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L1[00:28:52] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2[00:56:57] <Forecaster> @Mimiru yes
L3[00:57:06] <Forecaster> the alarm worked for me
L4[01:01:05] <Mimiru> k, thanks @Forecaster
L5[01:31:11] <Kodos> logan2611, Black Ops 4
L6[01:31:15] <Kodos> Izaya, Yes, very much so
L7[02:03:32] <logan2611> oh
L8[02:08:51] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-133-148.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L10[02:41:31] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-133-148.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L13[02:48:18] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-133-148.hlrn.qwest.net)
L14[02:49:09] <logan2611> I should probably close IRC before I get banned for spamming or some shit
L15[02:49:28] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-133-148.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L17[02:50:14] <logan2611> nvm I fixed it
L18[02:58:42] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@2600:1700:ccf0:920::42) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L19[03:04:31] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4fc1e656.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[03:07:00] <Inari> Boobp
L21[03:07:19] <Inari> AmandaC: Haha, stumbled on a crashed one?
L22[03:37:10] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L23[03:38:46] <Forecaster> %loot
L24[03:38:46] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a box full of wasps.
L25[04:00:16] <Forecaster> http://theworstthingsforsale.com/2018/08/11/web-design-for-babies-2/
L26[05:36:33] ⇦ Parts: MajGenRelativity__ (MajGenRelativity__!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) ())
L27[05:37:06] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L28[05:45:12] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10717949608968F725A22B0BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L29[05:45:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L30[06:16:27] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309532592862920704/478157333126578206/avuk5DY.png cute
L31[06:16:57] <Wuerfel_21> indeed
L32[06:42:23] ⇨ Joins: zandro90 (zandro90!webchat@b9168f53.cgn.dg-w.de)
L33[06:43:00] ⇦ Quits: zandro90 (zandro90!webchat@b9168f53.cgn.dg-w.de) (Client Quit)
L34[07:10:33] <AmandaC> Inari: nope, saved one from pirates, so they gave it to me
L35[07:10:59] <Inari> Ah ^^
L36[07:12:21] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L37[07:12:22] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a lyrical neutron star. 3 health gained!
L38[07:12:27] <Inari> %Loot
L39[07:12:32] <Inari> %loot
L40[07:12:32] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a Shiny lonk! (10%)
L41[07:12:36] <Inari> Oooooh
L42[07:12:39] <Inari> Whatever a lonk is
L43[07:13:26] <Forecaster> https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/810/451/a1a.jpg
L44[07:13:49] <Inari> ... I see
L45[07:18:02] <AmandaC> I think they work at / live near the philidelphia intl airport, every time I fly somewhere I get a street pass of them
L46[07:18:26] <Inari> You sound like you fly a lot haha
L47[07:19:08] <AmandaC> We fly to like, all our vacations
L48[07:19:35] <Inari> I've never flown, and I don't really go on vacations, so its a bit odd to me :D
L49[07:19:41] <AmandaC> haha
L50[07:19:54] * AmandaC puts Inari in a crate, takes her with her on her next vacation
L51[07:19:59] <Inari> D:
L52[07:20:07] <Inari> I'd rather stay on the ground xP
L53[07:22:33] ⇨ Joins: UnRealDinnerbone (UnRealDinnerbone!uid60473@id-60473.tooting.irccloud.com)
L54[07:25:07] <Inari> %inv add a tailbone that has a peculiar shape
L55[07:25:07] * MichiBot summons 'a tailbone that has a peculiar shape' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L56[07:27:36] <AmandaC> B-baka! I told you that in confidence!
L57[07:28:19] <Forecaster> what if the ground... is on fire?!
L58[07:32:58] <AmandaC> @Forecaster then the party is clearly lit
L59[07:33:18] <Inari> Forecaster: What if the air is on fire
L60[07:33:26] <Mettaton_Fab> %loot
L61[07:33:26] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny packet of packets.
L62[07:33:37] <Inari> %loot
L63[07:33:37] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a paper crane.
L64[07:33:43] <Forecaster> %loot
L65[07:33:43] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .psd.
L66[07:33:48] <Forecaster> dang
L67[07:34:10] <Mettaton_Fab> %loot
L68[07:34:10] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: You get a loot box! It contains a cabbage leaf.
L69[07:34:19] <Mettaton_Fab> %inv add Lööps
L70[07:34:19] * MichiBot summons 'Lööps' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L71[07:34:27] <Vexatos> %loot
L72[07:34:27] <MichiBot> Vexatos: You get a loot box! It contains a Shiny soul of an "edgy" 12 year old boy! (10%)
L73[07:34:34] <Inari> xD
L74[07:34:37] <Vexatos> okthen
L75[07:34:41] <Vexatos> %loot
L76[07:34:41] <MichiBot> Vexatos: You get a loot box! It contains fluffy chocolate potion
L77[07:34:45] <Vexatos> much better
L78[07:34:50] <Inari> Drink it!
L79[07:34:58] <Vexatos> %drink fluffy chocolate potion
L80[07:34:58] <MichiBot> Vexatos looses one point of strength
L81[07:35:05] <Vexatos> as if I had any
L82[07:35:19] <Inari> Sounds like a handy potion
L83[07:35:20] <Forecaster> you will eventually™
L84[07:35:27] <Forecaster> when I get around to it
L85[07:35:31] <AmandaC> Vexatos' strenghth wraps around, having underflowed the uint32 it was stored in
L86[07:35:42] <Mettaton_Fab> %loot
L87[07:35:42] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny packet of cream.
L88[07:36:59] <Inari> %inv add a tiny packet of dreams
L89[07:36:59] * MichiBot summons 'a tiny packet of dreams' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L90[07:37:30] <AmandaC> H-hey, is that why I've not been having any dreams these last couple days!?
L91[07:37:41] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P6rdqiybaw
L92[07:37:41] <MichiBot> Wormholes Explained – Breaking Spacetime | length: 9m 13s | Likes: 1,797 Dislikes: 9 Views: 17,690 | by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell | Published On 12/8/2018
L93[07:38:09] <Inari> AmandaC: .. :3
L94[07:38:22] <Mettaton_Fab> %inv add vaporwave tape drive
L95[07:38:23] * MichiBot summons 'vaporwave tape drive' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L96[07:38:48] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a life-size replica of kamisama
L97[07:38:48] * MichiBot accepts the life-size replica of kamisama and adds it to her inventory
L98[07:41:29] <Mettaton_Fab> ah, everythings as always
L99[07:42:48] <Inari> ?
L100[07:44:11] <Joco223> How does OpenOS handle auto completition when you tab?
L101[07:44:42] <Joco223> And is it possible to add a list of names that you could tab wherever you are in the system?
L102[07:46:09] <Forecaster> oh definitely
L103[07:46:24] <Forecaster> how? no idea
L104[07:47:09] <Inari> %seen payonel
L105[07:47:09] <MichiBot> payonel was last seen 17d 13h 33m 43s ago. Saying: Izaya: if two programs load a library, and one sets library.foo = "a", yes, the other will see that
L106[07:47:31] <Joco223> Since i would like to add my list of craftable stuff so i don't need to type out stuff like `Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)`
L107[07:53:13] <Forecaster> you'll have to pick apart openOS and see how it works
L108[07:53:16] <Forecaster> or ask payonel
L109[07:53:24] <Inari> payo seems busy
L110[07:53:33] <Vexatos> Found Kodos alt account https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2923
L111[07:53:33] <MichiBot> Title: Request: Server Rack mounted RAID | Posted by: Joco223 | Posted: Sun Aug 12 05:07:31 CDT 2018 | Status: open
L112[07:56:46] <Vexatos> Inari, we're all busy
L113[07:58:13] <Inari> %loveis
L114[07:58:13] <MichiBot> Inari: Love is... duck ö= goose, with an anti-prism on top!
L115[07:58:33] <Joco223> Vexatos, has it already been posted?
L116[07:58:36] <Inari> Well, time for lunch
L117[07:58:52] <Mettaton_Fab> %loveis
L118[07:58:52] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: Love is... romantic fireworks, with a reason to be happy on top!
L119[07:59:03] <Forecaster> MichiBot you sap
L120[07:59:22] <Inari> Sounds good
L121[07:59:40] <Inari> I still agree that love is sushi with a wooden figure of Temia on top though
L122[07:59:48] <Joco223> And who is Kodos?
L123[08:00:03] <Mettaton_Fab> some important human
L124[08:00:11] <Vexatos> Kodos is the guy who's been annoying me about adding rack-mounted RAIDs for the past seven centuries
L125[08:00:28] <Joco223> Oh, sorry then
L126[08:00:51] <Vexatos> I don't think he ever opened a github issue >_>
L127[08:00:55] <Joco223> I searched for it on GitHub for something similar but it hasn't gave me any results
L128[08:01:26] <Mettaton_Fab> but rackmounted RAIDs make loads of sense
L129[08:01:32] <Joco223> I just put it there in case i forget it, no need to hurry
L130[08:01:45] <Joco223> I could try and add it myself
L131[08:02:08] <Joco223> But i am not great with Java and don't have any IDE set up for it
L132[08:04:03] <Joco223> Do i actually need an IDE or can i just command line compile it?
L133[08:04:24] <Vexatos> adding server boards is not hard
L134[08:04:27] <Forecaster> gradle is command line
L135[08:04:31] <Vexatos> but also not completely trivial
L136[08:04:58] <Joco223> Do i need to recompile whole OC to add one or nah?
L137[08:05:10] <Forecaster> what
L138[08:05:32] <Forecaster> do you know what compiling means?
L139[08:08:01] <Inari> I mean
L140[08:08:07] <Inari> Technically you don't need an IDE
L141[08:08:14] <Inari> You probably also don't need to recompile the whole thing
L142[08:08:14] <Inari> xP
L143[08:08:26] <Forecaster> both true
L144[08:08:33] <Forecaster> you could just code it in and hope for the best
L145[08:08:39] <Forecaster> but to test you need to compile
L146[08:08:48] <Inari> Yeah, but only the parts taht changed
L147[08:09:29] <Inari> That said, to turn a cherry cake into a strawberry cake you can try to extract al the cherries and replace them with strawberries. Or you can just bake a new cake :P
L148[08:09:54] <Forecaster> you can't just partially compile it
L149[08:10:12] <Inari> Why not?
L150[08:10:18] <Forecaster> to run OC with only the source you have to compile all of it
L151[08:10:38] <Inari> So don't use only the source
L152[08:16:06] <Joco223> @Forecaster i do know what compiling means. And i meant as in, if i could make the additional rack component seperate from OC, as a seperate .jar file and not put it into OC source and compile whole OC
L153[08:16:32] <Forecaster> oh you want to make an addon
L154[08:16:44] <Forecaster> yeah then you don't need to compile OC
L155[08:17:02] <Joco223> I was asking could i make it as an addon
L156[08:17:05] <Joco223> I guess yes?
L157[08:17:13] <Forecaster> of course
L158[08:18:03] <Joco223> I'll see when i get back home
L159[08:18:47] <Joco223> I may just wait until it gets added to OC officialy if i don't feel like it (if it gets added)
L160[08:40:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4fed417f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L161[09:52:13] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:fc3b:4314:68d9:a52e)
L162[10:11:12] <Forecaster> %loot
L163[10:11:12] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny packet of cream.
L164[10:14:17] <Mettaton_Fab> %loot
L165[10:14:17] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic Elite: Desolate! (25%)
L166[10:19:08] <Forecaster> %juggle
L167[10:19:08] * MichiBot juggles with reverse thrust, 2x Compressed Sentences, & a poisonous snail
L168[10:19:09] * MichiBot drops reverse thrust which takes 3 damage, reverse thrust was caught by Ash, gotta catch 'em all!.
L169[10:19:10] * MichiBot drops 2x Compressed Sentences which takes 4 damage, 2x Compressed Sentences flies up into space and collides with a satellite..
L170[10:19:11] * MichiBot drops a poisonous snail which takes 3 damage
L171[10:19:12] <MichiBot> Oops...
L172[10:35:56] ⇨ Joins: IzayaPhone (IzayaPhone!~IzayaPhon@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L173[10:35:56] ⇦ Quits: IzayaPhone (IzayaPhone!~IzayaPhon@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Client Quit)
L174[10:37:29] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L175[10:41:52] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@
L176[12:11:13] <Kodos> @Vexatos I don't have an alt account but that's pretty hilarious just the same
L177[12:11:27] <Vexatos> you say that now
L178[12:11:28] <Vexatos> but I swear
L179[12:11:33] <Vexatos> noone has requested this
L180[12:11:36] <Vexatos> other than you
L181[12:11:38] <Vexatos> evar
L182[12:11:54] <Vexatos> so it must be you
L183[12:11:58] <Kodos> It wouldn't be an issue, except that prior to the server overhaul, Sanger himself said that they would likely be a thing
L184[12:12:07] <Kodos> And now they're not
L185[12:12:09] <Kodos> And I am the sad
L186[12:12:17] <Vexatos> I mean they are, like, not hard to add
L187[12:12:18] <Vexatos> at all
L188[12:12:21] <Kodos> And apparently so is joco123
L189[12:12:38] <Izaya> What'd I miss?
L190[12:12:40] <Kodos> Does anyone have a link to that comment in that one issue
L191[12:15:24] <Kodos> Found it
L192[12:15:35] <Mimiru> I have the Item and Driver sitting here for them in OpenSecurity... I've just never finished them
L193[12:15:41] <Kodos> Sanger's exact words "eh, I suppose, why not."
L194[12:16:54] <Vexatos> you see
L195[12:16:58] <Vexatos> I can probably do it
L196[12:17:04] <Vexatos> ...after august 20
L197[12:17:10] <Kodos> I never questioned that anyone could do it
L198[12:17:21] <Kodos> I'm just wondering why the heck it wasn't in in the first place :x
L199[12:17:22] <Vexatos> but now the number of people wanting it doubled
L200[12:17:26] <gamax92> Vexatos is just an AI
L201[12:17:40] <Vexatos> an AI doing their Bachelor of Science right now
L202[12:17:45] <gamax92> figured
L203[12:17:51] <Vexatos> why am I talking
L204[12:17:56] <Vexatos> I need to write the introduction
L205[12:17:58] <Vexatos> it's the only chapter left
L206[12:18:01] <Vexatos> aaaaaaaa
L207[12:19:04] <Izaya> aaaaaaaaa
L208[12:21:26] <AmandaC> What exactly is it @Kodos wants?
L209[12:21:37] <AmandaC> ..........
L210[12:21:42] <Forecaster> rack-mounted raid
L211[12:21:50] <AmandaC> My Frigate's captian changed species
L212[12:22:05] <Kodos> They change based on what system you're in
L213[12:22:08] <Izaya> Don't worry about it
L214[12:22:11] <Izaya> It's fine
L215[12:22:15] <Kodos> If you're in a korvax system, they'll be korvax
L216[12:22:21] <Izaya> They're all part of a simulation anyway
L217[12:22:37] <AmandaC> That's... odd
L218[12:22:52] <Izaya> I'm off to bed o7
L219[12:22:53] <Kodos> I don't get it either, but that's why they changed
L220[12:23:30] <Vexatos> why is everyone in this channel playing space trading simulator 5044
L221[12:24:31] <AmandaC> It's a fun game, Vexatos. And just put out a massive update a couple weeks ago
L222[12:24:50] <rashy> o/
L223[12:25:44] <Kleadron> Hello
L224[12:25:55] <Vexatos> AmandaC, doesn't run on my OS soo whatev :P
L225[12:26:27] <AmandaC> I keep a windows box around for just this purpose
L226[12:27:59] <Kodos> Vex is just one of 'those' people
L227[12:28:03] <Vexatos> no
L228[12:28:13] <Vexatos> I honestly don't have a windows computer nearby
L229[12:28:32] <Vexatos> Well, actually I do
L230[12:28:34] <Vexatos> I just remember
L231[12:28:37] <Forecaster> there's probably one *somewhere*
L232[12:28:44] <Forecaster> you just can't use it/can't play games on it :P
L233[12:28:45] <Vexatos> I haven't needed to use it in like four years though
L234[12:31:37] <Joco223> Can someone explain me what this error means? And sorry for using phone camera, discord on laptop is not working http://tinyurl.com/yctue5kt
L235[12:31:55] <Forecaster> it means it expected a string
L236[12:32:06] <Kodos> You'll have to change your strings for item names into using _'s for spaces
L237[12:32:14] <Kodos> So you won't need quotation marks
L238[12:32:43] <Joco223> Well it is a string
L239[12:32:51] <Kodos> Right, but you've got 2 arguments there
L240[12:32:53] <Kodos> 3*
L241[12:32:58] <Kodos> "Crafting, Table", and 1
L242[12:32:59] <Joco223> Yes
L243[12:33:00] <Forecaster> "Crafting Table" are two strings
L244[12:33:04] <Joco223> No
L245[12:33:14] <Kodos> You may think you don't, but that's how Lua sees it
L246[12:33:16] <Joco223> Because it is under quotation marks, it is one string
L247[12:33:25] <Kodos> You've separated them with a sapce
L248[12:33:27] <Kodos> space*
L249[12:33:27] <Forecaster> yes, the quotes don't make it a single string here
L250[12:33:28] <Kodos> So it's two
L251[12:33:30] <Joco223> I used it like 5 minutes ago it worked
L252[12:33:39] <Molinko> craft `crafting table` 1
L253[12:33:53] <Molinko> Backticks
L254[12:33:55] <Kodos> Good luck, Forecaster
L255[12:34:23] <Molinko> "`"
L256[12:34:39] <Joco223> Why is it giving me nil tho @Kodos
L257[12:35:03] <Kodos> Pastebin/Gist your code
L258[12:35:40] <Joco223> Sure, the only thing i changed when it worked is the argument for one component.get
L259[12:36:41] <Molinko> @Joco223 use backticks around a string argument with spaces to preserve the spaces
L260[12:36:57] <Joco223> Tried backticks
L261[12:37:01] <Joco223> Doesnt work
L262[12:37:05] <Molinko> Didn't work?
L263[12:37:25] <Joco223> It says that the first word in the string i put is not a function
L264[12:37:30] <Molinko> Crap I thought it would my bad. I've had the same issue and thought that did it...
L265[12:37:46] <Joco223> And i refuse to believe putting quotation marks doesnt make one string
L266[12:37:51] <Joco223> It worked 5 mins ago
L267[12:38:44] <Joco223> How would you put a string with with withe space as arugment then
L268[12:38:45] <Wuerfel_21> dafuq? in my experience "-ing a string makes it one string
L269[12:39:14] <Forecaster> it's weird that it doesn't output more in the stacktrace
L270[12:39:36] <Joco223> I think something is messed up in the os somehow
L271[12:39:53] <Joco223> Something happened that is
L272[12:40:20] <Joco223> Because it reports low memory after few times i edit a 10K character file
L273[12:40:28] <Joco223> Even tho it has 1280K memory
L274[12:40:50] <Wuerfel_21> ~~have you tried turning it off and on again?~~
L275[12:40:56] <Joco223> I did
L276[12:41:09] <Joco223> I might get back to main menu and then into the world and then try
L277[12:41:32] <Wuerfel_21> possibly one of your programs has a memory leak
L278[12:42:35] <Joco223> I cant get the program to run tho
L279[12:42:41] <Joco223> It just gives that error
L280[12:42:42] <Joco223> Hmm
L281[12:42:48] <Lizzian> did you pastebin your code yet?
L282[12:43:13] <Joco223> No, i will in a minute, sorry
L283[13:00:38] <AmandaC> "External Temperature: 314°C
L284[13:11:37] <Joco223> www.pastebin/EwQVpymk
L285[13:11:42] <Joco223> There it is
L286[13:12:07] <Joco223> I know the code is a bit messy and there is some stuff that is repeating and i can put into a single function
L287[13:12:11] <Joco223> But ignore that
L288[13:12:19] <Joco223> All of that works for now, i will clean it later
L289[13:12:46] <Forecaster> it's working now?
L290[13:13:43] <Joco223> Nope
L291[13:13:45] <Joco223> Same
L292[13:13:50] <Joco223> And now i run it once
L293[13:13:59] <Joco223> Then i opened it with edit
L294[13:14:09] <Joco223> And when i tried to save it crashed
L295[13:14:11] <Kodos> Sooo many locals missing
L296[13:14:12] <Joco223> Now lua and ls dont worm
L297[13:14:58] <Kodos> I'd be willing to bet it'd work once on a fresh install of OpenOS, and then not work again
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L303[13:31:42] <gamax92> Depth Buffer
L304[13:31:50] <Joco223> Found the problem
L305[13:31:54] <gamax92> Same
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L308[13:32:38] <Joco223> One of the transposers i was using component.get on wasnt connected
L309[13:32:52] <Joco223> So it works now
L310[13:33:00] <Joco223> Why did it give out that weird error tho
L311[13:37:18] <Kodos> Bet it only works once
L312[13:39:17] <Joco223> Works every time
L313[13:40:24] <Joco223> When you don't have any rng in your program it wont work once then not the other time lmao
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L316[14:22:29] <Kodos> Well the fact remains that you're missing a lot of 'local' prefixes on your program
L317[14:22:41] <Kodos> But I am working right now and can't be arsed to explain
L318[14:51:43] <Joco223> Oh
L319[14:51:52] <Joco223> Does it carry over to other programs?
L320[14:52:00] <Lizzian> yes
L321[14:52:04] <Joco223> Ooh
L322[14:52:11] <Joco223> I didn't know that
L323[14:52:30] <Joco223> I will edit all my programs then and put them
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L330[18:22:07] <AmandaC> %choose play more or no
L331[18:22:08] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no
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L344[20:30:22] <Skye> Goodnight
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L359[23:10:27] <gamax92> https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MtcGDH
L360[23:10:34] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (BILLPC2684!~billpc268@mon20.bisecthosting.com)
L361[23:10:47] <BILLPC2684> hello :3
L362[23:10:56] <gamax92> goodbye :(
L363[23:11:33] <BILLPC2684> why is that?
L364[23:12:18] <BILLPC2684> is IRC collapcing?
L365[23:15:38] <ben_mkiv> thats running smooth af :>
L366[23:18:14] <ben_mkiv> but actually more interesting is this => https://www.minetest.net/
L367[23:18:19] <ben_mkiv> lua modding api :>
L368[23:18:59] <Izaya> minetest is kinda nice
L369[23:19:02] <Izaya> GUI API is shit tho
L370[23:19:20] <ben_mkiv> yea, guessed that a fixed API has its downsides
L371[23:19:46] <Izaya> It'll get there.
L372[23:19:48] <Izaya> It's not there yet.
L373[23:20:07] <ben_mkiv> i've not tried it, just lurked through the forums, and seems to be pretty active
L374[23:20:13] <ben_mkiv> did you play it yet?
L375[23:20:17] <Izaya> yeah
L376[23:20:21] <Izaya> base game is ... barebones
L377[23:20:21] <ben_mkiv> perfomance is good?
L378[23:20:28] <Izaya> yeah
L379[23:20:32] <Izaya> it can get 30FPS on everything
L380[23:20:41] <ben_mkiv> well c++ and probably using shaders?
L381[23:20:43] <Izaya> shitty netbook, phone, beasty desktop
L382[23:20:43] <BILLPC2684> wasn'minetest
L383[23:20:46] <Izaya> 30FPS everywhere
L384[23:20:48] <BILLPC2684> >->
L385[23:21:07] <BILLPC2684> wasn't minetest the original C minecraft recreation program?
L386[23:23:50] <ben_mkiv> actually i would prefer if forge would say "till here and no step further, we make 1.12.2 use shaders and the final release" :>
L387[23:24:04] <ben_mkiv> someone backported chunk format of 1.13
L388[23:24:14] <ben_mkiv> so ids are already no problem anymore
L389[23:24:22] <ben_mkiv> worst thing left is the rendering
L390[23:24:43] <BILLPC2684> i say why not revamp minecraft?
L391[23:25:07] <BILLPC2684> i mean 1 mod that revamps minecraft but in a way it doesn't overly lag the game
L392[23:25:10] <Izaya> we should rewrite minecraft
L393[23:25:17] <Izaya> starting from forge
L394[23:25:22] <ben_mkiv> xD
L395[23:25:28] <Izaya> replace parts at a time like they did with 386BSD
L396[23:25:29] <logan2611> hmmst
L397[23:25:39] <BILLPC2684> and have MC protocal support
L398[23:25:47] <logan2611> ^ this is possible
L399[23:25:51] <BILLPC2684> yes
L400[23:26:03] <ben_mkiv> sure that it wont go against their eula bullshit?
L401[23:26:10] <logan2611> who gives a shit
L402[23:26:17] <logan2611> inb4 police
L403[23:26:18] <BILLPC2684> more minecraft clones need MC protocal support
L404[23:27:25] <ben_mkiv> idk why they put so much effort in rewriting forge stuff
L405[23:27:45] <ben_mkiv> while there are way worse things than forge itself
L406[23:27:53] <ben_mkiv> but thats up to lex
L407[23:28:08] <ben_mkiv> he seems to enjoy, or get cash by MS for that
L408[23:28:31] <ben_mkiv> minecraft wouldnt sell that good for pc without modding
L409[23:29:48] <BILLPC2684> i mean forge isn't the best modloader atho theres alot of good mods for it :3
L410[23:29:49] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L411[23:30:00] <BILLPC2684> ?
L412[23:30:14] <ben_mkiv> forge is pretty good stuff
L413[23:30:29] <ben_mkiv> and they have also good plans for the rewrite, like parallel modloading on startup and such
L414[23:30:31] <ben_mkiv> but still...
L415[23:30:37] <ben_mkiv> rather want to see that in 1.12
L416[23:30:55] <BILLPC2684> yah but image if we had something similar but more compact and lighter then forge we have now
L417[23:32:34] <ben_mkiv> i really appreciate the effort that was put into getting forge where it is. writing mods is actually fun and the confusing shit all comes from vanilla code :D
L418[23:34:18] <ben_mkiv> but keeping up with the weirdnes of vanilla is probably stockholm syndrome
L419[23:36:01] <BILLPC2684> well i gtg...
L420[23:36:06] <BILLPC2684> gn ;3
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L422[23:41:40] <Izaya> cut out vanilla
L423[23:41:43] <Izaya> only have forge
L424[23:54:21] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1534124773279.jpg
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