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L1[00:24:09] <Spacemike> Would anyone happen to know how I can get the architecture from li.cil.oc.api.driver.item.Processor in a static method? because so far either I get the error "Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method" or "Cannot instantiate the type". and is there possibility a way to check if api.Driver.driverFor(stack, hostClass) == api.driver.item
L2[00:24:09] <Spacemike> .Processor, as so far, either java refuses to check Processor (as well as Container and a large portion of other commands due to various reasons, namely because the method it is in is static (which it has to be static to work as the validate part of registerAssemblerTemplate))
L3[01:16:15] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-173-76-167-102.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L4[01:29:37] ⇦ Quits: Spacemike (Spacemike!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L5[01:33:34] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L6[01:44:56] <Saphire> ... Don't reference the fucking class, first of all? c.c
L7[01:55:58] ⇨ Joins: Cervator1 (Cervator1!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:d0ca:5285:e9d2:a72b)
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L9[01:56:29] *** Cervator1 is now known as Cervator
L10[02:53:32] <Forecaster> %loot
L11[02:53:46] <Forecaster> %loot c'mon gimme
L12[02:53:51] <Forecaster> >:
L13[02:58:17] <Skye> %potion
L14[02:58:17] <MichiBot> Skye: You get a shiny tuna potion
L15[02:58:23] <Skye> %drink ^
L16[02:58:23] <MichiBot> Skye's shoes are now slightly too large.
L17[02:58:31] <Skye> ...welp
L18[02:59:31] <Kleadron> you have le tiny feet now
L19[02:59:37] <Kleadron> minifeet
L20[02:59:38] <Kleadron> minios
L21[02:59:45] <Kleadron> minifeet for minios confirmed
L22[02:59:59] <Kleadron> wait what kind of damn program would that be
L23[03:02:39] <Skye> Um
L24[03:02:42] <Skye> Robot moving?
L25[03:11:47] <Lizzian> %loot
L26[03:11:47] <MichiBot> Lizzian: You get a loot box! It contains a triangular ball.
L27[03:12:03] <Corded> * <Lizzian> bats it around the room
L28[03:12:07] <Lizzian> %portion
L29[03:12:10] <Lizzian> %potion
L30[03:12:11] <MichiBot> Lizzian: You get a porous tuna potion
L31[03:12:17] <Lizzian> %drink ^
L32[03:12:17] <MichiBot> Lizzian turns into a newt.
L33[03:12:24] <Lizzian> nuuu
L34[03:12:51] <Kleadron> i just realized, i was looking at a lua discord api and i was wonder if its possible to make a discord bot that runs in opencomputers
L35[03:13:01] <Corded> * <Lizzian> morphs back to her normal kitty-girl-goddess self
L36[03:13:10] <Lizzian> probably
L37[03:13:19] <Kleadron> i have no idea what use it could be
L38[03:13:22] <Kleadron> WAIT
L39[03:13:42] <Kleadron> i could control my base from my discord server and get a printed description of everything
L40[03:13:44] <Lizzian> you'd probably have to change some of the stuff around cause i'm guessing it's not built for sandboxed environments
L41[03:14:20] <Kleadron> even though i could probably make it work with a custom irc channel since there is an irc client for OC
L42[03:14:33] <Lizzian> irc would be much easier to do
L43[03:14:42] <Kleadron> but having a custom discord bot just for my base computer would be epic
L44[03:14:59] <Kleadron> i could type in some commands and change settings
L45[03:15:11] <Kleadron> but yea
L46[03:15:14] <Kleadron> irc would be easier
L47[03:15:37] <Kleadron> but for the hell of it a discord bot should be done for experimental purposes
L48[03:16:01] <Kleadron> just think how crazy and useless that could be
L49[03:16:09] <Kleadron> but also how cool it would be
L50[03:16:27] <Kleadron> what do you think
L51[03:16:33] <Lizzian> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L52[03:17:42] <Kleadron> fuck it, i need to make this a real thing and demonstrate it
L53[03:17:53] <Kleadron> but i am crap at lua scripting
L54[03:17:56] <Kleadron> hmmm
L55[03:18:24] <Kleadron> ~~and only one stick of t1 ram~~
L56[03:21:29] <Kleadron> first prototype will use IRC, and if i can somehow port the discordia api to opencomputers, the second demonstration prototype will interface with a discord bot
L57[03:25:09] <Kleadron> im going to develop fully customized software to control an entire base
L58[03:25:50] <Kleadron> KleadSoft MegaBase Management System
L59[03:26:35] <Kleadron> and its going to be epic as the word "epic" itself, because its gona be awesome
L60[03:31:16] <Skye> Oh no.
L61[03:31:24] * Skye tickles Lizzian
L62[03:40:27] <Corded> * <Lizzian> giggles uncontrollably
L63[03:42:03] <Forecaster> %loot
L64[03:42:03] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a weed.
L65[03:42:11] <Forecaster> yay I finally got something
L66[03:43:54] ⇨ Joins: tmp64 (tmp64!webchat@31-211-124-129.mynts.ru)
L67[03:44:23] <Skye> @Lizzian what's the hierarchy of gods in #oc ? :p
L68[03:44:52] ⇦ Quits: tmp64 (tmp64!webchat@31-211-124-129.mynts.ru) (Client Quit)
L69[03:46:52] <Lizzian> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L70[03:49:03] <Kodos> %tonk
L71[03:49:03] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Kodos, you were not able to beat payonel's record of 8 hours, 36 minutes and 35 seconds this time.
L72[03:49:04] <MichiBot> 7 hours, 44 minutes and 18 seconds were wasted! Missed by 52 minutes and 17 seconds!
L73[03:49:08] <Kodos> Welp
L74[03:52:18] <Forecaster> you blew it
L75[03:52:30] <Kodos> Indeed
L76[03:52:34] <Skye> ...
L77[03:52:39] <Skye> %potion
L78[03:52:39] <MichiBot> Skye: You get a shimmering green potion
L79[03:52:40] <Kodos> And now I need my old MC schematics from my old HDD
L80[03:52:48] <Skye> %drink ^
L81[03:52:48] <MichiBot> Skye loses one point of strength.
L82[03:53:43] <Kleadron> how do i sleep
L83[03:54:44] <Forecaster> go to bed and close your eyes
L84[03:55:08] <Kleadron> thanks
L85[05:03:00] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-50-110.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L86[05:03:46] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-50-110.hlrn.qwest.net)
L87[05:06:07] <Forecaster> this is pretty neat
L88[05:06:07] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/TET-xQIgZQE
L89[05:06:08] <MichiBot> Isotopium Chernobyl - Game Teaser | length: 1m 26s | Likes: 654 Dislikes: 5 Views: 48,304 | by Isotopium Chernobyl | Published On 17/10/2017
L90[05:06:38] <Forecaster> an online "game" where you control actual real-world rc robots through the internet
L91[05:06:48] <Forecaster> they're in a scale model of Chernobyl
L92[05:09:37] <MGR> What's the goal.
L93[05:09:42] <MGR> What's the goal? [Edited]
L94[05:11:03] <Forecaster> there's terminals spread around the map you can interact with
L95[05:11:36] <Forecaster> when active they contain "isotopes" of different colors, you can collect these upon which the terminal deactivates for some time
L96[05:11:49] <Forecaster> you can trade them in for more time
L97[05:12:15] <Forecaster> they're apparently working on adding other objectives and more robots
L98[05:13:57] <MGR> Interesting
L99[05:14:37] <Temia> %loot
L100[05:14:37] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a loot box! It contains a small pile of dirt.
L101[05:15:09] <Temia> :c
L102[05:16:00] <MGR> %potion
L103[05:16:01] <MichiBot> MGR: You get a gloomy purple potion
L104[05:16:06] <MGR> %drink ^
L105[05:16:07] <MichiBot> MGR's bones turn blue.
L106[05:16:12] <MGR> Win.
L107[05:20:47] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (feldim2425!~feldim242@2002:b2bf:fdcd:0:2a98:14eb:41d9:b7b2) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L108[05:20:51] <Temia> %potion
L109[05:20:51] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a thick lime potion
L110[05:21:00] <Temia> %drink ^
L111[05:21:00] <MichiBot> Temia's hair turns to the color of blue.
L112[05:21:05] <Temia> :o
L113[05:21:12] <Temia> I'm animoo now
L114[05:21:31] <MGR> As TVTropes says, you gotta have blue hair
L115[05:24:12] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F335.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L116[05:29:11] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (feldim2425!~feldim242@91-115-109-198.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L117[05:32:17] <Inari> AmandaC / payonel: https://imgur.com/gallery/JvhYVdX
L118[05:35:15] <Temia> Strong Bad was saying that long before TVTropes ever did
L119[05:39:28] <Inari> Temia: Meow?
L120[05:45:00] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/RFqwkVR o.o
L121[06:07:39] <Forecaster> %loot
L122[06:07:45] <Forecaster> :|
L123[06:08:23] <Forecaster> whoever made this thing should be fired! oh wait...
L124[06:57:36] <Inari> %blame Forecaster
L125[06:57:37] * MichiBot blames Forecaster for adding furious 1 2 oatmeal to the inventory!
L126[06:59:36] <Inari> I don't get this Steam controller stuff
L127[07:13:44] <Forecaster> what stuff?
L128[07:21:05] <Inari> Like connecting a non-standard controller, and configuring it, and then telling a game how to use that
L129[07:22:47] <Izaya> Inari: it makes the game think it's an xb360 controller but steam is remapping inputs in the background
L130[07:23:07] <Inari> It's kinda confusing :P I tried setting it up like an xbox controller, then telling the controller config for the game to mapt he dpad to arrow keys
L131[07:23:11] <Inari> but it doesn't seem to work
L132[07:32:34] <Wattana Gaming> Shit happens http://tinyurl.com/yb2sjomn
L133[07:34:15] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L134[08:20:48] <AmandaC> %launch @Forecaster
L135[08:20:57] <AmandaC> Hrm. I could have sworn that was a thing
L136[08:21:11] <Inari> shell?
L137[08:21:18] <AmandaC> %fling Forecaster
L138[08:21:18] * MichiBot flings a broken devkitPro in a random direction. It hits the ground near Forecaster
L139[08:24:08] <Forecaster> hah, missed!
L140[08:32:47] <Inari> %fling Forecaster
L141[08:32:48] * MichiBot flings a jar of non-baryonic matter in a random direction. It hits Forecaster right in their lunch. They take 3 damage.
L142[08:33:13] <Inari> Guess eating non-baryionic matter isn't good for you
L143[08:37:23] <Forecaster> aw
L144[08:46:13] <Inari> Oh ffs steam
L145[08:48:10] <Inari> RIp Reddit
L146[08:50:25] <stephan48> is that your list of stuff you broke?
L147[08:50:39] <Inari> Appurrently
L148[09:09:29] <Inari> Bleh, whatever, can't be bothered trying to figure out Steam
L149[09:10:34] <Forecaster> well, you heat up water...
L150[09:10:39] <Forecaster> :P
L151[09:11:11] <stephan48> make sure you don't burn yourself
L152[09:51:58] <Izaya> %ping
L153[09:52:01] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.43s
L154[09:52:02] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.62s
L155[10:05:17] <Forecaster> that's 1.05 combined!
L156[10:10:47] <Inari> %p
L157[10:10:48] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Inari 0.88s
L158[10:10:52] <Inari> %p
L159[10:10:53] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Inari 0.94s
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L161[10:21:39] <Lizzian> %p
L162[10:21:51] <Lizzian> Aww
L163[10:21:54] <Lizzian> :P
L164[11:08:39] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/RkVF7xa
L165[11:19:44] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L166[11:44:54] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BCFE0.versanet.de)
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L169[12:20:27] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E723AD7F66FAC2E7C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L170[12:20:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L171[12:23:14] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-50-38.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L177[12:44:44] <payonel> %tonk
L178[12:44:44] <MichiBot> Waesucks! payonel! You beat your own previous record of 8 hours, 36 minutes and 35 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L179[12:44:45] <MichiBot> payonel's new record is 8 hours, 55 minutes and 40 seconds! 19 minutes and 5 seconds gained!
L180[12:50:35] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-184-219.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L181[12:51:24] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-159-137.hlrn.qwest.net)
L182[12:56:00] <payonel> protip: where lots of deodorant when you go to an interview
L183[12:56:06] <payonel> s/wear/where/
L184[12:56:10] <payonel> s/where/wear/
L185[12:56:11] <MichiBot> <payonel> protip: wear lots of deodorant when you go to an interview
L186[12:56:16] <payonel> protip to self: learn to spell
L187[13:05:43] <Lizzy> s/pe/me
L188[13:05:45] <MichiBot> <payonel> protip to self: learn to smell
L189[13:09:31] <payonel> Lizzy: :>
L190[13:09:41] <Lizzy> s/me/e
L191[13:09:42] <MichiBot> <payonel> protip to self: learn to sell
L192[13:09:57] <Lizzy> s/$/ my body
L193[13:09:57] <MichiBot> <payonel> protip to self: learn to sell my body
L194[13:10:01] <Lizzy> :P
L195[13:10:56] <ben_mkiv> s/sell/wash
L196[13:10:57] <MichiBot> <payonel> protip to self: learn to wash my body
L197[13:10:59] <payonel> but seriously...the candidate was basically a wet towel of ammonia
L198[13:11:32] <Lizzy> tbh i completely blanked the chat other than the learn to spell line
L199[13:12:28] <payonel> LUA
L200[13:12:29] <MichiBot> Lua*
L201[13:12:45] <payonel> Michiyo: have you been able to play with your xmas present i got you?
L202[13:21:03] <payonel> Inari: https://i.imgur.com/jhSS2EO.png
L203[13:23:32] <Inari> L-lewd
L204[13:23:35] <Inari> @presetn ;D
L205[13:24:14] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-159-137.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L206[13:24:52] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@
L207[13:28:27] <Lizzy> https://files.theender.net/LARCS/NetworkedSignalsTest-20190110.mp4 more fancy stuff, now to write some code to detect trains then patch it into the signals and then yay
L208[13:28:38] <payonel> Inari: but ♥LOOK♥ at that tiger's happy face!
L209[13:30:18] <payonel> Lizzy: i freakin' love a screen full of meaningful log lines, like your dmesg output
L210[13:30:31] <payonel> meaningful live scrolling* log lines
L211[13:31:13] <Lizzy> heh, that was mainly set up as a debugging screen when i was trying to get stuff working, but it is very helpful to see network traffic
L212[13:36:14] <Lizzy> also i need to tidy up my "R&D lab" a bit cause it has both the testing stuff (what i showed in the video) and some of the infrastructure of what the live system will use (behind the giant screens)
L213[13:41:33] <Inari> payonel: cute
L214[13:48:38] ⇨ Joins: rashy (rashy!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L215[13:55:34] <ben_mkiv> + switch to Tier4 screens :P
L216[13:56:40] <Kleadron> t4 screens and t4 graphics cards
L217[13:56:43] <Kleadron> infinite resolution
L218[13:57:53] <ben_mkiv> http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=21d18ed1996d0eec6b01e7f3464d0300 pretty much done with the collision boxes :)
L219[14:03:16] <Rph> I really wish there was a way to like framebuffer access the GPU
L220[14:03:40] <Rph> Or making the viewport thing more useful
L221[14:03:51] <ben_mkiv> isnt it?
L222[14:03:53] <Rph> so you get 2 times the width and 2 times height to draw on
L223[14:04:01] <Rph> but you can set viewport to any area
L224[14:04:02] <Rph> of that big area
L225[14:04:19] <ben_mkiv> thought thats possible, as long as you use maxresolution/2 ?!
L226[14:04:25] <Rph> well then
L227[14:04:28] <Rph> you don't get full res
L228[14:04:32] <Rph> I mean like
L229[14:04:34] <Kleadron> tbh i want the character height to be chopped in half and the screen res doubled so we have perfectly square characters
L230[14:04:35] <Rph> you get full res to draw on
L231[14:04:37] <Rph> and you have much more
L232[14:04:40] <Rph> to draw on
L233[14:04:46] <Rph> so you can perhaps pre-draw sprites for a game
L234[14:04:49] <Rph> GUI elements for an OS
L235[14:04:55] <Rph> and then just copy them over
L236[14:05:00] <Rph> to a full resolution viewport
L237[14:05:05] <Kleadron> you mean drawing outside the screen area?
L238[14:05:08] <Rph> yes
L239[14:05:08] <ben_mkiv> well you can render the whole next frame on the viewport
L240[14:05:13] <ben_mkiv> and just switch the viewport
L241[14:05:15] <Rph> ben, I mean like
L242[14:05:30] <Rph> I want to utilize full available res
L243[14:09:06] <Kleadron> in my reactor program, i just generate segments and then draw them onto the screen
L244[14:09:33] <Kleadron> but due to a shitty bug that i can't figure out, progress bars are being dumb and it stretches the window
L245[14:09:42] <Michiyo> payonel, Sadly not yet... I've been doing 16-18 hours a day... working til 1Am, then up 6
L246[14:09:50] <Michiyo> I've played like 15 minutes or so
L247[14:11:03] <payonel> ug, bad hours
L248[14:12:36] <ben_mkiv> what christmas present?
L249[14:12:49] <ben_mkiv> she got a lot minecraft related stuff around christmas :P
L250[14:15:53] <Michiyo> One day our workload will return to normal..
L251[14:16:03] <Michiyo> And I can have.... free time.
L252[14:22:34] <payonel> ben_mkiv: i bought the elite expansion pack for her
L253[14:31:52] <Forecaster> you should join my squadron :>
L254[14:34:47] * Lizzy needs to play Elite again soon
L255[14:38:14] <Lizzy> hmm, Izaya you seem like the best person to ask, have you managed to get E:D working on linux via steam/proton?
L256[15:15:54] ⇦ Quits: OIDLE (OIDLE!~webchat@ (Quit: DETH)
L257[15:28:13] <Izaya> Lizzy: yeah
L258[15:28:29] <Izaya> Check the GH issue tracker for proton
L259[15:28:44] <Izaya> There's a patched Proton for it
L260[15:29:33] <Lizzy> ok
L261[15:32:55] <Kleadron> wine for windows that lets windows 7 run linux applications when
L262[15:34:34] <AmandaC> never
L263[15:35:21] <AmandaC> There was a thread about running wine on windows to emulate older windows versions though, around when win8 announced they were going to drop a bunch of shit
L264[15:37:40] <Kleadron> this looks cool https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_Linux
L265[15:38:49] <Kleadron> they got the windows logo wrong however
L266[15:39:30] <gamax92> Foreign Linux or flinux would let you do that, but it's not been updated in a while and only did 32bit linux stuff
L267[15:39:47] <gamax92> Docker for Windows is a thing but no idea if that works on win7
L268[15:40:29] <gamax92> and no colinux didn't get the windows logo wrong, that's literally xp era software
L269[15:41:00] <Kleadron> no
L270[15:41:02] <Kleadron> i mean
L271[15:41:08] <Kleadron> the bends on the logo
L272[15:41:16] <Kleadron> its supposed to go up then down
L273[15:41:19] <Kleadron> not down then up
L274[15:41:49] <Kleadron> also there is a thing called blackbox for windows
L275[15:41:50] <gamax92> oh, well yeah that's true
L276[16:00:55] <stephan48> docker for windows is win10 and up only
L277[16:01:15] <stephan48> where it uses native windows containers based on hyperv
L278[16:01:26] <stephan48> for win7 theres docker toolbox which is essentially virtualbox+a linux image running docker
L279[16:01:52] <stephan48> docker on win10 can't run linux containers
L280[16:03:11] <Lizzy> it can
L281[16:03:45] <Lizzy> it runs linux in a vm to do it
L282[16:03:53] <Lizzy> *hyper-v vm
L283[16:07:21] <simon816> windows subsystem for linux exists...
L284[16:07:44] <AmandaC> but ebil windows 10!!111oneoneone
L285[16:10:25] <simon816> docker toolbox works on win 10 btw
L286[16:50:16] <Inari> Wish I could use Docker for Windows
L287[16:50:20] <Inari> But it's not for Win10 Home
L288[16:50:32] <Izaya> Pirate a better version
L289[16:50:34] <Izaya> :D
L290[16:51:14] <Inari> I guess it wouldn't change much if I still need a linux vm anyway though
L291[16:51:14] <AmandaC> Wasn't there a win 10 pro master code leaked like, a month after win10 launched?
L292[16:51:28] <Kleadron> nobody buys windows legit, you know that right
L293[16:51:36] <AmandaC> Suurrreeee
L294[16:51:46] <Izaya> Businesses do
L295[16:51:51] <AmandaC> /Nick Nobody
L296[16:51:52] <Izaya> t. corporate slave
L297[16:52:06] <Kleadron> buisness is so they dont get smacked to the moon and back
L298[16:52:24] <Izaya> AmandaC: there's like 100 different rogue KMS servers that will activate anything you point them at
L299[16:52:27] <Izaya> Very convenient
L300[16:52:46] <AmandaC> I own a single self-bought win10 license, because I cba to debug when the hacks get broke
L301[16:52:49] <Izaya> No dodgy russian software needed even
L302[16:53:01] <Izaya> What happens when that breaks?
L303[16:53:02] <Izaya> :p
L304[16:53:27] <AmandaC> It's installed on my gaming rig with no mouse / kb hooked to to the living room tv
L305[16:53:56] <Izaya> I mean, Microsoft un-activated legit Win7 with one update so uh
L306[16:54:01] <Izaya> \o/
L307[16:54:14] <AmandaC> I can't say I've ever had win10 break itself
L308[16:54:38] <Inari> Izaya: Then you call MS support
L309[16:54:42] <Izaya> I'm just saying, it's happened before, with the instability of 10 it wouldn't surprise me
L310[16:54:51] <Izaya> Inari: oh right that's what you pay for
L311[16:54:55] <Inari> What instability
L312[16:54:57] <Izaya> Carry on
L313[16:55:04] <AmandaC> ^
L314[16:55:21] <AmandaC> Never had any instability
L315[16:55:30] <Izaya> Inari: I have a friend who has NVIDIA their drivers uninstalled every update
L316[16:55:44] <Kleadron> never had any instability with any version of windows unless i did something idiotic
L317[16:55:55] <Izaya> Then there was the document deletion bug and the one that made it not boot on HP desktops with vendor-installed HID drivers
L318[16:56:12] <Kleadron> but everyone agrees that windows 10 is shit
L319[16:56:43] <Inari> It's pretty good
L320[16:56:45] * Izaya has only used W10 at work and when it was in beta so can't vouch for the thing themselves, only observing from the outside
L321[16:56:49] <Inari> Not sure why you'd say it's shit
L322[16:56:58] <Kleadron> its slow as fuck on my pc
L323[16:57:11] <Kleadron> so i installed windows 7
L324[16:57:22] <Kleadron> and the privacy issues
L325[16:57:27] <Izaya> IME it's not much fun without an SSD
L326[16:57:30] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L327[16:57:33] <Inari> People: "It's slow on my particular configuraiton"
L328[16:57:46] <Inari> Also People: "I don't want MS to know my configuration, Telemtry is spyware!"
L329[16:57:55] <Izaya> Kleadron: for some fun, try it on a C2D laptop
L330[16:58:05] <Kleadron> i dont have it on a c2d laptop
L331[16:58:09] <Izaya> 5 minutes to open the start menu :D
L332[16:58:16] <Kleadron> i dont have a c2d laptop [Edited]
L333[16:58:42] <CompanionCube> Inari: that'd be a better argument if you could validate what telemetry is actually being sent
L334[16:58:45] <CompanionCube> ohwaityoucan't
L335[16:59:16] <Inari> CompanionCube: Your financial data, probably
L336[16:59:25] <AmandaC> Like you can validate what telemetry literally every other company under the sun collects?
L337[16:59:27] <CompanionCube> nah
L338[16:59:32] <CompanionCube> they're not stupid
L339[17:00:00] <Kleadron> if they have a keylogger in the operating system they could collect your login info to your credit crap
L340[17:00:02] <Izaya> tfw only companies collecting telemetry from me is NVIDIA and Valve
L341[17:00:33] <AmandaC> Sure, there's the bridge jump argument, but you're neive if you think Ms is the only desktop to collect telemetry
L342[17:00:36] <gamax92> I had to go back to Windows 7 a while due to certain incompatibilities with 10 that I encountered, But I believe that software has been updated recently to be w10 compatible
L343[17:01:08] <AmandaC> Even fedora/Ubuntu collect telemetry
L344[17:01:41] <Rph> ?
L345[17:01:44] <Izaya> * and any games that have telemetry so ... FDev, I guess? Maybe Arkane?
L346[17:02:23] <Izaya> https://i.redd.it/mxnjqz2xjm921.jpg
L347[17:02:43] <Izaya> Maybe Epic because UE games on occasion?
L348[17:02:49] <Izaya> Unity perhaps
L349[17:02:52] <CompanionCube> say
L350[17:03:06] <Izaya> Not sure how effective it would be from inside WINE but anyway
L351[17:07:07] <Kodos> Anyone know of any good free, open source, billing software?
L352[17:08:48] <Rph> Libre office calc?
L353[17:09:01] <Kodos> No like, I need something that will generate invoices and send them to clients
L354[17:09:09] <Rph> Ah
L355[17:09:10] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F335.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L356[17:09:14] <Rph> Idk then
L357[17:10:10] <Izaya> Kodos: might want to check /r/selfhosted
L358[17:11:53] <ben_mkiv> my last company used word text modules for years to write invoices
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L361[18:14:20] <AmandaC> %choose mk or wv
L362[18:14:20] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I spy with my robotic eye something beginning with mk!
L363[18:18:59] <Kleadron> i just realized i have a cool idea for a base system but no base to develop it for
L364[18:19:11] <Kleadron> because i dont play singleplayer much
L365[18:19:16] <Kleadron> survival*
L366[18:20:48] <Izaya> You can play on muh SMP server if you want when I fix it
L367[18:21:24] <ben_mkiv> s/fix/eat
L368[18:21:24] <MichiBot> <Izaya> You can play on muh SMP server if you want when I eat it
L369[18:21:34] <Izaya> we have mumble and an IRC bridge too
L370[18:21:52] <ben_mkiv> is it still 1.7.10?
L371[18:22:00] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-203-179.hlrn.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L372[18:22:01] <Izaya> 1.12.2
L373[18:22:08] <ben_mkiv> oc addons?
L374[18:22:36] <Izaya> Computronics, OpenSec, OpenPrinter
L375[18:23:42] <ben_mkiv> if more players are ok, i might probably waste some time there
L376[18:25:14] <Kleadron> hmm
L377[18:25:18] <Izaya> Aight the channel is #SKS or #SKSDev, I'll update in #SKS when I fix it
L378[18:25:37] <Kleadron> in Espernet?
L379[18:25:49] <Wattana Gaming> Anyone want to join my unofficial linux master race discord server?
L380[18:25:52] <Kleadron> no
L381[18:26:09] <Kleadron> ~~windows 7 master race here~~
L382[18:26:21] <Wattana Gaming> ?
L383[18:26:30] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-29-128-205.hlrn.qwest.net)
L384[18:27:12] <Izaya> Kleadron: yup
L385[18:27:33] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E723AD7F66FAC2E7C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L386[18:28:52] <AmandaC> A heavy rock and lots of LSD master race
L387[18:29:43] <Izaya> That's my sort of computing
L388[18:30:13] <Wattana Gaming> WHAT THE F http://tinyurl.com/ycjqujcb
L389[18:30:52] <Kleadron> reddit overdosed on those god damn updoots again
L390[18:32:01] <AmandaC> Damn fake internet points
L391[18:33:54] <ZefTheFox> r/copypasta
L392[18:34:07] <ZefTheFox> **facebook**
L393[18:42:01] <Wattana Gaming> probably the darkest reddit error
L394[18:45:47] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-29-128-205.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L396[18:47:08] <Mimiru> %tonk
L397[18:47:08] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Mimiru, you were not able to beat payonel's record of 8 hours, 55 minutes and 40 seconds this time.
L398[18:47:09] <MichiBot> 6 hours, 2 minutes and 24 seconds were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 53 minutes and 16 seconds!
L399[18:47:14] <Mimiru> shit
L400[18:47:15] <AmandaC> Kleadron: also: re kittiesdb.app -- there's also @KittiesBot#2921 on discord and @KittiesBot on telegram to access the same database of kitties. :3
L401[18:47:59] <AmandaC> Does discord have a way I could embed a link to open a DM with the bot in a website? If so I'll add it to the bots page I've been tweaking
L402[18:48:29] <AmandaC> I plan on making it available for people to add to their discord servers at some point, but it's taken such a far backburner, it's in my neighbor's house
L403[18:48:44] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-29-147-190.hlrn.qwest.net) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L404[18:52:19] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-41-111.hlrn.qwest.net)
L405[18:58:58] <Wattana Gaming> How can I make a basic Lua shell on top of my kernel? I need a basic input system but the computer.pullEven function is giving me crap. can someone make a helper function?
L406[19:01:08] <Izaya> https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/module/vt-task.lua
L407[19:02:13] <Izaya> assumes yielding the coroutine will return an event
L408[19:02:37] <Izaya> Also assumes you have vt100emu
L409[19:19:35] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@74-196-36-39.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Peace)
L410[19:23:11] <AmandaC> %8ball take a trip to wv
L411[19:23:11] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I don't think that's a question...
L412[19:23:13] <AmandaC> %8ball take a trip to wv?
L413[19:23:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Signs point to yes
L414[19:30:21] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
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L419[19:54:38] <LilNoU> https://skribbl.io/?Y3Kqja4GIP
L420[19:54:47] <LilNoU> wish we could get skribbl.io in open computerx
L421[19:54:48] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L422[19:54:49] <LilNoU> wish we could get skribbl.io in open computers xd [Edited]
L423[19:54:53] <LilNoU> hey Tahg
L424[20:05:06] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-41-111.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L425[20:11:45] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@74-196-36-39.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Peace)
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L427[20:42:13] <Izaya> LilNoU: what is this skribbl business?
L428[21:35:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i577BCFE0.versanet.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L429[21:46:11] <AmandaC> Izaya: I believe it's one of those "community-whiteboard" type deals
L430[22:26:25] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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