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L1[00:01:16] <S3> Hey uh Temia AmandaC or inari.. well inari isn';t here
L2[00:01:23] <S3> what's a good Anime this season?
L3[00:01:31] <S3> I'm running out of options!
L4[00:13:16] <Temia> I can't make any suggestions.
L5[00:13:49] <Izaya> This season?
L6[00:13:51] * Izaya shrugs
L7[00:15:23] <Izaya> I hear uh, Lupin III is good, but I haven't seen it
L8[00:15:33] <Izaya> I haven't actually watched anything made since 2015 or so
L9[00:17:14] <Izaya> oh apparently Steins;Gate 0 is a thing too
L10[00:22:52] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L11[00:31:15] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/lfmytd.webm
L12[00:45:23] ⇦ Quits: cpw (cpw!~cpw@23-233-58-185.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L13[00:50:32] ⇨ Joins: cpw (cpw!~cpw@23-233-58-185.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L14[00:54:59] <Temia> I haven't actually been following anime for yeeeeeaaaars.
L15[00:55:15] <Izaya> I cheated. https://myanimelist.net/anime/season
L16[00:56:25] <Temia> Like, once in a blue moon I hear of something that might appeal to me, but that's like one thing out of one year at best.
L17[00:56:59] <Temia> In the meantime, my reaction is tepid at best, and quietly contemplating causing the third impact at worst
L18[00:57:35] <Izaya> pls no instrumentality
L19[00:57:57] <Temia> Not a fan of tang?
L20[00:59:54] <Temia> I'm guessing I'm not allowed to do it ReDeath-style either, huh :<
L21[01:03:08] <Izaya> That sounds less than fun also :|
L22[01:05:21] <Izaya> amusingly, the only things I'm currently following are The Expanse and Silicon Valley
L23[01:05:54] <Temia> awww.
L24[01:06:09] * Temia pouts and puts down the Prince single CD
L25[01:24:43] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:30a2:6d3a:2833:727) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L26[02:15:49] <Ristelle> Vexatos: Sorry to ask again but after writing, does the tape seek towards the end of read?
L27[02:17:10] <Ristelle> writing*
L28[02:17:33] <Ristelle> end of write as in it stops at where it writes.
L29[02:22:22] <Forecaster> %shell
L30[02:22:22] * MichiBot loads an artificial Inari into a shell and fires it. It strikes S3. They take 0 damage (14--2147483648). jfred and LeshaInc stood too close and take 0 damage (8--2147483648) and 0 damage (11--2147483648) respectively.
L31[02:22:31] <Forecaster> oh
L32[02:22:35] <Forecaster> um
L33[02:22:42] <Forecaster> that's not supposed to happen
L34[02:45:23] <TheFox> Everyone's alright! I guess the attack failed?
L35[03:15:02] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6266.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[03:15:27] <Inari> Ohi
L37[03:15:33] <Inari> AmandaC: :d
L38[03:15:35] <Inari> * :D
L39[03:22:25] <Forecaster> @TheFox well if it didn't keep damage from going below zero they'd have taken negative Integer.MIN_VALUE damage...
L40[03:22:45] <Inari> Oh, you figured out why healing was 0?
L41[03:22:56] <Forecaster> no
L42[03:23:11] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ydhp23x7
L43[03:23:23] <Inari> Heh
L44[03:24:34] <Forecaster> it's because "artifical" negates all damage from the item, but it's not displayed correctly...
L45[03:24:49] <Forecaster> and I need to add in minimum damage so the shell always does damage in this case
L46[03:25:13] <Inari> negates via subtracting a huge amount? :p
L47[03:25:25] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L48[03:25:25] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with a magic mirror. AmandaC gained 2 health (0+2)!, evidence of the magic mirror's poor resistance to corrosive chemicals is abundantly clear.
L49[03:25:29] <Forecaster> well, ints can't be null so
L50[03:25:36] <Forecaster> they have to be int.MIN_VALUE
L51[03:25:41] <Inari> I see
L52[03:25:50] <Forecaster> or wait
L53[03:25:51] <Forecaster> hm
L54[03:25:56] <Forecaster> maybe you can use @nullable
L55[03:26:03] <Forecaster> I forgot about that
L56[03:26:19] <Inari> Sounds kind of hacky either way :p
L57[03:27:19] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yc4cw8m9
L58[03:27:19] <Forecaster> No dice
L59[03:28:10] <Inari> Would probably hve to use the non-primitive int
L60[03:28:12] <Inari> If Java has that
L61[03:28:24] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybwq7zen
L62[03:28:24] <Inari> Integer, yeah
L63[03:28:45] <Forecaster> oh, yeah I guess that'd work
L64[03:29:11] <Forecaster> I'll have to change a lot of types then though :P
L65[03:29:53] <Inari> Should be more formalized anyway
L66[03:30:27] <Inari> an Item class, that cna have flags, such as "NEGATE_DMG", from an enum. Then a calculateValue somewhere that is handed the value type (damage/healing) and the item
L67[03:30:29] <Inari> and calcs the stuff
L68[03:30:30] <Inari> :D
L69[03:31:22] <Forecaster> it's not told to negate the damage/reduction/heal in the method call...
L70[03:31:31] <Forecaster> it's determined from the keywords
L71[03:31:39] <Inari> Yeah
L72[03:31:44] <Forecaster> that's the whole point :P
L73[03:31:51] <Inari> But the item class is the item, the item knows its keywords, so it can set its flags
L74[03:33:37] <Forecaster> enums seems superfluous when there's only one state that isn't a number
L75[03:33:53] <Forecaster> (or that doesn't have to be a number)
L76[03:34:34] <Inari> Can be more states later on. Plus you can put the states into numbers at that stage
L77[03:34:49] <Inari> i.e. "fluffy" sets a low-damage flag
L78[03:34:49] <Forecaster> because the method that parses the keyword stuff either returns the modifier, or something that tells it to negate all damage
L79[03:35:17] <Forecaster> I don't see why it needs to be more complicated than that
L80[03:45:25] <Inari> Future-proofing
L81[03:45:29] <Inari> Proper engineering
L82[03:45:30] <Inari> :d
L83[03:46:29] <Forecaster> what would this ever return other than numbers? o-o
L84[03:46:45] <Forecaster> if you wanted something else you'd have to replace the entire thing anyway
L85[03:51:09] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/the-final-reset/100456/
L86[04:12:05] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Da0ZjnIVQAEj4c_.jpg:large
L87[05:05:32] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B58642E33774086F4E35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L88[05:05:32] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L89[05:15:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972715.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L90[05:39:33] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L91[05:39:34] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with ?. AmandaC gained 12 health!
L92[05:55:27] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/mom-hates-birds-leave-nest/99702/
L93[05:55:34] <Forecaster> attack birds!
L94[05:56:54] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L95[06:25:49] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybkshsgb
L96[06:28:27] ⇨ Joins: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com)
L97[06:36:25] <Inari> Haha, nice stroy
L98[06:36:43] <Forecaster> yes, it's a very nice stroy!
L99[06:36:47] <Forecaster> I mean what
L100[06:36:53] <Inari> Is that image linear algebra? :p
L101[06:37:33] <Inari> Hmm
L102[06:37:48] <Inari> Lets calculate that
L103[06:37:54] <Forecaster> I don't know what linear algebra is so I can't answer that :P
L104[06:37:57] <Inari> Actually, can't calculate it :P
L105[06:38:03] <Forecaster> I've already calculated it
L106[06:38:05] <Inari> I was goign to give a range for hte middle one
L107[06:38:10] <Inari> But it's infinite
L108[06:38:45] <Forecaster> infinite?
L109[06:38:59] <Inari> Well the result is undefined
L110[06:39:05] <Inari> and the middle thing is undefined
L111[06:39:08] <Inari> So it could be any given number
L112[06:39:24] <Forecaster> I think you're overthinking it :P
L113[06:39:48] <Inari> Am I ?;p
L114[06:40:33] <Forecaster> the middle one is really just <excavator> + <excavator> + <excavator> + <excavator> = 28
L115[06:41:19] <Forecaster> or (<excavator> * 2) + (<excavator> * 2)
L116[06:41:28] <Inari> Right
L117[06:41:36] <Inari> looked like a single excavator with two shovels
L118[06:41:37] <Inari> Cause 3 pixels
L119[06:41:47] <Forecaster> xD
L120[06:42:04] <Forecaster> it's not that small
L121[06:47:51] <Skye> 10 14 20
L122[06:47:59] <Skye> Uh
L123[06:48:04] <Skye> 10 14 2
L124[06:48:46] <Skye> (2×14)+10
L125[06:48:56] <Skye> Answer is 38
L126[06:49:14] <Skye> Wait
L127[06:49:16] <Skye> Fudge
L128[06:49:17] <Skye> Aaaa
L129[06:49:17] <Forecaster> nope
L130[06:49:18] <Forecaster> :P
L131[06:49:23] <Forecaster> close though
L132[06:49:49] <Skye> 2×7
L133[06:49:51] <Skye> So Uh
L134[06:49:53] <Forecaster> my gf didn't pay attention to the double excavators or order of operations and got 48
L135[06:49:56] <Skye> 24
L136[06:50:00] <Forecaster> correct
L137[06:50:08] <Lizzian> 666
L138[06:50:19] <Kodos> 69420
L139[06:50:21] <Kodos> blaze it
L140[06:50:31] <Forecaster> mmnope, colder :P
L141[06:50:35] <Corded> * <Lizzian> sets the house ablaise
L142[06:50:42] <Kodos> And now I am hungry
L143[06:50:43] * Skye gives @Lizzian a demon horned headband
L144[06:50:54] <Forecaster> I didn't make that image by the way
L145[06:50:59] <Forecaster> It's stolen
L146[06:51:06] <Lizzian> theif!
L147[06:51:15] <Forecaster> I am a theeef
L148[06:51:16] <Corded> * <Lizzian> accepts the headband and puts it on
L149[06:51:32] <Forecaster> but it's from facebook so it's okay, right?
L150[06:51:36] <Forecaster> :P
L151[06:52:00] <Forecaster> I just re-stole it probably
L152[06:52:15] <Forecaster> inari did you get it in the end? :P
L153[06:54:19] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/pogo-bounce-marriage/98194/
L154[06:54:20] <Forecaster> this is great
L155[07:08:03] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L156[07:15:33] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L157[07:19:34] <Inari> @Forecaster 24, probably
L158[07:19:39] <Inari> Ah, yeah
L159[07:22:20] <Forecaster> yep :P
L160[07:25:17] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkContent!~MalkConte@p4FDCCD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L161[07:25:45] <MalkContent> baaa. my treefarm robot lost his position upon world reload
L162[07:26:12] <MalkContent> probably some finicky crap with moving during saving/quitting idk
L163[07:26:23] <MalkContent> this is gonna suck -.-
L164[07:27:55] <Forecaster> just move it back :P
L165[07:29:00] <MalkContent> yea. it's what i did. but i am so not looking forward to correcting that offset everytime i restart mc
L166[07:29:41] ⇨ Joins: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@
L167[07:29:57] <Forecaster> set up something that broadcasts a shutdown signal, getting every robot to stop before you quit the game
L168[07:30:33] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L169[07:31:42] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Client Quit)
L170[07:34:32] <MalkContent> hm. it detects treegrowth with redstone, i can hook into that to make it halt
L171[07:35:10] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L172[07:36:25] <MalkContent> that kind of shenanigans was exactly what i was afraid of. i just hope it doesn't do similar crap when i'm walking away from base
L173[07:36:27] <Arcan> %inv add MichiBot
L174[07:36:27] * MichiBot I can't put myself in my inventory silly.
L175[07:36:41] <MalkContent> casually munch all the redstone setup instead of the trees or something
L176[07:43:47] <Izaya> payonel: suggestions for storing passwords I can use for network verification?
L177[07:51:45] ⇦ Quits: cpw (cpw!~cpw@23-233-58-185.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L178[08:00:01] <Forecaster> Izaya: letter rotation crypto!
L179[08:00:20] * Izaya sets fire to Forecaster
L180[08:00:41] <Forecaster> ohno
L181[08:01:47] <Arcan> Izaya: doesn't OC have a crypto card
L182[08:02:08] <Izaya> yes but I have AES256 already in pure lua
L183[08:02:20] <Izaya> that's not the issue
L184[08:02:44] <Izaya> so my network auth method works by the server sending a salt and the client responding with a hashed salted password
L185[08:03:11] <Izaya> dunno how to securely store passwords on the server if I need to compare the salted hash and the over-the-wire salt changes every time
L186[08:04:26] <Arcan> Izaya: you need an encrypted connection to the server
L187[08:04:41] <Arcan> you send the password in cleartext over the encrypted connection
L188[08:04:42] <Izaya> s/AES256/SHA256/
L189[08:04:42] <MichiBot> <Izaya> yes but I have SHA256 already in pure lua
L190[08:04:46] <Izaya> wrong one x_x
L191[08:04:57] <Izaya> I can hash in pure lua but encryption is somewhat of a stretch
L192[08:05:34] <Arcan> ok....that's how you do it, though...
L193[08:05:58] <Arcan> unless you authenticate using keys like SSH can
L194[08:07:46] <Izaya> this was fine on PsychOS because I could just keep it protected by the kernel and not worry about actually encrypt the passwords
L195[08:08:09] <Izaya> or I could like, have a keyring held by an auth daemon that you need to unlock first I guess, stores its stuff encrypted
L196[08:08:10] <Izaya> :|
L197[08:08:25] * Arcan mumbles something about how that's not actually that secute
L198[08:08:31] <Arcan> s/secute/secure
L199[08:08:31] <MichiBot> * Arcan mumbles something about how that's not actually that secure
L200[08:08:47] <Izaya> yes it wasn't secure :|
L201[08:08:51] <Arcan> but this isn't IRL stuff, so you do you
L202[08:09:01] <Izaya> but it was safer to have user passwords in kernel space than on the disk all the time
L203[08:09:26] <Izaya> (I mean, it was on the disk, but protected by the kernel. Not the point.)
L204[08:09:43] <Arcan> IRL, you encrypt the connection, send the password plaintext over the encrypted connection to the server, and the server salts and hashes the password
L205[08:10:10] <Izaya> or you use public/private keys like a sane human being
L206[08:10:11] <Izaya> gaaaah
L207[08:10:27] <Arcan> or that
L208[08:10:46] <Arcan> either way, you need an OC crypto card, unless you can implement it in pure lua
L209[08:11:01] <Izaya> this is hard because I don't want to require fancy hardware and I dunno how heavy this AES lib is
L210[08:11:06] <Arcan> also, using keys is only sane on a small scale
L211[08:11:23] <MalkContent> ice plains spikes are supposed to be rare, right? >_>
L212[08:11:29] <Izaya> https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/aeslua
L213[08:11:55] <MalkContent> i've been searching a freaking desert for almost half an hour now and just found the 4th ice spikes biome...
L214[08:11:58] <MalkContent> the hell
L215[08:12:20] <MalkContent> i've never seen one before today
L216[08:12:56] <SquidDev> Izaya: It's worth noting that there's asymetric systems aside from RSA. Someone's implemented Ring-LWE in pure Lua (http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/29034-) which may be worth checking out.
L217[08:13:07] <Izaya> ohai
L218[08:13:09] <Izaya> I'll take a look.
L219[08:14:03] <Arcan> MalkContent: story of my life whenever i have chromaticraft installed
L220[08:14:04] <Izaya> oof, the full AES lib is 12k
L221[08:14:35] <Izaya> oh nice, there's a paper here
L222[08:14:45] <Izaya> done with LaTeX no less
L223[08:16:11] <Izaya> 18k for (commented and sane) rlwe
L224[08:16:13] * Izaya hmms
L225[08:17:05] <SquidDev> WRT AES, I'd recommend using Chacha20 or something. The implementations are generally much shorter and faster.
L226[08:17:37] <SquidDev> Though I'd also argue that encryption is almost always overkill :p
L227[08:18:09] ⇨ Joins: SolaoBajiuik (SolaoBajiuik!~quassel@
L228[08:18:14] <Izaya> I'm just trying to protect passwords x_x
L229[08:18:47] <Izaya> then again I could just say "make sure your physical security is up to scratch because while this is safe otw it's not stored encrypted on disk"
L230[08:18:53] <Izaya> :|
L231[08:21:28] <Izaya> mfw
L232[08:21:41] <Izaya> the CC forums can't do password reset because recaptcha v1 is kill
L233[08:22:13] <SquidDev> Yep. Dan's been informed but no response :/.
L234[08:22:14] <MalkContent> never played chromaticraft
L235[08:22:25] <MalkContent> looks funky
L236[08:23:06] <Temia> rip
L237[08:24:50] <Arcan> MalkContent: it's fun, esp if you can find worldgen mods that work properly with it
L238[08:24:58] <Arcan> since it's much about exploration
L239[08:25:05] <Izaya> payonel: also, can I provide multiple arguments with rc.cfg?
L240[08:25:17] <Arcan> but can also be incredibly frustrating, mostly because MC is not really made for exploration
L241[08:25:40] <MalkContent> well. not if you /have/ to find something :D
L242[08:27:54] <Arcan> i was referring to how slow worldgen runs, especially with a pile of mods
L243[08:30:05] <MalkContent> ah. fair enough
L244[08:30:06] <Temia> Ah, yes. And there is unfortunately little that can be done about that beyond improving bottlenecks in the algorithm, since moving to a new one would be a seriously breaking change
L245[08:30:19] <Izaya> Not like they haven't done it before
L246[08:30:36] <Izaya> Anyone remember the fun chunk edges in b1.8?
L247[08:31:28] <Arcan> i was able to singlehandedly time out an entire server, just by generating new chunks
L248[08:31:34] <Arcan> in 1.7 modded
L249[08:32:20] <Temia> It doesn't help that some people think they can run their servers on potatoes
L250[08:32:35] <Izaya> >not having potato servers
L251[08:32:49] <Izaya> in all seriousness I don't do that any more, my connection is just ... mediocre.
L252[08:35:38] <Arcan> I think it was a dedicated server on reasonably beefy hardware.
L253[08:38:41] <Izaya> enough mods and it'll crush anything
L254[08:39:56] <Arcan> Izaya: wasn't that many
L255[08:39:58] <Arcan> around 100
L256[08:40:04] <Arcan> which for 1.7.10 is not a lot
L257[08:40:05] <Izaya> oh x_x
L258[08:40:15] <Izaya> yeah 1.7.10 is probably still the best for modded MC
L259[08:40:59] <Arcan> i've played 1.7 SSP with nearly 300 mods installed on a potato PC successfully
L260[08:41:33] <Izaya> I miss 1.3 a little
L261[08:41:43] <Izaya> also 1.5
L262[08:45:50] <Arcan> I didn't even get MC until sometime in 1.8.x
L263[08:46:10] <Arcan> so the first version I modded would have been 1.7
L264[08:49:12] <Izaya> I played pirated beta 1.3 first, then pirated 1.8, bought it around that time, played snapshots
L265[08:49:23] <Izaya> modded beta 1.7 onwards
L266[08:49:44] <Izaya> 1.3 (or 1.1?) was the last version ComputerCraft didn't require forge so you could use it with Better than Wolves
L267[08:50:08] <Izaya> 1.5 I ran a server with a ruined city map generator and heaps of stuff like ICBM
L268[08:50:29] <Arcan> I'd played my cousins' copy, and even modded it
L269[08:51:20] <Arcan> Before the new imho shitty vanilla launcher came out the barrier to entry to modding with just forge and vanilla launcher was lower
L270[08:51:29] <Arcan> now I use multiMC for everything, including vanilla
L271[08:52:35] <Forecaster> MultiMC is excellent
L272[08:52:54] <Izaya> I'm using SKLauncher recently
L273[08:53:38] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7lm9l2h
L274[08:53:45] <Forecaster> never heard "fruit based systems" before
L275[08:53:47] <Forecaster> xD
L276[08:54:09] <Forecaster> I might have to start using that if I remember
L277[08:58:03] <Izaya> Arcan: do you actually play the game
L278[08:58:30] <Izaya> semi-serious question
L279[08:58:32] <Arcan> i used to
L280[08:58:37] <Izaya> a lot of people around here don't actually play the game
L281[08:58:39] <Arcan> i burned out around december
L282[08:58:43] * Izaya nods
L283[08:58:48] <Arcan> i'll probably start playing it again eventually
L284[08:59:10] <Arcan> but i'm rather busy with school, and i'm kind of waiting for a certain server to restart
L285[08:59:20] <Izaya> well, if you want to play in the meantime, https://oc.shadowkat.net/skssrv/ I have this now
L286[09:03:19] <Inari> %pet Temia
L287[09:03:19] * MichiBot brushes Temia with Moongoodboy{K}'s soul. Temia gained 0 health!, Moongoodboy{K}'s soul suddenly collapses into a singularity.
L288[09:03:26] <Inari> Hrm
L289[09:03:39] <Temia> I seem to be killing Moongoodboy{K} with my existence.
L290[09:03:46] <Inari> Apparently
L291[09:03:46] <Temia> Who is this person who keeps self-destructing against me?
L292[09:03:53] <Inari> I have no clue!
L293[09:03:56] <Temia> Oh, Inari
L294[09:04:11] <Arcan> I know them.
L295[09:04:14] <Temia> https://twitter.com/Satellite_09/status/985646481855033345
L296[09:04:14] <MichiBot> Sun Apr 15 17:30:08 CDT 2018 @Satellite_09: Evie gets the kids to work at the cat cafe for a day but she has ulterior motives https://t.co/srG0MvUkR4
L297[09:04:24] <Temia> Have you read Cat Wishes yet? :D
L298[09:04:35] <Inari> Cat Wishes?
L299[09:04:38] <Skye> ?
L300[09:04:55] * Temia digs up the full title
L301[09:05:05] <Temia> "My Friends And I Were Granted Three Wishes By A Cat Goddess And I Swear I Got Distracted When My Turn Came Around"
L302[09:05:10] <Inari> And that fairly cute
L303[09:05:18] * Mimiru looks around
L304[09:05:21] <Mimiru> Oh
L305[09:05:26] <Mimiru> Morning lol
L306[09:05:30] <Temia> Moorning o/
L307[09:05:38] <Arcan> o/ Mimiru
L308[09:06:18] <Inari> Temia: I see. Well not sure why "yet", had you linked it before?
L309[09:06:25] <Temia> Well, no
L310[09:06:32] <Temia> But I figure it might interest you because cats.
L311[09:06:34] <Temia> And cuteness.
L312[09:07:16] <Inari> I see. Well can't say I'm overly interested in gender themes in stories unless it's reverse traps xD
L313[09:07:34] <Forecaster> %pet Mimiru
L314[09:07:34] * MichiBot pets Mimiru with sarcasm. Mimiru gained 15 health!
L315[09:07:35] <Temia> Oh .-.
L316[09:07:36] <Temia> Well okay.
L317[09:08:05] <Inari> And the "preview" illustration also looks a bit odd in style, so doubt I'd spend $5 on it
L318[09:08:09] <Temia> https://twitter.com/zandravandra/status/949790065475096577 not even for gay as heck size difference catgirl couples?
L319[09:08:09] <MichiBot> Sat Jan 06 17:49:32 CST 2018 @zandravandra: Hey hi have some Cat Wishes bonus art! :D
L320[09:08:51] <Inari> Hmm not really? Not the kinda artstyle I favour :D
L321[09:08:58] <Temia> Okay, okay
L322[09:10:25] <Arcan> %pet someone
L323[09:10:25] * MichiBot brushes someone with allegro days. someone gained 11 health!
L324[09:12:05] <Forecaster> https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/04/16/dwarf-fortress-dwarves-to-be-given-memories-dev-shows-no-remorse/
L325[09:13:00] <Forecaster> *"Dropping a boulder on somebody and then leaving my dwarves unattended outside with nothing to do for a year resulted in tantrums, depression and oblivious wandering, so it seems to be working."*
L326[09:14:51] <AmandaC> Dwarf Fortress makes a lot more sense if you understand the dev was originally trying to make a fantasy world generator
L327[09:15:13] <Forecaster> it is still a fantasy world generator
L328[09:15:21] <Forecaster> even more so in fact, since the world has more things in it
L329[09:23:40] <MalkContent> welp. that was an eternity of searching for a damn desert. still haven't found one, but i found a slime on the way >_>
L330[09:23:56] <MalkContent> so thanks botania, i got me cactus now
L331[09:35:10] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkContent!~MalkConte@p4FDCCD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L332[09:53:20] * Inari is so bored
L333[09:55:01] <Arcan> %pet Inari
L334[09:55:01] * MichiBot pets Inari with Mimiru's SLA. Inari gained 8 health!
L335[09:55:06] * Arcan is always bored
L336[09:55:20] <Mimiru> huh...
L337[09:55:24] <Mimiru> that doesn't antiping
L338[09:55:25] <Mimiru> odd
L339[09:55:39] <Inari> %stab Arcan
L340[09:55:39] * MichiBot stabs Arcan with Inari doing 7 damage
L341[09:55:49] <Inari> :f
L342[09:55:56] <Arcan> Inari: why
L343[09:56:02] <Inari> Illegal petting
L344[09:56:07] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L345[09:56:07] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with N30. AmandaC gained 10 health!
L346[09:56:28] <Arcan> Inari: I thought you liked being pet
L347[09:56:51] <Arcan> %give Inari Inari
L348[09:56:51] * MichiBot gives Inari Inari from her inventory
L349[09:57:03] <S3> I don't pet Inari
L350[09:57:07] <S3> I dont want to lose an arm
L351[09:57:38] <AmandaC> ~w gpu
L352[09:57:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L353[09:57:40] <Izaya> S3: without encrypting the entire connection, how should I do network auth
L354[09:57:56] * Arcan doesn't have arms to lose
L355[09:58:12] <S3> Izaya: know any low security key pair auth?
L356[09:58:44] <Forecaster> Mimiru when I wrote it I didn't anticipate people adding other peoples names to the inventory
L357[09:58:45] <Forecaster> :P
L358[09:58:49] <S3> if you could make like a 7 byte output signature you could sign them that way
L359[09:58:54] <Mimiru> I thought I'd added it
L360[09:58:56] <S3> every packet could be signed
L361[09:59:09] <Izaya> S3: well all I wanted to do was verify a password without sending the password
L362[09:59:11] <Forecaster> I'll add it to the GetName method later or something
L363[09:59:11] <S3> user:signature
L364[09:59:24] <Forecaster> need to fix the damage when I get home anyway
L365[09:59:38] <Izaya> with PsychOS I had the kernel store the passwords in memory and I used a system of hashing
L366[09:59:41] <S3> well that's what key pair auth does best
L367[09:59:47] <Mimiru> I thought the sendMessage calls did the dynamic antiPing calls
L368[09:59:53] <S3> another way is to use auth tokens
L369[09:59:58] <Izaya> but if I want to store them securely on disk on OpenOS I'm out of luck there
L370[10:00:00] <Mimiru> without having to add it to the methods directly
L371[10:00:06] * Mimiru shrugs
L372[10:00:22] <Izaya> short of using a keyring daemon or something
L373[10:00:23] <Forecaster> it's an action though
L374[10:00:25] <Inari> Arcan: Only my nii is allowed to pet me :p
L375[10:00:25] <Izaya> which could work I guess
L376[10:00:41] <S3> Izaya: can use UUID security
L377[10:00:50] <Arcan> Inari: headtilt
L378[10:00:55] <Mimiru> I might have messed that then, but the dynamic antiPing supports actions too
L379[10:01:02] <Arcan> "nii" not in language banks
L380[10:01:05] <Izaya> if you mean network card UUIIDs, they can be spoofed
L381[10:01:17] <S3> can they really
L382[10:01:25] <Izaya> yes
L383[10:01:29] <S3> how doe sthat work
L384[10:01:32] <S3> ~w network
L385[10:01:32] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L386[10:01:35] <Izaya> there's a computronics(?) component that lets you
L387[10:01:39] <Inari> Arcan: Short for onii-chan. Big brother
L388[10:01:40] <Inari> :p
L389[10:01:52] <S3> ohh
L390[10:02:03] <S3> well I wouldn't worry about that
L391[10:02:16] <S3> if somebody goes through THAT much trouble they should be allowed to fuck with it
L392[10:02:16] <S3> :P
L393[10:02:28] <Izaya> Inari: are you secretly Miyuki Shiba?
L394[10:02:40] <Izaya> S3: that and uh
L395[10:02:43] <Izaya> that only works on local networks
L396[10:02:44] <S3> where have I heard that name before..
L397[10:03:03] <Arcan> Inari: well, i'm probably larger than you, and male, but not older than you and certainly not related, so i guess i'll have to settle for hoping someone will pet me someday
L398[10:03:05] <Izaya> so if I want to do it over the internet like I can with minitel I'm out of luck
L399[10:04:08] <Izaya> fuck it I'll just have user/pass combos stored in plaintext I guess
L400[10:04:09] <S3> minitel use IRC?
L401[10:04:12] <Inari> Arcan: How would you know if you're older :D
L402[10:04:17] <Inari> Izaya: Not that I'm aware of
L403[10:04:21] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/hang-ups-options/108519/
L404[10:04:21] <Izaya> nah it has a somewhat dedicated bridge nowdays
L405[10:04:30] <Izaya> emulates a linked card so other stuff can use it too
L406[10:05:16] <Arcan> Inari: are you 18 or older?
L407[10:05:29] <Inari> I'm eternal 14!
L408[10:05:29] <Izaya> S3: https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel/tree/master/vTunnel
L409[10:05:31] <S3> that's not creepy at all
L410[10:05:40] <Skye> I want to have a sniffing card dammit.
L411[10:05:47] <Arcan> S3: if the answer is yes to my question, then Inari is older than me
L412[10:05:58] <Skye> Arcan, IIRC Inari is taking electronics at university for at least a year now. :P
L413[10:05:59] <S3> Arcan: you're a baby
L414[10:06:04] <Arcan> S3: yes
L415[10:06:07] <Inari> Skye: CS
L416[10:06:07] <Arcan> a hatchling
L417[10:06:10] <S3> lol
L418[10:06:21] <Arcan> IRC account less than three years old
L419[10:06:24] * Inari is still bored
L420[10:06:39] <Arcan> %fling Inari
L421[10:06:39] * MichiBot flings depression in a random direction. It hits Inari right in their lunch. They take 13 damage (14--1).
L422[10:06:39] <Inari> %fling Arcan
L423[10:06:40] * MichiBot flings supercalifragilisticexpialodocious in a random direction. It hits Arcan on the left hand. They take 6 damage (4+2).
L424[10:06:41] * MichiBot Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious met the Doctor and went on numerous adventures through time and space..
L425[10:06:46] <S3> ocvm why you no build
L426[10:07:08] <S3> I should patch the sources and make it work
L427[10:07:13] <S3> this would be HILARIOUS
L428[10:07:22] <S3> (On my desktop upstairs)
L429[10:07:26] <Forecaster> "rolf"
L430[10:07:52] <Skye> S3, OCVM built with clang on debain on WSL
L431[10:08:05] <S3> thats bad enough
L432[10:08:10] <Skye> IIRC OCVM does require Linux APIs though
L433[10:08:11] <Izaya> it's worth noting that using clang is easier than gcc for ocvm
L434[10:08:13] <Inari> Forecaster is rolling on the laughing floor
L435[10:08:25] <Izaya> because somehow it balloons to using like 4GB of memory to build with gcc
L436[10:08:32] <Skye> S3, doesn't OpenBSD use Clang?
L437[10:08:33] <Izaya> I wonder if webkit has finished building
L438[10:08:42] <S3> Skye: Not sure. I bet it does.
L439[10:08:45] <S3> why?
L440[10:08:48] <Izaya> openbsd has both clang and gcc
L441[10:08:52] <Forecaster> maybe I'm "rolling on life funnily"
L442[10:08:52] <Izaya> but both are too wonky to build ocvm
L443[10:08:54] <Skye> are you compliling it for OpenBSD?
L444[10:08:57] <Forecaster> >:
L445[10:08:59] <S3> No
L446[10:09:15] <S3> Skye: My desktop upstairs needs 80486 compatble software or older.
L447[10:09:24] <Skye> o-oh
L448[10:09:27] <Skye> hum
L449[10:09:28] <S3> I have a 16 bit operating system on it
L450[10:09:48] <S3> I'm running FreeDOS on it
L451[10:09:49] <Izaya> no reason why it wouldn't work, I guess
L452[10:09:53] <Izaya> install netbsd
L453[10:10:03] <S3> FreeDOS runs great though
L454[10:10:11] <Izaya> FreeDOS is nice
L455[10:10:12] <vifino> install minix
L456[10:10:14] <S3> we gotta make a MS/PC-DOS port of OCVM
L457[10:10:14] <vifino> the original
L458[10:10:19] <S3> and give it to payonel
L459[10:10:32] <Izaya> vifino: for once it doesn't have minix already installed
L460[10:10:33] <Skye> CFLAGS=-march=486
L461[10:10:34] <Skye> ?
L462[10:10:47] <vifino> Izaya: i install minix on machines that don't have it.
L463[10:10:48] <Skye> S3, _screa
L464[10:10:51] <Skye> S3, oh
L465[10:10:53] <Skye> DJGPP
L466[10:10:56] <S3> yes
L467[10:10:59] <Skye> and also uh
L468[10:10:59] <S3> I have DJGPP installed
L469[10:11:07] <S3> it took FOREVER
L470[10:11:08] <Izaya> vifino: was talking about modern intel machines running minix
L471[10:11:08] <Skye> if you port it to DOS
L472[10:11:16] <Skye> could you port it to win32 console too? :o
L473[10:11:17] <vifino> Izaya: i am fully aware.
L474[10:11:26] <Izaya> ok shiny
L475[10:11:28] <S3> Skye: it should just work
L476[10:11:28] <vifino> also, just to make you jelly..
L477[10:11:33] <Izaya> fuck you
L478[10:11:35] <S3> thing is Lua afaik uses floating point numbers
L479[10:11:44] <vifino> i am getting a fully open source laptop.
L480[10:11:46] <S3> therefore I have to use hardware floats which 486 makes easy
L481[10:11:46] <vifino> no blobs.
L482[10:11:49] <Skye> if it's 486 you can assume FPU
L483[10:11:51] * Izaya squints
L484[10:11:53] <vifino> 3D graphics, too.
L485[10:11:55] <S3> and if I compile it it'd become a 32 bit program
L486[10:11:57] <Izaya> Which?
L487[10:12:02] <vifino> MNTMN Reform.
L488[10:12:06] <Skye> but you should probably truncate to a 64bit float then
L489[10:12:08] <S3> which means that ocvm should also work then on win32 console
L490[10:12:12] <vifino> One of the 15 developer devices. :)
L491[10:12:26] <Skye> S3, maybe not out of the box, the APIs are still different
L492[10:12:28] <S3> With the lua requirements I don't think I can make a 16 bit ocvm
L493[10:12:32] <Izaya> shiny
L494[10:12:33] <Izaya> trackball
L495[10:12:35] <Skye> unless you're using that HX DOS Extender
L496[10:12:42] <vifino> Or rather, one of the 6(?) 1.2Ghz machines.
L497[10:12:48] <Skye> win32 is not dos with 32 bit
L498[10:12:54] <Izaya> it looks not too bad at all
L499[10:13:01] <vifino> Are you jelly yet, Izaya?
L500[10:13:19] <S3> Skye: yeah it may be a problem..
L501[10:13:24] <Izaya> mildly
L502[10:13:37] <Skye> S3, alternately
L503[10:13:40] <S3> but it'd run in dosbox!
L504[10:13:40] <Skye> make it for windows
L505[10:13:41] <Izaya> more surprised that there's something available that actually is vaguely like the laptop designs I did last year
L506[10:13:46] <Skye> and use the HX DOS Extender
L507[10:13:49] <Skye> to run it on dos
L508[10:13:56] <vifino> Open source reprogrammable mechanical keyboard, open source reprogrammable trackball, x230 size?
L509[10:13:58] <S3> oh btw have you ever heard of lovedos?
L510[10:14:11] <S3> lovedos is a love engine that creates DOS executables
L511[10:14:42] <vifino> Has GPIO, i2c and spi available internally too.
L512[10:14:44] <S3> no idea if they are 16 bit
L513[10:14:54] <vifino> I'm gonna add ws2812b leds and RGB the fuck out of it. :)
L514[10:15:58] <Skye> S3, https://sourceforge.net/projects/hx-dos/ http://www.xaver.me/drdoswiki/index.php?n=Main.HX-DOS#toc19
L515[10:16:20] <vifino> Are you coming to 35c3, btw, Izaya?
L516[10:16:25] <vifino> You /better/.
L517[10:16:43] <Izaya> apply sled to both sides?
L518[10:16:46] <Skye> isn't that like, expensive? especially the flight
L519[10:17:02] <vifino> could do, not sure if i want to, though.
L520[10:17:23] <vifino> Skye: you should be there, too.
L521[10:17:37] <Izaya> vifino: https://shadowkat.net/news/19.html it's vaguely like some of the stuff I put in here
L522[10:17:38] <Skye> when is it?
L523[10:17:43] <Izaya> looks like it meets most of the requirements too
L524[10:17:51] <S3> I see
L525[10:17:55] <vifino> december 26th to 29th or something?
L526[10:18:20] <Izaya> yesssssss
L527[10:18:33] <Izaya> Skye: I can now start vtunnel as an rc service, with an address argument
L528[10:18:47] <vifino> Izaya: yeah, its very similar
L529[10:18:54] <vifino> fullfills most if not all requirements
L530[10:19:00] <Izaya> vifino: screen isn't very good
L531[10:19:04] <vifino> screen is low res x220 tho.
L532[10:19:04] <Skye> I have an x220 tablet x_x
L533[10:19:06] <vifino> yeah.
L534[10:19:17] <Izaya> then again I've been using 1024x576 recently
L535[10:19:17] <S3> Izaya: lol this is neat
L536[10:19:21] <vifino> Izaya: its good, just low res.
L537[10:19:24] <vifino> IPS.
L538[10:19:30] <Izaya> good low res
L539[10:19:33] <Izaya> but still low res
L540[10:19:37] * Izaya nods
L541[10:19:40] <vifino> nothing like the shitty screens we got in our thinkpads.
L542[10:19:48] <Izaya> can the board display higher resolutions?
L543[10:19:55] <vifino> yep
L544[10:19:56] <Izaya> and by extension, could you mod a better screen in?
L545[10:19:59] <vifino> yep
L546[10:20:07] <vifino> its got hdmi, dunno if its got displayport
L547[10:20:21] <Izaya> nice
L548[10:20:25] <Izaya> that's basically no issue then :D
L549[10:20:31] <Izaya> I'd love to see a laptop with an e-ink screen
L550[10:20:38] <Izaya> I probably wouldn't want to use it too much
L551[10:20:44] <Izaya> but it'd make an excellent text terminal
L552[10:20:51] <Izaya> for using outside(tm)
L553[10:21:06] <vifino> bring a tent, no issue.
L554[10:25:24] <Izaya> S3: it's one of the few actually interesting things I've published in a while
L555[10:25:55] <S3> ill have to read the whole thing at some point
L556[10:25:57] <S3> but I just woek up
L557[10:39:05] <AmandaC> payonel: ocvm seems to do strange things to shades of grey.
L558[10:41:21] <AmandaC> payonel: while some colour distortion is expected given the properties of the terminal, this seems a bit extreme / wild: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/Eao89iWef9TYdwX (Same screen in OC: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/S4GiokYo669tB3w )
L559[10:42:11] <AmandaC> payonel: This is with a background of 0x222222 at a depth of 4
L560[10:42:34] <Arcan> purple!
L561[11:01:33] ⇨ Joins: cpw (cpw!~cpw@23-233-58-185.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L562[11:20:21] <Izaya> I forget, can I set floppies as read-only?
L563[11:21:56] <Mimiru> No
L564[11:22:21] <Izaya> Oh, okay.
L565[11:22:37] <Izaya> dark magic it is, I guess.
L566[11:26:03] <YourBabysDaddy> Hey, Are there any issues with 1.7.10 of this set up?
L567[11:26:04] <YourBabysDaddy> https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/22059-open-computers-program-for-draconic-reactor-direwolf20-mc1102/
L568[11:27:37] <YourBabysDaddy> Multi player server. (Im the HNIC) i spent 7 hours to kill the guardian. finally got all set up. nothing works. so now im in creative mode on the server breaking stuff replacing things. re downloading and running the lua files
L569[11:27:43] <Izaya> I assume that's just a tutorial for setting up https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/873-draconic-control-get-everything-out-of-your-draconic-reactor/ so I imagine it's fine
L570[11:28:29] <Izaya> That has a lot of instructions to go with it.
L571[11:51:54] <Izaya> Tomorrow's project: concat everything in /boot in an attempt to reduce boot times
L572[11:52:15] <Forecaster> yes, concat all the things! what could go wrong!
L573[11:52:24] <Izaya> OpenOS could fail to boot
L574[11:52:47] <Izaya> but if I can turn like, 15-20 files into one file, that'll be a lot less calls to load it
L575[11:54:27] <Izaya> if I wrap each file in do/end pairs that'll keep local working
L576[12:03:32] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/pkbpkg.png
L577[12:06:21] <Skye> Izaya, how tf can you do shaders
L578[12:06:22] <Skye> x_x
L579[12:06:35] <Izaya> A GTX 980 is no slouch
L580[12:06:54] <Izaya> The 690 could do them too but that induced fire out the back of my machine
L581[12:07:02] <Izaya> Also the shaders are v. light
L582[12:07:38] <Izaya> I can run the low settings version on my T420 if I don't mind well done rather than rare human drumstick
L583[12:08:02] <Skye> that implies you have thick thighs
L584[12:08:41] <Izaya> not neccesarily
L585[12:08:46] <Izaya> I'm just saying
L586[12:08:49] <Izaya> it makes more heat
L587[12:08:55] <Izaya> anyway
L588[12:09:00] <Izaya> look into Chocoapic13's shaders
L589[12:20:27] <Inari> Meh
L590[12:20:36] * Inari dislikes all these newfangles dark magical girl series
L591[12:23:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972715.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L592[12:42:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B58642E33774086F4E35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L593[12:44:02] <Skye> Inari, we need a medium-brightness magical girl series
L594[12:45:27] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkContent!~MalkConte@p4FDCCD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L595[12:52:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B587D454200815308F8A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L596[12:52:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L597[12:55:02] <YourBabysDaddy> Sorry, Yeah, So this is my set up http://tinyurl.com/ydgj7bt4
L598[12:55:30] <YourBabysDaddy> the creative block is for the computer lol
L599[12:55:34] <YourBabysDaddy> not touching anything else lol
L600[12:56:47] <YourBabysDaddy> http://tinyurl.com/y9r79r8c
L601[12:57:42] <YourBabysDaddy> So the OC says danger. Got it . instead of the crystals I used cryo cause i thought it was the crystals at first.
L602[13:00:33] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972715.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L603[13:12:47] <YourBabysDaddy> Anyone who got the issue like I did. The way I fixed it is I didnt attached the fluxducts right to the Draconic injector or stablizer. I put a piece of wire between them
L604[13:19:29] <Forecaster> huh, minit is just a single executable
L605[13:29:00] <YourBabysDaddy> For the draconium reactor.
L606[13:29:35] <YourBabysDaddy> It wasnt registering the fluxducts. I was able to put a block between to get them to work
L607[14:29:25] <AmandaC> ~w nanomachines
L608[14:29:25] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:nanomachines
L609[14:30:15] <MalkContent> hmm. µc can't act as transposers, can they?
L610[14:30:51] <Inari> @Forecaster Yeah, thats possible. I wonder what the up/downsides to it are. Like I guess if you want to patch indiviual files in patch, thats an obvious downside, but you can still do binary diffs even in that case
L611[14:31:00] <Inari> Maybe it can't lazyload then
L612[14:31:01] <AmandaC> MalkContent: they can, place one in the slots on the left
L613[14:31:05] <Inari> i.e. has to load the whole binary on starutp
L614[14:31:17] <MalkContent> oh neat! thanks
L615[14:31:27] <MalkContent> finally found a use for these suckers then :D
L616[14:36:58] <Forecaster> the whole thing is about 100MB :P
L617[14:37:04] <Forecaster> not a big deal to redownload
L618[14:38:05] <Vexatos> @Forecaster do I detect a detour
L619[14:38:14] <Forecaster> nope :P
L620[14:38:17] <Vexatos> aw
L621[14:38:30] <Forecaster> straight-to-series for this one
L622[14:38:39] <Vexatos> o :u
L623[14:38:44] <Vexatos> Well I guess
L624[14:38:54] <Vexatos> maybe the video wouldn't fit the format itself anyway
L625[14:38:59] <Vexatos> Being only one minute long
L626[14:40:17] <Forecaster> I just recorded the first three episodes
L627[14:46:07] <Vexatos> only took a minute .-.
L628[14:52:10] <payonel> S3: lua 5.3 can work with decimals
L629[14:53:54] <payonel> AmandaC: ouch, that purple is pretty different :)
L630[14:53:58] <payonel> i'll test that out
L631[14:54:59] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:2470:1565:f0cd:a38f)
L632[14:56:41] <payonel> AmandaC: depth 8 that gray looks great
L633[14:56:52] <AmandaC> payonel: I'm on depth 4 to simulate a tablet
L634[14:57:05] <AmandaC> ( rather, the tablet I have in my MC world)
L635[14:57:16] <payonel> yeah, i get that. just saying this gets messy :|
L636[14:57:37] <payonel> i do seem to remember this purple
L637[14:57:38] <Vexatos> payonel, you seen Lua 5.4?
L638[14:57:46] <Vexatos> Are you even subscribed to the mailing list
L639[14:57:48] <payonel> Vexatos: yeah, i read about it
L640[14:57:51] <Vexatos> alright
L641[14:57:54] <payonel> i'm not subscribed to anything
L642[14:57:56] <payonel> :/
L643[14:58:04] <Vexatos> dw it's 30% Soni anyway
L644[14:58:18] <Vexatos> (more like 20% actually)
L645[15:00:27] <MalkContent> the hell. there's a t1 wireless card now?
L646[15:00:38] <payonel> heck yes! :)
L647[15:00:54] <S3> payonel: hmm?
L648[15:01:06] <MalkContent> well that's just all kinds of neat :D
L649[15:01:11] <payonel> S3: you were talking about cryptography and lua
L650[15:01:19] ⇦ Quits: Aedda (Aedda!~aedda@2600:3c00::19:cace) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L651[15:01:21] <payonel> MalkContent: it is wireless only, 1 port, low range
L652[15:01:25] <S3> two completely different conversations lol
L653[15:01:37] <S3> payonel: so! want an 8086 compatible lua lib?
L654[15:01:39] <Vexatos> S3, to start a third conversation, use the new selene features!
L655[15:01:56] <MalkContent> that's fair
L656[15:02:12] ⇨ Joins: Aedda (Aedda!~aedda@2600:3c00::19:cace)
L657[15:02:21] <payonel> S3: i'm not adding new natives. if/when we support new natives there would need have to be a separate module for that. sangar had some plans and to be honest, i don't know how he wanted to roll that out
L658[15:02:42] <S3> payonel: but this is just a joke
L659[15:02:49] <Vexatos> payonel, but what about the 5.4 natives :^)
L660[15:02:53] <S3> you can just throw an MS-DOS compatible lua lib in there as a joke for people to look at
L661[15:03:18] <S3> also payonel we were talking about compiling OCVM on 16 bit hardware earlier
L662[15:10:01] <payonel> AmandaC: the color inflate/deflate code is PROBABLY correct, but then i have to take the oc generated color value ( [0, 255] ) and map it to the terminal colors. but i lose some due to grays
L663[15:10:02] <payonel> https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/blob/master/drivers/ansi.cpp#L11
L664[15:10:23] <payonel> there are going to be some bad ones, like you point out
L665[15:10:51] <payonel> that mapping i have there is the pretty close, i used some "color difference" algorithms to generate that
L666[15:11:16] <payonel> but, 0x222222 and the deflated code it generates might deserve a special case of some sort
L667[15:11:20] <payonel> i'll debug it
L668[15:12:09] <payonel> AmandaC: https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/issues/15
L669[15:12:09] <MichiBot> Title: gpu depth 4 color 0x222222 is purple | Posted by: payonel | Posted: Mon Apr 16 15:12:04 CDT 2018 | Status: open
L670[15:15:41] <AmandaC> payonel: worth noting, it's not just 0x222222 -- the " Home screen" button is also a weird colour, and it's value is 0xBBBBBB
L671[15:16:18] <payonel> sure, there's going to be a range that gets "deflated" to a value (1 of 240) that doesn't map well
L672[15:16:23] <AmandaC> ah
L673[15:17:45] <AmandaC> Anyway, subbed to the issue
L674[15:41:04] ⇨ Joins: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl)
L675[15:41:04] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L676[15:41:23] <asie> a lucky peek into an article about fonts led me to find a potential free-license 16x16 font for Chinese characters
L677[15:41:30] <asie> this might let me integrate it with funscii, and subsequently with OC
L678[15:41:33] <Temia> Ooh, what's this you're working on :o
L679[15:41:42] <Temia> A mobile OS? What are its power-saving features?
L680[15:42:12] <asie> ...oh, the font's GPL
L681[15:53:09] <AmandaC> %choose keep coding or meh
L682[15:53:10] <MichiBot> AmandaC: keep coding
L683[15:53:14] <AmandaC> hrm. I disagree
L684[16:02:25] <MalkContent> can i do "while not boolFunction do end"? or does he compain about an empty function?
L685[16:04:43] <MalkContent> :x nvm
L686[16:19:20] <Skye> Goodnight
L687[16:35:07] <Wuerfel_21> Ahh asie is here and funscii came up!
L688[16:35:43] ⇦ Quits: SolaoBajiuik (SolaoBajiuik!~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L689[16:35:52] <Wuerfel_21> I made a pull request to that many moons ago...
L690[16:40:13] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L691[17:13:45] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6266.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'For science? No! For tuna!')
L692[17:15:49] <S3> some people are so stupid
L693[17:17:21] <Wuerfel_21> No shit
L694[17:20:53] <MalkContent> how do sides work for microcontrollers?
L695[17:21:02] <MalkContent> cardinal directions?
L696[17:24:39] <MalkContent> yea... seems like. pft. is there a way to determine the cardinal direction of the fron of the µc?
L697[17:24:53] <Vexatos> compass upgrade
L698[17:25:07] <Vexatos> i.e. nav upgrade
L699[17:26:19] <MalkContent> microcontroller doesn't take that
L700[17:27:38] <Arcan> MalkContent: Sides.NORTH
L701[17:28:12] <Arcan> I'm preeety sure they don't have a front
L702[17:28:18] <Arcan> just like the redstone IO doesn't have a front
L703[17:28:22] <Arcan> it uses cardinals instead
L704[17:28:58] <MalkContent> yea. is there a way to check which side the front is on, though?
L705[17:29:07] <MalkContent> you know, the side with the blinky stuff etc
L706[17:30:12] * Arcan thought the microcontroller had the same texture on all sides, was apparently wrong
L707[17:30:22] <MalkContent> i don't want to rewrite this code depending on where i place the thing, if i can help it
L708[17:36:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B587D454200815308F8A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L709[17:48:02] <MalkContent> welp. i'll just throw in a redstone card an put a lever on the front, i guess
L710[17:51:37] <MalkContent> -.- i forgot i want to use all four sides. ANGERY
L711[17:52:05] <MalkContent> guess the front side functionality goes to the bottom then :x
L712[18:00:56] <MalkContent> i forgot i can still hardcode
L713[18:23:48] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972715.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L714[18:25:20] <Izaya> woo
L715[18:25:24] <Izaya> monitor mount turned up
L716[18:40:20] <AmandaC> MalkContent: does sides.{front,left,right,back} not work?
L717[18:40:49] <MalkContent> i don't think it has sides api, but i'll check
L718[18:41:06] <AmandaC> sides is justy a bunch of constants
L719[18:42:32] <AmandaC> For redstone at least left/right appears to work
L720[18:42:47] <AmandaC> ( Or i'm stupid-lucky at the placement of my elevator MC's )
L721[18:43:50] <MalkContent> well i put in sides.front/sides.right instead of the integers
L722[18:43:59] <MalkContent> now the thing beeps and dies
L723[18:44:08] <AmandaC> yeah, because sides doesn't exist
L724[18:44:10] <MalkContent> and the analyzer gives me squat
L725[18:45:24] <MalkContent> so uh... what did you want me to try that for then
L726[18:45:29] <MalkContent> make my own sides table?
L727[18:45:35] <AmandaC> I presents: sides.lua (more or less) https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/54eBeULu/sides.lua
L728[18:45:59] <AmandaC> I now see that left/right also have the same numbers as west/east though, wich I didn't know
L729[18:46:47] <MalkContent> computers and robots dont use cardinal directions
L730[18:46:50] <MalkContent> drones do
L731[18:47:01] <MalkContent> and apparently microcontrollers for whatever reasons
L732[18:47:49] <AmandaC> I must have gotten lucky in my placement somehow, because directions worked fine for my microcontrollers for my elevator
L733[18:48:05] <AmandaC> appologies for the rabit fowl chase
L734[18:48:11] * AmandaC slinks back off to play more Minit
L735[18:48:13] <MalkContent> all good
L736[18:48:38] <MalkContent> i actually have to see if a redstone card in the thing would work with relative directions
L737[18:48:58] <MalkContent> because i am using a transposer as an upgrade right now
L738[18:49:20] <MalkContent> and maybe that's the source of the fuckyness
L739[18:54:54] <MalkContent> aaaaaaand that was exactly it. fuck. me.
L740[19:06:05] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkContent!~MalkConte@p4FDCCD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L741[19:07:41] ⇦ Quits: TheCryptek (TheCryptek!~TheCrypte@ircbouncehouse.com) (Quit: Glitch got lose, I must catch him!)
L742[19:16:18] ⇨ Joins: TheCryptek (TheCryptek!~TheCrypte@2607:fe90:4:b:5054::30)
L743[20:07:06] <Izaya> well, I managed to throw something vaguely graphical together on KittenOS NEO
L744[20:28:16] ⇨ Joins: hairypussy (hairypussy!~soypdlfs@host-219-71-71-185.dynamic.kbtelecom.net)
L745[20:28:48] <hairypussy> СНRОПО IS TEACHING A CLASS @ iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl
L746[20:28:52] <hairypussy> TheCryptek lp asie Aedda Cervator cpw Arimil Thutmose SuperCoder79 MajGenRelativity Xal Dark Icedream xarses LordFokas Techokami cloakable comfix jackie fingercomp pwootage wolfmitchell jackmcbarn MichiBot erratic Hobbyboy Oddstr13 Cruor A_D Stary Backslash clampy Skye surferconor425 Arcan bl0m1
L747[20:29:11] <A_D> oh yay
L748[20:30:36] <Arcan> i've half a mind to write a bot that posts random links from...degenerate places...into that supernets channel
L749[20:31:03] <A_D> eh, that wouldnt help
L750[20:32:45] <Arcan> I'm an immature teenager
L751[20:32:55] <Arcan> whether or not it would help never crossed my mind\
L752[22:05:59] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L753[22:22:34] <Kodos> Honestly, it's rarely ever those people actually sending the spammers
L754[22:32:53] <Xal> configure your irc client to not receive pings from messages that ping more than 5 people
L755[22:37:31] <Mimiru> ._. damn it
L756[22:54:08] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L757[22:59:24] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:2470:1565:f0cd:a38f) (Quit: Cervator)
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