OpenComputers-MC1.12.2- - ignoring
L750[19:10:56] <PrismaticYT> should I download an earlier version?
L751[19:11:21] <ben_mkiv> earlier versions arent recommended at the moment, as they have a serious problem with latest java versions
L752[19:11:28] <PrismaticYT> hmm
L753[19:11:33] <ben_mkiv> i would recommend to redownload the jar and try again
L754[19:11:35] <PrismaticYT> using latest java nad forge
L755[19:11:36] <PrismaticYT> and*
L756[19:11:37] <ben_mkiv> or check the md5 sum
L757[19:11:37] <PrismaticYT> okay
L758[19:11:42] <PrismaticYT> I got it from CurseForge
L759[19:11:43] <ben_mkiv> and/or filesize
L760[19:11:52] <PrismaticYT> 15181 kb
L761[19:11:59] <ben_mkiv> yea, thats the official source
L762[19:12:05] <PrismaticYT> do I need to unblock the file
L763[19:12:05] <ben_mkiv> so should be fine
L764[19:12:13] <ben_mkiv> unblock?
L765[19:12:17] <PrismaticYT> it says this file came from another computer and is blocked
L766[19:12:19] <PrismaticYT> win 7
L767[19:12:41] <ben_mkiv> give it a try, possible that its preventing read access until you did
L768[19:12:44] <PrismaticYT> yeah
L769[19:15:12] <PrismaticYT> singleplayer works fine
L770[19:33:25] ⇨ Joins: ye (ye!~ye@
L771[19:33:35] <ye> hello?
L772[19:34:02] <ben_mkiv> %hello ye
L773[19:34:03] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L774[19:34:03] <ye> why am i on this listening to alex jones info wars on openFM
L775[19:34:13] <ben_mkiv> xD
L776[19:34:34] <ben_mkiv> just watched the joe rogan video with him
L777[19:34:43] <ben_mkiv> now i need 20 years to process that
L778[19:34:50] <ye> lmao
L779[19:36:11] <ye> wait so are you on an
L780[19:36:39] <ye> computer rn?
L781[19:36:47] <ben_mkiv> no
L782[19:37:01] <ben_mkiv> what is a computer?
L783[19:37:12] <ye> I'm talking like in minecraft rn
L784[19:37:26] <ye> because i am and this is completely wack to me
L785[19:37:58] <ben_mkiv> the chat can be accessed from anywhere
L786[19:38:08] <ben_mkiv> even discord...
L787[19:40:59] ⇦ Quits: ye (ye!~ye@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L788[19:42:41] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!webchat@210-86-28-204.adsl.xtra.co.nz) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L789[19:48:30] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!webchat@210-86-28-204.adsl.xtra.co.nz)
L790[19:48:41] <PrismaticYT> I know this isn't #minecraft-forge, but none of my friend's mods are loading
L791[19:49:03] <ben_mkiv> what launcher is he using?
L792[19:50:02] <PrismaticYT> minecraft
L793[19:50:06] <PrismaticYT> same as me
L794[19:50:10] <PrismaticYT> exact same folder setup
L795[19:50:14] <PrismaticYT> same pc specs even
L796[19:50:21] <PrismaticYT> im at an internet cafe with my friend
L797[19:50:31] <PrismaticYT> Everything is the sam
L798[19:50:33] <PrismaticYT> same*
L799[19:50:42] <PrismaticYT> except his mods won't load at all
L800[19:50:50] <PrismaticYT> (sorry for wall of text)
L801[19:50:55] <PrismaticYT> Forge loads just fine
L802[19:52:30] <ben_mkiv> well something might not be, maybe some outdated java version, or missing file access privileges
L803[19:52:35] <PrismaticYT> nope
L804[19:52:40] <PrismaticYT> computers logged on as admin
L805[19:52:43] <PrismaticYT> using MC's java
L806[19:52:49] <PrismaticYT> and he downloaded the latest java
L807[19:53:23] <ben_mkiv> well post the whole start log to pastebin.com or hastebin.com
L808[19:53:27] <PrismaticYT> he's gonna try reinsalling minecraft
L809[19:53:28] <ben_mkiv> otherwise its just guessing
L810[19:53:30] <PrismaticYT> reinstalling*
L811[19:53:37] <PrismaticYT> i did see a few can't read file errors
L812[19:56:25] <PrismaticYT> I think the disk is corrupted
L813[19:56:26] <PrismaticYT> because
L814[19:56:31] <PrismaticYT> I can't access the logs foder
L815[19:56:34] <PrismaticYT> folder*
L816[19:58:11] <PrismaticYT> he's gonna try a reboot
L817[20:06:52] <Z0idburg> Hm
L818[20:06:59] <Z0idburg> I am considering checking out Cassandra
L819[20:07:10] <Z0idburg> the database engine
L820[20:07:56] <Z0idburg> I need something high availability and stable with massive data
L821[20:09:57] <PrismaticYT> serverside oc doesn't work
L822[20:10:08] <PrismaticYT> i'll try replacing the server's oc jar with my own oc jar
L823[20:10:39] <PrismaticYT> Doesn't Discord use Cassandra or something?
L824[20:12:58] <PrismaticYT> https://pastebin.com/K2FfBmdp
L825[20:16:46] <PrismaticYT> okay, that has appeared to work
L826[20:16:52] <PrismaticYT> i don't get an unable to read error
L827[20:17:00] <PrismaticYT> it worked
L828[20:17:03] <PrismaticYT> i can use oc now
L829[20:17:07] <ben_mkiv> what was the issue?
L830[20:17:09] <PrismaticYT> idk
L831[20:17:15] <PrismaticYT> i just replaced the server's oc jar
L832[20:17:17] <PrismaticYT> with my own
L833[20:17:18] <PrismaticYT> and it worked
L834[20:25:49] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!webchat@210-86-28-204.adsl.xtra.co.nz) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L835[20:47:08] <Izaya> %flip hahahahahahaha
L836[20:47:08] <MichiBot> Izaya: (╯°□°)╯ɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥ
L837[20:49:59] ⇨ Joins: ye (ye!~ye@
L838[20:52:03] ⇨ Joins: Gangman (Gangman!~Gangman@
L839[20:52:07] <ye> test
L840[20:52:12] <Gangman> test money
L841[20:52:16] <ye> yes
L842[20:52:21] <Izaya> no
L843[20:52:25] <Gangman> bruh this is lit
L844[20:52:47] <ye> this is beyond comprehensible
L845[20:52:55] <Gangman> creepers are out
L846[20:53:14] <Gangman> yall know how to watch pron
L847[20:53:14] <ben_mkiv> now do
L848[20:53:26] <ben_mkiv> pastebin run 0nm5b1ju
L849[20:53:34] <ye> ooh mineos
L850[20:53:47] <ben_mkiv> how did you know that quick? xD
L851[20:53:54] <ye> thats what I'm using that right now to type this
L852[20:54:00] <ben_mkiv> nvm
L853[20:54:02] <ye> hehehe
L854[20:54:04] <Gangman> nvm
L855[20:54:08] <Izaya> >not KOS NEO
L856[20:54:12] <Gangman> haha lol
L857[20:54:26] <ben_mkiv> yea mineos is pretty impressive
L858[20:54:41] <Gangman> yall know how to get interenet app
L859[20:55:02] <ye> its fantastic, i just wish there was a better graphics card or something because mine updates really slowly
L860[20:55:24] <ye> especially when dragging tabs
L861[20:56:04] <Izaya> it's not quite designed to be fast :p
L862[20:56:52] <ye> yeah i know but when watching the developer of mineos use it on the forums it was crystal clear and fast
L863[20:57:05] <Gangman> bruh how do i get internet up on my px
L864[20:57:11] <Gangman> pc
L865[20:57:18] <Izaya> probably tweaked the config to allow more GPU calls per second
L866[20:57:26] <Izaya> cheating
L867[20:57:38] <ye> aw
L868[20:58:06] <Gangman> so
L869[20:58:20] <ye> would be nice if computers could use more than one GPU
L870[21:00:42] <Zef> Pretty sure they can
L871[21:00:54] <Izaya> they can
L872[21:00:57] <Zef> Just you have to write the code for that yourself
L873[21:01:14] <Zef> ~w component
L874[21:01:14] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component
L875[21:01:17] <ben_mkiv> doesnt mineos have multiscreen support?
L876[21:01:18] ⇦ Quits: Gangman (Gangman!~Gangman@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L877[21:01:30] <Zef> I'm not talking about mineos
L878[21:01:35] <Izaya> https://static.mastodon.technology/media_attachments/files/001/595/316/original/7d659483a554aa27.png
L879[21:02:01] <ye> how can i copy thesethrough this irc
L880[21:02:23] <Izaya> depends on what you're using to connect to IRC
L881[21:03:22] <ye> um
L882[21:03:31] <ye> mineos in minecraft?
L883[21:03:54] <Izaya> you're not gonna be able to copy out of the game then, I'm afraid
L884[21:04:14] <ye> darn
L885[21:04:34] <Zef> The picture is just of 2 screens running lua prompts from a single computer
L886[21:04:46] <ye> I'm still finding this so whack that I'm talking to other people while playing minecraft
L887[21:04:48] <Izaya> today's fun PsychOS idea: a chatbox I/O sink that you can use to write links to so you can click on them from chat
L888[21:05:31] <Zef> Wait until you find out about phones
L889[21:05:33] <Zef> Lol
L890[21:05:40] <ben_mkiv> xD
L891[21:06:29] <ye> wait phones?
L892[21:06:34] <Zef> Hows ocdevices coming along?
L893[21:06:42] * ben_mkiv about 3 hours ago "ill just quick add blast resistant server racks..."
L894[21:06:55] * ben_mkiv for almost 2hours "how tf does oc render the rack"
L895[21:06:58] <Zef> And then java had a stroke?
L896[21:07:02] <Izaya> so when are we getting a mumble integration mod
L897[21:07:12] <Izaya> :^)
L898[21:07:50] <ben_mkiv> nah this is actually for opensecurity
L899[21:08:04] <ben_mkiv> but then i had an idea for ocdevices
L900[21:08:16] <ben_mkiv> you craft everything as tier1 case and then you use upgrades on them
L901[21:08:22] ⇦ Quits: ye (ye!~ye@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L902[21:08:26] <ben_mkiv> kinda like storagedrawers/yabba barrels
L903[21:08:31] <Zef> That's actually a good idea
L904[21:08:53] <Zef> Goddamn I hate using a cracked phone
L905[21:09:03] <Zef> (screen)
L906[21:10:43] <Zef> Well anyways, now that I have internet back maybe I'll stop being a lazy fuck and work on some cases (spoiler: I probably won't)
L907[21:14:49] <ben_mkiv> ^^
L908[21:15:04] <ben_mkiv> first i would probably need a model of the OC default rack xD
L909[21:20:52] <Z0idburg> Ok Rph
L910[21:21:41] <Z0idburg> I think I just found a way to make Trotwood provide a new kernel instance every time any process is resumed without a performance impact
L911[21:22:15] <Z0idburg> this makes it even easier to replace the kernel core during runtime...
L912[21:26:12] ⇨ Joins: ye (ye!~ye@
L913[21:27:15] ⇦ Quits: ye (ye!~ye@ (Client Quit)
L914[21:27:39] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:13:e871:d9dc:57e0:95ad:c2ff) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L915[21:30:23] <Kodos> Refined Storage is starting to annoy me
L916[21:32:29] ⇨ Joins: ye (ye!~ye@
L917[21:32:44] <ye> anybody getting problems where nanomachines aren't working
L918[21:33:17] <Kodos> What are they doing/not doing?
L919[21:34:25] <ye> they are not doing anything
L920[21:34:36] <ye> i choose an effect and nothing happens
L921[21:34:47] <ye> i have synced with the network card as well
L922[21:39:12] <Kodos> Is the computer you're sending signals from within a block or two of you?
L923[21:39:16] <Kodos> (I recommend a tablet)
L924[21:39:43] ⇦ Quits: ye (ye!~ye@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L925[21:39:50] <Kodos> Guess he figured it out
L926[21:40:03] <Corded> * <Kodos> goes back to yelling at Refined Storage
L927[21:53:01] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (ironmountain!~anon@45-27-234-67.lightspeed.jcvlfl.sbcglobal.net)
L928[21:53:14] ⇨ Joins: cpup (cpup!~cpup@24-151-32-148.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L929[22:12:25] <ironmountain> o/
L930[22:33:59] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (ironmountain!~anon@45-27-234-67.lightspeed.jcvlfl.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L931[23:22:30] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L932[23:22:31] <MichiBot> Jeepers! CompanionCube! You beat Skye's previous record of 3 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L933[23:22:32] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 4 hours, 35 minutes and 28 seconds! 55 minutes and 32 seconds gained! CompanionCube also gained 0.004 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L934[23:22:42] <CompanionCube> goddammit
L935[23:29:49] ⇨ Joins: Murobo (Murobo!~murobo@sys-002.dlph.org)
L936[23:30:58] ⇦ Quits: Murobo (Murobo!~murobo@sys-002.dlph.org) (Client Quit)
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