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L1[01:16:00] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L2[02:47:18] ⇦ Quits: payonel (payonel!~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L8[03:34:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L10[04:41:39] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: make a template that works in both LibreOffice and MS word with nice fonts
L11[04:47:43] <Forecaster> https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sardonically
L12[04:47:48] <Forecaster> I did not know that was a thing
L13[04:48:02] <Izaya> Good word.
L14[05:03:04] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-29-133-54.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L16[05:38:10] <Saphire> Welp
L17[05:38:17] <Saphire> I haven't been on irc forever >.>
L18[05:39:46] <Forecaster> ohno
L19[06:12:36] <MGR> https://notalwaysright.com/shockingly-desperate-to-get-internet/122384/
L20[06:12:39] <MGR> Wow
L21[06:15:44] <Saphire> The end paragraph is glorious
L22[06:15:57] <MGR> Yep
L23[06:16:16] <MGR> I kinda wish he non-lethally shocked himself
L24[06:17:58] <Saphire> Izaya: latex
L25[06:18:04] <Saphire> AHEM, LaTeX
L26[06:18:14] <Izaya> both options are good
L27[06:18:27] <Saphire> ...latex is nice to cover someone in.
L28[06:18:33] <Izaya> that is, the typesetting language and the material
L29[06:18:40] <Izaya> but uh
L30[06:18:56] <Izaya> meant to use word for work but that's not an option at home so
L31[06:19:17] <Saphire> Oh :C
L32[06:20:00] <Izaya> as such, I need to juggle having the formatting mostly work on both
L33[06:22:36] <Saphire> https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android/blob/deca8897a1e03b804c2c112386a29ee378348abb/app/src/main/java/com/ubergeek42/WeechatAndroid/relay/Hotlist.java#L38
L34[06:22:38] <Saphire> ...what
L35[06:22:46] <Saphire> `final private static @Root Kitty kitty = Kitty.make();`
L36[06:34:06] <MGR> "Throughout our conversation, this armpit piranha keeps trying to escape its owner’s grip." --- Quote 1/2
L37[06:34:14] <MGR> I'm going to have to remember the armpit piranha phrase
L38[06:34:23] <AmandaC> Appears to be some kind of logging utility, Saphire: https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android/blob/deca8897a1e03b804c2c112386a29ee378348abb/cats/src/main/java/com/ubergeek42/cats/Kitty.java
L39[06:35:58] <Saphire> Yeah, I found that ^^
L40[07:01:30] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L41[07:29:42] <Corded> * <Lizzian> boops the Saphire
L42[07:35:43] * vifino boops the @Lizzian
L43[07:41:38] * Saphire boops vifino!
L44[07:42:25] <Corded> * <Forecaster> steals all the boops and puts them in a pile
L45[07:43:19] <Corded> * <Lizzian> boops the vifino
L46[07:54:48] * vifino falls over
L47[07:54:51] <vifino> oof.
L48[08:16:30] <AmandaC> %tell Inari Inari don't you know you're cool as fuck, on the inside? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT8cX2-_7pQ )
L49[08:16:31] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L50[08:16:32] <MichiBot> Danny Don't You Know - Ninja Sex Party | length: 5m 5s | Likes: 228,946 Dislikes: 2,538 Views: 4,718,757 | by Ninja Sex Party | Published On 25/6/2018
L51[09:13:00] <AmandaC> %choose more livestream or waves
L52[09:13:01] <MichiBot> AmandaC: more livestream is for cool kids!
L53[09:23:32] <Corded> * <Lizzian> picks vifino up
L54[09:41:05] *** Guest21800 is now known as payonel
L55[09:41:15] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L56[10:11:10] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:7c2f:2edd:8790:406)
L57[10:46:48] <xarses> Guest21800 was payonel in disguise *gasps*
L58[10:53:40] <payonel> hehe, i was here all along!
L59[10:54:08] <Izaya> but who was phone
L60[10:54:49] <payonel> anyone who mods know what would, in a custom inventory situation, cause items you try to pick up return/snap back to the slot you tried to pick them up from?
L61[10:56:20] <Vexatos> payonel, I mean I made this https://github.com/Vexatos/Iusdil
L62[10:57:11] <Vexatos> if you mean something like that
L63[10:57:28] <Vexatos> this is specific to dropping items though
L64[10:57:32] <payonel> imagine you open a chest, and you click on an item from your main inventory
L65[10:57:54] <payonel> the ItemStack is now your held item, and you'd like to move the mouse to click on a slot in the custom inventory area
L66[10:58:10] <payonel> but, within a frame or two, the item you picked up snaps back to its original slot
L67[10:58:26] <Vexatos> why? I would just use a custom slot that disallows that
L68[10:58:34] <payonel> you can shift click the item, which seems to work, until you check your inventory later and see it didnt actually move
L69[10:58:42] <payonel> i dont want it to snap back
L70[10:58:47] <payonel> it is doing this TO me
L71[10:59:33] <payonel> i'm trying to figure out what evil demon has possessed my code and is robbing the item from my hand
L72[10:59:43] <payonel> it is quite rude
L73[11:00:43] <payonel> Vexatos: this is the work: https://github.com/payonel/OpenComputers/pull/6
L74[11:01:24] <payonel> it only affects rack-access gui. openning the gui from a held item works fine
L75[11:02:47] <Vexatos> sounds like a sync issue ,-,
L76[11:03:24] <payonel> i had a similar thought, but i couldn't see a difference in my code compared to other rack access
L77[11:08:27] <Izaya> %remindme 12h you're an idiot
L78[11:08:28] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "you're an idiot" at 09/25/2018 11:08:27 PM
L79[11:08:57] <Izaya> and with that I retire for the day, enjoy, everyone
L80[11:09:35] <AmandaC> payonel: halp, stationeers broke something my base depends on for power, so I can't play more unntil the beta updates again. D:
L81[11:14:58] <xarses> I've seen things "pop" back on MP when the client disagrees with the server, and it puts it back because you don't have ___
L82[11:29:12] <MGR> “No, no. It’s not lost; they just can’t find it." --- Quote 2/2
L83[11:50:31] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6353.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L84[11:51:01] <Inari> Gon~ Kon~
L85[11:59:28] <Michiyo> %xkcd 2050
L86[11:59:30] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: 6/6 Time URL: https://xkcd.com/2050
L87[12:06:25] * AmandaC meows at Inari
L88[12:14:59] <payonel> AmandaC: i can't play stationeers anymore
L89[12:15:03] <payonel> it'll consume me
L90[12:16:13] <AmandaC> haha
L91[12:23:32] <Michiyo> I can't play stationeers at all, I have no idea what it is.
L92[12:24:14] <payonel> Michiyo: please, don't play it
L93[12:24:20] <payonel> i say that because i care about you
L94[12:28:23] <Forecaster> I haven't tried that yet
L95[12:41:47] <AmandaC> payonel: I respect that though, tbh. I've intentionally kept a piece of news from you for that reason, also. :P
L96[12:42:25] <AmandaC> the only reason I'm not playing now, ignoring the world, is because they broke my power set up, so I'd be without energy after my batteries drained
L97[12:43:11] <AmandaC> ... she says, as she launches it to test an iteration of her PRoton patch
L98[12:48:39] <Compu> hey can anyone help me out with a bigreactors thing?
L99[12:51:32] <MGR> What do you need help with?
L100[12:51:48] <Compu> wait a sec
L101[12:51:59] <AmandaC> "Don't ask to ask, just ask" is a good rule to live by
L102[12:53:04] <Compu> figured it out, was using enderium instead of resonant ender by mistake
L103[12:53:20] <MGR> ?
L104[12:58:48] <Compu> what's the best turbine materials?
L105[12:59:36] <MGR> I think it's the ludicrite?
L106[13:23:08] <Forecaster> That's ludicritious
L107[13:37:55] <Compu> woo
L108[13:37:58] <Compu> reactor is running
L109[13:38:05] <Compu> spinning up via computer control now
L110[13:38:08] <MGR> Hoorah!
L111[13:45:07] <payonel> AmandaC: what is this secret piece of news?! :)
L112[13:45:11] <payonel> TEMPT ME
L113[13:46:44] <AmandaC> I REFUSE
L115[13:47:53] <AmandaC> assuming she even remembers at this point, given she's been playing Starbound with her nii so much lately
L116[13:48:19] * AmandaC knocks Inari's glass of water onto the keyboard, angry at her lack of attention
L117[13:49:10] <payonel> -_-
L118[13:49:36] <AmandaC> %choose waves or no waves
L119[13:49:37] <MichiBot> AmandaC: If I've learned anything in life it's that you always pick waves
L120[13:49:51] <AmandaC> %choose musical waves or funny waves
L121[13:49:51] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I'm 40% funny waves!
L122[13:50:31] <payonel> %choose beg AmandaC to tell me or wait
L123[13:50:32] <MichiBot> payonel: You *could* do beg AmandaC to tell me, I guess.
L124[13:50:45] <payonel> pleeeeease!
L125[13:50:45] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.2)
L126[13:50:56] <AmandaC> /msg MichiBot <secret news>
L127[13:51:17] <AmandaC> :P
L128[13:51:17] <Kleadron> lolwat
L129[13:51:42] <AmandaC> fine, I'll tell you, but I accept no responsibilty if you relapse.
L130[13:51:56] <payonel> :>
L131[13:52:08] <AmandaC> They added Integrated Circuits as mentioned on that one reddit suggestion thread
L132[13:52:30] <AmandaC> the latest beta broke reading from devices on them, rendering my solar farm impotent.
L133[13:52:45] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L134[13:53:22] <payonel> =D yeah.........those look really cool
L135[13:53:30] <payonel> :) i do lurk and check their updates channel
L136[13:53:34] <AmandaC> haha
L137[13:53:44] <payonel> seriously, a form of oc and openos on those computers would be really nice
L138[13:53:57] <payonel> i wish they understood what i want in terms of a modal window
L139[13:54:15] <payonel> well, i guess i'm glad they dont
L140[13:54:15] <payonel> :)
L141[13:57:23] <Kleadron> what
L142[13:57:30] <Kleadron> did they finally update that mod
L143[13:57:41] <Kleadron> nope
L144[13:57:41] <Kleadron> damnit
L145[13:57:45] <AmandaC> mod? Stationeers is it's own game
L146[13:58:11] <Kleadron> oh
L147[13:58:14] <Kleadron> nvm
L148[13:58:16] <AmandaC> speaking of, Mimiru: https://store.steampowered.com/app/544550/
L149[14:07:35] <Inari> AmandaC: What news?
L150[14:07:41] <AmandaC> Inari: ICs being added. :P
L151[14:07:47] <payonel> Inari: integrated circuits in stationeers
L152[14:07:48] <Inari> Oh, that
L153[14:08:22] <Corded> * <Lizzian> needs to continue stationeers at some point
L154[14:08:48] <Inari> I'm still waiting for them to add a reason to do stuff
L155[14:09:09] <AmandaC> you and your german "reason" requirement! :P
L156[14:09:26] <Inari> Heh
L157[14:09:36] <Inari> I mean it's cool and all I can make ap ressurized base
L158[14:09:41] <Inari> But thats effort and if theres no reason to
L159[14:09:43] <Inari> Why should I
L160[14:09:50] <AmandaC> to grow plants to survive!
L161[14:09:58] <Inari> Yeah, but they need like a tiny space
L162[14:10:00] <Inari> Not a huge base
L163[14:10:21] <Inari> Plus, survive what for :f
L164[14:10:26] <Inari> There isn't that much content so far
L165[14:10:27] <payonel> Inari: i want to have a server with a few of us playing
L166[14:10:33] <payonel> one person works on food, another power
L167[14:10:41] <payonel> another hvac
L168[14:10:48] <AmandaC> dedis are still fucky
L169[14:11:03] <payonel> yeah, i'm saying -- that's what i look forward to getting out the of game
L170[14:11:08] <AmandaC> ah
L171[14:11:14] <Inari> Introducing HVAC
L172[14:11:27] <AmandaC> hvac = atmospherics
L173[14:11:32] <Inari> The Hardcore Video Audio Codec. Lewd stuff in a whole new dimension
L174[14:11:42] <payonel> ^.^
L175[14:12:00] * payonel assigns Inari to hvac
L176[14:12:27] <AmandaC> wait, that's not her already-assigned role?
L177[14:29:52] <Corded> * <Lizzian> checks the logs
L178[14:30:06] <Lizzian> yep, that assign failed because it already exists
L179[14:33:02] <payonel> Lizzy: i'm working on a mod feature and it's giving me trouble :( when i have my custom inventory open, i cannot pick up items from slots (they get auto-snapped back)
L180[14:33:05] <payonel> like a sync'ing issue
L181[14:33:20] <payonel> i'm not sure who to ask ... or ... what to set a break point on ... or ... :(
L182[14:33:31] * Lizzy nods
L183[14:33:37] <payonel> there is code all over the place doing custom inventories, but i dont see a difference and yet mine doesn't work
L184[14:33:41] <Lizzy> i am probably not the person to ask
L185[14:33:52] <Lizzy> since i don't yet have any minecraft mods
L186[14:34:00] <payonel> coo
L187[14:36:36] ⇨ Joins: InariWB (InariWB!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6353.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L193[14:40:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
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L203[14:40:55] * Michiyo pokes @Forecaster
L204[14:41:05] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
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L206[14:41:20] <Forecaster> agh
L207[14:41:26] <InariWB> Meow?
L208[14:41:45] <Michiyo> What, exactly, is a CommandItem? lol
L209[14:41:54] ⇨ Joins: quantsini (quantsini!~quantsini@quantsini.com)
L210[14:41:58] ⇨ Joins: tehbeard (tehbeard!~tehesper@
L211[14:42:04] <InariWB> payonel is doing mods other than OC?
L212[14:42:06] <InariWB> Blasphemy
L213[14:42:28] <InariWB> Michiyo: An item that allows you to command someone else to do anything you please
L214[14:42:28] <payonel> InariWB: :)
L215[14:42:33] <payonel> no it is for OC
L216[14:42:41] <Forecaster> basically it represents a row in the commands table
L217[14:42:49] <Michiyo> Ah..
L218[14:43:11] <InariWB> So like an Entry
L219[14:43:15] <InariWB> or a Record
L220[14:43:16] <Michiyo> I decided to add per channel dyncmds bumped into that and was wondering
L221[14:43:43] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (ds84182!~ds84182@eos.pc-logix.com)
L222[14:43:45] <Michiyo> maybe I'll play with this at home, after I finish all of my work I couldn't do at work
L223[14:43:47] <Michiyo> thanks Fore
L224[14:44:02] <Lizzian> %blame @Forecaster
L225[14:44:02] * MichiBot blames @Forecaster for E.T for Atari being terrible!
L226[14:44:18] <Michiyo> She likes blaming him for that
L227[14:44:28] <Forecaster> it's supposed to enable me to get rid of the other database interaction stuff, instead abstacting it behind classes
L228[14:44:32] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (fingercomp!~fingercom@fomalhaut.me) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L229[14:44:32] <AmandaC> maybe she knows something we don;t?
L230[14:44:36] <InariWB> %blame E.T.
L231[14:44:36] * MichiBot blames E.T. for the existence of trolls
L232[14:44:45] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (fingercomp!~fingercom@fomalhaut.me)
L233[14:44:48] <Forecaster> but it doesn't work correctly yet due to some weird conflict
L234[14:45:06] <Kleadron> %blame the communist linux penguins
L235[14:45:13] <Kleadron> wot
L236[14:45:13] *** fingercomp is now known as Guest29418
L237[14:45:16] <InariWB> #fail
L238[14:45:25] <Kleadron> dumb bot smh
L239[14:45:35] * Michiyo kicks @Kleadron
L240[14:45:50] <Forecaster> do %test
L241[14:45:51] <InariWB> ~markov Corded
L242[14:45:53] <Lizzian> She's not dumb she just doesn't like you
L243[14:45:58] <ocdoc> I think I understand. Time I didn't even name ?
L244[14:46:02] <payonel> github 500
L245[14:46:10] <payonel> the world is ending
L246[14:46:10] <InariWB> I like that
L247[14:46:12] <Forecaster> @Kleadron do %test
L248[14:46:13] * InariWB adds it to quit quotes
L249[14:46:15] <Kleadron> OK
L250[14:46:17] <Lizzian> %test
L251[14:46:17] <MichiBot> Lizzian: No.
L252[14:46:20] <payonel> GITHUB IS GONE
L253[14:46:21] <Kleadron> %test
L254[14:46:21] <MichiBot> Kleadron: No.
L255[14:46:28] * payonel panics
L256[14:46:31] <Forecaster> well she's not ingoring you at least
L257[14:46:32] <Forecaster> :P
L258[14:46:37] <Forecaster> ignoring*
L259[14:46:39] <Kleadron> whats going on with github?
L260[14:46:42] <Mimiru> %blame @Kleadron
L261[14:46:42] * MichiBot blames @Kleadron for space being cold!
L262[14:46:44] <payonel> 500!!
L263[14:46:55] <AmandaC> payonel: don't worry, they're just moving everything over to Microsoft Azure
L264[14:47:01] * payonel faints
L265[14:47:18] <Michiyo> yay, my azure services will get better response time!
L266[14:47:44] <Michiyo> All systems reporting at 100%
L267[14:47:45] <Michiyo> lmao
L268[14:47:53] <payonel> Michiyo: i checked the same
L269[14:47:53] <Michiyo> https://status.github.com/messages
L270[14:47:58] <payonel> yeah, not really :)
L271[14:48:01] <AmandaC> I'm not convinced anybody uses Azure for anything other then Enterprise™
L272[14:48:11] <Michiyo> https://twitter.com/githubstatus/status/1044674860536999936
L273[14:48:12] <MichiBot> Tue Sep 25 14:47:50 CDT 2018 @githubstatus: We are investigating reports of elevated error rates.
L274[14:48:23] <Michiyo> we use Azure here at work
L275[14:48:27] <Michiyo> I'm not 100% sure for what
L276[14:48:39] <Michiyo> I think it's because someone said a lot of buzzwords.
L277[14:48:51] <AmandaC> GitLab moved off Azure to GCP because it was so terrible, forcing them to use NFS instead of providing block storage, and stupid-expensive. once their large sum of credit MS gave them ran out, they started moving
L278[14:49:25] <payonel> we run everything internally
L279[14:49:48] <AmandaC> Enterprise™ and I guess XBox-targetted games
L280[14:49:58] <AmandaC> ( I noticed NMS apparently uses Azure for something or other )
L281[14:50:03] <Lizzian> my work is planning on using AzureAD for various stuff because it's going to be easier to set up and manage multiple domains from it
L282[14:53:06] <AmandaC> %choose snack or no snack
L283[14:53:07] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I've heard no snack is in these days
L284[14:53:12] <AmandaC> :(
L285[14:58:41] <Michiyo> I wish we ran everything internally
L286[14:59:19] <Michiyo> we have 2 online providers that customers access for the "Cloud" option for our software..
L287[14:59:33] <Michiyo> one of them had a cryptolocker hit them a couple of weeks ago
L288[14:59:45] <AmandaC> O.o
L289[14:59:50] <AmandaC> as in, the host machines?
L290[14:59:57] <Michiyo> yeah
L291[15:00:00] <AmandaC> wtf
L292[15:00:14] <AmandaC> who the fuck uses Hyper-V for a "cloud" provider!?
L293[15:00:22] <AmandaC> I don't think even MS is that stupid
L294[15:00:50] <Michiyo> Seems one of their admin accounts was compromised and it hit 100+ servers, thankfully this isn't MS that runs this but they still use HyperV
L295[15:02:09] <Michiyo> our new provider is VMWare based
L296[15:02:46] <AmandaC> ... I thought all the legit providers used Xen or at least a qemu + linux distro
L297[15:03:00] * Michiyo shrugs
L298[15:03:12] <Michiyo> crap.. lunch time
L299[15:03:15] <Michiyo> afk
L300[15:03:16] <AmandaC> granted,that's a level I don't care much about
L301[15:34:15] ⇦ Quits: InariWB (InariWB!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6353.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'The wave-particle duality is like a struggle between a tiger and a shark: each is supreme in his own element but helpless in that of the other.')
L302[15:47:01] <Compu> rack capacitors seem to have a network address, do they have function calls?
L303[15:49:44] <Compu> hey @20kdc in metamachine how do i name the VM?
L304[15:57:10] <20kdc> You have to name it upon creation, IIRC
L305[15:58:30] <20kdc> Basically, where it says "New VM:", you type the name, then press Enter to confirm. Again, if I recall correctly.
L306[16:12:36] <payonel> ok i'll admit, there is a rack capacitor?
L307[16:12:46] <payonel> i thought only the disk drive and servers were rack mountable
L308[16:12:50] <payonel> @compu?
L309[16:13:29] <AmandaC> maybe Vex finally got around to adding them?
L310[16:14:04] <payonel> AmandaC: i just checked in the 1.12 branch
L311[16:14:07] <payonel> as i doubted myself on that
L312[16:14:10] <payonel> did not see it
L313[16:14:16] <payonel> so if he did....he is sneaky about it
L314[16:14:24] <payonel> i.e. i have no idea where/how it exists
L315[16:14:31] <payonel> @status @feep
L316[16:14:31] <Discord> Feep is currently IDLE
L317[16:14:36] <payonel> @Feep !!!!!
L318[16:14:45] * payonel feeps the feep
L319[16:14:53] <Feep> ohi!
L320[16:14:55] <payonel> hi
L321[16:14:59] <Feep> ?
L322[16:15:02] <payonel> you are repro'ing the robot move issue?!
L323[16:15:06] <Feep> oh god that smiley looks horrifying
L324[16:15:08] <payonel> i've never seen this, never been able to repro it
L325[16:15:11] <Feep> yeah but I don't have console access
L326[16:15:16] <Feep> public server
L327[16:15:18] <payonel> it's on a server?
L328[16:15:19] <payonel> hrm
L329[16:15:28] <Feep> could wait for the op, they're usually around sometime
L330[16:15:31] <payonel> can you repro it?
L331[16:15:33] <AmandaC> a server with some kind of tick rate thing
L332[16:15:35] <Feep> it's persistent
L333[16:15:38] <payonel> but
L334[16:15:44] <Feep> like, it's currently happening and continuing to happen
L335[16:15:48] <Feep> entity borders shows nothing
L336[16:15:49] <payonel> are you able to create new blocking spaces?
L337[16:15:52] <Feep> no
L338[16:15:55] <payonel> bleh
L339[16:16:02] <Feep> or rather, I don't wanna pick up the bot and try
L340[16:16:15] <Feep> cause I just know it's not gonna happen again while people are looking :p
L341[16:16:22] <payonel> tell me about this space
L342[16:16:25] <payonel> what used to be there
L343[16:16:30] <Feep> also, weird thing: no entity hitbox, but if I throw a melon slice into it it temporarily works
L344[16:16:31] <Feep> nothing
L345[16:16:33] <Feep> like, granite
L346[16:16:45] <Feep> like, stone [Edited]
L347[16:16:46] <payonel> temporarily works?
L348[16:16:51] <payonel> so, you can move again?
L349[16:16:55] <Feep> yeah, the robot can move into the space
L350[16:16:59] <payonel> then the next stone it cuts out, blocks it again?
L351[16:17:00] <Feep> but only until I pick up the melonslice
L352[16:17:06] <Feep> nono, I move into, back up
L353[16:17:10] <payonel> moving back and forward again?
L354[16:17:10] <payonel> ok
L355[16:17:13] <Feep> pick up melonslice, can't move into again
L356[16:17:19] <payonel> ok easy fix
L357[16:17:26] <payonel> spit melon seeds perpetually in front of robot
L358[16:17:27] <payonel> done, closed
L359[16:17:41] <Feep> XD
L360[16:17:48] <payonel> you're welcome
L361[16:18:12] <payonel> can you create another robot?
L362[16:18:14] <Feep> robot.suck() says false..
L363[16:18:18] <payonel> and have it hit that position from another angle?
L364[16:18:21] <Feep> probably, but it'll take a while, this server is ~slow~
L365[16:18:28] <payonel> ok
L366[16:18:30] <Feep> I can just navigate around it, hang on
L367[16:19:16] <payonel> can you place a stone there?
L368[16:19:27] <payonel> and have the robot break it again?
L369[16:19:40] <Feep> it's happening in the adjacent block too
L370[16:19:45] <payonel> >.<
L371[16:19:47] <Feep> tried to place a stone, break the stone, still happens
L372[16:20:03] <AmandaC> is it on a chunk boundry?
L373[16:20:06] <Feep> and from the left too
L374[16:20:07] <Feep> no
L375[16:20:11] <Feep> okay, it's those two blocks.
L376[16:20:33] <AmandaC> are you at some extreme x/y?
L377[16:20:40] <Feep> ... wtf
L378[16:20:48] <Feep> an oc:afterimage just appeared in the first block
L379[16:20:51] <Feep> despite the robot never being in it
L380[16:21:03] <payonel> well, it tried to be there
L381[16:21:07] <payonel> though
L382[16:21:11] <payonel> you said it was, with the melons
L383[16:21:33] <Feep> I cannot throw the melon into that block anymore, due to the afterimage
L384[16:21:41] <Feep> it did only just appear
L385[16:21:47] <payonel> sure, but when you could, the robot WAS there, right?
L386[16:22:20] <payonel> heh
L387[16:22:22] <Feep> nope
L388[16:22:25] <Feep> it was never in that block
L389[16:22:34] <Feep> OH, originally
L390[16:22:36] <Feep> sorry, yes.
L391[16:22:39] ⇦ Parts: payonel (payonel!~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de) (Leaving))
L392[16:22:42] ⇨ Joins: payonel (payonel!~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de)
L393[16:22:43] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L394[16:22:45] * payonel curses
L395[16:22:46] <Feep> but the afterimage appeared, afaics, after I moved out of it.
L396[16:22:51] * AmandaC sourceforges
L397[16:23:08] <payonel> feep: i wonder if i can hack a check for oc transient objects
L398[16:23:18] <payonel> and if so, just remove it and let the robot move
L399[16:23:28] <payonel> obviously, i'll have to test robots competing for the same position
L400[16:23:34] <Feep> I want to clarify again
L401[16:23:42] <Feep> the block was *not* blocking the robot from moving.
L402[16:23:47] <payonel> because i bet it is our transient movement object that is blocking the robot
L403[16:23:47] <Feep> it did say "nil *entity*".
L404[16:23:59] <payonel> who said nil entity where?
L405[16:24:03] <payonel> the move error string?
L406[16:24:05] <Feep> print(robot.moveForward())
L407[16:24:11] <payonel> huh
L408[16:24:14] <Feep> maybe some entity id there would be handy :p
L409[16:24:18] <payonel> well
L410[16:24:22] <payonel> :P
L411[16:24:26] <payonel> ok but
L412[16:24:26] <Feep> ^^
L413[16:24:29] <payonel> the image is there now?
L414[16:24:32] <Feep> yes
L415[16:24:35] <payonel> and the robot can't enter it?
L416[16:24:38] <Feep> but I bet if I break it it still won't work
L417[16:24:42] <payonel> and what does the error string say now?
L418[16:24:44] <Feep> yeah but it still refuses to with "nil entity"
L419[16:24:54] <payonel> yeah, i can check for it
L420[16:24:56] <payonel> ok
L421[16:24:58] <payonel> interesting
L422[16:25:13] <Feep> and it still can't enter the adjacent block
L423[16:25:26] <Feep> ... okay, NOW it gets weird
L424[16:25:42] <Feep> I placed a block next to the block with the oc:afterimage
L425[16:25:48] * payonel nods
L426[16:25:50] <Feep> so there should be no space there now for an entity to fit
L427[16:25:53] <Feep> still "nil entity"
L428[16:26:09] <payonel> i'm slightly confused
L429[16:26:24] <payonel> you placed a block next (i.e. adjacent) to the afterimage?
L430[16:26:33] <Feep> yeah, the afterimage was right next to the wall
L431[16:26:34] <payonel> so why should there be no space to fit an entity?
L432[16:26:42] <Feep> the afterimage does have collision
L433[16:26:48] <Feep> so any physically present entity should have been bounced out of the entire row
L434[16:26:56] <Feep> like I thought the melon did
L435[16:27:03] <payonel> no no...
L436[16:27:06] <payonel> you said, next to
L437[16:27:10] <Feep> yes
L438[16:27:11] <payonel> like, afterimage at x=0
L439[16:27:13] <payonel> block at x=1
L440[16:27:17] <Feep> it's now [wall][afterimage][block]
L441[16:27:18] <payonel> where does nothing fit?
L442[16:27:24] <Feep> [ ][robot][ ]
L443[16:27:32] <payonel> so where does nothing fit?
L444[16:27:47] <Feep> I assumed it was [wall] entity [block]
L445[16:28:37] <payonel> i dont see where you think nothing should fit
L446[16:28:58] <Corded> * <Feep> shrugs
L447[16:29:01] <Feep> probably a mistake anyway
L448[16:29:05] <payonel> you're saying at z=0, stone at x=0, afterimage at x=1, stone at x=2
L449[16:29:08] <Feep> in any case, I just accidentally broke the afterimage
L450[16:29:15] <payonel> then, z=1, air at x=1, robot ....
L451[16:29:17] <payonel> oh
L452[16:29:19] <payonel> welp
L453[16:29:22] <Feep> welp ?
L454[16:29:30] <Feep> it still does "nil entity" fwiw.
L455[16:29:39] <payonel> what about the 2nd position?
L456[16:29:42] <payonel> still nil?
L457[16:29:42] <payonel> huh
L458[16:30:39] <Feep> It can't enter those two blocks from either side.
L459[16:30:43] <Feep> from any side.*
L460[16:30:59] <Feep> still no visible hitboxes.
L461[16:31:27] <Feep> play.direwolf20.ca fwiw
L462[16:32:07] <Feep> would having console access help?
L463[16:32:30] <payonel> not so much. a debug card and the exact contents of that world position would help :)
L464[16:32:38] <Feep> I can try to craft that...
L465[16:32:42] <Feep> owait, debug card
L466[16:32:49] <payonel> craft what? the nil entity?
L467[16:32:50] <payonel> :)
L468[16:32:54] <Feep> yeah, misread
L469[16:33:10] <Feep> you might wanna join the play.direwolf20.ca discord and poke the op?
L470[16:34:12] <Feep> poked too~
L471[16:36:16] <payonel> feep: ok
L472[16:36:23] <payonel> the nil entity is two returns, not 1
L473[16:36:54] <payonel> try print(table.concat(robot.forward(), ", "))
L474[16:36:58] <payonel> you'll see: nil, entity
L475[16:43:19] <payonel> @feep can you walk through it?
L476[16:44:52] <Compu> @20kdc woot i converted audio into the format for the tape drive, then launched the metamachine VM running openOS and wrote the audio to the tape from the VM!
L477[16:44:53] <Compu> so cool
L478[16:45:15] <payonel> compu: what is this mystical rack mountable capacitor you have?
L479[16:45:50] <Compu> it's from computronics
L480[16:45:56] <Feep> @payonel I can walk through it
L481[16:46:40] <Feep> table.concat errors out
L482[16:46:48] <payonel> oh, add {}
L483[16:46:58] <payonel> print(table.concat({robot.forward()}), ", ")
L484[16:47:15] <payonel> i dont really know lua
L485[16:47:51] <payonel> ok kidding. i love lua ^.^
L486[16:47:52] <payonel> LUA
L487[16:47:53] <MichiBot> Lua*
L488[16:48:05] <Feep> same error
L489[16:48:09] <payonel> yeah
L490[16:48:12] <payonel> but it puts a comma
L491[16:48:16] <payonel> > nil, entity
L492[16:48:43] <payonel> anywho .........
L493[16:49:05] <payonel> maybe i'll spin up a d20 world, and run 300 robots moving west and then east hundreds of blocks
L494[16:49:24] <payonel> i suspect the move is failing, some network packet send failure
L495[16:49:33] <payonel> and we aren't cleaning up the afterimage crap
L496[16:49:56] <Compu> @20kdc is there a way to set the screen resolution in kittenos?
L497[16:50:14] <payonel> @Compu computronics :P
L498[16:50:54] <20kdc> yes, it's in app-control
L499[16:51:17] <Feep> @payonel the server dev wants to know what you need from him
L500[16:51:27] <Feep> @payonel the server op wants to know what you need from him [Edited]
L501[16:51:55] <payonel> uummmmmm
L502[16:52:08] <payonel> well the first post in that bug report said it goes away after restart
L503[16:52:14] <payonel> ummm
L504[16:53:25] <payonel> ask them when the next restart is planned (i hope to test/see it before that time)
L505[16:53:38] <payonel> also, how many people are online? what is the tps?
L506[16:54:26] <Feep> 0 rn
L507[16:54:28] <Feep> 20 rn*
L508[16:54:31] <Feep> like ten people online
L509[16:54:36] <Feep> 34 ms tick loop
L510[16:55:17] <Compu> ahhh there we go
L511[16:55:19] <Compu> high res
L512[16:55:50] <payonel> @feep i dont know a reliable way to know what entity the robot thinks is blocking it
L513[16:55:54] <payonel> i'll just do my best to repro it
L514[16:56:04] <payonel> i suspect it is its own afterimage
L515[16:56:17] <payonel> and i suspect we lost our movement sequence due to a network failure of some type
L516[16:56:33] <payonel> or world tick jump
L517[16:56:47] <payonel> it shouldn't happen, obviously ... :)
L518[16:56:55] <Feep> "movement sequence"?
L519[16:57:08] <Feep> again, this is happening every time I try to enter this block, from any direction
L520[16:57:08] <payonel> yeah, we have to do a few things to move the robot
L521[16:57:13] <payonel> right
L522[16:57:15] <Feep> regular movement works fine
L523[16:57:21] <payonel> i suspect we left some garbage there
L524[16:57:27] <Feep> block is air
L525[16:57:31] <payonel> so you think
L526[16:57:32] <payonel> :)
L527[16:57:35] <XXMINECRAFTGODXX> Hey, I can provide any debugging information as you need, should this be opened under git?
L528[16:57:37] <Feep> we tried to fill it in and mine out
L529[16:57:43] <Feep> it's *definitely* air
L530[16:57:48] <XXMINECRAFTGODXX> It's all air
L531[16:57:53] <payonel> @feep if it was air, the robot would move in there no issue
L532[16:57:57] <Feep> nope
L533[16:57:59] <XXMINECRAFTGODXX> That's not the case
L534[16:58:00] <Feep> actually, cool thing
L535[16:58:03] <Feep> even if I place a block in it
L536[16:58:13] <Feep> it still says "colliding with an entity"
L537[16:58:17] <payonel> right
L538[16:58:20] <Feep> it still says "nil entity" [Edited]
L539[16:58:21] <payonel> we check entity first
L540[16:58:25] <payonel> then blocks
L541[16:58:48] <payonel> i suspect we left our transient robot entity there
L542[16:58:56] <Feep> it happens in the adjacent block too
L543[16:58:59] <payonel> due to a network skip or time skip or voodoo
L544[16:58:59] <Feep> and the robot never moved into that
L545[16:59:06] <payonel> @feep so you think :)
L546[16:59:12] <payonel> but time dilation and such :)
L547[16:59:12] <Feep> look, I wrote that movement code :p
L548[16:59:18] <payonel> no i understand
L549[16:59:37] <payonel> the movement sequence places a temporary robot-type of entity
L550[16:59:40] <payonel> to help it move
L551[16:59:59] <payonel> it's to make sure it can complete a movement, and other reasons
L552[17:00:21] <payonel> if that sequence breaks in a way i haven't seen before, i'm sure we could get stuck, seeing an entity there
L553[17:00:39] <payonel> xxminecreatyournameislong: we have a github issue for it, thanks
L554[17:00:50] <payonel> i assume your an admin there? when is your next planned restart?
L555[17:01:16] <payonel> @feep so anyways, the block type of that position may be "air", but it is not empty
L556[17:01:46] <Feep> again, even if I fill it with granite
L557[17:01:47] <payonel> SquidDev: what does a CC turtle do if it tries to enter your player's block position?
L558[17:01:53] <Feep> "nil entity"
L559[17:01:53] <payonel> @feep BLOCKS
L560[17:01:56] <payonel> not entities
L561[17:02:01] <payonel> we first check entities
L562[17:02:02] <payonel> then blocks
L563[17:02:07] <Feep> oyeah
L564[17:02:50] <payonel> @feep do you have a cc turtle handy?
L565[17:02:59] <payonel> if so, when happens if it tries to move into you?
L566[17:03:05] <Feep> oc?
L567[17:03:12] <payonel> no
L568[17:03:14] <payonel> cc turtle
L569[17:03:15] <Feep> no cc installed
L570[17:03:18] <payonel> ok
L571[17:03:29] <payonel> anyways, i suspect it'd move you and not care
L572[17:03:54] <payonel> because they (i believe) don't check for entities
L573[17:04:30] <SquidDev> payonel: I believe it'll push you, like a piston would.
L574[17:04:38] <payonel> SquidDev: right, makes sense
L575[17:04:54] <payonel> so this is why oc is blocked and cc isn't on that phantom thing
L576[17:05:00] <payonel> it must be our afterimage
L577[17:05:17] <payonel> i'll have to review how that code could break under server load
L578[17:05:22] <SquidDev> Afterimage? Hrrm,
L579[17:05:24] <payonel> thanks SquidDev
L580[17:05:34] <payonel> yeah, we generate an extra entity to help the robot move
L581[17:06:09] <SquidDev> Ahhh, ok. Sorry, not really sure how the robot code looks, so not sure how much help I can be. :/
L582[17:06:19] <payonel> oh no worries, thanks
L583[17:06:56] <Feep> picking up and replacing the bot did not change things
L584[17:07:12] <payonel> good to know. and that makes sense
L585[17:07:21] <payonel> the entity is a zombie, disassociated entity
L586[17:07:45] <payonel> and technically ... the entity is literally a robot
L587[17:07:57] <payonel> but one without a rendered block face
L588[17:08:11] <payonel> it isn't added to the world, and thus a restart will kill it
L589[17:08:22] <payonel> the original bug report talks about a blocking space, one you can't enter
L590[17:08:40] <payonel> that is similar, but due to the afterimage being left behind (also, or instead)
L591[17:09:54] <Feep> the afterimages never blocked the bot for me
L592[17:10:53] <payonel> anywho, the move sequence clearly has race issue
L593[17:11:43] <payonel> the afterimage was in the position you could not enter
L594[17:11:44] <payonel> right?
L595[17:12:23] <payonel> @feep ^
L596[17:12:56] <Feep> no
L597[17:13:04] <payonel> oh, where was it?
L598[17:13:06] <Feep> there was an adjacent block that was also unenterable that did not ever have an afterimage
L599[17:13:15] <payonel> right
L600[17:13:15] <Feep> I really think the afterimage was coincidental
L601[17:13:19] <Feep> in any case the server just went down
L602[17:13:28] <payonel> there were two positions, yes?
L603[17:13:31] <Feep> yes
L604[17:13:34] <payonel> that you could not enter
L605[17:13:40] <payonel> one had an afterimage (for a time), right?
L606[17:13:40] <Feep> again again, the afterimage showed up *later* during testing
L607[17:13:46] <payonel> yes
L608[17:13:50] <Feep> it was not initially there when the block was unenterable
L609[17:13:51] <Feep> but yes
L610[17:14:19] <payonel> and so, because the afterimage issues occurred later -- we know the entity was always there
L611[17:14:28] <payonel> and thus, we do not know if the afterimage would block or not
L612[17:14:35] <payonel> why? bc we check entity first
L613[17:14:50] <payonel> re: 'the afterimages never blocked the bot for me'
L614[17:14:54] <payonel> ^ we dont know that
L615[17:15:10] <payonel> but anyways, i'll retest tonight
L616[17:15:16] <payonel> thank you for reportin
L617[17:15:18] <payonel> +g
L618[17:16:35] <Feep> good luck ?
L619[17:16:44] <Feep> also actually I know that
L620[17:16:54] <Feep> cause this mine was full of afterimages and they weren't an issue yet
L621[17:31:04] <Compu> what is the little light on a rackmount server that stays blinky for a little while after the server shuts down?
L622[17:46:17] <Feep> @payonel HOUSTON, WE HAVE REPRO.
L623[17:46:28] <AmandaC> That's the light for the core that stops the rack from releasing neurotoxin
L624[17:46:34] <Feep> 1. Have IC2 Chunkloader active
L625[17:46:36] <Feep> 2. Stand in way of robot.
L626[17:46:39] <Feep> 3. Disconnect.
L627[18:06:42] <payonel> @feep haha, really?
L628[18:06:43] <payonel> well
L629[18:06:47] <payonel> that's a different entity though
L630[18:06:50] <payonel> :/
L631[18:06:51] <payonel> maybe
L632[18:06:58] <payonel> i dont know
L633[18:06:59] <payonel> i'll include that in my testing
L634[18:07:01] <payonel> :)
L635[18:07:15] <Feep> added it to the bug report
L636[18:08:24] *** Guest29418 is now known as fingercomp
L637[18:08:29] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10704FD23DF270FC5CFC8A8BB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L638[18:09:44] <payonel> @feep good idea (to add it to the bug report)
L639[18:09:56] <payonel> because, if it is a different issue (possibly) then i dont have to fix both !
L640[18:10:26] <Feep> ?
L641[18:22:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10704FD27BCEEC703AB22E7A5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L642[18:22:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L643[19:28:46] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10704FD27BCEEC703AB22E7A5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L644[19:55:16] <payonel> Michiyo: estimate of time/cost/your interest in adding some github/mightypirates/oc events to MichiBot
L645[20:01:03] <Mimiru> payonel?
L646[20:02:21] <Compu> anyone know how long it takes to write 37 minutes of audio to a computronics tape?
L647[20:02:59] <AmandaC> 3.7 hours
L648[20:03:41] <Compu> no i mean seriously
L649[20:04:11] <Compu> @Vexatos u wrote the guide thing, any idea?
L650[20:06:48] <Compu> and the in game computer froze
L651[20:09:54] <Compu> ok
L652[20:15:55] <AmandaC> Mimiru: I think payonel wants GitHub events through MichiBot
L653[20:16:43] <AmandaC> You know, the usual events, masked balls, tupperware parties, the annual conference to determine who the next sacrafice to the dark gods will be, baby showers
L654[20:16:59] <Compu> ok seems the freeze is normal
L655[20:17:23] <Mimiru> I asked about that once upon a time.. interest wasn't there so I didn't do it.
L656[20:17:34] <Mimiru> We could just stick a github webook bot here
L657[20:17:37] <Mimiru> :P
L658[20:17:48] <AmandaC> personally I'm not a fan of such things, so if it is done, I'd prefer it be a different bot
L659[20:17:56] <AmandaC> More noise than signal, IMHO
L660[20:18:23] <AmandaC> %choose fold out the bed or not yet
L661[20:18:23] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I sense some fold out the bed in your future!
L662[20:18:32] <AmandaC> well.. yes, but now or later, MichiBot?
L663[20:18:47] <AmandaC> I guess I'll do it now
L664[20:22:56] <AmandaC> I think I'm starting to lean more to liking these new %choose messages. If I phrase them carefully, y'all can't claim I disobey her anymore!
L665[20:23:25] <Kleadron> u sure about that
L666[20:33:02] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L667[20:34:25] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2)
L668[20:40:05] <vifino> gamax92: i made a farbfeld glitching filter, https://github.com/vifino/ff-glitch
L669[20:40:15] <vifino> it glitches farbfeld images
L670[20:40:23] <gamax92> a whot
L671[20:42:32] <vifino> it makes images glitchy, like this: https://puu.sh/BB2PC/f893ac13ec.png
L672[20:43:25] <vifino> makes for cool lockscreens
L673[20:43:44] <vifino> it's also very fast, it's a streaming filter in C
L674[20:44:24] <vifino> it outputs things as it reads them, applies the glitching inbetween
L675[20:45:05] <vifino> farbfeld is a really simple image format that makes piping, parsing and writing really easy
L676[20:45:50] <vifino> you like, gamax92?
L677[20:46:13] <gamax92> oooh
L678[20:53:25] <vifino> i take that as a yes? :>
L679[20:54:51] <vifino> same input, different run: https://puu.sh/BB38I/dfdc11e30d.png
L680[20:55:18] <vifino> though now, i think i'll sleep, night gamax92
L681[20:55:31] <gamax92> night
L682[20:56:32] <AmandaC> gamax92: I improved my wine patch! It now works with fullscreen + grab_fullscreen!
L683[20:56:42] <gamax92> ahh, nice
L684[20:56:49] <AmandaC> tomorrow maybe I'll find the spoons to try and submit it upstream
L685[20:56:55] <Saphire> vifino: looks fun o:
L686[21:39:33] <Compu> hey anyone know if it's possible to change the speed on the computronics tape drive?
L687[21:40:08] <Compu> hey anyone know if it's possible to change the speed on the computronics portable tape drive? [Edited]
L688[22:31:00] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: investigate binding the haiku libs to lua
L689[22:33:18] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:7c2f:2edd:8790:406) (Remote host closed the connection)
L690[23:08:28] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: you're an idiot
L691[23:29:44] ⇦ Quits: Vaht (Vaht!~Tahg@pool-96-237-64-124.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L692[23:29:50] <Kleadron> oof
L693[23:30:07] <Kleadron> michibot hates izaya
L694[23:30:16] <Izaya> nonsense
L695[23:30:20] <Izaya> MichiBot has no issue with me
L696[23:30:25] <Izaya> I hate Izaya though
L697[23:47:26] <Kleadron> %choose make an operating system for opencomputers even though i am bad as coding or play some dumb game
L698[23:47:26] <MichiBot> Kleadron: Elementary dear Watson, play some dumb game is the obvious choice!
L699[23:47:37] <Kleadron> u srs
L700[23:48:58] <Izaya> MichiBot does not jest
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