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L1[00:05:39] ⇦ Quits: ChewyInsideMinecraft (ChewyInsideMinecraft!~chewyinsi@c-73-246-69-95.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L2[00:22:57] <Kleadron> i made an ear rape machine
L3[00:23:04] <SF-MC> No thanks
L4[00:23:19] <Kleadron> i set a while true do loop to do computer.beep and increase the pitch each time
L5[00:23:42] <Kleadron> it finally errored at 2000 lol
L6[00:27:18] <Kleadron> computronics ded
L7[00:32:50] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L8[00:33:10] <Kodos> It's not dead tho?
L9[00:33:22] <Kodos> Also yes, beep caps at 2000 for pitch
L10[00:33:26] <Kodos> 20-2000, iirc
L11[00:38:48] ⇨ Joins: whatthefuckisthisshit (whatthefuckisthisshit!~whatthefu@c-73-246-69-95.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L12[00:39:08] ⇦ Quits: whatthefuckisthisshit (whatthefuckisthisshit!~whatthefu@c-73-246-69-95.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L13[00:59:13] <PHOBOSS> I must be doing something wrong unfortunately I dont know what:
L14[00:59:47] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5404.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L15[01:02:39] <PHOBOSS> about that server, I already got a network card and a T3 component bus installed, set it to display everything on the screen, and detect anything thats behind it... but its not detecting the adapter and three other component blocks
L16[01:03:52] <PHOBOSS> i tried the other sides as well to no avail
L17[01:06:04] <Ghostgamer17> no bootable mediem XD
L18[01:06:09] <Ghostgamer17> for me XD
L19[01:06:34] <Ghostgamer17> i even put a disk drive in it
L20[01:12:54] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L21[01:50:19] ⇦ Quits: screen_marf (screen_marf!~screen_ma@54686AE1.cm-12-1b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L22[02:01:46] <PHOBOSS> help pls
L23[02:11:15] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:442c:8b0e:6ae4:565)
L24[02:24:08] <Forecaster> no.
L25[02:25:00] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5404.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L26[02:39:26] <Saphire> *waves from a few miles above earth*
L27[02:39:37] <Saphire> Or whatever is the altitude of airplanes
L28[02:51:42] <Corded> * <Forecaster> waves at air
L29[03:37:59] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p4FC8B4A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L30[03:38:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L31[03:49:41] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:442c:8b0e:6ae4:565) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L32[03:51:19] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:950d:238d:47d8:7198)
L33[03:54:27] ⇨ Joins: screen_marf (screen_marf!~screen_ma@54686AE1.cm-12-1b.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L34[04:12:47] <Forecaster> %loot
L35[04:12:47] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a purple potion.
L36[04:20:49] ⇨ Joins: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl)
L37[04:20:49] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L38[05:30:46] ⇨ Joins: jvekstrem-extrem (jvekstrem-extrem!~ZNC@
L39[05:30:58] ⇦ Parts: jvekstrem-extrem (jvekstrem-extrem!~ZNC@ (close))
L40[05:36:15] <Izaya> Backlog here I come.
L41[05:36:21] * Izaya is finally watching FMA:B
L42[05:40:34] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p54AFFDC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L43[05:40:44] <Inari> Boobp
L44[05:41:28] <Inari> AmandaC: I've seen plenty of things in dreams that I haven't seen in reallife though xP
L45[05:45:50] <AmandaC> Inari: :p
L46[06:11:44] <AmandaC> %choose read or play
L47[06:11:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: read
L48[06:54:48] <Inari> https://store.steampowered.com/app/315460/Dig_or_Die/ interesting, might have to check that out when I'm done wiht Starbound
L49[07:06:04] <AmandaC> I think my sister has tha game. Pretty sure it's the one that never drained rainwatter, so it just continued to flood the map like a biblical punishment
L50[07:06:43] <Inari> Haha
L51[07:07:00] <Inari> I wish starbound vanilla had more water mechanics
L52[07:07:10] <AmandaC> This was at least a year ago, so it might have been fixed by now
L53[07:07:21] <Inari> There are some planet where it floods all the time, but it just goes away when it's on a free background tile or goes into the ocean. And you can't build a pump or such either
L54[07:15:00] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (Techokami!~Techokami@pool-71-184-136-23.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L55[07:15:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
L56[08:01:35] <Inari> https://twitter.com/daa10shi/status/1017867570773233665 :3
L57[08:01:35] <MichiBot> Fri Jul 13 15:25:14 CDT 2018 @daa10shi: I pretty damn good at being cute, teehee
L58[08:18:17] <Inari> https://twitter.com/AutizmoAutizm/status/1018484396956028928 anyone know what anime char this is?
L59[08:18:18] <MichiBot> Sun Jul 15 08:16:17 CDT 2018 @AutizmoAutizm: #adorable #moe #anime #kawaii #cute https://t.co/F7S8fL9nyz
L60[08:45:14] <Forecaster> inconclusive
L61[08:45:40] <Forecaster> probably not related to a show
L62[08:49:24] <Inari> How come?
L63[08:50:25] <Forecaster> the only names that I found relating to it was "2D chan" and "seraph of the end"
L64[08:50:34] <Forecaster> and neither seemed actually related to this specific image
L65[08:50:40] <Forecaster> or character
L66[08:50:53] <Inari> Hm
L67[08:51:27] <Inari> Might have to cut it out of the background
L68[08:54:20] <Forecaster> I'm hungry...
L69[08:54:27] <Forecaster> time to go get a pizza I think
L70[08:54:31] <Inari> peanut butter pizza
L71[08:54:37] <Forecaster> uh no
L72[08:54:40] <Inari> xD
L73[08:54:41] <Forecaster> I don't like peanuts
L74[08:58:03] <Forecaster> %loot
L75[08:58:04] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic poogie! (25%)
L76[09:04:58] <Forecaster> %choose pizza or no pizza
L77[09:04:59] <MichiBot> Forecaster: pizza
L78[09:05:10] <Forecaster> well allright then, michibot has spoken
L79[09:05:10] <MichiBot> Sure, I guess
L80[09:05:11] * MichiBot purrs
L81[09:15:18] ⇨ Joins: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L82[09:17:06] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L83[09:29:14] <Tangent> Pizza. o.o
L84[09:29:21] <Forecaster> Pizza!
L85[09:29:27] <Tangent> So jealous.
L86[09:29:38] <Forecaster> I've ordered now, gonna go down and get it in about 8 minutes
L87[09:30:25] <Forecaster> living in the same building as a pizza place is pretty great sometimes
L88[09:33:21] <Tangent> nice
L89[09:33:39] <Tangent> But do they do gluten free? (Celiac disease sucks.)
L90[09:34:00] <Tangent> Anywho, having just gotten up for the day, time to get off my lazy ass and do some work.
L91[09:34:28] <Forecaster> I don't know I don't have that
L92[09:34:31] <Forecaster> they probably do
L93[09:34:45] <Izaya> most places do gluten free now
L94[09:34:59] <Izaya> not because of celiacs, because it's fashionable
L95[09:35:05] <Izaya> but it seems useful for you guys
L96[09:35:15] <Tangent> Yea
L97[09:35:36] <Tangent> It's gonna suck when people finally realize gluten is just food glue.
L98[09:35:38] <Tangent> :P
L99[09:36:02] <Tangent> It also really sucks not being able to have it because of how useful it is for cooking.
L100[09:36:22] <Tangent> Like, gluten free stuff is more difficult to cook because it's something that makes food easier to work with.
L101[09:36:38] * Izaya nods
L102[09:36:48] <Izaya> gluten free food tends to crumble a lot more
L103[09:37:01] <vifino> ya
L104[09:41:51] <Chris532> what have people found to be a user friendly os for OC? ive had a look through several and i cant get most to work
L105[09:43:45] <gamax92> OpenOS is pretty nice
L106[09:45:04] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L107[09:45:06] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yd7qbbrk
L108[09:45:14] <Forecaster> This definitely isn't gluten free
L109[09:45:44] <gamax92> what is on that pizza ...
L110[09:46:26] <Forecaster> meat
L111[09:46:34] <Skye> @Kleadron poke, check minios ^^;
L112[09:46:38] <gamax92> that sauce.
L113[09:47:20] <Forecaster> oh, kebab sauce
L114[09:51:35] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:ec6c:64f9:5d9d:a91b)
L115[09:54:14] <Tangent> I need to take a look at minios.
L116[09:54:48] <Tangent> For the learning how they set it up essentially.
L117[09:55:07] <Skye> miniOS is awful
L118[09:55:21] <Skye> it was a hack that I quickly made when OC first supported multiple OSes
L119[09:55:28] <Skye> basically it's a stripped down version of OpenOS
L120[09:55:48] <Skye> when you needed a lot of ram to start OpenOS
L121[10:00:01] <FR^2> boah, how I hate those tutorial videos where a) they are using custom texturepacks (so that you can't recognize things) and b) the wiggle around in order to cause an epileptic...
L122[10:01:00] <gamax92> I love how the bash completion for lua is still broken and doesn't let you complete any filenames as arguments to the script
L123[10:01:10] <gamax92> only more .lua files
L124[10:01:43] <Tangent> But why would you have anything other than more lua files?
L125[10:01:53] <Tangent> /s
L126[10:25:10] *** vifino is now known as W^X
L127[10:25:18] <Forecaster> %loot
L128[10:25:18] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a viscous tan potion.
L129[10:27:35] <Forecaster> I should add a potion system to MichiBot
L130[10:27:42] <Corded> * <Forecaster> ponders
L131[10:29:59] <Tangent> %choose do it or no
L132[10:29:59] <MichiBot> Tangent: do it
L133[10:30:04] <Tangent> You should do it.
L134[10:30:13] <Forecaster> oh allright
L135[10:30:34] * AmandaC spins around clockwise
L136[10:31:01] <Tangent> I want to play with Markov chains.
L137[10:31:13] <Forecaster> ~markov Tangent
L138[10:31:13] <ocdoc> Please wait ...
L139[10:31:14] <Tangent> For no particular reason..or for one particular reason.
L140[10:31:22] <Tangent> Wait what.
L141[10:31:24] <ocdoc> I meant I was genuinely scared I borked it for OC.
L142[10:31:32] <AmandaC> %choose kitnap or patience
L143[10:31:32] <Tangent> Sounds about right.
L144[10:31:33] <MichiBot> AmandaC: patience
L145[10:31:35] <AmandaC> :(
L146[10:31:40] <Tangent> Kitnap?
L147[10:31:48] <Tangent> Stealing fox kits is not cool.
L148[10:31:54] <AmandaC> Like kidnapping, but for kittens
L149[10:32:11] <Tangent> Oh, /those/ kits.
L150[10:32:13] <Tangent> Still not cool.
L151[10:32:20] * Tangent hides the kittens.
L152[10:32:29] <Tangent> (and the fox kits)
L153[10:32:39] * Tangent has no fox kits though
L154[10:33:06] <Tangent> %choose nap or reading
L155[10:33:06] <MichiBot> Tangent: reading
L156[10:33:11] <Tangent> Goddammit.
L157[10:33:38] <Tangent> ~markov Forecaster
L158[10:33:39] <ocdoc> I don't think... maybe it was gone rogue :P face, but
L159[10:33:50] <Forecaster> :P face indeed
L160[10:33:59] <Tangent> Beautiful.
L161[10:34:14] <Forecaster> okay... what should the command be...
L162[10:34:16] <Forecaster> drink?
L163[10:34:57] <Forecaster> also, by far the best command in MichiBot
L164[10:35:01] <Forecaster> %jiggle
L165[10:35:02] * MichiBot jiggles
L166[10:35:30] <Z0idburg> 0K
L167[10:35:38] <Z0idburg> My shitty terminal program is acting strangely
L168[10:35:41] <Z0idburg> or acting shitty
L169[10:35:45] <Forecaster> I can fix it
L170[10:35:56] <Forecaster> %jiggle @Z0idburg 's terminal program
L171[10:35:57] * MichiBot jiggles @Z0idburg 's terminal program
L172[10:36:04] <Forecaster> did that fix it?
L173[10:37:57] <gamax92> if a currency has no value, then can you convert nothing into infinite worthless
L174[10:39:09] <Inari> %inv add medieval flash bang grenade
L175[10:39:10] * MichiBot summons 'medieval flash bang grenade' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L176[10:39:12] <Tangent> Can choose take more than two arguments?
L177[10:39:24] <Inari> %take choose a or b or c or d or e
L178[10:39:24] <Forecaster> yes
L179[10:39:25] <gamax92> %choose yes or no or maybe
L180[10:39:26] <MichiBot> gamax92: no
L181[10:39:28] <Inari> %choose a or b or c or d or e
L182[10:39:28] <MichiBot> Inari: c
L183[10:39:32] <Inari> Not sure why I put take there
L184[10:39:35] <Forecaster> it can take infinite (in theory) arguments
L185[10:39:40] <Tangent> Awesome.
L186[10:39:49] <Forecaster> it just splits at "or" then picks a random one
L187[10:39:55] <gamax92> %choose or or or or or
L188[10:39:55] <MichiBot> gamax92: or
L189[10:39:57] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a dog spirit trapped in a chess piece
L190[10:39:57] * MichiBot accepts the dog spirit trapped in a chess piece and adds it to her inventory
L191[10:40:07] <Tangent> %inv add incubus-summoning potion
L192[10:40:07] * MichiBot summons 'incubus-summoning potion' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L193[10:40:13] <Tangent> :P
L194[10:40:24] <gamax92> Gah I can barely type today
L195[10:40:41] <AmandaC> Poor incubuses, coming of age is hard.
L196[10:40:45] <Tangent> Wait a second..
L197[10:40:48] <AmandaC> As learned in https://myanimelist.net/manga/103381/Mida_Love%E2%99%AA?q=Mida%20Love
L198[10:41:02] <Tangent> %give Forecaster a plastic fork
L199[10:41:02] * MichiBot searches through her inventory for a bit. "I couldn't find anything..."
L200[10:41:15] <Tangent> %give Michibot a plastic fork
L201[10:41:15] * MichiBot searches through her inventory for a bit. "I couldn't find anything..."
L202[10:41:20] <AmandaC> Get your first kiss with a girl, suddenly you ARE a girl, and the girl you've been crushing on has passed out!
L203[10:41:20] <Tangent> :(
L204[10:41:35] <Inari> test
L205[10:41:35] <Forecaster> the name for give is case sensitive
L206[10:41:50] <AmandaC> it probably shouldn't be, since IRC nicks aren't
L207[10:41:54] <Tangent> Ah, that's what I derped.
L208[10:42:01] <Tangent> I didn't notice Bot was capitalized.
L209[10:42:17] <Tangent> AmandaC, as long as that doesn't hurt the girl, I would want that so much.
L210[10:42:32] <gamax92> But at what cost
L211[10:42:48] <Tangent> Hopefully not a high one?
L212[10:42:59] <Tangent> I mean I dunno what cost I'd find acceptable.
L213[10:43:33] <Tangent> So does ocdoc doing the Markov'ing of users dynamically update or does it only build a chain once?
L214[10:43:41] <AmandaC> Don't absorb energy via "mucus contact" too much, and suddenly you're being mobbed by the opposite of your current sex. Wait even longer, and the same-sex starts too!
L215[10:44:01] <Inari> t
L216[10:44:03] <Tangent> Cause I saw for me it said to wait a minute, and then for Forecaster it just spat something out instantly.
L217[10:44:11] <Tangent> ~markov Tangent
L218[10:44:11] <ocdoc> I was writing shell not their dream, they set it lightly.
L219[10:44:21] <Forecaster> ask gamax92
L220[10:44:25] <Tangent> ...sure, I think I said that at some point.
L221[10:44:25] <AmandaC> ... that sounds oddly inspirational...
L222[10:44:46] <Tangent> Sometimes I can be oddly inspirational. I am often oddly inspired.
L223[10:45:27] <gamax92> dynamically updates
L224[10:45:41] <Inari> 98 parameters I think is the max here
L225[10:45:47] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L226[10:45:48] <ocdoc> [22:12:50] <Skye> Inari, context respond o.o that could figure out how to actaully use it, its also kinda calls to setforeground/setbackground
L227[10:46:04] <gamax92> Inari got boring lately
L228[10:46:10] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/ya85gg4o
L229[10:46:14] <Z0idburg> So!
L230[10:46:14] <Inari> Got boring ever since oyu fixed it
L231[10:46:14] <Inari> :P
L232[10:46:17] <Tangent> gamax92, it's a first order chain? or 2nd or ..?
L233[10:46:18] <Inari> ~markov lewd
L234[10:46:18] <ocdoc> lewd stuff just not sexual related more lewd than me i thougth I would like
L235[10:46:22] <gamax92> Yeah possibly
L236[10:46:23] <Z0idburg> this really shitty program is working shitty
L237[10:46:45] <Z0idburg> for some reason, if I for example press one key, it sends them forever
L238[10:46:55] <Z0idburg> it's almost like event.pulld oesn't pop it out of the queue
L239[10:46:58] <Z0idburg> or something
L240[10:47:14] <Z0idburg> that'
L241[10:47:20] <Z0idburg> that's the entire shitty program though
L242[10:48:23] <Inari> But yeah 510 chars ina irc msg. "PRIVMSG #oc :%choose " is 21 chars. 510 - 21 = 489. a parameter has to be "x or " so 5 chars, 489/5 = 97.8. So 97 commands, but for the last one we don't need the " or " part. So 0.8 * 5 = 4 chars. Which is okay since we only need 1 char for the last. So 98 chars
L243[10:48:29] <Inari> *98 params
L244[10:48:40] * Tangent feels vaguely depressed this morning and can't figure out what to do about it. :/
L245[10:48:54] <Z0idburg> Tangent, you can fix my problem to work off the depression ?
L246[10:48:54] <Inari> Go have a shower and watch some Yurucamp
L247[10:49:35] <Tangent> Shower might actually be the answer..a bit later though.
L248[10:50:21] ⇨ Joins: ChewyonMinecraft (ChewyonMinecraft!~chewyonmi@c-73-246-69-95.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L249[10:50:38] <Tangent> I think I might try to sleep a little longer and/or work on some web dev stuff.
L250[10:50:48] <Tangent> And then shower
L251[10:50:53] <Tangent> And then do more web dev.
L252[10:51:06] <gamax92> my father is trying to take a part a can of air.
L253[10:51:06] <Tangent> idk but either way, *disappears*
L254[10:52:49] <Inari> Is there a difference between using curly braces and table.pack?
L255[10:53:33] <Z0idburg> no idea
L256[10:53:33] <gamax92> table.pack adds a "n" key showing how many arguments table.pack received
L257[10:53:41] <Inari> I see
L258[10:53:43] <Z0idburg> I think {} was deprecated or something wasnt it?
L259[10:53:50] <Inari> Not from what I know :P
L260[10:53:55] <gamax92> the only difference between table.n and #table occurs if you're putting nil's in a table
L261[10:53:59] <gamax92> and no that's not depreciated ...
L262[10:54:08] <Inari> It's appreciated!
L263[10:54:10] * Inari hides
L264[10:54:11] <gamax92> yes
L265[10:54:18] <Z0idburg> lol
L266[10:54:25] <Z0idburg> Inari is silly
L267[10:54:35] <Inari> But no clue why that would loop :P
L268[10:55:08] <Inari> What does the receiving end do
L269[10:58:39] * Inari travels back in time and sells watercooling to armor makers
L270[10:59:07] * Temia curls up in Gamax's lap and dozes z.z zzzmoo
L271[11:00:19] * gamax92 puts a blanket over Temia
L272[11:00:49] <Z0idburg> ugh
L273[11:00:51] <Z0idburg> whyy
L274[11:01:04] <Z0idburg> I type the letter z which emits one key down event
L275[11:01:10] <Z0idburg> and Iget 10 modem messages with z
L276[11:01:25] <Z0idburg> I really hope this isn't packet duplication on the wiring
L277[11:01:39] <Z0idburg> because if it is then somebody needs to fix that on the Oc side because holy crap that's annoying
L278[11:01:53] <Inari> Well, what are you doing exactly :P Whats the receiving side doing as said
L279[11:02:12] <Z0idburg> atm just dmesg
L280[11:02:23] <Z0idburg> I'm just watching it reciving the packets
L281[11:04:19] <Inari> Hm
L282[11:04:52] <Inari> And the local echo thing only shows one keypress?
L283[11:05:02] <Z0idburg> yeah.
L284[11:05:39] <Inari> Odd
L285[11:06:04] <Z0idburg> I once heard that it is possible modem messages will become duplicated
L286[11:06:07] <Z0idburg> but that just seems weird.
L287[11:06:17] <Z0idburg> and I don't think it'd be that bad
L288[11:06:29] <Inari> I haven't heard of that
L289[11:06:37] <Z0idburg> I have one room full of server racks but just one server on, with two relays in between another computer
L290[11:07:25] <Inari> Also not really finding any issues on github that would claim that
L291[11:08:28] <Z0idburg> I think it was in some docs about the relays
L292[11:08:32] <Z0idburg> but I forget where
L293[11:09:38] <Inari> Seems so
L294[11:09:40] <Inari> "Relays do not keep track of which packets they forwarded recently, so avoid cycles in your network or you may receive the same packet multiple times."
L295[11:11:01] <Z0idburg> sigh
L296[11:11:08] <Z0idburg> I don't have any loops that I know of
L297[11:11:21] <Inari> Try sending a single message manually?
L298[11:11:21] <Z0idburg> however..
L299[11:11:30] <Z0idburg> yeah lemme try that
L300[11:15:33] <Z0idburg> yep, it definately sends it a bunch. My hunch is that server racks have relays inside of them and they are bouncing back out
L301[11:15:44] <Z0idburg> which imo should probably be fixed if that is the case
L302[11:16:17] <Inari> Maybe your rack wiring is badly configured
L303[11:16:18] <Inari> ;)
L304[11:16:45] <Z0idburg> well there's only one server to receive it and nothing loops
L305[11:17:04] <Inari> Well I'm not sure how your setup looks
L306[11:17:10] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y6wgppay
L307[11:17:27] <Z0idburg> like that
L308[11:17:29] <Inari> Racks shouldn't have relays by themselves
L309[11:17:43] <Inari> Reminds me of CCU, good times
L310[11:17:44] <Z0idburg> there is this relay looking button on the rack
L311[11:17:52] <Z0idburg> that says enabled or disabled but I don't know what it does
L312[11:17:54] <Z0idburg> CCU?
L313[11:18:01] <Inari> ComputerCraft University
L314[11:18:04] <Z0idburg> ah
L315[11:19:59] <Z0idburg> yep that is a symbol for relay so let me disable that..
L316[11:20:06] ⇦ Quits: ChewyonMinecraft (ChewyonMinecraft!~chewyonmi@c-73-246-69-95.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L317[11:20:58] <Z0idburg> FIXED.
L318[11:21:10] <Z0idburg> each rack, all 12 of them was relaying it and making a mess.
L319[11:21:19] <Z0idburg> the solution was to click the relay disable button on the rack
L320[11:21:30] <Z0idburg> (which is default enabled and has no tooltip to indicate what it does)
L321[11:21:37] <Inari> Heh
L322[11:21:52] <Inari> %inv add german engineering
L323[11:21:53] * MichiBot summons 'german engineering' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L324[11:26:29] <Inari> @Z0idburg , what are you making anyway
L325[11:26:51] <Z0idburg> something like telnet
L326[11:26:57] <Z0idburg> well no
L327[11:26:59] <Z0idburg> netcat
L328[11:27:15] <Z0idburg> this way I can see the debug consoles of my servers
L329[11:27:21] <Z0idburg> from another room
L330[11:27:32] <Inari> Yeah, but
L331[11:27:35] <Inari> What do the servers do
L332[11:29:16] <Forecaster> debug!
L333[11:29:43] * Inari wonders if someone implemented blockchain stuff in OC
L334[11:30:13] <Z0idburg> The servers do networking! ?
L335[11:30:17] <Z0idburg> they're telecom switches
L336[11:30:21] <Z0idburg> like telephone lines
L337[11:30:45] <Z0idburg> I have an Os I'm writing that makes multipleOC computers group into one computer
L338[11:31:02] <Z0idburg> shared component list, more ram, more disk everything
L339[11:31:09] <Z0idburg> to the os it just sees it as one large computer
L340[11:38:38] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/446409690411302922/467833125704302593/FB_IMG_1530042614850.jpg
L341[11:39:09] <Inari> @Z0idburg sounds hard, esp. if you want to use the call limits ofa ll
L342[11:39:45] <Z0idburg> calls limits?
L343[11:39:59] <Inari> Ooooooooh
L344[11:40:03] <Inari> a new brutalmoose video, yes
L345[11:40:23] <Inari> @Z0idburg like, a CPU can only make so many component callsin a tick (though I think it had something to do with direct/indirect calls too maybe, no clue)
L346[11:40:41] <Z0idburg> oh, that
L347[11:40:50] <Z0idburg> well this would even handle components across relays
L348[11:41:23] <Z0idburg> it uses the actor model to relay messages between processes, and components are handled by these actors
L349[11:42:28] <Z0idburg> cooking with twinkies...
L350[11:45:11] <Forecaster> Brutalmoose!
L351[11:50:18] <Z0idburg> ... those poor twinkies
L352[11:51:19] <Inari> http://cdn.funnyisms.com/3a58a6ad-30e9-4b84-9e76-b13d4c08cb68.jpg
L353[12:07:15] ⇦ Quits: hphat^ (hphat^!~hph@ip72-195-187-57.mc.at.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L355[12:22:51] <Inari> https://twitter.com/nekomaids/status/1018546178445729792 cute
L356[12:22:52] <MichiBot> Sun Jul 15 12:21:47 CDT 2018 @nekomaids: neko nightwear ?
L357[12:26:00] <Inari> No vifino? :o
L358[12:26:18] <Inari> %tell vifino I need a fox tail
L359[12:26:19] <MichiBot> Inari: vifino will be notified of this message when next seen.
L360[12:27:44] <Wuerfel_21> %choose website or minceraft or commodore
L361[12:27:45] <MichiBot> Wuerfel_21: commodore
L362[12:28:05] <Wuerfel_21> Well, time to fire up them assemblerz
L363[12:35:02] <Kleadron> @Skye os.sleep seems to be working, but i cant test os.exit because i cant seem to get keyboard input
L364[12:37:38] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L365[12:43:32] <Inari> So
L366[12:43:39] <Inari> Why is Vsauce making videos on some channel called DONG now anyway
L367[12:50:59] <Skye> @Kleadron wah? O_o
L368[12:51:12] <Skye> you can't get keyboard input?
L369[12:53:22] <Wuerfel_21> because he thinks it sounds funny?
L370[12:57:17] <Kleadron> Nope
L371[12:57:20] <Kleadron> works on openos
L372[12:57:30] <Kleadron> but cant control anything on minios
L373[12:59:14] <Skye> @Kleadron out of curiosity, how do you get keyboard input in the program?
L374[13:00:25] <Kleadron> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/timukoquto
L375[13:00:48] <Skye> interesting
L376[13:00:54] <Skye> I wonder why it isn't working
L377[13:01:01] <Skye> I do use the keyboard library
L378[13:01:12] <Skye> by use I mean blatently copy
L379[13:01:54] <Kleadron> It does work perfectly without the input, and doesnt have the wierd flickering text issue like on openos
L380[13:01:56] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/yahhlrov
L381[13:02:01] <Skye> interesting
L382[13:02:08] <Skye> I use the old openos term lib
L383[13:02:24] <Kleadron> Do you want the file to mess around with
L384[13:02:39] <Skye> I don't have a minecraft environment setup yet
L385[13:02:50] <Kleadron> Ok
L386[13:02:55] <Skye> hmm
L387[13:03:45] <Skye> hmm
L388[13:04:01] <Skye> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/skye-Programs/blob/master/miniOS/keyboard.lua
L389[13:05:13] <Kleadron> Would changing it to a charcode work?
L390[13:05:18] <Kleadron> im going to try that
L391[13:05:21] <Skye> try it...
L392[13:05:25] <Skye> I'm curious
L393[13:05:43] <Skye> if it works I'll be able to hack up a fix :D
L394[13:08:31] <Kleadron> Still doesnt work wtf
L395[13:08:54] <Kleadron> maybe if i copy the program to the a drive where the keyboard.lua is it will work
L396[13:09:14] <Skye> that _shouldn't_ make a difference
L397[13:09:21] <Kleadron> it didnt
L398[13:09:27] <Skye> blergh
L399[13:09:48] <Kleadron> and it still works on openos
L400[13:10:13] <Skye> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/amozihiyan
L401[13:10:17] <Skye> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/owejijuwuz [Edited]
L402[13:10:19] <Skye> miniOS
L403[13:10:45] <Skye> miniOS:
L404[13:10:45] <Skye> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/jakuvixubu [Edited]
L405[13:10:54] <Skye> OpenOS:
L406[13:10:54] <Skye> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/amabopiniw
L407[13:11:15] <Kleadron> hmm
L408[13:11:38] <Kleadron> Do i just put that as a function in the program
L409[13:11:44] <Skye> no
L410[13:11:49] <Skye> that's me comparing the code
L411[13:11:55] <Kleadron> Oh nvm
L412[13:11:58] <Skye> trying to see why it would work differently
L413[13:12:53] ⇨ Joins: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net)
L414[13:14:46] <Kleadron> My idea for this is that i can load minios and the program onto a disk and have minios automaticaly boot into the reactor program. So i can have a lightweight reactor management program.
L415[13:16:20] <Kleadron> the windows are actualy taken from my experimental window drawing system
L416[13:16:44] <Kleadron> it lets you draw a square window out of line characters and you have an array as the content
L417[13:17:08] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (Techokami!~Techokami@pool-71-184-136-23.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L418[13:19:08] <Skye> @Kleadron I like that idea
L419[13:27:06] <Skye> @Kleadron the reason why that problem is so confusing is because normal button presses work
L420[13:27:39] <Corded> * <Skye> confused
L421[13:28:35] <Kleadron> i optimized it by adding text together and then writing it to the screen
L422[13:28:51] <Kleadron> it makes it tons faster
L423[13:29:06] <Skye> hmm
L424[13:29:16] <Skye> does stuff like control+c work?
L425[13:29:29] <Skye> or is that also broken
L426[13:29:39] <Kleadron> doesnt work
L427[13:30:00] <Skye> what about in a program without os.sleep?
L428[13:30:05] <Skye> I have a suspicion...
L429[13:30:23] <Kleadron> it didnt work even before i re added os.sleep
L430[13:30:43] <Kleadron> Because if it did work, the controls should have been hyper sensitive
L431[13:30:57] <Kleadron> i will try
L432[13:32:44] <Skye> it's either a bug with the keyboard lib I haven't noticed before
L433[13:32:49] <Skye> _or_ a bug with os.sleep
L434[13:33:07] <Kleadron> Controls still dont work when i remove sleep
L435[13:33:37] <Kleadron> probably a keyboard bug
L436[13:38:50] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L437[13:42:38] <Skye> hmm
L438[13:42:45] <Z0idburg> Hey Skye how do you like my logo
L439[13:42:47] <Skye> @payonel how does the OpenOS keyboard lib work?
L440[13:42:47] <Z0idburg> https://i.imgur.com/zZ3Eh5i.png
L441[13:43:12] <Skye> @Z0idburg uh... do I know you from IRC? ^^;
L442[13:43:18] <Z0idburg> yes
L443[13:43:24] <payonel> skye it is really just a table of key codes
L444[13:43:34] <payonel> it also listens for key events to track which modifiers are "pressed"
L445[13:44:19] <Z0idburg> S3 obviously
L446[13:44:32] <Wuerfel_21> POLL! do you `want ti see big boi get stoobed` ?
L447[13:47:09] <Skye> @payonel for some reason the listening part doesn't work in miniOS... where are the codes stuffed into it?
L448[13:48:43] <Wuerfel_21> i'd like to be filled in on what miniOS is? i assume openOS but like it was in v1.2?
L449[13:48:43] <Kleadron> what big boi
L450[13:48:53] <Wuerfel_21> big boi is big boi
L451[13:49:03] <Kleadron> Minios is like a miniture version of openos that works with a tiny stick of ram
L452[13:49:22] <payonel> although, openos runs on 1 stick of ram now too
L453[13:49:28] <payonel> although, openos runs on 1 stick of t1 ram now too [Edited]
L454[13:49:56] <Kleadron> doesnt start up as fast tho :GWmythsBlobGlare:
L455[13:50:14] <payonel> i haven't timed the minios boot
L456[13:50:21] <payonel> but if you're talking about openos 1.6, yes, that boot was slo
L457[13:50:23] <payonel> but if you're talking about openos 1.6, yes, that boot was slow [Edited]
L458[13:50:28] <payonel> in 1.7 it is much faster
L459[13:50:37] <Wuerfel_21> payonel is on them discords, i see
L460[13:50:53] <Wuerfel_21> openos 1.6 was horrifying
L461[13:51:13] <Wuerfel_21> what exactly does make 1.7 so much faster?
L462[13:51:22] <payonel> boot, and library loading
L463[13:52:24] <Wuerfel_21> as in, how did you make those faster?
L464[13:52:54] <payonel> i removed the sleep
L465[13:52:56] <payonel> ?
L466[13:53:29] <Wuerfel_21> oeuf
L467[13:53:54] <Kleadron> oof
L468[13:54:13] <Kleadron> microsoft you could learn from this
L469[13:54:19] <Kleadron> just remove the sleep and make windows start faster
L470[13:54:41] <Wuerfel_21> altough i did get to see some of those RAM-saving haxx, like loading the devfs driver only when a non-trivial call is made
L471[13:56:27] <payonel> wuerfel - mainly removing code from boot that is not necessary (that's a big job), and improving the "delay load" mechanism [ which loads libraries dynamically on use ]
L472[13:58:47] <Wuerfel_21> i am amazed the whole thing still fits on a single floppy
L473[13:59:32] <Wuerfel_21> with some room to spare
L474[14:00:55] <Kleadron> How come there arent t2 and t3 EEPROMS that can hold more that 4 tiny kilobytes of worthless data
L475[14:01:58] <Kleadron> How come there arent t2 and t3 EEPROMS that can hold more than 4 tiny kilobytes of worthless data [Edited]
L476[14:02:04] <Wuerfel_21> opensecurity can cram a whole 8k in there thanks to magic™
L477[14:03:04] <Kleadron> well then it could probably fit 32k into a 16k eeprom
L478[14:32:38] <Forecaster> %loot
L479[14:32:39] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a chocolate bar that was left out in the sun.
L480[14:36:54] ⇦ Quits: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe) (Quit: Hugs~ <3)
L481[14:37:15] <Kleadron> %loot
L482[14:37:15] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic gamax92 slurry! (25%)
L483[14:37:37] <Kleadron> %eval
L484[14:37:44] <Kleadron> :)))))
L485[14:37:53] <Forecaster> ?
L486[14:39:04] ⇨ Joins: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe)
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L489[14:57:29] <Brisingr Aerowing> %loot
L490[15:01:26] <tim4242> %loot
L491[15:01:26] <MichiBot> tim4242: You get a loot box! It contains a fluffy red potion.
L492[15:04:27] <Inari> %loot
L493[15:04:27] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a Shiny logan2611's sanity! (10%)
L494[15:04:37] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L495[15:04:38] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a lego piece. 9 health gained!
L496[15:04:52] <Inari> %inv add a lego figure of AmandaC
L497[15:04:53] * MichiBot summons 'a lego figure of AmandaC' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L498[15:24:47] <gamax92> wot
L499[15:28:42] <Kleadron> yes
L500[15:44:16] ⇨ Joins: Bigcheese (Bigcheese!~quassel@2606:2e00:0:3f::314:f13)
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L502[15:52:23] <gamax92> me: I will try to solve this analytically
L503[15:52:29] <gamax92> me later: not working, brute forcing
L504[15:53:36] <Forecaster> sometimes I just skip right to 2
L505[15:56:15] <gamax92> same, and it's kinda sad because I've been brute forcing this for maybe 5 minutes, and I already have pretty good results.
L506[15:57:36] <gamax92> I'mma just let it go for an hour and then curve fit the data
L507[15:58:34] ⇦ Quits: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L514[16:39:29] <Izaya> %remindme 15m screwdriver
L515[16:39:29] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "screwdriver" at 07/15/2018 04:54:29 PM
L516[16:50:16] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L517[16:50:26] <gamax92> people always argue over it's and its, but what about its'
L518[16:50:37] <Forecaster> i'ts
L519[16:53:47] <Izaya> 'its'
L520[16:54:04] <Forecaster> or i't's
L521[16:54:18] <Forecaster> so many choices
L522[16:54:30] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: screwdriver
L523[16:55:39] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309529094452936705/468160253318660116/37241423_1739768576079006_817442506764451840_n.png
L524[16:55:48] <Inari> AmandaC / payonel: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309529094452936705/468144944578691072/19030398_1397510513676302_7363728034966962664_n.png?width=676&height=676
L525[16:56:04] ⇦ Quits: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L526[16:56:31] <Forecaster> you can't chat comfortably if you quit
L527[16:56:33] <Forecaster> D:<
L528[16:56:43] <Inari> Forecaster: Why did the house go to the doctor?
L529[16:56:51] ⇨ Joins: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de)
L530[16:56:52] <Forecaster> I dunno
L531[16:56:58] <Inari> It was having window panes
L532[16:56:59] <Inari> ;D
L533[16:57:25] <Forecaster> D:<
L534[16:58:58] <Kleadron> die
L535[16:59:57] <Forecaster> no no, window panes are usually not terminal
L536[17:00:01] <Forecaster> it'll recover
L537[17:03:35] <Kleadron> did you know mac supports windows http://tinyurl.com/yd9jqcme
L538[17:04:57] <Wuerfel_21> Oof
L539[17:05:11] <Wuerfel_21> Will need to repost that
L540[17:05:25] <Kleadron> how dare you steal my stolen meme :)))))
L541[17:06:29] <Wuerfel_21> I am actually annoying someone who works at apple rn
L542[17:11:18] <Inari> New pickup line idea for you guys
L543[17:11:24] <Inari> "I bet you taste a lot like girlscout cookies"
L544[17:12:16] <gamax92> overpriced?
L545[17:12:28] <Inari> Didn't know oyu can taste that
L546[17:13:30] <gamax92> girl scouts don't sell only a certain flavor of cookies though ...
L547[17:13:46] <gamax92> so this is vague
L548[17:15:35] <Vexatos> nono
L549[17:15:38] <Vexatos> you misunderstand
L550[17:15:44] <Vexatos> the cookies have girlscout flavour
L551[17:15:51] <Skye> how lewd
L552[17:16:07] <Vexatos> ginger cookies contain ginger, oat cookies contain oats
L553[17:16:09] <Vexatos> etc
L554[17:16:20] <gamax92> oh no.
L555[17:16:51] <gamax92> Vexatos: what about snickerdoodle
L556[17:17:04] <Inari> Haha
L557[17:17:16] <Vexatos> gamax92: yes
L558[17:17:21] <gamax92> ahh, understood
L559[17:17:21] <Inari> %inv add preheated oil
L560[17:17:22] * MichiBot summons 'preheated oil' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L561[17:17:31] <gamax92> %inv add frozen steam
L562[17:17:37] <gamax92> ;_;
L563[17:18:00] <gamax92> %inv add frozen steam
L564[17:18:01] * MichiBot summons 'frozen steam' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L565[17:18:14] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L566[17:18:14] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with Extra Magic Hour. 9 health gained (7+2)!
L567[17:20:00] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5404.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L569[17:25:18] <Kleadron> skype did you figure out the issue
L570[17:27:14] <asie> "skype"
L571[17:27:41] <Kleadron> ok asee
L572[17:29:32] ⇦ Quits: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L573[17:29:35] <Inari> to be honest
L574[17:29:37] ⇨ Joins: daniel (daniel!~quassel@jupiter.danger-it.de)
L575[17:29:42] <Inari> I'm not even sure how this is supposed to do anything
L576[17:31:00] <Inari> At least I can't find any line that actually enters something into the pressedchars/codes array of keyboard in minios
L577[17:31:03] <Inari> Which the function uses to check
L578[17:31:23] <Inari> @Kleadron what you mean "ok"
L579[17:31:40] <Kleadron> what do you want inrai
L580[17:31:52] <Inari> I'm curious on your response to asie xP
L581[17:32:07] <Kleadron> ITS A JOEK
L582[17:32:10] * Inari also pokes Skye
L583[17:32:13] <Inari> See above?
L584[17:32:22] <Kleadron> %quote
L585[17:32:23] <MichiBot> Quote #107: <Kimiro> *moans sensually "Oh, ade124|mobile~"*
L586[17:33:08] <Inari> %acutalshrug
L587[17:33:11] <Inari> %actualshrug
L588[17:33:12] <MichiBot> Inari: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L589[17:33:16] <Inari> Well, bedtime, night you cuties
L590[17:33:19] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p54AFFDC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'We must eat popcorn at the new moon, when a numeral seven is in the date.' - Vanilla (Galaxy Angel))
L591[17:35:24] <Kleadron> i am not cute u frik
L592[17:35:36] <Kleadron> i am a multicolor acrylic hexahedron
L593[17:43:25] <Skye> interesting
L594[17:43:28] <Skye> so uh
L595[17:43:40] <Skye> how does the value get in
L596[17:47:08] <Kleadron> what value
L597[17:47:39] <Brisingr Aerowing> https://github.com/progwml6/ironchest/issues/141
L598[17:47:39] <Brisingr Aerowing> Saw this and thought 'Has Soni changed his name?'
L599[17:47:40] <MichiBot> Title: Found a virus in the mod | Posted by: Salaru | Posted: Mon Jun 04 12:16:35 CDT 2018 | Status: closed
L600[17:48:49] <gamax92> they waited an entire month to reply
L601[18:02:08] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/y8whclwp
L602[18:17:03] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p4FC8B4A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L603[18:42:20] ⇦ Quits: Orbstheorem (Orbstheorem!~roosember@hellendaal.orbstheorem.ch) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L604[19:04:03] <Z0idburg> what would cause my modem messages to just dissapear..
L605[19:04:07] <Z0idburg> tsome of them
L606[19:04:32] <MGR> It's because your Minecraft skin is the cookie monster, and he's confusing real cookies with computer cookies, and eating the modem messages to get at the cookies
L607[19:04:39] <Z0idburg> oh
L608[19:04:42] <Z0idburg> I see
L609[19:04:47] <MGR> ?
L610[19:05:59] <Molinko> Traffic is too dense maybe or your relays have crap components..?
L611[19:06:07] <Z0idburg> I maxed them out
L612[19:06:18] <Z0idburg> and I'm jusrt typing in by hand
L613[19:06:23] <Z0idburg> so like, as fast as I can type
L614[19:06:34] <Z0idburg> one char at a time
L615[19:09:21] ⇦ Quits: Aedda (Aedda!~aedda@2600:3c00::19:cace) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L616[19:09:38] ⇦ Quits: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe) (Quit: Hugs~ <3)
L617[19:09:47] ⇨ Joins: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe)
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L620[19:15:27] ⇨ Joins: Webchat_22978 (Webchat_22978!webchat@c-73-169-176-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
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L622[19:16:04] <Z0idburg> https://i.imgur.com/undefined.png
L623[19:16:17] <Z0idburg> oops wrong channel
L624[19:16:27] ⇨ Joins: Webchat_82025 (Webchat_82025!webchat@c-73-169-176-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
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L626[19:47:41] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/y7d3pv4x
L627[20:02:56] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L630[20:33:02] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@jazzpis.space) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L634[21:53:33] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (BILLPC2684!~billpc268@mon20.bisecthosting.com)
L635[21:53:39] <BILLPC2684> hello :3
L636[21:54:30] <Brisingr Aerowing> https://imgur.com/gallery/l8W0Abv
L637[21:54:30] <Brisingr Aerowing> The top comment is gold.
L638[21:54:30] <Brisingr Aerowing> Torque of an air balloon. Lol.
L639[21:54:49] <Brisingr Aerowing> That's a Lada BTW.
L640[22:11:02] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (BILLPC2684!~billpc268@mon20.bisecthosting.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L641[22:18:45] * Tangent half reads / skims through what she missed
L642[23:35:37] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L643[23:36:15] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:ec6c:64f9:5d9d:a91b) (Remote host closed the connection)
L644[23:40:02] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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