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L1[01:20:09] * Izaya frowns
L2[01:20:18] <Izaya> none of these writing pads have the ability to save what you write
L3[01:23:52] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L4[01:33:04] <Xal> Izaya: mine save writing
L5[01:33:19] <Izaya> how much was it and what model?
L6[01:33:22] <Xal> https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Narrow-Ruled-8-Inch-Writing/dp/B00QSR9BT0
L7[01:34:09] * Izaya blinks
L8[01:34:11] <Izaya> Of course.
L9[01:34:29] <Xal> had to do it, sorry
L10[01:53:13] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L11[01:53:30] ⇨ Joins: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L12[01:53:41] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L13[02:07:48] ⇨ Joins: expert975 (expert975!~expert975@
L14[02:08:20] <expert975> Where can I see the methods of the drone component?
L15[02:10:31] <Izaya> ~w component:drone
L16[02:10:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L17[02:26:08] <expert975> Thank you
L18[02:57:05] ⇦ Quits: expert975 (expert975!~expert975@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L19[03:02:34] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794167DDAC653E4A4185E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[03:02:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L21[03:07:05] <Joco223> Can someone explain me what does the network floppy contain?
L22[03:09:17] <Izaya> something resembling an IP stack, I believe
L23[03:09:17] <Kleadron> it contains the contents of the network floppy
L24[03:22:43] <Joco223> Still no luck with my issue where a server can send messages but not receive them
L25[03:22:46] <Joco223> Ports are open
L26[03:22:55] <Joco223> Here is how it looks like http://tinyurl.com/yah6d5ss
L27[03:22:56] <Joco223> http://tinyurl.com/yb86kr3x
L28[03:23:27] <Joco223> I do a `=event.pull("modem_message")` on the server and then broadcast a message on an open port from another PC, no message gets received
L29[03:23:45] <Joco223> When i do it the other way around, where the other PC is waiting and server is broadcasting, it does work
L30[03:24:36] <Forecaster> try setting the switch mode in the rack to "Disabled"
L31[03:24:40] <Joco223> OC version ``
L32[03:24:45] <Forecaster> (the button in the bottom right)
L33[03:26:09] <Joco223> still doesn't work
L34[03:26:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L35[03:26:46] <Forecaster> show the code and screenshot of the setups
L36[03:27:11] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/449287158604496906/475580332683427840/2018-08-05_10-15-38_vLyhGL.png
L37[03:27:15] <Joco223> http://tinyurl.com/yawusbn5
L38[03:27:16] <Joco223> http://tinyurl.com/ydxqq2eq
L39[03:27:23] <Joco223> Bottom pic is server
L40[03:27:26] <Inari> AmandaC: Hehe, seen that one :D
L41[03:28:26] <Joco223> Port is open on top pc too
L42[03:29:01] <Forecaster> are both loaded?
L43[03:29:15] <NotInari> Are you sure it can send messages? ?
L44[03:31:45] <Joco223> Yep, it can @NotInari http://tinyurl.com/ybs6tkgt
L45[03:31:46] <Joco223> http://tinyurl.com/ycslbwcn
L46[03:31:50] <Joco223> @Forecaster loaded?
L47[03:31:53] <Inari> Temia / AmandaC / payonel: https://twitter.com/mooka1030/status/1026022887189147648
L48[03:31:53] <MichiBot> Sun Aug 05 03:31:33 CDT 2018 @mooka1030: 고양이보다 큰 모란앵무 https://t.co/FRFu8W27NH
L49[03:32:02] <Forecaster> are the chunks they're in loaded
L50[03:32:22] <Inari> Interesting
L51[03:32:24] <Joco223> Yes, they are like 10 blocks apart from each other
L52[03:33:22] <Inari> ~oc wireless
L53[03:33:22] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L54[03:34:51] <Inari> ~oc relay
L55[03:34:51] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:thread
L56[03:35:42] <Joco223> They are on wired connection
L57[03:35:46] <Joco223> Regular network cards
L58[03:37:20] <Inari> I suppose this isn't on a server or so someone could join? :P
L59[03:38:49] <Joco223> Nah, singplayer
L60[03:39:05] <Inari> Remote debugging is always a pain haha
L61[03:39:13] <Inari> Dunno, try turning the server rack relay off/on or somehting?
L62[03:40:08] <NotInari> Whats the computer equipped with?
L63[03:40:59] <Joco223> T2 cpu, t2 gpu, network card, 2x t1.5 ram and t2 hdd
L64[03:43:44] <Joco223> The cabel that connects them goes trough 2 transposers but i don't think that would affect it?
L65[03:45:13] <Inari> I thik they should just act as a cable
L66[03:45:33] <Forecaster> yes
L67[04:11:28] <Inari> %inv add sboobs
L68[04:11:28] * MichiBot summons 'sboobs' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L69[04:15:06] <Inari> %inv add a xenon-filled balloon
L70[04:15:06] * MichiBot summons 'a xenon-filled balloon' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L71[04:18:35] <Forecaster> %loot
L72[04:18:35] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a canister of neurotoxin.
L73[04:19:29] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd5j8mG24H4
L74[04:19:29] <MichiBot> Breathing all the Noble Gasses | length: 11m 49s | Likes: 10,811 Dislikes: 85 Views: 125,821 | by Cody'sLab | Published On 4/8/2018
L75[04:22:23] <Joco223> @NotInari could it be that there is a bug where it doesn't work if the component and network is connected to same side of the rack?
L76[04:33:09] <Forecaster> no
L77[04:33:22] <Forecaster> only the network connection matters in this case
L78[05:01:41] ⇨ Joins: logan26111 (logan26111!~logan2611@184-96-189-3.hlrn.qwest.net)
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L80[05:04:33] <Inari> https://twitter.com/Liyu0109/status/1024234545418186752 cute
L81[05:04:34] <MichiBot> Tue Jul 31 05:05:19 CDT 2018 @Liyu0109: パンダさんかわいい? https://t.co/rn1rLL1XuM
L82[05:34:25] ⇦ Quits: jackie (jackie!~jackie@irc.chaosfield.at) (Quit: bye o/)
L83[05:39:34] ⇨ Joins: jackie (jackie!~jackie@irc.chaosfield.at)
L84[05:39:34] zsh sets mode: +v on jackie
L85[05:42:23] <Forecaster> %loot
L86[05:42:24] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains an inanimate carbon rod.
L87[05:53:15] <Joco223> Could you boot multiple PCs of a same file system like raid?
L88[05:54:27] <Forecaster> probably
L89[05:54:53] <Joco223> I don't think there is anything system specific when you install openos
L90[05:55:02] <Forecaster> no
L91[05:58:43] <Izaya> if multiple computers can see a RAID you'll probably have issues with them picking up the wrong components
L92[06:01:43] <Joco223> If only bootable medium is raid it would work, there would just be screen mismatch
L93[06:02:03] <Joco223> But that is already happening now since i have the server and PC connected
L94[06:34:16] ⇨ Joins: Genixs (Genixs!~genixs@c-71-197-73-30.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L95[06:46:10] <Inari> vifino: http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/A-2-bei-Hannover-Elfenbeauftragte-will-Unfallserie-stoppen wat
L96[06:50:51] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5640.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L97[06:58:30] * AmandaC boops Inari, demands a snack
L98[06:58:39] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L99[06:58:39] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with potato-skin tea. 8 health gained!
L100[06:58:46] <Inari> There you go
L101[06:59:00] * AmandaC laps some of it up, makes a face
L102[07:00:16] <AmandaC> %choose watch while wait or don't
L103[07:00:16] <MichiBot> AmandaC: watch while wait
L104[07:02:11] <Forecaster> %loot
L105[07:02:11] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a leaf.
L106[07:08:07] ⇦ Quits: ashka (ashka!~postmaste@baptiste-huve.fr) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L107[07:09:00] ⇨ Joins: ashka (ashka!~postmaste@baptiste-huve.fr)
L108[08:03:27] ⇦ Quits: Genixs (Genixs!~genixs@c-71-197-73-30.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L109[08:29:37] <Izaya> today's thought: imagine if Minecraft released at the height of the java craze rather than towards the end
L110[08:30:46] <Z0idburg> @NotInari so uh.. that guy.. he didn't have a tank of radon to huff!
L111[08:30:46] <Z0idburg> ?
L112[08:31:04] <Z0idburg> Radon is actually a very potent thing here
L113[08:32:04] <Z0idburg> we have a loooot of it
L114[08:32:27] <Izaya> radon is an inert gas, right?
L115[08:32:53] <Z0idburg> yes
L116[08:33:02] <Z0idburg> but it only has a half life of 7 days
L117[08:33:08] <Z0idburg> after 7 days radon becomes lead
L118[08:33:24] <Izaya> sounds... misleading :^)
L119[08:33:40] <Z0idburg> well apparently that's what happens to most radioactvie material
L120[08:33:49] <Z0idburg> is that it is radioactive, and then eventually forms lead
L121[08:33:58] <Z0idburg> which is pretty opposite
L122[08:43:05] <Forecaster> inert just means it doesn't react with anything else
L123[08:43:22] <Forecaster> it doesn't mean it's static, if it's radioactive it'll still... radiate
L124[08:51:26] <Vexatos> inert is a property that purely corresponds to how fast it is to chemically react
L125[08:51:41] <Vexatos> it doesn't say anything about physical or thermodynamic properties
L126[08:51:47] <Vexatos> purely kinetics
L127[08:53:39] <AmandaC> %choose kitnap or meh
L128[08:53:39] <MichiBot> AmandaC: kitnap
L129[09:23:54] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L130[09:23:54] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with OC's privacy policy. 8 health gained!
L131[09:32:12] * AmandaC meows at Inari
L132[09:33:23] <AmandaC> %choose watch more AR or wait until parents inevitably come home with a carload of groceries
L133[09:33:23] <MichiBot> AmandaC: wait until parents inevitably come home with a carload of groceries
L134[09:53:16] <Inari> Smashing objects together is destruction.
L135[09:53:20] <Inari> Smashing feelings together is life.
L136[10:34:03] <Forecaster> how do you smash feelings together
L137[10:34:18] <Forecaster> also I'm pretty sure life can exist independently of feelings
L138[10:37:38] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/bDQHByB.jpg
L139[10:40:30] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:2097:6113:4c9f:45ac)
L140[10:40:44] <Izaya> Inari: https://i.4cdn.org/g/1533483155950.jpg
L141[10:41:15] <Inari> cute :P
L142[10:45:32] <Forecaster> I just realized I haven't had popcorn since I moved...
L143[10:46:45] <Izaya> if you want a waifu2x'd version, https://my.mixtape.moe/oidpsu.png
L144[10:50:14] <Forecaster> %choose go to store and get popcorn or don't
L145[10:50:14] <MichiBot> Forecaster: go to store and get popcorn
L146[10:51:51] <Izaya> it occurs to me I haven't had popcorn in at least several years
L147[10:52:19] <Forecaster> I never made popcorn before, but my brother did, and then I'd take a bowl and get some from him
L148[10:52:39] <Forecaster> but I suddenly crave popcorn, but I'll have to make them myself
L149[10:53:42] <Kodos> Pro tip; if you have a microwave with a popcorn button, don't use it. You'll likely burn the popcorn
L150[10:54:04] <Forecaster> my microwave is completely analog
L151[10:54:16] <Kodos> Whoa
L152[10:54:25] <Izaya> best kind
L153[10:54:50] <Forecaster> they were getting rid of them at the local convenience store
L154[10:54:58] <Forecaster> I think it was about $60
L155[10:55:09] <Forecaster> so I bought one because I needed a micowave
L156[10:57:36] <Forecaster> wellp, time go go get popcorn I suppose
L157[10:58:05] <Izaya> have fun?
L158[11:03:28] <gamax92> I bet he's going to burn the popcorn
L159[11:10:41] <Inari> Hm this is an interesting database thing.. so say i have windows, and windows can have different sizes. So I store the size in it's own table, with a reference to which window ID it belongs. And by giving each size table entry it's unique ID, I don't need to store the window ID + the size Id, since I know the window ID by the size ID \o/
L160[11:14:03] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (feldim2425!~feldim242@91-115-111-208.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L161[11:23:39] <gamax92> I just now noticed the Global Tools section in VirtualBox ...
L162[11:27:34] <gamax92> I needed to disable the DHCP Server on the Host-Only Adapter
L163[11:33:27] <Joco223> @NotInari A bit more testing later, it works with wireless cards
L164[11:33:28] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16b (ba7888b72413a16b!~ba7888b72@
L165[11:33:34] <Joco223> But not network ones for some reason
L166[11:33:43] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L167[11:35:20] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (feldim2425!~feldim242@178-191-188-88.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L168[11:35:58] <Izaya> I'm not sure if this is still server-network related but uh
L169[11:36:10] <Joco223> Huh
L170[11:36:18] <Izaya> at LimboCon I was having issues with servers having much, much worse network performance compared to normal computers
L171[11:36:53] <Joco223> It works if i separate the cable from the components
L172[11:37:51] <Joco223> Maybe i was hitting component limit on the PC?
L173[11:37:59] <Izaya> I had them on different sides, but I'm not sure whether packets were being lots or what, because stuff was just failing
L174[11:38:22] <Izaya> depending on how tempramental stuff was being I was seeing ping times from 2 seconds to 20 seconds
L175[11:38:47] <Izaya> (my stack retries every 10 seconds and fails after 3 retries so...)
L176[11:39:53] <Joco223> I am talking about OC
L177[11:41:31] <Skye> Izaya's stuff runs on OC
L178[11:41:53] <Joco223> Ah
L179[11:42:17] <Joco223> I was testing with just single messages
L180[11:46:01] <gamax92> Yay, Host is connected to Guest
L181[12:00:24] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de)
L182[12:01:49] * Mimiru stabs Eclipse
L183[12:01:55] <Mimiru> WHY WON'T YOU HOTSWAP...
L184[12:04:04] <gamax92> There, now I have full mitmproxy via VM. Guest has a Bridged network, a Host only network, and runs mitmproxy. Host connects to Guest for internet
L185[12:06:03] <gamax92> Because the native windows version was missing requests in both transparent and proxy mode
L186[12:06:14] <gamax92> and transparent was causing the application to lock up
L187[12:56:54] <Inari> %pet AmandaC aggressively
L188[12:56:54] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC aggressively with baout right. 5 health gained!
L189[12:57:12] <AmandaC> D:
L190[12:58:22] <AmandaC> What'd I do!?
L191[12:59:31] <Inari> x
L192[12:59:32] <Inari> xD
L193[13:11:05] ⇦ Quits: logan26111 (logan26111!~logan2611@184-96-189-3.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Oh no, I have disappeared!)
L194[13:23:28] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L195[13:48:23] <Forecaster> %loot
L196[13:48:24] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a doorknob.
L197[13:48:58] <Corded> * <Forecaster> turns the pile of doorknobs into an art piece titled "The futility of doorknobs"
L198[13:56:23] <Forecaster> I didn't burn my popcorn!
L199[13:56:25] <Forecaster> :D
L200[14:06:54] <Kodos> %loot
L201[14:06:54] <MichiBot> Kodos: You get a loot box! It contains a weed.
L202[14:29:05] <CompanionCube> apparently the IRC spammers are now going on about ICOS
L203[14:31:43] <Forecaster> what was the size of an eeprom?
L204[14:35:48] <Joco223> @Forecaster 4KiB
L205[14:35:59] <Joco223> 4 kilobytes
L206[14:36:00] <Forecaster> hm
L207[14:36:02] <Forecaster> dang
L208[14:36:17] <Forecaster> I wonder if I can scale my elevator client down enough to fit it on one...
L209[14:36:25] <Joco223> Maybe
L210[14:36:31] <Forecaster> it's 4.74 KB currently
L211[14:36:32] <Joco223> Make the code ugly ;)
L212[14:37:00] <Forecaster> Izaya where would one get your minifier?
L213[14:37:09] <Izaya> Minitel repo
L214[14:37:14] <Izaya> Under Embedded/
L215[14:37:40] <Izaya> https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel
L216[14:40:06] <Forecaster> "too long without yielding"
L217[14:40:07] <Forecaster> :|
L218[14:40:49] <Forecaster> is it not meant to be run in OpenOS?
L219[14:41:21] <Forecaster> Izaya
L220[14:41:33] <Izaya> Should work fine
L221[14:41:48] <Izaya> I don't test but it only uses standard lua libraries and stuff
L222[14:41:48] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yccyd32w
L223[14:43:02] ⇨ Joins: Cyluks (Cyluks!~cyluks@c-73-38-221-33.hsd1.ct.comcast.net)
L224[14:43:15] <Forecaster> it didn't work fine
L225[14:43:38] <Izaya> ...yeah
L226[14:43:39] ⇦ Quits: Cyluks (Cyluks!~cyluks@c-73-38-221-33.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L227[14:43:46] <Izaya> I can't test right now uh
L228[14:43:56] <Izaya> can you run it out of game for now?
L229[14:44:14] <Forecaster> I don't have anything that runs lua set up
L230[14:44:30] <Izaya> apt-get install lua
L231[14:44:30] <Forecaster> I can try an online minifier
L232[14:44:55] <Izaya> your call I guess
L233[14:45:01] <Forecaster> this one gets it down to 3,023 bytes
L234[14:45:03] <Izaya> I'll check it out tomorrow probably
L235[14:45:10] <Izaya> Not bad.
L236[14:45:15] <Forecaster> which is pretty promising
L237[14:45:33] <Forecaster> it means I can probably get it onto an eeprom after re-writing it to not rely on OpenOS
L238[14:50:06] <Izaya> Apologies about that Forecaster, it worked on OpenOS at one point so I didn't think to test
L239[14:52:01] <Forecaster> :P
L240[14:56:32] <Inari> I mean, it never yields? So if it takes long enouhg to process the file, it dies :p
L241[15:00:50] <Inari> Need win 10 pro to run docker
L242[15:00:51] <Inari> Lame
L243[15:02:04] <Forecaster> hm
L244[15:02:08] <Forecaster> dammit...
L245[15:02:32] <Forecaster> I need some libraries, so I'd have to include those in the file...
L246[15:02:41] <Forecaster> which will probably bring it above the size limit...
L247[15:03:00] <AmandaC> Inari: wait, what?
L248[15:03:06] <Inari> AmandaC: ?
L249[15:03:17] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L250[15:03:22] <AmandaC> Inari: why does it need win10 pro? It's just running a linux VM to run the containers under.
L251[15:03:45] <AmandaC> ( At least, that's what "Docker for Mac" was doing )
L252[15:04:00] <Forecaster> that's basically what docker is yeah
L253[15:04:14] <Inari> For windows Hyper-V
L254[15:04:19] <AmandaC> I see
L255[15:04:29] <AmandaC> I guess MS didn't leave their KVM-alike open to developers
L256[15:04:35] <Inari> Which is only enabled on Enterprise/Professional/Education editions of win10
L257[15:04:51] <Xal> no reason not to have win10 enterprise ltsb these days
L258[15:04:54] <Forecaster> how can I get the file size of something in OpenOS?
L259[15:04:54] <Xal> it's free
L260[15:05:02] <Inari> Forecaster: size?
L261[15:05:11] <Inari> Xal: It is?
L262[15:05:12] <Forecaster> file size
L263[15:05:14] <Xal> Inari: https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd
L264[15:05:21] <Forecaster> aka the size of a file
L265[15:05:21] <Inari> Forecaster: As in, have you tried "size"?
L266[15:05:24] <AmandaC> `filesystem.size(path)`
L267[15:05:33] <Inari> Hm I thought OpenOS had a program fo rit
L268[15:05:41] <AmandaC> if it does it'd probably be `du`
L269[15:05:49] <Forecaster> there's no "size" program
L270[15:06:04] <Forecaster> du works
L271[15:06:20] <Forecaster> and the serialization library exceeds 4KB on it's own...
L272[15:06:21] <Forecaster> dammit
L273[15:06:23] <Forecaster> :|
L274[15:06:28] <Forecaster> and my program needs that
L275[15:06:29] <Inari> Xal: Whats that? :p
L276[15:06:36] <AmandaC> RIP In Peices
L277[15:06:45] <Inari> Forecaster: Well, stop serializing :D
L278[15:06:55] <Xal> Inari: when you input a key into a new windows install is has to call home to microsoft to see if it's valid, right?
L279[15:06:55] <Forecaster> I'll just have to make the harddrives then I guess
L280[15:07:06] <Xal> obviously, large companies with secure internal networks don't want that
L281[15:07:15] <Xal> so microsoft created the "volume licensing" program for them
L282[15:07:18] <Inari> Forecaster: Why do you need serializer? :o
L283[15:07:48] <Xal> on any enterprise windows you can input a special "volume license key" which is publicly listed by microsoft and instead of contacting microsoft it connects to a local server for validation
L284[15:08:01] <Xal> normally you could only get one of these licensing servers by paying microsoft a ton of money
L285[15:08:21] <Xal> but naturally the protocol was reverse engineered and there are a plethora of open-source reimplementation of it
L286[15:08:31] <Forecaster> the program receives a serialized table or floors to display
L287[15:08:35] <Inari> Sounds odd they'd not check that
L288[15:08:51] <Xal> So you can just install a copy of enterprise windows straight from MS's website, input the license key from their site, and run this program on another PC
L289[15:09:00] <Xal> Inari: once they discovered the mistake they
L290[15:09:01] <Inari> Forecaster: In what kinda format? :o
L291[15:09:08] <Xal> they'd already set up the contracts with a ton of companies
L292[15:09:08] <AmandaC> Just do what I did, @Forecaster, create an entire fileserver and PXE system!
L293[15:09:13] <Xal> so they're stuck with it :P
L294[15:09:27] <Forecaster> format?
L295[15:09:33] <Inari> Xal: As in, "oh, this homeuser probably doesn't have an Enterprise edition server, lets check that"
L296[15:09:39] <Inari> Forecaster: Like, what are you sending
L297[15:09:57] <Xal> Xal: how would they know I'm a home user? :p
L298[15:10:07] <Xal> also I don't know why I replied to myself there
L299[15:10:15] <Forecaster> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/pililenite
L300[15:10:19] <Forecaster> that
L301[15:10:42] <Xal> the licensing server supposedly did a whole bunch of checks but the reverse-engineered reimplementation just okays aevery licensing request
L302[15:10:47] <Xal> it works for MS office too
L303[15:11:04] <Inari> Forecaster: Could probably cut down a lot by using a fixed format
L304[15:11:34] <Inari> 3 chars for a number, followed by an address (fixed size), then 2 chars for current/side and then the name, newline
L305[15:11:55] <Xal> I don't condone using windows but if you need it to build/test something this is the way to do it without giving ms any money.
L306[15:12:05] <Xal> And without using sketchy/illegal cracking software
L307[15:12:19] <CompanionCube> for just testing purposes
L308[15:12:23] <AmandaC> Xal: seems like it'd be trivial to roll out a fix over a long period of time, though
L309[15:12:27] <CompanionCube> why not use the MS-provided VM images
L310[15:12:37] <Xal> that's another option
L311[15:12:40] <Inari> I use windows
L312[15:12:40] <Inari> xP
L313[15:12:42] <Xal> AmandaC: honestly I'm not sure entirely why it hasn't been changed
L314[15:12:44] <CompanionCube> they only last for 90 days or so anyway, but who gives a fuck when you have snapshots and shit
L315[15:13:17] <AmandaC> Just slowly change it so more and more client-side checks are called, including some that are meant to fail, but don't under the server until it's been sufficently rolled out, then it's a required check
L316[15:13:31] <Xal> my experiencing trying to compile things on windows
L317[15:13:36] <Forecaster> inari I just made a couple of harddrives :P
L318[15:13:39] <Xal> "oh they offer only the command line msvc now?"
L319[15:13:44] <Inari> Forecaster: Lame
L320[15:13:50] <Xal> "why is the installer downloading 100mb of stuff?"
L321[15:13:57] <Xal> "oh wait the installer is an electron application"
L322[15:14:08] <Xal> and then I promptly deleted the VM and never touched MSVC again
L323[15:14:26] <Inari> My experience trying to compile things on windows: Run the thing, wait a little, compile
L324[15:14:33] <AmandaC> Speaking of, I should boot my win10 VM to let it do the update dance
L325[15:14:39] <Inari> "Why is the installer downloading 100m bof stuff?"
L326[15:14:46] <Inari> Dunno, don't care, it just does something
L327[15:14:53] <Forecaster> %inv add bof stuff
L328[15:14:54] * MichiBot summons 'bof stuff' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L329[15:15:14] <Xal> it was hilarious because every time I opened the installer it would make my VM spike to 100% cpu utilization and start swapping to disk immediately
L330[15:15:37] <Xal> I didn't think it was possible for MS to outdo themselves compared with 5-10 years ago, but alas, reality is stranger than fiction
L331[15:15:43] <AmandaC> inb4 you only give it 2G of ram
L332[15:15:45] <Inari> Sounds like an under-equipped VN
L333[15:15:49] <Inari> * VM
L334[15:16:11] <Inari> https://twitter.com/KillSection/status/1026200030770876416
L335[15:16:12] <MichiBot> Sun Aug 05 15:15:27 CDT 2018 @KillSection: When your irl friend found about your twitter and all they see is anime and hentai https://t.co/iUTuSol0QQ
L336[15:16:19] <CompanionCube> why does an OS need 2G of RAM just for itself though
L337[15:16:36] <logan2611> because windows
L338[15:16:38] <Xal> CompanionCube: it wasn't the OS; the installer spawned like 5 processes and consumed 3G of ram
L339[15:16:47] <AmandaC> why not? Most /phones/ have at leasst double that these days
L340[15:16:47] <Xal> I blame electron for this, not windows tbh
L341[15:17:10] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: isn't most of the RAM used by apps though
L342[15:17:20] <Inari> Electron is the new C++ though :p
L343[15:17:41] <Xal> electron is the new visual basic
L344[15:17:54] <Xal> also RIP screenreader users
L345[15:18:15] <logan2611> lol whats that
L346[15:18:32] <AmandaC> That's most likely a developer problem, not an electron one.
L347[15:18:54] <AmandaC> HTML has had strategies for encoding info for screen readers for at least a decade
L348[15:19:01] <CompanionCube> Inari: nah
L349[15:19:06] <CompanionCube> Rust's the new C++
L350[15:19:34] <CompanionCube> much better fit than Electron.
L351[15:19:37] <Inari> CompanionCube: Rust is handy, used by many, but also hated by many for being too slow/eating too much memory?
L352[15:20:01] <Forecaster> hm
L353[15:20:07] <Forecaster> where did my openos disk go
L354[15:20:17] <Wuerfel_21> I don't think there is any real replacement for C/C++ as native low-level languages
L355[15:20:18] <Inari> Swimming with the fishies
L356[15:20:20] <CompanionCube> the last complaint is not one often laid at C++'s door.
L357[15:20:37] <Inari> CompanionCube: Well, it supposedly was in its early days
L358[15:20:38] <Inari> ;)
L359[15:21:36] <Xal> Wuerfel_21: Ada? :P
L360[15:22:28] <AmandaC> Okay, Nexus, whenever you're ready to send a authorisation email, that'd be greeeaaattt
L361[15:23:59] <CompanionCube> I personally think that Rust is the *closest* to a replacement
L362[15:24:12] <Joco223> So i wanted to make a raid to have a common place for multiple computers to store stuff (accessed over the network) but it needs a tier 3 cpu to be crafter
L363[15:24:14] <Joco223> So i wanted to make a raid to have a common place for multiple computers to store stuff (accessed over the network) but it needs a tier 3 cpu to be crafted [Edited]
L364[15:24:23] <Joco223> And i decided i am going to make a floppy drive raid
L365[15:24:51] <Joco223> I can technically fit 13.5mb of space into one chest if i can make a program that works
L366[15:25:30] <Joco223> It will probably be slower than an actual raid
L367[15:25:37] <Joco223> But i don't have resources to spend currently to make one
L368[15:30:17] <Forecaster> uh
L369[15:30:31] <Forecaster> I'd say that's not worth the effort but go ahead :p
L370[15:30:53] <Joco223> It's fun
L371[15:30:54] <Joco223> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L372[15:31:13] <Joco223> I could have also made a faster inventory management system but i want to use OC for everything that i can
L373[15:33:57] <Wuerfel_21> Xal, despite Ada being my first name, i never actually programmed Ada, lol
L374[15:34:55] <Xal> maybe nominative determinism will lead you to an ada programming job :P
L375[15:36:35] <Wuerfel_21> in the mean time, let's all enjoy this wiered example program that comes with the Parallax propeller IDE http://tinyurl.com/ya2xlbs3
L376[15:41:09] <Kleadron> https://youtu.be/XlVnKE_mJ68
L377[15:41:09] <MichiBot> Jelly Car 2 - Descent | length: 1m 17s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 4 | by Kleadron | Published On 5/8/2018
L378[16:03:43] <vifino> hai.
L379[16:06:14] <Inari> Seems Bangladesh is a bad palce to be at right now
L380[16:09:51] <vifino> what place isn't?
L381[16:10:01] <vifino> (ignoring non-earth places)
L382[16:14:54] <Inari> I mean
L383[16:15:00] <Inari> At least Germany has no violent protests going on righ tnow
L384[16:15:01] <Inari> :P
L385[16:16:22] <vifino> we can change that.
L386[16:16:36] * vifino readies the molotov cocktails
L387[16:17:12] <CompanionCube> but what would you protest about
L388[16:17:25] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2on_mVsAEY9Es.jpg:large
L389[16:17:47] <vifino> CompanionCube: no idea. give me a few minutes on twitter.
L390[16:18:24] <Inari> I guess I should learn Korean
L391[16:18:53] <vifino> *nods*
L392[16:19:06] <Inari> My twitter feed is becoming more an dmore Korean
L393[16:19:07] <Inari> :P
L394[16:19:43] <vifino> ye.
L395[16:20:19] <Inari> Rosetta Stone so expensive though
L396[16:20:20] <Inari> :<
L397[16:20:45] <vifino> duolingo? does it even have korean?
L398[16:21:34] <Inari> Eh, dunno, I didn't like it much when It ried it with French :P
L399[16:21:49] <Inari> Too much community nonsense
L400[16:22:02] <vifino> isn't that the best part?
L401[16:22:14] <Inari> No, I want to learn a language, not look like an idiot :D
L402[16:22:27] <vifino> but you are an idiot..?
L403[16:22:34] <Inari> %bap vifino
L404[16:22:34] * MichiBot baps vifino with 1x Compressed Sentence
L405[16:22:42] <vifino> ^.^
L406[16:22:57] <Inari> Anyway, I don't like looking at other peoples writings or have other people look at mine or stuff like that :P
L407[16:23:19] <vifino> uhuh.
L408[16:23:26] <vifino> too much porn in your case?
L409[16:23:40] <Inari> Nah, just not a fan :D
L410[16:24:02] <vifino> you don't have to be a fan.
L411[16:24:05] <vifino> you can be an AC.
L412[16:24:10] <Inari> Pls
L413[16:24:15] <vifino> no. ;)
L414[16:24:22] <Inari> %bap vifino
L415[16:24:22] * MichiBot baps vifino with the reason to be happy
L416[16:24:40] <vifino> what if i enjoy that, though? ;)
L417[16:28:09] <Inari> TIl our sun probably has a twin
L418[16:30:03] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794167DDAC653E4A4185E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L419[16:35:56] <AmandaC> Inari: tfw you get flushed down the toilet to another world, accidentally propose, and accept a duel from a man
L420[16:36:08] <gamax92> wot.
L421[16:36:14] <Inari> o.o
L422[16:37:09] <AmandaC> ( https://myanimelist.net/manga/1048/Kyou_kara_Ma_no_Tsuku_Jiyuugyou )
L423[16:48:36] <Inari> 예
L424[16:50:47] <AmandaC> Meow?
L425[16:51:06] <logan2611> borf?
L426[17:03:44] <Inari> 뽀뽀 apparently means kiss
L427[17:08:11] <Forecaster> thank goodness OC supports multipart and works with chisel and bits
L428[17:08:41] <Forecaster> or this would look absolutely horrible(-er) http://tinyurl.com/yck2acd6
L429[17:18:30] <gamax92> @Forecaster what am I looking at?
L430[17:18:44] <Forecaster> elevator terminal
L431[17:19:17] <Forecaster> top floor, so no surrounding walls to conceal the computer, so it had to go in the floor
L432[17:25:28] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_bBIKaqtRs
L433[17:25:28] <MichiBot> [Monster Hunter] When Male Voice 18 Meets Female Voice 11 | length: 8s | Likes: 90 Dislikes: 1 Views: 3,110 | by SMG_Martin | Published On 26/3/2017
L434[17:30:18] <Izaya> https://reddit.com/comments/94tf4e
L435[17:30:45] <Izaya> FitGirl is quality
L436[17:33:59] <Inari> I hope DUoLingo moves to explain alphabet composition later on, because currently it's kinda lacking that :P
L437[17:34:23] <Forecaster> hm, my elevator client is drawing 4 menu items even though it's only supposed to draw 3
L438[17:34:39] <Forecaster> and the 4th one can't be selected
L439[17:37:22] <Inari> Heh
L440[17:37:27] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Any bang is a good bang‽ Interrobang!')
L441[17:39:52] <Joco223> @Forecaster all of it is running of the eeprom you mentioned?
L442[17:43:00] <Forecaster> No
L443[17:43:29] <Forecaster> It's running on top of OpenOS currently
L444[17:44:10] <Forecaster> Also there is a server at the bottom that coordinates the clients
L445[19:08:44] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5640.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L448[20:32:23] <Kleadron> Do you have a loop that draws the menu items
L449[20:33:03] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L452[20:45:18] <Izaya> everyone
L453[20:45:23] <Izaya> give me your best virtualization policies
L454[20:46:43] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (Johannes13__!~Johannes1@dslb-088-066-233-191.088.066.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L455[21:29:29] <boiler> add a watchdog timer or something to OC so we can do proper multitasking
L456[21:30:05] <boiler> currently an unbreakable while loop hangs the "multitasking" in OC
L457[21:31:38] <AmandaC> %choose read more Yumekui or sleep
L458[21:31:39] <MichiBot> AmandaC: sleep
L459[21:31:42] <AmandaC> Hrm
L460[21:31:55] <AmandaC> %choose some more YouTube first or no
L461[21:31:55] <MichiBot> AmandaC: some more YouTube first
L462[21:32:00] <boiler> thats what /b/ is for, my dude
L463[21:32:29] <AmandaC> Huh?
L464[21:32:40] <boiler> animoo
L465[21:34:39] <Izaya> I thought /a/ was for animu
L466[21:34:52] <Izaya> but really it's for hating it
L467[21:35:05] <boiler> but /b/ is also for animoo
L468[21:35:10] <AmandaC> Why go to that cancerous cess pit when I've already got ebooks of the manga, and access to a ftp server with thousands of anime series
L469[21:35:19] <boiler> how dare you call my home a cess pit
L470[21:35:31] <boiler> but seriously, there's good animoos there
L471[21:35:47] <Izaya> I mean, 4chan is pretty shit
L472[21:35:59] <AmandaC> Also anime != Manga
L473[21:36:06] <Izaya> it's cheap entertainment and sometimes you get a remotely interesting conversation
L474[21:36:38] <boiler> anime is manga
L475[21:36:40] <boiler> cheeky
L476[21:37:06] <AmandaC> The yumekui manga is very good. I gather the anime took a lot of liberties that ruined it
L477[21:38:43] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L478[21:39:07] <AmandaC> (yumikui merry is the full name)
L479[21:39:21] <boiler> i actually don't watch animoo or mango
L480[21:42:29] <CompanionCube> Izaya: policies?
L481[21:43:12] <Izaya> yeah like written ones
L482[21:43:18] <Izaya> policies and best practices and stuff
L483[21:43:23] <CompanionCube> don't have any
L484[21:45:26] * Izaya frowns
L485[21:45:29] <Izaya> so
L486[21:45:37] <AmandaC> Izaya: step one: DMZ it, step two: install Windows XP
L487[21:45:38] <Izaya> wget in openos takes a second argument for the local filename
L488[21:45:55] <Izaya> wget in *nix takes only the URL and has a -- argument
L489[21:46:03] <Izaya> <sloth>what a pain</sloth>
L490[21:46:16] ⇨ Joins: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L491[21:46:53] <AmandaC> I'm sure payonel would be fine with someone PRing a -O argument
L492[21:47:31] <Izaya> I mean
L493[21:47:34] <Izaya> if it uses shell.parse
L494[21:47:38] <Izaya> it should ignore --output-document
L495[21:48:09] <Izaya> It does!
L496[21:48:11] <Izaya> :D
L497[21:48:22] <Izaya> I can use wget url --output-document whatever
L498[21:49:10] <AmandaC> I've actually never used the -- arg, only ever -O
L499[21:49:48] <Izaya> -O works fine too
L500[21:49:50] <Izaya> :D
L501[22:01:43] <gamax92> curl is interesting.
L502[22:02:24] <gamax92> I tell it to generate a filename based on the url, but if you follow redirects it gave me a filename based of the initial url and not the one it ended up on
L503[23:14:20] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:2097:6113:4c9f:45ac) (Remote host closed the connection)
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