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Stuff goes here
L1[00:17:53] <gamax92> Hello there.
L2[00:19:29] <Mimiru> o/ gamax92
L3[00:20:40] <Forecaster> I for one look forward to when the Illuminati outlaws IRC across the globe
L4[00:21:10] <gamax92> life's been stabbing me pretty hard, so I'm taking a break from stuff and going to try being more active here
L5[00:21:46] <Mimiru> :(
L6[00:21:50] * Mimiru hugs gamax92
L7[00:22:00] * gamax92 hugs Mimiru
L8[00:22:03] <Xal> Forecaster: I fear you're too far gone :P
L9[00:22:32] <Forecaster> I'm right there though
L10[00:23:32] <Xal> When I use discord, I just cut out the middle man and have a script send all my messages to the FBI "send an anonymous tip" form
L11[00:24:45] <gamax92> Mimiru: how do I set a reminder for a certain day again?
L12[00:25:07] <Mimiru> %remind me 12d do the thing
L13[00:25:12] <Mimiru> %remindme 12d do the thing
L14[00:25:12] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "do the thing" at 05/05/2018 12:25:12 AM
L15[00:25:55] <Xal> %remindme 10e999y watch a proton decay
L16[00:26:01] <Xal> darn
L17[00:26:04] <gamax92> lol
L18[00:38:13] <payonel> gamax92: o/ it's good to see you :)
L19[00:41:09] <gamax92> Hey payonel
L20[00:41:58] <Izaya> o/
L21[00:49:25] ⇦ Quits: Corded (Corded!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L22[00:49:33] ⇨ Joins: Corded (Corded!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L23[00:49:34] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L24[00:49:40] <Mimiru> Test
L25[00:49:47] <Mimiru> yay avatar.
L26[00:54:59] <Wuerfel_21> I see, Corded got an upgrade...
L27[00:55:08] <Mimiru> Little bit
L28[00:56:31] <Mimiru> Corded now uses webhooks for sending messages if one is available in the channel
L29[00:57:22] <Mimiru> the old method still works too for channels without webhooks
L30[01:04:32] <Wuerfel_21> Kewl
L31[01:13:37] <Forecaster> but now we have to get used to the names not being in front of the messages anymore :O
L32[01:22:35] <Mimiru> lol
L33[01:23:17] <Mimiru> This should be less confusing for newcomers though
L34[01:23:53] <Mimiru> Until they think everyone is a bot lmao
L35[01:33:27] ⇦ Quits: Corded (Corded!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L36[01:33:35] ⇨ Joins: Corded (Corded!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L37[01:33:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L38[01:33:51] <Wuerfel_21> DESTROY THE HUMANOID
L39[01:33:54] <Mimiru> There, and now it looks for a Webhook named "Corded" and not just *ANY* webhook, to make sure you WANT it to be used.
L40[01:43:49] <Forecaster> \o/
L41[01:44:17] <Forecaster> now if only you could do that on the irc side too
L42[01:44:32] <Forecaster> so new people there wouldn't see corded either
L43[01:45:29] <Izaya> I don't think esper would be happy about that
L44[01:45:41] <Izaya> also, what happens when corded restarts?
L45[01:46:17] <Mimiru> Izaya?
L46[01:46:37] <Izaya> a connection for every discord user to here
L47[01:46:42] <Mimiru> Oh
L48[01:46:45] <Mimiru> lol, yeaaaaah
L49[01:46:59] <Mimiru> sorry I'm really tired...
L50[01:47:04] <Izaya> I think they limit to 5 connections from one IP to here for a start
L51[01:47:11] <Izaya> though you have a significant bouncer so
L52[01:47:25] <gamax92> boing
L53[01:47:37] <Izaya> still
L54[01:47:48] <Izaya> esper would not be happy
L55[01:47:54] <Forecaster> :P
L56[01:48:08] <Forecaster> nick change before each message!
L57[01:48:10] <Izaya> should just encourage people to use IRC instead :^)
L58[01:48:27] * Mimiru stabs @Forecaster
L59[01:48:38] * Izaya squints
L60[01:48:38] <Forecaster> ohno
L61[01:48:40] <Izaya> That...
L62[01:48:48] <Izaya> Well, it'd work, I guess.
L63[01:48:48] <gamax92> Oh huh, a busybox update
L64[01:49:21] <Forecaster> well, if someone has nick-changes on it'd get really spammy :P
L65[01:49:42] <Forecaster> for those that don't filter out nick change messages that is
L66[01:52:59] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4fc1eda9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L67[01:54:25] <gamax92> I need to find a new rom for my phone
L68[01:55:05] <Inari> s/ro/roo
L69[01:55:05] <MichiBot> <gamax92> I need to find a new room for my phone
L70[01:55:37] <Inari> Today: gamax92's phone transformed into a cute anime girl
L71[01:56:16] <gamax92> Ohai Inari
L72[01:56:36] <Inari> Yaho
L73[01:57:18] <Forecaster> %moo ^
L74[01:57:18] <MichiBot> Yahoo
L75[02:31:57] <Saphire> %moo ^
L76[02:31:57] <MichiBot> Yahoooo
L77[02:32:02] <Saphire> %moo ^
L78[02:32:02] <MichiBot> Yahoooooooo
L79[02:32:05] <Saphire> %moo ^
L80[02:32:05] <MichiBot> Yahoooooooooooooooo
L81[02:32:19] <Saphire> ...Eh, okay, I get it now
L82[02:32:52] <Forecaster> it just adds an "o" to each group of "o"s :P
L83[02:33:19] <Izaya> s/o/oo/
L84[02:33:19] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> it just adds an "oo" to each group of "o"s :P
L85[02:33:26] <Izaya> s/o/oo/g
L86[02:33:26] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> it just adds an "oooo" too each grooup oof "oo"s :P
L87[02:33:47] <Forecaster> %moo it just adds an "o" to each group of "o"s :P
L88[02:33:47] <MichiBot> it joost adds an "oo" too each groooop oof "oo"s :P
L89[02:34:01] <Forecaster> oh right, and replaces "u" with "oo"
L90[02:34:46] <Forecaster> %help moo
L91[02:34:52] <Forecaster> darn
L92[02:43:21] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L93[02:50:10] <Saphire> s/da/ba/
L94[02:50:11] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> barn
L95[03:11:42] <Inari> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343098286187741187/437886149831426054/So-sweet.jpg
L96[03:51:03] <Forecaster> "barn" means "children" in swedish
L97[03:52:11] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L98[03:52:17] <Forecaster> %shell
L99[03:52:18] * MichiBot loads a golden boy into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near infina, Renari and Patchi. They each take 9, 8 and 9 splash damage respectively.
L100[03:59:47] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbTdSMmV4AE-Ws9.jpg:large
L101[04:18:09] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ydbbdy7b
L102[04:18:13] <Forecaster> Current steam installer
L103[04:32:51] <Inari> Did you just DL the steam installer? :P
L104[04:34:47] <Inari> Oh, Sangar did take part in LD
L105[04:42:34] <Forecaster> yes
L106[04:58:07] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B520FDBC41C00CC97504.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L107[04:58:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L108[05:05:29] <20kdc> AmandaC: The first and second arguments passed to your process's function are the parent app name and parent PID respectively. Other arguments are those supplied by the parent.
L109[05:27:53] <Izaya> ohey @20kdc
L110[05:28:19] <Izaya> you were talking about logging
L111[05:28:35] <Izaya> may I suggest having the log accessible from the system itself, perhaps as an event or file somewhere?
L112[05:30:05] <20kdc> I'll add an event, not that it'll particularly help boot debug
L113[05:30:43] <Izaya> Aye. I'm thinking mostly for application development.
L114[05:30:57] <Izaya> It's nice to be able to neo.emergency() and if I can have a thing for watching logs that'd be v. convenient
L115[05:35:30] <Izaya> Oh, should I make a PR with just my launcher stuff or should I add Minitel to it first?
L116[05:45:15] <Skye> Izaya, do they depend on each other
L117[05:45:17] <Corded> * <20kdc> looks at horrifying licensing mess
L118[05:45:37] <Izaya> Skye: no, launchers are separate to each other and minitel
L119[05:45:38] <20kdc> I have no idea
L120[05:46:00] <Izaya> minitel stack is also independent and includes only a service and library
L121[05:46:26] <Skye> then PR the launcher
L122[05:46:38] <Izaya> oh also, I think I asked this before but are there any changes coming in R2 that will possibly break minitel?
L123[05:46:52] <Izaya> or alternatively introduce ways to make it better?
L124[05:47:14] <20kdc> None that I know of that would break it, and there is service autostart for making it better
L125[05:47:35] <Izaya> so the service autostart thing is so users no longer need to set run.svc-minitel=yes, right?
L126[05:47:43] <20kdc> yup
L127[05:47:49] * Izaya nods
L128[05:47:51] <Izaya> Nice :D
L129[05:49:53] <Izaya> still, minitel is most useful when run at boot, but it'll be nice for more constrained machines
L130[05:51:11] <20kdc> ...the thing I'm most concerned about is redrafting the licensing structure to something that isn't going to get me sued
L131[05:52:00] <20kdc> the repository *really* isn't structured well to handle a "distribute this with the program" license
L132[05:58:03] <Izaya> may I suggest having a docs subdir with licenses, and each file can have which license it's under?
L133[05:58:23] <Izaya> so you can depend on the MIT license, or if you have a custom one, place your own in there?
L134[05:59:18] <Izaya> that way you don't end up with like 800 copies of the same file across the system
L135[06:00:07] <Izaya> it also satisfies the 'distribute with' requirement
L136[06:02:25] <20kdc> well, that was the plan - a "licensing" package that contains every license ever for the repository.
L137[06:02:52] <20kdc> the problem is that it doesn't get automatically distributed.
L138[06:03:20] <Izaya> hence having separate license packages and having stuff depend on the license it uses
L139[06:05:37] <20kdc> that leads to a new problem - there being a gazillion different license packages
L140[06:06:04] <Izaya> True enough.
L141[06:06:57] <20kdc> and the "repo-authors" file is common to all packages
L142[06:08:25] <20kdc> basically, until I have a solution to this I can either just say "f\*\*\* it" and just refuse any PRs that make this an issue, or I can nuke CLAW.
L143[06:08:55] <Izaya> Fun times.
L144[06:09:13] <Izaya> Well, I'll PR the stuff I've PD licensed and we'll figure out what to do with other licenses, I guess.
L145[06:09:59] <20kdc> still doesn't fix the repo-authors file problem, unless that becomes a directory
L146[06:16:17] *** Guest40986 is now known as Thog
L147[06:16:55] <Forecaster> %shell
L148[06:16:56] * MichiBot loads ? into a shell and fires it. It strikes Nachtara. They take 24 damage. Corded and Cruor stood too close and take 11 and 10 damage respectively.
L149[06:17:38] <20kdc> Corded, why do you change your name so often?
L150[06:18:01] <20kdc> ...and you have no profile - whaaa
L151[06:18:11] <Izaya> Corded is the relay bot.
L152[06:18:17] <AmandaC> Mimiru added that last night so that it can impersonate users better
L153[06:18:27] <Izaya> ohey AmandaC o/
L154[06:18:37] <AmandaC> Shit, I've been spotted! ~hides~
L155[06:18:38] <20kdc> what does it do, change username for a split second?
L156[06:18:52] <AmandaC> I'm not entirely sure how it works
L157[06:19:15] <Forecaster> it uses a webhook on the server to send messages with custom usernames
L158[06:19:26] <Forecaster> instead of the bots username
L159[06:19:36] * Izaya doesn't even know what the results look like
L160[06:19:49] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ydexmh8p
L161[06:20:06] <Izaya> Not bad.
L162[06:20:50] <Izaya> %choose update pack or don't update pack
L163[06:20:50] <MichiBot> Izaya: update pack
L164[06:20:57] <Izaya> guess I'm not updating the pack
L165[06:22:01] <Izaya> reeee books need leather now
L166[06:23:00] <AmandaC> Didn't they always?
L167[06:23:05] <Izaya> No?
L168[06:23:11] <Izaya> Once upon a time it was just 3 paper
L169[06:23:26] <Izaya> Might have been pre-1.7 though
L170[06:24:17] <Izaya> 1.3.1 added leather to the recipe :<
L171[06:26:25] <Izaya> I wonder if there's a better way of getting leather than killing things :|
L172[06:26:39] <Izaya> Oh. So there is.
L173[06:26:39] <20kdc> dupe bugs?
L174[06:26:51] <Izaya> Well, a better way of making books, anyway.
L175[06:27:00] <Izaya> 3 paper, a string, and two blank patterns.
L176[06:27:02] <Forecaster> I should update the railcraft and buildcraft relays now so they do the same thing...
L177[06:29:04] <Forecaster> @Mimiru does the webhook need to be named Corded, or is it the name of the bot it looks for?
L178[06:29:17] <Forecaster> also do you need to add anything to the config?
L179[06:30:15] * AmandaC adds @Forecaster to the config
L180[06:36:58] <Forecaster> looks like it looks specifically for "Corded"
L181[06:40:33] <Forecaster> it also always uses the same image... the same one in this channel...
L182[06:41:09] <Forecaster> I see Mimiru hardcoded it :P
L183[06:41:51] <Forecaster> it'd be great if you could set that image url in the config instead
L184[06:43:25] <Forecaster> %inv add config
L185[06:43:25] * MichiBot summons 'config' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L186[06:43:33] <Forecaster> %fling Amanda
L187[06:43:33] * MichiBot flings pumpkin deodorant in a random direction. It hits Amanda on a small but very important bone. They take 8 damage.
L188[06:44:28] * AmandaC collapses into a pile of fluff
L189[06:45:13] <Forecaster> %s/fl/pumpkin scented fl/
L190[06:45:13] <MichiBot> * AmandaC collapses into a pile of pumpkin scented fluff
L191[06:45:25] <Izaya> Forgot how much of a pain farming sugar cane is x_x
L192[06:45:39] <Forecaster> make a robot/drone do it
L193[06:45:48] <Izaya> eh it's not the harvesting or anything
L194[06:45:57] <Izaya> it's just that you have to use a fancy pattern to use space efficiently
L195[06:46:02] <20kdc> ...remind me what happened to half the drone documentation again
L196[06:46:31] <Forecaster> Amanda sharpened her claws on it
L197[06:46:35] <20kdc> ah
L198[06:46:41] <AmandaC> @20kdc New-er and improveder app-lilac-exec: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/qWLaxHCAm5iGj4J
L199[06:47:04] <AmandaC> Though, when prepparing for that I discovered a bug
L200[06:47:18] * AmandaC goes to make it so the "Edit" button doesn't clear the input
L201[06:47:21] <Mimiru> @Forecaster I’ll make it configable at som point
L202[06:47:28] <Forecaster> great :)
L203[06:47:57] <Izaya> Oooh, re-run :D
L204[06:48:20] <20kdc> I get the distinct impression that app-lilac-exec is going to take over the world
L205[06:48:41] <AmandaC> Nah, just demolish it for a space super-highway
L206[06:49:08] <20kdc> fiar enough
L207[06:49:12] <20kdc> *fair
L208[06:49:20] <Forecaster> fire enough
L209[06:49:35] <20kdc> big yellow spaceship enough
L210[06:49:58] <Mimiru> It’s 4:45 am though and my alarm to call Naomi to make sure our oldest is up for school went off so I’m going back to sleep
L211[06:50:21] <Forecaster> fun times
L212[06:50:51] <AmandaC> Hrm. This could be a problem. After the edit dialog to add a value is run, I throw away the string representation in favor of the serial.deserialize'd value
L213[06:51:21] <AmandaC> I guess I'll make the serial.deserialize happen before I actually send the RPC
L214[06:51:26] * Izaya hmms
L215[06:51:37] <Mimiru> But yeah the new stuff will be more configurable hopefully lol
L216[06:51:46] <Izaya> I haven't eaten properly in about 36 hours now :| I should do that.
L217[06:51:52] <Mimiru> Night-ish
L218[06:51:57] <Izaya> o/
L219[06:52:19] <Izaya> fancy farm now https://my.mixtape.moe/dtgafr.png
L220[06:54:28] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L221[06:55:19] <20kdc> it's beautiful
L222[06:55:41] <Izaya> damn straight
L223[06:57:43] <20kdc> that'd be a nice place to live... so calm, and peaceful
L224[06:57:55] <Izaya> Meadows are nice.
L225[06:58:31] <Izaya> Server's open and there's empty houses. \o/
L226[07:03:23] <Wuerfel_21> If someone needs a shitty german server, tell me and i have an excuse to boot mine up again ?
L227[07:18:51] <Forecaster> %shell
L228[07:18:51] * MichiBot loads broken water-damaged DS into a shell and fires it. It strikes Lizzy. They take 4 damage (Minimum). glasspelican and tiin57 stood too close and take 4 (7-3) and 3 (6-3) damage respectively.
L229[07:20:33] <Izaya> for anyone that cares (read: nobody), https://oc.shadowkat.net/skssrv/
L230[07:28:34] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
L231[07:34:59] <S3> Izaya: does it have retrocomputers?!
L232[07:35:11] <Wuerfel_21> that reminds me that i need a domain
L233[07:35:22] <Izaya> S3: I can add it
L234[07:35:28] <Inari> %fling whatever
L235[07:35:28] * MichiBot flings a nasty edge case in a random direction. It hits whatever on the arm. They take 19 damage.
L236[07:35:35] <S3> I think it's 1.12.x
L237[07:35:41] <S3> but it looks pretty neat
L238[07:36:10] <Izaya> that's the one that implements the J1 FORTH CPU, right?
L239[07:36:18] <S3> No but what is that?!
L240[07:36:29] <S3> retro computers is an RP2 eloraam computer clone
L241[07:36:37] <S3> the J! cpu sounds neat
L242[07:36:42] <S3> j1 cpu mod*
L243[07:37:44] <Izaya> oh wait that was NedoComputers
L244[07:37:47] <S3> oh what is that j1 mod x20kdc told me the other day
L245[07:37:48] <S3> yes that
L246[07:37:50] <S3> nedo computers
L247[07:37:53] <S3> is it any good?
L248[07:38:39] <Izaya> it was p. cool
L249[07:38:44] <Izaya> looks like it isn't 1.12 though
L250[07:38:47] <S3> huh both nedo and retro use forth and was kinda based on the 65el02
L251[07:38:59] <S3> retro is for 1.12.1 and 2 I think
L252[07:39:13] <Izaya> nah nedo was the J1
L253[07:39:14] <S3> i was hoping for them to use a different arch
L254[07:39:18] <S3> yes
L255[07:40:01] <S3> hmm what else is in here..
L256[07:40:20] <Izaya> https://bitbucket.org/Shuleshkin/nedocomputers/wiki/CPU
L257[07:40:23] <S3> Izaya: I really wish that super circuit maker supported project red gates, etc
L258[07:40:32] <Izaya> I vaguely want to try to do a J1 in Lua at some point
L259[07:40:43] <Izaya> it'd be nice to have a J1 CPU I could use in Minetest
L260[07:40:49] <S3> Izaya: my only concern is that forth is really attached to memory
L261[07:41:16] <S3> and it's hard to perform certain things without a concrete memory map
L262[08:10:16] ⇨ Joins: SolaoBajiuik (SolaoBajiuik!~quassel@
L263[08:25:56] <S3> Izaya: minetest is nice
L264[08:26:42] <Vexatos> S3, but does it run Selene
L265[08:26:46] <Vexatos> I need to know
L266[08:27:28] <S3> Vexatos: you could run lua on forth!
L267[08:27:32] <S3> then selene on that
L268[08:27:36] <Vexatos> S3, I mean minetest
L269[08:27:43] <S3> no idea
L270[08:27:47] <Vexatos> Try it!
L271[08:27:50] <S3> it could
L272[08:28:14] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (wolfmitchell!~mitchell@23-111-179-112.exho.co)
L273[08:29:09] <Forecaster> %shell
L274[08:29:09] * MichiBot loads storage into a shell and fires it. It strikes Kasen. They take 9 damage. ping and LordFokas stood too close and take 5 and 5 damage respectively.
L275[08:29:53] <Inari> %inv add a loli sitting pretty with a pistol in hand
L276[08:29:53] * MichiBot summons 'a loli sitting pretty with a pistol in hand' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L277[08:29:54] <Forecaster> hm, I should make it conflate them if the rolls are the same
L278[08:30:49] <Inari> If I beg~ If I plead~ Would you please, pleae, pleasee satisfy me~
L279[08:31:35] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:545c:6177:316d:2750)
L280[08:31:49] <Forecaster> nah
L281[08:32:00] <Inari> Psh :P
L282[08:40:02] <Arcan> ... in what way
L283[08:41:43] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phFbD9XDpjo
L284[08:41:44] <MichiBot> Cowboy Bebop OST - Cosmic Dare (Pretty with a Pistol) | length: 4m 28s | Likes: 72 Dislikes: 2 Views: 8,680 | by ZeglarnMooncaster | Published On 1/10/2011
L285[08:52:25] <Temia> Seems Inari isn't into neglect play.
L286[08:54:36] <Vexatos> @Forecaster I heard you like odd games, now would you look at the guy who made this https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/bulletproof-strategy
L287[08:54:41] <Inari> Temia: Haha
L288[08:54:48] <Inari> @Forecaster Correct
L289[08:55:58] <Vexatos> bwahaha
L290[08:56:05] <Forecaster> @Vexatos I've literally never heard of this person
L291[08:56:10] <Vexatos> same
L292[08:56:45] <Forecaster> I guess that'll be the next detour :P
L293[08:57:14] <Vexatos> I have no idea how good that game is but I heard good things about the dev
L294[08:59:03] <Forecaster> it's received one rating, but I can't tell if it's positive or negative
L295[09:01:29] <Vexatos> ╥────────────────────────╥
L296[09:01:29] <Vexatos> â•‘ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT â•‘
L297[09:01:29] <Vexatos> â•‘ THAT IS ALL. â•‘
L298[09:01:29] <Vexatos> ╨────────────────────────╨
L299[09:01:29] <Vexatos> â•‘ SANGAR MADE A GAME. â•‘
L300[09:01:33] <Sangar> take it from an insider that it... barely works. i won't claim that it does much more than that >_>
L301[09:01:40] <Vexatos> thanks IRC
L302[09:03:07] <Forecaster> your columns are escaping
L303[09:03:10] <Vexatos> @Sangar then you could be proud of featuring in Forecaster's worst Detour episode yet!
L304[09:03:24] <Sangar> heck yeah
L305[09:03:28] <Vexatos> heck yeah!
L306[09:04:11] <Sangar> the last hour was kinda stressful >_> to the point that the main menu still says "Name Of The Game" where the name should've gone, herpderp
L307[09:05:29] <Inari> Haha
L308[09:05:58] <Forecaster> well, I think No Mans Sky will remain #1 worst game I've featured :P
L309[09:06:24] <Vexatos> you're probably not wrong
L310[09:06:50] <Sangar> heh, well, at least when taking into account the time to develop :>
L311[09:07:01] <Izaya> oh wow it's actually Sangar
L312[09:07:03] <Izaya> hai! :D
L313[09:07:09] <Vexatos> @Sangar it's all about that bugs/devhour ratio
L314[09:07:13] <Sangar> heyo!
L315[09:07:18] <Forecaster> I hated every other second playing NMS
L316[09:07:26] <Forecaster> I doubt your game will do that
L317[09:07:28] <Inari> NMS is an okay game though
L318[09:08:43] <Sangar> well, just wait until you get barraged by 50 fighters from off screen :x
L319[09:09:50] <Vexatos> I mean he was playing Furious Angels just yesterday
L320[09:09:55] <Forecaster> it was a mediocre game with horrible UI and terrible survival mechanics
L321[09:10:06] <Vexatos> so I think it'll be fine
L322[09:10:48] <Forecaster> oh right I posted a screenshot of that
L323[09:11:29] <Inari> Sure, noone's saying it's a great game
L324[09:11:31] <Inari> But its okay
L325[09:13:20] <Forecaster> It was a disappointment.
L326[09:15:39] <Izaya> hype killed it
L327[09:16:29] <Temia> Interesting choice of genres, Sangar o:
L328[09:16:43] <Temia> I'm not the bullet hell fan that I once was, but it looks fun
L329[09:17:25] <Forecaster> not hype
L330[09:17:32] <Forecaster> I never paid attention to that
L331[09:17:55] <Forecaster> it's just disappointing all on it's own
L332[09:18:30] <Forecaster> there's too little to do in too big a world, the beginning is horrible because you have to run around gathering resources for your ship while gathering resources to survive
L333[09:18:44] <Forecaster> and if you play it in creative mode there is no point
L334[09:20:43] <Sangar> Temia, it has its moments (at least i lost a lot of time towards the end because i kept playing :P) maybe i'll continue polishing it somewhen, not sure yet
L335[09:21:17] <Temia> Alrighty
L336[09:22:21] <Forecaster> I'm sure it being showcased to like 6 people will motivate you :P
L337[09:23:56] <Vexatos> and three of them are in here \:D/
L338[09:26:41] <Inari> And probably none of them can rate it for LD
L339[09:32:53] <Izaya> do relays use power without a wireless card in them?
L340[09:33:49] <Vexatos> yes they do
L341[09:33:56] <Izaya> fug
L342[09:34:11] <Vexatos> wait no
L343[09:34:15] <Vexatos> it seems that wired messages are free
L344[09:34:21] <Izaya> good
L345[09:34:27] <Izaya> because this isn't feeding it power
L346[09:34:29] <Izaya> :|
L347[09:34:31] <Vexatos> yea only linked and wireless cards have power cost
L348[09:34:36] <Izaya> shiny
L349[09:35:02] <Izaya> (My LAN has just gone to a MAN, because there are now two houses with a connection)
L350[09:35:13] <Izaya> (this involves 3 relays, becaus of reasons.)
L351[09:35:23] <Mimiru> So... neat news, I have no idea how the config in Corded works...
L352[09:35:24] <Mimiru> ._.
L353[09:35:26] <Vexatos> add a big house and it can be a MANSION
L354[09:35:26] <Mimiru> lol
L355[09:35:33] <Inari> Hm I want a nice medium-sized minecraft modpack that has some sorta direction... so like quests with a story or something like that... I liked the idea of Age of Engineering but ti was too big a pack
L356[09:47:02] <Mimiru> OC Discord down for anyone else..?
L357[09:47:35] <Inari> Seems dead
L358[09:47:42] <Mimiru> k, not just me then.
L359[09:49:26] <Inari> I'd like if OC had some kinda programmable processing unit... kinda like a FPGA I guess?
L360[09:53:40] <Vexatos> I mean MCUs exist
L361[09:53:54] <Inari> But they're lua-side
L362[09:54:21] <Inari> I'd like to specify some simple data operations, hand it a lua table, and the java-side operates on that until its done and then hands me an event saying its done
L363[09:54:43] <Vexatos> sounds way too restrictive and against half of OC >-<
L364[10:05:43] <Inari> WAs just wondering how to best process a png into a displayable format :p And then thought "spread it out on multiple PCs" but then its still not making good use of the host macihne's resources. So I thought maybe theres some way to have the data card help. And then thought some generic data processing unit would be nice
L365[10:12:01] <Inari> Vexatos: How is it against OC?
L366[10:12:56] <Vexatos> because it undermines the whole thing about architectures?
L367[10:13:20] <Vexatos> it would literally be a new architecture
L368[10:13:21] <Vexatos> so
L369[10:13:22] <Vexatos> just make one
L370[10:13:46] <Inari> Architectures are useless to make
L371[10:13:52] <Inari> Noone ever really installs addon mods
L372[10:14:06] <Inari> See: Computronics not being present in a lot of modpacks despite OC being
L373[10:14:55] <gamax92> Inari going straight for the attack
L374[10:15:20] <Vexatos> Inari, well you aren't noone ever
L375[10:15:26] <Vexatos> as far as I can tell
L376[10:16:17] <Inari> Sure, but I'd want a program that at least has a tiny chance of being used by someone, somewhere, sometime. Thats low enough as is, even lower if you tell them to install another mod to use it
L377[10:16:42] <Vexatos> well that's your problem then
L378[10:27:34] <Inari> %inv add garlic bread
L379[10:27:34] * MichiBot summons 'garlic bread' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L380[10:27:40] <Inari> %stab Vexatos
L381[10:27:40] * MichiBot stabs Vexatos with a regular hammer doing 24 damage
L382[10:27:45] <Inari> %slap test
L383[10:27:45] * MichiBot slaps test with Spectre plushie toy doing 14 damage (15-1)
L384[10:27:49] <Inari> Oh, theres that
L385[10:29:21] <gamax92> %give gamax92 garlic bread
L386[10:29:21] * MichiBot gives gamax92 garlic bread from her inventory
L387[10:29:51] <Inari> Hey!
L388[10:30:11] <gamax92> delicious
L389[10:30:16] <Inari> %slap gamax92
L390[10:30:16] * MichiBot slaps gamax92 with some snowflake-shaped salt flakes doing 2 damage
L391[10:30:22] <gamax92> :<
L392[10:30:36] <Inari> %inv add garlic space bread
L393[10:30:36] * MichiBot summons 'garlic space bread' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L394[10:33:46] <Vexatos> I love garlic :I
L395[10:35:13] <Inari> I'm not sure I'd said I love it, but I like it quite a lot
L396[10:35:40] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8W-auqg024 seen that? :p
L397[10:35:40] <MichiBot> We Sent Garlic Bread to the Edge of Space, Then Ate It | length: 5m 24s | Likes: 2,526 Dislikes: 11 Views: 22,788 | by Tom Scott | Published On 23/4/2018
L398[10:36:18] <Vexatos> garlic and ginger root might be my favourite spices
L399[10:41:43] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L400[10:52:10] <gamax92> This new version of quasseldroid is interesting.
L401[10:58:43] <Mimiru> yay
L402[10:58:45] <Mimiru> discord is back
L403[11:00:59] <gamax92> It tries to setup a discord like interface, nicks on separate lines, times on the right, and even Gravatar support even though that doesn't work for anyone here
L404[11:04:40] <Mimiru> %addcommand wtf https://i.imgur.com/tSX0NSL.gif
L405[11:04:41] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Can't override existing commands.
L406[11:04:45] <Mimiru> o_O
L407[11:04:46] <Mimiru> %wtf
L408[11:04:46] <MichiBot> Mimiru: http://goo.gl/UZF0R6
L409[11:04:55] <Mimiru> %delcommand wtf
L410[11:04:55] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Command deleted
L411[11:04:59] <Mimiru> %addcommand wtf https://i.imgur.com/tSX0NSL.gif
L412[11:04:59] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Command Added
L413[11:05:41] <payonel> that one with ryan reynolds was that bff movie, right?
L414[11:05:44] <payonel> i forget the name
L415[11:25:08] <gamax92> Hmm, this new version no longer opens up to the last channel I was in
L416[11:26:23] <Izaya> htf would gravatar work anyway
L417[11:26:48] <gamax92> No idea but it's an option
L418[11:26:51] <Inari> What do you mean, how
L419[11:27:03] <Izaya> where are the emails attached to our names
L420[11:32:38] <Inari> I still wish routers and the like would support a "hold the connection" mode :p So say, I run a IRC bot. And I want to restart it, but without disconnecting. I'd have some way to tell the router "Hey, hold this connection open, respond to PONG commands with PING commands" and restart the bot, thenI can somehow resume the connection
L421[11:33:06] <Mimiru> Bouncer... use a bouncer :P
L422[11:33:12] <Inari> :P
L423[11:33:28] <Inari> But thats a whole different piece of software!
L424[11:33:41] <Inari> Makes me wonder if theres somethingl ike a bouncer but generic purpose
L425[11:46:38] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1524492574790.webm
L426[11:47:55] <AmandaC> @20kdc uh... am I missing something, or is it not possible to paste into a tcfield?
L427[11:48:34] <20kdc> AmandaC: With the in-game clipboard or the out-of-game clipboard?
L428[11:48:34] <payonel> Izaya: is that stallman?
L429[11:48:43] <Izaya> Yes.
L430[11:48:45] <AmandaC> @20kdc out-of-game
L431[11:48:47] <20kdc> Izaya, what did I tell you about *going to sleep*.
L432[11:48:58] <20kdc> (There's context.)
L433[11:48:59] <payonel> Izaya: that is so impressively wrong
L434[11:49:10] <20kdc> AmandaC: Will do.
L435[11:49:12] <Izaya> I'm on the couch.
L436[11:49:20] <Izaya> Watching Stargate.
L437[11:49:31] <Izaya> Browsing 4chan
L438[11:49:38] <AmandaC> @20kdc although, ideally pasting using the out-of-game keyboard would also put it into the in-game clipboard.
L439[11:50:21] <AmandaC> er s/keyboard/clipboard/
L440[11:51:30] <AmandaC> payonel: also, I just had a thoght on how ocvm could emulate paste. If you get more than X chars from a read, assume it's a paste.
L441[11:51:51] <AmandaC> IT'd either be a paste or a serious amount of lag
L442[11:52:36] <payonel> AmandaC: that's actually what it does :/
L443[11:52:46] <AmandaC> oh.
L444[11:52:50] <payonel> :)
L445[11:52:58] <AmandaC> I wonder why it didn't seem to trigger when I was testing this app, then
L446[11:53:09] <payonel> maybe because i goofed it? :)
L447[11:53:12] <payonel> but that was my same idea :)
L448[11:53:36] <payonel> lemme check something about that ...
L449[11:54:07] <payonel> AmandaC: oh right
L450[11:54:15] <payonel> yeah, i serialize them into key events
L451[11:54:39] <payonel> i could consider a refactor to support that
L452[11:54:59] <payonel> i DO have a "likely a clipboard paste" condition
L453[11:55:11] <payonel> but this area of the code doesn't decide on the event
L454[11:55:24] <payonel> well it does, but, ......
L455[11:55:27] <payonel> anyways, i'll think about it :)
L456[11:56:04] <AmandaC> sure. :)
L457[11:59:32] <AmandaC> ~w signals
L458[11:59:36] <Inari> https://twitter.com/catgirls_bot/status/988459059648049152
L459[11:59:36] <MichiBot> Mon Apr 23 11:46:19 CDT 2018 @catgirls_bot: https://t.co/VR6CsdIIwR https://t.co/FiqetTYWFl
L460[11:59:42] <payonel> ~w signal
L461[11:59:46] <payonel> ~w event
L462[11:59:51] <payonel> ~w shrug
L463[12:01:23] <AmandaC> payonel: no docs for internet_ready? D:
L464[12:02:36] <payonel> maybe not? :(
L465[12:02:41] <payonel> i should fix that, too
L466[12:02:56] <payonel> it is sent after internet api is called and the data is available
L467[12:03:23] <AmandaC> appears to only be for TCP though
L468[12:04:16] <payonel> finishConnect and read call it
L469[12:04:22] <payonel> tcp only? perhaps. i haven't looked into that
L470[12:04:47] * payonel checks code
L471[12:05:08] <payonel> at glance, it seems you are right
L472[12:06:01] <payonel> Mimiru: ocdoc ? :)
L473[12:06:10] <Mimiru> ._.
L474[12:06:11] <Mimiru> again?
L475[12:06:33] <payonel> :)
L476[12:06:39] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (ocdoc!~ocdoc@eos.pc-logix.com)
L477[12:06:51] <payonel> ~signal
L478[12:06:56] <payonel> ~w signal
L479[12:06:57] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L480[12:07:00] <payonel> coo
L481[12:07:01] <payonel> thanks
L482[12:08:40] <Izaya> Heheh
L483[12:08:56] <Izaya> Everyone's name is surrounded by <>
L484[12:09:14] <Izaya> So :) looks like >:)
L485[12:09:21] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L486[12:09:43] <20kdc> MGR: Recommendation: smile for the cameras, presumably with ":)"
L487[12:09:43] <payonel> Izaya: i have a pipe between those boundaries. what client are you using?
L488[12:10:01] <Izaya> Revolution
L489[12:11:49] <gamax92> ahh, quasseldroid-ng has no notifications support yet, oh well still looks nice
L490[12:12:25] <S3> ?
L491[12:12:36] <S3> gamax92 is back
L492[12:12:44] <gamax92> Yes
L493[12:13:07] <S3> gamax92: Got my AM486DX
L494[12:13:17] <gamax92> Oh?
L495[12:13:24] <S3> now justneed o get OCEmu running on it
L496[12:13:26] <S3> or ocvm
L497[12:13:27] <S3> lol
L498[12:13:35] <S3> and set up autoexec.bat
L499[12:13:49] <gamax92> I
L500[12:13:50] <gamax92> uhh
L501[12:13:52] <gamax92> good luck
L502[12:14:13] <S3> maybe if there's enough space I could even fit a freedos boot setup on it
L503[12:14:23] <S3> to make a standalone OCVM boot disk
L504[12:14:28] <payonel> S3: which dx?
L505[12:14:38] <payonel> 25, 33, or 40?
L506[12:14:45] <S3> I believe it is 33
L507[12:14:59] <payonel> and holy crap, where did you find a working motherboard and memory for that?
L508[12:15:01] <S3> can check when I get home
L509[12:15:09] <AmandaC> :D https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/oc-fileserver/blob/master/experiments/kos/apps/app-wget.lua
L510[12:15:22] <S3> friend of mine in orrington said he had one available so I drove out of town and rushed to pick it up
L511[12:15:22] <S3> :D
L512[12:15:29] <AmandaC> I'm abusing event.runAt, but it works, and keeps the thing fairly responsive
L513[12:15:30] <S3> he also gave me some RAM and cache memory etc
L514[12:16:01] <S3> payonel: he also has IDE form factor 1GB compact flash adaptors that are low profile and plug directly into the IDE header of the mobo
L515[12:16:03] <S3> isn't that nasty?!
L516[12:16:19] <S3> he said they're his go to hard drives for old IDE systems
L517[12:16:20] <payonel> AmandaC: what is runAt? is that different from a 1 time timer?
L518[12:16:38] <AmandaC> payonel: in KittenOS NEO, not openos
L519[12:16:47] <payonel> S3: ha, didn't even know those existed
L520[12:16:52] <S3> me neither
L521[12:17:04] <S3> they're also SLC or whatever so they don't wear out fast
L522[12:17:07] <payonel> AmandaC: heretic!
L523[12:17:08] <S3> every bit has its own cell
L524[12:17:18] <AmandaC> payonel: :P
L525[12:17:32] <20kdc> payonel: Hello, Payonel. Were you looking for the ultimate heretic to burn?
L526[12:17:34] <Izaya> Knew about em
L527[12:17:40] <S3> payonel: either way, if I can find a way to make a bootable OCVM floppy image :D
L528[12:17:55] <S3> it should work on dosbox I'd think
L529[12:18:01] <S3> if you didn't have real hardware
L530[12:18:17] <gamax92> CF IDE is pretty nice for old computers
L531[12:19:03] <payonel> ugh, well, ocvm requires a few things:) namely, c++14 stdlibs (including the filesystem library), a vt100 compatible tty, and ioctl to switch the stdin to medium mode
L532[12:19:28] <payonel> so if by "boot" you mean, given those things :)
L533[12:19:49] <S3> payonel: yes it would be uh... a project
L534[12:19:55] <S3> also I would need to extend DJGPP I think
L535[12:19:58] <gamax92> I don't think ocemu could run either due to luaffi, unless I were to rewrite the entire thing in C
L536[12:20:16] <S3> hm
L537[12:21:26] <gamax92> Which maybe I'll do who knows
L538[12:21:32] <S3> not sure why that effects luaffi but
L539[12:21:46] <S3> What about this
L540[12:22:01] <S3> gamax92: isn't OCEmu mostly just abusing Lua to wrap the OC environment?
L541[12:22:17] <S3> and then using something to do rendering?
L542[12:22:20] <payonel> Inari: https://imgur.com/r/TouchThaFishy/TxW6cNy
L543[12:22:33] <gamax92> I suppose
L544[12:22:44] <S3> gamax92: technically speaking, whats wrong with wrapping all things such as component and gpu etc into ANSI yada yada
L545[12:22:52] <AmandaC> @20kdc is there an easy/er way to get a hold of a file in /data/svc-foo than to request c.filesystem and then dig thorough manually. The whole time I was coding my settings storage it felt like I was doing things the wrong way
L546[12:22:53] <gamax92> ocvm
L547[12:23:02] <payonel> heh, basically
L548[12:23:07] <20kdc> AmandaC: yes, x.neo.pub.base
L549[12:23:15] <S3> gamax92: I should be able to do it in pure Lua
L550[12:23:15] <payonel> S3: that is what ocvm is trying to do :)
L551[12:23:19] <20kdc> AmandaC: and yes, it's definitely doing things the wrong way
L552[12:23:23] <S3> right
L553[12:23:26] <S3> so why would I even need C
L554[12:23:34] <S3> or anything besides Lua
L555[12:23:36] <payonel> S3: pure lua doesn't support the ioctl you need for keyboard handling
L556[12:23:47] <S3> ohhh
L557[12:23:50] <S3> hmmmm
L558[12:23:51] <20kdc> AmandaC: c.filesystem is a security risk, and should only be used by apps that need it (like CLAW)
L559[12:23:55] <gamax92> Just write a small lua module for it
L560[12:24:10] <S3> yeah I could make a C lua module right
L561[12:24:13] <AmandaC> @20kdc where's the root of the file ops in that?
L562[12:24:14] <payonel> yep
L563[12:24:28] <gamax92> I wouldn't have ever been using luaffi if it wern't for the other sdl2 bindings being kinda garbage at the time
L564[12:24:40] <20kdc> AmandaC: You start all your filenames with "/", but they actually go to "/data/svc-whatever/"
L565[12:24:46] <AmandaC> ah
L566[12:24:46] <S3> I always heard good things about sdl2
L567[12:24:56] <gamax92> the bindings, not sdl2 itself
L568[12:24:58] <20kdc> AmandaC: A simple example is in klogo
L569[12:25:01] <S3> "it's the directx of *nix!"
L570[12:25:02] <S3> I hear
L571[12:25:09] <gamax92> uhh
L572[12:25:18] <20kdc> S3: SDL is the directdraw of everything
L573[12:25:27] <gamax92> yeah directdraw is a better comparison
L574[12:25:35] <20kdc> but it's also a quick way to get OpenGL access
L575[12:25:38] <S3> well yeah but doesnt sdl and directx support sound input, etc?
L576[12:25:41] <S3> as well
L577[12:25:53] <gamax92> xaudio
L578[12:25:57] <20kdc> Pretty sure SDL does do sound stuff, but I forget the details
L579[12:26:05] <S3> I mean there's sdlinput
L580[12:26:09] <S3> and there's directinput
L581[12:26:15] <S3> the latter all part of directx
L582[12:26:35] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B520FDBC41C00CC97504.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L583[12:26:55] <Inari> payonel: nice :d
L584[12:27:11] <gamax92> if you just wanted OGL access wouldn't something like glfw be better?
L585[12:27:50] <payonel> S3: one of the reasons i wrote ocvm in c++ was because i wanted to learn the lua api
L586[12:28:10] <payonel> in some ways, it would have been so much easier if i had done it in lua :)
L587[12:28:13] <S3> payonel: ah.
L588[12:28:18] <S3> I don't mind the Lua C api at all
L589[12:28:20] <S3> it's not that bad
L590[12:28:27] <S3> and I love how most of it is just reused macros
L591[12:28:29] <payonel> i dont mind it either
L592[12:28:30] <S3> that's really nice
L593[12:28:39] <payonel> i dont mean the lua api made it hard
L594[12:28:50] <payonel> it was a good challenge to learn it
L595[12:29:02] <S3> payonel: I do find stack vms a little weird like Lua
L596[12:29:18] <S3> the idea of oh hey lets make a global variable, just push this random value to the lua stack
L597[12:29:20] <S3> bam its there
L598[12:29:22] <gamax92> The lua api isn't too bad, and you get the advantage of being able to check the number of arguments and also "no value" support instead of nil
L599[12:29:23] <payonel> but i mean, using the api to interface with a lua environment that needs a LOT of fancy emulation would have been easier just staying in the lua whole time
L600[12:30:39] <S3> so I should be able to make some sort of ioctl patch module thing in C connect it up to Lua and then write Lua code to handle this wrapping around the entirety of OC
L601[12:30:42] <gamax92> also neigh impossible to actually get accurate memory usage support with pure lua, excluding ocemu itself from the count
L602[12:31:03] <payonel> oh definitely, that was the other reason for ocvm
L603[12:31:03] <20kdc> S3: so, a Lua module to perform the IOCTL magic? sounds fun!
L604[12:31:16] <S3> @20kdc oh hey tehre
L605[12:31:44] <S3> @20kdc I was just pushing gamax92's and payonel's buttons about the idea of an OCVM like platform that can boot off of floppy disk on 80486 compatible systems
L606[12:31:54] <S3> or run in dosbox if you wanted to go that route
L607[12:32:08] <20kdc> sounds nice! just don't forget to run OpenOS... can you tell payonel that I'm the heretic and payonel shouldn't try to kill anyone else, for I am the source of all heresy?
L608[12:32:28] <S3> right. Well the idea is that, you would be able to boot your 486 or newer computer into OpenOS
L609[12:32:35] <S3> you could LITERALLY have an openos boot disk
L610[12:32:47] <20kdc> oooo, sounds fun
L611[12:32:56] <S3> question is, how much space does the openos files take up..
L612[12:33:16] <20kdc> less than 1.44MB, I think
L613[12:36:15] <S3> 940K
L614[12:36:17] <S3> but
L615[12:36:57] <S3> still need enough space to store some tiny FreeDOS boot files
L616[12:37:47] <S3> that doesn't give you a lot of space left over to do stuff
L617[12:38:19] <S3> not without a secondary floppy drive, in which case I can wrap as a filesystem component or disk component depending if you connect it in managed / unmanaged mode :D
L618[12:38:27] <20kdc> probably enough for OpenOS if you completely pretend the entire devfs system is not a necessary component
L619[12:38:40] <20kdc> *goes to measure*
L620[12:38:43] <S3> hmm
L621[12:39:08] <20kdc> ok, OpenOS is about 360K
L622[12:39:08] <S3> huh, does openos not use kobjects?
L623[12:39:12] <S3> to populate devfs
L624[12:39:15] <S3> really
L625[12:39:31] <S3> when I do du -sh on openos loot folder in the git rrpo I get 940K
L626[12:39:40] <20kdc> ...huh
L627[12:39:45] <S3> bhodgins@darkstar î‚° ~/OpenComputers/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot î‚° î‚  master-MC1.7.10 î‚° du -sh openos
L628[12:39:45] <S3> 940K openos
L629[12:39:46] <20kdc> (also, code has to implement those objects, so...)
L630[12:39:50] <payonel> there is no kobject in openos, devfs is built by "adapters" to components
L631[12:40:07] <S3> payonel: isn't that the same idea as a kobject though?
L632[12:40:33] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B555124F71AB79FAD7F3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L633[12:40:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L634[12:40:43] <payonel> S3: (and @20kdc) you wouldn't need ioctl fully to run a shell emulator the way ocvm works, you can do enough with "medium" mode kb input, you ONLY need to call ::tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &raw);
L635[12:41:05] <payonel> https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/blob/master/drivers/raw_tty.cpp#L113
L636[12:41:06] <S3> hmm
L637[12:43:13] <S3> While I'm at it I should make a computercraft boot disk too
L638[12:43:14] <S3> :P
L639[12:43:23] <S3> and then go into #cc and say look at this
L640[12:43:28] <S3> with video
L641[12:50:36] <Wuerfel_21> Why is opengl lighting so fiddly?
L642[12:51:36] <Vexatos> S3, use selene :^)
L643[12:51:44] * Vexatos runs
L644[12:52:02] <S3> ...
L645[12:52:11] <S3> whyd you name it selene btw
L646[12:52:17] <S3> there's 1000 proejects named selene
L647[12:52:23] <Corded> * <Forecaster> trips vexatos
L648[12:52:27] <Vexatos> why not .-.
L649[12:52:33] <Vexatos> it's a pretty obvious name
L650[12:52:39] <Forecaster> naming things is hard.
L651[12:52:40] <S3> I would name it whakrabbit
L652[12:52:54] <Vexatos> that has nothing to do with the name Lua though
L653[12:53:01] <S3> oh?
L654[12:53:06] <S3> what does selene have to do with lua?
L655[12:53:15] <Vexatos> ...selene is the goddess of the moon?
L656[12:53:35] <S3> is it:
L657[12:53:38] <S3> never heard of that
L658[12:53:55] <Vexatos> Why did you think there were 1000 projects named Selene
L659[12:54:07] <Vexatos> Also I only know of one other Lua project named Selene and it's been dead for a while
L660[12:54:24] <Mimiru> o_O
L661[12:54:25] <Mimiru> Oh..
L662[12:54:26] <Vexatos> the Roman version of Selene is called Luna
L663[12:54:27] <Mimiru> o/
L664[12:54:28] <Forecaster> Yue *is* the moon!
L665[12:54:38] <Vexatos> @Forecaster should have gone with that tbh
L666[12:55:07] <Forecaster> well, moon spirit, but still
L667[12:55:27] <Vexatos> Selene's good enough
L668[12:55:41] <Vexatos> S3, not to be confused with Selenium which is an element
L669[12:56:21] <Vexatos> (named after Selene, along with Tellurium named after tellus, the earth)
L670[13:00:34] <S3> you and your addiction to chemicals
L671[13:00:39] <S3> and elements
L672[13:00:42] <S3> and crap
L673[13:01:58] <Vexatos> S3, just a hunch, but that might be related to me studying chemistry
L674[13:05:12] <AmandaC> but did the addiction come before or after the chemistry study decision
L675[13:05:31] <gerard> Wait the bot has now the name of the person talking in the IRC?
L676[13:05:33] <Vexatos> Noone would study chemistry if they weren't interested in chemistry, you know
L677[13:05:47] <gerard> That is so confusing, I always look at the Discord profile picture
L678[13:05:52] <Vexatos> @gerard on the contrary, the bot has the name of the person talking on discord for me :^)
L679[13:06:57] <gerard> I thought the owner of the bot was talking through it at first
L680[13:07:12] <Mimiru> It's no more confusing than it was before... when it was Corded/n<NickName> Message and everyone had the exact same profile picture.
L681[13:07:20] <Mimiru> and now, people won't try to talk to Corded.
L682[13:07:54] <gerard> Hmm, can't you change the profile picture as well? :F
L683[13:08:07] <Mimiru> Sure, but I'm not going to set a random damn image for EVERY person.
L684[13:08:16] <Mimiru> So, you get the same image the bot uses.
L685[13:08:25] <gerard> First letter and make a color of the name
L686[13:08:31] <Mimiru> No.jpg
L687[13:08:41] <gerard> Tsk
L688[13:09:07] <gerard> Then there is only one option
L689[13:09:26] <gerard> Making a plug-in for Discord that it does that ?
L690[13:10:21] <MGR> I encourage you to do that
L691[13:12:42] <payonel> Inari: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61IRMKROy1L._SL1001_.jpg
L692[13:14:05] <Inari> payonel: ew
L693[13:14:19] <payonel> hehe
L694[13:15:05] <gamax92> hmm ... I can't seem to style the status icons in gitlab anymore
L695[13:15:51] <AmandaC> This is for the dark theme thing right? ISTR it's got an offical dark theme now
L696[13:17:03] <AmandaC> ah, maybe not
L697[13:17:11] <payonel> does anyone know that pasting in openos shell with multiple lines doesn't work nicely?
L698[13:17:19] <gamax92> oh, they're in separate svg's nwo
L699[13:21:00] <Forecaster> in shell? no idea
L700[13:21:02] <Forecaster> never done that
L701[13:24:14] <AmandaC> I wonder if it'd be possible, using the mod API,to make a dock that you can place a tablet in and it'll charge it, but still let you use it
L702[13:24:23] <payonel> my current work in openos had a side effect that makes clipboard pasting in the shell mimic real life
L703[13:24:50] <payonel> it actually was a lot of work to fix the clipboard behavior with the other changes i'm making, and now clipboard pasting works very well
L704[13:24:57] <payonel> and i was thinking ... no one will ever notice this
L705[13:28:01] <20kdc> define "mimic real life"...
L706[13:28:22] <20kdc> did it spew the contents over the screen?
L707[13:28:54] <AmandaC> I assume he means it'll run commands after a newline
L708[13:29:16] <20kdc> oh, got confused with OCVM
L709[13:29:30] <20kdc> BTW, since it's the keys used in app-textedit, F5/F6 will be copy/paste in neoux textfields
L710[13:29:56] <AmandaC> Will an OC paste event count as well?
L711[13:30:05] <20kdc> Yup, and will paste from the out-of-game clipboard
L712[13:30:27] <20kdc> to summarize, OC paste goes straight into wherever you paste it, while F5/F6 are copy/paste on the in-game clipboard
L713[13:30:34] <AmandaC> ah
L714[13:30:36] <20kdc> I should also note that the in-game clipboard is persistent
L715[13:30:45] <20kdc> gets saved as a system setting
L716[13:31:39] <payonel> sorry, was afk for a sec -- yeah, what AmandaC said
L717[13:31:46] <payonel> will an Oc paste event count as well?
L718[13:32:08] <20kdc> KittenOS NEO has it's own internal clipboard, since there's no way to send to the out-of-game clipboard
L719[13:32:20] <payonel> ah, i see
L720[13:32:54] <20kdc> and copy/pasting between text files is somewhat useful, so... two clipboards ended up being the solution
L721[13:33:12] <payonel> where is the kittenos source?
L722[13:33:21] <payonel> i want to try it out in ocvm
L723[13:33:26] <20kdc> https://github.com/20kdc/OC-KittenOS/
L724[13:33:55] <AmandaC> copying the inst.lua to the root drive's init.lua works well for installation
L725[13:34:29] <payonel> can i just boot from the code/ ?
L726[13:34:37] <20kdc> yes
L727[13:34:39] <payonel> i dont plan on "installing" it
L728[13:34:42] <payonel> i was just going to boot it
L729[13:34:55] <20kdc> The "installer" is just a compressed self-extracting TAR OS
L730[13:35:27] <20kdc> it exists basically as a convenience if working entirely in-game
L731[13:35:57] <AmandaC> ... I never thought of the fact that the code folder is ready-to-go as a bootable installation.
L732[13:36:35] <AmandaC> That makes playing with it in VMs much easier. <.<
L733[13:37:08] <payonel> ok it booted ... but ... no shell?
L734[13:37:13] <payonel> pressing keys, clicking with mouse
L735[13:37:21] <payonel> i have the cool white background and "KittenOS NEO"
L736[13:37:30] <20kdc> If it stopped there, something went wrong
L737[13:37:54] <20kdc> first thing to do in that case is to adjust init.lua to get debug logging ready for your VM
L738[13:38:30] <20kdc> specifically, just change all the OCEmu-specific stuff for OCVM-specific stuff
L739[13:38:41] <payonel> roger
L740[13:38:54] <20kdc> maybe I should re-add criticalFailure and only disable it once Icecap is up
L741[13:39:17] <20kdc> but the trouble with that is that then non-critical services can crash the whole system...
L742[13:40:17] <20kdc> ...and that would make it impossible for the user to wipe settings, which is not good
L743[13:40:33] <payonel> tbh, i dont understand the check for bytecode suppor
L744[13:40:34] <payonel> +t
L745[13:40:51] <20kdc> It's assumed that applications may be evil.
L746[13:41:06] <payonel> i can guess the arguments to be made
L747[13:41:13] <payonel> i comprehend, i don't understand
L748[13:41:34] <AmandaC> fwiw, the way to make it use ocvm's stuff is to add the sandbox component then just change line 14 of init.lua with s/ocemu/sandbox/
L749[13:41:57] <20kdc> Oh, they're that similar? *goes to fix*
L750[13:41:59] <payonel> yeah, did that
L751[13:42:01] <20kdc> Also, if you take out the bytecode check, there's a second check which locks applications out of the ability to use bytecode.
L752[13:42:36] <payonel> i really dont see the point, it's a bit fanatical
L753[13:43:22] <AmandaC> @20kdc hrm, checking ocemu.log's functionality, they're different, in that sandbox.log will only accept the first argument for printing
L754[13:43:35] <payonel> AmandaC: not anymore
L755[13:43:40] <payonel> i changed your first impl
L756[13:43:43] <20kdc> ...well, I always assumed that was the case anyway, so won't change anything
L757[13:43:43] <AmandaC> ah, hhe
L758[13:44:25] <payonel> @20kdc i'm not trying to convince you, i'm just stating my opinion that i find it a waste of effort and time, and a large inconvenience to users who care
L759[13:44:44] <payonel> blocking a feature simply because of some idea that this software should be the final call
L760[13:44:44] <20kdc> Well, I'll remove the automatic-error,
L761[13:44:57] <payonel> no no, honestly, write your code how you see fit
L762[13:45:15] <20kdc> but I am keeping the load-guard. If you want to use bytecode, you'll need k.root access.
L763[13:45:27] <20kdc> Going further than that is basically a security breach, sooo
L764[13:45:32] <payonel> _I_ don't care for bytecode access
L765[13:45:42] <gerard> https://i.imgur.com/DpqmS9U.png
L766[13:45:47] <20kdc> No, I see your point. The error thing is a bit of a bad idea
L767[13:45:50] <AmandaC> @20kdc suggesstion for fm's copy ability -- make it so choosing a name for the target file is optional, based on the basename of the source.
L768[13:46:00] <payonel> @20kdc i'm not talking about the error message
L769[13:46:04] <payonel> i'm talking about literally blocking it
L770[13:46:16] <gerard> Now I just need to attach a MutationObserver for watching DOM changes
L771[13:46:17] <payonel> you're essentially blocking a viable feature of oc with your code
L772[13:46:32] <20kdc> It's not viable when it's documented as a security risk that affects the host machine.
L773[13:46:43] <payonel> uh huh
L774[13:47:00] <20kdc> If that is no longer the case, then that's fine.
L775[13:47:15] <Vexatos> @gerard on the other side https://my.mixtape.moe/xibgvu.png
L776[13:48:45] <payonel> of course it is the case. that's why it is disabled by default. i'm only trying to say it is a bit heavy handed to remove a feature of a "host" mod because you disagree with it
L777[13:48:54] <payonel> you're free to do so, of course
L778[13:48:59] <payonel> it just seemed unusual to me
L779[13:49:09] <payonel> @20kdc: btw, i've done the same thing myself
L780[13:49:12] <payonel> :)
L781[13:49:25] <payonel> i didn't like the personal-auto crafting grid thing in ...
L782[13:49:32] <payonel> chicken code?
L783[13:49:33] <20kdc> Under circumstances that do not involve the potential for code to break the host machine, I would *completely* agree with you.
L784[13:49:34] <payonel> who made that
L785[13:50:00] <payonel> anyways, i modified the jar directly, blocking that feature
L786[13:50:11] <payonel> because i didn't like it, and on my servers that feature was out
L787[13:50:23] <payonel> though, i told my users as much
L788[13:50:41] <20kdc> Keep in mind that KittenOS NEO runs a sandbox within a sandbox. Things should become a bit clearer.
L789[13:51:48] <payonel> @20kdc if someone was really bothered by the kittenos behavior, a custom eeprom would side step that, fwiw
L790[13:52:01] <20kdc> Or just modifying init.lua, which is totally a viable option
L791[13:52:01] <Vexatos> There is no way I won't abbreviate KittenOS as K-OS
L792[13:52:32] <payonel> well that's the end of my soapbox :)
L793[13:52:46] <gerard> http://tinyurl.com/y9rxyvzd
L794[13:52:50] <gerard> it works quite well
L795[13:52:56] <gerard> even with browsing the history
L796[13:52:59] <gerard> didn't expect this
L797[13:53:01] <payonel> my tone was PROBABLY misinterpreted thanks to text communication
L798[13:53:16] <payonel> i do apologize if i come off more pissy than i really am
L799[13:53:26] <Vexatos> Tone in text messages D;
L800[13:54:18] <20kdc> Hmm, maybe. The "heavy-handed" thing seemed clear, but... heavy-handed to me is necessary. KittenOS NEO is meant to run untrusted applications and not let them fry the machine, nevermind the host VM.
L801[13:55:03] <payonel> ah, i see
L802[13:55:13] <payonel> that's a bit different :) i think that was your point all along
L803[13:56:14] <20kdc> I'm laxing the "crashing if bytecode detected", but removing access to bytecode is necessary, or you might as well just disable the entire security framework.
L804[13:56:52] <payonel> well, i honestly didn't intend for you to change anything
L805[13:57:05] <payonel> just wanted a lively, but short lived, debate
L806[13:57:06] <20kdc> I consider this a compromise between sanity and usability.
L807[13:57:24] <20kdc> ...or something like that.
L808[13:59:19] <gerard> https://hastebin.com/ugalipebut.js
L809[13:59:23] <gerard> have fun Discord Users
L810[13:59:29] <payonel> AmandaC: sandbox wasn't a default component in the client.cfg? (i had not been using it)
L811[13:59:38] <payonel> i should add that to the default client.cfg
L812[14:00:44] <AmandaC> payonel: no, it's not. I had meant to bring that up earlier, but got distracted. :P
L813[14:00:53] <AmandaC> ( and yes you should )
L814[14:01:13] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L815[14:03:12] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L816[14:03:43] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L817[14:03:43] <gerard> whoops fixed a little mistake; https://hastebin.com/bopidazeku.js
L818[14:05:15] <payonel> @20kdc: https://hastebin.com/dibijelexa.pas
L819[14:05:22] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@s010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L820[14:05:29] <payonel> would appear `fw(fs.primary, "data/sys-glacier/sysconf.lua", true)` returned nil
L821[14:06:47] <20kdc> ...yup
L822[14:07:15] <payonel> AmandaC: https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/commit/2d9ffc69576c06e24d42930dbbd2cfefeed12930#diff-1189e82d436d71b2cdf171149406446b
L823[14:07:33] <20kdc> ...and apparently at some point I either removed a pcall or did some sort of revert, because the initial saveSettings is apparently not under pcall
L824[14:07:43] <20kdc> payonel: Add pcall, and then double-check if your disk is writable
L825[14:07:52] <payonel> it is not writable
L826[14:08:02] <payonel> i do readonly boots
L827[14:08:04] <payonel> generally
L828[14:08:08] <payonel> i'll add a pcall
L829[14:08:09] <20kdc> so, yeah, add pcall around saveSettings
L830[14:08:16] <20kdc> I apparently forgot to do that for some reason
L831[14:08:54] <payonel> yeah, it got past boot splash with a pcall there
L832[14:09:44] <20kdc> init and glacier errors are fun, because they're the processes you need for seeing the onscreen boot log after startup
L833[14:10:21] <20kdc> if any other processes fail to start, or die during boot, then it'll show up
L834[14:11:02] <payonel> plan9k has a fancy boot
L835[14:11:27] <20kdc> eh, the KittenOS NEO boot tries to be fancy enough to look good while not fancy enough to waste all of memory on a boot
L836[14:11:36] <20kdc> and the init daemon dies after you login
L837[14:13:06] <20kdc> at the end of the day you should have 3 processes immediately after login, and a total of... I think 4 Lua files in memory.
L838[14:13:17] <gamax92> so uhh
L839[14:13:21] <gamax92> can a T1 computer boot it?
L840[14:13:24] <20kdc> yup
L841[14:13:27] <gamax92> nice
L842[14:13:32] <20kdc> and last I checked, can run a text editor
L843[14:13:43] <gamax92> extra nice
L844[14:13:54] <20kdc> though making it cleaner than the old KittenOS also made it more memory hungry
L845[14:13:56] <20kdc> lessons have been learned
L846[14:14:02] <AmandaC> @20kdc oh, also, right-click still launches app-launch
L847[14:14:27] <20kdc> ...right-click should launch app-launch unless you specifically set sys-everest.launcher to the name of the app you want as launcher
L848[14:14:39] <20kdc> ...wait, do you mean right-click in particular?
L849[14:14:53] <AmandaC> yeah, with sys-everest.launcher changed
L850[14:16:12] <20kdc> and I'm just going to fix that now, start committing, and then push & rebuild the devinst
L851[14:17:14] <AmandaC> also, clarification about dev-inst, I wasn't aware you did a lot of coding locally before committing, I meant installers for what's up on the master branch, when I suggested it.
L852[14:17:40] <20kdc> Well, it'll be on the master branch in about a minute, sooo
L853[14:17:51] <AmandaC> heh, sure
L854[14:22:06] <20kdc> pushed, and installer at https://20kdc.duckdns.org/neo-inst-dev.lua
L855[14:24:13] <logan2611> whats this
L856[14:24:57] <logan2611> oh its an OS
L857[14:27:04] <AmandaC> @20kdc installed in MC and "attempt to index nil value (global ocemu)"
L858[14:27:40] <20kdc> ...oh dear. That would be init.lua failing because of me forgetting "ocemu and ".
L859[14:29:14] <20kdc> Try now?
L860[14:29:45] <logan2611> meanwhile im still over here trying to motivate myself to write mine
L861[14:30:22] <20kdc> ...recommendation: don't try to make a clean design. The cleaner the design is, the less memory-efficient it is. This shouldn't be a rule, but it ends up being the rule...
L862[14:30:40] <logan2611> lua defies logic
L863[14:31:05] <Corded> * <logan2611> sometimes
L864[14:31:25] <logan2611> ex. ~= = NPOT
L865[14:31:27] <logan2611> ex. ~= = NP]OT [Edited]
L866[14:31:29] <logan2611> ex. ~= = NOT [Edited]
L867[14:31:32] <logan2611> ex. ~= = NOT EQUAL [Edited]
L868[14:31:41] <logan2611> when you fuck up so badly you edit it 3 times
L869[14:32:06] <payonel> yeah. memory
L870[14:32:23] <payonel> that's been the largest hurdle for me and openos
L871[14:32:55] <payonel> so now that openos allocates ~130k to boot, it's a huge deal
L872[14:33:10] <logan2611> is there a way to manage memory in OC other than dumping programs
L873[14:33:10] <20kdc> it'd be helpful if there was an easily accessible option to provide a system that could run edit at the cost of all program compatibility
L874[14:33:50] <payonel> you mean openos' /bin/edit ?
L875[14:33:55] <20kdc> yes
L876[14:33:55] <gamax92> EditorOS
L877[14:34:07] <payonel> heh -- well -- there might be something i'm doing already
L878[14:34:39] <20kdc> the original KittenOS (as opposed to KittenOS NEO) basically existed because I saw that and wondered if 192K was really that insufficient
L879[14:34:40] <gamax92> I remember making a small eeprom for providing a gui for the tape drives cause the actual tape drive gui was broken
L880[14:35:09] <logan2611> I remember writing a control program for robots in an EEPROM
L881[14:35:18] <logan2611> space restriction quickly became an issue
L882[14:37:56] <payonel> and as i've said before, one of the critical reasons i made ocvm was for memory benchmarking and profiling
L883[14:37:56] <AmandaC> @20kdc sys-everest.launcher now doesn't work for either right-click OR alt-enter
L884[14:38:11] <20kdc> ...how did I manage to make it *worse*? O.o
L885[14:38:26] <gamax92> coding while half asleep?
L886[14:38:55] <20kdc> probably that
L887[14:39:07] <logan2611> is there a way to make swap space in OC ?
L888[14:39:32] <Inari> Kind of
L889[14:39:40] <Inari> The biggest issue is local vars I think :P
L890[14:39:45] <logan2611> ah
L891[14:39:52] <20kdc> IDK... my solution is to use a library system that lets you unload libraries, which is kind of similar
L892[14:40:03] <20kdc> that way, if you only keep a library around when you need it,
L893[14:40:20] <Inari> And I'd thikn swapping functions out and in would be a bit hard - not impossible though
L894[14:40:35] <20kdc> Inari: if you write the programs correctly, it's easy
L895[14:41:11] <payonel> the problem is there would not be a data type agnostic way to swap memory
L896[14:41:43] <payonel> not without more lua vm support, and bytecode support
L897[14:41:50] <20kdc> there's no way to swap data in and out that would work properly, but with program support, making, say, "require" unload stuff that you discard all references to is a good start
L898[14:42:10] <payonel> and even then we'd need to remap some of the objects so that we could store arbitrary data in bytecode (which you can't, by default)
L899[14:42:30] <logan2611> sad
L900[14:42:32] <Inari> @20kdc I mean, sure
L901[14:42:46] <Inari> But it'd also be kinda useless :D Except when you jut need tons of data in one particular program
L902[14:43:00] <logan2611> I've ran out of RAM on a maxed out server before
L903[14:43:31] <20kdc> Inari: not as useless as you'd think - if you have functionality that doesn't get called too often and is sufficiently big, you can throw it in a library
L904[14:43:31] <Vexatos> I mean there's always Magical Memoryâ„¢
L905[14:43:45] <logan2611> Cheatingâ„¢*
L906[14:44:01] <Inari> @20kdc I meant like, useless to have it on a OS-level or something if then program shave to specifically support it
L907[14:44:27] <Inari> I still think lua is a terrible choice for this anyway :P
L908[14:44:30] <logan2611> also I asked because im making a mutlitasking OS and I dont want it to die instantly when people start fisting it
L909[14:44:51] <20kdc> That's kind of dependent on the library, mind. Like, devfs for example. Do the adapters need to be around except when being accessed?
L910[14:45:22] <20kdc> For that matter, has that on-demand functionality already been implemented?
L911[14:45:37] <Vexatos> "The genuine Acme Co. Mnemomagicâ„¢ 47â„¢ Memory Stick: For when the constraints of space-time just aren't quite enough!"
L912[14:45:39] <payonel> logan2611: if you run user code in its own coroutine, and you can release and gc anything that coroutine does, your kernel is safe from oom
L913[14:45:51] <logan2611> oh thats good
L914[14:45:53] <Vexatos> (yes, this is what lshw will give you)
L915[14:46:15] <Vexatos> (yes, I spent way too much time on device info that noone ever reads)
L916[14:46:17] <logan2611> I thought computer go rip when memory runs out
L917[14:46:36] <payonel> Vexatos: and too much time worrying about immersion breaking with mod names :)
L918[14:46:41] <20kdc> TBH, some OOM circumstances do prevent recovery
L919[14:46:49] <payonel> @logan2611 nope, not so bad
L920[14:46:53] <logan2611> is there at least a way to see how much memory a program is using
L921[14:46:59] <logan2611> tho
L922[14:47:00] <payonel> logan2611 no
L923[14:47:02] <logan2611> fuck
L924[14:47:10] <Vexatos> payonel, mod namesß
L925[14:47:11] <Vexatos> ?
L926[14:47:14] <20kdc> You could make estimates if you happen to have the ability to GC
L927[14:47:22] <20kdc> (payonel, is this a thing?)
L928[14:47:33] <payonel> you cannot really make good estimates
L929[14:47:36] <payonel> trust me on that
L930[14:47:41] <20kdc> true
L931[14:47:50] <payonel> i wrote a freakin' memory profiler for ocvm and openos testing
L932[14:47:57] <20kdc> what I'd do is GC, get current used memory, wait until the coroutine's done logging, GC, get current used memory
L933[14:48:01] <20kdc> *running
L934[14:48:23] <20kdc> but that would only work if the coroutine never interacted with anything else
L935[14:48:23] <payonel> yes, that is reasonable -- but, you might actually see a drop. you might see 10x the memory you actually allocated
L936[14:48:39] <payonel> why? it is a vm, and it allocates in chunks as it sees fit
L937[14:48:48] <Inari> Ugh
L938[14:48:54] <20kdc> that's one perspective, but there's even more fun to it
L939[14:49:00] <20kdc> like, if the coroutine *only* ever accessed stuff within itself, great
L940[14:49:06] <20kdc> but in practice, what you actually end up with...
L941[14:49:28] <20kdc> is that coroutine A accesses system service B which allocates memory for itself, but deallocates it after coroutine A is done
L942[14:49:45] <20kdc> this kind of tracking only works if you *heavily* isolate every component involved
L943[14:49:54] <20kdc> and what have we learned about clean code?
L944[14:49:58] <logan2611> @20kdc how the fuck do you get current used memory
L945[14:50:09] <logan2611> send jelp
L946[14:50:19] <payonel> @logankdc it is a feature of lua's gc
L947[14:50:22] <payonel> you can ask it
L948[14:50:35] <logan2611> oh neat
L949[14:50:36] <20kdc> ...logankdc?
L950[14:50:39] <logan2611> lol
L951[14:50:41] <payonel> see: collectgarbage
L952[14:50:53] <AmandaC> computer.memory and computer.totalMemory
L953[14:50:55] <payonel> we don't expose it in oc, directly
L954[14:50:55] <Inari> You can't in OC though :s
L955[14:51:00] <payonel> but you can call ^ what AmandaC said
L956[14:51:01] <Inari> You have to yield like 10 times
L957[14:51:04] <Inari> And it'll be called :P
L958[14:51:13] <payonel> Inari: mostly, yes
L959[14:51:13] <payonel> but
L960[14:51:18] <AmandaC> infina: or, in OpenOS 2019 edition, roughtly 120 times
L961[14:51:23] <payonel> collectgarbage has other arg options
L962[14:51:24] <AmandaC> :P
L963[14:51:33] <payonel> you can use it to ask the current memory
L964[14:51:35] <AmandaC> Inari: see above, sorry infina
L965[14:51:37] <gamax92> poor not Inari
L966[14:51:41] <Inari> Whoever made htat design decision...
L967[14:51:47] <payonel> not me :
L968[14:51:49] <payonel> :) *
L969[14:51:59] <gamax92> suspicious
L970[14:52:00] <payonel> anyways, this is IDENTICAL to just calling computer.memory
L971[14:52:10] <payonel> oc intercepts the vm allocations
L972[14:52:11] <payonel> so does ocvm
L973[14:52:17] <Inari> "so, we'll limit the memory usage, but we'll use a garbage collected language that gives you about zero allocation control. Also we;ll forbid calling the collector"
L974[14:52:19] <payonel> so the allocation count is IDENTICAL to what the vm reports
L975[14:52:33] <payonel> Inari: no, that's just us (oc)
L976[14:52:41] <Inari> payonel: Yes
L977[14:52:46] <Inari> I mean, the design decision of OC
L978[14:52:47] <Inari> :p
L979[14:52:50] <payonel> =ah
L980[14:52:51] <payonel> :)
L981[14:52:53] <payonel> haha
L982[14:53:05] <payonel> i'd like to give you gc control
L983[14:53:07] <payonel> blame soni
L984[14:53:15] <20kdc> Inari: and now you know why the system security policy is kept in a separate file that is only loaded occasionally...
L985[14:53:24] <AmandaC> Ah, Soni asked for it, so it now can never exist, right.
L986[14:53:27] <gamax92> no
L987[14:53:33] <AmandaC> ( Bad joke )
L988[14:53:35] <gamax92> Soni discovered a flaw in the gc metamethod
L989[14:53:40] <gamax92> so now no more gc metamethod
L990[14:53:51] <AmandaC> I see
L991[14:53:57] <20kdc> well, that's fine, I can actually emulate the gc metamethod anyways
L992[14:54:05] <logan2611> ?
L993[14:54:05] <20kdc> ...probably
L994[14:54:16] <20kdc> ...unless, wait, no, that'd probably cause a reference loop
L995[14:54:17] <gamax92> and or that was ds
L996[14:54:38] <20kdc> Like, I thought "oh, let's just use a weak table and wait for the key to disappear"
L997[14:54:41] <Inari> %slap lua
L998[14:54:41] * MichiBot slaps lua with Perl doing 23 damage
L999[14:55:01] <logan2611> %slap logan2611
L1000[14:55:01] * MichiBot slaps logan2611 with free coupons doing 6 damage
L1001[14:55:07] <logan2611> ouch not communism
L1002[14:55:13] <20kdc> ...and then I realized that the function in the \_\_gc callback would likely refer to the value being GC'd
L1003[14:55:17] <20kdc> thus causing a reference loop
L1004[14:55:24] <20kdc> thus keeping it alive forever.
L1005[14:55:26] <Inari> ~markov lewd
L1006[14:55:26] <ocdoc> Forecaster: someone could be "oh its quite unlewd
L1007[14:55:41] <AmandaC> And we can't have that!
L1008[14:55:57] <20kdc> ...So I guess it could be *partially* emulated with the exception that the \_\_gc function can't actually ever hold a reference to the value being GC'd.
L1009[14:56:28] <Inari> Corded pls
L1010[14:56:45] <20kdc> what did corded do
L1011[14:56:52] <20kdc> ...did it turn my message into underline
L1012[14:56:53] <Inari> It show your escaping backslashes
L1013[14:57:00] <Inari> *shows
L1014[14:57:06] * gamax92 cough
L1015[14:57:17] <Inari> %pet gamax92
L1016[14:57:17] * MichiBot pets gamax92 with N30. 9 health gained!
L1017[14:57:24] <logan2611> %pet life
L1018[14:57:24] * MichiBot brushes life with ?. 8 health gained!
L1019[14:57:30] <gamax92> nothing
L1020[14:57:31] <gamax92> how fitting
L1021[14:57:59] <Inari> %inv add garlic milk
L1022[14:57:59] * MichiBot summons 'garlic milk' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L1023[14:58:02] <gamax92> wtf
L1024[14:58:07] <Inari> Vexatos: do you think that'd taste good?
L1025[14:58:18] <20kdc> ...and now I read the Lua documentation, \_\_gc is actually described as not working for tables, only for userdata
L1026[14:58:26] <20kdc> http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents O.o
L1027[14:58:36] <20kdc> which is odd, because I remember it working for other stuff, but ok
L1028[14:58:50] <Inari> Garlic... chocolate
L1029[14:59:03] <Vexatos> Inari, it doesn't
L1030[14:59:04] <Vexatos> trust me
L1031[14:59:09] <Vexatos> uh
L1032[14:59:09] <Vexatos> yea
L1033[14:59:12] <Vexatos> just don't ask
L1034[14:59:13] <Inari> I wonder why theres no like.. garlic cream? Like Nutella, but garlic
L1035[14:59:17] <Vexatos> oh
L1036[14:59:18] <Vexatos> that exists
L1037[14:59:27] <Vexatos> it's actually really good on bread
L1038[14:59:28] <Inari> Haha
L1039[14:59:38] <Inari> Sounds neat
L1040[14:59:42] <Vexatos> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aioli
L1041[15:00:17] <Inari> Neat
L1042[15:00:28] <Vexatos> you can buy it in any supermarket over here
L1043[15:00:28] <20kdc> ...now I'm confused. So \_\_gc didn't exist for tables, then it did exist in some version of Lua, but then it turned out it wasn't following the rules so now it doesn't exist.
L1044[15:01:17] <20kdc> ...Now I'm wondering if \_\_gc could be replaced with a function that delay-calls \_\_gc at the next pullSignal.
L1045[15:01:32] <20kdc> Not that this would be doable from anything but machine.lua-level code...
L1046[15:01:40] <gamax92> Lua 5.2 added in support for __gc on tables
L1047[15:02:35] <Inari> Vexatos: "over here"?
L1048[15:02:50] <20kdc> ok, so the small print on \_\_gc suggests that wrapping \_\_gc in machine.lua would theoretically work
L1049[15:02:56] <Vexatos> Inari, where I live it's everywhere
L1050[15:03:09] <Inari> Where aws that again though :P
L1051[15:03:17] <Inari> I've never seen it here, but then again, I haven't looked for it
L1052[15:03:21] <payonel> @20kdc: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1686
L1053[15:03:21] <MichiBot> Title: __gc is still not fully fixed | Posted by: ds84182 | Posted: Wed Mar 09 18:21:37 CST 2016 | Status: open
L1054[15:03:28] <20kdc> ...and then I looked at machine.lua and they seem to be wrapping \_\_gc or something
L1055[15:05:03] <20kdc> you know what, I'm just going to assume anything I could think of regarding \_\_gc has already been thought of or doesn't work
L1056[15:07:33] <20kdc> AmandaC: hopefully fixed the KittenOS NEO launcher mess
L1057[15:11:17] <gamax92> :b:
L1058[15:11:31] <gamax92> ?
L1059[15:11:46] <payonel> ?
L1060[15:11:48] <gamax92> oh right it keeps the emoji when going to irc
L1061[15:12:20] <AmandaC> @20kdc Works, nice. :)
L1062[15:12:36] <AmandaC> @20kdc what was wrong, I peeked at the git commit and didn't see anything obvious
L1063[15:13:00] <20kdc> I got an "or" the wrong way around
L1064[15:13:04] <AmandaC> ah
L1065[15:13:27] <20kdc> it was basically "defValue or newValue" rather than "newValue or defValue"
L1066[15:13:36] <Inari> I wonder if deep-fried cat fur would actually become chewable
L1067[15:13:43] <20kdc> no frying of cat fur!
L1068[15:13:48] <20kdc> that's mean to cats!
L1069[15:13:57] <20kdc> ...unless, like, the cat willingly gave you fur?
L1070[15:13:59] * AmandaC looks at Inari oddly
L1071[15:14:13] <Inari> Cats lose plenty of fur all day long
L1072[15:14:53] <gamax92> Inari what
L1073[15:15:23] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L1074[15:16:04] <gamax92> I've been gone for a while that I'm no longer used to Inari
L1075[15:16:59] <Inari> %pet gamax92
L1076[15:16:59] * MichiBot brushes gamax92 with Spectre plushie toy. 17 health gained!
L1077[15:22:20] <payonel> @20kdc is your "safe text format" because of wide glyph artifacts?
L1078[15:22:43] ⇨ Joins: payonel (payonel!~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de)
L1079[15:22:43] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L1080[15:23:36] <20kdc> payonel: "safeTextFormat"'s job is basically to allow unicode.len & co. to manipulate a string in screen units
L1081[15:23:51] <gamax92> unicode.wlen?
L1082[15:24:09] <20kdc> "undoSafeTextFormat"'s job is to get rid of any possible artifacts that could occur. And unicode.wlen is fun, but you can't unicode.sub it.
L1083[15:24:31] <payonel> unicode.len ?
L1084[15:24:47] <payonel> we fixed the artifacts bug, fyi
L1085[15:24:59] <payonel> you use wlen to measure screen position
L1086[15:25:01] <payonel> len to measure index
L1087[15:25:28] <20kdc> to summarize: wtrunc only truncates based on a count,
L1088[15:25:41] <gamax92> wtrunc is an odd function, will agree
L1089[15:25:50] <20kdc> so left-cropping is annoying with it
L1090[15:26:00] <payonel> i hate how wtrunc throws
L1091[15:26:07] <payonel> yep
L1092[15:26:12] <20kdc> My solution was to just write a function to pad everything,
L1093[15:26:17] <20kdc> then use unicode functions to manipulate it,
L1094[15:26:31] <20kdc> then write a function to unpad everything & get rid of characters that were too close to the right edge of the string
L1095[15:27:01] <gamax92> wtrunc is a broken function but then we started relying on it's issues and so now they're forever
L1096[15:27:05] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729eb.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1097[15:27:49] <20kdc> my "unicode.safeTextFormat" extension is basically forever for me, but that's fine, because it's a simple enough API for my uses
L1098[15:28:59] <payonel> there are two places i need wtrunc in openos: 1. wrapping on right, and 2. cropping in front (on horizontal scrolling input)
L1099[15:29:36] <20kdc> I use my equivalent to wsub a lot in the display stuff around KittenOS NEO for... probably obvious reasons
L1100[15:29:47] <20kdc> it's very useful to be able to just crop the first or last section display-wise
L1101[15:29:59] <gamax92> I can't remember where we had an issue with it before ... I think it was me accidentally writing shift-jis garbage to the screen
L1102[15:30:41] <payonel> @20kdc yeah, it's just that subbing like that is going to be slow. but it won't matter for 10s or 100s of chars
L1103[15:30:59] <payonel> i needed to optimize my tty out for, example, cat'ing huge files
L1104[15:31:36] <payonel> i only brought it up because i was concerned you had to do that because of artifacts
L1105[15:31:41] <payonel> which we've fixed
L1106[15:32:00] <20kdc> Nope. I had to do it for sanity reasons. Artifacts were covered by me disabling GPU copy in Everest for a while, but I brought it back after I noticed they were fixed
L1107[15:32:06] <20kdc> so now you can move about windows faster
L1108[15:32:37] <20kdc> moving a window is basically now GPU copy -> draw everything *other* than the window that just moved
L1109[15:33:33] <gamax92> hmm ... where can I get this OS of yours btw
L1110[15:33:46] <payonel> https://github.com/20kdc/OC-KittenOS/
L1111[15:34:14] <gamax92> terrible readme
L1112[15:34:20] <payonel> haha
L1113[15:34:36] <20kdc> payonel: thanks! gamax92: Use the code folder if you just want to copy stuff onto a disk, otherwise: https://20kdc.duckdns.org/neo-inst-dev.lua
L1114[15:34:40] <Inari> Oh I didn't realize it's payo's OS
L1115[15:34:44] <Inari> Or wait
L1116[15:34:47] <Inari> it isn't
L1117[15:34:48] <Inari> I think
L1118[15:34:50] <Inari> Or is it
L1119[15:34:54] <payonel> >_> nope, 20kdc's :)
L1120[15:34:54] <AmandaC> it's @20kdc's
L1121[15:34:58] <Inari> Ah :P
L1122[15:34:59] <payonel> i only have 1 os
L1123[15:35:05] <gamax92> PayOS
L1124[15:35:09] <payonel> :)
L1125[15:35:13] <AmandaC> payo was just answering for 20kdc. :P
L1126[15:35:21] <Mimiru> @gerard are you dynamically generating those or what?
L1127[15:35:48] <AmandaC> @Mimiru considering it's a javascript plugin thing for discord, they're probably doing some css shenanagins
L1128[15:36:02] <Mimiru> eh.. yeah
L1129[15:36:05] <gamax92> canvas shenanigans
L1130[15:36:12] <Mimiru> was wanting to avoid making a fuckton of images.
L1131[15:36:21] <gamax92> make canvas, draw to canvas, dump image data to base64 url
L1132[15:36:47] <Inari> What are we talking about
L1133[15:36:56] <payonel> humping rhinos
L1134[15:37:11] <20kdc> hmm, I wonder - payonel, would entering "base64 > inst.lua" into OpenOS and then pasting 2K base64 buffers work as a bootstrap method?
L1135[15:37:16] <payonel> f**kton of images
L1136[15:37:18] <gamax92>
L1137[15:37:27] <Inari> Who's gerard even
L1138[15:37:34] <gamax92> A user on discord
L1139[15:38:17] <payonel> 20kdc: why base64? pasting where?
L1140[15:38:24] <Inari> So what are they generating
L1141[15:38:27] <Mimiru> Inari did this http://tinyurl.com/y9rxyvzd
L1142[15:38:47] <Inari> I see
L1143[15:39:06] <Inari> Well It would be 26 images
L1144[15:39:22] <gamax92> letters and color combinations
L1145[15:39:41] <20kdc> payonel: The installer isn't strictly ASCII... or UTF-8. So it'd need to be in base64. And pasting into an OpenOS terminal with a base64 decoder running, if base64 is supplied by default.
L1146[15:39:50] ⇦ Quits: cee (cee!~cee@alpha.kalka.io) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1147[15:40:09] <Mimiru> tempting to just dynamically generate them on the fly
L1148[15:40:13] <gamax92> oh jeez
L1149[15:40:26] <Mimiru> cache them
L1150[15:40:27] <Mimiru> ofc
L1151[15:40:29] <gamax92> @20kdc I killed pulseaudio by running cat on tht file
L1152[15:40:33] <20kdc> payonel: ...so apparently base64 is *not* supplied by default. That's that mystery solved.
L1153[15:40:48] <20kdc> gamax92: You can kill pulseaudio by coughing mildly in front of it.
L1154[15:40:52] <gamax92> Yeah well
L1155[15:40:54] <payonel> 20kdc: you mean like `curl -s url | bas64 -d > inst.lua; ./inst.lua` ?
L1156[15:41:00] <gamax92> fuck setting up jack
L1157[15:41:08] <gamax92> and alsa only isn't an option
L1158[15:41:16] <20kdc> gamax92: True, and also true.
L1159[15:41:25] <logan2611> ` emergencyFunction("detected bytecode access, preventing (only remove this block if you trust every app ever on your KittenOS NEO system)")
L1160[15:41:26] <logan2611> `
L1161[15:41:27] <logan2611> hmmm
L1162[15:41:33] <logan2611> ?
L1163[15:42:28] <20kdc> payonel: No, more like `base64 -d > init.lua ; eject ; reboot`, but it seems there's no base64 supplied by default that I know of, so it's a moot point.
L1164[15:42:38] <logan2611> pretty sure a virus can evade that function pretty easily
L1165[15:42:46] <payonel> anyways, yes, > works just fine
L1166[15:42:55] <20kdc> logan2611: If you give it c.filesystem access, yes.
L1167[15:43:14] <20kdc> Or if it manages to break KittenOS NEO security anyway, in which case, please report the bug ASAP.
L1168[15:43:29] <20kdc> Frankly, if that line even runs, you're already taking a risk.,
L1169[15:43:57] <gamax92> But yeah it's cause the terminal tries to be a whole bunch of times rapidly which causes a bunch of alsa queue overruns
L1170[15:44:03] <gamax92> beep*
L1171[15:44:36] <20kdc> sounds fun! anyway, yeah, don't cat that file, it's actually mostly binary data
L1172[15:44:41] <payonel> @20kdc: and you can paste all you want into the terminal, though don't try scroll back up if your input goes longer than a screen height
L1173[15:44:58] <payonel> because i dont do buffering for that, and it'll just look confusing
L1174[15:45:02] <payonel> it's one of those bugs-not-a-bug
L1175[15:45:07] <Corded> * <20kdc> nods
L1176[15:46:32] <20kdc> gamax92: for reference, you aren't missing much (you know, some of these spaces could probably be removed...) http://tinyurl.com/yayvlla5
L1177[15:46:51] <20kdc> ...no idea if Corded sends over Discord attachments, if not, I'll host that elsewhere
L1178[15:46:57] <Mimiru> it does
L1179[15:47:08] <Mimiru> http://tinyurl.com/yayvlla5
L1180[15:48:45] ⇦ Quits: SolaoBajiuik (SolaoBajiuik!~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1181[15:49:24] <gamax92> %lua if 324=324then print("Hello")end
L1182[15:49:24] <MichiBot> main:1: 'then' expected near '='
L1183[15:49:39] <gamax92> err right.
L1184[15:49:44] <gamax92> %lua if 324==324then print("Hello")end
L1185[15:49:44] <MichiBot> Hello
L1186[15:49:50] <20kdc> Lovely, isn't it?
L1187[15:49:59] <20kdc> ...by which I of course mean horrifying
L1188[15:50:03] <gamax92> didn't know you could omit the space before the then
L1189[15:50:10] <20kdc> Only in certain cases.
L1190[15:50:16] <gamax92> numbers only?
L1191[15:50:40] <20kdc> Not just numbers, also strings, but not IDs
L1192[15:50:49] <gamax92> cool
L1193[15:51:02] <20kdc> basically, if the token can't be continued with the character, then it'll work
L1194[15:51:33] <20kdc> "while 1do print(1)end" will fail because "1d" is actually considered a valid part of a number
L1195[15:51:37] <20kdc> right up until it isn't
L1196[15:52:15] <20kdc> but "1t" is considered "1" then "t"
L1197[15:52:34] <20kdc> also note that ")" is a token all by itself, and you can put just about anything immediately after it
L1198[15:53:50] <20kdc> if you want to take it to ridiculously useless levels,
L1199[15:54:01] <20kdc> try: if""==1then;print(1)end
L1200[15:54:11] <20kdc> and apparently that semicolon is somehow valid
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L1202[15:56:55] <AmandaC> @20kdc is it expected that calling <x.neo.pub.base>.lockPerm doesn't work for services? ( Or, at least, services that get auto-started ) -- I vaguely recall reading sometiing about that in the docs, but can't seem to find it again
L1203[15:58:36] <20kdc> It won't work properly the first time, but it will work properly later. That's not documented, but I will document it now. The problem is that autostart occurs only after security has been confirmed, since otherwise any process can go starting services.
L1204[15:59:00] <20kdc> Then again, the implications suggest that it's preferable that any process can go accidentally starting services as opposed to any process being able to *use* any service...
L1205[16:00:54] <AmandaC> Hrm. I'm not getting any security prompt after the second time of launching a service.
L1206[16:01:08] <20kdc> ...ok, then that's lockPerm apparently not working entirely for some reason
L1207[16:01:24] <AmandaC> Or I'm not using lockPerm right: icecap.lockPerm("x.svc.lilac")
L1208[16:01:47] <20kdc> That should be correct if you register with "r.svc.lilac"
L1209[16:01:59] <AmandaC> yup
L1210[16:02:01] <20kdc> If you register with "r.svc.lilac/123", then you have to lock "x.svc.lilac/123"
L1211[16:02:24] <AmandaC> I register r.svc.lilac and r.svc.lilac/settings -- and also do icecap.lockPerm("x.svc.lilac/settings")
L1212[16:03:36] <20kdc> It might be that there is a pre-existing setting blocking lockPerm. Check that the "perm|\*|x.svc.lilac/settings" setting exists and is set to "ask".
L1213[16:05:08] <AmandaC> yup, there's also a "perm|*|x.svc.lilac" also setto "ask"
L1214[16:05:50] <20kdc> In which case, check if a program-specific disable has been put in place, which is "perm|app-yourappname|x.svc.lilac/settings".
L1215[16:06:25] <AmandaC> Nope
L1216[16:06:37] <20kdc> ...in which case, I have no idea. It should be asking in this case.
L1217[16:08:54] <AmandaC> I think it's these lines: https://github.com/20kdc/OC-KittenOS/blob/e487439b3b4455559b10871cab7e7981eb3b75f7/code/libs/sys-secpolicy.lua#L37-L42
L1218[16:09:11] <AmandaC> actualPolicy is getting called when perm|*|<foo> returns "ask" and then that's returning "allow"
L1219[16:09:22] <20kdc> ..and I apparently managed to screw that up, huh
L1220[16:19:03] <20kdc> AmandaC: everything should be fixed now, thanks
L1221[16:19:11] <20kdc> the dev build is in the same place as usual
L1222[16:19:41] <20kdc> also, at some point I made it so that you can copy/paste to/from NeoUX textfields
L1223[16:19:55] <20kdc> using F4/F5.
L1224[16:20:11] <20kdc> ...no, wait, F5/F6.
L1225[16:20:14] <20kdc> I keep getting the two confused.
L1226[16:20:34] <Inari> https://www.ecma-international.org/
L1227[16:20:54] <20kdc> ...really?
L1228[16:21:05] <gamax92> hmm ... I thought I needed to add argument support to the ocemu win stub but the code for that is already there.
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L1231[16:27:23] <gamax92> inb4 the one I ship is outdated
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L1233[16:40:25] <gerard> Mimiru, the color is based on the key codes of the username
L1234[16:40:37] <gerard> So it's not all random, the color will always be the same for the given user
L1235[16:40:44] <gerard> Also the image is cached for each user
L1236[16:40:57] <gerard> So no, it aren't 27 images, it's 3.
L1237[16:41:25] <Inari> Well
L1238[16:41:32] <gerard> And yeah they are base64 encoded, because I was too lazy to search up the URL generation thingy
L1239[16:41:41] <gerard> It would be better, I know
L1240[16:41:52] <Inari> It's "number of users with same letter and same colour code" :D
L1241[16:42:58] <gerard> Yeah, :D
L1242[16:43:07] <gerard> Because I'm dumb and I look at profile pictures
L1243[16:43:12] <gerard> Instead of usernames
L1244[16:44:00] <Wuerfel_21> ^^
L1245[16:56:15] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L1246[17:00:30] <Mimiru> https://michi.pc-logix.com/DiscordPTB_2018-04-23_17-00-23.png
L1247[17:01:24] <Mimiru> cause I got bored after everything started working again.
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L1250[17:04:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L1251[17:04:58] <Mimiru> Moop
L1252[17:05:04] <Mimiru> Oh, right
L1253[17:05:08] <Mimiru> Anyway
L1254[17:05:30] ⇦ Quits: cee (cee!~cee@2601:40d:4400:2ccd::e6a7) (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
L1255[17:05:43] <Wuerfel_21> Ayyy
L1256[17:07:43] <gamax92> that works
L1257[17:08:26] <Wuerfel_21> The letters aren't centered. Luckily, i don't have that much OCD
L1258[17:09:55] <Mimiru> it took forever to get them this close.
L1259[17:10:18] ⇨ Joins: cee (cee!~cee@2601:40d:4400:2ccd::e6a7)
L1260[17:10:57] <Mimiru> imagettfbbox is dumb.
L1261[17:10:58] <Mimiru> mkay
L1262[17:12:10] <Mimiru> but yeah
L1263[17:12:35] <Mimiru> A fixed width font may have made it easier... but you get arial for now
L1264[17:14:02] <Wuerfel_21> WE WANT COMIC PARCHMENT
L1265[17:14:44] <Wuerfel_21> Comrades! Seize the means of text production!
L1266[17:15:17] <Mimiru> http://caitlynmainer.com/discord/yuri/generateavatar.php?nick=AmandaC A is misaligned here, but http://caitlynmainer.com/discord/yuri/generateavatar.php?nick=Mimiru M is pretty close...
L1267[17:16:54] <Mimiru> But if I take the offset out, M is a little off, but A is much closer..
L1268[17:17:03] <Mimiru> but to Align A, I have to offset M WAY to much
L1269[17:17:16] <20kdc> don't try just `@`
L1270[17:17:20] <gamax92> oh yeah, don't make a circle in your generated avatars, just let discord crop it
L1271[17:17:26] <20kdc> ...wait, did I ping someone again... flip.
L1272[17:17:52] <Mimiru> gamax92, the circle doesn't matter really for the text though
L1273[17:17:59] <20kdc> ...wait, I think that was also a -- why is it everybody has usernames that it is really easy to accidentally write
L1274[17:18:23] <gamax92> is my name easy to accidentally write?
L1275[17:18:49] <20kdc> no
L1276[17:19:07] <20kdc> it's just that at least two people AFAIK have names that are easy enough to accidentally write to be a deathtrap
L1277[17:20:08] <Mimiru> But anyway, imagettfbbox is assuming a square, which is what the image actually is
L1278[17:20:11] <Forecaster> Use the font OC uses :D
L1279[17:20:17] <Mimiru> I'm just drawing a circle on top of it.
L1280[17:20:18] <Mimiru> No.
L1281[17:20:20] <Mimiru> :D
L1282[17:20:49] <Forecaster> D:
L1283[17:20:59] <20kdc> one person has the same name as the Discord code tag character, and the other has the name of the word describing what will happen to the former when said character is written
L1284[17:21:19] <Forecaster> But it's uniwidth :P
L1285[17:25:26] <AmandaC> %choose 7ds now or later
L1286[17:25:27] <MichiBot> AmandaC: later
L1287[17:26:54] <Mimiru> I think I've got them closer.
L1288[17:26:59] <Mimiru> Test
L1289[17:27:13] <Mimiru> But I also thing Discord Caches.. lol
L1290[17:27:28] <Wuerfel_21> Discords ping syntax is way superior to IRCs nonstandardized proto-pings
L1291[17:27:58] <Mimiru> http://caitlynmainer.com/discord/yuri/generateavatar.php?nick=Mimiru http://caitlynmainer.com/discord/yuri/generateavatar.php?nick=Sangar
L1292[17:30:06] <Mimiru> http://caitlynmainer.com/discord/yuri/generateavatar.php?nick=@ even works a bit better lol
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L1294[17:57:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4fc1eda9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Eggs are surprisingly strong along their main axis!')
L1295[18:48:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B555124F71AB79FAD7F3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L1296[19:02:26] <AmandaC> %tell Inari no fair, no running off when I'm watching anime D:
L1297[19:02:26] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1298[19:12:16] <AmandaC> %choose fmp or one of the dozens of other animes or start a new one
L1299[19:12:16] <MichiBot> AmandaC: start a new one
L1300[19:17:49] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1301[20:25:48] <AmandaC> @20kdc the note added to us-perms is interesting, I'll have to change my lilac thing tomorrow to make sure
L1302[20:36:41] <Mimiru> https://www.humblebundle.com/store/pc-building-simulator
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L1304[21:04:30] <jvyden420> hi
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L1306[21:04:37] <brandonator> oh
L1307[21:04:46] <brandonator> this actually works
L1308[21:04:56] <Mimiru> In theory.
L1309[21:05:23] ⇦ Quits: jvyden420 (jvyden420!~jvyden420@cpe-75-189-19-200.sc.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1310[21:05:43] <Mimiru> k
L1311[21:32:03] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:545c:6177:316d:2750) (Quit: Cervator)
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L1313[21:43:29] <logan2611> coming up with OS names is hard
L1314[22:03:25] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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L1317[23:16:25] <Izaya> alrighty, resurrected my PsychOS scheduler and basic kernel
L1318[23:16:27] <Izaya> much smaller now
L1319[23:17:22] <Izaya> actually that's a lie I'm not writing it in ICS it's actually something understandable by humans and as such about the same size
L1320[23:17:25] <Izaya> but I skipped users and stuff
L1321[23:58:39] <S3> Izaya: as long as a little green guy says "I am root" when you log in as root then it's authentic
L1322[23:59:04] <Izaya> reeeeeeee
L1323[23:59:10] <Izaya> Also, no root
L1324[23:59:16] <Izaya> This is not a Unix system
L1325[23:59:25] <Izaya> Or any sort of system, really
L1326[23:59:30] <Izaya> It's a scheduler
L1327[23:59:54] <S3> root
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