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L1[00:13:45] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972bdb.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2[01:40:02] <CntKillMe> ` case (_, name) => acc + (if (name != "filesystem") 1.0 else 0.25)` i dont get what's happening here, why is the component count incremented by only 0.25 for filesystem?
L3[01:40:03] <CntKillMe> ` case (_, name) => acc + (if (name != "filesystem") 1.0 else 0.25)` i dont get what's happening here, why is the component count incremented by only 0.25 for filesystems? [Edited]
L4[01:42:31] <payonel> @cntkillme probably because sangar was just being nice. i dont think _That_ comp count is exposed via the api. it just works against the cpu
L5[01:43:57] <CntKillMe> oh. it's a bit weird because both disk drives and floppies count as their own component (when a floppy is in a disk drive) but i was confused when the computer crashed after changing the filesystems to drives
L6[01:44:47] <CntKillMe> i think that's a bug? not sure
L7[01:45:12] <CntKillMe> but floppy in disk drive counts as more than 1 component (2 for drives, 1.25 for filesystems i guess?)
L8[01:45:36] <CntKillMe> i **think** disk_drives maybe shouldn't count as part of the comp count but not sure
L9[01:45:46] <payonel> a bug? it is clearly returning a different value for fs
L10[01:45:59] <payonel> well it was intentional
L11[01:46:06] <payonel> it's not an area of that i've adjusted
L12[01:47:25] <CntKillMe> ah, chances are most people probably don't hit the component limit for regular computers so it doesn't really matter
L13[01:47:37] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L14[01:47:58] <CntKillMe> but it's quite weird i think that both the disk_drive and drive contribute to component count
L15[02:02:19] <Kleadron> is modding for 1.7.10 dead? buildcraft 7.1 and opencomputers are the only mods that i see still actively support it
L16[02:03:50] <payonel> @kleadron one of the reasons i continue to push to 1.7.10 is because merging from 1.7.10 to 1.12 helps me learn about forge
L17[02:03:56] <payonel> the changes in the api also help me understand the api
L18[02:04:10] <Kleadron> Ok
L19[02:04:17] <payonel> but besides that, i have no clue
L20[02:04:36] <payonel> i mean.."besides that" ha...my comment has nothing to do with what you're asking
L21[02:04:36] <Kleadron> i mean its 4 years old by this point
L22[02:04:56] <Kleadron> and people still support it
L23[02:05:02] <payonel> anyways, i don't know the barometer reading on the opinion of 1.7.10
L24[02:05:16] <Kleadron> its probably gona die like windows xp
L25[02:05:27] <Kleadron> nobody will make mods for it, but people continue to use it
L26[02:05:39] <Kleadron> ...
L27[02:05:44] <Kleadron> like every single other version
L28[02:06:01] <Kleadron> only 1.7.10 is special for some reason
L29[02:09:58] <Forecaster> %loot
L30[02:09:59] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .psd.
L31[02:42:46] <Forecaster> Amanda: I found the function that hashes the IP's for the boiler calculator comments
L32[02:42:59] <Forecaster> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/cegabovixa
L33[02:45:50] <Kodos> Is there any hashes that have a definable dynamic hash length
L34[02:46:42] <Forecaster> I've never seen that
L35[02:47:11] <Kodos> Mkay
L36[02:47:29] <Kodos> Any specific hash that results in a 32 character length hash?
L37[02:47:58] <Forecaster> MD5 produces 32 characters it seems
L38[02:48:07] <Kodos> Mkay
L39[03:06:22] <Wuerfel_21> http://tinyurl.com/y9n72rcj
L40[03:14:21] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L41[03:15:40] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L42[03:43:47] ⇦ Quits: evil_dan2wik (evil_dan2wik!~evil_dan2@s3n1.52k.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L43[03:44:15] ⇦ Quits: progwml6 (progwml6!~progwml6@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L51[03:54:46] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-108-77-138.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L52[04:19:33] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L53[04:21:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L54[04:23:02] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L55[04:27:58] <Kodos> Anybody in #factorio atm?
L56[04:29:50] <Forecaster> I am I suppose
L57[04:30:00] <Forecaster> why?
L58[04:33:40] <Kodos> Can you get me the names of the ops
L59[04:33:48] <Kodos> So I can poke one for an unban now that Malachite isn't there anymore
L60[04:34:28] <Forecaster> sure
L61[04:35:38] <Forecaster> Oxyd
L62[04:35:38] <Forecaster> Rseding91
L63[04:35:38] <Forecaster> Trangar
L64[04:36:00] <Kodos> Huh, so it's dev operated now then?
L65[04:36:01] <Kodos> NEat
L66[04:36:22] <Forecaster> Trangar is active currently
L67[04:36:28] <Kodos> Okay, I'll message him
L68[04:40:49] <Kodos> Mkay, sent him a message. We'll see how it goes
L69[04:43:35] <Wuerfel_21> %choose stuff im supposed to do or stuff i want to do or stuff i should do
L70[04:43:35] <MichiBot> Wuerfel_21: stuff i want to do
L71[04:43:40] <Wuerfel_21> yay
L72[04:44:08] <Forecaster> %loot
L73[04:44:08] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a picture of a crudely drawn appendage.
L74[04:51:56] <OmegaRogue> How do i create an irc channel on esper because just joining it doesnt count for Chanserv
L75[04:52:23] <greaser|q> try /quote cs help
L76[04:52:35] <greaser|q> you will also need a nickserv account
L77[04:52:45] <Forecaster> do /msg nickserv help
L78[04:53:09] <OmegaRogue> I have a nickserv account
L79[04:53:09] <Forecaster> I mean chanserv help
L80[04:53:26] <OmegaRogue> With quote cs help it says no such command
L81[04:53:59] <Forecaster> do what I said
L82[04:54:07] <Forecaster> it'll give you the help info for chanserv
L83[04:56:58] <OmegaRogue> Yes ik that but when i use register <#channel> with <#channel> replaced with the channel name it says the channel must exist in order to register it, ive already. Joined the channel and evven sent a message in it
L84[04:59:03] <OmegaRogue> Also sorry for asking this here but this channel is more active than #help (i aaked there yesterday and havent gotten any answer) and hhas been more helpful to me regarding general questions about channel creation on espernet than #help
L85[04:59:44] <greaser|q> maybe /raw cs help
L86[04:59:46] <greaser|q> would work
L87[04:59:51] <greaser|q> it depends on your client as to which works
L88[05:00:09] <Forecaster> you need to include the #
L89[05:00:25] <OmegaRogue> So how do i create a channel so chanserv actually sees it as created? Havent found it with chanserv help and with the online help website
L90[05:00:32] <OmegaRogue> @Forecaster i have
L91[05:01:35] <Forecaster> all that should be required is you joining the channel and staying htere
L92[05:01:38] <Forecaster> all that should be required is you joining the channel and staying there [Edited]
L93[05:01:43] <greaser|q> make sure you are doing e.g. /msg chanserv register #help
L94[05:01:47] <greaser|q> not e.g. /msg chanserv register <#help>
L95[05:02:29] <OmegaRogue> Im already doing the first thing
L96[05:03:03] <OmegaRogue> And it says the channel needs to exist in irder to register it
L97[05:04:07] <greaser|q> make sure you aren't leaving the channel by mistake
L98[05:04:26] <greaser|q> some clients like to do that as a "noob mode"
L99[05:06:23] <OmegaRogue> Oh i have to ddo it in the channel i actually want to register? I have been sending it directly to Chanserv without /msg but in the channel it opened after using /msg chanserv help for the first time
L100[05:07:14] <OmegaRogue> Now it works thanks
L101[05:10:11] <OmegaRogue> Ho do i login with my nickserv registered nick after once logged out?
L102[05:13:20] <OmegaRogue> Nvm
L103[05:13:33] <OmegaRogue> Still registering a channel doesnt work
L104[05:14:36] <OmegaRogue> Still the same message
L105[05:23:00] <OmegaRogue> Nvm the channel didnt have a # in its name
L106[05:23:41] <OmegaRogue> Now it worked
L107[05:51:01] <Inari> %inv add mercury rivers
L108[05:51:01] * MichiBot summons 'mercury rivers' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L109[05:53:21] ⇦ Quits: GuntherDW (GuntherDW!~guntherdw@quadran.system33.be) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L110[06:04:35] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (AshIndigo!~ashindigo@79-67-163-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.0 - https://znc.in)
L111[06:05:17] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (AshIndigo!~ashindigo@79-67-163-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)
L112[06:30:09] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L113[06:31:47] <Forecaster> %loot
L114[06:31:47] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains corn on the cob.
L115[06:31:55] <Corded> * <Forecaster> chews on
L116[06:31:56] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L117[06:32:07] <Inari> %fling Forecaster
L118[06:32:07] * MichiBot flings imouto culture in a random direction. It hits Forecaster in the small of the back. They take 5 damage.
L119[06:33:45] <Forecaster> D:
L120[06:33:52] <Forecaster> %bap inari
L121[06:33:52] * MichiBot baps inari with the year 2017
L122[06:34:26] <AshIndigo> %pet inari
L123[06:34:26] * MichiBot brushes inari with an artificial Inari. 1 health gained (2-1)!
L124[06:37:48] <Inari> %tell Vexatos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdYueB9pY4 It's alive!
L125[06:37:48] <MichiBot> Inari: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L126[06:37:49] <AshIndigo> Inari: %tell Vexatos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdYueB9pY4 It's alive!
L127[06:37:49] <AshIndigo> Inari: %tell Vexatos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdYueB9pY4 It's alive!
L128[06:37:49] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Inari: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L129[06:37:49] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Inari: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L130[06:37:49] <MichiBot> Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L131[06:37:50] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L132[06:37:50] <MichiBot> Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L133[06:37:51] <MichiBot> Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L134[06:37:53] <Inari> Um
L135[06:37:55] <Inari> What
L136[06:37:55] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L137[06:37:56] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L138[06:37:56] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L139[06:37:56] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L140[06:37:57] <AshIndigo> MichiBot: Aluminum and Mercury | length: 8m 50s | Likes: 81,948 Dislikes: 2,075 Views: 5,673,903 | by NileRed | Published On 14/8/2017
L141[06:38:02] <AshIndigo> Inari: Um
L142[06:38:02] <AshIndigo> Inari: Um
L143[06:38:03] <AshIndigo> Inari: What
L144[06:38:03] <AshIndigo> Inari: What
L145[06:38:24] <AshIndigo> oh crap
L146[06:38:42] <Inari> AshIndigo broke :P
L147[06:39:02] <AshIndigo> sorry, trying a new thing i made and did not except it do to that
L148[06:39:26] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L149[06:40:59] <Inari> Now I'm curious what this new thing is supposed to do :D
L150[06:41:05] <MGR> same
L151[06:42:07] <AshIndigo> i got bored and started making my own version of corded with node js
L152[06:42:31] <AshIndigo> its also easier than having discord and irc open at the same time and hopping back and forth
L153[06:43:08] <MGR> ?
L154[06:43:13] * Izaya shrugs
L155[06:43:19] <Izaya> Yeah, just have weechat open :^)
L156[06:43:24] <MGR> Not a bad idea Ash
L157[06:43:26] <Izaya> use a client that supports both
L158[06:43:45] <Izaya> and slowly convince everyone to not use nonfree shitware
L159[06:44:04] <MGR> It just appears that the bridge bounced back ?
L160[06:44:47] <AshIndigo> ?
L161[06:45:30] <Izaya> Speaking of non-free shitware, 21 days uptime and Windows is acting up again. I guess Windows 10 would solve this, if only by making sure you never get 21-day uptimes.
L162[06:46:16] <AshIndigo> windows is really only good for gaming
L163[06:46:30] * Izaya nods
L164[06:46:39] <Izaya> linux sucks also but not in the same ways
L165[06:47:07] <Inari> Not sure why you need a 21 day uptime
L166[06:47:08] <AshIndigo> all os's have there flaws tbh
L167[06:47:40] * Izaya nods
L168[06:47:43] <Forecaster> I now have a media server that'll remain on 24/7
L169[06:47:46] <Izaya> Inari: convenience
L170[06:47:48] <Forecaster> which runs win10
L171[06:48:02] <Inari> Izaya: Well, theres your issue
L172[06:48:03] <Inari> :D
L173[06:48:03] <MGR> My desktop/server runs 24/7 and has W10
L174[06:48:06] <AshIndigo> i would have a 21+ uptime
L175[06:48:15] <AshIndigo> but i restarted recently for updates
L176[06:48:23] <MGR> It restarts every 30 days by design
L177[06:48:30] <Izaya> it takes a good 5 minutes to boot this and I need to fuck with it a bunch of times to make the fan not grind against the heatsink
L178[06:48:52] <Inari> Random PSA since I read that somewhere at some point: If any of you guys ever have a 4h+ uptime, go see a doctor
L179[06:49:07] <Izaya> I should probably go see a doctor uh
L180[06:49:16] <AshIndigo> ima go see a doctor
L181[06:49:26] <Izaya> 360 times
L182[06:49:42] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC65DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Changing server...)
L183[06:49:55] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5dec65db.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L184[06:49:57] <Izaya> got a 60 day uptime on one particular server, which is better than the previous year-long uptime but eh
L185[06:49:58] <Inari> woops
L186[06:50:17] <Inari> s/\+ uptime/\+ "uptime"/
L187[06:50:17] <MichiBot> <Inari> Random PSA since I read that somewhere at some point: If any of you guys ever have a 4h+ "uptime", go see a doctor
L188[06:50:42] <Izaya> o-oh
L189[06:51:51] <Inari> Hrm now to find something to eat for lunch
L190[06:51:55] <Inari> s/eat/watch
L191[06:51:55] <MichiBot> <Inari> Hrm now to find something to watch for lunch
L192[06:52:04] <Forecaster> watch & eat
L193[06:52:07] <Izaya> vegimite crackers
L194[06:53:10] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/8nbt5r/everything_is_a_remix_3730/ that'll do
L195[07:17:59] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L196[07:18:32] <Forecaster> well I got bored of that quickly
L197[07:21:55] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L198[07:28:03] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L199[07:45:29] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L200[07:47:43] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L201[07:51:22] <Inari> Was a nice watch
L202[07:51:30] <Inari> Nothing terribly new in it that I hadn't heard of before
L203[07:51:33] <Inari> But nicely produced
L204[07:51:37] <MGR> https://notalwaysright.com/someone-needs-to-have-an-urgent-conversation-with-rufus/114325/
L205[07:52:32] <Forecaster> probably why it was boring to me
L206[07:52:47] <Forecaster> but I only got a couple of minutes in
L207[07:53:28] <Forecaster> @MGR she's gonna grow up to do great things probably
L208[07:53:37] <Forecaster> most likely become a bond villain
L209[07:53:39] <Inari> Well when having lunch to deal with it can be nice of having a video that doesnt' demand full attention :D
L210[07:53:41] <MGR> Agreed
L211[07:54:16] <MGR> https://xkcd.com/987/
L212[07:54:16] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Potential Posted on: 12/7/2011
L213[08:01:25] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L214[08:01:40] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1527770832639.png
L215[08:02:18] <Forecaster> spacatti
L216[08:10:53] * Saphire screams
L217[08:10:55] <Saphire> FUCK JAVA
L218[08:11:01] <Saphire> Why
L219[08:11:15] <Saphire> Why can it allow duplicate field and variable names?
L220[08:11:31] <Saphire> And of course no decompilers manage to cope with it.
L221[08:13:03] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/the-sound-of-silent-repeats/54910/
L222[08:25:49] <AshIndigo> %ping
L223[08:26:06] <Izaya> %ping
L224[08:26:07] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.28s
L225[08:26:38] <AshIndigo> odd, does michibot work differently on discord?
L226[08:27:00] <Izaya> I mean, Michibot sends a CTCP PING
L227[08:27:24] <AshIndigo> true :/
L228[08:28:01] <MGR> It doesn't translate to Discord ?
L229[08:28:02] <Forecaster> of course michibot works differently
L230[08:28:33] <Forecaster> michibot is only on the irc side, and thus certain commands wont work
L231[08:29:09] <Forecaster> most commands are passed through corded, but some are ignored
L232[08:29:32] <AshIndigo> ah
L233[08:31:09] <Forecaster> %loot
L234[08:31:09] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny model shoe.
L235[08:31:21] <Forecaster> yay now I have two
L236[08:31:27] <Forecaster> except they're probably the same side
L237[08:31:53] <AshIndigo> %inv add a tiny model left shoe
L238[08:31:53] * MichiBot summons 'a tiny model left shoe' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L239[08:32:44] <AmandaC> @Forecaster they're different sides, but also from two diffferent people
L240[08:32:48] <AmandaC> 's idea of "tiny
L241[08:34:40] <Forecaster> wut
L242[08:36:38] <AmandaC> They're a left and a right shoe, but they're not the same size, because the people who made them have differening ideas of what is "tiny" -- since tiny is a subjective term
L243[08:41:20] <Forecaster> kay
L244[08:41:54] <AmandaC> That is, the shoes have two different creators, one each
L245[08:42:50] <Forecaster> one was using metric
L246[08:43:30] <AmandaC> I was thinking more fantasy-ish, one was forged by a dwarf, the other a giant
L247[08:43:37] <Saphire> ...anyone got a decompiler that can cope with same named variable names?
L248[08:46:10] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1527712669783.png relevant
L249[08:49:10] <Forecaster> I like the consistancy
L250[08:49:23] <Forecaster> Open Source (free)
L251[08:49:24] <Forecaster> Free, Open Source
L252[08:49:44] <Forecaster> A+
L253[08:50:03] <Izaya> +
L254[08:53:20] <Saphire> And Price
L255[08:57:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107179409DA614EEC4055D5B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L256[08:57:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L257[09:07:12] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@new.hellomouse.net)
L258[09:07:33] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@new.hellomouse.net) (Client Quit)
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L260[09:09:23] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@new.hellomouse.net) (Client Quit)
L261[09:11:54] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/related/page/478/
L262[09:11:55] <Forecaster> haha
L263[09:12:01] <Forecaster> oops
L264[09:12:08] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/before-there-was-any-new-hope-of-finding-it/54869/
L265[09:12:16] <Forecaster> that's what I meant to link to
L266[09:22:13] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/vajLRg1.gifv
L267[09:39:06] <Wuerfel_21> have any of you folks tried installing USB drivers on Windows 95 yet? ?
L268[09:40:05] <Forecaster> I haven't used 95 is two decades or so
L269[09:40:43] <AshIndigo> Not yet
L270[09:43:21] <Forecaster> I haven't used 95 in two decades or so [Edited]
L271[09:52:23] <Temia> Same.
L272[09:58:31] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:4832:72dc:15ce:35f8)
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L274[10:33:05] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972BDB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L275[10:35:36] <MGR> https://i.imgur.com/gWU11Qk.jpg
L276[10:41:55] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L278[10:45:47] <Wuerfel_21> welp, win95 can detect neither the sound nor the usb card, except that both work otherwise
L279[10:46:40] <AshIndigo> good enough
L280[10:46:44] <MGR> And why are you using Windows 95?
L281[10:47:53] <AshIndigo> probably some kind of long dead program that they need to rise up from the ashes
L282[10:49:00] <MGR> That is unfortunate, but all too plausible
L283[10:50:40] <Wuerfel_21> because i have no life but a huge box that runs it
L284[10:51:50] <MGR> Ah
L285[10:52:24] <Wuerfel_21> something is wrong with the whole plug'n'play thing, as no plugnplay devices work, at all
L286[10:52:39] <AshIndigo> are the logs helpful at all?
L287[10:52:48] <Wuerfel_21> what logs?
L288[10:53:21] <Kodos> Potato Knishes ?
L289[10:53:50] <Wuerfel_21> I turn little black worms into centipedes
L290[10:53:51] <AshIndigo> the event viewer ones
L291[10:53:55] <AshIndigo> win95 has that right?
L292[10:54:11] <Wuerfel_21> i don't think so
L293[10:54:58] <AshIndigo> well thats an issue
L294[10:57:08] <Kodos> LITTLE BLACK SQUASH BALLS
L295[11:01:43] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net) (Quit: Bye)
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L297[11:08:15] <Izaya> w95 desperately pretends it's not DOS
L298[11:08:20] <Izaya> should've used NT4
L299[11:08:34] <Izaya> actually, scratch that
L300[11:08:37] <Kodos> I think I'm gonna have to save up for NMS. As much of a disaster as it's been, it looks -really- fun
L301[11:08:40] <Izaya> OS/2 was better
L302[11:09:45] <MGR> @Kodos NMS?
L303[11:10:06] <AmandaC> @Kodos I enjoy it greatly as a nice zone-out game to play
L304[11:10:33] <AmandaC> A nice game to just chill and collect resources, explore the terain, walk around.
L305[11:10:39] <AmandaC> ( ASsyming NMS = No Man's Sky )
L306[11:10:51] <MGR> Ahhhhhhhhhh
L307[11:13:34] <Kodos> Yes
L308[11:13:44] <Kodos> Apparently NEXT comes out on my anniversary, too
L309[11:14:26] <MGR> NEXT?
L310[11:14:34] <Kodos> The new update for NMS
L311[11:15:01] <Kodos> Also I can definitely tell it's the last day of the month
L312[11:15:07] <MGR> Ahhh
L313[11:15:11] <MGR> Sorry about that
L314[11:20:52] <AmandaC> I'm not sure what the day of the month has to do with MGR being denser than usual is..
L315[11:21:34] <MGR> can confirm density
L316[11:23:53] <Kodos> Day of the month has nothing to do with MGR
L317[11:24:02] <Kodos> Mostly to do with the pickles wrapped in pita bread I just ate for lunch
L318[11:24:24] <Kodos> 12 more hours until I can get groceries, bonus b ecause I haven't slept yet so most of that will fly by
L319[11:26:56] * AmandaC realises her light-headed / dizzyness + light nausia probably means she's due to eat
L320[11:29:57] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (Izaya!~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L322[11:54:49] ⇨ Joins: ProgrammerX (ProgrammerX!~Programme@109-126-198-124.domolink.elcom.ru)
L323[11:57:56] <Wuerfel_21> proposed solution to Win95 problems: use a live linux cd to back up a spare hard drive caddy and install fresh win98 on there
L324[12:01:31] <Forecaster> %loot
L325[12:01:31] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a knight who says ni.
L326[12:01:51] <Corded> * <Forecaster> chucks it into a nearby shrubbery
L327[12:02:07] ⇦ Quits: ProgrammerX (ProgrammerX!~Programme@109-126-198-124.domolink.elcom.ru) (Quit: ProgrammerX)
L328[12:02:26] <MGR> @Forecaster Not before you cut down the biggest tree with a herring!
L329[12:02:30] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L330[12:02:43] <Forecaster> why would I do that to a poor herring
L331[12:02:55] <MGR> Do it or the knight will say "ni"
L332[12:18:10] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@
L333[12:20:32] <polyzium> Hey guys
L334[12:20:39] <Forecaster> hey you
L335[12:20:48] <polyzium> With the new OC update I've noticed that there's a vt100 library
L336[12:21:01] <Forecaster> I don't know what that is
L337[12:21:02] <polyzium> But I couldn't find any information about its usage or something like that
L338[12:21:10] <polyzium> VT100 is a serial terminal
L339[12:21:35] <polyzium> Since there's a vt100 lib I guess this lib is a terminal emulator
L340[12:25:17] <AmandaC> It's an internal library, which is why it's not been documated yet
L341[12:25:32] <AmandaC> It lets you use ANSI escape sequences in io.write
L342[12:25:44] <polyzium> like \n?
L343[12:25:47] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L344[12:26:11] <polyzium> I just have been searching for a telnet or rsh client and haven't found anything that actually works
L345[12:26:17] ⇨ Joins: ProgrammerX (ProgrammerX!~Programme@109-126-198-124.domolink.elcom.ru)
L346[12:26:28] <polyzium> So I thought I may use VT100 for that...
L347[12:26:55] <AmandaC> It just parses the escape sequences and turns them into gpu calls
L348[12:27:33] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net) (Quit: Bye)
L349[12:27:57] <polyzium> So no support for things like colours
L350[12:28:20] <AmandaC> It parses a subset of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
L351[12:28:35] <AmandaC> mostly cursor movement / colours
L352[12:28:47] ⇦ Quits: ProgrammerX (ProgrammerX!~Programme@109-126-198-124.domolink.elcom.ru) (Remote host closed the connection)
L353[12:28:54] <polyzium> Yeah I know
L354[12:29:42] <polyzium> So I'll have to write something like pyte but for Lua...
L355[12:30:04] ⇨ Joins: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net)
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L364[13:39:47] ⇨ Joins: phroa (phroa!~phroa@
L365[13:45:59] <MGR> https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/8jf5dm/unlimited_power/
L366[13:46:10] <MGR> "After a magical face shaped imprint appeared on my desk" --- Quote 1/2
L367[14:03:33] <Forecaster> what it in the shape of a facedesk I wonder
L368[14:21:57] <Alex404> I cannot belive there isn't doom on opencomputers
L369[14:22:34] <asie> @Alex404 not enough BTMs have been done for that to happen, but we did consider it at least once
L370[14:22:54] <asie> we enjoyed video magic more though
L371[14:24:06] <Alex404> whats a BTM?
L372[14:24:33] <asie> a thing which used to happen a lot more
L373[14:24:56] <Forecaster> Beats To Mines
L374[14:25:05] <Forecaster> there used to be more beats
L375[14:25:07] <Alex404> busines to marketing?
L376[14:25:27] <Alex404> aaah
L377[14:25:30] <Alex404> now I understand
L378[14:25:35] <Alex404> better than minecon
L379[14:25:40] <asie> no, that's not the name
L380[14:25:43] <Alex404> or something like that
L381[14:25:45] <asie> it was never the name, stop committing wrongthink
L382[14:25:54] <asie> mojang might hear us!
L383[14:25:57] <Forecaster> yeah, it's Beats To Mines
L384[14:26:02] <Forecaster> D:
L385[14:26:07] <Vexatos> bug testing marathon :I
L386[14:26:08] <Alex404> honestly, I was a little scared to watch those video
L387[14:26:12] <asie> why?
L388[14:26:29] <Vexatos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye6ITR0Re14 :^)
L389[14:26:29] <MichiBot> Better Than Minecon 2016 - The End [English] [The Crazy Bit] | length: 13m 11s | Likes: 16 Dislikes: 0 Views: 1,016 | by Mighty Pirates | Published On 3/1/2016
L390[14:26:39] <Vexatos> look who uploaded it :^)
L391[14:26:51] <Forecaster> that's not a bug testing marathon
L392[14:26:53] <asie> The forgotten OpenComputers heroes
L393[14:27:28] <Alex404> its glorious
L394[14:27:58] <Vexatos> @Alex404 but that's from Jan 2016
L395[14:28:03] <Vexatos> it doesn't even have livestreamed audio yet
L396[14:28:19] <asie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYHr4b2w6P4
L397[14:28:19] <MichiBot> PicoBTM 16.3 - FTB Modpacks | length: 39m 39s | Likes: 1 Dislikes: 0 Views: 106 | by Darkhax | Published On 26/9/2016
L398[14:28:28] <Vexatos> 16.3 was the first instance?
L399[14:28:31] <Vexatos> yes it was
L400[14:28:38] <Alex404> I only watched the one inside opencomputers tutorial compilation
L401[14:28:55] <Vexatos> @Alex404 that's minecon 2016's FTB panel streamed over OC video and Computronics audio btw
L402[14:28:55] <asie> 16.1 premiered ICE1 16.2 premiered ICE2 which already had audio but due to TPS issues it was not shown
L403[14:28:59] <asie> 16.3 was the first one which had 20TPS *and* ICE2
L404[14:30:01] <Vexatos> I like how SquidDev just hacked together an OC wrapper for Urn in like a day during BTM 17
L405[14:30:46] <Vexatos> that was the only instance of true BTM bodging on BTM 17
L406[14:31:10] * CompanionCube didnt watch irl minecon inside BTM minecon though
L407[14:31:18] <asie> also, it's funny how that was the last modding panel ever
L408[14:31:26] <asie> and this is the only recording of it
L409[14:31:30] <asie> that's on youtube, period
L410[14:31:32] <Vexatos> is it?
L411[14:31:33] <Vexatos> hweh
L412[14:31:35] <Vexatos> glorious
L413[14:31:42] <asie> wait no
L414[14:31:45] <asie> there's an official one
L415[14:31:56] <asie> they just had no livestream
L416[14:32:00] <Alex404> i'm gonna tel jeb about this
L417[14:32:05] <asie> please don't
L418[14:32:10] <AmandaC> %choose now or later
L419[14:32:10] <MichiBot> AmandaC: later
L420[14:32:15] <Alex404> gibe doom then
L421[14:32:17] <AmandaC> ... I disagree
L422[14:32:30] <Alex404> or ill tell everything
L423[14:32:34] <Alex404> i know your secret
L424[14:32:40] <asie> anyhow. it is the only capture of the famous "a popular dev asked curse to give one of their first-row seats just so a bunch of nerds could watch minecon in minecraft"
L425[14:32:43] <asie> shenanigans
L426[14:32:56] <asie> or at least, i think that's how we got there
L427[14:33:29] <Alex404> yes, I've showed it to a friend thats doesnt play minecraft
L428[14:33:35] <Alex404> it seemed... troubled by it
L429[14:33:38] <Alex404> so i guess good job
L430[14:33:56] <asie> >a friend
L431[14:33:58] <asie> >it
L432[14:34:00] <asie> huh.
L433[14:34:03] <Alex404> *him
L434[14:34:08] <Alex404> i think
L435[14:34:09] <Vexatos> pronouns these days
L436[14:34:11] <Vexatos> %actualshrug
L437[14:34:11] <MichiBot> Vexatos: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L438[14:34:11] <Alex404> never checked
L439[14:34:14] <Forecaster> him seemed troubled
L440[14:34:51] <Vexatos> Just use þey like every sane English person
L441[14:34:51] <Forecaster> "they" sounds less like you're referring to a *thing*
L442[14:35:05] <asie> singular they > it at least
L443[14:35:09] <Alex404> never understood they
L444[14:35:57] <Alex404> I'm very bad at english, so I guess its my fault
L445[14:36:00] <asie> huh
L446[14:36:05] <asie> we never got official panel recordings from btm moon? ouch
L447[14:36:07] <Vexatos> actually it should be þei I think
L448[14:36:41] <asie> honestly i got a bit nostalgic for BTM15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKxwyGoEzoA
L449[14:36:41] <MichiBot> [Better Than Minecon] OpenComputers Presentation and Q&A with Sangar | length: 1h, 28m 9s | Likes: 221 Dislikes: 7 Views: 17,748 | by Mighty Pirates | Published On 6/7/2015
L450[14:36:41] <Vexatos> I might have written it wrong all my life
L451[14:36:43] <asie> it was the best BTM
L452[14:36:55] <Alex404> The thing is, the idea for me to adapt how I feel and consider someone because xir tell me to its troubling asd
L453[14:36:55] <Vexatos> asie, thanks to copy
L454[14:37:04] <Vexatos> that intro
L455[14:37:07] <Vexatos> 10/10
L456[14:37:12] <Alex404> yes, that the one in the tutorials
L457[14:37:28] <Vexatos> and you can see &bTechSupport in action
L458[14:37:32] <asie> yes
L459[14:37:59] <Vexatos> and it features selene
L460[14:38:02] <Vexatos> it is the perfect video.
L461[14:38:16] <asie> it is also i think one of the best panels
L462[14:38:31] <asie> at least not counting the ones made by proper server hosting companies
L463[14:49:30] ⇨ Joins: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L464[14:50:41] <Inari> %inv add caffeine intoxication
L465[14:50:41] * MichiBot summons 'caffeine intoxication' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L466[14:51:42] <OmegaRogue> Lol
L467[14:51:55] <Forecaster> %juggle
L468[14:51:55] * MichiBot juggles with an artificial Inari, a Parallax Propeller, & Perl6
L469[14:51:56] * MichiBot drops a Parallax Propeller which takes 5 damage, the Parallax Propeller suddenly realized it had somewhere else to be!.
L470[14:51:57] <MichiBot> Not again...
L471[14:53:17] <OmegaRogue> %inv add OmegaRogue
L472[14:53:17] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You can't add yourself to the inventory.
L473[14:54:02] <OmegaRogue> %inv add OpenComputers
L474[14:54:02] * MichiBot summons 'OpenComputers' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L475[14:54:07] <OmegaRogue> Xd
L476[14:56:25] <ben_mkiv> %loot
L477[14:56:25] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .tif.
L478[14:56:58] <ben_mkiv> that isnt broken, thats how i look ;(
L479[14:57:17] <OmegaRogue> %loot
L480[14:57:17] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You get a loot box! It contains a Shiny diachronic shear! (10%)
L481[14:57:35] <Alex404> %loot
L482[14:57:35] <MichiBot> Alex404: You get a loot box! It contains a piece of rope slightly too small to be useful.
L483[14:57:48] <OmegaRogue> %loot
L484[14:57:48] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You get a loot box! It contains a sad looking flower.
L485[14:57:53] <OmegaRogue> %loot
L486[14:57:53] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic AmandaC's pastelization matrix! (25%)
L487[14:58:34] <Temia> Maybe a cooldown should be added to %loot
L488[14:58:54] <OmegaRogue> %loot
L489[14:58:54] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny cage.
L490[14:59:01] <OmegaRogue> %loot
L491[14:59:01] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .gif.
L492[14:59:06] <OmegaRogue> Lol
L493[15:00:16] <AmandaC> %stab OmegaRogue
L494[15:00:16] * MichiBot stabs OmegaRogue with a fantasy life doing 2 damage
L495[15:00:53] <AmandaC> %stab @forecaster
L496[15:00:54] * MichiBot stabs @forecaster with cookies doing 3 damage
L497[15:01:47] <AmandaC> @forecaster Mim iru went through the trouble of coding an anti-ping api, use it already
L498[15:02:43] ⇦ Quits: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L499[15:02:49] ⇨ Joins: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L500[15:06:19] <Wuerfel_21> protip microsoft: if you want to stop people from using the oem version to upgrade, maybe don't allow canceling the installer into a dos prompt with fdisk available
L501[15:08:03] ⇦ Quits: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Quit)
L502[15:08:04] ⇨ Joins: OmegaRogue_ (OmegaRogue_!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
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L510[15:21:41] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:4d2:717d:a13:a692) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L512[15:32:03] <Forecaster> Amanda stop being so popular so people add your stuff to the inventory D:
L513[15:32:13] <AmandaC> %stab @Forecaster again
L514[15:32:13] * MichiBot stabs @Forecaster again with a matey maid doing 3 damage
L515[15:32:50] <AmandaC> it should be anti-pinged anyway.
L516[15:34:14] <Forecaster> you can pullreq it :P
L517[15:47:42] <Forecaster> I've made 238 commits to MichiBot
L518[15:47:57] <Wuerfel_21> Accurate depiction of installing drivers on windows http://tinyurl.com/yc3qhypf
L519[15:50:01] <Alex404> %loot
L520[15:50:01] <MichiBot> Alex404: You get a loot box! It contains a bottle cap.
L521[15:57:21] <AmandaC> %choose computer or no
L522[15:57:21] <MichiBot> AmandaC: computer
L523[15:57:52] <AmandaC> Hrm. I disagree
L524[15:58:23] <AmandaC> I'm not sure if I forgot my allergy meds, or if I'm getting a cold, but I feel like vegging some more today
L525[15:59:37] <AmandaC> damn, how long is MAL going to be down. D:
L526[16:00:04] ⇨ Joins: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L527[16:03:50] <Kodos> %inv list
L528[16:03:50] <MichiBot> Kodos: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L529[16:16:31] <OmegaRogue> %inv list
L530[16:16:31] <MichiBot> OmegaRogue: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L531[16:18:14] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (polyzium!~polyzium@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L532[16:27:19] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972BDB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L533[16:36:19] ⇦ Quits: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L536[16:46:58] ⇨ Joins: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@hsi-kbw-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L537[16:48:02] <OmegaRogue> %inv add a Black Hole
L538[16:48:02] * MichiBot summons 'a Black Hole' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L539[16:48:09] <OmegaRogue> Xd
L540[16:52:09] ⇦ Quits: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@hsi-kbw-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L542[16:59:35] ⇦ Quits: Vindex (Vindex!~Vindex@game.klfree.cz) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L543[17:01:51] ⇦ Quits: OmegaRogue (OmegaRogue!~OmegaRogu@HSI-KBW-078-042-191-131.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L544[17:05:44] <Izaya> %remindme 12h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSSZ3-ZIkHU
L545[17:05:44] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSSZ3-ZIkHU" at 06/01/2018 05:05:44 AM
L546[17:05:45] <MichiBot> Amazon Sells Facial Recognition Tech To Police | length: 2m 24s | Likes: 29 Dislikes: 3 Views: 1,618 | by ACLU | Published On 23/5/2018
L547[17:27:48] <Wrothmonk> Does anyone know if it's somehow possible to register a specific branch of a repo with oppm? I want to have a separate experimental branch of my programs repo so I'm not breaking things for friends when I push a new build for testing. Or am I just stuck with creating another repo and copying things over when I get to a stable build?
L548[17:33:05] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L549[17:36:13] <Forecaster> @Wrothmonk ask Vexatos
L550[17:39:26] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk package.cfg is only ever read from the master branch, but inside, you can define packages on any branch
L551[17:39:36] <Vexatos> so you could have foobar link to files on master branch
L552[17:39:41] <Vexatos> and foobar-dev link to files on dev branch
L553[17:39:47] <Vexatos> two separate packages
L554[17:40:06] <Wrothmonk> Hrm... Yeah I guess that could work. Thanks!
L555[17:40:13] <Vexatos> err programs.cfg
L556[18:05:33] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L557[18:06:01] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L558[18:11:41] <Cytochrome C> is it possible to have multiple upgrade containers?
L559[18:11:57] <Cytochrome C> like t3 + t2 + t1 = 6 upgrade slots?
L560[18:35:09] <Kleadron> %choose 1 2 3 4 5
L561[18:35:09] <MichiBot> Kleadron: 1 2 3 4 5
L562[18:35:27] <Kleadron> %choose 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
L563[18:35:27] <MichiBot> Kleadron: 5
L564[18:35:31] <Kleadron> woa
L565[18:44:08] <payonel> o/
L566[18:44:12] <payonel> i went to court today
L567[18:44:38] <payonel> i got 1 year probabtion with option to have no conviction on my record
L568[18:44:40] <payonel> :D
L569[18:47:33] <Izaya> Who'd you murder?
L570[18:55:51] ⇨ Joins: Vindex (Vindex!~Vindex@game.klfree.cz)
L571[18:55:55] <Inari> payonel: o.o
L572[18:55:58] <Inari> but, why
L573[18:57:55] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5dec65db.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Forte: 'Vanilla, are you happy with being called a fat pig?' Vanilla: '*shakes head* I prefer cows over pigs.' (Galaxy Angel))
L574[19:03:56] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L575[19:03:57] <payonel> %tell inari it was just a traffic ticket :)
L576[19:03:57] <MichiBot> payonel: inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L577[19:04:04] <payonel> Izaya: ran a stop sign
L578[19:09:51] <Kleadron> why did you run over a stop sign
L579[19:14:58] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
L580[19:40:34] <AmandaC> %tell Inari ended up napping, had probably one of my weirder dreams, where I was helping companies be "gdrp compliant" (in quotes because I'm 99% sure my subconscious has no idea what that means)
L581[19:40:34] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L582[19:40:38] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107179409DA614EEC4055D5B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L583[20:00:31] <AmandaC> Now I guess I'll go back to sleep, since I'm still feeling yucky and it's somewhat acceptable to sleep for longer now. Night nerds
L584[20:02:04] <Izaya> o/
L585[20:21:52] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (scj643!~quassel@scj.theender.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L588[21:38:08] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L589[21:55:22] <joaoadao> guys in irc can use the bot?
L590[22:13:00] <Xal> >have interfaces
L591[22:13:07] <Xal> >can't declare the type of an array using said interface
L592[22:13:09] <Xal> what the fuck php
L593[23:21:44] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L594[23:31:54] <Kodos> Who plays factorio
L595[23:48:20] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:4832:72dc:15ce:35f8) (Quit: Cervator)
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