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L1[01:17:03] <payonel> Izaya: sha matches
L2[01:17:26] <Izaya> :D
L3[02:47:21] <Forecaster> My sha is out of alignment, I need to find my inner hash
L4[03:53:58] * dequbed cuddles Izaya
L5[04:52:04] <dequbed> %tell Inari Dunno if you care about the proof, but ab^n < c ⇒ b^n < c/a ⇒ n/ln(b) < ln(c/a)/ln(b) → n > ln(c/a) ⇒ n > ln(c) - ln(a) since ln(b) < 0 iff b ∈ (0,1)
L6[04:52:05] <MichiBot> dequbed: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L7[04:58:10] * Skye screams at the maths
L8[04:58:36] <dequbed> %tell Inari I dropped an ln around the n there. My bad.
L9[04:58:37] <MichiBot> dequbed: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L10[04:58:46] <dequbed> Skye: Don't study EE then
L11[05:00:46] <Skye> Good thing the only thing in school I'm doing right now is... maths.
L12[05:00:49] <Skye> Fuck
L13[05:01:49] <Skye> dequbed: want to know what's fun, physics teachers trying to teach you maths they don't quite understand because everyone else in your physics class was taking the advanced maths stuff.
L14[05:02:20] <Skye> So you have me wondering
L15[05:02:52] <Skye> "what's a log, what's e, and why do we do this, and what has it got to do with capacitors and radioactive decay"
L16[05:03:06] <Skye> So I took maths this year
L17[05:03:06] <dequbed> In short: Everything
L18[05:03:08] <Skye> And it's like
L19[05:03:37] <Skye> "oh. That's what e is... That's why it's used. That makes sense now..."
L20[05:06:17] <dequbed> Skye: Honestly it should be labeled "Maths for Engineers/Mathematicans" and "Maths for everybody that doesn't want to be either". Because if you're going into engineering you'll do much more much harder maths. But Steve from Finance does not neet to know how to integrate a 3D vectorfield.
L21[05:07:11] <Skye> I'm doing this to get into university for computer science
L22[05:16:59] <dequbed> Well, CS doesn't need it either, really.
L23[05:17:19] <dequbed> Depends on your University I guess
L24[05:21:05] <Skye> dequbed: maths preferred with further maths more preferred is what universities want.
L25[05:28:49] ⇨ Joins: LotuxPunk (LotuxPunk!~LotuxPunk@host-85-201-74-94.dynamic.voo.be)
L26[05:47:08] ⇨ Joins: minion1001 (minion1001!~minion100@2001:470:1af1:107::1eb)
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L28[06:00:31] <LotuxPunk> Ok u_u
L29[06:00:38] <LotuxPunk> I've found a way
L30[06:00:54] <LotuxPunk> Mu tardisinterface it's recognize with the adaptater block u_u
L31[06:00:56] <dequbed> Skye: CE is fun if you like to build CPUs, consider it :p
L32[06:03:24] <Skye> dequbed: well like, that needs further maths
L33[06:03:32] <Skye> I can't do that even if I wanted to
L34[06:03:46] <Skye> Until I somehow get a few thousand pounds for private school :v
L35[06:03:58] <Skye> Because I'll be too old by that time
L36[06:10:17] <LotuxPunk> Vexatos With the Adapter block i've nothing to do
L37[06:10:50] <LotuxPunk> Adapter block use the CC code to work on OC
L38[06:11:13] <LotuxPunk> But isn't working without CC :/
L39[06:52:57] <Compu> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2018/10/29/1869520.png
L40[06:53:16] <Izaya> >derpicdn
L41[06:53:24] <Izaya> worry
L42[06:54:07] <Compu> it's a cute pic
L43[06:57:56] <Lizzian> is there any context to you posting it or are you just doing it "for the lols"?
L44[07:04:29] <Compu> i just think it's cute
L45[07:09:43] <Izaya> This *is* off topic central I suppose
L46[07:32:56] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L47[08:01:22] * Skye throws @20kdc 's licence to randomly link cute things at @Compu
L48[08:01:35] <20kdc> Wait, *my* license to... what?
L49[08:01:55] <20kdc> Since when did I have a license to do that?
L50[08:02:09] <20kdc> And more importnatly, what does that have to do with OpenComputers?
L51[08:02:19] <Skye> Raisins
L52[08:04:46] * Skye throws raisins at @20kdc
L53[08:08:42] <Izaya> >implying #oc has ever been, or will ever be on-topic
L54[08:09:19] <Skye> The o stands for off topi and the c stands for c.
L55[08:09:30] <Izaya> Off topiC
L56[08:09:40] <Skye> Yes.
L57[08:09:51] <Izaya> to that implication I say https://i.4cdn.org/c/1541070188200.jpg
L58[08:10:36] <Kodos> Blessed Samhain everyone
L59[08:23:44] <dequbed> Izaya: being off topic is the topic, isn't it?
L60[08:23:53] <Izaya> you know it
L61[08:31:40] <Forecaster> the topic is a lie
L62[08:31:57] <Lizzian> no u
L63[08:32:08] <Forecaster> but I'm real D:
L64[08:32:13] <Corded> * <Forecaster> vanishes
L65[08:32:16] <Lizzian> no u
L66[08:32:30] <Izaya> the Forecaster is a lie
L67[08:34:29] <Izaya> https://i.redd.it/ur8h4bzhqov11.jpg
L68[08:35:54] <Forecaster> if you agree by eating a cookie why is there an "I agree" button
L69[08:36:44] <Forecaster> it wont even up D:
L70[08:37:02] <Forecaster> it wont even make the popup go away D: [Edited]
L71[08:37:27] <20kdc> that's why you need to make such a popup out of flash paper and have a little ignition mechanism below the button...
L72[08:37:45] <20kdc> in fact, that paper sure seems suspiciously raised at the bottom
L73[08:37:51] ⇦ Quits: LotuxPunk (LotuxPunk!~LotuxPunk@host-85-201-74-94.dynamic.voo.be) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
L74[08:44:30] <AmandaC> "Being off-topic is on-topic" is a paradox.
L75[08:47:08] <Izaya> Explain lobby channels.
L76[08:49:00] <Forecaster> but paradoxes are fun
L77[08:49:21] <Forecaster> unless you're an insufficiently advanced AI
L78[08:49:29] <AmandaC> sure, it's all fun and games until you collapse space-time again!
L79[08:53:00] * Skye chews on some space time
L80[09:00:17] <Forecaster> no don't do that, you don't know where it's been D:
L81[09:00:52] * Skye tosses a ball of space time shaped like yarn in front of AmandaC
L82[09:48:05] * AmandaC bats at it playfully
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L86[10:34:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L87[10:39:33] ⇨ Joins: eucalypt_ (eucalypt_!~eucalypt_@
L88[10:39:41] <eucalypt_> Hey
L89[10:41:04] ⇦ Quits: eucalypt_ (eucalypt_!~eucalypt_@ (Client Quit)
L90[10:49:02] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC68E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L91[10:49:10] <Inari> Meow
L92[10:49:45] <Inari> dequbed: Haha. Well I ended up using an equation instead of an inequality.
L93[10:50:58] <Inari> Since I figured it's better to know the exact n
L94[10:52:56] <Inari> so a*b^n = x -> log_b(a*b^n) = log_b(x) -> log_b(x) + log_b(b^n) = log_b(x) -> log_b(a) + n = log_b(x) -> log_b(a) - log_b(x) = n or so.
L95[11:17:45] <dequbed> Inari: Yes, that was my starting point as well, however I gathered you implied a ∈ R+, x ∈ R+, n ∈ N, where an inequation is a better starting point to finally convert the term into an algorithm returning an Integer n.
L96[11:24:52] <dequbed> Something something `n = ceil( ( ln(x) - ln(a) ) / ln(b) )`. With ceil(x) being a function that for each x ∈ R returns the next-biggest number y ∈ N
L97[11:25:19] <Inari> Ah, right
L98[11:25:34] <Inari> Thats kind of what I ended up with right. And then I wasn't sure if it's even valid :P I recall
L99[11:27:21] * AmandaC boops Inari
L100[11:27:40] <AmandaC> I has a new shiny
L101[11:28:00] <Inari> Oh?
L102[11:28:06] <Inari> I'm considering getting a new shiny of my own
L103[11:28:11] <AmandaC> Pixel 2 XL
L104[11:28:21] <Inari> Still estimating if its worth it though
L105[11:28:24] <Inari> AmandaC: heh, nice
L106[11:28:38] <dequbed> It's valid. If you need it for school or whatever I could probably write you something that is formally correct enough that a mathemachicken won't run screaming but I'd rather not. I'm an engineer, I like my perfectly imperfect approximative math.
L107[11:28:52] <Inari> dequbed: Nah, it was for a Haskell Kata
L108[11:31:03] <dequbed> Ah well in that case make it polymorphic over i => Integral and don't even bother.
L109[11:31:27] <Inari> Hm?
L110[11:32:17] <dequbed> Just kidding, I don't think there's a logarithm in Prelude that's valid for Integrals
L111[12:08:23] <MichiBot> @Kodos REMINDER: Poke the one person about the thing
L112[12:19:47] <Kodos> Right. Still not home though
L113[12:24:06] <Kleadron> halloween is over
L114[12:24:11] <Kleadron> time to eat all of the leftover candy
L115[12:24:30] <Kleadron> and get fatter than the house
L116[12:24:33] <Kleadron> and roll down the hill
L117[12:24:40] <Kleadron> and crush everything in my path
L118[12:26:30] <Lizzian> wtf znc
L119[12:26:43] <Lizzian> it's just stopped listening on ipv4 ports
L120[12:32:21] <Lizzian> think i'ma have to restart it
L121[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: Looks like someone forgot to pay the server bill! (or someone fucked up the server, one of the two))
L122[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: Antheus (Antheus!Antheus@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: Are you ready kids?)
L123[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: Patchi (Patchi!Patchi@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: EnderNet BNC!)
L124[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: LordFokas (LordFokas!LordFokas@znc.theender.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
L125[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (Techokami!Techokami@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: http://holenet.info)
L126[12:32:57] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@znc.theender.net) (Quit: EnderNet BNC)
L127[12:33:02] <AmandaC> Inari: what new shiny are you considering?
L128[12:33:10] <Inari> Switch
L129[12:33:22] <AmandaC> oh? What's caught your interest?
L130[12:33:54] <Inari> Been interested for a while xD Just seemd like a nice console. Just need enough good game on it to make it worthwhile, and there seem to be a bunch now.
L131[12:33:56] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L132[12:33:58] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L133[12:34:24] <dequbed> Oh no a Lizzy
L134[12:34:41] <Lizzian> arghh what the fuck znc
L135[12:34:47] <Lizzian> the ports can listen on ipv6
L136[12:34:51] <Lizzian> but not v4
L137[12:35:06] <Kleadron> uh oh
L138[12:35:50] <Lizzian> i.... i don't even know what's going on anymore
L139[12:36:17] <Lizzian> tried adding a new port, it listens on v6, but not v4
L140[12:37:15] <Lizzian> okay, specifying a port as ipv4 only worked
L141[12:38:36] <Lizzian> not that hexchat can actually connect to it...
L142[12:39:33] <dequbed> Lizzian: Embrace the better IP standard
L143[12:39:47] <Lizzian> sadly virgin media do not
L144[12:39:58] <Lizzian> i do have a v6 tunnel though
L145[12:40:11] <Lizzian> though port knocking doesn't work over v6
L146[12:40:34] <dequbed> Why port knocking in the first place?
L147[12:41:21] <Lizzian> because i wanted to add another layer of security
L148[12:41:40] <Lizzian> though it's being more of a PitA than anything else
L149[12:42:08] <Lizzian> yeah, i'ma go remove the port knocking stuff
L150[12:54:05] <Inari> Modelling my interest for a game based on my base interest and its price is an interesting issue
L151[12:55:31] <Inari> I've currently ended up with going: Okay, on an interest scale of 0-100, take the distance to 50 and square it. If it's below 50 thats 1-x and if its above that 1+x. So that gives me a 1 for exactl 50, and the further it goes in the bad or good direciton the higher/lower it will go.
L152[12:56:05] <Inari> The take the price and divide it by 60. Divide the interest adjusted result by that adjusted price. And multiply the result by 100
L153[12:57:25] <Inari> I sould make a graph of that to see if it fits
L154[13:07:51] <Inari 『 おにいでれ 』> So I guess thats the interested function, where x is interest between 0 and 100 http://tinyurl.com/ydf3nebc
L155[13:09:04] <Inari 『 おにいでれ 』> Thats what'll it be multiplied by depending on price http://tinyurl.com/y9yuoglm
L156[13:10:14] <AmandaC> ... what exactly are you solving for?
L157[13:11:50] <Inari> AmandaC: Dunno, something that reflects my interest?
L158[13:12:10] <AmandaC> ... IDGI
L159[13:12:18] <Inari> ?
L160[13:12:26] <AmandaC> I Don't Get It
L161[13:12:30] <Inari> I know that
L162[13:12:30] <Inari> :D
L163[13:12:34] <AmandaC> seems like a weird thing to try and quantify
L164[13:12:42] <Inari> Haha, kinda
L165[13:13:01] <Inari> But hey, if I'm super interested in a game I'll want to buy it more even if it costs 60 euros. But I'll want to buy it even more if its 20 instead
L166[13:13:06] <Inari> And stuff like that
L167[13:13:10] <Inari> Would be nice to form that into a number
L168[13:16:00] <payonel> Inari: i agree, reminds me of college when i would measure how much i liked a food inversely to its cost
L169[13:17:05] <Inari> AmandaC / payonel: Mostly I want to note down my interest for Swtich games and their price and calculate some value to compare them by
L170[13:24:55] <Inari> Hm, interesting. The Nintendo Store site lazy-loads the price of games
L171[13:30:22] <Inari> I vagueeeeeely recall some game. Not sure if it was a browser game or something. You played on a grid I think, and you could move into enemies kind of? And then it's like , the whole enemy is the map then, and you move thro ugh them, and you can go even deeper in that and such..
L172[13:30:28] <Inari> I think it had somethign with stars or sky in ti sname
L173[13:33:45] <Inari> I should probalby turn the price part into a step-funciton
L174[13:38:00] <Inari> Hrm, maybe an adjusted step function
L175[13:43:25] <Lizzian> okay, znc isn't even working on ipv6....
L176[13:43:36] <Lizzian> in fact, i haven't seen my bouncer reconnect
L177[13:43:55] ⇦ Quits: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net) (Quit: Looks like someone forgot to pay the server bill! (or someone fucked up the server, one of the two))
L178[13:44:05] <Lizzian> oh, i managed to get on?
L179[13:44:53] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L180[13:44:55] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L181[13:45:27] ⇨ Joins: SubhumanPotato (SubhumanPotato!webchat@
L182[13:46:49] ⇦ Quits: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L183[13:46:59] <SubhumanPotato> Anyone online?
L184[13:47:10] <Lizzian> no
L185[13:47:24] <SubhumanPotato> Good to know
L186[13:47:35] <Inari> Deiced to ^4 my interest function instead of ^2 it, so price has less effect
L187[13:47:46] <Inari> Also using =(MOD(C2;20)/20)*0,2+FLOOR(C2/20;1)*0,33 for price
L188[13:48:31] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L189[13:48:33] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L190[13:49:57] ⇦ Quits: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L191[13:50:11] <Inari> Maybe I should ^2 the <50 side and ^4 the >50 side though
L192[13:53:24] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L193[13:53:26] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L194[13:54:39] <Lizzian> i think i have just figured out what one of the possible issues is
L195[13:56:32] <Lizzy> okay, so for some reason znc stopped liking the cert file i had
L196[13:56:50] <Lizzy> oh
L197[13:56:54] <Lizzy> OH
L198[13:56:56] <Lizzy> ffs
L199[13:59:41] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@2001:41d0:800:60f::13)
L200[14:00:27] ⇨ Joins: Antheus (Antheus!Antheus@znc.theender.net)
L201[14:00:46] <Lizzy> annoyingly, i'ma need to restart znc again in a sec to take it out of debug mode
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L204[14:01:38] ⇨ Joins: Sandra (Sandra!Sandra@2001:41d0:800:60f::13)
L205[14:01:49] <Lizzy> %lookup znc.theender.net
L206[14:01:49] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'znc.theender.net'
L207[14:01:56] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (Techokami!Techokami@znc.theender.net)
L208[14:01:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
L209[14:01:56] <Lizzy> ...
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L213[14:07:21] <AmandaC> `dig` shows a CNAME for that, Lizzy
L214[14:07:33] <Lizzy> yeah, i know
L215[14:08:56] <payonel> Izaya: why is the file *.qcow2.gz and not *.qcow2, yet it doesn't appear to be a tar ball in gzip format?
L216[14:09:18] <AmandaC> payonel: `gunzip` it
L217[14:09:32] <AmandaC> gzip isn't related to tar any more than RGB is related to PNGs
L218[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net) (Quit: Looks like someone forgot to pay the server bill! (or someone fucked up the server, one of the two))
L219[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Antheus (Antheus!Antheus@znc.theender.net) (Quit: Are you ready kids?)
L220[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Patchi (Patchi!Patchi@znc.theender.net) (Quit: EnderNet BNC!)
L221[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: LordFokas (LordFokas!LordFokas@znc.theender.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
L222[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Sandra (Sandra!Sandra@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: EnderBNC says BAI)
L223[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (Techokami!Techokami@znc.theender.net) (Quit: http://holenet.info)
L224[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: EnderNet BNC)
L225[14:09:38] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (nxsupert!nxsupert@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Quit: EnderBNC sends it's regards)
L226[14:09:54] ⇨ Joins: Antheus (Antheus!Antheus@znc.theender.net)
L227[14:10:29] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L228[14:10:30] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L229[14:11:00] <payonel> AmandaC: i understand that gz is also used for gzip files
L230[14:11:04] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@2001:41d0:800:60f::13)
L231[14:11:09] <AmandaC> That's tgz
L232[14:11:11] <AmandaC> or .tar.gz
L233[14:11:21] <payonel> i understand
L234[14:11:24] ⇨ Joins: LordFokas (LordFokas!LordFokas@znc.theender.net)
L235[14:11:50] ⇨ Joins: Patchi (Patchi!Patchi@znc.theender.net)
L236[14:11:55] <AmandaC> but yes, gzip is also commonly used for tar files, which is why it's got it's own common extension of tgz for "gzipped tar file"
L237[14:12:01] ⇨ Joins: Sandra (Sandra!Sandra@znc.theender.net)
L238[14:12:04] <payonel> and you may be correct. it was only my assumption because in my experience, and yes that's just anecdotal
L239[14:12:25] <payonel> but it is that i work with .gz that are also just .tgz
L240[14:12:29] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (Techokami!Techokami@znc.theender.net)
L241[14:12:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
L242[14:12:30] <AmandaC> gzip is a single-file compresion method. It's actually also commonly used in servers to reduce bandwidth overhead
L243[14:12:35] <payonel> and gzip .gz are just for text archives
L244[14:12:37] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (nxsupert!nxsupert@znc.theender.net)
L245[14:12:46] <payonel> you're trying to explain tech
L246[14:12:50] <payonel> i understand the tech side
L247[14:12:52] <Lizzy> hey, bind host is working this time
L248[14:12:53] <AmandaC> haha, ,sorry
L249[14:13:20] <payonel> it's the extension that was unexpected because it isn't a text file, and traditionally, i've only used gzip for text archives
L250[14:13:39] <AmandaC> I don't think I've ever seen a tar just as "foo.gz" -- only ".tar.gz" or ".tgz"
L251[14:13:51] <payonel> you're probably right
L252[14:13:59] <payonel> it was the contents that were unexpected to me
L253[14:14:04] <payonel> in that it is binary, and not text
L254[14:14:08] <payonel> obviously, compression doesn't care
L255[14:14:15] <payonel> well, compression can be highly optimized for text
L256[14:14:16] <AmandaC> ah, fair enough
L257[14:14:18] <payonel> but, anyways
L258[14:14:48] <payonel> also, i've never ever heard of gunzip, but apparently that is just gzip
L259[14:14:53] <payonel> so, you taught me that today :)
L260[14:14:56] <AmandaC> hehe
L261[14:15:25] * Inari sticks catnip pads on AmandaC
L262[14:16:37] <payonel> holy crap, the file decompressed 10x
L263[14:16:40] <payonel> wow
L264[14:16:46] <payonel> it must be mostly zeros or something
L265[14:16:56] <AmandaC> gzip is good at compressing largs blocks of repeated characters, IIRC
L266[14:17:11] <AmandaC> s/characters/bytes/
L267[14:17:11] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> gzip is good at compressing largs blocks of repeated bytes, IIRC
L268[14:17:27] <payonel> meh, as a c++ programmer, "character" is 1 byte
L269[14:17:30] <payonel> so, i'm good there
L270[14:17:45] <payonel> and yes i know char isn't forced to be a single octect thingie
L271[14:17:48] <AmandaC> :P
L272[14:17:52] <payonel> but, it basically always is
L273[14:20:09] <dequbed> payonel: completely tangential but compression can be optimized for binary just as much as for text.
L274[14:20:24] <payonel> sure it can
L275[14:20:29] <payonel> did i say it isn't?
L276[14:20:43] <dequbed> No, but you implied it somewhat.
L277[14:20:55] <payonel> then you read what i said wrong
L278[14:21:14] <payonel> "can be optimized for A" != "cannot be optimized for B"
L279[14:21:29] <Lizzy> okay, for future refference (should i need it). just-the-DHPrimes is not a valid certificate chain for znc
L280[14:21:37] <dequbed> In saying "compression doesn't care" and then "well, compression can be higly optimized for text" the 'well' alone implies a non-zero reduction of the previous statement.
L281[14:21:42] <payonel> if (A) optimize_for_A() else if (B) optimize_for_B() else ...
L282[14:21:48] <Vexatos> gzip is not very good at compression in general, zstd beats in in almost every regard :P
L283[14:22:11] <Vexatos> and optimizing for generic binary data is hard unless you have >1GB of data at which point lrzip becomes a useful program
L284[14:22:24] <Vexatos> Optimizing for specific binary data is easy, e.g. png or flac
L285[14:22:30] <payonel> dequbed: the "well" retraction was only in the context of "text"
L286[14:22:36] <payonel> not all compression
L287[14:23:28] <dequbed> payonel: Maybe, but the ordering of statements made that not obvious - at least not to me.
L288[14:24:26] <Vexatos> AmandaC, also, .tar.gz is not "its own common extension"
L289[14:24:41] <Vexatos> You put dir -> dir.tar and then dir.tar -> dir.tar.gz
L290[14:24:52] <Vexatos> you just add an extension for every process you apply
L291[14:24:55] <payonel> i make mistakes others might consider obvious or common sense to not make. but i'm not a complete moron. obviously you can optimize for any type of data you want to make up
L292[14:24:59] ⇦ Quits: SubhumanPotato (SubhumanPotato!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L293[14:25:34] <Vexatos> lrzipped dirs are .tar.lrz or .tar.zst etc
L294[14:25:49] <payonel> also
L295[14:25:52] <payonel> i blame AmandaC for all of this
L296[14:26:15] <AmandaC> Vexatos: I was referring to `tgz` with that
L297[14:26:21] <payonel> well, no
L298[14:26:23] <payonel> i blame Inari
L299[14:26:24] <Vexatos> never seen that but sure
L300[14:26:25] <payonel> derp!
L301[14:26:28] <dequbed> payonel: No need to be so defensive. I wasn't implying you were a moron. Not knowing something would not make you a moron in the first place. I only just wanted to correct an implied statement.
L302[14:26:30] <payonel> Izaya* i blame Izaya
L303[14:26:34] <Vexatos> I once compressed 2GB of PNG files down to 1.2GB that was impressive
L304[14:27:49] <payonel> cool
L305[14:27:59] * payonel grumbles in private
L306[14:28:46] * AmandaC grumbles in holographic-cat-admin
L307[14:34:17] <Michiyo> I see .tgz all the time
L308[14:34:29] <Vexatos> really .-.
L309[14:34:40] <payonel> most of the files i work with are .tgz
L310[14:34:44] <Michiyo> I also make .tgz's when you hit download on the oclogs site... or I did.. I think that's broken ATM and just dumps the DB contents
L311[14:34:44] <payonel> like...95% of them
L312[14:35:05] <Vexatos> I only ever see .tar.gz
L313[14:35:12] * payonel offers a hug to AmandaC
L314[14:35:41] <payonel> i dislike tar.gz
L315[14:35:52] <Corded> * <Lizzian> gzips payonel
L316[14:35:58] <Vexatos> but it makes sense D:
L317[14:36:09] <Vexatos> it's a gzipped .tar file D:
L318[14:36:21] <Michiyo> They all suck in comparison to Windows .zip utility!
L319[14:36:23] <Michiyo> /s
L320[14:36:38] <payonel> btw, .7z is amazing
L321[14:36:43] <Wuerfel_21> ^^
L322[14:36:48] <Vexatos> everyone just use zstd it is faster and offers more compression than gzip :^)
L323[14:36:48] <Michiyo> I use .7z exclusively here at work
L324[14:36:57] <Michiyo> all of the custom utilities I'm writing use it
L325[14:37:00] <Vexatos> ~~The only good thing facebook ever made~~
L326[14:37:05] <Wuerfel_21> .tar.gz needs to die
L327[14:37:14] <Vexatos> .tar.zst hype
L328[14:37:22] <Wuerfel_21> (or 7zip needs to start supporting it properly)
L329[14:37:23] <payonel> dequbed: i was already defensive when you poked at my pride a bit more. sorry i was rude to you
L330[14:37:38] <Michiyo> .tar.lrz.zst.zip.tgz
L331[14:37:39] <AmandaC> Mimiru: is .7z even an open standard? for some reason I thought it was propitary out the wazoo
L332[14:37:50] <Vexatos> .7z
L333[14:37:56] <Lizzy> .raw
L334[14:37:57] <dequbed> payonel: You should derive your pride from better things than being a know-it-all :p You have nothing to prove to anybody :)
L335[14:37:59] <payonel> AmandaC: open source and openly defined
L336[14:38:02] <Vexatos> .xz.bz.rar
L337[14:38:14] <AmandaC> And while we're speaking of compression: https://twitter.com/David3141593/status/1057042085029822464?s=19
L338[14:38:50] * Lizzy grumbles at DNSSEC
L339[14:39:08] <Michiyo> AmandaC, huh... neat
L340[14:39:19] <Lizzy> %lookup evey.app
L341[14:39:20] <MichiBot> ERROR: No Internet Address for 'evey.app'
L342[14:39:27] <payonel> ...so now i'm being corrected for what things i choose to be prideful about? that's pretty meta :)
L343[14:39:35] <Lizzy> Michiyo, does MichiBot use
L344[14:40:00] <payonel> anyways, i worked on a compression tool for work years ago
L345[14:40:06] <Michiyo> I.... don't know
L346[14:40:10] <payonel> we tested a few different types, and found 7z to be amazing
L347[14:40:11] <dequbed> payonel: Should I correct your meta assumptions about my meta-criticism as well ;)
L348[14:40:34] <Michiyo> I know internally one command is set to use, though I think nslookup uses the system resolver
L349[14:40:59] <Lizzy> %lookup SOA evey.app
L350[14:40:59] <MichiBot> ERROR: No Internet Address for 'SOA'
L351[14:41:02] <Lizzy> dammit
L352[14:41:13] <Kleadron> AmandaC that image caused winrar to give me a scary error message and i thought my computer was broken
L353[14:41:16] <Vexatos> payonel, zstd though D:
L354[14:41:22] <Michiyo> ... SOA should work
L355[14:41:23] <Michiyo> wtf
L356[14:41:36] <Michiyo> %lookup AAAA evey.app
L357[14:41:36] <MichiBot> ERROR: No Internet Address for 'AAAA'
L358[14:41:38] <Lizzy> %lookup evey.app SOA
L359[14:41:39] <MichiBot> ERROR: No Internet Address for 'evey.app'
L360[14:41:39] <Michiyo> oh...
L361[14:41:44] <payonel> Vexatos: initial release: 2015
L362[14:41:44] <Michiyo> wat
L363[14:41:53] <Lizzy> might also be that evey.app's stuff is fucked up right now
L364[14:41:58] <AmandaC> %nslookup SOA evey.app
L365[14:42:04] <Vexatos> zstd is actually cool as heck by the way >_<
L366[14:42:11] <Michiyo> @MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L367[14:42:25] <Michiyo> ._.
L368[14:42:26] <Lizzy> cause i switched it to cloudflare and enabled DNSSEC about 2 hours apart
L369[14:42:28] <AmandaC> `dig` returns nothing for evey.app
L370[14:42:31] * dequbed throws some brotli compressed cookies at Vexatos
L371[14:42:35] <payonel> Vexatos: my experience using 7z through its api and an internal compression tool was back in 2010
L372[14:42:51] <Vexatos> payonel, ew
L373[14:42:51] <Lizzy> AmandaC, try dig/drill'ing it via dane.ns.cloudflare.com
L374[14:42:54] <Vexatos> My condolences
L375[14:42:56] <payonel> ew?
L376[14:43:04] <Michiyo> The system resolver on Eos is
L377[14:43:05] <payonel> i'm just saying, zstd didn't even exist
L378[14:43:11] <Michiyo> no idea why MichiBot is getting NX
L379[14:43:12] <AmandaC> that works, Lizzy
L380[14:43:20] <AmandaC> Might have been negative-cached
L381[14:43:32] <Lizzy> Michiyo, probably because of my 2nd-to-last line
L382[14:43:37] <AmandaC> tried to often before it had a chance to propogate, so it's saved as a hard-fail for a bit to save bandwidth
L383[14:43:39] <Lizzy> %lookup theender.net SOA
L384[14:43:39] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'theender.net'
L385[14:43:44] <Lizzy> wat
L386[14:43:51] <Lizzy> now that i know is correct
L387[14:43:54] <Lizzy> err
L388[14:43:56] <Lizzy> *workign right
L389[14:43:58] <Michiyo> Yeah, no everything is getting the error
L390[14:44:04] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L391[14:44:04] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L392[14:44:29] <Lizzy> MichiBot, be broke
L393[14:46:01] <Kleadron> www.google.com
L394[14:46:11] <AmandaC> %lookup www.google
L395[14:46:11] <MichiBot> ERROR: No Internet Address for 'www.google'
L396[14:46:19] <Kleadron> oh my god
L397[14:46:27] <Kleadron> %lookup www.google.com
L398[14:46:28] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'www.google.com'
L399[14:46:40] <AmandaC> hrm, wasn't there a `www.google` april fools domain at one point?
L400[14:46:47] <AmandaC> ( Google bought the TLD `.googl``
L401[14:46:54] <AmandaC> s/googl/google/
L402[14:46:54] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> ( Google bought the TLD `.google``
L403[14:47:01] <Kleadron> %lookup
L404[14:47:01] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for ''
L405[14:47:02] <Lizzy> i don't think they bought it i think they made it
L406[14:47:09] <Kleadron> is a dns you dump
L407[14:47:23] <Michiyo> @Kleadron that wouldn't work even if this wasn't broken.
L408[14:47:26] <AmandaC> you had to auction to buy it off IANA for them to allow it to be created
L409[14:47:54] <AmandaC> you can't just create a gTLD and have it be used globally without IANA being involved
L410[14:48:34] <AmandaC> ( Globally = respected by joe schmoe's ISP AOL ONline via carrier pidgeon )
L411[14:49:35] <Michiyo> <@MichiBot2> SOA: ns1.google.com. dns-admin.google.com. 219649451 900 900 1800 60
L412[14:49:35] <Michiyo> <@Michiyo> ^lookup google.com SOA
L413[14:49:40] <Michiyo> So... it's not a MichiBot issue.
L414[14:50:05] <AmandaC> is resolv.conf fuckered?
L415[14:50:14] <Michiyo> Though ^lookup evey.app SOA gives nothing
L416[14:50:25] <Michiyo> nslookup works fine
L417[14:50:39] <Lizzy> yeah, i'm putting evey.app's fuckups down to half-working DNSSEC
L418[14:50:52] <Michiyo> resolve.conf:
L419[14:50:52] <Michiyo> nameserver
L420[14:50:53] <Michiyo> nameserver
L421[14:51:15] <dequbed> AmandaC: Google hosts the worlds largest DNS service. They *could* if they put their mind to it.
L422[14:51:46] <AmandaC> sure, if they wanted to impale themselves on a pike, they could.
L423[14:51:52] <Michiyo> Meh, I'm sure they just hacked the gibson, and added it themselves.
L424[14:53:28] <payonel> this is a neat list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_managed_DNS_providers
L425[14:54:33] <payonel> Izaya: i had to convert the qcow2 to a vdi, but it's running now
L426[14:56:32] <Michiyo> %restart\
L427[14:56:35] <Michiyo> ._.
L428[14:56:38] <Michiyo> %restart
L429[14:56:39] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L430[14:57:25] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L431[14:57:25] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L432[14:57:37] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L433[14:57:39] <Michiyo> now we wait
L434[14:58:09] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L435[14:58:10] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2]
L436[14:58:19] <dequbed> Sounds about right
L437[15:06:08] ⇨ Joins: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@
L438[15:06:25] <AmandaC> %choose computer or not so computer
L439[15:06:26] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I saw that computer is the best choice in a vision
L440[15:06:39] <AmandaC> hrm. Who's giving MichiBot mushrooms again?
L441[15:07:33] <Michiyo> %restart
L442[15:07:34] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L443[15:08:01] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L444[15:08:01] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L445[15:08:19] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L446[15:08:28] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L447[15:08:45] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L448[15:08:46] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: google.com
L449[15:08:53] <Michiyo> well then.
L450[15:09:00] <Lizzy> %lookup www.google.com
L451[15:09:00] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'www.google.com'
L452[15:09:01] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: www.google.com
L453[15:09:08] <Lizzy> %lookup theender.net
L454[15:09:08] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'theender.net'
L455[15:09:09] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: theender.net
L456[15:12:44] <Michiyo> hmm
L457[15:12:45] <Michiyo> %restart
L458[15:12:46] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L459[15:13:16] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L460[15:13:16] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L461[15:13:17] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L462[15:13:50] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L463[15:13:52] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: google.com
L464[15:14:01] <Michiyo> ok.. well atleast I don't need to murder OVH
L465[15:14:39] <stephan48> might still be valid to do that!
L466[15:14:50] <Michiyo> Oh, no doubt.
L467[15:16:58] * Lizzy sighs, thinks she'll leave evey.app till tomorrow to look at
L468[15:17:31] <AmandaC> %choose file a ticket or don't
L469[15:17:32] <MichiBot> AmandaC: You *could* do file a ticket, I guess.
L470[15:22:47] <Forecaster> maybe I should remove the "do"
L471[15:22:59] <Forecaster> I think that'd make it slightly more versatile
L472[15:27:10] <Kleadron> %loot
L473[15:27:12] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a depleted 9v battery.
L474[15:27:21] <Kleadron> thx for snack
L475[15:43:24] <Izaya> payonel: ye mostly zeroes
L476[15:43:31] <Izaya> well, mostly a pattern, anyway
L477[15:43:48] <Inari> AmandaC: One annoying thing about the switch is that it lacks a browser
L478[15:43:57] * dequbed hands Izaya a cat a screwdriver and a torch
L479[15:44:08] <Izaya> uuuuuuuh
L480[15:45:07] <dequbed> Oh, sorry
L481[15:45:16] * dequbed hands Izaya a ball of yarn
L482[15:45:18] <dequbed> there you go
L483[15:46:08] <AmandaC> which definition of torch?
L484[15:46:26] <dequbed> The electric one with batteries
L485[15:46:38] <dequbed> He's holding a cat, I'm not giving him a burning stick.
L486[15:47:11] <Izaya> and yet I have a lighter
L487[15:47:16] <AmandaC> Good, good. then carry on
L488[15:47:30] <AmandaC> D: no lighting the kitteh, Izaya!
L489[15:47:56] * dequbed takes the ligher from Izaya to light a pipe
L490[15:49:34] <Lizzy> hmm, can someone dig/drill the DS record for evey.app and tell me what the first 3 values it gives back in the response are?
L491[15:49:49] <Inari> If it had one, I'd instnatly buy it for this $319 offer, since htats cheaper than I thought I'd get it.
L492[15:49:52] * Lizzy thinks she might have worked out why her dnssec was having issues
L493[15:50:00] <Inari> But still on the fence since it doesn't act as a tablet for readnig manga too
L494[15:50:01] <Inari> :D
L495[15:51:42] <AmandaC> Lizzy: still nothing for SOA from google. I say give it a break, come back in the morning, it's likely negatively-cached by Google
L496[15:51:54] <Lizzy> AmandaC, I said DS, not SOA
L497[15:51:58] <AmandaC> oh
L498[15:52:28] <AmandaC> appologies, I parsed that as a typo of `DNS`: `evey.app. 179 IN DS 2371 8 2 D12E6FB9068C67AD3CE284163993B8847D578E8CB642B5C09838B8DC 58600DBE`
L499[15:52:57] <Lizzy> okay, so you're also getting 8 in the second field... that should be 13
L500[15:53:09] <dequbed> 8 here as well
L501[15:53:12] <Lizzy> and the fact that it's not is what's fucking everything up
L502[15:53:21] * Lizzy goes to moan at namecheap
L503[15:54:11] <Inari> payonel: https://imgur.com/BCOZ3TW
L504[15:56:17] <dequbed> Inari: Do what the box says! Wear the cat }:D
L505[15:56:25] <Inari> Haha
L506[15:56:52] <Lizzy> is that how we make catgirls?
L507[15:59:07] <AmandaC> Lizzy: http://imgur.com/gallery/lkbcPAu
L508[15:59:25] <payonel> Izaya: how do i stop haiku wm from loading on boot?
L509[15:59:33] <Izaya> you don't
L510[15:59:46] <Izaya> unless you've written a replacement for app_server, anyway
L511[16:01:06] <payonel> meh, just looking to reduce vm cost
L512[16:01:10] <payonel> not a big deal
L513[16:01:36] <Izaya> ah
L514[16:01:36] <payonel> Izaya: i'm not saying it runs poorly
L515[16:01:44] <payonel> it's just normal for me to turn off the wm for my vms
L516[16:01:48] <payonel> it really doesnt matter
L517[16:01:50] * Izaya nods
L518[16:02:02] <Izaya> well, you can still ssh in fwiw, but Haiku isn't really meant to be used headless
L519[16:02:21] <payonel> haha, i'm already ssh'd into it
L520[16:02:25] <payonel> it was the first thing i googled
L521[16:02:43] * Izaya nods
L522[16:02:44] ⇦ Quits: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L523[16:04:55] <Lizzy> k, ticket response fired back at namecheap, lets see if they can correct that...
L524[16:07:31] <payonel> Izaya: :( ssh login isn't reading .bash_profile
L525[16:07:39] <payonel> am i confused about something?
L526[16:07:40] <Izaya> no dotfiles
L527[16:07:48] <payonel> no dotfiles?
L528[16:07:48] <Izaya> ~/config/settings/bash_profile
L529[16:09:53] <dequbed> Izaya: Close enough to *nix to feel familiar, different enough to be annoying?
L530[16:10:09] <Izaya> dequbed: once you figure out wtf they changed it it makes sense
L531[16:10:27] <dequbed> Yeah, ~/.config vs ~/config isn't much change, but still.
L532[16:10:40] <Izaya> .config would be just as visible as config
L533[16:10:53] <Izaya> files and folders beginning with . are not hidden in the Tracker
L534[16:11:16] <Izaya> there's a file attribute for hiding stuff
L535[16:11:37] <dequbed> Yeah but I wouldn't have to relearn the muscle memory of `cd ~/.c<Tab>`
L536[16:12:19] * Izaya shrugs
L537[16:12:42] * CompanionCube does something similar
L538[16:13:17] <Izaya> if it makes you happier, packages are immutable compressed archives (something akin to) unionfs mounted into /boot/system
L539[16:13:24] <CompanionCube> https://github.com/samis/dotfiles-home/blob/master/.zshrc#L149-L151
L540[16:13:43] <Izaya> lots of interesting ideas, but it is a bit annoying coming from a normal *nix system
L541[16:14:05] <payonel> i dont really mind :)
L542[16:14:13] * Lizzy occasionally tries to get into /boot via /etc for some reason
L543[16:14:15] <Izaya> on the upside, you never have to touch the CLI if you don't want to
L544[16:14:45] <Izaya> /boot on Haiku is the partition you booted from, not where the bootloader config is stored
L545[16:14:48] <payonel> Izaya: to each their own, obviously, but i'm much happier in the cli for managing the system
L546[16:14:53] <CompanionCube> Izaya: having the XDG spec basically enforced seems nice
L547[16:15:11] <Izaya> payonel: I like both options
L548[16:15:33] <payonel> yeah, it depends what i'm doing
L549[16:15:46] <Izaya> I think this is much more normie-friendly though
L550[16:16:48] * CompanionCube wonders what you'd think of an IBM thing where there's commands and a graphical menu system
L551[16:17:25] <Izaya> using menus to build commands is less efficient than just writing the command, and no more user friendly
L552[16:18:38] <CompanionCube> (specifically, i have in mind the OS400-style screens)
L553[16:20:23] <Izaya> that reminds me
L554[16:20:25] <Izaya> CompanionCube: https://public.msli.com/lcs/muscle/muscle/html/Beginners%20Guide.html
L555[16:20:53] <CompanionCube> any intro/comments before reading this?
L556[16:21:06] <Izaya> it's BMessage over IP
L557[16:21:31] <Skye> Izaya, distributed haiku when
L558[16:21:31] <CompanionCube> qah
L559[16:21:39] <Izaya> Skye: never
L560[16:21:41] <CompanionCube> Skye: wouldn't that be missing half the point
L561[16:21:43] <Izaya> that's why we have 9front
L562[16:21:58] <CompanionCube> Haiku is supposed to be a workstation/desktop oriented OS
L563[16:21:59] <Izaya> haiku on desktop
L564[16:22:02] <Izaya> 9front on server
L565[16:22:06] <CompanionCube> and distribution doesn't get you anyhing for those
L566[16:22:20] <CompanionCube> (integration with a distributed OS might, though)
L567[16:23:08] <Izaya> 9p mounting for haiku would be neat
L568[16:24:25] <CompanionCube> Izaya: or even something like autofs
L569[16:24:31] <CompanionCube> even though i've never used it
L570[16:24:44] <Izaya> meh
L571[16:25:02] <Izaya> I'm more interested in 9p for network filesystem access
L572[16:25:12] <Izaya> smbfuse and mount_nfs work but neither are ideal
L573[16:28:35] <AmandaC> %choose ? or no
L574[16:28:35] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Somebody once told me to roll with ?
L575[16:36:47] <payonel> Izaya: making progress!
L576[16:37:19] <payonel> guess what, /boot/system/develop/sources/gcc-7.3.0_2018_05_01-3/sources/libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/filesystem
L577[16:37:21] <Izaya> Woo
L578[16:37:39] <payonel> there are few other issues, but, i'll iron those later
L579[16:37:41] <Izaya> payonel: it gets skipped
L580[16:37:47] <Izaya> Not built
L581[16:37:51] <payonel> what do you mean?
L582[16:37:54] <Izaya> Also, you'll want to set up haikuports
L583[16:38:03] <Izaya> I mean it doesn't build experimental/filesystem
L584[16:38:15] <payonel> you mean i wont be able to link to it?
L585[16:38:17] <Izaya> Despite it being enabled
L586[16:38:22] <payonel> then....why?
L587[16:38:25] <payonel> :(
L588[16:38:52] <Izaya> Not smart enough to figure that out
L589[16:39:25] <payonel> and what do you mean, "set up haikuports" ?
L590[16:39:36] <payonel> are you suggesting i add a dep to haikuports?
L591[16:39:43] <payonel> or that i add an automated installer to make?
L592[16:39:52] <payonel> or that i use some of their code?
L593[16:40:29] <payonel> and what do you suggest i use haikuports for, specifically?
L594[16:40:33] <Izaya> Haikuporter automates building and packaging
L595[16:41:03] <payonel> but your haiku system has `make`
L596[16:41:08] <payonel> so what do i need to build and package?
L597[16:41:24] <Izaya> if you're going to be setting up a custom gcc haikuports will make it easier
L598[16:41:44] <payonel> oh but i won't
L599[16:41:50] <Izaya> Oh okay
L600[16:41:52] <payonel> i want ocvm to build with your system as is
L601[16:41:58] <payonel> no custom nothing
L602[16:42:22] <Izaya> aight
L603[16:51:58] <Izaya> so as it turns out
L604[16:52:09] <Izaya> 'page width' on a landscape display isn't very useful
L605[17:03:58] <Inari> I'm a pie
L606[17:04:33] <Altenius> How many ticks do component calls take? In this case, the external redstone component with setOutput.
L607[17:06:10] <Michiyo> Somewhere between 1 and 472,000
L608[17:06:49] <Altenius> It should be 1 tick, right? It's taking 4 ticks with my setup.
L609[17:06:57] <Inari> Michiyo: Why 472000 specifically
L610[17:07:28] <Michiyo> Why not?
L611[17:07:37] <Michiyo> Honestly @"Altenius" I'm not sure.
L612[17:07:51] <Inari> I don't know, wondered if theres any reason you'd pick that number as an upper bound
L613[17:09:39] <Forecaster> redstone ticks different from the rest of the game
L614[17:09:55] <Forecaster> I believe
L615[17:11:03] <Izaya> >my laptop is no longer heavy enough to stay on my lap during turns
L616[17:11:24] <Izaya> maybe I should stick those assorted internals back in
L617[17:11:34] <AmandaC> ... turns?
L618[17:11:39] <AmandaC> please no irc and drive
L619[17:12:03] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: I don't imagine them being the driver :p
L620[17:12:06] <Izaya> fear not
L621[17:12:06] <Izaya> I'm not driving
L622[17:13:01] <CompanionCube> today on 'GNOME Is GNOME and it's the GNOME way or the highway' https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/217
L623[17:18:42] <AmandaC> Bullshit like that is what made me use a Mac for ~3-4 years
L624[17:18:48] <AmandaC> It'll never change.
L625[17:18:59] <AmandaC> GNOME will eventually be shamed into supporting XDG-Decorations
L626[17:19:16] <AmandaC> by users, not by developers, who they clearly can't interact humanly with
L627[17:19:31] <AmandaC> That said, I enjoy GNOME overall
L628[17:19:53] <AmandaC> Just the development side is a dictionary definition of a concept we have elsenet: "Open Sores"
L629[17:21:00] <AmandaC> I choose to only publically interact with GNOME as an end-user, because I don't have the bandwidth to deal with that shit.
L630[17:21:31] <CompanionCube> is that a jwzism or something else?
L631[17:21:39] <AmandaC> a what now?
L632[17:21:48] <CompanionCube> nvm
L633[17:22:02] <AmandaC> Oh, "Open Sores"? No idea, it's just something that gets used a lot elsenet when this kind of bs drama comes up
L634[17:22:25] <AmandaC> It's a large part of why several developers I know stick with windows, only using a headless linux VM at best
L635[17:24:01] <AmandaC> either way, xdg-d will either get accepted, or some competeing-but-functionally-the-same thing will pop up from mutter, and the users will continue to be pissed on by both sides.
L636[17:24:29] <AmandaC> anyway, I'm apparently bitter this evening, so I'll go back to playing with my new shiny I think.
L637[17:28:35] <payonel> AmandaC: what is your new shiny? a new computer?
L638[17:28:59] <Inari> [17:28:10] <AmandaC> Pixel 2 XL
L639[17:29:37] <payonel> ah
L640[17:29:48] <AmandaC> payonel: what Inari said. I bought my co-admin/gay-best-friends phone off him when he upgraded
L641[17:30:15] <payonel> cool :)
L642[17:32:49] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC68E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Get out of my way or the tadpole dies!')
L643[17:45:33] <Kodos> Right, finally home
L644[17:57:36] <Izaya> %remindme 6h turn on wifi
L645[17:57:37] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "turn on wifi" at 11/01/2018 11:57:36 PM
L646[17:58:12] <CompanionCube> huh?
L647[17:58:33] <Izaya> wifi at work is acting up so I turned it off on my phone
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L655[18:52:39] <Z0idburg> HEHEHEH
L656[18:52:48] <Z0idburg> Izaya, I just plugged my USB floppy drive into my PS4
L657[18:53:00] <Z0idburg> it recognizes it and asked if I want to format the disk
L658[18:53:07] <Izaya> Does it load your DOS games now
L659[18:53:11] <Z0idburg> it thinks its 1.46MB
L660[18:53:15] <Z0idburg> ...
L661[18:53:28] <Izaya> Aaaaa
L662[18:53:33] <Izaya> It had ONE JOB
L663[18:53:34] <Z0idburg> lol
L664[18:55:26] <Z0idburg> omg where do these people come from
L665[18:55:48] <Z0idburg> my friend uses my Ps4 a lot more than I do
L666[18:55:55] <Z0idburg> and he comes over like once a week
L667[18:56:21] <Z0idburg> well, he got this message from somebody and somehow added them to my friends list
L668[18:56:40] <Z0idburg> and now I have stupid annoying messages in my message box that sound like a bot
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L672[19:14:11] <Kleadron> @Z0idburg what if the ps4 uses a different file system and the floppy disk is able to store more
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L675[19:50:41] <AmandaC> I suspect it uses vfat, and the difference is likely using mibi vs mega
L676[19:51:00] <AmandaC> Alternately:
L677[19:51:10] <AmandaC> %xkcd storage sizes
L678[19:51:10] <MichiBot> AmandaC: https://what-if.xkcd.com/63/ - *Google's Datacenters on Punch Cards*: "Google almost certainly has more data storage capacity than any other organization on Earth. Google is very secretive about its operations, so it's hard to say for ..."
L679[19:51:19] <AmandaC> ... no
L680[19:52:39] <AmandaC> https://xkcd.com/394/
L681[19:52:40] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Kilobyte Posted on: 3/10/2008
L682[19:53:51] <AmandaC> %calc 908 - 40
L683[19:53:51] <MichiBot> AmandaC: 868
L684[19:54:01] <AmandaC> That's how big a kilobyte is
L685[19:54:13] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (alekso56!~cax@2001:464b:c21a:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L687[19:56:53] <Z0idburg> @Kleadron Not unreasonable in terms of disk theory, but for floppies I would be surprised
L688[19:57:16] <Kleadron> theres also 2.88 megabyte floppy disks
L689[19:57:31] <Z0idburg> Yes I have never had a drive that supports those
L690[19:57:38] <Z0idburg> and those were very short lived
L691[19:57:47] <Kleadron> they should have been more popular than 1.44 mb tbh
L692[19:57:58] <Z0idburg> I've only ever had the 5 1/4 and 3.5 1.44MB and 720?K disks
L693[19:58:12] <Z0idburg> I never had the 8" floppies either
L694[19:58:18] <Z0idburg> but I have seen them
L695[19:58:51] <Z0idburg> when I was young almost everyone had 5 1/4" floppy disks
L696[19:59:22] <Z0idburg> and games often came with both a 5 1/4 and a 3.5" form factor in the same box
L697[20:10:13] <AmandaC> payonel: https://i.imgur.com/PTXlyeN.jpg
L698[20:10:34] <Dudblockman> I just did a thing.
L699[20:10:52] <Dudblockman> http://tinyurl.com/y9kgtabs
L700[20:11:18] <Dudblockman> I communicated a 32 bit signed integer from OC to Psi
L701[20:11:37] <AmandaC> Psi?
L702[20:11:56] <Dudblockman> Magic mod by Vazkii, spell programming essentially
L703[20:12:05] <AmandaC> I see
L704[20:12:28] <Dudblockman> My quick bit of lua I used to control all the pistons https://pastebin.com/TbqMXzDn
L705[20:12:57] <Dudblockman> And the Psi spell that was able to read the pistons and convert it into a number it can use https://imgur.com/YQNOvyx
L706[20:14:15] <Dudblockman> Over in the Psi server we had been working around with using blocks to store data for spells for a while when we learned that you can raycast and test for blocks outside of the 32 meter radius spells are allowed to influence things in
L707[20:15:28] <Dudblockman> I decided to use a line of redstone and pistons to communicate the redstone level, so each redstone IO communicates half a byte of data to the spell
L708[20:15:50] <Dudblockman> Or a nibble... or a hex character... whatever
L709[20:17:27] <Dudblockman> I guess it isn't perfect when you hit the upper edges... as Vectors in Psi are 32 bit floats
L710[20:24:22] <AmandaC> That grid-based "programming" is giving me a headache trying to parse it
L711[20:25:11] <Kleadron> good
L712[20:25:15] <AmandaC> Anyways, sleep time if I do say so myself
L713[20:25:32] <AmandaC> Night nerds
L714[20:26:41] <Dudblockman> That is Psi for ya
L715[20:27:10] <Dudblockman> Its balanced because it gives you a headache when you write any complex spells
L716[20:28:35] <Dudblockman> I spent a while tring to figure out how to handle the sign bit without messing things up
L717[20:29:06] <Dudblockman> You need to cast the same spell every single loop, and your access to traditional logic elements is... subpar
L718[20:29:57] <Dudblockman> You have 4 persistent vector slots, but you can only write to it once per spell, and if you wrote to it you cannot read or write to it later in the same spell
L719[20:30:28] <Dudblockman> And the last thing you have to work with is a loopcast index, which starts at 0 and increments by 1 each time it is recast
L720[20:32:00] <Dudblockman> Programming in psi is a puzzle in itself 0~0
L721[20:33:13] <Dudblockman> but hey, I was able to communicate a single 32 bit signed integer
L722[20:34:08] <Dudblockman> I hope to se it up the next time around so that is cycles X, Y, and Z in that vector so I can store 3 values.
L723[20:35:17] <Dudblockman> A loopcast spell goes off 20 times in a row, I'll dump two castings cause I don't need em and that leaves me with 3 integers composed of 6 nibbles each, or 3 bytes
L724[20:35:30] <Dudblockman> 3 24 bit signed integers.
L725[20:36:11] <Dudblockman> Which happens to work out perfectly as the mantissa of a float is 23 bits, not a single bit of data will be lost. Hopefully.
L726[20:37:24] <Izaya> https://i.redd.it/0krjt5a6wrv11.png
L727[20:38:18] <Dudblockman> Also I have managed to reduce my brain to mush
L728[20:38:28] <Dudblockman> I can't brain anymore today.
L729[20:38:51] * Izaya brains Dudblockman
L730[20:39:57] <EcmaXp (SkyBox)> or PHP
L731[20:41:56] <EcmaXp (SkyBox)> @Dudblockman Can i post image on another discord server?
L732[20:42:03] <EcmaXp (SkyBox)> Psi Spell
L733[20:42:03] <Dudblockman> Sure
L734[20:42:06] <EcmaXp (SkyBox)> Thanks!
L735[20:46:28] <Dudblockman> I have yet to finish things up and post it to the compendium... steal my thunder and you get the paddlin'
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L742[23:57:37] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: turn on wifi
L743[23:58:22] <Izaya> thank
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