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L1[00:04:58] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L2[00:32:42] <BlueAgent> So here's a clip of me using a geolyzer installed in a tablet to try test if it can be used to check if the fluid is flowing or not:
L3[00:32:43] <BlueAgent> https://youtu.be/CoqEQU3O8w8?t=1m18s
L4[00:32:43] <BlueAgent> As seen, the geolyzer returns the same output for both the source block and the flowing block.
L5[00:32:43] <MichiBot> 2018-03-18_fluid_source_or_flowing | length: 2m 26s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by BlueAgent | Published On 18/3/2018
L6[00:54:12] <Ristelle> What kind of bits does LionRay Take in? signed or unsigned?
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L9[01:15:33] <Ristelle> @GreaseMonkey I'm working on a DFPWM Surround Sound project but I cannot seem to get LionRay to Accept this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhhiehvskpfs0tc/back_left.wav?dl=0
L10[01:15:37] <Ristelle> @GreaseMonkey I'm working on a DFPWM Surround Sound project but I cannot seem to get LionRay to Accept this: <https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhhiehvskpfs0tc/back_left.wav?dl=0> [Edited]
L11[01:15:50] <Ristelle> @GreaseMonkey I'm working on a DFPWM Surround Sound project but I cannot seem to get LionRay/DFPWM to Accept this: <https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhhiehvskpfs0tc/back_left.wav?dl=0> [Edited]
L12[01:16:44] <Izaya> There was another converter you could try, IIRC
L13[01:16:59] <Ristelle> Wabbitoe?
L14[01:17:15] <Ristelle> I can't really compile it
L15[01:17:59] <Izaya> there's a jar here https://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics:tape#wabbitoe
L16[01:18:09] <Ristelle> ...404
L17[01:18:39] <Izaya> oh right, dropbox removed that feature for no reason
L18[01:18:46] <Izaya> lemme see if I still have a copy
L19[01:19:42] <Izaya> and after a tree -if | grep wabb, afriad I don't x_x
L20[01:19:49] <Ristelle> welp
L21[01:20:38] <Ristelle> from FFprobe: Stream #0:0: Audio: pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 48000 Hz, 1 channels (BL), s16, 768 kb/s
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L24[02:48:23] <payonel> @BlueAgent geolyzing some fluids?
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L26[02:53:24] <Ristelle> I got multiple tape drives, how do I selelct them individually
L27[02:53:26] <Ristelle> I got multiple tape drives, how do I selelct them individually? [Edited]
L28[02:55:26] <BlueAgent> @payonel yeah, I was trying out the geolyzer
L29[02:55:38] <BlueAgent> but it can't tell the difference between a flowing or source block of fluid
L30[02:55:39] <payonel> @ristelle [Edited]
L31[02:55:48] <Ristelle> hm?
L32[02:56:12] <payonel> @BlueAgent it's not expected to. but i'm currently in the geolyzer code (adding some features there)
L33[02:56:28] <payonel> so i gave a quick look, there isn't anything obvious i see between source and flowing water myself :(
L34[02:56:38] <payonel> both are BlockStaticLiquuid
L35[02:56:53] <payonel> and just spot checking a ton of the attributes, they seem the same
L36[02:56:55] <payonel> :(
L37[02:57:20] <Ristelle> payo uhh whoat do you mean [Edited]?
L38[02:57:20] <payonel> anyways, not saying i'll commit to supporting that request :) just thought I'd take a look since i'm in that exact code right now
L39[02:57:33] <BlueAgent> oooh, thanks
L40[02:57:42] <BlueAgent> so the idea was to fill in air blocks or flowing blocks with a source block
L41[02:57:47] <payonel> @Ristelle most of the comments you make are repeated 2 or 3 times in irc with [Edited] on the end :)
L42[02:57:55] <Ristelle> I know ?
L43[02:57:56] <BlueAgent> did you see the video I posted?
L44[02:58:28] <Ristelle> soo I got multiple components.. how Do I select them individually?
L45[02:59:45] <payonel> @ristelle they have unique addresses
L46[02:59:54] <payonel> @blueagent yes i watched it
L47[02:59:57] <Ristelle> Yeah but still
L48[03:00:34] <Ristelle> I'll have a poke around
L49[03:00:52] <payonel> @ristelle what type of component?
L50[03:00:58] <Ristelle> tape drives
L51[03:01:09] <BlueAgent> did anyone like the rainbow drone? it was so fun to do that XD
L52[03:01:17] <Ristelle> ah I found it
L53[03:01:19] <Ristelle> I think
L54[03:01:24] <payonel> i dont use computronics--how do those load? "tape_drive" or just "filesystem" ?
L55[03:01:25] <Ristelle> component.get()
L56[03:01:36] <Ristelle> tape_drive
L57[03:01:46] <payonel> component.get is a convenience method openos adds
L58[03:01:53] <payonel> so you dont have to use the full address
L59[03:02:06] <payonel> but, component.list("tape_drive") will list all for you
L60[03:02:22] <payonel> it returns a function iterator: address, type
L61[03:02:42] <payonel> so: for address in component.list("tape_drive") do print("tape drive address: ", address) end
L62[03:03:04] <payonel> or if you already know the address, or want to use a prefix of the address, you can use component.get
L63[03:03:07] <payonel> added by openos
L64[03:03:14] <payonel> like: component.get("abcd")
L65[03:03:14] <Ristelle> I see
L66[03:03:38] <payonel> and that returns the full address
L67[03:04:44] <payonel> then, to USE that component, you need a proxy
L68[03:05:00] <payonel> local tape_a = component.proxy(component.get("abc"))
L69[03:05:20] <payonel> local tape_b = component.proxy(component.get("def"))
L70[03:05:27] <Forecaster> I avoid using get
L71[03:05:32] <Forecaster> I just use the full addresses
L72[03:05:32] <Ristelle> hm?
L73[03:05:42] <Izaya> won't list() return full addresses also?
L74[03:05:48] <payonel> yes
L75[03:05:49] <Ristelle> but typing it out is so long
L76[03:06:03] <Forecaster> fyi if you use an analyzer on a block it gives you it's address
L77[03:06:15] <Forecaster> and you can click it in the chat to copy it to the clipboard
L78[03:06:16] <payonel> but these are tape drives, not blocks
L79[03:06:23] <payonel> are those blocks? :)
L80[03:06:26] <payonel> <-- never used computronics
L81[03:06:34] <Forecaster> they're blocks...
L82[03:06:38] <payonel> well tada
L83[03:06:43] <Forecaster> it's like a disk drive, but for tapes
L84[03:06:57] <payonel> could have been an internal component for all i know
L85[03:07:18] <Forecaster> to get the address for an item I use minetweaker/crafttweaker
L86[03:07:25] <Forecaster> the address is stored in the item nbt
L87[03:07:39] <Forecaster> I use /mt hand which prints all that data to the chat
L88[03:07:47] <Forecaster> then I can copy it from the client console
L89[03:08:13] <Ristelle> does append adds new lines `\n`?
L90[03:10:09] <payonel> @ristelle append?
L91[03:10:22] <payonel> btw, i just added `detect` to the geolyzer :)
L92[03:10:25] <Ristelle> file=io.open("name","a")
L93[03:10:44] <Forecaster> detect?
L94[03:10:44] <Izaya> payonel: I managed to get the embedded minitel version to under 2k, with stream support today :D
L95[03:10:52] <payonel> @ristelle if you write a newline char, it is written. regardless of what char it is
L96[03:11:06] <Ristelle> I see ? Thanks.
L97[03:11:10] <payonel> @forecaster you know that the robot has a detect method?
L98[03:11:15] <Forecaster> yeah
L99[03:11:36] <Forecaster> the one that tells you if a block is solid or not?
L100[03:11:42] <payonel> Izaya: your micro-coding skills are going to cause you to implode one day
L101[03:12:00] <Izaya> quite possibly
L102[03:12:02] <payonel> @forecaster yes, that one. you can do that with the geolyzer now
L103[03:12:07] <Forecaster> nice
L104[03:12:19] <Izaya> I prefer to think that I've just ended up as a professional at code golf
L105[03:12:26] <payonel> geolyzer has 3 new methods: canSeeSky, isSunVisible, and detect
L106[03:16:04] <Forecaster> what could they do?! I have no idea!!
L107[03:16:24] <payonel> :)
L108[03:43:13] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E278CF1381FDA70D830.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L109[03:43:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L110[03:51:11] <Ristelle> o/ Vex
L111[04:48:04] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972BFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L112[05:27:50] <Kodos> Cruor, lmk when Gold Ore hits > 190
L113[05:28:02] <Cruor> uhhh....
L114[05:28:06] <Cruor> thats a weird request
L115[05:28:21] <Kodos> I have 56k of it from when I thought I had the patience for smithing it
L116[05:28:36] <Kodos> Bought it at 187, it's like 160 something rn
L117[05:28:57] <Cruor> smelting gold isnt that bad though >_<
L118[05:29:02] <Kodos> Everything's low right now because of the recent BXP
L119[05:29:20] <Cruor> nobody in their right mind does gold bars on bxpw .-.
L120[05:29:31] <Kodos> With gaunts, yes they do
L121[05:29:44] <Cruor> its still horrible D:
L122[05:29:51] <Kodos> It's cheap though
L123[05:29:54] <Cruor> just do corrupt ore
L124[05:29:56] <Cruor> its free :p
L125[05:30:06] <Kodos> Do you have to mine it yourself or can you buy it
L126[05:30:20] <Cruor> mine yourself
L127[05:30:31] <Kodos> Right, or I could spend 10m on 50k gold ore, and smelt at edge with gaunts
L128[05:30:42] <Cruor> smith at portables though :I
L129[05:30:45] <Kodos> With gaunts on BXP, that's still shit tons of exp
L130[05:32:35] <Cruor> eh, what do you need smithing xp for?
L131[05:33:01] <Kodos> I am not 80 yet, so I'm going to get 80 smith, then 80 mining, then I'll get a bond and get 80 div, and start invention
L132[05:33:21] <Cruor> riiight, no membership >_<
L133[05:33:28] <Cruor> yea, smith gold bars :I
L134[05:33:36] <Cruor> i think portables are f2p though
L135[05:36:01] <Vexatos> Cruor, pls
L136[05:36:05] <Vexatos> pay to win
L137[05:48:43] <Cruor> no
L138[05:48:49] <Cruor> pay 2 not die inside
L139[05:57:36] ⇨ Joins: daeo (daeo!~daeo@cpe-72-190-230-239.satx.res.rr.com)
L140[05:58:39] <daeo> Vexatos: added computronics and noticed the cute description for SSD
L141[05:59:19] <Vexatos> It also has SD Cards :3
L142[05:59:46] <daeo> yes.. any proper villan
L143[05:59:55] <Vexatos> daeo, all of Computronics is documented in the OC manual, so you can either look through that, or press the usage key for JEI to find a link to the manual page directly, just like with any OC item
L144[06:02:50] <daeo> you a fan of "Beneath a Steel Sky" ?
L145[06:02:59] <Vexatos> never heard of that
L146[06:04:50] <daeo> oh, I was thinking Magical Memories' description was referring to ScummVM
L147[06:05:37] <daeo> Magical Memory's
L148[06:09:48] ⇦ Quits: daeo (daeo!~daeo@cpe-72-190-230-239.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: daeo)
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L151[06:19:51] <Vexatos> oh, it's a point&click adventure :I
L152[06:19:55] <Vexatos> I like those D:
L153[06:20:49] <Vexatos> a shame they aren't really common nowadays
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L158[06:27:57] <Inari> Boop
L159[06:28:53] <BFS | Brad> right, I thought Scumm was referring to the game engine for those old 80's/90's P&C games
L160[06:29:40] <BFS | Brad> can't change nickname or I'd make it my other name
L161[06:31:45] <Vexatos> Actually, everything in OC is a Monkey Island reference if you look hard enough
L162[06:33:01] <Forecaster> everything is bits!
L163[06:33:06] <Forecaster> like monkey island!
L164[06:33:18] <Vexatos> Those were some cool games :I
L165[06:33:41] <Forecaster> but OC doesn't have a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle.
L166[06:33:47] <Vexatos> but OC has grog
L167[06:34:09] <Vexatos> and drunken pirate bees D:
L168[06:36:34] <Cruor> Vexatos: > likes point and click
L169[06:36:37] <Cruor> > doesnt like runescape
L170[06:36:40] <Cruor> u focking wot m8
L171[06:36:45] <Cruor> its the epitome of point and click
L172[06:36:58] <Vexatos> Cruor, since when was runescape a puzzle game
L173[06:37:06] <Vexatos> oh right since one month ago
L174[06:37:10] <Cruor> quests <_<
L175[06:37:14] <BFS | Brad> Lure of the Temptress was a nice one
L176[06:37:39] <Vexatos> Not really possible for me to play all of the old games :P
L177[06:38:06] <BFS | Brad> Have you heard of AD&D Treasure of Tarmin for the Intellivision? its my jam
L178[06:38:07] <Vexatos> This world needs more modern point & click puzzle adventures D:
L179[06:38:37] <BFS | Brad> would be super thrilled to be good enough to remake that game for OC
L180[06:38:40] <Vexatos> old games are so hard to find
L181[06:38:45] <Vexatos> hah
L182[06:38:52] <Vexatos> I wonder how possible that'd be
L183[06:39:03] <Vexatos> You have up to 4MB of RAM, go go go :3
L184[06:39:31] <BFS | Brad> heh
L185[06:39:43] <BFS | Brad> The Intellivision had 4k words , 16bit DRAM
L186[06:40:36] <Vexatos> but this runs Lua
L187[06:40:46] <Vexatos> Should be possible with enough effort
L188[06:40:53] <Vexatos> I'd certainly like to see more games in OC
L189[06:40:56] <BFS | Brad> yea, just a conversion of ASM or basic to lua
L190[06:41:05] <Vexatos> Oh that's not bad then
L191[06:41:23] <Vexatos> just effort :I
L192[06:41:37] <asie> Vexatos: craftos
L193[06:41:39] <asie> Kappa
L194[06:41:45] <BFS | Brad> wow
L195[06:42:03] <Vexatos> asie, the craftos emulator doesn't count
L196[06:42:07] <asie> it absolutely does
L197[06:42:15] <Vexatos> asie,
L198[06:42:15] <Vexatos> t
L199[06:42:18] <Vexatos> tetris
L200[06:42:21] <Vexatos> is all I'm saying
L201[06:42:33] <Vexatos> It's April 1 soon
L202[06:42:36] <Vexatos> I hope you know
L203[06:43:30] <BFS | Brad> yea, my local grocery store put up a sign indicating they are closed on Apr 1 so that "families can spend time together during this important holiday"
L204[06:44:18] <Vexatos> I haven't played many old games because they are hard to find, I am only 20 so those ancient games are quite a bit older than me
L205[06:44:43] <BFS | Brad> you never checked out abandonware sites?
L206[06:44:57] <BFS | Brad> gog is good for old 90s games .. love me some AD&D Ravenloft games
L207[06:45:17] <Vexatos> Also I don't often play games, anyway
L208[06:53:25] <BFS | Brad> I'm pretty impressed with this MineOS
L209[06:54:07] <AmandaC> ... til I'm older than Vexatos
L210[06:54:48] <AmandaC> And my sister is too
L211[06:54:52] <Izaya> It's too bad 20kdc up and left, KittenOS was much better than MineOS from a purely technical standpoint
L212[06:55:10] <BFS | Brad> is it still functional?
L213[06:55:11] <AmandaC> Hey, vex get off my lawn!
L214[06:55:23] <Izaya> I guess. They never released v2 though
L215[06:55:28] <Vexatos> everyone is older than me, apart from the people who aren't
L216[06:55:41] <Izaya> I have a copy somewhere but I dunno how current it is
L217[06:55:59] <Vexatos> AmandaC, I am just a student about to do his Bachelor's thesis :I
L218[06:59:26] <Izaya> Oh, that's why Waterfox froze, my system hit 12GB out of 16GB so Windows decided that it can't figure out how to allocate memory from such a small amount.
L219[07:03:51] <Izaya> KittenOS Neo, or the latest version I had: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/raw/lrLVyrpa
L220[07:05:08] <AmandaC> Izaya: does your network stack handle multiple delivery well?
L221[07:05:21] <Izaya> multiple delivery?
L222[07:05:40] <AmandaC> I discovered that mine doesn't, and when I was using it in MC, I was getting double chunks
L223[07:06:04] <Izaya> oh, so like, where you get multiple of the same packet because it got bounced around?
L224[07:06:08] <AmandaC> yeah
L225[07:06:52] <Izaya> uh, each packet has an ID string, and any packets that have already been seen in the last (cache time) just get ignored
L226[07:07:03] <AmandaC> sh
L227[07:07:16] <AmandaC> my protocol is very simple, the only id attached is per-request
L228[07:08:21] <Izaya> see https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel/blob/master/protocol-3.md
L229[07:14:27] <Izaya> AmandaC: it may interest you that the embedded version I've been working on for a while is now just under 2k
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L236[07:31:02] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/_QiC8pNfYl4
L237[07:31:02] <MichiBot> FAR: Lone Sails - Gameplay Trailer | length: 1m 19s | Likes: 199 Dislikes: 0 Views: 11,162 | by Mixtvision Digital | Published On 15/3/2018
L238[07:42:12] <Ristelle> DSS4OC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd_rtGa8YxI
L239[07:42:13] <MichiBot> DSS4OC Teaser | length: 24s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 View: 1 | by Rita Mordio | Published On 18/3/2018
L240[07:58:48] <Vexatos> @Ristelle friendly reminder that you can change the volume of each tape drive individually
L241[07:58:48] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L242[07:59:02] <Vexatos> in case you aren't using that already
L243[07:59:04] <Ristelle> Yeah I know
L244[07:59:17] <Vexatos> just wondering since they all were so far spread apart
L245[07:59:22] <Ristelle> I need to lower the front?
L246[07:59:28] <Vexatos> or was that just for positioning
L247[07:59:33] <Ristelle> Positoning
L248[07:59:39] <Ristelle> its 5.1 surround sound test
L249[08:00:06] <Ristelle> But
L250[08:00:10] <Ristelle> I cant heard the back
L251[08:00:12] <Ristelle> Like
L252[08:00:16] <Ristelle> I can hear the front
L253[08:00:23] <Ristelle> but not the back speakers.
L254[08:00:44] <Vexatos> are you sure they are connected?
L255[08:01:12] <Ristelle> Yeah they arr
L256[08:01:14] <Ristelle> are*
L257[08:01:34] <Vexatos> In that case I don't know :P
L258[08:01:39] <Ristelle> Huh wierd
L259[08:01:44] <Ristelle> I'll recheck
L260[08:01:46] <Ristelle> later
L261[08:03:07] <Ristelle> but this proves that I can make surround sound systems in DFPWM
L262[08:03:20] <Ristelle> Bit i will need better placement
L263[08:03:25] <Ristelle> But i will need better placement [Edited]
L264[08:03:57] <Vexatos> I mean it is just OpenGL's positional audio, there was no reason for it not to :P
L265[08:04:54] <Ristelle> Well Should I do 7.1 surround sound? Because I can...
L266[08:05:07] <Ristelle> bit O dunno how to split the audio
L267[08:05:21] <Vexatos> How would I even hear 7.1 surround sound without a real 7.1 surround sound setup ?
L268[08:06:04] <Ristelle> your headphones simulate it
L269[08:06:08] <Ristelle> Loke its able
L270[08:06:20] <Ristelle> Virtual 7.1
L271[08:06:37] <Vexatos> I don't have that >_>
L272[08:08:09] <Ristelle> oh
L273[08:09:46] <Ristelle> anyone who has a surround sound setup?
L274[08:14:24] * Izaya forces stereo
L275[08:15:25] <Skye> well
L276[08:15:35] <Skye> it's unlike you'll have proper surround sound in MC
L277[08:15:37] <Skye> but
L278[08:15:51] <Skye> it'd be neat if moving the player had an effect
L279[08:15:57] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L280[09:14:29] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (techno156!~techno156@
L281[09:45:58] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L282[10:05:55] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:7077:db2:4521:2383)
L283[10:23:02] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L284[10:23:02] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with dangerous raman. AmandaC recovers 3 health!
L285[10:28:06] <Skye> ->-
L286[10:28:08] <Skye> -<-
L287[10:28:15] <Skye> -->-
L288[10:28:17] <Skye> -<--
L289[10:29:47] * Arcan noses Skye, demands pets
L290[10:29:54] <Skye> nani
L291[10:29:57] <Skye> %pet Arcan
L292[10:29:57] * MichiBot brushes Arcan with a friendly rod. Arcan recovers 8 health!
L293[10:30:06] * Arcan purrs
L294[10:30:25] <Inari> %fling Skye
L295[10:30:25] * MichiBot flings anti-anti glare film in a random direction. It hits Skye on the left hand. They take [1] damage.
L296[10:30:26] * MichiBot Anti-anti glare film suddenly realized it had somewhere else to be!.
L297[10:30:37] <Skye> weh
L298[10:30:41] <Skye> %fling Inari
L299[10:30:41] * MichiBot flings a guide to #OC - How to ew in a random direction. It hits Inari right in their lunch. They take [5] damage.
L300[11:12:27] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (techno156!~techno156@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L301[11:37:01] <Inari> https://twitter.com/SWatercolour/status/975409886514372610
L302[11:37:01] <MichiBot> Sun Mar 18 11:33:33 CDT 2018 @SWatercolour: gru makes a website https://t.co/Q3DG3FT6At
L303[11:37:17] <Forecaster> haha
L304[12:01:25] <Cruor> @Kodos https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/191924371856687104/424973491264159745/unknown.png what next
L305[12:01:25] <Cruor> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/191924371856687104/424973763000401920/unknown.png :I
L306[12:06:02] <LeshaInc> made a lua parser in pure lua https://i.imgur.com/v9fjWc6.png
L307[12:09:47] <Forecaster> you can't do that D:
L308[12:09:51] <Forecaster> that's illegal!
L309[12:10:03] <Vexatos> I made a selene parser in pure Lua D:
L310[12:11:06] <LeshaInc> it's pretty slow though
L311[12:11:28] <LeshaInc> it takes 0:01.24s to parse a 2k loc file
L312[12:18:49] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (dangranos!~dangranos@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L313[12:19:21] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (ocdoc!~ocdoc@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L314[12:20:05] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (dangranos!~dangranos@eos.pc-logix.com)
L315[12:20:21] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (glasspelican!~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp130-04-76-67-126-214.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L316[12:20:25] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L317[12:22:17] <Forecaster> ohno
L318[12:23:48] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot!~MichiBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L319[12:23:48] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L320[12:23:52] <Forecaster> woo
L321[12:26:10] <Kodos> Cruor: what's your charm count?
L322[12:27:51] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L323[12:27:51] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with Arcan's short-term memory. AmandaC recovers 1 health!, Arcan's short-term memory took the blue pill and fell asleep.
L324[12:28:20] ⇨ Joins: glasspelican (glasspelican!~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp130-04-76-67-126-214.dsl.bell.ca)
L325[12:28:53] <Arcan> owo
L326[12:32:17] <AmandaC> Meow!
L327[12:32:58] * vifino shares some tuna with AmandaC
L328[12:33:13] <AmandaC> Inari: come on, I swim in radioactive waste water ONE TIME and suddenly I never get direct pettings. :(
L329[12:43:00] <Forecaster> you shouldn't swim in radioactive waste
L330[12:43:09] <Forecaster> you don't know where it's been
L331[12:50:12] <Inari> It's probably just rad plorts
L332[12:51:38] <payonel> Inari: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1868
L333[12:51:39] <MichiBot> Title: Robot using Analyzer? | Posted by: Inari-Whitebear | Posted: Sat Jun 11 06:03:04 CDT 2016 | Status: open
L334[12:54:41] <Inari> define serious
L335[12:55:00] <Inari> Do I think it should be a thing? Yes. Do I recall my usecase, or really care that much? Nope :P
L336[12:55:13] <payonel> yeah, serious as in "care"
L337[12:55:33] <payonel> we would need a new signal that the analyzer would push to the robot using it
L338[12:55:35] <Inari> I think I wrote an analyzer card, but haven't really tested it or ported it to different versions or made a recipe/icon or nayhting
L339[12:55:44] <Inari> Not sure if Robots could even use it
L340[12:55:56] <Inari> And I think it was just to output extra info not to have them use it
L341[12:55:56] <Inari> :D
L342[12:56:40] <payonel> the geolyzer is becoming more useful, fwiw
L343[12:56:45] <payonel> i added detect to it
L344[13:00:10] <Forecaster> now we can use it to detect things!
L345[13:00:41] <Inari> geolyzer.detect(lewd)
L346[13:01:06] <payonel> Inari: which side is lewd? top or bottom?
L347[13:01:14] <Inari> Ooooh
L348[13:01:17] <Inari> Both are quite lewd
L349[13:01:36] <payonel> or maybe `back`
L350[13:02:02] <Inari> %shell
L351[13:02:02] * MichiBot loads an apple into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near CompanionCube, Wiiplay123 and jackmcbarn. They each take 5, 3 and 2 splash damage respectively.
L352[13:08:21] <Inari> %give MichiBot max floof
L353[13:08:21] * MichiBot accepts max floof and adds it to her inventory
L354[13:08:23] <Inari> %pet Temia
L355[13:08:23] * MichiBot pets Temia with Inari's RAM. Temia recovers 2 health!
L356[13:08:29] <Temia> ...l-lewd
L357[13:08:36] <Temia> ?
L358[13:08:51] <Inari> I mean, I do have some nsfw tabs open, so, sure
L359[13:10:34] <payonel> @forecaster https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1886
L360[13:10:34] <MichiBot> Title: MCU's fail to start at server startup (again) | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Wed Jun 15 15:38:41 CDT 2016 | Status: open
L361[13:10:41] <payonel> i'm investigating that now
L362[13:10:46] <payonel> did that ever repro in sp?
L363[13:10:49] <payonel> how often was it?
L364[13:11:05] <payonel> i'm in sp now, exiting and reopening the world, it's not reproing yet
L365[13:11:23] <Forecaster> it might only happen on a server?
L366[13:11:33] <Forecaster> it was on a server it happened
L367[13:11:47] <payonel> so you were stopping the server, not just leaving and rejoining?
L368[13:12:31] <Forecaster> it usually stopped due to power failures and the like
L369[13:13:45] <payonel> but how often would you see this crash?
L370[13:17:05] <Forecaster> hard to say, for one it was over a year ago...
L371[13:17:51] <Forecaster> and second I just noticed that my reservoir level indicator was offline when I went to check it
L372[13:18:13] <Forecaster> and I had to start each MCU back up
L373[13:58:59] <S3> hm. No Soni bugs lately
L374[13:59:00] <S3> :D
L375[14:00:42] <JimmyAllnighter> Hey, does anyone know of something like this for 1.12? https://github.com/Belgabor/ChiselsBytes
L376[14:20:27] <JimmyAllnighter> Hurr durr it's already in the mod @ http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:texture_picker >.<
L377[14:26:32] <S3> lol
L378[14:34:37] <Inari> Whats the vegan alternative to leather
L379[14:39:24] <Skye> fake leather
L380[14:39:48] <S3> Inari: suede
L381[14:39:54] <S3> which I thought was made from plastic?
L382[14:40:52] <S3> well real suade I think is made from leather
L383[14:41:03] <S3> but iirc they make some coats that are plastic based suede like material
L384[14:41:07] <S3> but then again..
L385[14:41:13] <S3> plastic is made from animals too :D
L386[14:41:21] <Inari> WAs going to say that
L387[14:41:21] <Inari> xD
L388[14:41:34] <S3> I wonder if vegans know that
L389[14:41:52] <Inari> So next question
L390[14:41:56] <Inari> Whats the vegan alternative to plastic
L391[14:42:06] <S3> glass
L392[14:42:16] <Inari> Ah yes
L393[14:42:26] <S3> that one is a little more reasonable
L394[14:42:31] <S3> but glass can't replace all uses for plastic
L395[14:42:33] <Inari> So... glass foil leather?
L396[14:42:43] <S3> rofl
L397[14:43:18] <S3> you know I had a shirt once that was mostlyt made with dirt
L398[14:44:36] <Inari> Do vegans even consider microbes to be animals
L399[14:45:10] <Inari> Or whatever plankton is
L400[14:45:11] <S3> do vegans eat yogurt?
L401[14:45:25] <Inari> Well, not if its made from milk?
L402[14:45:28] <S3> I mean they say its a dairy product but it's more microbe than dairy
L403[14:45:45] <Vexatos> well it's more dairy than microbe
L404[14:45:50] <Vexatos> both by mass and by volume
L405[14:46:07] <S3> what about
L406[14:46:15] <Inari> What about pie
L407[14:46:18] <S3> pie
L408[14:46:22] <Inari> pie.
L409[14:46:25] <S3> peanut butter pie?
L410[14:46:29] <Inari> %shrug
L411[14:46:30] <MichiBot> Inari: No you shrug!
L412[14:46:36] <S3> %shrug
L413[14:46:37] <MichiBot> S3: No you shrug!
L414[14:46:39] <S3> lol
L415[14:46:41] <Inari> If thats what raises your tent
L416[14:46:55] <S3> Vexatos pie
L417[14:46:57] <Inari> %give MichiBot vegan leather
L418[14:46:57] * MichiBot accepts vegan leather and adds it to her inventory
L419[14:47:06] <S3> Vexatos microbial anti-dairy pie
L420[14:47:24] <Inari> %fling S3
L421[14:47:24] * MichiBot flings personal space in a random direction. It hits S3 on the left hand. They take [3] damage.
L422[14:48:19] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks|Alt (Alex_hawks|Alt!~Alex_hawk@
L423[14:48:24] <S3> %fling
L424[14:48:25] * MichiBot flings a hidden feature in a random direction. It hits Gavle on a small but very important bone. They take [5] damage.
L425[14:48:30] <S3> LOL
L426[14:49:27] <S3> Huh
L427[14:49:39] <Inari> ?
L428[14:49:40] <S3> Yogurt does have quite a bit of dairy. I always thought it was pretty low
L429[14:49:52] <Inari> I don't even know what dairy is
L430[14:49:52] <Inari> :D
L431[14:50:19] <S3> well if you add queen on the end it's a fast food style ice cream place
L432[14:50:33] <Inari> None of these wiki pages wouldmake sense to be aprt of yogurt
L433[14:50:50] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dairy_(disambiguation)
L434[14:50:57] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (Alex_hawks!~Alex_hawk@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L435[14:51:06] <S3> http://www.myreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/DQ1.jpg
L436[14:52:18] <S3> who is Vegan
L437[14:52:46] <S3> Inari must have gotten a new vegan anime girlfriend
L438[14:52:59] <Inari> ?
L439[14:53:13] <S3> omg don't type vegan anime girlfriend into google
L440[14:53:33] <vifino> TIL Inari's lesbian? her brother's gonna be destroyed.
L441[14:53:44] <Inari> I'm bi. But I'm happy with my nii :P
L442[14:53:54] <vifino> shh
L443[14:54:01] <Inari> %pet vifino
L444[14:54:01] * MichiBot pets vifino with Arcanitor's sanity. vifino recovers 8 health!
L445[14:54:06] <Inari> vifino: How's the internet coming along
L446[14:54:27] <vifino> not there, thank god, decided to stay home for the weekend and be laaaaazy
L447[14:54:36] <Inari> WEll
L448[14:54:39] <vifino> 400/20 mbit/s galore! :3
L449[14:54:40] <Inari> You have 3 hours of weekend left
L450[14:54:43] <S3> I am not sure if I should make an OTP like library on top of my OC actor model library
L451[14:54:55] <vifino> Inari: uhm 3 hours and 6 minutes
L452[14:55:00] <Inari> :p
L453[14:55:00] <vifino> don't forget those 6 minutes
L454[14:55:03] <vifino> er, 5.
L455[14:55:04] <vifino> dammit.
L456[14:55:06] <S3> maybe supervisors are worth it in OC
L457[14:55:22] <Inari> OC hypervisor
L458[14:55:29] <vifino> i'm just watching netflix, alone unfortunately.
L459[14:55:36] <Inari> :<
L460[14:55:39] <S3> vifino: OTP or no OTP
L461[14:55:43] <Inari> Not netflix and chilld with lizz
L462[14:55:53] <vifino> nope.
L463[14:55:53] <S3> wait what
L464[14:56:04] <vifino> definitly not.
L465[14:56:26] <vifino> S3: are we talking one time passwords or erlang?
L466[14:56:36] <Inari> Thats a strong "no"
L467[14:56:37] <S3> no. Open Telecom Platform
L468[14:56:47] <Inari> Outlaw Techno Psychobitch
L469[14:56:52] <vifino> so erlang/otp?
L470[14:56:57] <S3> yeah!
L471[14:56:58] <S3> but
L472[14:56:59] <S3> lua
L473[14:57:04] <vifino> but why?
L474[14:57:05] <S3> for a lua actor model with coroutines
L475[14:57:10] <S3> because experiment
L476[14:57:28] <vifino> meh.
L477[14:57:35] <Inari> actors work best if each is their own cpu
L478[14:58:00] <S3> actors are perfectly fine in a coroutine model. The idea is that you can join multiple OC computers together
L479[14:58:05] <S3> and run actors across them in a network
L480[14:59:55] <Brisingr Aerowing> I currently don’t have access to my computer, so I’m designing a castle for Minecraft using my iPad with an app called TouchDraw. It works very well.
L481[15:00:53] <Inari> Ah yes, Minecraft castles
L482[15:00:57] <Inari> one of my pet peeves
L483[15:01:58] <MGR> I built a "castle"
L484[15:03:02] <MGR> It was a cube with walls
L485[15:03:11] <Inari> I kinda like hte idea of casltes in MC, and they can look fairly nice
L486[15:03:22] <Inari> But they end up feeling odd and cold since theres so much room and noone actually using it
L487[15:03:32] <MGR> A bad world edit created a flat plain with a huge underground forest
L488[15:03:47] <MGR> It was the best defense mechanism ever because of so many mob spawns
L489[15:04:04] <MGR> But at least 2/3 of my castle had regenerating walls! (It took so many hours)
L490[15:14:05] <S3> I need to find a new MC server
L491[15:37:47] ⇨ Joins: SentientTurtle (SentientTurtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L492[15:37:55] ⇨ Joins: InariWB (InariWB!~Pinkishu@p4fc1e80f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L495[15:39:36] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E80F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L496[15:57:20] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:c499:5324:ad8d:d48c)
L497[16:06:55] <InariWB> %give MichiBot SUPER HOT
L498[16:06:55] * MichiBot accepts SUPER HOT and adds it to her inventory
L499[16:16:00] ⇦ Quits: Marlyn (Marlyn!~Marlyn@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L500[16:18:42] *** InariWB is now known as Inari
L501[16:24:00] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (SpiritedDusty!~SpiritedD@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L502[16:24:24] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L503[16:24:24] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (SpiritedDusty!~SpiritedD@eos.pc-logix.com)
L504[16:24:26] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L505[16:26:13] <S3> %give MichiBot Icyhot
L506[16:26:13] * MichiBot accepts Icyhot and adds it to her inventory
L507[16:26:34] <S3> lol
L508[16:26:40] <S3> I wonder if that stuff still exists
L509[16:27:12] <S3> It appears that in moncton Canada the water is red
L510[16:27:14] <S3> https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Bangor,+Maine+04401/Fredericton,+New+Brunswick,+Canada/@46.0848759,-64.7904533,6183m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cae4b46101129bd:0x4d0918b0a7af7677!2m2!1d-68.7712257!2d44.8016128!1m5!1m1!1s0x4ca4220ba498fb2b:0xe7de2f297a415db4!2m2!1d-66.6431151!2d45.9635895!3e0
L511[16:29:04] ⇨ Joins: lp (lp!~lordpipe@
L512[16:45:18] <payonel> @forecaster what version are you on?
L513[16:54:26] <payonel> @forecaster using a server i cannot kill this thing
L514[16:54:52] <Forecaster> you mean back when I submitted that issue?
L515[16:55:01] <payonel> no right now
L516[16:55:19] <payonel> i'm teleporting all over the place, getting chunks to load and save
L517[16:55:25] <payonel> stopping/starting the server
L518[16:55:31] <payonel> it just keeps on running
L519[16:55:40] <payonel> but you said just now you had to restart your mcu's
L520[16:55:48] <Forecaster> I haven't done that right now, I did that around 2 years ago.
L521[16:55:48] <payonel> is that 1.12 and 1.7.2?
L522[16:55:56] <Forecaster> It was in 1.7.10
L523[16:56:04] <payonel> 1.7.2 though?
L524[16:56:47] <Forecaster> `OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-`
L525[16:56:53] <payonel> ok
L526[16:57:01] <payonel> there were a few fixes having to do with load order
L527[16:57:04] <payonel> it is POSSIBLE it is fixed
L528[16:57:06] <payonel> i can't git hi
L529[16:57:10] <payonel> hit it*
L530[16:57:12] <Forecaster> that's the OC that's on that server right now, ie the last one I put on there before I stopped playing on it
L531[16:57:12] <payonel> i'll close no-repro
L532[16:57:28] <payonel> if you see again and have repro, i'm glad to investigate
L533[16:57:59] <Forecaster> I'll likely not see it again even if it's still there because the environment has changed
L534[16:58:36] <Forecaster> there wouldn't be any more sudden power failures
L535[16:58:53] <payonel> you mean your host machine, real life machine, would die to power failure?
L536[16:59:03] <Forecaster> yes
L537[17:02:47] <Forecaster> though that was rare compared to regular mod-triggered crashes of various kinds
L538[17:17:51] ⇨ Joins: Marlyn (Marlyn!~Marlyn@
L539[17:22:41] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L540[17:25:34] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQyPdYz4f4
L541[17:25:34] <MichiBot> Wintergrips - Takyon Machine (music instrument using a very angry man) | length: 4m 31s | Likes: 9,906 Dislikes: 220 Views: 198,430 | by Uncle Ned | Published On 19/8/2017
L542[17:31:09] ⇦ Quits: Marlyn (Marlyn!~Marlyn@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L543[18:23:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4fc1e80f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: '*softly* Wakatta~ nya~~~' - Itou Nobue (Ichigo Mashimaro))
L544[18:34:01] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E278CF1381FDA70D830.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L545[19:04:50] ⇨ Joins: gfsdgsdfg (gfsdgsdfg!webchat@
L546[19:04:58] <gfsdgsdfg> .
L547[19:05:09] <gfsdgsdfg> .
L548[19:05:10] <gfsdgsdfg> hjhgj
L549[19:05:11] <gfsdgsdfg> fuck
L550[19:05:15] <Izaya> classy
L551[19:05:21] ⇦ Quits: gfsdgsdfg (gfsdgsdfg!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L552[19:12:32] <Moongoodboy{K}> Someone tell Vexatos about SCP-536 when they get back
L553[19:14:38] <Mimiru> %tell Moongoodboy{K} nou
L554[19:14:38] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Moongoodboy{K} will be notified of this message when next seen.
L555[19:14:58] <Moongoodboy{K}> yay, a `!tell`!
L556[19:15:38] <Moongoodboy{K}> %tell Vexatos A quantum chemistry joke? How about http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-536
L557[19:15:38] <MichiBot> Moongoodboy{K}: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L558[19:16:14] <Moongoodboy{K}> …hey, where's my notification of M_miru's message. >.>
L559[19:16:19] <Moongoodboy{K}> Aren't I being seen right now XP
L560[19:16:31] <Izaya> Probably the {} tbh
L561[19:17:00] <Mimiru> %tell Izaya test for me.
L562[19:17:00] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Izaya will be notified of this message when next seen.
L563[19:17:05] <Izaya> ok
L564[19:17:11] <Izaya> got a notification
L565[19:17:14] <Mimiru> Thanks.
L566[19:17:46] <Moongoodboy{K}> …/again?/
L567[19:18:06] <Moongoodboy{K}> Sounds like you need to fix something so that it supports all the symbols in nicks that IRC does. >.>
L568[19:18:12] <Mimiru> IIRC tell is one of the VERY few things in MichiBot to actually use NOTICE, so depending on your client it may go to the server window, or some random window.. or if you happen to have a PM window open with the bot it might be there
L569[19:18:35] <Moongoodboy{K}> oh, it was a /notice, duh
L570[19:19:00] <Moongoodboy{K}> I checked for a new buffer, but it was a /notice, so it was delivered to the server buffer
L571[19:19:12] <Moongoodboy{K}> And I didn't get notified yet because I didn't have that open
L572[19:19:13] <Moongoodboy{K}> okay
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