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L1[00:16:21] <CompanionCube> Izaya: but the shadows could be seen as part of the CSD
L2[00:16:31] <Izaya> CSDs have no business existing
L3[00:16:37] <Izaya> :)
L4[00:17:14] <CompanionCube> Izaya: indeed. At least not the way they work on Linux
L5[00:17:36] <Izaya> I'd love to disable them entirely but doing that patch to GTK just makes stuff look ... strange
L6[00:18:29] <CompanionCube> At least the KDE peeps are sane.
L7[00:20:18] * CompanionCube will not curse Izaya to use GNOME's compositor on a very multi-toolkit desktop. What is 'consistency' especially for things like SDL
L8[00:20:36] <Izaya> >other desktops
L9[00:20:38] <Izaya> no such thing
L10[00:20:42] <Izaya> GNOME is the only desktop for Linux
L11[00:20:46] <Izaya> nothing may hurt its branding
L12[00:20:49] <Izaya> especially not users
L13[00:21:37] <CompanionCube> or distros
L14[00:24:54] <Izaya> on the upside, that nocsd hack does work for this particular program https://i.imgur.com/ttBGhWL.png
L15[00:36:19] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L16[00:41:17] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L17[00:43:44] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L18[01:32:17] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L19[01:34:21] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L20[02:07:14] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L21[03:05:16] <stephan48> %tonk
L22[03:05:16] <MichiBot> I'm sorry stephan48, you were not able to beat MGR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L23[03:05:17] <MichiBot> 9 hours, 16 minutes and 41 seconds were wasted!
L24[03:05:23] <stephan48> oops.
L25[03:05:28] <Izaya> oof
L26[03:23:22] <Forecaster> such is the nature of tonk
L27[03:48:17] <Kodos> Welp, so much for my alarm. Going back to bed
L28[04:19:26] <asie> what
L29[05:11:42] <Forecaster> wat
L30[06:02:56] <Forecaster> https://kotaku.com/cute-characters-get-thirsty-too-1830703459
L31[06:15:40] * AmandaC yawns, looks around for a warm lap to cuddle
L32[06:42:38] <Corded> * <Lizzian> paws at AmandaC's tail the runs off
L33[06:42:54] * AmandaC chases after @Lizzian
L34[06:43:46] * AmandaC immediately gets bored of the chase, cuddles up on a pillow in the corner of the room
L35[06:43:48] <Corded> * <Lizzian> spins round and hug-tackles the chasing AmandaC
L36[06:43:59] * AmandaC meeps
L37[06:45:31] <MGR> %tonk
L38[06:45:31] <MichiBot> You still hold the record MGR, for now... 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds
L39[06:50:24] <Forecaster> it's only been 3 hours and 50 minutes
L40[06:57:53] <MGR> I missed the last tonk
L41[09:13:57] <Mimiru> Missed it by 11 minutes... I still have that beat, missed it by ~9 seconds.
L42[09:15:27] <stephan48> awww :(
L43[09:15:35] <ZefTheFox> owo
L44[09:22:34] ⇨ Joins: S0T3game (S0T3game!~S0T3game@156.red-88-6-237.staticip.rima-tde.net)
L45[09:22:37] <S0T3game> hi
L46[09:22:46] <S0T3game> testing MineOS
L47[09:23:31] <Lizzian> kewl
L48[09:26:35] ⇦ Quits: S0T3game (S0T3game!~S0T3game@156.red-88-6-237.staticip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L49[09:30:00] <Izaya> man
L50[09:30:08] <Izaya> don't you hate it when you accidentally translate software?
L51[09:33:27] <Forecaster> oh yeah
L52[09:33:31] <Forecaster> happens all the time
L53[09:33:51] <stephan48> i hate it even if i am forced to translate software
L54[09:35:19] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/ac997f8d-8492-4a9c-86c3-36aa55e14776/upload.png
L55[09:40:27] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6832.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L56[09:54:12] <dequbed> Izaya: >Qt App >Apache 2.0
L57[09:54:45] <Izaya> licensing is totally out of scope for what I'm doing I just want a reasonably okay mastodon client that isn't braindead
L58[09:55:18] <dequbed> Sure sure, just make sure you don't contribute any actual code under the Apache License.
L59[09:55:30] <Izaya> shit
L60[09:55:38] <Izaya> I added like 5 lines for automatic loading of translations
L61[09:58:10] * dequbed hits Izaya with a GPL-shaped hammer
L62[09:58:20] <Izaya> nothing has been pushed yet
L63[10:01:00] <Izaya> >Apache 2 software can therefore be included in GPLv3 projects, because the GPLv3 license accepts our software into GPLv3 works. However, GPLv3 software cannot be included in Apache projects.
L64[10:01:08] <Izaya> assuming you don'
L65[10:01:18] <Izaya> t consider linking against libraries as linking it seems fine
L66[10:02:37] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L67[10:02:56] <dequbed> That's exactly what linking means in the context of the GPL though. If you write an app that links against Qt then that app needs to be GPL-licensed.
L68[10:03:41] <Skye> LGPL?
L69[10:03:59] <Izaya> but the Qt license in use is LGPLv3
L70[10:04:08] <Skye> That allows linking
L71[10:10:47] <dequbed> Izaya: Oh yeah, I had it mixed up. Most of Qt is LGPL, some is GPL, not the other way around. In that case just make sure you're not using one of the GPL'ed parts :p
L72[10:32:02] <Skye> dequbed: also the code for the program being Apache isn't going to be a problem. Except for the code directly touching the GPL APIs and the final executable that links to the GPL code, which would be considered GPL, because they aren't mutrally incompatible
L73[10:35:59] <Michiyo> MichiBot2> Michiyo's new record is 13 hours, 13 minutes and 30 second so close...
L74[10:36:13] <Michiyo> note the 2, that's the test bot still :P
L75[10:36:40] <Michiyo> it's only been ~4 hours since MGR's so don't bother yet lol
L76[10:36:48] <simon816> wait what's wrong with the apache license?
L77[10:37:17] <Izaya> apache and gpl 2 don't get along
L78[10:37:27] <Izaya> apache and gpl 3 have some specific conditions
L79[10:39:20] <Wuerfel_21> `specific conditions` you are not allowed to convey the software to your neighbor, unless their name is not "Chris" and it is not the 29th of febuary
L80[10:47:35] <Inari> %inv add cherry blossom girl
L81[10:47:35] * MichiBot summons 'cherry blossom girl' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L82[10:48:10] <Wuerfel_21> ~~is it a perfect cherry blossom girl though?~~
L83[10:48:24] <Inari> Of course
L84[10:48:40] <Inari> I just discovered that I love cehrry blossom stuff recently :P
L85[10:48:45] <Inari> Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmHTp_OVu84
L86[10:48:47] <MichiBot> AIR - Cherry Blossom Girl (Official Audio) | length: 3m 41s | Likes: 1,180 Dislikes: 33 Views: 149,658 | by airofficial | Published On 10/6/2016
L87[11:02:00] <ds84182> I have working RCE in OpenComputers using bytecode
L88[11:02:13] <ds84182> ?
L89[11:02:54] <ds84182> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/517193076234518530/517226442027696128/unknown.png
L90[11:03:06] <ds84182> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/152162730244177920/517241025685749780/unknown.png
L91[11:03:15] <ds84182> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/152162730244177920/517240915933265920/unknown.png
L92[11:06:43] <asie> >using bytecode
L93[11:06:45] <asie> too e
L94[11:06:47] <asie> z
L95[11:07:59] <ds84182> Ye, but dealing with all 6 heap arenas is something else >_>
L96[11:08:03] <ds84182> Thanks Windows
L97[11:08:22] <Izaya> there is so much wrong with this picture
L98[11:08:42] <Izaya> [not the actual images I haven't looked at them yet]
L99[11:08:47] <ds84182> Also needs 10-20mb of memory in a single computer, so I need to rework the heap spray to use computers in a server rack
L100[11:09:49] <ds84182> Rather expensive to set up tho
L101[11:10:14] <Inari> Also, you can't even load bytecode without config changes
L102[11:10:22] <ds84182> Yeah I know
L103[11:10:41] <ds84182> Using it as an example why you shouldn't enable bytecode
L104[11:10:51] <ds84182> Unless you want to mess around
L105[11:16:51] <Wuerfel_21> I think that in a decently modded server, there are actually better ways to fuck it up.
L106[11:16:55] <Inari> Messing around is fun ;3
L107[11:28:30] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E16E44DE24BCF45B158.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L108[11:28:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L109[11:56:38] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L110[12:13:22] <Skye> @ds84182 could you create a save file that exploits it?
L111[12:13:25] <Skye> As in
L112[12:13:36] <ds84182> yes
L113[12:13:44] <Skye> How fun
L114[12:13:53] <ds84182> well, its kinda weird
L115[12:14:02] <Skye> Huh?
L116[12:14:39] <ds84182> you would have to run it yourself first to gain access to raw loadstring (one that doesn't check system.allowBytecode()), then hope that eris serializes fine (which it should after a couple of GC iterations)
L117[12:14:57] <ds84182> and then you'd be able to run it with allowBytecode disabled
L118[12:15:06] <Skye> Yikes.
L119[12:15:09] <ds84182> but only on that one computer with that state
L120[12:15:31] <Skye> Well
L121[12:15:54] <ds84182> I guess thats another reason to not make it public
L122[12:16:03] <ds84182> other than the fact that it affects normal 5.3
L123[12:16:04] <Skye> Lol
L124[12:16:13] <Skye> "try this map"
L125[12:16:27] <Corded> * <Skye> installs ransomware
L126[12:16:51] <ds84182> yeah, that would be very messy :x
L127[12:17:06] <ds84182> Also you can access the entirety of Java
L128[12:17:19] <ds84182> the grass block was placed through OC
L129[12:17:39] <ds84182> you'd have to load MCP mappings though :x
L130[12:25:15] <Skye> Are there ways to mitigate it?
L131[12:26:47] <Skye> Hm... Wipe persistent data based on some kind of log it checks?
L132[12:26:55] <Skye> As in... If you didn't save it, don't trust it.
L133[12:28:15] <Wuerfel_21> Make the bytecode not exploitable?
L134[12:37:24] <Skye> Wouldn't that need an entirely new design of byte code
L135[12:45:28] <Wuerfel_21> I don't know. I think the main problem here is that bytecode can access tables that aren't actually visible
L136[12:52:43] <Skye> Hmm
L137[12:52:58] <Skye> Trying to sanitise byte code is a losing battle
L138[13:04:32] <Wuerfel_21> Maybe sandbox the interpreter threads?
L139[13:04:41] <Forecaster> %tonk
L140[13:04:43] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat MGR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L141[13:04:44] <MichiBot> 3 hours, 35 minutes and 3 seconds were wasted!
L142[13:05:13] <Forecaster> oh, I missed one apparently
L143[13:05:28] <Skye> @Wurfel, that's not quite possible though?
L144[13:07:31] <Wuerfel_21> I think it is, browsers do it for their JS interpreters
L145[13:07:59] <MysticCraft Playz> Hi
L146[13:08:04] <MysticCraft Playz> i love Open Computers!
L147[13:08:10] <MysticCraft Playz> its soo cool
L148[13:08:55] <Skye> @Wurfel Because JS has been designed to be isolated?
L149[13:10:06] <Wuerfel_21> ?
L150[13:10:11] <Skye> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Native_Client maybe this could help? But it's out of date
L151[13:10:18] <Skye> Also actually JS is not safe
L152[13:10:26] <Skye> Iirc there have been many JS exploits
L153[13:10:42] <Skye> And the only reason why it's not too bad is because chrome is updated all the time
L154[13:11:09] <CompanionCube> case in point: the recent speculative execution exploits
L155[13:11:23] <CompanionCube> in some cases could be triggered by JS until the browsers nerfed the timing APIs
L156[13:11:37] <MysticCraft Playz> guys
L157[13:11:44] <MysticCraft Playz> how do i like use servers
L158[13:11:53] <MysticCraft Playz> i've got server item and added stuff to it
L159[13:12:07] <MysticCraft Playz> but like im new to this, so howto use servers?
L160[13:12:17] <Forecaster> same way as computers, but not at all like computers
L161[13:12:41] <Forecaster> you put it in a rack, then connect things to the rack, link them in the gui
L162[13:12:42] <MysticCraft Playz> ?
L163[13:12:45] <MysticCraft Playz> http://tinyurl.com/y92sjef4
L164[13:12:48] <Skye> (if something has an out of date webkit, it's easy to exploit)
L165[13:12:48] <MysticCraft Playz> oh
L166[13:12:49] <MysticCraft Playz> rack
L167[13:12:49] <MysticCraft Playz> thanks!
L168[13:12:50] <Forecaster> from then on it's basically a computer
L169[13:12:57] <MysticCraft Playz> oh
L170[13:12:59] <MysticCraft Playz> ok
L171[13:13:01] <MysticCraft Playz> thanks!
L172[13:13:52] <CompanionCube> Skye: hey that brings to mind that for the Wii you can launch the Homebrew Channel just by visiting a webpage
L173[13:14:03] <Skye> Lol
L174[13:14:21] <CompanionCube> because the flash in their web browser is exploitable
L175[13:14:37] <Wuerfel_21> They found a new one, you don't even need to install the actual browser
L176[13:15:04] <CompanionCube> what's the new one?
L177[13:15:06] <Wuerfel_21> The browser that shows you the EULA (which doesn't have the flash plugin) is enough.
L178[13:15:22] <MysticCraft Playz> and howto use analyzer?
L179[13:15:36] <Wuerfel_21> The EULA of course is loaded from some random http page, thus proxy serverr magic
L180[13:15:54] <MysticCraft Playz> ELUA is like terms of use kinda?
L181[13:15:58] <MysticCraft Playz> like agree to it?
L182[13:16:20] <Forecaster> End User License Agreement
L183[13:16:37] <Forecaster> you click things with the analzyer, it'll tell you things about things
L184[13:16:46] <Forecaster> you click things with the analyzer, it'll tell you things about things [Edited]
L185[13:16:48] <payonel> right click
L186[13:17:27] <Temia> Hmm.
L187[13:17:38] <Temia> I need killer robots for a modpack. Where am I going to get killer robots...
L188[13:17:56] <Forecaster> mad science convention
L189[13:18:13] <Temia> I mean in terms of MC mods :p
L190[13:21:00] <Wuerfel_21> OC?
L191[13:21:18] <Temia> Preferrably spawnable ones
L192[13:21:22] <Wuerfel_21> Give em' a sword and they'll kill
L193[13:21:36] <Wuerfel_21> Retexture Zombies?
L194[13:21:40] <Temia> Ehhh.
L195[13:22:26] <Wuerfel_21> Hire some dudes to change their skins to robots and join peoples games?
L196[13:22:45] <Temia> Well, this is for ancient supertech ruins, so...
L197[13:23:42] <ds84182> A good way to circumvent it is to "lock" persisted Lua state to the computer it was created on, but provide a config option to ignore the lock and load it anyways
L198[13:24:53] <ds84182> but you can also probably do worse (for instance, put a symbolic link in a computer's directory... overwrite files in someone's home dir if you figure things out correctly)
L199[13:25:22] <ds84182> but symbolic links can be used against CC and other mods... even vanilla
L200[13:36:01] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L201[13:37:30] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L202[13:46:52] <MysticCraft Playz> oh thanks.
L203[13:47:41] <Forecaster> Temia make a mod that adds robot entities :P
L204[13:48:26] <MysticCraft Playz> what does: `no bootable medium found` mean?
L205[13:48:31] <Temia> Sounds like what I'll have to do that >.>
L206[13:48:32] <MysticCraft Playz> no screen found?
L207[13:48:33] <MysticCraft Playz> or
L208[13:48:37] <Temia> s/that/then
L209[13:48:37] <MichiBot> <Temia> Sounds like what I'll have to do then >.>
L210[13:49:56] <Skye> No bootable medium means the OS isn't installed
L211[13:50:06] <Skye> You need to craft an OpenOS install disk
L212[13:51:14] <Temia> I'm surprised, you'd think someone would've invented a mod with killer robots already.
L213[13:52:07] <MysticCraft Playz> oh
L214[13:52:09] <MysticCraft Playz> ok thx
L215[13:53:16] <MysticCraft Playz> wait, os?
L216[13:53:20] <MysticCraft Playz> like that disk thing?
L217[13:53:28] <MysticCraft Playz> where to put it? http://tinyurl.com/yadukg2w
L218[13:54:30] <MysticCraft Playz> or do i need like 4 servers in the rack for it to work?
L219[13:54:48] <MysticCraft Playz> ohh
L220[13:54:56] <MysticCraft Playz> maybe a terminal server..
L221[13:55:34] <Forecaster> there's a 1.7 mod that has robots and stuff
L222[13:55:39] <Forecaster> I forget the details
L223[13:55:54] <MysticCraft Playz> oohh nvm
L224[13:56:00] <MysticCraft Playz> found out it think..
L225[13:57:26] <MysticCraft Playz> wait im confued
L226[13:57:29] <MysticCraft Playz> confused*
L227[13:57:33] <MysticCraft Playz> added like that disk thing
L228[13:57:43] <MysticCraft Playz> but it still says no bootable medium found
L229[13:57:49] <MysticCraft Playz> ? pls help? im new..
L230[13:57:56] <MysticCraft Playz> + docs does not tell me so much.
L231[13:58:32] <Forecaster> you have to connect a disk drive with the OS disk in it
L232[13:58:43] <Skye> @MysticCraft Playz you need to get an external disk drive. Either a rack mounted one or a block one next to the rack
L233[13:59:00] <Forecaster> or you can take one of the hardrives and put it in a computer, install OpenOS on it, then put it back in the server
L234[13:59:25] <MysticCraft Playz> oh.
L235[13:59:34] <MysticCraft Playz> ***confused***
L236[14:00:05] <MysticCraft Playz> i've like added ->
L237[14:00:07] <MysticCraft Playz> http://tinyurl.com/yazhjgya
L238[14:00:15] <MysticCraft Playz> what have i forgot? or ?
L239[14:00:18] <Skye> okay you need to connect them together
L240[14:00:25] <Skye> you see the squares on the coloured lines?
L241[14:00:30] <Forecaster> I said you had to connect them in the gui
L242[14:00:37] <Skye> just clock them
L243[14:00:40] <Skye> *click them
L244[14:00:43] <MysticCraft Playz> yeah i do see them..
L245[14:00:45] <MysticCraft Playz> oh
L246[14:00:49] <MysticCraft Playz> click? ty
L247[14:01:03] <MysticCraft Playz> ? coooool
L248[14:01:03] <Skye> the thin lines are network lines
L249[14:01:04] <MysticCraft Playz> thanks!
L250[14:01:08] <MysticCraft Playz> ik
L251[14:01:11] <Skye> the thick ones are everything else
L252[14:01:18] <MysticCraft Playz> ik
L253[14:01:23] <Skye> ah good
L254[14:01:24] <MysticCraft Playz> its logically..
L255[14:01:40] <MysticCraft Playz> but thanks for the tip
L256[14:01:47] <MysticCraft Playz> how u chat when ur bot?
L257[14:02:36] <Skye> ah
L258[14:02:38] <Skye> this is not a bot
L259[14:02:40] <Skye> sorta
L260[14:02:46] <Skye> it's a bridge between IRC and Discord
L261[14:02:58] <Skye> the discord bot hides that fact by pretending to be us
L262[14:03:46] <Skye> @MysticCraft Playz on the IRC side it looks like this:
L263[14:03:52] <Skye> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/sixokelobi
L264[14:04:13] <Skye> note that the Skye Bot and me are different
L265[14:04:18] <Skye> the bot is pretending to be me!
L266[14:04:28] <Skye> and here I am on discord for real
L267[14:04:47] <Skye> here I am on IRC, the bot pretends to be me on discord, but really isn't but is copying what I say from IRC
L268[14:06:30] <MysticCraft Playz> oh k
L269[14:06:39] <MysticCraft Playz> cool
L270[14:07:01] <MysticCraft Playz> also, me noob.. why does this not work when server & rack is enabled? http://tinyurl.com/yb5ab8we
L271[14:07:13] <MysticCraft Playz> /what did i forget?
L272[14:07:28] <Skye> oh
L273[14:07:32] <Skye> remove the terminal server
L274[14:07:39] <Skye> and also make sure it's connected to the correct side
L275[14:07:50] <Skye> (relative to the rack, it's left is your right, IIRC?)
L276[14:08:12] <MysticCraft Playz> ok
L277[14:08:12] <Forecaster> yeah, it's relative to the rack's facing
L278[14:09:59] <MysticCraft Playz> Thanks!
L279[14:12:18] <MysticCraft Playz> what's this thing on my screen? http://tinyurl.com/ybxl4doz
L280[14:12:31] <MysticCraft Playz> battery?
L281[14:12:44] <Forecaster> did you injest some nanomachines?
L282[14:12:53] <MysticCraft Playz> hmm, lemme check ->
L283[14:13:29] <MysticCraft Playz> in inventory?
L284[14:13:46] <Forecaster> no, as in, did you eat a nanomachine container
L285[14:13:53] <MysticCraft Playz> yeah, XDDDDD
L286[14:13:59] <MysticCraft Playz> tried to use it
L287[14:14:03] <Forecaster> that's why
L288[14:14:06] <MysticCraft Playz> then like i eated it with a mistake
L289[14:14:06] <MysticCraft Playz> XD
L290[14:14:20] <Forecaster> that's the only thing you can do with it
L291[14:14:26] <Wuerfel_21> drink some Grog to get rid of them
L292[14:14:29] <Forecaster> the battery is the nanomachines power level
L293[14:14:40] <MysticCraft Playz> oh wut, thanks
L294[14:15:19] <MysticCraft Playz> XD
L295[14:15:20] <MysticCraft Playz> oof, Grog does -> http://tinyurl.com/yd38347l
L296[14:17:47] <MysticCraft Playz> how do i make so like when i shutoff the pc/turn off, it saves the files i made, because last time it like didn't, but with racks, does that work?
L297[14:24:19] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L298[14:24:42] <Forecaster> until you actually install OpenOS the files are temporary
L299[14:25:04] <Forecaster> just run `install`
L300[14:25:07] <MysticCraft Playz> did
L301[14:25:11] <MysticCraft Playz> thanks.
L302[14:25:14] <MysticCraft Playz> also, http://tinyurl.com/yblowfaa
L303[14:25:17] <MysticCraft Playz> added these
L304[14:25:29] <MysticCraft Playz> what does these do? (the one that is not os)
L305[14:25:33] <MysticCraft Playz> what does these do? (the ones that is not os) [Edited]
L306[14:25:50] <MysticCraft Playz> the floppy disks or what they are called.
L307[14:26:02] <Skye> @MysticCraft Playz extra software, and drivers for stuff like the internet card
L308[14:26:14] <MysticCraft Playz> cool
L309[14:26:21] <Forecaster> depends what's on them
L310[14:26:24] <MysticCraft Playz> and why does not some of they have a good description?
L311[14:26:37] <MysticCraft Playz> like one is called builder + has no description..
L312[14:26:45] <MysticCraft Playz> like 3 has like info, i added those.
L313[14:27:14] <Skye> oh
L314[14:27:21] <Skye> a few are example pieces of software
L315[14:27:55] <MysticCraft Playz> but anyways. how do i like place a numeric keypad?
L316[14:28:05] <Skye> I don't think you can?
L317[14:28:28] <MysticCraft Playz> hm. how do i use it?
L318[14:28:31] <MysticCraft Playz> http://tinyurl.com/ycakuejz
L319[14:29:03] <Forecaster> it's just a crafting component for the keyboard
L320[14:29:10] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L321[14:29:13] <Forecaster> it's not a block
L322[14:29:20] <MysticCraft Playz> just? aw
L323[14:29:41] <MysticCraft Playz> so i can't like make a numeric pincode thing?
L324[14:29:52] <Forecaster> there's an addon mod for that
L325[14:29:56] <Forecaster> OpenSecurity
L326[14:30:17] <MysticCraft Playz> oh, aw
L327[14:30:27] <MysticCraft Playz> ok thx
L328[14:30:33] <Forecaster> or you can make a virtual one with a screen
L329[14:30:40] <MysticCraft Playz> true..
L330[14:35:01] <MysticCraft Playz> Howto use Solar Generator Upgrade/howto make a Solar Generator?
L331[14:35:23] <Forecaster> that's a robot upgrade
L332[14:36:30] <MysticCraft Playz> oh
L333[14:36:33] <MysticCraft Playz> ok,
L334[14:41:29] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L335[14:42:03] <payonel> @"MysticCraft Playz" btw, you're new to OC and yet your first machine is a server blade. there are going to be a few steps that are harder to understand for a newbie than if you had first experiemented with a computer case
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L339[15:24:15] <Inari> https://www.vpesports.com/more-esports/steam-china-officially-launches intereting
L340[15:38:03] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16b (ba7888b72413a16b!~ba7888b72@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L344[16:38:05] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6832.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L345[17:02:46] <AmandaC> %choose ? or ?
L346[17:02:48] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I sense some ? in your future!
L347[17:02:56] <AmandaC> I guess that works
L348[17:56:11] ⇦ Quits: Totoro (Totoro!~totoro@2a01:4f9:c010:1b5d::1) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
L349[17:56:11] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (LeshaInc!~LeshaInc@fomalhaut.me) (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
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L353[17:57:38] *** fingercomp is now known as Guest31731
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L355[17:58:11] ⇨ Joins: Totoro (Totoro!~totoro@fomalhaut.me)
L356[18:00:53] ⇨ Joins: ChloeAR2017 (ChloeAR2017!webchat@
L357[18:01:47] <ChloeAR2017> ok i've got a really stupid question
L358[18:05:12] <ChloeAR2017> nvm figured out a workaround
L359[18:05:16] ⇦ Quits: ChloeAR2017 (ChloeAR2017!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L360[18:43:54] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E16E44DE24BCF45B158.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L361[19:52:18] <ZefTheFox> Can I share a song that I love right now?
L362[20:01:23] <ZefTheFox> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-_k5Apj_Ro
L363[20:01:24] <MichiBot> (hed) P.E. Its Alright! | length: 6m 40s | Likes: 198 Dislikes: 6 Views: 24,740 | by hedANDalice | Published On 3/8/2011
L364[20:01:31] <ZefTheFox> doing it before I clear my clipboard lol
L365[20:34:55] ⇦ Quits: gartral (gartral!~gartral@ (Quit: ZNC 1.6.1+deb1 - http://znc.in)
L366[20:36:52] <Z0idburg> https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/a1augb/guy_throws_gator_into_lake/
L367[20:39:01] ⇨ Joins: gartral (gartral!~gartral@
L368[20:59:13] <Izaya> that seems like the right place for an alligator
L369[21:00:33] <Izaya> god I hate reddit's video thing
L370[21:00:38] <Izaya> can't they just embed a webm?
L371[21:02:29] <Izaya> once again mpv is the superior option
L372[21:06:31] ⇦ Quits: gartral (gartral!~gartral@ (Quit: ZNC 1.6.1+deb1 - http://znc.in)
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L378[21:56:40] <Compu> how do u pull a block over a 2 block distance with sticky pistons?
L379[21:56:48] <Compu> 2 sticky pistons lined up doesn't seem to work
L380[22:03:17] <Compu> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2018/11/27/1892521.jpeg
L381[22:46:25] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L382[22:46:26] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat MGR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L383[22:46:27] <MichiBot> 3 hours, 55 minutes and 22 seconds were wasted!
L384[22:46:43] <CompanionCube> what
L385[22:49:55] <CompanionCube> shenanigans.
L386[22:50:16] <Mimiru> 93154846 [listenerPool0-thread17164] INFO pcl.lc.irc.IRCBot - --> Izaya I'm sorry Izaya, you were not able to beat M​GR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L387[22:50:19] <Mimiru> 93154884 [listenerPool0-thread17190] INFO pcl.lc.irc.IRCBot - <-- Query: Izaya: %tonk
L388[22:50:21] <Mimiru> 93155847 [listenerPool0-thread17164] INFO pcl.lc.irc.IRCBot - --> Izaya 5 hours, 46 minutes and 20 seconds were wasted!
L389[22:50:23] ⇦ Quits: kizeren (kizeren!~kizeren@47-34-85-58.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L390[22:50:26] * Izaya laughs manically
L391[22:51:00] <Izaya> And I wouldn't have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube
L392[22:51:42] <CompanionCube> Bastard.
L393[22:54:19] <Mimiru> %restart
L394[22:54:21] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L395[22:54:31] * CompanionCube decaffinates all of Izaya's drinks
L396[22:54:42] <Izaya> shit
L397[22:54:45] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L398[22:54:46] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L399[22:55:23] <Izaya> I take it that trick won't work now?
L400[22:56:43] <Mimiru> [20:56:36] <Mimiru> %tonk
L401[22:56:43] <Mimiru> [20:56:37] <MichiBot> No.
L402[22:57:05] <Mimiru> Hopefully it works in channels still :P
L403[22:57:07] <Mimiru> %tonk
L404[22:57:08] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Mimiru, you were not able to beat MGR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L405[22:57:09] <MichiBot> 10 minutes and 42 seconds were wasted!
L406[22:57:11] <Mimiru> yay, it does.
L407[22:57:53] <CompanionCube> it's both good and bad to see reddit/youtube pushing against article13
L408[23:23:28] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L409[23:30:18] <logan2611> %tonk
L410[23:30:19] <MichiBot> I'm sorry logan2611, you were not able to beat MGR's record of 9 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds this time.
L411[23:30:20] <MichiBot> 33 minutes and 11 seconds were wasted!
L412[23:30:27] <logan2611> good one centurylinl
L413[23:30:31] <logan2611> centurylink*
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