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L1[00:23:33] <Mimiru> ok... inventory works.
L2[00:23:35] <Mimiru> sorta.
L3[00:23:51] <Mimiru> it stores the item.. but I can't write my data to the item in it
L4[00:29:51] <Kleadron> watcha doin
L5[00:47:54] <Mimiru> trying to wrap up the OpenFM 1.12 port...
L6[00:48:04] <Mimiru> really close.. but the annoying crap is cropping upo
L7[00:48:55] <Mimiru> Like randomly my memory card will disappear from one radio and appear back in the one I took it from...
L8[00:49:01] <Mimiru> then it'll just disappear totally
L9[00:49:02] <Mimiru> ._.
L10[00:49:51] <Kleadron> there should be a radio card
L11[00:50:54] <Mimiru> Define.
L12[00:50:56] <Mimiru> :P
L13[00:53:19] <Kleadron> radio card for openFM that lets you use it
L14[00:53:24] <Mimiru> Ah.
L15[00:53:25] <Mimiru> No.
L16[00:53:25] <Mimiru> :D
L17[00:53:33] <Kleadron> k
L18[00:53:53] <Mimiru> But really.. I've considered it.
L19[00:54:29] <Mimiru> OpenFM has a soft dep on OC and CC... I could optionally load a card, if OC was present... but eh
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L21[02:03:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L22[03:01:27] <Mimiru> https://drive.pc-logix.com/index.php/s/ctQSxkFsiJwb6F6
L23[03:01:31] <Mimiru> So this is my current problem ._.
L24[03:01:51] <Mimiru> blocks work in world... and one of my items work.. except it uses the other texture...
L25[03:01:55] * Mimiru sighs
L26[03:01:58] <Mimiru> I hate the json system
L27[03:02:10] <Mimiru> But I'm listening to a stream in game.
L28[03:11:24] <Fatmice> Has anyone here used OC Xnet Driver from Davenonymous?
L29[03:14:04] <Mimiru> I backported it to 1.10... I have no idea how it works.. lmao
L30[04:21:55] <asie> I have, for FTB's Pyramid Reborn map.
L31[04:22:31] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/ftb-pyramid-reborn-oc/blob/master/home/software_xnet/quest.lua
L32[04:22:33] <asie> This has some example code, as such.
L33[04:22:39] <asie> Search for "xnet"
L34[04:25:20] <Fatmice> my question is can the connected block in the xnet be addressed directly without walking through the table returned by xnet.getConnectedBlocks()
L35[04:26:41] <asie> xnet.getConnectedBlocks() simply returns relative X/Y/Z coords
L36[04:26:43] <asie> so I'd think yes?
L37[04:26:50] <asie> but I'm not 100% sure
L38[04:26:53] <asie> try it
L39[04:29:25] <Fatmice> so just use xnet.transferItem({relative coords},i,y,{relative coords}) ?
L40[04:29:40] <asie> {x=?,y=?,z=?}
L41[04:29:42] <asie> but as I said
L42[04:29:46] <asie> don't ask strangers on the internet, try it, it won't explode
L43[04:29:56] <Fatmice> okay I will do that
L44[04:44:00] <Jacky Jnirvana> Hello everyone.
L45[04:44:00] <Jacky Jnirvana> How can I query what is being crafted in a ME network (AE 2)?
L46[05:00:29] ⇨ Joins: bigdood69 (bigdood69!~bigdood69@99-62-100-113.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net)
L47[05:00:33] <bigdood69> hellp
L48[05:00:39] <bigdood69> how are you today
L49[05:00:53] <bigdood69> oneechan
L50[05:00:59] <bigdood69> oof
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L52[05:41:34] <Forecaster> kay
L53[05:41:39] <Forecaster> %loot
L54[05:41:39] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a piece of cloth.
L55[06:03:06] <Dudblockman> Gonna just ask instead of testing or reading the code...
L56[06:05:27] <Dudblockman> Can Drones use bows? Trying to figure out a portable way of firing arrows that I can control. Iirc they shouldn't be able to
L57[06:12:26] ⇦ Quits: JayLocke (JayLocke!~JayLocke@202-151-72-245.dsl.teleguam.net) (Read error: No route to host)
L58[06:18:24] <Forecaster> robots can use bows
L59[06:18:29] <Forecaster> drones may be able to as well
L60[06:20:33] <Jacky Jnirvana> Hello everyone.
L61[06:20:33] <Jacky Jnirvana> Can I query what is being crafted in a ME network (AE 2)?
L62[06:43:57] <Z0idburg> @Jacky Jnirvana It's really early for a lot of us ?
L63[06:45:22] <Z0idburg> you can check the github for AE in OC components perhaps
L64[06:45:28] <Z0idburg> if theres no docs
L65[06:46:50] <Z0idburg> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComponents/tree/OC1.3-MC1.7.10/src/main/java/li/cil/occ/mods/appeng
L66[06:47:07] <Z0idburg> assuming thats still used
L67[06:48:37] <Jacky Jnirvana> Yup I've searched for really a period of time in that package but seemed not to find anything related. I'm not so familiar with Scala so...
L68[06:52:55] <stephan48> where would OC log errors and problems with programms running via rc/the event subsystem?
L69[06:58:45] <Izaya> probably /tmp/event.log
L70[07:00:21] <Jacky Jnirvana> so does anyone know how to query ongoing crafting task in a ME network?
L71[07:01:53] <Jacky Jnirvana> Having difficulties understanding Scala code?
L72[07:02:07] <Jacky Jnirvana> Having difficulties understanding Scala code ? [Edited]
L73[07:16:23] <stephan48> thank you. as soon as I start my background program(which does some ME system checking and some exports) the OC server starts to only react sluggishly to input. i assume that i am not yielding enough(how would that work again?). could there be any other issues?
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L76[07:19:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L77[07:24:01] <Jacky Jnirvana> stephan48: what do you mean by "background" program? Threads? Or registerd background event handlers?
L78[07:29:05] <Jacky Jnirvana> (well, the time difference is really annoying...
L79[07:38:39] <stephan48> registered background event handlers
L80[07:38:41] <stephan48> sorry :)
L81[07:42:00] <Jacky Jnirvana> Maybe uploading your code would be helpful to find the issue :)
L82[07:44:32] ⇨ Joins: Jacky (Jacky!~hermes@
L83[07:45:37] <stephan48> good idea :) https://pastebin.com/m8Q7s28B basically the original idea was to manage two mekanism ore washers. export exactly enough ore to fill one gas tank which then was transported into the next step. this made sure that i don't need a ton of washers for each ore. now i use it for easily exporting ores into a buffer chest for x2
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L85[07:46:03] <stephan48> so i don't need tons of exporters. first it compiles a ore list and then checks if it can export one of these
L86[07:47:19] <stephan48> the formatting got butchered the last time i copied and pasted it :( i think it gets stuck for a long time in the area between 75 and 91. which is responsible for checking the ME system for the ores
L87[07:47:39] <stephan48> the frontend was originally a gui
L88[07:51:53] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E1DE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L89[08:08:26] <Jacky Jnirvana> stephan48: so the function `updateStats` is called endlessly by something else while running?
L90[08:09:24] <stephan48> mh. updateStats(line 36) is called by runOnce(line 110) which in turn is handled by a one second timer endlessly
L91[08:09:39] <stephan48> which might just be the obvious problem
L92[08:31:55] <Jacky Jnirvana> stephan48:
L93[08:31:55] <Jacky Jnirvana> Advice: calculate and log the time it takes to run line110-117 and line118-132, then compare them to find which is longer. Maybe scanning really takes time so you need to yelid longer.
L94[08:32:24] <Jacky Jnirvana> stephan48:
L95[08:32:24] <Jacky Jnirvana> Advice: calculate and log the time it takes to run line110-117 and line118-132, then compare them to find which one is longer. Maybe scanning really takes time so you need to yelid longer. [Edited]
L96[08:32:54] <ste48> sounds like a plan. I could also enhance the logic to be more intelligent about the timing. i.e. how much was in the system and when to check next for a specific ore
L97[08:33:18] <AmandaC> %choose space heroin or anime or youtube?
L98[08:33:18] <MichiBot> AmandaC: youtube?
L99[08:33:38] <Izaya> space heroin...
L100[08:33:44] <Izaya> either The Expanse or Elite: Dangerous
L101[08:33:47] <ste48> f.e. if there where 10 of a ore in the system and the minimal amount for export is 196 it would not make sense to check every second for that ore for some time
L102[08:33:54] <Izaya> unrelated but exciting: http://is2.4chan.org/g/1527865000609.png
L103[08:34:27] <AmandaC> Izaya: Space Heroin is Stationeers, E:D is space crack
L104[08:34:34] <Izaya> Ah.
L105[08:34:42] <AmandaC> god, get your drugs right! :P
L106[08:35:26] <Izaya> hey man I don't touch anything synthetic
L107[08:35:56] <Izaya> leafy green salad for me
L108[08:38:35] <Jacky Jnirvana> @ste48 so I think the q&d solution is to set the yeliding time to 10s?
L109[08:39:13] <Jacky Jnirvana> @ste48 so I think the q&d solution for now is to set the yeliding time to 10ssmile [Edited]
L110[08:39:30] <Jacky Jnirvana> @ste48 so I think the q&d solution for now is to set the yeliding time to 10s ? [Edited]
L111[08:40:49] <Wuerfel_21> ~~lua_irl~~
L112[08:40:49] <Wuerfel_21> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267058739360563200/452455858404851712/image.jpg
L113[08:42:28] <ATMunn> %loot
L114[08:42:29] <MichiBot> ATMunn: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .mp5.
L115[08:48:54] <ste48> @Jacky Jnirvana jup that would be quite fine and working
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L121[10:24:33] * Mimiru stabs Minecraft
L122[10:25:57] <Mimiru> My block models work when placed in world, but not in hand, in inventory, or when in itemblock form in world.
L123[10:26:13] <Mimiru> and my 2 items, one of them doesn't work, and the one that does uses the texture from the one that doesn't work.
L124[10:26:17] * Mimiru head desks
L125[10:32:31] <Mimiru> but.. ofc there are no errors in the console for my blockstates, or item jsons
L126[10:34:16] <Mimiru> and I really don't feel like poking the forge channel.
L127[10:43:23] <Kodos> You could poke mcjty in #rftools
L128[10:52:36] <Mimiru> I think I'm just going to take this time to rewrite a bunch of stuff
L129[11:23:46] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p5797271C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L130[11:37:57] <Mimiru> or...
L131[11:38:02] <Mimiru> maybe this is just fucked!
L132[11:38:02] <Mimiru> yay
L133[12:02:05] <Inari> s/m.{10}//
L134[12:02:06] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> is just fucked!
L135[12:02:09] * Inari runs
L136[12:03:19] * Mimiru sighs and rolls her eyes
L137[12:03:29] * Mimiru goes back to rming code
L138[12:37:13] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (Nachtara!~Nachiebre@173-18-121-78.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
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L141[12:44:05] <Alex404> I need help to make a "resume" function for my digging script
L142[12:45:02] <Alex404> I cannot find a way to create a way to store functions to be recalled in case one of them fails (like breaking a pick and returning to start to pick another, then resume)
L143[12:46:05] <Alex404> I cannot find a way to store functions to be recalled in case one of them fails (like breaking a pick and returning to start to pick another, then resume) [Edited]
L144[12:53:31] <Xal> Alex404: I'm not sure what "store functions to be recalled" means
L145[12:53:58] <Xal> you can get the current durability of the robot's tool with durability()
L146[12:54:14] <AshIndigo> Post your code on pastebin
L147[12:56:58] <Alex404> yes, sorry
L148[12:57:03] <Alex404> it will be messy, still learning asd
L149[12:57:13] <Alex404> what i mean is. I have a function that dig branches
L150[12:57:36] <Alex404> so i repeat that function to dig a lot of branches
L151[12:58:07] <Alex404> when the pick breaks, the robot returns (I know how to do it), but i need the robot to remember that he was at the nth branch
L152[12:58:54] <Alex404> I know how to make him return at the exact position (at the beginninf of the branch itself) but not how to make him restart that function
L153[12:59:26] <Alex404> https://pastebin.com/hV0f13G2
L154[13:00:35] <Alex404> I made a way for the robot to store in a table the coordinates of the previous functions, so I can dig complex shapes and knowing the robot will be able to backtrack to the start
L155[13:00:50] <Alex404> and return to work, of course
L156[13:01:45] ⇦ Quits: erratic (erratic!erratic@shells.yourstruly.sx) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L157[13:01:59] <Alex404> now i feel i need a way to "store" those commands inside a table, and use that for restart the last function that returned false
L158[13:07:47] <Xal> functions can be used like any other values: you can put them in variables, tables, whatever
L159[13:08:15] <Alex404> i'm reading how to do it but i cannot make it works
L160[13:09:15] <Alex404> i'm trying the simple a={} a[1] = print("hello")
L161[13:09:26] <Xal> print("hello") isn't a function
L162[13:09:40] <Xal> a[1] = function() print("hello") end
L163[13:09:45] <Xal> that will work ^
L164[13:09:48] <Alex404> oh
L165[13:10:33] <Alex404> yes, now when i write a[1] i get function: numbers
L166[13:11:49] <Alex404> what do i need to make the function stored "work"?
L167[13:12:52] <Xal> a[1]()
L168[13:13:16] <Alex404> no, that gives me nil
L169[13:13:57] <Xal> if you function returns nil it will give you nil
L170[13:14:39] <Alex404> but i want to print "hello"
L171[13:16:01] <Xal> a = {}
L172[13:16:07] <Xal> a[1] = function() print("hello") end
L173[13:16:09] <Xal> a[1]()
L174[13:16:11] <Xal> that will work
L175[13:18:16] <Alex404> http://tinyurl.com/y8ddsb6k
L176[13:18:31] <Xal> you must do a[1]()
L177[13:18:50] <Xal> a[1] access the correct value from the table
L178[13:18:56] <Xal> and the () calls it like any other function
L179[13:20:02] <Alex404> ok so its a[1]()
L180[13:20:07] <Alex404> now it works
L181[13:20:18] <Alex404> thanks
L182[13:30:01] <Alex404> ok, now i know i'm making something wrong
L183[13:30:14] <Alex404> i'm trying to pass a function, but it doesnt works
L184[13:31:04] <Alex404> if I try to make this:
L185[13:31:13] <Alex404> f = print("hello")
L186[13:31:13] <Alex404> action_builder(f)
L187[13:31:24] <Alex404> function action_builder (f)
L188[13:31:24] <Alex404> actions[#actions] = function() f end
L189[13:31:24] <Alex404> end
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L192[13:37:19] <Mimiru> oh... ffs
L193[13:37:24] <Mimiru> what the fuck.
L194[13:37:42] <Mimiru> > Could not GET 'http://maven.cil.li/li/cil/oc/OpenComputers/maven-metadata.xml'. > peer not authenticated
L195[13:38:09] <Mimiru> cause http -> https.... and https is served by Let's Encrypt... and it seems for whatever reason jenkins is using fucking java 7, which isn't trusting LE.
L196[13:42:25] <Mimiru> but.... default java is 1.8.0_171 ._.
L197[14:06:13] <Inari> @Alex404 You're not passing a function there :P
L198[14:06:23] <Alex404> ssigh
L199[14:06:24] <Inari> print is a function. print ("hello") calls that function and hands you what it returns
L200[14:06:40] <Inari> So f is whatever the print("hello") calls returns
L201[14:07:24] <Alex404> so i guess i need to write since the beginning function() whatever end
L202[14:07:24] <Inari> I'm not sure what you want that action_builder to be doing
L203[14:07:27] <Alex404> and pass that?
L204[14:07:45] <Alex404> I want to build a table what stores all the function for movement that i've used
L205[14:08:10] <Inari> Well, if you want a function, you have to create a function yes. Just like you did with the "function action_builder(f)"
L206[14:08:41] <Inari> You could also think of "function action_builder(f) ... end" just being _G['"action_builder"] = function(f) ... end
L207[14:08:47] <Inari> Wheres _G is the global table
L208[14:09:17] <Alex404> I need to look up that thing
L209[14:09:25] <Inari> Which thing
L210[14:09:39] <Alex404> _G
L211[14:09:41] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:714c:b806:d19e:1907) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L212[14:09:48] <Alex404> as i've said, i'm still learning ?
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L215[14:10:11] <Inari> Thats just a table of global variables
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L219[14:10:41] <Inari> It was just an example that even when you write "function (f) .. end" it's actually creating a function and storing that. You don't need to know it
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L229[14:11:24] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DesHRaJUEAAHlm8.jpg:large
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L242[14:13:16] <Alex404> aah, thanks. Understood
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L246[14:13:59] <Inari> RIP payonel
L247[14:14:26] ⇨ Joins: greaser|q (greaser|q!greaser@antihype.space)
L248[14:26:54] <Mimiru> god damn it
L249[14:27:07] * Mimiru grumbles @ sangar
L250[14:28:30] ⇨ Joins: Orbstheorem (Orbstheorem!~roosember@hellendaal.orbstheorem.ch)
L251[14:29:02] <Orbstheorem> Hi, I was wondering if there's any way to have multiple shell sessions using multiple screens
L252[14:29:12] <Orbstheorem> or tmux :P
L253[14:31:54] <ATMunn> inb4 opentmux
L254[14:38:00] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L255[14:39:20] <Orbstheorem> I can't find it, do you have a lind? ^^
L256[14:51:51] <Mimiru> I think that was more of a... in before someone makes it..
L257[14:55:13] <stephan48> Inari: uh what happened?
L258[14:55:43] <Mimiru> ?
L259[14:56:07] <stephan48> ·
L260[14:56:08] <stephan48> 02.211359 < Inari> RIP payonel
L261[14:56:15] <Mimiru> Oh.. they got "guested"
L262[14:56:18] <Mimiru> cause of a netsplit
L263[14:56:31] <Mimiru> when they rejoined they didn't auth so nickserv changed their nick
L264[14:56:32] <stephan48> ah
L265[14:56:45] <stephan48> pah. sloppy people! :D
L266[14:57:07] <stephan48> must have skipped that in the backlog
L267[14:57:13] <Mimiru> it's not so much sloppy... the ns module doesn't work with payo for some reason, we did some troubleshooting...
L268[14:57:23] <Mimiru> I run the bouncer payo uses :P
L269[14:57:28] <stephan48> haha
L270[14:58:03] <Mimiru> and.. a few other people here, and not as well
L271[14:59:43] <stephan48> thats weird - it not working propperly just for him I mean.
L272[14:59:44] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p5797271C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L273[15:01:46] <Mimiru> ok.. so OpenFM works on 1.12 now yay! but I can't get my build server to build it because for whatever reason Jenkins chokes on LE's certs.
L274[15:02:01] <Mimiru> even though LE is trusted by the JRE/JDK Jenkins is running on.
L275[15:03:47] <stephan48> blarg. i once had something similar. i think i fixed it throu a java upgrade - it turned out to be something along the lines of broken SNI or something code. was some time ago I don't remember the exact details :(
L276[15:04:16] <stephan48> not with jenkins throu. did you verify that the runtime really supports the LE cert?
L277[15:04:27] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L278[15:04:32] <Mimiru> Yeah, java 8 171 supports LE
L279[15:04:38] <Mimiru> and that's what I'm using
L280[15:04:54] <Mimiru> (It's supported much earlier too)
L281[15:06:02] <stephan48> thats definitively recent enough
L282[15:06:26] <Mimiru> I don't even have 7 installed on this box
L283[15:06:27] <Orbstheorem> btw, is there any way to wait x gameticks?
L284[15:07:02] <stephan48> what is the error message you get?
L285[15:07:14] <Orbstheorem> something like thread.sleep()
L286[15:07:24] <Mimiru> you can os.sleep() there are 20 ticks in a second, so do math to get the number to sleep
L287[15:07:37] <Orbstheorem> okay, thanks ^^
L288[15:07:37] <Mimiru> > Could not GET 'http://maven.cil.li/li/cil/oc/OpenComputers/maven-metadata.xml'. > peer not authenticated
L289[15:08:13] <Mimiru> http redirects to https
L290[15:08:18] <Mimiru> and https is le backed
L291[15:08:50] <Orbstheorem> is `os.sleep` a good strategy to prevent lag?
L292[15:09:29] <Mimiru> if you're doing loops and stuff you have to atleast os.sleep(0) anyway, so that other events can happen, otherwise you get killed with too long without yielding
L293[15:09:54] <Mimiru> os.sleep, or event.pull or stuff like that
L294[15:10:09] <stephan48> yea and its a bog standard https cert. multiple subject alt names but that should not trip the jenkins
L295[15:10:15] <Orbstheorem> I'm doing a very simple translocator operation on a microcontroller, so I thought that adding a os.sleep(20) may help reduce lag by suspending the vm
L296[15:10:36] <Mimiru> mind you, that'll sleep for 20 seconds, not 1
L297[15:10:42] <Orbstheorem> yeah ^^
L298[15:10:52] <stephan48> http://paste.stejau.de/b31d1bdfb298 might wanna try this anyway to see if it might not still be an issue with the runtime. i used it to verify the propper installation of company internal ca certs
L299[15:11:29] <Mimiru> all of this is gradle fetching deps
L300[15:11:38] <Mimiru> none of my own code.
L301[15:12:00] <Mimiru> http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/OpenFM-1.12/3/console
L302[15:12:29] <stephan48> my suggestion was, to rule out the runtime(jre/jdk) first - to make sure its not a banality like a corrupted cert store
L303[15:12:48] <Mimiru> ah.. fair enough
L304[15:15:09] <stephan48> I am sorry. i guess my answer might have come over a bit passive aggressive :/
L305[15:16:27] <stephan48> if it works in the jre/jdk directly - there might be a chance of gradle using a different one if it could possible find one or maybe it using a different keystore
L306[15:18:34] <stephan48> https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/1868 also this might be an issue if you are using SNI on your webserver
L307[15:18:34] <MichiBot> Title: Gradle does not support connecting to maven repositories with SNI | Posted by: lbguilherme | Posted: Fri Apr 21 04:19:47 CDT 2017 | Status: open
L308[15:20:03] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L309[15:20:40] <Mimiru> yeah.. that seems to be the issue
L310[15:21:09] <Mimiru> and since we're forced to use specific gradle/java versions because of ForgeGradle/Minecraft... upgrading isn't an option
L311[15:21:20] <stephan48> :/
L312[15:21:52] <Mimiru> thanks stephan48
L313[15:21:53] *** Guest6793 is now known as payonel
L314[15:22:00] <Mimiru> yay payonel
L315[15:22:13] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L316[15:22:23] <payonel> i survived!
L317[15:22:23] <stephan48> what might work, if you have control over it - and it fits the usecase, would be to promote the vhost containing the mvn repo as the default vhost on the server
L318[15:22:33] <Mimiru> I don't, Sangar does
L319[15:22:46] <payonel> what needs management?
L320[15:22:46] <stephan48> you are welcome :) i like working with CI stuff
L321[15:22:48] <payonel> i may have access
L322[15:22:59] <stephan48> congratulations payonel you survived.
L323[15:23:02] <Mimiru> the maven repo is now https
L324[15:23:10] <Mimiru> and bounces http traffic to https
L325[15:23:15] <payonel> :)
L326[15:23:19] <Mimiru> and gradle doesn't support sni
L327[15:23:30] <payonel> ah, i dont have access to apache configs
L328[15:23:40] <Mimiru> so I can't build stuff that requires OC unless I have the deps cached
L329[15:23:42] <stephan48> tbh its a damn shame we still have SNI problems in 2018
L330[15:23:56] <ben_mkiv|afk> oO
L331[15:24:03] <Mimiru> So, today, I set about mirroring OC's gradle on my mirror and set that up.
L332[15:24:03] <ben_mkiv|afk> for me it did pull fine
L333[15:24:09] <Mimiru> when?
L334[15:24:11] <payonel> Mimiru: i'll send a message. it'll be delayed, he's vacationing
L335[15:24:18] <ben_mkiv|afk> like 3-4 weeks ago i guess
L336[15:24:22] <Mimiru> I mentioned it in dev
L337[15:24:27] <Mimiru> ben_mkiv|afk, this is like a weekish old
L338[15:24:28] <payonel> ok
L339[15:25:19] <ben_mkiv|afk> https://github.com/ben-mkiv/OCGlasses/blob/90540d4af0869c806cb30ee4eb9667f7543c8020/build.gradle#L45-L50
L340[15:25:31] <ben_mkiv|afk> thats my build.gradle settings
L341[15:25:36] <Mimiru> Yes.... and the cert was issued a week ago.
L342[15:25:38] <Mimiru> so.
L343[15:25:46] <Mimiru> you wouldn't have had an issue before then.
L344[15:25:52] <ben_mkiv|afk> ok gotcha
L345[15:26:28] <Mimiru> 5/20
L346[15:26:33] <Mimiru> so.. a bit over a week ago
L347[15:26:35] <Mimiru> but still
L348[15:27:15] <Mimiru> cause I can indeed use 8.0_171 to request from it, so it's fine
L349[15:27:20] <Mimiru> but gradle doesn't support it
L350[15:30:40] <stephan48> yea :/
L351[15:33:00] <payonel> stephan48: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R76FZ3moyYY
L352[15:33:01] <MichiBot> CONGRATULATIONS! - Simon Lane Extended | length: 1m 25s | Likes: 270 Dislikes: 5 Views: 14,413 | by lnvantage | Published On 13/2/2014
L353[15:33:47] <stephan48> should I click on that link?
L354[15:34:45] <Mimiru> now mirroring oc's maven... cause why not.
L355[15:41:06] <payonel> Mimiru: if you get _all_ the deps in your mirror, i'll test and if we can get a single point of download, we can do a rev. mirror
L356[15:41:12] <payonel> and then have 1 maven to rule them all
L357[15:41:25] <Mimiru> I have everything that was on oc's maven
L358[15:41:34] <payonel> stephan48: because you spelled out congratulations to me, it just made me think of that video
L359[15:41:38] <Mimiru> I sadly don't have everything required to build old oc yet
L360[15:41:45] <payonel> Mimiru: yeah, i'm referring to the later
L361[15:41:58] <Mimiru> issue is SOME of that stuff doesn't exist
L362[15:42:01] <Mimiru> and I don't have it.
L363[15:42:17] <payonel> ☰
L364[15:42:23] <payonel> <- ladder
L365[15:42:29] <payonel> ^
L366[15:42:30] <payonel> :)
L367[15:42:39] <payonel> i have everything
L368[15:42:43] <payonel> but in my cache
L369[15:42:43] <Vexatos> fun fact: ☰ is a valid character in Julia
L370[15:42:45] <Vexatos> it equals ===
L371[15:42:48] <payonel> and i dont know how to extract it
L372[15:43:01] <payonel> Vexatos: that IS a fun fact :)
L373[15:43:06] <Vexatos> well it's ≡
L374[15:43:10] <Vexatos> but almost the same, right? :^)
L375[15:43:18] <Mimiru> well, find it in your cache, then you can upload it to the info I can give you :P
L376[15:43:19] <payonel> what unicode is that?
L377[15:43:27] <Vexatos> you can also do ⊻ for xor
L378[15:43:30] <Mimiru> but fun stuff..... you have to make the folder structure for it
L379[15:43:34] <Mimiru> cause the cache murders it
L380[15:43:35] <Vexatos> it's true mathematics
L381[15:43:46] <payonel> Mimiru: um
L382[15:44:00] <payonel> doesn't the cache do stupid crap like inject abs paths
L383[15:44:04] <Vexatos> payonel, it's \u2261 IDENTICAL TO
L384[15:44:09] <Vexatos> it's literally what === means
L385[15:44:11] <payonel> into the archives...or something dumb
L386[15:44:29] <payonel> what do you mean "identical to" ? identical to what?
L387[15:44:29] <Vexatos> In Julia, == checks equality and === checks reference identity
L388[15:44:34] <Vexatos> i.e. same object
L389[15:44:38] <Vexatos> in memory
L390[15:44:39] <payonel> ah
L391[15:44:48] <payonel> you meant symantically, i thought you were referring to codepoints
L392[15:44:57] <Vexatos> so it checks identity instead of equality
L393[15:45:08] <Vexatos> which is why = means equal to and ≡ means identical to
L394[15:45:14] * Mimiru shrugs
L395[15:45:25] <payonel> this is a concept that is so much clearer in c++
L396[15:45:39] <Vexatos> payonel, Julia didn't invent this, this is mathematical syntax
L397[15:45:42] <Vexatos> :P
L398[15:45:46] <Vexatos> Maths make sense
L399[15:45:48] <Vexatos> believe it or not
L400[15:46:01] <Vexatos> ⊻ is the xor unicode character
L401[15:46:05] <Vexatos> and the xor symbol in maths
L402[15:46:23] <payonel> right. because mathematics cares about references vs values
L403[15:46:26] <Vexatos> so you can type wither a ⊻ b in Julia, or just xor(a, b) if you don't like unicode :P
L404[15:46:28] <Vexatos> yes
L405[15:46:31] <Vexatos> very much so
L406[15:46:35] <payonel> prove it
L407[15:46:43] <Vexatos> instead of ≡ you can type ===
L408[15:46:48] <Vexatos> julia has an ASCII way for everything
L409[15:46:59] <Vexatos> because it would be stupid not to >_>
L410[15:47:03] <payonel> i'm not talking about julia
L411[15:47:12] <Vexatos> but actually being able to use proper syntax makes it nice :I
L412[15:47:15] <payonel> but mathematics caring about ref vs value
L413[15:47:15] <Vexatos> I am D:
L414[15:47:18] <Vexatos> yes
L415[15:47:53] <payonel> show me what principal of mathematics cares about the diff between refs and values
L416[15:48:00] <payonel> that's what i was curious about
L417[15:48:09] <Vexatos> oh
L418[15:48:36] <payonel> " Julia didn't invent this, this is mathematical syntax" that's what i had never heard of
L419[15:48:53] <payonel> i dont know that much math, tbh
L420[15:49:12] <Vexatos> well in mathematics you need to think about functions
L421[15:49:17] <payonel> i mean, compared to the level i know exists :)
L422[15:49:22] <Vexatos> here is an example
L423[15:49:29] <Vexatos> a = b can be true if a and b produce the same value
L424[15:49:34] <Vexatos> e.g. if a produces 1 and b produces 1
L425[15:49:56] <Vexatos> but a ≡ b is only true if a and b are the same functions
L426[15:50:24] <payonel> sure, but that to me is an engineering problem. what school of math uses/introduces that?
L427[15:50:57] <Vexatos> so a(1) = b(1) is true if a(x)=x^2 and b(x)=x^3, but a ≡ b is not
L428[15:51:10] <Vexatos> it compares the functions themselves
L429[15:51:11] <Vexatos> not the result
L430[15:51:17] <payonel> i understand that
L431[15:51:22] <Vexatos> that's all there is to it
L432[15:51:48] <payonel> but where is this introduced in math? what school of math declares this operator? who made this concept?
L433[15:52:06] <payonel> outside of software, i've never heard/seen this
L434[15:52:30] <Vexatos> where it comes from?
L435[15:52:31] <Vexatos> uuuh
L436[15:52:45] <Vexatos> I mean we had it in some sort of weird thing between trigonometry and logic
L437[15:53:05] <Vexatos> how would I know who invented it ._.
L438[15:53:12] <Vexatos> and where ._.
L439[15:53:23] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@2620:103:a004:31::77)
L440[15:53:24] <payonel> because you claimed it is math syntax, and not [programming language] syntax (originally)
L441[15:53:29] <Vexatos> yes
L442[15:53:33] <payonel> so i said, prove it :)
L443[15:53:37] <Vexatos> computer science used to be maths, you know :i
L444[15:53:43] <payonel> sigh...
L445[15:53:46] <payonel> yeah, i know :)
L446[15:53:46] <Vexatos> these symbols are older than CS >_>
L447[15:53:56] <Vexatos> I don't know which field they "belong to"
L448[15:53:59] <Vexatos> I'd guess logic
L449[15:54:09] <Vexatos> ._.
L450[15:54:13] <payonel> :)
L451[15:54:21] * payonel buys Vexatos a drink
L452[15:54:47] <Mimiru> %flip
L453[15:54:47] <MichiBot> Mimiru: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L454[15:55:09] <Mimiru> still can't fuckin build...
L455[15:55:09] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@2620:103:a004:31::77) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L456[15:55:12] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L457[15:55:12] <Forecaster> tldr
L458[15:55:28] <Mimiru> cause my mirror was incomplete it seems
L459[15:55:28] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L460[15:55:50] <payonel> Mimiru: would it be helpful if i uploaded all my jars ....
L461[15:55:57] <payonel> i know the paths are stripped/wrong
L462[15:56:00] <payonel> but, it'd be a start?
L463[15:56:07] * Mimiru shrugs... didn't you have a fuckton? lol
L464[15:56:17] <payonel> title of my mixtape
L465[15:57:09] <payonel> Mimiru: my ~/.gradle is 2.7G
L466[15:57:26] <Mimiru> oh... maybe it was vex's that was huge
L467[15:57:34] <Vexatos> only 2.75?
L468[15:57:37] <Vexatos> what a baby
L469[15:57:41] <payonel> haha
L470[15:57:42] <Vexatos> 2.7G*
L471[15:58:01] <Vexatos> I would show you the size of my directory
L472[15:58:05] <Vexatos> but it's still counting files
L473[16:02:01] <Vexatos> payonel, don't mind me
L474[16:02:03] <Vexatos> it's only
L475[16:02:13] <Vexatos> 98627 files, 34534 directory
L476[16:02:15] <Vexatos> and 14 GB
L477[16:02:23] <Vexatos> :I
L478[16:02:49] <payonel> heh
L479[16:02:54] <payonel> golly
L480[16:03:07] <Vexatos> Mimiru, anything in particular you need
L481[16:03:19] <Vexatos> I can help out with my 0.9mbps of upload speed
L482[16:04:07] <Mimiru> Vexatos, not really sure, but I'd really like to get this mirror going for us..
L483[16:04:22] <Vexatos> Make me a list of files you need ,_,
L484[16:04:28] <Mimiru> I've got no idea :D
L485[16:04:33] <Vexatos> can't help you then
L486[16:05:02] <Mimiru> I'm rerunning htrack against the OC maven right now to refresh what it has for what I need to get OFM building, we're walking out the door to go shoping so I'm out of time
L487[16:05:53] <Mimiru> when payo gets me his cache I'll know better what I need
L488[16:06:12] <payonel> Mimiru: have time to remind me where to upload? or later?
L489[16:06:35] <Mimiru> will you be around in a few hours?
L490[16:06:44] <Mimiru> or can I ding you on discord?
L491[16:06:55] <Mimiru> I can possibly set stuff up on the road
L492[16:07:00] <payonel> yep
L493[16:13:58] <payonel> and, my server has a much smaller .gradle, i believe i've used it to build oc only
L494[16:14:30] <payonel> 1.4G, 730 jars
L495[16:21:32] ⇨ Joins: Q_Despacito_Gamer_Gameing_Mode (Q_Despacito_Gamer_Gameing_Mode!~q_despaci@static.
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L499[16:25:09] <Orbstheorem> I did a lua script that runs fine on my computer, when I flash it into an eeprom and put it in a microcontroller I get `bios:1: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)`
L500[16:25:33] <Orbstheorem> What should I take into account when programming microcontroller firmwares?
L501[16:25:39] <Orbstheorem> Is there a wiki page?
L502[16:25:42] <ben_mkiv|afk> the openos libs arent available on microcontrollers
L503[16:25:54] <Kodos> Indeed, so things like require aren't available
L504[16:26:01] <Kodos> Unless you code them into your thinger
L505[16:26:07] <ben_mkiv|afk> if you need functions of the libs you have to copy them over to your firmware
L506[16:26:10] <Inari> Technically they could be available - you just aren't using openos :D
L507[16:26:15] <Orbstheorem> so, how do I access things like `component`
L508[16:26:38] <Inari> component and computer are there by default
L509[16:26:39] <Orbstheorem> is it natively available?
L510[16:26:41] <ben_mkiv|afk> you can use component without lib
L511[16:26:43] <Orbstheorem> oh ^^
L512[16:26:47] <Orbstheorem> Okay :)
L513[16:26:48] <ben_mkiv|afk> https://pastebin.com/mYAQN1dv
L514[16:26:58] <ben_mkiv|afk> thats an example which has the serialization stuff in the firmware
L515[16:27:29] <Kodos> I still like my furnace beeper =D
L516[16:27:43] <ben_mkiv|afk> beeps when its done? xD
L517[16:29:03] <Kodos> Yep =D https://pastebin.com/FngEBa62
L518[16:29:29] <Kodos> Checks every 30 seconds
L519[16:29:35] <Orbstheorem> sides is not available?
L520[16:29:44] <Orbstheorem> (the `sides` API)
L521[16:30:00] <Kodos> ~w custom os
L522[16:30:01] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L523[16:30:09] <Kodos> That's what I tend to use when making MCU stuff
L524[16:30:51] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:94:3830:f027:30) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L525[16:41:58] <Orbstheorem> I need help :( : script: https://pastebin.com/raw/t3DpaXNC installed on a microcontroler with (transposer, wireless network card, cpu tier 1, 2xmemory ties 1.5)
L526[16:42:29] <Orbstheorem> I get error `bios:30: attempt to index local 'ts' (a nil value)`
L527[16:58:26] <Inari> Afaik you can't do "component.transposer" there
L528[16:58:30] <Inari> Because thats an openOS thing
L529[17:01:49] <Orbstheorem> I almost™ got it working
L530[17:01:56] <Orbstheorem> but I can't call os.sleep
L531[17:02:00] <Orbstheorem> any alternatives?
L532[17:02:37] <Orbstheorem> is there something like a watchdog timer?
L533[17:03:03] <Inari> Afaik you can just yield a number of seconds
L534[17:05:40] <Orbstheorem> as in `coroutine.yield`?
L535[17:06:43] <Orbstheorem> hmm
L536[17:09:55] <Forecaster> just look at os.sleep in the source
L537[17:10:08] <Inari> Yeah, as in that, with passing it a number
L538[17:21:02] <Kodos> Or feel free to steal the sleep function in my furnace paste
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L540[17:59:19] <ayoo> bazinga
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L542[18:13:42] <Orbstheorem> Is there any way to wirelessly transfer power to a microcontroller?
L543[18:13:59] <Orbstheorem> btw thanks Kodos ^^
L544[18:14:13] <AmandaC> %choose filtration first or no
L545[18:14:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: filtration first
L546[18:46:39] <Inari> %inv add a pressurised AmandaC
L547[18:46:40] * MichiBot summons 'a pressurised AmandaC' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L548[18:48:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794241932915B149027B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L549[18:49:48] <AmandaC> hey. D:
L550[18:56:12] <AmandaC> Inari: hallp, I need iron to make a basementfor filtration
L551[19:00:42] <AmandaC> my plan is: get filtration set up, pump oxygen out of the filtration into the base, then just set an inlet on the surface to pull gasses from the planet's atmosphere, sucking out the like 0.01mol of O2
L552[19:05:32] <Kleadron> %inv remove everything
L553[19:05:34] <MichiBot> Kleadron: Removed item from inventory
L554[19:05:41] <Kleadron> oshit
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L558[19:25:10] <CompanionCube> %invv add Kleadron
L559[19:25:14] <CompanionCube> %inv add Kleadron
L560[19:25:14] * MichiBot summons 'Kleadron' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
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L563[19:41:23] <MalkContent> Orbsttheorem: no. you can give it a solarpanel though
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L568[20:51:41] <Kodos> %inv list
L569[20:51:41] <MichiBot> Kodos: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
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L574[22:15:16] <Kleadron> %doot
L575[22:15:26] <Kleadron> %loot
L576[22:15:27] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a living tombstone.
L577[22:15:37] <Kleadron> ono
L578[22:15:50] <Kleadron> i dont like that
L579[22:15:59] <Kleadron> %destroy living tombstone
L580[22:22:46] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Oddstr25
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L620[23:14:00] <AmandaC> %tell Inari 250 iron, 100 gold later, and I'm almost ready for the piping to get put in!
L621[23:14:01] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L622[23:14:34] <AmandaC> Now I really should sleep, instead of doing side e heroin
L623[23:16:41] <AmandaC> Space heroin* I have no idea wtf I did to break that
L624[23:20:42] <Mimiru> So.... I'm just getting back ._,
L625[23:21:37] <Dudblockman> Documentation is a little light... so now that we have a T1 wireless card, can it receive messages sent from outside its range, just not respond back?
L626[23:22:57] <Orbstheorem> I'm very happy with my automated fishing pond :)
L627[23:25:41] <Orbstheorem> I have 9 `Fishing Nets`[Actually Additions`] and sort the obtained items using a `Microcontroller` equipped with a `Transposer`[`OpenComputers`] into disenchant, store and trash.
L628[23:28:46] <Orbstheorem> I then use an `Atomic Reconstructor`[`Actually Additions`] with a disenchanting lens along with a small book factory based on `Mechanical Crafters`[`Extra Utilities 2`] that makes books out of wood and string. Items might contain multiple enchants, so everything is fed back to the sorter
L629[23:30:05] <Orbstheorem> I almost forget, I grow the paper for the books using a `Garden Cloche`[`Immersive Engineering`]
L630[23:30:50] <Orbstheorem> Result: https://paste.gnugen.ch/raw/ShdI
L631[23:37:02] <Mimiru> ....
L632[23:37:04] <Mimiru> wtf
L633[23:37:36] <Mimiru> 15minutes so far... and I'm still "remapping source..."
L634[23:45:34] <Mimiru> aborted the build @ 20 minutes... ._.
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