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L1[00:20:26] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p57972977.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:27:12] <Wuerfel_21> The flip was that?
L3[00:32:59] ⇦ Quits: DinnerBeef (DinnerBeef!DinnerBeef@IPv6.Capricorn.PanicBNC.net) (Quit: CODE RED CODE RED)
L4[00:38:46] <Mimiru> the first line of a wikipedia article
L5[00:55:17] <greaser|q> yeah the spambots are getting weird
L6[00:55:22] <greaser|q> spam is not doing banhammer is doing
L7[00:56:41] <Izaya> https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1
L8[01:00:04] <ben_mkiv|afk> are that inb4 microsoft stats?
L9[01:00:20] <asie> yes
L10[01:01:33] <Izaya> Seems like a good time to export some repos onto a self-hosted Git service, eh?
L11[01:01:40] <asie> yes
L12[01:01:42] <asie> maybe
L13[01:03:52] <ben_mkiv|afk> i'll just wait until musk launchs something
L14[01:04:15] <ben_mkiv|afk> :P
L15[01:04:23] <Izaya> I thought he already did
L16[01:04:29] <Izaya> Namely a car
L17[01:04:37] <ben_mkiv|afk> he launched a lot of stuff actually xD
L18[01:08:34] <Izaya> True enough.
L19[01:08:43] <Izaya> So you think he'll do a GH replacement?
L20[01:11:42] <Forecaster> aw but I wanted to know about the AU-AHSG D:
L21[01:11:44] <ben_mkiv|afk> well, i dont know. but i think hes one who knows that GH is a big deal, and he is a person who could handle that
L22[01:11:59] <ben_mkiv|afk> afaik some of his projects are hosted on github, too. like openai
L23[01:12:18] <ben_mkiv|afk> https://github.com/openai ^^
L24[01:12:34] <Forecaster> musk also does garbage stuff, like the hyperloop
L25[01:12:42] <Forecaster> not everything he does turns out good
L26[01:12:51] <ben_mkiv|afk> i didnt say that it will turn out well or something xD
L27[01:12:56] <ben_mkiv|afk> but hes from the internet, so...
L28[01:14:11] <ben_mkiv|afk> also, i dont know if it will be bad if microsoft gets hands on github
L29[01:14:35] <Forecaster> depends if they'll do what they did with minecraft, or if it'll be a takeover
L30[01:14:38] ⇦ Quits: vifino (vifino!~vifino@tty.sh) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L31[01:15:06] <ben_mkiv|afk> did they do something like that in the past?
L32[01:15:17] <Forecaster> I dunno
L33[01:15:51] <Forecaster> they've probably bought up stuff that they've absorbed instead of mostly let be like minecraft
L34[01:16:09] <Forecaster> it's what big companies do I'm pretty sure
L35[01:16:15] <ben_mkiv|afk> yea probably for small companys
L36[01:16:27] <ben_mkiv|afk> so they bought them off to gather their experience
L37[01:16:52] <ben_mkiv|afk> but its microsoft, so hard to tell where this is going xD
L38[02:12:43] <Wuerfel_21> Your Github is restarting for an important update...
L39[02:13:05] <Izaya> Would you like to postpone this update?
L40[02:13:09] <Izaya> - 5 minutes
L41[02:13:09] <Wuerfel_21> *Takes ages to load*
L42[02:13:14] <Izaya> - 10 minutes
L43[02:13:19] <Izaya> - 15 minutes
L44[02:13:38] <AmandaC> I am error
L45[02:13:42] <Wuerfel_21> Welcome to the exiting world of GitHub 10, where VCS meets the desktop!
L46[02:13:46] <Izaya> We know you have important work to do, but you don't get a choice
L47[02:14:28] <Wuerfel_21> The damn paperclip pops up: "It looks like you're trying to comitt a file, would you like me to help?"
L48[02:14:56] <Corded> * <Wuerfel21> _clicks yes
L49[02:15:11] <Corded> * <Wuerfel21> _coomit gets done
L50[02:15:41] <ben_mkiv|afk> xD
L51[02:15:49] <Wuerfel_21> *contains your entire pr0n folder and yoir bitcoi wallet*
L52[02:16:06] <ben_mkiv|afk> clippy ftw
L53[02:16:09] *** ben_mkiv|afk is now known as ben_mkiv
L54[02:16:32] <AmandaC> Right, finished an entire anime when I should have been in bed like 4h ago. Night nerds
L55[02:16:44] <ben_mkiv> n8 amanda
L56[02:19:10] <Forecaster> yeah, neight amanda
L57[02:22:09] <Wuerfel_21> What prob. will/would happen is signing in with your M$ account, so the entire world and your coworkers or whatever can take a look at your radical XBox Gaymertag and look at all the achievements you earned... in anime tiddy visual novels
L58[02:22:42] <Wuerfel_21> ~~Do these actually exist on XBox?~~
L59[02:24:37] <ben_mkiv> archivements in github...
L60[02:26:07] <Wuerfel_21> Achievement got: Forked 200 repositories
L61[02:27:10] <Wuerfel_21> Also the UI will have 200% more flat untextured squares
L62[02:27:40] <Wuerfel_21> As that is what microsoft pretends design is
L63[02:30:08] <Izaya> You can do flat untextured squares in PowerPoint
L64[03:05:03] ⇨ Joins: DinnerBeef (DinnerBeef!DinnerBeef@IPv6.Capricorn.PanicBNC.net)
L65[03:05:18] <Forecaster> %loot
L66[03:05:18] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Shiny imouto culture! (10%)
L67[03:48:55] ⇦ Quits: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L68[04:16:27] <Wuerfel_21> gitlab is having fun right now O_O
L69[04:16:27] <Wuerfel_21> https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1
L70[04:24:15] <Lizzian> lol, everyone going "omg Microsfot taking over github" even though (AFAIK) github's source isn't even visible and microsoft (to give them some credit) has been contributing a lot more to open source stuff in recent years
L71[04:26:08] <Wuerfel_21> but as brought up before, i think they are scared of clippy comitting their private keys and sextapes to public repos
L72[04:32:22] <Wuerfel_21> on a related note, WTF is the ominous `DevOps lifecycle` that gitlab keeps talking about?
L73[04:59:39] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972977.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L74[06:12:27] ⇨ Joins: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L75[06:34:53] <AmandaC> 4h of sleep? Sure, why not
L76[07:05:27] ⇦ Quits: rikai (rikai!~rikai@2607:5300:60:1308::1) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L77[07:33:19] <Saphire> ...darn
L78[07:33:25] <Saphire> Digging in keybase is fun <.<
L79[07:33:56] * Saphire might have made a social graph of depth 3 (so info of people 3 edges away...)
L80[07:34:16] <Forecaster> ohno
L81[07:35:05] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L82[07:36:32] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/revenge-is-a-dish-best-served-loud/54691/
L83[07:36:38] <Forecaster> "My mom is the kitchen"
L84[07:39:11] <Forecaster> ...
L85[07:39:12] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/smoking-can-be-an-earful/54688/
L86[07:39:22] <Forecaster> and here I thought smoking couldn't get stupider
L87[07:40:02] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L88[08:01:14] <Forecaster> nissan.com
L89[08:01:18] <Forecaster> what a pretty website
L90[08:10:47] <Forecaster> how does an IT business have a website that looks like it was made in the 90's?
L91[08:10:52] <Forecaster> ._.
L92[08:17:00] ⇨ Joins: Rayben (Rayben!~Raybent@
L93[08:18:25] <Wuerfel_21> the flip is this
L94[08:22:25] <Forecaster> is it %flip?
L95[08:25:38] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:b170:bc46:264e:9b15)
L96[08:36:12] <20kdc> Vexatos and/or whoever maintains Computronics right now, the Beep Card's duration and frequency might be mixed up, and it seems I'm unable to play anything with it without getting a frequency error, even if both numbers are above 20 and below the max limit. Using the version currently in use by LimboCon.
L97[08:44:33] <Mimiru> might want to let @Vexatos know, since he's not in IRC, but will atleast get the notification, or use %tell Vexatos so he gets it on IRC join
L98[08:52:53] <Wuerfel_21> this is a meme. appreciate it http://tinyurl.com/y8h2wrja
L99[08:54:51] <Izaya> @20kdc, CompanionCube, Skye: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/06/04/microsoft_buys_github/
L100[08:56:31] <Izaya> it's confirmed now I guess
L101[08:56:53] <Forecaster> yep
L102[08:57:02] <Orbstheorem> Is there any way to have something like a watchdog timer?
L103[08:57:08] * Mimiru looks at all of her projects on GitHub
L104[08:57:16] <Mimiru> Guess they're staying right where they are.
L105[08:57:39] <Orbstheorem> Mimiru: there's an easy way to migrate them to gitlab (just saying...)
L106[08:57:54] <Mimiru> I self host a gitlab instance, I know.
L107[08:59:13] <Izaya> https://blog.github.com/2018-06-04-github-microsoft/
L108[08:59:34] <Wuerfel_21> the gitlab importer has been super busy the last couple hours: https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1&from=now-2d&to=now
L109[09:00:45] <AmandaC> I wonder what will become of Atom
L110[09:01:16] <Izaya> Maybe it'll merge with VS Code :^)
L111[09:01:23] <Izaya> A match made in hell if there ever was one.
L112[09:05:21] <AmandaC> %choose watch amanchu now or wait until later
L113[09:05:21] <MichiBot> AmandaC: watch amanchu now
L114[09:05:47] <Wuerfel_21> you will be able to code in an editor made in WPF which was compiled with emscripten to an electron app which is run in a .NET browser which runs on the x86 version of the .NET 'terpreter which runs in Windows on ARM
L115[09:19:07] <Forecaster> @Mimiru http://tinyurl.com/yb4vq4ep
L116[09:19:44] <Mimiru> Oh look... my numfucks bar is broken
L117[09:19:48] <Mimiru> oh damn.
L118[09:20:18] <Wuerfel_21> `numfucks bar` wat?
L119[09:20:29] <Forecaster> :P
L120[09:20:34] <Mimiru> the bar, that tracks the number of fucks I give.
L121[09:20:36] <Mimiru> it's broken.
L122[09:20:38] <Mimiru> it's empty
L123[09:20:45] <Mimiru> cause I give negative fucks
L124[09:20:58] <Forecaster> it's showing a vacuum
L125[09:21:01] <Mimiru> I am captain no fucks given.
L126[09:21:02] <Forecaster> :D
L127[09:21:16] <Forecaster> yeah I didn't even respond to them
L128[09:21:22] <Mimiru> anyway, work.
L129[09:21:25] <Mimiru> bai
L130[09:21:57] <Forecaster> is Microsoft a monopoly?
L131[09:22:47] <Wuerfel_21> probably
L132[09:23:09] <Wuerfel_21> i mean, linux has barely any market share
L133[09:23:39] <Wuerfel_21> (and macOS is just... no)
L134[09:27:18] <Izaya> Forecaster: good picture
L135[09:29:21] <AmandaC> @Forecaster "nothing needs them anymore" ... right, there
L136[09:29:30] <AmandaC> 's no such thing as character-limited things!
L137[09:29:38] <Izaya> fwiw I greatly appreciate shortened links
L138[09:29:53] <Izaya> my client definitely prefers them considering I run my IRC client in portrait
L139[09:30:24] <AmandaC> My IRC is something like 3:4 with a portrait window of Telegram next to it.
L140[09:30:34] <Wuerfel_21> https://www.techspot.com/fileshost/newspics3/2014/microsoft-monopoly-big.jpg
L141[09:31:13] <Forecaster> I'd only call something a monopoly if there are no other alternatives
L142[09:31:30] <AmandaC> also, doesn't macos constitute something like 20% of the market?
L143[09:31:31] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Lumien!Elite13049@ipv6.12.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L144[09:31:31] ⇦ Quits: Lucifer (Lucifer!sid32492@id-32492.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L145[09:31:38] <Forecaster> like, Telia has a monopoly on broadband in my apartment, because it's literally the only choice
L146[09:31:48] ⇨ Joins: Lucifer (Lucifer!sid32492@id-32492.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L147[09:32:07] ⇦ Quits: dequbed (dequbed!~dequbed@yanduxian.paranoidlabs.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L148[09:32:19] <Izaya> AmandaC: I think it's 15% tops
L149[09:32:36] <AmandaC> They've been making gains recently, ISTR
L150[09:32:36] <Saphire> Heya
L151[09:32:39] ⇦ Quits: brayden (brayden!~brayden@znc.brayden.io) (Remote host closed the connection)
L152[09:32:48] ⇨ Joins: brayden (brayden!~brayden@znc.brayden.io)
L153[09:32:49] <Izaya> that confuses me a little
L154[09:33:00] ⇨ Joins: modmuss50 (modmuss50!sid42264@id-42264.charlton.irccloud.com)
L155[09:33:01] <Izaya> Apple does not seem too interested in desktop nowdays.
L156[09:33:19] <AmandaC> but you need their desktop to publish to their mobile
L157[09:33:57] <Izaya> True enough.
L158[09:33:59] <AmandaC> or a hackintosh, which is less stable than a twig holding a bolder at best.
L159[09:34:13] <AmandaC> %choose kitnap or wait
L160[09:34:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: kitnap
L161[09:34:42] <Izaya> nah man my T420 can run OS X fine
L162[09:34:49] <Izaya> ... except wifi not working, that's kinda big
L163[09:34:58] ⇨ Joins: dequbed (dequbed!~dequbed@yanduxian.paranoidlabs.org)
L164[09:35:09] <Izaya> but yeah you wouldn't use that for any serious work
L165[09:35:29] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (Lumien!Elite13049@ipv6.12.sigma.elitebnc.org)
L166[09:35:38] <Orbstheorem> I would like to have information on an Item by hitting a screen with it. Is is possible?
L167[09:35:52] <Izaya> Anyway, it's after midnight, I should probably go to bed.
L168[09:35:59] <Izaya> I'll deal with today's disaster tomorrow.
L169[09:37:40] <Saphire> ... Hmm
L170[09:37:50] <Saphire> When was the last time I actually talked here?
L171[09:38:04] <Forecaster> what do you mean "actually talked"?
L172[09:38:07] <AmandaC> Weren't you here earlier this morning?
L173[09:38:12] <Izaya> about 6 minutes ago?
L174[09:40:27] <Saphire> I mean, just.. feeling like I don't talk here much
L175[09:41:19] <Saphire> Other than few random phrases nobody really notices, or just don't have much of any content to them
L176[09:41:33] <Forecaster> %tonk
L177[09:41:34] <MichiBot> Forecaster! You beat AmandaC's previous record of 1 week, 1 day, 12 hours, 32 minutes, 32 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L178[09:41:35] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 week, 5 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
L179[09:43:24] <Saphire> Heh
L180[09:47:16] <Saphire> Sorry
L181[09:47:36] <Izaya> Saphire: what is your opinion on github being acquired by microsoft
L182[09:47:50] <Saphire> Remember Skype
L183[09:47:56] <Saphire> That's all I can say
L184[09:48:42] <Kodos> MSFT buying GitHub for 7.5B$ in an all stock deal
L185[09:48:45] <Kodos> OFficial now
L186[09:52:33] * Izaya nods
L187[09:52:37] <Saphire> Welp
L188[09:52:43] <Saphire> Gitlab time everyone
L189[09:53:07] ⇦ Quits: modmuss50 (modmuss50!sid42264@id-42264.charlton.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L190[09:53:07] ⇦ Quits: TheCryptek (TheCryptek!~TheCrypte@2607:fe90:4:b:5054::30) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L191[09:53:07] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (Meow-J!sid69628@id-69628.charlton.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L192[09:53:13] <Izaya> The time to self-host is now!
L193[09:53:17] <Izaya> I should make some posters.
L194[09:53:26] <Izaya> Enjoy your day, everyone.
L195[09:53:43] ⇦ Quits: Lucifer (Lucifer!sid32492@id-32492.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L196[09:54:07] <Forecaster> again, I use both
L197[09:54:08] ⇨ Joins: modmuss50 (modmuss50!sid42264@id-42264.charlton.irccloud.com)
L198[09:54:12] <Forecaster> and I'll continue to do so :P
L199[09:55:40] ⇨ Joins: TheCryptek (TheCryptek!~TheCrypte@ircbouncehouse.com)
L200[09:56:44] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794600F0AB57A9A792DA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L201[09:56:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L202[10:00:48] <superminor2> I think Microsoft should add that dog from xp that helps you search to GitHubs search. That would be fun
L203[10:01:00] <Vexatos> merp
L204[10:04:05] <Saphire> Vexatos: did you become cheese?
L205[10:04:28] <Wuerfel_21> The dog's name is Rover
L206[10:04:37] <Vexatos> Saphire, not yet
L207[10:04:42] <Vexatos> But I am working on it
L208[10:04:56] <Skye> I was pinged?
L209[10:04:57] <Wuerfel_21> i think Rover originally came from Microsoft Bob?
L210[10:06:20] <Skye> Yep
L211[10:07:18] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p54AFFF96.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L212[10:07:21] <Saphire> Vexatos: wait what
L213[10:07:35] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (Meow-J!sid69628@id-69628.charlton.irccloud.com)
L214[10:07:43] <Vexatos> I don't think you are supposed to be this equipped during a chemistry bachelor ._.
L215[10:08:12] ⇨ Joins: Lucifer (Lucifer!sid32492@id-32492.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L216[10:08:28] <Forecaster> did you pick the wrong class?
L217[10:08:30] <Vexatos> Safety goggles and a lab coat are fine, but also a surgical mask and havign to change gloves every few minutes? ,_,
L218[10:08:36] <Forecaster> cheese cleric
L219[10:08:56] <Vexatos> I'll turn into cheese if I am not careful
L220[10:09:02] <Vexatos> dealing with carnivorous bacteria
L221[10:09:35] <Forecaster> I don't think carnivorous bacteria like cheese though
L222[10:10:28] <Inari> Vexatos: i'd expect that more from a biology class :P
L223[10:10:29] <Saphire> Vexatos: turn into your fursona by dealing with radioactive bacteria uwu
L224[10:10:46] * Saphire hides
L225[10:10:48] <Inari> %inv add yuichiri nectar
L226[10:10:49] * MichiBot summons 'yuichiri nectar' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L227[10:11:22] <Forecaster> hm
L228[10:11:57] <Forecaster> since I'll be stirring and shifting basically all the inventory handling code, should I re-do the name rules?
L229[10:12:05] <Saphire> %inv add sergal wedge wheel
L230[10:12:05] * MichiBot summons 'sergal wedge wheel' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L231[10:12:27] <Wuerfel_21> %inv add one oinky boi
L232[10:12:41] <Wuerfel_21> nuu it no worx
L233[10:13:18] <Forecaster> either you did it wrong or too quickly after the previous one
L234[10:13:44] <Skye> Saphire: do I even want to know the origin of what you said to Vexatos
L235[10:13:55] <Wuerfel_21> %inv add one oinky boi
L236[10:13:56] * MichiBot summons 'one oinky boi' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L237[10:14:00] <Wuerfel_21> ayyy
L238[10:14:47] <Saphire> Skye: furries
L239[10:15:08] <Saphire> Too much https://reddit.com/r/furry_irl
L240[10:16:51] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1528082266444.jpg
L241[10:17:37] <Saphire> Yup
L242[10:17:44] ⇦ Quits: A_D (A_D!A_D@vps.awesome-dragon.science) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L243[10:17:49] ⇨ Joins: A_D (A_D!A_D@vps.awesome-dragon.science)
L244[10:42:56] ⇦ Quits: Rayben (Rayben!~Raybent@ (Quit: Leaving)
L245[10:58:39] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L246[10:59:46] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L247[11:02:43] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjx0KcDH7pQ
L248[11:02:44] <MichiBot> Satellite Photos Show The True Shape Of The Earth | length: 1m 43s | Likes: 1,383 Dislikes: 4 Views: 10,199 | by Scott Manley | Published On 4/6/2018
L249[11:13:34] <logan2611> fake, the earth is flat you dummy c:
L250[11:13:48] <Forecaster> this is it from above of course
L251[11:14:36] <logan2611> but where are the antartican spy ships
L252[11:14:53] <Forecaster> cloaked? I dunno
L253[11:14:58] <logan2611> kek
L254[11:18:23] <Inari> Fake, you can see Australia, which doesn't exist
L255[11:19:27] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/n-DTjpde9-0
L256[11:19:27] <MichiBot> Spinning a Record to Pieces at 12,500fps - The Slow Mo Guys | length: 16m 7s | Likes: 70,398 Dislikes: 1,233 Views: 2,244,935 | by The Slow Mo Guys | Published On 2/6/2018
L257[11:27:42] <Forecaster> the colored disc is the best part
L258[11:56:04] <Saphire> http://modlister.com huh
L259[12:03:15] ⇨ Joins: maxerium0 (maxerium0!webchat@p5DF3306B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L260[12:04:11] <maxerium0> Heck, why is the iRadio script from the forums not working? I have OpenFM installed but it's still putting out an error.
L261[12:05:50] <AmandaC> What's the error?
L262[12:06:00] <payonel> @status LoKey
L263[12:06:14] <AmandaC> payonel: @ before the un
L264[12:06:26] <payonel> @Wuerfel_21: 1.5 is quite old
L265[12:06:36] <payonel> %tell ben_mkiv /home was added in 1.6
L266[12:06:36] <MichiBot> payonel: ben_mkiv will be notified of this message when next seen.
L267[12:06:50] <payonel> AmandaC: thanks, meant to actually
L268[12:06:57] <payonel> @status @LoKey
L269[12:06:57] <Discord> LoKey is currently IDLE
L270[12:07:02] <maxerium0> It's spitting out - "no primary 'openfm_radio' available"
L271[12:07:05] <maxerium0> AmandaC
L272[12:07:19] <payonel> maxerium0: run `components` in your shell
L273[12:07:29] <payonel> does it list openfm_radio?
L274[12:07:32] <maxerium0> Nope it doesn't.
L275[12:07:41] <payonel> then it's not there. not really the scripts fault
L276[12:07:51] <payonel> your machine doesn't see any such component
L277[12:07:58] <maxerium0> Oh, I'm assuming I have to put a radio next to the computer? WOOPS.
L278[12:08:03] <maxerium0> That was an error on my end then, haha.
L279[12:42:30] ⇦ Quits: maxerium0 (maxerium0!webchat@p5DF3306B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L280[12:51:32] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972977.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L281[12:55:01] <ben_mkiv> %loot
L282[12:55:01] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: You get a loot box! It contains a happy flower.
L283[12:56:38] <stephan48> what is openfm?
L284[12:56:54] <ben_mkiv> plays audio streams ingame
L285[13:08:43] <Wuerfel_21> https://i.imgur.com/IUAjWdI.jpg
L286[13:12:43] <Inari> %inv add a cowhouse
L287[13:12:43] * MichiBot summons 'a cowhouse' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L288[13:17:08] <Orbstheorem> Hi, Is there any way to detect what item am I holding when hitting a screen?
L289[13:17:17] <Skye> nope
L290[13:17:20] <Forecaster> no
L291[13:17:31] <Skye> you can detect if you're walking on a screen though?
L292[13:17:46] <Orbstheorem> I would like to known then information of an Item that might not be placeable in the world
L293[13:18:00] <Orbstheorem> /then/the
L294[13:18:03] <Forecaster> give it to a robot
L295[13:18:25] <Inari> %inv add a rowbot
L296[13:18:29] <Inari> %inv add a rowbot
L297[13:18:29] * MichiBot summons 'a rowbot' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L298[13:18:34] <Inari> %inv add a cursed whitespace
L299[13:19:24] <Inari> %inv add a cursed whitespace
L300[13:19:24] * MichiBot summons 'a cursed whitespace' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L301[13:20:08] <Orbstheorem> (thanks ^^)
L302[13:43:01] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybpjaj7o
L303[13:43:34] <Kleadron> woah what is that
L304[13:47:43] <Forecaster> a 3D-printer
L305[13:47:56] <Orbstheorem> How does the MFU work?
L306[13:48:24] <Orbstheorem> I see an issue on GH with documentation pending c
L307[13:48:31] <Orbstheorem> c:
L308[13:50:04] <Orbstheorem> Compatible blocks should just appear in the component list?
L309[14:03:22] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/uiKSWHi_cEM
L310[14:03:23] <MichiBot> 3D printer reset | length: 47s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 4/6/2018
L311[14:05:36] <payonel> LUA
L312[14:05:36] <MichiBot> It's Lua, not LUA. Name not an acronym.
L313[14:16:31] <Kleadron> loo aaaaa
L314[14:42:59] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/WAbVXkkS55k
L315[14:42:59] <MichiBot> Printing! | length: 50s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 4/6/2018
L316[14:47:12] <Forecaster> I think I told it to make a pyramid \o/
L317[15:01:40] <Forecaster> Or not
L318[15:01:48] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yd67e3v9
L319[15:12:26] <Inari> I kind of want a 3d printer
L320[15:13:29] <payonel> Inari: i liked your cat blanket :>
L321[15:14:02] <Inari> Hehe
L322[15:18:11] <Kodos> WHo was asking about the MFU
L323[15:18:13] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@
L324[15:18:13] <Kodos> I was afk
L325[15:19:47] <polyzium> Hey have anyone documented the OpenOS's vt100 lib?
L326[15:20:19] <payonel> polyzium: it's not intended to be a fixed api
L327[15:20:43] <payonel> i'm assuming you're talking about /lib/core/vt100
L328[15:20:56] <payonel> and not vt100
L329[15:21:06] <polyzium> it's in /lib/vt100.lua in my case
L330[15:21:25] <polyzium> Also wdym by fixed?
L331[15:21:37] <payonel> oh, sure. i thought i put it in core
L332[15:21:45] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/d4brf3rxiiQ
L333[15:21:46] <MichiBot> Okay, I think it is a pyramid | length: 1m 14s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 4/6/2018
L334[15:22:10] <payonel> polyzium: fixed, static, unchanging
L335[15:22:15] <polyzium> Ah
L336[15:22:25] <payonel> i might change the vt100 lib methods in minor releases
L337[15:22:32] <payonel> once it is documented, it becomes a contract
L338[15:22:34] <polyzium> I downloaded a telnet client somewhere and noticed that it outputs ANSI escape codes as garbage
L339[15:23:00] <polyzium> i.e. \b being the little BS in one symbol
L340[15:23:02] <payonel> polyzium: wait, now it sounds like you have an issue with my implementation of the vt100 spec
L341[15:23:12] <payonel> not the library methods i choose to implement it
L342[15:23:16] <payonel> there is a difference
L343[15:23:26] <payonel> all i'm saying is that the openos vt100 is not an api
L344[15:23:34] <payonel> it isn't something that i expect users to extend
L345[15:23:41] <payonel> or something that i'll document, because i might completely redo it
L346[15:23:52] <polyzium> So it's still wip?
L347[15:24:02] <payonel> in fact, in dev (local to me only), i've reduced/simplfied some of the openos vt100 lib
L348[15:24:17] <payonel> polyzium: it is encapsulated
L349[15:24:24] <payonel> not wip, not public
L350[15:24:36] <payonel> thus not documented
L351[15:24:57] <payonel> sure, i could document it, but then it'd become fixed
L352[15:25:07] <payonel> look, i'm not saying i'm changing the vt100 spec itself
L353[15:25:10] <polyzium> I see
L354[15:25:14] <polyzium> Plan9k on the other hand parses escape sequences nicely but it's a very messy environment to work in
L355[15:25:14] <payonel> that IS documented, independent of openos
L356[15:25:19] <polyzium> ANd very slow
L357[15:25:35] <payonel> polyzium: have you found a bug in openos' implementatoin?
L358[15:25:48] <payonel> i find openos' vt100 parse to be very nice
L359[15:25:57] <polyzium> Haven't even tried
L360[15:26:04] <payonel> you said "it outputs ANSI escape codes as garbage"
L361[15:26:48] <polyzium> when I do print("\b") on openOS it outputs as BS in one char, when Plan9k just hangs
L362[15:27:13] <polyzium> I also tried using the term api, same thing
L363[15:27:15] <payonel> <- that would be \b
L364[15:27:22] <payonel> what do you expect it to print?
L365[15:27:58] <polyzium> remove 1 character and move the cursor left by 1 char
L366[15:28:02] <polyzium> I might be wrong though
L367[15:28:09] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (AshIndigo!~ashindigo@79-67-163-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L368[15:28:14] <payonel> oh sorry, not but
L369[15:28:43] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (AshIndigo!~ashindigo@79-67-163-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)
L370[15:28:55] <payonel> []
L371[15:29:02] <payonel> heh, it gets no glyph
L372[15:29:15] <polyzium> Welp
L373[15:29:30] <payonel> just a sec
L374[15:29:31] <polyzium> That may cause a lot of issues if the program on another end uses ncurses
L375[15:30:14] <payonel> well, to be fair, it isn't ncurses that "cares", but vt compatible terminals
L376[15:30:49] <polyzium> That's what I'm trying to achieve
L377[15:31:20] <polyzium> Most telnet servers expect xterm when OpenComputers' term uses some unstandardized api
L378[15:32:00] <payonel> so here is the thing, passing \b and removing the preceding char from the current host cursor input buffer is not specifically an attribute of vt100
L379[15:32:25] <payonel> also, to be clear, now i understand you'r enot talking about openos lib, but openos vt100 implementation
L380[15:32:38] <polyzium> Yeah
L381[15:32:50] <polyzium> I might borrow one from plan9k but it's slow
L382[15:32:51] <payonel> it is not intentional to be nonstandard
L383[15:33:17] <payonel> plan9k's implementation is at a very very different level of the kernel and terminal pipeline
L384[15:33:21] <payonel> it's not going to just work
L385[15:33:28] <payonel> i'm happy to review specific requests
L386[15:33:47] <payonel> but, for vt100, i'm only going to support \0x1b prefixed codes
L387[15:33:48] <Skye> hey yg
L388[15:33:58] <Skye> polyzium, payonel: I know Izaya made a VT100 lib
L389[15:34:14] <payonel> Skye: it is a small subset of even what openos has
L390[15:34:20] <Skye> oh
L391[15:34:32] <Skye> but it is a reliable API, cross platform and could be expanded
L392[15:34:38] * payonel sighs
L393[15:34:42] <payonel> so is openos'
L394[15:34:46] <polyzium> I'm looking at st's source code right now
L395[15:35:01] <Skye> payonel, oh
L396[15:35:04] <Skye> sorry
L397[15:35:05] <Skye> I misread
L398[15:35:06] <Skye> x_x
L399[15:35:09] * Skye hides
L400[15:35:52] <polyzium> Welp I also tried piping the output from bash to my netcat server and tried to connect to it lol
L401[15:36:01] <polyzium> Colours also weren't parsed
L402[15:37:17] <polyzium> they start with EC
L403[15:39:48] <payonel> polyzium: one thing at a time :)
L404[15:40:08] <payonel> i'm not sure where i want to support \b
L405[15:40:17] <payonel> it's not a vt100 issue, probably fits in the cursor layer
L406[15:40:35] <payonel> but, i'm in the middle of rebuilding all of that so, i'll consider it later
L407[15:40:46] <polyzium> Well, again, for telnet
L408[15:40:47] <payonel> what do you mean, colors weren't parsed?
L409[15:40:48] <polyzium> kek
L410[15:40:55] <payonel> are you still talking about openos?
L411[15:41:17] <polyzium> One moment
L412[15:48:14] <polyzium> payonel, when I want to print green text I would do it like so: echo '\033[0;32mgreen'
L413[15:49:18] <polyzium> But when I print that with Lua it gives me ![0;32mgreen
L414[15:50:15] <polyzium> How  is ! ?
L415[15:50:37] <payonel> i'd use \27, but yes that's the idea
L416[15:51:00] <payonel> 033 formats as 33, not octal 033
L417[15:51:13] <payonel> and
L418[15:51:19] <payonel> %lua string.char(33)
L419[15:51:20] <MichiBot> !
L420[15:51:21] <payonel> ^
L421[15:51:44] <polyzium> Oh god this thing gets me every time
L422[15:51:47] <polyzium> lol
L423[15:51:49] <payonel> whereas vt100 codes need \27 or \x1B
L424[15:52:03] <payonel> why even use octal though? seriously :/
L425[15:52:12] <polyzium> in lua?
L426[15:52:19] <payonel> in any language
L427[15:52:37] <payonel> octal is just ugly
L428[15:52:47] <polyzium> Agree
L429[15:52:54] <polyzium> I'd rather use dec or hex
L430[15:53:32] <polyzium> So ugh... why does OC display it as EC??
L431[15:54:11] <polyzium> I guess we need to write a wrapper for that, but why when there's vt100 in tty trying to parse stuff?
L432[15:54:23] <polyzium> This is a mess
L433[15:54:37] <payonel> hmm? oc displays what as EC? ec as in \27 ?
L434[15:54:58] <polyzium> I'll take a screenshot
L435[15:55:15] <payonel> sure, but what do you mean by EC? escape code?
L436[15:56:25] <polyzium> EC as in that little character that OC displays instead of a parsed escape sequence
L437[15:56:54] <payonel> that is what terminals should do with an undefined sequence
L438[15:58:13] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/LZ2Cphl
L439[15:58:19] <polyzium> See the EC at the start?
L440[15:58:26] <payonel> yeah, that's by design
L441[15:58:33] <payonel> that's what terminals are supposed to do
L442[15:58:36] <Alex404> does exist a chatbot for opencomputers?
L443[15:58:51] <payonel> wait
L444[15:59:48] <payonel> polyzium: what was on the line above that?
L445[16:00:08] <polyzium> telnet *my server*
L446[16:00:26] <payonel> i would need to see the actual string you are printing to the screen
L447[16:00:31] <payonel> also, what version of openos are you running?
L448[16:00:42] <polyzium> 1.7.2, updated from 1.6.6
L449[16:01:01] <polyzium> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenPrograms/Techokami-Programs/master/telnet.lua
L450[16:01:07] <polyzium> This is the telnet program I downloaded
L451[16:01:39] <polyzium> Don't forget to remove control characters at the start with a hex editor
L452[16:01:41] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yamjo6cm
L453[16:01:44] <payonel> well, i would need to see the actual string written to stdout
L454[16:02:17] <payonel> polyzium: if you open the lua shell, and run this: print("\27[0;32mgreen")
L455[16:02:20] <payonel> what does it do?
L456[16:02:21] <polyzium> echo '\x1b[0;32mgreen' | ncat -l -p 8080
L457[16:02:26] <polyzium> that's what I ran on my computer
L458[16:02:34] <polyzium> it hosts a tcp server on 8080
L459[16:03:10] <payonel> and does it work if you don't pipe it?
L460[16:03:11] <polyzium> Lua shell in OC or xterm?
L461[16:03:24] <payonel> polyzium: echo parses first
L462[16:03:36] <payonel> you have to tell echo to use literal parsing
L463[16:03:36] <payonel> -e
L464[16:03:51] <payonel> echo -e '\x1b[0;32mgreen'
L465[16:03:59] <payonel> polyzium: it's the same thing irl
L466[16:04:07] <MGR> @Forecaster Is that Shia as in Shia LaBeouf?
L467[16:04:25] <polyzium> Nope, doesn't work.
L468[16:04:26] <payonel> polyzium: from gnu echo help: -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes
L469[16:04:57] <payonel> polyzium: `echo -e '\x1b[0;32mgreen'` ? that doesn't work?
L470[16:05:28] <polyzium> -e does not affect, ran that without ncat
L471[16:05:41] <polyzium> -E prints it as-is
L472[16:05:51] <polyzium> with \x1b and everything
L473[16:06:05] <payonel> then you're in the twilight zone
L474[16:06:05] <payonel> sorry
L475[16:06:09] <Forecaster> I guess
L476[16:06:11] <polyzium> Twilight zone?
L477[16:06:41] <polyzium> YOu mean I have custom config or something
L478[16:06:47] <polyzium> Wiat let me check the alias
L479[16:07:46] <polyzium> OK so I was using zsh...
L480[16:07:55] <payonel> polyzium: wat?
L481[16:08:02] <payonel> i thought you were using openos
L482[16:08:24] <payonel> why are you giving me your problems from your own command line shell issues?
L483[16:08:27] <payonel> >.>
L484[16:08:32] <polyzium> Damn zsh
L485[16:08:42] <payonel> polyzium: ... seriously, you're confusing the crap out of me
L486[16:08:55] <polyzium> Sorry for that... I'm getting confused too
L487[16:08:58] <payonel> either we are talking about openos or we're talking about vt100 or we're talking about your own personal shell
L488[16:09:01] <payonel> you have to specify :)
L489[16:09:32] * payonel grumbles
L490[16:09:35] <polyzium> OK I'll try that again, this time with good old bash... damn you zsh
L491[16:10:57] <polyzium> Huh wtf, echo just prints the hex code with backslash, echo -e parses it and makes the shell green
L492[16:11:03] <polyzium> Anyways
L493[16:11:05] <payonel> yeah
L494[16:11:11] <payonel> that's the idea :)
L495[16:11:19] <payonel> \27 doesn't magically turn in '
L496[16:11:22] <payonel> into*
L497[16:11:41] <polyzium> But the telnet program still receives the EC character when using -e
L498[16:11:44] <payonel> who tells echo that \ that it should take the number after \ and tochar it?
L499[16:12:01] <payonel> \27 != 27
L500[16:12:11] <payonel> you have to basically tell a program to parse the \ and make a char
L501[16:12:29] <payonel> so, echo '\27' literally prints '\' and '2' and '7'
L502[16:12:42] <polyzium> I guess I'll have to write a wrapper for colours
L503[16:12:52] <payonel> why?
L504[16:13:01] <payonel> polyzium: .... slow down, you're trying to confuse me again
L505[16:13:07] <payonel> :)
L506[16:13:10] <polyzium> It doesn't parse the [0;32m part as you see
L507[16:13:15] <polyzium> the OC side
L508[16:13:17] <payonel> polyzium: did you try with -e
L509[16:13:20] <payonel> without the pipe
L510[16:13:58] <polyzium> With -e it parses it, makes the text green as expected
L511[16:14:21] <payonel> cool, and `echo -e blah | telnet` is not green? but prints the EC glyph?
L512[16:14:35] <polyzium> telnet as in the server?
L513[16:14:59] <payonel> let's go back a step
L514[16:15:07] <payonel> are you running this? `echo -e '\x1b[0;32mgreen' | ncat -l -p 8080` ?
L515[16:15:12] <payonel> in openos?
L516[16:15:12] <polyzium> Yes
L517[16:15:15] <polyzium> Damn it
L518[16:15:16] <polyzium> NOpe
L519[16:15:36] <polyzium> I'm running this on my computer, that should send the stuff to OC
L520[16:15:53] <polyzium> OC displays this as EC[0;32mgreen
L521[16:16:08] <payonel> from your real shell you are running that?
L522[16:16:12] <polyzium> Yes
L523[16:16:15] <polyzium> Bash in this case
L524[16:16:41] <polyzium> On OC irun telnet *address*:8080
L525[16:16:49] <polyzium> that prints the stuff
L526[16:17:09] <payonel> yeah, i don't know what the oppm telnet program is doing with the text it gets
L527[16:17:15] <polyzium> OPPM?
L528[16:17:18] <polyzium> Oh
L529[16:17:24] <payonel> oh i thought you get it from oppm
L530[16:17:26] <polyzium> It doesn't work out of the box
L531[16:17:27] <payonel> yeah, you did
L532[16:17:28] <payonel> OpenPrograms
L533[16:17:58] <polyzium> I downloaded it from his github repo via wget because it doesn't work from oppm, complains about ugh...
L534[16:18:03] <polyzium> some control character
L535[16:18:07] <payonel> ok
L536[16:18:12] <polyzium> I removed it via a hex editor and it works
L537[16:18:15] <payonel> regardless, i dont know what it is doing with print
L538[16:18:39] <payonel> it is possible to render bytes directly to the gpu
L539[16:18:43] <payonel> vt100 is part of openos tty
L540[16:18:46] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yaqk6eqd
L541[16:18:51] <polyzium> Yes it is
L542[16:18:54] <Forecaster> that's not good
L543[16:18:59] <payonel> but, for example, if you run: component.gpu.set(1,1,'\x1b')
L544[16:19:02] <polyzium> And tty is a aprt of the term api
L545[16:19:06] <payonel> then it would render the ec glyph
L546[16:19:30] <payonel> polyzium: right, and if you term.write("\x1b[0;32mgreen") it works
L547[16:19:37] <polyzium> It does
L548[16:19:37] <payonel> same as print, same as io.write
L549[16:19:44] <polyzium> Wait lemme try ter.write instead of print
L550[16:19:47] <polyzium> term*
L551[16:19:50] <payonel> it's all the tsame
L552[16:20:00] <payonel> it goes through the stdout stream, which is the tty stream
L553[16:20:07] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L554[16:20:42] <polyzium> This is so confusing
L555[16:20:44] <payonel> polyzium: my point is, i don't know what telnet is doing. if they are writing to the gpu directly, that is BAD
L556[16:20:49] <payonel> and yep
L557[16:21:12] <payonel> polyzium: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Techokami-Programs/blob/master/telnet.lua#L45
L558[16:21:25] <polyzium> Lemme try raw socket, no telnet
L559[16:22:25] <payonel> why are they reimplementing a type of print
L560[16:22:27] <payonel> that is also WRONG
L561[16:22:30] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L562[16:22:33] <polyzium> It is
L563[16:22:39] <polyzium> Like wtf is happening
L564[16:22:46] <payonel> Techokami why did you reimplement print ?
L565[16:24:49] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/JqfiwgX
L566[16:25:16] <payonel> polyzium: did you read "my point is"
L567[16:25:27] <polyzium> Yes
L568[16:25:33] <polyzium> WHy did you have to use gpu
L569[16:25:39] <payonel> who me?
L570[16:25:40] <polyzium> I don't get it
L571[16:25:42] <Izaya> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/06/04/nadella_tells_worried_github_devs_judge_us_by_our_actions/
L572[16:25:44] <polyzium> Nah the author
L573[16:26:10] <payonel> polyzium: a lot of people use gpu directly :)
L574[16:26:12] <payonel> i wish they didn't
L575[16:26:14] <payonel> it is what it is
L576[16:26:23] <payonel> anywas, just remove that entire print function from the code
L577[16:26:28] <payonel> it'll probably work just fine
L578[16:26:28] <polyzium> You know what I think colours aren't the most important thing now...
L579[16:26:44] <payonel> no, just edit the telnet file you have, and remove the local function print
L580[16:26:56] <polyzium> Because I tried to run BB demo also piped and using telnet, both ncurses and stdout
L581[16:27:50] <polyzium> 'bb -driver curses | ncat -l -p 8080' outputs a garbage of text with BSes (aka \b)
L582[16:27:59] <polyzium> stdout just redraws everything
L583[16:28:12] <polyzium> ANd it looks like an old CRT with bad vertical sync
L584[16:28:19] <payonel> yeah, my tty layer is incomplete-ish
L585[16:28:23] <payonel> some things i don't plan to support
L586[16:28:38] <payonel> i'll consider \b, though
L587[16:28:41] <payonel> if you find another, let me know
L588[16:29:27] <payonel> polyzium: the thing is, \b is not a vt100 thing, it is a cursor input buffer thing
L589[16:30:34] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/1rw3I8g curses driver, after that the screen is completely white
L590[16:31:14] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/a/20oVd72 Prints a bunch of garbage in curses mode
L591[16:31:21] <payonel> whose curses driver?
L592[16:31:35] <polyzium> bb -driver curses | ncat -l -p 8080
L593[16:31:52] <payonel> yeah, that's just going to use vt100 codes to do stuff
L594[16:32:00] <payonel> imo, they should have called vt mode, but whatever :)
L595[16:32:22] <polyzium> I dunno how ncurses works but I assume they use \b to move the cursor?
L596[16:32:54] <payonel> no, like i've been trying to say, \b handled by your shell (the host) to the cursor input buffer, to remove a char
L597[16:32:58] <payonel> it is NOT a "move char" code
L598[16:33:06] <payonel> for example...
L599[16:33:07] <polyzium> I see
L600[16:33:20] <payonel> give me a moment
L601[16:33:51] <payonel> \b is just char(8)
L602[16:33:56] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/a/tVek1i5 stdout mode, doesn't parse anything
L603[16:34:23] <payonel> again, you're using that telnet program, yes?
L604[16:34:30] <polyzium> Yes
L605[16:34:36] <payonel> and as i said, it doesn't use tty
L606[16:34:39] <payonel> you need to remove the print method
L607[16:35:13] <payonel> hmm, i dont know what \27[?%d+h should do, let me check that
L608[16:35:46] <polyzium> With stdout even tho it looks like an old CRT, it displays things correctly by redrawing https://imgur.com/A56bghg
L609[16:35:48] <payonel> oh, not %d+ in generanal
L610[16:35:50] <payonel> general*
L611[16:36:00] <payonel> but specifically, 1049
L612[16:36:02] <payonel> i've heard of that
L613[16:36:17] <payonel> polyzium: you're not slowing down to learn from what i was going to say
L614[16:37:00] <payonel> polyzium: \b is not a vt100 code issue, but a cursor control (or in vte speak, the host application handles it)
L615[16:37:04] <payonel> for example
L616[16:37:11] <payonel> echo -e 'a\x8c'
L617[16:37:21] <payonel> you'll notice the a is still printed (do that in a real shell)
L618[16:37:26] <payonel> the \x8 doesn't remove the a
L619[16:37:38] <payonel> but if you send \x8 to a cursor input, it'll remove the a
L620[16:37:48] <payonel> it doesn't happen on tty output, but on tty input
L621[16:37:50] <payonel> that's my point
L622[16:37:55] <payonel> anyways, i'll consider \b
L623[16:38:16] <polyzium> I guess I did a wrong thing by mentioning \b
L624[16:38:25] <polyzium> I remember when I used a discord terminal bot
L625[16:38:30] <payonel> now, as for your next issue, when you get a lot of white
L626[16:38:33] <polyzium> \b removes the character
L627[16:38:34] <payonel> setusg0 Set United States G0 character set ^[(B
L628[16:38:42] <payonel> polyzium: yes
L629[16:38:45] <payonel> there has to be an input buffer
L630[16:38:51] <payonel> i'm just s...nevermind
L631[16:39:02] <polyzium> I know this is confusing...
L632[16:39:10] <payonel> anyways, i don't support the entire vt100 spectrum
L633[16:39:22] <payonel> there are codes/actions i haven't added support for yet, and some things i don't plan to
L634[16:39:38] <payonel> but your example that is trying to use setusg0, and the like, i could add a no-op for
L635[16:39:43] <polyzium> Looks like I'll have to write a telnet client from scratch and use proper vt100 parsing
L636[16:39:53] <Izaya> anyone want to hear something unsurprising?
L637[16:40:04] <polyzium> or write a vt100 wrapper/parser for OC.
L638[16:40:07] <payonel> polyzium: as i've been trying to say, you should just use the actual tty layer openos has
L639[16:40:10] <Izaya> the nbn can't even deliver 100Mbps over its HFC setup
L640[16:40:17] <Izaya> what a surprise /s
L641[16:40:29] <payonel> polyzium: and anywhere it doesn't work correctly, feel free to poke me
L642[16:40:35] <Forecaster> the what with what and what?
L643[16:40:59] <polyzium> payonel, tty or term? tty isn't really an api and is used in term api which is the same as tty by looking at funcs
L644[16:41:15] <polyzium> And tty isn't documented in the wiki.
L645[16:41:15] <payonel> polyzium: when i say tty i mean any natural stdout in openos
L646[16:41:19] <payonel> iow.rite, term, and print
L647[16:41:22] <payonel> io.write*
L648[16:41:27] <payonel> i'm not saying invoke the tty directly
L649[16:41:34] <polyzium> Alright
L650[16:41:37] <payonel> "use the actual tty layer"
L651[16:41:43] <payonel> not "use the tty library" :)
L652[16:41:53] <Izaya> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/25/100mbps_nbn_wireless_services_canned/
L653[16:41:56] <payonel> in other words, dont use gpu directly
L654[16:42:21] <payonel> polyzium: this image you shared: https://imgur.com/a/tVek1i5
L655[16:42:24] <polyzium> That's what I'm not trying to
L656[16:42:47] <payonel> polyzium: can you run the real shell command that caused that, but without piping over netcat
L657[16:43:02] <payonel> but instead, pipe to | hexdump -C
L658[16:43:12] <polyzium> https://imgur.com/A56bghg https://imgur.com/n32PsY9 https://imgur.com/3A7oiie Despite redrawing everything and looking like an old CRT it works...
L659[16:43:15] <polyzium> Alright lemem try.
L660[16:44:32] <payonel> polyzium: i might even api-inize the vt100 library :)
L661[16:44:39] <payonel> then you can just adds sequence rules
L662[16:44:58] <polyzium> 'bb -driver stdout | hexdump' fucks up my terminal
L663[16:45:25] <polyzium> I know what imma do
L664[16:45:42] <payonel> is bb interactive ?
L665[16:45:46] <payonel> i dont know what bb is
L666[16:46:12] <payonel> you could tee it probably
L667[16:46:46] <polyzium> BB is an ASCII demo that uses aalib for conversion to ascii art
L668[16:47:00] <payonel> is it interactive?
L669[16:47:05] <polyzium> I dumped the output to a file then dumped the file to hexdump
L670[16:47:07] <polyzium> Nope
L671[16:47:08] <payonel> does it read from stdin?
L672[16:47:20] <polyzium> It only requires you to press y/n to enable/disable the music
L673[16:47:22] <polyzium> that's all
L674[16:47:24] <payonel> then yes
L675[16:47:26] <payonel> :)
L676[16:47:28] <payonel> that is interactive
L677[16:47:29] <payonel> haha
L678[16:47:34] <payonel> you've got me grumpy :P
L679[16:47:35] <polyzium> At the start lol
L680[16:47:41] <payonel> so!?
L681[16:47:45] <payonel> %flip bb
L682[16:47:45] <MichiBot> payonel: (╯°□°)╯qq
L683[16:47:59] <AmandaC> %stab polyzium
L684[16:47:59] * MichiBot stabs polyzium with recursion doing 3 damage
L685[16:48:32] <AmandaC> %choose pizza or no
L686[16:48:33] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no
L687[16:48:42] <polyzium> Aw that's not nice
L688[16:48:49] <polyzium> payonel, https://clbin.com/Rco40 hexdump output
L689[16:48:59] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L690[16:49:02] <Forecaster> %fling
L691[16:49:03] * MichiBot flings Perl6 in a random direction. It hits Vindex underneath their foot. They take 6 damage.
L692[16:49:24] <payonel> polyzium: ok cool :)
L693[16:49:42] <payonel> anyways, yeah, there are some codes in vt100 outside my current support
L694[16:49:45] <polyzium> Do curl on it if you need std
L695[16:50:01] <polyzium> Haven't tested on plan9k but it's TERRIBLE.
L696[16:50:25] <payonel> polyzium: just know that my vt100 library isn't failing when you see the EC glyph
L697[16:50:35] <payonel> it just means you wrote a sequence it didn't know
L698[16:50:46] <polyzium> Alright
L699[16:51:10] <polyzium> Since you wrote ocvm you may implement it fully
L700[16:51:26] <payonel> i might...but openos has crazy memory constraints
L701[16:51:38] <polyzium> Unlike let's say plan9k?
L702[16:51:39] <payonel> so i might prefer to just open my lib to an api
L703[16:51:48] <payonel> and let users add their own sequences
L704[16:51:58] <payonel> i'm not sure
L705[16:52:01] <payonel> i'll give it some thoght
L706[16:52:03] <payonel> +u
L707[16:52:35] <polyzium> Alright
L708[16:52:54] <polyzium> Omg vt100 is a mess
L709[16:53:10] <payonel> the real one or my impl? :)
L710[16:53:21] <polyzium> THe one that's in OpenOS
L711[16:53:26] <payonel> bc, imo, my impl is sexy as hell
L712[16:53:29] <payonel> :P
L713[16:53:40] <payonel> polyzium: it's a mess? can you be specific?
L714[16:53:46] <polyzium> Better to write my own parser that changes colours and ncurses compatible lol
L715[16:53:46] <SquidDev> Though also the real one. The whole escape code situation is grim.
L716[16:54:10] <polyzium> payonel, the escape code sequences
L717[16:54:19] <payonel> polyzium: i dont understand
L718[16:54:56] <polyzium> \x1b etc
L719[16:55:02] <payonel> what is messy about it?
L720[16:55:15] <polyzium> When you wanna set colour or move a cursor
L721[16:55:29] <payonel> ....what is messy about openos vt100?
L722[16:55:40] <payonel> or are you talking about vt100 spec?
L723[16:55:42] <polyzium> Doesn't support most of the stuff I guess?
L724[16:55:50] <polyzium> Openos's
L725[16:56:01] <payonel> what is messy about it?
L726[16:56:38] <polyzium> It may be just me but
L727[16:57:00] <polyzium> I loaded the vt100 lib into lua and I couldn't figure out anything
L728[16:57:06] <payonel> it's not an api
L729[16:57:11] <payonel> you're not meant to load it
L730[16:57:16] <payonel> the tty layer loads it for you
L731[16:57:20] <polyzium> Besides that I also need to look at telnet protocol specification to make it act like the gnu telnet client
L732[16:57:24] <payonel> when you print escape codes to stdout
L733[16:57:41] <payonel> why are you loading vt100 (via require?) it's not an api
L734[16:57:51] <payonel> it just all happens for you when you print the sequences to stdout
L735[16:58:01] <payonel> i know i'm literally repeating myself, but....you're just confusing me
L736[17:00:24] <polyzium> I'm sorry for confusing you
L737[17:00:31] <polyzium> Because this is confusing me too
L738[17:00:57] <polyzium> Here's yet another example of telnet's failure https://imgur.com/a/LAs2OGl https://imgur.com/a/CxyOcIA
L739[17:01:37] <Forecaster> I need a 3D model of an OC robot
L740[17:01:39] <Forecaster> for reasons
L741[17:02:13] <polyzium> I'll have a look at st simple terminal by suckless... xterm is too messy for me
L742[17:02:36] <Izaya> rotate a cube 45 degrees
L743[17:02:46] <polyzium> And xterm has over 300 escape codes afaik?
L744[17:02:56] <AmandaC> telnet is unrelated to ansi escape sequences, which is what vt1000 is in openo
L745[17:02:58] <AmandaC> s
L746[17:03:07] <payonel> polyzium: so you shouldn't be loading/requiring tty nor vt100 directly in your scripts. that's why there is no documentation for it
L747[17:03:12] <payonel> maybe i'll add a doc page specifically saying that :)
L748[17:03:21] <polyzium> SO I should use term for that right
L749[17:03:28] <payonel> term/print/io.write
L750[17:03:28] <payonel> yes
L751[17:03:34] <payonel> you just print text
L752[17:03:34] <polyzium> Alright
L753[17:04:27] <polyzium> I still have a copy of OpenOS 1.6.6 so I may try parsing vt100/vt220/xterm escape codes by myself
L754[17:04:53] <payonel> you can still do it by yourself in 1.7
L755[17:05:15] <polyzium> Then how do I disable the incomplete vt100 library?
L756[17:05:39] <SquidDev> Even better: PR improvements to areas you think are incomplete.
L757[17:06:06] <payonel> polyzium: if you get '\27[32mgreen' i assume you'll 1. set background to green, and then 2. io.write("green")
L758[17:06:07] <payonel> yes?
L759[17:06:07] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/XNIXfDB.png
L760[17:06:16] <polyzium> Yes, right.
L761[17:06:30] <polyzium> ANyways it's 1 AM here so I'll try writing one tomorrow.
L762[17:06:33] <polyzium> Good night.
L763[17:06:39] <payonel> polyzium:
L764[17:06:43] <polyzium> ANd thanks payonel for explaining the stuff
L765[17:06:50] <payonel> if you io.write("green") ... that still works in 1.7
L766[17:06:54] <payonel> :|
L767[17:06:55] <payonel> sure
L768[17:07:11] <payonel> who cares if there is a vt100 library still in tty at that point
L769[17:07:19] <payonel> you're not "printing" escape codes, you parsed them
L770[17:07:22] <polyzium> Even though that confused us all I found out that vt100 is kinda incomplete.
L771[17:07:40] <polyzium> So I'll try doing that on my own
L772[17:07:47] <payonel> coo
L773[17:07:51] <polyzium> Anyways, gotta go sleep
L774[17:07:55] <polyzium> Bye all
L775[17:08:01] <payonel> o/
L776[17:08:11] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@ (Quit: Leaving)
L777[18:34:30] <Inari> %inv add a mudcrab
L778[18:34:30] * MichiBot summons 'a mudcrab' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L779[18:35:49] <AmandaC> Meh, not interested. It's not golden
L780[18:38:49] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (Kilobyte!~kilobyte@2a01:4f8:201:34c7::1) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
L781[18:39:03] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (Kilobyte!~kilobyte@2a01:4f8:201:34c7::1)
L782[18:39:03] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L783[19:01:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p54AFFF96.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Sleep guess u guess' - Amanda)
L784[19:13:39] <ATMunn> %inv add a golden mudcrab
L785[19:13:40] * MichiBot summons 'a golden mudcrab' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L786[19:18:33] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972977.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L787[19:28:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794600F0AB57A9A792DA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L788[19:31:52] <AmandaC> %tell Inari okay, I think I love black Butler. It's an amazing mix of macabre and comedy
L789[19:31:53] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L790[19:32:36] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972bf8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L791[19:36:26] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L792[20:47:45] * AmandaC collapses into a pile of floof, dozes, night nerds
L793[21:02:03] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (Kodos!~Kodos@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L794[21:56:02] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L795[21:57:53] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L796[22:33:11] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L797[22:43:02] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:b170:bc46:264e:9b15) (Remote host closed the connection)
L798[22:48:51] <Izaya> ~w signals
L799[22:48:51] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
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