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L1[00:03:04] ⇨ Joins: Romanok2805 (Romanok2805!~User@
L2[00:04:00] <Forecaster> %loot
L3[00:04:00] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a pecan pie.
L4[01:20:10] ⇨ Joins: User_ (User_!~User@
L5[01:20:37] *** Guest57442 is now known as fingercomp
L6[01:22:45] ⇦ Quits: Romanok2805 (Romanok2805!~User@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L7[02:03:45] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (MajGenRelativity_!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L8[02:05:47] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L9[02:54:48] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L10[03:05:48] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E1E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L11[03:34:04] <Izaya> S3: http://doc.cat-v.org/plan_9/4th_edition/papers/venti/
L12[03:50:23] <Izaya> ~w drive
L13[03:50:24] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drive
L14[04:11:15] <Inari> Hey it's Venti
L15[04:11:16] <Inari> the dragon
L16[04:11:59] <Forecaster> or is it
L17[04:13:26] <Izaya> venti the paper
L18[04:22:42] <Forecaster> large the paper
L19[05:07:23] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107179462425E48466F39BD4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[05:07:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L21[06:22:36] <Wuerfel_21> %loot
L22[06:22:36] <MichiBot> Wuerfel_21: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic Captain D action figure! (25%)
L23[06:22:43] <Wuerfel_21> Ayyy
L24[06:28:11] <Inari> %loot
L25[06:28:11] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic Mimimi doll! (25%)
L26[06:49:31] <Lizzian> %loot
L27[06:49:32] <MichiBot> Lizzian: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny packet of packets.
L28[06:49:41] <Inari> %pet Lizzy
L29[06:49:41] * MichiBot pets Lizzy with vegan leather. 2 health gained!
L30[06:49:43] <MGR> New logo
L31[06:52:32] <Forecaster> ?
L32[06:53:00] <MGR> Lizzy has a new avatar, not logo, sorry
L33[06:55:18] <Forecaster> oh
L34[07:18:03] <gerard> %loot
L35[07:18:04] <MichiBot> gerard: You get a loot box! It contains an empty shot glass.
L36[07:18:13] <gerard> ayyy, now I have 2
L37[07:18:17] <gerard> each hand one
L38[07:19:29] <MGR> https://notalwaysright.com/addressing-addressing-issue/110357/
L39[07:35:33] *** MajGenRelativity_ is now known as MajGenRelativity
L40[07:36:51] <S3> I wonder if it is worth to make my own command line Discord client similar to irssi
L41[07:39:03] <Izaya> There's a weechat plugin if you really must use it
L42[07:39:52] <S3> I don't like weechat
L43[07:39:58] <S3> I was thinking of making a full client minus voice
L44[07:40:07] <Izaya> Sounds painful.
L45[07:40:16] <S3> Well I am looking at the protocol now
L46[07:40:30] <S3> so far not too bad
L47[07:40:40] <Izaya> Does the EULA let you use custom clients yet?
L48[07:41:01] <MGR> I'm pretty sure it does
L49[07:41:03] <S3> The protocol is fully documeted, and bots exist
L50[07:41:08] <S3> bots are just clients
L51[07:41:33] <AmandaC> bots are literally clients with a different auth mechanism bolted on
L52[07:42:11] * Izaya nods
L53[07:42:20] <S3> Izaya: I've also been writing a scalable IRC server in Elixir
L54[07:42:22] <S3> :D
L55[07:42:28] <S3> but only including the features I want
L56[07:42:32] <Izaya> I know you *can* use your own client, but IIRC the EULA said you had to use the official client if you weren't running a bot account
L57[07:42:46] <Wuerfel_21> technically, you're not supposed to use anything but the regular client on regular user accounts, but people do it anyways
L58[07:43:16] <Wuerfel_21> because EULAs are like this: never read, never obeyed
L59[07:43:29] <S3> I think they say that just so people don't bother them for support on custom clients
L60[07:43:47] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p5797272B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L61[07:43:51] <S3> because the discord team is extremely open about their protocol and design implementations
L62[07:44:13] <S3> I've read some interesting papers from them
L63[07:44:29] <S3> I wish everyone did that
L64[07:49:27] <Inari> Now they just need to make custom clients equal
L65[07:49:51] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L66[07:49:58] <Izaya> Then open-source their frontend and backend and let you run your own servers.
L67[07:50:16] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L68[07:55:33] <Inari> Well if the protocol is open and custom clients can be made, I don't see the need for opensourcing
L69[08:07:10] <S3> Their server infrastructure is rather complicated
L70[08:07:26] <S3> it uses Elixir with distributed consistent hashing in a cluster of nodes
L71[08:09:21] <ben_mkiv> or just use irc
L72[08:10:56] <Inari> ben_mkiv: If you bring it up to modern reqiurements
L73[08:10:56] <Inari> :p
L74[08:12:04] <ben_mkiv> yea was a quick shoot
L75[08:12:10] <ben_mkiv> forgot about voice and desktop sharing
L76[08:12:44] <Inari> And other features
L77[08:13:16] <ben_mkiv> a lot of them are clientfeatures
L78[08:13:18] <Inari> Image hosting for example :D More complex roles. Having "subchannels" (thouhg I guess you could argue that each Discord "server" coudl be a network in IRC)
L79[08:17:21] <ben_mkiv> na, you won the argument
L80[08:17:21] <ben_mkiv> xD
L81[08:19:44] <Lizzian> @MGR yes i do
L82[08:20:19] <MGR> I like it
L83[08:21:53] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L84[08:22:57] <Forecaster> but it has two people in it D:
L85[08:25:18] <Forecaster> %loot
L86[08:25:18] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a poofy ball of fluff.
L87[08:25:33] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L88[08:28:46] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1526376420233.png
L89[08:52:56] * Inari is bored
L90[08:53:17] * AmandaC meows at Inari, also bored
L91[08:53:31] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L92[08:53:31] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a maidy mate. 6 health gained!
L93[08:53:36] <AmandaC> Just finished watching a LP of Stories Untold, now I have Feelings.
L94[08:53:45] <Inari> Was thinking of playing some Thief again, but then, eh... it's not like i find it all that interesting
L95[08:53:52] <Lizzian> %loot
L96[08:53:52] <MichiBot> Lizzian: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .gif.
L97[08:53:56] <Temia> Frankly the voice and desktop sharing are best dealt with by dedicated software. Too many different features in one just causes bloat.
L98[08:54:01] <Lizzian> :< MichiBot
L99[08:54:08] <Lizzian> %pet Lizzian
L100[08:54:08] * MichiBot brushes Lizzian with tank oil. 7 health gained!
L101[08:54:20] <Lizzian> err, nyaaa i guess?
L102[08:54:37] <Inari> xD
L103[08:54:38] <Lizzian> not sure if i appreciate being brushed with healing tank oil
L104[08:54:45] <Inari> %pet @Lizzian
L105[08:54:46] * MichiBot pets @Lizzian with a quantum werewolf. 4 health gained!
L106[08:54:58] <Lizzian> \o/
L107[08:55:04] <Corded> * <Lizzian> leans into pettings
L108[08:55:22] <Wuerfel_21> `Frankly the voice and desktop sharing...` nah. that would involve having everyone create accounts for everything and switching between different software...
L109[08:56:01] <Inari> It's pretty neat to be able to just hop onot voice instaed of having to get people to install software, copy ip addresses/urls and whatnot
L110[08:56:39] <Temia> Mm.
L111[08:57:10] <Temia> Perhaps I'm just too old-fashioned then.
L112[08:57:29] <Inari> Grandma Temia
L113[08:57:39] <Temia> Don't push it, whippersnapper
L114[08:57:48] <Temia> :E
L115[08:59:19] <Inari> :Ǝ
L116[08:59:33] <ben_mkiv> "Metropolitan Police's facial recognition technology 98% inaccurate, figures show" so some german blogger wrote "just arrest the ones that didnt get tagged"
L117[08:59:34] <Inari> %pet Temia
L118[08:59:34] * MichiBot pets Temia with a robot that screams. 2 health gained!
L119[08:59:35] <ben_mkiv> xD
L120[09:04:18] <AmandaC> %choose listen or watch
L121[09:04:18] <MichiBot> AmandaC: listen
L122[09:04:23] <AmandaC> %choose and play or no
L123[09:04:23] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no
L124[09:04:43] <ben_mkiv> the bot knows what im doing
L125[09:06:04] <Lizzian> %pet Skye
L126[09:06:04] * MichiBot brushes Skye with a comic book of questionable origins. 2 health gained!, the comic book of questionable origins flickers and pops out of existence.
L127[09:11:13] <ben_mkiv> %choose hotkeys or poses
L128[09:11:13] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: hotkeys
L129[09:11:37] <Izaya> ~w modem
L130[09:11:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L131[09:11:56] * Skye purrs at lizzy
L132[09:14:45] <Izaya> Alrighty, time to try minitel loopback
L133[09:16:17] <Izaya> https://za.cherd.me/windows-eternal.html
L134[09:18:33] <Forecaster> %loot
L135[09:18:33] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a pentagram pendant.
L136[09:43:53] * Temia hugs the robot and pets it. Sssh, it's okay.
L137[09:45:35] <Temia> %loot
L138[09:45:35] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a loot box! It contains half of an ikea shelf.
L139[09:45:53] * Temia combines with the other half from before. Gets 1x Ikea Shelf!
L140[09:46:09] * Temia however was not a high enough level carpenter to make it HQ. '^'
L141[09:46:36] <MGR> Just weld them together!
L142[09:46:41] <MGR> That certainly couldn't go wrong
L143[09:47:38] <MGR> @Mimiru Unsure if this is intentional or not, but when I go to https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/stats/oc/ , I am asked to sign in
L144[09:48:05] <MGR> Seeing as how "admin" "password" didn't work, I got a 401 permission denied error
L145[09:51:11] <Mimiru> Oh the link was wrong, I've fixed.
L146[09:51:53] <Mimiru> ISPConfig does webstats in /stats and even if I have that set to "None" still overrides that directory
L147[09:53:28] <MGR> Still asking for sign-in ❤
L148[09:53:40] <Mimiru> and it will, unless you use the proper link.
L149[09:54:14] <MGR> What's the proper link?
L150[09:54:26] <Mimiru> IDK go back to where you clicked the link that took you to stats
L151[09:54:29] <Mimiru> refresh
L152[09:54:31] <Mimiru> and try again.
L153[09:54:31] <MGR> The topic still has the even older one
L154[09:54:46] <Mimiru> yes, and the link in the to pic works too.
L155[09:54:50] <Mimiru> topic*
L156[09:55:13] <Temia> https://www.amazon.ca/Yupik-Banana-Heads-Pressed-Candy/dp/B00NATXOLK/ Somebody stop me from buying these
L157[09:55:21] <MGR> The link in the topic gives me a 403: Forbidden error
L158[09:55:30] <Mimiru> Then you've broken something
L159[09:55:33] <Mimiru> cause it works fine
L160[09:55:34] <AmandaC> the link in the topic is forwarding to https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/sssstats/oc/ for me
L161[09:55:55] <MGR> Yeah, same here
L162[09:55:59] <MGR> But I'm getting a 403 error there
L163[09:56:12] * Mimiru shrugs
L164[09:57:07] <AmandaC> clicked again just now, and it's working, with one less s
L165[09:57:39] <MGR> It's working on my desktop
L166[09:58:20] <MGR> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L167[09:58:58] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybg3f9ev
L168[09:59:02] <Forecaster> This is a party in and of itself
L169[09:59:38] <MGR> tosVex got kicked for ban evasion???????
L170[10:00:11] <Mimiru> Vex has been banned once or twice, and as such, has been kicked for ban evasion yes.
L171[10:00:12] <MGR> Must have been a test or a long time ago
L172[10:00:56] <Vexatos> IIRC it was one of the Kenny incidents
L173[10:01:02] <Temia> Kenny?
L174[10:01:08] <Mimiru> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view.php?chan=oc&log=2015-11-21.log#L419
L175[10:01:15] <Forecaster> I like to believe that Vexatos is actually a rebel
L176[10:01:21] <Vexatos> pfft
L177[10:01:27] <Vexatos> 2015 was later though
L178[10:01:34] <Temia> ...
L179[10:01:42] <Temia> I'm frankly surprised Inari hasn't been kicked more for it <.<
L180[10:02:02] <Mimiru> The ban evasion was line 505
L181[10:02:19] <Temia> Oh wait, the rules changed since then.
L182[10:02:27] <Inari> Been kicked for what
L183[10:02:35] <Temia> Rule 4.
L184[10:02:52] <Temia> Which back then was rule 3
L185[10:02:56] <Vexatos> Oh right, I made fun of Kodos because he indented his Lua code with a single space
L186[10:03:05] <Vexatos> hah
L187[10:03:06] <Temia> Which makes me wonder what originally pushed it to rule 4...
L188[10:03:09] <Inari> I'm confused on how that relates to me
L189[10:03:10] * Temia hmmm
L190[10:03:33] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1526391697632.jpg
L191[10:05:30] <Mimiru> I wonder if ds84182 got in trouble for that post on r/WTF when his Grandma called...
L192[10:06:10] <Mimiru> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view.php?chan=oc&log=2015-11-21.log#L592
L193[10:06:30] <Temia> The current rule 4 is "Try to keep profanity to a minimum and the topics around PG-13."
L194[10:06:46] <Forecaster> I think I kicked kodos off of the railcraft discord once
L195[10:07:02] <Temia> Aha
L196[10:07:09] <Temia> The original rule 3 was folded into rule 2a.
L197[10:07:19] <Temia> https://web.archive.org/web/20150107175011/https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171-oc-channel-rules/ https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171-oc-channel-rules/ Funtimes
L198[10:07:39] <Inari> Ugh
L199[10:07:39] <Forecaster> reading that log make me feel less bad about that
L200[10:07:52] <Inari> Why is FP so nice at some times and so unwieldy and headachy at others
L201[10:08:18] <Inari> Temia: Well naked boobs air on afternoon TV here, so I take that as PG-13
L202[10:08:19] <Inari> :D
L203[10:08:41] <Temia> I highly doubt they're in a sexual context, though.
L204[10:08:50] * Temia sips coffee
L205[10:09:08] <Temia> That said, yanks really do get worked up about boobs, don't they.
L206[10:09:30] <Inari> Eh, theres plenty of durex commerical on in the afternoon
L207[10:10:40] <Inari> Hrm I feel like I needa better appraoch to this, at this point I'm just making those function huge and complicated, adding 5 helpers functions and crap :|
L208[10:11:06] <MGR> What's FP?
L209[10:11:16] <Inari> functional programming
L210[10:11:23] <MGR> Ah
L211[10:11:33] <AmandaC> front page
L212[10:11:52] <Inari> I mean
L213[10:11:58] <Inari> it can't be that hard to do this
L214[10:12:47] <Inari> I just want to add A to B, B being in base N and A being in base 10, while lazily fetching each digit of NBas its required
L215[10:12:51] <Inari> *each digit of B
L216[10:46:36] <S3> Inari: you could convert one to base 10 and add then reconvert into expected base
L217[10:47:21] <S3> or, if your language does it right you can add two numbers of different bases because they're just plain binary numbers under the hood
L218[10:47:32] <S3> ad convert it when you look at it into what you wat
L219[10:47:34] <S3> want*
L220[11:02:21] <Inari> Well I only get one digit at a time of one number, because thats better performance-wise
L221[11:06:30] <S3> what about rule 30?
L222[11:07:33] <S3> Inari: I have no idea what ou are doing XD
L223[11:07:39] <S3> and that above line was for something else
L224[11:08:03] <S3> oh wait aren't you using some sort of functional web thing?
L225[11:08:17] <S3> well, declarative
L226[11:16:43] <Inari> Yeah
L227[11:17:20] <Inari> I get digits of number B in base N. And I have the whole number A in base 10 I want to add to number B. So I put number A into digits of base N too, but it's a pain because I have to still fetch each digit of number B and so on
L228[12:31:55] ⇨ Joins: Backslash_ (Backslash_!~Backslash@ip-94-114-162-224.unity-media.net)
L229[12:32:55] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-94-114-162-224.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L230[13:15:55] ⇦ Quits: User_ (User_!~User@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L231[13:20:20] <S3> you could use data flow for that, considering each number will come in at a different speed.
L232[13:20:48] <S3> data flow is when you have more than one operand and you wait for all operands to be satisfied before peforming an operation
L233[13:21:00] <S3> and you can recurse that
L234[13:21:35] <S3> at the same time, you could also use a base independent accumulator.
L235[13:22:15] <S3> in binary, each digit is x * 2 ^ (bit#) where bit# starts at 0.
L236[13:22:34] <S3> the equation becomes x * base ^ digit#
L237[13:22:49] <S3> Inari: ^
L238[13:28:03] <S3> Inari: I'm making an equation :D
L239[13:32:48] <S3> https://i.imgur.com/vJ32d9s.gif
L240[13:32:52] <S3> Inari: ^ would that work?
L241[13:33:50] <S3> beta is the counter index of the bit, starting at 0 to bits n - 1. (i.e. digit 0 - 7) , alpha is the value of the current digit, and gamma is the base you are working in
L242[13:34:06] <S3> subscripts are for the first number and second number reference
L243[13:34:25] <S3> oops that should be gamma 0 and gamma 1
L244[13:35:01] <S3> so you could carry two accumulators, one for each number, and when you are completely done you just add
L245[13:44:21] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
L246[13:48:01] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L247[14:08:35] <Inari> S3: Maybe :P I have no clue how I'd do any of that in Elm yet
L248[14:09:33] <Inari> I alredy can convert between bases and such
L249[14:14:12] <Forecaster> mm... egg shells...
L250[14:15:42] <Inari> I wonder if you can make egg shells nicely edible
L251[14:16:13] <Forecaster> dissolve them? :P
L252[14:16:16] <Inari> Nah
L253[14:18:27] <CompanionCube> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1578362 "A malicious DHCP server, or an attacker on the local network able to spoof DHCP responses, could use this flaw to execute arbitrary commands with root privileges on systems using NetworkManager which is configured to obtain network configuration using the DHCP protocol."
L254[14:18:33] <CompanionCube> this is special.
L255[14:19:09] <Inari> Today: we still suck at software
L256[14:19:11] * Skye screams
L257[14:20:35] <CompanionCube> Inari: specifically
L258[14:20:42] <CompanionCube> we suck at writing bourne shell scripts
L259[14:20:49] <Inari> I maen
L260[14:20:54] <Inari> not like we get other software right
L261[14:20:54] <Inari> :P
L262[14:21:25] <Forecaster> I dunno, calculators tend to work pretty well
L263[14:21:28] <Forecaster> :P
L264[14:21:35] <Forecaster> %loot
L265[14:21:35] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a bottle cap.
L266[14:22:02] <Inari> Eh
L267[14:22:09] <Inari> I bet if there was an incentive you could hack even those
L268[14:24:07] <Forecaster> To do what? :P
L269[14:24:22] <Inari> Dunno, break them? :p
L270[14:24:28] <Inari> Write arbitrary code, in case of programmable ones
L271[14:30:53] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: the CVE is still marked as "Reserved" so who knows if it's a fedora/redhat specific issue, or a more general one
L272[14:31:11] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: from what i've looked at it's likely redhat specific
L273[14:31:17] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Nw5ffVIYg seems cool
L274[14:31:18] <CompanionCube> because they wrote the b0rk script
L275[14:31:18] <MichiBot> Forgotton Anne - Launch Trailer [PEGI] | length: 1m 35s | Likes: 36 Dislikes: 2 Views: 739 | by Square Enix Collective | Published On 15/5/2018
L276[14:31:31] <CompanionCube> unless it's used elsewhere
L277[14:31:38] <CompanionCube> which it might be, I don't use network manager
L278[14:31:48] <AmandaC> I do on my laptop, which I'll be getting back on friday
L279[14:32:17] <Inari> courtesy of Temia
L280[14:33:53] <AmandaC> I feel like there WAS a windows virus or similar that reprogrammed attached programmable calculators from TI as a spread vector, but I don't remember anything specific, just learning that and being like "What, reprogrammable calculators!?"
L281[14:35:27] <AmandaC> %choose new or old
L282[14:35:27] <MichiBot> AmandaC: old
L283[14:36:16] <Forecaster> I've ordered a 3D-printer :D
L284[14:37:03] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: ..that sou nds like a good idea.
L285[14:37:14] <Mimiru> @Forecaster which one?
L286[14:37:34] <Wuerfel_21> Being able to flash the firmware on calculators is nothing new...
L287[14:37:35] <Forecaster> Anet A8
L288[14:37:36] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: when it happen it would have been like the early-to-mid 2000s
L289[14:38:07] <AmandaC> and using attached peripherals is far from novel, the first viruses were spread through floppies and DOS autoexec.
L290[14:38:13] <Mimiru> Nice
L291[14:38:32] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: I found this: https://www.wired.com/2007/06/225-new-viruses/
L292[14:38:59] <Forecaster> it's costing me about $200
L293[14:39:04] <Forecaster> with shipping
L294[14:39:08] <Wuerfel_21> I "upgraded" my casio fx9750 to a fx9860 by flashing the 9860's firmware. Now i have all the extra features (apart from the screen light)
L295[14:39:15] <AmandaC> IT's somewhat amazing to me that it's 2018 and the weakest link in most offices security is someone grabbing a random USB drive off the parking lot and plugging it in
L296[14:40:38] <AmandaC> " McAfee's Igor Muttik says portable Turing-complete gadgets are the next malware petri dish." shockly ahead of his time, what with rooted phones being another fun target
L297[14:43:11] * AmandaC decides her question to MichiBot was ambigious enough to guilt-free choose for herself.
L298[14:43:11] <Wrothmonk> Is anyone here familiar with setting up a github repo for use with OPPM that could help me set up a programs.cfg file properly for a package with multiple levels of sub-folders? I've been bashing my head against this one for a few hours now and nothing is really making sense.
L299[14:43:17] <Inari> Hm
L300[14:43:27] <Inari> What was the name of the touhou character with a paint palette
L301[14:43:38] <Inari> Anda colourful skirt
L302[14:43:39] * Mimiru pokes Vexatos
L303[14:44:00] <AmandaC> ( new/old could apply to either of the anime I was choosing between, depending on the context )
L304[14:44:05] <Mimiru> @Wrothmonk Vexatos can likely help you, as the author of OPPM and all. If he's around.
L305[14:44:55] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk you read the example and http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm? :I
L306[14:46:39] <Forecaster> who even reads
L307[14:46:49] <Vexatos> what is a read
L308[14:47:02] <Wrothmonk> Yes, I have. It works fine up until the point where I have a folder in a folder to install. Then I get an error... Give me a sec and I'll grab a copy of it.
L309[14:47:34] <Inari> hmm Hinanai Tenshi apparently, seems the paint palette part was me misrecalling something. Or recalling a picture that depicted her with one and thinking it's part of her character
L310[14:48:52] <Inari> I think I'll write this iteratively and then figure out how to do it in Elm
L311[14:48:58] <Wrothmonk> <https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/263863546973126657/446036214458351666/Screen_Shot_2018-05-15_at_2.47.54_PM.png&gt;
L312[14:49:34] <Wrothmonk> https://github.com/wrothmonk/OpenComputers Link to my repo. That error is from trying to install storage-os from it.
L313[14:49:45] <Wrothmonk> <https://github.com/wrothmonk/OpenComputers&gt; Link to my repo. That error is from trying to install storage-os from it. [Edited]
L314[14:50:49] <Wrothmonk> I've been messing about with a dummy package (oppmtest) and I get a similar issue with folder 2-2
L315[14:55:32] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:981e:de66:a5e3:4190)
L316[14:55:55] <Wrothmonk> I've also tried being *very* verbose with the file configuration, but that doesn't seem to make a difference.
L317[14:57:19] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@172-10-186-129.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L318[15:03:09] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L319[15:04:48] <Wrothmonk> Hrm... I just noticed something looking at the url in the error. For some reason OPPM is searching for the 'core' folder directly under 'robot' instead of 'robot/lib' where it actually is.
L320[15:05:15] <Wrothmonk> Hrm... I just noticed something looking at the url in the error. For some reason OPPM appears to be searching for the 'core' folder directly under 'robot' instead of 'robot/lib' where it actually is. [Edited]
L321[15:05:33] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L322[15:06:55] <Wrothmonk> Same issue with the oppmtest, the url suggests it's trying to get /parent/folder2-2 instead of /parent/folder2/folder2-2
L323[15:10:31] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L324[15:10:36] <CompanionCube> meanwwhile, in very unsurprising bad news: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44133308
L325[15:11:13] <AmandaC> Hold on, let me put on my shocked face..... oh shoot, I left it in the pocket universe I visited the other night!
L326[15:11:52] <CompanionCube> go and retrieve it then
L327[15:12:10] <AmandaC> I would, but they closed 5 minutes ago for remodeling!
L328[15:12:29] <AmandaC> I'll have to pick it up in the next eon from the construction workers.
L329[15:12:51] <Inari> Sheesh they sure are whiny for threatening everyone wiht missiles
L330[15:14:43] <CompanionCube> it's north korea
L331[15:14:52] <CompanionCube> whining is their entire shtick
L332[15:15:21] <AmandaC> wining and comparing "buttons"
L333[15:15:28] <AmandaC> whining*
L334[15:15:39] <AmandaC> anyway, off to lay down and binge anime
L335[15:16:38] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
L336[15:47:14] <Inari> Right
L337[15:47:18] <Inari> I think i found a way to do it
L338[15:47:19] <Inari> Maybe
L339[15:53:21] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L340[15:58:51] <Kodos> ping, is Shenzen any good?
L341[15:59:04] <Kodos> Gearing up for the Summer Sale next month, trying to put together a list of what to get with the new PC
L342[16:00:01] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.0)
L343[16:01:13] <Inari> I like it well enough :p It has the usual Zachtronics issue for me though (where it doesn't really give me any reason to do the puzzles)
L344[16:01:38] <Kodos> I foresee a similar issue in that I suck at low level programming and wouldn't have a real clue as to what to do
L345[16:02:47] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk I guess that part of OPPM was never tested :P
L346[16:03:34] <Vexatos> just because I have code for folders inside folders doesn't mean that that code works
L347[16:04:05] <Vexatos> what's curious is that the second recursion step has a shorter URL than the first
L348[16:04:55] <Wrothmonk> Ah, so it wasn't the usual of me just being dumb!
L349[16:05:03] <Vexatos> well that might still be it
L350[16:05:10] <Vexatos> but if you see the stack trace
L351[16:05:20] <Vexatos> it actually properly entered the first recursion step
L352[16:05:29] <Vexatos> the second one crashed
L353[16:06:24] <Wrothmonk> That's a bit odd.
L354[16:07:31] <Vexatos> it is totally missing a line of the error message though
L355[16:09:29] <Vexatos> ok uh
L356[16:09:32] <Wrothmonk> Alright, well I just updated the cfg to explicitly define *every* file, which appears to have worked. That'll probably be a pain to manage later down the line, but it'll do until you can figure out a fix for this.
L357[16:09:39] <Vexatos> that directory doesn't even contain a subdirectory
L358[16:09:47] <Vexatos> wat
L359[16:10:35] <Vexatos> yea no
L360[16:10:40] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk that code is never run
L361[16:10:44] <Vexatos> it should never do any recursion
L362[16:11:07] <Vexatos> oh wait no it is
L363[16:11:13] <Vexatos> nevermind
L364[16:12:35] <Vexatos> ok I see where it crashes
L365[16:14:51] <Vexatos> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
L366[16:14:56] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk fixing it
L367[16:15:25] <Wrothmonk> Sweet! That was faster than I expected by a longshot.
L368[16:15:36] <Vexatos> well OPPM isn't really a complex program
L369[16:16:51] <Forecaster> was it gremlins?
L370[16:17:31] <Forecaster> %loot
L371[16:17:31] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a pentagram pendant.
L372[16:17:44] <Forecaster> aw, I already got one of those today >:
L373[16:19:15] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk would you mind testing it in a few minutes?
L374[16:19:37] <Vexatos> the github API always takes ages to update
L375[16:19:48] <Vexatos> so if you could refert your programs.cfg now that'd be nice
L376[16:20:00] <Wrothmonk> kk
L377[16:20:29] <Vexatos> and I need to finish this up, too
L378[16:21:32] <Vexatos> yes, this should do
L379[16:21:36] <Vexatos> it was exactly the code I expected
L380[16:21:40] <Vexatos> I never tested it
L381[16:21:46] <Vexatos> because noone ever made a project with folders in folders
L382[16:22:30] <Vexatos> yay https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/commit/cd3239d5d6bb67d4f499791ffcac65dc5cda37fe
L383[16:23:11] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk in around three to four minutes, run "oppm update oppm"
L384[16:23:31] <Vexatos> maybe two will suffice
L385[16:23:32] <Mimiru> https://twitter.com/CloeCouture/status/996218489831473152
L386[16:23:33] <MichiBot> Mon May 14 21:39:31 CDT 2018 @CloeCouture: What do you hear?! Yanny or Laurel https://t.co/jvHhCbMc8I
L387[16:23:44] <Wrothmonk> Will do!
L388[16:24:19] <Kodos> Not sure how the hell that could be construed as Laurel. It barely sounds like Yanny
L389[16:24:43] <Forecaster> "Jerri"
L390[16:25:19] <Mimiru> I hear Yanny
L391[16:25:33] <Mimiru> but the friend I'm staying with hears Laurel
L392[16:25:47] <Mimiru> https://twitter.com/earthvessquotes/status/996390813939748864
L393[16:25:47] <MichiBot> Tue May 15 09:04:16 CDT 2018 @earthvessquotes: @CloeCouture you can hear both when you adjust the bass levels: https://t.co/22boppUJS1
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L395[16:25:56] <Mimiru> theres that, and with it I hear both
L396[16:26:08] <Forecaster> brains weird
L397[16:26:45] <Mimiru> I think this simulation has some errors
L398[16:27:08] <Forecaster> you mean features™
L399[16:27:27] <Vexatos> are you not supposed to hear both
L400[16:27:48] <Forecaster> it'll break the matrix!
L401[16:27:51] <Mimiru> both are present
L402[16:28:01] <Mimiru> just seems your brain picks one
L403[16:28:58] <Vexatos> if I use my other speakers, I can only hear laurel
L404[16:29:03] <Vexatos> I blame the speakers
L405[16:29:15] <Inari> Definitely Laurel
L406[16:29:38] <Mimiru> Vexatos, I'd go with that
L407[16:29:42] <Mimiru> except we're in the same room
L408[16:29:47] <Mimiru> listening from the same source
L409[16:29:55] <Vexatos> well with my headphones I hear both :I
L410[16:30:22] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E1E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'If you live to be 113, you're a teenager again!')
L411[16:30:27] <Vexatos> @Wrothmonk does it work D:
L412[16:30:32] <Forecaster> @Mimiru do you remember where the db update stuff happened in mb?
L413[16:30:35] <Wrothmonk> @Vexatos It works!
L414[16:30:38] <Vexatos> nice .-.
L415[16:30:53] <Wrothmonk> Glad I could help find this extremely niche bug ^.^
L416[16:31:07] <Forecaster> I could have sworn there was some kind of version check somewhere and conditional updates...
L417[16:32:13] <Vexatos> glad that there are people using this garbage >_>
L418[16:32:17] <Mimiru> @Forecaster https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/utils/Database.java#L125
L419[16:33:08] <Vexatos> %sel "a knee"
L420[16:33:08] <MichiBot> a knee
L421[16:33:09] <Vexatos> still works
L422[16:33:16] <Forecaster> oh right, they were added in the hooks
L423[16:33:24] <Forecaster> allrighty
L424[16:33:34] <Vexatos> when was the last time selene was updated on MichiBot?
L425[16:33:37] <Mimiru> ^ yeah the hooks can call updates
L426[16:33:43] <Mimiru> Vexatos, the last time it was built
L427[16:33:49] <Vexatos> was that recently?
L428[16:33:51] <Mimiru> so... a few days ago?
L429[16:33:56] <Vexatos> good enough
L430[16:34:14] <Mimiru> my jenkins is dead
L431[16:34:14] <Mimiru> but
L432[16:34:17] <AmandaC> Mimiru: that seems like one of those optical illusions where you change the direction of the thing by thinking it. My brain could parse it as either, depending on the accent I imagine the speaker havong
L433[16:34:27] <Mimiru> signon: Sat May 12 01:28:14
L434[16:34:32] <Mimiru> I'd assume around then
L435[16:34:42] <Forecaster> highest min version appears to be 5
L436[16:34:47] <Forecaster> so I guess this'll be 6
L437[16:34:56] <Mimiru> ooh, DB upgrade incoming
L438[16:35:09] <Vexatos> %sel for i, j <- $(i -> i <= 10 and i*i or nil) do print(j) end
L439[16:35:09] <MichiBot> main:1: malformed number near '10a'
L440[16:35:18] <Vexatos> yay I broke it
L441[16:37:20] <Mimiru> That's likely not my fault.
L442[16:37:26] <Mimiru> :P
L443[16:37:41] <Vexatos> it is an issue in.....
L444[16:37:41] <AmandaC> %blame @Forecaster, always
L445[16:37:41] * MichiBot blames @Forecaster, always for bridge fees
L446[16:37:57] <Vexatos> for i in $(i -> i <= 10 and i*i or nil) do print(i) end
L447[16:38:00] <Vexatos> %sel for i in $(i -> i <= 10 and i*i or nil) do print(i) end
L448[16:38:01] <MichiBot> 1 | 4 | 9 | 16 | 25 | 36 | 49 | 64 | 81 | 100
L449[16:38:02] <Vexatos> yup
L450[16:38:06] <Vexatos> how weird
L451[16:42:12] <Forecaster> gonna have to make a bunch of changes to Inventory, so not tonight
L452[16:42:15] <Forecaster> time for bed!
L453[16:42:27] <Forecaster> %loot
L454[16:42:27] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic allegro days! (25%)
L455[16:47:35] <Wuerfel_21> %markov
L456[16:47:45] <Wuerfel_21> Bah
L457[16:48:03] <Wuerfel_21> ~markov
L458[16:48:03] <ocdoc> Usage: ~markov nick
L459[16:48:40] <Wuerfel_21> ~markov Corded
L460[16:48:40] <Vexatos> welp, fixed that now
L461[16:48:42] <ocdoc> I only remember to include in GEOS as in "Spectrum-style attribute "D" is broken again!" then I suggest waiting for you then, I forgot the sticks
L462[16:48:59] <Vexatos> silly me >_> https://github.com/Vexatos/Selene/commit/e8d77e0bf1c72286faaa807ca0b4ea352de59b91
L463[16:50:10] <Vexatos> %sel f = (a! a < 4 -> 4) + (a! a < 8 -> 8) + (a -> 10) for i = 1, 10 do print(f(i)) end
L464[16:50:11] <MichiBot> 4 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10
L465[16:50:13] <Vexatos> yaaaaaaay
L466[16:52:02] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:f596:984:7c9e:d88a) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L467[16:59:04] <AmandaC> ~markov lewd
L468[16:59:05] <ocdoc> thinknig of mod integrate well with strength, creativity and lewdness to rival Inari. Caution: Sharp teeth and a Lizzy in jail, young
L469[16:59:17] <AmandaC> ...
L470[16:59:28] <AmandaC> Pls no
L471[16:59:43] <Mimiru> o_O
L472[16:59:44] <Lizzy> why am i in jail :<
L473[17:00:05] <Temia> LET LIZZY GO
L474[17:00:12] <Lizzy> #FreeLizzy
L475[17:00:17] <AmandaC> Lizzy: it's an alternate timeline you who stopped aging, clearly
L476[17:00:35] <AmandaC> A lolizzy if you will
L477[17:00:38] * AmandaC flees
L478[17:00:54] <Mimiru> ...
L479[17:00:57] <Mimiru> lol
L480[17:01:05] * Lizzy sighs at the pun but is interested to see what that would look like
L481[17:01:49] <AmandaC> I'm so sorry
L482[17:02:42] * AmandaC beams a cup of everyone actives favourite drink in front of them
L483[17:03:00] * AmandaC goes off to watch more neuro
L484[17:03:42] * Lizzy sips the spontanious cup of pepsi max that appeared in front of her, wondering if it was altered in any way....
L485[17:04:34] * Temia ends up with a liquid almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.
L486[17:20:51] <Temia> %weather N1L0G2
L487[17:20:52] <MichiBot> Current weather for Guelph, Ontario Current Temp: 66.9°F/19.4°C Feels Like: 66.9°F/19.4°C Current Humidity: 87% Wind: From the WSW 1.2 Mph/1.9 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L488[17:20:57] <Temia> bleeeech
L489[17:22:02] <Lizzy> %weather Grays, united kingdom
L490[17:22:02] <MichiBot> Current weather for Grays, United Kingdom Current Temp: 56.8°F/13.8°C Feels Like: 56.8°F/13.8°C Current Humidity: 85% Wind: From the North 0.0 Mph/0.0 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L491[17:22:37] <Lizzy> got really concerned when i read the Farenheight as celcius
L492[17:30:56] <AmandaC> Temia: sorry, the American contractors on the matter replicator still can't get it right I guess
L493[17:31:20] <AmandaC> (yes ,bi recognised the h2g2 ref)
L494[17:31:25] <Temia> <3
L495[17:31:34] <Temia> I was the one who added no tea to the inventory, I was obligated to
L496[17:48:21] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:49ef:8d34:9ee7:82e7)
L497[18:07:59] <Kleadron> %loot
L498[18:07:59] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains an empty post-it note.
L499[18:09:52] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p5797272B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L500[18:16:39] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107179462425E48466F39BD4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L501[18:35:23] <Mimiru> K... guess I get to learn how to CAD.
L502[18:53:03] <CompanionCube> ...well this is something tht shouldn't exist
L503[18:53:07] <CompanionCube> https://www.rawstory.com/2018/05/oklahoma-gop-candidate-proposes-euthanasia-disabled-poor-avoid-food-stamps/
L504[19:16:19] <AmandaC> Temia: can I borrow your key for the universe control panel, I need to make some adjustments and lost mine somewhere inside the human genome
L505[19:17:18] <Temia> Sadly I don't have mine.
L506[19:17:38] <Temia> If you live in the Michigan area, I can refer you to the next best thing.
L507[19:18:17] <AmandaC> Alas, I'm near Philly
L508[19:18:54] <AmandaC> I'll just brute Force it causing a hard reset, tweak it on the reinstall
L509[19:24:49] <Kleadron> Did anyone ever notice that the minecraft icon got changed to a crafting table?
L510[19:40:20] <AmandaC> I think that's multimc's doing isn't it?
L511[19:58:15] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L512[20:20:16] <Kodos> Does Minecraft Bedrock have any redeeming qualities and/or reasons to use it, or should I just only install Java Edition
L513[20:33:15] <Izaya> It probably runs better.
L514[20:33:28] <Izaya> Course, there's no mods so it's not worth playing.
L515[20:43:12] <CntKillMe> Hi is it possible to differentiate between disk drives? The address the analyzer gives me is the address of the disk inside, but is there a way to specify a disk drive itself or do I have to just deal with "sides"?
L516[21:09:05] <Izaya> I don't think the drive itself is a component
L517[21:26:04] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot two tickets to The hot springs in hell
L518[21:26:04] * MichiBot accepts two tickets to The hot springs in hell and adds it to her inventory
L519[21:50:33] <AmandaC> %choose watch more or maintain a sane sleep schedule
L520[21:50:33] <MichiBot> AmandaC: maintain a sane sleep schedule
L521[21:50:38] <AmandaC> Aww
L522[21:50:42] <AmandaC> I guess that's okay
L523[21:51:25] <AmandaC> Mimiru: https://imgur.com/gallery/6XujNHh
L524[21:57:45] <AmandaC> (that made me think of you, guessing from the car mods you've talked about in here)
L525[22:00:53] <Mimiru> lmao AmandaC
L526[22:01:15] <Mimiru> There are a few mods I suppose.
L527[22:01:17] <Mimiru> :P
L528[22:01:24] <AmandaC> :3
L529[22:01:45] <AmandaC> Going to sleep now I guess, the tireds have breached the walls.
L530[22:01:52] <AmandaC> Night nerds
L531[22:02:08] <Izaya> o/
L532[22:42:57] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:49ef:8d34:9ee7:82e7) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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