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L1[00:52:31] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L2[01:01:23] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L3[01:29:48] <Bob> smh
L4[02:39:47] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC458.versanet.de)
L5[02:53:02] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/DzvX6ChThSg
L6[02:53:03] <MichiBot> Volcanoids - Steam Early Access Launch Trailer | length: 1m 14s | Likes: 391 Dislikes: 12 Views: 7,460 | by Volcanoids | Published On 29/1/2019
L7[02:53:15] <Forecaster> steampunky things!
L8[03:13:44] <Izaya> https://cdn.niu.moe/media_attachments/files/003/810/432/original/6f579bb1733af84c.png
L9[03:21:00] <Bob> ?
L10[04:04:38] <Forecaster> %fling
L11[04:04:39] * MichiBot flings popcorn in a random direction. It hits the ground near gartral
L12[04:10:43] <Lizzian> %tonk
L13[04:10:44] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Lizzian, you were not able to beat BrainStone's record of 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds this time.
L14[04:10:45] <MichiBot> 6 hours, 14 minutes and 21 seconds were wasted! Missed by 1 hour, 22 minutes and 47 seconds!
L15[04:10:48] <Lizzian> oh
L16[04:10:52] <Lizzian> ?
L17[04:14:01] <Bob> %potion
L18[04:14:02] <MichiBot> Bob: You get a fluffy tan potion
L19[04:14:05] <Bob> %drink ^
L20[04:14:05] <MichiBot> Bob turns into a toad.
L21[04:20:25] <ben_mkiv> %loot
L22[04:20:25] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: You get a loot box! It contains a paper crane.
L23[04:20:55] <Lizzian> %loot
L24[04:45:59] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L25[04:48:30] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L26[05:29:14] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8E98A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L27[05:29:24] <Inari> Temia: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/344256550640287755/540045603917529098/comiccowbull1.png is that realted to your kind? :p
L28[05:29:41] <Inari> AmandaC: haha nice
L29[05:32:09] <Inari> AmandaC: See, thats an actual cat
L30[05:32:14] <Inari> Not some weird hologram that hates fish
L31[05:32:58] <Inari> Now I want dried fish
L32[05:33:03] <Inari> They should just take that and make it into an ad
L33[05:40:29] <BrainStone> %tonk
L34[05:40:30] <MichiBot> You still hold the record BrainStone, for now... 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds
L35[05:43:20] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGZaBqxqeU0 ooh nice
L36[05:43:20] <MichiBot> ASMR Excavation in a water-soaked block of plaster | length: 35m 2s | Likes: 64,893 Dislikes: 2,252 Views: 4,207,525 | by ASMRSurge | Published On 6/12/2017
L37[05:49:24] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BC458.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L38[06:02:35] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-124.dsl.tropolys.de)
L39[06:27:51] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368159840201342976/540145889130577930/DyHqYKAV4AAtrb4.png
L40[06:47:50] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E11D38CFA638BDC77F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L41[06:47:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L42[06:57:42] <Forecaster> Great scot!
L43[07:08:29] <S3> That was fun
L44[07:08:54] <S3> I almost got stuck, ended up crawling the car at like half a mire / hour
L45[07:09:07] <S3> for a good distance
L46[07:09:24] <S3> time to get the tire chains on
L47[07:09:46] <Bob> what if we make bytebeat in OC
L48[07:10:56] <S3> https://greggman.com/downloads/examples/html5bytebeat/html5bytebeat.html
L49[07:11:06] <S3> This one sounds like the sound chip on the gameboy XD
L50[07:11:24] <Bob> make music from a time constant
L51[07:11:30] <S3> it's like the music from a high level zelda dungeon or something
L52[07:12:15] <Forecaster> how many mires in a km? :P
L53[07:13:34] <S3> ?
L54[07:15:05] <Forecaster> "I almost got stuck, ended up crawling the car at like half a mire / hour"
L55[07:15:30] <S3> oh miles not mires
L56[07:15:45] <Forecaster> I know :P
L57[07:15:56] <S3> I think one km is about 0.6 miles
L58[07:16:00] <Forecaster> I had to make a bad joke though
L59[07:17:05] <S3> lol
L60[07:38:12] <S3> OH SHIT
L61[07:38:25] <S3> somehow I have to get to work and the only way there is to go up the fucking hill
L62[07:38:26] <Bob> o n o
L63[07:38:41] <S3> I don't think my jeep will make it XD
L64[07:39:07] <S3> yesterday it was only a little slippery and I ended up going down the hill in reverse
L65[07:39:10] <S3> and getting a running start
L66[07:41:52] <S3> hmm
L67[07:41:59] <S3> what do you think guys
L68[07:42:12] <S3> instead of paying $65 a month for 100 Mbit down 10 Mbit up
L69[07:42:27] <S3> I can pay $85 / month for 400 Mbit down / 40 Mbit up
L70[07:42:30] <S3> worth it?
L71[07:42:44] <urielsalis> depends on how much you use that 100 mbit
L72[07:42:51] <urielsalis> else its just 20 usd more for nothing
L73[07:42:59] <S3> It would be nice
L74[07:43:55] <S3> I can get up to about a Gbit
L75[07:44:03] <S3> I'm curious how much that plan costs
L76[07:44:21] <urielsalis> I have 100 right now, it already downloads everything in 4 mins
L77[07:44:27] <urielsalis> and max quality netflix
L78[07:44:29] <urielsalis> dont need anything more
L79[07:44:54] <S3> 100 is nice, I wish I had 100 / 100 instead of 100 / 10 though
L80[07:45:06] <urielsalis> Sounds like DSL :P
L81[07:45:18] <urielsalis> or that they charge you for simmetry, which is stupid
L82[07:45:38] <S3> I work for a telephone company you know
L83[07:45:46] <S3> there's a reason SDSL is so expensive
L84[07:46:11] <urielsalis> yes, even the telephone companies here are using fiber instead of copper
L85[07:46:17] <urielsalis> and DSL should have died a while ago :P
L86[07:46:27] <Izaya> 50mbps is not enough I know that much
L87[07:46:36] <Izaya> kinda painful to download BD rips at 5MB/s
L88[07:46:45] <S3> when you get SDSL, you may not be getting the fastest link in the world, but you are getting a private dedicated loop, 24 / 7 alarm monitoring bandwidth logging, etc
L89[07:46:45] * urielsalis cries in the 6mbps he had back home
L90[07:46:55] <S3> at least through our company tyhat's what you get
L91[07:47:05] <S3> the SDSL itself is cheap as dirt but the cost is the private loop
L92[07:47:11] <S3> that's like 80% of it
L93[07:47:16] <urielsalis> Yeah, symmetric DSL is not usually offered
L94[07:47:24] <urielsalis> but fiber is usually symetric
L95[07:47:28] <S3> yes
L96[07:47:48] <urielsalis> I work for a neobank, dont ask me about networking lol
L97[07:47:59] <urielsalis> I only know that AWS does magic
L98[07:48:39] <S3> We're slowly adopting fiber in various regions, but the problem is that fiber is not cheap to install because it's not just the specialized people you need to work on it, a lot of time its issues with getting permission to run the fiber
L99[07:48:44] <S3> or rights to bury it
L100[07:49:03] <S3> this is why a fiber plan can take years to complete
L101[07:49:12] <S3> it really shouldn't but
L102[07:49:12] <urielsalis> I know, we cant move to the new office because the city hasnt authorized the fiber line that needs to cross the street .-.
L103[07:49:25] <S3> wow.
L104[07:49:27] <urielsalis> Its literally just cross one street
L105[07:49:51] <S3> its because of this that we still have a coupld of DSL DSLAMs running likw 24 customers on 4 T1s
L106[07:49:56] <S3> 4 T1s!
L107[07:49:59] <urielsalis> Kinda hard to move a tech company to a building without internet
L108[07:50:10] * urielsalis googles T1
L109[07:50:24] <S3> and they give like everybody on that DSLAM 3meg
L110[07:50:44] <S3> fortunately, almost ALL of the equipment we have is fiber fed now out in the boonies
L111[07:50:59] <S3> but there's stil lthose "welfare customers"
L112[07:51:29] <urielsalis> Just give a dedicated OC192 to everyone, what can go wrong? /s
L113[07:51:37] <S3> If you're in europe or ITU space you will probably recognize a T1 as an E1
L114[07:51:49] <urielsalis> Barcelona, yep
L115[07:51:54] <S3> its real term is a DS1
L116[07:51:59] <S3> which is just 24 DS0s
L117[07:52:39] <S3> 8 bits per channel, 24 channels, + 1 frame bit at 8Khz = 64K per channel, enough for a g711 codec for phone calls on each channel which is nice, and 1.54Mbit total
L118[07:52:58] <S3> so they have like 24 customers on this one dslam in the middle of noehwere with a 6 Mbit feed giving customers up to 3 Mbit a piece
L119[07:52:59] <S3> XD
L120[07:53:16] <BrainStone> %loot
L121[07:53:17] <MichiBot> BrainStone: You get a loot box! It contains a knight who says ni.
L122[07:53:30] <S3> %loot
L123[07:53:39] <urielsalis> %loot
L124[07:53:48] <urielsalis> bad MichiBot
L125[07:53:50] <BrainStone> I think there’s a minute of cooldown
L126[07:54:07] <S3> T1s however do have a very awesome featyure urielsalis
L127[07:54:14] <S3> they are realtime connectivity
L128[07:54:32] <S3> if you're not using ethernet, you can achieve realtime 24 channel 8 bit communications with no latency
L129[07:54:41] <S3> at least ideally
L130[07:55:37] <S3> a ping of practically 300ns
L131[07:55:49] <S3> er sorry 300 microseconds
L132[07:56:29] <S3> its for this reason that I think I want to run a T1 between my IoT devices
L133[07:56:50] <S3> so that I can achieve realtime data between them. If I need more than 8 bit resolution I can use multiple channels
L134[07:56:58] <S3> the form factor is just cat6 basically
L135[07:57:08] <S3> you can use an rj45
L136[07:57:44] <urielsalis> I love not understanding a thing of what you are saying
L137[07:57:46] <S3> I also figured out that I can clock and receive a 1.54 Mbit T1 with extra time to do other things on a 6502 :)
L138[07:57:50] <S3> oh
L139[07:57:56] <urielsalis> lol
L140[07:57:56] <S3> sarcastic I hope
L141[07:58:04] <urielsalis> joke
L142[07:58:21] <urielsalis> but I really dont understand a thing about networking, except that CAT6 and 5 and ethernet cables
L143[07:58:45] <S3> well what are you interested in
L144[07:58:56] <urielsalis> I do backend development for N26
L145[07:59:11] <S3> my primary focus has been communications development for a long time, which is what most of my Minecraft projects are based around
L146[07:59:47] <S3> The bank?
L147[08:00:24] <urielsalis> yep
L148[08:00:32] <S3> fun
L149[08:00:43] <urielsalis> Its a tech company first, bank second, so it really is
L150[08:00:58] <S3> Well if you ever get into communications you'll quickly realize that TP/IP and Ethernet are probably the worst things we've ever attached ourselves to
L151[08:01:13] <urielsalis> From the videos that I watched from Ben Eater, I know
L152[08:01:19] <S3> in fact IP is also bad
L153[08:01:31] <S3> IP routing is great as a downward heiarchy
L154[08:01:34] <S3> but it fails upward
L155[08:02:32] <S3> At some point I suggest you take a look into the presentations and writings of John Day
L156[08:02:42] <S3> and if you're into programming enough, Joe Armstrong
L157[08:02:47] <S3> both of them are very similar
L158[08:02:51] <S3> and they think similarly
L159[08:03:59] <S3> John day is the guy who reminds us that networking is just IPC in all cases, and the OSI model took that away from us.
L160[08:04:03] <urielsalis> googled jogn day, first result is a rapper
L161[08:04:05] <urielsalis> lol
L162[08:04:22] <S3> you can add RINA or networking to the end of John Day's name
L163[08:05:30] <urielsalis> https://www.amazon.de/Patterns-Network-Architecture-Return-Fundamentals/dp/0132252422 ?
L164[08:05:38] <S3> Joe Armstrong on the other hand, is a man, (John Day also said this too a while ago) that APIs are bad, and we shouldn't be using them. Instead we should be using finite state machines with type systems for forming a connection between two things
L165[08:05:49] <S3> that book is amazing, it's extremely dense though
L166[08:06:05] <S3> I've read parts of it I haven't bought it yet to read the whole thing
L167[08:06:22] <S3> I like that book because he doesn't even get a whole lot into his protocol RINA
L168[08:06:38] <S3> he just explains why the Internet would be so much better if it was just recursive IPC
L169[08:07:15] <S3> He has some good presentations on Youtube
L170[08:07:46] <urielsalis> With a bit of foresight a lot of things would be better
L171[08:08:29] <Forecaster> was this prompted by todays xkcd or is there something else going on
L172[08:08:42] <Forecaster> (it was about OSI I think)
L173[08:08:45] <S3> whats interesting to me is how in that book he says that finite state machines iwth type systems are critical in some of this but that is EXACTLY what Joe Armstrong said in his presentation years ago
L174[08:08:51] <S3> and I don't know if they even know eachother
L175[08:09:25] <S3> I have not seen todays XKCD
L176[08:10:03] <S3> LOL
L177[08:10:58] <urielsalis> Relevant XKCD
L178[08:11:34] <S3> I should head to work soon I have work in 50 minutes
L179[08:11:44] <S3> I just need to figure out a way to get there
L180[08:11:47] <urielsalis> I just have a screen dedicated to IRC
L181[08:11:52] <Forecaster> that's a good place to be when you have work
L182[08:12:21] <S3> well I don't want to get stuck when I'm in a rush
L183[08:12:58] <S3> hmm. it's 34 degrees now and its starting to kinda rain
L184[08:13:00] <S3> this is fun.
L185[08:13:30] <Forecaster> snow.
L186[08:13:41] <S3> snow is great!
L187[08:13:45] <S3> but when the rain comes it freezes
L188[08:13:49] <S3> and there is ice everywhere
L189[08:13:58] <urielsalis> From what country are you from?
L190[08:14:12] <Forecaster> I don't want snow >:
L191[08:14:17] <Forecaster> you can have it
L192[08:16:39] <Skye> It's slightly terrifying to consider that GSM is what will stop trains from running into one another in the future.
L193[08:19:31] <S3> GSM?
L194[08:19:39] <S3> cell phones!
L195[08:20:35] <S3> ok I need to drive
L196[08:21:04] <Skye> GSM-R
L197[08:21:09] <Skye> Transmission
L198[08:21:14] <Skye> Signalling data
L199[08:25:32] <AmandaC> %tonk
L200[08:25:33] <MichiBot> I'm sorry AmandaC, you were not able to beat BrainStone's record of 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds this time.
L201[08:25:34] <MichiBot> 4 hours, 14 minutes and 49 seconds were wasted! Missed by 3 hours, 22 minutes and 18 seconds!
L202[08:25:43] <AmandaC> Fuck
L203[08:25:50] <AmandaC> Oh well
L204[08:34:21] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-124.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L205[08:35:30] <S3> OH! trains not rains
L206[08:35:32] <S3> :D
L207[08:35:34] <S3> sorry skye
L208[08:35:43] <Skye> Trains.
L209[08:35:45] <Skye> Yes.
L210[08:35:47] <Skye> Choo choo
L211[08:35:51] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L213[08:36:13] <S3> wut
L214[08:37:42] <Skye> Is lizzy getting a nose bleed from trains
L215[08:40:42] <Corded> * <Lizzian> was attempting to translate the sound of a train horn into text
L216[08:41:12] <Forecaster> *someone gets run over by a train*
L217[08:42:05] <Lizzian> I like trains?
L218[08:48:41] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-130.dsl.tropolys.de)
L219[08:51:32] <Inari> grape juice is so goo
L220[08:51:33] <Inari> d
L221[08:52:20] <Inari> Skye: I prefer chou-chou
L222[08:52:27] <Skye> ??
L223[08:52:49] <Inari> Over choo-choo
L224[08:52:49] <Inari> ;D
L225[08:52:50] <S3> I like grapes
L226[08:52:51] <Inari> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/8/85/Mugen-Souls_2012_07-20-12_111_3266.png/revision/latest?cb=20130107032429&path-prefix=protagonist
L227[08:52:58] <Inari> ^chouchou
L228[08:53:13] <S3> I knew better than to be clicking random links at work from Inari
L229[08:53:22] <Inari> It's pretty sfw
L230[08:53:28] <S3> yes
L231[08:55:22] <Skye> She looks cute and scary
L232[09:57:14] <Saphire> RAWR
L233[09:59:54] <Inari> Skye: Masochistic chou-chou is best though
L234[10:00:46] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjoqw6byQQw
L235[10:00:47] <MichiBot> Mugen Souls Z Masochist battle quotes (English) | length: 2m 28s | Likes: 20 Dislikes: 1 Views: 1,311 | by Chou-Chou Inifinite | Published On 31/1/2015
L236[10:15:10] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L237[10:41:49] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McrWW5jBv_w ~
L238[10:41:49] <MichiBot> Elias Naslin - Stick Together (Official Lyric Video) feat. Lucy & Elbot, Elijah N | length: 3m 16s | Likes: 5,818 Dislikes: 58 Views: 224,703 | by Lyrics We Go | Published On 14/8/2018
L239[10:55:41] <ZefTheFox> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178567952780623872/540212065340620830/20190130_114523.jpg
L240[10:55:52] <ZefTheFox> My Minecraft is dead such fun
L241[10:56:11] <Inari> May it rest in peace
L242[10:56:58] <ZefTheFox> Which leaves pretty much nothing
L243[10:57:34] <Inari> Play Vesperia
L244[10:59:25] <ZefTheFox> I don't know what that is and second I don't have it installed
L245[10:59:58] <Inari> Play that paperclip browser game
L246[11:00:25] <ZefTheFox> *browser game*
L247[11:00:37] <ZefTheFox> A search engine takes around 20 seconds to load
L248[11:00:54] <Inari> And yet you use Discord, psh :p
L249[11:01:09] <ZefTheFox> I'm using the mobile app
L250[11:01:10] <Forecaster> Play the "wait for search engines to load" game
L251[11:01:11] <Inari> Play Minesweeper
L252[11:01:24] <ZefTheFox> I have that lol
L253[11:02:01] <Inari> Play Collatz Conjecture
L254[11:03:42] <Inari> I often did that in school whene I was bored
L255[11:08:16] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZMEdAIRY0&feature=youtu.be
L256[11:08:16] <MichiBot> Playing KH3 as an adult | length: 28s | Likes: 2,303 Dislikes: 95 Views: 90,119 | by Jeff PG | Published On 29/1/2019
L257[11:15:48] <Forecaster> something tells me that's not real dialogue :P
L258[11:30:01] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L259[11:36:20] <Inari> Supposedly itis
L260[11:36:36] <Forecaster> I doubt that
L261[11:54:39] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-130.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L262[13:19:35] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L263[13:19:36] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat BrainStone's record of 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds this time.
L264[13:19:37] <MichiBot> 4 hours, 54 minutes and 3 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 43 minutes and 5 seconds!
L265[13:19:59] <CompanionCube> Izaya: https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/30/18203551/apple-facebook-blocked-internal-ios-apps
L266[13:41:16] <AmandaC> Holy shit, apple actually revoked Facebook's corp cert!?
L267[14:10:23] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: for their internal apps, yes
L268[14:10:33] <CompanionCube> but not for the public-facing apps
L269[14:10:56] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: the corp certificate is what lets them distribute those internal apps outside the app store and still run on a normal iPhone
L270[14:12:08] <Inari> "Facebook has been using Apple’s program for internal app distribution to track teenage customers with a “research” app." Ah, yes, facebook
L271[14:13:32] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: /me now wonders which internal apps sting the most when lost
L272[14:14:31] <CompanionCube> Inari: it's even more insidious than it sounds as it could access the encrypted traffic too
L273[14:14:46] <Inari> How sthat even legal
L274[14:14:52] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: for their employees? Probably the one that lets them get a ride to/from work
L275[14:15:16] <CompanionCube> Inari: it's legal if the user clicks the box
L276[14:15:24] <AmandaC> ( I assume that's related to the SV custom of having company-chartered buses )
L277[14:15:27] <CompanionCube> regardless of them understanding what they're agreeing to
L278[14:15:36] <Inari> The box that states "We'll install a tracking app on you"?
L279[14:15:49] <CompanionCube> yep
L280[14:15:54] <AmandaC> no the one that says "I agree to this app's terms and conditions"
L281[14:16:13] <Inari> Aren't those supposed to not be able to contain unexpected things like that
L282[14:16:31] <AmandaC> Yes, but they're practically in another language, so nobody reads them fully
L283[14:16:33] <CompanionCube> Inari: facebook openly state that they 'may use data for x, y and z'
L284[14:16:47] <Inari> I see
L285[14:16:52] <CompanionCube> but the implications of this aren't very obvious if you don't know
L286[14:17:16] <Inari> Well Facebook could literally say "We'll print out your private chats and hang htem up in your school" and people would still use it
L287[14:17:25] <CompanionCube> https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/29/facebook-project-atlas/
L288[14:17:32] <CompanionCube> this is a good article on the app itself
L289[14:18:09] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: maybe also the one for lunch that may include tasks and a calendar?
L290[14:20:04] * Inari shakes windows furiously
L291[14:20:04] <Kleadron> i have a feeling that the mobile version of discord is better since it isnt based on a web browser
L292[14:20:30] <Izaya> are you sure about that
L293[14:20:34] <Inari> ^
L294[14:20:42] <CompanionCube> Izaya: i did look at the mobile apps
L295[14:20:47] <CompanionCube> once
L296[14:20:51] <CompanionCube> let me look up what i found
L297[14:20:53] <Inari> I don't see why they'd make an app for it
L298[14:21:12] <Izaya> I'd say "so they don't burn batteries and processors" but the technology they use kinda does that anyway so
L299[14:22:08] <Inari> Ah yesm, cause browsers on mobile do that
L300[14:22:55] <CompanionCube> right
L301[14:23:10] <CompanionCube> the android version was Java + some native libs
L302[14:23:18] <CompanionCube> the iOS version had a huge JS bundle
L303[14:23:23] <CompanionCube> draw your own conclusions
L304[14:23:57] <Inari> Oh for Kalak's sake
L305[14:24:09] <Inari> Why do I have to use the bluetooth adapter I paired a device with to remove it
L306[14:25:10] <Skye> CompanionCube, I suspect the ICO would take a grim view of such things
L307[14:29:07] <Inari> You - and - I - till the end, no - need to - pretend, again - and again, every - thing - is - al - right, with - you - by - my - side, we'll stick together~
L308[14:29:14] <Inari> I love that song
L309[14:31:13] <Inari> You know, i never saw the appeal in Kingdom Hearts, until I just watched a few cutscenes of it. And now I'm greatly interested haha
L310[14:33:02] <S3> I don´t like mashups like those
L311[14:33:09] <S3> thats exactly what kingdom hearts is
L312[14:34:26] <Inari> I love it xD
L313[14:34:51] <Inari> Mashups are easy to screw up
L314[14:35:03] <Inari> Character from diffeent universes interacting can easily feel awkward or forced
L315[14:48:07] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309529094452936705/540225015732502528/49409530_10100157453479312_3185616254631149568_n.jpg cute
L316[14:48:51] <Forecaster> that does not load
L317[14:53:10] <Inari 『 おにいでれ 』> http://tinyurl.com/yazg4lfd
L318[15:18:30] <Bob> oof
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L321[15:28:01] <ZefTheFox> Oof
L322[15:28:27] <ZefTheFox> I will admit that's kinda cute
L323[15:31:46] <Inari> I like "calm as a cucumber" :p
L324[15:32:10] <Forecaster> vegetables aren't know to be prone to panic, it's true
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L326[16:53:18] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8E98A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
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L329[17:12:26] <Bob> ?
L330[17:14:03] <Kodos> Oh neat, my mod has 208 downloads apparently
L331[17:17:25] <Lizzian> %tonk
L332[17:17:25] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Lizzian, you were not able to beat BrainStone's record of 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds this time.
L333[17:17:26] <MichiBot> 3 hours, 57 minutes and 49 seconds were wasted! Missed by 3 hours, 39 minutes and 19 seconds!
L334[17:17:30] <Lizzian> fuck
L335[17:51:20] ⇨ Joins: bharber (bharber!~bharber@107-216-52-253.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
L336[17:51:46] <bharber> Test test can anyone see this msg?
L337[17:52:00] <Izaya> no
L338[17:52:04] <Izaya> nobody can see your messages
L339[17:52:48] <bharber> Pfft gg. Ive spent the last few hrs trying to get stuff to work in this mod and this is the first thing that has.
L340[17:53:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E11D38CFA638BDC77F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L341[17:55:19] <Izaya> well
L342[17:55:26] <Izaya> welcome to the OpenComputers IRC channel
L343[17:55:42] <bharber> Thanks
L344[17:55:43] <Izaya> we specialise in off-topic discussion
L345[17:55:45] <Izaya> %hello
L346[17:55:46] <MichiBot> Izaya: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L347[17:57:05] <bharber> %help
L348[17:57:05] <MichiBot> bharber: Command list: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/help
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L358[18:31:49] <LordMZTE> how do i interrupt a program? ctrl alt c doesnt work
L359[18:33:25] ⇨ Joins: bharber (bharber!~bharber@107-216-52-253.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
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L361[18:35:06] <Izaya> If that doesn't work and ctrl-c doesn't work, something has gone very wrong
L362[18:35:47] <LordMZTE> then something has gone very wrong
L363[18:36:34] <LordMZTE> and its rendered my computer unusable because i got an infinitely looping program on autostart
L364[18:37:20] <LordMZTE> ive checked all my controls and theres nothing that could be cuasing an issue really
L365[18:43:00] <LordMZTE> alt f4 helped
L366[18:43:03] <LordMZTE> kinda...
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L372[19:33:52] <Kodos> I'd love to know what program caused that.
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L377[21:08:55] <bharber> Anyone have experience getting mmaild and mmail-send to work?
L378[21:10:06] <Izaya> ohhey
L379[21:10:12] <Izaya> I wrote that
L380[21:10:15] <Izaya> :D
L381[21:10:40] <bharber> Oh nice!
L382[21:11:11] <Izaya> So, what are you having trouble with?
L383[21:12:20] <bharber> Getting the messages to transfer from compA to the server, then to compB. I checked w a sniffer and nothing is sent to the server
L384[21:12:43] <Izaya> So you've enabled and started minitel and mmail?
L385[21:13:18] <Izaya> (rc minitel enable; rc minitel start; rc mmail enable; rc mmail start)
L386[21:17:50] <bharber> Just ran that on the server
L387[21:18:07] <Izaya> The minitel daemon needs to be enabled and started on all devices
L388[21:18:55] <bharber> Ok. i assumed it worked like pop3
L389[21:19:06] <bharber> with a central mail server
L390[21:19:10] <Izaya> mmail is more like SMTP
L391[21:19:17] <Izaya> but minitel is the network stack
L392[21:20:10] <AmandaC> %tell Inari I'm the best at naming stuff: https://nc.ddna.co/s/twDNRsASs8qBPM5
L393[21:20:11] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L394[21:24:33] <bharber> Also, the 'to' line is formatted as [other recieving comp hostname]@address?
L395[21:24:47] <Izaya> user@hostname
L396[21:28:23] <Izaya> (also, you can set the hostname by writing one into /etc/hostname and rebooting)
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L398[21:29:51] <bharber> Ok. message sent without any errors this time. Should the message show up in the directory under /var? (sorry, the tutorial i found online was 404'd
L399[21:31:06] <Izaya> yeah should do
L400[21:35:32] <bharber> hmm.. messages are being sent, and i assume being recieved (the computer pauses for a second), tho /var/maildir is still empty.
L401[21:35:47] <Izaya> iiiiinteresting
L402[21:35:54] <Izaya> lemme fire up ocvm
L403[21:39:24] <Kodos> Okay, I gave it a fair shake, but this "New TARDIS Mod" is kind of bad
L404[21:40:17] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-130.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L406[21:42:42] <Izaya> bharber: make a dir in /var/maildir with the name of the user you want to use
L407[21:42:54] <Izaya> ie /var/maildir/izaya
L408[21:43:32] <Izaya> in hindsight that makes sense
L409[21:43:34] <Izaya> oh well
L410[21:45:06] <bharber> Ooh have a cur new and tmp directories in it now
L411[21:45:17] <bharber> IT WORKS
L412[21:45:22] <bharber> Thank you so much m8
L413[21:45:25] <Izaya> I presume
L414[21:45:34] <Izaya> the idea is that you create a dir for each user you want to use that mail server
L415[21:45:44] <Izaya> but I wrote that about a year ago
L416[21:45:48] <Izaya> so who knows what I was thinking :D
L417[21:46:01] <bharber> Its all good. Thank you for your help
L418[21:46:03] <Izaya> anyway, here'
L419[21:46:08] <Izaya> s some assorted Minitel docs
L420[21:46:09] <Izaya> https://oc.shadowkat.net/minitel/
L421[21:46:48] <Izaya> also, tutorial?
L422[21:47:15] <Izaya> oh, the video
L423[21:47:17] <Izaya> okey
L424[21:47:20] <Izaya> I'll fix t hat up later
L425[21:47:35] <bharber> Ok sweet
L426[21:48:27] ⇦ Quits: bharber (bharber!~bharber@107-216-52-253.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
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L428[21:49:12] <Izaya> neat that someone is using stuff I did though :D
L429[21:51:03] <bharber> Ya. Im still shocked that i was able to get support from the person who made it
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L431[22:04:23] <Kodos> Anyone know if Advanced Rocketry has a discord?
L432[22:10:43] <ben_mkiv> https://discord.gg/BbBUmbX
L433[22:22:43] <ZefTheFox> Oh yeah
L434[22:22:53] <ZefTheFox> I absolutely love the 1.7.10 tardis mod
L435[22:23:06] <ZefTheFox> I never tried the new one but it looked awful in comparison
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L437[22:33:28] <Kodos> I accidentally left clicked the doors instead of right
L438[22:33:31] <Kodos> And they dropped
L439[22:33:38] <Kodos> Big oof
L440[22:38:02] <Kodos> Uhhh this is new... NanoDNA?
L441[22:38:19] <ben_mkiv> for nanofog terminal^^
L442[22:38:48] <ben_mkiv> which is a shield system
L443[22:41:47] <Kodos> Got an example program I can shove into a computer and run?
L444[22:42:06] <Kodos> Or should I put some coffee on and write one for this, too lol
L445[22:42:12] <Kodos> (I already have programs for the keypad and printer
L446[22:42:14] <Kodos> (I already have programs for the keypad and printer) [Edited]
L447[22:43:02] <ben_mkiv> uhm.... component.os_nanofog_terminal.setArea(0, 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, "minecraft:sand"); should already show you something
L448[22:43:57] <ben_mkiv> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/wiki/NanoFogTerminal#methods
L449[22:44:00] <ben_mkiv> those are the methods
L450[22:44:41] <Kodos> Okay that render is a *little* laggy but oh so satisfying to watch
L451[22:45:17] <Mimiru> I've not even had the chance to play with it.. lol
L452[22:45:22] <ben_mkiv> yea, this would benefit alot from a shader, but idk how to write that without spending a week :D
L453[22:45:23] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L454[22:45:36] <ben_mkiv> you can decrease the resolution of the blocks in the config, and also disable rendering
L455[22:45:55] <Kodos> Nah it's fine, I think just the initialization of the render effect was laggy, new iterations don't seem to jitter as much
L456[22:46:57] <ben_mkiv> btw mimiru, ive fixed the openlights issue and made an PR on openlights :>
L457[22:48:44] <Kodos> There, now I have it doing a 1 block thick 3x3 wall for a secret base door
L458[22:48:55] <Kodos> I do have a few requests offhand
L459[22:49:22] <Kodos> Make the shields and foam blocks airtight for Galacticraft and Adv Rocketry if it's easy enough
L460[22:49:41] <ben_mkiv> they might be already
L461[22:49:51] <ben_mkiv> if galacticraft checks for non Air blocks
L462[22:49:58] <Kodos> I'm not sure how it does it
L463[22:50:15] <Kodos> Let me try to figure out a 7x7x7 room and I'll test
L464[22:51:59] <Kodos> Not Airtight with GC
L465[22:52:03] <Kodos> But it's open source afaik
L466[22:52:07] <Kodos> So you could check how they check
L467[22:52:09] <Kodos> I'd look at the sealer
L468[22:52:22] <ben_mkiv> they probably do a fullCube check, then idk if its easy to fix for me
L469[22:52:27] <ben_mkiv> gonna have to look into it
L470[22:54:29] <Kodos> Guessing setShield and setSolid are mutually exclusive modes?
L471[22:54:59] <ben_mkiv> yes
L472[22:55:44] <ben_mkiv> maybe setSolid() changes something, at least for AdvancedRocketry, which seems to check the bounding box
L473[22:55:57] <ben_mkiv> which isnt a thing if its not set to solid
L474[22:57:41] <ben_mkiv> nvm, setSolid probably wont change anything, too
L475[22:58:44] <ben_mkiv> as it never uses a fullcube boundingbox because that would break some things internal
L476[23:01:01] <ben_mkiv> now i need the advancedrocketry discord i linked before for myself :P
L477[23:08:54] <Kodos> I used the AR seal checker thinger to check the nano thingers and it said air will leak, soooo
L478[23:08:55] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L479[23:09:08] <ben_mkiv> yea, thanks for testing
L480[23:09:24] <ben_mkiv> AdvancedRocketry has an API to register them as sealed. so i'll add that later
L481[23:09:35] <ben_mkiv> galacticraft might have too, actually looking into their api
L482[23:09:48] <Kodos> No idea. I'm still deciding which mod I want to keep
L483[23:10:03] <Kodos> Neat stuff in GC, but AR has cool stuff too
L484[23:16:18] <Kodos> Damn, Dick Miller died
L485[23:32:31] <Mimiru> CaitlynMainer merged commit 471da7c into PC-Logix:1.12.2 17 seconds from now
L486[23:56:27] <ZefTheFox> Predicting the future
L487[23:56:33] <ZefTheFox> %tonk
L488[23:56:34] <MichiBot> I'm sorry ZefTheFox, you were not able to beat BrainStone's record of 7 hours, 37 minutes and 8 seconds this time.
L489[23:56:35] <MichiBot> 6 hours, 39 minutes and 8 seconds were wasted! Missed by 57 minutes and 59 seconds!
L490[23:57:34] <ZefTheFox> fUcking
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