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L1[00:04:06] ⇦ Quits: dustinm`_ (dustinm`_!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[00:04:47] <Izaya> ^
L3[00:04:51] * Izaya does not use Discord
L4[00:10:36] <Mimiru> Our discord server has 2 bots, Corded and Natsumi and I run both, other bots aren't needed/allowed
L5[00:11:07] <Mimiru> IRC users have a Bot tag because of the webhook that Corded uses like @Wuerfel_21 said.
L6[00:13:52] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
L7[00:15:14] <peelz_> ~oc process
L8[00:15:14] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:process
L9[00:27:24] <Izaya> Huh.
L10[00:27:34] <Izaya> So my thing works in ocvm but not in real OC.
L11[00:30:33] <Izaya> and naturally the normal EEPROM doesn't give me any useful info
L12[00:35:39] <Izaya> "boolean expected, got string"
L13[00:35:45] <Izaya> thanks for the line number that is totally there
L14[00:53:45] * Saphire flops
L15[01:01:14] <TheFox> Looking at this channel has given me a terrible, terribly idea.. time to go find discord lua library ...
L16[01:03:14] <Saphire> For a bot?
L17[01:04:54] <TheFox> Nah...
L18[01:05:03] <TheFox> MC OC Discord Client
L19[01:05:06] <Izaya> Could always just write an IRC bot, no library neccesary (beyond luasocket, anyway)
L20[01:05:13] <TheFox> I've already got a bot, wrote it in golang.
L21[01:05:24] <TheFox> but an MC OC client
L22[01:05:30] <Izaya> There's already an MC OC IRC client
L23[01:05:35] <TheFox> IRC yes
L24[01:05:39] <TheFox> I said Discord.
L25[01:05:45] <Izaya> I hate to be negative but uh
L26[01:05:52] <TheFox> idk if the Discord Lua lib is compatible with OC tho
L27[01:05:52] <Izaya> on a text based machine with no sound capabilities
L28[01:06:01] <Izaya> why would you want to use discord over IRC
L29[01:06:08] <TheFox> Discord isn't just a voice chat?
L30[01:06:13] <TheFox> sooo yes.
L31[01:06:41] <Izaya> When you remove sound and images and such, it ends up functionally basically like IRC.
L32[01:06:53] <TheFox> Yes.
L33[01:06:57] <Izaya> You do you, but it seems a little pointless to me.
L34[01:07:06] <TheFox> I didn't say it was a good idea...
L35[01:07:09] <TheFox> I said it was a terrible idea
L36[01:07:14] <Izaya> Right.
L37[01:07:16] <Izaya> Continue.
L38[01:08:26] <Izaya> I think the issue would be the uh
L39[01:08:28] * Izaya thinks
L40[01:08:31] <Izaya> JSON parser
L41[01:09:21] <Izaya> pure lua ones exist but I dunno if a library would use one over just using whatever native-based library wrapper they can used
L42[01:09:26] <Izaya> s/used/use/
L43[01:09:26] <MichiBot> <Izaya> pure lua ones exist but I dunno if a library would use one over just using whatever native-based library wrapper they can use
L44[01:15:27] <Forecaster> OH
L45[01:15:31] <Forecaster> I figured out what this is about
L46[01:15:36] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y78vte28
L47[01:15:37] <TheFox> Well if I run into issues with it then we'll know that we'll know
L48[01:15:46] <Forecaster> there's a number down there in the corner
L49[01:15:55] <Forecaster> that's what's pushing everything up
L50[01:16:01] <TheFox> lmao
L51[01:16:08] <Izaya> woo, down to 585 minified bytes for a lua prompt
L52[01:16:13] <Forecaster> it's counting from 0 to 9, then starts over...
L53[01:16:54] <TheFox> yay for useless functionality?
L54[01:18:12] <Forecaster> less "useless" and more "ruins everything"
L55[01:46:45] <Forecaster> %addcommand bots Our discord server has 2 bots, Corded and Natsumi, other bots aren't needed/allowed. IRC users have a bot tag because of the webhook that Corded uses.
L56[01:46:46] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command Added
L57[01:46:55] <Forecaster> %bots
L58[01:46:55] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Our discord server has 2 bots, Corded and Natsumi, other bots arent needed/allowed. IRC users have a bot tag because of the webhook that Corded uses.
L59[01:55:04] <Kodos> Now let me do bots (Nick) so it will ping the person asking
L60[01:59:29] <Forecaster> If you do that you will ping them :P
L61[02:31:53] <Kodos> Anyone know offhand how many mods Continuum has
L62[02:39:57] <chernobyl> 9001
L63[02:43:36] <chernobyl> y u delet
L64[02:43:41] <chernobyl> he has 9000+ mods
L65[02:43:48] <chernobyl> lel
L66[02:45:38] <Corded> * <Kodos> sighs
L67[02:45:51] <chernobyl> yes
L68[02:46:41] <Kodos> Could you maybe not be unhelpful
L69[02:47:07] <chernobyl> kbye
L70[02:48:11] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L71[02:56:55] <Forecaster> 214 it looks like
L72[03:22:18] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794336E6A47E488C0B67D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L73[03:22:18] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L74[03:25:44] <Forecaster> %loot
L75[03:25:44] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic poopnuggets! (25%)
L76[03:25:52] <Forecaster> ...ew
L77[03:26:00] <Corded> * <Forecaster> throws into garbage
L78[03:30:42] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579728D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L79[03:32:45] ⇦ Quits: peelz_ (peelz_!kiwiirc@modemcable157.151-83-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L80[03:49:23] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/AMAZlNGNATURE/status/997222517495414784?s=19
L81[05:18:16] <Kodos> What game was it that had the random gun reloads
L82[05:27:48] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579728D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L83[05:30:46] <MalkContent> @Kodos you mean random reload animations?
L84[05:30:51] <Kodos> YEs
L85[05:32:09] <MalkContent> you're probably thinking of BF4 then
L86[05:32:18] <MalkContent> though i think hardline had those, too
L87[05:32:44] <Kodos> Whichever one had the pistol reload where a 3rd hand handed the guy a clip, and he takes it, realizes what happened, and turns around to look for where the 3rd hand came from
L88[05:32:55] <Kodos> Might not've been a pistol though
L89[05:34:30] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvv42Dz7tl0
L90[05:34:31] <MichiBot> Battlefield Hardline Secret Reload - Third Hand | length: 8s | Likes: 67 Dislikes: 1 Views: 11,229 | by HottesChannel | Published On 18/4/2015
L91[05:35:53] <Kodos> Close, was looking for https://youtu.be/FtaNaWLNrSU?t=20s
L92[05:35:53] <MichiBot> BATTLEFIELD HARDLINE 3 HANDS TO RELOAD WTF?!! | length: 30s | Likes: 191 Dislikes: 12 Views: 32,213 | by The SmileBite | Published On 9/2/2015
L93[05:36:05] <Kodos> Right reload anim, wrong vid ?
L94[05:36:29] <Forecaster> you asked for the game, not a specific video
L95[06:05:03] <Forecaster> %loot
L96[06:05:03] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a wooden bird.
L97[06:19:00] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579728D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L98[07:17:34] <MalkContent> %help
L99[07:17:34] <MichiBot> MalkContent: Command list: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/help
L100[07:18:25] <MalkContent> %choose pie-rat or π-rat
L101[07:18:25] <MichiBot> MalkContent: pie-rat
L102[07:19:06] <gerard> %choose %loot or %lootbox
L103[07:19:06] <MichiBot> gerard: %lootbox
L104[07:19:11] <gerard> %lootbox
L105[07:19:11] <MichiBot> gerard: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .7z.
L106[07:39:04] <Forecaster> %loot
L107[07:39:04] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic headache! (25%)
L108[07:39:17] <Forecaster> oh, uh okay
L109[07:39:21] <Forecaster> that sounds terrible
L110[08:04:12] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:b14b:7d55:b3cf:4856)
L111[08:43:08] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:b14b:7d55:b3cf:4856) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L112[08:59:40] <Forecaster> https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/05/18/pet-pigeons-in-this-free-game/
L113[09:55:43] * Lizzy is having "fun" writing GDPR related stuff for the forums
L114[09:56:09] <Forecaster> sounds like lots of "fun" indeed
L115[09:56:18] <Lizzy> yup
L116[10:18:28] <Wuerfel_21> What would you do with three XP era computers? Because i dunno. http://tinyurl.com/y83kd4lu
L117[10:29:22] <Lizzy> **NOTICE** The forum's Privacy Policy and Registration Terms have been updated to comply with the GDPR that's coming into effect next week. You will be asked to agree to the new terms on your next visit to the forums (even if you are not an EU citizen, you will still need to agree as we operater from within the EU.) **END NOTICE**
L118[10:57:23] <Izaya> Wuerfel_21: install 9front
L119[10:59:03] <Izaya> alternatively, one Haiku, one 9front, one ReactOS
L120[10:59:44] <Temia> Use them for handling legacy PCI devices
L121[10:59:57] <Izaya> tfw PCI is legacy
L122[11:00:01] <Temia> ikr
L123[11:00:03] <Skye> Lizzy, linky?
L124[11:00:11] <Lizzy> ?
L125[11:00:13] <Temia> I felt ancient just typing that
L126[11:00:26] <Izaya> my board has 2 PCI slots and supports haswell and broadwell chips
L127[11:00:31] <Skye> Lizzy, tothe new privacy policy? :P
L128[11:00:39] <Izaya> and has VGA
L129[11:00:40] <Lizzy> it's on the forums
L130[11:00:47] <Izaya> did I accidentally get a board with heaps of legacy options?
L131[11:00:56] <Izaya> is that what this is
L132[11:00:57] <Lizzy> you just need to go log in to see it, or just go to the footer
L133[11:00:58] * Izaya screams
L134[11:01:01] <Lizzy> i think it's down there
L135[11:01:25] <20kdc> so I just went and searched for "9front" and I think I ended up in the wrong right maybe not right wrong wrong wrong wrong maybe not right place
L136[11:01:28] <Temia> Perhaps. My board has no PCI slots or VGA for its IGP.
L137[11:01:48] <Izaya> 20kdc: 9front.org
L138[11:02:05] <20kdc> that's where I am
L139[11:02:15] <Izaya> you're at the right place then
L140[11:02:23] <20kdc> that does not seem correct
L141[11:02:29] <Izaya> 9front is a fork of plan 9
L142[11:02:52] <Izaya> the humor is ... bizarre at times
L143[11:02:54] <20kdc> *there's a bugs page with a cat eating some sort of moth*. are you sure this is the right place
L144[11:03:40] <Izaya> yes
L145[11:03:51] <Izaya> see also http://9front.org/propaganda/
L146[11:05:51] <Izaya> http://9front.org/img/9mothra01.png
L147[11:05:56] <20kdc> ...Are you sure this is an operating system?
L148[11:06:00] <Izaya> yes
L149[11:06:03] <Izaya> 100% sure
L150[11:06:32] <20kdc> Not some sort of bizzare undercover scheme to get people to willingly classify themselves as insane?
L151[11:06:38] <Izaya> grab the latest image and throw it at qemu
L152[11:06:39] <Izaya> it boots
L153[11:06:54] <20kdc> ...well, alright
L154[11:06:54] <Izaya> (and installs and such but eh)
L155[11:07:34] <AmandaC> 9front, plan9 but the front fell off!
L156[11:08:15] <AmandaC> (istr that's their slogan-type thing)
L157[11:08:28] <Izaya> I've been debating whether I can be bothered to dig up another drive for my P4 box to install 9front on
L158[11:08:43] <Izaya> that means finding another IDE cable, this one with 3 ends
L159[11:10:22] <Saphire> Meanwhile someone in MultiMC chat keeps messing with linux and PS4
L160[11:10:49] <Izaya> do they have MultiMC running on the PS4 under loonix?
L161[11:12:38] <Wuerfel_21> Okay, first test results are in:
L162[11:12:39] <Wuerfel_21> Machine 1 works, has worms and trackmania installed
L163[11:12:48] <Wuerfel_21> Machine 2 does not power on
L164[11:13:32] <Wuerfel_21> Machine 3 beeped. Inspection revealed that it was lacking RAM. Inexplicably had a loose hard drive inside it.
L165[11:13:56] <Temia> Time to cobble 2 and 3 together?
L166[11:13:59] <Wuerfel_21> After moving 2's ram to 3, grub error 22
L167[11:14:04] <Temia> Oooh
L168[11:14:11] <Temia> We've got a good one
L169[11:14:11] <Izaya> it had GRUB on it?
L170[11:15:23] <Wuerfel_21> 1 also had some linux on it, which i haven't tried yet
L171[11:15:43] <Izaya> I have a better question: I have a Core 2 Duo machine with 4GB of RAM and an 8800GT. What should I do with that?
L172[11:15:45] <Wuerfel_21> 1 also has a stuck dvd drive
L173[11:17:24] <Izaya> I'd do Haiku but no OpenGL
L174[11:18:40] <Izaya> Linux is boring, and there's no good version of Windows for a machine like that.
L175[11:19:01] <Wuerfel_21> Fugg, bios is password protected. Is the password battery backed like the other settings usually are?
L176[11:19:10] <Izaya> Depends on the machine.
L177[11:19:15] <Izaya> For an XP-era one, probably.
L178[11:20:48] <Izaya> (Newer machines store it in a little EEPROM or similar, which is very inconvenient)
L179[11:20:52] <Lizzy> there, the forums now also have redis backend support for sessions and page caches
L180[11:21:47] <Lizzy> **Also** I am aware of Emails not being sent from the forums, Sangar changed some of his stuff and broke it :P It should be fixed by the weekend
L181[11:22:02] <Izaya> It's saturday already
L182[11:22:51] <Lizzy> i didn't specify that it'd be done _for_ the weekend, i said it'd be done _by_ the weekend. we still have about 2 days of weekend left :P
L183[11:50:05] <Wuerfel_21> Some meddling later, 3 works splendid http://tinyurl.com/y6wnoue2
L184[11:50:36] <Wuerfel_21> The loose drive turned out to be the correct one
L185[11:51:08] <Wuerfel_21> (And no, i don't know why my school installed cracked trackmania on all of them)
L186[11:53:09] <Izaya> that case is excellent
L187[11:53:28] <Izaya> so you only have two machines
L188[11:54:15] <Izaya> @20kdc Q: Why might I want to use 9front? A: It is very likely that you do not.
L189[11:54:35] <Izaya> http://fqa.9front.org/install.gif
L190[11:54:53] <20kdc> O.o
L191[11:55:49] <Wuerfel_21> 1 has a slightly damaged mobo
L192[11:55:58] <Izaya> http://fqa.9front.org/cinapcatdrawing.png
L193[11:56:23] <Wuerfel_21> http://tinyurl.com/ybgwb7z4
L194[11:56:34] <20kdc> ooo, a serial port!
L195[11:57:23] <Izaya> https://track8.mixtape.moe/ffnrkq.png is my XP-era machine
L196[12:01:06] <Izaya> @20kdc https://lainchan.org/%CE%94/src/1515125278754-1.pdf
L197[12:02:52] ⇨ Joins: peelz_ (peelz_!kiwiirc@modemcable157.151-83-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L198[12:05:32] <20kdc> Lucent Technologies? ... Have I seen this company name before...
L199[12:05:46] <Izaya> Probably.
L200[12:05:51] <Izaya> They bought out Bell Labs.
L201[12:11:10] <ben_mkiv> so when you replace a screen from an OC machine while its on shell for example. it doesnt redraw the current screen
L202[12:11:21] <ben_mkiv> anyone knows if that is intended?
L203[12:13:12] <payonel> ben_mkiv: this is managed at the openos level
L204[12:13:21] <payonel> if the shell is running, it should be reprinting the prompt
L205[12:13:49] <ben_mkiv> not for me on
L206[12:13:56] <Izaya> hey payonel I made a thing
L207[12:14:00] <ben_mkiv> well actually sometimes it does
L208[12:14:04] <ben_mkiv> but sometimes it doesnt
L209[12:14:08] <Izaya> https://paste.pc-logix.com/raw/foqubuqodi
L210[12:14:13] <Izaya> write that to an EEPROM and boot it
L211[12:14:24] <payonel> ben_mkiv: it might be waiting for you to press a key, it (the shell) might have crashed
L212[12:14:51] <payonel> ben_mkiv: i've built protections from crashes, i'll revisit that after my current openos work completes
L213[12:15:00] <ben_mkiv> nope its fine right after boot
L214[12:15:14] <payonel> ben_mkiv: "nope" it didn't crash?
L215[12:15:20] <ben_mkiv> yea, no crash
L216[12:15:23] <payonel> how do you know?
L217[12:15:27] <payonel> you said the screen didn't draw
L218[12:15:38] <ben_mkiv> as soon as i press space it draws the whole screen
L219[12:15:40] <payonel> are you logging calls to the crash handler? (As i would need to do)
L220[12:15:45] <ben_mkiv> and im still in the command prompt
L221[12:15:52] <payonel> yes, the shell crash handler waits for key_down
L222[12:15:57] <payonel> and then restarts the shell
L223[12:16:06] <ben_mkiv> wait you are right
L224[12:16:14] <ben_mkiv> the prompt resets on screen attach
L225[12:16:19] <ben_mkiv> but somehow it doesnt sometimes
L226[12:16:32] <payonel> yeah, there are some possible race conditions
L227[12:16:39] <payonel> in the past, i had kept the possible failure points isolated
L228[12:16:42] <ben_mkiv> ok, thanks
L229[12:16:51] <payonel> removing a component whilst running is a tricky thing :)
L230[12:17:04] <payonel> it's rude :P
L231[12:17:07] <ben_mkiv> cant you just catch the attach event?
L232[12:17:18] <payonel> sure
L233[12:17:30] <payonel> and then check before every single action if i need to rebind?
L234[12:17:33] <Mimiru> So.. I've got most of OpenFM ported to 1.12.. just missing inventory stuff, and item/block/recipe registration cause I still don't know how to do that
L235[12:17:40] <payonel> ben_mkiv: it's complicated, and expensive
L236[12:17:58] <ben_mkiv> so whats the usecase where components do attach event spam?
L237[12:18:19] <payonel> ben_mkiv: the issue is when you remove the screen the gpu is bound to
L238[12:18:27] <payonel> that causes the gpu calls to throw
L239[12:18:36] <ben_mkiv> oh before the event occurs
L240[12:18:38] <ben_mkiv> ok
L241[12:18:51] <payonel> an event to me is when i next pull it
L242[12:21:45] <payonel> Izaya: lua shell? i see the load and the terminal management
L243[12:21:56] <payonel> Izaya: are you done or looking to add features to that?
L244[12:22:07] <Izaya> trying to make it smaller tbh
L245[12:22:38] <Izaya> I'm 300 bytes over having a terminal emulator, lua prompt, and the entire microtel stack in one EEPROM
L246[12:24:18] <payonel> get rid of newlines
L247[12:24:20] <payonel> :)
L248[12:24:30] <payonel> i guess those would need to be spaces in most cases
L249[12:24:43] <payonel> you could use the weird numberletter trick
L250[12:24:49] <payonel> if Y<1then Y=1end
L251[12:25:03] <payonel> doesn't that work? i never code that way
L252[12:25:16] <payonel> %lua x=1 if x<1then x=2end return x
L253[12:25:17] <MichiBot> main:1: malformed number near '2e'
L254[12:25:23] <payonel> oh derp, e is hex
L255[12:25:26] <payonel> %lua x=1 if x<1then x=2 end return x
L256[12:25:26] <MichiBot> 1
L257[12:25:34] <payonel> %lua x=0 if x<1then x=2 end return x
L258[12:25:34] <MichiBot> 2
L259[12:26:40] <Izaya> might be able to do some fun stuff with that I guess
L260[12:29:01] <20kdc> %lua x=0 x=x<1or x and x return x
L261[12:29:01] <MichiBot> true
L262[12:29:16] <20kdc> ...I copied the wrong one, didn't I... *looks back at terminal window*
L263[12:29:30] <20kdc> %lua x=0 x=x<2 and 2or x return x
L264[12:29:30] <MichiBot> 2
L265[12:30:22] <Izaya> oof
L266[12:30:25] <Izaya> 2049 bytes now
L267[12:30:30] <20kdc> or if you really hate people who read your code
L268[12:30:35] <20kdc> %lua x=0 return x<2 and 2or x
L269[12:30:35] <MichiBot> 2
L270[12:30:44] <20kdc> ...oh, forgot to remove the space between 0 and r
L271[12:31:49] <20kdc> it's as small as x=0return math.max(x,2)
L272[12:32:09] <Alex404> for those who helped me yesterday, thanks
L273[12:32:45] <Alex404> was able to recover getHealth information from modem
L274[12:33:50] <Alex404> The tutorial on youtube from mighty pirates was very helpful ?
L275[12:34:08] <payonel> @alex404 woo@!
L276[12:34:25] <payonel> Izaya: put min and max in vars maybe?
L277[12:35:01] <payonel> X,I=math.max,math.min x=X(x,1)
L278[12:35:08] <payonel> then reuse?
L279[12:41:52] <ben_mkiv> so looking at oc api stuff... looks like we could make overclocked cpus as addon? :>
L280[12:42:53] <AmandaC> Tier 3.5 cpu?
L281[12:43:14] <Izaya> increased component call limits?
L282[12:43:20] <ben_mkiv> everything
L283[12:43:25] <ben_mkiv> the api is pretty nice
L284[12:43:25] <Izaya> might cause issues
L285[12:43:35] <Alex404> one thing i didnt understand. I wasnt able to make the event.pull in the same pc that made the broadcast, because If i made the event.pull, the program would wait for the signal and doesnt make the broadcast, and vice versa the pull cannot catch a signal made earlier. Is there a way to do it? just asking if possible or not, will ceck any tips and learn
L286[12:43:40] <Izaya> 20 ops/sec = 1 op per tick
L287[12:43:51] <Izaya> if you did 21, one operation would be lost if you were toggling redstone
L288[12:43:59] <ben_mkiv> alex404, use event.listen()
L289[12:44:04] <ben_mkiv> that listens in the background for events
L290[12:44:23] <ben_mkiv> %api event
L291[12:44:30] <ben_mkiv> %oc event
L292[12:44:32] <ben_mkiv> %ocdoc event
L293[12:44:39] <Izaya> ~w event
L294[12:44:39] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L295[12:45:04] <ben_mkiv> :/
L296[12:45:08] <ben_mkiv> but ik how to %loot
L297[12:45:11] <ben_mkiv> %loot
L298[12:45:12] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: You get a loot box! It contains a poofy ball of fluff.
L299[12:46:02] <AmandaC> %newtopic
L300[12:46:02] <MichiBot> AmandaC: #13 Welcome to my TED talk where I'll explain the dangers of 6x Compressed Sentences in daily life.
L301[12:46:16] <Izaya> tavd
L302[12:47:55] <AmandaC> tavd?
L303[12:48:23] <Izaya> they are very dangerous, compressed
L304[12:49:53] <payonel> @alex404 you can do it from the same machine, yes
L305[12:49:57] <payonel> without listen, even
L306[12:50:15] <Alex404> i'm rereading the event api, but maybe i cannot understand, too advanced topic ?
L307[12:51:08] <payonel> @alex404 if you can show me your code, i can help
L308[12:51:08] <Alex404> is listen exactly what i needed? because i've read somewhere that listen should not be used too much (maybe on the tutorial)
L309[12:51:37] <payonel> listen registers a callback for events
L310[12:51:57] <payonel> it doesn't SOLVE anything
L311[12:52:01] <payonel> it is another tool in the toolbox
L312[12:52:07] <payonel> you could write the same thing with all pulls
L313[12:52:18] <payonel> but the designs can be simpler using listen in some cases
L314[12:52:35] <payonel> except for writing background daemons, listen is just better
L315[12:52:42] <payonel> you could use threads in that case
L316[12:52:44] <payonel> but, i digress
L317[12:58:34] <Alex404> uh ok
L318[12:58:47] <Alex404> so i guess I could for starter learn to use listen
L319[12:58:59] <payonel> @alex404 just share the code you tried where pull didn't work
L320[12:59:09] <Alex404> no it does work
L321[12:59:15] <payonel> on the same machine
L322[12:59:15] <Izaya> payonel: I'll see what whitespace I can remove without making it invalid at some point tomorrow
L323[13:01:09] <Alex404> it was on lua
L324[13:02:29] <Alex404> so it didn't save but it was simply the two component.mode.broadcast... and event.pull("modem")
L325[13:02:54] <Alex404> first broadcast return true
L326[13:03:06] <Alex404> then I event.pull("modem") but nothing
L327[13:04:25] <payonel> @alex404 you were testing in the lua shell?
L328[13:04:30] <Alex404> yes
L329[13:04:33] <payonel> and that is why
L330[13:04:34] <payonel> right there
L331[13:04:52] <payonel> maybe i'll make a video about this
L332[13:04:59] <payonel> i believe someone else got really confused about this before
L333[13:05:13] <Alex404> I was not aware thats there was a difference
L334[13:05:17] <Alex404> sorry
L335[13:05:25] <payonel> do you see the cursor blinking in the lua shell?
L336[13:05:38] <Alex404> yes
L337[13:05:51] <payonel> it is blinking because it is calling event.pull(.5)
L338[13:06:00] <payonel> which basically waits for an event for .5 seconds
L339[13:06:13] <payonel> if that event is related to key input, it write what you type
L340[13:06:15] <payonel> with me so far?
L341[13:06:49] <Alex404> yes
L342[13:07:00] <Alex404> in fact
L343[13:07:02] <payonel> the SHELL is pulling events
L344[13:07:07] <payonel> by design
L345[13:07:10] <Alex404> when trying onle event.pull() it always gave me keyup
L346[13:07:17] <Alex404> immediatly
L347[13:07:19] <payonel> yep
L348[13:07:24] <payonel> because you key_down to complete the input
L349[13:07:28] <payonel> and the next event is the key_up
L350[13:07:47] <payonel> this is how hardware events work
L351[13:08:02] <payonel> when you are running on the shell (lua or sh shell)
L352[13:08:12] <payonel> the shell is pulling events to manage input
L353[13:08:49] <payonel> events are queued, and once pulled they are removed from the queue
L354[13:08:57] <payonel> the running process may use that event
L355[13:09:01] <Alex404> so my broadcast is simply too far behind the event queue?
L356[13:09:04] <payonel> but it's no longer in the queue
L357[13:09:56] <payonel> @alex404 after you press enter with the input: modem.broadcast(...)
L358[13:10:06] <payonel> we can very exactly predict ALL of the events your machine is queueing
L359[13:10:28] <payonel> 1. key_down, 2. key_up, 3. modem_message
L360[13:10:44] <payonel> the lua shell reads the key_down, and takes the text you gave it, and runs it
L361[13:10:54] <payonel> then the lua shell sees key_up, ignores it
L362[13:11:08] <payonel> then the lua shell sees the modem_message response from the nano machine, and ignores it
L363[13:11:18] <payonel> then some milliseconds later, you start typing again
L364[13:11:21] <payonel> a bunch of key_downs
L365[13:11:31] <payonel> to type event.pull("modem_message") in the lua shell
L366[13:11:44] <payonel> but then, the modem_message response from your nano IS LONG GONE
L367[13:11:51] <Alex404> understood
L368[13:11:56] <Alex404> thanks
L369[13:11:57] <payonel> many many hundreds of millseconds and many many events in the past
L370[13:12:32] <payonel> on the other hand, if you write a script with essentially two lines of code
L371[13:12:36] <Alex404> in fact, with a simple script it now works prefectly
L372[13:12:37] <payonel> 1. modem.broadcast
L373[13:12:40] <payonel> 2. event.pull
L374[13:12:45] <payonel> then there is NO SHELL taking your events
L375[13:12:51] <payonel> yep
L376[13:13:15] <AmandaC> If you did the broadcast and pull on the same line it'd work, I think
L377[13:13:23] <payonel> yes ^
L378[13:13:46] <payonel> because then you'd be blocking on the pull before the shell was active again
L379[13:15:37] <Alex404> well, all ok now ^_^
L380[13:15:43] <payonel> very glad to hear it :)
L381[13:21:44] <Forecaster> ?restart
L382[13:21:48] <Forecaster> don't mind me
L383[13:21:50] <payonel> @restart
L384[13:22:02] <payonel> %lua computer.shutdown(true)
L385[13:22:02] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to index global 'computer' (a nil value)
L386[13:22:14] <Forecaster> huh
L387[13:22:19] <Forecaster> Mimiru: it no work
L388[13:22:28] <Forecaster> D:
L389[13:22:29] <Mimiru> you didn't use the right prefix either
L390[13:22:35] <Forecaster> oh...
L391[13:22:37] <Forecaster> xD
L392[13:22:41] <Forecaster> %restart
L393[13:22:43] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L394[13:22:56] <Forecaster> I've been testboting too much...
L395[13:23:05] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L396[13:23:05] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L397[13:23:24] <Forecaster> ?addcommand bot %bots%
L398[13:23:49] <Forecaster> dangit
L399[13:23:52] <Forecaster> %addcommand bot %bots%
L400[13:23:53] <payonel> Mimiru: we use slack in work
L401[13:23:54] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command Added
L402[13:23:59] <Forecaster> %bots
L403[13:24:08] <payonel> and lately slack has been telling us to stop using insensitive words, likes 'guys'
L404[13:24:14] <payonel> it's honestly a bit annoying
L405[13:24:22] <Mimiru> o_O
L406[13:24:27] <Mimiru> wat
L407[13:24:28] <payonel> but right now we're discussing a particular network issue one of our customers is having
L408[13:24:30] <Forecaster> but guys, guys is a super offensive term guys
L409[13:24:46] <payonel> Mimiru: so we're pasting network interface data in the channel
L410[13:24:48] <Forecaster> hey, you guys
L411[13:24:53] <payonel> with words like, master and slave
L412[13:25:00] <Forecaster> ohno
L413[13:25:02] <payonel> and slack is just pissed about it
L414[13:25:05] <Forecaster> %bots
L415[13:25:05] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Our discord server has 2 bots, Corded and Natsumi, other bots arent needed/allowed. IRC users have a bot tag because of the webhook that Corded uses.
L416[13:25:09] <Forecaster> %bot
L417[13:25:10] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Our discord server has 2 bots, Corded and Natsumi, other bots arent needed/allowed. IRC users have a bot tag because of the webhook that Corded uses.
L418[13:25:13] <Forecaster> yay
L419[13:25:24] <Forecaster> dynamic commands can now do aliases :D
L420[13:25:37] <Mimiru> payonel, good times.
L421[13:25:42] * Mimiru hugs IRC
L422[13:25:44] <Forecaster> only to other dynamic commands though
L423[13:26:46] <Forecaster> and now I'm done with IRC for today
L424[13:26:49] <Forecaster> :>
L425[14:24:03] <Wuerfel_21> _feels more sophisticated than she has any right to_ http://tinyurl.com/y9ka3cgt
L426[14:25:38] <Forecaster> oh hey, mario 64
L427[14:25:39] <Forecaster> :D
L428[14:26:22] <Wuerfel_21> oeuf
L429[14:26:37] <Forecaster> :P
L430[15:22:52] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity_ (MajGenRelativity_!uid288574@id-288574.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L431[15:28:54] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L432[15:40:59] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/yawj2ksk
L433[15:43:31] <Wuerfel_21> I think i found a use for my machines! http://tinyurl.com/yafbz274
L434[15:44:14] <Wuerfel_21> That being the hosting of lan parties where doom gets played
L435[16:00:34] <Mimiru> bleh... 1.11+ inventories make me sad.
L436[16:03:04] <Mimiru> OpenFM will be getting json recipes I guess... might as well use the new system
L437[16:08:13] <AmandaC> Now I have to get used to the laptop's keyboard again
L438[16:08:32] <AmandaC> on the up, it's bac
L439[16:08:33] <AmandaC> k
L440[16:09:30] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:c1b6:cf21:6194:8c)
L441[17:12:37] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579728D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L442[17:45:27] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L443[17:48:38] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L444[18:30:22] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L445[18:53:01] <Mimiru> bleh
L446[18:53:13] <MGR> %bleh
L447[18:54:32] <Mimiru> OFM on 1.12 is being a pain
L448[18:54:45] <MGR> OpenFM?
L449[18:54:50] <Mimiru> Yeah
L450[18:54:56] <MGR> Ah
L451[18:56:05] <Mimiru> it seems world is null it places it shouldn't be possible
L452[18:56:19] <MGR> %blame Minecraft
L453[18:56:20] * MichiBot blames Minecraft for the existence of trolls
L454[18:56:41] ⇦ Quits: peelz_ (peelz_!kiwiirc@modemcable157.151-83-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L455[18:58:23] <Mimiru> if it's not world, it's the world provider...
L456[18:58:28] <Mimiru> and IDK wtf is up ._.
L457[19:06:44] <S3> RYTHM IS A DNCAH
L458[19:07:17] <S3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYIaWeVL1JM&list=RDQMbHJcedFU7ak&index=4
L459[19:07:18] <MichiBot> SNAP! - Rhythm is a Dancer (Official Video) | length: 3m 41s | Likes: 22,819 Dislikes: 535 Views: 5,118,381 | by SnapVideosOfficial | Published On 4/5/2011
L460[19:18:50] <Mimiru> ugh fuck it I'm done
L461[19:20:27] <Izaya> @Wuerfel_21 Collect some AGP graphics cards and run Quake 3 or OpenArena on them
L462[19:21:36] <Izaya> if it runs fine on a P2 350/FX 5500 box, it should run on anything XP era
L463[19:22:01] <Izaya> (assuming the graphics card is remotely competent, anyway)
L464[19:22:46] <AmandaC> Mimiru: I'm not sure if it's just me, buy it kinda felt a bit weird how the world stuff worked in 1.10, and s non-trivial number of bugs I've seen for 1.12 ports seems to be related to the world state being different
L465[19:23:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794336E6A47E488C0B67D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L466[20:17:09] <AmandaC> %choose watch or listen
L467[20:17:09] <MichiBot> AmandaC: listen
L468[20:24:02] <MalkContent> https://img00.deviantart.net/fa14/i/2015/283/f/e/zelda___navi_01_by_theeyzmaster-d9cnju5.png
L469[20:25:54] * Saphire huhs
L470[20:25:59] <Saphire> Reika got Factorio mods
L471[20:27:51] <Xal> if only he'd stop being a licensing shitter
L472[20:30:42] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-134-3-200-197.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L473[21:13:26] <Brisingr Aerowing> @Mimiru 1.11 / 1.12 changed all sorts of things. Porting from 1.10 is the way to madness.
L474[21:25:06] <Izaya> man I wish I could shorten keywords like elseif
L475[21:25:19] <Izaya> return and function
L476[21:31:59] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-134-3-200-197.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L477[21:36:03] ⇨ Joins: peelz_ (peelz_!kiwiirc@modemcable157.151-83-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L478[21:39:23] <S3> Izaya: Perl's Elise If is elsif
L479[21:42:20] <Izaya> https://paste.pc-logix.com/raw/yemokivova this doesn't even look like Lua any more
L480[21:43:51] <S3> that's a lot of \ns....
L481[21:44:06] <Izaya> they can either be \ns or spaces
L482[21:44:10] <Izaya> needs some kind of whitespace
L483[21:44:29] <Izaya> and considering both are one byte, \o/
L484[21:50:37] <Izaya> 30 bytes over x_x
L485[21:50:44] <Izaya> I wonder if I could fit something into the EEPROM data part
L486[21:51:37] <Xal> you use long idents like "component" in a few places
L487[21:51:46] <Xal> you could shave a few bytes off if you made an alias
L488[21:51:51] * Izaya nods
L489[21:52:00] <Mimiru> @"Brisingr Aerowing" This will hardly be the first mod I've ported from 1.10/1.9 to 1.12 just this one is being a pain
L490[21:52:01] <Izaya> I don't want to have to do that for each source file though
L491[21:52:11] <Xal> run it through a lua minifier
L492[21:52:28] <Izaya> I might end up adding it to the script
L493[21:52:34] <logan2611> use Crunch
L494[21:52:40] <Izaya> I have my own minifier
L495[21:52:59] <Xal> that'd be a really handy feature
L496[21:53:25] <Izaya> I don't automatically do identifier shortening though
L497[21:53:32] <Izaya> I have extra files that tell it what to replace
L498[21:53:37] <Xal> ah
L499[21:53:43] <Xal> you could have a heuristic like >6 chars to consider shortening
L500[21:53:54] <Xal> and then compare bytes before/after shortening to determine whether or not to keep that particular renaming
L501[22:01:08] <Izaya> well
L502[22:01:11] <Izaya> I did some horrible stuff
L503[22:01:17] <Izaya> and now it's 4079 bytesa
L504[22:05:02] <Izaya> :3
L505[22:05:05] <Izaya> 4092 and it works
L506[22:06:51] <Izaya> now to fix bugs without adding more than 4 bytes of code
L507[22:10:12] <Izaya> aaand that's my 4 bytes used up
L508[22:13:17] <Izaya> :D I can use it as a FRequest client
L509[22:13:22] <Izaya> I guess it works then \o/
L510[22:15:18] <logan2611> heres an idea
L511[22:15:36] <logan2611> make an eeprom that just reads from a file and treats that as eeprom
L512[22:15:56] <Izaya> you can do that though
L513[22:16:09] <Izaya> cp youreeprom.lua /tmp/init.lua
L514[22:16:11] <Izaya> lua
L515[22:16:11] <logan2611> ik
L516[22:16:18] <Izaya> computer.setBootAddress(computer.tmpAddress())
L517[22:16:30] <Izaya> that's how I've been testing this
L518[22:18:17] <Izaya> nonetheless
L519[22:18:38] <Izaya> if I want an EEPROM that gives me a lua prompt and a networking stack with no local storage on the machine, I need this to be 4096 bytes or less
L520[22:49:59] <Izaya> today's fun idea: blacklist the OpenOS disk and make the stock EEPROM a lua prompt instead of a bootloader
L521[22:53:17] <Izaya> this is useful https://nero.github.io/2018/04/12/hints-on-getting-irc-support.html
L522[22:53:36] <Izaya> anyway
L523[22:53:44] <Izaya> Skye, S3, payonel: https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/qkmxrt.webm
L524[23:33:05] <Brisingr Aerowing> @Mimiru I'd gladly help if I knew more about modding. OFM and OS are two of my favorite mods. OpenPrinter is way up there as well. OS would go very well with the massive bunker project I have planned. It's going to be completely automated and fully self sufficient. Still trying to find a good seed for it, though (most of the random seeds I get end up spawning me in or next to a desert for some reason. It's slightly annoying TBH).
L525[23:52:48] <peelz_> What's the point of `cp -i` if overwrites are enabled by default?
L526[23:52:59] <peelz_> s/overwrites/prompts
L527[23:52:59] <MichiBot> <peelz_> What's the point of `cp -i` if prompts are enabled by default?
L528[23:58:04] <peelz_> seems like transfer.batch() supports the 'f' option to force (and disable prompts), but the CLI cp tool doesn't? Doesn't make much sense to me
L529[23:58:16] <peelz> oversight perhaps?
L530[23:58:53] <peelz_> I'm talking to myself now. Should I be worried?
L531[23:59:19] <Izaya> Nah. I do it a lot.
L532[23:59:23] <Izaya> It's fine.
L533[23:59:24] <peelz_> lol
L534[23:59:51] <Izaya> I need to cut the EEPROM down by 12 bytes x_x
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