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L1[01:28:32] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@74-196-36-135.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Peace)
L2[01:42:55] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@74-196-36-135.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L3[02:14:44] <Forecaster> Temia: glasses birb https://www.deviantart.com/holivi/art/Birb-766793529
L4[02:19:57] <Forecaster> also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g5knnlF7Zo
L5[02:19:57] <MichiBot> Disney's Aladdin Teaser Trailer - In Theaters May 24th, 2019 | length: 1m 28s | Likes: 44,488 Dislikes: 1,521 Views: 959,588 | by Walt Disney Studios | Published On 12/10/2018
L6[02:38:53] ⇨ Joins: jrddunbr (jrddunbr!~jared@2600-6c65-7004-0100-d405-5e98-8fa8-3e45.dhcp6.chtrptr.net)
L7[03:00:50] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6742.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L8[03:11:08] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E723AD7F66FAC2E7C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L9[03:11:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L10[03:34:44] <Inari> TIL: Telling people they made a mistake due to using a non-ideal method of doing something and telling them how to do it in a better way, thats also less tedious for them is apparently being arrogant.
L11[03:38:21] <Forecaster> well yeah
L12[03:38:44] <Inari> How so :p
L13[03:39:19] <Forecaster> you know, some people are just the best and their way is obviously better :P
L14[03:39:33] <Inari> You're not supposed to tell them while shouting at them or such.. just like "Hey, you can do it this way next time, and that will avoid this error"
L15[03:40:00] <Izaya> >people don't like hearing about their own mistakes
L16[03:40:04] <Izaya> shocking
L17[03:40:05] <Forecaster> ^
L18[03:40:19] <Inari> Well the example was replacing stuf like 0xa with constant e.g. FOOBAR_SOMETHING. And there ended up being a typo or a wrong constant. So the suggestion I'd make is to not replace them manually one-by-one but use a search/replace
L19[03:40:23] <Forecaster> it's so shocking, I'm shocked
L20[03:40:49] <Inari> Izaya: WEll this was by a bunch of people elsenet :P Not the actual person who made the mistake
L21[03:41:22] <Inari> Also apaprently the person was told of their mistake (without the added suggestion how to do it better though?) and that wasn't being arrogant
L22[03:41:23] <Inari> So eh
L23[03:41:47] <Inari> Time for Chai and Index I guess
L24[03:43:05] <Forecaster> is that similar to netflix and chill? :P
L25[03:43:24] <Inari> I guess
L26[03:43:37] <Inari> Less fun though since i'ts alone
L27[03:43:37] <Inari> :<
L28[04:10:07] <Kleadron> my 100 line print function is obviously better because i made it
L29[04:28:54] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E723AD7F66FAC2E7C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L30[04:42:31] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E361A3E82A1A9E6E356.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L31[04:42:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L32[04:57:55] <Forecaster> `"Kitsune are often associated with the deity of rice known as Inari."`
L33[04:58:10] <Inari> Well, yes
L34[04:58:17] <Inari> Thats kind of where my name cames from
L35[04:58:17] <Inari> :D
L36[04:58:18] <Inari> *comes
L37[04:58:49] <Forecaster> never heard of the deity of rice before
L38[05:05:33] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inari_%C5%8Ckami
L39[05:26:12] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.5+deb1+deb9u1 - http://znc.in)
L40[05:26:35] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L41[05:37:04] ⇦ Quits: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L42[06:47:30] * Temia hangs a piece of fried tofu over Inari's head
L43[06:47:48] * Inari snap-jumps at it
L44[06:48:25] * Temia raises it up. heehee c:
L45[06:48:33] <Inari> D:
L46[06:49:04] <Inari> So mean!
L47[06:49:13] <Inari> To be fair though
L48[06:49:14] <Temia> Okay, okay
L49[06:49:16] * Temia gives
L50[06:49:17] <Inari> I've not yet had any tofu I liked xD
L51[06:49:36] <Temia> Fried tofu is pretty good though :o
L52[06:49:58] <Inari> The only time I tried making that it didn't really come out as anything and tastes a weirdly as the normal tofu
L53[06:52:21] <Temia> Hmm.
L54[06:53:25] <Vexatos> gosh I want some fried tofu now
L55[07:03:53] <Inari> Temia: It always seems to have a too squishy consistency with a taste of something like very stale braed xD
L56[07:06:30] <Vexatos> spiced tofu is so tasty
L57[07:07:07] <Inari> I tried putting tofu in some sauce o rsuch before since it supposedly picks up the taste, but it just meant the very stale bread taste had a very slight hint of the soup taste
L58[07:07:13] <Inari> Maybe the tofu I get here just sucks
L59[07:12:53] <Temia> Possibly so.
L60[07:15:56] <Inari> Or I suck at preparing it :P
L61[07:16:02] <Inari> I should get some at a restaurant or so
L62[07:17:59] <Vexatos> add spice
L63[07:18:05] <Vexatos> chili tofu is glorious ,-,
L64[07:18:09] <Vexatos> ginger tofu is the best :I
L65[07:19:07] ⇦ Quits: K-MaN (K-MaN!~Kman3107@2001:464b:7500:0:d438:3aa9:fffb:c4d1) (Quit: I'm out)
L66[07:21:29] <Inari> I don't like chili much :P
L67[07:21:36] <Inari> Nor hot food in general
L68[07:25:30] <Temia> Come to think of it, if you made turducken with soy protein substitutes, would it just be tototofufufu?
L69[07:26:02] <Inari> fu-fu-fu
L70[07:28:32] * Inari tugs on Temia's tail and runs off to get lunch
L71[07:31:17] <Forecaster> lunch-fu?
L72[07:31:20] <Forecaster> :P
L73[07:35:10] * Temia eeps!
L74[07:35:15] <Temia> Oxtail soup is not on the menu D:
L75[07:35:23] * Temia curls her tail around herself and huffs
L76[07:50:45] <Inari> Temia: don't worry, i'm eating birb
L77[07:50:56] <Vexatos> did someone say steak and beef sausage
L78[07:56:30] * Temia pushes Vex into a trough
L79[07:56:58] * Vexatos takes abath
L80[07:58:45] * AmandaC sniffs at Inari's food, attempts to steal some of the birb
L81[08:13:35] <Inari> AmandaC: :p
L82[08:13:40] <Inari> Don't mistake the potaot pieces for it
L83[08:20:06] <AmandaC> potato is fine, too
L84[08:40:52] <Inari> AmandaC: But is a cat fine too?
L85[08:41:29] <AmandaC> Meow?
L86[08:41:38] <AmandaC> You better not be eating cats! D:
L87[08:42:31] <Skye> Ms Potato Cat
L88[08:42:43] <Inari> AmandaC: Well, not for eating I guess
L89[08:43:10] <Inari> I guess you don't know the reference
L90[08:43:46] <Inari> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/a-cat-is-fine-too
L91[08:44:27] <AmandaC> O.o
L92[08:54:25] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/2058/
L93[08:54:26] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Rock Wall Posted on: 10/12/2018
L94[09:17:54] <vifino> :(
L95[09:18:59] <vifino> i saw a girl with a unicorn on her back on a motorcycle, but it wasn't the girl i thought she was..
L96[09:19:13] <vifino> it was just a girl with a unicorn on her back.
L97[09:19:45] <vifino> there are worse things to be seeing at like 5 am, i guess.
L98[09:20:02] <vifino> still tweeted at the wrong unicorn, feels bad.
L99[09:30:19] <Forecaster> it was an honest mistake though?
L100[09:32:45] <Inari> Don't worry, unicorns are known to be nice fairytale creatures
L101[09:54:22] <Forecaster> https://78.media.tumblr.com/2b0e3746d78de2f50ee1bd0d380c037c/tumblr_pde0kv7Nrp1qigzueo1_500.png
L102[10:00:47] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L103[10:12:22] <Inari> Heh
L104[10:18:48] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09b:2511:1e16:4f01:65c4:2606)
L105[10:33:38] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L106[11:05:19] <vifino> @Forecaster i guess
L107[11:10:46] <Michiyo> @Forecaster was any progress made on that downloader by any chance?
L108[11:11:32] <Forecaster> no, sorry, the app wouldn't run on the server for some reason
L109[11:11:44] <Michiyo> o_O odd..
L110[11:11:47] <Michiyo> damn ok
L111[11:11:48] <Michiyo> thanks
L112[11:12:16] <Forecaster> I don't know why, nw.js ran the default app fine, but it wouldn't run my project
L113[11:12:29] <Michiyo> their final date just came up, figured I'd give it a shot.. lol
L114[11:13:12] <Forecaster> oh, I just connected and it says it's restarting in 14 minutes...
L115[11:13:15] <Forecaster> timing
L116[11:13:18] <Michiyo> lol yeah
L117[11:13:23] <Michiyo> I was about to hit the restart
L118[11:13:35] <Michiyo> try again in a few minutes? :P
L119[11:13:55] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@2607:5300:61:8d9::2bad:babe) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L120[11:23:42] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@2607:5300:61:8d9::2bad:babe)
L121[11:23:46] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L122[11:23:56] <Michiyo> @Forcaster it lives
L123[11:32:04] <Inari> downloader?
L124[11:34:38] <Michiyo> We get large amounts of data from agencies during their conversion to our software, and some of the online providers make us download 100+ GB via their "online ftp" in a bunch of tiny ass files
L125[11:34:56] <Michiyo> but then they limit the number of downloads a session can run, and the site is broken meaning you can't queue..
L126[11:35:18] <Inari> You run a company with Forecaster now?
L127[11:35:18] <Michiyo> so I asked Fore to try to write a parser that would either spit out all of the file links, or automate the process for us.
L128[11:35:23] <Michiyo> no..
L129[11:35:25] <Inari> :p
L130[11:35:34] <Inari> just sounded like it because of the "we" :p
L131[11:35:41] <Michiyo> We as in the company I work for now.
L132[11:35:51] <Michiyo> or, more correctly, the department I work in :P
L133[11:35:57] <Forecaster> that didn't ping me :P
L134[11:36:07] <Michiyo> right cause I missed the e
L135[11:36:14] <Inari> We should create The OpenComputers Company
L136[11:36:19] <Michiyo> cause tab complete didn't work yet, cause you hadn't talked since the reboot
L137[11:36:31] <Inari> Fore isn't even on IRC
L138[11:36:31] <Inari> :P
L139[11:36:34] <Michiyo> @Forecaster it lives! (Again)
L140[11:36:41] <Inari> AH
L141[11:36:43] <Michiyo> No... but I can still tab complete him
L142[11:36:44] <Forecaster> I'm not?
L143[11:36:45] <Inari> you have a fancy Discord ping script
L144[11:36:49] <Michiyo> :P
L145[11:36:53] <Michiyo> You are not
L146[11:36:58] <Forecaster> I'm supposed to be...
L147[11:37:00] <Michiyo> there are 0 Forecasters here
L148[11:37:07] <Forecaster> @Lizzian >:
L149[11:37:20] <Lizzian> wat?
L150[11:37:28] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@2607:5300:61:8d9::2bad:babe) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L151[11:37:33] <Forecaster> did your bouncer get eaten?
L152[11:37:40] <Lizzian> err
L153[11:37:49] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@2607:5300:61:8d9::2bad:babe)
L154[11:37:49] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L155[11:37:54] <Lizzian> lemme check
L156[11:38:04] <Lizzian> also where the fuck is hexchat and why is it not installed on windows on my pc
L157[11:38:06] <Inari> 2 bad babes, 1 michiyo
L158[11:38:06] <Mimiru> Damn it hechat
L159[11:38:09] <Mimiru> hexchat too
L160[11:38:34] <Inari> Because you should use a superior IRC client
L161[11:38:40] <Mimiru> No.
L162[11:38:45] <Forecaster> huh
L163[11:38:49] <payonel> Inari: which?
L164[11:38:51] <Forecaster> what happened
L165[11:38:54] <Inari> payonel: kvirc
L166[11:39:07] <Forecaster> the esper connection isn't working
L167[11:39:27] <Forecaster> but I'm connected to freenode through the bouncer it looks like
L168[11:39:36] <Lizzian> err
L169[11:39:39] <Lizzian> uhoh
L170[11:39:50] <Inari> [18:39:33] Forecaster is Forecaster!Forecaster@znc.theender.net / [18:39:33] Forecaster's real name: Martin / [18:39:33] Forecaster's server: niven.freenode.net - London, UK, EU
L171[11:39:51] <Inari> You are
L172[11:40:58] <Forecaster> strange
L173[11:40:58] <Lizzy> idk where you got that inari, but it's not showing up for me
L174[11:41:11] <Inari> Lizzy: Freenode, thats why I included the third line
L175[11:41:12] <Inari> :D
L176[11:41:22] <Lizzy> ... i can't read
L177[11:41:51] <Inari> Time to update kvirc
L178[11:41:55] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6742.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'One-Shot Megumin! Two-Punch Aqua!')
L179[11:42:19] <Lizzian> windows could you stop being a complete twat and changing my keyboard layout
L180[11:42:38] <Michiyo> "No" - Windows
L181[11:42:40] <vifino> 'no' - windows
L182[11:42:46] * vifino ^5 Michiyo
L183[11:42:50] <Michiyo> ^5
L184[11:44:18] <Lizzian> @Forecaster try sending `*status` (internal bouncer thing) a message of `jump` from your EsperNet connected console
L185[11:44:27] <vifino> jump ship
L186[11:44:58] <Forecaster> what do you mean send?
L187[11:45:09] <Lizzian> send it a message
L188[11:45:15] <Lizzian> i.e. pm
L189[11:45:33] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6742.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L190[11:45:44] <Forecaster> `"Connecting..."`
L191[11:46:07] <Inari> Boobp
L192[11:46:49] <Lizzian> hmm, you should have connected by now. try sending `showbindhost` to that same user and tell me what it gives back
L193[11:47:21] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yazthk9k
L194[11:48:46] <Lizzian> yay for weird mouse shit meaning i can't click on hexchat anymore
L195[11:48:55] <Lizzian> that addrss looks correct....
L196[11:49:48] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-qSlXLPlkg
L197[11:49:50] <MichiBot> When You Lose Weight | length: 5m 46s | Likes: 177,532 Dislikes: 4,479 Views: 8,658,863 | by blesyl67 | Published On 5/8/2017
L198[11:49:53] <Forecaster> oh hey, good news Mimiru
L199[11:49:56] <Forecaster> I got it to start
L200[11:50:41] <Lizzian> @Forecaster try the jump again
L201[11:51:13] <Forecaster> seems like it got stuck connecting again
L202[11:51:28] <Lizzian> wtf
L203[11:51:46] <Lizzy> %dns anarchy.esper.net
L204[11:51:54] <Lizzy> %lookup anarchy.esper.net
L205[11:51:56] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'anarchy.esper.net'
L206[11:52:00] <Lizzy> oh
L207[11:52:12] <Lizzy> %lookup portlane.esper.net
L208[11:52:15] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'portlane.esper.net'
L209[11:52:20] <Lizzy> wtf
L210[11:52:42] <Lizzy> it would seem michibot is borked slightly
L211[11:52:44] <Michiyo> wait what
L212[11:52:51] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L213[11:52:51] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L214[11:52:54] <Michiyo> ffs
L215[11:52:57] * Michiyo flips table
L216[11:53:15] <Temia> https://computerfairi.es/@pettancow/100883660817329705
L217[11:53:36] <Lizzian> @Forecaster try `jump`
L218[11:53:42] <Forecaster> ah jeez
L219[11:53:45] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y9ad4ube
L220[11:53:51] <Forecaster> then a massive blob of stuff
L221[11:53:54] <Lizzian> wait derp
L222[11:54:02] <Lizzian> i forgot the bindhost was a v6
L223[11:54:04] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@znc.theender.net)
L224[11:54:05] <Kleadron> did someone say blob :GWfroggyBlobWokeThink:
L225[11:54:06] <Lizzian> lemme try that again
L226[11:54:10] <Lizzian> nvm
L227[11:54:12] <Forecaster> oh hey, it's me
L228[11:54:47] <Lizzy> annoyingly esper doesn't show me what address you're connecting from but you're connected
L229[11:54:57] <Lizzy> can you send messages?
L230[11:54:59] <Forecaster> heyhey
L231[11:55:04] <Forecaster> I'm back
L232[11:55:15] <Forecaster> now I can go back to not be on irc
L233[11:55:40] <Forecaster> well, not have my client open :P
L234[11:55:53] <Corded> * <Lizzian> goes back to messing around in se
L235[11:58:22] <Michiyo> %lookup google.com
L236[11:58:23] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'google.com'
L237[11:58:24] <Michiyo> zsdpioghjzdrh
L238[11:58:40] <Lizzy> %lookup theender.net
L239[11:58:41] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'theender.net'
L240[11:58:53] <Michiyo> it's supposed to use
L241[11:59:04] <Michiyo> which... is responding slowly on Eos for some reason
L242[11:59:27] <Lizzy> weird, could always try
L243[12:04:55] <Inari> So
L244[12:05:01] <Inari> Did you figure out yet why the michibot Db is borked
L245[12:05:29] <Forecaster> It was locked
L246[12:05:46] <Forecaster> The file permissions prevented michibot from accessing it
L247[12:06:08] <Inari> I see
L248[12:06:09] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L249[12:06:09] * MichiBot pets AmandaC no health gained!
L250[12:06:13] <Inari> STill borked though
L251[12:06:30] <Forecaster> That's a different thing that I've already explained
L252[12:06:39] <Inari> :p
L253[12:07:02] <Lizzian> %pet Lizzy
L254[12:07:03] * MichiBot brushes Lizzy no health gained!
L255[12:07:04] <Inari> Dunno I just vagueyl recall something like "i need to finish this but I can't because the db is borked and I don't know why
L256[12:07:36] <Forecaster> That's not the reason and I'm not surprised you don't remember
L257[12:07:50] <Inari> Hey, I have a bad memory :f
L258[12:08:07] <Inari> What was the reason then :D
L259[12:08:12] <Forecaster> My new database interaction system gets interrupted when multiple calls happen at the same time
L260[12:08:36] <Inari> Hm
L261[12:08:40] <Inari> I don't recall that part at all haha
L262[12:08:52] <Forecaster> And because it's used to look for dynamic commands that pretty much always happen
L263[12:09:37] <Inari> I see
L264[12:09:47] <Inari> So you know how to fix it, but haven't gotten around to it, or you don't know yet how to fix it
L265[12:10:34] <Forecaster> I think it's because they use a variable in a method in a common parent class to store the result from the query, they overwrite it somehow, so the command lookup breaks the item lookup
L266[12:11:20] <Forecaster> But as far as I know the calls shouldn't affect eachother
L267[12:11:52] <Forecaster> I'm mostly perplexed and haven't had the time to properly look into it
L268[12:12:01] <Inari> I see
L269[12:16:24] <Vexatos> This is the first time in many, many years that I found a game to play that is so good that I don't want to play it because it would mean getting closer to being done with it D:
L270[12:16:36] <Forecaster> which one?
L271[12:16:40] <Vexatos> crosscode :I
L272[12:16:47] <Forecaster> never heard of
L273[12:16:48] <Vexatos> my fourth game on steam!
L274[12:17:58] <Forecaster> basically the system is built on a DatabaseEntry class which has methods to do all the database interactions
L275[12:18:07] <Forecaster> it has saving, searching etc
L276[12:18:27] <Forecaster> and it's designed to resolve class properties to columns
L277[12:18:30] <Forecaster> and back
L278[12:19:41] <Forecaster> then you implement a child class and extend that, and implement methods like `getByItemName` which call a parent method like `GetManyByField(Callable new_entry, String table, String[] fields, Object[] values, @Nullable String order_by, @Nullable String limit)`
L279[12:20:28] <Forecaster> where fields would be sometihng like `["item_name"]` and values `["cookie"]`
L280[12:21:31] <payonel> @forecaster can we talk about this old ticket: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2399
L281[12:21:32] <MichiBot> Title: Debug card permissions reset | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Tue May 23 03:39:05 CDT 2017 | Status: open
L282[12:21:43] <Forecaster> then it builds a query, calls it and stores the ResultSet into a `result` variable, then iterates and creates actual objects of the child class and returns them in an array
L283[12:21:59] <Forecaster> with the properties set to the values of the columns
L284[12:22:02] <payonel> 1. what are "your permissions", you mean the fake player profile? did it have permissions on your server?
L285[12:22:10] <payonel> 2. how are you "reseting" the debug card?
L286[12:22:51] <Forecaster> "my permissions" is me being an operator on the server, the commands it's using requiring that
L287[12:23:11] <Forecaster> "resetting" means taking it out, right-clicking to set the user to me again, then putting it back in the computer
L288[12:23:38] <Forecaster> the issue says "re-activating" though :P
L289[12:24:42] <Forecaster> it's that `result` variable containing the ResultSet that seemed to be the issue...
L290[12:25:29] <Forecaster> from the error messages it looked like it was emptied by another method call, so the inventory interaction's resultset was lost, so it couldn't continue
L291[12:26:33] <Forecaster> payonel: at the time I felt "re-activate" perfectly describes "right-clicking with the card again
L292[12:26:42] <Forecaster> payonel: at the time I felt "re-activate" perfectly describes "right-clicking with the card again" [Edited]
L293[12:26:47] <payonel> it does
L294[12:27:01] <payonel> i may, or may not, have had any clue that feature existed
L295[12:27:03] * payonel runs
L296[12:27:20] <Forecaster> but you still decided it was a bug-minor :P
L297[12:27:49] <payonel> are you judging minor vs more-than-minor? :)
L298[12:28:34] <Forecaster> I mean it sounds like you made a decision about it while apparently not understanding what it was about until now?
L299[12:29:17] <payonel> nah, it decided it was a bug
L300[12:29:21] <payonel> i*
L301[12:29:27] <Kleadron> \?
L302[12:30:57] <payonel> most of the time, bug-minor is just my default 'bug' label. it takes a lot of time sorting 300 issues (it was 300 back then, we're down to 206 now)
L303[12:31:31] <payonel> but even at that, it isn't a major bug unless it crashes the game with a common use case, or duplicates items
L304[12:31:38] <payonel> + generally
L305[12:31:59] <payonel> but, again, most of the time, bug-minor is just me trying to categorize a huge number of github issues
L306[12:34:34] <Forecaster> okay :P
L307[12:35:42] <Forecaster> that combined with the computer randomly(?) stopping made for a really inconvenient system
L308[12:36:54] <payonel> well good news and bad news
L309[12:37:17] <Forecaster> you were just eaten by a shark?!
L310[12:37:29] <payonel> good news, i understand the activation code now, i understand how it records access, saves that access and loads it
L311[12:37:52] <Michiyo> ugh randomly dying computers is one reason I quit MCing
L312[12:38:04] <payonel> but the bad news? it is all being done correctly
L313[12:38:15] <payonel> as long as the nbt data is actually saved to the world, it'll be okay
L314[12:39:01] <Forecaster> well, like the issue says, it may be happening when the server crashes
L315[12:41:10] <payonel> yeah, that's where it is out of my hands. that's all i'm saying
L316[12:41:47] <Forecaster> basically what I need is a "screw the permissions" mode
L317[12:42:50] <payonel> well as long as the nbt got saved, ever, it'd be okay
L318[12:43:13] <Forecaster> you'd think, but it clearly isn't okay :P
L319[12:43:49] <Forecaster> because the computer just ends up spamming "oh hey, I can't execute this command"
L320[12:48:17] <payonel> you're using whitelisting, right?
L321[12:49:48] <Forecaster> for what?
L322[12:50:00] <payonel> are you using the debug card whitelist?
L323[12:50:08] <Forecaster> uh
L324[12:50:49] <payonel> the default behavior of the debug card is to allow runCommand, unchecked
L325[12:51:04] <payonel> so you are asking for "screw the permissions" and that is the default behavior
L326[12:51:41] <payonel> if you add a username to the opencomputer settings, debugCardAccess whitelist, then debug cards have to be "activated" with those users
L327[12:52:37] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ycsaaqy4
L328[12:53:09] <payonel> yep, and if you have it set to allow (the default) debug cards don't need to be activated
L329[12:53:25] <Forecaster> it *is* set to allow...
L330[12:53:40] <Forecaster> I've literally never touched this setting
L331[12:56:19] <payonel> are you saying, also, that every time you've ever used a debug card, you've activated it first?
L332[12:57:09] <Forecaster> probably
L333[13:07:47] <Inari> Michiyo: Haha. It's probably the most frustrating class of bug. Same with power cables that random stop transmitting. It gets very annoying very quickly and just saps all motivation
L334[13:08:12] <Michiyo> Yeah
L335[13:09:13] <Inari> Forecaster: Hmm I don't see where DatabaseEntry even comes into this
L336[13:10:32] <Inari> Ah, after the query,maybe
L337[13:11:20] <Inari> Hrm, nope
L338[13:12:02] <Forecaster> what are you talking about
L339[13:12:08] <Inari> Inventroy's getRandomItem just uses a normal java sql preparedstatement
L340[13:12:14] <Inari> And thats what Pet callls?
L341[13:12:25] <Inari> TRying to see where DatabaseEntry is used D:
L342[13:12:40] <Forecaster> InventoryItem extens DatabaseEntry
L343[13:12:47] <Inari> Yes
L344[13:12:55] <Inari> But it doesn't seem to use InventoryItem?
L345[13:13:40] <payonel> Michiyo, Inari: you make it sound easy to have a computer die
L346[13:13:41] <payonel> :(
L347[13:13:52] <Inari> It's not really about easy or not
L348[13:13:56] <payonel> this nearly almost never happens to me
L349[13:14:06] <Inari> It's that it happens sometimes, is about impossible to debug, and really saps motivation if it happens
L350[13:14:09] <payonel> like, in all of my time playing oc, it's happened twice
L351[13:14:26] <Forecaster> at a point on the server it just started happening
L352[13:14:34] <Forecaster> and then my elevator terminals just kept stopping
L353[13:15:20] <Inari> Seems dynamic commands are the ones using InventoryItem
L354[13:15:22] <Inari> But Pet isn't
L355[13:16:32] <Inari> It uses Database, which uses java.sql.preparedstatement, and create a utils/Item. Rather than a Util/db_items/InventoryItem
L356[13:16:57] <Forecaster> ah, I haven't committed that
L357[13:17:02] <Inari> I see
L358[13:17:12] <Forecaster> I've replaced it in my code, but I haven't committed it because I ran into the issue
L359[13:18:04] <Forecaster> well the reason pet isn't working then is probably because the query is wrong
L360[13:18:42] <Forecaster> but I'd rather spend my time resolving the issue so I can use DatabaseEntry properly than fixing that
L361[13:26:42] <Michiyo> java.sql.SQLException: column 7 out of bounds [1,6] is the reason pet isn't working :p
L362[13:27:37] <Forecaster> yeah, the table is wrong compared to the query or whatever
L363[13:30:48] <Michiyo> which is odd... cause there are 8 cols in here..
L364[13:31:16] <Michiyo> idk, I blame..... Canada
L365[13:31:46] <Forecaster> meh, like I said, not worth my time, because it'll get thrown out anyway
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L368[13:38:18] <Forecaster> uh huh
L369[13:40:36] <Forecaster> Mimiru potential troll warning
L370[13:40:48] <Michiyo> Nah... sadly they idle here.. a lot.
L371[13:40:55] <Forecaster> ah
L372[13:41:06] <Forecaster> but why do they have two accounts
L373[13:41:07] <Forecaster> :|
L374[13:41:51] <Michiyo> last message.. 2014-11-27
L375[13:41:56] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L376[13:42:19] * Inari pokes the ICWiener with AmandaC's tail
L377[13:42:25] <Michiyo> Oh, wait, no 2015-01-20
L378[13:43:00] <Michiyo> meh, maybe more recently I cba to search
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L385[14:29:37] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpVMEj6XgAMYbRC.jpg:large
L386[14:33:46] ⇨ Joins: T (T!webchat@p57A53BDC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L387[14:33:52] <Kleadron> wtf
L388[14:34:00] <Kleadron> really inari
L389[14:34:02] <T> hello
L390[14:34:15] *** T is now known as Guest36005
L391[14:34:22] <Inari> @Kleadron hey, thats a tame pic!
L392[14:34:42] *** Guest36005 is now known as tt
L393[14:34:55] <Inari> %hello
L394[14:34:55] <MichiBot> Inari: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L395[14:35:04] <Kleadron> ಠ_ಠ
L396[14:36:04] <Inari> @Kleadron https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpVOfDVU4AAbYLI.jpg:large
L397[14:36:11] <Kleadron> no
L398[14:44:01] <tt> I have 2 screens on my computer, one should only change the color. However, it becomes again and again randomly black. I don't understand why. Maybe the GPU is too slow. But only the color of the background is changed. Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
L399[14:44:53] <Michiyo> %restart
L400[14:44:59] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L401[14:45:38] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L402[14:45:38] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L403[14:45:46] <Michiyo> %pet Inari
L404[14:46:15] * Michiyo plays Jeopardy theme
L405[14:46:16] <Inari> rip
L406[14:46:23] * MichiBot brushes Inari with luminum foil. 7 health gained!
L407[14:46:26] <Inari> :o
L408[14:46:29] <Inari> It back!
L409[14:46:33] <Forecaster> tt OpenOS doesn't really support two screens
L410[14:46:52] <Forecaster> are you interacting with them properly?
L411[14:47:29] <Forecaster> disregard the first bit, you're probably writing your own program
L412[14:48:11] <tt> I change to one and only change the background. don't change back
L413[14:48:45] <Forecaster> show code
L414[14:48:45] <tt> first bit?
L415[14:48:51] <tt> moment
L416[14:50:44] <tt> https://pastebin.com/B7dgZYiJ and https://pastebin.com/EJtaMBgy
L417[14:52:31] <Forecaster> I assume "wolle" is the second script
L418[14:52:37] <tt> it is to control the atomic reconstructor con actually addantion
L419[14:52:53] <tt> yes
L420[14:53:38] <Forecaster> what's with the random blank lines between the segments...
L421[14:53:53] <tt> it changes once all the wool colors through. so that I get all
L422[14:54:18] <tt> only as distance
L423[15:00:23] <tt> Still there?
L424[15:02:15] <Forecaster> yeah, but I'm a little busy
L425[15:03:14] <tt> ok :D
L426[15:04:00] <Michiyo> welp, just found a bug in my Discord bridge script ._.
L427[15:04:24] <Michiyo> if I try to ping @Forecaster in the middle of a string it does stuff like this
L428[15:04:48] <Michiyo> @"This is a Forecaster" ping in the middle of a string
L429[15:05:32] <tt> My program works.
L430[15:05:32] <tt> only the screen always flickers black
L431[15:05:41] <Kodos> You're redrawing too fast
L432[15:06:30] <Inari> Michiyo: I'm confused on what you mean it's doing
L433[15:06:40] <Inari> To me it looks it operates as intended
L434[15:07:02] <Michiyo> It quotes the entire string before the intended ping..?
L435[15:07:18] <Michiyo> @"This is a Forecaster" should just be @Forecaster...
L436[15:07:35] <Kleadron> This is a sentence
L437[15:07:35] <Inari> But you literally write that
L438[15:07:36] <Inari> D:
L439[15:07:41] <Michiyo> No.. I didn't
L440[15:08:00] <Inari> I'm confuzzled
L441[15:08:03] <Michiyo> I wrote out, This is a @Fore[tab] ping in the middle of the string
L442[15:08:13] <Inari> Oh
L443[15:08:14] <Michiyo> and my script added the quotes
L444[15:08:21] <Kleadron> where the heck does the script get "This is a" from
L445[15:08:22] <Inari> You mean in the script for your client, not in the script for the brdige itself
L446[15:08:30] <Michiyo> From.... the thing I was writing?
L447[15:08:33] <Michiyo> yes
L448[15:09:07] <Inari> Instantly antifuzzled
L449[15:10:00] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L450[15:10:15] <Inari> Renari: My dark twin!
L451[15:10:35] <Kleadron> i thought so
L452[15:10:47] <tt> Thanks anyway
L453[15:11:15] <tt> i go off
L454[15:11:17] <tt> bb
L455[15:11:25] * Michiyo screams at stupid web ftp bullshit
L456[15:11:29] * Michiyo waves to tt
L457[15:11:56] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/ya7tkblp
L458[15:12:24] <Kleadron> +10 respect to anyone who remembers marble blast ultra from the xbox 360
L459[15:12:30] ⇦ Quits: tt (tt!webchat@p57A53BDC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L460[15:16:39] <Compu> both kitten os and plan9k os support multiple screens, if u need multiple screens u could try one of those
L461[15:21:19] <Michiyo> payonel, updated the script to fix a bug same link as yesterday
L462[15:23:17] <Kleadron> passport.mid
L463[15:36:55] <Michiyo> %pet @Forecaster
L464[15:36:56] * MichiBot brushes @Forecaster with a picture of a crudely drawn appendage. 3 health gained!
L465[15:37:15] <Forecaster> what howdareyou
L466[15:43:41] <Inari> %pet Temia
L467[15:43:41] * MichiBot pets Temia with prickleboar meat. 3 health gained!
L468[15:45:38] <Temia> mu? '^'
L469[15:45:39] <Temia> Inari, I have internet again \o/
L470[15:46:08] <Inari> \o/
L471[15:46:11] <Inari> Why did you not have
L472[15:46:34] <Temia> I moved!
L473[15:46:39] <Temia> And then the Rogers tech never showed up
L474[15:47:06] <Inari> I see :o
L475[15:47:06] <Temia> Today, though, today we got one! And it was a very quiet, socially awkward one but he was good at what he did!
L476[15:48:56] <Inari> L-lewd
L477[15:49:16] <Kleadron> explain how inari
L478[15:49:29] <Forecaster> yeah that's not lewd at all
L479[15:49:44] <Inari> What if he did Temia and was good at it :f
L480[15:50:25] <Forecaster> presumably he did his job
L481[15:53:21] <Michiyo> I don't get paid enough to op here....
L482[15:53:21] <Michiyo> lmao
L483[15:53:40] <Forecaster> nobody is :P
L484[15:53:43] <Inari> %pet Michiyo paycheck menacingly
L485[15:53:43] * MichiBot pets Michiyo paycheck menacingly with Perl6. 1 health gained!
L486[15:54:01] <Michiyo> No perl, but c++, vb.net and powershell... :P
L487[16:11:36] <vifino> ew.
L488[16:12:38] <Temia> .
L489[16:12:46] * Temia sighs.
L490[16:12:48] * Temia pinches her nose.
L491[16:13:02] * Temia grabs Inari's collection of yuri doujins and tosses them into an open fire :T
L492[16:13:17] <Inari> Psh
L493[16:13:25] <Inari> As if I have those :3
L494[16:13:35] <Temia> I didn't specify I threw paper. `-`
L495[16:13:46] <Inari> But you specified yuri
L496[16:13:52] <Temia> Okay, fair.
L497[16:14:01] * Temia throws Inari's drive with her collection of doujins into the fire.
L498[16:14:39] <Inari> But I don't have any on my drive
L499[16:14:42] <Inari> I just view them live
L500[16:14:42] <Inari> :f
L501[16:18:03] * Temia throws Inari into the fire
L502[16:18:12] <Inari> D:
L503[16:18:16] <Inari> Now, now
L504[16:18:19] <Inari> I'm hot enough as I am
L505[16:18:29] * Temia throws in extra kindling
L506[16:18:38] <Inari> Reminds me of Cthuko
L507[16:20:02] <Inari> Hm
L508[16:20:09] <Inari> Can't find a good scene of her using fire, but have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td2YTOSXw3M
L509[16:20:10] <MichiBot> Haiyore Nyaruko-san, Violation. | length: 30s | Likes: 2,019 Dislikes: 28 Views: 255,152 | by AnimeButSlower | Published On 22/2/2014
L510[16:28:03] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:e09b:2511:1e16:4f01:65c4:2606) (Remote host closed the connection)
L511[16:42:13] <Mettaton_Fab> why is my borb so cuddly?
L512[16:42:29] <Inari> %toot
L513[16:42:35] <Inari> Hm
L514[16:42:38] <Inari> I forgot the command
L515[16:42:51] <Forecaster> for what?
L516[16:42:55] <Forecaster> :P
L517[16:42:57] <Inari> tooting thingy
L518[16:43:05] <Forecaster> there is no such thing
L519[16:43:12] <Inari> Ah, it was removed?
L520[16:43:26] <Forecaster> I've never heard of a "toot" :P
L521[16:45:05] <Inari> %tonk
L522[16:45:05] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Inari, you were not able to beat asie's record of 3 weeks, 6 days, 15 hours, 4 minutes and 38 seconds this time.
L523[16:45:06] <MichiBot> 3 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes and 32 seconds were wasted!
L524[16:56:45] <Mettaton_Fab> but still, why borb so cuddly
L525[16:57:48] <Kleadron> birb
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L529[17:16:43] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6742.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: '*softly* Wakatta~ nya~~~' - Itou Nobue (Ichigo Mashimaro))
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L533[19:00:46] <Lizzy> %remindme 12h fix Evey's web server
L534[19:00:47] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "fix Evey's web server" at 10/13/2018 07:00:46 AM
L535[19:03:37] <Lizzy> https://files.theender.net/shx/zion/Discord_2018-10-13_01-03-29.png
L536[19:03:41] * Lizzy slow claps
L537[19:04:11] <Lizzy> also https://files.theender.net/shx/zion/image0.jpg
L538[19:04:21] <Lizzy> now bed
L539[19:04:26] * Lizzy zzz
L540[19:08:54] <Compu> hey if anyone wants christmas music in minecraft write this to a 128 minute computronics tape http://compubot.compupony.net/christmas.dfpwm
L541[19:09:24] <Compu> it'll take a little under an hour to write cuz it's 1½ hours of music
L542[19:16:33] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L547[19:35:42] <Temia> Can you gzip it?
L548[19:35:50] <Temia> Or deflate, maybe
L549[19:36:04] <Temia> There's an inflate implementation in OpenOS, right?
L550[19:42:22] <Compu> it's too big to store in any OC computer
L551[19:42:29] <Compu> it's 21.7 MB
L552[19:42:41] <Compu> u have to write it to the tape directly from the web
L553[19:46:12] <Compu> unless u can figure out a way to use the tapes as storage, writing the gzip to a tape and then unzipping it to another tape
L554[19:53:20] <Temia> Does OpenOS's inflate not go to stdout?
L555[19:53:30] <Temia> Actually, does tape write not work with stdin?
L556[19:53:36] <Temia> Fuck, I am spoiled by Linux :(
L557[19:53:49] <Compu> no idea
L558[19:54:01] <Temia> I take fds for granted.
L559[19:54:27] <Compu> u can store data byte by byte on tapes and take it back off, i know that much
L560[19:54:50] <Compu> personally i use the tape deck program in kitten os to write tapes cuz it gives a progress display
L561[19:57:53] <Compu> theres probably a way u could mount a tape as a drive in open os but someone would need to write a drive to do so
L562[19:57:56] <Compu> theres probably a way u could mount a tape as a drive in open os but someone would need to write a driver to do so [Edited]
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L569[20:58:09] <CompanionCube> inb4 implement demand-paging for openos somehow
L570[20:58:54] <Izaya> it's been done
L571[20:58:58] <Izaya> for a single table, anyway
L572[21:03:21] <CompanionCube> also
L573[21:03:29] <CompanionCube> apparently gzip can't compress dfpwm very well
L574[21:03:59] <Izaya> audio has its own compression systems for a reason
L575[21:04:22] <CompanionCube> i just wanted to see if Temia's idea was meaningful :p
L576[21:09:01] <Izaya> I think there's a device node in /dev/ for the tape drives
L577[21:11:29] <Temia> I thought dfpwm wasn't compressed, though?
L578[21:11:49] <Temia> Just already a very lo-fi codec.
L579[21:14:01] <Izaya> I also believed it wasn't compressed
L580[21:14:23] <Izaya> depends what the audio is like, I imagine
L581[21:19:33] <Izaya> https://redd.it/9msozf
L582[21:27:51] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L583[23:48:26] <Compu> It's 8 bit audio
L584[23:48:46] <Izaya> unsigned 8-bit PCM IIRC
L585[23:51:05] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (Nachtara!~Nachiebre@2604:2d80:c000:8781:f89a:60b:e406:2f40) (Quit: Blue skidoo, we can too!)
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