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L1[00:11:34] <Kleadron> am i hearing this correctly
L2[00:11:43] <Kleadron> forge 1.13.2 is actually out?
L3[00:13:47] <ba7888b72413a16a> psh, forge for 1.13
L4[00:13:55] <ba7888b72413a16a> why even update if mojang is just gonna add foxes
L5[00:14:43] <ba7888b72413a16a> if notch won't read https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/survival-mode/220651-notch-wolves-are-a-bad-idea then microsoft surely won't :)
L6[00:15:36] <Izaya> Ah, FlowerChild.
L7[00:16:58] <Izaya> >or at least cut your lossess now and leave them in the state they are
L8[00:17:02] <Izaya> but notch did read that
L9[00:18:12] <ba7888b72413a16a> so if I start a 1.13.2 Far Lands or Bust, wolfie will still die?
L10[00:18:21] <ba7888b72413a16a> thanks for nothing, notch
L11[00:18:29] <Kleadron> ok so how do i download the 1.13.2 version of forge from the website so i can put it into multimc
L12[00:19:05] <Lizzian> probably best of asking that in the forge or multimc irc channels/discords/whatever they have these days
L13[00:19:18] <ba7888b72413a16a> looks like the download is here http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.13.2.html
L14[00:19:29] <Kleadron> good idea
L15[00:19:48] <Kleadron> ba7888b72413a16a: it doesnt give me the actual mod loader file i want
L16[00:19:49] <Izaya> >asking for forge support
L17[00:19:51] <Izaya> oh nooooooo
L18[00:20:41] <ba7888b72413a16a> wait, how does installing forge without multimc doing it for you even work these days?
L19[00:21:06] <Kleadron> you get the mod loader file and then add it to minecraft jar
L20[00:21:07] <ba7888b72413a16a> can you just.. unzip the installer jar and overwrite things in minecraft.jar with it?
L21[00:21:17] <ba7888b72413a16a> rather than running the installer
L22[00:21:27] <Kleadron> i cant find the thing i want inside it
L23[00:21:27] <ba7888b72413a16a> that's how I'd assume it's done since the separate download is now gone
L24[00:21:31] <Izaya> I don't think Forge modifies the jar any more
L25[00:21:31] <Lizzian> forge comes with it's own installer, for vanilla at least. idk about other launchers
L26[00:21:50] <Izaya> just abuses the java equivelant of LD_PRELOAD IIRC
L27[00:22:21] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L28[00:22:42] <Lizzy> also in about an hour, i will have been up for 24 hours
L29[00:31:20] <Kleadron> apparently there are a bunch of modifications to forge 1.13.2
L30[00:31:33] <Kleadron> 1.12.2 is probably going to end up becoming the new 1.7.10
L31[00:34:50] <TheFox> %tonk
L32[00:34:51] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! TheFox! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 5 minutes and 5 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L33[00:34:52] <MichiBot> TheFox's new record is 1 hour, 19 minutes and 2 seconds! 1 hour, 13 minutes and 57 seconds gained!
L34[00:43:58] <Kodos> Excuse me? I was holding the record wasn't I? Or does it reset now
L35[00:44:12] <Kodos> Oh nvm
L36[00:44:14] <Kodos> I see what happened lmao
L37[00:44:21] <Kodos> That's what I get for napping
L38[00:44:40] <asie> > 1.13.2
L39[00:44:41] <asie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy3VyprtBrw
L40[00:44:42] <MichiBot> 1.13.2 RAVE | length: 31s | Likes: 19 Dislikes: 0 Views: 122 | by asciicharismatic | Published On 15/2/2019
L41[00:56:12] <Izaya> %lua 44-18
L42[00:56:12] <MichiBot> 26
L43[01:08:18] <Mimiru> holy shit I've got the plague or something
L44[01:09:30] <Forecaster> good thing it's not internet transmittable
L45[01:12:04] <Mimiru> Seriously though.. I can't remember being this sick
L46[01:12:13] <Forecaster> :/
L47[01:23:56] <ba7888b72413a16a> looks like 9minecraft hasn't been taken down after all
L48[01:23:59] <ba7888b72413a16a> RIP
L49[01:24:19] <ba7888b72413a16a> little kids will forever get malware when attempting to install minecraft mods
L50[01:29:22] <CompanionCube> what kind of malware did 9minecraft have exactly
L51[01:30:32] <Izaya> all of it
L52[01:32:23] <Kodos> They would rehost mods, sometimes injecting malware into the downloads, they'd also claim to be hosting mods for MC versions where the mod doesn't/didn't exist
L53[01:33:31] <Forecaster> yep
L54[01:33:45] <Forecaster> which is pretty scummy
L55[01:39:12] <Forecaster> %potion
L56[01:39:12] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a basic rock potion
L57[01:39:17] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L58[01:39:17] <MichiBot> Forecaster turns into a newt.
L59[01:39:23] <Forecaster> aw
L60[02:17:12] <Kodos> Anyone remember the name/MC Version of the mod that was basically Harvest Moon/SdV?
L61[02:26:41] <Izaya> https://0x0.st/zzFo.png
L62[02:36:07] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L63[02:36:08] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! CompanionCube! You beat TheFox's previous record of 1 hour, 19 minutes and 2 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L64[02:36:09] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 1 minute and 17 seconds! 42 minutes and 14 seconds gained!
L65[02:36:22] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L66[02:36:22] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! Current score: 0.071
L67[02:42:16] <Kodos> ? OC Server ded
L68[02:46:33] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/818db5ec-28b7-4931-8279-9c84df9a438f/2019-02-16_19.28.37.png
L69[02:51:03] <Forecaster> such poor cable management
L70[02:54:20] <Izaya> on one hand, it'd be a lot more organised with some EnderIO stuff
L71[02:54:24] <Izaya> on the other, max aesthetic
L72[03:27:47] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2019/02/14/packagekit-is-dead-long-live-well-something-else/ I would say 'GNOME continues to GNOME' but this isn't actually their fault
L73[03:30:17] <Izaya> >Snaps and Flatpaks are better than packages for desktop software in almost every way.
L74[03:30:25] * Izaya laughs in SSD manufacturer
L75[03:30:37] <CompanionCube> wait someone said that?
L76[03:30:41] <CompanionCube> such bullshit
L77[03:30:46] <Izaya> it's in the article
L78[03:31:01] <Izaya> doesn't one of them have horrifying performance as well as using fucktonnes of space?
L79[03:31:58] <CompanionCube> goddammit it is
L80[03:32:59] <CompanionCube> maybe there should be a shitlist of these things
L81[03:33:24] ⇨ Joins: PyroCat (PyroCat!webchat@c-73-50-26-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L82[03:34:40] <CompanionCube> Izaya: the world gets ever closer to 'this shit is *wrong* but you fucks are turning into and not away from it'
L83[03:35:22] <Izaya> > or it should just implement a super-simple interface that’s not using an API design from the last decade
L84[03:35:44] <Izaya> I guess TCP sockets are inherently bad because they have a 50 year old API too >.>
L85[03:36:03] <Pyro Cat> anyone got tips for accessing components from a EEPROM inside a Microcontroller?
L86[03:36:08] <CompanionCube> Izaya: someone needs to CADT x86
L87[03:36:19] <CompanionCube> shit's old because it's from the 80s
L88[03:36:31] <Izaya> CADT?
L89[03:36:32] ⇦ Quits: PyroCat (PyroCat!webchat@c-73-50-26-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L90[03:36:36] <Izaya> https://www.jwz.org/doc/cadt.html ?
L91[03:36:40] <CompanionCube> yes
L92[03:36:57] <CompanionCube> the article is perfectly ducking appropriate
L93[03:37:09] <ba7888b72413a16a> lol, my computer was getting ready to thrash (100 MiB left) and I think the swapping hit the singleplayer server thread without hitting the client
L94[03:37:16] <Forecaster> ~oc custom os
L95[03:37:16] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L96[03:37:22] <Forecaster> @Pyro Cat ^
L97[03:37:23] <ba7888b72413a16a> completely locked up the chunk loading until I did `swapoff` and cleared it
L98[03:37:36] <Pyro Cat> thx
L99[03:37:43] <ba7888b72413a16a> maybe I should switch to haikuOS
L100[03:38:03] <Izaya> I would agree except the lack of hardware OpenGL except on 3 models of NVIDIA card from last decade
L101[03:38:04] <ba7888b72413a16a> Izaya: does haikuOS thrash smartly? I bet it does
L102[03:38:15] <Izaya> oh that reminds me
L103[03:38:20] <CompanionCube> maybe knock the swappiness down a notch?
L104[03:38:45] <CompanionCube> but lol non-linux GPU support
L105[03:38:56] <Izaya> CompanionCube: there are rumors of a GT(X)8000 and GT(X)9000 series video drivers for Haiku
L106[03:39:09] <Izaya> They existed at one point, at any rate.
L107[03:39:09] <CompanionCube> why nvidia though
L108[03:39:24] <CompanionCube> AMD > NVIDIA for OSS
L109[03:39:27] <CompanionCube> fight me
L110[03:39:30] <Izaya> oh definitely
L111[03:40:34] <Izaya> if you don't want to try a dodgy binary driver from 10 years ago, an AMD card will work wonderfully
L112[03:41:02] <Izaya> still no OpenGL, but the EDID and such works like 100%
L113[03:41:18] <ba7888b72413a16a> I should probably disable swap entirely - I've recently configured EarlyOOM configured to OOM kill before thrashing
L114[03:41:27] <ba7888b72413a16a> and worse... I'm on an encrypted volume
L115[03:41:48] <ba7888b72413a16a> all that thrashing gets encrypted with AES
L116[03:41:50] * CompanionCube primarily has swap for hibernation
L117[03:42:01] * Izaya does not have swap
L118[03:42:01] <CompanionCube> if it wasn't for that I'd have much less of it
L119[03:42:17] <CompanionCube> and maybe shove it on ZFS instead :p
L120[03:42:21] <ba7888b72413a16a> some swappiness is good for every use case except mine
L121[03:59:55] <ba7888b72413a16a> what the hell, adjacent opencomputers computers are eating my ME channels
L122[04:00:11] <ba7888b72413a16a> I guess that's how the two mods integrate
L123[04:00:38] <ba7888b72413a16a> by eating 8 channels at a time
L124[04:02:10] <Forecaster> hungry hungry computers
L125[04:22:34] <Bob> for me they just dont connect,
L126[04:55:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L127[04:55:29] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E261FBEDFE83F3FFABA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L128[05:24:07] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L129[05:26:23] <t20kdc> AmandaC: Right! You! Are you awake?
L130[05:34:48] <Izaya> that's an ominious entry
L131[05:37:55] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L132[05:37:56] <MichiBot> By my throth! CompanionCube! You beat your own previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L133[05:37:57] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 3 hours, 1 minute and 33 seconds! 3 hours, 1 minute and 33 seconds gained!
L134[05:38:04] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L135[05:38:05] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! Current score: 0.074
L136[05:39:24] <Izaya> %choose witcher 3 or minecraft
L137[05:39:24] <MichiBot> Izaya: I received a message from future you, said to go with witcher 3.
L138[05:39:28] <Izaya> minecraft it is
L139[05:40:06] <CompanionCube> do you mistrust future you that much
L140[05:40:17] <Izaya> future me is an asshole
L141[05:40:26] <Izaya> (and past me is an idiot)
L142[05:40:29] <Izaya> (such is time travel)
L143[05:42:35] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/u2pDyAt.png this is kinda neat
L144[05:51:00] <Izaya> now with server icons https://i.imgur.com/WOC5isY.png
L145[05:55:39] <ba7888b72413a16a> Izaya: why are you turning PGP keyservers into minecraft servers
L146[05:56:23] <ba7888b72413a16a> because that's definitely what you're doing
L147[05:57:06] <Izaya> because they were just sitting there
L148[06:02:23] <Forecaster> wellp, I just recorded an hour long Enter the Gungeon episode...
L149[06:02:26] <Forecaster> and it was amazing
L150[06:07:12] <AmandaC> t20kdc: I am now
L151[06:07:33] * t20kdc gets out water spray bottle from earlier
L152[06:07:39] <AmandaC> Eep
L153[06:07:41] <t20kdc> Right then! Time for revenge!
L154[06:07:44] * AmandaC flees
L155[06:07:45] <ba7888b72413a16a> %tonk
L156[06:07:45] <MichiBot> By my throth! ba7888b72413a16a! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L157[06:07:46] <MichiBot> ba7888b72413a16a's new record is 29 minutes and 40 seconds! 29 minutes and 40 seconds gained!
L158[06:07:56] * t20kdc attempts to spray AmandaC with water
L159[06:09:19] <AmandaC> D:
L160[06:19:13] <Forecaster> %loot
L161[06:19:13] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a talking sword that wont stop talking.
L162[06:19:28] <Corded> * <Forecaster> melts it down
L163[06:21:10] <ba7888b72413a16a> *it keeps talking*
L164[06:21:24] <Forecaster> well shoot
L165[06:21:42] <ba7888b72413a16a> *it keeps talking after getting shot by @Forecaster*
L166[06:36:48] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a talking gun with PTSD
L167[06:36:49] * MichiBot accepts the talking gun with PTSD and adds it to her inventory
L168[06:37:35] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38328.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L169[06:37:56] <Inari> Boobp
L170[06:38:04] * AmandaC stares blankly at ina
L171[06:38:07] <AmandaC> Inari*
L172[06:38:19] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L173[06:38:23] <Inari> Izaya: Seen that before, yeah :p
L174[06:38:41] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L175[06:38:42] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with "exposure". 5 health gained!
L176[06:38:50] <AmandaC> D:
L177[06:38:54] <Inari> Heh
L178[06:46:06] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y58t2yxk
L179[06:46:14] <Bob> Creating malwares be like
L180[06:46:59] <AmandaC> ZOMG I AM HAXORD
L181[06:47:41] <Bob> yes
L183[06:48:22] <Inari> s/obo/oob/
L184[06:48:29] <Inari> :<
L185[06:48:49] <Inari> s/obo/oob/i
L186[06:48:50] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> HALP HOW TO UNINSTALL BoobS AND GET BACK MY OPENOS
L187[06:48:54] <Inari> There
L188[06:49:03] <AmandaC> silly Inari, cats dont' have boobs
L189[06:49:09] <Inari> They do
L190[06:49:11] <Inari> 6 of them!
L191[06:49:13] <AmandaC> we have teats, but no boobs
L192[06:49:19] <Inari> :p
L193[06:49:28] <Bob> I won't check that on my cat
L194[06:49:32] <Inari> Thats why being a catgirl is better than being a cat!
L195[06:49:43] <Bob> mega off
L196[06:49:46] <Bob> oof*
L197[06:49:47] <Z0idburg> Is it?
L198[06:49:53] <Z0idburg> I love my two cats
L199[06:49:57] <Z0idburg> they're so soft and cuddly
L200[06:50:02] <Z0idburg> and they love people
L201[06:50:24] <Bob> So GPU's can't draw newlines, so i will need a For loop Yay
L202[06:50:27] <Z0idburg> very social kitties
L203[06:50:52] <Z0idburg> Hey Bob
L204[06:51:00] <Bob> Henlo
L205[06:51:08] <Z0idburg> this sounds like dejavu?
L206[06:51:17] <Z0idburg> I believe I just drove a GPU the other day with my new gpu lib
L207[06:51:21] <Z0idburg> BUT
L208[06:51:26] <Z0idburg> I did it without a for loop
L209[06:51:35] <Bob> I need an Button Lib
L210[06:51:42] <Bob> a GPU lib would be nice
L211[06:51:49] <Z0idburg> It has one bug I need to fix
L212[06:51:56] <Z0idburg> but other than that it is ready
L213[06:52:02] <Bob> but i guess ill make my own
L214[06:52:03] <Bob> at least ill try
L215[06:52:20] <Z0idburg> anyways, instead of using a for loop, here's what I did
L216[06:52:40] <Z0idburg> I made it so that print can -only- print on the current line of the GPU
L217[06:52:50] <Bob> print and copy
L218[06:52:51] <Bob> not bad
L219[06:52:55] <Z0idburg> print prints what it needs to
L220[06:52:57] <Bob> 1 GPU call so far
L221[06:52:59] <Z0idburg> or I mean what it can
L222[06:53:06] <Z0idburg> and then it calls print() with the remainder
L223[06:53:12] <Z0idburg> until there is nothing left to print
L224[06:53:26] <Z0idburg> before print prints it handles everything it needs to make space for the new text
L225[06:53:29] <Z0idburg> that includes scrolling etc
L226[06:53:38] <Bob> make foreground and background same color
L227[06:53:40] <Bob> then pritn and copy
L228[06:53:46] <Bob> so no one notices and boom
L229[06:53:57] <Bob> i guess ill try that
L230[06:54:00] <Z0idburg> lool
L231[06:54:23] <Bob> Buttons will be a pain i guess myb
L232[06:54:28] <Bob> event listenrs here i come
L233[06:54:31] <Z0idburg> here's my print, but there's a logic problem that prevents me from having a character at trhe right edge of the screen without crashing the computer
L234[06:54:38] <Z0idburg> just for ideas
L235[06:55:19] <Bob> gpu.setForeground(gpu.getBackground) :GWpaboaWeSmart:
L236[06:55:34] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/nagexugaqu
L237[06:55:35] <Bob> i will drive IRC users crazy with my emotes
L238[06:56:01] <Z0idburg> there's a debug statement in there that calls print("rbuf... lol
L239[06:56:07] <Z0idburg> I'm trying to track down that bug
L240[06:56:23] <Z0idburg> but the magic is at the last line -- return gtty_print()
L241[06:56:35] <Z0idburg> I commented it out for bug finding purposes
L242[06:57:28] <Z0idburg> but literally, it doesn't care about printing on the next line only the current one
L243[06:58:10] <Z0idburg> ill probably come up with a way to shorten this function
L244[06:58:16] <Z0idburg> more declaratively
L245[07:13:52] ⇨ Joins: AceK7 (AceK7!~AceK7@
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L248[07:17:54] ⇦ Quits: AceK7 (AceK7!~AceK7@ (Client Quit)
L249[07:33:43] <Kodos> Damn, Bruno Ganz died
L250[07:34:18] <Inari> guess it would be insensitive to joke on that :P Not sure who he is though
L251[07:34:45] <Kodos> If you've ever seen any of the Hitler meme videos, the movie that clip is from is called Downfall, and he was the guy who played Hitler
L252[07:34:57] <Inari> Ah, I see
L253[07:35:05] <Kodos> I think the most popular one was Hitler gets banned from WoW
L254[07:35:25] <Inari> I've seen the actual movie I think
L255[07:40:16] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/kemixiguhi
L256[07:40:19] <Z0idburg> There is that bette rBob?
L257[07:40:27] <Z0idburg> I rewrot eit and now I',m gonna test it!
L258[07:41:26] <Z0idburg> I think I found why my other print bugged
L259[07:41:40] <Z0idburg> My terminal always keeps the current cursor position 1 + the last
L260[07:41:44] <Z0idburg> even if that means its off screen
L261[07:42:03] <Z0idburg> which is fine, but in my math for the available text, I wasn't adding 1
L262[07:42:12] <Z0idburg> so I fixed that:
L263[07:42:16] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/segababipu
L264[07:43:17] <Z0idburg> because if max position is 10 and you printed 6 chars the pos would be at 7 and 10 - 7 is 3 but it should be 4 to include the current cursor position too
L265[07:43:42] <Z0idburg> the bug was causing print to recurse infinitely
L266[07:43:50] <Z0idburg> because the logic said it was fine
L267[08:10:05] <Z0idburg> it's 100% working now
L268[08:10:37] <Z0idburg> Izaya, I've been thinking about the scrollback buffer, and I realize a possible problem
L269[08:51:01] <Z0idburg> @Wattana Gaming I am finally getting my VFS to work
L270[08:51:39] <Z0idburg> I will see if I can try to abuse the no paranthesis feature of returning functions in lua
L271[08:51:43] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/apepabujap
L272[08:51:44] <Z0idburg> Like so
L273[09:16:15] <Z0idburg> got it to work
L274[09:16:40] <Z0idburg> apparently you needd ()s
L275[09:16:51] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ixebogerim
L276[09:19:18] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L277[09:19:27] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L278[09:47:12] <Temia> %tonk
L279[09:47:13] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Temia! You beat ba7888b72413a16a's previous record of 29 minutes and 40 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L280[09:47:14] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 3 hours, 39 minutes and 27 seconds! 3 hours, 9 minutes and 47 seconds gained!
L281[09:47:25] <Temia> %tonkout
L282[09:47:26] <MichiBot> Temia has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! Current score: 0.004
L283[09:48:32] <Temia> %tonk
L284[09:48:32] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Temia! You beat your own previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L285[09:48:33] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 1 minute and 6 seconds! 1 minute and 6 seconds gained!
L286[09:54:45] <Lizzy> %tonk
L287[09:54:46] <MichiBot> Avada Kedavra! Lizzy! You beat Temia's previous record of 1 minute and 6 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L288[09:54:47] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 6 minutes and 13 seconds! 5 minutes and 6 seconds gained!
L289[09:57:33] * Izaya calls 000 on MichiBot
L290[09:57:54] <Izaya> "Hi yeah there's a robot trying to murder someone with the killing curse"
L291[10:02:37] <t20kdc> %tonk
L292[10:02:38] <Forecaster> %tonk
L293[10:02:40] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! t20kdc! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 6 minutes and 13 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L294[10:02:41] <MichiBot> t20kdc's new record is 7 minutes and 52 seconds! 1 minute and 39 seconds gained!
L295[10:02:47] <Forecaster> :|
L296[10:16:07] <OskarSniper> http://prntscr.com/mly24i
L297[10:16:07] <OskarSniper> Doenst seem to be normal :PanGZoom:
L298[10:16:30] <Forecaster> the bytes are just shy
L299[10:16:42] <OskarSniper> all files are emtpy
L300[10:16:48] <Zef> That was fixed in the latest release
L301[10:17:01] <OskarSniper> ^^
L302[10:21:04] <Izaya> man I ran 1.7.3 for ages and never hit that bug
L303[10:21:51] <Izaya> Buffering on, OpenJDK, and never hit the zero byte bug, just "Computer halted"
L304[10:22:19] <OskarSniper> We're playing Project Ozone 3
L305[10:22:28] <OskarSniper> But i'll update now
L306[10:29:35] <Z0idburg> oh yeah
L307[10:29:40] <Z0idburg> I was goingf to get on Izaya's server
L308[10:29:42] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L309[10:29:43] <Z0idburg> and completely forgot
L310[10:30:03] <Z0idburg> I've been working on trotwood
L311[10:30:06] <Izaya> Well
L312[10:30:22] <Izaya> I am going to bed
L313[10:30:30] <Temia> %tonk
L314[10:30:31] <MichiBot> Dogast! Temia! You beat t20kdc's previous record of 7 minutes and 52 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L315[10:30:32] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 27 minutes and 52 seconds! 19 minutes and 59 seconds gained!
L316[10:30:50] <Z0idburg> ha
L317[10:43:39] <Z0idburg> Decided to start working on the repository
L318[10:45:02] <Zef> Deep learning reprojection http://tinyurl.com/y4hoxkck
L319[10:46:42] <Z0idburg> LOL
L320[10:46:53] <Z0idburg> well WIP
L321[10:46:53] <Z0idburg> https://github.com/bhodgins/trotwood
L322[10:58:16] <t20kdc> ...reprojection?
L323[10:58:50] <Temia> %tonk
L324[10:58:51] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! Temia! You beat your own previous record of 27 minutes and 52 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L325[10:58:52] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 28 minutes and 19 seconds! 27 seconds gained!
L326[11:02:11] <Zef> For vr
L327[11:02:28] <Zef> Makes low fps and lag spikes less noticable
L328[11:16:12] <Z0idburg> it is better to be consistent than it is to be fast
L329[11:16:43] <Z0idburg> a game running at 25FPS where every frame is eactly lined up will look a lot better than a game running at 60FPS with a lot of frame jitter.
L330[11:18:02] <Zef> In vr though?
L331[11:18:23] <Zef> You need smooth and highish fps
L332[11:18:38] <Z0idburg> I used to work at a VR lab, smooth yes, but high FPS ? no
L333[11:18:42] <Z0idburg> you need low latency
L334[11:18:53] <Z0idburg> that's the important part of VR that causes problems
L335[11:19:07] <Z0idburg> is having too much latency between output of a frame and visualizing the frame
L336[11:19:51] <Z0idburg> I've used low framerate VR HMDs before
L337[11:19:59] <Z0idburg> they were generally fine.
L338[11:21:10] <Z0idburg> keep in mind that FPS and display framerate are not the same thing, and we have things like vsync to help with that.
L339[11:21:25] <AmandaC> it's more important to be consistant, and not slow on reacting to input, than to be 9001fps
L340[11:21:32] <Z0idburg> there's also the frames of animation inside of a game
L341[11:23:17] <Z0idburg> The camera systems that we used in the VR lab were high framerate though
L342[11:23:21] <Z0idburg> which definitely helped
L343[11:23:25] <Z0idburg> I think they were 940 FPS
L344[11:23:33] <Z0idburg> and infrared.
L345[11:23:47] <Z0idburg> you use tools with infrared emitters and a suit with them
L346[11:23:56] <Z0idburg> it was pretty cool
L347[11:24:42] <Z0idburg> 960!
L348[11:24:43] <Z0idburg> http://www.phasespace.com/impulse-motion-capture.html
L349[11:26:00] <Z0idburg> at the end of the day Zef and you realize the NES is only like 25 FPS
L350[11:26:46] <Z0idburg> Because 50FPS interlace
L351[11:37:39] <Bob> Any way to disable the too long without yielding or fix it somewhow
L352[11:37:47] <Bob> i need my computers to be stuck >:)
L353[11:37:53] <Mimiru> yield more.
L354[11:39:09] <Z0idburg> Bob you yield.
L355[11:39:19] <Z0idburg> that's how you fix that
L356[11:39:28] <Forecaster> %tonk
L357[11:39:29] <MichiBot> Voldemort! Forecaster! You beat Temia's previous record of 28 minutes and 19 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L358[11:39:30] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 40 minutes and 38 seconds! 12 minutes and 19 seconds gained!
L359[11:39:46] <Bob> and how to yield ? i guess
L360[11:39:54] <Forecaster> os.sleep
L361[11:39:58] <Z0idburg> coroutine.yield()
L362[11:40:15] <Z0idburg> I don't think Bob is in OpenOS
L363[11:40:32] <Bob> os should still work i guess
L364[11:40:32] <Z0idburg> Unless I read wrong earlier
L365[11:40:51] <Z0idburg> coroutine.yield() will always work no matter what
L366[11:40:58] <Z0idburg> unless coroutine.yield() is overwritten
L367[11:41:02] <Bob> i'm messing with the Lua shell in OC
L368[11:41:09] <Z0idburg> ahhh
L369[11:41:21] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net)
L370[11:42:26] <Bob> i will soon try to make an booting floppy wit ha script and such
L371[11:42:50] <Bob> didn't messed yet with the JSON lib
L372[11:43:01] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-006.dsl.tropolys.de)
L373[11:46:18] <Z0idburg> I'm currently working on an init.lua to handle my OSs namespace mounting
L374[11:46:29] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/zekisonezo
L375[11:46:30] <Z0idburg> like that
L376[11:46:37] <Bob> i will make a reactor floppy and sell it on the server i am on lol
L377[11:46:49] <Bob> i frist need to make my reactor script pretty
L378[11:46:50] <Z0idburg> this way I can be like boot://foobar
L379[11:46:54] <Bob> messing with GPU
L380[11:47:24] <Bob> i will see how the filesystem works in OC
L381[11:47:30] <Z0idburg> The only thing my GPU controller doesn't do yet is scroll the screen when it gets to the bottom
L382[11:47:36] <Z0idburg> but
L383[11:47:48] <Z0idburg> https://github.com/bhodgins/trotwood/blob/master/lib/gtty.lua
L384[11:47:58] <Z0idburg> that is the gpu driver on my os so far
L385[11:47:58] <Z0idburg> ?
L386[11:48:30] <Bob> localizing functions :GWchadMEGATHINK:
L387[11:48:33] <Z0idburg> Everything works, even screen wrapping, I just need to get scrolling to work and ANSI code support, and \r and \n
L388[11:49:13] <Z0idburg> yes, I do a lot of functional and declarative programming, so I like to keep things sane
L389[11:49:27] <Bob> i should start abusing functions also
L390[11:49:32] <Z0idburg> I use it like this:
L391[11:50:32] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/xobebosiyu
L392[11:50:56] <Z0idburg> hopefully soon ill be able to scroll, and I'll be able to be like
L393[11:51:21] <Z0idburg> terminal.put("Hello, \e]32mWorld!\r\n")
L394[11:51:26] <Z0idburg> that's the goal
L395[11:51:33] <Z0idburg> as well as many other escape sequences
L396[11:52:07] <Bob> it needs alot of string proccesing
L397[11:52:07] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L398[11:52:10] <Bob> Regex
L399[11:52:11] <Z0idburg> using \e you can tell the cursor to move to a particular X, Y coordinate
L400[11:52:17] <Bob> Ah
L401[11:52:30] <Z0idburg> it already has most of that if you look
L402[11:52:39] <Z0idburg> if you look at tokenize()
L403[11:52:52] <Z0idburg> it takes any escape character like \n, \27, \r, etc
L404[11:53:06] <Z0idburg> and it splits any print buffer into a list of them as tokens
L405[11:53:24] <Z0idburg> process then hands off strings to print and control characters wihth the buffer to the control dispatch
L406[11:53:25] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L407[11:53:28] <Z0idburg> that part already works
L408[11:53:33] <Z0idburg> in fact \a should already work ?
L409[11:53:36] <Z0idburg> it makes the computer beep
L410[11:53:42] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net)
L411[11:53:52] <Z0idburg> Untested
L412[11:53:58] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y2w43c57
L413[11:53:59] <Bob> mhmhmh
L414[11:54:22] <Z0idburg> https://github.com/bhodgins/trotwood/blob/master/lib/gtty.lua
L415[11:54:27] <Z0idburg> oops crap
L416[11:54:31] <Bob> for a button api or some kind of button rendered, i was thinking of tables into tables
L417[11:54:35] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net) (Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed)
L418[11:54:41] <Z0idburg> local function ctrl_bel() if _T.beep == true then computer.beep(_T.beep_freq, _T.beep_length) end end
L419[11:55:04] <Bob> *ppstt, use ```lua Hello World!```
L420[11:55:27] <Z0idburg> oh wth
L421[11:55:32] <Z0idburg> why is beep not using its arguments
L422[11:55:38] <Z0idburg> I need to fix that that is not nice at all
L423[11:55:42] <Z0idburg> no function should be using _T
L424[11:55:46] <Z0idburg> for data
L425[11:56:10] <Bob> the rael challenge is optimizing everything
L426[11:56:34] <Z0idburg> `local function ctrl_bel(terminal) if terminal.beep == true then computer.beep(terminal.beep_freq, terminal.beep_length) end end
L427[11:56:35] <Z0idburg> better
L428[11:56:34] <Z0idburg> `
L429[11:56:45] <Z0idburg> gtty is super fast
L430[11:56:56] <Z0idburg> the one problem I have is the scroll buffer
L431[11:57:12] <Z0idburg> if you scroll up, the issue is keeping the buffer window
L432[11:57:21] <Z0idburg> I really wish you could gpu copy into a string but you can't
L433[11:57:32] <Z0idburg> unless there's a way I don't know about
L434[11:57:37] <Z0idburg> you can do it by character
L435[11:57:45] <Z0idburg> with get()
L436[11:57:52] <Bob> yea but its per character
L437[11:57:55] <Bob> the calls are limited
L438[11:57:58] <Z0idburg> but I should be able to get the entire line you know?
L439[11:58:01] <Z0idburg> including color info
L440[11:58:10] <Bob> term.line ? + another thing or
L441[11:58:14] <Z0idburg> so I think I might prohibit color scrolling
L442[11:58:22] <Bob> i have no idea for now i barely know the GPU functions
L443[11:58:28] <Z0idburg> heh
L444[11:58:34] <Z0idburg> Do you have ocvm?
L445[11:58:45] <Z0idburg> with ocvm you can emulate OC in a shell ?
L446[11:58:58] <Z0idburg> That's what I'm using
L447[11:59:10] <Z0idburg> However Payonel doesnt' detect "too long without yielding" problem
L448[11:59:20] <Z0idburg> so it freezes the entire tty, which is why I run it inside of screen
L449[11:59:20] <Bob> i use MC
L450[11:59:27] <Bob> i could use OC VM
L451[11:59:32] <Bob> but i would need to learn how to addd components
L452[11:59:39] <Bob> and i dont really want to start having multipel sctipts and stuff
L453[11:59:50] <Bob> i need to try on real stuff my script also
L454[12:00:06] <Z0idburg> What do you think of the way programs are written in my OS?
L455[12:00:07] <Z0idburg> ?
L456[12:00:09] <Z0idburg> https://github.com/bhodgins/trotwood/blob/master/system/vfs.lua
L457[12:00:29] <Bob> function spam but effective i guess
L458[12:00:39] <Z0idburg> all programs are processes that send and receive messages to eachother. cb is a library that lets you map messages to function calls
L459[12:00:47] <Z0idburg> of course, cb is 100% optional
L460[12:01:01] <Z0idburg> functions are good.
L461[12:01:08] <Z0idburg> that is the VFS
L462[12:01:13] <Z0idburg> which is how filesystem management is done
L463[12:01:22] <Z0idburg> every mountpoint, alias, filehandle etc
L464[12:01:28] <Z0idburg> is handled by that program (when it is finished)
L465[12:02:00] <Z0idburg> these programs have APIs so you can use them but you can manually talk to them
L466[12:02:54] <Z0idburg> local ok, filehandle = send(':vfs', ':open', 'config/ttys.cfg")
L467[12:02:58] <Bob> i got in OC recently, i will slowly but surely discover all of the lua secrets soon ?
L468[12:03:04] <Z0idburg> heh
L469[12:03:21] <Bob> the Screen touch event can use subpixels
L470[12:03:26] <Z0idburg> can it?
L471[12:03:32] <Z0idburg> btw
L472[12:03:39] <Z0idburg> you can do graphics using braille unicode characters
L473[12:03:40] <Z0idburg> ?
L474[12:03:48] <Z0idburg> for subpixel display
L475[12:03:50] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y537xr3k
L476[12:04:01] <Z0idburg> nice.
L477[12:04:01] <Bob> Yea i can use them
L478[12:04:06] <Bob> i know there are some characters for that
L479[12:04:16] <Z0idburg> you can't color them individually though can you?
L480[12:04:22] <Bob> nope
L481[12:04:22] <Z0idburg> it's one color per character I though
L482[12:04:26] <Bob> yep
L483[12:04:29] <Z0idburg> but you can steinburg dither maybe
L484[12:04:33] <Bob> ?
L485[12:04:37] <Z0idburg> dithering
L486[12:04:45] <Bob> ah yea
L487[12:04:48] <Bob> but i dotn need
L488[12:04:50] <Z0idburg> you basically color map at a higher resolution than the pixels
L489[12:04:52] <Bob> i need a bar
L490[12:05:02] <Bob> just a bar to represent RF / Heat from a reactor
L491[12:05:12] <Z0idburg> heh
L492[12:05:29] <Bob> Soon NuclearCraft will provide OC API for Turbines a nd Fusion Reactors also for MSRs so
L493[12:05:30] <Z0idburg> I'm designing my OS to control stuff like that
L494[12:05:34] <Bob> i will have some work todo ?
L495[12:05:44] <Z0idburg> it's not meant to be a general purpose OS
L496[12:05:49] <Z0idburg> it's more for control systems, etc
L497[12:06:05] <Z0idburg> there are too many general purpose full blown OSes out there for OC
L498[12:06:26] <Z0idburg> and there are plenty of fine tuned application specific OSes
L499[12:06:27] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L500[12:06:46] <Z0idburg> but there are very few in between that I am aware of
L501[12:08:21] <Bob> i guess ill Floor the energy graph bar and ceil the heat one
L502[12:08:44] <Bob> I run all my scripts of OpenOS and even try to stick to nothing
L503[12:08:46] <Bob> or use my own libs
L504[12:09:06] <Bob> i will soon make a script for my Repo using the github web API thing and a JSON decoder on lua
L505[12:09:49] <Z0idburg> you know I think I realized
L506[12:10:04] <Z0idburg> I don't want read() and write() in the VFS itself
L507[12:10:16] <Z0idburg> open should return the PID of the filesystem driver itself
L508[12:10:21] <Z0idburg> which has read and write
L509[12:10:47] <Bob> *Should i try to understand that fully, i dont know how VFS works*
L510[12:10:57] <Bob> *Using NTFS*
L511[12:11:44] <Z0idburg> Do you intend to support more than one filesystem?
L512[12:12:36] <Z0idburg> If so, then you'll need a VFS
L513[12:12:45] <Z0idburg> if not, then it is 'probably' not required.
L514[12:13:07] <Z0idburg> I need one because I am categorizing segments of data into namespaces.
L515[12:18:23] <ben_mkiv> so my gpu died, is a gtx1050 good enough for modded minecraft?
L516[12:19:12] <Mimiru> my daughter plays on a 660, and I'm on a 960..
L517[12:19:20] <Forecaster> 750Ti here
L518[12:19:21] <Mimiru> I've never used a *50 though, so not sure.
L519[12:19:51] <ben_mkiv> well had a radeon HD7970 which is like gtx1060 performance, so not sure if i should pick something slower
L520[12:20:07] <Z0idburg> ben.. I play modded MC on intel graphics
L521[12:20:11] <Z0idburg> it works fine
L522[12:20:16] <Bob> i play on a GTX 650
L523[12:20:24] <Bob> i play Hitman on 650
L524[12:20:27] <Bob> works 60 fps
L525[12:20:29] <Bob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L526[12:20:43] <Bob> with a GTX 1050 you can run pretty anything
L527[12:20:47] <Z0idburg> modding isn't GPU heavy anyways
L528[12:20:50] <Forecaster> minecraft is more cpu intensive generally, unless you're using shaders and stuff
L529[12:20:52] <Z0idburg> it's CPU heavy
L530[12:21:00] <Bob> CPU yea
L531[12:21:10] <Z0idburg> your biggest challenge will be RAM and CPU
L532[12:21:53] <ben_mkiv> ok, thanks
L533[12:23:06] <ben_mkiv> or i'll just stick to the gt520, if it even works on integrated intel xD
L534[12:25:40] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-006.dsl.tropolys.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L535[12:26:14] <Inari> I think GPU helps a bit, but MC is mostly RAM/GPU heavy
L536[12:27:30] ⇨ Joins: Cervator1 (Cervator1!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L537[12:28:31] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L538[12:28:31] *** Cervator1 is now known as Cervator
L539[12:36:04] <Z0idburg> AHA
L540[12:36:09] <Z0idburg> Thanks to the folks at Erlang
L541[12:36:18] <Z0idburg> I have a solution for syncronous message handling
L542[12:36:27] <Z0idburg> actors should hold all of their messages in their state
L543[12:37:22] <Z0idburg> the OS will give all the messages waiting when it re-runs
L544[12:37:29] <Z0idburg> so it just addsa it to its messages list
L545[12:37:38] <Z0idburg> and handles the queue if its an async message as an fifo
L546[12:37:39] <Z0idburg> OR
L547[12:38:16] <Z0idburg> if it's syncronous, it randomly accesses the queue and pops it out
L548[12:38:17] <Z0idburg> if it matches
L549[12:44:31] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-006.dsl.tropolys.de)
L550[12:46:58] <ben_mkiv> ok, at least for dev it works fine with the gt520 xD
L551[13:13:48] <Skye> what formats of streaming does openfm support
L552[13:17:19] <Skye> actually
L553[13:17:33] <Skye> how can I rehost or whatever a live stream in one format into a format compatible with openfm
L554[13:17:38] <Inari> https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/v7F_31I49Mdov1IMxWeV2Q_TgE7W4dQ4c7cIlnpn6MQ/https/i.imgur.com/AohoHdL.jpg
L555[13:20:25] <Bob> i don't thin kso
L556[13:20:41] <Bob> i don't think so [Edited]
L557[13:20:59] <Mimiru> Skye, is should support vorbis and mp3 based streams
L558[13:21:00] <AmandaC> I'm sure there's a way to do it with ffmpeg or similar, no idea how though
L559[13:21:59] <Skye> Mimiru, bbc radio 4 is either MPEG DASH or HLS
L560[13:22:52] <Mimiru> yeah, pretty sure neither of those are going to work..
L561[13:23:08] <Mimiru> I've often wanted to improve stream support, but that shits hard.. :P
L562[13:23:22] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/344256550640287755/546411012484759553/nnhagzodhxg21.png
L563[13:45:09] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L564[13:45:11] <MichiBot> Jeepers! CompanionCube! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 40 minutes and 38 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L565[13:45:12] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 5 minutes and 40 seconds! 1 hour, 25 minutes and 1 second gained!
L566[13:45:17] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L567[13:45:17] <MichiBot> CompanionCube has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! Current score: 0.076
L568[13:52:21] <Lizzy> %tonk
L569[13:52:21] <MichiBot> Willikers! Lizzy! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L570[13:52:22] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 7 minutes and 4 seconds! 7 minutes and 4 seconds gained!
L571[14:00:46] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net)
L572[14:00:49] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-84-119-172-248.unity-media.net) (Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed)
L573[14:23:36] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-173-112.hlrn.qwest.net)
L574[14:23:54] <MalkContent> can i install openos from a hdd onto a floppy?
L575[14:24:12] <MalkContent> or rather i am failing at doing so, halp
L576[14:25:20] <Forecaster> you can just copy an openos floppy to a blank one
L577[14:33:48] <Bob> One thing i love discord for http://tinyurl.com/y2wmocs9
L578[14:33:48] <Bob> Factorio FFF's
L579[14:33:50] <asie> %tonk
L580[14:33:50] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! asie! You beat Lizzy's previous record of 7 minutes and 4 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L581[14:33:51] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 41 minutes and 28 seconds! 34 minutes and 24 seconds gained!
L582[14:36:27] <AmandaC> Factorio Factorio Friday Facts
L583[14:36:40] <Bob> Yes
L584[14:36:54] <AmandaC> I like it. I rather enjoy when AMS Syndrome shows it's head.
L585[14:37:30] <Bob> any one knows how to fix some characters render boxes in notepad++
L586[14:37:42] <AmandaC> install a better font?
L587[14:37:56] <Bob> i'll try, i need monospacenesst tought
L588[14:38:11] <AmandaC> I use firacode in VSCode
L589[14:39:22] <Bob> i dont have it, i would need to install
L590[14:43:57] <Bob> the font i had previously was really like Firacode
L591[14:43:58] <Bob> its pretty
L592[14:44:00] <Bob> Thanks
L593[14:49:43] <Bob> still some characters missing
L594[14:49:47] <Bob> well ill do without
L595[14:50:52] <Bob> ☭
L596[14:51:34] <Bob> i need this character in OC ?
L597[14:58:09] <AmandaC> Shows fine here, in vscode, even: https://nc.ddna.co/s/SHMZMq7RWbEAKQY
L598[14:58:35] <Rph> lol I created my own image format for OC
L599[14:59:01] <Rph> It uses a simmilar trick to what the png displayer used
L600[14:59:01] <Bob> FiraCodei n MC http://tinyurl.com/y4mmkv8m
L601[14:59:15] <Rph> but the heavy lifting (color estimation etc) is done at the encoder stage
L602[14:59:26] <Bob> also ⦀ ⦙ ⦚ ⧘ ⧙ ⧚ ⧛ ? ? ? ? ? ╭ ╮╰ ╯ this doesnt render in Firacode
L603[14:59:55] <AmandaC> the 5 after the first 2 don't render in whatever font my IRC client uses, either
L604[15:00:11] <Rph> I think I have diagnosed your problem AmandaC
L605[15:00:13] <Rph> you are using IRC
L606[15:00:13] <Bob> OC resolution isnt super high
L607[15:00:26] <Bob> tought you can use subpixels like braille characters
L608[15:00:26] <Rph> well using brairle characters you can squeeze out 320x200
L609[15:00:29] <Bob> yep
L610[15:00:37] <AmandaC> @Rph Sure.
L611[15:00:39] <Rph> yes
L612[15:00:45] <Rph> I made an encoder that does color prediction for each 2x4 segment
L613[15:00:52] <Rph> so the best mix of background + foreground colors can be picked
L614[15:01:10] <Rph> I can show you a demo if you want
L615[15:01:24] <Bob> Oh yea each subpixel can't be colored rip
L616[15:01:27] <Rph> others have done it before, I know, but I wanted to have a go myself
L617[15:01:44] <Bob> a more color friendly sub pixel system would be 1/2 cubes
L618[15:01:51] <Bob> tought resolutinos goes 160*100
L619[15:01:58] <Rph> http://install-a.windows-up.date/05c687a39xLjz1Qndtv1n.png
L620[15:02:07] <Rph> discord image proxy dead
L621[15:02:09] <Rph> as always
L622[15:02:12] <Bob> E-Pods
L623[15:02:16] <Rph> ywa
L624[15:02:17] <Rph> yes [Edited]
L625[15:02:24] <AmandaC> All those characters except for 3-8 show fine in firacode for me
L626[15:02:26] <Bob> good jon
L627[15:02:28] <Bob> job*
L628[15:02:43] <Rph> the only downside is the encoder takes about 10 seconds to execute on a 320x200 image
L629[15:03:06] <Bob> oof
L630[15:03:12] <Bob> hten i got al old ver or something
L631[15:03:16] <Bob> github betrayed
L632[15:03:25] <AmandaC> or it might be you need a secondary fallback font
L633[15:03:44] <AmandaC> I'm on linux, and have the noto fonts installed, it's different for different OSes
L634[15:03:48] <Bob> idk if i can set in Notepad++
L635[15:04:16] <Bob> i just need subpixels in OC
L636[15:04:21] <Bob> fancier stuff in general
L637[15:04:31] <AmandaC> the unicode braille chars work for that
L638[15:04:38] <AmandaC> which is what @Rph is using
L639[15:05:01] <Rph> I made a very ugly lua function that accepts 8 parameters and returns the correct unicode character for that
L640[15:05:15] <AmandaC> since the OC font is so low-res it's useful for that
L641[15:05:39] <Rph> http://dont-cancel-your.windows-up.date/05c687b0fhUC1EhIKQ5Fe.png
L642[15:05:46] <Rph> here is the function
L643[15:08:04] <Bob> oh smart
L644[15:08:05] <Bob> lol
L645[15:08:18] <Bob> i would just use a table with a bunchload of special characters
L646[15:08:23] <Bob> since i will abuse thelm
L647[15:11:06] <AmandaC> `unicode.char` is a better idea for readability
L648[15:16:44] <Rph> ik
L649[15:19:29] <AmandaC> k
L650[15:19:38] <AmandaC> I wasn't talking to you, but k
L651[15:20:16] <AmandaC> %choose play or code
L652[15:20:16] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Why not both?
L653[15:20:21] <AmandaC> Hrm. Sounds good
L654[15:31:50] <Z0idburg> Some of these OS libraries are super easy, though I have yet to test them
L655[15:32:01] <Z0idburg> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/turarimibu
L656[15:32:55] <Z0idburg> I've decided to make open files the responsibility of the filesystem driver
L657[15:33:02] <Z0idburg> the vfs doesn't keep track of open files ta all
L658[15:33:06] <Z0idburg> at*
L659[15:33:37] <Z0idburg> and a filehandle has the PID of the filesystem driver process
L660[15:33:47] <Z0idburg> speeding up propagation of messaging
L661[15:35:08] <Z0idburg> Rph, I bet you can make that a one liner
L662[15:35:14] <Rph> ik
L663[15:35:16] <Rph> but eh
L664[15:35:20] <t20kdc> Z0idburg: Are you on IRC at the moment?
L665[15:35:27] <Z0idburg> I can be whats uop
L666[15:35:34] * t20kdc chuckles evilly
L667[15:35:40] <Z0idburg> I've been on freenode
L668[15:35:49] <S3> ok whats up
L669[15:36:00] <Z0idburg> ah pm
L670[15:36:10] <Rph> but hmm I've been trying to make my thing work with a multi-monitor setup but i'm having some trouble
L671[15:36:14] <Rph> see, I made a 3x3 monitor matrix
L672[15:36:19] <Z0idburg> ROFL
L673[15:36:19] <Rph> made of 8x6 monitors
L674[15:36:22] <Rph> now
L675[15:36:27] <Rph> I tried looping thru each one
L676[15:36:29] <Rph> gpu bind to it
L677[15:36:30] <Rph> draw something
L678[15:36:33] <Rph> gpu bind to another one
L679[15:36:38] <Rph> but only 2 of the 9 monitors show anything
L680[15:37:05] <Rph> I tried like everything
L681[15:37:20] <Rph> placed power converters behind each screen with Thermal Expansion's infinite rf/tick cable
L682[15:37:25] <Rph> connected with cables
L683[15:37:25] <Rph> etc
L684[15:38:11] <Rph> this is my code http://tinyurl.com/y5hn6yuf
L685[15:41:31] <Bob> :GWchadMEGATHINK:
L686[15:41:38] <Bob> Multiple monitors on a single GPU
L687[15:41:43] <Rph> rebinding...
L688[15:41:44] <Bob> The speed gonna be like
L689[15:41:47] <Rph> and its for a static image anyway
L690[15:41:47] <Bob> Yea ik
L691[15:41:51] <Rph> draw once, keep forever
L692[15:42:03] <Rph> or until OC decides to purge every framebuffer for some reason
L693[15:42:03] <Rph> or until OC decides to purge every framebuffer for some reason
L694[15:42:09] <Rph> Thats what I did!
L695[15:42:21] <Rph> https://microsoft-is-an.extremely-bad.company/05c6883b9rAF1IIimrVOS.png
L696[15:42:24] <Bob> just you'd need to power screens, they will draw alot of juice
L697[15:42:24] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L698[15:42:26] <Rph> it drew only to 2 out of 9
L699[15:42:39] <Bob> w o w
L700[15:42:41] <Rph> I removed 2 screens at the top to have only one connected for development
L701[15:42:52] <Rph> but still
L702[15:42:59] <Rph> they all should be filled
L703[15:43:20] <Rph> speaking of power http://rph.space/scr/05c6883eeThDaJt89Nump.png
L704[15:43:29] <Rph> this is connected over a tesseract to a mekanism reactor
L705[15:43:42] <Bob> 1.7 damn
L706[15:43:45] <Rph> yes
L707[15:43:53] <Bob> Also the m mod :GWmythicalHyperREEEE:
L708[15:44:02] <Rph> m mod?
L709[15:44:02] <Bob> That hurts alot ?
L710[15:44:03] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L711[15:44:06] <Bob> mekanism
L712[15:44:09] <Rph> you mean, free power mod?
L713[15:44:16] <Rph> and exterme server lag mod
L714[15:44:20] <Bob> Yea
L715[15:44:23] <Bob> This one
L716[15:44:30] <Rph> we moved this server from a VPS to a dedicated server
L717[15:44:34] <Bob> Good concept but worst design
L718[15:44:35] <Rph> after tps started dipping below 1
L719[15:44:45] <Rph> currently the tps is at 13 tho
L720[15:44:49] <Bob> I use NC
L721[15:44:54] <Bob> Making the script for it
L722[15:44:58] <Bob> with my special characters
L723[15:45:05] <Bob> so i can have more steps and subpixels
L724[15:45:08] <Rph> but yeah, any idea why my thing could not work?
L725[15:45:13] <Bob> Nope
L726[15:45:17] <Bob> Make it slower ?
L727[15:45:21] <Rph> I will try restarting the server
L728[15:45:40] <Bob> Separate each action by os.sleep(0.1) :GWpaboaWeSmart:
L729[15:45:42] <Bob> Idk
L730[15:45:47] <Bob> seems like some bug or no energy
L731[15:46:18] <Rph> http://rph.space/scr/05c68849aRhOVAfovcsmp.png
L732[15:46:18] <Rph> hmmmm the previous owner set this very nice message
L733[15:47:00] <Bob> Minecraft ate all the CPU once again would be better i guess
L734[15:47:09] <Rph> heh
L735[15:47:26] <CompanionCube> https://www.extremetech.com/computing/285395-adobe-reportedly-considering-manufacturing-own-processors
L736[15:47:27] <Rph> even with 90 mods it can't use all the cpu
L737[15:47:34] <Rph> it seems to only use 2 cores
L738[15:47:56] <Bob> MC Multithreading isnt a thing
L739[15:48:03] <Bob> until you feed the KVM so many args
L740[15:48:05] <Rph> Adobe® CreativeCpu™ $200 / Month
L741[15:48:43] <Rph> after a restart, the problem appears to still persist
L742[15:48:45] <Bob> MC needs a rewrite lol
L743[15:50:01] <Rph> AAAA
L744[15:50:02] <Rph> IT WORKS!
L745[15:50:20] <Rph> http://rph.space/scr/05c68858fnkuOgTxOogfi.png
L746[15:50:40] <Rph> server restart helped afterall lol
L747[15:55:16] <Bob> :GWjiangPepeThumb:
L748[15:55:38] <Rph> ill now port my image thing to support a 3x3 monitor array
L749[15:56:31] <Bob> Monitor arrays in general
L750[15:56:54] <Rph> no
L751[15:56:57] <Rph> im doing a specific thing
L752[15:57:04] <Rph> not preparing to publish it just yet
L753[15:57:09] <Rph> my solution won't be really user friendly
L754[15:58:17] <Rph> usually my projects go thru 3 stages: Prototyping, private usage and public release
L755[15:58:28] <Rph> currently the format is at the private usage stage
L756[15:58:48] <Rph> when the entire toolkit is at a stage that I'm happy with, I'll make user friendly versions of my programs and publish them
L757[16:02:00] <Rph> when I get an image drawn on it, Ill return to yall
L758[16:02:43] <LeoBeliik> Hi, here's the channel for opencomputers questions? ?
L759[16:02:48] <Rph> yes
L760[16:02:50] <AmandaC> yes
L761[16:02:51] <Rph> well
L762[16:02:54] <Rph> for general discussion
L763[16:02:54] <LeoBeliik> Neat
L764[16:03:01] <Rph> which includes questions
L765[16:03:03] <CompanionCube> %hello
L766[16:03:03] <MichiBot> CompanionCube: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L767[16:04:41] <Bob> Depends on what you need help for
L768[16:06:50] <LeoBeliik> Well, I'm basically having a problem with my test world, I'm using a robot which I made in creative and I'm trying to empty a bucket on a tank with the command ```robot.use()```, but instead of emptying the bucket just continue putting the fluid on the tank, I thought this was because I made it in creative, so I re made it in survival (but same world), it took 3 minutes and I did the same process but in survival, but it continues to 'dupping'
L769[16:06:50] <LeoBeliik> fluid, it's a bug or a creative mode thing?
L770[16:07:05] <LeoBeliik> Well, I'm basically having a problem with my test world, I'm using a robot which I made in creative and I'm trying to empty a bucket on a tank with the command `robot.use()`, but instead of emptying the bucket just continue putting the fluid on the tank, I thought this was because I made it in creative, so I re made it in survival (but same world), it took 3 minutes and I did the same process but in survival, but it continues to 'dupping' flui
L771[16:07:05] <LeoBeliik> it's a bug or a creative mode thing? [Edited]
L772[16:07:23] <Bob> Why wouldnt you use a fluid upgrade
L773[16:07:31] <Bob> it can manage fluids and will do that task
L774[16:07:38] <Bob> i dont think by default robots can
L775[16:07:46] <LeoBeliik> Yes I know that
L776[16:08:09] <LeoBeliik> But the dup thing is bothering me
L777[16:08:12] <Bob> Then its some kind of bug, are you using the latest verion of OC
L778[16:08:17] <LeoBeliik> Yep
L779[16:08:35] <Bob> If yes describe the bug and if we can reporduce it, someone or i will pull a issue on github
L780[16:08:49] <Bob> ~~or ping the devs because i like pinging and im an evil being~~
L781[16:08:58] <Bob> i cant test right now so its up to you
L782[16:09:39] <LeoBeliik> Ok, just gonna load up a Minecraft profile with the basic mods so I can be sure is not a compatibility bug
L783[16:10:19] <Bob> Yea
L784[16:10:24] <Bob> Wich mod the tank was from
L785[16:10:29] <LeoBeliik> Ie
L786[16:10:29] <Bob> at least
L787[16:10:38] <Bob> Immersive Engineering k
L788[16:11:19] <LeoBeliik> So by default robot shouldn't be able to fill buckets?
L789[16:11:41] <LeoBeliik> Using the use() command
L790[16:12:24] <Bob> I mean theres the fluid upgrade to manipulate fluids
L791[16:12:43] <Bob> And i don't think so, theres a tutorial for robot fluid interavtorions
L792[16:12:48] <Bob> but they dont take buckets
L793[16:12:55] <Bob> some milibuckets per call
L794[16:13:01] <Bob> in their internal buffer
L795[16:13:12] <Bob> that they can output to a bucket in their inventory if enought
L796[16:16:39] <Bob> Im typing so bad on phones last time
L797[16:20:40] <LeoBeliik> Sorry I had things to attend
L798[16:20:53] <LeoBeliik> So, the problem is with animania then
L799[16:21:06] <LeoBeliik> Because I can get milk buckets from the cows
L800[16:21:13] <LeoBeliik> Because I can get milk buckets from the ? [Edited]
L801[16:21:47] <LeoBeliik> But I can't get, let's say, water from the IE's barrels
L802[16:23:35] <LeoBeliik> (This using a bucket and the command use(), not with robot's tanks)
L803[16:27:03] <Bob> Animania i dont use it
L804[16:27:40] <Bob> Yea i know
L805[16:27:57] <Bob> Idk if the robot can use the bucket really without some basic or advanced upgrade
L806[16:28:03] <Bob> fluid tanks are a bit special
L807[16:28:06] <Bob> unlike entities
L808[16:43:44] <LeoBeliik> So, I tested again just with ie and oc and made a T3 robot without creative parts and wait my 3 minutes until it was assembled, and I still can dupe fluids
L809[16:56:48] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L810[16:57:25] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38328.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L811[17:53:55] <Izaya> %choose minecraft or witcher 3
L812[17:53:56] <MichiBot> Izaya: The proof is in the pudding. Definitely minecraft.
L813[17:54:10] <Izaya> alright
L814[17:55:12] <Bob> I agree with MichiBot
L815[17:56:10] <AmandaC> Neither, minetest
L816[17:56:27] <Izaya> oh shit you're right
L817[17:56:34] <AmandaC> help me figure out how to make my jetpack not have to be either free or a constant drain on it's "charge"
L818[17:56:35] <ba7888b72413a16a> %tonk
L819[17:56:36] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! ba7888b72413a16a! You beat asie's previous record of 41 minutes and 28 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L820[17:56:36] <MichiBot> ba7888b72413a16a's new record is 3 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds! 2 hours, 41 minutes and 16 seconds gained!
L821[17:57:17] <Izaya> you writing minetest mods, AmandaC?
L822[17:57:48] <ba7888b72413a16a> minetest always seemed like a slightly more capable competitor to minecraft pi edition to me
L823[17:57:57] <ba7888b72413a16a> I should screw around with its modding some day
L824[17:58:01] <AmandaC> I've got a single mod, which I'm throwing all my spaghetti into, including new stuff, and adding crafting recipies for other mods' stuff
L825[17:58:06] <Izaya> minetest is a much better engine than minecraft
L826[17:58:15] <Izaya> I'd say it's a worse *game* though
L827[17:58:22] <AmandaC> minetest is a better engine because it's an actual /engine/ not a game
L828[17:58:32] <ba7888b72413a16a> wouldn't it be great if mojang actually put any effort whatsoever into minecraft pi edition
L829[17:58:39] <AmandaC> That said, I lost a few days into it already, just digging and mining and exploring
L830[17:58:40] <ba7888b72413a16a> rather than abandoning it the same day it was released
L831[17:59:00] <Izaya> tfw server-side mods
L832[17:59:13] <ba7888b72413a16a> minetest is better for one simple reason: you can dig down really, really, really far
L833[17:59:22] <ba7888b72413a16a> and pillar up really, really, really tall
L834[17:59:28] <Izaya> eyup :D
L835[17:59:42] <AmandaC> server-side mods is pretty much the sole reason I'm willing to do more than idle toys in it's mod.
L836[17:59:53] <AmandaC> s/it's mod/it's modding stuff/
L837[17:59:54] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> server-side mods is pretty much the sole reason I'm willing to do more than idle toys in it's modding stuff.
L838[18:00:00] <Izaya> I just wish the GUI API in it was less ... ass.
L839[18:00:22] <ba7888b72413a16a> someone should do a minetest far lands or bust
L840[18:00:23] <Izaya> vifino and/or t20kdc had "fun" making a GUI refresh
L841[18:00:31] <ba7888b72413a16a> where the goal is to get to one of the bottom corners of the map
L842[18:01:21] <AmandaC> I've only made it to like, -4096, and that's with like an hour of splunking from my lowest structured-mine
L843[18:01:46] <ba7888b72413a16a> I think my attempt brought me halfway down
L844[18:01:48] <Izaya> do you guys like my fixed wireless modem? :3 https://social.shadowkat.net/media/402a88d8-af82-47c4-945a-90746ac9f81d/2019-02-16_19.26.13.png
L845[18:01:51] <ba7888b72413a16a> then I gave up
L846[18:02:24] <AmandaC> I needed chromium for technic
L847[18:02:27] <ba7888b72413a16a> Izaya: is this how we solve climate change? IoT wind turbines?
L848[18:02:41] <AmandaC> pretty much all my chromium is from that single hour-or-so long splunking session
L849[18:03:38] <Izaya> ba7888b72413a16a: that's p much what my network relays look like
L850[18:04:51] <ba7888b72413a16a> holy shit this exists https://github.com/nsporillo/GlobalWarming
L851[18:05:01] <ba7888b72413a16a> "Furnaces emit CO2 when players smelt items"
L852[18:06:08] <ba7888b72413a16a> we need a balanced modded pack based around this
L853[18:06:17] <Izaya> I'd play it
L854[18:06:45] <ba7888b72413a16a> in order to start civilization, you require a bunch of fossil fuel technology, and don't have the means to craft solar panels yet
L855[18:07:22] <ba7888b72413a16a> so it's a race against the time to meet IPCC's Global Warming of 1.5 ºC recommendations... in minecraft
L856[18:07:52] <Izaya> combine it with serene seasons and make an actual forge mod
L857[18:08:06] <Izaya> anything using things with fuel values emits x CO2
L858[18:08:08] <ba7888b72413a16a> mojang's polar bears will actually have a use
L859[18:08:15] <Izaya> polar bears?
L860[18:10:12] <Izaya> also dynamic trees integration
L861[18:11:37] <Izaya> the fun part about integrating with dynamic trees and serene seasons is that as the biomes got warmer, colder biome trees would grow slower, and the colder biomes have the bigger trees
L862[18:11:42] <ba7888b72413a16a> make it so it simulates mass migration from the topics
L863[18:11:57] <ba7888b72413a16a> and the crime and religious radicalization that comes along with it
L864[18:12:39] <ba7888b72413a16a> terrafirmacraft 2.0, it's basically just real life
L865[18:13:39] * ba7888b72413a16a searches "add politics to minecraft" in /r/shittymcsuggestions
L866[18:13:52] <ba7888b72413a16a> https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymcsuggestions/comments/8tmq4i/add_politics/
L867[18:13:54] <Izaya> is THAT where the polar bears came from
L868[18:14:44] <ba7888b72413a16a> polar bears probably came from high school interns at microsoft
L869[18:14:57] <ba7888b72413a16a> coming up with stupid ideas that don't improve the game at all
L870[18:16:23] <ba7888b72413a16a> but never anything that will simplify mob grinders
L871[18:19:31] <ba7888b72413a16a> https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymcsuggestions/comments/an0vj9/you_should_be_25_times_more_likely_to_become_the/
L872[18:19:33] <ba7888b72413a16a> that reminds me
L873[18:20:23] <ba7888b72413a16a> where was that dumb 4chan screenshot
L874[18:22:11] <ba7888b72413a16a> https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/7sxwus/minecraft_is_the_ultimate_white_supremacist_game/dta5g6n/?context=35
L875[18:23:28] <Izaya> what since when do skeletons RUN
L876[18:24:01] <ba7888b72413a16a> thanks funnyjunk, for rehosting it https://bigmemes.funnyjunk.com/pictures/Minecraft+is+the+ultimate+white+supremacist+game+trigger+mentionlist+4chandailytrigger_fca4e4_6501550.jpg
L877[18:33:38] <Skye> %tonk
L878[18:33:38] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Skye, you were not able to beat ba7888b72413a16a's record of 3 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds this time.
L879[18:33:39] <MichiBot> 37 minutes and 2 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 45 minutes and 42 seconds!
L880[18:33:43] <Skye> ...yay
L881[18:33:45] <Skye> Goodnight
L882[18:34:04] <Bob> oofskies
L883[18:41:16] <Izaya> that subreddit gave me cancer
L884[18:42:34] <ba7888b72413a16a> Izaya: it can't be any worse than /r/minecraftsuggestions
L885[18:42:47] <Izaya> no the 4chan one
L886[18:43:04] <ba7888b72413a16a> 4chan is the definition of cancer
L887[18:43:10] <Izaya> it's one thing to have imageboard quality CSS because it's an imageboard
L888[18:43:17] <Izaya> it's another to intentionally replicate shitty design
L889[18:43:35] <ba7888b72413a16a> disabling subreddit CSS is almost always the first thing I do when encountering a new subreddit
L890[18:44:25] <ba7888b72413a16a> very rarely is there functional CSS anymore, it's all just dumb layouts that change things in annoying ways
L891[18:45:27] <ba7888b72413a16a> now I'm curious... what does /r/minecraftsuggestions/controversial/?t=all look like
L892[18:46:41] <ben_mkiv> wonder what happens to oc now that forge 1.13 changed a lot
L893[18:46:59] <AmandaC> massive refactoring, same as happen in 1.6
L894[18:47:03] <AmandaC> s/6/8/
L895[18:47:04] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> massive refactoring, same as happen in 1.8
L896[18:47:11] <ben_mkiv> time to port to java :P
L897[18:48:05] <ba7888b72413a16a> some pretty dumb suggestions is what I'm seeing
L898[18:49:35] <ba7888b72413a16a> Staring at the sun for a certain amount of time will have negative consequences on the player (Damages, Blindness...)
L899[18:49:43] <ba7888b72413a16a> isn't that a mod?
L900[18:51:47] <ba7888b72413a16a> "If they added this they should definitely add sunglasses or some extra head accessory to block the effects."
L901[18:51:50] <ba7888b72413a16a> jesus christ no!
L902[18:51:58] <ba7888b72413a16a> that will teach kids that you can stare at the sun through sunglasses
L903[18:52:09] <Izaya> sounds perfect to me
L904[18:52:26] <ba7888b72413a16a> Izaya: I mean, we really do need to speed up evolution by natural selection
L905[19:00:06] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@ (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
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L908[19:16:05] <AmandaC> Huh, never thought I'd see this off of a Sony console: https://store.steampowered.com/app/966330/Flower/
L909[19:16:30] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@
L910[19:51:15] <vifino> Izaya: yes
L911[19:51:21] <vifino> it was bad
L912[19:51:27] <vifino> do not recommend
L913[19:53:12] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E261FBEDFE83F3FFABA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L914[20:28:09] <Izaya> https://0x0.st/ziox.htm
L915[20:35:07] <AmandaC> gods damn it, I'm so damn lost in Astroneer, I've spent my last like 3 sessions trying to find my damn base again. D:
L916[20:35:53] <AmandaC> I've decided I'm making a fucking ring of beacons around my base's area once I get back
L917[20:42:23] <NCSGeek> Where do I ask a general question regarding OpenComputers?
L918[20:43:10] ⇨ Joins: NCSGeek (NCSGeek!webchat@75-165-142-224.rcmt.qwest.net)
L919[20:43:46] <Izaya> here, in the OpenComputers IRC channel
L920[20:44:30] <Izaya> %hello
L921[20:44:31] <MichiBot> Izaya: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L922[20:45:19] <NCSGeek> Izaya Are you responding to my discord message? In all honesty, I cant tell.
L923[20:45:27] <Izaya> yes
L924[20:45:42] <Izaya> welcome to the OpenComputers IRC channel, how may we help you, etc etc
L925[20:45:51] <NCSGeek> :P Thanks!
L926[20:46:04] <NCSGeek> Ok, thanks. My question is; Can you charge the Assembler without another mod with RF power/generation?
L927[20:46:19] <NCSGeek> Oops, didnt edit out the 2nd "Ok, thanks".
L928[20:46:43] <Izaya> I think so, carpeted capacitors will charge OC stuff when a sheep or cat walks over them, I believe.
L929[20:47:22] <NCSGeek> Oh? Hehe, I saw those and assumed it was for hiding a capacitor and added no functionality
L930[20:47:27] <NCSGeek> I will try that and report back
L931[20:47:38] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L932[20:47:49] <Izaya> I think it slowly zaps the creature too, not 100% on the functionality, I like my windmills
L933[20:47:51] <NCSGeek> Yup, it says that in-game in the tooltip.
L934[20:47:58] <Izaya> https://0x0.st/ziox.htm
L935[20:48:09] <NCSGeek> Will it charge nearby assemblers automatically? Or is it using the OC cables?
L936[20:48:25] <Izaya> You'll need it connected by some sort of OC block
L937[20:48:27] <NCSGeek> Those windmills are really awesome, too
L938[20:48:45] <Izaya> Most will transfer power and network messages, like cases and screens and such
L939[20:49:00] <NCSGeek> Okay, so if my carpeted capacitor is connected (adjacent) to the assembler that will work?
L940[20:49:20] <NCSGeek> Or adjacent to any other OC block that is subsequently in contact with an OC system?
L941[20:49:34] <Izaya> that's the theory
L942[20:49:43] <NCSGeek> Alright, will try that.
L943[20:54:05] <NCSGeek> Ok, seems to have gone down from 6:00 to 5:59. It'll take quite a while, but it works. lol
L944[20:54:09] <NCSGeek> Thanks!
L945[20:54:26] <Izaya> o7
L946[20:54:33] <NCSGeek> ^^
L947[20:58:05] <NCSGeek> http://prntscr.com/mm4juq
L948[20:58:18] <NCSGeek> Can you move the assembler without any loss of contents?
L949[20:58:29] <NCSGeek> Because now im watching sheep move. lol
L950[20:58:30] <Izaya> I don't think so, but you can take the stuff out
L951[20:58:46] <NCSGeek> I already pressed start, however. Would breaking it drop my components?
L952[20:59:14] <Izaya> Ah, unsure. I'd wait till it finished before moving it.
L953[20:59:43] <NCSGeek> Alright. I have a 2x2 area chunk loaded. lol
L954[20:59:48] <NCSGeek> Might be a while, but at least it works
L955[21:01:58] ⇦ Quits: NCSGeek (NCSGeek!webchat@75-165-142-224.rcmt.qwest.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L956[21:10:16] <AmandaC> vifino: I don't suppose you have any ideas for how to detect if a user is in free_move mode?
L957[21:10:21] <AmandaC> player*
L958[21:23:42] <Mimiru> %tonk
L959[21:23:43] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Mimiru, you were not able to beat ba7888b72413a16a's record of 3 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds this time.
L960[21:23:44] <MichiBot> 2 hours, 50 minutes and 4 seconds were wasted! Missed by 32 minutes and 40 seconds!
L961[21:23:49] <Mimiru> damn
L962[21:27:36] <AmandaC> Izaya: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/minetest-tweaks-mod/ <-- my tweaks mod, if you were curious. Decided I should really have it under VCS
L963[22:01:15] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b) (Quit: Cervator)
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L966[23:11:21] <Kodos> What's this nonsense about roller doors
L967[23:12:17] <Mimiru> They're roller doors
L968[23:13:40] <Mimiru> @Kodos https://drive.pc-logix.com/index.php/s/z2FFSGd5p5c5XgS
L969[23:20:54] <Kodos> I'll have to play with them ingame, but the first thing I noticed was the texture
L970[23:21:01] <Kodos> I'll poke that in an RP and see what I can do though
L971[23:21:02] <Mimiru> It's not done
L972[23:21:07] <Kodos> I know ?
L973[23:22:44] <Mimiru> You'll have to build from source, in theory it'll build off my machine/ci :P
L974[23:22:58] <Mimiru> s/off/outside/
L975[23:22:58] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> You'll have to build from source, in theory it'll build outside my machine/ci :P
L976[23:23:44] <Kodos> Lol
L977[23:24:04] <Kodos> Also did you permakill the server, or was it just down when I tried it yesterday
L978[23:24:22] <Mimiru> It's having issues, and I've been too sick to try to figure it out
L979[23:25:58] <Kodos> Well get better first
L980[23:28:28] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:60f8:4752:9905:1033) (Quit: Cervator)
L981[23:33:31] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-006.dsl.tropolys.de) (Quit: no! no!! not that button!!!)
L982[23:33:56] <Mimiru> yeah don't know what the issue is, but it goes to load one of the worlds, and just chokes, RAM usage goes to 100% and it stalls
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