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L1[00:10:48] ⇨ Joins: guest (guest!~ben_mkiv@p5B16E9FE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:21:43] <Wuerfel_21> my mortal enemy http://tinyurl.com/y7ju9c5p
L3[00:46:56] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (Sangar!~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::)
L4[00:46:56] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
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L7[01:28:55] <Forecaster> at least it's not an immortal enemy (or is it)
L8[01:39:45] <Wuerfel_21> ?
L9[01:55:00] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/2047/
L10[01:55:00] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Beverages Posted on: 9/17/2018
L11[02:57:39] ⇨ Joins: thething_91194 (thething_91194!kiwiirc@c-76-126-239-129.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L12[02:58:10] <thething_91194> hey, if I have a robot, is there a card or component that'd let me sense the type of block beneath it?
L13[02:59:32] <thething_91194> say like, I have a robot, and he's going down rows, and I want to determine the behavior it'd take down each. Then I could have them save something saying about the row type in the sequence of types of blocks they go over
L14[03:00:42] ⇦ Quits: LePlaYa (LePlaYa!~jesse@krul.finf.uni-hannover.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6)
L15[03:01:31] <Forecaster> you can use `robot.detectDown()`
L16[03:02:49] ⇨ Joins: thething_911_ig (thething_911_ig!~thething_@
L17[03:03:57] <thething_91194> dang, that's alot more simple than I was making it xD, thank you very much :)
L18[03:03:59] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L19[03:05:41] ⇦ Parts: thething_91194 (thething_91194!kiwiirc@c-76-126-239-129.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) ())
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L24[03:44:41] <Kodos> Ohhh sweet silence
L25[03:44:52] <Kodos> I just spent the better part of an hour trying to find a cricket in the kitchen that was being a nuisance
L26[03:55:01] <Lizzian> lol
L27[03:59:19] <Kodos> Finally sprayed where I thought he was with air freshener, and sweet sweet silence ensued. It's been 15 mins, I haven't heard a peep
L28[03:59:24] <Kodos> So now I can go back to bed
L29[04:03:58] <Forecaster> thought you were talking about twilight forest crickets for a second
L30[05:03:17] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-179-183.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L31[05:03:33] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-179-183.hlrn.qwest.net)
L32[05:22:41] <Izaya> payonel: any thoughts on putting text above the current prompt? want to have a nice way of displaying notifications
L33[06:02:33] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L36[07:02:48] <Izaya> vifino: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/182216718421
L37[07:03:30] <Izaya> much cheaper than the alternatives and I assume you have at least one box with ISA
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L41[09:30:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10704FD682AC1ECC2A71C45F5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L42[09:30:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L43[09:30:26] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L44[09:32:48] <payonel> Izaya: text above prompt? the motd or a multiline ps1?
L45[09:33:18] <Izaya> payonel: I want to be able to push a line to the shell without screwing up what the user is typing
L46[09:34:02] <payonel> sure. sounds like a window issue
L47[09:34:29] <payonel> it can be done. the underlying calls aren't going to change even though one day i'll add a nice api on top of it
L48[09:34:42] <Izaya> window API works I guess
L49[09:34:51] <Izaya> I've used that before for my minitel chat program
L50[09:34:55] <payonel> well, you tell me, where do you want it?
L51[09:35:09] <Izaya> I totally didn't forget about it at all
L52[09:35:10] <payonel> outside the window or just above the current cursor?
L53[09:35:12] * Izaya coughs
L54[09:35:20] <Izaya> line above the cursor
L55[09:35:22] <payonel> or just below the cursor
L56[09:36:03] <payonel> and what if the cursor is at the top?
L57[09:36:10] <Izaya> push it down, I suppose
L58[09:38:28] <payonel> is this for something that'll run on openos? or are you asking just my opinion on the design of the idea?
L59[09:38:56] <Izaya> ye, OpenOS
L60[09:43:47] <payonel> Izaya: what is an example of a status change?
L61[09:44:24] <Izaya> the idea was to modify my kinda terrible mail server to notify you when you had mail\
L62[09:44:35] <payonel> so an event signal?
L63[09:44:40] <Izaya> aye
L64[09:46:36] <payonel> Izaya: another big reason threads are better than event listeners
L65[09:46:48] <payonel> you have to remember to deregister event listeners
L66[10:01:11] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L67[10:03:08] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:c0a1:c590:d4a2:b47e)
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L69[10:19:33] <payonel> Izaya: ok status lines when prompt is at top is a problem with the cursor because the blinking keeps track of where it was between blinks
L70[10:19:44] <payonel> and your events are going to fire in that between
L71[10:20:04] <payonel> so...just dont let the prompt be at the top :)
L72[10:20:16] <Izaya> Genius.
L73[10:22:05] <Izaya> I'll see what I can mangle together tomorrow
L74[10:22:46] <payonel> https://gist.github.com/payonel/2bbd4754a79ee1b5a2d4f2f5542429a1
L75[10:22:49] <payonel> maybe something like that
L76[10:24:45] <payonel> if that status line wraps, my code will need some adjustment
L77[10:25:02] <payonel> oh AND...if the status line wraps, that'll also confuse the blinker
L78[10:25:04] <payonel> well suck
L79[10:25:05] <payonel> :)
L80[10:25:06] <payonel> don't wrap
L81[10:25:08] <payonel> :)
L82[10:28:05] <payonel> there i updated it to not wrap
L83[10:28:07] <payonel> Izaya: ^
L84[10:28:44] <payonel> Izaya: the core/cursor library is semi official
L85[10:29:13] <payonel> it is heavily tested, i love its api. but there are some edge case workflows that are not easily managed with the super simple api that i was going to propose for it
L86[10:29:32] <payonel> but that use of it won't change
L87[10:29:41] <payonel> (the example i posted)
L88[10:31:16] <Izaya> Aight
L89[10:34:04] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyD7FMwhwxc&feature=em-uploademail Oo
L90[10:34:06] <MichiBot> We Made a Banhammer (feat. Nerd³) | length: 4m 56s | Likes: 1,525 Dislikes: 26 Views: 12,328 | by Tom Scott | Published On 17/9/2018
L91[10:44:32] ⇨ Joins: guest (guest!~ben_mkiv@p5b16e9fe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L92[10:58:39] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L93[11:27:23] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ (Quit: Leaving)
L94[11:27:58] <Lizzian> so, did some testing related to my issue from yesterday. taking the 980 out of my system lets mc boot fine. now gonna try it with the 980 back in and having it use the nvidia driver and not the vfio-stub driver
L95[11:35:57] <Lizzian> k, so i'm not telling the system to load the vfio driver for the 980 but it's using it anyway and mc is booting....
L96[11:36:01] <Lizzian> wat
L97[11:36:27] <Lizzian> though, question remains whether i canboot up the windows vm with it in this state
L98[11:37:26] <Lizzian> the answer to that is yes
L99[11:38:53] <Corded> * <Lizzian> throws her hands up in the air, says "fuck it" and decides not to debug it anymore
L100[11:40:00] <Lizzian> i wonder if this will also solve the random-ass xorg not-starting-and-locking-the-system-up issues
L101[11:40:02] <Lizzian> i wonder if this will also solve the random-ass xorg not-starting-and-locking-the-system-up issue [Edited]
L102[11:41:30] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/iol5936dZho
L103[11:41:30] <MichiBot> Quantum Computing - The Foundation of Everything - Extra History - #1 | length: 8m 46s | Likes: 8,532 Dislikes: 132 Views: 130,953 | by Extra Credits | Published On 16/9/2018
L104[11:43:34] <Vexatos> Hey I learnt all this in university
L105[11:44:10] <Forecaster> you both did and didn't!
L106[11:44:13] <Forecaster> #quantum
L107[11:44:17] <Vexatos> no I definitely did
L108[11:44:37] <Vexatos> educational quantum mechanics minecraft mod when
L109[11:44:48] <Vexatos> oh wait
L110[11:44:49] <Vexatos> it failed
L111[11:44:53] <Forecaster> yeah
L112[11:44:54] <Forecaster> :P
L113[11:45:02] <Vexatos> it was also a buggy piece of garbage
L114[11:45:10] <Vexatos> Which is the most surprising thing considering who made it OH WAIT
L115[11:46:42] <Lizzian> ?
L116[11:50:09] <Skye> @Lizzian, QCRAFT made by dan200
L117[11:50:20] <Lizzian> ah
L118[12:01:35] <Vexatos> @Forecaster I cannot continue watching the video, I am sorry
L119[12:01:49] <Vexatos> It is impossible for my brain to comprehend how this guy pronounces "buoy"
L120[12:09:24] <Vexatos> @Forecaster quantum mechanics are cool ch't by the way
L121[12:09:40] <Vexatos> you need some freaky maths for it but damn is it fun
L122[12:09:42] <Kleadron> quanticle mechaniclies
L123[13:37:18] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:1c:4cd1:7dcf:813a:fdc0:1bc1) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L124[13:38:32] <Kodos> Does anyone happen to have the final version of Pixelmon for 1.7.10?
L125[13:50:08] <Michiyo> happen to know the version number for that?
L126[13:50:31] <Michiyo> I have 3.5.1 for 1.7
L127[13:50:46] <Kodos> Let me see if I can find it
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L129[13:56:20] <Michiyo> @Kodos http://bast.pc-logix.com/Pixelmon-1.7.10-3.5.1-universal.jar if it is the one you need
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L132[14:09:19] <Kodos> Looks like that is the last version for 1.7 thanks
L133[14:09:45] <Kodos> @Angelnightwing Your mods are done. You can play MC and I can sleep now
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L137[14:21:04] <Inari> Vexatos: QCRAFTs perspective was bad anyway, no?
L138[14:21:23] <Vexatos> it was quite awful
L139[14:21:47] <Inari> Like, making it seem that an observer is an actual human
L140[14:21:48] <Inari> :p
L141[14:22:34] <Inari> Also it seemed generally useless past "huh, that's neat"
L142[14:23:19] <Forecaster> A useless minecraft mod?! Impossible!
L143[14:26:56] <Kodos> I like that new one on reddit, VAnishment point or somethingrather
L144[14:27:02] <Kodos> Would be fun for RPG maps
L145[14:28:15] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-179-183.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L152[15:51:28] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-2YQ4ikV1M
L153[15:51:28] <MichiBot> Can You Really Tell if Someone is Lying to You? | length: 5m 40s | Likes: 546 Dislikes: 1 Views: 4,365 | by SciShow Psych | Published On 17/9/2018
L154[15:52:28] <AmandaC> @Forecaster stop snooping in my youtube recommendations. D:
L155[15:52:39] <Forecaster> never I mean what
L156[15:52:54] <Kleadron> is this clickbait
L157[15:53:19] <Kleadron> AmandaC if that is your youtube recommendations why do you watch clickbait
L158[15:54:03] <AmandaC> I mean, it's not clickbait.
L159[15:54:50] <AmandaC> I need to stop picturing the "Is this a pidgeon?" meme whenever anyone says anything matching "is this (.+)"
L160[15:57:09] <gamax92> bongo cat
L161[15:57:19] <Forecaster> ugh, thingverse why
L162[15:57:30] <Forecaster> why do you jump up every time you load more items in
L163[15:57:32] <Forecaster> :|
L164[16:00:31] <AmandaC> because Fuck You™ that's why
L165[16:15:36] <Forecaster> I blame whoever wrote the code for the loader
L166[16:15:37] <Forecaster> >:
L167[16:57:04] <AmandaC> Here, @Forecaster, I'll save you the trouble of hacking my recommendations again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIu64TSerHQ
L168[16:57:04] <MichiBot> The Secret to Becoming Immune to Mosquito Bites | length: 5m 11s | Likes: 1,173 Dislikes: 21 Views: 8,337 | by SciShow | Published On 17/9/2018
L169[16:59:55] <Kodos> Clickbait
L170[17:03:08] <AmandaC> Yes, because it's totally reasonable to condense 5m of scientific talk into a title.
L171[17:03:23] ⇦ Quits: tehbeard (tehbeard!~tehesper@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L172[17:07:08] <AmandaC> Because it seems "Clickbait" has feature-creeped into "Anything that doesn't include the exact info presented in the click's target"
L173[17:07:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'I've never seen a regular asshole wave me out of his lane with that level of sophistication or style.')
L174[17:08:36] * AmandaC waits for her manga to finish processing into Calibre ebooks, so she can wander off for the night
L175[17:13:52] <Kleadron> made this today http://tinyurl.com/yc3eha4f
L176[17:14:36] <AmandaC> what
L177[17:15:06] <Kleadron> linus tech tips thumbnails are amazing
L178[17:16:08] <AmandaC> oh hey, manga's done. ttfn nerds
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L183[18:26:01] <AmandaC> Is %tell fixed yet?
L184[18:26:25] <AmandaC> I guess I'll just find out
L185[18:27:15] <AmandaC> %tell inari Hatsukoi Zombie might be relevant to your interests, though why is a tiny spoiler
L186[18:27:15] <MichiBot> AmandaC: An error occurred while processing this command (%tell)
L187[18:27:20] <AmandaC> Nope
L188[18:27:29] <AmandaC> @notinari ^
L189[18:30:43] * Michiyo whacks @Forecaster
L190[18:36:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L193[18:47:06] <Tesca> Hey i'm quite new to oc, but currently i'm trying to sort out enderio capacitors. Is there a way to read out description texts or metadata of items?
L194[18:50:01] <AmandaC> Not without changing a flag, because lots of mods hide "secret" stuff in the metadata
L195[18:50:33] <AmandaC> %choose read more or don't
L196[18:50:33] <MichiBot> AmandaC: read more is for cool kids!
L197[18:50:59] <AmandaC> %choose Japanese hallucinating or English
L198[18:50:59] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I've heard Japanese hallucinating is in these days
L199[18:52:40] <Tesca> so if i understand the database item right it's like a filter, so it has for item sorting no advantages to the sorting with filters of other mods (e.g. thermal expansion)
L200[18:53:11] <Tesca> trying to find a way how to auto sort the good from the bad capacitors ^^
L201[18:53:48] <A_D> if you can't do it with OC try with intergrated dynamics
L202[18:54:46] <Tesca> thx for the tip, but sadly it's not in the modpack we use on our server (foolcraft 3)
L203[18:58:44] ⇦ Quits: Tesca (Tesca!webchat@ip1f10fe96.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L214[21:32:55] <Izaya> https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.html I'll just leave this here.
L215[21:52:37] <Izaya> ~w term
L216[21:52:37] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
L217[22:50:23] <Kleadron> windows 10 is bad
L218[22:50:28] <Kleadron> dont use it no matter what
L219[22:50:39] <Izaya> s/10 //
L220[22:50:40] <MichiBot> <Kleadron> windows is bad
L221[22:50:50] <Izaya> windows 10 is especially bad
L222[22:51:00] <Izaya> payonel: I got my notification thing going
L223[22:51:14] <Kleadron> you will never make me use linux
L224[22:51:21] <Kleadron> you will never take me alive
L225[22:51:22] <Izaya> install ReactOS
L226[22:51:29] <Izaya> only semi ironically
L227[22:51:36] <Kleadron> not until its stable
L228[22:51:44] <Izaya> ah
L229[22:51:48] <Izaya> well, hopefully by 2023
L230[22:51:56] <Izaya> ie end of Windows 7 support
L231[22:52:14] <Izaya> Considering development of Windows seems to have stagnated they should be able to catch up
L232[22:56:33] <payonel> Izaya: (notification thing) yeah? does it work okay for you?
L233[22:56:52] <Izaya> yeah I managed to abuse it into working okay
L234[22:57:11] <payonel> did you end up using the cursor lib like i offered?
L235[22:57:29] <Izaya> can I use the cursor lib to grab the existing cursor?
L236[22:58:03] <payonel> that's relating to a part the api i'm not ... fixed on
L237[22:58:08] <payonel> but not really, no
L238[22:58:14] <payonel> the cursor belongs to the window
L239[22:58:21] <payonel> which belongs to the current process
L240[22:58:27] <payonel> but a tty.window.cursor will give it to you
L241[22:58:37] <payonel> but, that is not "official api", just fyi
L242[22:58:52] <payonel> please don't hold me to it if it doesn't always work :)
L243[22:58:58] <Izaya> alright :D
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L246[23:01:53] <payonel> Izaya: you're wanting to intercept the shell's input to send notifications? you may not know, however, if a separate program is running. that program may be using the cursor differently, or have a custom cursor altogether
L247[23:02:24] <payonel> also, a process doesn't HAVE to set a current cursor, it can leave it nil
L248[23:02:43] <payonel> anywho, .. i'd check for nil, and then not expect it to work ubiquitously :)
L249[23:04:04] <payonel> it was not the intention of the cursor lib for you to be able to intercept or modify another process's cursor. rather, to let you define your own
L250[23:04:19] <payonel> or to inherit from the two system provided variants
L251[23:05:35] <payonel> to be honest, it is sounding like a custom window frame would be best
L252[23:05:40] <payonel> and leave the cursor completely alone
L253[23:06:03] <Izaya> I'm trying to solve the 'cursor at y=1' issue
L254[23:06:06] <payonel> yes, that wouldn't allow you to print a status right above prompt, but .... you'd have a status line/region fully to yourself
L255[23:06:26] <payonel> Izaya: well, events are fired mid-blink
L256[23:06:44] <payonel> and the "unblink" half of the blink uses the stored cursor position and data
L257[23:06:56] <payonel> so, if the screen scrolls mid-blink, that stored data is 1 line off
L258[23:07:15] <Izaya> I managed to make it push the text down and the blinking cursor was on line two after a notification
L259[23:07:33] <Izaya> but as soon as you type it moves back to line 1
L260[23:20:31] <payonel> well, sounds like you'll have to hack it a bit to make it work for you :( it wasn't designed for that :)
L261[23:20:48] <payonel> it was meant for processes where you fully define the cursor behavior, not try to share it
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