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L1[00:23:11] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net) (Quit: Bye)
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L4[01:32:52] <Kodos> This is a test message. Ignore this message.
L5[01:33:39] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L6[01:55:51] <Guest13> First time in the end today. How do I escape outer island? Have to build a bridge to the inner island?
L7[03:13:16] <Forecaster> same way you got there?
L8[03:32:08] ⇦ Quits: minecreatr (minecreatr!~minecreat@tterrag.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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L11[04:22:15] <Forecaster> huh
L12[04:22:17] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y8aef6xu
L13[04:22:27] <Forecaster> something's happened to ConEmu...
L14[04:22:43] <Forecaster> it's not rendering any text anymore...
L15[04:46:58] ⇨ Joins: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L16[05:10:11] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@jazzpis.space)
L17[05:28:26] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5dec62f1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L18[05:28:32] <Inari> %inv add Extra Magic Hour
L19[05:28:33] * MichiBot summons 'Extra Magic Hour' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L20[05:28:44] <Inari> %tell AmandaC hehe, it's beyond adoarble :D
L21[05:28:44] <MichiBot> Inari: AmandaC will be notified of this message when next seen.
L22[05:31:24] <Inari> %tell AmandaC I might have quoted that before, but from a review: the animators had also used graphics, effects, and the hearts and souls of those who love cute things too not only woo their viewers into a zombie like state in which people will stare adoringly at their computer screen, but also a near death experience where the viewer’s soul have somehow died and gone to a world of pure bliss.
L23[05:31:25] <MichiBot> Inari: AmandaC will be notified of this message when next seen.
L24[05:31:44] <Forecaster> yay reboot fixed it
L25[05:32:08] <Inari> Yay IT problme fix 101
L26[05:32:12] <Inari> Good thing we don't need to reboot people
L27[05:32:33] <Forecaster> I hate rebooting though because it takes time :|
L28[05:32:45] <Inari> %tell AmandaC Also still loving Extra Magic Hour( Amagi Park's OP song I think) :P Makes me tear up, esp. with the lyrics
L29[05:32:46] <MichiBot> Inari: AmandaC will be notified of this message when next seen.
L30[05:33:00] <Inari> I mostly hate rebooting because I haveto open all the stuff again that I had open before :P
L31[05:33:43] <Forecaster> my browsers auto-start, windows keeps folders on it's own
L32[05:33:57] <Forecaster> that's all I have perma-open
L33[05:34:52] <Saphire> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321627316121894913/458206843202830338/y64wh99zpm411.png heh
L34[05:35:26] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-108-77-138.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L37[05:47:43] ⇦ Quits: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L38[05:57:05] ⇨ Joins: TheGin (TheGin!webchat@
L39[05:57:30] <TheGin> Oye ! Is there a way to parse a json string to a table please?
L40[06:00:35] <Izaya> Sure :D
L41[06:00:38] <Izaya> Write a JSON parser.
L42[06:01:28] <fingercomp> or find a JSON parser and use it
L43[06:03:39] ⇦ Quits: TheGin (TheGin!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L44[06:04:18] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-108-77-138.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L45[06:07:41] <AmandaC> %tell Inari you don't need to use %tell for me :p
L46[06:07:44] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L47[06:08:41] <AmandaC> Or was the vengence for my %tell storm the other night
L48[06:29:44] <Inari> AmandaC: :P
L49[06:47:27] ⇨ Joins: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L50[06:49:09] <AmandaC> Inari: this is like the 3rd-4th day in a row that the Flying Witch OP was stuck in my head when I awoke: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x43wh6y
L51[06:49:57] <AmandaC> Hopefully that link works for you, I had a hard time finding one with the audio and the OP video
L52[06:52:55] <AmandaC> ( The video complimenets the song very well, imho )
L53[07:02:15] <Inari> Haha yeah, a proper version of Extra Magic hour is hard to find on YT too
L54[07:02:17] <Inari> They're all sped up or such
L55[07:03:38] <Inari> AmandaC: Seems like a nice OP
L56[07:04:15] <Inari> Wotakoi's OP also has a great part haha
L57[07:04:47] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpgaOh-ews
L58[07:04:48] <MichiBot> Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii op but only the best part | length: 22s | Likes: 2,475 Dislikes: 14 Views: 85,657 | by FazexWeeb | Published On 19/4/2018
L59[07:06:03] <AmandaC> hehe
L60[07:08:10] <Inari> Mhmm cardboard soup
L61[07:08:10] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/436555823423160320/458241440783269888/unknown.png
L62[07:12:05] <AmandaC> O.o
L63[07:18:40] <Inari> AmandaC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvo86AHovFc :p
L64[07:18:41] <MichiBot> アマゾンのダンボールで包丁作り。煮たり、焼いたり、叩いたりして研ぐ | length: 11m 48s | Likes: 3,739 Dislikes: 62 Views: 30,240 | by 圧倒的不審者の極み! | Published On 18/6/2018
L65[07:23:34] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KPxkZo9Wqg#t=56s ~
L66[07:23:35] <MichiBot> Lucky Star - Sky High | length: 1m 14s | Likes: 716 Dislikes: 9 Views: 64,281 | by Ryan Denief | Published On 16/1/2009
L67[07:23:38] <Inari> Er
L68[07:23:40] <Inari> Damn, wrong link
L69[07:24:02] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLoXr3FhfGg Thats the one :P
L70[07:24:03] <MichiBot> Megassa Senshinkoku Tsuruya-san 【Haruhi × Kirby's Sand Canyon】 | length: 37s | Likes: 243 Dislikes: 2 Views: 26,511 | by reddevils500a | Published On 26/1/2009
L71[07:37:35] <AmandaC> Inari: what weird videos...
L72[07:37:36] ⇨ Joins: CrimsonCrayon (CrimsonCrayon!~crimsoncr@23-112-153-150.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L73[07:37:52] <CrimsonCrayon> Hello
L74[07:40:13] <AmandaC> Hello
L75[07:41:11] <Forecaster> %hello
L76[07:41:11] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L77[07:42:00] <CrimsonCrayon> I haven't played with OC in a long time..I dont remember the IRC client
L78[07:43:23] <Forecaster> you were the irc client all along!
L79[07:43:45] <CrimsonCrayon> lol
L80[08:01:48] <Inari> AmandaC: Are they? :D
L81[08:01:59] <Inari> Could listen to Megassa Canyon all day long xD
L82[08:02:53] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
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L91[09:33:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L92[09:34:46] <Wuerfel_21> Did anyone write an OC web browser yet?
L93[09:36:47] <Skye> I think Izaya did?
L94[09:36:55] <Izaya> I swear I didn' - oh
L95[09:37:06] <Izaya> yeah uh it's currently being rewritten to do hypertext
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L98[09:59:28] <Izaya> hey does anyone want to test whether OpenOS supports the 'clear to end of screen' escape code?
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L102[10:56:37] <Skye> Izaya, wouldn't you ask payonel? :P
L103[11:18:51] <S3> So i got my timers working !
L104[11:19:20] <S3> The more processes with events waiting to be processed the more inaccurate it gets cut i couldn't show it down
L105[11:19:26] <S3> But*
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L112[13:43:15] ⇨ Joins: Skiuileuf (Skiuileuf!webchat@
L113[13:43:19] <Skiuileuf> Hello
L114[13:44:01] <Skiuileuf> Can I test my IRC client on this server?
L115[13:46:35] <payonel> Guest13_: what's the value in removing the table-access of component.list() in the fs code?
L116[13:48:08] <payonel> @Wuerfel_21 openos running on low memory has been my mission in life for last few years
L117[13:48:40] <Wuerfel_21> it appears to run fine enough on 192k
L118[13:49:07] <Wuerfel_21> while i heard mineos has problems on 2048k
L119[13:49:12] <Wuerfel_21> these days
L120[13:49:17] <payonel> @Wuerfel_21 yeah, just be careful with some loading behavior :)
L121[13:49:31] <payonel> like, tab complete, and non-simple command text
L122[13:49:46] <payonel> and edit is definitely out of the question :)
L123[13:50:21] <payonel> Izaya: yes, openos vt100 has "clear" support
L124[13:50:26] <payonel> in various forms
L125[13:50:34] <payonel> maybe i'll make a wiki page with the supported vt100 codes
L126[13:50:37] <payonel> another tie
L127[13:50:39] <payonel> time*
L128[13:51:06] <Wuerfel_21> then agian, if one can afford 192k, 384k isn't much more expensive
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L131[13:52:37] <payonel> @wuerfel_21 well, i dont see the point of t1, just use t1.5 if you must
L132[13:52:45] <payonel> that's a huge dif (at that level)
L133[13:53:04] <Wuerfel_21> yep
L134[13:53:48] <Wuerfel_21> on my new server that i may or may not be working on, i'm thinking of just moving the RAM tiers down a notch
L135[13:54:54] <Wuerfel_21> and make t3.5 1536k
L136[13:55:18] <Guest13_> payonel, it's for OC memory-efficiency & cpu-efficiency. It's not like a big boost though, but apparently just noone uses table syntax
L137[13:55:28] ⇦ Quits: Skiuileuf (Skiuileuf!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L138[13:55:46] <AmandaC> payonel: btw, if you'd ever like some help with figuring out a ldoc workflow for openos at some point, feel free to hit me up. I've made a few ddifferent ldoc sets for existing shit, and made a tool to turn it into Dash/Zeal docsets
L139[13:55:55] <Guest13_> Sometimes when I type 'components' too fast after the boot, I get memory overflow on 512kb machine
L140[13:57:00] <Guest13_> /bin/component implementation probably sucks, but the table will still be there in memory anyway
L141[13:57:39] <Guest13_> And for my own purpose, vcomponent wouldn't require to copy data into separate table; just an iterator would be enough
L142[13:58:50] <AmandaC> payonel: it can even be used for stuff not written in lua, see, my cc-docset repo: https://github.com/AmandaCameron/cc-docset
L143[14:00:40] <Guest13_> payonel, to clarify a little bit, I'm not exactly for disabling table-index access in component.list(). I'm for making it undocumented, and unrequired in mocking implementations
L144[14:01:09] <AmandaC> I've also got a pico-8 docset that I havn't uploaded anywhere, I don't think.
L145[14:01:23] <LeshaInc> payonel: cannot comment on the issue #2866 (the latest one), but it seems that preparePowerUp function is not calling in the wake-up message handler
L146[14:01:26] <Guest13_> One can always postpone optimizing of component.list() actual java implementation for later; but specs has to be done right from the beginning
L147[14:01:55] <LeshaInc> payonel: it was me who reported, and fingercomp who discovered what was going on, though i don't know why didn't he write about this function in the issue
L148[14:04:20] <LeshaInc> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/entity/Drone.scala#L477
L149[14:04:36] <LeshaInc> if you start drone by hand, this function is calling and everything is ok
L150[14:08:55] <Guest13_> payonel, 7kb for component.list() table on a tablet. I'm afraid to imagine how much would it take on a server with a ton of components
L151[14:10:07] <Alex404> question: maybe it exist and I'm the only one that don't know how to do it but... can I write a book with opencomputers?
L152[14:14:21] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L153[14:16:01] <payonel> LeshaInc: great find. i think you're right. why not comment on the ticket with that?
L154[14:16:35] <payonel> Guest13_: you're saying my fs code causes /bin/component to crash if done quickly after boot because my use of index the result?
L155[14:17:15] <LeshaInc> payonel: actually i cannot do that
L156[14:17:20] <payonel> why?
L157[14:17:25] <payonel> are you blocked? :|
L158[14:17:36] <Guest13_> payonel, no
L159[14:17:59] <LeshaInc> payonel: deleted my github account because of micro$oft, moving to gitlab
L160[14:18:04] <Guest13_> payonel, it's the component.list() that eats it. /lib/filesystem just uses that feature unnecessarily
L161[14:18:10] <payonel> LeshaInc: :/
L162[14:18:17] <LeshaInc> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L163[14:18:40] <payonel> overreaction a bit :) but, obviously this is subjective
L164[14:19:13] <payonel> Guest13_: it saves me memory, so i used it
L165[14:19:21] <payonel> Guest13_: i'm just not seeing the benefit of not using it
L166[14:19:30] <Guest13_> payonel, so if we fix /lib/filesystem to just use component.type() call instead, we can pretend that this feature is not present, and can be optimized some day. and vcomponent won't require to implement it too
L167[14:19:44] <Guest13_> payonel, how does it save you memory?
L168[14:19:49] <payonel> less code
L169[14:20:09] <Guest13_> it adds 7kb on memory footprint tho
L170[14:20:13] <payonel> i can simplify the code by checking if the type was explicit
L171[14:21:04] <Guest13_> i think, `if not component.list("filesystem")[filter]...` is not much shorter than `if not component.type(filter)=="filesystem"` if not longer
L172[14:21:40] <Guest13_> the former might be a little bit clear in behavior with 'nil', but they are completely the same as far as I see
L173[14:22:44] <Guest13_> and the latter doesn't theoretically require the api to instantiate a table
L174[14:22:54] <AmandaC> %choose watch more zombie, or start other new anime
L175[14:22:54] <MichiBot> AmandaC: start other new anime
L176[14:22:58] * AmandaC nods
L177[14:23:20] <Guest13_> which might be a big deal for systems with lots of components
L178[14:23:27] <Guest13_> or with low memory
L179[14:24:28] <Guest13_> `if component.type(filter)~="filesystem"` is, in fact, shorter
L180[14:25:37] <payonel> it's not number of chars
L181[14:26:01] <Guest13_> what it is then?
L182[14:26:21] <Guest13_> the bytecode?
L183[14:27:04] <AmandaC> The use of memory on the OC system with the code in use
L184[14:27:30] <Guest13_> AmandaC, my point is that the latter is more efficient
L185[14:27:44] <AmandaC> Which is not going to be affected by syntax changes by a large margin
L186[14:28:48] <payonel> Guest13_: using type(filter) ~= "filesystem" results in the same bytecode size
L187[14:28:55] <Guest13_> great
L188[14:29:13] <Guest13_> could you please do it? :)
L189[14:29:15] <AmandaC> The filesystem already has to use the component system, and doubt there's a trivial amount of other parts of openos that uses that feature
L190[14:29:29] <payonel> it's just this one place i use it like this
L191[14:29:32] <payonel> AmandaC
L192[14:29:36] <Guest13_> payonel, exactly
L193[14:29:37] <AmandaC> Ah
L194[14:30:03] <AmandaC> Back to anime u guess
L195[14:30:04] <Guest13_> and it's not the thing I really want. It's the requirement for the thing I really want.
L196[14:30:09] <AmandaC> I*
L197[14:30:10] <payonel> though i dont see why Guest13_ is so concerned. if you are creating 7kb tables for the result, i think you're doing it wrong
L198[14:30:14] * Inari feeds AmandaC some cheese risotto
L199[14:30:22] <payonel> Guest13_: well that isn't going to change :/
L200[14:30:31] <Guest13_> I want the docs to stop referring to component.list() as a table, and refer to it as an iterator, like it was a few days ago
L201[14:30:45] <payonel> well the docs were wrong :(
L202[14:31:06] <Guest13_> docs were not wrong. they were less specific
L203[14:31:22] <payonel> incomplete :P
L204[14:31:32] <Guest13_> less specific :)
L205[14:31:39] <Guest13_> that's different
L206[14:32:11] <Guest13_> ok it's actually for the devs (i.e. you) to decide, if they were wrong or less specific. I'm just trying to convince you that the latter is a bigger good in perspective
L207[14:33:40] <payonel> Guest13_: we prefer basic values in returns. the iterator behavior of the component.list() result is the extra
L208[14:33:45] <payonel> not the basic
L209[14:34:04] <Guest13_> payonel, "if you are creating 7kb tables for the result, i think you're doing it wrong" it's you who does that
L210[14:34:28] <payonel> Guest13_: there is no measurable difference using the table vs the iterator in runtime cost
L211[14:34:36] <payonel> so i'm not sure how you're measuring that 7kb
L212[14:35:07] <Guest13_> c=require('computer'); cc=require('component'); print(c.freeMemory()); t=cc.list(); print(c.freeMemory())
L213[14:35:24] <payonel> that, perhaps, before gc
L214[14:35:33] <Guest13_> true tho
L215[14:35:45] <payonel> though i'd be surprised if it needed all 7kb for that table
L216[14:35:57] <payonel> i have a lot of memory profiling experience with lua
L217[14:36:25] <payonel> i would expect something closer to 2 or 3 kb
L218[14:37:58] <Guest13_> how can I measure it more precisely?
L219[14:38:14] <Guest13_> it's not like 2-3kb vs 7kb is a big difference for me though
L220[14:39:53] <payonel> i have profilers than can give you more exact allocations and stack traces, but what you would find is that it may allocate 7kb, but you could continue to use more memory without hitting another allocation
L221[14:40:13] <payonel> that is, you probably have memory in reserve
L222[14:40:39] <Guest13_> if I didn't spend those 7kb wouldn't I have even more memory in reserve?
L223[14:41:15] <payonel> lua allocates in chunks and tries to be proactive
L224[14:42:17] <payonel> anyways, it's a fine suggestion to use type() like you recommended
L225[14:42:19] <payonel> i'll use that
L226[14:42:39] <Guest13_> I'm not sure if you're trying to say that sometimes allocating 7kb might be more efficient than not doing that. Which might be true, but likely less probable than the opposite
L227[14:42:56] <Guest13_> thanks. that's the first step
L228[14:43:30] <Guest13_> for the second and the last step I need your approval to rollback my edit to the wiki :)
L229[14:44:41] <payonel> i like how it is currently, though
L230[14:44:53] <payonel> having just read it
L231[14:46:02] <payonel> i might reword the __call detail to use the previous wording, though
L232[14:46:12] <payonel> but that's just a nit pick, i think it's good
L233[14:47:07] <payonel> if you are trying to provide a vcomponent, and you don't want the all-in-one table return to be the default, then you can design a dynamic table that stores the full set only when needed
L234[14:47:19] <Guest13_> before, it just said that it was an iterator, not mentioning the table (and thus, not implying indexing syntax)
L235[14:47:32] <payonel> right, you've made that aspect better
L236[14:47:39] <payonel> i did see this: https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:component?rev=1465973112&do=diff
L237[14:47:52] <Guest13_> payonel, I tried it. But then I'll probably have to override pairs() call somehow. I'm not sure how to do that
L238[14:48:20] <payonel> there is __pairs
L239[14:48:48] <Guest13_> and I really want it to become just an iterator in the specs, so people will not suppose table index syntax, so one day it may be implemented more efficiently, and I can implement vcomponent more efficiently today
L240[14:49:06] <Guest13_> payonel, oh
L241[14:49:14] <Guest13_> I was looking for it, but didn't find it. weird
L242[14:49:19] <payonel> again, the full set table result is the natural base behavior
L243[14:49:26] <payonel> the iterator is the extra
L244[14:50:07] <payonel> the name of the method, list(), does imply an iterator
L245[14:50:30] <payonel> i'm just saying we've traditionally used natural simple results in our api to the machine
L246[14:50:45] <payonel> that maps more naturally to other archs
L247[14:50:57] <S3> Iterators are stupid usually anyways unless you make them yourself
L248[14:51:26] <S3> Iterators fascinatingly enough are not functional
L249[14:51:57] <S3> But no big deal
L250[14:51:58] <Guest13_> ok that makes sense I think
L251[14:52:40] <Guest13_> I think there were no __pairs in lua5.1?
L252[14:52:49] <Guest13_> It's the docs I was referring to
L253[14:53:00] <S3> Payonel perhaps will look into will changes tonight, i ended up miles from telephone and internet this weekend
L254[14:53:27] <S3> They they said there was WiFi all i found was water trees and rocks lol
L255[14:53:46] <Guest13_> S3, first step: punch the tree
L256[14:53:51] <S3> And a road that goes for miles in the woods one car wide
L257[14:53:58] <S3> Omg lol
L258[14:54:07] <S3> That's hilarious because i was on the ocean edge
L259[14:57:15] <Guest13_> yeah, it seems __pairs was introduced in 5.2
L260[14:58:36] <Guest13_> now I can guess what's the problem with luajit
L261[15:02:43] <Guest13_> payonel, I agree with your point on other architectures. It then seems weird to decide to provide iterator syntax at all, instead of letting ppl use pairs() instead. But that's clearly unfixable at this point without huge compatibility breakage
L262[15:05:03] <Guest13_> Is opencomputers compatible with 5.1 though?
L263[15:06:11] <Guest13_> or lua5.3 is now built-in?
L264[15:08:11] <payonel> is openos 5.1 compat? no
L265[15:08:15] <payonel> 5.2 and 5.3 only
L266[15:11:01] <Guest13_> i see) thx
L267[15:23:20] <Guest13_> btw are there components that use component.fields()? maybe in other mods? what component.fields() is supposed to do, actually?
L268[16:33:07] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/ArmLtonJrzE
L269[16:33:07] <MichiBot> Meet the World's Worst Carnivore, the Kinkajou | length: 4m 24s | Likes: 783 Dislikes: 61 Views: 5,859 | by SciShow | Published On 18/6/2018
L270[16:42:45] <Inari> Is it kinky?
L271[16:47:06] <AmandaC> %choose more anime for the anime affinity or later
L272[16:47:06] <MichiBot> AmandaC: more anime for the anime affinity
L273[16:58:07] <Wuerfel_21> hm, there are apparently two tiers of wireless network card now
L274[16:58:14] <Wuerfel_21> how do they differ?
L275[16:58:39] <Inari> By tier
L276[16:58:57] <Wuerfel_21> but what is the advantage of the T2 card
L277[17:00:11] <Wuerfel_21> or, seeing as the T2 card seem to be the old one, what is the disadvantage of the T1 card
L278[17:00:13] <Wuerfel_21> or, seeing as the T2 card seem to be the old one, what is the disadvantage of the T1 card? [Edited]
L279[17:06:04] <Wuerfel_21> apparently, it can only have one port open and has a low range
L280[17:06:08] <Wuerfel_21> fair enough
L281[17:07:06] <Wuerfel_21> better question? how to raise GPU speed? the terminal feels kindof slow
L282[17:11:43] <Orbstheorem> S3, MajGenRelativity : I really wouldn't mind if you have any comments :) : https://gitlab.com/roosemberth/OpenComputers-Programs/commit/c2c2b82148120f34350874a0706f13ea780ad280
L283[17:13:13] <Izaya> oh hey gitlab don't see that overly often around here
L284[17:13:31] <Orbstheorem> Gitlab :D
L285[17:13:52] <Izaya> (well, not gitlab.com, anyway)
L286[17:22:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794599C83B8E9435C1962.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L287[17:24:15] <Wuerfel_21> http://tinyurl.com/yb8jydvw
L288[17:33:40] <Orbstheorem> Oh :D
L289[17:36:55] <Guest13_> what's the conversion rate for Simple Generators? 1:1, as for BuildCraft?
L290[17:46:05] <Orbstheorem> Corded: thanks to you now I know about MineOS :D
L291[17:46:26] <MGR> Corded is a bot
L292[17:46:30] <MGR> It's a bridge to Discord ?
L293[17:46:56] <Orbstheorem> Oh, then Wuerfel_21
L294[17:46:58] <Orbstheorem> ^^
L295[17:54:03] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (Tahg!~Tahg@pool-173-76-165-7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L296[17:58:25] <Izaya> MineOS is cool but KOS NEO is cooler :^)
L297[18:00:22] ⇨ Joins: roos19365 (roos19365!~roos19365@gnusrv3.epfl.ch)
L298[18:00:40] <roos19365> This is sooo awesome :D
L299[18:00:59] ⇦ Quits: roos19365 (roos19365!~roos19365@gnusrv3.epfl.ch) (Client Quit)
L300[18:01:10] <Wuerfel_21> does KOS NEO have the worlds dullest minecraft clone? http://tinyurl.com/y9okhhuu
L301[18:01:39] <Temia> .
L302[18:01:46] * Temia pushes Wuerfel off a ledge
L303[18:26:11] ⇦ Quits: [] ([]!justastran@lightning.bouncer.ml) (Quit: I'm melting! AHHHH)
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L305[19:03:45] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5dec62f1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Multipass!')
L306[19:39:35] <Izaya> payonel: if I'm writing an installer and want to have a bunch of optional stuff should I have a menu with checkboxes or just a bunch of y/n questions if I want it to fit well with OpenOS?
L307[19:58:45] <AmandaC> %tell Inari damnit. The anime almost did the home run of magical "girl" anime, but faltered at the end D:
L308[19:58:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L309[20:17:19] <S3> ok
L310[20:17:27] <S3> I am back
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L314[21:09:54] <デスバンデフ ?> https://ocdoc.cil.li/ is down btw :danCop:
L315[21:25:15] <Mimiru> It's not down... it's alternative up... :P
L316[21:30:37] ⇨ Joins: CrimsonCrayon (CrimsonCrayon!~crimsoncr@23-112-153-150.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
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L319[22:00:57] <CrimsonCrayon> Is there still a way to set resolution at boot? I have tried using autorun.lua and rc.cfg with a script in rc.d.
L320[22:09:17] <Izaya> shrc
L321[22:09:31] <Izaya> That is to say, /home/.shrc
L322[22:12:26] <CrimsonCrayon> Thank you I'll take a look at that. Not executed as lua but as a shell script?
L323[22:13:06] <Izaya> Aye
L324[22:13:15] <Izaya> Just throw resolution x y straight into it
L325[22:13:24] <CrimsonCrayon> Cool thank you that sounds easy
L326[22:13:27] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L327[22:13:44] <CrimsonCrayon> oh one more question....are multiple monitors possible on one computer?
L328[22:13:58] <CrimsonCrayon> so i could have irc on one and a terminal in the other?
L329[22:14:59] <Izaya> Uuuuh
L330[22:15:09] <Izaya> Not under OpenOS
L331[22:16:25] <CrimsonCrayon> ok thanks again!
L332[22:16:36] ⇦ Quits: CrimsonCrayon (CrimsonCrayon!~crimsoncr@23-112-153-150.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: CrimsonCrayon)
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L334[22:18:32] <CrimsonCrayon> Yeah that worked great thanks!
L335[22:21:45] ⇦ Quits: CrimsonCrayon (CrimsonCrayon!~crimsoncr@23-112-153-150.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L336[22:26:08] <Kleadron> how the heck do opencomputers cpus work
L337[22:26:21] <Kleadron> do they just change the code execution speed or something
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L339[22:31:52] <rater193> hello
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L341[22:53:35] <CrimsonCrayon> ohhh wocchat is cool
L342[23:05:51] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (glasspelican!~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp140-01-76-71-20-32.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L347[23:29:42] <Toothless the Dragon> Whats the max amount of modem messages a computer can handle?
L348[23:30:24] <Toothless the Dragon> Whats the max amount of modem messages a computer can handle per second? [Edited]
L349[23:32:19] ⇨ Joins: CrimsonCrayon (CrimsonCrayon!~crimsoncr@23-112-153-150.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L350[23:34:35] <Kodos> I would assume it's one per tick. That's why you use an upgraded relay
L351[23:35:04] <Toothless the Dragon> i maxed out my relay, and it only shows 4 a second
L352[23:35:15] <Toothless the Dragon> tier 3 cpu, and all
L353[23:36:01] <Toothless the Dragon> alright, i found a way to handle more traffic
L354[23:36:24] <Toothless the Dragon> basically trying to setup a graph of traffic, and it was so limited using event.listen
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